2015 annual report - Buzzards Bay Coalition
2015 annual report - Buzzards Bay Coalition
2015 ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CHAIR IT IS OUR GREAT PLEASURE TO SHARE THIS 2015 ANNUAL REPORT with you - our members and supporters – whose outstanding commitment to our success made possible such amazing achievements over the past year. The accomplishments featured in this report are wonderful investments in the future of our Bay. And they point the way to so much exciting work ahead. They are models, not end points. The Acushnet Sawmill is not simply the best waterfront park created in Greater New Bedford in decades; it is a template we can use to restore fish and wetlands at dozens of similarly-damaged sites on all of the Bay’s rivers. The protection of 411 coastal acres on Nasketucket Bay is not simply the biggest land preservation victory on Buzzards Bay in a generation; we can apply the public-private funding model we created to thousands of new acres of threatened land. The installation of 20 new septic systems on West Falmouth Harbor is not simply another step in the ongoing restoration of that degraded waterway; neighborhoods all along the Bay can apply this model to select technologies and engage homeowners to create workable solutions to local wastewater pollution. These successes were built around the Coalition’s unique approach: strong collaborations with towns, neighborhoods, and landowners; a commitment to seeking out new ways to solve tough problems; and unabashed doggedness. The challenges facing our Bay require nothing less. The Acushnet Sawmill restoration, Nasketucket Bay land preservation, and West Falmouth septic system program… each of these are models, not end points. They point the way to so much exciting work ahead. Coalition founder George Hampson’s last day on the Bay last fall was spent on our boat, the R/V Buzzards Baykeeper ®, teaching staff how to monitor the health of the tiny creatures that live in the Bay’s bottom. Having tracked these “canaries in the coalmine” for more than half a century, George had become alarmed at the dramatic decline in both the total numbers but also diversity of these critters. As was his nature, George – marine scientist, local advocate, and beloved teacher – wanted to empower the Coalition to continue his work. And we will. We hope you share our pride in the expanding impact and scale of the Coalition’s accomplishments. None of it would have been possible without your strong support. Thank you! Mark Rasmussen President/Buzzards Baykeeper ON THE COVER A runner jogs past the entrance to the Coalition’s newly opened Shaw Farm Trail in Fairhaven. (see page 7) Laura Ryan Shachoy Chair, Board of Directors 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Table of Contents ON THE WATER 2 IN THE WATERSHED 6 WITH PEOPLE 10 FEATURE: The Sawmill 14 GOSNOLD SOCIETY 16 2015 SUPPORTERS 18 TREASURER’S REPORT 32 BOARD, STAFF, AND LEADERSHIP COUNCIL 33 2 6 REMEMBERING GEORGE HAMPSON The Buzzards Bay Coalition was deeply saddened by the loss of George Hampson in October. George was a founder of the Coalition, an early chair of our Board of Directors, and a very close friend to us over the past three decades. As a lifelong marine biologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, George’s influence established the strong commitment to sound science that underpins all of the Coalition’s work today. Visit our website, www.savebuzzardsbay.org, to view a memorial video that celebrates George’s role in the creation and life of this organization that meant so much to him. 10 14 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 1 2015 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE WATER WE ALL SHARE THE SAME VISION FOR BUZZARDS BAY: A SCENIC SHORELINE WITH safe swimming beaches, open shellfish beds filled with quahogs, and healthy waters where fish and wildlife thrive. Our Bay is resilient; with sound science, the right laws, and proper enforcement, it can bounce back from the harmful effects of nitrogen and other pollution. Through science and advocacy, the Buzzards Bay Coalition is leading the way to protect and restore our local waterways for fish, shellfish, wildlife, and most importantly, people. 2 CHALLENGE STRATEGY RESULTS By far, the most serious and difficult challenge facing Bay restoration is nitrogen pollution. It leaches from our septic systems, seeps from our streets, lawns, and cranberry bogs, and flows from aging sewer plants into the Bay’s sensitive harbors and coves. The Bay also faces challenges from bacterial contamination, toxic pollution, and the constant threat of oil spills. For 25 years, the Coalition has kept a watchful eye on Buzzards Bay’s health through our award-winning Baywatchers water quality monitoring program. But we don’t just study the Bay; we put this science to work. Sound science forms the foundation of all of our advocacy efforts to restore and protect clean water. We pursue the restoration and protection of the Bay ecosystem at all levels of government: local, state, and federal. We’ve secured limits on nitrogen pollution, developed new laws to make the Bay safer from oil spills, and fought for a full cleanup of toxic pollution in New Bedford Harbor. BUZZARDS BAY COALITION ON THE WATER | Feature Story Cleaning up nitrogen pollution in West Falmouth Harbor HOMEOWNERS INSTALLING NEW SEPTIC SYSTEMS TO SLOW ONE OF THE HARBOR’S BIGGEST SOURCES OF NITROGEN POLLUTION When most people think of Cape Cod, the first thing that comes to mind is water. Swimming, boating, fishing – these are the reasons why thousands of people love visiting the Cape every summer. But Cape Cod’s coastal waters are suffering from too much nitrogen pollution – the greatest longterm threat to the health of Buzzards Bay. Perhaps no place is more aware of the nitrogen pollution problem than West Falmouth Harbor. For the past 20 years, the harbor’s health has been in a slow, steady decline. Clumps of green algae often cover the shoreline, and eelgrass has vanished from many parts of the harbor. Falmouth’s wastewater treatment plant was upgraded in 2005 to reduce nitrogen loads to West Falmouth Harbor. Today, septic systems are one of the largest sources of nitrogen pollution. One hundred percent of the homes around the harbor are on septic systems and cesspools, which aren’t designed to remove nitrogen at all. Through an innovative pilot program coordinated by the Coalition in partnership with the town of Falmouth, 20 local homeowners are making a difference for the harbor’s health by upgrading their septic systems. Each homeowner is receiving a $10,000 subsidy and technical support to upgrade to new technology that reduces nitrogen. By participating in this program, these homeowners are taking action to speed up the harbor’s recovery and setting a strong example. This successful pilot project is a model for dozens of other harbors and coves on Buzzards Bay that are polluted with nitrogen from septic systems. The Coalition will work to bring proactive solutions like this to a community near you. BY THE NUMBERS West Falmouth Harbor septic system pilot program 20 new septic systems are being installed 2,740 pounds of nitrogen pollution reduced every year! 4 different septic system technologies used out of 15 evaluated $10,000 subsidy per home, funded by $250,000 EPA grant LEFT West Falmouth homeowner Bob Kretschmar’s twin stepsons love swimming in the harbor outside their family cottage every summer. By upgrading his septic system to a nitrogen-reducing system, Bob is making a difference to speed up the harbor’s recovery for future generations to enjoy. (Image: Bob Kretschmar) 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 3 ON THE WATER | Highlights of 2015 In 2015, we continued our ongoing fight against nitrogen pollution in Buzzards Bay, defended the Bay against oil spills, and worked to prevent new pollution from fouling the Bay. You can learn more about our work to protect clean water through science and advocacy on our website, www.savebuzzardsbay.org. Analyzing the effects of a warming Bay on water quality For the first time, the Coalition’s Baywatchers monitoring data is being used to evaluate the effects of climate change on the Bay. Using 22 years of data, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program, and the Marine Biological Laboratory found that average summertime temperatures throughout the Bay have warmed by roughly 4ºF since 1992. What’s more, the study suggests that warmer water is fueling more algae growth, resulting in decreasing water quality. Stopping foam pollution in a Mattapoisett salt marsh Brandt Island Cove has a brighter future now that owners of a local marina have replaced decaying foam floats that littered a nearby salt marsh with thousands of broken pieces of polystyrene. The Coalition supported the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission in its work to require the marina to remove these outdated floats and clean up the mess they made. Advocating for a full, safe cleanup of PCBs in New Bedford Harbor New Bedford Harbor won a hard-fought battle in the fight to clean up toxic PCB pollution in 2015. With strong community input from the Coalition and others, the U.S. EPA abandoned its plans to bury contaminated sediment directly along the upper estuary’s shoreline in large, bulkheaded cells called Confined Disposal Facilities (CDFs). Instead, the toxins will be shipped to a safe, secure disposal facility along with more than half a million cubic yards of contaminated mud from the harbor bottom over the next decade. Honoring the guardians of Buzzards Bay In 2015, the Coalition honored five individuals as Buzzards Bay Guardians, our highest award for outstanding service to Buzzards Bay: • Paul Niedzwiecki of the Cape Cod Commission for leadership in development of the Cape 208 Water Quality Plan • Jennifer Howard of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation for the preservation of Nasketucket Bay State Reservation • Massachusetts’ Assistant Attorneys General Seth Schofield and Pierce Cray for defense of the Massachusetts Oil Spill Prevention Act • Joe Costa of the Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program for a lifetime of contributions to Bay science and management 4 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION The Wareham wastewater treatment plant discharges its treated sewage into the Agawam River (at the spot seen here): a small, relatively shallow river that’s far from Buzzards Bay’s open waters. By moving this discharge pipe to a less sensitive location at Massachusetts Maritime Academy, neighborhoods in Wareham, Bourne, and Plymouth can connect to the Bay’s best wastewater treatment plant and reduce a significant amount of nitrogen pollution to the upper Bay. ON THE WATER | Looking Ahead Expanding world-class wastewater treatment in upper Buzzards Bay FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND COLLABORATION BRINGS TOGETHER WAREHAM, BOURNE, PLYMOUTH, AND THE MASSACHUSETTS MARITIME ACADEMY TO REDUCE NITROGEN POLLUTION Buzzards Bay’s nitrogen pollution problem is huge, and demands bold action from municipalities. Now, a unique regional partnership is bringing together three Buzzards Bay towns – Wareham, Bourne, and Plymouth – and the Massachusetts Maritime Academy to tackle nitrogen pollution in the upper portion of Buzzards Bay. The project centers around the Wareham wastewater treatment plant – a highly advanced facility that removes far more nitrogen than any other plant in our region. If the Wareham sewer plant moves its discharge pipe out of the Agawam River to a less sensitive location near the Academy, the three towns could expand sewer lines to neighborhoods currently served by septic systems and cesspools. By coming together across town lines, these communities can take advantage of a system that treats wastewater to the best level possible. These four partners are combining their resources to achieve a common goal: clean water in upper Buzzards Bay. Most importantly, this partnership will serve as a model for other communities grappling with the same nitrogen pollution problems. The Coalition recently received a $200,000 grant from the EPA-funded Southeast New England Program for this effort and is now pursuing additional funding to make this innovative project a reality. “It will be an opportunity to clean up the rivers in Wareham, to clean up other waterways in the region, and to clean up Buzzards Bay.” -Guy Campinha, Wareham Water Pollution Control Facility Director 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 5 2015 ANNUAL REPORT IN THE WATERSHED WATERSHED PROTECTION IS ABOUT CONSERVING ALL OF THE PARTS OF THE Buzzards Bay ecosystem – not just its harbors and coves, but its forests, wetlands, rivers, streams, and groundwater. These critical areas provide important habitats, protect our drinking water sources, and act as natural filters for the Bay. Through watershed protection, the Buzzards Bay Coalition is forever protecting the region’s valuable forests, streams, and wetlands and restoring damaged areas so the Bay ecosystem can thrive. 6 CHALLENGE STRATEGY RESULTS Just about half of the land in the Buzzards Bay watershed – the 432-square-mile area that drains to the Bay – is undeveloped and unprotected. The fate of these lands is fundamental to our effort to protect clean water. Without saving the most important forests, streams, and wetlands, the Bay cannot survive the harmful effects of poorly planned sprawl development. We pursue a Bay-focused land protection strategy that focuses on the watershed’s most vulnerable forests, streams, and salt marshes – natural areas that the Bay cannot afford to lose. We also restore damaged rivers, wetlands, and streambanks and help towns and land trusts preserve land in every corner of our watershed. The Coalition manages the largest land conservation program in southeastern Massachusetts. Since 1998, we’ve protected more than 7,000 acres throughout the Buzzards Bay watershed. We’re also restoring damaged streams, rebuilding wetlands, and creating better access for people to explore the outdoors in their community. BUZZARDS BAY COALITION IN THE WATERSHED | Feature Story Celebrating land conservation in Fairhaven and Mattapoisett COALITION CAPS FOUR-YEAR NASKETUCKET BAY PROJECT WITH PUBLIC OPENING OF SHAW FARM TRAIL 2015 was a year to celebrate land conservation on Buzzards Bay. And for thousands of people who love the outdoors in our region, 2015 was also a year to share in these celebrations by opening brand new places on the Acushnet River (see page 14) and Nasketucket Bay to get outside and explore. a new public trail called Shaw Farm Trail. This mile-long trail created a missing link between the state reservation and the popular bike path that runs through Fairhaven and Mattapoisett. Thousands of local residents can now walk from their homes all the way to the shores of Nasketucket Bay. In July, the Coalition welcomed local, state, and federal officials and community members to stunning views of Nasketucket Bay to mark the completion of the Nasketucket Bay Land Conservation Project. This extraordinary four-year, $6.25 million initiative has forever protected 416 acres of forests, fields, and coastal farmland in Fairhaven and Mattapoisett – the largest land conservation project on Buzzards Bay’s shores in a generation. By protecting this land, we’re continuing a legacy of conservation on Nasketucket Bay that everybody can celebrate. Few coastal bays in Massachusetts have such plentiful natural resources as Nasketucket Bay. That’s due in large part to land conservation. Preserving forests, meadows, and salt marshes around Nasketucket Bay protects the bay’s clean water: its sparkling blue shores, its dense eelgrass meadows, its abundant fish, shellfish, and wildlife populations. Without conservation, this beautiful place could have been lost forever to development. As part of this project, the Coalition doubled the size of Nasketucket Bay State Reservation and created BY THE NUMBERS Nasketucket Bay Land Conservation Project 226 acres of woods, fields, and streams opened for public recreation 190 acres of active farmland protected 5 miles of trails through Nasketucket Bay State Reservation $6.25 million raised for conservation LEFT Officials from Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, the federal and state governments, and the Coalition celebrated the opening of Shaw Farm Trail at a public ribbon-cutting ceremony in July. Pictured (L-R): Christine Clark (USDANRCS, obscured), Mike Gagne (Mattapoisett Town Administrator), Mark Rasmussen, Bob Espindola (Fairhaven Selectman), Philip Denormandie (obscured), Congressman Bill Keating, State Rep. Bill Straus, Matthew Sisk (DCR), and Brendan Annett. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 7 IN THE WATERSHED | Highlights of 2015 In 2015, we continued our role as a regional leader in land conservation by protecting and restoring more of the Bay’s special places. You can learn more about our work to conserve land and restore damaged natural areas on our website, www.savebuzzardsbay.org. Protecting a landmark island for people in Wareham Wickets Island is the centerpiece of scenic Onset Bay, a place treasured for its natural shorelines and rich outdoor recreation. In 2015, Wareham residents helped save Wickets Island forever by approving funding for the Coalition to purchase the island. Wickets Island will soon be open to all for swimming, paddling, fishing, quahogging, and exploration. Saving a salter stream in Westport The Coalition is working with the Westport Land Conservation Trust to protect 102 acres of forested land along Angeline Brook. This unique coldwater stream, which flows to the West Branch of the Westport River, is one of the few remaining habitats in southern New England for native sea-run brook trout, or “salters.” Supporting barrier beach protection in Westport At the entrance to Westport Harbor lies a barrier beach that leads out to the dramatic Point of Rocks, or “the Knubble.” This sensitive barrier beach protects the Westport River inlet and provides outstanding views of the Bay. The Coalition has been working to support the town of Westport in restoring the beach’s fragile dunes and provide environmentally responsible access for all Westport residents. 8 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION The crumbling remains of a dam sit at the head of tide on the Weweantic River. This structure blocks migration and limits spawning habitat for fish. The Coalition has kicked off a project to restore the river at Horseshoe Mill in Wareham for fish, wildlife, and people. IN THE WATERSHED | Looking Ahead Restoring a river for migratory fish in Wareham COALITION AIMS TO BRING BACK WEWEANTIC RIVER’S RICH FISH POPULATIONS What happens when migratory fish like river herring, eels, and white perch reach the crumbling remains of a dam at the head of tide on the Weweantic River? It’s like hitting a wall – and most of these fish just can’t get past. Because of this blockage, fish populations on the Weweantic have been falling for decades. With its rocky riffles and rare tidal mix of fresh and salt water, this spot on the river is critical for spawning fish. Still, the Weweantic River is home to the most diverse community of migratory fish that exists anywhere on Buzzards Bay. Historically, we know that even Atlantic salmon, shad, and sturgeon lived in this river. There’s an opportunity to restore fish communities here on the Bay’s largest freshwater river that have been lost everywhere else. The Coalition has begun a process to restore the river at Horseshoe Mill, where the dam is located. Our vision here is similar to The Sawmill on the Acushnet River (see page 14): restoring critical habitat for fish by reopening both the river and a former industrial site for all. In December, we kicked off a feasibility study with a public meeting in Wareham. An engineering firm is now developing and examining a variety of restoration alternatives, which we’ll present back to the community this year. “It’s not just that fish love to use this spot – fish need to use this spot, but it’s deteriorating and it’s limited.” -Brendan Annett, Vice President of Watershed Protection 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 9 2015 ANNUAL REPORT WITH PEOPLE THE KEY TO A CLEAN, HEALTHY BUZZARDS BAY IS AN ENGAGED COMMUNITY THAT understands the threats the Bay faces and their role in protecting it. The long-term health of our local environment depends on people knowing, loving, and valuing the Bay as important to their lives. Through community engagement, the Buzzards Bay Coalition is creating a new generation of Bay stewards: People who understand their place in the Bay ecosystem and support its protection for decades to come. 10 CHALLENGE STRATEGY RESULTS Buzzards Bay faces a crisis of disengagement. Fewer people today know the Bay, and most children grow up in front of screens instead of on sandy shores. Without connections to the natural world, people have turned a blind eye to the Bay’s decline. If we don’t address this disengagement, our work will ultimately fail. Connecting people to the Bay is a fundamental part of the Coalition’s work. We tackle this crisis of disengagement head-on through outdoor programming, engaging events and workshops, and vibrant print and digital communications. These efforts build stronger connections to our local environment to support the long-term stewardship of Buzzards Bay. Every year, thousands discover the Bay as part of our outdoor exploration programs. We’re expanding a network of Bay discovery sites where all people can get outside, and giving local decision makers solutions to pressing pollution problems. Through annual events like the Swim and Watershed Ride, we’re rebuilding connections to our irreplaceable Bay. BUZZARDS BAY COALITION WITH PEOPLE | Feature Story Increasing outdoor exploration across our region THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE GET OUTSIDE AND DISCOVER BUZZARDS BAY WITH THE COALITION Over the past five years, the Coalition has invested deeply in outdoor exploration programs for youth and adults in our region. And in 2015, more people than ever got outside and discovered forests, beaches, streams, wetlands, and waters on dozens of Bay Adventures and field programs. Our focus is simple (and fun!): connect more people to the vibrant natural world that lives here on Buzzards Bay and across our watershed through hands-on outdoor exploration. Last year, we led over 4,000 students on field programs at schools from New Bedford to Falmouth. Kids got muddy in marshes, found frog eggs in vernal pools, and splashed paddles through the water on kayaks. At Minot Forest Elementary School in Wareham, all third- and fourth-graders discovered the forest behind their school on programs with our partners at the Wareham Land Trust. For many, it was the first time they’d ever ventured into these woods. For adults and families looking to get outside and explore, the Coalition also leads weekly Bay Adventures. These programs are exciting, engaging outdoor experiences for people of all ages – like “Build Your Own Fishing Pole,” where participants use sticks from the forest to build fishing poles, and then cast their line into a local river. Other popular Bay Adventures include stand-up paddleboarding, seal and seabird watches, and Itty Bitty Bay Explorers, a series for families with young children. With each person who digs up their first quahog, holds a jumping frog in their hand, and finds a new favorite forest trail to the shore, we’re reconnecting our communities to the Bay we cherish. BY THE NUMBERS Community Engagement 1,300 Bay Adventure participants 4,178 children attended a hands-on field exploration program with their school 7 school districts where we provided programs for fourth-graders 8,000 people visited a learning center in New Bedford, Acushnet, or Woods Hole LEFT At The Sawmill in Acushnet, children and adults of all ages are discovering a new side of Buzzards Bay. Since The Sawmill opened in November (see page 14), the Coalition has already led several programs for local schoolchildren, families, birders, and hikers. Here, students from Jireh Swift Elementary School in New Bedford see a crayfish from the Acushnet River for the first time. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 11 WITH PEOPLE | Highlights of 2015 Throughout 2015, people like you took action to protect clean water and support the Coalition’s work in communities across our region. You can learn more about these opportunities to swim, ride, volunteer, or attend an event on our website, www.savebuzzardsbay.org. Swimming the Bay to celebrate clean water What do you get when you combine 248 swimmers, 80 dedicated volunteers, and a beautiful day on the Bay? A successful 2015 Buzzards Bay Swim! On June 20, swimmers dove into outer New Bedford Harbor to celebrate clean water and raise $100,000 for our work. The 23rd annual Buzzards Bay Swim will take place on June 25, 2016. Biking for clean water in Buzzards Bay 120 cyclists pedaled across southeastern Massachusetts on October 4, 2015 to show their support for clean water during the ninth annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. The Ride raised more than $90,000 for the Coalition’s work. Don’t miss the 10th anniversary Ride on October 2, 2016, which will feature a new 100-mile route and 10-mile family ride. Volunteering to keep a watchful eye on the Coalition’s trails With the opening of new Bay discovery sites across the region, the Coalition is enlisting the help of dedicated volunteers who love these places and want to make a difference. Volunteers can “adopt a reserve” at places like The Sawmill, The Bogs, and LaPalme Farm, giving us more eyes on the ground at these popular outdoor destinations. Training local decision makers on solutions to pollution 2015 marked the fifth year of our successful Decision Makers Workshops series, designed for local leaders in government, business, and agriculture whose daily decisions affect the health of the Bay and our local environment. Last year, these free workshops provided real-world tested strategies to reduce nitrogen from cranberry bogs and septic systems. 12 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Ever wanted to try quahogging? With the Coalition’s new Discover Buzzards Bay website, you can find places where you can dig for clams, an easy how-to that shows you what to do, and even upcoming “learn to quahog” events. Whether you want to go shellfishing, fishing, hiking, cycling, paddling, or boating, Discover Buzzards Bay is your portal to outdoor exploration. WITH PEOPLE | Looking Ahead Making it simple to Discover Buzzards Bay THE COALITION IS YOUR SOURCE FOR INFORMATION AND IDEAS TO GET OUTSIDE AND EXPLORE “Discover Buzzards Bay” is an idea that’s much bigger than Bay Adventures and field trips for youth. It’s about giving people like you the tools to find new trails to walk, routes to cycle, waterways to paddle, and shellfish beds to dig. And it’s about creating the means and motivation for people to get outside and explore woods, wetlands, and waterways. We’re also expanding a network of Bay discovery sites in all corners of the watershed. It’s only been open for a few short months, but The Sawmill in Acushnet has already become a destination for discovery. We’re now working to create and expand outdoor exploration sites in Wareham on Onset Bay and the Weweantic River. That’s why we’re investing deeply in our mission to become a constant, energetic source of information that everybody can use to get outside and explore. With all these great opportunities to get outside and explore, we can’t wait to see what fun days on Buzzards Bay 2016 will bring! Our new website at www.savebuzzardsbay.org (launching this May) is a portal to hundreds of places, activities, and adventures across Buzzards Bay. Want to find an outdoor event to attend this weekend? We’ve got your calendar covered. Looking for different ideas and activities to try? Our featured adventures offer fresh places to go and things to do in your community. Discover your Buzzards Bay at www.savebuzzardsbay.org 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 13 Bringing the Acushnet River back to health AT THE EDGE OF NEW BEDFORD’S URBAN NORTH end sits The Sawmill: a 19-acre former lumber yard on the Acushnet River. The river flows gently through The Sawmill from its headwaters in Freetown to New Bedford Harbor and Buzzards Bay. The river here has experienced centuries of industrial use. For nearly 300 years, a dam blocked migrating fish from reaching their freshwater spawning grounds. Four acres of pavement and buildings covered the ground, sending pollution directly into the river with every rain storm. Now, all that has changed. Over a two-year period that began in 2013, the Coalition restored The Sawmill to bring back natural swamps, meadows, and riverbanks that once grew here many years ago. The Sawmill you see today protects clean water, provides better habitat for fish and wildlife, and offers people like you a beautiful place to explore the outdoors. On November 6, 2015, the Coalition unveiled The Sawmill to the public at an opening ceremony attended by hundreds of officials and local residents. Since then, thousands of people have visited The Sawmill for hands-on field education programs, family hikes, and quiet reflections along the banks of the beautiful Acushnet River. The children who walk, fish, and paddle here today will only ever know a thriving river where they can discover their Buzzards Bay. RIGHT The Buzzards Bay Coalition restored native meadows, a red maple swamp, and natural riverbanks along the Acushnet River at The Sawmill. This public park is now open, inviting visitors like you to walk the trails and paddle the river’s scenic waters. (Image: Paul Curado) 14 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION “Let me begin by saying ‘Welcome Back to the Acushnet River.’ The river has been here all along, but we as a community lost it for a while. For decades we turned our back on it. Some would argue that we killed it with industrial toxic waste and sewage in the 20th century. It was a disgrace, but it wasn’t dead. And now, here in our time, the people of this area have turned their eyes back to the Acushnet River and are beginning to see a new future of opportunity, beauty, and neighborhood revitalization instead of blight.” -Coalition President Mark Rasmussen at The Sawmill Opening Ceremony 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 15 2015 ANNUAL REPORT SUPPORTERS The Gosnold Society The Gosnold Society recognizes individuals who support the Buzzards Bay Coalition with annual gifts of $1,000 or more. We thank these leadership donors for their generosity and commitment to our work. * Deceased President’s Circle $10,000 OR MORE Diane & Norman Bernstein Peter & Betsy Block Hans & Susan Brenninkmeyer David & Victoria Croll Fred Danforth* & Carlene Larsson Robert & Joanne Fallon Tally & John N. Garfield Dr. Gail Davidson & Tom Gidwitz Lucius T. Hill, III & Wendy Y. Hill Peter* & Mimi* Huidekoper Gary P. Johnson & Luana Jøsvold Russ & Wendy Keeler Rusty & Betsy Kellogg Larry Stifler & Mary McFadden Wilhelm Merck & Nonie Brady James Rathmann & Anne Noonan Laura Ryan Shachoy & Jamey Shachoy Jay & Nancy Smith Frederic F. Taylor Peter Wheeler & Elizabeth Munro Anonymous (3) Associates $5,000 – $9,999 Peter & Rosanne Aresty Jay Austin Michael & Margherita Baldwin Charles & Christina Bascom Bob & Pam Beck Jim Bevilacqua & Connie Bacon Joseph S. Deitch 16 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Paul Elias & Marie Lossky-Elias The Fearons Family Sam & Gerry Gray John H. & Corbin Crewes Harwood James N. Heald, 2nd Julie & Jordan Hitch Jim & Bess Hughes Sharon L. Chown & Michael T. Huguenin George & Helen Keeler Sam & Anna Knight Bill & Noelle Locke Fred & Louise Makrauer Ted & Karen Martin Brendan McCarthy & Elise Bilodeau Ian P. & Catherine McDonald Mr. & Mrs. C. Walter Nichols, III Gale Runnells Norman & Maryellen Sullivan Shachoy Steven & Ginny Spiegel $2,500 – $4,999 Marie & Mike Angelini Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Bernstein Jack & Nancy Braitmayer Peter & Erin Burlinson Betsey & Ken Cheitlin David & Julie Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Dempsey Dr. Jonathan Gertler & Dr. Jane Clark Jayne Hanley Julie & Bayard Henry Margaret M. Lilly Tim Mahoney & Pam Donnelly Tom & Linda Mae Ohaus The John Pollis Family Mark Rasmussen & Aliaksandra Laziuk Deborah C. Robbins Mr. & Mrs. J. Adam Sholley Jay Stein & Gretchen Fox Stein Geoff & Judy Swett Stephen & Alicia Symchych Anonymous $1,000 – $2,499 Robert & Meg Ackerman Mary Akerson & Steven Cohen Joel Alvord & Lisa Schmid Alvord Talbot Baker, Jr. Brien & Carol Barnewolt Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett Joseph & Pamela Barry James T. Bartlett Marc & Suzanne Bellanger Wally & Roz Bernheimer David Berwind Genie & Bob Birch S.C. & E.D. Blake Christine & Matthew Botica Gioia Thomas Browne Keith & Pamela Browning Darryl* & Janet Buckingham John K. & Laurie Bullard Rid Bullerjahn Beth Campanella Roger Caron All of the accomplishments on the water, in the watershed, and with people featured in this Annual Report were made possible through the generosity of people like you who support the Coalition’s work to protect clean water. Thank you to the many individuals, families, foundations, businesses, and organizations that joined us in saving Buzzards Bay in 2015. Riaz & Cecily Cassum John & Tess Cederholm Susan Emmons Cheever Christopher & Lynne Chiodo Charlene & Terrance Connolly Mary Coolidge Judith A. Cope Molly N. Cornell Douglas & Cindy Crocker Bob & Vickie Cunningham Ronald & Jessica Dabrowski Bruce & Lee Davis Maureen & Allen Decker Chris M. Demakis & Vincent N. Cragin, Esq. Philip Y. DeNormandie Andrew & Joanna Dimmick John Doherty Mr. & Mrs. George Domolky Donna Eden Dan & Daneen Ellertsen William & Deborah Elfers Lynn & Randy Evans Annette U. Ewing Dale A. Ferris David & Karen Firestone Edward T. & Nina Fish Delia Flynn Peter & Jennifer Francis Tom & Jill French The Frisbie Family George & Suzanne Gebelein Nelson S. Gifford Steve & Cindy Gormley Ed & Alice Grayson Buzzards Bay Legacy Circle Marjorie & Nick Greville Richard & Johanna Harrison Mr. William Hartman Melissa Haskell & Jeff Graber Daniel Hayes Betsy Heald Richard A. Heald & Eileen M. O’Brien James & Kathy Herring Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hollis, III Arnold & Rosalind Hunnewell Dr. Chris & Elizabeth Hunt Nick & Sarah Jansen Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Jeffrey Dr. Amy Johnson Leonard & Patricia Johnson Capt. Barney Jones David & Jennifer Kaiser Jim Kane Richard & Taylor Kane Kevin & Amanda Kavanagh Mr. & Mrs. Ted Knopf Rosemary Kotkowski Nancy & Ted Kurtz David & Margaret Lager Elizabeth & Gardner Lane Jack Leary & Joanne Lukaszewicz Mary Ellen Lees Agnes Lombard The Lombard Family Pete & Vicky Lowell D. Lloyd & Ann MacDonald Peter L. Macdonald Mr. Donald B. MacLean Michael Malone & Debra Gayle Carmine & Beth Martignetti Roger & Jo-Anne Masson Kate & Hugh McLean Dr. John Mendelsohn Richard & Alma Merians Frederic & Cindy Mock Elise & George Mock Laura & Ken Morse Susan G. Morse Sean & Stacy Mullaney Johannes & Ria Nagtegaal Chris Neill & Linda A. Deegan Catharine & David Newbury Kristen Nickel Thomas H. Niles Margaret Norman Jonathan Olson Alan & Victoria Peacock Carlos Pena Charles B. Perini, III Helen & Peter Randolph Neal Ready & Lynn Bowlby Marianne & Jim Reardon Margaret & Dick Rhoads Louise C. Riemer Cynthia & Jason Ritter & Family Henry & Cathy Roberts Theodore Romanow & Kim Redfield Christine & David Root James Rosenfeld & Sharon Nolan Mr. & Mrs. John Drake Ross James Sharpe & Deborah Stein Sharpe Kenneth Shwartz & June Smith James Robert Silver Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons Mark Snyderman Galen & Anne Stone Dr. Jennifer P. Stone & Mr. Jonathan Green David & Patricia Straus Michael & Martha Sullivan James W. Swent, III Tim & Patti Swope R. David Tabors Richard & Patton* Tabors Peter A. Tcherepnine Renke & Pamela Thye Joan Underwood Mr. Jeffrey Vasquez Sylvia Vatuk & George Rosen Phyllis & Gordon* Vineyard Bradford B. Wakeman & Wendy Darwin Wakeman Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Walsh Keith & Susan Watson Robin & John Webb Benjamin & Coco Wellington Tom & Robin Wheeler Katherine & Christopher White Judith Whiteside Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Whitney Marcy Wintrub & Duane Barton Dr. Michael J. Zinner Anonymous (2) Leave a lasting legacy for the future of Buzzards Bay. Include a charitable contribution to the Coalition in your will or estate plans and ensure that our irreplaceable Bay is protected for future generations. If you have already included the Coalition in your estate plan, please let us know. If you haven’t and would like more information, contact Donna Cobert at (508) 999-6363 ext. 209 or [email protected]. Donors who have notified the Coalition of their intention to make a planned gift are included in the Buzzards Bay Legacy Circle. William K. Bradshaw* ∙ Gioia T. Browne ∙ Katharine Bullard* ∙ Joseph R. Frothingham, Jr.* ∙ Natalie Garfield ∙ John H. Harwood ∙ A. Lee Hayes ∙ Deborah L. Herring ∙ Peter* & Mimi* Huidekoper ∙ John D. Ross ∙ Angelica L. Russell* * Deceased 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 17 $500 – $999 Norman L. Abram ∙ Slater Anderson ∙ Charles & Peggy Annett ∙ Priscilla W. Ballou ∙ Peggy & Edward Barry ∙ Drs. Sheila & Jim Barry & Family ∙ Robert & Virginia Beams ∙ Russell Beede ∙ Jonathan & Gina Berger ∙ Mike Bingle & Eryn Ament Bingle ∙ David Bogen & Pamela Spatz ∙ Peg Brandon ∙ Jacob F. Brown, II ∙ David & Judy Brownell ∙ Russ Buckley ∙ Annie & Jonathan Burleigh ∙ John Burman & Diana Stinson ∙ Amy & Andy Burnes ∙ George & Maureen Butler ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carney ∙ Wilfred & Joan Carney ∙ Alec & Sarah Casey ∙ Ms. Mary Chaffee ∙ David & Giovanna Clott ∙ Harris & Melinda Collins ∙ Jeffrey & Jennifer Collins ∙ Michael & Christina Connolly ∙ Charlie & Dianne Cosman ∙ Paul Costabile ∙ Liz Coxe & David Forney ∙ Kevin & Candy Crowley ∙ Ron & Alice Curtin ∙ Judith & Murray Danforth ∙ Dr. Ghassan Dehni ∙ Marc & Katie Deshaies ∙ Robin & John Devereux ∙ Robert S. Dorfman ∙ George DuPaul & Judith Brown-DuPaul ∙ Lincoln & Ruth Ekstrom ∙ John Farrington ∙ Charles W. & Linda Findlay ∙ The Fine Family ∙ John & Allison Fisher ∙ Drs. Ken Foreman & Anne Giblin ∙ Bryan Furlong & Lisa Heitman ∙ John Gallo & Patricia Tortorella ∙ James & Nancy Galloway ∙ Will & Laura Gardner ∙ John A. Garraty, Jr. ∙ Roberta & James Gates ∙ Juliane & Ronald Gerace ∙ Keith Gilbert & Stacy Osur ∙ Eleanor W. Gural ∙ Jane Hallowell ∙ Reed Harwood ∙ Mark & Robin Hayes ∙ Nancy & Sean Hill ∙ Rob Hochschild ∙ Deborah & Michael Hood ∙ N. George Host ∙ Adele Franks & Steve Jones ∙ Steve Kanovsky & Polly Wood ∙ Mark & Polly Kisiel ∙ Drs. Donald & Joan Korb ∙ James & Nancy Laird ∙ Sarah Laird & John Seibert ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Jack Langford ∙ Paul & Joanne Langione ∙ Kenneth Lauderdale ∙ Lennart & Ann Lindberg ∙ John & Doris Ludes ∙ James Madden ∙ Cindy Masson ∙ Mr. Kevin F. Mawe ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. McCormick ∙ Jim McEleney & Melissa Gordon ∙ Nancy McHale & Kathleen Pappalardo ∙ Colin & Anne McNay ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead ∙ Ms. Charlotte Metcalf ∙ Dana & Eileen Miskell ∙ Mr. & Mrs. James R. Murphy ∙ Edward F. Murray ∙ Aaron & Jessica Novy ∙ Gwendolen Noyes ∙ Jonathan O’Herron, Jr. ∙ Suzannah Parker ∙ John & Celeste Penney ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Pierce, Jr. ∙ Barbara Purser ∙ James Rakowski & Denise Mengani ∙ John Sherburne Reidy ∙ Gretchen A. Reilly ∙ Mr. Karl D. Riemer ∙ Owen & Dorothy Robbins ∙ Mr. Will W. Saltonstall ∙ Nick Sapia ∙ Gary Seidelman ∙ Steve & Maria Smith ∙ Elizabeth & Edgar Soule ∙ Paul & Tammy Staiger ∙ Edward S. Stimpson ∙ Kristian J. Stoltenberg ∙ Garrett Stuck & Pamela Coravos ∙ Robert E. Sullivan & Linn M. Sullivan ∙ David & Cheryl Tartakoff ∙ Susan T. Thonis ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Edwin P. Tiffany ∙ Shari Tishman ∙ Joe & Annie Twichell ∙ John Vasconcellos & William Barr ∙ Charlotte Wagner ∙ John B. Waterbury, Ph.D. & Vicky Cullen ∙ Anne & Dick Webb ∙ Stephen & Nancy Weinstein ∙ Richard & Sandra Wheeler ∙ Catherine Williams ∙ Grant Wilson & Heather Klimm ∙ Toffer Winslow & Amy Morse Winslow ∙ Mark & Gail Wintringham ∙ Ann & Hans Ziegler ∙ Anonymous $250 – $499 Ben & Julie Allen ∙ T. Langdon Allen ∙ Cheryl Almeida ∙ Thomas & Kara Altshuler ∙ Brendan Annett & Anne Reynolds ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Ray Armstrong ∙ John & Karen Babbitt ∙ James Bailey & Alexandra Callen ∙ Hope L. Baker ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Bill Barker ∙ Kay H. & Marian H. Barney ∙ Kevin & Jane Barry ∙ Matthew Bedford & Hope Jansen ∙ Jean & Arthur Bennett ∙ Lisa & Gene Bergson ∙ Celia Bernstein ∙ Allen Berry & Sarah Garfield Berry ∙ Carol & Francis Birch ∙ Drs. Andrew & Beverly Blazar ∙ John & Romayne Bockstoce ∙ Bret & Deb Bokelkamp ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Borden, III ∙ Ed & Amy Brakeman ∙ Paul & Marilyn Brigham ∙ Larry & Sally Brownell ∙ Dominique Browning ∙ Nils Bruzelius & Lynne Weil ∙ Ben & Melissa Bryant ∙ Bob Busby & Maureen Conte ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Blake Cady ∙ Mr. David C. Cameron & Dr. Joanne Cameron ∙ Anne Cann ∙ Frank & Sheila Carotenuto ∙ Russ & Donna Cavanaugh ∙ Derek Cavanaugh ∙ Carl F. Cavossa ∙ Charles E. Cheever, Jr. ∙ Russell & Julie Cherry ∙ Mr. & Mrs. David R. Chipman ∙ Jon & Lydia Christensen ∙ Michael Christopher ∙ Ms. Suzanne Church ∙ Rachel & Tom Claflin ∙ Jon & Andrea Clardy ∙ Donna & Claude Cobert ∙ Laura Cohen ∙ Gretchen & Robbie Colby ∙ Beth Colt & Peter Simonds ∙ Mr. Harold Cooper, III ∙ Henry & Jane Cosman ∙ Diane Cramphin ∙ Margaret E. Curtis ∙ Molly & Chris Cutler ∙ Jonathan Cutone ∙ Ludgero A. da Silva ∙ Kirk Davenport ∙ Peter & Patricia Dean ∙ Kenneth Denham ∙ Jack Desmond & Tommie Berry ∙ Stephanie E. Devik ∙ David & Frederica Dimmick ∙ Richard A. & Weatherly Barnard Dorris ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Doubrava ∙ Jill Downing ∙ Kevin Duarte ∙ Dr. Jay Duker ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Eades ∙ David Eikenberry ∙ Bob & Bee Elmore ∙ Cynthia Emmons ∙ Frederic A. Eustis, III ∙ Christian A. Farland, P.E. ∙ Patrick Farren ∙ Rosemary & Stephen Fassett ∙ James & Kathy Feeney ∙ Julius & Mette Feinleib ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferri ∙ Richard Ferro ∙ Philip Field ∙ Clara Filice ∙ Anita Fiorillo ∙ Jim & Janet Fitzgibbons ∙ Carolyn Fontes ∙ Jennifer Forbes ∙ Thomas Ford ∙ Terry & Nina Freiberg ∙ Gregg Lawrence Furie ∙ Joan N. Gardner ∙ Horace & Marla Garfield ∙ Katharine B. Garfield ∙ In Memoriam In 2015, the Buzzards Bay Coalition received gifts in loving memory of the following people listed in bold. Evelyn Baum (James & Juliane Kelly ∙ Ken Lipman & Family) ∙ John Henry Browne (Ms. Gioia Browne) ∙ Lisa Campbell (Douglas & Donna Linse) ∙ Isabel Ford (Betty & Frances Parker) ∙ Margot Peet Foster, a longtime and enthusiastic supporter of the Coalition (H. O. Peet Foundation) ∙ George R. Hampson (Jodee P. Bishop & James Reber ∙ Hovey & Rose Clifford ∙ Patricia & Leonard Johnson ∙ Pete & Vicky Lowell ∙ Michael Neubert & Pamela Arnofsky Neubert ∙ Christopher & Pamela Polloni ∙ Bruce & Jane Woodin) ∙ Richard S. “Chip” Morse, Jr. (Mr. & Mrs. William N. Bancroft ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Bronly S. Boyd ∙ Peg Brandon ∙ Mrs. Tucker M. Clark ∙ John T. Collins ∙ Betty Anne & Joe Cook ∙ Mary Jane Curran & Donald Cameron ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Damon, Jr. ∙ James & Nancy Galloway ∙ Susanne & Bill Hallstein ∙ Geoffrey W. Helm, Jr. ∙ Leonard & Patricia Johnson ∙ Robert & Elizabeth Ladd ∙ Bill & Noelle Locke ∙ Charles & Susan Mann ∙ Eileen & Dana Miskell ∙ Kenneth & Laura Morse ∙ Parker’s 18 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Boat Yard, Inc. ∙ Jeffrey & Mary Somers ∙ Katharine & Charles Stover ∙ Abby & Bob Summersgill ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Whitney ∙ Anonymous) ∙ Helen T. Randolph (John & Susanne Potts) ∙ Ed and Barbara Ready (Dr. Neal Ready and Dr. Lynn Bowlby) ∙ John H. and Caroline W. Reardon, who enjoyed Buzzards Bay their whole adult life (Reardon Brothers Trust) ∙ Harriet Schley (Michael & Laura Newstein) ∙ Mary H. Smith (Mr. Michael May) ∙ Lynwood W. Sutcliffe (Barbara & Robert Bridges) ∙ George Bruce West (Dana Anderson ∙ Charles & Chrissy Bascom ∙ Chris Brazil & Cardon Outreach ∙ Peter & Tia Bullard ∙ Kathy & Jim Feeney ∙ Jen McIntosh ∙ Morgan Stanley Community Affairs ∙ Elizabeth Pigford ∙ William N. Tifft & Ellen Bruzelius ∙ Barbara K. West & Vertner D. Smith ∙ David West) ∙ Linda Foster White (Patricia & Dick Delmore ∙ Duxbury Cruising Club ∙ James C. Rosenfeld & Sharon Nolan ∙ Geoffrey & Joyce T. Stewart) ∙ Rhonda Zinner (Dr. Michael J. Zinner) Wyatt & Rachel Garfield, Jr. ∙ Paul Gelep ∙ Kirby & Carolyn Gilmore ∙ Edward A. Gonet, Jr. ∙ Jeff & Tess Goodwin ∙ Andrew Grant ∙ Paul & Priscilla Gray ∙ James Green & Molly Bang ∙ Frederic & Jocelyn Greenman ∙ Alyssa & Bill Greenwood ∙ Debra Hairston (FI UAT Team) ∙ John & Amy Haley ∙ Jan & Toby Hall ∙ James Hammitt ∙ Susan & Gib Hammond ∙ Rob & Gwen Hancock ∙ Maureen Harlow-Hawkes & Arthur Hawkes ∙ Leslie Hartford ∙ Timothy Harwood ∙ Dr. Timothy Haydock & Barbara Moss ∙ Gina & Ed Hebert ∙ Deborah Herring ∙ Al & Kathy Herzog ∙ Sandra Taven & Dr. Ronald Hirschberg ∙ Laurie & Matt Hogan ∙ James Honohan ∙ Mr. Keith Howard ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Edward Howland ∙ Todd Howland ∙ John Hughes ∙ Ann Huidekoper & Joanne Swanson ∙ Kimberly Fletcher & John Hussey ∙ Barbara Hussey ∙ Mark & Carla Hutker ∙ Dr. Rachel Jakuba ∙ Hope & David Jeffrey ∙ David S. Jenney ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jolliffe ∙ Larry Jordan & Maureen Henzel ∙ Carol Kaffenberger ∙ Peter & Mary Kavanaugh ∙ Clarke & Cathie Keenan ∙ David & Jean Kibbe ∙ Dr. Stephen & Mrs Julia Kiechel ∙ Arthur Klipfel ∙ Charles & Deborah Klotz ∙ David Kneeland ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Bourne Knowles ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Knowles ∙ C. James Koch & Cynthia Fisher ∙ Paul Krause & Teri Bernert ∙ Ron LaBelle ∙ Robert & Linda Lane ∙ Regine C. Langen ∙ David & Leslie Langford ∙ Christopher T. Langlois ∙ Edith Lauderdale ∙ Andrew Lavoie ∙ Jeff & Craig Lawrence ∙ Andrew & Lynn Lees ∙ Russ Lemcke & Meg Becker ∙ Geoffrey Lenk ∙ Polly & David Leshan ∙ Mona Levenstein ∙ Jonathon & Kay Levi ∙ Janet Levinger ∙ Richard A. Levitan ∙ Terence & Eleanor Lewis ∙ Ken Lipman & Evelyn Baum* ∙ Deborah Locke ∙ Helen Lozoraitis ∙ William & Winnie Mackey ∙ Diana & Bruce MacPhail ∙ Alex MacPhail ∙ Martha Maguire ∙ Ron & Barbara Marcks ∙ Rep. & Mrs. Chris Markey ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Michael Markowski ∙ Sylvia F. Marlio ∙ William & Katherine Marvel ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Matelski ∙ Carl & Sharon Matuszek ∙ Vincent Mayer ∙ Alex Mazza ∙ Peggy Bacon & Jack McCarthy ∙ Joe & Laura McDonagh ∙ Chuck & Karen McHugh ∙ Patrick McLoughlin & Deirdre Healy ∙ Matt Mello ∙ Erica Miller ∙ Tom & Donna Modica ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Justin P. Morreale ∙ Kenneth Morrison ∙ Robert G. Morse ∙ Morgan & Kathy Mowbray ∙ Dr. William B. Muldoon, Jr. ∙ Maria Munoz ∙ John Murry ∙ Jonathan & Daphne Mussellwhite ∙ Frederick O. J. Muzi ∙ Charles & Louise Nadler ∙ David Nanian ∙ Edward & Jean Nardi ∙ Peter Nechelles & Marlissa S. Briggett ∙ Gerard Nelson ∙ Susan L. Nichols ∙ William & Cynthia Nickel ∙ Alexandra C. Norkin ∙ Mr. & Mrs. R. Henry Norweb III ∙ Edward OBrien ∙ Mark & Joanne Olson ∙ Jay & Marilyn O’Neil ∙ Claudia & Nelson Ostiguy ∙ Peter J. Ouellette ∙ Mark Pankoff & Rebecca Birch ∙ Saul Pannell & Sally Currier ∙ Christine W. Parks ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Perkins, Jr. ∙ Korrin Petersen, Esq. & Brian Petersen ∙ Sandy & Arne Peterson ∙ Russ & Elise Phillips ∙ Richard T. Porteus ∙ Arvidas Poshkus ∙ Jahn & Renee Pothier ∙ Robert M. Pozzo ∙ Mrs. Charles Pratt ∙ Paula Press & John Rosenthal ∙ Doug & Diana Prince ∙ Sara Quintal ∙ Kinley T. & Bonnie S. Reddy ∙ Marguerite K. Repass ∙ Crystal & William Ribich ∙ Tom & Johanna Robinson ∙ Dana & Alison Rodin ∙ Mark J. Rodrigues ∙ Dr. Denise Rollinson ∙ Nathaniel Ross ∙ Charlie Ruel ∙ Kissy Russell ∙ Tony Sapienza ∙ Robyn & Paul Saur ∙ Heather & Kitt Sawitsky ∙ Chris W. Schlesinger ∙ Mark & Suzannah Schroeder ∙ Frederica See ∙ Jody Seivert ∙ Eleanor C. Shanley ∙ Bill & Dedee Shattuck ∙ Gus & Ellie Shaver ∙ Constance C. Shepard ∙ John Sigel & Sally Reid ∙ Helen F. Silva ∙ Brad Silverberg ∙ Paul & Elizabeth Sittenfeld ∙ Charlotte & Ray Smith ∙ Kimberly Moses Smith & John Markey ∙ Jesse Smith ∙ Mary Smoyer ∙ John & Susan* Spooner ∙ John & Valerie Stelling ∙ Philip & Joan Stevenson ∙ Lisa & Gregg Stone ∙ The Stover Family ∙ Kent Summers ∙ Mary Elisabeth Swerz ∙ Anne P. Tangen ∙ David A. Tatelbaum ∙ Kevin Tavares ∙ Sally C. Taylor ∙ Emily Taylor ∙ Dr. D. Terzopoulos ∙ Jeanne & Richard Toomey ∙ Janet & Noah Totten ∙ Samuel & Vivian Trotz ∙ David C. & Nancy P. Twichell ∙ Frederica Valois ∙ Andy & Deborah van Dam ∙ Lawrence R. Velte ∙ Kim & Richard Vermette ∙ Marlyn Victor ∙ William & Heather Vrattos ∙ Rebecca Watters ∙ Eleanor Wendell ∙ Jay & Melinda Whalen ∙ Susan Whitehead ∙ Robert & Marina Whitman ∙ Dean Wilbur ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Roger B. Williams ∙ Milt & Sue Williamson ∙ David T. Wilson ∙ Constance Wilsterman ∙ Allan Wing ∙ Gordon G. Wisbach, Jr. ∙ Linda Wisnewski ∙ Kay & Paul Wisniewski ∙ Margot & David Wizansky ∙ Sarah Wotka ∙ Adrian & Mary Zaccaria ∙ Michael Zani ∙ Anonymous (2) $100-$249 Billy Adams & Sally Mahoney-Adams ∙ Leslie Adams ∙ Milton & Marilyn Adams ∙ Guilliaem Aertsen & Roberta Orenstein ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Tim S. Agnew ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg ∙ Ann Alden Allen ∙ Noel Almeida ∙ Anne T. Almy ∙ Lynn Alpert ∙ Robert & Alison Ament ∙ Dana Anderson ∙ David Anderson & Phoebe Girard ∙ Forbes & Candace Anderson ∙ Marc Anderson ∙ Steve Anderson ∙ Kathleen Anthony ∙ Luean Anthony ∙ Martha Arruda ∙ Dennis & Karen Arsenault ∙ Dick Arthur & Sally Fallon ∙ Martha M. Asendorf ∙ Kymberly Ashley ∙ John Auchincloss ∙ Edith Aucoin ∙ Dongwook Audenaerde ∙ In Honor In 2015, the Buzzards Bay Coalition received gifts in honor and celebration of the following people and events listed in bold. Brendan Annett (Michelle & Chris Prassas) ∙ In honor of my carpenter (Martha M. Asendorf) ∙ In honor of all the efforts put forth by the Coalition staff!! (Mr. Gordon G. Wisbach, Jr.) ∙ John Henry Browne (Gioia Thomas Browne) ∙ Dick Carter (H Class Association) ∙ In honor of Cassie, Phoebe and big brother Spencer! (Dana & Mark Desnoyers) ∙ The wedding of Joanna and Drew Dimmick (Harris Collins ∙ Mrs. Jessica Ormsby) ∙ John Harwood (Tom Gidwitz) ∙ Susan Holcombe (Ms. Sarah Wotka) ∙ In honor of our family past, present and future (Anne Huidekoper) ∙ Mary McFadden and Larry Stifler for their generosity to our family (Nancy McHale & Kathleen Pappalardo) ∙ The 50th wedding anniversary of Anne & Jim O’Connor (Ms. Edwina L. McCarthy) ∙ Rowen Mark - in honor of his first birthday (Christopher Morck) ∙ Ann Parson (Margaret Hand) ∙ Jeanne Sheehy (Richard & Lisa Sheehy) ∙ The wedding of Nina Sheff and Ed Fish (Ophir Barone ∙ Janice Burns, Valerie Burns & George Vasquez ∙ Laura Cohen ∙ Fish Family Foundation ∙ Ms. Joyce Fong ∙ Erik Malmstrom & Julia Spiegel ∙ Mondelez International Foundation ∙ Maria Munoz) ∙ Maria C. Viana (Anonymous) ∙ Scott Zeien - in honor of his birthday (Robyn Albano ∙ Shelley Redstone ∙ Paula & Harry Silverman ∙ Adrienne Tanashian) 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 19 Dr. Karl Audenaerde & Ms. Greta Gabriels ∙ John L. Aumann & Anna Surma ∙ Gregory & Anne Avis ∙ Dr. & Mrs. David S. Babin ∙ Bev Baccelli & Liz DiCarlo ∙ Laura L. Bachman ∙ Lawrence S. Bacow ∙ Cheryl Bagangan ∙ Mr. Edward B. Baker & Dr. Anna van Heeckeren ∙ Mr. Gus Baker ∙ Gretchen & Howard Baker-Smith ∙ Ian & Margaret Baldwin ∙ James T. Balfour ∙ Mr. & Mrs. William N. Bancroft ∙ David B. Barker ∙ Robert H. Barker Jr., Amanda & Naomi Barker ∙ Benjamin A. Barnes ∙ Ophir Barone ∙ Richard Barr ∙ David & Nancy Barry ∙ Virginia Barry ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Milo Beach ∙ Nat & Julie Beale ∙ Richard & Mahala Beams ∙ Norman & Brenda Beauregard ∙ Philip & Kate Beauregard ∙ Sonya Beausoleil ∙ Robert & Virginia Becher ∙ Michael Beckerle ∙ Frederick & Barbara Belanger ∙ Rebecca Belastock ∙ Judith Bellanger ∙ Dr. Ryan Bemis ∙ Eric Bengston ∙ Arthur Benner ∙ John & Kerry Bennett ∙ Liz Bennett ∙ Margery Bennett ∙ Gordon & Kate Weber ∙ Stephen Benoit ∙ Karen Augeri Benson, Esq. ∙ Frances H. Benton ∙ Gunnar V. & Martha A. Berg ∙ Jacqueline Berger ∙ Halle M. Berger ∙ Dr. & Mrs. John M. Bergland III ∙ Charles Bergmann ∙ Nina & Don Berk ∙ Bruce Berman ∙ Eric Bernazzani ∙ Robert & Leslie Bernert ∙ Frederick & Frances Best ∙ George H. Billings ∙ Marla K. Bilonick ∙ Bruce Birren ∙ James Black ∙ Donald Blanchette ∙ Faye Blazar ∙ Francis J. Blesso, Jr. ∙ Gail F. Blout ∙ Tom & Michelle Blumetti ∙ Gary Boehk ∙ Charles & Nancy Boit ∙ Ralph Bolman, III ∙ Peter & Susan Boni ∙ Tom Boreiko & Alison Coolidge ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Bosworth ∙ George H. Boulanger ∙ Brian Bowen ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Bronly S. Boyd ∙ Joshua D. Boyle ∙ Robert & Janet Brack ∙ Bruce & Shirley Bradley ∙ Bonnie S. Braese ∙ Edward C. Brainard, II ∙ Caryn G. Brake ∙ Mr. & Mrs. William Braucher ∙ Ana Braun ∙ Ann & Paul Brayton ∙ Hilary Brayton ∙ Jane G. Brayton ∙ Richard P. Breed, III ∙ Michelle G. Brewster ∙ Earland & Mimi Briggs ∙ Warren Briggs ∙ Cameron Bright ∙ Stephen Brockman ∙ Edward Brody ∙ Deborah Brooke ∙ Blair & Carol Brown ∙ Clint & Judy Brown ∙ Marc & Ellen Brown ∙ David Bruno ∙ Dr. Burton B. Bryan & Doris Timmeney ∙ David & Kathy Bryson ∙ Crystal Buckminster ∙ Ken & Wendi Buesseler ∙ Dr. Ron Buffman ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bullard ∙ Peter & Tia Bullard ∙ Sean & Shea Burke ∙ Valerie Burns & George Vasquez ∙ Mrs. Carleton Burr ∙ Bart Bussink ∙ Jozef & Butler ∙ Ann F. Butler ∙ Alexander Butters ∙ Robert Butters ∙ Gail Byrnes ∙ Mark Cahill ∙ Daniel & Kate Calano ∙ Dr. Dana E. Caledonia, D.D.S. ∙ The Camilli’s ∙ Andrew Campbell ∙ Crystal Campbell & Richard Hilker ∙ Karyn Campbell ∙ Lizanne Campbell ∙ William Cantor & Kristen Eastman ∙ James & Heather Caplan ∙ Kevin Carbin ∙ Susan Carchidi & Michael Smith ∙ Edward & Ellen Carlson ∙ Susan & Bruce Carlson ∙ John Carroll ∙ Shannon Carroll ∙ Ken Carvalho & Sherri Carvalho ∙ Lynne Castagno ∙ Joseph Cavicchi & Lauren Lineback ∙ Ruth & Dick Cederberg ∙ Aurore B. Chace ∙ John & Cindy Chambliss ∙ Richard & Alyssa Charry ∙ Abigail Cheitlin ∙ Melvin Cheitlin ∙ Martine Cherau ∙ Mark Chertok ∙ Peter Chessick ∙ Eric Chiao ∙ George & Emma Christopher ∙ Clayton Christy ∙ Bill & Maggie Churchill ∙ Dianne & Richard Clark ∙ Lee & Jacqueline Clark ∙ Tricia Claudy ∙ Robert H. Clifton ∙ Christian Coffin ∙ Anne M. Coggins ∙ Neil Cohen & Sarah Person ∙ Lynn & Jan Coish ∙ Betty Slade & David Cole ∙ John Colella ∙ John T. Collins ∙ Peter Collins ∙ Barbara & Bill Connolly ∙ Margo Connolly-Masson & Roger Masson ∙ Janine Connors ∙ Judith Conway ∙ Mr. & Mrs. James B. Conway ∙ Betty Anne & Joe Cook ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Sackett S. Cook ∙ Mrs. Russell Cookingham ∙ Bruce Coolidge ∙ Dan & Kate Cooney ∙ James & Alice Cooney ∙ John Cooney ∙ Marion Cooper ∙ Thomas & Wendy Copps ∙ Mr. & Mrs. William H. Coquillette ∙ Linc Cornell ∙ Christine Corriea ∙ Dennis & Kathryn Costello ∙ Margot & Tom Cottrell ∙ Jonathan Cottrell ∙ Mike & Gretchen Coughlin ∙ Cuan Coulter ∙ Susan Cox ∙ Daniel & Madlyn Coyne ∙ Loretto & Dwight Crane ∙ Elise Crawford ∙ Janit Crawford ∙ Brad Crawford ∙ Frederick G. Crocker, Jr. ∙ Joan K. Crocker ∙ David & Laureen Cronin ∙ Nancy Crosby ∙ Betsy & Chris Crowley ∙ Carl & Gabrielle Cunningham ∙ Jane E. Cunningham ∙ James & Lorraine Cutone ∙ Jaime Cyr ∙ Jonathan Cyr ∙ 20 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Edith Dabney ∙ Ed Dailey ∙ A.M. Daley ∙ Kathleen & Arthur Damaskos ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Damon, Jr. ∙ Robert & Susan Darnton ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Daskalakis ∙ Renata Davidson ∙ Julian & Dorothy Davies ∙ Dr. Robert Davis ∙ Thomas G. & Liddy Davis ∙ Douglas J. Davison ∙ John, Sarah, Liza, & Anna Dawley ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Dean ∙ Sarah Decas ∙ Eileen & Edson deCastro ∙ Doug & Mary Decker ∙ John R. Decker & Sherry Showell ∙ Michael & Elsa Deland ∙ Dr. Jack J. Delaney, IV ∙ Nicole Demakis ∙ David & Stacey Demello ∙ John & Kathleen DeMello ∙ David Denham ∙ Patricia Denham ∙ Thomas Denney ∙ Sherri & Donald Dennis ∙ Dana & Anne Densmore ∙ Steve DeRose ∙ Douglas & Jacqueline Desjardins & Family ∙ Diane & John Desmond ∙ John Detre ∙ Melissa Deutschmann ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. DeVerna ∙ Peter DeWalt & Toby Kyle ∙ Ann Diamond ∙ Paul & Alicia DiBara ∙ Carl Dierker ∙ Bill & Cindy Dillon ∙ Thomas & Jen Dimmick ∙ Lori & Jim Dobbin ∙ Thomas Doeppner ∙ Christopher Dollase ∙ Ellen Donaldson ∙ William Donkin, III ∙ Stacey Donnelly ∙ Douglas & Leslie Dorr ∙ James R. & Wendy N. Dorsey ∙ Steve & Carolyn Doyle ∙ Paul Dragos ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Henry Drinker ∙ William Droste ∙ Rodney & Carol Du Bois ∙ Mary Jane Ducharme ∙ Kathryn & Ian Duff ∙ Stephen Duffy ∙ Bill & Brenda Dugan ∙ Joi Dunbar ∙ Phil Dunham & Gudrun Bjarnarson ∙ Craig G. Dunkerley ∙ Thomas D. Dunlop, Jr. ∙ Diana Dunn ∙ James & Katherine Dunphy ∙ Morris Dworkin ∙ Norma L. Dyer ∙ Charles Easter ∙ Anatol & Carolyn Eberhard ∙ Emmet Eby, M.D. ∙ Peny Eck ∙ Geoffrey & Erika Edmands ∙ Kerrie Edwards ∙ Timothy & Kathy Egan ∙ Oliver W. Egleston ∙ Ted & Nina Ehrhardt ∙ George Ellard, Jr. ∙ Tim & J.J. Elliott ∙ Ann-Marie Ellis ∙ Ellen Emerson, Bruce Kohler, Dr. Katherine Kohler & Dr. Jonathan Kohler ∙ Patricia Emmons ∙ Rob & Pat Engel ∙ Dr. Mary Jane England ∙ Elizabeth Engle ∙ Bernadette Ericson ∙ Dr. Ulrich Ernst & Dianne Tsitsos ∙ Susan Ernst ∙ Michael A. Esposito & Cynthia A. Redel ∙ James Estes ∙ Frederic Eustis ∙ Robert D. Eustis ∙ Daniel Evans ∙ David Evans ∙ Mary Farrell ∙ Kitty Fassett ∙ Jennifer Fatula ∙ Ann Marie Feeney ∙ Kate & David Fentress ∙ S. Warren & Elaine Ferguson ∙ Michael & Jeralyn Fernandes ∙ Jan Ferraro ∙ Frank & Nancy Ferreira ∙ Theresa Ferreira ∙ Arthur & Cynthia Fertman ∙ Bruce & Liz Fiedorek ∙ Gian Luca & Angela Fiori ∙ David Fish ∙ Bob Fitzpatrick ∙ Peter Fletcher ∙ Stephen Fletcher ∙ Alice & Jonathan Flint ∙ Margot Flouton & Robert Barnes ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Flynn ∙ Joyce Fong ∙ Barbara Fontaine ∙ Edward Fontaine ∙ Margery Forbes ∙ Chris & Holly Ford ∙ Mr. Ned C. Forrester ∙ Deborah Forter & Ben Hansbury ∙ Teresa Foster ∙ Peter D. Franklin, M.D. & Kathleen E. Franklin ∙ Jerome Frazel & Nancy Wilder ∙ Jeffrey & Barbara French ∙ Brian Freyermuth & Amy Holden ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frohman ∙ Sarah Frost ∙ Yudi Fu ∙ Dr. John J. Funkhouser ∙ Maria Furlong ∙ Roger C. Furlong ∙ Charles Furtado & Anne Muldowney ∙ Gregory Gadren & Andrea Browning ∙ Hank Galligan ∙ David & Andrea Garber ∙ Joanne Garfield ∙ Michael & MC Garfield ∙ Seth & Dorothy Garfield ∙ Jeff & Betsy Garland ∙ Dr. Anthony Garro & Ms. Mary Ann Garro ∙ Howard E. Garsh ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Geagan ∙ John & Alison Geddes ∙ Constance B. Gee ∙ Vera Converse Gibbons ∙ David Gibbs & Rosemary Pereira ∙ Jeffrey Giddings ∙ Jack & Karen Gierhart ∙ David Gilbertson & Carolee Matsumoto ∙ Kim Giler ∙ Benjamin & Susan Gilmore ∙ William & Joyce Gindra ∙ Dan Ginsburg ∙ Georgia & Tom Glick ∙ Jim D. Glickman ∙ Deborah Glupczynski ∙ Janice Glynn & Gary Lee ∙ Judith N. Goldberg ∙ Harvey Goldman & Debby Coolidge ∙ Jeffrey Gonsalves ∙ Madeleine Gonsalves ∙ Russell A. Gooding ∙ Brad & Rebecca Gordon ∙ Dr. Steven Gordon ∙ Master Daniel Gould ∙ Lee & Debbie Gove ∙ Deborah & Robert Grabner ∙ Nicholas Graca ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gracia ∙ Curtis Graham ∙ Leah Granger ∙ Betsy Hart Gray ∙ Margaret & Scott Gray ∙ Morris Gray, Jr. ∙ Peter & Tracy Greenwood ∙ Thomas & Virginia Gregg ∙ Richard & Evelyn Griffiths ∙ Nancy K. Griswold ∙ Marvin & Avis Grosslein ∙ Rene & Karen Guenette ∙ Richard Guidelli & Susan Schlesinger ∙ Lara & Gulmann ∙ Valerie & Insan Gurdal ∙ George Gurney ∙ Andrew Hadley & Sandy Holmes ∙ Janet Hadley ∙ Brent Hall & Serena Davis Hall ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Hall ∙ Cynthia Hallowell ∙ Samuel H. Hallowell, Jr. ∙ Elizabeth & R. Barry Hamilton ∙ George* & Barbara Hampson ∙ David Hancock & Bernardo Medina ∙ Patricia Hancox ∙ Margaret Hand ∙ Curtis & Ruth Hanks ∙ Linda Hannon ∙ Steven & Janeen Hansen ∙ Roy & Joleen ∙ Lea Haratani, Holden Young & Kamila Young ∙ Judith Harbison ∙ Katherine Harbison ∙ Bob & Judy Hardiman ∙ Fred Hare ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Harple ∙ William Harris ∙ Chris & Jennifer Hart ∙ John & Maria Hartwell ∙ Thomas Harvey ∙ Ms. Margaret D. Harwood ∙ Brad & Priscilla Hathaway ∙ John L. Heath ∙ Roy & Clare Heffernan ∙ Mark Heffner ∙ Bette & Bob Helm ∙ Geoffrey W. Helm, Jr. ∙ Nancy R. Hendricks ∙ E. Byron Hensley, Jr. ∙ Ted & Judy Herlihy ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Munro Herman ∙ Suzanne & Fred Herriman, Jr. ∙ H. James & Carol Herring ∙ Paul Heyman ∙ Peter Heyman ∙ Shawn Hibbard ∙ Stephen Hickox ∙ Robert E. Hicks ∙ Nathan B. Higbie ∙ Andrew M. Higgins & Anne McDermott ∙ Joyce V. Hiller ∙ John & Peggy Hilsabeck ∙ Pamela & Gregory Hinkle ∙ Eric J. Hintsa & Wei Wang ∙ C. David Hobson ∙ Susan Hochschild ∙ Alison Hodges & Thomas Clarke ∙ Pamela & Edward Hoffer ∙ Bob & Susan Hoffman ∙ Gregg Hoffman ∙ Arthur & Susan Holcombe ∙ Mary Jane & Brian Holmes ∙ James & Beth Ann Holzman ∙ Cathleen & Tucker Hood ∙ Frederic & Johanna Hood ∙ Claude, Lyn & Nathaniel Hoopes ∙ Mary I. Horan ∙ Constance Horgan & Peter Quandt ∙ James R. Hornby ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hortsman ∙ Anne E. Hough ∙ Patricia M. Houlihan ∙ Tim House & Ann Gary ∙ Barbara Howard ∙ Charles & Jane Howard ∙ Dennis Howard ∙ Joel Howe ∙ Margaret Howland ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hoye ∙ Austin & Felicity Hoyt ∙ David Hsu ∙ Eric Huang & Tanja Norwood ∙ Mike Huang ∙ Martin & Diane Hudis ∙ Geo Huey & Christina Watkins ∙ Paul, Beth & Moses Hughes ∙ Dave & Clara Hulburt ∙ Jenny & Gregory Hunt ∙ William F. Hurley ∙ Ted & Donna Ingalls ∙ Nathan Irvin ∙ Daniel Itzkovitz ∙ Jane & William Jackson ∙ Susan & Timothy Jackson ∙ Eva & Stan Jakuba ∙ Trintje Jansen ∙ Sandy Jarjoura ∙ David Jarvis ∙ Elaine Y. Jedrey & Liane J. Denham ∙ Patrick Jenkins ∙ Connie Johns ∙ The Johns Family ∙ Carolyn Johnson ∙ Chris Johnson ∙ H. W. & Virginia Johnson ∙ Janis Johnson ∙ Jerry & Cindy Johnson ∙ Linda Johnson ∙ Shephard & Elizabeth Johnson ∙ Barbara Woll Jones ∙ E. Owen Jones ∙ Edie Jones ∙ Steve Jordan ∙ The Kantner Family ∙ Michael Karafotis ∙ Robert S. Karam ∙ Jay & Laurie Kassabian ∙ Jamie Katz & Cynthia Piltch ∙ Michael Katzeff ∙ Frank Kauffman ∙ Lawrence P. Kavanagh ∙ Hamilton F. Kean ∙ Mark Kearins & Family ∙ William Keeler ∙ Whitney & Fred Keen ∙ Mr. & Mrs. H.R. Keene, Jr. ∙ Lloyd Keigwin ∙ John D. Kelleher & Viki A. Fowler ∙ Beth & Bob Kelley ∙ Tim Kelley ∙ Michael Kelly ∙ Nancy F. Kendall ∙ Edward Kerslake ∙ Dr. Paul A. Ketchum ∙ Dr. Elliot Kieff & Dr. Jacqueline Kieff ∙ Jim Kindelan ∙ Camilla King ∙ James D. King ∙ Katharine B. King ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert King, Jr. ∙ Edward Kingsbury ∙ Jessica Kirk ∙ Dieter & Jacqueline Klein ∙ David Kleinschmidt & Katherine L. Olney ∙ James Knowles ∙ Lesley Knowles ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Knowles, Jr. ∙ Nancy Knowles ∙ Kathrin Koedderitz ∙ Jonathan & Deborah Kolb ∙ Sir Hans & Ldy Kornberg ∙ Dan Kowal ∙ Robert G. Kramer ∙ William & Cynthia Krause ∙ Robert S. Kretschmar ∙ Peter & Jane Krone ∙ Nobuko Kuhn ∙ Katarina Kumbatiadis ∙ Elizabeth Labelle ∙ Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Lacerda ∙ Molly LaCroix ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Lacrosse ∙ Rob & Beth Ladd ∙ David Laidlaw ∙ Stephanie G. Landis ∙ Dr. Mary Landrigan-Ossar ∙ Anne J. Landry ∙ David & Lynne Lapalme ∙ Louis & Camilla Larrey ∙ Ray E. Larson ∙ Rebecca Lash ∙ Vance & Diane Lauderdale ∙ Charles & Judith Laverty ∙ Robert A. Lawrence ∙ Cassie Lawson ∙ Joseph Lazaroff & Kim Pendergast ∙ Susan Leclair & James Griffith ∙ Israel Lederhendler ∙ Donna Lee ∙ Kenneth & Ardelle Legg ∙ Sara & Paul Lehner ∙ Michael & Sarah Lemelin ∙ Cynthia Letourneau ∙ Paul Leveillee ∙ Dr. Clinton* & Mrs. Frances F. Levin ∙ Jenny Lin ∙ Hannah Linden ∙ Edward & Nancy Lindholm ∙ Harriet R. Linskey ∙ Clayton & Elizabeth Locke ∙ Steven Locke ∙ Cynthia & Thomas Longstaff ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Hambleton D. Lord ∙ Bryan Lovely ∙ Yin Lu ∙ Dennis Lucey ∙ Leo Ludwick ∙ Michael & Beth Luey ∙ Clare & Philip Lund ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Edward G. Lund, Jr. ∙ Roger & Mary Maag ∙ B. Lane & Wendy MacDonald ∙ James E. MacDonald ∙ John R. Macdonald ∙ Dick & Brenda Macedo ∙ John E. & Vivian Macedo ∙ Kayla MacGregor ∙ Josslyn Macke ∙ John Magnan & Annie Jonas ∙ Harry & Catherine Mah ∙ Bettina Borders & Victor Mailey ∙ Elizabeth Makrauer & Kyle Johnson ∙ Peter Makrauer ∙ Erik Malmstrom & Julia Spiegel ∙ Mary Jane Malone ∙ Timothy C. Mannix & Linda Lies ∙ Brendan K. Mansfield ∙ Neil Marantz ∙ Dr. Greg K. Maravelas ∙ Daniel Marcus ∙ Kevin & Cathy Mariner ∙ Anthony & Judy Mark ∙ Frank Mark ∙ Jason Mark ∙ Robert Marks ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Jay Marlin, D.M.D. ∙ Douglass Marlow & Linda DeYoung ∙ Elizabeth M. Maroney ∙ Gerard Martin & Margaret Cote ∙ Florence Martocci ∙ Nancy Marx ∙ Rich Marx ∙ Richard & Kathy Marx ∙ Shirley & Walter Massey ∙ Dr. Herbert Mathewson ∙ William & Kristina Matsch ∙ Susan & Thomas McAvoy ∙ Dianne & Lloyd McBroome ∙ Stephanie McCarthy ∙ Craig McClain ∙ Elizabeth McClendon ∙ Mr. Alan McClennen, Jr. ∙ Christina McCrea ∙ Holly & Joe McDonough ∙ Dr. Richard B. McElvein ∙ Alex & Freddy McFerran ∙ Margaret A. McGetrick ∙ Patricia McGovern ∙ Suzanne McGuire ∙ Reid McKinney ∙ Michael & Beth McLaughlin ∙ John McLoughlin ∙ Nina McMahon ∙ Mary Anne McQuillan & Fred Sterner ∙ Dr. Elisabeth McSherry Green & Dr. Howard H. Green ∙ Kirtland & Susan Eldredge Mead ∙ Theresa Meagher ∙ Douglas & Sue Medeiros ∙ Peter & Sandra Medeiros ∙ Darryl Medina & Sara Dickson ∙ Matthew Mehmel ∙ Jonathan & Jane Meigs ∙ Nawrie Meigs-Brown & David Brown ∙ Charles Mello ∙ Jenny & Pete Mello ∙ Jordan Mendelsohn ∙ Carol & George Mendonca ∙ John Menzel ∙ Julie C. Merry ∙ Chris Meyer ∙ John & Nina Middleton ∙ Jacob Miller ∙ Arthur Milliken ∙ Trip & Dora Millikin ∙ Carol J. Mills ∙ John & Nancy Mills ∙ Robert Milne & Karen Boonstra ∙ Lynn A. Miner ∙ Rev. Bobbie Miner ∙ Kimberly Minnette ∙ John Mitchell & Ann Partridge, M.D. ∙ Sarah K. Mitchell ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Molind ∙ Stephen Mongeau ∙ James & Susan Mooney ∙ Ann Stuart & John Moore ∙ Dane & Alice Morgan ∙ Dr. Kristen Morgan ∙ Mayo & Daniel Morgan ∙ Pam & Rod Morgan ∙ David Morowitz ∙ Elizabeth S. Morse ∙ John Morse & Sonya Driscoll ∙ Richard Morse ∙ Christopher Morss ∙ Mr. W. Hugh M. Morton ∙ Stan & Julia Morton ∙ Linton & Jane Moulding ∙ Linda Moulton ∙ Day & Kathie Mount ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Muise ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Muldoon ∙ Thomas Muldoon ∙ Katherine Mullen ∙ Todd Muller ∙ Ann Mulligan ∙ Alyssa Muros-Bishoff ∙ Mary Jo Murphy ∙ Scott Murphy ∙ Brendan & Maggie Murray ∙ Kathleen Mygas ∙ George R. Nelson ∙ Donald A. Nelson ∙ Michele Netto ∙ Peter Newcomb & Gail C. Newcomb ∙ “ Buzzards Bay gives our family wonderful views, spectacular sunsets, as well as a place to fish, clam, sail, row, kayak, windsurf, and swim. Why wouldn’t we want to protect it?” -Jay and Nancy Smith, North Falmouth 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 21 “The Coalition plays a vital role in quarterbacking the communities of our watershed in a collective effort to protect and improve the health of the Bay, continuously monitoring status and measuring impact.” -Sherbie and Tom Worthen, Wareham Laverne & William Newman ∙ Kent Nicholas ∙ Humphrey & Carol Nichols ∙ Paul Nicholson & Virginia M. Lo ∙ Maureen Nolan ∙ Mr. John Nolan ∙ Bouke Noordzij ∙ Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman ∙ Gene Nowak ∙ Beryl Nusbaum ∙ Mitchell Nusbaum ∙ Eric & Claudette O’Brien ∙ Marilyn O’Connell ∙ Michael O’Connell ∙ Nancy Olson ∙ Pamela & Robert Olson ∙ James & Andrea O’Neil ∙ Maureen O’Neill ∙ Alexander Orr & Jennifer Rose ∙ Betsy & Stan Ose ∙ Benjamin J. Ostiguy ∙ Julie Ouellette ∙ Robert Ouimette ∙ Paula Pace ∙ Edward & Christine Pacewicz ∙ Brett Pacheco ∙ Tara Pacheco ∙ Robert & Diana Pacheco ∙ Krishna & Laurie Palepu ∙ John Palmer ∙ Suzanne Pan ∙ Gisele Pappas ∙ Chul Park ∙ Baba Parker ∙ Bruce & Pattie Parker ∙ David & Lois Parker ∙ Ann Parson ∙ Joan S. Partridge ∙ Peter & Gretchen Partridge ∙ Theresa Pasley ∙ Davison & Lauren Paull ∙ Gerry E. Payette ∙ Richard Payne & Deborah Siegal ∙ Nancy Pendleton ∙ Dr. Elisabeth A. Pennington ∙ Christina Pennoyer ∙ Robert Pennoyer ∙ Janet S. Percival ∙ Mr. & Mrs. William C. Percival ∙ Daniel & Susan Perry ∙ Gilbert Perry & Donna Sachs ∙ Marcia Perry ∙ Mariann Perseo ∙ Louis Pestana ∙ Joseph & Janice Peters ∙ Stephen & Janet Peters ∙ Theresa & Christopher Peterson ∙ William E. & Phoebe T. Peterson ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Phelps ∙ Daniel Phillips ∙ Richard & Eleanor Phillips ∙ Mack & Cathy Phinney ∙ Scott F. Pickett ∙ Steven Pickup ∙ Gerald & Janet Pietsch ∙ Elizabeth Pigford ∙ Alicia Pimental ∙ Allan Pineda ∙ Hendon Pingeon ∙ Gayle Pinshaw ∙ Shel Pitney ∙ Charles C. J. Platt ∙ Christopher & Pamela Polloni ∙ Christopher Porter & Deborah Lemieux ∙ John & Susanne Potts ∙ Debra Poutsiaka ∙ Robert Powel Family ∙ Matt & Erin Poyant ∙ Andrew R. Poyant ∙ Susan Poyant ∙ Chris & Michelle Prassas ∙ Charles Pratt & Alexandra England ∙ Mr. & Mrs. William C. Prescott Jr. ∙ Frank Press ∙ Anthony J. Prevett ∙ Dr. Donald L. & Mrs. Helen A. Price ∙ Richard & Carolyn Price ∙ Charles & Christa Primmerman ∙ Mike Prior ∙ Pamela Puchala ∙ Karen Quigley & Russell Hensel ∙ Richard & Catherine Quintal ∙ Holly Wilson & Stephen Rafferty ∙ Armando Ragas ∙ Miriam Ragsdale ∙ Patricia & John Ramey ∙ Mary Rapoza ∙ Naomi Rappaport & Kevin Brown ∙ Beverly Rasmussen ∙ Adrian Rawn ∙ Corinna Raznikov & Ronald Wisner ∙ Edward Ready ∙ Bill & Karen Reaman ∙ Elizabeth A. Reardon ∙ Timothy Reason ∙ James Reber & Jodee P. Bishop ∙ Shelley Redstone ∙ John Reed & Helen Hollingworth ∙ Terrence & Barbara Reideler ∙ Pamela Reitsma ∙ Michael Rest ∙ Nick Rhind ∙ Donald & Christy Rhoads ∙ Craig Ribeiro ∙ William R. Richardson ∙ Philip & Patricia Richardson ∙ Carol & Bill Rieken ∙ Christopher Riely ∙ Douglas Riggs ∙ Brian Rillahan ∙ Edward & Ann Ritchie ∙ Peter & Lucy Robbins ∙ Richard & Janice Robbins ∙ Alison Robertson ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Robertson ∙ John W. Rollins ∙ Margaret F. Rooney ∙ Peter & Hedwig Rose ∙ Roger C. Rosen, M.D. ∙ Jessica Ross ∙ Mrs. Ashleigh L. Rourke ∙ Lorraine Roy Hawkes & William Hawkes ∙ Karen Royer ∙ Donald & Susan Rudnick ∙ Drs. Jen & Greg Russell ∙ Mr. & Ms. William Russell ∙ Perry Russell & Leo Pierre Roy ∙ Susan Ryan ∙ Jeremy Sager ∙ Deborah Sakr ∙ Bob Sances & Bing Broderick ∙ Bob & Barbie Sanderson ∙ Morton T. Saunders ∙ Donna Sawyer ∙ John & Patricia Sawyer ∙ William & Rebecca Sawyer ∙ John Scavotto & Mrs. Eleanore Scavotto ∙ Nancy Schaefer ∙ Carol Schaengold ∙ Daniel M. Schley ∙ Doris H. Schlins ∙ John Schluter ∙ Paul & Tina Schmid ∙ Janet Schofield ∙ 22 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Steve Schroeder ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Schwandt ∙ Dr. Jonathan Schwartz ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scott ∙ Sue Scroggins ∙ Stephen Sedgwick ∙ Mary P. See ∙ Lawrence B. Seidman ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Seiler ∙ Leslie Sepuka ∙ Joan Shafran & Robert Haines ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro ∙ Ann Sharp ∙ Kimberly Shattuck ∙ Dan Shea ∙ Kevin & Eileen Shea ∙ Laura & Robert Shear ∙ Daniel & Deborah Shearer ∙ Caroline & Joseph Sheehan ∙ Richard & Lisa Sheehy ∙ Gene Sheldon ∙ John & Deborah Shemo ∙ Christopher R. Sherwood & Patty White ∙ Robin & Tim Shields ∙ Dr. & Mrs. John J. Short ∙ John & Gina Shuck ∙ Larry & Louise Shwartz ∙ Sue & Calvin Siegal ∙ Albert & Joyce Signorella ∙ Michael & Louise Silverman ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Peter Simon ∙ Ava Sirignano ∙ Martin Siwak ∙ Matthew Skelly ∙ David Sklar ∙ Alan & Sandra Slavin ∙ Stephen S. Sloan & Erin Rowland ∙ David & Elizabeth Small ∙ Charles Smiler ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith ∙ Eleanor & Charles Smith ∙ George & Joyce Smith ∙ Jonathan Smith ∙ Mr. & Mrs. W. Mason Smith, III ∙ Mr. Howard & Dr. Nancy Smith ∙ Jennifer Smith ∙ Andrea Snyder ∙ Jeffrey & Mary Somers ∙ J. D. Somerville ∙ Anna Sotar ∙ Dick Soule ∙ Katia Sowers ∙ Paul Sowizral ∙ Anne Spalter ∙ Lynda Spence & Robert Mittelstadt ∙ Cynthia Spence ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sperry ∙ Matt & Liz Spinner ∙ Bruce & Sally Spooner ∙ Susan B. Spooner ∙ Sajal Srivastava ∙ Gary Staples & Jayne Delaney ∙ Leonard Stein ∙ Mary Ellen & Ralph Stephen ∙ Joanna D. Stephens ∙ Peter J. Sterling ∙ Tom & Judy Stetson ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Stewart ∙ Clay & Clara Stites ∙ Page Stites & Sara Kelly ∙ John Stobierski ∙ Eric & Amy Stoermer ∙ Barbara E. Stolt ∙ Benjamin B. Stone ∙ Catherine M. Stone ∙ Eric & Paula Strand ∙ Paul Strauss ∙ Michael Strickman ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Stringfellow ∙ Peter Sturges & Sasha Lauterbach ∙ Lewis A. Suber ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Suddard ∙ Robert & Jean Sudduth ∙ Sharlie Sudduth ∙ Delia M. Sullivan ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sullivan ∙ Nicholas & Deborah Sullivan ∙ Paul R. Sullivan ∙ Scott & Lee Sullivan ∙ Abby & Bob Summersgill ∙ Daniel Swartz ∙ Carol Sweet ∙ Janet D. Swoish ∙ Scott Swoish ∙ Katherine Sylvia ∙ Vincent P. Sylvia, Jr. ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Alan Symonds ∙ Dr. Jonathan Talamo ∙ Peter & Jane Talbot ∙ Cynthia Tardif ∙ Eileen F. Taylor ∙ Elspeth Taylor ∙ Low Taylor & Lolly Schenck ∙ Susan & John Teal ∙ David & Pauline Teixeira ∙ Charlotte N. Terry ∙ Cora Tetreault ∙ Dexter Cate & Rhea E. Teves-Cate ∙ James Thieler ∙ Rob & Kama Thieler ∙ Maureen Thomas ∙ Steven Thomas ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Carlton W. Thompson ∙ Dr. Eric J. Thorgerson & Ms. Elizabeth H. Foote ∙ Mary Thorne ∙ William N. Tifft & Ellen Bruzelius ∙ Coyt & Susan Tillman ∙ Dr. Matthew T. Timberger ∙ Elaine R. Tirrell ∙ Wayne & Kimberly Tirrell ∙ Andrea Tishman ∙ Megan Titas ∙ Joshua W. Titcomb ∙ David W. Tobias ∙ Mr. & Mrs. James Tomlinson ∙ Claire Tompkins ∙ Ralph L. Tompkins & Fran A. Clark ∙ Lisa Torchiana ∙ David & Lynne Toth ∙ Peter & Ann Tower ∙ Kathleen Towers ∙ Robert Travis & Michelle Leinbach ∙ Fred W. Trezise & Joan Gerster ∙ Christine Trifari ∙ Bruce W. Tripp ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Trippe ∙ Dr. Leslie Trott & Ms. Elaine Cumiskey ∙ Stephanie Trott ∙ Peter & Libby Turowski ∙ Matthew K. Tweedie ∙ Laura Twichell ∙ George & Maura Tyrrell ∙ Stephen C. Ullian ∙ William J. Underwood, Jr. ∙ Alex Unger ∙ George & Dagmar Unhoch ∙ Kathryn Van Colen ∙ Katrin van Dam ∙ Lori van Dam ∙ Onne van der Wal ∙ James Van Sicklin ∙ Ashley Vandiver ∙ Arthur A. & Dolores M. Vasconcellos ∙ Dan & Joan Vasconcellos & Family ∙ Angela Vasconcellos ∙ Dawn C. Ventura ∙ Hilary & Sam Vineyard ∙ Max von der Heydt ∙ Dorothea Von Herder ∙ Tim Wackenreuter ∙ Henry & Marion Wainer ∙ Wiley & Michele Wakeman ∙ Jeff & Jeanine Wales ∙ Dr. Richard J. Wallace ∙ Janet & LaVerne Wallace ∙ Cameron Walsh ∙ Drs. Diana & Chris Walsh ∙ Liam Walsh ∙ Katy Ward ∙ Marian M. Ware ∙ Sharon McCarthy & Jim Ware ∙ Marie & Kenneth Watts ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Watts ∙ Deborah Waugh & James Shay ∙ Robert Wax ∙ Jason Webb ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Henley R. Webb ∙ Elizabeth Webber ∙ Mr. & Mrs. David W. Webster ∙ Thomas C. Webster, III ∙ Philip Weinberg ∙ Thomas A. Weir ∙ Marisa Weiss & David Friedman ∙ Neal Weiss ∙ Michael Welch ∙ Barbara K. West ∙ Edward & Judith Westrick & Family ∙ Anne & Alec White ∙ Christopher & Alice White ∙ David & Elizabeth White ∙ Judy & Harvey White ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin V. White, III ∙ Susan White ∙ Tilda & Stu White ∙ Alex Whiteside ∙ Daniel & Kimberly Wiggin ∙ Kelly Wilbur ∙ Samuel Wilbur ∙ Bobby & Laurie Wilkey ∙ Alice Williams ∙ Gwen Williams ∙ S. Jeffress Williams & Rebecca Upton ∙ Carroll M. Williamson, Jr. ∙ John Willoughby ∙ John & Jennifer Wilson ∙ David Wilson ∙ Kate Wilson ∙ Dan & Lisa Winsor ∙ Richard & Kathryn Wiseman ∙ Lawrence Wisniewski ∙ Roger Witten ∙ William Wittman & Moira Shea ∙ Donald Wolf ∙ John H. Wolff & Helen A. Berger ∙ Annastacia Wollmering ∙ Allen Wong ∙ Richard B. Wood ∙ John Wortham & Cynthia Johnson ∙ Sherbie & Tom Worthen ∙ Mary & Redwood Wright ∙ John & MarDee Xifaras ∙ Konnie Yankopolus ∙ Ray & Mary Yarmac ∙ Harry J. Yates ∙ Stephanie Yesner & Maura Russell ∙ Isabel C. Yoder ∙ Judith A. Yost ∙ G. Stewart Young ∙ Robert & Katy Zappala ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Zeien ∙ Barbara & Anthony Zeimetz ∙ Sandra & Don Zekan ∙ Fred & Jane Zimmerman ∙ Peter & Heather Zine ∙ Anonymous (28) $30 – $99 Frank Adamo ∙ Cori Adams ∙ John & Jan Adams ∙ Laura Adams ∙ Carrie Agnew ∙ Joan Akin ∙ Robyn Albano ∙ Evelyn Alberding ∙ Sally M. Aldrich ∙ Scott Alfonse ∙ Deb Aliff ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Allen, III ∙ Judy Allen ∙ Rachel Allen ∙ Adriano Almeida ∙ James S. Alvizures ∙ Laura Anderson ∙ Maryse Anderson ∙ Paul & Ruth Devine Anthony ∙ Paul & Louise Anthony ∙ Bruce Applegate ∙ Patricia Apperson ∙ Charley Appleton ∙ Abigail Franklin Archer ∙ Elsiedale P. Armstrong ∙ Dr. Derrick Arnelle ∙ Allen & Karen Ashley ∙ Sarah Ashley ∙ Michelle Atcheson ∙ David L. Atkins ∙ Miguel Attias ∙ Margaret Atwood ∙ Kristine Audette ∙ Rosalind & Rolf Augustin, Jr. ∙ Jane Babbitt ∙ Jane W. & James M. Babbitt ∙ Karen C. Babbitt ∙ Steve & Louise Garfield Bachler ∙ Glenn & Shannon Bachman ∙ Sally B. Baer ∙ Bee Baker ∙ Sandra Baldwin ∙ Lisa Baltz ∙ Dr. Matthew Baltz ∙ Gloria Bancroft ∙ Anne G. Barnes ∙ Gregory W. Barnes ∙ Kim Barnett ∙ David & Andrea Barney ∙ Dr. Melanie Barron ∙ Kimberly A. Barrows ∙ Deirdre J. Barry ∙ Mark Barry ∙ Amy Barto ∙ Brenda, Evelyn & Amelia Barton ∙ Maureen Batchelder ∙ David & Barbara Bates ∙ Jack & Joan Battey ∙ Chelsea Baylor ∙ Cynthia Beahm ∙ Thaddeus R. Beal ∙ Frederick Beams ∙ Christine Bean ∙ Maureen & Robert Beaudoin ∙ Lindsay Beausoleil ∙ Sheila Beck ∙ Bryan Becotte ∙ Alan Bedard ∙ Art Beecher & Lyric Beecher ∙ Linda Beetlestone ∙ Nate & Alice Bekemeier ∙ David & Nancy Belcher ∙ David Belluche ∙ Ellie Bemis ∙ Kathy Benevides ∙ Thomas Benevides ∙ Andrew Bennett ∙ Paul C. Bennett ∙ Jamie Berger-Brinker ∙ Fredrick M. Berk ∙ Joel & Barbara Berler ∙ Patricia Bernard ∙ Sheila Bernard ∙ Joseph Berry ∙ Rachel Berry ∙ Ralph & Barbara Bertozzi ∙ Timothy Bertrand ∙ Russell & Claire Bessette ∙ Mary Betts ∙ Lawrence & Wendy Bidstrup ∙ Paula A. Billard ∙ Kathleen Billings & Hal Oringer ∙ Stephen & Barbara Billings ∙ Ricardo Bilonick ∙ Amy Black ∙ George L. Blackburn ∙ Linda Black-Jones & Norman Jones ∙ Hugh Blair-Smith ∙ Marc Blesoff - Mediation Cape Cod ∙ Mark D. Blouin ∙ Alexis Blowers ∙ Judith A. Blumberg ∙ Jonathan & Heidi Blythe ∙ Bocconcelli-Sayigh Family ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Bock ∙ Adria Bodell ∙ Caroline Body ∙ Paul & Caroline Bolick ∙ Thomas & Elizabeth Bolton ∙ Wendy Bone ∙ Lisa Boni ∙ Luke Bonifacio ∙ F.J. Whitmore Boogaerts & Carolyn Almy ∙ Peter Boonstra ∙ Lee Bordas ∙ Teri Bordenave ∙ Roberto A. Borgatti ∙ Leila Borowsky ∙ Nicholas Botelho ∙ Lauren Boucher ∙ Marc Boulanger ∙ Patience Bousel ∙ Carl Boutilier & Clara M. Weeks-Boutilier ∙ Mary Bowker ∙ Richard Bowman, Jr. ∙ Richard W. Bowman ∙ Craig A. Boyer ∙ Charles & Priscilla Bradley ∙ Dale Bradshaw ∙ Eric Braitmayer & Jack H. Haney ∙ Pauline Brannigan ∙ Leo Brautigam & Ann Fox ∙ Barbara Breen ∙ Lynn Bregman ∙ Jane Bregoli ∙ James & Melissa Bride ∙ Barbara & Robert Bridges ∙ Ann Briggs ∙ Laura Briggs ∙ Loretta Brightman ∙ Jennifer Brindisi ∙ Elizabeth Brinkerhoff ∙ Michael Broder ∙ Donna Bronk ∙ David A. Brossi ∙ Cathryn F. Brower ∙ David J. Brown ∙ Dot Brown ∙ Mark Brown ∙ Mary & John Brown ∙ Wendell Brown ∙ John & Sally Browning ∙ Chris & Joanne Bryant ∙ Gwendolen & Stephen Bryant ∙ The Bucchere Family ∙ Ray Buchan ∙ Tim & Judith Buckeridge ∙ Donald J. Buckley ∙ Ryan Buckley ∙ Seth & Elizabeth Buckley ∙ Bruce & Charyl Buddington ∙ Michael Burgess ∙ Edward Burke ∙ Philip & Hilary Burling ∙ Beth Burnett ∙ Jeffrey & Janine Burnett ∙ Capt. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bushy ∙ Susan A. Butler ∙ Rosanna L. Byrnes ∙ Molly M. Cabral ∙ John Cacchioli ∙ Betsy Cady ∙ George & Ann Cafferty ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cairns ∙ Ed & Gerrie Callahan ∙ John & Sylvia Camacho ∙ James Camara ∙ Marcel A. Camire ∙ David R. Campbell, M.D. ∙ Holly Campbell ∙ Janice E. Campbell ∙ Meriweather Campbell ∙ Christine Campe-Price ∙ Barbara C. Canavan ∙ G. Paul Cannan ∙ Michael Caplan ∙ Daniel Caple ∙ Dr. Zoe Cardon ∙ Christopher W. Carey ∙ John Carey ∙ Dr. Eleanor Carlson ∙ Jon Carmen ∙ Roger Carr ∙ Tom & Connie Carr ∙ Vickie Carr & Paul Bergstein ∙ Robert & Susan Carson ∙ Michael Carter ∙ Rosemary Carter ∙ Lisa Caserta ∙ Laura Cattabriga ∙ Sara Cederholm ∙ Jennifer Ceolinski ∙ Catherine M. Cetta & Julie Early ∙ Jane & Douglas Chalton ∙ Christopher & Anne Chan ∙ David I. Channing ∙ Michael & Marla Chefalo ∙ Pat A. Chefalo ∙ Trevor Cheitlin ∙ David Chodirker ∙ Nathaniel Christie ∙ Ronald K. Church ∙ Robert P. Clancy & Cynthia M. Clancy ∙ Karen Clark ∙ Peter Clark ∙ Tucker M. Clark ∙ Christine Clearwater ∙ Elmer & Patricia Clegg ∙ Leo & Sharon Clifford ∙ Bob Clouse ∙ Claudette Coderre ∙ Susan Cohan ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Coleman ∙ Bobbie Collins ∙ Christiane C. Collins ∙ Joe Collins ∙ Kay Collins ∙ Valerie Collins ∙ Joellie Colon ∙ Mary Comtois ∙ William M. Conley ∙ Mary Conlon ∙ Eric Connally ∙ Joe Connolly ∙ Lucretia Connor ∙ Arthur Conro & Tina Varzeas ∙ John A. Conway, II ∙ H. Calvin Cook ∙ Don & Maggie Cook ∙ Shirley & Scott Coope ∙ Molly Cooper ∙ Ralph & Janine ∙ Bart F. Copeland ∙ Annie Copps ∙ Burton & Kate Corkum ∙ Robert & Charlotte Cormier ∙ Heath Cornish ∙ Amanda Cortes ∙ Silvia Corvera ∙ Rosemary K. Corwin ∙ Amy & Edward Cosman ∙ Joseph Costa ∙ Megan Costello ∙ Alden W. Counsell ∙ Carole Courey ∙ James & Leslie Cousens ∙ Gabriel & Patricia Coutinho ∙ Julie Couto ∙ Art & Mary Cox ∙ Megen Cox ∙ Harriet Crary ∙ James Crary ∙ Laura Crary ∙ Francine Crawford ∙ James & Susan Crider ∙ Dr. & Mrs. M.G. Criscitiello ∙ Evelyn T. Crocker ∙ Nicholas Crocker ∙ Anita H. Croft ∙ Edwina W. Cronin ∙ James & Edwina Cronin ∙ Lori M. Crook ∙ Cheri Crossley ∙ Lori B. Crossley ∙ Howard Crow & Jane Downing ∙ Jody A. Cubellis ∙ Denise M. Cuneo ∙ Mary Jane Curran & Donald Cameron ∙ Patrick B. Curran ∙ Brett Currier ∙ Thomas Gray Curtis, Jr. ∙ Richard D. Cutler ∙ Jim Czerkowicz ∙ Emmanuel & Anabela da Costa ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Dacey ∙ Terry & Barbara Dane ∙ Carol R. Darcy ∙ Donna Darr ∙ Susan & Henry J. Darrell ∙ John Darwin ∙ Wendy DaSilva ∙ Ronald Dauplaise ∙ Michelle D’Auteuil ∙ Devra Davis ∙ Michelle Davis ∙ Steve & Dori Davis ∙ Matt & Jen Davitt ∙ Colleen Dawicki & Jeremy Dagold ∙ Samuel Dawley ∙ Holliday Day ∙ Leslie & Helen DeGroot ∙ Maria De Weer ∙ Janine Delaney ∙ George Delano ∙ Ed & Alice DeLuca ∙ Jocelyn & Daniel Demakis Da Luz ∙ Robert Demanche ∙ Paul & Debra Demeo ∙ Nancy Den ∙ Gail Denham ∙ Thomas Denham ∙ Gabrielle P. Dennison ∙ 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 23 Dennis Denno ∙ Gail & John Densler ∙ Gail Denzer ∙ Ludwig DePasquale ∙ Jack Deppe & Sharri Barrett ∙ Robert J. Dermody ∙ Jeanne & Michael Desmarais ∙ Dr. Werner Deuser ∙ Ann Devlin-Low ∙ Gail L. Dewey ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John Dewhurst ∙ Diane M. Di Stolfo ∙ Bernard H. Diamond ∙ Jesse Diamond-Brown ∙ Barbara Dickison ∙ Richard L. Dill ∙ Bill & Ellen Dingwell ∙ Robert Diozzi ∙ Dr. Leon Dogon ∙ Kenneth Doherty & Betsey Doherty ∙ Joanna Domenicali-Shah ∙ Andrew Donellon ∙ Elizabeth Grant Donley ∙ Mark Donley ∙ Anne Ashley Doran ∙ Cynthia & Scott Dorman ∙ Elizabeth Douglas ∙ Vivian I. & Richard W. Douglass ∙ Mrs. Zelinda & Rev. John Douhan ∙ Lora L. Downey ∙ Robert & Sherry Doyle ∙ Nicole Doyon ∙ Joanna Dresser ∙ Rachel Drouin ∙ Priscilla Drucker ∙ Mrs. R. Clark-DuBois ∙ Benjamin S. Dunham & Wendy H. Rolfe-Dunham ∙ Nora DuPont ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DuPre ∙ Craig & Carolina Dutra ∙ C.C. Dyer ∙ Hugh N. Dyer, III & Family ∙ William Earl ∙ Aucoot Earles ∙ Matthias Eberstadt ∙ Stephen Ebner ∙ Virginia Edgcomb ∙ Bruce W. Edmands ∙ Kathy & Anthony Egan ∙ John Ehinger ∙ John A. Eklund ∙ Peter Eleftherakis ∙ Mike Robertshaw & Nora Ellertsen ∙ Ann M. Elliott ∙ Edward Elliott ∙ Ronald & Anne Ellis ∙ Lauran Emerson ∙ Bob Espindola ∙ Oscar Esteves ∙ Jonathan M. Ettinger ∙ David & Nan Evans ∙ Lucius Evans ∙ Colin Everett ∙ Dr. John Everett ∙ Daniel Everton ∙ Deborah & Michael Ewing ∙ James & Linda Fain ∙ Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fardy ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Fardy, Jr. ∙ Tina Farina ∙ The Farinon Family ∙ David Fatula ∙ Deborah Faulconer ∙ Temple Fawcett ∙ Thomas G. Fazzio ∙ Robert B. Feingold ∙ Gerald & Judith Feldman ∙ Michaela Fendrock ∙ Susan Fendrock ∙ Emily L. Ferguson ∙ Cheryl Ferrara ∙ Carlina Ferreira ∙ Janet Field ∙ Polly A. Field ∙ Bill & Liz Field ∙ Annie Fine ∙ Gerald J. Fine & L. Victoria Lefevre ∙ Alice Finn ∙ Jessamyn Finneran ∙ Paul Finneran ∙ Jane Finnerty ∙ Rebecca Fitzpatrick ∙ Terrence Flaherty ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Martin W. Flinn ∙ Maureen Foley ∙ B. Jacki Forbes ∙ Natalie Forbes ∙ Jonathan L. Foster ∙ Pamela Foster ∙ Sharon Foster ∙ Francis & Sandra Fox ∙ Marcia Franklin ∙ Robert H. Fraser ∙ Jim Frederick ∙ Dianne Freed ∙ Luke D. French ∙ Kathy Frey ∙ Don & Joanne Friar ∙ Melissa Frost ∙ David & Patricia Frothingham ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Fuller ∙ Drs. Bruce & Barbara Furie ∙ Laurel Furumoto ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fusco ∙ Mike & Bridget Gabriel ∙ Stefan & Marya Gabriel ∙ Holly Gahm ∙ Arthur G. Gaines ∙ Jim Galib ∙ Kevin Gallagher ∙ Alex Gallant ∙ Jim R. Gammans ∙ Robert M. Gaouette ∙ Francis & Susan Gardner ∙ Louise Garfield & Steven Bachler ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Garfield, Jr. ∙ Rebecca Garfield & Jean Paul Aracena ∙ Tom & Debbie Garfield ∙ Regina V. Garland ∙ Henrietta Gates ∙ Paul Gavaza ∙ Virginia Gay ∙ Paula Gaynor ∙ Lucille T. Gelinas ∙ Arthur Gerard & Joan Fortin ∙ Linda Gerard ∙ Rocky Geyer ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Giangrasso ∙ Joseph & Anne Giani ∙ Jim & Laurel Giarusso ∙ Cushing Giesey & Janice Ellerstein ∙ Kathleen Gill-Body ∙ Michael Gilman ∙ Elizabeth Gladfelter ∙ Gregory Glavin ∙ Robert & Jane Gleason ∙ Philip A. Goddard ∙ Robert Goguen ∙ David Goldberg ∙ David & Rachel Gonsalves ∙ Victor Gonsalves ∙ Millie Gordon ∙ John & Joyce Gore ∙ Dr. & Mrs. David F. Gouveia ∙ Noe & Janet Gouveia ∙ James & Sara Gowing ∙ Norbert Graca ∙ Kristina & Andrew Grace ∙ Nicholas Grace ∙ Diana Grady ∙ Robert & Rita Grady ∙ Victoria Graham ∙ Rachael Granger ∙ Miles Grant ∙ William F. Grant & Kat Brennan ∙ Ira Gray ∙ Elaine Cook Graybill ∙ Edith E. Greene ∙ Bridget Greenwood ∙ Sue G. Gregory ∙ John & Linda Grenier ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Griffin ∙ James & Susan Griglun ∙ Gary & Susan Grosart ∙ Edward S. Gross ∙ Patricia Gundersen ∙ Mark Gussack ∙ Mitchell Guttman ∙ Jean Guy ∙ Laura Hadley ∙ Yvonne Haitsma ∙ Michael & Kathleen J. R. Haley ∙ Mr. & Mrs. David H. Hall ∙ Joanna Hall ∙ Joseph Hallisey ∙ Bill & Susanne Hallstein ∙ Lisa Halvorson ∙ Teresa Hamm ∙ Susan H. Hampson ∙ Mr. David A. Hancock & Dr. Lua Hancock ∙ Bill & Deborah Handschin ∙ Lori Hannan ∙ Brian Hansen ∙ Susannah Hansen ∙ Judi Hansjon ∙ Carleton Hanson ∙ Cynthia Hanson ∙ Thomas E. Hanson ∙ Daniel F. Harrington ∙ 24 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Eileen Harrington ∙ Joseph & Helen Harrington ∙ Margaret Harrington ∙ Maura Harrington ∙ Seamus M. Harrington ∙ Anne R. Harris ∙ Ruth Harris ∙ Norene Hartley ∙ Winifred B. Hartley ∙ Rabbi Barry & Shoshana Hartman ∙ Helena & Ken Hartnett ∙ Pamela D. Harvey ∙ Clare Harwood ∙ Catherine Hassett ∙ David Hathaway ∙ Joshua B. Hathaway ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hathaway ∙ Susan Haugh ∙ John & Jessica Hauser ∙ Peter Hawes & Family ∙ Jaren & Tara Hawxwell ∙ A. Lee Hayes ∙ Pete Hayes ∙ James Hayes-Bohanan ∙ William & Susanne Hays ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hayward ∙ Wayne Hayward ∙ Kristina I. Hazard ∙ William & Kate Heald ∙ Maureen Heaps ∙ Joe & Elizabeth Hebert ∙ Lynn Hedgecock ∙ Ann & Jerry Heller ∙ Ralph Helmick & Nan Niland ∙ Michelle & Erik Helms ∙ Laurence W. Hendy ∙ Siobhan Henebury ∙ Ralph E. Herbst ∙ Rachel Herschenfeld ∙ Susan & Andrew Hess ∙ Dr. Brian Heyman ∙ Michael Heyman ∙ Barbara J. Hill ∙ Constance Hilton ∙ Stephanie Hirshberg ∙ Susan Hirshlag ∙ John & Olivann Hobbie ∙ Christopher Hoffman & Laura Probst ∙ Theresa Holbrook ∙ Debra Holden ∙ Lauren & Christopher Hollins ∙ Jalien Hollister ∙ Dr. Robert M. Holmes ∙ Thomas Holubiak ∙ Genya & Sam Hopkins ∙ Henry Horenstein & Christiane Robinson ∙ Brian R. Horrigan ∙ Greg Horton ∙ Elizabeth Howard ∙ Jamen Howe ∙ Waldo & Nancy Howland ∙ Weston Howland ∙ Louise Hozid ∙ Nancy Hubbard ∙ Don & Rosemary Hudson ∙ Paul Huehmer ∙ Craig Huff ∙ David Hughes ∙ Peter & Helena Hughes ∙ Al & Joanne Humphrey ∙ Peter Hunt ∙ Kevin & Lisa Hunter ∙ Roberta Hurtig ∙ Stephen Hut ∙ James Hutchison ∙ Jason Hyatt ∙ Lenny Hyman ∙ Ruthanne & John Igoe ∙ Paul & Cheryl Ikasalo ∙ Christine Ingalls ∙ James Iredell ∙ Rebecca Jablon ∙ Amy Jackson-Grove ∙ Molly Jacobsen ∙ Suzette Jakielo ∙ Eric James ∙ Thomas & Barbara Jansen ∙ Bradford & Susan Jenkins ∙ Mr. & Mrs. George Jenkins ∙ Suzanne L. Jenkins ∙ David & Julia Jennings ∙ George A. Jennings ∙ Kelly S. Jensen ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Jepson ∙ Peggy Jernigan ∙ Franklin Johnson ∙ Gordon & Lois Johnson ∙ Greg & Nancy Johnson ∙ Kathy M. Johnson ∙ Melissa Johnson ∙ Paul & Judith Johnson ∙ Wayne Johnson ∙ Richard A. Johnston ∙ Cynthia F. Jones ∙ David & Debra Jones ∙ Jeanne R. Jones ∙ Richard Jotz ∙ Abby Jupin ∙ Mark & Teresa Kaeterle & Family ∙ Ellen M. Kahler ∙ Michelle Kahn ∙ Paula A. Kandarian ∙ Keith Kane & Beth Whitney ∙ Adele L. Kaplan ∙ Carol Karafotis ∙ Ilene & Leonard Karnow ∙ Roy Karp & Courtney Feeley Karp ∙ Sia Karplus ∙ Peter Kavanaugh, Jr. ∙ Zachary Kavanaugh ∙ Henry Keegan ∙ Patricia Keenan ∙ Charles Kehres ∙ Alison Keir ∙ Patricia Kelleher ∙ Paul & Marilyn Kelleher ∙ Terri Kelleher ∙ Karen Kelley ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelley ∙ Joseph & Susan Kelliher ∙ Patricia Kellogg ∙ Hugh Kelly ∙ James & Julianne Kelly ∙ Thomas & Anne Kelly ∙ Frank Kenan ∙ Judith L. Kennedy ∙ Joe & Ellen Keogh ∙ Jeffrey Kerr & Sarah Kerr Garraty ∙ Mary C. Kiley ∙ John & Joan Kimball ∙ Andrew & Suzanne King ∙ Kevin King ∙ Robin King ∙ Lisa & Kevin ∙ John & Laurie Kinney ∙ Katie & Steve Kirk ∙ Paul H. Kirshen & Bettina Burbank ∙ Meghan Kish ∙ Emily Kissell & Dr. Peter Markow ∙ Nancy Kleinowskis ∙ Leslie Klinger ∙ Bill & Deb Knowlton ∙ Kathleen Knutsen ∙ Harriet Koch ∙ Brian & Lisa Koczera ∙ Wayne & Helene Koles ∙ Linda Kornfeld ∙ Anita Korzeniewski ∙ Jeffrey Korzon ∙ Kate Kramer ∙ Michael & Kim Krawshuk ∙ Steve Kreth ∙ Peter M. Kroll & Betsy Davis ∙ Darrell Kulesza ∙ Andrew S. Kulik ∙ Andreas Kuonath ∙ Michael & Sarah Labossiere ∙ Zachary Lacoste ∙ Ethan Lacy ∙ Marie Lacy ∙ Matthew P. Lacy ∙ Gail Laferriere ∙ Teresa Lafleur ∙ John Laforce ∙ Christy & Wayne LaGue ∙ Mark & Susan Lally ∙ Barbara & David Lang ∙ Donna Lang ∙ Taylor Lang ∙ Ray & Tenney Lantz ∙ Lauren LaRoche ∙ Mr. & Mrs. G. Lauderdale ∙ Mary Laughlin ∙ William & Susan Laurence ∙ Lisa Lavina ∙ Mr. & Mrs. E. Swift Lawrence ∙ Paula Lazaroff ∙ Pete A. Lebish ∙ Ernest A. LeBlanc ∙ Luis Lebolo ∙ David & Hallie Lee ∙ Dix & Roxy Leeson ∙ Joe Leggett ∙ Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lentini ∙ Bennet & Mária Leon ∙ Chris Leonard ∙ Michelle Letendre ∙ Dr. Jennifer O. Letitia, M.D. ∙ Jenna Leung ∙ Timothy R. Levesque ∙ Capt. Edward H. Levine ∙ Peter Lewin ∙ Gerald & Maureen Lewis ∙ SWIM J U NE 2 0, 2 015 SWIMMERS Elizabeth Allen ∙ Hannah Allen ∙ Judy Allen ∙ Julie Allen ∙ Brendan Annett ∙ Lea Anthony ∙ Rachel Ashley ∙ DJ Atkins ∙ Gus Baker ∙ James T. Balfour ∙ Kim Barry ∙ Sonya Beausoleil ∙ Joshua Beck ∙ Rebecca Belastock ∙ Peter Bell ∙ Halle M. Berger ∙ Jonathan Berger ∙ Jason Bernard ∙ Eric Bernazzani ∙ Amy Black ∙ Eliana Blumberg ∙ Caroline Body ∙ Luke Bonifacio ∙ George J. Borden ∙ George W. Borden ∙ Joshua D. Boyle ∙ Renee Bradshaw ∙ Hilary Brayton ∙ Heidi Breeze ∙ Tyler Brierley ∙ Brendan Buckless ∙ Alexander Butters ∙ Robert Butters ∙ Rosanna L. Byrnes ∙ Lizanne Campbell ∙ Joseph Capella ∙ Shannon Carroll ∙ Madison R. Carvalho ∙ Mary Chaffee ∙ Alyssa Charry ∙ Kristen Pohlman Chomiak ∙ Margaret Connolly-Masson ∙ Gina M. Connor ∙ Molly Cooper ∙ Riley Correll ∙ Graham Cottrell ∙ Cuan Coulter ∙ Emilia Crotty ∙ Samuel Dawley ∙ Olivia Decas ∙ Yana Deeley ∙ Keri-Nicole Dillman ∙ Shannon H. Dinan ∙ Jim R. Dorsey ∙ Jill Downing ∙ Kathryn C. Duff ∙ Stephen Duffy ∙ Thomas D. Dunlop ∙ Melissa Dyer ∙ Mia Eberstadt ∙ Helen E. Ederer ∙ Kerrie Edwards ∙ Bernard Ehrhardt ∙ Patricia Emmons ∙ Oscar Esteves ∙ Robert Fallon ∙ Theresa Ferreira ∙ Paul D. Finneran ∙ Lawrence Fish ∙ Kimberly Fletcher ∙ Peter Fletcher ∙ Christopher M. Ford ∙ Debbie J. Gabriel ∙ Holly Gahm ∙ Alex Gallant ∙ Manuel Garber ∙ Thomas Giammalvo ∙ Gregory Glavin ∙ Jim D. Glickman ∙ Nicholas Graca ∙ Gwendolyn Hancock ∙ Lori Hannan ∙ Linda Hannon ∙ Alan P. Harris ∙ Ruth Harris ∙ Laura Hartford ∙ Leslie Hartford ∙ Jaren Hawxwell ∙ Joe Hebert ∙ Mark Heffner ∙ Lauren C. Hollins ∙ Mara T. Honohan ∙ Erin Houlihan ∙ Kevin Hunter ∙ James Hutchison ∙ Kaitlin Ibara ∙ Patrick Jenkins ∙ Colleen Johns ∙ Franklin Johnson ∙ Melissa Johnson ∙ Steve H. Johnson ∙ Ben Jones ∙ Richard S. Jones ∙ Jeff Jotz ∙ Abby Jupin ∙ Henry Keegan ∙ Jim Kindelan ∙ James Knowles ∙ Kathrin Koedderitz ∙ Rebecca Lalanne ∙ Natalie Lang ∙ David Lapalme ∙ Paula Lazaroff ∙ John J. Leary ∙ Samantha LeBeau ∙ Paul Leveillee ∙ Andrea Lopes ∙ Dennis Lucey ∙ Roger Maag ∙ Mary MacGregor ∙ Don Mancini ∙ Jonathan Mariner ∙ Frank Mark ∙ Rich Marx ∙ Kevin F. Mawe ∙ Morgan McCarthy ∙ Bridgette McGovern ∙ Patricia McGovern ∙ Nicholas McKenna ∙ Ann P. McNichol ∙ Douglas Medeiros ∙ Max Medina ∙ Matthew-Lucas Mehmel ∙ Linnea Merrill ∙ Jonah Mikutowicz ∙ Erica Miller ∙ Robert Milne ∙ Kimberly Minnette ∙ Cristina Mitchell ∙ Jocelyn Mitchell ∙ Mia Morgan ∙ Sharon Morgera ∙ David Morowitz ∙ Heather Moulton ∙ William B. Muldoon ∙ Sara L. Munger ∙ Stephanie Mygas ∙ Karen Nelson ∙ Andrea R. Newman ∙ Maureen M. Nolan ∙ Harris Nusbaum ∙ Hurk Oarsman ∙ Katie Oertel ∙ Kate Okun ∙ Douglas Olney ∙ Catherine Olson ∙ Alexander T. Orr ∙ Benjamin J. Ostiguy ∙ Kaitlin Owen ∙ Brett Pacheco ∙ Jacquelyn Palmer ∙ Gisele Pappas ∙ Christine W. Parks ∙ Eric M. Pauls ∙ Gerry E. Payette ∙ Theresa Peck ∙ Tracy Pennoyer ∙ Brian Petersen ∙ Korrin Petersen ∙ Alan Phillips ∙ Patricia Pimental ∙ Allan Pineda ∙ Richard T. Porteus ∙ Kristen Powers ∙ Andrew R. Poyant ∙ Erin Poyant ∙ Matt A. Poyant ∙ Adrian Rawn ∙ Timothy Reason ∙ Sarah Renaud ∙ Lynne R. Ribeiro ∙ Steven D. Roberts ∙ Bryan Robertson ∙ Laura Robertson ∙ Felicia A. Rodrigues ∙ Denise Rollinson ∙ Ashleigh L. Rourke ∙ Rebekah A. Rubin ∙ Deborah Sakr ∙ Erin Santacroce ∙ Chris W. Schlesinger ∙ John Schluter ∙ Elaine Scholtz ∙ Steve Schroeder ∙ Elizabeth Sellinger ∙ Kimberly Shattuck ∙ Kevin Shea ∙ Alina Silver ∙ Pam Silver ∙ Glenn D. Simon ∙ Ava Sirignano ∙ David L. Small ∙ Nancy J. Smith ∙ Michael Soma ∙ Anna Sotar ∙ Kathryn M. Sotar ∙ Thomas Southworth ∙ Katia Sowers ∙ Meg Stolt ∙ Robert Stringfellow ∙ Mary-Jane Strom ∙ Ella Sudduth ∙ Matthew Sudduth ∙ Daniel V. Swartz ∙ Edward Sweeney ∙ Douglas Swoish ∙ Calista Tetreault ∙ Rob Thieler ∙ Andrea Tishman ∙ Megan Titas ∙ John Toebe ∙ Kerin Towne ∙ Leslie Trott ∙ Stephanie Trott ∙ Matt K. Tweedie ∙ Onne Van Der Wal ∙ Ashley Vandiver ∙ Daniel Vasconcellos ∙ Nathan Vaughan ∙ Joe Vinagre ∙ Nicole Vischer ∙ Antonio Vitorino ∙ Keri Wallace ∙ Liam S. Walsh ∙ Tess Walter ∙ Jason Webb ∙ Michael Welch ∙ Judith Westrick ∙ Mollie Westrick ∙ Derek White ∙ Maureen Wieler ∙ Bobby L. Wilkey ∙ Lukas Williams ∙ Victoria Wood ∙ Dena T. Xifaras ∙ Andrew Yan ∙ Benjamin Zeng ∙ Jon Ziemba VIRTUAL SWIMMERS Deborah Hood ∙ Tony Williams SWIM FUNDRAISERS Rachel Brown ∙ Elena Crotty ∙ Jack Dollase ∙ Zoe Foster ∙ Sarah Frost ∙ Grace Galinha ∙ Daniel Garber ∙ Michael Garr ∙ Deborah Gove ∙ Carole Harbison ∙ Stephanie Horton ∙ David Korb ∙ Shawney Lamm ∙ Mia Morgan ∙ Eric Zhu KAYAK FUNDRAISERS Nathan Byrnes ∙ Julia Twichell ∙ Julie Yared CORPORATE EVENT SPONSORS Amica Insurance ∙ Anderson Insulation Co., Inc. ∙ Citizens Commercial Banking ∙ Sungevity ∙ Waterkeeper Alliance SPLASH Event Series presented nationally by Toyota ENTERTAINMENT SPONSORS Fiber Optic Center, Inc. ∙ Whaling City Sound IN KIND DONORS ABC Disposal ∙ Allegheny Technologies ∙ Alphagraphics ∙ Apple & Eve ∙ Artisan Kitchen ∙ ATI New Bedford ∙ Body in Balance Massage Therapy ∙ Brewer Banner Design ∙ Chadwick’s Awards Unlimited ∙ Chase Canopy ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Steven Crook ∙ Crystal Ice Company ∙ Dunkin’ Donuts Fairhaven ∙ Edson International ∙ The Edge Seafood Lounge ∙ El Caribe ∙ Eastern Mountain Sports ∙ Fairfield Inn & Suites ∙ Famous Foods ∙ Gaspar’s Sausage Company ∙ Gentle Soles Reflexology ∙ Health Warrior ∙ J.H. Beaulieu Livestock And Produce Farm ∙ Jim’s Organic Coffee ∙ Jon Leaver Wellness ∙ Kevin Childs Massage ∙ M&C Café ∙ New York Bagel Company ∙ Patriot Party Boats ∙ REI ∙ Reynolds DeWalt ∙ Simpson Spring Company ∙ South Coast Insider ∙ Sperry Tents ∙ Spindrift Soda ∙ State Fruit ∙ Sun Multisport Events ∙ Tia Maria’s European Café ∙ Tremblay’s Bus Company ∙ Village Signs ∙ YMCA Southcoast Cecilia Lim ∙ Phyllis M. Lima ∙ Lisa Lindberg ∙ Timothy H. Lineaweaver ∙ Frank E. & Barbara Lingard ∙ Barbara & Chris Linkiewicz ∙ Douglas & Donna Linse ∙ Barbara Pearl & Martin Lipman ∙ Prof. & Mrs. Lewis Lipsitt ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Lipsitt ∙ Douglas & Kim Livolsi ∙ Michael & Linette Lizotte ∙ Sara Locke ∙ Scott Loder ∙ Sarah Logaglio ∙ Angela Loh ∙ Steven Lohrenz ∙ Carolyn H. Longworth ∙ Nell Lorenz ∙ Jonathan Lovely ∙ Karen A. Lovely ∙ Christopher D. Lowe ∙ Jeremy Luban ∙ Mary Lucas ∙ Louise Luckenbill ∙ Chantal Luke ∙ 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 25 “Buzzards Bay is where we have created some of our fondest memories, including our wedding. Our ceremony overlooked Buzzards Bay and our reception overlooked West Falmouth Harbor. We plan to support the Buzzards Bay Coalition and enjoy the Bay’s beauty for years to come.” -Ed and Nina Fish, West Falmouth Brian & Mary Lynch ∙ Chad Lynch ∙ Mary Lyons ∙ Brendon R. Macgregor ∙ Russell Mack ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Norman MacLeod ∙ Barbara Macneil & Louis Pires ∙ Carlton & Alice Macomber ∙ Martha Macomber ∙ Shann MacPherson ∙ Jennifer MacQuiddy ∙ Timothy Madden ∙ Keith Madding ∙ Catherine Madsen & Joe Barckett ∙ Stephanie Madsen ∙ Maureen Magan ∙ Mary Magee ∙ Michael Magnuson & Patricia Curran ∙ Dan Mahoney ∙ Mina Makarious ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Makepeace ∙ Betsey & Bill Maker ∙ Carol Malek ∙ Helen Mallon ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mann ∙ Albert L. Manning, Jr. ∙ George Mansfield ∙ Rick Mansfield ∙ Nancy & Philip Mara ∙ Karen & Bob Marchand ∙ Richard Marchini ∙ Christine Marcolini ∙ Linda Markarian ∙ Dennis Maroney ∙ Anthony Vincent Marron ∙ Nan Starr & Philip Marshall ∙ Edward & Cathy Martens ∙ Anne-Marie Martin ∙ Jennifer Martin ∙ Martha Martin ∙ Julie & Russell Mason ∙ John R. Masson & Michel J. Jodoin ∙ Douglas W. Materne ∙ Meghan Matheson ∙ Steve E. Matthews & John Fuller ∙ Frances & Diana Mautner-Markhof ∙ Alec & Sheila R. May ∙ Charles Mayhew ∙ Marilyn & Myron Mazer ∙ Steven Mazza ∙ Debra McCarthy ∙ Debra C. McCarthy ∙ Edwina McCarthy ∙ William P. & Jane K. McCarthy ∙ Catherine McClintock ∙ Margaret McCormick & Andrew Solow ∙ Charles & Rebecca McCullough ∙ Timothy W. McEnerney ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Peter McGee ∙ Chris McGiffin ∙ Karen & David McGinnis ∙ Anne McGovern ∙ Bridgette McGovern ∙ Charles & Kathleen McGowan ∙ Julie McGrath ∙ Miss Jen McIntosh ∙ Mary T. McIsaac ∙ David & Leslie McKinley ∙ Ian McLean ∙ Andrea D. McLennan ∙ Laura E. McLeod ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. McNamara ∙ Cynthia S. McNaughten ∙ David & Barbara McPhelim ∙ Daniel McQuillan, Jr. ∙ Bryan McSweeny ∙ James & Diane Medeiros ∙ Nuno & Christine Medeiros ∙ Matthew Meegan ∙ Michelle Meehan ∙ William Meehan ∙ Matthew-Lucas Mehmel ∙ Sarah P. Meigs ∙ Arthur Melamed ∙ Michael L. Mello & Joan Thomas-Mello ∙ Kathryn Menard ∙ Laura & George Mendes ∙ Ryan M. Mendes ∙ Charles & Lucy Metcalf ∙ Kent Metcalf ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Michel G. Methot ∙ Bonnie Miedema ∙ James Milkey ∙ Steven Miller ∙ Newton & Geraldine Millham ∙ Sophia Millicent ∙ Claire Milligan ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John R. Milligan ∙ Kathy Mills ∙ Drew Mittelman ∙ Smoky Moak & Eileen Melancon ∙ Paul Mocko ∙ Barclay Modarai ∙ David Modest ∙ Bunny Mogilnicki ∙ Elizabeth Molodovsky ∙ Gerald & Linda Monchik ∙ Cynthia L. & Paul Monroe ∙ Marian Moore & Susan O’Connor ∙ Patricia S. Moore ∙ Linda Morad ∙ Stephanie Moran ∙ Christopher Morck ∙ Donna Morgan ∙ Anne Morley ∙ Mike Morrison ∙ Lisa Morrissey ∙ Allison B. Morse ∙ Julie Morse & Brian Gallagher ∙ George F. Moses ∙ Paul Moses ∙ Paula Mueller ∙ Meg Muldoon ∙ Sara & Mark Mullan ∙ Ann Marie & Sean Mullane ∙ George Mullen ∙ Laura J. Mullen ∙ Rachel Mullen ∙ Joan Hall & Jeffrey Mullin ∙ Michael & Elizabeth Mulroy ∙ Craig Munger ∙ Joan Muros ∙ Barbara Murphy ∙ Charles & Caroline Murphy ∙ Christine Murphy ∙ Farah L. Murphy ∙ Katherine Murphy ∙ Roland & Kathy Murphy ∙ Betts Howes Murray & F. Wisner Murray ∙ Pamela Murray ∙ Sheila Murray ∙ Donald Myers ∙ Dr. Drew Nahigyan ∙ Paul Naiman & Sandra Smith ∙ Kathy Nelson ∙ William Newell ∙ Arthur Newhall ∙ Andrea D. Newman ∙ Capt. James Newman & Ms. Deb Coulombe ∙ Ami Newsham ∙ Michael & Laura Newstein ∙ 26 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Herbert Nichelson ∙ J.K. Nicholas & Virginia Shannon ∙ Nick Nicholson ∙ Peter & Diana Nicholson ∙ Carmelo Nicolosi ∙ Christopher Niezrecki ∙ Dana Nilson ∙ Dr. Ian Nisbet ∙ Melissa Nolte ∙ Rodney North ∙ Guillermo Nunez ∙ Andrea Nygren ∙ Hurk Oarsman ∙ Frank & Marjorie O’Brien ∙ Marilyn O’Brien ∙ Stuart O’Brien ∙ Roseanne & Joseph O’Connell ∙ Carol O’Connor ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. O’Connor ∙ Michael J. O’Connor ∙ Mary O’Donnell ∙ Katie Oertel ∙ Lynn Oertel ∙ Gerardine O’Hara ∙ Zachary O’Hara ∙ Carol O’Hare ∙ Kate Okun ∙ Thomas Olival ∙ Arthur & Helene Oliveira ∙ Mary Beth Oliveira ∙ Mary Olmsted ∙ Richard Olmsted ∙ Jon & Martha Olney ∙ Jeff & Hillary Olsen ∙ Jeremy M. Olson ∙ Matthew Olson ∙ Dr. Meredith Olson ∙ Linda O’Malley ∙ James O’Neill ∙ Jessica Ormsby ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Brian O’Rourke, Sr. ∙ Prof. Joseph O’Rourke & Ms. Marylynn Salmon ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Shaughnessy ∙ Karin Osmond ∙ Lynn Ostiguy ∙ Mark & Eileen O’Sullivan ∙ Adam Pachter ∙ Michael Papetti ∙ Betty & Frances Parker ∙ Maggie Parker ∙ Cecily Parkhurst ∙ Paul Parkosewich ∙ Ann Parks ∙ Pauline P. Parks ∙ Gary & Pamela Parsons ∙ Stuart W. & Katharine Parsons ∙ Lucy W. Bartlett & Tod Patterson ∙ Christine Patton ∙ Peter L. Paull ∙ Richard Peace ∙ Gregory Pearl ∙ Shirley Pearson ∙ Theresa Peck ∙ Judith & Thoru Pederson ∙ Douglas Peebles ∙ Cora Peirce ∙ Pamela J. Peirce ∙ Russell & Helen Pennoyer ∙ Tracy Pennoyer ∙ John A. Penta ∙ David & Joan Pepin ∙ Michelle & Eric Pequita ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Jose Pereira ∙ Clifford Perez ∙ Thomas Perkins ∙ John & April Perkoski ∙ Laura & Frank Perrine ∙ Jes & Jeff Perry ∙ Sally Peterson ∙ Bertha Petruski ∙ Doug & Alice Pfeninger ∙ Sally Philips ∙ Alan Phillips ∙ Leigh K. Phillips ∙ Natalie C. Phillips ∙ Mary K. Pickett ∙ Eric & Mary Pierce ∙ Joan W. Pierce ∙ Walter (Joe) Piknick ∙ Carolyn C. Pimental ∙ Edson Pimental ∙ James Pingeon ∙ Sandra Pinkham ∙ William & Sarah Pinney ∙ Edward Pino ∙ Mr. & Mrs. George L. Place ∙ Richard A. Pline ∙ Ryan C. Plotner ∙ Ronald S. Plourde ∙ Al & Maren Plueddemann ∙ Bonnie & Steve Pohlig ∙ Anna Polvino ∙ Jeremy R. Pontes ∙ Jeff Pontiff ∙ Mihai Popa ∙ Barbara E. Porter ∙ Priscilla Porter ∙ Dr. Aubrey J. Pothier, Jr. ∙ Laura Potter ∙ William Powell ∙ Kristen Powers ∙ Maegan Powers ∙ Sean & Stasia A. Powers ∙ Sheila Powers-Converse ∙ Danielle Poyant ∙ Erin Poyant ∙ Lynn Poyant ∙ Jessica N. Pozner ∙ Anne Preisig ∙ Neal M. Price ∙ Robert Price & Gail Roberts ∙ Susan C. Price ∙ Michael Pridham ∙ Florence D. Prince ∙ Raymond Pugliese ∙ Melinda Pugsley ∙ John & Mimi Putnam ∙ Keith & Laura Putnam ∙ Barbara Rachelson & Don Loeb ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John Radcliffe ∙ Dr. Alvan W. & Mrs. Leslie Ramler ∙ The Ramsdell Family ∙ David Randall ∙ Kim A. Randall ∙ Mary Rappold ∙ Michelle Rappold ∙ Irina Rasputnis ∙ Susan Rau ∙ Laurie A. Raymond ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John P. Re ∙ Robert & Elizabeth Reardon ∙ Alan Redstone ∙ Janet & Richard Reed ∙ Mary E. Reed ∙ Bill & Martha Reed ∙ Glenn Remick ∙ Sarah Renaud ∙ Richard K. Renner & Janet A. Friskey ∙ Avery Revere ∙ Jack & Cynthia Reynolds ∙ Marie Reynolds ∙ Robert & Kristine Reynolds ∙ Richard J. Rheaume, P.E. ∙ Carlos & Leslye Ribeiro ∙ Lynne & Michael Ribeiro ∙ Ann-Margaret Richard ∙ Mary Jane Richard & Jack Nelson ∙ Dessie Richards ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Richardson ∙ Jackie Richter-Menge ∙ Katie Ridder ∙ Marshall A. Ries, Jr. ∙ Debra Rillahan ∙ Dr. Neil L. Ringler ∙ Lois & Fred* Rioles ∙ Will & Kyle Riseley ∙ Elizabeth Rivard ∙ Noel & Ann Roberts ∙ Sherri Roberts ∙ WATERSHED RIDE O C TO B E R 4 , 2 015 RIDERS Gilbert A. Alexander ∙ Marc Anderson ∙ Brendan Annett ∙ Seth Asser ∙ Michelle Atcheson ∙ Karl Audenaerde ∙ Richard Beams ∙ Robert Beams ∙ Michael Beckerle ∙ Matthew Bedford ∙ Greg Bednarczyk ∙ Linda Beetlestone ∙ Ricardo Bilonick ∙ David Bogen ∙ Marc Boulanger ∙ Peg Brandon ∙ Crystal Buckminster ∙ Andrew Campbell ∙ Lizanne Campbell ∙ Michael Chefalo ∙ Kenneth A. Cheitlin ∙ Lynn A. Coish ∙ Christine Corriea ∙ Charlie M. Cosman ∙ Jonathan Cutone ∙ Jonathan Cyr ∙ Gail Davidson ∙ David Denham ∙ Nicholas Denham ∙ Thomas Denham ∙ Jesse DiamondBrown ∙ Andrew Dimmick ∙ Paul Dragos ∙ Kevin Duarte ∙ Matthias Eberstadt ∙ David Eikenberry ∙ Jennifer Fatula ∙ John Fisher ∙ Barbara Fontaine ∙ Melissa Frost ∙ Bryan Furlong ∙ Will G. Gardner ∙ Tom Gidwitz ∙ Jeffrey Gonsalves ∙ George Gurney ∙ Robert D. Hancock ∙ Janeen S. Hansen ∙ Steven W. Hansen ∙ Cynthia Hanson ∙ John H. Harwood ∙ Deirdre E. Healy ∙ Michael Heyman ∙ Rob Hochschild ∙ Barbara Howard ∙ Joel Howe ∙ Nick Jansen ∙ Gary P. Johnson ∙ Kathy M. Johnson ∙ Dave Kibbe ∙ Heather Klimm ∙ Arthur Klipfel ∙ David Kneeland ∙ Leslie Knowles ∙ Paul Krause ∙ Geoffrey Lenk ∙ Kenneth D. Lipman ∙ Bryan Lovely ∙ Kayla MacGregor ∙ Alex MacPhail ∙ Bruce MacPhail ∙ James Madden ∙ Frederick L. Makrauer ∙ Peter L. Makrauer ∙ Michael Markowski ∙ Cindy Masson ∙ Carl Matuszek ∙ Kevin F. Mawe ∙ Alex Mazza ∙ Joe McDonagh ∙ Sandra Medeiros ∙ Matt Mello ∙ John Mendelsohn ∙ Jacob Miller ∙ Christine Murphy ∙ Gerard Nelson ∙ Kathy Nelson ∙ Gail C. Newcomb ∙ Peter Newcomb ∙ Gwendolen Noyes ∙ Mark Olson ∙ Korrin Petersen ∙ Shelton Pitney ∙ Christopher Porter ∙ Richard T. Porteus ∙ Mark Rasmussen ∙ Will W. Saltonstall ∙ Gary Sant ∙ Robyn Saur ∙ Gene Sheldon ∙ James C. Smith ∙ Nancy R. Smith ∙ Matt Spinner ∙ Paul Staiger ∙ Tammy Staiger ∙ Leonard Stein ∙ Geoffrey Swett ∙ Richard D. Tabors ∙ Wayne Tirrell ∙ Ilonka Tumelaire ∙ Andy van Dam ∙ Kim B. Vermette ∙ Marlyn Victor ∙ Dorothea Von Herder ∙ Michele Wakeman ∙ Wiley Wakeman ∙ Kelly Wilbur ∙ Gwen Williams ∙ David T. Wilson ∙ Grant Wilson ∙ Gail Wintringham ∙ Mark Wintringham RIDE FUNDRAISERS David Clott ∙ Claude Cobert ∙ Dianne Cosman ∙ Kirk Davenport ∙ Michaela Fendrock ∙ Janet Hadley ∙ Jerry Johnson ∙ Toby Kyle ∙ Pete Lebish ∙ Reid McKinney ∙ Anne Noonan ∙ James Rathmann ∙ Sherri Roberts ∙ Richard Soule ∙ Diana Walsh ∙ Konnie Yankopolus CORPORATE EVENT SPONSORS Southcoast Health ENTERTAINMENT SPONSORS Fiber Optic Center, Inc. ∙ Whaling City Sound IN KIND DONORS Apple & Eve ∙ Café Arpeggio ∙ Cannondale ∙ The Bike Den ∙ Blount Fine Foods ∙ Bourne Scenic Park ∙ Buzzards Bay Brewing ∙ Cape Cod Bagel ∙ Cape Cod Potato Chips ∙ Crystal Ice ∙ Dana’s Kitchen ∙ Eastern Mountain Sports ∙ Eastover Farm ∙ Ella’s Wood Burning Oven Restaurant ∙ Grace Episcopal Church ∙ Hammerhead ∙ Honey Stinger ∙ Horizon Beverage Company ∙ Hungry Heroes of Fairhaven ∙ Jon Lever Wellness ∙ Kevin Childs, Massage Therapy ∙ Landfall Restaurant ∙ Mass Bike ∙ Mr. Cesspool, LLC ∙ Nancy Jordan, Massage Therapy ∙ Oxford Creamery ∙ Panera Bread ∙ Penske Truck Rentals ∙ Polar Beverages ∙ Quissett Harbor Land Preservation Trust ∙ Rebecca Correia ∙ REI ∙ Road ID ∙ Samaritans, Inc. ∙ SouthCoast Health ∙ Sperry Tents ∙ Spindrift Soda ∙ Stir Crazy Restaurant ∙ Tia Maria’s European Café ∙ Tremblay’s Bus Co., LLC Steven & Lisa Roberts ∙ Laurie Robertson-Lorant ∙ Christiane Robinson ∙ Jeffrey A. Robinson ∙ Martin Rogers ∙ Mary & Stan Roller ∙ Jacqueline Rolnick ∙ Joe & Natasha Roman ∙ Mark A. Roman ∙ Theresa Romanovitch-Caron & Robert Caron ∙ Joseph & Renee Romanowski ∙ Philip & Paula Rose ∙ Eleanor D. Rosellini ∙ Theresa Rosen ∙ Dr. M.C. Rosenfield ∙ William Ross ∙ Lee Rossiter ∙ Allen & Debora Rottenberg ∙ Mr. & Mrs. James J. Rourke, Jr. ∙ Michele Roy ∙ David Rozene ∙ Brian Rua ∙ Dan Rubin ∙ Julia Rubin ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Andy Rubino ∙ Aleksandr Rudkevich ∙ George Rudolph ∙ William & Andrea Rugh ∙ Anne-Marie Runfola & Ken Kostel ∙ Martin Rupich ∙ Patricia Rupich ∙ Michael Russell ∙ Tina Ruyter ∙ Mike & Toby Ryan ∙ Tanja Ryden & Thomas J. H. Peirce ∙ Mike & Sandy Ryer ∙ Richard Sailor & Mary Johnston ∙ Oswaldo Salgado, Jr. ∙ Charles A. Salisbury ∙ Marnie Salkovitz ∙ Charles & Renate Sands ∙ Gerrit & Bets Sanford ∙ Rebecca Sanford ∙ Gary Sant ∙ Erin Santacroce ∙ Marc A. Santacroce ∙ Paul Santucci ∙ Michelle D. Sarmento ∙ David Sasdowsky ∙ Patrick Scanlon ∙ Richard & Loretta Schaefer ∙ Grant Schenck & Cathy Ford ∙ Mary-Low Schenck ∙ Helen Chin Schlichte ∙ Tom & Kate Schmitt ∙ Frederick Schnure ∙ Schofield Family ∙ Jeff P. Scholtz ∙ Joan Scholvin ∙ Gregory H. Schub ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Schuyler ∙ Carol Q. Schwamb ∙ Jane Scott ∙ Sue N. Scully Rose ∙ Jeanne M. Segal ∙ Barbara Seibert ∙ Brenda Seitz ∙ Scott Sellers ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Seney ∙ Alyssa Senzel ∙ Frances S. Severance ∙ Katherine Shachoy ∙ Manan Shah ∙ Jane Shapira ∙ Andrea Shapiro ∙ Anne E. Shea ∙ Donna Shea ∙ Daniel S. Shedd ∙ Peter Kyle Sheffield, III ∙ James Sheldon ∙ Andy Shepard ∙ Brownie & Pam Sherman ∙ Harry & Anne Shoemaker ∙ Brian F. Shortsleeve ∙ Patricia Shoyinka ∙ Janet Shurtleff ∙ Sharon E. Shustack ∙ Sandra Sibley ∙ Eugene J. Sich ∙ Gerald J. Silva ∙ Anne D. Silveira ∙ Augustine & Beverly Silveira ∙ Barbara R. Silver ∙ Pam Silver ∙ Paula & Harry Silverman ∙ Tim & Susan Simmons ∙ Glenn D. Simon ∙ Kevin Simon ∙ Blaise Simpson ∙ Melissa Simpson ∙ The Sinagra Family ∙ Anna Singleton ∙ Robert Skilton & Jo Ann Muramoto ∙ Karen R. Slepchuk ∙ Joseph Slomka ∙ Alfred J. Smialek ∙ Anne M. Smith & Bruce Gratz ∙ Bruce H. Smith ∙ David & Rosemary Smith ∙ Philip Smith & Lisa Bright ∙ Randy & Daune Smith ∙ Joan Sopel ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John Sorrentino ∙ Thomas Southworth, Jr. ∙ Karen Sowa ∙ Anthony & Janice Spark ∙ Daniel A. Sparta ∙ Pete & Cindy Spengler ∙ Karl & Connie Spilhaus ∙ Peter B. & Nancy E. Spindler ∙ Terri Spoon ∙ Dawn Sprague ∙ Jill Springer ∙ Lisa A. St. Laurent ∙ Nicole & Marc St. Pierre ∙ John Stamoulis & Thea Stamoulis ∙ Carol A. Stearns ∙ Sally Steere ∙ Barry & Margo Steinberg ∙ Lauren Stephens ∙ Judith & Robert Sterns ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Stickney ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John W. Stimpson, Jr. ∙ Jennifer A. Stone ∙ Penelope Straker ∙ Albert H. Strange, Jr. ∙ Jean S. Stripinis ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John Strittmatter ∙ Beth & W. Douglas Strubeck ∙ Ella Sudduth ∙ Scott Sudduth ∙ Ruth Sudenfield ∙ Margaret & Jacek Sulanowski ∙ Marie L. Sullivan ∙ Spencer Sullivan ∙ Suzanne Sullivan ∙ Peter & Nancy Summers ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Surprenant ∙ Lori Sweeney ∙ Margaret Sweet & Bernard Giroux ∙ Nancy Swoish ∙ M. Carmen Sylvia ∙ Michael & Deanna Szymczak ∙ Malaika Tabors ∙ William & Karen Tafuri ∙ 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 27 Maria Talbot ∙ Adrienne Tanashian ∙ Charu Taneja ∙ Alden Tangen ∙ Nina Tannenwald ∙ David H. Tately ∙ Dorothy Tately ∙ Edmond & Olga Tavares ∙ Dr. & Mrs. Barton Tayer ∙ Alexandra Taylor ∙ Edmund Taylor ∙ Dr. Kathleen Taylor & Mr. Bruno Notari ∙ Lane & Virginia Taylor ∙ Carol & Scott Taylor ∙ Viola S. Taylor, III ∙ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Taylor ∙ Kenneth Terkelsen ∙ Jennifer & Seth Terry ∙ Calista Tetreault ∙ Edward Thal, Jr. ∙ Grant Thayer ∙ Dr. Edward R. & Mrs. Helen H. Thieler ∙ Robin Lepore & Andrew Thomas ∙ Dr. John W. Thompson, Jr. ∙ John & Kathy Thompson ∙ Kevin Thorne ∙ Deborah Thornhill ∙ Alice A. Tillman ∙ Howard & Nancy Tinkham ∙ Dr. Sarah Todd-Weinstein ∙ Nancy & Jim Tooley ∙ Charles Toomey ∙ Christopher & Dena Torino ∙ Eileen Towne ∙ Stacy Trahan-Lima ∙ Margaret Weymouth Trainer ∙ Dr. Adele Traniello ∙ Walter & Helen Trumbull ∙ Robert & Sally Truslow ∙ Ed Tsuzuki ∙ Eric T. Turkington ∙ Curtis Ullman ∙ Janet & Henry Vaillant ∙ Ivan & Virginia Valiela ∙ Elisa van Dam ∙ Barbara & Richard van Inwegen ∙ Jeanne van Orman ∙ Richard van Voris ∙ Elizabeth van der Sarl ∙ J. Lee Varvaro ∙ William F. Vendt ∙ Bill & Judy Veno ∙ Peggy Verronneau ∙ Serene Victor ∙ Lorie Vieira ∙ Lucas Vieira ∙ George R. Vigeant ∙ Elaine Vildzius ∙ Antonio Vitorino ∙ Ann E. Vogel ∙ Jeffrey Vogel ∙ Keith von der Heydt & Theresa McKee ∙ Arthur & Joanne Voorhis ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John T. Vose ∙ Christine & Michael Voss ∙ Douglas & Madeline Vrona ∙ Peter Waasdorp & Tinker Cavanagh ∙ Adam Wacenske ∙ Wayne Walega ∙ Mary Walfield ∙ Jeanne & Emery Walker ∙ Margaret S. Walker ∙ Pamela Walker ∙ Keri Wallace ∙ Ann C. Walsh ∙ Robert J. Walsh & Carol Goodman ∙ Leonard Warburton ∙ Warden Family ∙ Michael Waters ∙ William D. Watling, Jr. ∙ Douglas & Jo-Ann Watson ∙ Bruce Wayne ∙ Barbara J. Webb ∙ Stanley & Susan Weiner ∙ Gail Welt ∙ Patricia Westgate ∙ Julia Westwater ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weymouth ∙ Jean L. Whalen ∙ Betsey B.L. Wheeler ∙ Earlene Wheeler ∙ Jane Wheeler ∙ Christopher White & Jennifer Greenman ∙ Harry & Liz White ∙ Kevin White ∙ Martha White ∙ Norma Rhodes White ∙ John & Linda Whitehead ∙ Anne & Jeremy Whitney ∙ Lynn Whitney ∙ Jessica & Phil Whittaker ∙ Gayle Whittle & Myles Tillotson ∙ Priscilla M. Willard ∙ Maryl Willcox ∙ Lukas Williams ∙ Meg Williams ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Jack Willis ∙ Jason Willis ∙ Helen & Albert Wilson ∙ Carolyn Wingate ∙ Donn & Fluffy Winner ∙ Bambi Wisbach ∙ Stephanie J. Woiciechowski ∙ Joyce Wood & Marcus Wood ∙ Jane & Bruce Woodin ∙ Mark S. Wooding ∙ Mr. & Mrs. John D. Woodley ∙ Katharine & George Woodwell ∙ David & Sarah Wordell ∙ John & Lois Wurts ∙ Frederick C. Wyse ∙ Andrew Yan ∙ Paul Yandoli ∙ Julie Yared ∙ Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Yarworth ∙ Maureen R. York ∙ Nancy York ∙ Lawrence Yu ∙ John & Regina Zakotnik ∙ Benjamin Zeng ∙ Erik & Linda Zettler ∙ Eric Zhu ∙ Joshua Zimmerberg & Teresa Jones ∙ Josh Zimon ∙ Michael Zingaro ∙ Scott Zolkos ∙ Rod & Ruth Zwirner ∙ Joanne Zych ∙ Anonymous (2) MONTHLY & QUARTERLY SUSTAINERS Marc & Suzanne Bellanger ∙ Riaz & Cecily L. Cassum ∙ Donna & Claude Cobert ∙ Paul Costabile ∙ Rosemary & Stephen Fassett ∙ Jeff & Betsy Garland ∙ Lisa & Kevin Kingston ∙ Israel Lederhendler ∙ Douglass Marlow & Linda DeYoung ∙ Aaron & Jessica Novy ∙ Davison & Lauren Paull ∙ Alicia Pimental ∙ James Rakowski & Denise Mengani “ Growing up around and on the Bay gave me an appreciation and love for the ocean. Now, I live by the Bay with my husband and young son. We have to restore, respect, and care for this body of water to ensure a clean and healthy environment for our families and everyone else who values it as much as we do.” -Hilary and Sam Vineyard, Mattapoisett CORPORATIONS Leader Supporter $5,000 OR MORE $500 – $999 Buzzards Bay Brewing Co. ∙ Edson International ∙ Foley Hoag, LLP ∙ Goodwin Procter, LLP ∙ Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo, P.C. ∙ Perry, Hicks, & Deshaies, LLP ∙ Reynolds DeWalt ∙ WilmerHale Hawthorn Medical Associates ∙ Horsley Witten Group, Inc. ∙ Northeast Marine Pilots, Inc. ∙ NRG Home ∙ Saltonstall Architects ∙ Sun Multisport Events, LLC ∙ The Wood Lumber Co. ∙ YSI Incorporated Partner Associate $2,500 – $4,999 $250 – $499 First Citizens’ Federal Credit Union ∙ Kingman Yacht Center ∙ Raymarine, Inc. ∙ Sylvia & Company Insurance Agency, Inc. Baarsvik Orthodontics ∙ Boutique Fitness ∙ Brennan & Fournier ∙ Brewer Banner Designs ∙ City of New Bedford Water Department ∙ Cooper Insurance Agency, Inc. ∙ Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farms, Inc. ∙ Decas Cranberry Products, Inc. ∙ Eversource ∙ Farland Corporation, Inc. ∙ Flora & Foglia, Inc. ∙ Frank Corp. Environmental Services ∙ Herring Management, Inc. ∙ Imtra Corporation ∙ Jim’s Organic Coffee ∙ Milton’s Distributing Co., Inc. ∙ New Bedford Thread Company, Inc. ∙ Parker’s Boat Yard, Inc. ∙ Quissett Yacht Club, Inc. ∙ Sea Fuels Marine Services, Inc. ∙ Sid Wainer & Son ∙ Snow & Jones, Inc. ∙ Southern Mass Credit Union ∙ Thermax, Inc. ∙ Thomas P. Crotty & Associates, PLLC ∙ Tierney Law Offices ∙ Woods Hole Golf Club Patron $1,000 – $2,499 Cannondale Sports ∙ Cornell Dubilier Electronics ∙ ExecuTime Software ∙ Fiber Optic Center, Inc. ∙ Marshall Marine Corporation ∙ Nye Lubricants, Inc. ∙ Silver/CIMS, LLC ∙ The Great American Rain Barrel Co. 28 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Member $100 – $249 ABC Disposal Services, Inc. ∙ Almeida and Carlson Insurance ∙ AlphaGraphics ∙ Ann M. Borges, LLC ∙ Anne Whiting Real Estate ∙ Barden’s Boat Yard ∙ Burr Brothers Boats, Inc. ∙ Cape Cod Life Publications ∙ Capeway Veterinary Hospital of Fairhaven, Inc. ∙ Chase Farm Veterinary Hospital ∙ Cuttyhunk Ferry Company, Inc. ∙ Cuttyhunk Water Taxi: Division of Triton Sea Enterprises, Inc. ∙ Debross Hathaway Marvel, Inc. ∙ Designed Temperatures, Inc. ∙ Destination Soups, Inc. ∙ DG Service Company, Inc. ∙ Dockside Repairs, Inc. ∙ Environmental Operating Solutions, Inc. ∙ Francis C. Gray, III dba Sam Gray Photography ∙ Gaspar’s Sausage Co., Inc. ∙ Harbor Blue Seafood ∙ Joseph Abboud Manufacturing Corporation ∙ Lars V. Olson Fine Homebuilding, Inc. ∙ Lauren Francis Title Investigation ∙ Levin Marine Supply, Inc. ∙ Lisa Kenny Real Estate ∙ Luzo Auto Body, Inc. ∙ Mattapoisett Animal Hospital ∙ McGregor & Legere, PC ∙ Moby Dick Marina, Inc. ∙ N. Douglas Schneider & Associates, Inc. ∙ New Bedford Ship Supply Co., Inc. ∙ Newman Associates, Inc. ∙ One By One Companies ∙ Onset Bay Marina ∙ Onset Computer Corporation ∙ Pocasset Hardware ∙ Quissett Harbor Boatyard, Inc. ∙ R.P. Valois & Company, Inc. ∙ Raven Business Group, LLC ∙ Ryan Family Amusements, Inc. ∙ Sconticut Tax Services, Inc. ∙ Southeastern Fire Equipment, Inc. ∙ Takeoffs, Inc. ∙ West Falmouth Village Association ∙ Westport Rivers Vineyard and Winery ORGANIZATIONS Acushnet Lions Club ∙ Acushnet River Safe Boating Club/USCG Aux 65 ∙ Aptucxet Garden Club of Bourne ∙ Avalon, The Inn on Cuttyhunk ∙ Bourne Brownie Troop 66117 ∙ Bourne Conservation Trust ∙ Duxbury Cruising Club ∙ Falmouth Garden Club ∙ Falmouth Road Race, Inc. ∙ Falmouth Water Stewards ∙ Garden Club of Buzzards Bay ∙ Garden Club of Greater New Bedford ∙ H Class Association ∙ JustGive ∙ Knollmere Beach Association ∙ Marine Biological Laboratory ∙ Mattapoisett Lions Club ∙ Mattapoisett Yacht Club ∙ Monument Beach Civic Associates, Inc. ∙ Planting Island Association ∙ Sippewissett Association ∙ The 300 Committee, Inc. ∙ Wareham Garden Club ∙ West Falmouth Boat Club ∙ West Island Improvement Association ∙ Westport Land Conservation Trust, Inc. FOUNDATIONS $50,000 OR MORE Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Huidekoper Charitable Remainder Trust ∙ R.K. Mellon Family Foundation ∙ Rathmann Family Foundation ∙ Stifler Family Foundation Trust ∙ The Croll Foundation ∙ The William C. Bullitt Foundation, Inc. ∙ Anonymous $10,000 – $49,000 Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation, Inc. ∙ Island Foundation, Inc. ∙ JC Kellogg Foundation ∙ Larsson Danforth Family Foundation ∙ McCormick Family Fund ∙ Peter & Elizabeth Block Fund ∙ Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr. Foundation ∙ The Collis Foundation ∙ The Russ & Wendy Keeler Fund ∙ Anonymous (4) $100 – $9,999 Alexander Host Foundation, Inc. ∙ Alfred N. Watson Family Foundation ∙ Alvord Family Foundation ∙ Amazon Smile Foundation ∙ Asahel P. H. Bloomer/Caroline D. Bloomer Charitable Trust ∙ Austin Foundation, Inc. ∙ Baker Root Family Foundation, Inc. ∙ Baltimore Community Foundation ∙ Beck Foundation ∙ Carney Family Charitable Foundation ∙ Cassum Family Foundation ∙ Charles B. & Louis R. Perini Family Foundation ∙ CHT Foundation ∙ Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Buckley Family Fund ∙ Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Busnengo Fund ∙ Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Jim & Bess Hughes Fund ∙ Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - New Bedford Education Fund ∙ Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts - Women’s Philanthropy Initiative ∙ Donald J. & Tina Mancini Family Fund ∙ Elfers Foundation, Inc. ∙ Elizabeth Bascom Charitable Lead UniTrust ∙ Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation ∙ Fiduciary Charitable Foundation ∙ Fields Pond Foundation, Inc. ∙ Fish Family Foundation ∙ Foundation 33:11 ∙ Frisbie Family Foundation ∙ Garfield Foundation c/o Baldwin Brothers, Inc. ∙ Gidwitz Family Foundation ∙ H. O. Peet Foundation ∙ Harken Foundation ∙ Harvey & Dorothy White Charitable Trust ∙ Harwood Family Fund ∙ Hemenway & Barnes LLP ∙ Julia & Seymour Gross Foundation, Inc. ∙ Keith N. Browning Foundation ∙ Kenwood Foundation ∙ LP Charitable Trust ∙ Michael R. Paine Conservation Trust ∙ Network for Good ∙ Nichols Foundation, Inc. ∙ Normandie Foundation ∙ Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation ∙ Reardon Brothers Trust ∙ Robbins Nest Foundation ∙ Roy A. Hunt Foundation ∙ Schwab Charitable Fund ∙ Sheehan Family Foundation ∙ Sholley Foundation, Inc. ∙ Tao Jones Charitable Foundation, Inc. ∙ TD Charitable Foundation ∙ The Benevity Community Impact Fund ∙ The Betsey & Ken Cheitlin Giving Fund ∙ The Bilezikian Family Foundation, Inc. ∙ The Boston Foundation ∙ The Boston Foundation - Fish Family Fund ∙ The Chown & Huguenin Charitable Fund ∙ The Esther Simon Charitable Trust ∙ The Heald Foundation ∙ The James O. Robbins Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust ∙ The Jones/Zimmerberg Family Fund ∙ The Ludes Family Foundation ∙ The Nelson Mead Fund ∙ The Norweb Foundation ∙ The O’Herron Family Foundation ∙ The Pennyghael Foundation, Inc. ∙ The Rhode Island Foundation ∙ The Spartanburg County Foundation ∙ The Tcherepnine Foundation ∙ The Upstream Foundation ∙ The W. & R. Bernheimer Family Foundation ∙ The Waldo Trust ∙ The Westport Fund ∙ The William P. Wharton Trust ∙ Toby Wintrub Charitable Foundation ∙ United Way of Greater New Bedford, Inc. ∙ Willow Creek Charitable Foundation ∙ Anonymous (3) MATCHING GIFTS Amica Companies Foundation ∙ Bank of America Matching Gifts Program ∙ Biogen Idec Foundation ∙ Citizens Bank of Massachusetts ∙ CNA Foundation - Matching Gifts ∙ Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation ∙ FM Global ∙ GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program ∙ IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program ∙ Markem-Imaje Corporation ∙ MFS Investment Management ∙ Microsoft Matching Gifts Program ∙ Morgan Stanley Community Affairs ∙ Natixis Global Asset Management - Employee Matching Gift ∙ Northeast Utilities Matching Grants Program ∙ NSTAR Foundation (Eversource) ∙ Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program ∙ State Street Foundation, Inc. Matching Gift Program ∙ The Hanover Insurance Group Foundation, Inc. ∙ TripAdvisor ∙ Vanguard Group Foundation 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 29 GOLF OUTING OCTOBER 13, 2015 Benefitting the cleanup of New Bedford Harbor at the Bay Club in Mattapoisett GOLFERS Steve Adams ∙ Donald Anderson ∙ Eric Anderson ∙ Robert Anderson ∙ Slater W. Anderson ∙ Allen Baber ∙ Tony Ballustracci ∙ Mike Bourgault ∙ Andy Brewer ∙ Peter Burlinson ∙ George Butler ∙ Roger Caron ∙ Robert Clarkson ∙ Danny Clough ∙ Eric Cohen ∙ Jeremiah Coholan ∙ David Crowley ∙ Julie Crowley ∙ Trudy Crowley ∙ Robert Cunningham ∙ Daniel Da Luz ∙ Jason Day ∙ Aaron de Rego ∙ Edward Denehey ∙ Marc R. Deshaies ∙ John Doherty ∙ Jilline Fearons ∙ Dale Ferrara ∙ Richard Ferro ∙ Bill Gallagher ∙ Penny Gallagher ∙ William Hartman ∙ Daniel Hayes ∙ Edmund Hebert ∙ Shane Jamison ∙ Eric Johnson ∙ Barney Jones ∙ Daniel Jones ∙ Michael G. Jones ∙ John D. Kelleher ∙ Demos Kouvais ∙ Lawrence Kupferschmidt ∙ David C. Lager ∙ Jerry Lamontagne ∙ Christopher T. Langlois ∙ Neil Martin ∙ Adam Meale ∙ Lisa Nickerson ∙ Scott Olivera ∙ Sandy Olney ∙ Jonathan Olson ∙ Carlos Pena ∙ Mark Pillsbury ∙ Mark Rasmussen ∙ James Reardon ∙ Brian Roach ∙ Charlie Ruel ∙ Jeffrey Ryan ∙ Laura Ryan Shachoy ∙ Debbie Seidelman ∙ Gary Seidelman ∙ James C. Smith ∙ Peter Smith ∙ Jordan Spief ∙ Debbie Spring ∙ John K. Spring ∙ Michael J. Sullivan ∙ Blane Toedt ∙ Bruce Walker ∙ Wayne Wallager ∙ Dale Weldon ∙ Benjamin Wellington ∙ Coco Wellington ∙ James Wilson ∙ David Wright ∙ Scott Zeien TOURNAMENT SPONSOR The Preserve at the Bay Club TEE SPONSORS Cuttyhunk Shellfish ∙ GH Dunn Insurance Agency ∙ Snow & Jones ∙ Thompson Farland AUCTION DONORS Audax Group & Garz & Lisa Soule ∙ The Bay Club at Mattapoisett ∙ Bella Floral Design ∙ The Bellanger Family ∙ Laurie & John Bullard ∙ Cape Air ∙ Cape Cod Curling Club ∙ The Chart Room ∙ Chi Charters & John Burman ∙ Annie B. Copps ∙ Cork Wine & Tapas ∙ Country Club of New Bedford ∙ Karen Covey ∙ Bob Cunningham ∙ Cuttyhunk Shellfish & Seth Garfield ∙ Dana’s Kitchen ∙ Falmouth Toyota ∙ Jill & George Fearons ∙ Stephen L. Fletcher & Skinner Auctioneers & Appraisers ∙ Rachel & Mike Jakuba ∙ Russ & Wendy Keeler ∙ Kingman Yacht Center ∙ Landfall Restaurant ∙ Le Desserterie ∙ Peggi Medeiros ∙ New Bedford Whaling Museum & James Russell ∙ Nathaniel Philbrick ∙ Pocassett Golf Club & Jeff Halunen ∙ Port of New Bedford & Ed Anthes-Washburn ∙ Mark Rasmussen ∙ Reservation Golf Club ∙ John & Martha Ross ∙ Jamey Shachoy & Laura Ryan Shachoy ∙ The Kessler Group ∙ Dawn Clifton Tripp ∙ Wachusett Mountain & The Crowley Family ∙ Walt Disney World ∙ Ben & Coco Wellington ∙ Sandra & Richard Wheeler ∙ Woods Hole Golf Club ∙ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Laurie Bullard ∙ William W. Locke ∙ Mary Lyons ∙ Martha Ross ∙ Jody Seivert ∙ Laura Ryan Shachoy ∙ Benjamin Wellington ∙ Coco Wellington GOVERNMENT & AGENCIES Barnstable County Sheriff ’s Office ∙ Bouchard 120 Trustee Council ∙ Bourne Recreation Authority ∙ Bristol County Sheriff ’s Office ∙ Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program ∙ City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure ∙ City of New Bedford Fire Department ∙ City of New Bedford Harbor Development Commission ∙ City of New Bedford Harbor Trustee Council ∙ City of New Bedford Mayor’s Office ∙ City of New Bedford Parks Department ∙ City of New Bedford Police Department ∙ Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School ∙ Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management ∙ Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation ∙ Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education ∙ Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ∙ Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game ∙ Massachusetts Division of Conservation Services ∙ Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration ∙ Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife ∙ Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries ∙ Massachusetts Environmental Police ∙ Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs ∙ Massachusetts Land Initiative for Tomorrow - MassLIFT ∙ Massachusetts Maritime Academy ∙ Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management ∙ Massachusetts Service Alliance ∙ Mattapoisett River Valley Water Supply Protection Advisory Committee ∙ National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration ∙ National Park Service ∙ Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School ∙ Town of Acushnet Building Department ∙ Town of Acushnet Conservation Commission ∙ Town of Acushnet Department of Public Works ∙ Town 30 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION of Acushnet Fire Department ∙ Town of Acushnet Police Department ∙ Town of Acushnet Selectmen ∙ Town of Carver Board of Selectmen ∙ Town of Fairhaven Board of Health ∙ Town of Fairhaven Board of Public Works ∙ Town of Fairhaven Community Preservation Committee ∙ Town of Fairhaven Conservation Commission ∙ Town of Fairhaven Department of Planning & Economic Development ∙ Town of Fairhaven Fire Department & EMS ∙ Town of Fairhaven Harbormaster & Shellfish Departments ∙ Town of Fairhaven Recreation Department ∙ Town of Fairhaven Selectmen ∙ Town of Falmouth Board of Health ∙ Town of Falmouth Water Quality Management Committee ∙ Town of Marion Harbormaster ∙ Town of Mattapoisett Conservation Commission ∙ Town of Mattapoisett Harbormaster ∙ Town of Mattapoisett Highway Department ∙ Town of Mattapoisett Water & Sewer Department ∙ Town of Plymouth ∙ Town of Wareham Board of Health ∙ Town of Wareham Board of Selectmen ∙ Town of Wareham Community Preservation Committee ∙ Town of Wareham Conservation Commission ∙ Town of Wareham Harbormaster/Shellfish ∙ Town of Wareham Sewer Department ∙ Town of Westport Selectmen ∙ United States Army Corps of Engineers ∙ United States Coast Guard ∙ United States Coast Guard Auxiliary ∙ United States Environmental Protection Agency ∙ United States Fish & Wildlife Service ∙ University of Massachusetts Cranberry Station ∙ USDA Agricultural Research Service ∙ USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PROGRAM INTERNS Mary Chaffee, Advocacy ∙ Trudy Crowley, Community Engagement ∙ Kristopher Koerner, Watershed Protection Law Intern ∙ Katherine Shachoy, Development & Events ∙ Rebecca Strout, Community Engagement ∙ Elizabeth Sylvia, Community Engagement VOLUNTEERS INDIVIDUALS Ian Abreu ∙ Collin Allen ∙ Ruth Anthony ∙ Philip Arcouette ∙ Alex Arévalo ∙ Michelle, Austin & Logan Avelar ∙ Blair Bailey ∙ Barbara Ball ∙ Will Balser ∙ Maureen Beaudoin ∙ Claudie Bellanger ∙ Judy Benedict ∙ Jean Bennett ∙ Caroline Benoit ∙ Halle Berger ∙ Diane Berube ∙ David Bill ∙ Peter Bolton ∙ Stephanie Bond ∙ Karen Boonstra ∙ Len & Paula Boutin ∙ Len Boyce ∙ Scott Briggs ∙ Jan Brodie ∙ Ray Buchan ∙ Charlie Buckey ∙ Brittany Campbell ∙ Rhea Teves-Cate & Dexter E. Cate ∙ Mary Chaffee ∙ Marla Chefalo ∙ Kevin Childs ∙ Shannon Choquette ∙ Cameron Coelho ∙ Jan Coish ∙ Joe Collins ∙ Lynn Connor ∙ Gil Costa ∙ Tanya Creamer ∙ Trudy Crowley ∙ John Cusson ∙ Tom Cyr ∙ Susan & Henry Darrell ∙ Dyan Dealy ∙ Greg Dean ∙ Maureen Decker ∙ Nicole Degand ∙ Robert Demanche ∙ Liane Denham ∙ David Dimmick ∙ Deb Dixon ∙ Patti Dooley ∙ Richard Dube ∙ Mel Dyer ∙ Winthrop Dyer ∙ Cindy Emmons ∙ Deb Ewing ∙ Michaela Fendrock ∙ Laura Fitton ∙ Carolyn Fontes ∙ Jean Forbes ∙ Kathy Frey ∙ Marylou Frey-Nicholson ∙ Diane Fuller ∙ Mandy Furtado ∙ Jim Gammans ∙ Tally & John Garfield ∙ Leigh-Ann Geyer ∙ Jennifer, Dennis, Elizabeth, Matt, Rachel & Sam Golden ∙ Deb & Rich Golen ∙ Sarah Gossett ∙ Aline Graves ∙ Joanna Hall ∙ Sheila Hallisey ∙ Stacie Hartman ∙ John Harwood ∙ Marcia Hathaway ∙ A. Lee Hayes ∙ Michelle Helms ∙ Kendall Higgins ∙ Susan Hirshlag ∙ Tom Hogan ∙ Jaimie Holmes ∙ Emily Hood ∙ Mike Hood ∙ Jon Howard ∙ Joanne Humphrey ∙ Emma Hurwitz ∙ Tony Ionno ∙ Eric James ∙ Andrew Jenson ∙ Nancy Jordan ∙ David Kaczmarczyk ∙ Felice Katz ∙ Russ & Wendy Keeler ∙ Cayla Kevlik ∙ Laurie Kinney ∙ Kris Koerner ∙ Rebecca Kuklinski ∙ Nick Kvilhaug ∙ Sandro Ladeira ∙ Bob Ladino ∙ Meredith Langford ∙ Larry Langlois ∙ Jon Leaver ∙ Israel Lederhendler ∙ Donna Lee ∙ Cynthia Letourneau ∙ Frank Lopes ∙ Richard Lopez ∙ Vicki Lowell ∙ Bruce & Di MacPhail ∙ Alyssa Maitoza ∙ Karen Marchand ∙ Paulette Marshall ∙ Ted Martin ∙ Kathy Marx ∙ Cindy Masson ∙ Nancy Masson ∙ Steve Matthews ∙ Brennan McIntyre ∙ Mary Anne McQuillan ∙ Sandra & Peter Medeiros ∙ Matt Mello ∙ Rachael Menard ∙ Maria Mendonca ∙ Smoky Moak ∙ Chris & Claire Morck ∙ Dan Mories ∙ Anne Morley ∙ Sierra Munoz ∙ Kelli Munroe ∙ Peg Munroe ∙ Laverne Newman ∙ Bill Nickel ∙ Kristen Nickel ∙ Maureen Nolan ∙ Lori & Alyssa Nolin ∙ Peter J. Ouellette ∙ Brett Pacheco ∙ Tara Pacheco ∙ Chris Parks ∙ Katherine Peters ∙ Stephen & Janet Peters ∙ Sally Philips ∙ Mack & Catherine Phinney ∙ Sharon Pinho ∙ Brent Plant ∙ Fiona Powers ∙ Penn Reeve ∙ Abby Rego ∙ Lynne & Michael Ribeiro ∙ Bob Rocha ∙ Krystina Roll ∙ John D. & Martha Ross ∙ Jackie Roy ∙ Paul Roy ∙ Claire Schweighart ∙ Jane Scott ∙ Katherine Shachoy ∙ Laura Ryan Shachoy ∙ Donna Sherman ∙ Larry Shwartz ∙ Patrick Silva ∙ Jagjit Singh ∙ Bill Sooter ∙ Susan Spooner ∙ Fred Sterner ∙ Eric Stoermer ∙ Samuel Stoermer ∙ Rebecca Strout ∙ John Sullivan ∙ Lorene Sweeney ∙ Vin Sylvia ∙ Elizabeth Tabor ∙ Dick Tatlock ∙ Sandy Tavares Perry ∙ Diana Tenney ∙ Wayne Thompson ∙ Jason Tibbetts ∙ Vicki Tibbetts ∙ Josephine Tilley ∙ David Toth ∙ Laura Troll ∙ Mary Valm ∙ Debra van Hall ∙ Arthur* & Dolores Vasconcellos ∙ Michelle Vecoli ∙ Cricket Warner ∙ Michael Waugh ∙ MJ Welling ∙ Gayle Whittle ∙ John Wilbur ∙ Roger Williams ∙ Shanna Williams ∙ James Wilson ∙ Trevor Winters ∙ John York ∙ Nancy York ORGANIZATIONS Boston University Marine Program (BUMP) ∙ Boy Scout Troop 46 ∙ Boy Scouts of Narragansett Council ∙ Bryant University Management Team ∙ Covidien ∙ EMC ∙ Friends Academy Save the World Club ∙ Global Learning Charter Public School ∙ Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School ∙ Massachusetts Maritime Academy ∙ Our Sisters School ∙ Roger Williams University Law School ∙ Tabor Academy ∙ Target of North Dartmouth ∙ The Trustees of Reservations Youth Conservation Corps MONITORING VOLUNTEERS BAYWATCHERS Jon Aborn ∙ Joyce Almeida ∙ Charley Appleton ∙ Karl Audenaerde ∙ Toby Baker ∙ Barbara Ball ∙ Kevin Barry ∙ Marc Bellanger ∙ Russell Bessette ∙ Fred Best ∙ Jim Bevilacqua ∙ Kali Block ∙ David & Barbara Watson Boettiger ∙ Jamie Bogart ∙ Paula & Len Boutin ∙ Mary-Ellen Boyle ∙ Bud Bristow ∙ Clint Brown ∙ John H. & Sally Browning ∙ Brendan Buckless ∙ Ed Carey ∙ Roberta Carvalho ∙ Jennifer Cheyne ∙ Gale Clark ∙ Donna Cobert ∙ Dr. Maureen Conte ∙ Alison Coolidge ∙ Wendy Copps ∙ Rosemary Dalton ∙ Alec Dalton ∙ Alan Daniels ∙ Linda Davis ∙ Steve Dempsey ∙ Robert Dermody ∙ Jeff Doubrava ∙ Melissa Dougall ∙ Ken & Linda Duffy ∙ Diane Durant ∙ Deb Ewing ∙ Horace Field ∙ Jessamyn Finneran ∙ Newman Flanagan ∙ Erika Fox ∙ Sarah Frade ∙ Kathy Frey ∙ Jim Gammans ∙ Seth Garfield ∙ Lisa, Natasha, Wesley & Chase Garland ∙ Mary Gelsthorpe ∙ Tom Gidwitz ∙ Richard, Deb & Alex Golen ∙ Sarah Gossett ∙ Elaine Graybill ∙ George Hampson* ∙ Priscilla, Brad & David Hathaway ∙ Michelle Helms ∙ Jamie Holmes ∙ Deborah Hood ∙ Joanne & Al Humphrey ∙ Barbara van Inwegen ∙ Jay (George) Jenkins ∙ Patrick Jenkins ∙ Nancy Johnston ∙ Jerry Kelly ∙ Jona Koka ∙ Peter Kulberg ∙ Meredith Langford ∙ Edie Lauderdale ∙ Sally Ann Ledbetter ∙ Donna Lee ∙ Mike Lenihan ∙ David & Polly Leshan ∙ William W. Locke ∙ Luke Lomeland ∙ Clare Lund ∙ Kathleen & Bruce MacLeod ∙ Bill Mansfield ∙ Ted & Karen Martin ∙ Cindy Masson ∙ Matt Mello ∙ Caroline Mello ∙ Stan Morton ∙ Paula & Steve Mueller ∙ Jeffery Murdock ∙ Paul Naiman ∙ Laverne Newman ∙ Lana Nguyen ∙ Brian O’Hare ∙ Brian O’Rourke ∙ Marshall Otter ∙ Ross Pacheco ∙ Chris Parks ∙ Stefanie Paventy ∙ Korrin Petersen ∙ Mack & Cathy Phinney ∙ Alicia Pimental ∙ Martha Plummer ∙ Larry Portner ∙ Drew Portner ∙ Ron Price ∙ Sara Quintal ∙ Penn Reeve ∙ Sue Ries ∙ Olivia Rothberg ∙ Abigail Rottler ∙ Jocelyn Rua ∙ Kate & Tom Schmitt ∙ Ken & Brady Shwartz ∙ Larry Shwartz ∙ Eric Smith ∙ Nancy Spindler ∙ Paul Sullivan ∙ Ellen & Mike Sullivan ∙ Bob Sullivan ∙ Lorene Sweeney ∙ Lee Tripp ∙ Sam Trotz ∙ Peggy Vollmer ∙ Barbara Watson ∙ Tricia Weaver ∙ JC Weber ∙ Rick Whidden ∙ Jim Whitin ∙ Gayle Whittle ∙ Catherine Williams ∙ Kinder Woodcock ∙ Harry Yates RIVERWATCHERS Fred Best ∙ Barbara Van Inwegen ∙ William Mansfield ∙ Shawn Perreira HERRINGWATCHERS John Dixon ∙ Michael Gleick ∙ Bill Mansfield ∙ Gayle Whittle 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 31 TREASURER’S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2015 JULY 1, 2014 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 THE BUZZARDS BAY COALITION CONTINUES TO BENEFIT FROM THE increasing support from its membership and supporters. At September 30, 2015, the Coalition’s financial position remains strong, with net assets of $7 million and a $2 million endowment fund. In a move to better align its operations with its financials, the Coalition transitioned to a new fiscal year that runs from October 1 to September 30. This past fiscal and transition year includes the 15-month period, July 1, 2014 and ended on September 30, 2015. The quarter ending September 30 is traditionally a quieter period in our annual fundraising cycle. Consequently, and as anticipated, this one-time inclusion of a fifth quarter combined with planned spend-down of funds raised through our 2008-2011 Campaign for Buzzards Bay produced an organizational deficit reflected below. The Coalition has a very capable and dedicated staff and most generous supporters. This is a very dynamic and exciting organization. I am very confident we will continue to be a strong force for its preservation. Copies of audited financial statements are available upon request. SUPPORTING CLEAN WATER WITH SOW & PIGS ALE In May 2015, Buzzards Bay Brewing launched Sow & Pigs Ale, named for the striper-filled reef at the Bay’s entrance off Cuttyhunk Island. Long an advocate of clean water, Buzzards Bay Brewing generously donated a portion of profits to support the Coalition’s work. A light, easy drinking beer, Sow & Pigs was a hit with both beer aficionados and lovers of Buzzards Bay. Sow & Pigs is now an annual tradition. It can be found at restaurants and package stores from May until July. Samuel P.M. Gray Treasurer REVENUE 15 months ended September 30, 2015 1,891,283 Donations Memberships Government Grants Events Investment and Other Income Total Revenue 44% 196,475 4% 1,963,607 46% 227,344 5% 21,839 1% 4,300,548 EXPENSES Program Services Fundraising G&A 4,173,872 79% 644,590 12% 457,702 9% Total Expenses 5,276,164 Beginning 7,990,997 Increase in Net Assets (975,616) ENDING NET ASSETS 7,015,381 The FY2015 Financial Statements were audited by the firm of Alexander Aronson Finning CPAs, Westborough, MA. 32 BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Dedicated to the restoration, protection and sustainable use and enjoyment of our irreplaceable Bay and its watershed. We work to improve the health of the Bay ecosystem for all through education, conservation, research and advocacy. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Ryan Shachoy, Esq., Chair, Marion Tom Gidwitz, Vice Chair, Dartmouth Samuel Gray, Treasurer, Wareham Russ Keeler, Clerk, Rochester Mark Rasmussen, President, Fairhaven Hans Brenninkmeyer, Dartmouth Weatherly Dorris, Falmouth Paul Elias, Gosnold John H. Harwood, II, Esq., Westport Melissa Haskell, Dartmouth Sam Knight, Dartmouth Jay Lanagan, New Bedford Chris Neill, Falmouth David Wojnar, Acushnet Scott Zeien, Cataumet LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Margie Baldwin, Marion ∙ Rob Beams, Mattapoisett ∙ Phil Beauregard, Esq., New Bedford ∙ Jono Billings, Bourne ∙ Tem Blessed, New Bedford ∙ Peg Brandon, Falmouth ∙ Darryl Buckingham*, Quissett ∙ John Bullard, Westport ∙ Derek Christianson, Dartmouth ∙ Beth Colt, Woods Hole ∙ Trudy Coxe, Jamestown, RI ∙ David Croll, Marion ∙ Fred Danforth*, Mattapoisett ∙ Simone Bourgeois, New Bedford ∙ Alison Durant, Dartmouth ∙ Joanne Fallon, West Falmouth ∙ Laurell Farinon, Acushnet ∙ John Farrington, PhD, Woods Hole ∙ Larry Fish, West Falmouth ∙ Natalie Garfield, Dartmouth ∙ Seth Garfield, Cuttyhunk ∙ Anne Giblin, PhD, Falmouth ∙ Tim Gillespie, Westport ∙ Kirby Gilmore, Rochester ∙ Jessica Harris, Marion ∙ Lee Hayes, Bristol, RI ∙ Andy Herlihy, Dartmouth ∙ Lucius T. Hill, West Falmouth ∙ Jordan Hitch, Dartmouth ∙ Mike Huguenin, Mattapoisett ∙ Gary Johnson, Mattapoisett ∙ David Kaiser, Mattapoisett ∙ Morris Kellogg, Dartmouth ∙ Jeff Lafleur, Plympton ∙ Sarah Laird, Westport ∙ Mary Ellen Hawes Lees, Dartmouth ∙ Bill Locke, Cataumet ∙ Lloyd MacDonald, Esq., Dartmouth ∙ Fred Makrauer, MD, Falmouth ∙ Brendan McCarthy, Mattapoisett ∙ Mary McFadden, Esq., Wareham ∙ Kendra Medina, Marion ∙ Mark C. Montigny, New Bedford ∙ Michael Moore, PhD, Marion ∙ Susan Morse, Quissett ∙ Jon Mueller, Esq., Annapolis, MD ∙ Elizabeth Munro, Cataumet ∙ Jim Rathmann, Westport ∙ Chris Reddy, PhD, Falmouth ∙ Jack Reynolds, Westport ∙ Cathy Roberts, Mattapoisett ∙ John Ross, West Falmouth ∙ Tim Shields, Marion ∙ Steve Smith, Assonet ∙ Dr. Jay Smith, Falmouth ∙ Hilary Vineyard, Mattapoisett ∙ John Waterbury, PhD, Woods Hole ∙ Tom Wheeler, West Falmouth ∙ George Woodwell, PhD, Woods Hole ∙ David Wojnar, Acushnet STAFF Mark Rasmussen, President/Buzzards Baykeeper ® Advocacy Korrin Petersen, Esq., Senior Attorney Rachel Jakuba, PhD, Science Director Tony Williams, Director of Monitoring Programs Watershed Protection Brendan Annett, Vice-President, Watershed Protection Allen Decker, Esq., Director of Land Protection Sara DaSilva Quintal, Restoration Ecologist Matt Spinner, Stewardship Director Community Engagement Rob Hancock, Vice-President, Community Engagement Alicia Pimental, Communications Director Cassie Lawson, Outdoor Educator Development Marc Bellanger, Vice-President, Development Donna Cobert, Director of Membership Deb Hood, Event Manager Harry Yates, Development Assistant Finance and Administration Stefanie Fournier, Vice-President, Finance and Administration Lynn Coish, Administrative Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator Sandy Jarjoura, Bookkeeper Seasonal Staff Luke Lomeland, Boat Captain Richard Marx, Boat Captain Trudy Crowley, Discovery Center Manager Alexandra Olmsted, Discovery Center Manager Julia Twichell, Baywatchers Monitoring Summer Assistant Service Members Lynne Ribeiro, Commonwealth Corps Environmental Educator Lauren Vunderink, Commonwealth Corps Environmental Educator Kari Amick, Community Engagement Coordinator, MassLIFT AmeriCorps Kelly Barber, Land Stewardship Coordinator, MassLIFT AmeriCorps Tanya Creamer, Service Learning Coordinator, MassLIFT AmeriCorps Printed with vegetable-based inks on process chlorine-free, recycled paper. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 33 114 Front Street • New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 (508) 999-6363 [email protected] www.savebuzzardsbay.org OUR VISION • A Bay shoreline defined by safe swimming beaches, open shellfish beds, and stretches of scenic natural areas for all to enjoy. • Healthy waters that support abundant fish, shellfish, and wildlife populations. • A Bay safe from the threats of oil spills, industrial and sewer discharges, and ocean dumping. • A watershed where rivers, streams, inland forests, and wetlands that buffer the Bay are protected.