Single Family Shelters Address Special Needs of


Single Family Shelters Address Special Needs of
Spring 2015
Single Family Shelters Address Special Needs of Abuse Victims
With your support and commitment, we have
always felt courageous in adapting to the changing
needs of those served at Friendship Home. For
two years we have researched, interviewed and
investigated how our services could better meet
the complex needs of those who require shelter
but who struggle with the inherent framework of
communal shelter.
In 2015 Friendship Home will pilot 6 ‘Single
Family Shelters’. We will retain one of our
communal shelters and add a ‘service center’. With
these options, we can provide victims of domestic
violence who seek our services with a boarder
array of options to address their increasingly
complex issues.
The following are examples of individuals and
families Friendship Home has served in the past
who would have benefitted from the new ‘single
family shelters’.
• Mary Lou was a 73-year-old woman with
severe arthritis. Mary Lou had been married
to, Loren, for over forty years. In the beginning
of their marriage, Loren had been physically
abusive, but over the decades had used
intimidation and isolation to control her.
• Paul, a gay man, had befriended his new coworker, Jason. But Jason wanted more. He
began to stalk Paul outside of the workplace
and threatened him when he did not reciprocate
Jason’s feelings. When the threats became
increasingly violent, Paul reached out to us for
a safe place and support to work through how
to end Jason’s obsession.
• Ginny was a 24-year-old mother of 3 young
children. Her oldest, 4-year-old Evan, was
diagnosed with severe autism when he was 2.
Evan’s father blamed Ginny for his “imperfect”
son and demonstrated his anger by abusing her
and later Evan. It was a nurse at Evan’s doctor’s
office who referred her to Friendship Home.
All three — Mary Lou, Paul and Ginny’s son —
were victims of domestic violence. However, age,
gender and special needs were barriers to their
being able to take full advantage of the services
each of them required and deserved within the
confines of the communal shelter. We know they
would have been more fully served in one of the
new ‘single family shelters’.
You and your faith in our mission are the reason
we were able to take this step to ensure that every
victim of domestic violence, man or woman, young
or old, with or without special circumstance, can be
served to the very best of our ability.
Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
Shelter was hard for Miranda. I was Miranda’s advocate many years ago, and remember
only too well her desperate need for safe shelter. Her husband, Dan, had been physically
abusive for several years and his violence was escalating. She was afraid he would severely
hurt her or kill her. Clearly, she needed safe shelter. But for Miranda, being safe was about
more than shelter from her husband’s violence. It was about emotional safety as well.
Miranda was a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. So “safe” to Miranda also meant that
she needed privacy in shelter — a bedroom of her own, with a lock on the door. She needed a
calm environment. She needed quiet nights that supported recuperative sleep.
Calm. Private. Quiet. Words we would never use to describe a busy domestic violence shelter.
Until now.
Miranda was a
survivor of childhood
sexual abuse. So
‘safe’ to Miranda also
meant that she needed
privacy in shelter — a
bedroom of her own,
with a lock on the
door. She needed a
calm environment.
She needed quiet
nights that supported
recuperative sleep.
In 2015, Friendship Home is piloting a new approach to shelter. We will provide some of our
shelter beds in apartments, which we have dubbed Single Family Shelters. In this approach,
each family or individual will have their own apartment. We will send services to those we
are sheltering in apartments, or provide services to them in our new Service Center.
If Miranda had the words all those years ago, she would have told us that she needed
Trauma-Informed Care. Our Single Family Shelters are designed to be a trauma-informed
environment, providing the extra layer of emotional safety that survivors like Miranda so
desperately need.
We are so excited about this project! We will keep you posted on our progress in
newsletters to come. I am grateful to be a part of an organization and a movement
that is always learning how to better serve survivors of domestic violence.
Amy Evans
Executive Director
Welcome new board members!
Left to
right: Wade
Ben Kopsa,
Liggett, Gene
Wade Walkenhorst is a returning Board Member and is the
Vice President – Credit Administration for Cornhusker Bank.
Ben Kopsa works for the City of Lincoln as an investigator for
the LPD. Charlotte Liggett is a Visiting Assistant Professor
of Nursing at Nebraska Wesleyan University. And Gene Garza
is an Engineering Specialist for the City of Lincoln.
Thank you all for donating your time and talent in keeping
domestic violence victims safe and well-cared-for in the
Lincoln community.
Friends of Friendship Home
Endless thanks to the countless donors who brought the spirit of Christmas
to Friendship Home this past holiday season! The following businesses and
individuals were a part of our 2014 Sponsored Families program and the
source of joy and many smiles on Christmas morning:
Thank you all for your support and friendship!
(American Bikers Aiming Towards
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Ameritas Investment Partners
Andy’s Appliance Repair
AOII Alum Chapter
Wendell Bailey
Thurston Baker
Bank of the West
Kathy Barnard
Becky Barnes
Tiffany Beck
Catherine Beekley
Black Hills Energy
Cabela’s World’s Foremost Bank
Judd & Amy Chatelain
Lindsey Erickson
Eye Surgical Associates
First Lincoln Federal Credit Union
Girl Scout Troop #20003
Dan Gonnerman
Natalie Hazen
Krystal Jelinek
Kiwanis Club of Lincoln (Southpointe)
Nick Kollman
Lexington Ridge Apartments
Martha Lipson
Live Greater Foundation
Colene Mason
Erma McGill
Tony Milana
Kendall Myers
Mystic Rhoads Productions
Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
Nebraska Service Center
Matthew Novak
Dannielle Oestreich
Mark Oswald
Precious Angels Childcare
Jerald Rector
Robert R. Rossel
Saint Elizabeth’s Medical Center
Terri Salter
Schulte Chiropractic
Southeast Community College
Continuing Education Center
Southeast Lincoln Family Wellness
Amy Spiegel
St. John of Kronstadt Church
Nancy Stava
Trail’s End
University Health Center
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Engineering Department
Sarah Watts
WellnessOne Chiropractic
West Gate Bank Cindy Weyers
In addition to our Sponsored Family donors, Laurie
McClain used her musical talent to hold a benefit
concert for the families at Friendship Home in December.
The New Year was kicked off with a generous donation of
11 new twin mattress sets from Mattress Firm. Andy’s
Appliance Repair, a long-time supporter of Friendship
Home, continues to donate labor for any appliance repair
needed. They also provided the children in shelter with
Valentine’s Day treats in February.
Jen Hendrickson took on the task of decorating
Friendship Home’s two new Single Family Shelter units.
Jen owns her own interior decorating business, Artsy Jen,
and used her time and talent to make the units homey
and welcoming to the many families that will use them as
a safe haven. If you’re interested in “adopting” a unit to
decorate, please contact Dani at 402-437-9367.
The employees at Mattress Firm with Ron, Friendship Home’s
Facilities Assistant, and 11 donated mattresses.
Sincere Thanks to Our Donors
Friendship Home thanks its contributors for their generosity. The following list reflects contributions between
November 10, 2014 and January 23, 2015 . All donations help provide safe shelter, support, advocacy and
comprehensive services for victims of domestic violence and their children. Contact the Development Office at
402-434-0167 or by email to [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
A Birk Adams
Akhtar and Najiba Niazi
Alan Sloup
Albert and Annlee Zechmann
Aldean Lienemann
Alexis Kirschbaum
Alfred and Sonia Heckel
Alice Bergt
Alice Thomas
Alison Downs
Allan and Justine Peterson
Allan Lierman
Allen and Susan Hohensee
Alyce Bauer
Amy and Eric Evans
Amy Cox
Amy Tuttle
Andrew and Ellan Hove
Andrew Brueggeman
Andrew Morrow
Angela Wright
Angie Barrett
Anita Retzlaff
Ann Masters
Ann Wahl
Anna Hoeft
Anna Marie Bretthorst
Anna Mary York
Annette Miller
Anthony and Nancy Ross
Ardell Stockfeld
Ardeth Elwood
Ardyce Welch
Arlan and Patricia Ristow
Arlan and Sherrill Miller
Arlyn and Katie Uhrmacher
Averil Savery
Avis Runyan
Bambi Carnicle
Barbara Kostal
Barbara Schliesser
Barbara Weiss
Barton and Patricia Green II
Becky Brooks
Becky Franklin
Becky Kolb
Becky Reisdorff
Bennie Shobe
Bertha Davey-Weitzel
Bertha Johnson
Bessie Rost
Beth Goble
Beth Musil
Beth Wellman
Bette Tunnell
Betty Gayley
Beverly Bohlke
Beverly Brey
Beverly Sovey
Billie Kay Lefholtz
Blair and Jennifer Caswell
Bob and Connie Swails
Bob and Elaine Albers
Bob and Sharon Hitz
Bob Chancellor
Bob Kuzelka
Bobby and Paula Purviance
Bonnie L Smith
Brad and Cathy Rustermier
Brad and Lisa Roth
Bradley and Ann Berlin
Bradley Beam
Brandon and Bradette Varilek
Brandon Robinson
Brian and Christy Syfie
Brian Epp
Brian Pauwels
Bruce and Karin Droge
Bruce and Patricia Hammond
Bruce Nattrass and Elizabeth Doll
Bryan Dance
Bud and Vera Johnson
Byron Retzlaff
C. Thompson
Cameron and Susan Craig
Carl and Joan Olson
Carla Osberg
Carlton and Judy Paine
Carol and Barbara Banks
Carol Borgialli
Carol Schoch
Carol Weigand
Carole Gifford
Carolyn Klein
Carrie Eckstein
Carrie Perdew
Catherine Goodrich
Catherine Kottwitz
Cathy and Joseph Dorenbach
Cathy Brown
Cathy Sayre
Cathy Snyder
Cecilia Ruley
Chad and Kim Shirk
Charity Masters
Charles and Ann Botdorf
Charles and Carla Hines
Charles and Cora Tweedie
Charles and Jacquelyn Peterson
Charles and Janeth Wahl
Charles and Lela Sayward
Charles and Marilyn Schmidt
Charles and Suzanne Wright
Charles Augustyn
Charles Bachinski
Charles Gates
Charles Schwab
Charlie and Carol Claus
Charlin Schroeder
Charlotte Diehm
Charlotte Featherston
Chelsea Atz
Cheri Erickson
Christopher and Debra Caudill
Christopher and Sarah De Rienzo
Cindy Coon
Cindy Lunaw
Clarice Loomis
Clarissa Bendezu
Claritus David Herbert
Clark Milligan
Clyde and Barbara Lansing
Cody Ramel
Col. Rodney and Cynthia Schwartz, P.E.
Colleen Gerleman
Colleen Shafer
Conrad and Carolyn Schneider
Conrad and Lucille Nelson
Constance Peetz
Constance Schneider
Craig and Arlene Urbauer
Craig and Ginger Gies
Craig and Kimberly Drapal
Craig Roper and Sydney Lynch
Curtis and Lori Pankoke
Cynthia Deichert
Cynthia Gubbels
Cynthia Krause
Dale and Doris Schulenberg
Dale and Helen Christensen
Dale and Mary Schmitz
Dale Young
Dan and Cynthia Berlin
Dan and Darlene Tyson
Dan and Jean Nolte
Dan and Marge Schlitt
Dana and Lynn Roper
Daniel and Catherine Smith
Daniel and Diane Nickel
Daniel and Dixie Highfield
Daniel and Donna Bloch
Daniel and Dorothy Benes
Daniel and Kristin Bunde
Daniel and Sharron McKenzie
Daniel and Vicki Jackson
Daniel Manning
Dara Harstick Wells
Darleen Marolf
Darlene Griffin
Darrell and Charlotte Montgomery
Darrell and Susan Schroeppel
Darrell Schweppe
Darryl and Kathryn Kile
Daryl and Doralee Bell
Dave and Jackie Dietze
David and Angela Drevo
David and Debbie Albers
David and Deborah Geis
David and Debra Scheer
David and Jacqueline Drake
David and Judy Hatten
David and Kathleen Krumm
David and Kim Stemper
David and LeAnn Hammar
David and Linda Miller
David and Lisa Herbert
David and Pearl Rainforth
David and Sally Thomsen
David and Sharon Irvin
David and Sharon Stock
David and Tracey Swan
David K. and Barbara Jones
David Shively
David Suhr
David Sundberg
Dean and Ann Lif
Deanna Dowd
Deanna Harris
Deb Schorr
Deb Shaw
Deb Weston
Debbie Cone
Debbie Gaspard
Deborah Dickson
Delmar and Julie Williams
Delores Himmel
Delores Zitek
Denis and Trudy Schneckloth
Denise Hockamier
Dennis and Julie Nelson
Dennis and Laura LaDue
Dennis and Margie Nielsen
Dennis and Murleen Bellinger
Dennis and Sally Bodtke
Dennis May and Janet Willet-May
Dennis Mehrhoff
and Rosmarie Tesina
Derald and Shirley Goetz
Dewey and Marge Harouff
Diana Belik
Diane Bartels
Diane Gonzolas
Dianne Ferguson and Liam Purdon
Dianne Kennedy
Dick and Pat Wolf
Dick and Roxie Pickel
Dick and Sally Schneider
Dick and Sue Boswell
Dmytro Petrov
Don and Ann Thober
Don and Donna Hutchens
Don and Jen Ham
Don and Marlene Leising
Don Freeman
Don Shalla
Don Valenziano
Donald and Diane Winter
Donald and Inez Krass
Donald and Jackie Griffith
Donald and Joan Hobbs
Donald and Kristine Peterson
Donald Craft
Donald Macke and Jennifer Carver
Doneta Steinert
Donlynn Rice
Donna Mosher
Donna Trueblood
Doris Cerny
Doris Justus
Dorothy Anderson
Dorothy Holyoke
Doug and Amy Whitehead
Doug and Lois Wilson
Doug and Michelle McDaniel
Doug and Pam Johnson
Douglas and Barbara Hellerich
Douglas and Kimberly Johnson
Douglas and Linda Dickeson
Douglas and Margaret Gibson
Douglas and Pat Amedeo
Douglas and Regina Carlson
Douglas Headlee
Dr. Daniel and Barbara Schroeder
Dr. David and Cindy Timperley
Dr. Doris J. O’Donnell
Dr. Gary Hustad and Jane Hustad
Dr. Jeffery and Kathy Grubbe
Dr. Jerry and Portia Reed
Dr. Kevin and Tammy Grosskopf
Dr. Larry and Peggy Fletcher
Dr. Ralph and Ruth Johnson
Dr. Richard and Georgia Raecke
Dr. Rick and Sharon Chatwell
Dr. Robert and Judith Burton
Dr. Ronald and Diane Schwab
Dr.Gerald and Jean Jordan
Draper and Joyce Bishop
Duane Starkey
Duteau Lynn Sunderman
Dwain and Virginia Acker
Dwaine and Wanda Rogge
Dwight and Diane Henke
Dwight and Merikay Keith
E. Duane and Grace Shackelford
Ed and Darlene Santo
Edward and Helen Kosola
Edward and Lida Robinson
Charitable Trust
Edward and Tawny Zach
Edward and Valerie Wittstruck
Edward Maynard
Edward Ragatz
Edwin and Judy Nyhof
Egon and Lois Reisel
Eileen Sawyers
Eldin and Sherry Ehrlich
Eldon and Carol Ogorzolka
Eleanor Dixon Endowment Fund
Elfi Lee
Ellen Hargus
Elmer and Carol Kohmetscher
Elva Osten
Elvin and Lynn Ochsner
Emilie Farrens
Ephriam and Barbara Hixson, Jr.
Eric and Pamela Christensen
Eric and Rachel Garten
Eric Berger and Anne Duncan
Erica Effken and David Effken
Erik Hubl
Erin Crockett
Erin Haskins
Erma McGill
Esther Ponte
Eugene and Lois Friesen
Eugene and Rebecca Smith
Evelyn Richards
Evie Kantor
Father James and Susan Dank
Fern Heim
Ferne Furrer
Floyd Andrews
Forrest and Carol Nisley
Frances Seward
Frank and Ann Sidles
Frank and Elizabeth Hilsabeck
Frank and Mary Dupuis
Frank Dickerson
Frank Jordan
Freida Lange
Gail and James Linderholm
Gail Parde
Gail Stoklasa
Gale and Kay Muller
Garry and Judith Zager
Garry and Linda Dragoo
Gary and Cynthia Schuerman
Gary and Debra Buttermore
Gary and Iluminada Brewer
Gary and Jan Jewell
Gary and Patricia Fey
Gary and Renate Jacobs
Gary and Sandy Waring
Gary and Shirley Schmitz
Gary and Stefanie Warner
Gary and Susan Clifford
Gary and Vera Albers
Gary and Willa Mussman
Gary Biskup
Gary Bredensteiner
Gary Reinke
Gary Salzman
Gates and Daisy Minnick
Gayle Jones
Gene and Judy Thompson
Gene and Melissa Rogers
Gene and Dorrie O. Gage
Geoffrey and Kay French
George and Betty Stephenson
George and Norma Sturgeon
George and Sandra Lanz
George and Sharon Wingrove
George Meininger
George Wolf
Georgenne Parker
Georgia Glass
Gerald and Joan Johnson
Gerald and Joanelle Szudlo
Gerald Allen
Geraldine Austin
Glen and Eileen Semerad
Glen Moss
Glenn and Janice Friendt
Glenn and Kim Strickland
Glenn and Sharon Nierman
Glenn and LaReta R. Harms
Gloria Brink
Gloria Reed
Gloria Terveer
Grace Pfister
Greg and Kelly Wiley
Greg and Michealla Gray
Greg and Cheryl Johnson
Greg Kerns and Rebecca Cox
Gregory and Marcia Vasek
Gwendolyn Larsen
Gwendolyn Newkirk
H G. and Marilyn J. Holmquist
H. Eugene and Beverly Cook
H. Joe and Judith Weyand
H. Kent and Lyne Butler
Harley Bair Endowment Fund
Harlow and Anita Dover
Harold E and Elaine Roper
Harriet Morrissey
Harry and Audrey Herrington
Harry and Shirley Amen
Harvey and Charlene Ideus
Heath Kramer
Heather Morrow
Helen Weber
Hermine Leffler
Hess and Nancy Dyas
Hilma Bidler
Horst and Gabrielle Hahn
Howard and Lavonne Rowe
Ingrid Hansen
Irene Nedved
J Richard Spellman
J.D. Jurzenski
J.T. and Karen Harris
Jack and Linda Olig
Jack and Pamela Gannon
Jack and Sydna Cooper
Jack J. Caldwell
Jackie Foote
Jacque Kidder and Jane Cogan
Jacqueline Griswold
James and Annette Stier
James and Carol Thieszen
James and Elizabeth Bechtle
James and Gail O’Hanlon
James and Jeanne Pearson
James and Joyce Jaixen
James and Karen Kisicki
James and Kathleen Rynearson
James and Margaret Griesen
James and Marilyn Rembolt
James and Mary Lou Philippi
James and Patricia Neid
James and Patti Cox
James and Rebecca Hansbrough
James and Sandra McCarty
James and Sherryl Gillette
James and Shirley Yanak
James and Vickie Stepanich
James Augustyn
James Behrens and Susan Behrens
James E. Gordon Attorney
James Havlena
James M. Kirkland
James Marsh
James Nora Jr.
James Reeves
Janet Clark
Janet Coudeyras
Janet Day
Janet Kerr
Janet Resseguie
Janette Childers
Janice Anderson
Janice Harry
Janice Moore
Janis Gadeken-Harris
Janis Kaiser
Janis Lewis
Jason and Debbie Schmeeckle
Jason and Kelly Myers
Jason and Lynn Samsel
Jason Guernsey
Jason Holmes
Jason Reed
Jay and Julia Holmquist
Jayme Shelton
Jean Ahlin
Jean Ang
Jean Dorsey
Jean Travers
Jed Ellis
Jeff and Barbara Jobes
Jeff and Connie Wiebusch
Jeff Ideus
Jeff Marple
Jeffrey and Karen States
Jeffrey and Kelly Andersen
Jeffrey Kusek
Jennifer Davidson
Jennifer Ekeler
Jennifer Elliott and Kelly Maxwell
Jennifer Lesoing-Lucs
Jennifer Reed Garbin
Jenny Borer
Jerald and Lori Connot
Jerald and Patria Rector
Jeremiah and Becky Baumfalk
Jeremy Lavene
Jeri Bredemeier
Jerome Coniglio
and Patricia Morgera Coniglio
Jerrid and Jean Barton
Jerry and Ellie Graves
Jerry and Janet Schidler
Jerry and Kathleen Eichner
Jerry and Mary Ann Petr
Jerry and Muriel Vidlak
Jerry and Robin Westhoff
Jerry and Shirley Daugherty
Jess Smith
Jill and Britt Miller
Jill Brenning
Jim and Adaline Lancaster
Jim and Marlene Wagner
Jim and Ronda Spanel
Jim and Tamera Toof
Jim Budde
Jim Daniel
Jim Paap
JL and Pamela Schmidt
Jo Ann Russell
Joan Day
Joan Gocke
Joan Patterson
Joan Perry
JoAnne Lamb
Joanne Lebow
JoAnne Thiele
Joel and Jeannette Christianson
Joel and Jerlene Mosley
John and Carol Fuerst
John and Catherine Wolfe
John and Cheryl Castle
John and Diane Terpsma
John and Dianne Keech
John and Janice Gossin
John and Joan Wilson
John and Joyce Cambridge
John and Judith Lawler
John and Karen Janovy
John and Maria Wells
John and Marilyn Bernthal
John and Martha Shulski
John and Mary Bolton
John and Mary Clark
John and Nancy Votta
John and Noreen Goebel
John and Patty Lentfer
John and Peggy Burvainis
John and Susan Dahm
John and Susan Ringsmuth
John and Nancy R. Harms
John Herman
John Hill and Helen Heller
John Sheridan
John Vandewalle
John Wiltgen
Joline Adams
Jon and Audrey Sevenker
Jon and Joan Fink
Jon and Joyanne Van Bloom
Jon Dalton
Joni and David Severson
Jordin Gorka
Jose Gonzalez and Juliana Cordero
Joseph and Connie Stefkovich
Joseph and Danielle Jurgens
Joseph and Deanna Ebmeier
Joseph and Lauren Keough, JR
Joseph and Sheryl Frederick
Joseph Weber and Donna Shear
Joy Osterberg
Joyce Douglas
Joyce Schiermann
Judith Peterson
Judith Schulze
Judy Deweber
Judy Spier
Judy Weilage
Julie Zitek
Jullius and Darline Haes, Jr.
June Blatt
June Pederson
K.D. and Maruta Barnhouse
K.D. Nelms
K.Q. and Ben Allen
Karen and James Schurr
Karen Becker
Karen Colleran
Karen Hothan
Karen Kilby
Karen Warrick
Karla Hesse
Karlene Johnson
Kate Adams
Katharine Vance Kilgour
Kathleen Glenn
Kathleen Holter
Kathleen Kane
Kathleen Thuman
Kathleen Weyers
Kathryn Calvert
Kathryn Robson
Kathryn Samuelson
Kathy Eitzmann
Kathy Kuehn
Kathy Wichtendahl
Kay and Lyle E. Ashelford
Kay Mathews
Kaye Morrison
Keith and Lila Hutt
Kelli Erickson
Kelly and Dee Ann Downing
Ken and Cheryl Jenkins
Ken and Patricia Backemeyer
Ken Johnson
Kenneth and Janice Bouc
Kenneth and Mary Frank
Kenneth and Mary Wellman
Kenneth and Susan Hraban
Kenneth and Vera Karel
Kenneth and Mary Alice Jones
Kenny and Dorothy Gettman
Kent and Janet Remmenga
Kent and Lori Vossler
Kerry and Vicki Huter
Keshia Harvey
Kevin and Edwynna Petersen
Kevin and Lisa Morehouse
Kim Keister
Kimberly Kubick
Kimberly Roemmich
Kirk and Rebecca Nisley
Kirt and Deann White
Krista Eduarte
Kristal Flaming
Kristen Reynolds
Kyle Renteria and Morgan Heyen
L Arlen Schif
L. Harlan Weingart
Lamont Richards and Nan Schweiger
Lana and Gayle Burr
Lanny Boswell
Larry and Anita Williams
Larry and Anne Pickel
Larry and Dixie Eaton
Larry and Julianne Kleager
Larry and Kate Culhane
Larry and Kathleen Hubka
Larry and Kathy Graff
Larry and Linda Lewis
Larry and Linda Zillig
Larry and Peg Pelter
Larry and Phyllis Mitchell
Larry and Rita Shaw
Larry and Ruth Cada
Larry and Sherryl Chamberlain
Larry Kinnan
Laura Waters
Laurel Shoemaker
Lauren Peterson
Laurie Deyoe
Laurie Thomas Lee
Laurie Tredway
Laverne Bish
Lavonne Twiss
Lawrence and Amy Dahl
Lawrence and Mary Menebroker
Lawrence and Susan Erdkamp
Lawrence Piper
Lee and Janet Anderbery
Lee and Judy Vieselmeyer
Lee Bring
Leland and Karen Brozovsky
Leland Heckman
Leo and Sheila Schumacher
LeRoy and Carolyn Parde
Leslie and Lee Manns
Leslie and Linda Loth
Lewis and Bertha Waddle
Linda Becker
Linda L. Murphy
Linda Mares
Linda Norris
Linda Sapp
Lindy and Doug Bonnett
Lisa and Chad Michel
Lisa Schulze
Lloyd and Diana Roberts
Lois Rohla
Lois Rosenthal
Lon and Lana Flagtwet
Lorena Ryan
Lorene Behrends
Lori Jones
Lori Lee
Lorraine Olmsted
Louanna Riensche Pierson
Louis and Jennifer Braatz
Louis and Sharolyn Rybij
Louis Wenzl
Louise Schleich
Lowell and Barbara Gaither
Lowell and Lovell Moser
Loy and Marian Forster
Lyle and Cheryl Goodenkauf
Lynette Exum
Lynn and Jeanne Kleeb
Lynn and Mary Dance
Lynn and Sarah Sunderman
Lynn Melson
Lynnette McGill
M. Elizabeth Conley
Mac and Pam Rodgers
Malcolm Eveans
Malinda Eccarius
Mandy Monson
Maralee Cloran
Margaret Albers
Margaret Cole
Margaret DeVivo
Margaret Egger
Margaret Fuller
Margaret Mertens
Margaret Nelson
Margaret Penney
Margaret Tyler
Margaret Wisch
Marge Young
Margo Youker
Marie Chelikowsky
Marilyn Hammond
Marilyn Maude
Marilyn McCage
Marilyn Paolini
Marilyn Philippi
Marjorie Dickinson
Marjorie Schmidt
Marjorie Schroeder
Mark and Jeanine Soneson
Mark and Jolene Goertzen
Mark and Dr. Deanna Hutchins
Mark and Nancy Intermill
Mark Meyer
Mark Sapp
Mark T and Margaret L. Family
Charitable Seacrest Foundation
Marsha L. Maxwell
Marsha Lommel
Martha Anne Cech
Martha Hakenkamp
Martin and Patricia Petska
Marty and Julie Drueppel
Marvin and Anne Souchek
Marvin and Mary Rhodes
Mary and Gregory Heidrick
Mary Ann Boryca
Mary Ann Bryant
Mary Ann Liggett
Mary Ann O’Brien
Mary Baldus
Mary Barton
Mary Cronk
Mary Fargen
Mary Jennings
Mary Jo Sheldon
Mary Kahm
Mary Kay Hansen
Mary Krueger
Mary Mohatt
Mary Rosenberger
Mary Sue Pardee
Mary Trumble
Mary Turner
Mary Zimmerman
MaryLee Rogers Straub
Matt Minchow
Matthew and Catherine Miller
Matthew and Catherine Todd
Matthew and Leanne Hahne
Matthew and Lynne Herman
Matthew and Maureen Freyer
Matthew and Shelley Jones
Matthew and Tracie Covey
Matthew Steinblock
Max and Jane Clegg
Melisa Vilums
Melvin and Susan Soyk
Merrill Lynch
Michael and Angela Kugler
Michael and Barbara Becker
Michael and Becky Haskins
Michael and Carol Laughlin
Michael and Cathryn Carr
Michael and Eileen Curry
Michael and Gloria Simms
Michael and Jane Schroeder
Michael and Jennifer Budler
Michael and Kathy Weatherl
Michael and Ramona Hanlon
Michael and Rhonda Pepper
Michael and Shannon Urbanovsky
Michael and Victoria Anania
Michael and Dawn Green
Michael and Dee Dee Reinke
Michael Goff
Michael Grutsch
Michael N. Eppel, M.D.
Michael Thomalla and Adrian
Michael White
and Kay Kiechel-White
Michelle Waite
Mick and Jeri Eschenbrenner
Mike and Kim Marsh
Mildred Anker
Mildred Sittler
Molly Dunn
Monica Burklund
Morris and Aleta Collier
Robert and Lisa Burkhardt
Anthony and Lindsey Deitering
Yuris and Natalia Dzenis
Wayne and Marthajo Mares
Sincere Thanks to Our Donors
Individuals, continued
Gareth and Carol Rees
Brian and Gina Kohel
Andrew and Karen Kuhn
William and Cynthia Morris
Scott Baird and Leirion Gaylor Baird
Stephen and Jolleen Clymer
Terry Thompson
Sara Thompson
Nadine Stoneman
Nancy and Evan Wieseman
Nancy Rakes
Naomi Maske
Neil Bateman
and Jo Anne Pool Bateman
Newel and Diana Sanderson
Nick and Vicki Vollmer
Nicole M. Friesen
Nile and Lorraine Buch
Nina Fox
Nolan Tredway
Norland and Mary Ferguson
Norman Regier
Olga Prendes
Pamela Edwards
Pamela Prater
Pat Raybould
Patricia Anderson
Patricia Fritz
Patricia Jorn
Patricia Kant
Patricia Kent
Patricia Powers
Patricia Robinson
Patrick and Candace Dussault
Patrick and Courtney McCashland
Patrick and Margie O’Meara
Patrick O’Donnell
Paul and Carol Carlson
Paul and Cheri Staswick
Paul and Cheryl Svoboda
Paul and Christine Madvig
Paul and Diane Collister
Paul and Marilyn Dongilli
Paul and Rose Ragole
Paul and Sherry Lommasson
Paul and Susan Liess
Paul Chapman
Paul D. Witherby
Paul Kampfe
Paula Hansen
Peggy Stark
Perry and Jennifer Haralson
Peter and Judith Hove
Petronela Radu and Mikil Foss
Philip and Claire Marino
Philip and Emily Corkill
Philip and Mary Wolfe
Phillip and Laura Essay
Phyliss Bourne
Phyllis and Gary Larsen
Phyllis Cummins
Phyllis Knosp
Phyllis Reagan
Polly Feis
R. Kent and Terri Jex
R.T. and Cindy Gage
Rachel Garver
Rachel Novich
Ralph and Viola Harper
Ramona Maske
Randal and Pamela Palmer
Randall and Paula Burnham
Randall and Susan Jane Moody
Randolph S. Jacobs
Randy and Anna Meier
Randy and Jeanine Johnson
Randy and JoAnne Baldwin
Raymond and Chris Taylor
Raymond and Elsie Steinman
Raymond and Leola Delka
Raymond and Marcia Cederdahl
Raymond Pulse
Rebecca Dittrich
Rebecca Sue Whitney
Regy and Kathleen Green
Renae Logan
Rene Campbell
Renee Zikmund
Rev. Sara Dingman
Richard and Ann Diers
Richard and Ann Kirk
Richard and Jan Staley
Richard and Janet Labenz
Richard and Janet Phillips
Richard and Joyce Clark
Richard and Julie Rickels
Richard and Peggy Marker
Richard and Sheryl Jedlicka
Richard and Susan Gustafson
Richard and Susan Oldfield
Richard and Sandra Maxwell
Richard Earl
Richard Haase
Rick and Donita Erickson
Rick and Paula Lucchino
Rick and Susie Windle
Rick and Valerie Krueger
Rita Harrison
Rober and Gwen Batcher
Robert and Barbara Reynolds
Robert and Bonnie Toth
Robert and Carmen Shively
Robert and Carol Schmucker
Robert and Delores Roettele
Robert and Donna Geschwender
Robert and Dotty Reier
Robert and Janet Stamper
Robert and Jessica Schultz
Robert and Joanne Hubbard
Robert and Joleen Peterson
Robert and Judith Keller
Robert and Judy Farmer
Robert and LeAnne Nordquist
Robert and Lily Hans
Robert and Loretta Fairchild
Robert and Loretta Lang, Jr.
Robert and Marjorie Larson
Robert and Mary Lou Reeves
Robert and Patricia Lee
Robert and Roberta Frerichs
Robert and Sandra Schindler
Robert and Sharon Olmsted
Robert and Sheila Warkow
Robert and Teresa Carnazzo
Robert Kallio
Robert L. and Katherine Tyler
Robert Morse
Robert Raymond
Robert Reisdorff
Robert Throop
Rochelle Nelson
Rod and Marcia Engelbart
Rodger and Rose Felix
Rodger and Janelle Johnson
Rodney Fanders
Rodney Moore and Tamara Phillips
Roger and Ann Lott
Roger and Carolyn Allen
Roger and Gloria Wohlers
Roger and Margaret Miller
Roger and Patricia Niemann
Roger and Patricia Poppe
Roger and Sally Buchholz
Roger and Sharon Graff
Roger and Sherri Wright
Roger and Sondra Weber
Roger and Wanda Rikli
Roger and Julie Sand
Roger Westerberg
Roland and Carol Wendelin
Ron and Connie Krumm
Ron and Diane Miller
Ron and Susan Minchow
Ron Kreinbrook
Ronald and Betty Ganzel
Ronald and Deborah Brester
Ronald and Dianne Brown
Ronald and Dorothy Krejci
Ronald and Patricia Herman
Ronald Svoboda
Rosalie Meyer
Rose Drew
Rose Sorensen
Ross and Joyce Hecht
Roxanna Wollen
Roxanne Skulstad
Roy and Janice Covault
Roy and Linda Miller
Roy and Frances Scheele
Roy Helm
Royal Chadwick Jr.
Russ and Michelle Raatz
Russell and Glenda Teten
Rusty and Alicia Lewis
Ruth Ford
Ruth Hietbrink
Ruth Langan
Ruth Manke
Ruth Snyder
Ryan and Deborah Hoage
Ryan and Jessica Allington
Ryan Fitzgerald
Sachi and Amrita Mahapatra
Sally Dunham
Sally Kingston
Sam and Joyce Baird
Samir Muslic
and Amila Tanovic-Muslic
Sande Dirks
Sandra Kriha
Sandra Renli
Sandra White
Sandy and David Langemeier
Sara C. Thompson
Sara Lord
Sarah Dimon
Sarge and Gayle Dubinsky
Scott and Carol Holder
Scott and Cheryl Webert
Scott Brown and Joni Lafever-Brown
Senator Mike and Stephanie Johanns
Seth and Carrie Derner
Shalla Young
Shane Harms
Shannon Harner and Philip Goddard
Shannon Muffly
Sharon Brehm
Sharon Doll Fund
Sharon L. Smith
Sharon Mohatt and Roger Reinhardt
Sharon Okra-Goll
Sharon Paden
Sharron Mathieu
Sheila Purdum
Sherie Sapp-Stutheit
Sherry Lawton
Sherry Wang
Sheryl and La Rhue Friesen
Shirley Huss
Shirley Lucke
Shirley Pickens White
Shirley Wittwer
Simeck Carpentry James Simeck
Simon Ringsmuth
Sitaram and Alice Jaswal
Sohrab and Jena Asgarpoor
Stan and Linda Maly
Stan and Pat Hart
Stanley and Linda Bennett
Stephanie Leeper
Stephanie Scheffler
Stephen and Diane Andersen
Stephen and Heather Ingracia
Stephen and Joyce Hickman
Stephen and Judi Schlife
Stephen and Jan Leeper
Stephen Danielson
and Kathleen Everts Danielson
Stephen Frederick
Stephen Hums and Janet Wolfe, MD
Steve and Charlene Dunbar
Steve and Cindy Devoe
Steve and Janet Boshart
Steve and Robin McKelvey
Steve and Susan Pozehl
Steve Bartels
and Christine Carbon-Bartels
Steven and Florence Shaw
Steven and Sharla Broening
Steven Friesen
Steven Willborn
and Elizabeth Hazen Willborn
Sue Lawlor
Sue Moraczewski
Susan and Harlan Wiederspan
Susan Kwapnioski
Susan McClelland
Susan Spencer
Susan Stoehr
Susan Tubbs
Susan Vanicek
Susie Larsen
Suzanne Graham
Sylva Meyer
Sylvia Dunlap
Tadd and Jodi Delozier
Tami and Scott Shaner
Tammy Green
Tara Wilkinson
Ted and Mary Ann Sonderegger
Ted Bailey
Ted Simonson
Teda Meints
Tera Beermann
Teresa Wright
Terry and Carol Mason
Terry and Ellen Waak
Terry and Virginia Hudson
Theodore and Deanna Suhr
Theodore and Stella Bellin
Thomas and Barbara Fausch
Thomas and Debra Dee
Thomas and Debra Nesbitt
Thomas and Linda Hoegemeyer
Thomas and Margaret Polk
Thomas and Pamela Gillaspie
Thomas and Patricia Runge
Thomas and Peggy Barbee
Thomas Miller
Thomas Tomes
Tim and Marcia Bohlke
Tim and Michelle Tonner
Timothy and Kristen Zeng
Timothy Einspahr
Tina Mesa
Tod and Brenda Morgan
Tom and Caroline Forstrom
Tom and Deborah Boren
Tom and Karla Wendelin
Tom and Nancy Goeglein
Tom and Nancy Martin
Tom and Rhonda Peed
Tom and Sue Tallman
Tony and Marianne Oberley
Tonya and Michael Montanez, III
Troy Brown and Susan Kash-Brown
Valetta Plessing
Vanessa Bartlett
Verdell and Elaine Schramm
Verna Weber
Vernon and Ann Williams
Vicki Bauer
Vicki L. Evans
Vickie Spires
Victoria Jones
Viji Pushkaran and Preetha
Virginia Culwell
Virginia Schulte
Vivian Snell
Wade and Anna Walkenhorst
Wallace and Martha Richardson
Wallace Albers
Walter and Germaine Switzer
Ward Hoppe
Wayne and Doris Rowe
Wayne and Lorraine Nelson
Wayne and Nancy Hester
Wendell and Donna Bailey
Wesley and Carol Christensen
Wesley and Carolyn Galligan
Wesley and Linda Oestreich
Wilcox Family Foundation
Wilfred and Audrey DeVries
Will Spaulding and Mary Sullivan
William and Annette Hord
William and Beth Rainey
William and Connie White
William and Joan Schwalm
William and Linda Synhorst
William and Lynne Janssen
William and Pamela Weekly
William and Patrica Lundak
William and Valerie Leipold
William Lewis and Doris Hitz Lewis
William Marienau
and Lynn Mongar Marienau
William Melton, Jr.
and Angela Duvall Melton
William Ness
William Smith and Susan Johnson
William Workman
Wilma Droge
Wit Lehmann
Yvonne K. Davenport, M.D.
In Memory of
Barbara J. Albers from Bob & Elaine Albers, David & Debbie Albers, Kathryn Calvert,
Martha Anne Cech, Steve & Charlene Dunbar, John & Carol Fuerst, Rita Harrison,
Stan & Pat Hart, Harry & Audrey Herrington, Don & Marlene Leising, Naomi Maske,
Ramona Maske, Richard & Sandra Maxwell, Ron & Susan Minchow, Joel & Jerlene
Mosley, Margaret Nelson, Janet Resseguie, Harold E & Elaine Roper, Eileen Sawyers,
Denis & Trudy Schneckloth, Roger & Sondra Weber and Dick & Pat Wolf
Dana Summers from Jeremiah & Becky Baumfalk
Freda Bancroft from Larry & Phyllis Mitchell
Glenn & Margaret Laughlin from Michael & Carol Laughlin
Ilene Sieck from Ron Kreinbrook
Jeanne Mohatt from Mary Mohatt
Melvin Blixt from Eugene & Lois Friesen
Rita Huenke from Robert & Sheila Warkow
Trudee R. Schweppe from Darrell Schweppe
On Behalf of
Stacy Topf from Nationwide Foundation
In Honor of
Becky Valentine from Daniel & Donna Bloch and Kathy Wichtendahl
Brad Fitzgerald & Family from Ryan Fitzgerald
Jessi James from Matthew Steinblock
JJ Harstick from Monica Burklund, Randy & Anna Meier, Brian & Christy Syfie, Dara
Harstick Wells, Delores Zitek and Julie Zitek
Judy Eicher from Anonymous
Neva Winkle from Lisa Schulze
Pastor Marsha Carol Anderson from Lorena Ryan
Psi Chi Omega Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority from Gwendolyn Newkirk
Saint Elizabeth’s Foundation from Lincoln Chapter of AAPC
Tabitha Lombardi from Jerry & Kathleen Eichner
In the Name of
Jon & Angela Paolini from Marilyn Paolini
Philip Morgan & Michelle Hrbeck from Ellen Hargus
Active Life Family Chiropractic
Aldersgate United Methodist
Church Women
All About Travel William
Alpha Chi Omega Xi Chapter
American Lutheran Church
American Lutheran Church Women
Ameritas Angelene Sherard
Antelope Creek Family Physicians
Assurity Life Insurance Company
Belmont Baptist ABWM
Bethlehem Covenant Women
Black Hills Energy
Brennan & Nielsen Law Offices, P.C.
Bryant, Katt & Associate, P.C.
Cabela’s World’s Foremost Bank
Cedar Hill United Methodist Church
Christ United Methodist Church
Christian Women Fellowship of the
First Christian Church
Christ Temple Mission Church
Christo Design Build, Inc
Clark Jeary Retirement Community
Clark’s Tool Repair LLC
Consortia Consulting, Inc.
Cornhusker Early Ford V-8 Club
Cornhusker Republican Women’s Club
Country Cabinets
Custom Blinds & Design
Czech Presbyterian Ladies Aid
Didon Enterprises
Dillon Foundation
Drywallers, Inc.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Evans, Lipka and Associates, Inc.
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
Circles of Faith
First Christian Church
Friends In Council
Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church
Harre Orthodontics
Havelock I.O.O.F. Lodge #244
Hotsy Equipment, Co.
Imperial Foundation
In Between Club
Kiwanis Club of Lincoln
Lincoln Chapter of AAPC
Lincoln Northeast Sertoma Club
Lux Middle School
Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital
Mahoney Manor Resident Council
Martell Church U.M.W.
Maxey Elementary Student Council
May L. Flanagan Foundation, Inc.
McFarland Law Office
Nationwide Foundation
Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
Nebraska LabLinc
Nebraska Land Model T Club
Nebraska Title Company
New Vision Community
Nifty Fifties Ford Club
Northeast United Church of Christ
Women’s Fellowship
Northwood Apartments
O’Hara, Lindsay & Associates, Inc.
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
P & S Custom Siding Inc.
Palmyra Presbyterian Church
Paragon Sanitation, Inc.
Pathology Medical Services, P.C.
Peace Lutheran Church, Women
of the ELCA
Pegler Family Foundation
Donald H. Pegler, III
Plymouth Congregational Church
of Crete Nebraska
Psychotherapy Associates
Riverport Insurance Company
Rogers Foundation
Sam’s Club #4873
Sampson Construction Co., Inc.
Scheels All Sports
Schulenberg Construction LLC
South Gate United Methodist Church
Southeast Community College
Continuing Education Center
Southern Heights Presbyterian Church
SouthPointe Christian Church
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
St. John of Kronstadt Church
St. John’s United Church of Christ
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
St. Peters Dorcas Society
Star City Chapter of the Betty’s of
Ten Thousand Villages
The Viking Foundation
Tiger Inc
Ross W. & Judy A. Wilcox Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust I R. David Wilcox
United Methodist Women-Waverly
William Lauer Foundation for
ALS & Charities
Women of Redeemer
Women of the ELCA,
Hope Lutheran Church-Burr
Women of the Moose #1164
Women’s Clinic of Lincoln
Woods Bros Realty Foundation for Giving
Woods Charitable Fund
Challenge Deadline is Looming
Thanks to YOU, we have raised $222,142 of the $434, 284
necessary to make much needed repairs and renovations to our
emergency shelters. We still need $100,153 to take advantage of
the Kiewit Foundation’s $100,000 match by June 30, 2015.
If you like seeing where your donation goes… here’s an
opportunity to make a permanent difference! Please call
402-434-0160 or send in your gift, noting it is for the Peter
Kiewit Challenge Grant.
$434, 284 g o a l
Lives YOU Have Touched
Connect With Friendship Home
October – December 2014
Follow Us on Twitter
Like Us on Facebook
Bed nights
Meals were provided
Families requested
safe shelter
Victimes received pre-shelter
crisis services
Victims of domestic violence
were sheltered
More Ways You Can Help
April 11-12
It’s time to Stuff the Bus for Friendship Home! Join Friendship
Home, StarTran, 1240AM KFOR, 106.3 KFRX, KX 96.9, 92.9
The Eagle, ESPN 1480 and 104.1 The Blaze at all Lincoln
Walmart and Sam’s Club stores as we strive to fill city busses
with NEW items for families in shelter. Shop at Walmart or
Sam’s Club April 11-12 and leave a needed item or items at
the bus. Volunteers are also needed to hand out needs lists and
organize donations. Sign up by contacting Lauren at laurenp@ or 402-434-0167.
One Dime at a Time
Now – April 12
Bring your reusable shopping bags to
Whole Foods and support victims of
domestic violence! Simply tell your
cashier to donate your $0.10 cash back
to Friendship Home. Every dime makes a
Russ’s Market Community
Rewards March 18 – 24
Use your Russ’s Rewards Card and earn
community points for the groceries you purchase,
every time you shop. When you use your points
to help Friendship Home, Russ’s will match your
point spend, doubling your contribution to make
an even bigger difference. Just redeem your points
at the register!
Annual Golf Tourney benefitting
Friendship Home at HiMark Golf
June 14, 2015 — 2pm Shotgun Start
Teams of 4 will play best ball. To register a team and
for additional information, contact Amy Schlichting at
402-560-3916 or [email protected].