Gear Box Shinko - sahabat waskita teknik
Gear Box Shinko - sahabat waskita teknik
c a t a l o g u e N o w P ( E ) 0 2 0 1- 0 3 9 7 MAI(ISHIN Worm Gear Speed Reducers S t . ' r r r d aRr da t i o s : 10, 15, 20, 25,30, 40, 50, 60 Single recluction: , l l l r { t r r , , l r t S , r r . ' a v c r r l a r l , ' ,U . lr(rn r lij{':,1 Standardassembly AB- r.v I- ? J J I ,t Dimensionsin millimeters Size 70 ao 1N 13s 155 '175 200 250 300 350 A AB B BB CC E F H HL LL M N G Z Inputshaft Hs u r"ry OutpulShaft Wsighl 3 6.5 234 14o 264 16o 195 130 70 115 150 243 70 140 1so 190 20 15 40 18 6"3.5 60 2A 8x 4 14.5 385 435 494 548 670 ?3O 260 302 325 350 290 32 387 407 480 190 12O 180 260 424 120 24O 23O 32O 30 18 65 30 8x4 85 45 t4x 5.5 60.0 252 262 305 1 175 2OO 250 290 350 350 596 160 625 175 335 375 310 360 410 420 37 42 20 22 85 95 45 50 14x5.5 14x5,5 110 125 65 70 18x 7 145.0 2Ox 7.5 215 810 42O 955 495 1130 570 560 620 748 360 410 480 250 300 350 380 368 432 440 520 597 755 200 815 190 940 215 450 490 565 460 450 520 520 620 700 50 55 28 27 36 4it 110 125 145 60 70 80 t8x7 20x7.5 22xg 155 170 190 90 95 115 25x I 25x I 32x11 407 52O 780 1570 810 950 610 500 584 889 1315 290 790 710 rO40 40 48 205 95 25x9 240 170 40x 13 1860 +oo 450 500 AL r o i tp t u s Size A AB B BB CC E F H HL LL M N G z 60 70 80 100 120 135 155 175 195 2U 264 s22 385 435 494 548 120 140 160 190 230 260 302 325 165 195 21o 260 290 320 387 407 110 130 140 17O 190 21O 252 262 60 70 80 100 120 135 155 175 105 115 135 155 r80 200 22O 250 120 150 180 ?20 260 290 320 350 205 235 265 363 424 481 536 596 150 175 2ffi 250 300 350 390 435 90 105 120 150 180 215 235 zffi 130 150 170 190 230 250 280 310 150 190 220 ?7O 320 350 380 41O 20 20 20 25 30 30 32 37 11 15 15 15 18 18 20 20 InpUIshan OutDut shatt Weighl * 40 40 50 50 65 75 85 8s 15 18 22 25 30 35 40 45 5x3 6x3.5 6x3.5 8 x4 I x4 10x5 12x5 14x5.5 50 60 65 75 85 95 110 110 22 28 32 38 45 55 60 65 9.0 6x3.5 8x4 13.0 1ox5 18.5 10x5 35.5 14x 5.5 55.0 16x6 79.0 105.0 18x7 18x7 150,0 Pfeaseindicate output shaft direction "up" ot "down". size A AB B BB BC CC C E1 F E2 N M G Inputshatr Z Weight OuFut6hafr 3 70 80 100 120 264 160 322 190 385 230 210 260 290 140 't70 155 494 302 200 225 670 350 730 375 190 70 90 100 150 175 210 80 100 120 130 155 185 150 180 215 140 190 220 320 176 375 226 450 266 20 30 30 15 15 18 50 50 65 22 25 30 392 252 140 '168 155 145 265 290 456 336 32 20 85 40 480 525 305 335 175 190 255 290 200 225 32 35 22 27 95 95 50 55 4506 510d 510d 580d - 70 65 75 85 32 38 45 4 10x 5 10x 5 14x 5.5 12xS 110 60 l8x 7 14x5.5 l6x6 125 140 70 80 zox 7.5 215.0 22x I 290.0 6x3.5 8x4 8x4 14.9 20-0 35.0 59.0 1'10.0 30 1900.0 5 ,F _A-.:-A B . l lI lF_is__ - F - + l It l r l i i ll---!.+.-r-nll -Al r I l | I HS ll I J r t:vl LIIY () () -TI Legs for universalmounting type are avaitableon request, A A B A C B D B E C C F H H L L L Z x L TXV 40 70 148 175 195 234 264 322 385 435 91 105 120 140 160 190 230 260 96 11 5 126 155 174 224 264 304 't22 '145 78 95 165 110 195 130 21Q 140 260 170 290 1S0 320 210 58 42 32 68 107 30 45 M 6x 15 60 70 80 90 100 1?0 r40 150 42 50 55 65 70 90 100 110 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 135 78 85 125 160 35 40 50 70 M 6x 15 M 6x 18 186 48 7A M 8x20 215 250 310 370 425 55 65 80 95 105 90 105 130 155 185 125 140 180 220 260 M10x25 M12\28 M12x30 M14x32 M16x35 12 40 4x2.5 4x2.5 t7 OU 22 50 JZ 75 45 OR '14x 5.5 O v e r h a n gl-o a d c o e f fi c i e n c y A l l o w a b l eo v e r h a n g - l o a d Table2 Makishinko standard practice for single reduction worm gear speed reducers B.W.A O.H.L(kgl 60 290 70 400 Chaintransmission O.H.L(ksl Size bU 125 Gear lransmission V-belt transmissron 1,5 Flat belt transmission 25 zov '|00 bcu 100 420 120 900 120 500 1et 1200 135 155 l 600 r55 r 600 r75 r 900 175 1900 Service tactors Prime mover Duration ol service per day Driven machine load clascifications Electricmotor Occasional1/2 hour 0.70 0,80 lntermittent 2 hours 0,80 0,90 1.25 10 hours 100 125 't 50 I D U | ./ c Occasional1/2 hour 080 0.90 1.25 lntermittent2 hours 090 tla 150 1O h o u r s 125 1.50 175 24 hours t3u 175 200 Singlecyhnderinternal Occasional1 /2 hour 090 125 150 Combustron engine Intermittent2 hours t z c 150 | ./b 10 hours r50 | /5 200 24 hours I ta 200 225 Occasional1/2 hout 090 100 125 lntermittent 2 hours 100 tzc 150 10 hours t z c 150 I 13 24 hours 150 I t3 200 Moderale shock Heavy shock 24 hours Multi-cylinderinternal Combustion€ngine 100 i , ' l l ( r w I r ( l s e f r r r . r , l d c t r l r s a l ) r ) l v f o r d l ) l ) l i ea t r o r l s t n v o l v r r r g f r e q u c n t S t a r I s a n d s t o p s Electricmotor Explanatorynotes 1. Time specifiedfor intermittent and occasionalservice refers to total operatingtime per day. 2. Term "frequent starts and stops" refers to more than 1O starts per hour. "ORDERING INFORMATION" & STYLE 1 . S H A F TP O S I T I O N 2. TYPEOF REDUCER SHAFTARRANGEMENT B : W: K: A : AT BOTTOM WORMHORIZONTAL WORMHORIZONTAL AT TOP OUTPUTSHAFTVERTICAL TYPE UNIVERSAL 100 CENTERDISTANCEOF WORM& WHEEL R R L U D : : : : RIGHT-HAND LEFT.HAND OUTPUT SHAFUP OUTPUT SHAFTDOWN POSITION SHAFT,LOOKING OF OUTPUT FROMINPUTSHAFT '10 STANDARD RATIO: THROUGH 60 X 4. RATIO Permissible transmission horsepower and torque on output shaft Size Input/Ratio R.P,M 1800 1500 1200 1800 1500 1200 40 N.m f0 N.m 0.34 13.7 0.31 14.7 o.27 16.7 0 . 2 3 1 76 20 kW N.m 0.'t8 12.7 0.17 13,7 0 . 1 5 1 47 0 , 1 2 1 67 30 kW Nm 0 , 1 6 15 . 7 0 . 1 3 17 . 6 0.11 18.6 0.11 15.7 0.10 16.7 0.09 17.6 0 . 17 18 . 6 0 .1 0 18.6 0.08 18.6 0.06 18.6 0.70 0.64 0.56 0.46 o.32 29.4 31.4 34.3 37,2 37.2 0.34 0.31 0.27 0,23 0.18 25.5 2 7. 4 29.4 32 3 37.2 0.31 0.28 0.25 0.20 0 14 3'r.4 33.3 36.3 37.2 37.2 0.22 o.20 0.18 0.15 0.12 27.4 29.4 3.1.4 34.3 37.2 0.15 16.7 kW 0.13 14.7 50 kW N-m 0.10 12.7 0.09 13.7 0.08 14.7 0,07 15,7 0.05 17.6 0 . 1 8 2 74 0.17 29.4 0.15 31.4 0.13 34.3 0.'t0 37.2 60 kW N.m o.o9 12.7 0.08 13.7 o 07 14.7 0,06 15.7 0.05 17.6 0.15 23.5 o.14 24.5 o.12 26.5 0.10 29.4 0.08 31.4 Permissible transmissaon horsepower and torque on output shaft Size 50 Input Ralio R P M 079 0.71 481 5 1. 0 064 056 51 0 532 0.51 Q.47 47 1 510 085 065 o 44 532 532 53.2 0.61 045 0 32 532 532 53.2 0.45 53.2 0.40 532 034 532 031 532 o.24 5 32 0.22 r 800 15 0 0 1200 2 00 179 161 85.3 912 101 109 85.3 086 0 97 9 1. 2 0 78 0.87 981 10 5 0 57 107 r 35 093 111 113 11 3 113 134 113 047 112 031 032 113 o 25 11 3 0.22 128 136 149 164 192 o.57 040 1. 2 3 0.49 296 264 235 197 157 98.1 113 113 118 0.68 900 0 69 0 57 0.41 1.18 127 135 145 158 069 0.63 056 0.47 o.40 168 173 146 156 173 195 183 1S5 148 158 170 185 210 189 074 0 68 061 0 51 3.98 1. 1 2 099 0.85 067 1 65 1. 4 8 1. 0 5 0.95 0 85 Q.72 0 57 1. 3 7 0 99 166 1.24 202 090 179 0.37 091 083 1.31 1 14 0 90 3 06 2.78 212 233 266 349 373 1 11 221 0 96 192 208 074 0.64 Q76 2 28 240 271 337 081 0.69 0.54 1.75 232 311 0 49 1.49 2.O5 359 1 59 334 135 401 448 1.83 393 1 42 362 1 21 0.94 390 439 1.20 1.03 293 265 2 35 2 01 543 579 632 685 1800 600 1800 1800 900 600 1800 15 0 0 1200 900 3.58 184 3 14 267 2.12 7 42 201 223 261 325 6 75 5 88 351 380 1.39 126 t1l 0 95 065 85 3 922 991 112 113 2 03 1.84 126 r36 1 62 1.39 1 08 2.74 2.46 216 147 164 186 171 182 199 187 223 3.46 3 04 342 372 0 82 289 2 58 231 219 294 312 343 2 56 407 I 94 37A 2 45 2 11 1 56 427 2.02 467 1 53 430 1.63 490 1.23 482 5 45 4.99 4 40 3.75 4A8 488 528 589 4 96 4 42 3 93 516 545 600 4.91 4 42 3.92 567 604 652 3.45 498 3.35 727 673 657 753 525 572 635 2 98 3.31 2 61 3.07 2 76 2 37 6 49 912 389 351 972 5.73 4.90 987 11 0 0 5 . 13 4.68 411 5.92 696 739 808 890 1010 913 717 794 852 918 763 747 806 865 826 856 156 8 75 7.97 6.92 269 7 21 3 52 1020 3 90 977 1250 1100 982 I 89 7.68 6 65 5.30 11 9 0 12 8 0 1430 1650 280 6.85 6.05 11 5 0 1040 1I 0 0 5.43 4.62 1200 1320 13.9 1590 12.5 109 9 43 I 710 1850 2060 3.69 9.76 I 69 7. 6 7 6 59 1500 14 6 0 1550 1680 1860 7.47 18.7 168 t4 6 2370 2300 2470 2660 5.21 r 3.3 '?1 2120 2080 2260 2420 481 530 108 570 I 54 I 18 6 43 17.O 156 137 620 700 806 757 830 903 7.36 6.60 5 56 4.41 559 618 684 786 795 10.8 838 9.73 926 8 18 1030 6.46 1180 16.8 1040 r5 . 0 13.2 112 0 1220 l1 2 1360 600 3 38 1450 8.87 1570 24.0 1500 1500 308 1590 215 1200 2 7. 3 1750 rB8 1750 229 18.1 1940 ?260 16 1 2000 45.4 41.3 36.6 30.8 24.4 605 55.0 49 0 40.9 320 82.1 75.3 2090 2280 2510 2790 3280 2710 2960 3280 3630 4200 3670 4030 12.6 32.4 29 1 25 4 21.4 16.8 46.0 41.3 35 9 30 6 239 58 7 53.9 2270 2180 2340 2540 2820 3250 3020 3250 3520 3960 4560 3830 4220 67.0 55.9 44.4 4480 4950 5820 47 1 39 7 4590 5140 3 10 gis r r o 6650 105 86 1 68 9 7000 600 IJJ 130 102 10300 11 6 0 0 13600 152 161 254 315 273 8 . 3r 170 170 1. 5 4 138 1 16 3 79 42s 9130 0 63 149 253 324 343 381 425 1800 1200 900 600 1800 1500 1200 135 191 1220 600 1800 1500 202 172 127 1 04 1360 1600 1800 1500 1200 0 90 2.14 1. 0 8 0 95 0.80 176 162 12.9 1800 140 149 162 179 1.23 490 521 1110 1 73 1. 5 5 1 38 1. ' 16 186 3 95 11 8 2 17 r'r3 202 222 5 00 1 17 1020 9.23 r180 1020 239 109 o52 99.1 l 73 14 7 1 46 5 . 11 4 57 4 11 3 49 12.2 o74 Nm 532 53.2 53.2 532 53.2 93.2 1 96 1 92 1500 400 0 63 53.2 532 53 2 53.2 532 90.3 471 51 0 1500 1200 900 600 350 99 1 N.m 0?9 024 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.47 042 0.37 1il 1 00 1Eoo r 500 r 200 1200 300 9 12 0.77 60 KW Nm 1500 250 084 51.2 50 kW Nm 034 530 030 532 53 2 0.25 53.2 0.20 014 532 0 54 90 3 952 049 103 0.43 kW 900 600 1800 1500 1200 225 853 40 kw 038 0.33 A 27 021 014 o 70 Nm r200 175 Nm 520 532 53 2 s32 532 kW r 500 155 532 30 kW 0.48 o.42 0.35 o27 0.18 25 Nm r800 r 500 l 200 135 20 kW r 500 1200 900 100 15 Nm 600 70 10 KW 1610 466 1r5 1110 975 6 64 5 94 5.26 4 44 347 8 78 10 . 4 1050 7.93 920 1140 7 75 1260 1060 1170 1340 1220 1330 1430 1590 1840 1800 1940 'L91 6 t8 16.7 14.9 1460 1380 1470 132 1r1 1620 1790 8.88 23.2 20.6 2080 1990 2110 698 5 86 4.67 11 7 10.6 931 7 93 6.32 \7 .1 15.4 183 154 12.2 33.8 29.7 2330 2570 3000 2910 3060 134 114 9 08 24.6 22.1 2100 2320 2700 2620 2820 12.6 2990 100 27.3 24 5 3460 3360 3590 192 3040 17.6 3330 26 5 3390 19 3 3050 21 5 3910 15.1 3540 22.3 3770 16.3 3370 182 4330 130 3950 144 34.6 4970 4180 10.0 24.4 31.0 4480 184 144 478 660 655 697 312 845 243 266 922 208 823 2o7 1qq0 1 62 ees 5 21 965 5 03 4 70 4 22 3.60 1030 11 2 0 1240 4.60 4.09 3 47 912 977 1060 1160 2.86 1380 281 1 3 10 7 22 1340 6.02 1290 6 39 5 75 4.85 1410 1540 1680 5 45 4 85 4 09 1380 1500 1630 386 1900 326 1830 1940 I 60 7. 7 0 1870 1990 6 87 2170 2360 10.2 4420 3980 1 27 1 12 9 55 7 50 2940 3200 3500 3970 10.3 I 17 776 6.07 17 6 3570 15.3 221 4310 15 . 7 3800 1 36 19 2 16.5 4630 5180 12.7 40.4 5t70 6510 1 37 11I 9 14 29 8 26 9 23.5 200 156 4 11 0 4550 5100 5820 6280 6810 7570 8500 120 1 0 .1 7 94 23.5 2 1. 0 1 84 15.7 44.2 8600 35 7 2930 176 4370 129 3930 43.0 38 3 3820 4070 30 5 27 4 3390 3640 34 1 4500 23 9 3940 2 7. 2 4890 5890 ogoo 282 223 6to 4910 5700 6010 203 1 60 sl 4390 5090 s6jo ?2.7 '18.1 58.1 5400 6200 7140 86 4 6840 63.5 6620 7 70 7590 5 4I 7130 64 7 8460 7970 46.4 41 0 340 5960 6550 7180 52 0 45 1 38.0 7650 8280 9210 36 0 31 I 26.5 6950 7620 8380 50 7 9800 9200 9000 27.0 76.5 8300 8200 30.2 10600 76.3 66.4 11200 12200 21 1 5 9I 535 9600 9700 10300 56.4 44.6 13700 4 7. 4 39.9 11 4 0 0 12700 39 I 34.8 29 1 9300 10100 1 1 100 31 I 29.0 23 5 15900 3 15 14500 2?.9 12 6 0 0 17300 75.9 66 7 14700 16000 55.5 48 9 13100 14300 55.8 17800 41 0 15900 18.3 r2000 50 0 11800 45.3 12700 39.2 13700 15200 33 0 32.2 18100 25.7 89.4 78 5 65 9 22000 76.4 21300 24000 65.5 22800 55 0 42.9 25200 28400 102 900 75.1 58 6 27900 30500 33600 38300 46.2 36 3 103 126 9980 95.1 9900 69.0 8900 114 r1300 82.3 10700 94 I 73 I 12400 14300 /O.2 54 7 12100 13900 60 1 5 04 39.9 9600 10700 12400 13700 98.0 12600 15100 85.3 r 6900 72.4 13700 15500 94 0 79.7 56.8 r 7900 62.0 1500 14400 16500 J J I 304 275 5 80 4 57 1 16 3000 222 243 307 730 775 2420 2740 2810 6 99 182 178 191 600 6 81 5.37 144 2690 153 'J67 184 159 1800 r200 230 208 2030 2210 9.07 113 136 0 79 903 8.00 10.5 96 1 102 t5/ 15500 134 104 17600 131 116 97.8 /5.8 43.8 20400 3530 3750 4070 4430 4970 5450 5810 6970 7750 8380 9000 9700 10700 1 71 0 0 | 800 1500 500 r200 900 600 1800 1500 1200 261 18300 225 344 236 198 175 146 24700 179 139 2 5 10 0 29100 24900 283 29100 33000 187 3 8 10 0 144 241 187 160 139 25500 29600 30300 33700 92.5 200 176 150 112 22700 25600 29500 120 88.4 25800 29000 31650 99 3 82 4 64 5 22300 24400 26900 3 11 0 0 5 t o 27100 29800 130 108 r66 140 42400 84 I 33700 37200 42800 989 82 2 31200 39200 Selection of speed reducers Input revolution {r.p,m.} Torgus/kW Input revolution achievedthrough direct The torque to start revolution is always coupling, belt, pulley, etc. largerthan that requiredto maintain it. Makishinkoworm gear speed reducerscan be a speed reducer on the basis of the torque requiredfor starting. suppliedfor maximum input revolutionof up to 2.OOOr.p.m., but generallyfor 600 Relationbetween horsepowerand torque: 1 , 8 O 0r . p . m . x x n * _ N ( r . p . m ) T ( N . m ) | ( N ' m ) :9 5 5 0 k w When the input revolution is lower than 6OO N(r.o'm) 95so r.p.m., especialty100 r.p.m., selecta higherranked type, consideringreductionefficiency Overhang load and output tofque. Lubricatesufficiently. Overhangload is a sort bending load. For example, if a speed reducershaft of 200N'm output torque is equippedwith a sprocket wheel of 150 dia. the followingresultis attained: :=299 =267s1111 o.H.L.:r!ry'T) R(m) 0.075 lf the load of 267 kg is largerthan the allowanceof overhang load. select a sprocket wheel of a larger diameterto reducethe overhang load. lf the allowance of O.H.L. is determinedbeforehand,radius of the correspondingsprocket wheel is obtained by using the formula beJow: Parts list and exploded drawing 6 t9 Tv 0I 62; fiR U f t : i ; +ql II t't l t r Aboveexplodeddrawingis for modelW but componentpartsare basicallycommon for B, K and A. Go.,Ltd. Makishinko 3.4-206,TANIMACHI 7 - C H O M EC, H U O - K U OSAKA,JAPAN T L X : J 6 3 7 0 9G E A R M F G TEL : 06-768-5671 FAX:06-763-2100 200x 1.0 o_ TxO.H.L. coefficient --?f'76-:v.ur. .OJI-L Thus, a sprocket wheel of over 1SOmmdia. is suitable. Overhangload coefficient and allowance of MakishinkoSpeed Reducerare' shown in Table-2. Temperature rlae of worm-gear speed reducer Since worm-gears involve large friction, longtime operationresults in heating of the unit. The thermal limits are: (1) The thermal difference between the oil in the tank and the ambient temperatureis approx.5OoC. (2) Max. temperatureof the Housing Surface is approx.80oC(varieswith revolutionspeed and oil volume). 1 Case 2 Worm wheel 3 Input shaft 4 Output shaft 5 Output shaft cover 6 Input shaft cover 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 8 35 Input shaft cover Input bearing 9 Output bearing l0 Oil sealinput 1 1 Oil seal output 12AO" ring O i lg u a g e Oil plug Drainplug Key Bolt input Bolt output Shim Packing
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