Serghei MELNIK


Serghei MELNIK
Pre;edinte, Corporafia Wolf Blitz, Compania de Consulnnld Corporativ&
Consultan{i generald in domeniul afacerilor
Structurarea qi pregitirea pentru cotare pe pieJele financiare Nuhiband Inc. din SUA, filialele situate in Republica
Irlanda. Intocmirea qi depunerea acordurilor de subscriere, acordarea de asistenll la acumularea fondurilor initiale,
crearea unui cadrujuridic Ai financiar al proiectului.
Structurarea 5i cotare pe pielele financiare Promotora VallAe Hermoso Inc. din SUA, Filialele situate in Ecuador.
Intocmirea contractelor de garantare, plasamentelor private, programelor generale de marketing qi fumizarea
contactelor ce tin de investifii bancare.
Structurarea qi cotare pe pie{ele financiare Emerging Media Holdings Inc. din SUA, Filialele situate in Republica
Moldova. Intocmirea contractelor de garantare, plasamentelor private, programelor generale de marketing gi
fumizarea contactelor ce lin de investi{ii bancare.
Structurarea Ei cotare pe pie{ele financiare UNR Holdings Inc. din SUA, Filialele situate in Federalia Rusi.
Intocmirea contractelor de garantare, plasamentelor private, programelor generale de marketing qi fumizarea
contactelor ce lin de investilii bancare.
Structurarea gi cotare pe pielele financiare Life Style Medical Network Inc. din SUA. intocmirea si negocierea
contractelor de fuziune, programelor generale de marketing qi fumizarea contactelor ce fin de investitii bancare.
8/08-11/2012 Vice-pregedinte, Director al subdivizianii de Opera(iani din SUA, UNR Hoklings Inc.
ConsultanJi in restructurarea companiei qi indrumarea ei pentru a fi cotati pe pie{ele financiare americane, OTCBB in
august 2008.
Oferirea de consultanJdjuridicl qi financiarl legat[ de pietele financiare din SUA, consultanl[ in asigurarea de
fonduri fhri efectul de levier de la b[ncile qi instituliile de investi]ii, precum gi consultanfd cu privire la oblinerea
liniilor de creditare de la institu{iile financiare americane.
Responsabil pentru relafiile cu publicul (PR) qi relatiile indushiale (IR) ale companiei, coordonarea activit[tilor cu
companiile de PR angajate de companie.
5/05 $ef Operaliuni' Membru al Consilialai, Asconi Corporution Inc., Ilinter Park, Florida, SUA
Restructurarea companiei qi indrumarea ei pentru a fi cotatd la Bursa Americani de Valori (AMEX),04 noiembrie
Oferirea de consultanti juridic[ qi financiard legati de pie{ele financiare din SUA, asigurarea de fonduri fir[ efectul
de levier de la bincile gi instituliile de investitii, precum qi consultan![ cu privire la obtinerea liniilor de creditare de
la institutiile financiare americane
Organizarea cu succes a unei campanii de sensibilizare in domeniul marketing pentru a introduce produsele Asconi
pe piefele Statelor Unite ale Americii
Implicarea unor Analigti independenfi de cercetare, dezvoltarea de programe IR pentru a maximiza expunerea
Dezvoltarea unui sistem integrat de acumulare de fonduri
Administrarea personalului de la sediul central care se afli in SUA.
2/03 Director Asociat, Market Management International, Inc., llinter Park, Florida, SUA
Servicii de consultan{d care includ consultan{d juridic[ gi financiari oferite in primul rdnd clien]ilor din Europa de Est
care doresc tranzaclionarea publicd pe pie{ele financiare din SUA, asigurarea de fonduri fbrd efectul de levier de la
blncile, institufiile de investilii qi consultanli cu privire la oblinerea de linii de creditare de la institutiile financiare
Servicii de consultan{[ oferite clientilor ou privire la inilierea cu succes a unor campanii de sensibilizare in domeniul
marketing pentru introducerea produselor lor pe pielele din Statele Unite
3/00-7/01 Consilierlinanciar,
First Union Securities, Orlando, Florida, SIIA.
Consultarea clientilor cu privire la vdnzarea qi achizilionarea de valori mobiliare Ei aloca{ii reciproce de fonduri
Preg[tirea modelelor de alocare a activelor qi a propunerilor investi]ionale de pensionare.
10D8-2/2000 AnalistJinanciar, International Media Solutions, Inc,, Altamonte Springs, Fbrtda, StlA
Analiza fundamentald
a companiilor cliente inainte de efectuare a unei campanii de marketing
Identificarea tendin{elor de pe pia{a Ei economice care au fost favorabile pentru dezvoltarea companiilor cliente
Responsabil pentru Direclia europeani a marketing-ului corporativ.
10t97-9/9SAnalist asistent, R.
(in domeniul documentelor statutare) gi dreptul post-privatizare.
A asistat gi a monitorizat procesele dejudecatd.
Stagiar, fudecdnria Bonnica, ChiSindu, Moldova
> A asistat in procesele de judecati; a pregltit materiale juridice pentru a
> A inregistrat materiale juridice in cadrul proceselorjudiciare.
A administrat qi mentinut conturile corespondente strdine; a deschis qi inchis conturi bancare din striin[tate qia fost
responsabil pentru corespondenld intemalionali
A elaborat instrumente qi a intocmit corespondenla in domeniul negocierilor
A condus elaborarea de proceduri utilizate in crearea conturilor fiduciare in limitele legilor monetare existente; a
oferit servicii de asistentd gi consultanld in extinderea shategiilor de investilii
A coordonat eforturile intre KPMG qi Inteprinzbanca in vederea furnizirii unui sistem de audit pentru documentele
financiare deJinute de banci.
Stugia4 Curtea Supremd de Justi(ie din Moldova, Chi$indu, Moldova
06 -
cu energie electricl; oferirea de suport analitic in domeniul aprovizionirii cu energie electrici, finanlarea
obligaliuni municipale
Participarea la elaborarea studiilor in domeniul electric, apd, precum qi rata apei uzate pentru utilitili municipale.
05/96 furist, Conrpania de consultanld Expert, Ch$infru, Moldova
> Practica corporativi; Specializat in dreptul comercial
0 9D 3 -0
Elaborarea modelelor analitice pentru evaluarea altemativelor economice posibile pentru sistemele de aprovizionare
Jurist, Direcfia afacefilor exteme, Banca "Intepfinzbanca" SA, Chigindu, Moldova
I/. Beck, Inc., Consalting Engineers, Orlando, Florida, SUA
fi examinate in
insta1rfa de judecatd
Stagiar, Minhter ul Afacerilor Externe, Chi; indu, M oldov a
> A inregistrat documentejuridice dupi necesitate; a procesat asistenld tehnici in baza instrucliunilor guvemului; a
elaborat memorandum gi corespondenla oficiali
> A analizat Ei a tradus rapoarte intemafionale pentru examinare oficiali
Universitatea din Florida Centrald, Orlando, Florida
> Masterat, Economie aplicatd
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Chi;inda, Moldova
> Juris Doctor, Facultatea de Drept
Universitatea din Florida Centrald, Orlanilo, Florida
> Programul de Schimb, Colegiul de Administrare a Afacerilor
Universitatea de Studii Economice, Budapesta, Ungaria
> Programul Universitar de vari, Facultatea de gtiin{e politice.
Fluent in patru limbi: rusi, romenA, englezd gi spaniola
present President, l{olf Blitz Corporation, Corporate Consulting Company
General Business Consulting
Structuring and preparing for listing on the US financial markets Nutriband, Inc.
Subsidiaries located in Republic of Ireland. Preparing and submitting the subscription
agreements, helping raise initial funds, setting up the legal and financial framework
for the project.
Structuring and listing on the US financial markets Promotora Valle Hermoso, Inc.
Subsidiaries located in Ecuador. Prepared the underwriting agreements, Private
placements, general marketing programs and provided investment-banking contacts.
Structuring and listing on the US financial markets Emerging Media Holdings Inc.
Subsidiaries located in the Republic of Moldova. Prepared the underwriting
agreements, Private placements, general marketing programs and provided
investment-banking contacts.
Structuring and listing on the US financial markets UNR Holdings, Inc. Subsidiaries
located in Russian Federation. Prepared the underwriting agreements, Private
placements, general marketing programs and provided investment-banking contacts.
Structuring and listing through reverse merger Life Style Medical Network, Inc. on
the US OTC Financial Market.
8/08-11/2012 Vice President, Director of US Operations, UNR Holdings Inc.
Consulting on Restructuring the company and leading it to be listed on US Financial
Markets, OTCBB in August of 2008.
Providing legal and financial advice linked to the US Financial Markets, consulting
on securing non-leveraged funds from investment bankers and institutions, and
consulting on obtaining lines of credit from American financial institutions
Responsible for PR and IR of the Company, coordinating the activities with the PR
Companies hired by the company.
5/05 Chief Operations Officer, Board Member, Asconi Corporation,Inc., Winter Park, Florida,
Restructuring the company and leading it to be listed on the American Stock
Exchange, November 4Il., 2003
Providing legal and financial advice linked to the US Financial Markets, securing
non-leveraged funds from inveshnent bankers and institutions, and consulting on
obtaining lines of credit from American financial institutions
Leading a successful marketing awareness campaign to introduce Asconi products
into the United States markets
Engaging independent Research Analysts, developing IR Programs to maximizethe
exposure of the Company
Developing an integrated fundraising tracking system
Managing office staff at the US Headquarters.
2/03 Associate Director, Market Management International,Inc., Winter Park, Florida, USA
Consulting services, comprised of legal and financial advice, provided to primarily
Eastern European clients seeking becoming publicly traded on the US Financial
Markets, securing non-leveraged funds form investment bankers, institutions and
consulting as to obtaining lines of credit from the American financial institutions
Consulting services provided to clients to as to launching successful marketing
awareness campaigns to introduce their products into the United States markets.
Financial Advisor, First Union Securities, Orlando, Florida, USA.
Advise clients as to the sales and purchases of securities and mutual'funds allocations
Preparing asset allocation models and retirement proposals.
10/98-2/2000 Financial Analyst, International Media
Solations, Inc., Altamonte Springs, Florida,
Fundamental Analysis of the client companies before undertaking a marketing
Spotting and underlying trends in the market and economy that were favorable for
client companies development
Responsible for the European direction of the corporate marketing.
Assistant Analyst, R. W. Beck,Inc., Consulting Engineers, Orlando, Florida, USA
Developed analytical models to evaluate economic alternatives under consideration
by electric utility systems; provided analytical support on power supply studies,
municipal bond financing
Participated in preparation
municipal utilities.
electric, water, and wastewater rate studies for
06/95-12/96 Lawyer, Department of Foreign Affairs, JSC Bunk "Inteprin4,banca,', Chisinau, Moldova
Operated and maintained foreign colrespondent accounts; Opened and closed
overseas bank accounts and was responsible for international correspondence
Drafted negotiable instruments and correspondence
Lead development of procedures used in the creation of Trustee Accounts within the
limits of existing monetary laws; provided assistance and consulting services to
expand investment strategies
Coordinated efforts between KPMG and Inteprinzbanca in order to provide a system
for the audit of financial records held by the bank.
Luwyer, Expert Consultunt Compuny, Chisinau, Moldovu
Corporate Practice; Specialized in business law as it related to statutory documents
and post-privatization law.
Internship, Moldova Supreme Court of Justice, Chisinau, Moldova
Attended and monitored judicial processes.
Internship, Botanica District Court of Justice, Chisinaa, Moldova
> Assisted in judicial process; prepared legal material for examination in Court
> Filed/Recorded Legal Materials as necessary by the Judicial Process.
Internship, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chisinau, Moldova
Filed/recorded legal materials as required by; Processed technical assistance under
government guidelines; Draft ed official memoranda and correspondence
> Analyzed and translated international reports for official review
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
> Master of Arts, Applied Economics
1990-1995 Moldova State University, Chisinau, Moldova
06 -
Juris Doctorate, Law Department
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
> Exchange Program, College of Business Administration
Budapest University of Economics Science, Budapest, Hungary
> Summer University Program, Department of political science.
To Whnm lt Aiay Concern:
I am conta{ti$E y&u in regards to the Sovernor of the Natianal
}vtcldova pCIsition
that was advertised in
i{sldovan media last week.
0n top cf rny sol'id educat'icn and succestfr.rl track record throughout rry ?CI+ years uf internaticnat work experience, {
bring tn the tabt€ my lrloldovan her:itage b*ekground and a deep Lrnderstand'ing of our history and culture, which *s k*y
ts the
succe$s of this highty
important leadership rol*.
I have a taw Degree from the Stare University of iioldova t1995), xnd a Masters af Arts in Appl"ied Econonnics from rhe
L.lniversity of Central, Florida in the US (?00Si. My t'ife path brought me to the U5 on an exchange prograrn during my
last year af :tudies at futrtdova 5tate tjniversity, *nd after hstdjng a pusitisn
i* ane cf Jrilntdovan banks *t the time,
decided to ret,urn to the US to pursue advanced studies and Llttimatety to stay and gain experience in the US job
market. I have b*en highly successful in this country of opp*rtunity, built a farnily {wife and two ch*tdren}, initiated
and nourished key business relationships, and grew profitabte businesses.
an entry-t*ve{ analyst witlr International ttqdia Sututicns, to financiat adv'iser with First Unian Securities {hetd
series 7 and series 63), I learned ard d*vetoped quick{y lo p*s'ition mysetf for a job jn * tocal Investme*t Sanking
in this firm marked the biggest accomplishments of my early career days. Exercising my
netwsnk in hcrne $loldova and leveragins the r*tatianships and kn*w{edge base of the firm I was part ofr I was nble to
be first and as far ac I know, last &lotdovan, to successfulty struct*re and tjst a Moldovan Cornpany (wine pr*duct*on
firm Ase*ni! to the American Stock fxchange. I rang the apening bett sn the Atvl[X trading ftonr on Wall Street o*
November 4,2AQ3, which was the first day the Asconi Corporation Stock traded on tire American Stock Exchange. The
{Br€rns$y from that historicat eyeilt inctuding rny interview lo AtrlEX TV can be viewed here:
http$://*Z5FiH0*Mizw This was the first of the five cornpanies I brought public to American
Consutting Firm. My work
:tock r*arketsn where I sw*ed the end-ts-*nd process of the deal.
irty p*rtfutic has been growing year after year a*d *ncornpasses v*st knowtedge of hsw financial rnarkEts work, an
extessive netwsrk of csntacts that I have acquired and maintained with each dea[, knowtedge of the role of Central
in the finaneiat system and everyday l'ife ol a country. i{oreover, my sxpertise includes knowtedge of how to
teverage funds to eliminate the nnga,i*g dependency on the merry of internat'ionai organixations. I alss strongty believe
that lltstdwe n**ds refsruns te its fiixca{ taw, the law on foreign investffisnts and c*pitat rnov*ment, which rryiti er*ate a
pafrtive finnnctal climate to lev*rage targe fnvestrnsntt intu iiotdova.
that after spending most of my adutt l"ife in a soc:iety where Law is supreme, private property is
the "hotty grait", privacy and the constitutionat rights are protected by alt branches of power, I can bring a piece of
I woutd tike to envision
the &ff{efisrn dr*anr to Mstdova. I possess the tendsrslr*p requir,ed for this key rale in nur csuntry nnd ffisre impcrtantty
I have the passion to see my A4otdova succeed and flourish. I woutd love the opportunity to be abte to give back to my
hornetand by apptying the expertise, skilts, and knowtedge acquired over
partners from futotdova, Russia, Ecuador, lretand, and other parts of the wortd.
Thank ycr* for:your tinne and consideration.
the years in the
US white working with

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