Julie 2016 - Lions Multiple District 410


Julie 2016 - Lions Multiple District 410
JULY 2016
Fellow Lions
A new year. A new beginning… Old broom(?)
The International President’s theme as indicated below is: “New Mountains to Climb”. The theme is self-explanatory and I do not have much to
add to it. I would prefer you to consider it. Each person has his or her own mountains to climb in life.
We as Lions, can surely make it easier for those less fortunate. Together we can make happen with our
motto: “We Serve”.
With your support, we can make our District the best!
ENJOY the next year and have FUN!
Lions regards
Zwaai Krüger
“There is no strength without passion”
PS. Our Media Lady, L Gloria Searle, will surely make photographs available in this publication. Just remember, it wasn’t
Scenes from
Convention in
Fukuoka, Japan
Presidents for 2016—2017
Photos from around the District of the President for the 2016 / 2017 year. Well done to all and enjoy you year in office.
LP Rob Haywood the
6th Lion President of
EDEN Lions Club inducted by PDG Gareth
Fife, from George
Lions Club.
L P Barry Starbuck of
PE Host Lions Club.
Below Right: LP
Wesley Sherman of P
E St Croix Lions
Below Left: LP Ray
Brown of PE Cape
Recife Lions Club
Newly elected LP Norman Elliott, of Port Alfred
Lions Club with Francois
de Klerk, PDG Mike
Newlands, PDG Bokkie
Oberholzer, ZC Leslie
Human, Marge Kirton,
Rob Brunette, Ilana de
Klerk, Nico Muller
(outgoing pres), Lorenda
de Klerk and John Dell.
Our Lions —Awards, farewells & families
Cape Recife Lions Club
On the 23 July Cape Recife held a function to bid one of their long serving Lion farewell. Past Council Chairman Dudley
Godfrey and Yvonne’s have resigned, in good standing, after 39 years’ service in District 410D.
Dudley was inducted as a Charter member of the East London West Lions
Club in February 1977. He was elected President in 1979 – 80 and since then
they have been in five other Clubs.
During his 39 years as a Lion Dudley has held various Cabinet and Council
posts. He was elected District Governor of 410D for the year 2002-03 and
then Council Chairman MD410 in 2005-2006.
As a Lion he truly lived out our Motto “We Serve” and they will be sorely
missed. However they will always be part of the Cape Recife family.
President Ray Brown presented Dudley with a Certificate of appreciation for
his 39years of Service to Lions, and a bouquet of flowers to Yvonne and
wished them well.
Eden Lions is a family affair
From left to right:
Linda Anderson (1st Vice President),
Pieter Nel (Zone Chairperson),
Tillie Nel( 1st Vice District Governor )
Hanlie Nel (2nd Vice President)
Port Alfred Lions Club
Lion Francois de Klerk who was elected
as “Lion of the Year”.
St Croix Lions Club
“Lion of the Year” was past Lion Tilly
Strydom for her 18 years of selfless
service in Lionism. LP Wesley said
was an honour to hand over the award
and to step into her shoes as president.
We Serve in District 410D
Swellendam Lions Club
Op Saterdag 16 Julie het SWELLENDAM LIONS
en vrywilligers ‘n groep van 10 tieners tussen die
ouderdom van 14 – 17 jaar bederf met ‘n uitstappie
na Wolfkloof.
Dit was ‘n heerlike sonskyndag en hulle het +- 5 km
in die berg gestap en kon die natuurskoon bewonder. Na afloop van die stap was almal honger en
dors, en het die LIONS reggestaan met heerlike
worsbroodjies, slap chips en koeldrank wat daar in
die veld voorberei is.
Baie dankie aan elkeen wat
betrokke was en wat die dag
moontlik gemaak het vir die
groep jong mense. ‘n Mens
besef nie altyd wat se impak so
iets in hul lewens maak nie.
Die Lionsklub het Saterdagmiddag saam met die
inwoners van Huis A A Tomlinson Bingo
gespeel. Tussen die verrigtinge deur is daar vars
botterbroodjies met aarbeikonfyt en room, tee en
koffie bedien. Die meeste deelnemers het pryse
Die eerste en meeste pryse is gewen deur ME. KOTIE DE JAGER. Baie geluk aan haar!
Die LIONS KLUB 100 Trekking het Vrydag 1
Julie 2016 om 19h00 plaasgevind by Swellendam
Foto: Lions Engela de Kock en Maxi Ras oorhandig Groentemark en die volgende wenners is getrek:
die eerste prys aan die wenner.
1ste Prys: George Adams (42)
2de Prys: Tony Swanepoel (45)
3de Prys: Gorden Dyers (6)
Baie geluk aan hierdie persone.
Groep Lions wat geleentheid bygewoon het.
We Serve in District 410D
Hertzog Primary School is situated 3.5km outside
Fort Beaufort has 125 children and serves the Hertzog community. There is a small but dedicated
staff but unfortunately the school is without many
basic services.
went on a
fact finding mission to see
where possibly
could be
Food was
towards the
Fort Beaufort Lions held a social and invited
friends from the community to promote Lions.
The preparation of the “curry bunnies” and fellowship……….
Fort Beaufort Lions Club
daily meals provided for
the children and the children were treated to chips
biscuits and treats
We Serve in District 410D
Right: Lion Rob Brunette who has taken
over the Sight project in Port Alfred, with
collected specs.
Port Alfred Lions Club
Sunset Park Lunch Time Braai - 18 June 2016 Lions supplied meat and salad for elderly at old age home.
Below: Lion Lucinda de Vos doing her
monthly diabetes testing for community
Left: Lion Ivo Chunnett –
organiser of the Trivia Sunset
Park for the elderly
Below: Seniors with Quiz
Master ex lion Lloyd Stephenson
Raffle tickets were sold, prize draw date 11 July 2016 Annie Adlem won the raffle - bottle of whiskey & 2 glasses Ilana de Klerk handing over the prize
Service for the Seniors
We Serve in District 410D
Zone 3 Mandela Day
Lions of Zone 3 Clubs—Uitenhage, PE Host, PE Cape Recife and Kouga joined forces with the Radison
Blu Hotel group and Algoa FM on 16th July to prepare soup ingredients and sandwiches for 10,000 people.
It was a great morning of fun and fellowship and a bring & braai followed at “3
Pool” after the hard work.
We Serve in District 410D
Uitenhage Lions Club
Water point VW Race
Uitenhage Lions manned yet another great water point in
the VWSA Road Race
We got together in Uitenhage just outside Kromberg &
Schubert at 06:00 to start setting up our gazebo and getting our station ready.
Being only 1° C that morning , it did not stop us nor the
athletes from achieving our goals.
The Uitenhage Lions Club has been sponsoring two
kennels at the local SPCA for more than a decade.
The Lion emblem, which faces in opposite directions,
represents using the knowledge and experience
gained from the past to support the present with the
purpose to strive for excellence in the future, said
Lion President Andre "Pillie" Minnie.
Photo following people holding both the old and new
posters they are from left to right Lion Denis Murphy, SPCA Inspector Mariaan Wentzel, SPCA
Chairperson Deirdre Swift and SPCA supporter
Lions Worldwide Week of Service for Youth in August
This August 8 –14, join incoming international President Chancellor Bob Corlew and Lions around the
world for a special Worldwide Week of Service event dedicated to engaging youth in our communities. From organizing a new Leo Club to inviting youth to serve alongside you, there are countless
ways to join the Worldwide Week of Service for Youth. To learn more about how your club can
serve, visit Lions100.org and start planning your service project today!
2016-17 President's Theme: New Mountains to Climb
This year, International President Chancellor Bob
Corlew encourages Lions to climb new mountains and
achieve our Centennial goals. Reach the summit of
service by joining Lions in the Centennial Service
Challenge to help 100+ million people; build your club
by inviting for impact; connect with communities
through Centennial Legacy Projects and promoting your
activities; and lead Lions over the next mountain.
International Convention in Fukuoka, Japan
Above: The dome where the
plenary sessions are held.
Right: Do we know them—
Saki alweer!!!!!!
Please submit articles before 15th August for next Newsletter.
The Newsletter is yours (the Lions) not mine so please share your info.
Multiple District 410 is having to submit articles for the Lion Magazine – the insert that comes to Africa.
If you have a wonderful project please write an article and have photos ready so should DG Zwaai or I
need something we can get the information immediately and not have to spend hours trying to find
something to submit.
Lion Gloria Searle
Newsletter Editor
[email protected]
083 989 9449
042 295 2438