lit .r,l: i1,li +il jii+ irir + ;n + ä!' i + +a a a a a a o a a a +a The MoxiMicro Scooter il;i a Micro ScootersLtd. 5 to 12Yeors 189.99 -!i:ra +a +a i.+.,4 MoinFeotures:Funkyand colourful,this is a largerversion 'MiniMicroScooter'.Steeredwith either of the best-selling a T-shapedhandlebaror a round'joystick',the wide plastic kickboardand three-wheeled designmake it robust,stable and easyto manoeuvre. i+ a +a +a +a +a +a Benefts:Thiswas a realhit with the children."lt'swicked!" said Lewis,age six,and one adultappraiserreportedreal difficultygettingthe scooterback at the end of the session! Thisis greatfor ing exerciseand activeplayas Reece,age ten, commented: "l usuallyplaya lot with my Gameboy,but couldn'twait to try this".lt is importantto be awarethat the scooterhas a largeturningcircle and steeringrequiressome practise, but this improveschildren'sbalance, co-ordination and confidence- "it's cooland brill,I can holdthe handles and go reallyfast" said Raphael, age five, +a +a +a Totkto Me Fiction/Non-Fiction iia.rO Phittio ond Tocev 5 to Z Yeors L45-t49+ VAT +O rii O +a +a +O +a iüa :ta MoinFeotures:This is an innovatively designed'talking book' resource,whichcomesin the form of a photograph albumand a seriesof picturecards,detailingscenesfrom familiarfairy-stories or real-lifeevents.Childrenarrangethe cardsin theirchosenorder,slidethem intothe album,and then pressthe recordbuttonin orderto tape themselves readingthe sequencealoud. +o Skilts:Hand-eyecoordination, fine motorskills,grossmotorskills, lifeskills,observation, concentration. jttä' =f9 ria * ill!: + + ri .r r:i, ::l: i = ::::, a i'i =1 +o lr! O +a +a iL:O .+O Benefts:"Thiswould haveendlessusesin the classroom", reportedthe teacherof a receptionclass,who also highlighted the toy'suse as a teachingresourcefor children learningEnglishas an additional language. Thisis an excellentway of buildingup a child'sliteracyconfidence, and supportsthe government's current'Talkfor Writing" initiative, +O +a Skilts:Speaking,listening,reading/writing, concentration. ,!.ia G? 53