June 2016 - Unity of Bellevue


June 2016 - Unity of Bellevue
Unity of Bellevue Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 26,201.6
The regular monthly meeting of Unity of Bellevue's Board of Directors was held on Sunday, June 26,
Members in attendance: Stella Black, Tab Bronson, Howard Lamb, Ken McClellan, Jeff Kaylin and Paul
Tenaglia. Absent: Deborah Simmons. Guests: Marshall Lambert .
The meeting was called to order by board President Stella Black at !2:25 PM.
Paul led the opening prayer.
Congregational lnput: None
Brief Check-ln.
The meeting's agenda was adopted.
Secretary's Report: Tab Bronson previously distributed the Minutes of the May 22,2OtG
Board of Directors' meeting, the May 7?,2A16 Closed Board meeting, the June L3,2Ot6
Special Board meeting and the June 5, 2016 Annual Membership meeting via email.
Motion to approve minutes made by Ken McClellan;
by Howard Lamb. Motion
passed unanimously.
Communications: Stella passed a thank you letter from Silent Unity for our donation.
Treasurer's Report: The church's Financial Report, which was previously distributed by
Ken by e-mail, was reviewed and discussed.
President's Report: Stella presented several items for review and discussion.
o Volunteer of the Month for July will be Ron Black.
o lnformation for the Annual Conference of the Unity NW region was distributed.
o Stella is waiting for a response from Pete Disantis regarding his thoughts on
potential By-Law revisions. She proposed establishing a By-Law Revision
Committee which could be a standing committee.
o Stella proposed moving the Board meetings from the 3'd Sunday afternoon to
the 3'd Thursday evening for the Fall. lt was decided to do this now.
e There was discussion regarding posting the Financial summary information and
the up-coming Board meeting agenda.
o Paul has requested that a Board member be available at the lnformation Desk on
Sunday and also lead the offering during Service.
Minister's Report: Paul presented several items for review/discussion.
o He expects to return to a 2 service schedule the 2nd Sunday of September
o He is interested in more information on the future of the rental house.
o He has been reviewing areas of the building and will be exploring better
utilization of space and ways to refresh the building.
o David Duval will be putting out a request for new/additional choir members.
Other Reports: None
Election of Officers: lt was proposed that current officers will continue in their positions
through the 2016-20L7 year. This was unanimously accepted. Those positions are:
a. President - Stella Black
b. Vice-President * Howard Lamb
c. Treasurer - Ken McClellan
d. Secretary-Tab Bronson
e. Board Members at Large - Jeff Kaylin and Deborah Simmons
Sign Board Code of Ethics: All Board members present signed the Code of Ethics. Signature
pages are attached to these minutes.
8. Annual Membership Meeting
* Debrief: The Board reviewed the comments from the Question
and Answer section of the meeting.
Night: lt was decided that
the Board would serve on October 27th. Rdditional Unity of Bellevue Community members will
be asked to join the team through the Bulletin.
Board Service Project
Discuss serving at FareStart on a Guest Chef
10. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm
with a closing prayer by Paul.
Reports and minutes are on file in the Secretary's archive.
Draft: June27,2OL6
Tab Bronson, Secretary
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