a PDF copy of The Gazette
a PDF copy of The Gazette
M A Y The 2 0 1 4 Gazette Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre In-Home Care a prairie favourite for successful recovery RECIPE PAGE 18 PAGE 11 Save the Date!! Mother’s Day Buffet Father’s Day Buffet May 9 at 12:30pm Page 11 June 13 Saturday Dances Garage Sale May 10 & 24 Doors Open at 6:30pm Tickets $12 Page 8 June 21, 2014 Page 14 Sasi Jaunt Casino June 7 Check-in 8:00 – 8:30am July 26 & 27 Volunteers Urgently Needed Page 9 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA SPRING DROP-IN ACTIVITIES MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Whist - Mondays 1:00pm - 3:00pm Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre Pickleball - Mondays 1:00pm - 2:15pm A recreational drop-in Centre. There are activities and classes to suit everyone. Crib ~ Tuesdays 9:30am - 11:30am Membership is $30.00 per year. Floor Curling ~ Wednesdays 1:00pm - 3:30pm Associate Memberships available for those under 55 years Bridge ~ Fridays 1:00pm - 3:30pm Reception Desk Open Monday to Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm SNOOKER Men - Mondays 9:00am - 12:00pm Ladies - Tuesdays 9:00am - 2:00pm Open to All – Wednesdays & Thursdays Ladies- Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm GOOD FOOD BOX Through this program members can purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price. Large Box – 40+ Lbs. $30 Medium Box – 30+Lbs. $25 Small Box – 20+ Lbs. $20 DANCE WITH US! May 27, 2014 – Order Deadline June 5, 2014 – Delivery Call 403-289-4780 to place your order Doors open at 6:30pm - Dance 7:30pm Cost $12.00 May 10, 2014 – For Old Tyme’s Sake May 24, 2014 – The Badlanders VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteering is good for your heart. Next-to-New Shop, Reception, Library, Kitchen, Dance or Decorating Committee. SPECIAL SERVICES Travel Phone: 403.289.4780 to book an appointment for the following services: Contact the Centre [email protected] Podiatrist Next Date: June 6, 2014 Lawyer 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Library Weekdays 10:00am - 3:00pm THE CENTRE TRAVEL & TOURS Wednesdays from 9am – 12:30pm Boutique & Next-to-New Shop Weekdays 9:30am - 3:00pm 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 See Page 9 for the recent tours being offered 2 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA In This Issue… Current Board Executives: President, Linda Earl Vice President, Agnes Jessamine Treasurer, Patricia Dosdall Secretary, Noreen Rockafellow Past President, Jeanne Duggan Page President’s Report Executive Director’s Report Volunteer Corner Dance News Book Club ❧ Choir Barbershop Chorus Word Search The Centre Travel & Tours In Home Care for Successful Recovery Conpark Crossword Tea & Conversation Number Cruncher Solution Library ❧ Book Reviews LOL ❧ Crossword Solution The Way In (Calgary Older Adult Services) Recipe: Flapper Pie May Clubs & Activities Calendar Community Events May Events & Services Calendar Number Cruncher Puzzle Directors: Bev Cumming Jean McCauley Penney Kome Ernie Shemko Atiya Qadry Staff: Executive Director, Maureen Orton Executive Assistant, Judy Cairns Coord. Of Volunteers, Stacy Stewart Coord. of Tea & Conversation, Debbie Nay Assist. Coord. of T&C, Stacy Stewart Accountant, Laurie Townsend ‘The Way In’ - Calgary Family Services: Older Adult Service Coordinators; Suja Thomas Catherine Aw 4 5 6 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 To the Families of Russ Fletcher Phyllis Gifford Joan Nelson SUBSCRIBE Did you know you can subscribe to the Gazette and receive it by email? Go to www.confedpark55plus.ca or drop by the Centre and ask how. our Welcome to Our New Members Britt Christoffersson, Robert Lean, Ktherine Marrinan, Al McLellan, Graham Neville, June Osbaldiston, Sina Rasmussen, Marlene Stevenson, Lilly Varghese, Elena Welzel ADVERTISE For Gazette advertising rates phone: 403.289.4780 ext. 224 or email [email protected] 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 3 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MAY 2014 President’s Report Linda Earl – President The Centre’s AGM is done for another year and the Board will be getting on with the business of the Centre. This year we hope to update all of the Centre’s policies and procedures. We are looking forward to the Sasi Jaunt that is happening on June 7th and a couple of weeks later on June 21st is the Garage Sale. Both of these undertakings are to raise money for YOUR Centre and both will only be a success with a commitment from many VOLUNTEERS. There are many and varied opportunities to volunteer for – look at the lists on the front desk or stop by and talk to Stacy in the Office. Stacy is always happy to chat about volunteer opportunities and help you discover how you can help. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 4 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA From the Executive Director’s Desk Maureen Orton – Executive Director Yeah!! Spring has finally sprung. Wishing all mothers, grandmothers and great grand mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day! A Mother’s Day Buffet will be held Friday, May 9th at noon - members $10.00. and non-members $15.00. Stay after the buffet and play a variety of board or card games - they will be made available for anyone wanting play. There will also be a Fathers Day Buffet on Friday, June 13th – didn’t want to leave the men out. Tickets are available at the front desk. I am so glad that members are enjoying some of the new activities that were offered this spring. A Golf Clinic was offered at Eagle Quest Dome with golf pro Mike Anderson. Ten members took advantage of the lessons are now ready for the golf season. On Saturday, June 7th – Get Sasi! Our Sasi Jaunt (1.5 km or 5 km) walk or run through Confederation Park begins with check-in between 8:00 - 8:30am. Join Kelsey & Nate in some fun stretching exercises to get you warmed up and ready to go. Runners will start off at 9:00am, Nordic walkers at 9:15am and walkers will head out at 9:30am (times are approximate but we will try our best to be on time). Join as an individual or put a team together. Help raise money for the Centre and get incentivized by collecting pledges. Bring your family - all ages are invited to participate, this is a fun, family event. Early birds can register for $20/individual before May 9th - after that the price jumps to $30. Teams of 2-6 people are $60. Check out Sasijaunt.com for details. Everyone registered will receive swag bags with some awesome Sasi items in it. There are many positions available for volunteers to become involved, including cheerleaders along the route to motivate participants – sign-up at reception or see Stacy in the office for more information. Every volunteer will receive a custom designed t-shirt, so be sure to come to the office to see a sample and order your size. The Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, June 21st. If you wish to volunteer to sort donated items or on the day of the sale, sign-up sheets are at the front desk. You may bring items to donate for the sale starting Tuesday, June 17th through the 20th. Congratulations to the Board of Director’s members, elected at the Annual General Meeting. I look forward to working with all of you over the next year and I am sure you will enjoy your term. Reminder: the office will be closed on Monday, May 19th (Victoria Day). All classes have been cancelled on that day. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Keep Smiling! st Presented by Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre In support of seniors – helping them stay connected to their communities. 1 Annual Open to individuals or teams 1.5km walk ~ 5km walk/run June 7, 2014 Check-in 8:00am For race details or to register visit sasijaunt.com or runningroom.com 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 5 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Volunteer Corner ~Stacy Stewart “Re-examine all you have been told...Dismiss whatever insults your Soul.” ~Walt Whitman Important Dates in May: Sunday, May 4, 2014: Star Wars’ Day! Sunday, May 11, 2014: Mother’s Day Monday, May 19, 2014: Victoria Day Volunteer Opportunities Volunteer of the Month: Agnes Jessamine Counters: We are looking for 1–2 people to help with keeping the Centre balanced. The commitment is Wednesdays from 1pm-3pm. The Casino and the Garage Sale has a few more spots available! Sign up at Reception! Agnes worked in an office for over 35 years. She now has time, which gives her the fabulous opportunity to walk every day with friends, either in North Hill Mall or through Confederation Park! Got Wool? We are looking for donations of yarn, wool and other like items. Donations are given to people to knit/crochet fabulous items for the boutique! Agnes has been with the Centre for four years and has been on the Board for three years. Currently Agnes is the Vice President on the Board of Directors. Got Time? In addition to walking everyday she also takes belly dancing classes at the Centre on Mondays! Want to volunteer, but can’t commit during a scheduled day? Know how to knit, crochet, sew, or bead? Why not put your talents to work and create items for the boutique? Already volunteering at the Centre? Interested in getting to know other volunteers socially? Some volunteers have expressed interest in getting together monthly. Have any ideas? Interested? Contact Stacy stacy@confedpark55+.ca or call 403-289-4780 Thank you AGNES for everything!! Get Sasi! We still have a few more volunteer opportunities available! Volunteers needed before June 7; make fabulous SWAG bags for the runners/walkers, hand out the bags at the Running Room and/or the Centre, volunteer at North Hill Mall to tell people about Sasi. Volunteer on June 7th; staff the check-in booth, be a Water Marshall, a cheerleader or help with set-up/take down. Do you have any special talents? Face painting? Dog biscuit making? Balloon sculpting? Let us know!! Can’t volunteer but still want to be a part of the event? Pledge someone who is running/walking!! There are loads of people at the Centre right now ready to get Sasi! Judy in the office, Board members and of course my dog Yoda will be getting Sasi too. NEW! Have you seen a volunteer going above and beyond? Starting May 1, 2014 you can now nominate a volunteer as the volunteer of the month! Nomination forms are located at the front door. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 6 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Thank you to our Sponsors for the Annual Volunteer Event Market Mall Location Thank you Will!!! Thank you to the Raging Grannies and the Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus for the fabulous entertainment! Crowfoot Location Maureen Orton Camera Club Councillor Brian Pincott Councillor Druh Farrell Councillor Sean Chu Councillor Evan Woolley Councillor Richard Pootmans Councillor Ward Sutherland Councillor Shane Keating Premier Hancock Honourable Rick Fraser Honourable Kyle Fawcett Honourable Jonathon Denis 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 7 Honourable Jonathon Denis MLA Wayne Cao MLA Linda Johnson MLA Len Webber MLA Moe Amery Honourable Ric McIver PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MAY 2014 Dance News By Sandy Staple The April 12th dance drew a good a crowd. The dancers enjoyed the music of ‘For Old Tyme’s Sake’ Sandy and Rick Staple hosted the evening with Dianne and Colin Beattie. Jan Dennis and Brian Peters tended bar. April 26th saw a smaller but enthusiastic crowd. The ‘Badlanders’ supplied the music for a fun evening. Art Pahl and Eillen Billings hosted the evening with their very able crew; Shirley Chandler, Dolores Rayburn, Vince Harty and Ardi and Rod Birchall. Maureen Harries and Clarice Sydorchuk tended bar with Irene and Gordon Baturin. Thanks to everyone for their help and support of the dances – it’s greatly appreciated. We invite everyone to come out and enjoy an evening of fun and socializing in a great facility with live music. Upcoming Dances: May 10, 2014 – For Old Tyme’s Sake May 24, 2014 – The Badlanders Confederation Park Book Club The book club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30pm in the library. May 6th we shall be discussing Salmon Fishing in the Yemen written by Paul Torday. This book was also made into a successful movie in 2013. We welcome any new members who love books. June 3rd we will be choosing the books for the following year (Sept 2014 to June 2015). Please join us if you enjoy a good discussion. We read books of a wide interest to everyone. Confederation Park Choir The Confederation Park Choir is actively seeking individuals who can sing Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass. Our Fall session will commence in September, 2014. We rehearse every Tuesday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and perform at Calgary seniors’ centres and retirement homes on Wednesday afternoons in March, April and May. For more information, please call Stella at 403-230-5695. We would be happy to have you join our choir for afternoons filled with beautiful voices and great music! Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus Western Reunion, daytime singers, under the direction of Doug Marwood, practice four part Barbershop style harmony, every Tuesday from 10:15am until 11:45am at Confederation Park. The group’s repertoire includes old-fashioned love songs, as well as songs from Broadway musicals, with a few kids’ songs to boot. Almost any song with a melody may be included. Western Reunion has sung for a varied audience including conventions, business men’s luncheons, community and church groups, with the mainstay being senior’s lodges. Bookings can be made by contacting Bob Miller at 403.239.6613. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 8 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Word Search ANYONE FOR TENNIS? Can you find the hidden names? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. ANDY MURRAY DAVID FERRER GILLES SIMON JANKO TIPSAREVIC JERZY JANOWICZ JO-WILFRIED TSONGA, JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO JUAN MONACO KEI NISHIKORI MARIN CILIC MILOS RAONIC NICOLAS ALMAGRO NOVAK DJOKOVIC RAFAEL NADAL RICHARD GASQUET ROGER FEDERER SAM QUERREY STANISLAS WAWRINKA, TOMAS BERDYCH TOMMY HAAS Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com The Centre Travel & Tours Confederation Park is gearing up to take you on some fabulous trips/tours. Below are some of the tours planned or in the planning phase. Be sure to watch our website, Facebook and the Gazette for future tours and trips. Aspen Crossing – $35/person - without lunch or $55/person - includes a light lunch May 21, 2014 (Registration Deadline May 7, 2014) Be sure to book early, as this tour will fill up fast! $35/person - without lunch (menu provided on day) or $55/person - includes a preordered light lunch Have lunch on a train with fabulous opportunity for shopping, which includes their Greenhouse! What we’re planning: Pasu Farms – July 16, 2014 Sylvan Lake Boat Cruise – Watch for details Sign up in the office. Contact Stacy at 403.289.4780 for more information. Make your cheque payable to Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 9 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MAY 2014 In-Home Care for Successful Recovery at Home Judy Deleo, Comfort Keepers Calgary Changes in healthcare and advances in medicine have created a situation where patients are discharged from the hospital much sooner than previously. While the patients may be medically fit to return home, they are often not mentally and emotionally prepared for the in-home recovery process. Unfortunately, this can lead to patients returning to the hospital rather than recovering and thriving in the community. Offering the appropriate support at home, however, can give patients a feeling of security and increase their chances of a successful recovery. Each year many seniors are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge. Many factors contribute to this figure, including stressors the senior encounters when returning home. Often admission to the hospital happens unexpectedly through an emergency situation. As a result, the senior may return home after an extended hospital stay to discover there is no food in the home, the home may be in disarray, bills may have collected in the mail, utilities may have been cut off due to lack of payment, and so forth. These immediate problems may prompt the senior to attempt to do more than they are physically able. Many seniors live alone as well and must deal with the problem of taking care of themselves while they recover. Even if there is a family member or friend to assist, it may only be for limited times during the day such as before or after work. Data shows that individuals who felt safe were more prepared for recovering at home. Feeling safe extends beyond the physical aspects; those who felt they had support after discharge felt more prepared to face the recovery process. That support includes not being alone for extended periods of time. Studies indicate that a main concern of patients being discharged from a hospital was being left alone to manage for themselves. Additionally, the senior may be unprepared for what recovery “looks” like and may not be able to differentiate between normal physical changes during recovery and changes that indicate a problem and should be immediately reviewed by a physician for intervention. This could result in either a panic that sends the senior to the hospital unnecessarily or, worse, in the senior ignoring symptoms of a serious problem believing they are normal for the recovery process. While there are numerous formal community services for seniors leaving the hospital, often these services do not address the basic everyday needs. Further, the senior may have to apply for these services, causing a delay in services, and may have to meet eligibility requirements. Easing the Transition Home Ideally readying the senior for the return home should be done before the senior is discharged. Preparing the senior for the physical aspects of recovery by explaining what physical changes are to be expected and how he or she can best manage his or her condition is important. There is also interesting data that support educating spouses and partners on the illness and recovery process. Studies show that when the spouse’s or partner’s anxieties regarding the illness are relieved, the patient has a better chance of recovery. In one study, when the spouse was given appropriate timelines for the loved one to return to normal functioning, and when the condition and its causes were explained clearly to the spouse, the stress of not knowing why the illness happened was relieved. Additionally, if the cause of the illness was attributable to a high genetic risk, the spouse and patient were more motivated to make changes to factors they could control, such as improving diet and increasing exercise, thereby increasing the chance of recovery at home. Before the senior leaves the hospital, it is important to speak with family members about ensuring the seniors’ bills are paid and the home is ready to help alleviate the burden of immediate daily responsibilities. Hospital personnel or family can arrange for an in-home service to prepare the home if the family or friends are not readily available. In-home care by Comfort Keepers® ensures the home is clean, meals are ready, and assistance is available when the senior returns home so he or she can focus on recovery rather than attempt to undertake tasks that are not recommended by his or her physician. (Cont’d on page 15) 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 10 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA CONPARK CROSSWORD MAY 2014 Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com Solution Page 15 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 11 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA Tea & Conversation Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful Ladies We will be celebrating Mother’s Day on May 8th at T&C. If you are new to Tea & Conversation please let us know and we will do our best to make you feel welcome. Thank you to everyone for all your support!! ENTERTAINMENT – May 2014 May 1 – The Confederates – May 8 – Sox & Sax (Mother’s Day Celebration) May 15 – O’Shea’s Shenanigans – May 22 – Lyn McAdoo – May 29 – Old Time Gliders (May Birthdays) THANK YOU TO: ABOUT T&C Jean Turnbull - “ The Mother of Confederation Park” She left us with wonderful memories along with a generous donation to our T&C program and our Centre. Her generous donation has kept our program operating. An amazing program designed for seniors and others, who may not be as interactive with their community as they would like to be. It aims to bring people together, for tea, conversation and entertainment. Associated Cab - Insist on the professionals! 403299-1111. New clients come to us by referral from social agencies, family, or friends. Annually, upwards of 6,000 people come to T&C -you can be part of this amazing program. Drop by any Thursday to see if this is for you or for someone you care about. McDonalds - Great Coffee, 365 mornings of the year. A great cup every time. Come taste the difference yourself. Also, if you live in the NW and need transportation to T&C we may be able to help you. We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to all of our entertainers who GIVE us their music and talents to enjoy week after week! EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30PM Want to Know More Call 403-289-4780 or email [email protected] Ask a silly Question… If a cow laughed, would milk come We hope you enjoy your time at Tea & Conversation as much as we enjoy having you. out her nose? Q: What’s Irish and sits in the sun? A: PADDY O’FURNITURE! May your troubles be less, may your blessings be more and may nothing but happiness, come through your door. Number Cruncher Solution - Puzzle Pg 19 With Love From Debbie & Stacy Mother’s Day Buffet May 9, 2014 at 12:30pm Tickets: $10.00/Members $15.00/Non-members Available at Reception CP55+AC – 2212 13 Street NW 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 Remember to check out the great pictures of our Thursdays posted in the Centre. There is sure to be at least one that will bring back a great memory. 12 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 13 MAY 2014 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MAY 2014 Confederation Park Library The Centre’s Library is Open to the Public Monday to Friday 10:00am to 3:00pm COME BY FOR A VISIT!! Library Book Reviews By Tyler Jones Half Broke Horses - by Jeannette Walls If you like books with strong, unforgettable characters, then you will love Half Broke Horses. A “true life novel”, this book straddles the line between memoir and invention as Jeannette Walls imagines the life of her powerfully independent grandmother Lily Casey Smith. Even as a child Lily was tough and resourceful. Growing up in the frontiers of the American west, she had to be. At six she was helping her father break horses and while still a child had to cope with natural disasters and human folly alike. At the tender age of fifteen she struck out on her own, riding five hundred miles on her pony to take a job as a schoolteacher. Lily is one of the most indomitable characters you will ever read about. She faces personal tragedy as well as the tough realities of life though the Great Depression. She gets through it all with her iron will and an unflinching sense of right and wrong. The fact that it is all based on a real life makes it all the more impressive. Spanish Fly - by Will Ferguson A very different book about the American west during the Great Depression, Spanish Fly is a wild romp through the world of confidence men, jazz clubs and “easy money”. Jack McGreary is a young man busting to get out of the broken ex-boom town of Paradise Flats. Joining up with grifters, Virgil Ray and Miss Rose, he finds himself in the midst of a life of crime that takes him all over the west. With great humour, the trio get into and out of numerous scrapes until the game begins to turn very serious indeed as Jack begins to suspect his new friends might be setting him up to take the rap for murder. From the Calgarian author of the Giller Prize winning 419, this comic novel will appeal to readers who like their fast-paced action filled with laughs. A Week in Winter - by Maeve Binchy The last book written by Meave Binchy before she passed away, A Week in Winter is an inspiring story filled with memorable characters. Chicky Starr returns to her northern Irish hometown of Stoneybridge with the intention of opening a holiday hotel. Chicky’s story weaves through the stories of the various guests who stay at the hotel - many of whom have appeared in Binchy’s earlier novels. This warm and charming book is a very fitting end to the great list of novels that made Binchy one of the most beloved writers of our time. We look forward to your visit to the library. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 14 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA LOL Crossword Solution Laugh out Loud (Crossword Page 11) a) Mom, why did the chicken cross the road? b) Mom, what’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world? c) What did the mother rope say to her child? d) Why did the monster’s mother knit him three socks? e) What did the digital clock say to its mother? Answers: a) I don’t know, ask your dad.. b) I don’t know dear… you’ll have to ask grandma! c) Don’t be knotty! d) He grew another foot. e) Look Ma! No hands! st Presented by Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre In support of seniors – helping them stay connected to their communities. 1 Annual Open to individuals or teams 1.5km walk ~ 5km walk/run June 7, 2014 Check-in 8:00am For race details or to register visit sasijaunt.com or runningroom.com Cont’d from Page 10 (In-Home Care for Successful Recovery at Home) Supporting the senior during the recovery period is also critical for successful healing. However, often the family is unable to be with the senior due to work and home obligations or because they live out of the area. While friends and community can help for some of these individuals, others may not have a network to aid them. Often, this prompts the family or hospital to place the senior in a care facility for the duration of recovery. In-home care by Comfort Keepers® can be a better option. Unlike care facilities, our caregivers work one-on-one with the senior and provide companionship and transportation to appointments, remind the senior when medications are due, help with light housekeeping and meal preparation, and do other tasks that can provide the support the senior needs for recovery at home. About Comfort Keepers Calgary Since 2003, we at Comfort Keepers Calgary have been providing personal care and companionship for our seniors, and others, in Calgary and surrounding area. Interactive Caregiving is at the very heart of our services, keeping our clients physically, mentally, emotionally and socially involved, making a difference in their well-being and improving quality of life. Our personalized services are available in private homes, retirement and assisted living residences, long term care facilities, and hospitals. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with companionship, personal care, homemaking, and safety technology solutions. 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 15 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MAY 2014 The Way In (formally Outreach Services) are available free of charge to seniors age 65+, or those experiencing seniors’ related issues living in certain areas of Calgary. In-home or office appointments to assist with information, referrals, supportive counselling, assistance with pensions, benefits and other application forms. For appointments, please call Older Adult Service Coordinator, Agnes or Suja at 403.289.4780. Counselling for Older Adults Non-crisis counselling services are available for individual, couples, or family issues. Fees based on an affordable sliding fee scale. Call Counselling Intake 403.269.9888 Elder Abuse Response Team (EART) Victims of elder abuse need our help. If you see physical abuse, emotional abuse or anything that makes you feel like they are at risk, make the call. A collaboration between the Kerby Centre, Calgary Family Services and the Calgary Police Service. Social workers, police, and a nurse working together to: respond to and investigate suspected cases of elder abuse; provide support and guidance to abuse victims and their families; and assist other service providers working with abuse victims. For more information please call 403.473.1311, or to report a suspected case of elder abuse, please call the Elder Abuse Resource Line: 403.705.3250. Upcoming Events/Workshops/Groups IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! ADVENTURES IN CREATIVE AGING In the company of supportive lifelong learners, preparing for the “second half of our life” can indeed be a strengthening and creative experience. To all Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre Members Do you enjoy your activities at the Centre? Meeting Time & Location: Tuesdays, April 1 to May 20 1:00 to 3:30 pm Winston Heights Mountview Community Hall 520—27 Ave NE Are you hoping to continue as a member of the Centre? Our Centre participates in Casino Fund Sharing, which gives us $55,000 to $70,000 each time we participate. The Centre stands to lose this income if we do not fulfill our pledge of filling the required number of Casino workers. To register: visit our website at www.calgaryfamily.org contact Sidney: 403.705.7559 [email protected] Your Investment: $20 per person for the full 8 weeks REGISTER SOON ~ LIMITED TO 20 PEOPLE MAKING ROOM SUPPORT GROUP Provides support for people who hoard or collect excessively. Hoarding is a challenge that can be addressed and help is available. Meeting Time & Location: Every second Monday, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Calgary Family Services #200, 1000 - 8th Avenue SW Your assistance would be greatly appreciated! To register: 403.205.5264 Your Investment: $5 per session Sign up today at reception or if you need more information drop by the office. Upcoming Drop in Dates in 2014: May 12, 26 June 9, 23 July 14 August 11 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 We are presently short about 15 to 20 volunteers. Our Casino dates are July 26 & 27, 2014 at the Elbow River Casino. Please consider volunteering for one shift - your small commitment of time may help ensure that our Centre remains active and open for the future. 16 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA MAY 2014 Flapper Pie – A Prairie Favourite INGREDIENTS: Crust: 1¾ cups graham cracker crumbs 2 tbsp firmly packed brown sugar ½ tsp cinnamon big pinch of salt 6 tbsp melted butter Filling: ¾ cup plus 2 tbsp sugar 1/3 cup of cornstarch 1/8 tsp salt 3 cups of half and half cream 3 large egg yolks 3 tbsp butter cut into pieces 1 ½ tsp vanilla Merengue Topping: 3 egg whites 1/4 cup of sugar 1/4 tsp of cream of tartar DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 degrees, lightly butter pan. Mix together graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt. Add melted butter and incorporate well. Press crumbs into a 9-inch pie plate. Refrigerate for 5 to 10 minutes. Bake for 7 minutes. Remove from oven and cool. Mix sugar, cornstarch, and salt in a saucepan. Stir in cream and egg yolks. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until mixture comes to a boil and thickens. Cook 1 minute more. Remove from heat and whisk in butter and vanilla. Pour into crumb crust. Cool completely. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F Beat egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar until stiff peaks form. Spread meringue over filling. Bake in oven just until meringue is golden, 10 - 15 minutes. Allow pie to cool completely before serving. 2014 Coach Tours with Norma Mark Your Calendars!! June 21 – Watervalley Celtic Folk Festival September 21 – Sundre for lunch and museum November 7 – Rockyford Turkey Dinner Call Norma Hawkes for more info 403.284.1050 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 17 PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA May 2014 – Clubs & Activities Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 28 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 29 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:15-11:45 Choir 1:00-3:00 (pg 8) 30 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 1 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 2 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 5 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 6 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:15-11:45 Book Club 1:00-3:00 13 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:15-11:45 7 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 8 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 9 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 14 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 15 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 16 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 20 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:15-11:45 21 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 22 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 23 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 27 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Crib 9:30-11:30 Western Reunion Barbershop Chorus 10:15-11:45 28 Snooker Floor Curling 1:00-3:30 29 Snooker Woodcarving 9:30-11:30 30 Ladies Snooker 9:00-2:00 Bridge 1:00-3:30 12 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 19 Victoria Day Centre Closed 26 Men’s Snooker 9:00-12:00 Quilting 9:30-12:00 Pickleball 1:00-2:15 Whist 1:00-3:00 Community Events Jane’s Walk May 2, 3, 4, 2014 Free local walking tours led by neighbourhood volunteers Contact Julie Black 403.802.7720 [email protected] Mountie Day at Fort Calgary May 19, 2014 Celebrate the anniversary of the formation of the RCMP with cake and family friendly activities from 10am until 4pm. All activities are included with paid admission. The Calgary Woman’s Show May 3 & 4, 2014 At Stampede Park Contact 403.242.0859 Kerby Centre High Tee Charity Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Inglewood Golf & Curling Club $250/player or $800/team of 4 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 18 19th Annual Festival of Quilts May 24 & 25, 2014 9:30am to 5:00pm The Festival of Quilts is Western Canada's largest outdoor quilt show! Hundreds of stunning handmade quilts of all shapes, sizes and techniques will decorate the Park's exhibits inside and out. For more information please call 403.268.8500. PHONE: 403-289-4780 THE GAZETTE MAY 2014 WWW.CONFEDPARK55PLUS.CA May 2014 – Events & Services Calendar Monday 28 Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30 Book Sale 10:00-3:00 Thursday Friday 1 Book Sale 10:00-3:00 2 Saturday 3 T & C ~ Confederates 1:00-3:00pm (Page 13) 5 6 7 8 Lawyer - 9am-noon 9 Mother’s Day Buffet 12:30pm Tickets $10/person T & C ~ Sox & Sax (Mother’s Day Celebration) 1:00-3:00pm (Page 13) 10 Dance – For Old Tyme’s Sake Tickets $12 (Page 8) Good Food Box Delivery 12 13 14 15 T & C ~ O’Shea’s Shenanigans 1:00-3:00pm (Page 13) 16 17 19 Victoria Day Centre Closed 20 21 22 Lawyer - 9am-noon 23 24 Dance – The Badlanders Tickets $12 (Page 8) 26 27 Good Food Box – Order Delivery – June 5 30 1 T & C ~ Lyn McAdoo 1:00-3:00pm (Page 13) 28 29 T & C ~ Old Time Gliders (May Birthdays) 1:00-3:00pm (Page 13) NUMBER CRUNCHER Courtesy of www.puzzlechoice.com Solution Page 12 2212 13 STREET NW CALGARY AB T2M 4P7 19 PHONE: 403-289-4780 MAY 2014 THE GAZETTE See You at the Centre The Gazette Confederation Park 55+ Activity Centre www.confedpark55plus.ca 2212 13 Street NW Calgary, Alberta T2M 4P7 403-289-4780 We want to hear from you on our Blog, Facebook and Twitter or email us at [email protected]. Be sure to visit www.confedpark55plus.ca to subscribe and receive The Gazette by email. Talk to Us
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