File - Seerah Teacher
File - Seerah Teacher
Early lUluslims$uffer O Howdid the leadersof Qurayshhurt the eartyMustims? Howdid the Mustims act whenthey were suffering? & Whydid the eartyMustimskeeptheir faith? Whatwasthe rewardfor their patience? go to lookfor safety? Wheredid the Mustims &Aain I em:TrueMustims witl keepfaith and neverleavet religionevenwhenthey are underpressure. Word D26 Shirk $p Kuffar Jris Kafir j15 Ahad .r-i Abyssinia a-!,+rl As-Saboor)Jo*Jl (ldolsl ttt-i Asnam An-Najashicdl AbuJaht Umayyahlbn Khataf Sumayyah Yasir Ammarlbn Yasir lbn Mas'ood Abduttah Bitatibn Rabah $ l G e . d f c \d THO5EWHODID NOTBELIEVE this whenhe wasteaching tookeda tittte unhappy TeacherLuqman part of the storyof Rasootuttah ffi . TeacherLuqman:Whenthe Prophetffi startedteachinglstam,few himandbecameMustims.sadly,mostof the peopte peoptebetieved did not betievein lslam. D27 UNIT D CHAPTER3 Peopte in Makkah usedto worshipidolsandstatues.They hadabout360idots(Asnamr i ) aroundandinsideA[Ka'bah.Theythoughtthat worshipping thesegods,woutd bringthemcloserto Attah(SVff).Thisis called"Shirk," fatsegods,or anythingotherthan whichmeansworshipping Attah(SWT). Thisis the worstsin a personcancommit. ProphetMuhammad to the peopteof M exptained Makkahthat he wasthereto hetpthem [earnwhat Attah wantsfrom them. He totd them that if they worshipped Attah atoneanddid gooddeeds,they woutdwin A[-Janna, or Paradise. But if they insistedon worshipping idols,anddoing baddeedsthey wouldbe punished in Jahannam , or Heltfire. Manyof them laughedat Rasootuttah and refusedto fottow lstam. Theytotd him that their fathersand grandfathers had taughtthem to worshipthe i ols andthey knewbetterthan him. Theytotd him that they woutdnot leavethe retigionof their ancestors. Bilal:Thisis bad, Rasootuttah wantedthem to go to Jannah, andthey wantedto go to Jahannam. TeacherLuqman:Thatis sad,isn't it? i"l,i',",. ; :,,.:,.' YeS! D28 ,f of lslamwasa mancalted TeacherLuqman:Oneof the worstenemies Amribn Hisham.Heusedto abuseandkittor hurt peoptewhobecame Mustims.Hethoughttheywoutdleavelslamif he botheredthem. usedto catthim "Abu[Hakam,"whichmeansthe "Fatherof Quraysh he refusedto betievein lstam,the Prophet Wisdom."Butbecause ffi Abu cattedhim "AbuJaht,"whichmeansthe "Fatherof lgnorance." Jah[wasthe worstkafirin Makkah. that! Ahma : Hedeserved TeacherLuqman:ProphetMuhammadffitried hisbestto convince himto becomea Muslim.HeinvitedAbuJahtto lstammanymany times,but he refused. Zai : Whyin the wortdwouldtheydo sucha thing.Theyworshipped stones,not Attah,the OneWhocreatedthem. D29 UNIT D CHAPTER3 TeacherLuqman:AbuJah[andother leadersknewthat Muhammad wastruthful. But theywere afraidthat if theyf lowedhim they woutdlosetheir placeas leaders.Their [eaG ershipwasmoreimportantto them than pteasing Attah. TeacherLuqman:Let'sgo on, AbuJah[anda groupof his friendsgot angrywhenthe famityof YasirbecameMustims. them to leavelslamandworshiphis idols,but of coursethey refused.AbuJah[torturedatt of them in a very harshway. The ProphetM, tried to stopAbuJahland his peoplebut coutdn't,so he spoketo the famityof Yasirandsaid: 't "Be potientfamifyof Yosir. You sre promlsedPorodise. Later,Yasirand Sumayyah died from the harshtorture. YasirandSumayyah showedthat they were strongMustims and passedawayas (Shuhadaa', martyrs).Ammardid not die and insistedto staya Mustim. Xni ; That is so sad,who kittedthem? TeacherLuqman:AbuJah[did. Bilal:Howotd were they? TeacherLuqman:Theywere about70 yearsotd. D30 A H A DA H A D Bital:Mydadtotd me that he namedme Bitalbecausehe loves Bitatibn Rabah.Hetoo wastorturedby the the sahabi peopteof Makkah. TeacherLuqman:Yourfatherdid a goodthingwhenhe named to wasa slavein Makkah Bitatlbn Rabah youafter thisgreatSahabi. in Africa. ibn Khataf.HewasfromAbyssinia a mancatledUmayyah usedto beatup Bilalafter he becamea Mustim.Onhot Umayyah tookBitatto the desertandlaid himdownon the very days,Umayyah woutd Umayyah hot sand.Theywoutdwhiphimso hard. Sometimes, orderthat a big rockbe put on hischest. Bitathada strongbetiefin andkepton saying: Attah(SWT) "Allqhis one,Alloh "Ahod,Aho",meoning is one". D31 UNIT D CHAPTER 3 AbuBakrfett verysadwhenhe sawBilathavingsucha hardtime. HebeggedUmayyah to stopbeatingBitatbut Ummayyah refused.So AbuBakrofferedto buyBital,andhismotherHamamah. Umayyah agreed,but he askeda very highprice.AbuBakracceptedand boughtBilatandhismotherwith hisownmoney.Heset themfree. Later,Bitalbecamethe Prophet's mu'athin(theonewhocatlsfor the Prayer). AbuBakrfreedat leastten stavesin Makkahwith hisown money. Theyweretorturedby their mastersbecause they becameMuslims. o o aO ta rjlf o aO t4.!fS NarratedByMuslim , r t - - r ' : r r i : : r i i l i Wattahufee 'awn-it-'abdima kan-at-'abdu fee awniakheeh Rasootuttah M said: "Attahwitt hetphis servant,ds longas he hetpshisbrother. " Dg2 TeacherLuqman:Hereis anotherstoryaboutthe sufferingof the firstMuslims. Hehada wasoneof the greatsahabah. lbnMas'ood Abduttah in a verybeautifutway. voiceandusedto readAt-Qur'an beautifut Onetime, he wantedthe peopleof Makkahto hearthe wordsof andstartedto readthe Qur'anin a loud Attah.Hewentto At-Kaabah did not like that, AbuJahtandother voice. The kuffar of Quraysh andbeathim up.AbuJaht,whowas kuffarjumpedon Abdu[tah lbn ear.Abduttah off Abduttah's alwaysthe cruetest,chopped Mas'oodsurvived.Eventhoughhe suffereda great[oss, Abduttahlbn to be a verygoodMustim. continued Mas'ood THE EvgY-Pf,TtenI learn Attahis sopatientwith thosewhodisobeyhim.GoodMustims is. fromAttahpatience.Buttheycannotbe aspatientasAttah(SWT) D33 UNIT D GHAPTER3 ru-.Ir oi\Il - 6 : IrJt" .3i]..i.."-i(r) ;iiij yt 4.ljf ' 1 . '*.,rerl (v) ,i rr.^|j4rf$(\)F o (v) ;iiel,l +lr ju (r) L[.rl ra dtr:ti tAJ (o),Jt,i { rtr: * "# o,i(1)i iL;-:t^ o -.ii+.j W! (n);urlYr*"# humazatil[umazah [1] Waytut-tikutti jama'a matawwa'addadah [2] Attathee [3] Ya hsabuannamatahuakhtadah fit-hutamah l4l Kattalayunbathanna [5] Wamaadrakamal hutamah t6l Nar-uttah-it-mooqadah [7] Attateetattati'uatal-afidah 1 8 ]l n n a h a ' a t a y h i m - m u ' s a d a h t9l Fee'amadim-mumaddadah and-backbiter, [1] Woeto every[kindof] scandal-monger [2] Whocottectsweatthand laysit by, [3] Thinkingthat hisweatthwoutdmakehim lastfor ever! t4l Nay!He witt be throwninto the destructiveone, [5] Andwhat do you knowaboutthe destructiveone? t6l [t is] the Fireof that Godmadeto btaze, [7] Whichdoesreachesout to the Hearts: t8l lt shattbe madeinto a vauttoverthem, t9l In columnsoutstretched. Listento this Suraon Track 13 of your CD. D34 ys /t ) ju do aftertheyhadatl of andthe Mustims Zai : what did Rasootuttah DidtheYfight back? theseprobtems? TeacherLuqman:No,the Prophetdid not wantto fight hispeopte. were Patient.Theyhopedthat the PeoP[eof Heandthe Mustims oneday. Makkahwoutdchangetheir mindsand becomeMustims Ahma : But they were goingthroughvery hardtimes. sufferanymore.5o, he sentJa'far Abusatamah e+i , andmanyothersto Abyssinian EastAfrica. treatedwettthere. Eightymenwith theirwivesandchitdrenleft to Abyssinia. The kuffar of Makkahdid not tike this. Theywantedthe Mustimsto sothat theycoutdtorturethem. so, the be broughtbackto Makkah to bringthe senttwo of their teadersto Abyssinia tribe of Quraysh backto Makkah. Mustims they askedthe kingto arrestthe whenthey arrivedto Abyssinia, wasa An-Najashi andsendthembackto Makkah.Because Mustims fair kinghe refusedto arrestthemor sendthem back. Hea[towed to stayin hiscountyas tongastheywanted. ln fact, Afl- r,, Mustims Najashihimsetf[aterbecamea Mustim. D35 UNIT D GHAPTER 3 The eartyMustimsshowedgreat[oveto Attah(SWT) eventhoughthey were hurt. We shoutdnot giveup on what we betievein. @ Attah(SWT)testsus to seehow strongour imanis. AbuJah[wasoneof the worstenemiesof lslam. Mustimsteft Makkahandwent to Abyssinia for the sakeof Attah. D36 UNIT G${APTHR Ethiopiais the new namefor Abyssinia. lt is a countryin EastAfrica.Asyou learnedeartierlstamarrivedeartyin Ethiopia.ProphetMuhammad sentabouteightyof the earty Mustims to this landso they woutdnot be torturedby the kuffarof Makkah.TheseeartyMustims were goodand decent peopte.The Ethiopians tikedandtrustedthem.That made manyEastAficanpeopteacceptlstam.Eventhe kingof ancientEthiopiabetievedin Muhammad andbecamea Mustim.HisnamewasNegus Armah,or in Arabic,Ah-Najashi. He protectedMustims thereandtreatedthem with kindness. Whenhe died,ProphetMuhammadM, did SatatulJanazah on hissout.Now,nearlyhatfof the peoplein Ethiopiaare Muslims. The capitatof Ethiopiais AdisAbaba. D38