A Dutch fern society: De Nederlandse Varenvereniging
A Dutch fern society: De Nederlandse Varenvereniging
Volume 36 Number 4 & 5 July-December 2009 Editors: Joan Nester-Hudson and David Schwartz A Dutch fern society: De Nederlandse Varenvereniging Our society, “de Nederlandse Varenvereniging” was officially founded in 1989 by some fern enthusiasts. Since then the number of members has grown to 120 – 130. Members are mainly Dutch fern lovers, but there are also Belgian members and some from other countries. The society tries to extend the connections with other fern enthusiasts in the world. We have contacts with the German “Fachgruppe Farne” the Swiss “Schweizerische Vereinigung der Farnfreunde” and the British Pteridological Society. But these connections always need to be worked on. Most members are interested amateurs not known abroad, but the name of Peter Hovenkamp I have read in the Fiddlehead Forum and he will be known around the world of ferns. Ferns, of course, are the center of our interest. Members like to deal with ferns in a relaxing way but we also try to give those members who have more scientific aspirations a feeling of satisfaction. We try to stimulate the propagation of ferns from spores by giving workshops on spore sowing and we have little contests to determine who propagates the most beautiful fern from mystery spores. Peter Hovenkamp At least once a year we gather in the little seed house of the Hortus Botanicus at Leiden. This botanical garden has existed since at least 1594, when Carolus Clusius founded here a system garden based on the most modern botanical insights of that time. In this garden, present society chairman Harry Roskam has worked as a volunteer for the past 15 years and has created a very well-developed and beautiful fern garden. Much work continues to be done to provide proper signage for all of the ferns. Ferns grown from spores received from other botanical gardens were often initially misnamed and must be redetermined. L to R Maarten Japing Rens Huibers Harry Roskam Piotr Grzelec Every year we organise two meetings and two or three trips to places of (fern) interest. These may be to interesting habitats for wild ferns, plant nurseries, or private gardens harboring specimen plants of ferns. In fact, our mission here is similar to that of every other fern society in the world. Fiddlehead Forum u July-December 2009 u Page 29 The Netherlands and Flanders are not very rich in wild fern species, but there are exceptions. This year we look forward to our boat trip through the Amsterdam canals. Here there is a large diversity of native and exotic ferns (escapes). AFS OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Warren D. Hauk, 517 Samson Talbot Hall of Biological Sciences, Department of Biology, Denison University, Granville, OH 43023 Hauk@ denison.edu During our autumn meetings we have fern identification workshops. People can come with fern plants or parts and we bring these ferns and their correct names together. This year we are starting with a Polypodium-clinic as a wintertime activity. We will come together with only hardy Polypodiums, enthusiasm, and books to give our plants the right names. If this is a success, we will continue with other fern groups. We will also be building a reference collection of specimens. Doing this will gradually extend our knowledge, or so we hope. PRESIDENT-ELECT: Michael D. Windham, Duke Biology, Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708-0338 [email protected] SECRETARY: Mary C. Stensvold, P.O. Box 1042, Sitka, AK 99835-1042 ping@ptialaska. net TREASURER: James D. Caponetti, Division of Biology, M303 Walters Life Sciences Building, University of Tennessee, 1414 Cumberland Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37996-0830 [email protected] The Society tries to publish our journal “Varen-Varia” three times a year. The content of our journal includes reports of gatherings and excursions, experiences of members with their own collections, and sometimes more scientific articles about fern finds in the Netherlands or Belgium. For example, there are interesting fern records that have recently been rediscovered hiding in the pressing papers of still unmounted specimens that where collected about 60 - 70 years ago. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: George Yatskievych, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299. [email protected] CURATOR OF BACK ISSUES: James D. Montgom ery, Ecology III, Inc., 804 Salem Blvd, Berwick, PA 18603-9801. [email protected] CURATOR OF THE SPORE EXCHANGE: Denia Mandt, 12616 Ibbetson Ave, Downey, CA 902425050. WEBMASTER: Stephen McDaniel, 1716 Piermont Ave., Hacienda Heights, CA 91745. webmaster@ amerfernsoc.org Until recently, we had our own website on the internet: http://www.nederlandse-varenvereniging.nl/. Among other things this website badly needed some renovation and it has been taken offline for the present time. A new website is not yet ready but until then we still have our weblog. From the address above users will be redirected to the weblog. Users also can go directly to http://www.nederlandse-varenvereniging.blogspot.com/. OUTREACH COORDINATOR: Tom Stuart, PO Box 517, Croton Falls, NY 10519. [email protected] EDITORS OF AFS PUBLICATIONS AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: Jennifer Geiger, Department of Natural Sciences, Carroll College, Helena, MT 59625. [email protected] The language of the blog is mainly Dutch, but our intent is to have summaries in English and German so that foreign visitors to the site will get an idea the things that we do. MEMOIRS: David B. Lellinger, 16 Nottingham Rd., Brevard, NC 28712-9785. dlellinger@ earthlink.net FIDDLEHEAD FORUM: Joan Nester-Hudson, Box 2116, Department of Biological Sciences, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville TX 773412116 ([email protected]) and David Schwartz, 9715 Chirtsey Way, Bakersfield, CA 93312-5617 ([email protected]) Ben van Wierst secretary Nederlandse Varenvereniging. [email protected] submitted February 2009 The Editors of FIDDLEHEAD FORUM welcome contributions from members and friends, including miscellaneous notes, and reviews of books on ferns. Articles may be submitted electronically on disk (PC compatible) or typed (using a simple font like Helvetica in a minimum of a 12pt font.) Regular membership in the American Fern Society is on a calendar-year basis and includes access to field trips and the spore exchange. Regular members receive Fiddlehead Forum, but not the American Fern Journal, for $12 (+$3 expedited delivery fee, except U.S.A., Canada, and Mexico) Individuals interested in regular or journal membership should contact the membership secretary. AFS HOME PAGE http://www.amerfernsoc.org middle L to R Peter Hovenkamp and Harry Roskam Page 30 u Fiddlehead Forum u July-December 2009 Lets search for Fern Along the Path by Vincent J. Chiappetta Yeshiva University Lets see we walked through the rain stopped for a dryopteris found osmunda sat around onoclea broke into laughter with bracken were discreet with filix – femina and rakish with intermedia intimidated by Hickeyi and bowled over by bootii All for what – an excursion on a trail to a lake to find marginalis and wet our feet over claytonia which led to regalis which led us to see the stars in the eyes of balsam and hemlock All of us diverse but similarly hungry to overcome pterido with phyte and see each other as moments of beauty in the search of fern and her allies – which were sometimes obscure but complanatum with dendros thrown in – so we could excuse a growth notch on one with a color extension on another But then there’s the loss of umbrellas light weight which floated out of sight As if tossed on an annulus to disappear by Vincent J. Chiappetta Yeshiva University The ripple rolling of surface rock moss covered balsam firs wiggles emerging dwarf dogwoods rich in red rounded lips of fruit leaved green in fours warms the heart at the richness this glacier stripped land aches its beauty between and among Relict Rocks as Bones 18 August, 08 from the past Humboldt Field Station to enrich our eyes Steuben, ME With wellsprings of emote A wow of its existence As each step crunches down avoiding the berries separating our passing to reclose as if we never came but we remember we were there and love of it reached our heart with a sigh. somewhere – but so what! We tripped the light fantastic of imagined prothallia and substantive sporophyte only to alternate again with another day when we will polyploidy our numbers and become a Robbinopteris X humboldtensis. C’est la vie! Fiddlehead Forum u 18 August, 08 Humboldt Field Station Steuben, ME July-December 2009 u Page 31 2009 Spore Exchange Denia Mandt, Spore Exchange Curator We are in need of fresh spore. If you are interested in donating spores please visit the Spore Exchange website at: www.amerfernsoc.org for information and directions. The American Fern Society Spore Exchange is an important part of the American Fern Society. One of the goals of the AFS is to cultivate ferns. The Exchange makes hundreds of ferns available that would otherwise be unobtainable for most members. Our collections can be easily expanded and diversified. Often times members can share spores from rare or endangered ferns thereby safeguarding the species so that our grandchildren may also enjoy these beautiful plants. The Exchange was begun in the early 60's and has been successfully swapping ferns ever since. The spores from the ferns listed in the exchange have been donated by the members of the AFS. Members of the AFS may order the ferns listed by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope, plus 50 cents for each fern ordered to: Denia Mandt, AFS Spore Exchange, 12616 Ibbetson Ave., Downey CA, 90242 [email protected] So that we will be able to keep as many different species on the exchange as possible, non-members may participate in the AFS Spore Exchange by donating spores. Send a donation, and 50 cents for each package of spore requested. Be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope. The information listed with each fern was compiled by Robert Loius Muller, Brian Aikens, and Bubba Baxter. The listings are not guaranteed, we simply forward on what members send in. The ferns listed in this index are available to members of the American Fern Society. If you are a member you may Print an Order Form. If you are not a member and would like to join the American Fern Society you may Print the Membership Form. #PKTS YR GENUS SPECIES 10 2004 Adiantum aethiopicum 1 2007 3 3 2 2 2008 0 2006 peruvianum 0 pedatum 1 2006 Aglaomorpha 2 2005 Anemia 6 2008 2006 tenerum Alsophila Key to the AFS Spore Exchange List tetraphllum col. f. Puerto Rico 0 25c phyllitidis Zone Hardiness zones 1-9; tropical/ greenhouse =0 Morph Rare=1 Few spore=3 Green spore=4 Easy=6 Hard=7 High humidity=8 Invasive=9 Mature size in inches +Rhizome Creeping=c, Erect/ascending=E, Wide creeping=W Tree fern=T Fiddlehead Forum u dsvx 12 1,2w g adiantifolia Specifics RANGE 4 palystichoides Genus, Species Variety all self explanatory u CLTV 1 coronans # Pkts the number of packets on hand Page 32 SP 2 macrophyllum 2004 MORPH caudatum 2006 2005 6 ZONE 2 hispidulum 2 2 VARIETY 0 Cultivation Habitat Aquatic=a Epiphytic=b Climbing=c Terr/epipet=d Periodicity Deciduous=g Evergreen=h; July-December 2009 12 Soil Type Loamy=o Sandy=p Soil-specific=q Rocky=r Exposure Shade=s Partial sun=t Full sun=u Soil Details Moist=v Alkaline=x Dry=y Acid=z GeoRange No.Amer.=0 Cent.Amer/Antill.=1 So.Amer.=2 Eur.=3 No.Asia=4 So.Asia=5 Malesia=6 Australia=7 Pacif.Isles=8 Africa=9 Garden=g Wild=w #PKTS YR 9 2004 GENUS 5 2007 Angiopteris 20 2007 Arachniodes 2 10 2001 2007 6 2006 10 2006 5 50 3 3 2 2006 miqueliana simplicor adiantum-nigrum 'Variegata' 2006 nidus marinum nidus 2007 2005 2006 2008 phyllitidis oblongifolium Astrolepis Athyrium surrogatum sinuata alpestre filix-femina 'Victoriae' niponicum 'Burgandy' niponicum 'Metallicum' 15 2005 10 2006 filix-femina niponicum 2005 2003 Athyrium niponicum 10 2008 20 2004 pycnocarpon 3 2003 thelyperoides 15 2004 10 2006 5 2004 2006 18E drtv 4g 123589g g sp. Blechnum 3 bsv 1,2w g g 7g 8 8g 8 34w 4 1235 4 3w 8 tsjechie g g 'Ghost' g pictum 3 col f. China syn. Deparia acrosticthoides thelyperoides silvery spleanwort australe Red Form australe 30c 24 6 dstv 4 8 25 E dsv 4w 20Ec dt 9g 3 8 8 g 2006 brasilience 2002 chilense 2w discolor 7w 2008 buchtienii 2002 costaricense 2005 divergens col. f. Puerto Rico 9 12E dsv 1w fragile col. f. Puerto Rico 0 25W bsv 1w 2005 6 2008 5 niponicum otophorum 2005 5 4 g g syn. Cheilanthes filix-femina 2003 0 syn. Asp.mayii 2004 5 g 'Endau Rompin' 5 6 8 col. f. Puerto Rico Lady in Red' 10 1&2 flexiuosum? filix-femina 10 8 antiquum 2006 4 tyz g 4 1 8 lygodiifoli juglandifolium 2005 2 14 davalliaeformis 2005 7 5 RANGE g 2007 3 CLTV hemionitis 2006 10 10 evecta SP 2008 2004 10 tomentosa MORPH g 10 5 ZONE australasicum 2008 1 VARIETY 2007 10 10 Asplenium SPECIES 2005 falciforme Fiddlehead Forum u July-December 2009 u Page 33 #PKTS YR 1 2008 1 2005 5 10 GENUS SPECIES 2007 gracile lineatum magellanicum 3 2006 sp. 10 2004 4 30 15 2007 2001 2002 2005 7 2008 10 2003 6 4 2008 2004 4 2006 1 2006 1 2006 spicant wattsii Botrychium Camptosorus Campyloneurum Cheilanthes dissectum dissectum virginianum Culcita coniifolia 25 10 2005 2007 2006 30 2006 10 10 1 2006 25 2007 50 25 20 2 20 15 50 30 30 10 15 5 3 3 hastatus Cyathea Cyathea dealbata syn. Alsophila tricolor latebrosa syn. S. excelsa medullaris syn. Shaeropteris (new) noae-caledoniae syn. C. vieillardii 2005 robusta syn. Shaeropteris sp #2 slow & small 2006 sp. #1 2006 2006 smithii 2006 2006 2001 2004 Page 34 u syn. S. horrida Blue stipes spinulosa Cyclophorus 0 tomentisissima Cyrtomium Fiddlehead Forum sunsyloaes falcatum u 0g 9 T g 180T T dtv T T 7g T g 7 T T July-December 2009 g T 0 80T T T T T T T (Pyrrosia) g 7 T T T g 12wg g T syn. Shaeropteris 2007 princeps 7 134 T syn. Shaeropteris new caledoniae 2003 3 'Brentwood' lepifera myosuroides 2006 syn. Selliguea syn. Shaeropteris lunulata 2007 w 4 incisosserrate 2005 2007 4 T copperi felina 2w g 8 col. f. Puerto Rico cooperi 1w 123 arborea brownii 2007 2006 dtv g 34 barometz Crypsinus RANGE 1 glaucum 2005 4 'Spring' lanosa intermedia 2006 50E south Africa lendigera Coniogramme 4 0 alabamensis 2008 3 col. f. Puerto Rico phyllitidis 10 2007 CLTV brevifolium Cibotium 3 SP angustifolium 2006 2007 MORPH g sibiricus 20 15 ZONE gibbum 2002 15 VARIETY dtv 1g g 7 g 7 g g 457 #PKTS YR 10 2006 GENUS SPECIES VARIETY falcatum 'Mayi' 15 2001 falcatum 2 2007 macrophyllum 15 2006 2 2001 1 2002 fortunei Cystopteris fragilis 2 2003 1 2003 Davallia 10 2007 Dicksonia 2 30 10 10 5 2001 2002 1001 3x 2006 1 2004 2 20 2 10 2005 2006 2006 2007 15 2007 1 2006 3 4 20 15 20 2 100 2 6 3 10 5 4 8 6 regia Deparia 2006 2005 Didymochlaena Diplazium Doodia Doropteris Drynaria 2006 Dryopteris 2007 sp. thelpterioides antarctica truncatula syn Athyrium 3 Antenna Fern uniformis 7 T 7 5 T pilosa palmata T T from S. Africa 0 60E 12 3 dsv affinis affinis 0 2002 carthusiana 2001 complexa 2003 1w 0 1 g g 'Crispa Gracilis' 3 'Furcans' arguta g g fortunei quercifolia 5g buchiana 2 3 celsa 5 50c 6 dgtvz 0 corleyi crassirhizoma 8 5 25E 8 dsvgh 3g 2003 cycadina 6 4 2004 erythrosora 5 36 2005 2005 2003 cristata dilatata 'Recurvata' 'Koidzumiana' 10 2007 erythrosora 1 239 9 sp. erythrosora 12 green form col. f. Puerto Rico 2001 4 g I'herminieri pycnocarpon RANGE g sellowiana 12 4 CLTV 'Rockfordianum' blumei bissetiana 2004 SP virdula 2006 2001 MORPH 045g fibrosa 2004 2004 cycyopteris x alpina ZONE 2004 2004 2007 2001 expansa filix-mas filix-mas formosana 5 Red Form from China 3 4&5g 6 6 dhsy dhsy 3 3g 5w g 4 5 linearis cristata Fiddlehead Forum 36 4 u 60 6 3 syz July-December 2009 34 u Page 35 #PKTS YR 10 2007 2 2006 hawaiiensis 2002 juxta-posita 2001 marginalis 100 2002 6 2007 4 10 10 4 1 15 50 50 30 marginalis 2007 muenchii 2002 odontoloma 2004 palmata 2004 pulcherima 2004 sieboldii 2006 2004 spinulosa 15 2002 stewartii 20 2006 2003 Dryopteris 2007 Elapoglossum 2 2005 5 2006 5 10 spinulosa 2006 2006 sp. 6 2004 Hemionitis 25 2004 Hypodematium crenatum 2002 Hypolepis tenuifolia 2008 Lecanopteris sinuosa 2004 Lonchitis 2007 5 2003 2 Lycopodium 2004 Lygodium japonicum 2002 15 2004 20 2004 2007 Page 36 u 6 dhsv Macrotheypteris Matteuccia hirstuta dendroideum scandens torresiana 2 16 col. f, Puerto Rico col. f. Puerto Rico 20E 0 12CE Brazil Blue Form 0 g g 0 0 O 8 8 bsv bsy bsy 3 0 5 u 0g 45 g 45g 1245 1&2 12g 1w 1,2w 34 12 18E dtyx 56g 7 1 g 0 col. f. Puerto Rico 9 2 9 syn. L.microphyllum struthiopteris Fiddlehead Forum 0 4g 8 digitatum microphyllum g 8 g effusa 2002 10 10 Lastreopsis quadripinnata 2002 25 6 brownii Lophosoria 100 15 Hypoderris cordifolia 2004 intermedia arifolia Llavea 2 30 robertianum marginayum 15 10 sp. Hemidictyium 2004 syn. Dry. carthusiana crinitum simplex Gymnocarpium 5 3 g 8g 9 decoratum peltatum 2002 12 dsvhg RANGE 5 wallichichiana 2002 2007 40E CLTV 45 tokyoensis 2007 7 6 'Pleasant Valley' purpurella spinulosa 20 SP pacifica 2004 10 3 MORPH intermedia 2005 3 ZONE 8 goldiana 30 10 VARIETY fuscipes fusco-altra 2008 10 SPECIES 2005 1 20 GENUS July-December 2009 9 2 15E 1 3 duv 1&2w 6 csy 45 69 6 csy csy 0 0 45789 45789 3 #PKTS YR GENUS SPECIES VARIETY 2 2004 Microgramma lycopodioides syn. Polypodioides 30 2007 Microlepia platyphylla 2 2008 Microsorum 1 4 30 2003 2006 2006 5 2008 1 2003 10 2006 piloselloides vieillardii syn. Phymatodes Nothoperanema rubiginosum syn. Ctenitis 10 2007 Osmunda banksifolia GREEN SPORE 15 2006 Niphidium 4 2004 1 10 2006 *2 2004 2 2006 4 15 2 2 Pellaea 2004 Phanerophlebipsis 2004 Phyllitis 2003 2001 2 2001 13 2004 10 2008 5 Pellaea 2003 2 4 Onoclea Phebodium 2001 crassifolium sensibilis cordifollia marcrophylla aureum syn. polypodium scolopendrium 'Angustifolia' scoloprndrium 'Sagitatim Cristatum' caduca scolopendrium grossus Pityrogramma austroamericana 7 2003 Platycerium andinum 10 2004 cass Robusta 3 2006 coronarium 6 2006 Hillii 12 10 1 1 3 5 2003 2004 2006 2006 2006 2006 bifurcatum Hillii 'Capitatum' 4 24 24 6 6 3450 dhrsv 1789 2 3450 5 24 6 dhrsv 3450 5 24 6 dhrsv 3450 g 2g 'Majus' g g g Hula Hands Hillii holttumii 2006 stemmaria 15 2007 2004 9g 2 5 12 789 8 5 0 01g Ellisii 2 3 3 drty cass Ropa lanciferum 2007 35Ec calomelanos 2004 2 8w G 8 viridis 12 0 rotundifolia viridis 8 1 ovata 2003 10 dhosv exaltata scolopendrium Phymatosorus 12 4 2005 2006 129 palmatopedatum lanceolatum 30 RANGE g Neurodium Nephrolepis CLTV fortunei scandens 2004 2004 SP 89g intramarginalis 1 MORPH speluncae Midella 10 ZONE Ballia O g ridley g Sumbowense g superbum Fiddlehead Forum g u July-December 2009 u Page 37 #PKTS YR 25 2004 3 2006 GENUS SPECIES wandae willinckii 10 2007 Pleconemia macrodontor 15 2006 Pneumatopteris pennlgera? 2 2001 9 2008 7 2004 4 2 8 1 2005 2005 7 2004 6 3 Polypodium 2004 aureum glycyrrhiza squamatum Polystichum vulgare acrostichoides 20 5 2005 2 9 10 20E 7 dtv 034g munitum 7 58 dhsv 0 6 50 100 20 setiferum setiferum setiferum setiferum 2006 stenophyllum 2004 tsus-simense Pronephrium 2004 Pteris 2004 2004 2004 5 col. in Chile 'Dactylis' cretica 23678 2005 semipinnata 8 2004 vittata 10 2006 Page 38 u 78 0 8 10 2g buchananii gallinopes 2005 fauriel 'Parkeri' pauriei ? vittata wallichiana Fiddlehead Forum 3 379 2007 3 dtv 256 3 3 6 45 biaurita cretica 2006 40 6 2008 3 1 aquilinum 2005 4 g 7 3 50 45 'Filigrani' 'Rolundatum' simplex Pteridium 0 2w 7 5 tetragonum 2004 3 3 rigens 2004 2004 4 0 lonchitis richardii 20 8 1 34 2002 2004 8 dhsv 10 20 'Macrostachyen' 12 6 plicatum 2004 duy 0 28 polyblepharum 100 ov 4 2008 2007 6 12 herenhausen 4 2005 8c braunii neolobatum 6 5 dsr 2003 10 'Licorice Fern' g 1 microchlamys 4 g 36 2005 2004 g 6 20 30 RANGE andersonii 2002 2006 CLTV g 3 aculeatum 30 2 SP 12 australis Polystichum MORPH O pellucidum 2004 2001 ZONE astrolepis loriceum 2003 10 20 Pleopeltis 2003 2001 VARIETY u macrophylla July-December 2009 8 12E 6 dsy g 45 4g 30E 6 dsv 56g 1thru9 g 5 #PKTS YR GENUS SPECIES VARIETY ZONE 6 2007 Pyrrosia gallinopes XXXXX 8 6 2005 15 3 1 5 3 2 3 Rumohra adiantiformis col. in Chile 2006 Sphaeropteris lunulata syn. Cyathea 2001 Tectaria 2004 2003 2004 2 2006 2007 20 2006 6 2007 2003 nigripes tenuifolia Thelypteris sp zeilaria zeylanica decursive-pinnata guadalupensis 3 2004 limbosperma 2 2007 palustris 2003 phegopteris 3 1 kunthii poiteana 20 2007 5 2008 12 2007 Woodsia 3 2005 Woodwardia 10 10 20 puberula 2008 2003 2004 12 2007 syn. Quercifilix syn. T. normalis syn. Oreopteris limboserma syn. Goniopteris var. sonariensis reticulata 1 T g g O 1 8 0 20E 8 dsv 0 6E c,8 hosv g dsvz 03w O 20E 8 dsv g g O 5 45E 3 9 2 9 2 9 g g rheophyta 2007 4 terrarium patens 2004 12789w 124 Col. fr. Puerto Rico trifoliata 2004 2004 RANGE g cicutaria 4 2 CLTV 4 hilocarpa Tectaria SP beccariana heracleifolia 2007 2005 4 Stenochiaena 2001 1 6 Schaffneria MORPH pseudopolystichoides areolata orietalis Key to the AFS Spore Exchange List # Pkts the number of packets on hand Genus, Species Variety all self explanatory Zone Hardiness zones 1-9; tropical/ greenhouse =0 Morph Mature size in inches +Rhizome Creeping=c, Erect/ascending=E, Wide creeping=W Tree fern=T 0g oriental chain fern subcordata Woodwardia X semicordata netted chain fern 45g g virginica 0 1g Specifics Rare=1 Few spore=3 Green spore=4 Easy=6 Hard=7 High humidity=8 Invasive=9 Cultivation Habitat Aquatic=a Epiphytic=b Climbing=c Terr/epipet=d Periodicity Deciduous=g Evergreen=h; Fiddlehead Forum Soil Type Loamy=o Sandy=p Soil-specific=q Rocky=r Exposure Shade=s Partial sun=t Full sun=u Soil Details Moist=v Alkaline=x Dry=y Acid=z GeoRange No.Amer.=0 Cent.Amer/Antill.=1 So.Amer.=2 Eur.=3 No.Asia=4 So.Asia=5 Malesia=6 Australia=7 Pacif.Isles=8 Africa=9 Garden=g Wild=w July-December 2009 Page 39 April 24, 2009 - TREASURER’S REPORT FOR 2008 TO: A.F.S. COUNCIL AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY Ladies and Gentlemen: I have the pleasure of presenting to you a report on the financial condition of the American Fern Society, Inc., for the year 2008. Current receipts amounted to $36,899.71. With $20,368.82 in my checking account and $2,686.00 in the Membership Secretary’s savings account at the beginning of the year, the grand total of receipts was $59,954.53. Receipts from the dues category amounted to $22,759.88. This figure includes dues received by the Membership Secretary from the British Pteridological Society and dues received by the Treasurer from BSA by online transactions. The Membership Secretary received three domestic life memberships. Gifts were similar to the amount received last year. The society received no bequests this year. The net income for the spore exchange was a bit less than for each of the past two years. Sales of back issues/volumes and of Pteridologia were each much less than last year. There was no revenue from page charges last year, but a reasonable amount for this year. Interest earned from checking and savings bank accounts was at about the same rate as for last year. Revenue from Bio One, JSTOR, and Copyright Clearance Center were higher than for last year. A statement on the financial status of the several accounts accompanies the Treasurer’s Report along with a statement of assets and liabilities. Overall, the receipts for 2008 were much less than the receipts for last year. This may be a reflection of the progressive downturn in the economy during 2008. Current disbursements amounted to $36,695.23. With $1,546.61 in my checking account and $21,712.69 in the Membership Secretary’s savings account at the end of the year, the grand total of $59,954.53 balances with the grand total of receipts. Journal printing costs on a per issue basis were about the same as last year’s amounts, but bulletin printing costs on a per issue basis were about half of last year’s amounts due to reduced printing costs. The journal and bulletin editors did an excellent job in keeping expenses to a minimum. Other Council members’ expenses were in the expected range as were other expenses. I am pleased to report that the society is in a sound financial condition, so much so that I was able to add $3,000.00 to the savings certificate in Home Federal Bank. I wish to thank the Membership Secretary, Dr. George Yatskievych; the Journal Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jennifer Geiger; the Managing Editor, Dr. Jill Dill; the Bulletin Editor, Dr. Joan Hudson; and the Curator of Publications, Dr. James D. Montgomery, for their help in keeping the society treasury accurate. Respectfully submitted, James D. Caponetti Treasurer Page 40 Fiddlehead Forum July-December 2009 Membership Secretary $21,712.69 GRAND TOTAL $59,954.53 TREASURER’S REPORT - 2008 TREASURER’S REPORT - 2008 DISBURSEMENTS RECEIPTS STATEMENT OF AFS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 American Fern Journal (Allen Press) Cash on hand, January 1, 2008 Treasurer Membership Secretary Assets Vol. 97, No. 4 $4,519.45 $20,368.82 Vol. 98, No. 1 $3,699.89 Cash in Treasurer’s Checking Account $2,686.00 Vol. 98, No. 2 $4,797.47 Cash in Membership Secretary’s Savings Account Vol. 98, No. 3 $4,373.53 TOTAL $23,054.82 Current Year’s Dues Received by Membership Secretary Directly $15,248.00 Current Year’s Dues Received by Treasurer from BSA by Online Transactions $5,899.72 TOTAL $17,390.34 Fiddlehead Forum Printing (S.H.U. Press) Vol. 34, No. 3 Vol. 34, No.’s 4&5 $424.52 Vol. 35, No.’s 2&3 $37.00 $7.96 Life Memberships $1,189.00 British Pteridological Society dues $1,567.20 Spore Exchange, Net $256.00 Membership Secretary $65.00 Liabilities $170.10 General Fund $50,440.28 $379.40 TOTAL $135.367.03 $0 $0 $532.30 $4,000.00 Journal Managing Editor’s Expenses $2,000.00 Sales of Pteridologia $689.20 Web Server Maintenance Savings Interest from Memb. Sect. Bank $44.53 Domain Name Renewal $0 Webmaster’s Expenses $0 Checking Interest from Treasurer’s Bank $40.21 $95.40 Bulletin Editor’s Expenses $0 Fern Foray Expenses $150.00 A.I.B.S. Dues $125.00 Refunds to Agencies and Members $24.75 British Pteridological Society Dues $2,276.43 Bio One Revenue Sharing $6,258.00 Addition to CD in First Tenn. Bank JSTOR Publisher Pool Payment $3,292.16 Addition to CD in Home Federal Bank Funds Transferred from Checking to Savings $0 Copyright Clearance Center Royalty Payment $101.87 Funds Transferred from Savings to Checking $0 Outreach Fund Contributions $0 2008 Checks Outstanding $0 INTEREST EARNED Membership Secretary’s Savings Account in Commerce Bank $21,712.69 $44.53 Treasurer’s Savings Account in First Tennessee Bank $10,144.94 $9.75 Treasurer’s Checking Account in First Tennessee Bank $1,546.61 $40.21 Treasurer’s Savings Certificate in First Tennessee Bank $30,000.00 $993.96 Treasurer’s Savings Certificate in Home Federal Bank $54,881.79 $1,717.66 $118,286.03 $2,806.11 TOTALS $0 $178.36 Botany 2008 Meeting Expenses BALANCE OF FUNDS $3,000.00 JSTOR Sales Service Revenue $0 BANK ACCOUNTS $0 Journal Editor-in-Chief’s Expenses BSA Botany 2008 Meeting Income STATEMENT OF AFS BANK ACCOUNTS BALANCE OF FUNDS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008, AND INTEREST EARNED DURING 2008 $88.22 Publications Curator’s Expenses $0 $84,881.79 Membership Secretary’s Expenses $157.50 Funds Received by Treasurer from Membership Secretary $7.96 Savings Certificates Blanket Fidelity Bond President’s Expenses $1,033.00 $37.00 Current Year’s Overpayments $220.24 TOTAL Page Charges $17,081.00 $135,367.03 Prepayments for Future Years $5,136.70 Secretary’s Expenses $92.50 $54,881.79 Treasurer’s Expenses President-Elect’s Expenses Treasurer Savings Certificate in Home Federal Bank TOTAL $786.51 Memoir Editor’s Expenses Sales of Back Issues of the Journal $30,000.00 $550.38 TOTAL $900.00 Gifts to the Society $10,144.94 Savings Certificate in First Tennessee Bank $1,662.84 Vol. 35, No. 4 Current Year’s Overpayments Cash in Treasurer’s Savings Account Journal Inventory $1,712.45 Vol. 35, No. 1 Prepayments for Future Years $1,546.61 $21,712.69 $800.00 Outreach Coordinator’s Expenses $0 Funds Transferred to Treasurer by Membership Secretary $0 Bank Charges CURRENT RECEIPTS $36,899.71 GRAND TOTAL $59,954.53 Treasurer $85.35 Membership Sec. $32.00 TOTAL $117.35 Bad Checks $189.00 CURRENT DISBURSEMENTS $36,695.23 Cash on Hand, January 1, 2009 Treasurer $1,546.61 Membership Secretary $21,712.69 GRAND TOTAL $59,954.53 April 24, 2009 REPORT OF THE AUDITOR STATEMENT OF AFS ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2008 Assets in Treasurer’s Checking Account $1,546.61 I hereby certify that I have seen the booksCashand accounts of James D. Caponetti, Treasurer of the American Fern SoCash in Membership Secretary’s Savings Account $21,712.69 ciety, Inc., and have obtained confirmation of the correctness of the Society’s balance on hand as set forth in detail Cash in Treasurer’s Savings Account $10,144.94 Savings Certificate in First Tennessee Bank $30,000.00 in the accompanying report of the Treasurer. Savings Certificate in Home Federal Bank Broker, G.R.I. Nathan E. Way Journal Inventory $54,881.79 $17,081.00 $135,367.03 TOTAL Liabilities Prepayments for Future Years Current Year’s Overpayments Savings Certificates $37.00 $7.96 $84,881.79 Fiddlehead Forum$135.367.03 u July-December 2009 General Fund $50,440.28 TOTAL STATEMENT OF AFS BANK ACCOUNTS BALANCE OF FUNDS AS OF DECEMBER 31, u Page 41 A Sad Tale by Tom Stuart [email protected] Once upon a time botanical gardens used to champion horticulture and botany. In recent years the circus has come to town. As I write in October, some upcoming events are: Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden: Goblins in the Garden Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden: Scarecrow Contest Callaway Gardens: The Steeplechase Chicago Botanic Garden: Spooky Pooch Parade Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Ghouls and Gourds New York Botanical Garden: Halloween Parade and Bats! Cleveland Botanical Garden: BOO-tanical Bash Morris Arboretum: Garden Railway What all of these events have in common is an utter lack of pertinence to science, to plants. Their purpose is entertainment. They are the Fox news of the educational world. Just in case you're thinking this must be a North American syndrome, it takes no effort at all to discover RBG Kew's Treetop Walkway, 18 meters up, more properly called the Xstrata Treetop Walkway. What is Xstrata? See xstrata.com. How refreshing was a visit earlier this month to the University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley. No ghouls, no railway, no goblins, no parades. Just plants, thrilling, well-grown plants, well-labeled plants. Despite California's woes, this place is still a treasured educational resource. The lucky people who live near Berkeley: do they know what they have? To the point. The most amazing thing about this botanical garden from a pteridophile's view is that it gives full recognition to ferns. They are as plentiful in this garden as in the flora it elucidates, and they are spread all over the collections, not stuck off in the usual corner. I suspect pteridologist Alan Smith of the University Herbarium is at least part of the reason. You can read more about this visit in upcoming issues of the newsletters of the Hardy Fern Foundation or the British Pteridological Society, but I do want to make you aware of one need at this premier garden. Chris Carmichael, Associate Director of Collections and Horticulture, says that they'd like to expand the availability of their collection to gardeners. To that end Chris is looking for additional volunteer propagators to work with ferns. If you grow ferns and live near Berkeley, consider volunteering. If you don't live near them, but have a friend who does, make them aware of this opportunity. Details on contacts and volunteering can be found at http://botanicalgarden.berkeley.edu. And next time you can, visit Berkeley and see this very fine collection for yourself. Page 42 u Fiddlehead Forum u July-December 2009 Female gametophyte of Anemia mexicana with archegonia Male gametophyte of A. mexicana with antheridia Pictures were taken with an ordinary dissecting microscope and ordinary digital camera. Technology has come a long way. - Joan Nester-Hudson Calling All Pteridologists!! We need your help. For each issue of the Fiddlehead Forum, we would like to include information about fern cultivation/growing/propagation. Is there a fern you have had success with in your garden? Please tell us about it. Is there one that was/is difficult to grow, but you have found a way to make it thrive? Please send a description of how, where, lighting etc. If you have a picture, please include it. Nothing is too simple or basic. The information in books is very useful, but there is a wealth of information which is not in books – gained from personal experience. Please consider making a contribution about a fern (or several) that you have successfully grown in your garden. Scientific experiments are not required – only personal experience and an interest in sharing your success with others. – Joan Nester-Hudson Jargon: It’s All Greek to Me by Guenther K. Machol If the terminology related to ferns puzzles you, and you’re thinking, “It’s all Greek to me,” you’re actually on the right track. Much of the terminology used in botany dates to the 19th century, and it makes use of many elements derived from Greek. Word origins are instructive; some even provide unexpected touches of humor. For example, the word “sorus” (a cluster of sporangia) derives from Greek for “heap;” “indusium” (the covering of the sorus) comes from Latin for “tunic;” and “gamete” (an egg or a sperm) comes from the Greek word “gamein,” meaning “to marry.” The origins of several common terms are listed below. Greek words are in italics; the one Latin word (indusium) is signified by L. antheridium anthos, flower + -idium, small one archegonium archein, to begin + gonos, procreation cryptogam kryptos, hidden + gamein, to marry gamete gamein, to marry gametophyte gamein, to marry + phyton, plant heterosporous heteros, different + -sporous, having spores homosporous homos, alike + -sporous, having spores indusium L. indusium, tunic mycorrhizal myco-, fungus + rhiza, root prothallus pro-, precursory + thallos, green shoot rhizoid rhiza, root + -oid, resembling rhizome rhiza, root + -ome, mass sorophore soro-, sorus + phoros, carrying sorus soros, heap sporangium spor-, spore + angeion, vessel spore speirein, to sow sporocarp sporo-, spore + -karpos, fruit sporophyte sporo-, spore + phyton, plant Fiddlehead Forum u July-December 2009 u Page 43 Dr. Joan E. N. Hudson Sam Houston State University Department of Biological Science Box 2116 Huntsville, TX 77341-2116 2010 Membership renewals and new memberships can be made online at http:// amerfernsoc.org/member. A printable membership application is also available at this website. Correction to a Correction In Vol. 36, Number 2 & 3, 2009, page 28, a correction to the identification of a fern from the Fern Foray 2008 was provided. The Foray article name was Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Vol. 35, Number 5, 2008) and the corrected name provided by Melanie Link-Perez was Gymnocarpium disjunctum. The correction identified the fern as G. disjunction which is not correct. It should have been G. disjunctum. I apologize for this mistake. - Joan Nester-Hudson Calling all Fern Societies – Local and International This issue includes a contribution from the Dutch Fern Society. We would like to hear from other fern societies, both local and international. Thank you to all contributors to the 2009 Fiddlehead Forum.
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