TEPSA Newsletter October 2013 Edition


TEPSA Newsletter October 2013 Edition
Towards a new constitutional decade
by Jean-Paul Jacqué
For quite some time now, voices have been raised in favour
of a new revision of the treaties. In this context, the Spinelli
Group has lately proposed a new Fundamental Law. During
the last TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conference in Greece, a part
of the debates was devoted to the possible revision of the
Treaties. Are we now entering a new constitutional decade?
Drawing on the previous constitutional decade, three steps
can be identified on the road to a new constitutional treaty.
1) First all, the developments in the EU institutional structure
are often triggered by strong external or internal challenges.
People do not fall in love with institutions. The institutions are only means to an end: created to solve concrete
problems. The Treaty of Lisbon was an answer to the challenge of enlargement and several Intergovernmental
Conferences (IGCs) were convened in order to find a solution. Can we identify such a global challenge now? Yes,
we are discussing now issues such as the Euro governance, Energy policy, CFSP… But do these specific questions
call for a global answer or merely light amendments through simplified procedure provided for in the Lisbon Treaty?
A new treaty has to address a global challenge threatening the existence or the identity of the Union. For the time
being, such specific challenges have not been aggregated yet to one global challenge. More studies are needed on
how, on based on these specific challenges, a global view or vision on the future of the EU can be distilled. It is the
only way to justify constitutional reform.
2) Second, after defining a vision for the future of the European Union, it is necessary to find a consensus on the
institutional scope of the reform. In the previous decade ten years of exchanges between academics, lawyers from
the EU institutions and Member States, and politicians were needed to build a consensus on shared ideas on a
reform. The Convention was merely place where a preexisting consensus was expressed, the main ideas followed
from the preceding exchanges.
3) The third step is to explain the necessity and the content of the reform to the citizens. This step was omitted in
the process leading up to the Constitutional Treaty and we have seen the end result. Conveying the message of the
necessity and content of reforming the EU is difficult during a period of crisis in which the EU is often viewed as a
punishing body pushing to implement unpopular economic reforms. It is the duty of the candidates for the next
European election to raise such questions in their election campaign. There is no need to open theoretical
discussions on institutional reform, but to start explaining how concrete difficulties can only be tackled with a change
in EU's governance structure. The main focus of the debate should not be on institutions, but on concrete measures
aimed at improving the life of citizens. The treaty change should address current concerns such as migration and
terrorism. If you can demonstrate that the treaties need to be changed to overcome also these challenges, you can
win popular support for treaty change.
Finally, the promotion of reform requires a window of opportunity. Governments have currently no real appetite for
reforming the EU.[1] They recall the saga of the last treaty revision and fear to open a Pandora box again. The
appetite for reform is also linked to the next UK election. In case of a victory of the conservatives, a revision could
be unavoidable but would probably be limited to satisfy the specific UK requests. This might not be a fertile ground
for a global revision, but you can never say never. Nevertheless, it seems reasonable to assume it will not take less
than a legislature devoted to reflection as well as public discussion before considering a reform process. If a global
revision is needed, which is not yet sure, there will be a long process ahead.
[1] As evidenced by the report prepared by former Permanent Representatives and former Commissioner Vitorino
for “Synopia”.
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Introducing a TEPSA Member Institute
The Romanian Centre for European Policies
In October 2013 the Romanian Centre for European Policies joined the TEPSA network.
The Romanian Centre for European Policies (CRPE) is a think-tank established in 2009 by a group of experts
bound by the shared objective of supporting Romania’s role in Europe and the European Union in one of the newest
democracies in Central and Eastern Europe.
The CRPE’s mission is to promote Romania as a coherent and influential actor in setting EU agendas and
designing EU policies, as well as the continuation of Romania’s Europeanization, through efficient governance,
research and public debates focused on EU’s policies. CRPE has become one of the leading Romanian think-tanks,
specialised in European Affairs with a specific focus on justice and anticorruption policies, foreign policy and
Eastern enlargement (Eastern Partnership with a special focus on the Republic of Moldova – strategic partner for
Romania’s development assistance), the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, Energy and Environment. Based on the
in house expertise of 10 staff members, CRPE research activities are completed by a network of 15 affiliated
experts specialized on key areas.
The programmes implemented by the CRPE in these ever-expanding policy areas have focused on several major
objectives: publishing studies and research papers on EU public policies; promoting projects encouraging debates
on European and Romanian public policies, in order to strengthen citizen participation in the EU decision-making
process; providing innovative solutions for modernising the Romanian public administration; Initiating advocacy
campaigns for good governance at the EU and Romanian levels; Training courses on European issues. The
constant acquisition of capabilities in research and promotion of policies on the public agenda are proven by the
results the CRPE has achieved over its five years of activity, which have translated into: 62 policy briefs, policy
memos and background papers, over 700 articles about the think tank’s activity published by national and
international media, over 50 national and international conferences organised in Bucharest, Chisinau, Kiev and
The CRPE’s recommendations have been very well received by decision-makers at the national and European
level, with its expertise being used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Romania, the Ministry of Justice and Home
Affairs in Romania, the Department for European Affairs and the Romanian Presidency. Consequently, CRPE’s
research reports and recommendation have been included in draft laws, for instance the recommendations on
European affairs coordination between the Parliament and the Executive or the proposals for the Common
Agricultural Policy reform.
Geographically the CRPE’s research has covered EU member states and Eastern Partnership countries - the
subject of a consistent number of CRPE policy studies, tackling both specific issues of European integration and
regional problematic. The CRPE’s expertise refers to the way in which future Member States or candidates should
shape their development policies so that they better align their assistance to the specificities of the local context and
Given the multitude of projects and activities CRPE has been undertaking in relation to Republic of Moldova and
assuming the role of regional think tank on European integration, in 2012 the Romanian Centre for European
Policies established its subsidiary in Chișinău. It was the logical step further, in ensuring not only proper and costeffective organization of all the project activities in the Republic of Moldova, but also better cooperation with the
local civil society and with other NGOs in Eastern Partnership countries. The mission of CRPE Republic of Moldova
is to promote an informed public debate on European policies and their implications for Republic of Moldova.
Another major objective is to advance the Europeanization process in Moldova and to promote its European
integration by providing expertise. CRPE Republic of Moldova sets out to promote lifting barriers to the free
movement of persons, merchandise and capital to the European Union andworks to secure progress on political
reform in Moldova by supporting Moldova’s prospective Association Agreement with the EU.
Follow us
CRPE’s activity, research reports, Policy briefs, events and statements are published on our website www.crpe.ro
with a full English version. CRPE has a Facebook page and sooner will launch a new platform
EUMoldovaDialogue.eu where Moldovan and European think tank experts can exchange views and ideas on key
topics related to Moldova's European trajectory.
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News from TEPSA Secretariat
16th Japan-EU conference, 25 November
2013, Brussels
On Monday the 25th of November the 16th edition of the Japan-EU
conference will take place in Brussels, jointly organised by
TEPSA, KU Leuven, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Waseda
University, International Christian University Japan (ICU) and by
the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation.
The theme of this year's conference is "Japan and the EU – Living
together in a Multipolar World". It will address and define on-going
challenges for Japan and the European Union.
Coming a week after the EU-Japan Summit meeting, the main morning sessions of this year's Japan-EU
Conference will be devoted to recent developments in EU-Japan relations. The Japanese Ambassador to the EU
and the Chief Operating Officer of the European External Action Service will debate EU-Japan political relations.
Representatives of the European Commission's DG TRADE and the Japanese Mission to the EU will outline the
latest developments in EU-Japan economic relations - with reference to the on-going FTA/EPA negotiations. The
afternoon sessions will address civil protection and humanitarian issues, with speeches from senior policy-makers,
researchers and others. Over 2½ years on from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the session on civil protection
and disaster relief will allow an exchange of views as to how the EU and Japan address these issues at home as
well as Japan–EU cooperation in multilateral efforts. The final session will address human security, humanitarian
& development assistance and will consider disaster reduction - an important part of Japan's development
assistance policy - and 'human security'. Although the EU and Japan are the world's second and third largest
donors of official humanitarian assistance, a better coordination in the EU-Japan framework is needed.
This annual event provides a unique opportunity to debate both the latest research as well as current policy trends.
It brings together academics, experts and policymakers from various parts of the world and has proven to be a
highly valuable forum to formulate ideas and specific suggestions to fortify the Japan-EU relationship.
All the discussions will be held in English. This free annual event is always popular, so early registration is
essential, go to: http://www.eu-japan.eu/registration-form-16th-japan-eu-conference-25-november-2013. For the
main conference webpage go to: http://www.eu-japan.eu/16th-japan-eu-conference. For the latest agenda go to:
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TEPSA Conference: "Future models of European
integration", 28-29 November, The Hague
On Thursday 28 and Friday 29 November 2013 the Research Group European
Integration of the The Hague University of Applied Sciences organizes, in
cooperation with the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA), a
conference entitled: "Future models oF European integration".
The Conference will discuss models of differentiated integration. The idea being that
without such models, the European Union may probably not survive in the future. Indeed, the group of existing
member states is not a homogeneous group. Between the partners there exist substantive differences as to
economic and/or social development. Thus one may hardly expect that all member states will be able to cooperate
in the future in a uniform manner and simultaneously in all policy domains.
The first file open for discussion concerns Economic Governance. Indeed, economic and monetary policy has from
the outset been an area where not all Member States participate in a similar manner. The recent ESM (European
Stability Mechanism) Treaty as well as the Fiscal Compact Treaty have only confirmed this fact. In a second part the
potential of enhanced cooperation will be discussed. So far this general treaty principle has been applied in three
cases. However, in the future more use will respectively should be made of this principle, eventually by creating
more flexibility as to the modalities of application of enhanced cooperation. Thereafter in three parallel sessions
specific case studies will be discussed. A first topic concerns the possibilities to introduce varieties of differentiated
cooperation in Common Foreign and Security Policy, after the example of the Area of Freedom, Security and
Justice where for example three member states have been granted full-fledged derogations. Then attention will be
given to the possibility to involve neighbouring countries and applicant countries in crucial domains of EU
cooperation according to the model of gradualness. Moreover tensions related to independentism within individual
member states will be analysed: what would it mean for EU membership when a given member state would fall
apart? Finally and in the light of the findings reached during the discussions over de other topics, the best
approach(es) to be followed by the European Union as a whole will be discussed.
For registration: [email protected]
For information: Jaap de Zwaan [email protected] and Cécile Fournis [email protected]
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THESEUS Conference "A
vision for post-​crisis
Europe: Towards what kind of Political Union?" Vienna, 17-​18
October 2013
THESEUS conference on “A Vision for Post-Crisis Europe: Towards what kind of Political Union?” was organised in
Vienna on 17-18 October 2013 in the Austrian Institute for International Affairs.
Within the last few years a vital debate about the future of European integration has been launched notably
regarding the issue of "political union". Under the pressure of the crisis, the issue of ‘finalité politique’ has again
returned to the heart of academic and public debates. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel called countries to
give up more powers to Europe “step by step” as way out of crisis. The French President François Hollande
declared that he wanted to take a European initiative for a “economic government” and "political union" within two
years. In contrast in the UK, a new debate on the repatriation of competences towards the nations has been
While most of the academic and political debates deal with the consequences for the different policy fields or the
institutional set-up of the Union, there are only a few exchanges about national perceptions and differing
understandings. In order to capture the ambiguous meanings and developments, besides different national
perspectives the conference will discuss conceptual and theoretical approaches. In doing so future strategies and
roadmaps will be identified.
The are two conference background papers available, were written by Valentin Kreilinger (Notre Europe) and Laura
Ventura (Trans European Policy Studies Association).
Here you can consult the Program of THESEUS Conference.
About the project: THESEUS is a common initiative of Sciences Po Paris, the Jean-Monnet-Chair for Political
Science at the University of Cologne, the Trans European Policy Studies Association (Brussels) and the Fritz
Thyssen Foundation (Cologne). Since 2007, THESEUS aims at fostering an open and constructive dialogue about
the future challenges of Europe between academia and politics but also between generations. Thereby its purpose
is to establish a European interdisciplinary and cross-generational network and to enhance the mutual
understanding of societies in Europe. In doing so it enables especially junior researchers to create a sustainable
network both of young leaders and of recognised experts from academia and politics.
For more information please visit: www.theseus-europe.net
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TEPSA General Assembly and PrePresidency Conference,
10-11 October 2013, Athens
TEPSA and Greek Centre of European Studies and
Research (EKEME) organised a Pre-Presedency Conference in
Athens in the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Greece between 10 and 11 October 2013. Among the speakers
were: Maria Damanaki, Member of the European Commission,
Εvangelos Venizelos, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Theodoros Sotiropoulos, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Greece to the EU and Panos
Carvounis, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Greece. The conference dealt with the
following issues: Greek presidency priorities, new economic and institutional reality, politics facing new realities, EU
in the world, the EU and the quest for energy security, the EU and its citizens: the impact of the crisis.
The conferences was preceded by TEPSA General Assembly, where a new Board, which will start its term with the
beginning 0f January 2014, was elected.
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Final year of the LISBOAN project
Three years after its establishment, the active work of LISBOAN ended on 30
September 2013. LISBOAN, an Erasmus Academic Network funded with support
from the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme, aimed to contribute to the establishment of a European research area
in the field of integration studies. With the EU’s revised legal basis – the Treaty of Lisbon – as a common point of
departure, the project linked researchers from 68 institutions and various academic backgrounds (political science,
law, economics and history) in order to spread knowledge and best practices in both research and teaching.
Network partners held 16 thematic workshops, contributed to an annual report and a guest lecture series and
arranged three PhD schools. Moreover, they met at three annual conferences in Brussels which were organised
jointly by TEPSA and the University of Cologne.
Further information is available at www.lisboan.net.
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Welcome to Veronika Vargová, new trainee in the
TEPSA Secretariat
Veronika Vargová holds a Bachelor Degree in European Studies from the Comenius
University in Bratislava, Slovakia. She is currently a student of the Comenius
University continuing with the Master programme of European Studies and is
preparing the Master thesis titled "Democratic Deficit in the European Union", aiming
at analyzing the European Citizens’ Initiative by comparison between the EU member
states. Her other research interests are role of religion in politics, EU law, security
policy and politics in the Middle East.
Veronika gained experience as a trainee in organizations such as Slovak Governance Institute in Bratislava and
PricewaterhouseCoopers Slovakia. Last March she took part in the Model United Nations Conference in New York,
USA where as a Head Delegate she was part of the International Atomic Energy Agency Committee dealing with
the situation in North Korea.
Apart from her mother language she can speak Hungarian, English, Spanish and is learning French.
Veronika will be a trainee in TEPSA for the period of 3 months through the programme ERASMUS Student Mobility
for Placements.
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News from TEPSA Member Institutes
New Director of the Institute of International
Relations in Prague
Since May 20, 2013 the Institute of International Relations, Prague has a
new director, Petr Kratochvíl. His research interests cover theory of
international relations, European integration, Central and Eastern Europe, the
religion-politics nexus and international political philosophy. He has published
about a hundred monographs, edited volumes, book chapters, and articles,
among others in Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of International Relations and Development, EuropeAsia Studies, and Journal of Communist and Post-Communist Studies.
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New face at the IAI, Rome
As a result of the call launched in summer and expired on 29
September, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) hired a new
researcher responsible for research, reporting and outreach on
European affairs: Ms Eleonora Poli. Eleonora hold a Master in
International Relations with a specialisation in International
Economics and a PhD in International Political Economy obtained from City University London. As a PhD candidate,
she has been constantly involved in the activities of London City where she had to research on the political and
economic consequences of the crisis in the Eurozone and evaluate the effects of austerity. She was also a
Research Analyst at (IDS) Thomson Reuters in London where her main tasks included the production of issuepapers, reports and articles on job market governance at EU, regional and country levels. Eleonora at IAI will
particularly concentrate on European integration, EU institutions and member state politics.
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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence - the first of
its kind in Iceland
The Centre for Small State Studies at the University of Iceland has been
awarded a Centre of Excellence grant from the European Union’s Lifelong
Learning Programme. The Centre for Small State Studies will thus become a
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for the next three years. The Centre is run
under the auspices of the Institute of International Affairs at the University of
In regard to the grant, the Centre will focus on three specific projects. Firstly, to
strengthen interdisciplinary research and teaching on European integration, the European Union and the European
Economic Area. Secondly, to establish an international school on small states, their public administration and their
position within the European Union. Thirdly, to publish an Icelandic textbook on European integration for high school
and university students. In addition, the Centre will continue organising various meetings and conferences, as well
as publications, on European affairs.
The Centre of Excellence grant is a great acknowledgement of the work done by the Centre for Small State Studies,
which has specialised in the position of small states in Europe. The establishment of a Centre of Excellence is a
continuation of previous acknowledgements that the Centre has received, such as grants from the Lifelong Learning
Programme to organise a Small States Summer School for the last 12 years, as well as grants to develop teaching
in European Studies led by Baldur Thorhallsson, Professor of Political Science, in collaboration with the Faculty of
Political Science at the University of Iceland.
Those involved in the application, in addition to professor Thorhallsson, were Pia Hansson, Director of the Centre
for Small State Studies, Guðmundur Hálfdánarson, Professor of History, Ómar H. Kristmundsson, Professor of
Public Administration, Alyson Bailes, Adjunct Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and Maximilian Conrad,
Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science.
In addition, the Centre received a special grant to host an international conference on governance in small states
and the challenges they face in the international community.
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Latest news from FIIA
The Center for US Politics and Power
FIIA’s newly established Center for US Politics and Power (CUSPP) has launched an exchange programme.
Programme Director Mika Aaltola is currently visiting the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore and FIIA is currently seeking a Visiting Professor or Senior Research Fellow to join
FIIA in early 2014. The dead​line for applications is 1 November. The Visiting Professor/Fellow will be integrated
into the research activ​ities of the CUSPP which focuses mainly on the US role in global gov​ernance, security and
the changing international political economy.
A new research project on Latin America
Dr Mikael Wigell has started a three-year research project funded by the Academy of Finland which is entitled
“Varieties of Extractive Capitalism: The Politics of Natural Resource Extraction in Latin America”. The research
project is concerned with the relationship between natural resource extraction and development and will conduct a
comparative analysis of the mining sector in four Latin American coun​tries: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Peru.
These countries have been at the forefront of the current extrac​tion boom and provide a leading laboratory for the
analysis of the politics of natural resource extrac​tion. The project seeks to understand the patterns through which
these resource-abundant states interact with their societies and extractive industry developers when making
decisions about natural resource extraction and the use of natural resource rents.
Staff news
Dr Bart Gaens will be the Acting Programme Director of the Global Security Programme while Dr Mika Aaltola is
visiting Johns Hopkins University until early December.
Dr Antto Vihma is visiting Sciences Po in Paris until the end of October.
Harri Mikkola defended his doc​toral dissertation “Neopragmatism and Politics: Essays on the Possibilities and
Consequences of Richard Rorty’s Neopragmatism to Political Science” on 27 September at the University of
Marikki Stocchetti defended her doctoral dissertation “Inside the European Consensus on Development and Trade:
Analyzing the EU’s Normative Power and Policy Coherence for Development in Global Governance” at the Helsinki
University on 11 October.
Dr Mikael Mattlin has been grant​ed the title of Adjunct Professor by the University of Turku.
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Information from Professor Andras Inotai
Lecture by Commissioner László Andor on "The social dimension of
the Economic and Monetary Union", 30 August 2013, IWE Budapest. The
lecture of the Hungarian Commissioner was attended by more than 50
persons, including diplomats, high-level public administrators, researchers,
university professors. Mr. Andor’s presentation was followed by a lively
Lecture by H.E. Dr. Gordan Grlic Radman, Ambassador of Croatia to Hungary, on "Croatia – the 28th
member of the European Union", Europe Club (regular monthly event) 17 September 2013, Budapest.
Conference on “Will the changes in the Eurozone demand new institutions for the EU?” 24 September,
Federal Trust London (in the framework of the LISBOAN project). A lecture by András Inotai on "Does the Eurozone
Demand new institutions for the EU?"
Conference on "Failed austerity: New progressive economic perspectives in the member states of Central
and Eastern Europe", 4 October, Budapest. The event was organized by Progressive Economy (Hannes
Swoboda). In the first panel András Inotai addressed key issues of enhancing investment and job creation in the EU
in general and in the new member countries, in particular, following "failed austerity".
TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conference, 10-11 October 2013, Athens. In the first panel, András Inotai talked about the
issue how to get out of one-sided austerity and the challenges of alternative socio-economic development patterns.
András Inotai also participated in the formulation of TEPSA's Recommendations for the Greek Council Presidency.
Presentation of the annual report of the Hungarian-EU Business Council on the economic and political
climate in Hungary as perceived by large multinational companies located in the country. Title of the speech:
"Confidence and Credibility", Europe Club chaired by András Inotai, 15 October 2013, Budapest.
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Fall news from the Centre
international de formation
européenne (CIFE)
Opening of the second class of the EUCAIS Master
programme in Berlin
For the second time, CIFE and the Institut für Europäische Politik
(IEP) organise the Master programme „Studies on the EU and
Central Asia in the International System“ (EUCAIS) with support
of the Volkswagen Foundation and funding by the Jean-MonnetProgramme of the European Union. 30 students from
Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan as well as from the Chinese province of
Xinjiang and the Indian region of Kashmir gathered for their first workshop in Berlin from 23 to 27 September 2013.
The official opening ceremony took place in the Europäisches Haus in Berlin. Mr Marc Bogdahn, head of the
division Southern Caucasus and Central Asia, Foreign Office, Berlin, discussed the relations between the EU and
the Central Asian states from a German perspective. Over the course of the workshop, the participants completed
an intensive study programme and obtained an outlook to the upcoming semester, they equally had the opportunity
to personally interact and establish contacts. For more information please see here.
Opening of the academic year: Master in Advanced European and International Studies (MAEIS), trilingual
branch in Nice
23 participants from 16 different countries were welcomed on 4 October 2013 in the premises of CIFE’s Institut
européen-European institute in Nice for the opening of the academic year. The participants of the trilingual branch
(teaching languages are English, French and German) will be spending two trimesters in Nice and one in Berlin,
as well as a one week stay at CIFE’s partner university in Rostock and a two week seminar at the EuroSapienza,
CIFE’s partner university in Rome. A study trip to the European and international organisations to the European and
international organisations in Geneva, Strasbourg and Brussels will also be part of the programme. For more details
please see here.
Start of the Master in Advanced European and International studies (MAEIS), Anglophone branch in
On 8 October 2013 the students of the Anglophone branch were welcomed on the campus of Istanbul Bilgi
University, CIFE’s partner for this programme. This year’s 30 participants come from 20 different countries and from
five continents.
M. Ahmad Alhendawi, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth and CIFE Alumnus of the IE•EI (Master
programme 2010/11), delivered the inaugural lecture for the opening of academic year dealing with “The UN’s
commitment to Youth in the 21st century”. The video of the inaugural lecture can be seen here.
Open for applications: CIFE’s evening courses in Vienna
CIFE invites interested candidates to apply for its’ evening lectures in Vienna: “Neuer Schwung für Europa” is an
evening course in German language organised in co-operation with the Gemeinschaft Emmanuel. The weekly
courses (two terms) offering in-depth knowledge on the European Union framework and policies start on 5
November 2013. For more information please see here.
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Upcoming Events at TEPSA Member
Conference „The Future Prospects of Latvia
Within the EU's Development: Discussions on
Federalism and Its Meaning in Society”,
1 November 2013, Riga
On November 1, the Latvian Institute of International Affairs will organize an
international conference "The Future Prospects of Latvia Within the EU's
Development: Discussions on Federalism and Its Meaning in Society". LIIA
researchers Ieva Bloma and Mārtiņš Daugulis will present their research on
“Discussions on Federalism and Its Meaning in Society”. The event will also
feature an expert discussion on the EU Federalism and Future Prospects, with the participation of experts from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia; the Finish Institute of International Affairs; University of Koeln; and Institute of
International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University. For full programme and other details, please follow
our homepage: www.liia.lv.
The event is financed under the Management Partnership concluded between the European Commission
and the Government of Latvia. The aim of the Management Partnership is to inform the society about the
European Union.
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Upcoming events at the Instituto
Affari Internazionali
Launch conference on “Beyond Austerity and Growth:
Emerging and Established Voices for a Share Prosperity
Project in Europe“, Berlin, 7-8 November 2013
This is a political, unconventional seminar in the framework of
the project “Escaping the austerity trap: A common prosperity project”. The project engages in dialogue with
emerging and re-emerging political actors and social movements in three southern member states (Greece, Spain
and Italy). The aim is to discuss and converge on a paradigmatic shift from the austerity trap to a common
prosperity project. The seminar – as well the project – is organised in cooperation with Cidob, DGAP, Eliamep and
Stiftung Mercator.
National debate on a common foreign and defence policy of the EU, Turin, 9 November 2013
The event is organised by the European Commission Representation in Italy in cooperation with the Istituto Affari
Internazionali (IAI) and other partners. It represents the second stage of the participatory project POLITICALLY.EU "learn to act“ which aims to create a public space for debate on European policies .
After the introductory speeches by the Director of the European Commission Representation in Italy Lucio Battistotti
and President of the Centre for Studies on Federalism Roberto Palea, preceded by institutional greetings from the
Mayor of Torino Piero Fassino, there will be reports from the European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani,
the Defense Minister Mario Mauro and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Marta Dassù. A deliberative workshop,
chaired by Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, IAI President, will follow. It will discuss three themes: the establishment of a
European defence industrial policy as a driving force for growth, new priorities in the European foreign and security
policy, the role of the European Parliament and of the national Parliaments after Lisbon in the definition of the EU
foreign policy. The event is reserved to several representatives from institutions and businesses.
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Upcoming Autumn events at
Science Po, CEE, Paris
Seminar: Mémoires de combats. Les archives de
l’engagement social et associatif, organized by Service
interministériel des Archives de France, Centre d’études européennes and Centre d’histoire of Sciences Po,
Tuesday 7 November, Sciences Po, Paris.
International symposium: 2013 Innovations and the Making of Metropolitan Identity, Tuesday 26 and
Wednesday 27 November 2013, Paris City Hall. In 2011 the Ville de Paris instituted a long-term cycle of seminars.
Organized with the Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés of Université Paris-Est, the Centre d’études
européennes of Sciences Po, with the support of Paris Métropole and the Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme (APUR),
these meetings bring leading researchers together and aim to nurture ongoing Parisian thinking on the subject.
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Upcoming events at IWE, Budapest
25th EAEPE Annual Conference “Beyond Deindustrialisation:
The Future of Industries”, 8-9 November 2013, Paris. Lectures
by IWE senior research fellow Andrea Szalavetz at the conference
by EAEPE (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy). Title of her first presentation: “Policy support
to commercialisation – an instrument to ensure a future for manufacturing in Europe”; Title of her second
presentation (co-authored by M. Sass): “Industrial policy options for catching-up GVC actors: the Visegrad countries
in the post-crisis GVC environment”.
Jubilee Conference on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Institute of World Economics, 20
November 2013, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest “Challenges of the world economy – global
and national perspectives”. During this half-day event among the speakers (or rather contributors to the panel
discussions) will be members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Mihály Simai, Tamás Szentes, Béla Kádár,
Ádám Török, or doctors of the HAS Judit Kiss and András Inotai – all current or former researchers of IWE (the
language of the event will be Hungarian).
Conference on “MFF 2014-2020: less money, less Europe? Prospects, interests, explanations”, 25
November 2013, IWE, Budapest. Organised by senior research fellow Miklós Somai, the half-day international
event will be dedicated to exploring the views of the speakers (representing different institutions or member states)
on the new MFF and to discussing the future of common EU policies financed by the 2014-2020 financial
Read online.
5th Symposium on Czech foreign policy, 12-13. November 2013,
IIR, Prague
On 12 and 13 November IIR together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will host the fifth edition of
symposium on Czech foreign policy.
Read online.
Upcoming events at Clingendael
Institute, Autumn 2013
Seminar: “International Negotiations”, 12-15 November 2013,
The Hague
In a globalising world the art of negotiating becomes ever more important. Growing interdependency has made
negotiating an indispensable tool in the international political arena. Complex problems in the fields of economy,
trade, energy, environment, politics and security require intensive international negotiations in a multilateral setting.
Conducting such negotiations is a professional art. Therefore the Clingendael Institute offers a four days seminar on
multilateral and cross-cultural negotiations with the primary objective to improve the participants insight into the
negotiating process and their negotiation skills and techniques. Find more information on the event's website.
Conference: “European Challenges: Democracy and Legitimacy of the EU”, 22 -23 November 2013,
Together with SIB Amsterdam and Youth in Action, Clingendael organizes the conference: European Challenges.
Through lectures, debates, workshops and films it will look at the European Union in all its aspects: from the
Eurozone to the Schengen Area, from foreign policy to agricultural policy and from the elections for the European
parliament to the role of the media. Among several people of Clingendael Institute, speakers include economist and
former SER-president Alexander Rinnooy Kan, former diplomat and politician Laurens Jan Brinkhorst and Tony
Agotha, former spokesman of the Dutch Permanent Representation in Brussels. Find more information on the
event's website.
Read online.
Conference on “The
European Neighbourhood
Policy in a Comparative
Perspective: Mapping the
EU’s Wider
Relations”, 14-15
November 2013, College
of Europe, Bruges
On 14-15 November 2013, the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies at the
College of Europe, Bruges campus, holds an international conference to map the European Union’s wider
neighbourhood relations. The conference, which benefits from the financial support of the European Commission,
aims at a comparative assessment of the different co-operation schemes that the EU maintains with third countries
in order to put the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) into context and discuss lessons to be drawn. The
speakers, who responded to a call for papers, will focus on the European Economic Area as a potential model for
the ENP, bilateral approaches (Switzerland, Turkey, Russia), the enlargement and association processes, the EU’s
Northern Dimension and other multilateral neighbourhood relations.
Please see: www.coleurope.eu/ENPComparativePerspective for more information.
Read online.
Upcoming events at the IIEA, Dublin
Cybersecurity Conference, 15 November 2013, Dublin
On 15 November the IIEA will host a major conference in Dublin on Cyber security.
This high-level conference will bring together 16 key EU and international
stakeholders. The conference will explore emerging cyber threats and opportunities
for government and private sector collaboration in protecting the citizen online. It will
focus on critical infrastructure protection, data privacy, cloud security, hacktivism and
a range of other crucial issues facing individuals, businesses and governments alike.
This major event provides a unique opportunity to interact with some of the key
stakeholders operating in the cybersecurity area today. Keynote speakes at the
conference include Michael Daniel, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator & Special Assistant to President
Obama, Ambassador Sorin Ducuru, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, Olivier
Burgersdijk, Head of Strategy and Outreach, European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), Dave Merkel, CTO, Mandiant
and Dr. Ian Levy OBE, GCHQ, UK.
Early bird tickets are currently available. To purchase a ticket, please click here. For other information relating to the
conference, please visit the IIEA website on or call the Institute on +353 1 874 6756.
Conference "The Future of Banking in Europe", 2 December 2013, Dublin
The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) invites you to a conference on banking union entitled "The
Future of Banking in Europe", organised on 2 December 2013 at Convention Centre Dublin. The conference will
discuss the European Commission's proposals for a banking union and their implications for the European banking
Keynote speakers at the conference will include Michael Noonan, Irish Minister for Finance; Patrick Honohan,
Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland; Vítor Constâncio, Vice President of the European Central Bank. Two panel
discussions will take place on the day, including the launch of the IIEA's report on banking union, with authors
including former Minister for Finance, Alan Dukes, Head of Economics at NUIG, Professor Alan Ahearne, and
former President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox. More information on the conference is available here.
Read online.
Past Events at TEPSA Member
Conference “A Roadmap for
the Future of Europe:
Differentiated Integration
within or beyond the Legal
Framework of the Lisbon
Treaty”, 19-20 September
2013, Berlin
The conference, organized with the financial
support of the Erasmus Academic Network
Lisboan, aimed to debate a roadmap for the EU’s
future in terms of analyzing the possible ways out of the current crisis and discussing the different prospects for the
future composition and structures of the European Union. Differentiated integration featured prominently in the
Individual panels discussed differentiated integration in a historical and theoretical perspective, legal instruments
within and beyond the Lisbon Treaty as well as differentiated integration in individual policy areas such as the Area
of Freedom, Security and Justice and the Economic and Monetary Union. Prof. Loth elaborated that in terms of a
historical perspective differentiated integration is not a new phenomenon and needs to be interpreted in light of the
historical context. Prof. Schimmelfennig provided a clear picture of institutional and constitutional differentiation. He
proved that deepening has increased in line with widening and that differentiation is a result from this evolution.
Prof. Wessels extended the conceptual frame of differentiation by elaborating on the relevance of the dynamics of
power, geopolitics and geoeconomics and their interplay. From a legal perspective the panelists Prof. Rossi and
Prof. Peers highlighted their clear understanding of how differentiation is structured within the Lisbon Treaty and
beyond. The value of enhanced cooperation was emphasized. The session on the lessons to be learnt from the
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice drew the picture of the complexity and volatility of differentiation created by
the opt-out and opt-in provisions for the UK, Ireland and Denmark (Dr. Tekin). The example of Prüm highlighted the
role and implications of the so-called laboratories of cooperation among only a few Member States outside the EU’s
legal framework (Prof. Luif). Dr. Pawlak elaborated on the external dimension of the AFSJ. The keynote speech was
given by Mr. Freytag von Loringhoven, who explained the role of Germany within the European Union and the two
options for the future development of the EU: either pragmatic continuation of deepening with the two chief goals of
financial consolidation and increased competitiveness or a truly deepened integration that substantially changes the
institutional structures of the EU. Discussions of the second day were dedicated to the Economic and Monetary
Union. Prof. Belke, Dr. Felke and Dr. von Ondarza explained the assessed the instruments for deepening the
Eurozone and their implications. Dr. Agh, Dr. Braun and Dr. Lang discussed the Eurozone and its eastern
neighbours. Dr. Agh emphasized that differentiated integration is not solely to be perceived a positive tool for
managing heterogeneity among the EU Member States but can also create deficits within the democratic, the
governance and the sustainability dimension.Overall, the debates highlighted that differentiated integration is much
more advanced than one would expect. This renders the complexity of a potential roadmap for the EU’s future
rather high. The development of a general definition of and a conceptual frame for the analysis of differentiated
integration is therefore crucial. Additionally, a clear vision for the Single Market and the EMU and of what we expect
from a single currency will be essential for such a roadmap.
For more information see the Programme. Contact Dr. Funda Tekin for more information: [email protected].
Read online.
Conference "Croatian
Membership in the EU –
Implications for the Western
Balkans", 26-28 September 2013,
The Institute for Development and International
Relations (IRMO), Directorate for Security Policy at
the Austrian Ministry of Defense and Sports, the
Austrian National Defense Academy and the PfP
Consortium of Defense Academies and Securities
Studies Institutes jointly organized a conference
“Croatian Membership in the EU – Implications for the
Western Balkans” held from 26th to 28th September
2013 in Hotel Dubrovnik in Zagreb. Given the fact that
Croatia became full-fledged member of the EU in July
2013, the conference was organized with the aim to try to detect the consequences of Croatian accession to the EU
on political and economic life in Croatia, Western Balkan countries and the EU itself. The conference also gave the
opportunity to hear the perception of the ongoing trends by major foreign actors with recognizable influence on the
developments in South East Europe. Apart from the IRMO researchers conference featured prominent speakers
such as: Ernst M. Felberbauer (Austrian National Defense Academy, Vienna), Franz-Lothar Altmann (Bucharest
University) and Matthew Rhodes (George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies, Garmish-Partenkirchen).
Read online.
Discussion “50 Years of
Association between Turkey
and EU: Time for
Membership?”, 24 October
2013, Vilnius University
IIRPS VU and Yeditepe University (Turkey) organised a roundtable discussion “50 Years of Association
between Turkey and the EU: Time for Membership?”, held at IIRPS VU on 24 October (Thursday), 2013. The
discussion centred on the relations between Turkey and the EU, as well as on the possibilities of Turkey
Moderator: prof. Ramūnas Vilpišauskas. Discussants: prof. Gediminas Vitkus (IIRPS VU), prof. Vilenas Vadapalas
(Court of First Instance of the European Communities), representatives of Yeditepe University. For the programme
of the discussion please see here.
Read online.
Seminar on the future of European security and
defence, FIIA, 10 October, Helsinki
FIIA and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland organised a seminar on “The
Future of European Security and Defence” on 10 October. The speakers included
Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, Lithuanian Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Andrius
Krivas, Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies Antonio
Missiroli and Director of FIIA Teija Tiilikainen.
Read online.
Discussion “From the
Vilnius Summit to the
Riga Summit: Priorities,
Goals, Achievements of
the Eastern Partnership”, 9 October 2013, Riga
On October 9, the Latvian Institute of International Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Latvia, with the support of European Commission Representation in Latvia, Trans European Policy Studies
Association (contributing to this event within the TEPSA Guest Lecture series), and Riga Graduate School of Law
held a public discussion “From the Vilnius Summit to the Riga Summit: Priorities, Goals, Achievements of the
Eastern Partnership”. The speakers were Natalia Gherman, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
and European Integration of Moldova; Dzianis Melyantsou, Senior Analyst of Belarusian Institute for Strategic
Studies; Hrant Kostanyan,Associate Research Fellow of Centre for European Policy Studies; Kristi Raik,
Researcher of Finnish Institute of International Affairs (TEPSA Guest Lecturer); Juris Poikāns, Ambassador at Large
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia; Andris Sprūds, Director of Latvian Institute of
International Affairs. The discussion was opened by Andrejs Pildegovičs, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, and Inna Šteinbuka, Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia.
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University of Iceland
The Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland, in cooperation with
the Centre for Small State Studies and the Centre for Arctic Policy Studies (both run
under the auspices of the Institute) has organised several open seminars and
conferences this autumn. These include:
26.08.2013, Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Change in the Arctic and
Beyond. Speaker: Patricia Cochran, the Executive Director of the Alaska Native
Science Commission.
4.09.2013, Elections in Norway. An open seminar focusing on the elections in
Norway on September 9.
6.09.2013, Why Income Inequality puts Democracy – and the Global Climate – at risk. Speaker: Robert Wade,
Professor of political economy and development at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).
10.09.2013, NO! The Ousting of Pinochet. An open seminar and film screening focusing on the ousting of
13.09.2013, The Globalization of Migration: The Case of Southern Countries. Speaker: Catherine de Wenden,
a specialist on international migration.
18.09.2013, What Beijing Wants: The Next Phases of Chinese Foreign Policy. Speaker: Marc Lanteigne, Senior
Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington.
19.09.2013, NATO now and in the Future: Operations, Missions, and Challenges. Speaker: General Knud
Bartels, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, the Senior Military Officer of the Alliance.
4.10.2013, Re-territorializing the “Westnordic Arctic”: Perspectives of Crypto-colonialism and Mobility
(conference). Keynote speaker: Michael Herzfeld, Professor, Harvard University. A number of domestic and foreign
academics also participated in the conference.
22.10.2013, An Independent Scotland? (conference). Keynote speaker: Angus Robertson, MP, the Scottish
National Party.
25.10.2013, Arctic Challenges in the West Nordic Region. Speakers: Margrét Cela, Kristinn Schram, Katla
Kjartansdóttir, Sumarliði Ísleifsson, and others.
Read online.
Autumn 2013 events at Elcano Royal
18.10.2013 – Discussion on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP). Organzed by the European Commission, the Spanish
Confederation of Employers’ Organizations (or CEOE, after its initials in
Spanish) and Elcano Royal Institute, with the presence of Ignacio García
Bercero, chief negociator of the EU. More information.
09.10.2013 – Presentation of the Policy Paper “La Defensa que viene.
Criterios para la reestructuración de la Defensa en España”. Introduction
by Florentino Portero, with interventions of Eduardo Serra and Gustavo
Suárez Pertierra, both former Defense Ministers and former presidents of
Elcano Royal Institute; and of Félix Arteaga, senior analyst for Security and
Defense. More information.
24.09.2013 – Discussion on William Chislett’s recent book “Spain: what everyone needs to know”, with the
participation of Emilio Lamo de Espinosa, Chairman of the Elcano Royal Institute, Fernando Gutiérrez Junquera,
BBVA Chairman’s Office, Antonio Muñoz Molina and the author. More information.
06.09.2013 – Discussion on the situation in Syria, organized by Elcano Royal Institute in the Círculo de
Bellas Artes. Felipe Sahagún chairs the discussion, which also counts with the presence of Ángeles Espinosa and
Jesús Núñez, apart from Haizam Amirah Fernández and Félix Arteaga, both senior analysts at Elcano Royal
Institute. More information.
Read online.
Past events at the IAI, Rome
Council of Councils Regional Conference on “Europe and the
Future of Global Governance”, Rome, 9-10 September 2013
Italian Foreign Minister, Emma Bonino, and the governor of the Bank of
Italy, Ignazio Visco spoke at the regional conference in Rome of the
Council of Councils, a group set up by the Council of Foreign Relations which brings together twenty of the most
prestigious think tanks in the world. The regional event was organized by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), the
only Italian think tank in the Council, and was held at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 9-10 September 2013.
Bonino advocated for a ‘light’ Federal Europe, while Visco called for deeper integration and the creation of a
banking union as key to Europe’s recovery.
Lisboan seminar "Towards a European economic and political union", Turin, 16-17 September 2013
The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), the Centro Studi sul Federalismo (CSF), the Bruno Visentini Foundation, in
partnership with Compagnia di San Paolo, organised a seminar on “Towards a European Economic and Political
Union”, the framework of the European network LISBOAN. Speakers included Alberto Majocchi, University of Pavia,
Iain Begg, LSE, Lucia Serena Rossi, University of Bologna, René Repasi, Heidelberg University, Brigid Laffan,
University College - Dublin, Jaap de Zwaan, Erasmus University – Rotterdam, Wolfgang Wessels, University of
The main goal of the seminar was to analyse the evolution in the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and its
consequences on the EU’s institutional and political endeavors. Concluding remarks and wrap up on the general
topic of the Seminar was drawn by Paolo De Ioanna, Fondazione Bruno Visentini and member of the Council of
State. The discussion among the participants was rich and focused on the coordination of the fiscal policies and the
role of the European Parliament in this new governance model.
Read online.
Past events at the IIR,
Conference on "The National Perspectives
on the Future of the EU", 10 October 2013, Institute of International Relations, CERI–Sciences Po, Paris and
On 10 October the IIR together with CERI–Sciences Po, Paris and CEFRES hosted an international conference at
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prague, entitled "The National Perspectives on the Future of the EU". The conference
provided insight into Czech, Polish, German, French and British views of the future development of the EU. Keynote
speakers at the conference included Christian Lequesne, Director, CERI-Sciences Po, Paris; David Cadier, Fellow,
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London; Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Policy Adviser,
European Parliament, Brussels; Barbara Lippert, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin; Thomas Raineau,
Université Paris IV – Sorbonne, IRICE, Paris; and William Paterson, Honorary Professor of German and European
Politics, Aston Centre for Europe, Aston University, Birmingham, Petr Kratochvíl, Director, Institute of International
Relations, Prague and Vladimír Handl, Researcher, Institute of International Relations, Prague. Here you can
consult the event's website.
Conference on "German Federal Elections 2013 and German-French Tandem in Europe - Implications for
German-Czech Cooperation", 14 October 2013, The Institute of International Relations and the Konrad
Adenauer Foundation
On 14 October the IIR together with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung hosted an international conference at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Prague, entitled "German Federal Elections 2013 and German-French Tandem in Europe Implications for German-Czech Cooperation“. The aim of the conference was to analyze the role of German-French
tandem in the EU in the context of the euro zone crisis and the radical change in German energetic, this all in
connection to federal elections, which were held on 22nd September 2013. Among the speakers were: Nico Lange,
Deputy Head of Department Politics and Consulting, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Berlin, Stefan Heinlein, ARDStudio Prague; Barbara Kunz, Head of “European Dialogue“ Section; Foundation Genshagen, Elsa Tulmets, CERI,
Paris, Professor William E. Paterson, Aston University, Birmingham, Vladimír Handl, Institute of International
Relations, Prague, Felix Christian Matthes, Öko-Institut, Berlin, Member of Energy Advisory Group of European
Commission for Energy Roadmap 2050. Here you can consult the event's website.
Read online.
Background Paper for
THESEUS Conference
"A Political Union: clear concept or constructive ambiguity?"
by Laura Ventura
Laura Ventura, Project Officer at TEPSA, wrote a background paper "A Political Union: clear concept or
constructive ambiguity?" for the THESEUS Conference "A vision for post-crisis Europe: Towards what kind
of political union?", organised on 17-18 October in Vienna.
Abstract. The topic of political Union has remained a fundamental question since the early debates on the European
Political Community in 1950s and the Fouchet Plan in 1960s. Nowadays while coping with the crisis, the need to
set-up a political Union has become a priority. A post-crisis Europe ‘era’ and a political Union are closely interlinked.
Yet the visions of head of states and governments differ largely on the degree of sovereignty they agree to give up
and thus to transfer to the EU level. Although vague, the concept as such is not new but its meaning has evolved
over time. Before the crisis in the 1990s, the concept of political Union encompassed a set of various policies. The
crisis and post-crisis period urged EU leaders and head of state of governments to complete an Economic and
Monetary Union. The concept of political Union has thus shifted to focus on the coordination of economic policies,
although not only. The crisis has shown the limits of the Lisbon Treaty to provide an adequate coordinated
economic response. In order to enhance further integration, although the Treaty offers some possible developments
to establish a political Union, discussions on a new Convention to install a federal economic government for a fiscal
union and a new Treaty have already started and will be further debated at the occasion of the next European
elections. This paper will discuss to what extent a political Union represents a clear concept or a constructive
ambiguity, from its origins to what kind and how to enhance its achievement.
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"The implementation of the CSDP", Report
for the European Parliament, by Anita Sęk
The European Parliament within the Framework Contract requested from
TEPSA to organise a workshop on “The future of the Common Security and
Defence Policy”. It was held during the meeting of the Sub-Committee on
Security and Defence on 10 July in Brussels. In the event participated the
following experts: Jo Coelmont (Egmont Brussels), Jan Techau (Carnegie Brussels), Antonio Missiroli (EU
ISS Paris) and Alessandro Marrone (IAI Rome).
Jo Coelmont shared his six comments on CSDP operations, built up on a question on how to increase the
effectiveness of the EU missions. Jan Techau observed that the CSDPis in much better condition than its reputation
suggests, and that it has created much added value for the EU. Nonetheless, it is simultaneously hugely
underperformingwhen judged against the overall strategic needs of the EU. Antonio Missiroli presented the EUISS
report on 'Enabling the future. European military capabilities 2013 - 2025: challenges and avenues'. The EU
possesses capable and effective armed forces alongside an advanced industrial and scientific base. Yet, in general
it suffers from: limited awareness of emerging challenges, basic disinterest in strategic matters, segmented political
and institutional landscaperegarding defence and military matters. Alessandro Marrone addressed four issues
related to the current developments of arms industry: a) a necessary clarification on what is a Defence
Technological Industrial Base (DTIB), b) the on-going globalisation of national DTIB, c) the feasibility of a European
integration of national DTIB and d) the challenges to such Europe an integration process. In discussion that
followed participated i.a. Maria Eleni Koppa, MEP Rapporteur for CSDP (Greece, S&D) and Arnaud Danjean, MEP,
Chair of Sub-Committee on Security and Defence (France, EPP).
The Report from the EP workshop on implementation of the CSDP has been published and is available here. It was
prepared by Anita Sęk, EXACT Fellow.
Read online.
Petr Drulák, Šárka Moravcová (editors), NonWestern Reflection on Politics
Petr Drulák, Šárka Moravcová (editors), Non-Western Reflection on Politics,
Peter Lang edition, 2013, ISBN 978-3-631-64354-9.
"Recent rise of the non-Western parts of the world makes the need for a genuine
global dialogue more urgent than ever before. To take an effective part in it, the
West needs to face a conceptual challenge. The Western understanding of the
political world is based on such deeply ingrained concepts as power, politics,
statecraft, cooperation, multilateralism, dependence, identity or human rights. The
Westerners tend to wrongly assume that everyone else is bound to share these
concepts. This book shows that the reality is different. Investigating African, Asian,
Islamic and Latin American political thinking, the book introduces non-Western concepts of politics as well as nonWestern readings of seemingly familiar Western concepts. By doing this, it points to the obstacles to the global
dialogue as well as to opportunities which may be exploited."
Contents: Petr Drulák: Introduction: For a Global Dialogue – Arlene B. Tickner: Core-Periphery Knowledge
Exchange: The Case of Latin America – Francis B. Nyamnjoh: Politics of Back-Scratching in Cameroon and Beyond
– Petr Kratochvíl: Islamic Democracy: A Contradiction in Terms? – Petr Drulák: Chinese Political Metaphysics: The
Book of Changes – Šárka Moravcová: The Liberation Project: A Mexican Experience – Petr Skalník: Chieftaincy
and Political Culture: The Case of Ghana – Miloš Mendel: Dar al-Islam, Dar al-Harb and Hijra: Classical Paradigms
in Modern Arab World – Wang Fan: Chinese Traditional Culture and East Asian Security Cooperation – Miroslav
Jurásek: Dependence Theory: Comparing Latin America and Africa – Zora Hesová: Human Rights and Islam:
Constitutional Debates in Egypt and Tunisia – Michal Kolmaš: Multilateralism: United States and Japan – Šárka
Moravcová: Conclusion: Between Traditionalism and Westernisation. More information on the book.
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"The Case for Arctic Governance", publication
from the University of Iceland
The Institute of International Affairs has published a new book by Helga Haftendorn "The
Case for Arctic Governance" that offers a comprehensive introduction to features of Arctic
governance including the framework for potential new commercial activity.
The book can be accessed on the Institute‘s website, www.ams.hi.is
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Newest publications from Clingendael
Peter van Ham, The Geopolitics of TTIP, Clingendael Institute
Policy Brief, October 2013
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership will play a major role in deciding the future of transatlantic
security and defence, and may rekindle the debate on a new coalition of like-minded and highly capable states, with
the EU and the US at its core. TTIP’s logic is geopolitical in nature, seeking to compete with a rising Asia, rather
than betting on global normative convergence. It is more than a game-changer, but the best chance the transatlantic
West has to advance a liberal world order for the 21st century. TTIP may have a rather unpredictable impact on the
future of the EU. Whether it will reinforce the EU’s path towards federalism, or undermine it, will become one of the
most important side effects of TTIP. Click here for more information.
Dr. Simon Duke, The European External Action Service and Public Diplomacy, Clingendael Discussion Papers
in Diplomacy no. 127, September 2013
This paper by Dr. Simon Duke (Professor at the European Institute of Public Administration) contributes to a hitherto
rather neglected field of research. It examines the evolution of public diplomacy in the EU’s external actions
generally and, more specifically, in the context of the evolving EEAS. It argues that there is an urgent need for
better coordination and streamlining of the Service’s public diplomacy efforts and that this should be complemented
by due attention to the related strategic and resource issues. The more critical observations are balanced by the
recognition that much has already been achieved and that there are some notable success stories. For those with
an interest in the policy implications of the advent of the EEAS on public diplomacy, a number of specific
recommendations are offered for consideration. Click here for more information.
Read online.
LIIA Publication
Irina Kuzņecova, Diāna Potjomkina and Mārtiņš Vargulis, From the Vilnius Summit to the Riga Summit:
Challenges and Opportunities of the Eastern Partnership, Riga: Latvian Institute of International Affairs.
Science Po Paris Publications
Vincent Tiberj (ed.), Adrien Degeorges, Bernard Denni, Charlotte Dolez, Florent Gougou,
Antoine Jardin, Viviane Le Hay, Antoine Martin, Nonna Mayer, Léa Morabito, Simon Persico,
Camille Peugny, Manon Réguer-Petit, Nicolas Sauger, Des votes et des voix. De Mitterrand à
Hollande, Paris, Champ social Éditions, 2013.
Pierre Muller, Les politiques publiques, 10th edition, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2013.
Olivier Rozenberg and Eric Thiers, L'opposition parlementaire, Paris, La Documentation Française, 2013.
Articles in peer review
Abel François and Emiliano Grossman, Who are the ministers of the Fifth Republic?, French Politics, September
2013, vol 11, n° 3, p. 272-283.
Other articles
Adrian Favell and David Reimer, Winners and Losers? Citizens and Sceptics? European Integration and the
Spread of Cosmopolitanism, EUCROSS Policy Brief, September 2013.
Olivier Rozenberg, Killing the EU rather than quitting it, Policy Network, October 2013.
Read online.
More Europe on Defence or No Europe, ed. by
Alessandro Marrone & Michele Nones, IAI
Marrone Alessandro and Nones, Michele, More Europe on Defence or No Europe,
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), June 2013, ISSN 2280-6164.
Recent cuts in EU member states' defence budgets make it impossible to maintain
adequate military capabilities at the national level. Only a greater European integration
of the national armed forces can keep them effective and efficient. Some steps
forward in this direction are possible, although difficult, on several levels: the
implementation of the pooling and sharing approach on the military level; the
establishment of the permanent structured cooperation on the institutional level; the
definition of a European roadmap for dual-use technologies on the technological level;
the launch of European procurement programmes co-financed by the EU on the industrial level. All these steps
forward are linked to a urgent and basic political choice between two alternatives: more Europe in defence policy, or
the complete inability of European countries to conduct such a policy.
The paper is available here.
Read online.
Six new reports on the EU institutions
and policies from the IAI, AugustOctober 2013
N.Tocci and P.Upadhyaya, Peacebuilding in Europe and India:
theory and practice. Comparative report on empirical basis for global
governance, Europe and India, in the framework of the European project CORE.
This paper explores the theoretical and practical approaches of the EU and India to conflict resolution. It analyses
the specific European and Indian interpretations of peacebuilding, including its objectives and policy instruments,
and then turns to the application of peacebuilding practices in a number of European (Cyprus, Bosnia and Georgia)
and Indian (Bihar, Northeast and Kashmir) cases. Having examined these respective approaches to conflict
resolution in theory and practice, the paper concludes by delineating several avenues that the EU and India could
consider in order to learn from one another’s experiences in conflict resolution.
C.Bouchard, J.Peterson and N.Tocci (eds.), Multilateralism in the 21st century. Europe's quest for
effectiveness, Routledge, August 2013.
This volume focuses on multilateralism in the twenty-first century and examines how, and how effectively, the
European Union delivers on its commitment to effective multilateralism. Presenting results generated by MERCURY,
an EU research programme into multilateralism, this book addresses a central research question: does Europe
deliver on its commitment to effective multilateralism? This book explores whether the EU is pursuing effective
multilateralism in specific issue areas, including trade, climate change and conflict resolution, and distinct
geographical and institutional settings, both internal to the EU and in specified regions, international organisations
(IOs) and bilateral partnerships. This book offers evidence-based, actionable policy lessons from Europe's
experience in promoting multilateralism.
N.Mikhelidze et al., EU engagement with civil society organisations in conflict-ridden countries: a
governance perspective from Georgia, Cyprus and Bosnia. Scholarly article on the European Governance
Agenda, in the framework of the European project CORE.
In this paper, the authors analyse the character and effects of the EU Support to civil society organisations (CSO) in
the cases of Georgia, Cyprus and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Based on fieldwork, a general account of the
CSO support is given before the validity of four competing theoretical perspectives on EU CSO support is evaluated
in each case. Along the lines of Max Weber’s notion of ‘ideal types’ we assume that these perspectives describe
different aspects of the phenomenon under investigation, appearing in various constellations and gradations rather
than being mutually exclusive. By way of conclusion, the findings from the three cases are contrasted and
compared in the final section.
T.Weiss, EU adjustment to new and evolving trends of international security, Transworld Working Papers n.27.
This paper analyzes the European Union’s adjustment to the current international security environment. It focuses
on the selected issues of terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cyber-security, and failed states.
Moreover, it addresses the EU’s engagement of emerging powers, as well as the tools and practices used when
approaching other states. Structural and political determinants of the EU adjustment as well as the internal
constrains of this process are discussed. The paper concludes that the EU has failed to become a leader in global
security policy, although it has adjusted profoundly, it commands considerable capabilities, and it has the potential
to play a much more important role. The lack of international leadership can be understood as a function of weak
internal institutions and the conflicting interests among the member states.
M.Müftüler-Baç, The future of Europe, differentiated integration and Turkey's role, GTE Commentary n.9.
The future of the European Union in terms of its final frontiers and political structure lies at the epicentre of
European public debate. What impact would Turkish EU membership have on the future of Europe? Turkish
membership could be a blessing in disguise. The evolution of the EU towards a path of differentiated integration,
with a new type of membership for Turkey, could provide the Union with further opportunities to deepen integration
in different policy areas. It might adopt the EU acquis on key policies such as energy, transport, the single market or
common security and defence, but remain outside of the EU framework for the Social Charter, or the Schengen
regime. If Turkey becomes one of the first examples of such a scheme, the future of European integration would
drastically change, transforming the EU into a new blend of an organizational core, and a system of functionally
differentiated units.
V.Briani, The costs of non-Europe in the defence field.
This report, sponsored by the Centro Studi sul Federalismo (CSF) and the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), aims to
provide a clear and concise assessment of the costs incurred by Europe because of the lack of integration in the
defence sector, and to show how maintaining purely national defence structures is strategically damaging and
economically unsustainable. Our goal is to provide policy makers and the general public with a useful tool for
decoding the complex realm of European defence thus contributing, as far as we can, to the process of integration
in the sector.
Read online.
Publications from Institute of World
Economics Centre for Economic and
Regional Studies Hungarian
Academy of Science
Miklós Somai, World’s agricultural production and trade: Food security at stake? Institute of World Economics,
CERSHAS, Working Paper No. 203, Budapest, August 2013.
Tamás Novák (ed), Euro Zone Crisis, Member States’ Interests, Economic Dilemmas, Proceedings of the 9th
Hungarian-Romanian bilateral workshop, Budapest, 2013.
Ágnes Orosz, Large-Scale Transformation of Socio-Economic Institutions – Hungary, Comparative Case
Studies on CEECs, WWW For Europe, Working Paper No. 18 July 2013, 32 p.
Miklós Szanyi, Large-Scale Transformation of Socio-Economic Institutions – Varieties of Capitalism and
CEECs, Comparative Case Studies on CEECs, WWW For Europe, Working Paper No. 19, July 2013, 32 p.
Ágnes Orosz and Miklós Szanyi contributed to this study: Rainer Schweickert et al, Large-Scale Transformation
of Socio-Economic Institutions – Comparative Case Studies on CEECs, WWW For Europe (Interim Report),
Working Paper No. 16, July 2013, 33 p.
Read online.
Newest publications from Elcano Royal
Gonzalo Escribano, Mounting pressure on Moroccan economic policy reform,
Expert Comment 59/2013 – 8/10/2013. Since the November 2011 legislative
elections, the Moroccan government led by the Justice and Development Party
(PJD) has struggled to keep the economy on track despite the global economic
crisis –which has severely affected its main southern EU partners– and the impact of
the Arab revolts.
Carmen González-Enríquez, Are Spaniards emigrating?, ARI 39/2013 (Translated from Spanish) – 8/10/2013.
Contrary to what numerous media reports seem to suggest, current Spanish emigration is very slight. Only 2% of
Spanish citizens living outside Spain are natives who have left the country due to the crisis, a total of around 40,000
people. This figure in no way supports the alarm stirred up by the media with regard to this phenomenon.
William Chislett, Emerging Spain?, WP 12/2013 – 4/10/2013. Spain is coming out of recession, but the crisis is far
from over. The government cannot afford to rest on its laurels and relax the pace of reforms. To do so, would store
up problems for the future.
Alejandro del Valle Gálvez, The Gibraltar crisis and the measures, options and strategies open to Spain, ARI
32/2013 (Translated from Spanish) – 30/9/2013. What options and strategies are open to Spain in its historical
dispute with the UK over Gibraltar? A crisis again broke out with Gibraltar and the UK in July and August of 2013
over the sinking of an artificial reef in waters traditionally exploited by Spanish fishermen.
Miguel Otero-Iglesias, Merkel’s safe pair of hands now carry a heavy burden, Expert Comment 58/2013 –
24/9/2013. Angela Merkel has emerged as the undisputed winner of the German elections, an achievement not to
be underrated. Despite being subjected to intense criticism from abroad, the results show the enormous support for
Merkel’s leadership style in managing the Eurozone crisis.
Ignacio Molina, All that remains sound between Spain and the UK, ARI 31/2013 (Translated from Spanish) –
18/9/2013. The sinking of concrete blocks in the sea by the Gibraltarian authorities, making it impossible to fish in
waters whose jurisdiction is claimed by Spain, is an objectively serious event due to its unilateral and irreversible
nature. But the way in which Madrid and London are approaching this umpteenth crisis leaves one with the
unpleasant feeling that the strategic importance of the links between the UK and Spain –which are extraordinarily
close-knit and should be considered a key asset to both parties in the economic, social and even political arenas–
are not being sufficiently valued.
Thiber, Cyber cells: a tool for national cyber security and cyber defense, ARI 26/2013 (Translated from
Spanish) – 17/9/2013. Cyber cells are effective tools that enable countries to operate, defend themselves or go on
the offensive in a specific area of cyberspace, and they are destined to complement existing cyber security and
cyber defense capabilities.
Bruce Hoffman and Fernando Reinares, Al-Qaeda’s continued core strategy and disquieting leader-led
trajectory, ARI 37/2013 – 10/9/2013. Al-Qaeda has withstood arguably the greatest international onslaught directed
against a terrorist organisation in history, but it has survived for nearly a quarter of a century and continues to
pursue a core strategy. The ongoing unrest in the Middle East could potentially resuscitate al-Qaeda’s waning
fortunes and it may assume unpredicted forms. Its final elimination may take years, if not decades, more to achieve.
Félix Arteaga, Tension rises in Gibraltar while the Royal Navy passes, Expert Comment 50/2013 (Translated
from Spanish) – 5/9/2013. The current face-off over Gibraltar between the Spanish and British governments is the
result of juridical and diplomatic differences, in such a way that it would be pointless for the dispute to be securitised
or militarised.
Javier Noya, Gibraltar and public opinion in the UK and Spain, ARI 36/2013 (Translated from Spanish) –
1/9/2013. In view of the current tension between the UK and Spain as a result of the dispute over Gibraltar, the
Elcano Royal Institute has carried out a survey amongst a representative sample of the populations of the two
countries. The aim is to gain a better understanding of their reaction to the conflict that has broken out in the
summer of 2013 and their opinions on underlying issues such as sovereignty over the Rock and the importance of
bilateral relations. This report summarises the study’s main results.
Haizam Amirah-Fernández, Egypt: on the road to disaster, Expert Comment 51/2013 – 29/8/2013. The worst
forecasts are unfolding in Egypt. One year of the Muslim Brotherhood’s incompetent and sectarian governance
polarised Egyptian society. For the past month and a half, the return to a regime dominated by the military has set
Egyptians violently at odds with one another. Uniformed and bearded men now clash on the country’s streets on the
basis of hatred, exclusion, cynicism and death.
Elcano Blog
Salvador Llaudes, Cyprus: small sized but strategically located, Elcano blog, 1 October 2013.
Miguel Otero-Iglesias, Almighty Merkel: Ready to enter the minefield?, Elcano blog, 26 September 2013.
William Chislett, Has Spain turned the corner?, Elcano blog, 24 September 2013.
Gonzalo Escribano, Is China becoming a ‘normal’ oil player in Africa?, Elcano blog, 23 September 2013.
Fernando Reinares, Al-Qaeda’s continued core strategy 12 years later, Elcano blog, 11 September 2013.
Read online.
FIIA Publications
FIIA Briefing Papers
Timo Behr, Tuomas Iso-Markku,T he German Election: No vote for Europe?.
The outcome of the German federal elections on September 22nd will have a
significant impact on the management of the on-going eurozone crisis and set the
tone for the future course of European integration. Although the EU and the euro are
largely absent from current electoral debates, significant differences on these issues
exist both inside and between German political parties in the run-up to the
September polls. However, in the absence of significant debate, fundamental
decisions over the future of EU integration will be postponed until after the election,
when a cross-party compromise appears more feasible. Regardless of the election outcome, the next German
government is likely to prove more conciliatory on austerity policies in Europe and will boost domestic spending, but
will retain some red lines on further EU integration. While the rhetoric and the pace of change might differ
significantly depending on the shape that the next coalition government takes, German eurozone policies will
continue to trade fiscal solidarity for structural reforms.
Maria Nozhenko, Right-wing nationalism in Russia: A by-product of electoral competition or a political
agenda for the future?
Debates on nationalism acquired a great deal of significance in Russia in the summer of 2013, with the activities of
right-wing nationalists increasing during this period too. Modern Russian nationalism has its roots in anti-immigrant
sentiments, mainly as a consequence of failed nation-state building in the post-Soviet period. Most right-wing
organisations are marginalised, with membership and support relatively low. But the anti-immigrant ideas which
these organisations propagate currently enjoy high levels of support in Russian society. Over the past eight years,
the activities of right-wing nationalists have been largely limited to ‘the streets’, due to the lack of opportunities open
to nationalist parties to participate in electoral processes. The prospects for Russia’s right-wing nationalist
organisations will depend on the regime’s approach to ‘illegal’ immigration, but also on the state’s overall policy
towards right-wing nationalism. Three scenarios are seen to be possible at this juncture: ‘marginalised nationalists’,
‘underground nationalists’, and ‘incorporated nationalists’.
Teija Tiilikainen, Three Options for the EU: Assessing the EU’s powers in a true economic and political
Safeguarding the EU's unity in the long-term development of the EMU is currently one of the major challenges for
the Union. The de facto adjustments made to the EU's economic and fiscal powers due to the economic and
financial crisis, including the completion of the Banking Union, create pressures to address the treaty-based division
of powers and to strengthen the democratic control of the powers executed by the Union. The need to back the
EU's macroeconomic goals with fiscal instruments has been made evident by the economic crisis; the position of
these instruments outside the common budget might become increasingly controversial. A further increase in
economic solidarity (jointly guaranteed debt, taxation power) might jeopardize the EU's stability and democratic
legitimacy if carried out in the current political and institutional framework. A system of constitutional and fiscal
federalism would produce a more stable outcome, but would require major changes in the EU's democratic system
and system of policy implementation, in its external policies and the way its constitutional powers are arranged.
Anna Kronlund, Obama's Climate Policy: Addressing climate change through executive actions.
President Barack Obama’s recent action to address climate change indicates that it will be one of the second term’s
topical questions. The new climate change action plan introduced by Obama in June 2013 is composed of various
executive actions and based on three pillars: reducing carbon pollution; leading international attempts to approach
climate change; and preparing the US for the effects of climate change. The measures already adopted on climate
change provide an opportunity to examine the possibilities that the president has to implement his climate action
plan through executive powers without Congress. The decision to advance the political agenda through executive
decisions is at least partly attributable to the partisan gridlock currently gripping US politics. The reach and effect of
the executive decisions to address climate change outlined in the climate action plan are yet to be determined. The
topical question seems to be whether the actions already taken offer hope that the US will reach its target to reduce
carbon pollution and slow the effects of climate change, or whether legislative action from Congress will be called
for. Although climate change is now being addressed through executive actions that do not require new legislation
from Congress, this does not rule out the possibility that legislation will be passed in the future.
Juha Käpylä, Harri Mikkola, Arctic Conflict Potential: Towards an extra-Arctic perspective.
According to a popular notion, huge natural resource reserves located in the Arctic region will lead to a conflictual
"gold rush" when Arctic states compete to claim these reserves for themselves. More precisely, there is the potential
for interstate conflict in the Arctic area related to unresolved border issues, control of the Arctic maritime routes, and
demarcation of the resource-rich continental shelves under the Arctic Ocean. However, Arctic states have little to
gain by letting the Arctic dynamics slip into a conflict state that would create an unfruitful investment environment in
the region. Relatively well-functioning regional and international governance mechanisms further defuse the
interstate conflict potential in the region. Despite the divergent political interests of various players, the intra-Arctic
conflict potential remains low. Should interstate conflict surface in the Arctic, the source is most likely to be related
to complex global dynamics that may spill over to the region and which cannot be addressed with existing Arctic
governance mechanisms. This extra-Arctic perspective should be increasingly taken into consideration by scholars
and policy-makers.
Alyson J.K. Bailes, Baldur Thorhallsson, Iceland and Europe: Drifting further apart?
Iceland applied for EU membership in 2009 at the height of the economic crisis. Four years later, a new government
has put the application on hold: the majority of Icelanders are opposed to entry, but want to continue the accession
process and put the results to a vote. Iceland’s longer-standing problems with European integration stem from the
issue of sovereignty in general, and maintaining control over fisheries and agriculture in particular. Since 2009, antiEuropean feelings have been stoked by the ‘Icesave’ dispute, while the prospective benefits of entry (including use
of the euro) have been tarnished by witnessing the fate of other small states during the euro crisis. The new
government proposes remaining a member of the EEA and developing relations with other world powers. But the
US commitment to Iceland has weakened over the years, and ‘rising’ powers like China are unable, as yet, to solve
the country’s core problems. In terms of both its security and its standing within the global economy, Iceland is
becoming more rather than less dependent on Europe over time. The question raised by the latest political turn is
whether it will have to maintain that relationship from a distance, with limited control and with no guaranteed
Juha Jokela, Towards a Deeper EMU: An assessment of political divisions within the EU.
The extraordinary political decisions taken to tackle the financial and economic crisis, and to reform and reinforce
the EMU have opened up some old wounds and created new political dividing lines in the EU. The EU has
witnessed the re-emergence of the north-south divide as a key marker of distinct political and economic visions and
imperatives within the EU. At the same time, the division between the east and west is diminishing. The importance
of the political dividing line between euro and non-euro EU members has also increased, yet it is not clearly defined.
The uneven burden-sharing between euro and non-euro countries in providing financial means to tackle the crisis
is, however, shaping the contours of EU politics. Despite the British reluctance to join the current political processes
propelling a deeper economic integration, no other profound preconditions for the EU’s future development have
been established by the member states. Yet the depth of the reinforced EMU is currently under consideration in
many member states. The strengthening of the populist and Eurosceptic political movements has led to the
resurrection of the anti-EU and pro-EU political dividing line in many member states. This is increasingly reflected at
the EU level, and might constrain the EU’s future development.
FIIA Comments
Sean Roberts, A hollow victory for the Putin administration? Russia’s regional elections look set to deliver
gains, but fresh problems too.
Efforts to boost the legitimacy of September’s ‘showcase’ Moscow mayoral election reveal growing indecision on
the part of Russia’s leadership.
Jyrki Kallio, Is the Communist Party dragging China back into the shadow of Mao? China’s new leadership is
all about unity and will not allow any dissent.
The global polito-economic situation necessitates reforms and greater openness from China’s new leadership both
domestically and internationally. However, the Communist Party’s decision-making ability seems constrained by its
fixation on the preservation of unity and stability.
Read online.
Publications from the College of
Europe, Campus Natolin
Dimitris, Bouris, The European Union’s role in the Palestinian Territories: state-building through security
sector reform?, in Dursun-Ozkanca, Oya (ed.) "The European Union as an Actor in Security Sector Reform:
Current Practices and Challenges of Implementation", Routledge 2013.
Dimitris, Bouris, Tobias Schumacher, The EU becomes assertive in the Middle East peace process, Open
Democracy, 25 July 2013.
Irene, Fernandez Molina, Breaking the Deadlock in the Western Sahara, Sada (Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 10 June 2013. Republished by Lakome (Morocco), The Daily Star (Lebanon) and The Cairo
Review of Global Affairs (Egypt).
Michal, Natorski, The European Neighbourhood Policy in the Eastern Region: The Practices Perspective,
Special Issue: East European Politics, Vol. 29, Issue 3 (co-edited with Elena A. Korosteleva and Licínia Simão).
Michal, Natorski, Reforms in the judiciary of Ukraine: domestic practices and the EU’s policy instruments,
East European Politics, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 358-375, 2013.
Michal, Natorski, The Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy: practices, instruments and
social structures, East European Politics, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 257-272, 2013 (with Elena A. Korosteleva and
Licínia Simão).
Tobias, Schumacher, Irene, Fernandez Molina, The EU, GCC Countries and the Mediterranean Neighbourhood.
Towards Synergetic Cooperation?, Gulf Research Center, Gulf Papers, 14 August 2013.
Forthcoming Publications
Dimitris, Bouris, The European Union and Occupied Palestinian Territories: state-building without a state,
Irene, Fernandez Molina,Maroc – L’expérience gouvernementale du Parti de la Justice et du Développement:
les islamistes au pouvoir?, in L’Année du Maghreb IX, CNRS, Paris, 2013 (with Thierry, Desrues).
Irene, Fernandez Molina, La interacción entre la gestión ‘interna’ e internacional del conflicto del Sáhara
Occidental por parte de Marruecos: una propuesta de cronología (1999-2013), Revista de Investigaciones
Políticas y Sociológicas, Vol. 12, No 2, 2013.
Tobias, Schumacher, Stelios, Stavridis, Southern European States, in Amelia Hadfield, Ian Manners, Richard
Whitman (eds.): "The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States", Manchester: Manchester University
Press, 2014.
Tobias, Schumacher, The EU and Democracy Promotion: Readjusting to the Arab Spring, in: Larbi Sadiki (ed.):
"The Routledge Handbook on the Arab Spring", Oxon: Routledge, 2014.
Read online.
News from outside the TEPSA network
Conference: “The European Union in
International Organisations and Global
Governance”, 15 November, Geneva
On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Center for European Legal Studies of
the University of Geneva is organising on November 15th, 2013 an international
conference entitled: “The European Union in International Organisations and
Global Governance”.
The conference will provide a comprehensive overview of the participation of the
European Union in international organisations, such as the UN, WTO, ILO, WHO,
WIPO, identifying the role of the various actors involved in the decision-making
process and the influence of the European Union in the areas of activities of the different organisations.
The conference will be held in English and we will hear presentations from diplomats, practitioners and scholars
coming from various European countries.
The detailed programme as well as the registration formular can be found here.
If you are interested to participate in this conference, please send the formular back to our offices
([email protected]) preferably before November 4th 2013.
Read online.
Call for papers - the European-Mediterranean relationship in the
aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’
The scientific quarterly journal "L'Europe en formation" invites would-be contributors to submit papers for
consideration in a forthcoming thematic issue on Facing new challenges: the European-Mediterranean
relationship in the aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’, to be published in Spring 2014.
Our former summer 2010 edition focused on the Union for the Mediterranean and its role in the EuropeanMediterranean relationship. Meanwhile, major uprisings in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region have
succeeded in ousting autocratic regimes, replacing them with countries in transition. For the sake of its own
credibility, the European Union reviewed its policies for the MENA region within the framework of its Neighborhood
Policy. While some aspects of its new approach could be seen in a positive light, most experts do not hesitate to
underline its shortfalls, talking about missed opportunities. What is more, the Union for the Mediterranean, together
with its protracted difficulties in becoming operational, appears now to be of a quite anachronistic nature since it
was originally designed as an apolitical union. Efforts of the president of the European Parliament in April this year,
Martin Schulz, to rethink it in a way where parliaments may be able to play a more prominent role have so far come
to no avail.
Along with these developments, a number of challenging research questions come to the surface. Submissions may
address the following topics:
Did the European Union really change its approach?
How did it react to the events of the “Arab Spring”?
Are the problems the EU is confronted with while trying to spread democratic values in neighboring countries
similar to those of other powers with democracy promotion policies in the region?
Can the EU really make a difference after having supported the regions’ autocratic regimes in the past?
How do social movements perceive the EU and its role in the transition process in the MENA countries?
Is the Union for the Mediterranean asleep or alive?
Do the old controversial issues that put the deepening of the European Mediterranean relationship on hold in
the past, such as the issue of Cyprus, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian territories and Western
Sahara lose predominance?
How do the issues of migration and refugees impact the relations between the EU and the North African
Contributions are accepted from researchers and practitioners from all fields of social sciences, and can be written
in English or French. Interdisciplinary contributions are encouraged, as well as theoretical, conceptual and
methodological approaches. Proposals should be submitted by 11 November 2013, to the editors, at the following
address: [email protected] ; [email protected]. It should include the title of the proposed article, a brief
presentation (500 words), and the CV of the author separately. Proposals will be submitted to the members of an
Advisory Board. Once the proposal is accepted, the article should be submitted before 3 March 2014. Once
received, each article will be submitted to a blind peer-review procedure. It will be published in the Spring 2014
issue (expected month of publication: April). The papers, of 5.000 to 10.000 words in length (including footnotes and
excluding bibliography), may be written in English or French. An abstract of 150 words should be added to the
article (with a translation in the other language if possible), as well as a brief presentation of the author (100 words).
"L’Europe en formation", founded in 1960, is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal focusing on
European Integration and policies, International Relations and Federalism. Articles are written either in English or in
French. For more information about the Journal please visit our website: http://www.europeenformation.eu
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Call for applications: winter school "The Parliaments of Europe in
Democracy Promotion and Constitutional Transitions", 7-17
January 2014, Rome
The winter school "The Parliaments of Europe in Democracy Promotion and Constitutional Transitions"
(PaDeCo) aims at assessing the role of Parliaments in the promotion of democracy within the EU as well as
outside the EU. It brings together the advanced knowledge and experience of a faculty coming from Science PoBordeaux, University of Hull and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London.
The Winter School will take place at LUISS Guido Carli Campus, in Rome, from 7 to 17 January 2014. It is open to
graduate and PhD students.
The beneficiaries of this intensive learning experience are:
undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students with demonstrated interest on the topic;
civil servants from European institutions and bodies, from international organizations, and from national and
subnational institutions in Member States and from Third countries, who want to advance and share their
hands-on experience with other colleagues and scholars;
lobbyists and public affairs professionals who want to acquire advanced knowledge on the role of Parliaments
in the promotion of democracy within the European Union as well as outside the EU.
In order to be admitted candidates are to complete a full application inclusive of :
Motivation letter
Full academic and professional CV
Reference letter
The deadline for submitting the application is 10 November 2013.
The Winter School reserves up to 30 scholarships for selected participants coming from four partnership institutions:
Science Po – Bordeaux, University of Hull, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London and LUISS
Guido Carli.
Selected participants from other institutions can participate upon the payment of a tuition fee of: EUR 1500 inclusive
of full accommodation at Hotel Santa Costanza or EUR 900 without accommodation.
Please see the full description of the Winter school on Parliaments here.
Read online.
Public Consultations held by the
European Commission
Public consultation on the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and
Ionian Region
The public consultation on the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and
Ionian Region (EUSAIR) aims to reach relevant stakeholders
and to gather their ideas in order to make sure that the Strategy
is realistic in its starting point, appropriate in its objectives and
responsive to the real needs of inhabitants of the Region. The overall objective of the EUSAIR is to promote
sustainable economic and social prosperity of the Region through growth and jobs creation, by improving its
attractiveness, competitiveness and connectivity while at the same time preserving the environment and ensuring
healthy and balanced marine and coastal ecosystems. Deadline: 13.12.2013.
Public Consultation on the Crowdfunding in the EU - Exploring the added value of potential EU action
The European Commission is launching a consultation to explore the added value of potential EU action. Deadline:
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