The British Columbia Road Runner, June 1968, Volume 5, Number 2
The British Columbia Road Runner, June 1968, Volume 5, Number 2
THE BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLI HED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS JUNE,1968 VOLUME 5, NUMBER 2 " . " Three pictures illustrating the placement of the centre span over the South Thompson River at Kamloops. join the North Thompson-Yellowhead Highway to the Trans-Canada Highway east of Kamloops . The 252-foot span will Beautiful Jewel Lake, about 134 miles long and one-quarter mile wide, at the foot of Roderick Dhu Mountain, 6 miles from the Southern Trans-Canada Highway near Greenwood. Louis Bosshart, a Swiss prospector, discovered the lake . Property surrounding the lake, known as Long Lake City, was owned in 1897 by Arthur N. Pelly, an Englishman, whose original cabin still stands. In the 1900's and 1920's huge rainbow trout were taken from this lake, many weighing 30 to 35 pounds, and one recorded at 56 pounds. The presence of these huge fish in a small mountain lake hundreds of miles from the ocean is unexplained. Cabins now dot the shores, and it is still a great fishing spot . A bandoned mines are visible on the surrounding hills. This spring the Grand Forks District has been clearing brush and improving the road leading into the lake, an effort which will be greatly appreciated by fishermen, rockhounds, and tourists alike . 2 THE ROAD-RUNNER Volume 5 June, 1968 >(- Number 2 >(- Published Quarterly by the British Columbia Department of Highways Victoria, B.C. Ray Baines, Executive Editor Arthur 1. Schindel , Editor >(- Th e Departm ent o f High way s no lon ger has th e biggest bu dget in the G ov ernm ent , but physically it is probably still th e largest single department and, certainly, one of th e most important. M ore than one-fifth of all British Columbia G ov ernment em ployees work for th e Department of Hi ghways, and its 34 or so districts are locat ed in all parts of thi s vast Pro vin ce. Th e record of dedication and public serv ice by the D epartm ent of Highways has been good over th e years, and as your new Minist er / would lik e simply to ask for yo ur co-operation in preserving , and even improving , thi s record. For my part , / know co-operation is a tw o-way street, and / would lik e to pledge my share from this direction . W ESL EY D . BLACK, Minist er. >(- Associate Field Editors A. R. Limacher . . . Victoria Bill Ingr am .. Victoria Jim Winton . North Vancouver Dave . Wardell .. .. Burnside J. W. Morri s.. .. Nana imo M. Butler .. ...Courtenay Jim Harris .. Bridge Maintenance W. I. N. Higgins.. North Vancouv er Lloyd Burgess .. New Westmin ster G. M . Vance ... .. Chilliw ack G. V. Sandiford .. Kamloops J im Ferrier _.... .. .. Kamloops Edie Smith .. . .. . William s Lake Murray Ramsa y ..__....__.. .. .Salmon Arm Dave Bowman .. .. Revelstoke AI Desimore Vernon Fred Evan s . .. Pete Fuoco Jim Chenoweth ..._.. .. .. .. .. . ..__.. Dave Roberts .. ..__.. Dorothy Wilkins R. E. McKeown __.. S. J. Dixey .._.. .. ...... .. Kelowna Penticton Merritt LilIooet Grand Forks Rossland Nelson Fred Angrignon .. .... New Denver Irene Labelle .. .. .. Cre ston N . Molander Cranbrook Sam Caravetta .. .... .. Fernie John Edgar .. . .. Golden Steve Sviatko .. .. . Smithers C. Bartsch . Pouce Coupe Pat Tondevold Fort St. John .. Homer Good .. Terrace E. A. Beaumont Prince George Fred Bradley . Jack Doddridge _ R. Stephenson .. Louis Kubos, Labourer, left, and H. Haigh, Road Maintenance Foreman, display two hu sk y crescent wren che s once used on wo od en bridge construction in the Fernie District. Wr ench at left weighs /80 pounds and is 6 feet long . The one on the right weighs 60 pounds. By way of contrast, the one in the centre is 6 inches .long and weighs about 8 ounces. George Harper H . R. Walker.. . E. Lund ... . .. .... .. .. ..__.. .. . . . Prince George Prince George Quesnel ..__.. Vanderhoof .. .._.__. Burn s Lake .Prince Rupert 3 "EXTRACURRICULAR" ACTIVITIES The Nintli Annual Curling Bonspiel for Region 4 was held in Prince George in March with 22 rinks com peting from T errace. Smith ers, Burns Lake, Vanderh oof, Princ e Ge orge, Quesnel, Mcbride, Pou ce Coupe, and Fort St. John , Th e bon spiel was arran ged by Pat Carr of Prin ce Ge org e, himself an ardent curler. Winn er of the "A" event was th e D on Delainey rink from Pouc e C oupe, left ph oto. Th ey are, left to right, Lloyd K emple, lead; Andy Biegan sk i, second; Jim Bell. third; and Don D elain ey; sk ip. " B " event was tak en by th e Alf McWillis rink from M cBride, right picture. M embers are, fro m left, Abe Paul, second; Alf M cWillis, skip; Ian A nderson , th ird; Handford Brown , lead. Centre picture shows Jim St ev ens, Pou ce Coupe Di strict Superintendent, getti ng a ch alice to hold the troph y after the bonspiel, evell though the Pouce C oupe rink, for which he pla yed, was elim inated, DEPARTMENT DRIVER BUILDS 50-FOOT INDIAN RACING CANOE Chris Tom, Truck Driver on the Burnside-Sidney maintenance crew, has just completed a difficult one-man task--construction of a 50-foot Indian canoe. Chris is shown with his little helper, nephew Guy, standing beside the II-man racing canoe hewn Following a presentation at Headquarters in May, Mrs. Edith Val en poses with Assistant Deputy Minister F. A. Ma cl.ean, left, and Comptroller of Expenditure A. E . Rhodes. Mrs. Valen was secretary to the HOIl. P. A. Gaglardi, former Minister of Highdays, for 14 years. After the Cabinet changes, Mrs . Valen was appointed secretary to the new Minister of Industrial Dev elopment, Trade, and Commerce, the HOIl. Waldo Skillings. from a sing le white pine log. The log was loca ted in the Nanaimo area and was towed to Chris's home near Sidney behind a small outboard. It took two years for Chris to build the ca noe, roughed out with a chain saw but carved mainly with an adze. It W;J.S then sanded to a smooth, even finish, which now resembles planking less than I inch thick . The canoe will be racing in both Briti sh Columbia and Washington this summer. 4 Peter Yakimovich, of the Computer Programming Section , Headquarters Location Branch, is already a well-known figure in Victoria's entertainment world. An accomplished piani st, Peter has entertained in Seattle and Vancouver. He ha s helped write two children 's movies, both presented in the Bastion The atre, and songs he has composed have been pre sented on C.B.C . radio and television. He is currently musical director of the famou s Gerry Gosley's " Smile Show," and his Jazz Ballet, composed some time ago , has been performed at the Butchart Gardens Sunset Shows. More will be heard of Peter when he comes out with his own Rock group in September. PEEK INTO THE PAST Out of an earlier age when labour was cheap and machines primitive are these nearly half-century-old photographs of a construction and paving project on the Pacific Highway. Picture on the right shows small gas tractor and pull grader .. preparing subgrade " in 1921, and the other one was taken in August, 1923, at the laying of the last concrete panel at Cloverdale. Note the Union Jack apparently raised to mark the historic completion of this early concrete highway. The Yale toll gate in 1939 showing traffic moving west toward Hope. 5 HISTORIC TREE DIES ... FELLED AS HIGHWAY HAZARD An unusual experience for Maintenance Foreman L. Lindsay and his Cloverdale East crew, New Westminster District, came up May 29 when they were given the sad job of cutting off the top of the old 2oo-foot Douglas-fir tree on Highway 401, known as the .. Perkins Tree." Dave Donaldson, Traffic Counter Technician with the Traffic Branch, is shown .. tuning in" the vehicle detectors at the permanent traffic count station on the Trans-Canada just north of Victoria. Near the Surrey-Langley border on the Trans-Canada Highway right-of-way, it was last in the news when the freeway was being built, and 10 acres of land belonging to Charles Perkins was used for the highway. At the request of Mr. Perkins and his friends in 1960, the former Minister, P. A. Gaglardi, assured them that the tree would be spared, and the east-bound lanes of 401 were diverted around it. In 1919 or 1920 Mr. Perkins had planted English ivy at the base of the tree as a memorial to members of the original Aero Club of B.C. who had served overseas from 1915 with the Royal Flying Corps and later in the Royal Air Force. Vandals have twice set fire to the ivy in the last few years and charred the tree badly. The ivy survived, but the tree has gradually died. The highway crew cut the top portion off, leaving a 30-foot stump. Mr. Perkins, 74, a retired farmer, has lived in the area for the past 60 years and estimated that the tree was 270 years old. The crew presented Mr. Perkins with a section slab of the tree, and he states he may plant some more ivy at the foot of the remaining section. 6 Piling being driven in the cofferdam at the site of the new Bulkley River Bridge at Smithers. Convalescents Ron Garnham, Traffic Signal Technician with the Traffic Branch, Victoria, uses the recently acquired ladder truck S-3245 to carry alit emergency repairs on a street-light north of Duncan. TOM PERKINS; deck hand on the Kootenay Lake Ferry, is recuperating from a broken ankle. 1:< 1:< 1:< OSCAR ANDERSON, Machine Operator on the Nelson Crew, is convalescing from an eye operation. A new mechanic in one of the district garages complained to the Engineer: .. I've been working here for a week now and I still haven't been given a work bench ." FRANK BLUNDEN, District Superintendent, Williams Lake, is recovering from an emergency appendectomy. District official: .. You're getting paid aren't you? " .. Yes, I am," said the new employee, .. but all the other fellows have something to lean on and I don't." WEDDINGS "'- ~ l. . ~ letssel Heughan and Patricia Robbins were married at St. Aidan's United Church, Victoria, B.C., on March 2, 1968. Following the wedding a banquet and reception was held at St . Alban's Church Hall. Russ is a draughtsman for the Planning and Design Section of the Location Branch. :.. '"'" . v- .' Heather Anne Lenfesty and John George Armstrong were married June 8, 1968. The church ceremony took place in the Renfrew United Church, Vancouver, B.C., performed by the Reverend McLaren. Heather is a Steno in the North Vancouver Regional Office . The young couple will reside in Vancouver. OBITUARY EDWARD JOHN CHALMERS died in the Vancouver General Hospital after a brief illness . Mr. Chalmers, or Jack as he was known to many, was born on October 18, 1908, in Woodside, Daviot, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He began work with the Department of Highways as a Road Foreman on June 15, 1946, in Soda Creek. He was transferred to Boston Bar in February, 1952, as a General Foreman and later promoted to Resident Engineer and Engineering Assistant. While at the "Bar" his fine organizing ability enabled his crew to keep the Fraser Canyon Highway open during snowstorms, slides, drifts, and even floods. in 1959 he was transferred to the Princeton Highways District in charge of the Allison Pass Camp on the Hope-Princeton Highway and the Princeton Road Maintenance Crew. He is survived by his wife, Mary Agnes, two sons, Stephen Kent and Duncan, and two daughters, Jaquiline Marianne and Helen Jean. \ Dave Greer and Bonnie Robinson were married at Knox United Church, Terrace, B.C. Many of Dave's friends from the Highways crews attended the wedding and the reception. Dave has been an Auto Mechanic in the Terrace District for the past eight years. , ) Pauline Maksymiw became the bride of Vernon K. Thomas in a ceremony performed by the Rev. P. A. Gaglardi in Calvary Temple on May 25, 1968 . Pauline is a Clerk-Stenographer in the Kamloops Regional Office. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will make their home in Kamloops. ;. "" .. .... " f ~~'3i£> .JI Louis Grosjean and Amy Esther Herbert were married in the First United Church, Port Alberni, April 27, 1968. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G . Affleck, and the reception was held in the Longshoremen's Hall with friends and [ellow workers in attendance. Louis is a member of the Alberni crew. Bill McKay and Anne White were married April 6, 1968, in the Kimberley United Church , the Rev. P. Burrill officiating. Bill is a Mechanic-Welder for the Department in Cranbrook. 7 SAFETY AWARDS, INFORMATION, RALLIES Regional Safety Officer G. K. Austin presents Al Connah , Bridge Foreman, Cranbrook, with the silver-an-gold award, which was achieved by working over 43,000 man-hours from April, 1962, to Octob er, 1967, without a countable accident. Left to right, Mr . Austin, Al Connah, Rollie Thompson, Lynn Beaton, and Ed Pendry. The Vernon Bridge Crew having operated 39,235 consecutive man-hours with alit a time-loss accident from March 8, 1962, to D ecember 31 , 1967, have been given a gold award of merit by the British Columbia Safety Council. Here Workmen's Compensation Board Safety Inspector Ted Anderson, of Vernon, hatless, presents Bridge Crew Foreman Charlie Hinman, centre, with the award while Safety Officer Dick Claridge, of Oyama, watches. A t rear, from left to right, are crew members Malcom E. Walker, Marvin Zwarich, Dale Webb, G. H. Owen, and Jim Elliott. Bob Baker, Bridge Foreman , Nelson District, received a bronze-on-gold award from Regional Maintenance Engineer P. B. McCarthy . Crew members are, left to right, Gordon Hoover, Reo Peloso, Henry Penner, John Wisk, Bill Heddle, Bob Baker, Al Grief], Andy Peloso, and Sam Boyd. 8 Silver and gold safety award presented to Quesnel Bridge Crew by Regional Highway Engineer L. A . Broddy, right . Crew, left to right, are F. A. Swanson, W. D . Glassford, B . Lilienweiss, L. Gradnitzer, H . J. Dwinnell, and Foreman R . W. McLarry. Regional Maintenance Engineer P. B . McCarthy makes presentation of gold award to Mechanical Foreman George Lobay for the Grand Forks Shop Crew. Left to right, Safety Officer H. Ronmark, R. Smith, G . Profili, J. Miner, J. Legebokoff, F. Scherer, G . Labay, Mr. Mc Carth y , and R. McMillan, Grand Forks District Superintendent. Missing was Paul Raymond, Assistant Shop Foreman . George Dragon, Drilling Superintendent, proudly displays the gold safety award presented by Assistant Deputy Minister F. A. MacLean to the Drilling Section, Materials Testing Branch, Victoria. This is a fine achievement by the drilling crews , who are often required to work in difficult and hazardous situations. Left to right, Mr . MacLean, Mr. Dragon, J. D . Austin, Drilling Eng ineer, and E. E. Readshaw, Senior Materials Engineer. 1 J (Photo courtesy Fernie Free Press.) The Fernie Highway District recently won the Region 3 safety trophy for 1967 with an 0.00 frequency. Holding the award is P. B. McCarthy , Regional Maintenance Engineer. Looking on, left to 'right, are A. E. Staite, District Superintendent, Fernie; J. A. Dennison, Senior Maintenance Engineer, and K. Jackson, Accident Prevention Branch. (Photo courtesy Fernie Free Press .) The Art Irving Memorial Trophy was presented to Earl Kline, left, on behalf of the Creston Garage Crew, for their safety record in 1967. The crew also won the trophy in 1966, when it was first presented. The presentation was made in Fernie by George Austin, centre, District Superintendent, Cranbrook, and O. H. George, right, Regional Mechanical Superintendent, Nelson. ALEX KLASSOFF recently received the . .. gold cap award." His hard hat prevented a more serious injury when a frozen lump of sand rolled off the conveyor, striking Alex on the head. The impact knocked the hat off, but he sustained only minor scalp abrasions. Alex is with the Quesnel Road Crew. Someone suggests that B.C. Ferries, now under the Department of Highways, should be called the .. Land and Sea Department" or, abbreviated, .. LSD" (the only way to take a trip). District Superintendent Steve Sviatko receives the Region 4 safety award on behalf of the Smithers District. The presentation was made by J. A. Dennison, Senior Maintenance Engineer of Victoria . The safety banquet and dance was held at Smithers, March 22. O. C. Sanders, Mechanic Foreman, Smithers, was presented with the gold award for the Smithers and Hazelton Shops Crews. The presentation is made by L. A. Braddy, Regional Highway Engineer of Prince George, standing 01/ the right . A .. 10 on 2 " membership was presented to .. ROLLY" HASTINGS of the Coquitlam Maintenance Crew. A Gradall bucket being loaded onto a pick-up slipped and fell on his safety shoe, which saved him from serious injury. The denting of the toe-cap just bruised a toe. On May 3 a safety rally was held for all Saanich District employees. Sergeant Chisholm and Constable McGregor, of the Saanich Police, gave a lecture on traffic safety followed by a film on preventable traffic accidents. Other guests at the rally were D. Johnson and R. Pagson of B.C. Hydro; A. Glover, Nanaimo Bridge Foreman; and A. Caldwell, Regional Safety Officer. II/ attendance at the Annual Chilliwack Safety Rally, held in A bbotsjord, April 26, were, left to right, George Spenst, Chairman of the Chilliwack Safety Committee; N. W. Wells, District Superintendent; Alex Caldwell, Regional Safety Officer; H. L. Klassen, Secretary of the Chilliwack Safety Committee; S. C. Kershaw, Executive Director of the British Columbia Safety Council. Invited guests were F. E. Cooper, Inspector, Workmen's Compensation Board; Howard McLeod, Driver Training ; and the New Westminster Safety Committee. The rally opened with a film called" Facts about Backs," followed by a question period and a report 01/ driver training by Howard MeLeod. The guest speaker, Mr. Kershaw , reviewed the safety measures employed by various industries in the Province which have resulted in a gradual decrease of accident injuries. AWARDS The Burnaby Maintenance Crew of the New Westminster Highway District received its gold and bronze-on-gold safety awards at a safety rally in the Burnaby yard. Presentation was made by District Engineer R. W. Gittins to J. Brown, Maintenance Foreman, with Harvey Casavant, the safety representative. Kelowna District Engineer A. L. Freebairn presented District Safety Officer with a silver award of merit on behalf of the district crews, who had worked 169,428 hours without a time-loss accident. The Courtenay Road Crew received a silver award, January, 1968. Bronze awards went to the following: Parksville Road Crew, M.V ... Quadra Queen" Crew, .. Comox Queen" Crew, Courtenay Highway District Maintenance Crew, Salmo Road Crew, Nelson District Ferry Crews, Cloverdale Mechanical Crew, Kimberley Road Maintenance Crew, Langford Patching Crew. (Safety continued on p. 13.) 9 PROMOTIONS MRS. GISELE eEL L A has won through competition the position of Clerk 2 in the Prince Rupert District office, Many will recall Gisele's cheery French - Canadian accent on the phone and radio. PETER BARNES, right, recently won through competition the position of Regional Paving Engineer in Nelson. Peter is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan. He is seen handing over some of his duties prior to leaving Victoria to Art Rowbotham who transferred from the Bridge Branch to the Paving Branch. Peter is married and has two daughters. Looking on is H. H. Sawatzky. f:l f:l f:l STUART E. PRICE recently won a promotion in competition for the position of Assistant Comptroller of Expenditure. He was appointed May 16, 1968. Stuart commenced with the Government as a Junior Clerk in 1949, in the Accounts Branch, Victoria. In May, 1950, he went to the Penticton office as a Clerk Trainee, and after a year he was back in Victoria in June, 1951, where he was head of the Voucher Examining Section . In February, 1952, he was made Office Manager in Rossland, where he remained for 5\12 years. In July, 1956, he went to the Vancouver office and after a year, in August, 1957, he became District Office Manager in New Westminster. When the New Westminster and the North Vancouver offices combined, he became Office Manager of the joint offices in North Vancouver, then transferred back to New Westminster in 1963. In May, 1965, he was made Regional Office Manager in Prince George, and transferred to Victoria in July, 1967. He has recently pased an examination and holds a certificate as a certified general accountant. He is married with two boys. f:l f:l BILL BATES has won the competition for the Parksville Road Maintenance Foreman. Bill comes from Saltspring Island, where he moved in 1964. Prior to Saltspring he was in the New Westminster District. He has been with the Department for 21 years. S. N. A. McLEOD, Divisional Engineer, Construction Branch, North Vancouver, has been promoted to District Superintendent, Revelstoke. H . L. GOOD, Resident Technician in Terrace, has been promoted and is the District Superintendent in the Terrace District. A. M. CAMPBELL transferred from Allison Pass to Merritt in April to replace A. H. Leese, who retired as Mechanic Foreman in the Merritt shop. f:l MISS IRENE WIEBE of the Vouchering Section in Highways Accounts, Victoria, has recently attained a promotion to Clerk 3. 10 NORMAN H. McRAE has won, through competition, the position of Road Foreman 2 at Beaverdell in the Grand Forks Highway District. Norman served with the Royal Canadian Air Force from 1950 to 1955 and joined the Department in 1959 as Truck Driver and Grader Operator in the Pouce Coupe District. He is a member of the Elks Lodge and Canadian Legion. Interested in electronics, he is presently taking a course in radio and television. J. D. SUTHERLAND, District Office Manager in the Vernon District Office, has been transferred to the same position in the Kamloops District office. TRANSFERS R. G. HARVEY, Special Projects Engineer, has been transferred to the Bridge Branch as Senior Bridge Engineer in Victoria. The Special Projects Branch and Dock District have been incorporated into the Bridge Branch. Friends and colleagues bid farewell to Res ide n t Technician JOHN LAY and his wife at a party held in their honour May 3. The Lays and their three children leave Fort St. John for the Quesnel District after 13 years in the Peace River. f:l f:l f:l JOHN EDWARDS ~ won through competition the position of District Stockman at Prince Rupert. John was previously Foreman at Alice Arm, and he and his wife, Vera, and their son are happy to be back in .. civilization." f:l f:l f:l HARRY HAIGH r e c e n t Iy transferred from Fernie to the Creston District as Road Maintenance Foreman 3. Mr. Haigh commenced with the Department in 1947. He and his wife, Josephine, are looking forward to living in Creston. * f:l f:l GARY C. HANSEN joined the Department in September, 1966, and worked in the shop as Mechanic's Helper at Salmon Arm and Lillooet during the past two years. Under the apprenticeship programme he received specialized training at Langford and transferred to Grand Forks, April 15 this year. A. BEN BAUER has recently transferred from Cranbrook to the Construction Branch at Nakusp as an Engineering Aide. A farewell gift was presented to Ben by G. K. Austin, District Superintendent, on behalf of fellow employees. Fellow workers wished Ben and his wife, Sandy, good luck at their new location. 10-7 CLUB Courtenay District Engineer R. J. Mulcaster, centre, is seen with retiring Road Foreman Howard Ingram, left, and Bill Bates, who was transferred from Saltspring to take Howard's place . Mr. Ingram retired after 34 years' service. Born in Vancouver, he began with the Departnient as a Truck Driver in 1934, in 1945 he became Shovel Operator, Mechanic's Helper in 1947, and Road Maintenance Foreman in 1955, the position he held until his retirement. His fellow workers presented him with a reclining chair as a farewell gift. fl fl fl WILBERT (BILL) McKONE retired at the end of March after completing 19 years with the Department as Road Maintenance Foreman in the Pouce Coupe District. He was presented with a Polaroid camera from his fellow workers. fl fl fl WILLIAM (Scotty) G RAY retired recently after completing 13 years as Heavy Duty Mechanic in the Pouce Coupe shop. A social evening was held to mark his retirement and that of Bill McKone. Scotty was presented with a Polaroid camera. fl • fl fl KENNETH LAMARSH, of the Abbotsford Maintenance Crew, retired in June at the age of 60. Ken first worked for the Department in the depression years, and has worked steadily since November, 1941. In 1967 he was presented with a 25-year continuous service award. Ken was given two deck chairs and a tackle box by his fellow workers. He intends to take things easy with a little fishing and gardening. GEORGE WILKINSON retired in April as Sign Maintenance Man after 34 years of service with the Department in the Saanich District. Dist ric t Superintendent Allen Park presented George with a slide projector on behalf of his fellow employees . George has just recently purchased a new trailer; the Wilkinsons will be putting it to good use shortly. fl fl fl DONALD L. McPHEE retired in April after working for the Department with the Rosedale Maintenance Crew since February, 1946. At a party to mark his retirement, Mac was given a reclining easy chair, and was presented with a meritorious service award certificate for 22 years' service to the Department by N. W. Wells, District Superintendent. fl fl fl JACK A. FRASER, Assistant Mechanic Foreman I in the Cranbrook garage, was honoured by fellow employees recently with a dinner in Cranbrook to mark his retirement after 17 years' service. G. K. Austin, District Superintendent, presented Mr. Fraser with a spinning reel, rod, basket, and tackle, and Mrs. Fraser with a bouquet of roses. fl fl fl REG PLEASANCE, of the Parksville Road Crew, was honoured recently on the occasion of his retirement. Reg started with the Department in 1949. fl fl fl DELBERT M. BENINGER, labourer in the Grand Forks District, retired in June. Delbert joined the Department in April, 1952. He and his wife, Margaret, who recently took an early retirement from Federal Civil Service, are moving to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, in order to be closer to their family. They have one son and three daughters. fl fl fl JOHN INGLIN, on the Saltspring Island crew for the past 13 years, retired May 9, 1968. A presentation was made to Mr. Inglin by his fellow employees. IDEA CORNER ====---- { This weed burner was constructed mainly by the Department in Kamloops. The machine burns propane gas at a rate of about 40 gallons an hour. The machine is used for weed and brush control som etim es in place of insecticides, which are often the source of complaint. Th e machine is being operated here by V. R . Kingsley . Others involved are Wes Harwood and N. Veillette, all from Savona. The Courtenay mechanical shop recently did a little renovating, Quadra Island Foreman George Rose saw {Ill idea for a barrel holder and asked th e shop to make up the sample shown in the top picture. Curved leg and base permits stand to be tipped and barrel placed upright. The sign holders, made from reinforcing rod, bottom, were suggested to the shop by Foreman Jack Darnborough, II ON THE JOB Port A lberni Shop Crew , left to right: B. Lewis, P. R. Bayn e, C . N . Ko el, S. Pakka, and George Bo yce, Mechanical Foreman . W. H . Bas, Distri ct Technician, Port Alberni, of the Nanaimo District, studying a subdivision plan in his office. Departm ent of Highways Asphalt Patching Crew repairing pavement breaks in the Kamloops area. Crew m emb ers are Sam Perry , R . Gu stijson, E. Russel, K. M cDonald , R . Lief , H. Kossan, and M. Mukina, Fred Wood , of the Parksville Road Crew, standing beside his machine on a road construction job in the Parksville area. 12 Wally Stewart, Maintenance Foreman, Port A lberni, has been getting in quit e a bit of helicopter time assisting in the modifications to radio relay stations . J. Oddie, M echani c in the Kamloops garage, working on a grader motor. Otis Cameron, Project Supervisor, Dock District, at his desk in his" Office on wheels" at the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal reconstruction. Charlie Buckley, Heavy Duty Mechanic, Saltspring Island , is proud of the addition to the Saltspring Island workshop in the Nanaimo District. Gib W esned ge, Loader Operator in the Uc luelet area, standing by his unit . Lome Morrow, Grand Forks District, at work clearing brush on the Jewel Lake road. Alan M cL ean , Grader Operator, Ucluelet, is sho wn by his m achine on the job . Safety Continued \ _' !"1_1I1' The Princ eton Maintenan ce Crew was recently presented with a silver award of merit by District Engin eer J. H. Pankiw . Crew m embers are, left to right, A . Ryder, B. A. M cD iarmid, W . R. Triplett, R . Jameison, J. H. Merrall, S. H. Stewart, and E . F. N esbitt. The New Westminster District Coquitlam Maintenance Crew received its silver safety award in April. Maintenance Foreman Stan Deans is shown holding the award with District Engineer R . W. Gittins, on the right. A presentation of the silver award of m erit was made by D istrict Engineer J. H . Pankiw to th e Princeton Garage Crew. L eft to right , Ray Van Dykhuizen, G . Kassa, L. B . Turn er, G. H . Hansen, I. Plecash, W. Pillin g, L. Schulli, and L. Pereplecta . L. A. Braddy, Regional Highway Engineer, is shown present ing a silver award of merit for no tim e-loss accid ent s since Jul y 18, 1964, to D . A. Lindberg, R egional Mat erials Engineer. In the rear, left to right, are John Brenn er, Bill Zaporozun , A I Florell, Bert Halliwell, John Penner, Dennis Umpleby , T erry Bur gess, Jack Jeyes, Larry Lundeen , Doug Rankin, and L en Th ony, Mi ssing were Doug Erickson and Bernie Goodwin . 13 ABOUT PEOPLE Construction of the road between Port Clements and Masset by day labour is continuing. The work is kept in hand by Jim Onion, Senior Foreman; Bill Morrice, Construction Foreman; and Lional A ndrews, Construction Foreman. Bill agreed to come 0111 of retirement for a few months to assist with the scraper work on the project. Personnel office staff at Headquarters, Victoria, are, left to right, H . C. Davies, Personnel Officer, Joan L. Hodgkinson, Clerk-Stenographer 2; J. A. Holmes, Clerk 6; Mrs. Pat Saxon, Clerk 4; lo-Anne L. Trembley, Clerk 3. Mr. Holmes has just returned from a two-week spring institute of the Executive Training Plan at the University of Victoria and has now completed his first year. Mat erials Testing Branch, Victoria, recently held a conference for Senior Technicians from the four regions. Attending were, left to right, Ken Towill and Tony Bodnarchuk from Nelson , Bill Zaporozan and Terry Burgess from Prince George, Al Hepp from Vancouver, Don Garner from Kamloops, and Maynard Rudolph from Vancouver. The conference, organized by Bill Brand and Jim Mewhort in Victoria, is the second of its kind held by the Testing Branch. It provides an excellent opportunity for senior personnel to discuss recent developments and techniques in materials testing work and 10 standardize testing procedures. DO U G HECKER, Draughtsman with the Prince George District, joined the Department of Highways in 1963 as an Engineering Aid e for the New Denver District and moved to the Prince George District staff in 1965 as their principal draughtsman. His chief interest is promoting the north. 14 Bill Bates, formerly Maintenance Foreman, Saltspring Island, has recently been appointed Maintenance Foreman at Parksville. Before he left, the men had a get-together which included, among other things, a fishing trip. Bill, left, is shown with his catch . On the right is lack Shaw , Road Maintenance Foreman, Galiano Island, and centre is Mike Stacey , owner and operator of the water taxi which is the means of transport to the various Gulf Islands. MRS. JOANN McMAHON, ClerkStenographer of the North Vancouver office, is a native of Ontario. She and her husband, Mike, have three children. * * * Bright addition to the Salmon Arm District Office, MISS CAROL STEWART began her duties as Clerk-Stenographer in December, 1967, after the resignation of Mrs. Agnes Rudeen. In the newly decorated district office at Vanderhoof are, left to right, Edith Silver, Office Manager; Mrs. Natalie Reinke, Clerk-Stenographer 2; and Mrs. Dorothy Anderson, Clerk 2. Mrs. Anderson joined the Vanderhoof staff as Timekeeper in 1957. . GORDON JONES, Construction Superintendent, Kam l o o ps , joined the Department in 1948. After a few years he left his position and went to the Arctic for one year, spent one year in the Okanagan, and then three years with a private contractor . Rejoining the Highways 2lh years ago, he has had 17 addresses in British Columbia. Gordon was involved with three major tunnels in the Fraser Canyon, and recently he has been on the North Thompson - Yellowhead highway project. He is married and has two children. f:: f:: f:: WOLFGANG SCHUBERT joined the Department in 1959. He was employed on field survey work for three years, and for the last six years has worked in the draughting-roorn in Kamloops, Wolfgang is married and has two children. He draws portraits for a hobby. f:: f:: f:: f:: f:: MRS. JOYCE B ROCK, Clerk-Stenographer at the Pentieton office, resigned March 31 in order to take up residence in the Prince George area, where her husband is presently employed. On behalf of the office staff and the Penticton, Oliver, Keremeos, and Princeton road and shop crews, J. H. Pankiw, District Engineer, made a presentation to Mrs. Brock, who transferred to the Pen ticton office from the Golden office in October, 1954. f:: f:: WALTER TAYLOR has completed his apprenticeship and is now an automotive mechanic in the Prince Rupert garage. Walter joined the Department in March, 1965, and has served part of his apprenticeship in Department garages at Kamloops, Kelowna, and Cloverdale, as well as Prince Rupert and Port Clements. f:: f:: -{:( PHIL ERICKSON is shown at his work as draughtsman for the Locations Branch in Prince George. f:: STANLY GLADYSZ, Engineering Assistant with the Fort St. John District, has been with the Department since June, 1960. He recently completed a course of home study in highway engineering with the Canadian Institute of Science and Technology. Stan has lived in the Fort St. John area since 1938. For relaxation he "enjoys pleasure boating and home study courses. f:: MRS. HILDA HUSOY is the new Stenographer in the Prince Rupert District office. H il d a is no newcomer to the Government Service havi n g bee n previously employed in the Government Agent's office at Prince . Rupert from 1948 to 1953. -{:( -{:( -{:( MISS LORRAINE HAFFTER joined the Highways Department as Junior Clerk last November. She was formerly with Fulton and Rogers, a law firm in Kamloops. Lorraine is 20 years of age, born and raised in Kamloops. Her hobbies are swimming, music, and seeing the country. -{:( -{:( -{:( FRANK E. MARTENS, Project Supervisor, began with the Department of Highways in 1957 as an Engineering Aide. Currently stationed in Vanderhoof, he has made many moves throughout the Province with his wife, Mary, and two daughters. His interests are fishing and hunting, and he is a leader in a local boys' club. FRANK H. SAWATSKY started with the Paving Branch in 1956, being promoted from Engineering Aide 3 to Technician 1 in 1966. After serving with the Department in many parts of the Province, Frank is now Project Supervisor in charge of paving on a section of the Northern TransProvincial Highway in the Smithers area. With Frank in Smithers are his wife, Ruth, and four children, ranging in age from 1 to 8. His hobbies include sports, hunting, and fishing. -{:( -{:( -{:( FRANCES TANAKA, Stenographer 2, has worked for the Department of Highways for five years. She has been appointed Timekeeper for the Kamloops District this year. -{:( -{:( -{:( PHIL NORDIN from Wetaskiwin, Alberta, joined the Department in the Kamloops regional office in September, 1967, as a Radio-Teletype Operator. Hobbies include water ski-ing and singing . f:: -{:( -{:( MRS. JOAN RICHTER from Kitimat, joined the Department as Joan Yesdresyski in 1964 in Headquarters office, Vic tor ia, and came to North Vancouver District office in May, 1965. In July, 1966, she married Dave Richter. In September, 1967, she transferred as a Clerk-Stenographer 2 to North Vancouver regional office. She has now won, through Civil Service competition, a promotion to Clerk-Stenographer 3 with the Department of Recreation and Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Vancouver, and leaves us shortly to take up her new duties. 15 A recent com posite picture of the well-known Bear River glacier, north of Stewart, shows continued retreat of ice. During construction much channelling and blasting of the ice was done to prevent blockage of Strohn Lake, which frequently spilled into Bear River and caused extensive damage to the Stewart-Cassiar Highway downstream. The road had to be placed high on the valle y side on the left of the photograph (not visible) in order to avoid the ice and the ice-covered gravels in front of the glacier . Although the glacier has receded substantially, residual ice still remains at a shallow depth under the granular terminal morain, Observations will continue to determine the earliest possible time the ratite may be relocated to the dotted lines shown. The Nanaimo Bridge Crew building a bin wall on the Kennedy Lake section of the Alberni-Tofino Highway . Left to right, J. Shepherd, T. Beatty, J. Gillen, E. Malmo, D. LaFarge, and A. C. Lang. Retaining wall on the Kennedy Lake Hill on the Alberni-Tofino Highway built by -A rnold Glover, Bridge Foreman, and his crew from the Nanaimo District. The highway carries very heavy summer tourist traffic heading for Long Beach on the west coast of Vancouver Island. 16 L I T H O G R A P H E D I N CANADA B Y A. SUT T O N. QUEEN'S PRI NT ER, VIC TORIA . B . C .