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View PDF - Cincinnati History Library and Archives
1993 Annual Report
New Beginnings
The Cincinnati Historical Society took progressive steps in 1993 to support its new level
of public service. Now a 162-year-old
research institution while only a two-year-old
fully-operational museum, the Society is
committed to enhancing services and expanding its audience.
Our year of new beginnings started by
providing an array of exhibits, programs and
events which appealed to everyone in the
family - from parents to children to grandparents. A single place where "history comes to
The next several pages reflect upon
the accomplishments and new beginnings of
1993 and the people of The Cincinnati
Historical Society Museum and Library who
have made it all possible.
The Cincinnati Historical Society
President and Director's Report
appropriate for young children and a value for the whole
These events, in combination with the
One would like to think
that CHS and Museum 60th Anniversary of Union Terminal activities throughCenter had something to out the year, a new holiday experience in Museum
do with Cincinnati being Center's PNC Bank Winter Festival at Union Terminal,
named "America's Most Living History Weekends in our museum and the many
Livable City" in 1993, but other attractions you'll read on the following pages,
we can only speak to our were all designed with the entire family in mind. They
own organizational strides have contributed to increased attendance, increased
and the people we have group sales and membership and an overall expansion of
attracted through our our audience.
We are on
front doors.
It's not hard the cutting edge - and in
Ted Emmerich
to see the results when many ways ahead - of
you look at the cover of this Annual Report. Children at other historical museums
Play, a history of outdoor street games from the 1880s across the country. In
through the 1990s, opened in July and has continued to October, The Cincinnati
capture the hearts of children and adults alike. July, Historical Society Museum
August and September were one of the strongest periods received its fifth Award of
of attendance we have had to date - an increase of 28 Merit in 12 years from the
percent over the same period in 1992 - due largely to the American Association for
attraction of this interactive, dynamic exhibit. Children State and Local History
learn that "not all games run on batteries" as they play (AASLH). This year's Gale Peterson
nostalgic games of the past, and adults become kids award was for our permanent exhibit Cincinnati: Settlement to 1860s. The
again remembering days of childhood.
We are also happy to report that the exhibit AASLH Awards Program is the nation's most prestiwill begin traveling in January 1995, to the Atlanta gious competition for recognition of achievement in the
History Center, Western Heritage Museum in Omaha, preservation and interpretation of local, state and
San Diego Historical Society and The Historical regional history.
On behalf of The Cincinnati Historical
Museum, Miami. Other sites will be forthcoming and
Society and its Board of Trustees, we gratefully acknowldetails are being arranged.
all of you - our loyal donors, members, volunteers
BOOFEST '93 was a new tradition
launched this year to continue to attract visitors who and employees - and invite you to help us take CHS to
are looking for family entertainment. BOOFEST, pre- even greater levels of public service and awareness in
sented by The Kroger Co. and WINK 94.1 FM, was a new the years to come.
Halloween experience unlike any other in the city of
Cincinnati. Geared toward the entire family, especially
those with young children, visitors trick-or-treated
Theodore H. Emmerich
down a ghostly street through time consisting of five
Board of Trustees
houses with character actors behind each door. More
than 8,500 visitors came to BOOFEST, which was only
open in the evening during the week and all day on
weekends the last 10 days of October. Although lines to
Gale E. Peterson
enter BOOFEST were at times rather long, the majority
of visitors appreciated our sensitivity to keep the event
1993 Annual Report
Report of the
For the Fiscal Year Ending
June 30, 1993
John F. Crowley
Judith L. Madsen
Director of Finance &) Administration
Fixed Asset
Support & Revenue
Investment Income
Membership Dues-Individual
Corporate Support
Gifts & Grants
Fees & Services
Special Events
$ 227,800
Total Support & Revenue
$ 3,580,759
Gift Shop
MCF Occupancy Expense
$ 346,027
Total Expenses
$ 585,342
$ 4,033,828
$ (512,675)
$ (41,458)
Excess (Deficiency) Support &
$ 101,064
Revenue Over Expenses
Proceeds from transfer of
lease-hold interest on Eden Park
Net Gain (Loss) Sale of Securities
Increase (Decrease) Fund Balances
Fund Balances July 1, 1992*
Interfund Transfers
$ 969,322
$ (512,675)
$ (41,458)
Fund Balances June 30, 1993*
$ 198,718
Notes on the Treasurer's
1. The Women's
Association reported
income of $9,081 and
expenses of $7,413 that are
not included in the report
* Includes Endowment
Fund stated at book value
The Cincinnati Historical Society
CHS Library: The Backbone of
Who We Are
The Cincinnati Historical Society was founded in 1831
(formerly The Historical and Philosophical Society of
Ohio) and remains dedicated to collecting, preserving
and presenting the history of Greater Cincinnati, southwest Ohio and the territory known as the Old
Northwest. CHS operates one the nation's oldest,
largest and most signigicant regional research libraries
which is open to the public, free of charge, six days a
' i
• "
The CHS Library is truly the backbone of
the organization - from providing research materials for
exhibits to the photograph collections to conservation to
the archives - many aspects of what we present to the
public originated in some fashion from the library.
The CHS Library of 40,000 books, 50,000
pamphlets, more than 2,000 maps, 350 broadsides, an
extensive periodical collection and ephemera document
the vast cultural, political, ecomomic, religious and
social heritage of this region. The library continually
adds to its collections to aid those who are interested in
the study of local history and assists the museum staff
in researching and planning both temporary and permanent exhibits, researching historical tours and slide presentations, or developing the persona for the museum's
first person interperters who bring history to life.
One of the 26,000 images taken by the late Danny
Ransohoff long-time
supporter and member of
CHS-donated to the
Society's collections.
The library's extensive photograph collection - more than 700,000 images including daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, glass lantern slides, postcards, early and modern prints, glass and film negatives
and color transparencies - visually document the history
of the city and are an excellent source for historians,
publishers, students, authors and media. Collections
and works of prominent Cincinnati photographers represented in the collection include: Paul Briol, Daniel J.
Ransohoff, Felix Koch, J.P. Ball and George S. Rosenthal.
While most library users come from the
Cincinnati area, others represent more than 100 colleges
and universities located throughout the United States,
Canada and western Europe. Periodically, professors
from area universities arrange to conduct class in the
library to introduce the CHS collections to their students.
After 60 years of clipping and filing news
articles, the library now relies on NEWSDEX (the Public
Library's newspaper index within its automated calalog)
to provide citations to articles. To access the database
and collections of the academic libraries in Cincinnati
and Ohio, CHS library users use a computer terminal
located in the reception area.
The Conservation Department implements
the Society's comprehensive preservation program
designed to maintain the collections in usable form and
to preserve these important materials for future generations. In cooperation with the library and museum curators, the department monitors handling practices, storage
environments and manages an in-house conservation laboratory in which paper is mended, protective enclosures
constructed, documents encapsulated and books and
pamphlets repaired or bound by hand. The only non-commercial organization in
Cincinnati to offer preservation microfilming services to individuals, businesses and organizations,
the CHS preservation
experts will microfilm
documents without damaging the original material.
More than 100 images from
the CHS photo collections
grace the pages of J.P. Ball:
Daguerrean and Studio
Photographer, published in
1993. Ball, an important, mid19th century African
American photographer, and
his partner, Alexander
Thomas (pictured here),
opened a highly successful
art gallery in Cincinnati in the
1850s. A facade of the Ball &
Thomas Gallery is presented
on the CHS Public Landing.
1993 Annual Report
The Archives
Department contains more than 970 major and several
thousand smaller collections that provide excellent
material for advanced reseach. A sample of their breadth
and importance include: the letters of John Cleves
Symmes, James McBride and Aaron Torrence which
chronicle the founding of Cincinnati and the Old
Northwest Territory; the papers of 20th century politicians Murray Seasongood, Charles P. Taft II and John B.
Hollister which trace the city's recent development;
records of architects Samuel Hannaford, James
McLaughlin and Harry Hake & Co. that document
Cincinnati's architectural heritage; records of the Music
Festival Association (May Festival), the Rookwood
Pottery Company, sculptor Hiram Powers and the
Wulsin family, that reflect Cincinnati's great musical,
artistic and cultural history.
Business Archives
Among the most notable donations to the
library's printed works collections in 1993:
19th and early 20th century works concerning
Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Northwest Territory
from the Estate of Charles Sawyer
a number of 19th century U.S. travel accounts
from Compton Allyn, CHS Trustee
late 20th century books and pamphlets on
Cincinnati and Ohio from the estate of Daniel
and church histories and railroad material
from Marion Bien
In 1993 the National Historic Publications
and Records Commission (NHPRC) approved the
Society's application to hire German-speaking staff to
complete the processing of the Nippert Collection, relating to the history of German Methodism in the U.S. and
other countries. NHPRC contributed more
than $97,000 to the ^ • • ^ • B
two-year project and
rated CHS's application one of the top in
the nation.
An outstanding Business Archives collection documents
early industry and commerce of the region, as well as
late 19th and 20th century economic activities. CHS is
on the cutting edge of archival innovation by being the
first archives in the country to institute the provision of
archival services to businesses and organizations for a
fee. It has enabled company and institutional records to
be organized, stored and/or processed for a fee while the
business is still a growing concern.
Through this pioneering effort, the Society
has become the repository for the records of many small
to medium size companies in the Cincinnati area.
Contracts reflect a wide range of services including
records management, historical research and reference
services, as well as basic storage and archival administration.
During 1993 the Business Archives won 13
contracts worth $41,950 and by the end of the 1993/94
fiscal year, expects to earn a total of $50,213, more than
doubling the figures from last year.
Business Archives contracts acquired in
1993 included: the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra,
Gibson Greeting, Inc., Ketcham Communications,
Fleischmann Yeast Company, Warren County Historical
Society, Cincinnati Stock Exchange, Littleford Group,
Inc., Sons of Colonial Wars, Cincinnati Technical
College, Petty Consulting/ Products, Inc., Cincinnati
Opera and ROTEX, INC.
Last winter CHS, in cooperation with the Cincinnati Police
Division, recovered 12
documents - including two
letters written by Abraham
Lincoln - that were stolen
from several manuscript
In 1993, the CHS Library reference staff answered 8,400
requests for information
in-house, by telephone and
through mail inquiries.
The Cincinnati Historical Society
"The Business Archives
Program experienced a
record year in 1993 as more
and more business owners
and CEOs found that their
historical records can guide
management and endow it
with a treasure of corporate
lore and experience.
Steve Wright (right) with
Business Archives volunteer
business people are finding
John Schwab.
that maintaining records
which explain past policies, the solutions to past problems
and the precedents evolved through day-to-day operations are assets as surely as an item on a balance sheet."
Steve Wright
Business Archivist
Broadcast Archives
In June of an exciting year, CHS opened its Broadcast
Archives. A Broadcast Archivist, hired in January 1993,
started to tackle the enormous task of organizing
3,000,000 feet of film and hundreds of video and audio
tapes in the collection, as well as acquiring the equipment
and processing space needed to preserve the collections.
CHS began collecting photographs as early
as the 1840s and the first moving pictures came into the
collection in the 1930s. It was not until the 1980s, however, that we began actively collecting film, videotapes
and sound recordings from radio and television sources.
The opening of the Broadcast Archives is
due largely to the fundraising efforts of Gene Elkus, CHS
Trustee, and Walter Bartlett, of Multimedia, Inc. The
two spearheaded a committee to raise approximately
$145,000 to launch the initial phase of the Broadcast
Archives. Additional funding will be necessary to continue this program beyond 1995.
Local broadcasters and industrial television producers have also been very supportive and generous, with WXIX-TV donating much-needed film equipment, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) and Cincinnati Milacron, Inc. assisting
with equipment needs.
The collection ranges from 1917 newsreel
clips of Cincinnati's preparation for WWI through newscasts videos of today; prized collection items such as
Clarence Runey's film of Cincinnati's 1919 parade celebrating the end of WWI; clips from the 1919 World
Series between the Cincinnati Reds and Chicago White
Sox; 1,000 hours of local television programming such as
excerpts from the Ruth Lyons' 50-50 Club (WLWT,
The 1993 Greater
Cincinnati Broadcast
Hall of Fame
Burt Farber
Bill McCluskey
Richard Schenck
Marian Spelman
Bill Fields
Bob Braun
v- ,
A new category was developed to encourage the
public to vote for their favorite TV and radio
personalities on air today. The 1993 "Cincinnati's
Choice" Award honorees were
Courtis Fuller (WLWT-TV)
Mike McMurray (formerly of WCKY-AM).
In November 1993, veteran
radio announcer Jack
Strader, and his wife Joan,
donated a state-of-the-art
studio to the CHS Broadcast
Archives for recording oral
histories and processing
archival sound recordings.
The Strader Studio was dedicated on Jack Strader's 70th
Birthday, December 4.
1993 Annual Report
1950S-1960S), The Nick Clooney Show (WKRC, 1971)
and The Dottie Mack Show (WCPO, 1950s); and 300
hours of local radio news and entertainment programming from the 1930s political speeches to "Moon River"
of the 1940s and "Big Jon Sparkie" of the 1950s.
Reference copies of many of these programs are available
for public use in the library.
The CHS museum is also preparing to utilize the Broadcast Archives collection for a History of
Cincinnati Radio and Television exhibit slated for 1996
to showcase the great Cincinnati broadcast personalities
from the 1920s to the 1990s. This interactive exhibit,
designed with entertaining qualities to lure the entire
family, will explore Powel Crosley's role in developing
Cincinnati into a broadcasting center in the 1920S-40S,
as well as highlight such stars as Uncle Al, Doris Day,
Ruth Lyons, the Mills Brothers, Bob Braun and many
more. Finding appropriate sponsorship and funding will
be key to developing such an exhibit.
Museum & Exhibitions: History
Comes to Life
In 1993 The Cincinnati Historical Society
received its fifth Award of Merit in 12
years from the American Association for
State and Local History for the Cincinnati:
Settlement to 1860s exhibit.
Few celebrations compare to the colorful pageantry of a
wedding. Just in time for Valentine's Day, CHS opened
Here Come the Brides: A Century of Cincinnati
Weddings i860 to 1960, celebrating 100 years of Queen
City weddings. The exhibit showcased vintage wedding
gowns, each in their own authentic setting, representing
Cincinnati's traditions, customs and trends, as well as
social, economic and religious diversity.
Replacing Brides in July 1993, was
Children at Play, an exhibit which has stirred childhood
memories for visitors of all ages. Designed for the
young at heart, the exhibit features four time periods of
outdoor street games from the 1880s through the 1990s.
Children at Play, presented by Ivory Soap, is a dynamic,
exhibit where kids - and adults too - can
"Our mission to preserve
the can, play jacks, hopscotch, marbles
local history is not limited
to paper records alone. For and shoot hoops. More than 90 images from the 19th
and 20th century within the exhibit are from the CHS
a fuller understanding of
our times, future genera- photo archives.
In 1995 Children at Play will travel to the
tions will also need the
Center, Western Heritage Museum in
films, videotapes and audio
Omaha, San Diego Historical Society and The Historical
recordings the Broadcast
Miami. Other travel sites are being developed.
Archives is preserving.
Think of the
implosion of Sander Hall or
the demolition of the L & N Bridge. Videotape preserves
the dramatic images and sounds of these events in ways
that printed descriptions and still pictures cannot. These
records enhance our understanding of events and issues,
putting them more vividly in their historical context."
Cynthia Keller
Broadcast Archivist
The Here Come the Brides: A
Century of Cincinnati
Weddings 1860-1960 exh i b it
was a hit, especially for
Suzanne and Warren
Stichtenoth. The Stichtenoths
were married in 1949 and the
bride's gown and going-away
suit were featured in the
exhibit. Brides was curated
by Sylvia Reid, CHS
Costumes & Textiles Curator
and Judith Hutchison, Exhibit
The Cincinnati Historical Society
In celebration of the 6oth Anniversary of
Union Terminal, CHS exhibited the works of Winold
Reiss, creator of Union Terminal's famous mosaics. The
Artistry of Winold Reiss exhibit included sketches and
paintings used in the creation of the murals and ethnic
portraits on loan from the CM. Russell Museum and
Winold's son, Tjark Reiss.
"Prior to becoming a
museum, CHS went from a
very small collection of
three-dimensional historical artifacts in 1986 to a collection of more than 15,000
items. And we're still
Among our
most notable pieces in the
collections are the Civil War uniform of General William
Lytle, Rookwood Pottery, items relating to lithographs of
the Strobridge Company, Mitchell & Rammelsberg
Cincinnati-made furniture and paintings by Elizabeth
Nourse, Henry Mosler and William Sonntag, to name a few.
Now a fully-operational museum, every item
in the collection is computer cataloged and stored in a
highly-secured area within the facility. And while only five
percent of our total collections are exhibited, these items
are continually being cared for and preserved for the
David Conzett
Museum Curator
Other museum exhibits and displays
throughout the year included: An Alex Haley mini
exhibit; The Magic of Cincinnati: Posters from the
Collections of The Cincinnati Historical Society and
Kenneth Klosterman-, a Model Railroad exhibit,
presented by Division 7 of the Mid-Central Region of
the National Model Railroad Association,- and Adrift in
Time, photographs by Michael Keating's Ohio River
series in The Cincinnati Enquirer.
The conceptual plan for Phase II of our permanent exhibit Workers and the Changing Workplace
was completed in 1993. The process was funded by a
$50,000 grant from the National Endowment for the
Humanities (NEH) for design, stipends and expenses for
consultants and research.
And in October, CHS received a
Conservation Assessment Program grant from the
National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural
Property. The grant will fund both an objects conservator and an architectural assessor to do general surveys of
the museum collections and the Union Terminal.
The Artistry of Winold Reiss
opened the evening of the
1993 CHS Gala in November.
The exhibit featured sketches
and paintings used in the creation of the Terminal's
mosaics, as well as several
ethnic portraits. Pictured
from left: Michael Lowe,
Renate and Tjark Reiss
(Winold's son) and Kimberly
Klosterman. The exhibit was
curated by David Conzett,
CHS Museum Curator, and
Kimberly Klosterman of the
Michael Lowe Gallery.
A 1903 Rookwood Pottery
plaque Native American
Mother and Child was
donated to the museum
collections by The August A.
Rendigs, Jr. Foundation.
1993 Annual Report
Education for All Ages
The Cincinnati Historical Society has developed an
array of educational programs ranging from a variety of
classes to tours to lectures/slide presentations presented
at CHS and other locations throughout the community.
Nearly 20,000 students annually are reached through
special school programs. CHS offers teachers a choice of
six different thematic tours of the museum exhibits two each for primary, middle and secondary levels.
These are interpreter-directed and include hands-on
To increase our visibility among schools
and attract more school visits, CHS hosted a series of
teacher receptions in 1993. In addition, a four-week
course "Exploring The Cincinnati Historical Society"
was given to 11 teachers from Indian Hill, Wyoming and
Mariemont school systems and a teacher advisory committee was formed to review and perhaps revise our
school programs.
CHS also offers at least two children's
classes each month plus three week-long sessions of
History Camp in the summer.
Similarly, at least two classes, lectures or
workshops are offered for adults each month in addition
to a monthly "Seminar on the City" lecture series during the academic year. The series, co-sponsored by CHS,
the University of Cincinnati Department of History and
the Center for Neighborhood and Community Studies,
welcomes speakers from around the country and from
Greater Cincinnati to promote discussion and better
understanding of urban life and culture.
In addition, CHS spearheaded an outreach
program to more than 30 local history societies in the
metropolitan area. During 1993 this collaboration
resulted in a local history fair held at Museum Center
which welcomed the societies to set up booths in the
Rotunda to promote their programs. A series of eight
continuing education workshops were also developed in
conjunction with The Ohio Historical Society.
The primary objective of the CHS Public
Programs Department is to offer a wide variety of educational and entertaining programs for diverse audiences.
Programs are targeted to specific groups taking age, gender, ethnicity and skill levels into consideration.
CHS is one of the first major
indoor museums to utilize a
blend of interpretive drama
and first person interpretation.
On any given day, visitors
may encounter one of more
than 15 different "characters"
from the 1790s to the 1850s.
(see opposite page)
"According to Edward H.
Able, Jr., Executive Director
of the American Association
of Museums, one of the five
critical issues facing museums today is ethnic and cultural diversity. He stresses
that such diversity must be
reflected in our collections,
Hs@0fil exhibitions,
programs, publications, policies and practices, in the composition of our boards and staff and in the audience we
attract and serve.
We need to work together - staff, members,
volunteers and the general public - to reach a level of
inclusion that will continue to put CHS on the cutting edge
of museum education, equality and excellence."
E. Selean Holmes
Ethnic Programs Administrator
Multicultural Programs
In addition to providing educational programming
throughout the year, the CHS Ethnic Programs
Administrator designed a display on African American
men for the annual "Juneteenth" Celebration held at
Eden Park; coordinated the "African American
Invention Convention" in conjunction with the
Museum of Natural History; and produced a "Mother's
Remember Union Terminal" video which received the
Philo T. Farnsworth Video Competition Award for
In 1993 six inner-city students worked in
the Children at Play exhibit, and an important relationship continued with WIZF-FM, the number-one rated
African American radio station in the city, to produce
and present a two-hour call-in history talk show. The
first of three public forums on the 1993 elections were
broadcast live by WIZF from the Museum Center's
Reakirt Auditorium. CHS is a sponsor of the forums
along with the National Council of Negro Women, the
National Political Congress of Black Women, Inc. and
the United African American Association at Cincinnati
Technical College.
The City of Cincinnati is a partial sponsor
of CHS's multicultural activities.
Two-hundred students from
11 schools participated in the
Society's 1993 History Day.
Special Promotions: Expanding
our Audience
The Cincinnati Historical Society
During the holiday season, CHS Heritage
Shop sales increased 40 percent in 1993
The Cincinnati Historical Society Museum welcomed a
substantial increase in visitors in 1993 over 1992 - an
increase of 17 percent from 170,091 to 198,935. And
when we add 19,251 visitors who came to a special
event in our exhibit space during non-museum hours,
our BOOFEST attendance of 8,500, plus the 43,994
Winter Festival visitors who saw at least a portion of our
museum, the total for 1993 reached 270,680! We know
of no other urban history museum in the country that
can match this number of visitors.
from the same time in 1992.
There is always something to do and see in
the CHS museum. On any day the museum is open, visitors may encounter a first-person interpretation of daily
life in the city in four different museum areas representing four different time periods.
Every weekend visitors may participate in
demonstrations throughout the permanent exhibit such
as woodcarving, basket making, cornhusk doll making,
spinning and weaving, storytelling, etc. And nearly
every month has a special theme featuring a "Living
History Weekend" full of activities for the entire family.
August was "River Heritage" month and the CHS firstperson interpreters recreated situations and conversations that highlighted the place of the river in the lives
of past Cincinnatians; "Harvest Heritage" month in
October took visitors back in time to join the spirit of
the harvest in Cincinnati's frontier days,- and CHS commemorated the 200th anniversary of the city's first
newspaper through a special "Printing Bicentennial"
Living History Weekend in November.
This year, March 31, 1993, marked the
60th anniversary of Union Terminal and a variety of special events was planned to celebrate the commemorative
event "LIVE from Union Terminal: Sights and Sounds of
the 30s and 40s." For the first time in decades, Union
Terminal's mosaics were cleaned of dirt and grime from
coal smoke, cigar and cigarettes, and given a completely
new shine and luster. The 60th anniversary theme continued throughout the year.
Nearly every month features
a "Living History Weekend"
in the museum full of activities for the entire family.
August was "River Heritage
Month" and the Public
Landing came to life with
songs and stories of the river.
Approximately 8,500 trick-ortreaters attended BOOFEST
'93 for a ghostly adventure
through time . . . and most of
them arrived in costume.
(from left) Gale Peterson,
Fran and Clay Stinnett (Gala
chairs), were among 600
guests at the Dancing
through the Decades Gala,
the Society's major annual
1993 Annual Report
CHS Volunteers: The Silent
Strength of the Society
The dedication and support of 136 in-house, active volunteers make much of what this organization does possible. In 1993 volunteers contributed 17,617 hours of
service to CHS.
The volunteer program is coordinated by
Molly Lohr, CHS Assistant Director of Development
who, in 1993, formed a Volunteer Advisory Committee
consisting of 15 volunteers to establish institution-wide
procedures for providing input on issues concerning volunteerism within the organization.
In addition to in-house volunteers, the 26
members of the CHS Board of Trustees provide service
at regular board meetings and special events, as well as
serve and oversee various planning committees.
The Cincinnati Heritage Programs, a division of the CHS Public Programs Department, is a group
of trained CHS docents who share the rich history of the
tri-state area through their motorcoach tours, walking
tours and slide presentations. Volunteer enrichment and
on-going training are a vital and fun process for this
group as they research and develop new and interesting
programs. CHS docents also give special tours of the
Rotunda, free of charge, every weekend.
Community collaborations include volunteers who participated in the planning and development
of events such as: the annual Broadcast Hall of Fame
Awards; collaboration with Junior Achievement in cosponsoring the annual Greater Cincinnati Business Hall
Twice a week Don Walker
dedicates his time working in
the museum. Here, he's
giving a school tour in the
CHS WLW Radio Studio.
Don has been a volunteer
since the opening of the
of Fame; the Cincinnati Arts Consortium in co-presenting the annual Martin Luther King Day Breakfast; and
volunteers for three CHS support organizations:
Women's Association of The Cincinnati Historical
Society (WACHS), Black History Advisory Group and
the Young Cincinnatians.
under the
premise 'if it ain't fun the
heck with it/ the Cincinnati
Heritage Programs docents
experienced an interesting
year reviewing, reorganizing and growing.
docents set-up a network of
committees to plan and
address our needs as a
thriving program. Special committees discuss issues such
as mission, tour content, slide presentations, publicity,
school groups and volunteer training.
The goals of the Cincinnati Heritage
Programs for 1994 are to continue to create public awareness of our services; to recruit volunteers to join us as
docents, and to simply have our participants enjoy the fun
and interesting tours or slide presentations we offer."
Phyllis Radcliff
Volunteer, Cincinnati Heritage
See Cincinnati Via Trolley is
one of the many tours provided by the Cincinnati Heritage
Programs. CHS docents also
offer free Rotunda tours
every weekend.
The Cincinnati Historical Society
Expanding Development
In addition, candy donations were given by
M&M/Mars and Hershey, while plastic bags for trick-ortreating were donated by Amko Plastics Inc.
• The 1993 CHS Gala Dancing Through
the Decades, a tribute to the Terminal's 60th
Anniversary, previewed a new exhibit The Artistry of
Winold Reiss. Combining these two events created yet
another opportunity for sponsorship. The August A.
Rendigs, Jr. Foundation provided title sponsorship for
both the Gala and the Winold Reiss exhibit. Associate
sponsors included: American Laundry Machinery, Inc.;
The Galbreath Company,- The Cincinnati/Northern
Kentucky International Airport; Keating, Muething and
Klekamp,- The Merten Company; and The Penn Central
Ron Koetters,
CHS Board of Trustees
Chair, Development
It is my honor, as a member of the Board of
Trustees, to take an active
role in the future development of CHS. A great part
of the Society's success
begins with the Board taking ownership in the organization and for me, that ownership has been to lead the CHS Development Committee,
working alongside my fellow Board Members: Gene
Elkus, Patti Gaines and Hazeleen Brewster.
Corporate Support
As our range of exhibits, programs and events have
been enhanced, so have our opportunities for sponsorship and building relationships with corporations and
individuals in the city. The challenge becomes finding
the right match.
• Children at Play, an exhibit which
attracts a wide variety of visitors, offered CHS an opportunity to seek funding from corporations. Ivory Soap, a
division of Procter &. Gamble, made a gift to become
title sponsor of the exhibit. The Cincinnati Woman's
Club also made a donation to CHS to purchase five permanent exhibit cases used during the past year to display toys within the exhibit.
• The addition of BOOFEST, the new CHS
Halloween event, was an excellent opportunity for us to
seek in-kind advertising/publicity. The Kroger Co.
included BOOFEST in their Sunday newspaper advertisements, radio spots and weekly home circulars. In
addition, Kroger distributed $i off coupons to the event
in their stores.
WINK 94.1 FM was the media sponsor of
BOOFEST 93. Their promotions provided ticket giveaways on air and live remotes from the Museum Center.
The combination of Kroger and WINK's free publicity created an awareness of the event not otherwise available.
Individual Support/1788 Club
Because our development challenges and investment
opportunities are more plentiful than ever before, more
aggressive plans are needed to meet our goals.
Expanding our 1788 Club is one of the most effective
means we have of meeting the financial challenges facing this organization.
• Beginning July 1, 1993, members were
inspired to maximize their support of the 1788 Club
with the help of a challenge grant by an anonymous
donor. The donor will match all new and increased gifts
to the 1788 Club up to $25,000 on a 1:1 ratio. The challenge donor is hopeful that this gift will motivate others
to become part of the growing number of individuals
who support the Society.
• Members of the 1788 Club enjoy a number of social events throughout the year. Highlights of
1993 included the 1788 Club Annual Dinner at Alberly
Manor, home of Isabelle Paul; special previews of new
exhibits,- the CHS Annual Dinner with nationally
renown artist Michael Blaser ; a celebration of
Cincinnati's 205 Birthday at the Probasco Mansion,
home of Carol & Bill Nagel, and 60th Anniversary of
Union Terminal events, just to name a few.
We are pleased with our success so far and
realize the dedication required for the hard work that
lies ahead. But only with your support, will we continue
to thrive as an organization setting our sights and goals
higher and higher each year.
1993 Annual Report
1788 Club
All donors who contribute
unrestricted or special project
support to The Cincinnati
Historical Society are important to
the growth and vitality of CHS.
Special appreciation is extended
to 1788 Club donors as they
significantly promote the
Society's mission.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Lindner, Jr.
Mrs. Louis Nippert
Dr. and Mrs. George Rieveschl
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schiff
Mr. Thomas A. Vonderahe
Mrs. Elsie Holmes Warrington
Mr. and Mrs. Harris K. Weston
Mr. John R. White
Mr. and Mrs. Carson R. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Nagel
Robert W. and Carol Olson
Mrs. Lawrence M. Paul
Mrs. Robert W. Gwinner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hartkemeier
Mr. Rowland Hopple
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Johnson
Mr. Albert H. Jordan
Harris and Eliza Kempner Fdn.
Mrs. Kenneth Mahler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. McMullen
Mr. Cortland J. Meader
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Meyer
Mrs. Henry G. Monning
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Musekamp, III
Mr. Paul Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Svet Nankovitch
Valerie Newell and Timothy Smith
Mr. William L. Nimmo
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher E. Nyce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ott
Mr. John Weld Peck
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pepper
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Rowe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schloss, Sr.
Miss Mary Louise Schroth
Mrs. Paul W. Steer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Steiner
Mr. Joseph S. Stern, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Charles Straus
Mr. Stuart Bruen Sutphin, Jr.
Mrs. Robert D. Van Fossen
Robert and Carol Vidal
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westheimer
Mrs. Warren R. Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gantt
Mrs. Olga S. Krausser
Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Hahl
Mrs. Mark Paul Herschede
Timothy E. Hoberg, and Caryl Yzenbaard
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hopple, Jr.
Liz and Jim Jessee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Keating
Dr. Jules I. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. John P. March
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Merten, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Chris Neely
Mrs. John W. Peck
Mr. Robert L. Pohl
Mrs. William S. Rowe
Mr. Gordon H. Sandberg
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sandier
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schiff
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. William Slickerman
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sloneker
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stahl, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Street
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Tew, Jr.
Mr. Charles M. Townsend
Mrs. J. Frederick Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Westheimer
Mr. Frederick Ziv
Ft. Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Bartlett
Lela and George Brown
Dr. Frederick A. Hauck
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill W. Hazelton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Koetters
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Downing
Mr. John F. Koons
Mr. Vincent H. Beckman
Mrs. William Procter Bell
Mrs. Byron Boyer
Mrs. Ruth C. Carter
Mr. Stanley M. Chesley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. V. Anderson Coombe
Mrs. Kay Copelin-French
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Crowley
Mrs. John R. Deupree
Mrs. Richard R. Deupree, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Dinsmore
Mrs. William D. Ehlers
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Elkus
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Emmerich
Mr. Oliver M. Gale
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Philip O. Geier, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Gross, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Allen
Mrs. Charles M. Barrett
Mrs. William M. Blaine
Mr. and Mrs. David Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Breidster
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leland Brewster II
E. Dean and Brenda Butler
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Callard
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Castleberry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Cavally
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace T. Collett
Mr. Albert B. Cord
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Crisler
Mrs. Lewis B. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Davidson
Mr. William O. DeWitt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl
Mrs. Gerald J. Ficks
Mr. Michael Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. W. Roger Fry
Ms. Patricia Gaines
Mrs. Robert M. Galbraith III
In Memoriam
Mrs. Byron E. Boyer
Robert P. Doepke
Alice Hook
Jack Josselson
Thomas J. Klinedinst, Sr.
Grace Norton
Hon. John Weld Peck, Sr.
Marjorie Riley
Iola Hessler Silberstein
Robert Taft, Jr.
James Wolfe
The Cincinnati Historical Society
Contributors to the Society's Funds
Dr. and Mrs. Sol Abas
Fred A. and Barbara Aberlin
John T. and Laurie Acklen
Dr. Evelyn A. Adams
Paul and Joan Adams
Arthur P. and Florence Adamson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Adick
David and Margaret Adkins
Mr. John D. Adler
Dr. W. D. and Flavia Aeschbacher
A-F Industries, Inc.
Mrs. Robert B. Ager
Mrs. Edwin B. Ahrens
Air Pollution Control League
David C. and Ellen Alarie
Dr. John E. Albers
Mr. Andrew N. Albrecht
Steven and Jennifer Alden
Mr. Walter H. Alexander
David B. and Mary F. Allardyce
Ms. Frances Ott Allen
Michael K. and Lisa C. Allen
Richard H. and Barbara Allen
Drs. Richard and Besse-Lee Allnutt
Ms. Beverly Balch Allinsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Alpaugh
Sherman J. and Kathleen A. Alter
Robert and Sylvia N. Altman
American Honda Motor Company, Inc.
Mrs. Josephine C. Ames
Miss Annie W. Anderson
Griffin S. and Carolyn B. Anderson
Ms. Mary Lou Anderson
Roy and Mary Anderson
Mr. William A. Anderson
Anderson Publishing Company
Mrs. L. George Andre
Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Anning
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Ante
Jay and Ann Antenen
Richard Antoine and Dorothy O'Brien
Ms. Nanda Araujo
Arby's Restaurants
Ralph and Kristine Arencibia
Mr. Daniel Armstrong
Mr. John E. Armstrong
Robert and Constance Arner
Sen. and Mrs. Stan J. Aronoff
Mrs. H. Thomas Atkins
Aufdemkampe Hardware Company
Avon Products Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Avril
Ms. Susan H. Bacevich
Denis L. Back and Assoc, Inc.
Mr. James W. Bacon
Ms. Elizabeth Baer
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bahlman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bailey
Todd and Ann Bailey
Mr. Clifford Baker
James F. and Joan M. Barker
Ms. M. Elizabeth Barker
Roderick and Barbara Barr
Charles and Laura Barr
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Barton, Jr.
Ms. Jane L. Bashor
Jeffrey and Gayna Bassin
Mr. and Mrs. William Baston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Batterberry
Ms. Dorothy E. Bauer
Frank and Cheryl Bauer
Mr. William A. Baughin
Dr. N. Ray and Mary Ann Baumgartner
Ed C. and Jane Bavaria
R. Douglas and Barbara H. Baxter
Jack L. and Deana Bayes
Ms. Shannon Bays
Dr. Matthew Miles and Dorothy C. Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben J. Beaman, Jr.
Miss Dorothy Beck
Mr. Edward G. Beck, Jr.
Mr. Tom Beck
Kenneth L. and Margaret A. Becker
Robert L. and Beverly K. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Sheal L. Becker
Charles Beckman and Mary Lynch
Mrs. H. Clay Beekley
Mr. and Mrs. Zeev Beer
Mark and Joni M. Behnken
Paul and Kathryn Behrends
C. W. and Ann P. Bell
Mr. Kendrick H. Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bell
Richard H. and Marion Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Benedict
Michael B. and Kathleen A. Benken
Ms. Sally Benkner
Mr. John Bennet, Jr.
Denny and Cathy Benson
Mike and Sue Berding
Dr. Sandra D. Berg
Ms. Amy Elizabeth Berger
Ms. Kit Berger
Richard C. and Ellen A. Berghamer
Alfred and Judith Berghausen
Philip E. and Alma L. Berghausen
Barry K. and Lynne E. Berghorn
Mrs. Robert M. Bergstein
Kenneth H. and Sharon A. Beringhaus
Stuart M. and Doris Berman
Mrs. Frank E. Bernet
Ms. Jeanette Berning
James M. and Barbara L. Bernstein
Mrs. Shirley Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Berry
Mrs. Mary Anne Besl
Judges Gilbert and Marianna Bettman
Mr. Neil Biederman
Mr. Edward L. Bierbaum
Mr. Robert Bierbaum
Gordon and Judy Bierley
Mrs. A. Bieser
Hon. and Mrs. Robert L. Black
Dan and Kathy Blackburn
Wallace F. and Loraine Blackburn
Earle R. and Jean A. Blaine
George R. and Mary C. Blake
Mr. Fred A. Blanchard
Mrs. Charles F. Blank
Charles Bleil and Mary Zeis
Mr. Stuart Blersch
Peter and Randal Bloch
Mr. Mark D. Blocher
Thomas R. and Marion F. Blohm
Ms. Audrey B. Blum
Irwin and Sandra Bollinger
Ms. Linette L. Bollinger
Richard and Teresa Bolte
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Bolton
Patrick and Helen Borders
Ms. June H. Borgmann
Allen P. and Katherine M. Bomemann
Jon B. and Jeanne M. Boss
Mr. and Mrs. Elroy E. Bourgraf
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Bove
T. C. and Helen J. Bower
William and Ruth Bowser
Ms. Ann E. Brabbs
Ms. Gail Bradley
Ms. Lois D. Bradley
Ms. Kathleen Brady
David Brandt
Mr. and Mrs. Mel H. Brankamp
Ms. M. T. Brant
Loring and Kathleen Braverman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Breakall
John and Laura Bredenfoerder
James and Sara F. Breen
Ms. Louise Brehmer
Miss Ruth M. Bremer
J. D. and Jo Ann F. Breslin
Bill T. and Karin J. Bretz
Mr. Dan A. Bricker
Ms. Verneida I. Britton
Mr. Charles W. Broge
Mrs. Kyle F. Brooks
Mrs. LeRoy R. Brooks
Bart A. and Mary H. Brown, Jr.
Mr. J. W. Brown
Ms. Rachel G. Brown
Robert E. and Martha Brown
Mr. Robert H. Brown
Mr. Ronald D. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown
Mrs. Carolyn Browning, Jr.
I. William and Diane Brownlee
James P. and Carolyn C. Bruckman
George O. and Carol R. Bruestle
Bernard and Jean Bruns
Mr. Thomas Bruns
Ms. Brenda L. Bryant
Mr. Thomas F. Buck
Buckley Manufacturing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Budig, Jr.
Ms. Barbara N. Buechner
Ms. Jeanne E. Buente
John C. and Janet S. Buescher
Mr. Harvey L. Bullis
Mr. lames W. Bullock
Norbert J. and Rose Mary Bunke
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bunnell
Mr. Anthony E. Burkhart
Jerome A. and Martha B. Burkhart
Ms. Marie Burks
Ms. Jacqueline L. Burnett
Lee F. and Margaret A. Burroughs
Ms. Ruth Ann Busald
James E. and Barbara B. Bushman
Ms. Daisie L. Busken
Robert and Mary Buten
David and Diane Butler
Harold and Dorothy Buxton
Robert and Ruth Byles
Mr. Jay G. Byrer
Barbara Tate and James M. Cagle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Calder
John and Katherine Caldon
Carroll G. and Dolores M. Caldwell
John and Carolyn Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Callies
Mr. Bert Cameron
Mike Camery and Jackie Dieckman
Ms. Amy Camins
Dr. Patricia M. Carey
Richard A. Carlson
Richard and Jaquita Carlson
Ms. Mary K. Carlton
Mrs. Emily B. Carnan
Ms. Carmen G. Carrara
Albert and Theresa Carrol
Walter N. and Mary E. Carroll
Ralph R. and Sara Carruthers
Thomas H. and Patricia D. Carruthers
Mr. and Mrs. Arch I. Carson III
Harry W. and Julia Carter
James W. and Karen S. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. and Nancy Cassedy
Ms. Ida W. Casey
Mr. Albert D. Cash
Paul and Joan Cawdrey
Andrew and Patricia Ceder
Tim and Lesa Centers
Ms. Rosemary L. Centner
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Chabut
Ms. Mary D. Chaney
William and Joanne Chang
Mr. W. Rowell Chase
Mr. Frederick H. Chatfield
Robert and Virginia M. Cheeseman, Jr.
Marc and Andrea Chizek
Mrs. Paul W. Christensen, Sr.
Cincinnati Country Day School
Cincinnati Steel Products Company
Michael L. and Marie A. Cioffi
City View Tavern
Mr. Howard F. Clark
Mr. James A. Clark
Mr. Richard L. Clark
Mr. Roger W. Clark
James W. Clasper and Cheryl C. Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Clement
Robert L. and Joanne K. Clippard
William and Sandra Cloppert
Dennis R. and Marilouise Cloutier
Steven and Susan Coats
Mr. Thomas J. Cobbe
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cohen
Edward E. and Chloe M. Colby
John D. and June P. Coldiron
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cole
Ms. Heather Collins
Dr. John M. and Barbara W. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Collins
Glenn and Verna Colliver
Comisar LaNormandie Maisonette, Inc.
Mrs. Edward G. G. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril H. Cook
Mr. Mark E. Cook
Maynard and Priscilla Cook
John C. and Sandra J. Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Coombe
Charles E. and Laurain E. Coomer
Mr. James Coomer
Ms. Marion H. Cope
Mrs. Kay Copelin-French
Mr. Wiliard G. Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Cordes
Donald and Sue Corken
Ms. Janet S. Cosbey
Cosmetic and Implant Dental Center
Ms. Evelyn Costa
Ms. Carey H. Costantini
Mr. Brent A. Cotrone
Dr. Robin T. Cotton
Mr. John C. Court
Ms. Mary E. Cowles
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox
Ms. Kathy A. Cox
J. Edgar and Jane Cox
Ms. Gayle L. Cramer
Mr. John W. Cranston
Mr. Terrence M. Crawford
Mr. Donald Crone
Mr. and Mrs. George Croog
Mrs. Vanda Lippert Crowell
Ms. Adrian Cummins
Gary J. and Barbara S. Cummins
Sally W. and Thomas L. Cuni
Louis and Mary Lou Curran
Kenneth and Irene Czoer
Ms. Elizabeth A. Dabbelt
David A. and Betty S. Dailey
Mr. Eugene J. Daley
Mr. M. Thomas Dalton
Mr. Robert Dames
Mrs. Therese Damon
Mrs. Stephen F. Dana
Ms. Theresa L. Dandrea
Mr. Lewis B. Daniel
Allen S. Daniels and Bridgett Pincus
John and Dorothy Dann
Mr. Richard D. Dasch
Mr. Mark Dauner
Robert and Margaret Davenport
Mrs. Murat H. Davidson
Mr. Jerry Davis
Lynn R. Davis and Neil Carlson
Ms. Marjorie E. Davis
Ms. Barbara J. Dawson
Mr. Wendell Day
Andrew and Mary Ann Deak
Ms. Barbara Dean
Robert A. and Barbara N. Dearth
Ms. Rose Fern Deatherage
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. DeBrunner
Deloitte and Touche
Jose and June DeMoya
Ms. Patricia K. Denham
Ed A. and Mary Derrico
Mr. James H. Deters
Michael A. and Wendy J. Detroy
Mrs. Richard R. Deupree, Jr.
Thomas E. and Jane D. Dewey
Hoy S. and Annette K. DeWitt
Frederick J. and Amy Diamond
William S. and Martha C. Dickmann
Mrs. Dave Diehl
Albert C. and Claire E. Dierckes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Diesbach
Mrs. Lois Dietz
Mr. Patrick M. DiMuzio
James and Martha Dinkel
Dr. William E. and Mary Frances Dirkes
Mr. Robert L. Ditz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Doepke
Mrs. Robert P. Doepke
Mr. Edward E. Dohrmann
Walter P. Dolle Insurance Agency, Inc.
Robert and Annette Dollenmayer
Kent and Dorothy Dominey
Mrs. Ann Donahoe
Mr. Andrew Donaldson, Jr.
Ms. Judith A. Dooley
Mr. William J. Dorworth
Ms. Doris R. Douglass
Edward and Nancy Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Drackett
Jack and Anne Drake
Mr. William H. H. Drake
David and Emilie Dressier
Glenn and Elaine Dria
Joseph C. Drilling
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dugle
Mrs. Alvin Dunbar
Arnold and Elaine Dunkelman
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Dunlap
Mrs. Thomas O. Dunlap, Jr.
Ms. Marilyn P. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Durand
Robert and Eileen F. Durban
Ms. Patricia Durchholz
Pierson B. and Barbara Duvall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Eagen
Mr. David R. Eaglcson
Mrs. Daniel E. Earley
Mrs. William T. Earls
Early American Glass Club
Richard and Elizabeth Easley
Eastern Enterprises
Ms. Marie Eberhard
Mrs. J. A. Eberhart
The C. Eberle Sons Company
Kathleen and Clyde Eby
Ms. Pamela S. Ecker
Dr. and Mrs. John Eckman
Paul L. and Janet S. Edelmann
Jerry and Debbie Edgington
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Edwards
Andrew and Mary Egloff
Charles W. and Stephanie Eha
Robert and Joan Ehas
Mrs. William D. Ehlers
Ed and Kim Ehlinger
Mrs. Loretta W. Ehret
David B. and Claire W. Ehrlinger
Ms. Dorothy Bruns Eicher
Mrs. William H. Eisenhard, Jr.
David and Susan Ellerhorst
Mr.and Mrs. E. Allen Elliott
Mr. John I. Ellis
Mr. Patrick Ellis
Mrs. George F. Embshoff
Mr. and Mrs. H. Truxtun Emerson, Jr.
Mr. John H. Engle
Mr. John P. Englert
Ms. Elsa M. Erhart
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Erwin
Mr. Ronald W. Eschenbach
Helmut and Theresa Espig
Estate of Myranda Gradolf
Ms. Ruth B. Eubank
Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Eustis
Steve and Joyce Evans
Mr. James M. Ewell
Mr. Emmett M. Ey
Edward and Nicola Eyre
George and Joan Fabe
Mr. Stuart L. Faber
Mr. Jerome D. Fagel, Jr.
Michael A. and Ellen P. Fain
Charles and Lois Falck
Mr. Charles Farber
Ms. Bobbie Farley
Mrs. Daniel Henry Farny
Mrs. Eugene R. Farny
Dr. and Mrs. Michael K. Farrell
Mr. John Farrenkopf
Ms. D. Farwick
Jack N. and Pat M. Feeback
Howard and Marilyn Feigelson
Jim D. and Diane S. Fein
Ms. Mary T. Feist
Mr. Michael A. Feist
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Feldman
Frank and Mary Fellerhoff
Mrs. Frank F. Ferris II
Mr. Thomas A. Fessell
Ms. Joy S. Ficks
Ms. Helen K. Fiege
Dr. and Mrs. Archie Fine
Ms. Tamara L. Fine
Ms. Marilyn A. Fingerhut
Mr. Harry J. Finke III
Mr. Philip R. Finkelmeier
Ms. Florence C. Finn
Ms. Susan Fiore
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Fischer
Mr. Edward J. Fischer
John E. and Regina M. Fischer
J. Michael and Suzanne G. Fischer
Dr. Josef E. and Karen I. Fischer
Robert A. and Annabelle Fischer
Ms. Carolyn B. Fish
Mrs. Cherrington L. Fisher
Paul R. and Selina A. Flaugher
Fleischmann Foundation
Mr. David B. Fleming
Mrs. Mary Louise Fleming
Robert and Patricia Foley
Ms. Susan Follick
Kenneth E. and Carolyn Foltz
S.H. and Sandra Forman
Ms. Alice W. Fossett
Phil and Mary Alice Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Foster
Bill and Joy Fotsch
Ken and Meta S. Fouts
John and Lisa W. Fox
James and Trish Francis
Ms. Marie H. Francis
Mr. William K. Francis
Mrs. Marilaine Francisco
Mr. and Mrs. John Frank
Paul Franz and Shari Loo
Michael A. and Ann Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Freitag
Mrs. Carol K. French
Mr. and Mrs. Hanst T. French
Robert F. and Ardis P. French
William T. and Christine Freppon
Mr. John N. Frey
Mr. Mark S. Frey
Stephen F. and Patricia Frey
Mr. and Mrs. David Freytag
W. Dean and Ellen J. Froelich
Ms. Patricia A. Frolicher
Mrs. Marian P. Frommel
George V. and Nancy L. Frondorf
Donald P. and Barbara Frueauff
Dr. Harry F. and Mary Ann Fry
Richard M. and Karen M. Fuchs
Fujitec America, Inc.
Emmet and Gladys Fulkerson
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fuller, Jr.
Mrs. Hobart R. Fullerton
Mr. and Charles M. Fullgraf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fultz
Mr. William E. Funck
Robert and Marion Funk
Mr. D. W. Gaffney
Mrs. Robert M. Galbraith III
John M. and Miriam T. Gallagher
The Rev. Paul G. Galvin
Mrs. Arthur Gambetta
Mr. Neil C. Gamstetter
1993 Annual Report
Michael B. and Ellen Ganson
Garden Club of Cincinnati
Couper G. and Kerry F. Gardiner
Mrs. Elaine E. Gardner
James and Mary Gardner
David and Martha Garrison
Timothy A. and Susan R. Garry
Joseph G. and Mary Gates
Mr. James R. Gaunt
William and Nancy Geiler
Robert J. and Martha B. Geis
Jay and Maureen Geiser
Mr. Roger A. Gellenbeck
Jon and Jean Gelvin
Ms. Mary Beth Gelwicks
Theodore and Clara Genther
Mr. Gerry Geoppinger
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Gerhardt
Mr. James Gerrety
Mrs. Mary S. Ghory
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Giannini
Mr. Joseph G. Gibbons
Ms. Kathryn S. Gibbons
Kevin and Donna Gibson
James E. and Ann R. Gilchrist
Daryl L. and Pam Gildenblatt
Ms. Sharon P. Gill
Ms. Bette Gillman
Thomas A. and Nancy L. Gilman
Gregory and Denise Gilreath
Jon T. and Mary M. Gimpel
Mrs. Frances G. Glaser
Ms. Marion Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Glasgow
Ms. Jocelyn Glass
Leslie and Madalyn Glenn
Dr. Helen I. Glueck
Donn Goebel and Cathy McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Goering
Herman D. and Kathryn C. Goetz
Bruce E. and Jane Goetzman
Edward R. and Geri Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldman
Mr. James E. Goldschmidt
Thomas and Ann Goldschmidt
Mr. Thomas W. Goldschmidt
Earl and Joan Goldsmith
Mrs. Elizabeth Goldsmith
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin H. Goodman
Ms. Jean K. Goodman
Mr. William D. Goodrich
Peter Goodwin and Peggy Eaglin
Mrs. Henry M. Goodyear
Charles and Michele Goorman
Mr. Douglas A. Gordon
Robert and Ann Marie Gorman
Mr. Alex Gortsas
Miss Myranda Gradolf
Mr. and Mrs. A. Otis Graeser
Mrs. Douglas P. Graf
Ms. Eileen Graf
Mrs. R. Gregory Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Ziba Graham
Ms. Edith Grainger
Norm A. and Rose N. Granholm
William H. and Jane Graver
Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Linda H. Greenberg
Rod H. and Ina Greene
David and Kathy Greenhalgh
Mr. Robert Greiser
Mr. Robert T. Grethel
Jerome A. and Rebecca Griessmann
Greiwe, Inc.
Converse and Constance Griffith
Thomas F. and Barbara Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grisemer
Mr. Albert F. Groenke
Glenn and Barbara Groh
John E. and Shirley A. Groh
Garnet S. and Karen Gronauer
Mr. James M. Groom
Larry and Marianne Grote
Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Groth
Ms. Adele C. Grout
Thomas J. and Nancy K. Gruber
Dr. Clifford G. Grulee, Jr.
Dr. Gunter and Ingrid Grupp
Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Guckenberger, Jr
Jack and Barbara K. Guggenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Guggenheim
Ms. Nancy S. Gulick
Ms. Barbara Guthridge
Alan L. and Judith R. Guttman
Mrs. Robert W. Gwinner
R. C. and Helen J. Haberstroh
Sid L. and Madolin A. Hagan
Mr. G. Richard Hagee
Thomas and Sandra Hagenbarth
Mr. Robin L. Haglund
Gary and JoAnn Hagopian
Dale and Karen Hahn
Dr. George C. and Sarah T. Hale, Sr.
Mrs. Leroy Hall
The Rev. and Mrs. LeRoy Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Virginius C. Hall, Jr.
Ms. Irma Hallo
John and Terry Halpin
Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton
David B. and Grace C. Hamilton
Howard and Eloise Hamilton
Edward P. and Jean Hammond
Ms. Margaret O. Hamper
Ed and Judy Hand
Joseph C. and Teresa L. Hanes
Dennis and Nancy Hanseman
Michael and Gerri Harbison
Donald E. and Alicia B. Hardin
Dr. Warren G. Harding
Mr. Brian Harig
Mr. Dennis R. Harney
Ms. Charlotte Harper
Irving W. and Kimberly Harper
Mr. J. I. Harrington
Mr. Charles L. Harrison III
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hartman
John Hauck Foundation
Dr. Frederick A. Hauck
Ms. Faye Harvey
Ms. Valerie Haskell
Peter E. and Karen F. Hassman
J.T. and E. Hatfield Memorial Trust
Mr. Robert A. Hatterschide
Dan Hauck and Anne F. Sheen
Michael W. and Diane M. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bart Hawley
Mr. George E. Hay
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hayden
Mr. Thomas I. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill W. Hazelton
Mrs. Grant Headley
Ms. Anne H. Heald
Robert K. and Patricia C. Heasley
Mr. Allan Heaslip
Ms. Portia Heaton
Ms. lack anil Sally Heckscher
Bill and Debra Heidrich
John and Gwen Heilbrun
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heines
Ms. Amy H. Heinichen
Ms. Mary Ellen Heintz
Ms. Mary K. Helbling
Paul E. and Nancy P. Heisel
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Held
Paul Heldman and Debbie Kirshner
Mrs. Shirley S. Heldman
Mr. Thomas S. Heldman
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hellebush
Mr. and Mrs. John Helmsderfer
Douglas and Kathryn Hendrickson
Robert A. and Patricia M. Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Henneberger
Mr. William E. Henrich
Mark and Jennifer Hensler
Roy and Rae S. Herbst
Mr. Walter Herz
Edward and Andrea A. Herzig
Mrs. Elmer L. Hess
Hans and Sally Hesse
Debra Hettesneimer
Mr. Roger W. Heuck
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Hiatt
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Hickenlooper
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hickenlooper, III
Ms. Michele Hiestand
Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Hild
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hilderbrand
Ms. Rhonda J. Hileman
Dave and Ann Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Hill
Robert L. and Mable I. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb Hill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hillard
Thomas R. and Susan J. Hillhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hilliard
Robert W. and Mathilde B. Hilton
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Hiltz
Paul A. and Thelma Hine
Ms. Kathleen B. Hiratzka
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Hirons
Mr. Leon Hirschberg
Clayton and Ethel Hock
Jeff and Karen Hock
Jack E. and Nadine J. Hodell
Ms. Gerda L. Hodge
Ms. Jean M. Hodif
Ms. Betty Hoecker
Mr. Richard C. Hoekzema
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman
Donald E. and Donna C. Hoffman
Ms. Barbara Hoffmeier
Richard J. and Patricia Hoge
Robert C. and Martha H. Hoge
Mr. Stephen P. Hogg
Larry and Cheryl Holland
Phil and Lois Hollingsworth
Jim W. and Dona E. Holly
Charles and Susan Holmes
A. Gray and Nancy Holterhoff
Mr. Kent F. Holwadel
Mr. Walter E. Homan
Tom and Terry Honebrink
Jerome J. and Kimberly Hoobler
Gil and Joann Hopkins
Mr. George Hopper
Robert D. and Mary R. Hopper
Mrs. Andrew Hopple
Mr. Roy F. Hord
Jack E. and Karen Horrell
Mr. Alan M. Horton
Steve and Karen Horton
Andrew Hosey and Gladys Tench
Terry and Billie Houk
Ernst and Ann Howard
Ms. Anita M. Howe
Dennet F. and Rosamond B. Howe
Robert and Helen Howe
Mr. Thomas Howe
Ms. Frances L. Howes
Robert A. and Mary Joan Huber
Jeff M. and Mary Beth Hucke
N. Douglas and Martha A. Hudson
Mr. Monte Huebsch, Jr.
Mr. Thomas E. Huenefeld
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Huey, Jr.
Michael C. and Robin L. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huhn
Mrs. Rosemary M. Huhn
Nolan R. Humler and Anne Marie Bauer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hummel
Thomas J. and Margaret C. Hummel
Miss Grace M. Hunt
Ms. Karol E. Hunt
Dr. Peggy Hunter and Mr. Charles Lowe, Sr.
Mr. Stephen Hutzel
Ms. Ruth M. Hust
Robert and Roberta Hyde
Mrs. Margaret E. Hyer
Mr. Edgar M. Hymans
IBM International Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Iglauer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Imwalle
Dennis and Georgia Imwalle
Paul and Ruth Inderhees
Indian Hill Exempted Village
Indian Hill Historical Society
Mr. Alfred Inman
John and Phyllis Insco
Emily B. and Bobbie and Pete Ireton
Louis A. and Barbara C. Ireton
Mr. and Mrs. John Milton Isidor
Mrs. Robert F. Ives, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte A. Jackson
Delwood and Anne Jackson
Ms. Fae B. JJackson
John B. and Julia Jacob
Ms. Virginia Jacob
Ms. Leslie R. JJaffe
Mrs. Angelene JJamison-Hall
Ms. Dottie Janson
Ms. Harriet Janszen
Mr. Frederick P. Jaspers
Byron and Shirley Jenings
Dale R. and Diane S. Jenkins
Ms. Barbara Jennings
Red and Janice Jentz
Mr. William F. Jessen, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Jett, Jr.
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Howard and Kathryn Jinkinson
Ms. Margaret M. Joering
Doug and Margaret Johnson
Ms. Gwen P. Johnson
Morse and Betty Johnson
Paul and Terry Johnson
Dr. Richard W. and Janet D. Johnson
Mr. S. J. Johnson
Ms. Sarah Raup Johnson
Mrs. W. Mack Johnson
Mr. Howard M. Jones, Jr.
Ms. Jean Martin Jones
Richard L. and Marie A. Jones
Mr. Wilbur D. Jones
Mr. William Lawless Jones
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Joseph, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Judd
Mrs. George E. Junker
Carl and Kristin Kalnow
David J. and Cynthia T. Kammer
Frank O. and Mary P. Kammerer
Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Katzen
Irwin and Mariam Katzman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Kautz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Keating
Michael and Barbara Keck
Paul E. Keck and Susan McElroy
Ms. Bonnie Keene
Ms. Arleene Keller
Mr. John C. Keller
Michael C. and Rian T. Keller
Dr. Frank and Wilma Kellogg
Ms. Susan J. Kellogg
James and Jean L. Kelly
Ms. Roslyn L. Kelly
Mr. John W. Kemp
Mr. Ray A. Kemper
Ray A. and Glenna J. Kemper
Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund
Al and Peggy Kenkel
Terry and Sherri Kennedy
Mr. James C. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Kenneth
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Kenty
Everett and Marceline Kenworthy
Ken and Sue Kepler
Dean J. and Anne S. Kereiakes
Roger and Joann Kersh
Robert W. and Mary Kershner
Dorothy M.M. Kersten Trust U/A
Richara and Patricia Keyes
Thomas and Sharon Kidd
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kiefer
Donald W. and Judith A. Kiesel
William and Sharyn Kilduff
William and Penny Kincaid
Dr. E. A. Kindel, Jr.
Mr. Donald E. Kindle
Carl and Betty King
Mrs. J. Warren Kinney, Jr.
Richard and Jean Kinstler
James E. and Jane D. Kirkwood
Mr. Robert P. Kiser
Miss Patricia Kisker
Mr. Michael D. Kitchen
Mrs. William Gholson Kittredge III
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Klausmeyer
Joseph and Cyndi Klein
Richard and Mary Lou Klene
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Klene
Miss Janet M. Klenk
Frank and Angela Klensch
Miss Ruth Kleymeyer
Daniel L. and Vivian B. Kline
Richard G. and Martha D. Kline
Ms. Patricia Klosterman
Dr. William M. Klykylo
Mrs. Nelson S. Knaggs
Dr. and Mrs. Jan Knisely
Ms. Martha I. Knoll
Jeff and Mary Ann Knoop
Mr. Mark E. Knue
Ms. Diane L. Knueppel
A. W. and Sharon Koehlinger
Mr. David L. Koehnke
Mrs. John W. Koenig
K. Koesters and A. McDonald
Mr. Myron R. Koenig
Kathi Koesters and Alice McDonald
Mrs. Harry Kohl
Ms. Gail Koizumi
Paul and Edna Kolb
George and Jann Kolentse
Philip and M. Cordelia Koplow
Jane E. and Ron M. Koppenhoefer
Mr. Carl B. Korfhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kombluth
Don and Claire Kortekamp
Mr. Jerome J. Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Kramer
Mr. Robert C. Kranz
David and Jean Krebs
Mrs. Charles W. Krehbiel, Sr.
Michael H. and Marilyn P. Kremzar
Robert and Marilyn Krider
David and Christine Rrings
Donald and Luella Kroger
Paul W. and Dorothy E. Krone
Mrs. Robert C. Kroner
Michael and Jennifer Krueger
Mr. Donald S. Kruse
Mrs. Henry O. Kruse
Travis and Margaret Kubale
Norman and Alice L. Kueckels
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Kuertz
Ms. Julie Kugler
Ms. Ada Dixon Kuhn
Mrs. Leo J. Kuhn
Mr. Daniel Kuntz
Mr. Arthur T. Kupferle
Ms. Ila Kurtz
S. George and Jo Ann Kurz
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kyte, Jr.
Edwin A. and Elizabeth LaBare
Mark and Mary Lacker
Mr. Joseph and Lacks
Mr. James D. Ladrigan
Mr. Polk Laffoon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lakin
Mr. and Mrs. John T. LaMacchia
Mr. Allan Lamb
Mr. Jack E. Lampe
Eric and Therese Lampl
Mr. B. W. Lamson
Benjamin and Janet Lamson
Walter G. and Adeline O. Landenberge
James J. and Patricia Landers
Albert and Dorothy Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Lanier
Addison and Elizabeth Lanier II
Mr. Robert Lanzit
Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Larrick
Jon W. and A. Victoria Lauck
Ms. Nora Jane Lauerman
Ms. Micki M. Laugle
Joseph S. and Marcy H. Lautenslager
Victor and Donna Lawrence
Robson S. and Nora M. Lawwill
George and Ellen Laycock
Mrs. Simon Lazarus
Danny and Carol Leach
Mr. William Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. LeBlond
Mr. David G. Lee
Mr. Orville Lee
Frank and Geraldine Lech
Mrs. John C. H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. Orville Lee
Mr. Alann B. Leinwohl
Mrs. William E. LcMay
Dean and Faye Lennard
George and Donna Leonard
Dr. James L. Leonard
Mr. James R. Leonard
Mrs. Milton W. Lepper
Mr. Jerome Lerner
Mr. William J. Leugers
Joseph and Barbara Levee
Donald M. and Virginia Levi
Mr. and Mrs. E. Pike Levine
Mr. Daniel Levine
Dr. and Mrs. John Levitas
Kenneth and Natalie Levy
Paul J. and Susan B. Levy
David and Sarah Lewis
Mr. Mark S. Lewis
Mr. Ralph F. Lewis
William and Helen Licht
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Liebel
Ms. Annette Liebing
David and Donna Lienhart
Karl and Margaret Lietzenmayer
Joseph J. and Victoria A. Linahan
Ms. Sandra Lindberg
John E. and Conradine D. Lindhjem
Mr. Walter L. Lingle, Jr.
Ms. Beverly Linnemann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Linser
Mrs. Andrew E. Lippetman, Jr.
Jonathan and Nancy Lippincott
Ms. Mary Littrell
Ms. Dodie Loewe
Mr. Fred S. Loewenheim
Ms. Lucille E. Lohman
Ms. Persis M. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Long
Mr. George R. Longfellow
Harold and Judith Lorton
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Loughrey
Louise Taft Semple Foundation
Jack C. and Susan G. Louiso
Ms. Laura M. Lowe
Lawrence and Betty Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowenthal
Dr. Stanley J. and Judith E. Lucas
Merrel and Jean Ludlow
Brent and Peggy Ludwick
Ms. Rose Marie Lukens
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Lundin
Mr. Edmund P. Lunken
Edgar B. and Sarah H. Lupfer
David R. and Carole J. Luppert
Henry A. and Suzanne Lurie
Edwin and Virginia Lutton
Mr. Steve Lydy
Mr. and Mrs. Julian R. Lynch
Ms. Sheila A. Lynch
Mr. Mark E. Lynes
Miss Margaret D. Lyon
Dr. Martin B. Macht
Joseph D. and Frances Macke
Jay R. and Susan Mackey
Madisonville Monday Club
Mrs. Alfred E. Magrish
Mr. C. J. Magrish
James and Lee Magrish
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Makrauer
Mrs. Janet Male
J.R. Maloney, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J Manton
David and Wendy Manzo
Dr. Jacob R. Marcus
Edward G. and Anita Marks
Mr. Ray A. Markwalter, Jr.
Guy A. and Linda E. Marquette
Mr. Robert W. Marsh
Robert R. and Frances A. Marsh
Marsh and McLennan Inc.
C. Thomas and Ruth K. Martin
Greg and Becky Martin
Ms. Elizabeth Martin
Ms. Kathleen Martin
Mel D. and Dorothy D. Martin
Ms. Norene A. Martin
Ted and Carol Martin
Elmer and Alberta Martini
Mrs. Graham E. Marx
Mrs. Herbert J. Marx
Mr. David Mason
Ms. Lorna M. Massicot
Mr. Mark E. Matson
Ms. Ann-Patton B. Matthews
William A. and Barbara Matthews
Robert I. Maujer and Elizabeth F. Ranz
Robert and Joan Mauk
Mr. Daine C. Maxwell, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Mayer
Mrs. Frank H. Mayfield
Dr. Charles E. and Ann C. McCarthy
Ms. Molly A. McCarthy
Mr. William A. McClain
Thomas J. and Grace E. McClorey
Timothy C. and Jean L. McCloskey
Mr. and Mrs. G. William McClure, Jr.
Robert and Shirley B. McClure
Ralph and Joyce T. McCrate
Vernon and Marge McDaniel
David M. and Barbara L. McDonald
Mr. Philip McDonald
Jack and Sharon McDonough
Dr. and Mrs. John J. McDonough
Mr. Thomas M. McDonough
Ms. Lori McElroy
Thomas and Sharon McEnaney
Harry and Nancy McGary
Stephen and Susie McGraw
Sr. Arlene McGowan
Mrs. Robert G. McGraw
Dr. Terrence and Polly A. McGraw
Ron McHenry and Brenda Dunlap
Mrs. Thomas J. McHugh
Bruce and Carole Mclntosh
Ms. Edith McKee
Roger J. McKee
Joseph A. and Wilma McKenzie
Mark McKillip and Amira Beer
Ms. Linda K. McKinney
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. McLaurin
Ms. Jan Briol McLean
David B. and Karin McLennan
Mr. Stewart M. McMakin
Larry H. and Barbara McMillin
Ms. Christina McMullin
Mrs. Charlotte D. McMurray
David and Virginia McNeil
Mr. David Lincoln McNeil
Robert J. and Terry McSorley
Rev. James W. Meade
Mr. Cortland J. Meader
Ms. Katherine A. Mears
Mark C. and Marilyn J. Meckes
Mr. Larry Meehan
Ms. Marion L. Mendelsohn
Ms. Sarah Mendelsohn
Mrs. Jean F. Meints
Mr. Gary W. Meisner
Ms. Patricia Mooney Melvin
William H. and Jane Melvin, Jr.
Mr. Joe Mendelsohn III
Ms. Marion L. Mendelsohn
Richard and Mary Ann Menke
Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Mercier
Mr. Jerry Mersch
Karl and Christel Merten-Feddeler
Mrs. Hilda M. Messham
Ms. Joan E. Mettey
Gary F. and Sandra S. Meyer
Leon and Arlene Meyer
Ms. Mary A. Meyer
Richard and Ann Meyer
William D. and Mary L. Meyer
Edward K. and Jean F. Middleton
Paul Miklos and Molly Fitzmaurice
Joseph A. and Anna B. Milburn
Douglas R. and Patricia R. Miles
E. Huxley and Ariel Miller
James A. and Joan C. Miller
Ms. Joan Miller
Ms. Lynn S. Miller
Dr. Michael E. and Barbara R. Miller
Robert V. and Elaine L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. W. Miller
Mr. Tim D. Miller
Dr. Zane L. and Janet A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Millett
Michael and Julia Milone
M. S. and Deborah Milton
Andrew and Priscilla Minkin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Minor
Mrs. Leonard Minster
Brad and Marilyn Mitchell
Ms. Diane L. Mitman
Albert and Sheila R. Moeller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mohr
William and Betty Ann Mohr
William E. and Madeline C. Moller
Tom and Joyce Monger
Mrs. Henry G. Monning
James and Ann D. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Murray S. Monroe
Mr. Paul R. Montavon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Montgomery
Mr. Alfred A. Moore
James E. and Nancy A. Moore
James M. and Georgia K. Moore
Ms. Lorenia Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Everett C. Moorhead
Mr. H. L. Mootz
Mrs. Carolyn Y. Morgan
Mrs. Janet Morgan
Jeffrey and Barbara Morgan
Ms. Nancy Morgan
Gary and Phyllis Morgenroth
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morioka
Mr. John L. Morley
Mrs. Donald C. Morrison
Mrs. Natalie G. Morrison
Morton International Inc.
Mrs. Norma B. Moss
Joseph and Jane Motz
Mr. Francis N. Mountel
William and Barbara Mueller
Mrs. Willard L. Mulford
Daniel B. and Sherra L. Mulholland
Mr. Richard A. Mullins
Gerald and Marianne Mundy
Ms. Martha J. Munninghoff
J. Robert and Margaret Munsen
J. Robert and Rosemary Munsen
Mrs. Loretta S. Murphy
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Murray
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Murray
Dr. Patricia A. Murphy
The Cincinnati Historical Society
Ms. Lee Murrell
David T. and Johanna B. Musselman
George W. and Emma Musser
The Bill Muster Foundation
Dr. Charles M. and Virginia A. Myer
Mr. James Myers
Michael and Linda Myers
Mrs. Robert P. Myers
Todd and Rosalie Myers
Mr. Eisuke Nagabuchi
Ms. Janet Nailor
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Narburgh
Mr. and Mrs. George Nassauer
National Endowment for Humanities
Thomas and Kimberly Navaro
Robert and Jerusha Neff
Mr. John Nellis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson
Mr. Roy C. Nelson
Mr. Steven A. Nelson
Mary L. and Robert E. Nemann
Miss Dorothy Nerish
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Neumann
Mr. Michael H. Neumark
Mr. Gerald E. Newfarmer
Dr. and Mrs. J. Roger Newstedt
Mrs. Janet G. Nichols
Ms. Martha A. Nichols
Steven and Catherine Nieberding
Greg C. and Sally Niehaus, Jr.
Robert and Mildred Niehaus
The Nielsen Lithographing Company
Philip L. and Barbara M. Nightingale
Catherine and Terry Nippert
Ms. Eleanor Jeanne Noe
John L. and Susan E. Noelcke
William and Janet Nolan
Dr. and Mrs. W. Patrick Noonan
Noonday Club
Ms. Alverna E. Nored
Mrs. Velma Nostheide
Mr.and Mrs. Fletcher E. Nyce
Dorothy A. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ochiltree
Thomas H. and Ellen Jean O'Flaherty
Mr. Michael J. O'Hara
Ms. Jeanne N. O'Herron
William F. and Helen S. Oechler
H. Fred and Betty Oehlschlaeger
Mr. Alan E. Oestreich
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Oetzel
Andrew J. and Patricia S. Olding
Mr. Fred W. Oliver
Mrs. John B. Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Olman
James W. and Sharlee Osborn
Mr. Philip G. Osborn
Ms. Marjean N. Osgood
Daniel and Muriel Osher
Ms. Sylvia Osterday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ott
Mrs. Robert B. Ott, Jr.
Thomas and Adelaide Ottenjohn
Mrs. Robert J. Ourada
Ms. Nora Overstreet
Heather Owen and Thomas Kokenge
Ms. Jeanne Pack
Ms. Mary C. Page
Mrs. John Painter
George H. and Jane M. Palmer
Mrs. George-Ann Palmer
Randy and Debbie Palmer
Mrs. Marie H. Paner
Mrs. Elizabeth Pape
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Park
Mr. Robert Parker
Gerard A. and Ella C. Paroz
Mr. and Mrs. John Parrott
Mr. Tim Parsons
Ms. Helen Patterson
Mrs. Lawrence M. Paul
Lincoln W. and Frances H. Pavey
Jim and Carol Pearce
James and Bonnie Pease
Robert and Launa Peavley
Mr. David Winchester Peck
Mr. James H. Peck
Mrs. John W. Peck
Mr. John Weld Peck
Mrs. J. H. Pennington, Jr.
Beatrice C. and James H. Percival
Mr. Bryce C. Percival
Ms. Dorothy R. Perin
Ms. Marjorie F. Perin
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Perlman
Mr. Bruce C. Perry
Diane and Bruce Perry
Moses L. and Johnnie L. Perry
Stanley J. and Sheree A. Perry, Jr.
Ms. Ann P. Persinger
Dr. Harold and Shirley G. Pescovitz
Mike and Sharon Petit
Ms. Mary Helen Petry
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Pfau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Pfister
Ms. Nancy L. Phelan
Norman E. and Caroline N. Phethean
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Philip
Mrs. James H. Phillips
Jeannie Dorsey Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Rick R. Phillips
Mr. James J. Pies
Ms. Amanda Pike
Mr. Harley Piltingsrud
Luis and Cindy Pinto
Playboy Enterprises, Inc.
Larry R. and Julie S. Plum
Mr. Robert Plummer
Laurence M. and Sarah Pockras
Norman and Judy Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Pogue
Col. Clifford H. Pohl
Mr. Robert L. Pohl
Mrs. Virginia H. Pohl
Mr. David Pollak
Ms. Evelyn L. Pollak
Barry S. and Susan M. Porter
Mrs. Howard D. Porter
Ms. Louise Post
Dr. Alvin D. and Ruth Poweleit
Drs. Gerald and Paula Powell
Joseph T. and Veda K. Powell
Mr. Ron Powell
Ms. Esther H. M. Power
Cecelia Powers and Jim Carpenter
Gerald and Karen Powers
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Powers
Stuart and Ildiko Pray
Ms. Louise Yeiser Priess
Michael Privitera and Marcia Kaplan
Ms. Judy Probus
Stephen C. and Diane M. Pujol
Mrs. Alton E. Purcell
Ms. Doreen A. Quinn
Ms. Kathleen Quinlin
Mr. Robert A. Quisno
Ms. Marjorie R. Rabenold
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Rafalo
Ms. Janice V. Raley
Ralston Purina Company
James A. and Karen L. Ralston
Michael A. and Beverly J. Ralston
Robert J. and Peggy Ramundo
Dr. Daniel F. Ransohoff
Jerry N. and Sue Ransohoff
Ms. Frances A. Raschig
Edward and Karen Rathman
Daniel P. and Patricia A. Rathmann
Thomas and Lucy Ratliff
Mrs. Thomas A. Ratliff, Jr.
James P. and Carole D. Rauf
Mrs. Frederick Rauh
William and Jo Ann Reder
Richard and Mary Jo Reding
Shirley Redmond and Agnes Michels
Fritz and Jane Reed
Ron and Barbara Reed
John J. and Norma H. Reese
Mr. Paul E. Regnold
Horace W. and Ann B. Reid
Mr. Robert V. Reid
Daniel H. and Beverly S. Reigle
Mrs. Helenrose Reis
Mr. and Mrs. Dale H. Reith
Mrs. Virginia C. Remke
Rendigs, Fry, Kiely and Dennis
Daniel J. and Susan Rensing
Mrs. Margaret M. Rentschler
Mr. Mark L. Resler
Mr. Julius C. Reynolds
Gabe and Jane Rice
Mrs. James V. Rice
Ronald P. and Sandra J. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Richardson
Mrs. Harold D. Riemeier
Dr. and Mrs. George Rieveschl
Stephen and Helen Rindsberg
Mrs. Owen F. Riley
Mr. Sidney Rindsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Ringler
James B. and Alice J. Rishel
Douglas and Susan Ritter
Robert W. and Johanna Ritzi
Jeffrey and Roselyn Robbins
Fred and Jolene Rockwood
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rodgers
Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Rogers
Tom and Jeanne Rogers
John H. and Geraldine M. Rohde
Joe and Jean Rohling
Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Rohling
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rollman II
Michael and Mary Romanello
Harold H. and Mary Louise Root
Rev. and Mrs. Walter Roschke
Mrs. John K. Rose
Michael and Jane Rose
Stephen K. and Jane L. Rosen
Dr. Lee S. and Dorothy D. Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ross, Sr.
William and Faye Ross
Ben C. and Deborah D. Rosselot
Mr. Eugene C. Rosselot
Eli M. and Renee Roth
Ms. Mary A. Roth
Mr. Robert H. Roth
Arthur E. and Marie F. Rothenberg
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rothenberg
Mrs. Edna Rothenberger
Ms. Margaret D. Rothenbush
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rothwell
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Routt
Mrs. Mariam S. Rowe
Mrs. William S. Rowe
Mrs. Ruth H. Rubendunst
Mr. Robert H. Ruchhoft
Rich and Barb Ruddy
Nancy and John Rudy
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ruebel
Mr. Paul A. Rueff
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Ruehlmann
Mr. Paul J. Ruffing
Gregory and Mary Rusk
Jeffrey and Susan Russell
John A. and Judy Ruthven
Mrs. Lily C. Ryan
Misses Melva and Irma Ryan
Mrs. Nelson Ryan
Mr. Robert A. Sachs
Ms. Catharine B. Saelinger
Dr. Eugene L. Saenger
Alfred and Esther Salas
Darlene Samuelson
Mary F. Sanker and John Valauri
Gary and Patricia Sartini
Kazuya and Elizabeth Sato
Daniel and Nancy Schaaf
John and Phyllis Schachte
Miss Ruth I. Schafstall
Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Schaumloffel
Mr. John P. Schenk
Mr. Norbert J. Scheper
Clint and Susan Schertzer
Mr. Raymond I. Schiff
Mrs. E. J. Schilderink
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schiltz
Roger P. and Nancy L. Schlemmer
Neal and Mary Schlintz
Mr. M. J. Schloss, Jr.
Ms. Meta Schloss
Roy J. and Lois B. Schmalstig
Mrs. C. John Schmidt
Carl and Nancy Schmidt
Leonard W. and Cecilia H. Schmidt
Mrs. Robert W. Schmidt
William C. and Carol A. Schmidter
Ms. Margaret Elizabeth Schmitt
Ms. Dolores R. Schmitz
John and Cathy Schneider
Robert C. and Barbara A. Schoenfeld
James and Juanita Schott
William R. and Catherine S. Schott
Gary D. and Gail Schottenstein
Ms. Cynthia A. Schrader
Robert T. and Elizabeth R. Schram
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Schreiner
Arnold and Sondra Schrier
Ms. Joan C. Schrier
John and Jean Schuh
Gregory C. and Dana E. Schuler
William and Rachel Schultz
Mrs. Camille P. Schuster
Ronald and Carol Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schwab, Jr.
James H. and Helene Schwarberg
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Schwartz
Stephen A. Schwartz and Melissa Kotler
Mr. Theodore L. Schwartz
Mary D. Schweitzer
Ronald E. and Ann Schweitzer
Mr. Stephen G. Schweller
Ms. Carol B. Schwindt
Mr. Eugene A. Schwoeppe
Scot Business Systems
William Scrivener and L. Susan Pace
William R. and Martha S. Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Sebastian
Ms. Emilie Sedziol
Roland and Pollyanna Sedziol
William J. and Brenda M. Seiferth
Mr. Robert Selak
Charles and Mary Self
Paul J. Seligman and M.K. Landesberg
Ronald and Alice Sexton
Sexton and Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ton L. Seymour
Kathryn W. Shahani and Family
Ms. Phyllis A. Shaw
Stephen and Kimberly Shaw
Rees W. and Jeanne G. Sheppard
Robert C. and Dorothy F. Sheppard
James Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Sherman
Mr. Thomas A. Shessler
Mrs. Audrey Shinkle
Mr. A. C. Tom Shoop, Jr.
Mrs. David S. Shor
Robert and Elaine Shreve
Mrs. Ann H. Siegel
Mr. Jeff Siegmundt
Siemens Automotive
Ms. Rosa Sierra
Mr. Bernard G. Silberstein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Silvers
Ms. Ruth E. Simon
Mr. Jeremy F. Simpson
Mitchell and Bonita Singal
Mr. Richard I. Sininger
Mrs. Helena H. Sive
Mr. Malcolm K. Skipton HI and
Ms. Deborah A. Geer
Mr. Kenneth E. Skirtz
Mr. and Mrs. William Sloneker
Jerome L. and Harriet R. Slutz
Joseph and Sophia Small
Ms. Elaine C. Smethurst
Ms. Carolyn S. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. E. Vernon Smith
Dr. and Mrs. K. Lamont Smith
Leigh M. and Elizabeth Smith
Ms. M. Kathleen Smith
Ms. Nancy E. Smith
Richard K. and Patricia R. Smith
William A. and Jane F. Smith
William D. and Shirley S. Smith
Mr. Philip S. Smith
Ronald and Kay Smith
Ms. Pamela Smith-Dobbins
Barry M. and Mary Smyth and Family
Jeff and Justine Solomon
Ms. Christina M. Sommer
Mrs. Charles Snyder
Mr. Kenneth Sobaski
Society of Colonial Wars in Ohio
Roger W. and Diane H. Sollberger
Ann Sowar and Steve Guiler
Charles and Carol Specter
Ms. Marian K. Spelman
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Sper
Thomas S. and Kathy Sperber
Ms. Charlotte M. Spicher
Harold B. and Judith L. Spitz
Eldon and Mary Spletzer
Ms. Barbara R. Sporck
Dennis Sprecher and Hillorie Applebaum
Square D Foundation
Mr. James A. Stabler
Norman R. and Linda S. Stahl
Carroll A. and Kathleen A. Staley
Ms. Kim Stammer
Thomas Stammer
Vincent and Ann Stamp
Mr. Robert Stander
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan B. Stanley
Mrs. Joan L. Stark
David T. and Jean C. Stebbins
Mrs. William Stegeman
Jacob and Mary Stein
Eldon and Patricia Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Steiner
Mrs. Jane K. Steinfirst
Mr. Raymond Steinher
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steinman
Ms. Linda L. Stephens
Mrs. Bernice Stephenson
Douglas and Wendy Sterling
Dr. Peter J. Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stern
Mrs. Bobbie Sterne
James A. and Holly R. Stetter
R. E. and Mary Ruth Stevens
Arthur C. and Mary K. Stewart
Ms. Donna A. Stewart
Mr. George B. Stewart
Mrs. Robert C. Stewart
Mrs. George P. Stimson
Ms. Michele Stinnett
Peter W. and Edna I. Stites
1993 Annual Report
Mr. Tom L. Stoltz
Jeff and Carol Stone
William and Nancy Storch
Bill and Elena M, Stothfang
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Stousland
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Strader IV
Dr. Stephen A. and Tina J. Straubing
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram H. Straus, Jr.
Carl and Eleanor Strauss
Mrs. William Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Streithorst
Michael and Susan Strohm
Mr. Richard Stumpf
Mrs. Florence P. Suchanek
George G. and Nancy W. Suckarieh
David and Tessie Suetholz
Mr. Stuart Bruen Sutphin, Jr.
Benedict F. and Shirley Suttmiller
Andrew and Diane C. Sweeny
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sweeney
Mr. J. Mack Swigert
Steven R. and Marlene W. Swillinger
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Swinehart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tait III
Thomas E. and Mary S. Tanke
George J. and Norma Tassian
Mr. Richard E. Tate
Mrs. Bruce S. Taylor
Mr. David E. Taylor
Gregory and Cynthia Taylor
Mr. Herbert S. Taylor
Ralph and Sandra Taylor
Taylor Distributing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Tenhover
Mr. John E. Tennant
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tenney
Mr. Albert H. Tensing
Mr. Carlos Teran
Louis F. and Debra A. Terhar, Jr.
Carl and Annette Terzieff
Thomas M. and Karen J. Tesdahl
Scott and Anne Thatcher
Mrs. Richard Thaycr
Mr. Robert Thomin
Ms. Betty M. Thompson
Gary D. and Joan L. Thompson
John M. and Florence E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Chilton Thomson
Phil and JoAnn Thornbery
Mr. John R. Thornburg
Joseph and Kathy Thorpe
Mrs. E. H. Thorsteinson
Ms. Lisa Tingley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Tobias, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Tobler
Dr. Thomas U. and Diane D. Todd
Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann
Mr. and Mrs. Roston E Townsend
Mrs. John L. Tranter, Sr.
Mr. Louis J. Trauth III
Mrs. Joan Trestel
Dallas R. and Gail A. Trinkle
Mrs. Grace Triptow
Ms. Ann L. Troxell
Carl and Theresa Tucker
Ms. Eleanor M. Tucker
Ms. Eleanor Tuerpe
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron C. Tumen
Lauris F. and Marsha Turck
Mr. Robert G. Tureen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner
Mrs. Walter H. Turtle, Jr.
Stephen and Julie Twehues
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold P. Twohig
Mrs. Ethel Tyahur
Frank and Victoria Tylman
Mrs. John B. Tytus
David G. Uetrecht
Chris B. and Maria Uhlenbrock
Joseph M. and Linda Ullery
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ulrey
Lawrence and Mary Ulrich
Universal Contracting Corporation
University Radiology Fund
Mrs. Philip C. Underwood
Mr. Irwin Ungar
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Upton
Mr. Floyd M. Utley
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Valant
Mrs. Betty Valanti
Todd W. and Nancy J. Van Beck
William and Kay Van Fleet
Charles W. Van Ornum and Swann Fredrick
David and Marlene Van Pelt
Gerald E. and Monica P. Vance
Ms. Mildred M. Vannorsdall
Mr. Ross A. Vaughn
Roy M. and Mary A. Ventullo
Rudolph and Kathleen Verderber
Thomas P. and Martha Sue Vergamini
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Verity
William and Patricia Victor
Robert and Carol Vidal
Mrs. Barbara W. Vilter
Mr. Andrew M. Vogel
Richard and Laura Vogel
Phil and Kaye Volk
Mr. James Volker
Paul and Karen Vollbracht
Ms. Abbie J. Von Schlegell
Mr. Thomas A. Vonderahe
Mr. Malachy C. Vonlehman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Vorherr
Richard L. and Charlotte B. Voss
Ms. Mary C. Vucinich
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver W. Waddell
Mr. Al G. Waddle
Mr. Paul F. Waechter
Robert R. and Chloe Wagner
Ms. Melinda J. Wakefield
Alex and Jo Ann Walder
Bruce Walker and Carol Kramberg-Walker
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Waller
Mrs. Landon L. Wallingford
Wallingford Coffee Company
Ms. Kathleen Walsh
James and Joan Walson
Ms. Marilyn E. Ward
Michael H. and Lea A. Ward
Terry and Carolyn Ward
Mr. William K. Ward
Joseph and Debie Warkany
Steven and Sherri Warshaw
Robert I. and Halen Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watson
Mr. Leonard A. Weakley
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Weaver
Mr. Lamar Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weaver
Mr. Bryan M. Webb
Mrs. Dorothy S. Weber
John and Jeanette Weber
Mike and Peggy Weber
Robert R. and Nancy Webster
Dr. Kathy E. Wedig
Cy and Jill Wegman
Kenneth Wehmeyer and Sandra Wetzel
Mrs. Maud Lane Weickel
Mrs. Dorothy Weil
Mr. Theodore W. Wcinkam
Dr. Daniel L. and Deborah Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Weis
H. Joshua and Frances Weiser
Miss Herta Welker
Robert and Patricia Wells
Ms. Elizabeth Wendelmoot
Mr. Lowell E. Wenger
Dr. Elmer C. Werner
Kathryn S. Wesseler
Clark and Dolores West
Mrs. Mary Helen West
Mr. Harris K. Weston
Edward V. and Helen O. Whalen
John A. and Karen P. Whalen
Donald and Sharon Whipplc
Ms. Barbara Whitcraft
Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. White
Mr. John H. White
Robert and Katherine Whitehead
Mrs. William H. Whiting
Daniel and Deborah Whittelsey
Kirk and Adrienne Wible
Mr. Marion Wieck
Ms. Marion J. Wiederecht
Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Wicmcr
Ms. Edith R. Wiesen
Dr. Lowe H. and Martha Belle Wiggers, Jr
Gene and Peggy Wiggs
Mrs. Jean Colzie Wilder
Bob and Geri Wildermuth
Mr. Eugene B. Wilger
Mr. David Wilhelm
Paul and Joyce Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Lothar F. Wilk, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Wilking
Ms. Dorothy Mack Williams
Glenn and Pamela Williams
Ms. Helen E. Williams
Richard and Marie Williams
Robert and Joan Williams
Mr. John K. Wilson
John and Freida Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Wilson
William J. and Margaret Wimberg
David M. and Nancy Wind
Mr. Richard P. Windisch
Dr. Henry R. and Beatrice R. Winkler
C. Brent and Eleanor Winn
Mrs. G. W. Winters
Mr. Raymond C. Wissel
Ms. Susan M. Witschger
Lothar and Alicia Witt
Ms. Doris R. Wolf
Mr. Eugene F. Wolters
Women's Association of The
Cincinnati Historical Society
TTT' I ! '
Kwan Y. Wong, M.D.
Raymond and Kimberly Wood
Mr. Robert A. Wood
Edward A. and Virginia S. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. S. James Woods
Mrs. Robert Woolford
Ms. Roberta H. Wooten
Ms. Victoria Wordeman
Mr. Carl B. Wright
Mr. Gregory G. Wright
Ms. Lawana Wright
Mr. William F. Wright
Mr. Alvin Wulfekuhl
Mrs. Jeanne Wullenweber
Mrs. John H. Wulsin
Daniel R. and Pamela Wurtzler
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T. Wurzelbacher
Charles and Carole Yeazell
Eric B. and Marke K. Yeiser
Mr. Doug A. Yerkeson
Gordon and Catherine Yoshikawa
Andrew and Connie Young
John and Priscilla Young
Miss Mariam A. Zabel
Mr. Nicholas Zechmeister
Clifford and Barbara Zepf
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Zestermann, Jr.
Albert and Virginia A. Zimmer
Mrs. Paul H. Zimmer
Ms. Adeline Zoller
John and Jean Zoller
Paul Scott and Emily B. Zoller
1993 CHS Gala Sponsors
Title Sponsor:
The August A. Rendigs, Jr. Foundation
Associate Sponsors:
American Laundry Machinery, Inc.
The Galbreath Company
The Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky
International Airport
Keating, Muething and Klekamp
The Merten Company
The Penn Central Corporation
Other Donors:
Arthur Andersen
BBI Marketing Services, Inc.
Benson's Catering
Mr. and Mrs. David Bowen
Cincinnati Ballet
Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra
Cincinnati Financial Corporation
The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company
Cincinnati Milacron Inc.
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Clarion Hotel
Coopers and Lybrand
Mr. and Mrs. James Crowe
Mr. and Mrs. John Earls
Eberhard t Kbcrhard
Edge Graphics
Ernst and Young
Fifth Third Bank
Frisch's Restaurants
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fry
Patti Games
Thomas P. Gohagan and Company
Johnson Paper Company
Junior League of Cincinnati
J. Karp
Ken Klostcrman
Krefting Piano
The Kroger Co.
Krombholz Jewelers
Merrill Lynch
Nationwide Paper Company
Mr. Bob Olson
Omni Netherland Plaza
PNC Bank
Paramount's Kings Island
Parking Company of America and
Chavez Properties
Playhouse in the Park
The Procter and Gamble Co.
Provident Bank
Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX Theater
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruthven
Saks Fifth Avenue
Scudder, Stevens and Clark
Skeffingtons Formal Wear
Skyline Chili Inc.
Star Bank, N.A.
Star of Cincinnati
United Dairy Farmers
University of Cincinnati
U.S. Medical
Albert Vontz
WEBN-FM 102.7
Patricia Weiner of the Patricia Weiner Gallery
Wyatt Design
Xavier University
Zellerbach Paper
Corporate Members
The Procter and Gamble Company
Schiff, Kreidler-Shell
Star Bank
American Laundry Machinery, Inc.
The Galbreath Company
The Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky
International Airport
Keating, Muething and Klekamp
The Penn Central Corporation
Arthur Andersen and Company
Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company
The Kroger Company
Marion Merrell Dow Inc.
The E.W. Scripps Company
Aurora Casket Company, Inc.
BBI Marketing Services, Inc.
Chemed Corporation
Cincinnati Bell Telephone
The Drackett Company
Edge Graphics
Alex Fries and Brothers, Inc.
The Galbreath Company
Andrew Jergens Foundation
The Midland Company
Stevenson Photo Color Company
United Dairy Farmers
Thomas E. Wood, Inc.
Xomox Corporation
The G.A. Avril Company
Baxter Hodell Donnelly Preston, Inc.
Busken Bakery, Inc.
The Cincinnati Cordage and Paper Company
The Cincinnati Gear Company
Clopay Corporation
Connector Manufacturing Company
Richard B. Cross and Associates, Inc.
The Crosset Family Fund
Dover Corporation/OPW Division
F and W Publications, Inc.
Gibson Foundation, Inc.
Globe Business Interiors
Graeter's Inc.
Hill Top Research, Inc.
Hixson, Inc.
Johnston Paper Company
Obara Corp.
The Ohio National Life Insurance Co.
Omni Netherland Plaza
Antonio Palazzolo Company
Sakrete Inc.
Sibcy Cline, Inc., Realtors
South-Western Publishing Company
Spear Inc.
Talsol Corporation
Wyatt Design
The C.W. Zumbiel Company
Apollo Heating and Air Conditioning
Auto Vehicle Parts Co.
Basco Co.
Cast-Fab Technologies
Technologi Inc.
The Christ Hospital
Cincinnati Fan and Ventilator Company
The Cincinnati Mine Machinery Company
Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products, Inc.
Continental Mineral Processing Company
Walter P. Dolle Insurance Agency, Inc.
Duro Bag Manufacturing Company
Ehmke Movers Inc.
George E. Fern Company
The Franklin Savings and Loan Company
Gentry Shops
Globe Furniture Galleries
The Habegger Corp.
Ray Hamilton Company
The Hamilton Mutual Life Insurance Co.
The Hill and Griffith Company
Hogan, Nolan and Stites
ILSCO Corporation
The Johnson Electric Supply Co.
R.A. Jones and Company, Inc.
The C.J. Krehbiel Company
LeBlond Makino Machine Tool Company
Maescher Industries, Inc.
Main Auction Galleries, Inc.
Marsh and McLennan Inc.
Meier's Wine Cellars
Minorities in Mathematics, Science and
The Mutual Manufacturing and Supply Co.
Netherland Rubber Company
Paramount's Kings Island
The Perry and Derrick Company
Phototype Engraving Company, Inc.
The William Powell Company
J. Sawyer Company
Scot Business Systems
Charles F. Shiels and Company
Terrace Hilton
Rose Tomlinson, CLU, ChFC
Track Cab Manufacturing, Inc.
20th Century Air Conditioning Company
The Union Central Life Insurance Co.
U.S. Medical Corporation
Varland Metal Service, Inc.
Winegardner and Hammons, Inc.
The Witt Company
Zellerbach A Mead Company
The August A. Rendigs, Jr. Foundation
The Bill Muster Foundation
City of Cincinnati Arts Allocation
National Historic Publications and Records
National Institute for the Conservation of
Cultural Property
Exhibit Sponsors
American Laundry Machinery, Inc.
Ashland Oil, Inc.
August A. Rendigs, Jr. Foundation
The Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky
International Airport
The Galbreath Company
Ivory Soap
Keating, Muething and Klekamp
Marion Merrell Dow Inc.
The Merten Company
Penn Central Corporation
The Procter and Gamble Company
Special Thanks
Amko Plastics Inc.
Barton Bakery
Buskens Bakery
Celebration Balloon Decorators
Hershey Chocolate U.S.A.
Jack Herb Florist
Kakes by Tom Keiner
The Kroger Co.
M&M's Brand Chocolate Candies
Stems Design, Inc.
Thelma's Old Fashioned Lemonade
WINK 94.1 FM