October 2014 - Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre
October 2014 - Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre
O C T O B E R The 2 0 1 4 Gazette Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre WHAT’S INSIDE Recipe: Sweet Potato Casserole on Page 16 Caring for Feet as You Age Page 9 T’S Volunteer Corner page 17 Centre Happenings! Saturday Dances October 11 & 25 Tickets $12/person Doors open 6:30pm Dance 7:30pm Tickets $12/person PAGE 7 Stoney Nakoda Resort & Casino $15/person October 15 Bus departs 10:00am PAGE 8 Health Fair & Flu Vaccine Clinic November 6 9:30am to 2:30pm Call 403.289.4780 For information AT’S 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA THE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2014 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION FALL DROP-IN ACTIVITIES Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre Whist ~ Mondays 1:00pm - 3:30pm A recreational drop-in Centre. There are activities and classes to suit everyone. Cribbage ~ Tuesdays 9:30am – 11:30am Membership is $30.00 per year. Floor Curling ~ Wednesdays 1:00pm - 3:30pm Associate Memberships available adults under 55 years Pickleball ~ Fridays 1:00pm – 3:00pm Reception Desk Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm Bridge ~ Fridays 1:00pm - 3:30pm GOOD FOOD BOX SNOOKER Through this program members can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price. Men - Mondays 9:00am – 4:00pm Ladies - Tuesdays 9:00am - 12:00pm Open to All – Wednesdays & Thursdays Ladies- Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm Large Box – 40+ Lbs. $30 Medium Box – 30+Lbs. $25 Small Box – 20+ Lbs. $20 October 28, 2014 – Order Deadline November 6, 2014 – Delivery Call 403-289-4780 to place your order DANCE WITH US! Doors open at 6:30pm - Dance 7:30pm Cost: $12.00/person October 11, 2014 – Pure Country October 25, 2014 – For Old Tyme’s Sake VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteering is good for your heart. Next-to-New Shop, Reception, Library, Kitchen, Dance or Decorating Committee. MEMBER ONLY SERVICES Travel Call 403.289.4780 to book an appointment for the following services: Contact the Centre [email protected] Podiatrist Friday, October 24, 2014 Acupuncture Clinic Every Tuesday 9:00am to 12:30pm OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Boutique & Next-to-New Shop Weekdays 9:30am - 3:00pm 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 Lawyer Thursday, October 9 & 23, 2014 9:00am to 12:00pm 2 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 Current Board Executives: In This Issue… President, Linda Earl Vice President, Agnes Jessamine Treasurer, Patricia Dosdall Secretary, Noreen Rockafellow Past President, Jeanne Duggan President’s Report ❧ New Members Executive Director’s Report Volunteer Corner Dance and Music News Word Search The Centre Travel & Tours Caring for Feet as You Age Conpark Crossword Tea & Conversation Notice Board Book Nook News LOL ❧ Crossword Solution ❧ Sudoku The Way In (Calgary Older Adult Services) Community Events Recipe: Sweet Potato Casserole Sudoku Solution October Clubs & Activities Calendar October Events & Services Calendar Directors: Bev Cumming Jean McCauley Penney Kome Ernie Shemko Atiya Qadry Staff: Executive Director, Maureen Orton Executive Assistant, Judy Cairns Coord. of Volunteers, Coord. Of Tea & Conversation, Debbie Nay Assist. Coord. of T&C, Deb Dominick Accountant, Laurie Townsend Page 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 ‘The Way In’ - Calgary Family Services: Older Adult Service Coordinators; Suja Thomas Amanda Priddle To the Families of Alice Arnold Donald Clark Ruth Starker Lloyd Traptow SUBSCRIBE Did you know you can subscribe to the Gazette and receive it by email? Go to www.confedpark55plus.ca or drop by the Centre and ask how. Our ADVERTISE For Gazette advertising rates phone: 403.289.4780 ext. 224 or email [email protected] Gusti Adams, Betty Burns, Leona Ewen, William Gardner, Gwen Gover, Ann Woetowich 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 3 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 President’s Report Linda Earl – President The fall season is here and many of the trees have changed colour. Beautiful, isn’t it? Classes are now in full swing - have you found the one that interests you? If you are looking for something specific be sure to talk to someone in the office – perhaps other members are interested in the same thing. The latest office news is that Stacy Stewart, Coordinator of Volunteers, is leaving for a new job. We wish her the best of luck! The search for someone to fill her position is underway and we will be hiring as soon as possible. The King’s Feast that was planned for September 25 had to be cancelled due to lack of interest. Hopefully the next event will receive more support. For those of you who like to plan ahead, our annual Garage Sale will be May 23, 2015. So start collecting and sorting your donations but remember we won’t accept anything until the Wednesday before the sale day. A large number of volunteers are required on the day of the sale day as well as the days leading up to the event, so be sure to save the dates and sign up to volunteer to help out… it is always an interesting and fun time. Watch for the 2015 Camera Club Calendar. See you around the Centre! WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Lil Bartel Blythe Bohonos Maureen Bolen Linda Bourgeois Kim Carlson Suzanne de Mos Donna Fallon Lois Friesen Vera Gartley Barbara Goodwin Janet Gourlay-Vallance Marie Grimm Florence Harland Eileen Holmes Ron Kerslake Derryl Killan Sharon Kimmel Omer Labute Diane Lee Virginia Li Harold Masonchuck Kathy McElrea Walter McElrea Frances McGlynn Kathleen McGlynn Willa McMullan 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 4 Laila McSorley Barbara Racine Annette Rider Mary Jane Salmon Yvonne Sheedy Grant Shewchuk Diane Sushetski Gayle Takenaka Betty Threadgold Joy Van Dusen John Warkentin Maria Welzel Douglas Whitnack PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 From the Executive Director’s Desk Maureen Orton Enjoy the wonderful array of colours as you drive into our parking lot at Confederation Park. The trees surrounding the Centre look spectacular now that fall is officially here. I hope everyone has had a chance to say goodbye to Stacy Stewart, our Volunteer Coordinator before she leaves on October 3rd. Stacy has accepted a new position with the Calgary Christmas Campaign Program. We will miss her and wish her well in her new endeavour. Membership sales are ongoing for September 2014 through August 31, 2015. The price for a Full and Associate Memberships (for those under 55), are still $30 per year; that’s only $2.50 per month. I would like to welcome the 59 new members who have joined our Centre this membership year. We look forward to getting to know you! There are still spaces in the Create a Bear class, (using faux fur/real fur) starting October 8th and Use It or Lost It starting October 30th. The Intro to Technology class is up and running; members are learning to use their cell phones, tablets and laptops. This is a six-week course and it will run again in late October/November if there are enough members interested. Let us know in the office if you would like to sign up for the next session of this class. Dr. Claire Edwards spoke on the benefits of Acupuncture on Tuesday, September 16th. She will be holding community acupuncture sessions every Tuesday from 9:00 am to12:30 pm in classroom #4. Appointments can be made at the front desk. Call 403.289.4780 to book yours. The Centre will be hosting our annual Health Fair and Flu Vaccination Clinic on November 6th from 9:30am to 2:30pm, so be sure to mark your calendars. The following businesses will have booths set up to share information on their services; CNIB, Pure North, Westside Audiology, Dignity Memorial; Foster’s Garden Chapel, information on elder abuse and many more… be sure to stop by their booths for a chat. Thank you to Ernie Shemko and Tom Wilcock who volunteered their time to replace the chair glides on all the chairs in the back classrooms. There should be no more scratching the floors. I really appreciated their help. New soap dispensers have been put on the wall above each sink in the back classrooms. Also, both pianos were tuned in readiness for the Chorus to start its new season. If there are maintenance issues that need attending to, please let me know and I will see what I can do. Keep Smiling! “Surround yourself with people who add to your peace, not your problems.” 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 5 PHONE: 403-289-4780 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA THE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2014 Volunteer Corner ~ Stacy Stewart “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi It is with a heavy heart that this will be my last submission to the Gazette. I will be moving on to work with toys and hampers for families in need this Christmas. Saying good-bye is hard, so instead, I leave you my top ten quotes to live by: Important Dates in October: 10. “When 900 years old, you reach... look as good, you will not.” ~Yoda 9.“Be excellent to each other!” ~Bill and Ted 8. ...I know ~Hans Solo (These are the only two words we really need in life, find this!). Important Dates in October: Fun Afternoon for Volunteers: Saturday Oct. 4, 2014 at The Cat‘n Fiddle Star WARS READS DAY Saturday Oct. 11, 2014 7. After all, tomorrow is another day! ~Scarlett O’Hara 6. Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. ~Forrest Gump 5. No wire hangers, ever! ~ Joan Crawford (Sorry sorters, I will never use wire again. Thanks for the training u! ) 4. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary. ~John Keating (Robin Williams, Dead Poets Society) 3. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. ~ Ferris, from Ferris Bueller's Day Off 2. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game! ~Hillary Duff in A Cinderella Story Thanksgiving Day Monday Oct. 13, 2014 Nakoda Casino Trip: Wednesday Oct. 15, 2014 $15.00 Hurry! There are only a few seats left! Boss’s Day Thursday Oct. 16, 2014 National Bologna Day Friday Oct 24, 2014 National Mincemeat Day Sunday Oct. 26, 2014 Halloween Friday Oct. 31, 2014 1. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us ~Lord of the Rings I have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know many of you well. Your dedication, loyalty and focus are sources of inspiration to me. So keep May 16th open, “stay on target”, “never tell me the odds,” and “may the Force be with you”. Volunteer Social (yes, its still on, hope to see you there!) This month’s volunteer Halloween themed social will be lunch at the Cat n Fiddle Pub, 540 16 Avenue NW, Saturday October 4, 2014 at 1:00pm. The Cat n Fiddle Pub is apparently one of the most haunted places in Calgary, but they have promised the ghosts are friendly. The prices for lunch are between $12-16. Please see Stacy to let her know if you can make it and if you would like to see their menu. Maybe we’ll see a ghost or two! Volunteer Opportunities at the Centre We are already gearing up for Sasi 2015. Volunteer Team Leaders are needed for areas of the event. Some of the areas we are looking for are: Security and Parking; Check-in Area; Food Planner; The Race Kit: Head Intersection Marshal; Donations; The Beer Garden; Marketing and Promotion Celebrating our Volunteers! September’s Volunteer of the Month is Frances Levitt. She has been volunteering for eight years as one of the Thursday afternoon receptionists. Frances is a fabulous, wonderful person who gives her time whenever she can! Thank you Frances for everything!! 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 6 PHONE: 403-289-4780 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA THE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2014 Saturday Dance News The fall dance season started on September 13th with approximately 70 dancers in attendance. The “Badlanders” supplied the upbeat and enjoyable music for an enthusiastic crowd. It was a fun evening of dancing and reconnecting with friends. Sandy and Rick Staple along with Dianne and Colin Beattie hosted; the team made the lunch, took tickets and MC’d the evening. Bob and Yvonne Armstrong tended bar. Thanks to all for the continued support of the dances at Confederation Park. It was also great to see some new people come out for the dances. Keep spreading the word. The September 27th dance played host to approximately 80 dancers. ”For Old Tyme’s Sake” entertained the crowd with their usual lively tunes. The dancers kept the floor full and the chairs empty. Don and Joan Lawrence along with Bonnie Feary and Rick and Lois Sehn hosted; preparing lunch, taking tickets and MC’ing. Irma and Jim McKenzie tended bar. It’s rewarding to see folks getting so much pleasure out of dancing and socializing - it doesn’t get any better than that! Upcoming Dances: October 11, 2014 – Pure Country October 25, 2014 – For Old Tyme’s Sake Doors open at 6:30pm with dancing starting at 7:30pm ~ $12.00/person – includes live music & a light lunch. Glider’s News The Confederation Park Gliders began their fall session of Pattern Dancing on Wednesday, September 17th. Each week we dance from 7:30pm to 9:30pm with review lessons from 7:00pm to 7:30pm. ~ Lots of Fun ~ Coffee and Cookies ~ Good Exercise ~ Good Fellowship ~ Only $3.00/couple New members are welcome (partner required) and all dancers must have a Confederation Park membership ($30 a year/person). For more information please contact Keith or Pat Cornelius at 403.282.5964 or Rick or Sandy Staple at 403.274.3257. Ukulele Club News We started our fall session on September 17th starting at noon for a few weeks to get our newer members into the swing of things… tuning, basic chords and the like. If you are interested in joining our group, please come out any Wednesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and see how much fun we have. For more information call Rick at 403.274.3257. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? The Confederation Park Chorus is recruiting members for the NEW SEASON. All voices welcome! We practice weekly on TUESDAY afternoons 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please phone Stella for more information at: 403-230-5695 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus We are a senior men’s chorus that meets for fun and song every Tuesday morning at 10:00am. We sing a variety of music, unaccompanied, mostly in Barbershop Quartet style. We perform monthly at different seniors’ residences. We have 22 members who love to sing. All men are welcome to come and listen and/or sing and Tuesday morning. For further information please feel free to call: Doug Marwood, Director at 403.244.4952 Bob Miller, Bookings at 403.239.6613 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 7 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 Word Search FREEZING Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal,vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. ANTARCTIC, ARCTIC, ARCTIC CIRCLE, ARCTIC FOX, BLIZZARD, FREEZING, FROSTY, FROZEN, GELID, GLACIER, HUSKY, ICE, ICEBERG, ICEBREAKER, ICE FIELD, ICE FLOE, ICE SHELF, ICICLE, IGLOO, NORTH POLE, PENGUIN, PERMAFROST, POLAR BEAR, SLED, SLEET, SNOW, SNOWSHOE, SNOWSTORM, SOUTH POLE, WHITEOUT. Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com The Centre Travel & Tours Upcoming: Stoney Nakoda Resort and Casino October 15, 2014 - $15/person Includes a light lunch, transportation and a $5 chip. Bus departs at 10:00am, returns at approximately 4:00pm Sign up in the office. Contact the Centre at 403.289.4780 for more information. Be sure to watch our website, Facebook and the Gazette for future tours and trips. Make your cheque payable to Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 8 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 Footloose and Fancy Free: Caring for Feet as You Age Judy Deleo, Comfort Keepers Calgary Many older adults get frequent checkups, exercise regularly, and in general try to take good care of themselves, but one aspect of their health that they (and for that matter, younger people) frequently neglect is good foot care. Foot injury, neglect, and disease are major factors contributing to mobility, or lack thereof, in older adults. In one study, 71% of respondents aged 65 or older reported foot pain and problems, yet only 39% of them had sought medical advice and only 26% of them believe their foot problems were medical conditions. Senior adults tend to experience more problems with their feet than younger adults simply because they have used them for longer. Women are four times more likely than men to have foot problems, probably because of the preponderance of high heels. Other conditions, such as diabetes and poor circulation can also affect foot health. The danger of neglecting feet can mean reduced quality of life; problems with coordination, balance, and gait, all of which produce an increased risk of falling; and can lead to diseases and infections. Like other parts of the body, however, good care and maintenance can go far in promoting health and ensuring that senior individuals remain mobile and independent. Self-Care for feet Healthy seniors should monitor foot health by regularly cleaning and examining the feet for any changes or irregularities. Using mild soaps followed with lotion helps keep the skin from drying out, cracking, and itching. Ensuring the feet remain dry helps to fight off fungal infections as well and keeping the feet warm can aid in circulation. Keeping toenails properly trimmed helps prevent problems such as in-grown nails and toe pain. Toenails should be cut straight across, not curved, using clippers designed for toenails, and should be slightly longer than the tips of the toes. Also regularly stretching the legs, calves, and feet; walking; and wearing appropriate shoes promote foot health and prevent conditions such as plantar fasciitis, which can cause debilitating heel pain. Assisting with Foot Care Caring for feet can become difficult for seniors who may be less flexible or have other impairments that prevent them from reaching, cleaning, and examining their feet. Caregivers may need to help in these cases, especially in seniors with medical problems, such as diabetes that can severely impact the feet, to ensure that feet and toenails are properly cared for. Family caregivers should ensure feet are kept clean and dry and monitor the toenails for deformities or misshapenness, trimming them as necessary. They should also examine the feet for any fungal infections, sores, cuts, or cracking from dryness. These conditions can lead to disease, infection, and amputation in seniors with diabetes and other medical conditions, so they need to be addressed promptly by medical professionals. Caregivers can also aid with circulation by providing a stool for senior individuals to elevate their feet, and by providing ample opportunities for the older individual to sit and rest when out walking. About Comfort Keepers Calgary Since 2003, we at Comfort Keepers Calgary ( http://calgary.comfortkeepers.ca ) have been providing personal care and companionship for our seniors, and others, in Calgary and surrounding area. Interactive Caregiving is at the very heart of our services, keeping our clients physically, mentally, emotionally and socially involved, making a difference in their well-being and improving quality of life. Our personalized services are available in private homes, retirement and assisted living residences, long term care facilities, and hospitals. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with companionship, personal care, homemaking, and safety technology solutions. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 9 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 CONPARK CROSSWORD October 2014 Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com Solution Page 14 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 10 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Tea & Conversation Greetings to all! It is already that time of the year to start getting ready for “Old Man Winter”….COLD, SNOW, ICE and the FLU; Bundle up and stay warm; winter boots, gloves, hats and winter coats are a must. Remember to take extra precautions when shovelling the snow; don’t be afraid to ask for help. Make sure you have anti-slip boots and shoes to help prevent you from a fall on the ice. Wash your hands frequently and cough into your elbows. If you are not feeling well stay home and seek medical attention if needed. OCTOBER 2014 UPCOMING ENTERTAINMENT October 2014 Entertainment October 2nd - The Confederates October 9th - Peter & Pals October 16th - Timeless Reflections October 23rd - Irish Choir October 30th - Timeless Reflections (Halloween Costume Party & October Birthday Celebrations) FLU SHOTS REMEMBER TO GET YOUR FLU SHOTS; FLU SHOTS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE CENTRE ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6TH FROM 9:30 AM-2:30 PM… DON’T FORGET YOUR ALBERTA HEALTH CARD. REMEMBER TO EAT WELL! MANY THANKS!! We continue to remember, acknowledge and thank “ The Mother of Confederation Park” Jean Turnbull. She left us with wonderful memories along with a generous donation to our T&C program and our Centre. Her generous donation has kept our program operating. Thank you to all of our volunteers. We are so lucky to have each and every one of you to count on week after week and you never let us down. Thanks a million!! Thank you all for your donations to the Tea & Conversation program your support is greatly appreciated and needed. We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to all of our entertainers who GIVE us their music and talents to enjoy week after week. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 We hope you enjoy your time at Tea & Conversation as much as we enjoy having you. Thanks for making Thursdays so much fun. Be safe, be happy and stay healthy!!!! With love from Debbie & Deb 11 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 NOTICE BOARD BUS TRIPS Calgary Home Maintenance Services Stoney Nakoda Resort and Casino Are you a senior and need help cleaning up your property after Snowtember? October 15, 2014 $15/person Includes a light lunch, transportation and a $5 chip. Seniors (65+) who are: Living on a low income (income will be verified)** Unable to do basic house or yard work Without family or community assistance Bus departs at 10:00am, returns at approximately 4:00pm **Current maximum annual household income levels are eligible under current LICO income rates: PHARMACARE SENIORS’ FAIR • 1 person $23,861.00 • 2 persons $29,706.00 • 3 persons $36,520.00 • Generally there is a waiting period for all services with the exception of urgent situations to eliminate by-law complaints. The current waiting periods are: Basic yard work and snow removal, depends on particular city quadrant, 3 months Painting and minor repair, 2 - 3 years Housecleaning depends on particular city quadrant, approximately 3 months Cost House cleaning, yard work and snow removal services: free of charge House cleaning clients must provide cleaning products and equipment Yard work clients must provide garbage bags Labour for painting and repair work: free of charge Clients pay wholesale cost of paint, lumber and other supplies In keeping with our goals to reach Calgary seniors and provide current, relevant information regarding housing, resources and supports – please join us on Saturday, October 18th, 2014 at Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre for our annual community event. Our Speakers: Mollie Cole – AHS Manager, Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network will speak on “Aging Well” Shirley-Ann Reuben, John Long Foundation describe a unique smaller scale affordable community based housing solution Bernie Amell, Prairie Sky CoHousing Project will share their philosophy of a supportive, intergenerational community, common facilities, and participation by all members in daily life Call the Centre to sign-up – 403.289.4780 Call 3.1.1 and ask for Seniors’ Home Maintenance Services. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 12 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 Book Nook Since 1985 one of the Centre’s goals has been to keep books on hand for members/public to borrow and we will continue to do this but in a different way. Our book collection is much more accessible and up to date. You may borrow books anytime and the ‘Honour System’ will reflect the popular practice of - Take a Book, Leave A Book. Come in browse the books and share the joy of reading with others. Upon returning borrowed books to the Centre, don’t worry about returning them to the shelves… volunteers will be on hand to reshelf. BOOK NOOK RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Books are in alphabetical order by author’s surname Borrow books on the honour system Return books to designated area Donate paperbacks - from 2005 and newer Book Reviews By Tyler Jones Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple Maria Semple, who has written for the television shows Arrested Development, Mad about You and Ellen, knows how to write wickedly funny satire. In this, her second novel, she sets her sites on modern Seattle; home of Microsoft, designer coffee and a new brand of social climbing. In this cultural milieu, Bernadette Fox, revolutionary architect and acute agoraphobic, goes missing. Bernadette's daughter, Bee, attempts to solve the mystery of her mom's disappearance by pouring over a wide collection of materials. Emails, invoices, official documents and even doctor's appointments all fall under Bee's scrutiny as she pieces together a secret past that Bernadette has kept hidden for years. Along the many plot twists we encounter support groups, outsider art, mudslides and a dog named Ice Cream. But despite being a very funny and thoroughly modern comedy of manners, Where'd You Go Bernadette is also a touching book about the friendship between a mother and daughter. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 13 There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all. – Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Confederation Park Book Club The book club meets the first Tuesday of each month from 12:30pm to 2:00pm in the Studio. The Book Club opened the 2014/2015 season with a discussion of Chris Hadfield's autobiography which most members enjoyed. We felt that he explained the science of space travel and the training and preparation well without talking down to us but several members felt he could have talked more about how his career affected his family. The selection for October’s meeting is "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green, which has been made into a movie and was recently shown at theatres in Calgary. The story is about two teenagers who have cancer and meet in a support group. It is described as "hilarious, joyous, outrageous, and utterly sad" and "a bittersweet story of life, death, and love in between". We invite you to join us in discussing this latest selection and adding your views and insights. For more info call 403-289-4780. PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 LOL Crossword Solution Laugh out Loud (Crossword Page ?) Sudoku (Solution Page 16) Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 14 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 The Way In (formally Outreach Services) are available free of charge to seniors age 65+, or those experiencing seniors’ related issues living in certain areas of Calgary. In-home or office appointments to assist with information, referrals, supportive counselling, assistance with pensions, benefits and other application forms. For appointments, please call Older Adult Service Coordinator, Suja or Amanda at 403.289.4780. Counselling for Older Adults Non-crisis counselling services are available for individual, couples, or family issues. Fees based on an affordable sliding fee scale. Call Counselling Intake 403.269.9888 Elder Abuse Response Team (EART) Victims of elder abuse need our help. If you see physical abuse, emotional abuse or anything that makes you feel like they are at risk, make the call. A collaboration between the Kerby Centre, Calgary Family Services and the Calgary Police Service. Social workers, police, and a nurse working together to: respond to and investigate suspected cases of elder abuse; provide support and guidance to abuse victims and their families; and assist other service providers working with abuse victims. For more information please call 403.473.1311, or to report a suspected case of elder abuse, please call the Elder Abuse Resource Line: 403.705.3250. Upcoming Events/Workshops/Groups Meeting Time & Location: Every second Monday, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Calgary Family Services #200, 1000 - 8th Avenue SW MAKING ROOM SUPPORT GROUP Provides support for people who hoard or collect excessively. Hoarding is a challenge that can be addressed and help is available. To register: 403.205.5264 Your Investment: $5 per session Upcoming Drop in Dates in 2014: October 6 & 20 November 3, 17 Community Events Diwali Festival of Lights Tuesday, October 28 1:00 to 3:00pm Kerby Centre Gym 1133 7 Avenue SW Tickets $5 – Call 403.705.3233 Greater Forest Lawn 55+ Annual Clothing Sale Friday October 24 12:00 - 5:00pm Saturday, October 25 9:00am – 3:00pm 3425 26 Avenue SE Call 403.272.4661 Millarville Farmers’ Market Saturdays until October 11 9:00am to 2:00pm Millarville Racetrack Highway 549 East @ 192 St West Call 403.931.2404 Walk for Thomas Sunday, October 5 Queen Elizabeth School 402 18 Street NW Contact Julie Walyuchow at [email protected] 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 15 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA OCTOBER 2014 Sweet Potato Casserole INGREDIENTS: 4 1/2 cups cooked and mashed sweet potatoes 1/2 cup butter, melted 1/3 cup milk 1 cup white sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup light brown sugar 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup butter 1 cup chopped pecans DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. In a large bowl, mix together mashed sweet potatoes, 1/2 cup butter, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and eggs. Spread sweet potato mixture into the prepared baking dish. In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar and flour. Cut in 1/3 cup butter until mixture is crumbly, then stir in pecans. Sprinkle pecan mixture over the sweet potatoes. Bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown. Sudoku Solution (Puzzle Page 14) 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 16 PHONE: 403-289-4780 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA THE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2014 October 2014 – Clubs & Activities Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 29 Men’s Snooker 9:00-4:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Whist 1:00-3:00 30 Ladies’ Snooker 9:00-12:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Barbershop Grp 10:00-12:00 Chorus 12:30-3:00 1 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele 1:00-3:00 Gliders 7:00-9:00pm 2 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 3 Ladies’ Snooker 9:00-12:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Pickleball 1:00-3:00 6 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Whist 1:00-3:00 7 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Barbershop Grp 10:00-12:00 Chorus 12:30-3:00 Book Club 1:00-3:00 8 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele 1:00-3:00 Gliders 7:00-9:00pm 9 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 10 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Camera Club 1:00-3:00 Pickleball 1:00-3:00 13 14 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Barbershop Grp 10:00-12:00 Chorus 12:30-3:00 15 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele 1:00-3:00 Gliders 7:00-9:00pm 16 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 17 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Camera Club 1:00-3:00 Pickleball 1:00-3:00 20 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Whist 1:00-3:00 21 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Barbershop Grp 10:00-12:00 Chorus 12:30-3:00 22 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele 1:00-3:00 Gliders 7:00-9:00pm 23 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 24 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Camera Club 1:00-3:00 Pickleball 1:00-3:00 27 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Whist 1:00-3:00 28 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Barbershop Grp 10:00-12:00 Chorus 12:30-3:00 29 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 Ukulele 1:00-3:00 Gliders 7:00-9:00pm 30 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 31 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 Pickleball 1:00-3:00 Thanksgiving Centre Closed Scottish Dance Club 6:30-8:30 Scottish Dance Club 6:30-8:30 Scottish Dance Club 6:30-8:30 Scottish Dance Club 6:30-8:30 Scottish Dance Club 6:30-8:30 TRY SOMETHING NEW CREATE A BEAR October 8 to October 22 1:00 – 3:00pm 3 classes $55 Make a hand sewn, lovable, huggable Teddy Bear. All participants will be supplied, faux fur, pattern, thread, needles, pins, paw pads, eyes, noses, joints for arms and legs, all accessories to finish and dress your bear. You'll also receive full written instructions and instructions on how to make a real fur bear. USE IT OR LOSE October 30 to December 4 10:45 – 11:45am 6 classes $45 Feel youthful and vital through a variety of fun activities, such as BrainDance, sitting and moving meditations, intuitive painting, memory games, creativity exercises. Enjoy flexing your body, creativity, memory, coordination, imagination, intuition and playfulness 'muscles'! 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 17 SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLUB Thursday Evenings 6:30 – 8:30pm Weekly fee $2/person Join the Centre’s newest Club and be introduced or improve your dancing skills through the efforts and knowledge of various instructors. The Club also provides an opportunity for fledgling instructors to learn and hone their skills. PHONE: 403-289-4780 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA THE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2014 October 2014 – Events & Services Calendar Monday 29 Tuesday 30 Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Good Food Box Delivery Friday Saturday 3 4 10 11 Dance – Pure Country Tickets $12 (Page 7) Doors open at 6:30pm T & C ~ Confederates 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) 6 13 Thanksgiving Centre Closed 20 27 7 Acupuncture Clinic 9:00am to 12:30pm 8 9 Lawyer 9am - noon 14 Acupuncture Clinic 9:00am to 12:30pm 15 Stoney Nakoda Casino (Page 8) 16 T & C ~ Timeless Reflections 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) 17 18 Pharmacare Seniors’ Fair 9:30-noon 21 Acupuncture Clinic 9:00am to 12:30pm 22 23 Lawyer 9am - noon 24 Podiatrist 8:30am-3:00pm 25 Dance – For Old Tyme’s Sake Tickets $12 (Page 7) Doors open at 6:30pm 28 Acupuncture Clinic 9:00am to 12:30pm 29 31 1 T & C ~ Peter & Pals 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) T & C ~ Irish Choir 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 30 T & C ~ Timeless Reflections 1:00-3:00pm (Page 11) 18 Halloween PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 19 OCTOBER 2014 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2014 Stadium Nissan Special Thanks to For their generous donation to the 2014 Sasi Jaunt See You at the Centre The Gazette Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre www.confedpark55plus.ca 2212 13 Street NW Calgary, Alberta T2M 4P7 403-289-4780 We want to hear from you on our Blog, Facebook and Twitter or email us at [email protected]. Be sure to visit www.confedpark55plus.ca to subscribe and receive The Gazette by email. Talk to Us
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Open to All – Wednesdays & Thursdays
Ladies- Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm