Shelf Life - Williams and Cleal
Shelf Life - Williams and Cleal
, i:$ i:,:::llrlil: iai l:i i";'l il:{: r:::irt:iit. iarir'ii,r 'iii::il: FC riali:1.:ii:: Jane Cleal makesa simpleyet stylishbookcasethatmaintains visualinterest withthe useof contrastino and Cleal timbersandthe unmistakable Williams legdesign resistedthrowingthe kitchensinkat it that sets them apartfrom a :ti:rr,.,:: Designed aS a suite, thispairof bookcases lollow theconstruction anddesign principles fromthe sideboard in F&C112 F&C pieceof ,f\ straightforward produced furniture, by S*\ :l \ Williamsand Cleal,can often be hardto find- l'll letyou decide whetherI meanthisas a positiveor a negative. Commissioned alongsidea sideboard(SeeF&C112)and a pair of smallsidetables,the bookcases featuredhereare refreshingly simplel V i s u a l l yi n, m y o p i n i o nt,h e o n l yt h i n g partitioned box arethe legs. Forthe sideboardI describedhow the leg featureeasilytranslated acrossall the designsand how it gavethe projecta sirongvisual identity. Goingoff on a tangentfor a moment,if you lookat a lot of design classicstheyare,moreoftenthan not,simple.So, althoughmy I bookcaseis not exactlyexceptional, was extremelypleasedwith how I in orderto achievevisualinterest. i.lf',qitA:f tr{}},J IIi':.. for a changeI have ln this instance, to admitthatevenI foundit difficultto justifyproducinga rod, I madesure, however, lhat I produceda detailed , sI t e c h n i c adlr a w i r g lO n c ea g a i n a clearlynevertireof saying.all issues musl be resolvedat thtsstage- even if the pieceappearsto be simple I 1 A routerboxis essential forcutting lhehousings... I o I F ) I 6 @ I c 2 ... it is alsoused to cutshoulders o o o I and 3 Thecut-ouls housing complete thereare alwaysa numberof waYsto I alsothinkit is tackleproduction. 'get out' all the materials to essential at the start.In thiscasetheyincluded Englishcherry(Prunusavrum),solid and veneer,rippledmapleveneer, MDf, ebonyinlayand ebonisingfor the feet. Roughmachinethe solid first.Not onlYso that components they havea chanceto settle,but also so you can checkthe qualitYof the timber.Forexample,if you discovera piecewitha shake,a defector perhapsthe wrongcolour,Please disposeof it straightaway- even if it moretimberor meansreordering puttingup withdelays- in my opinion it is essential. l'll neverforgetproducinga cabinetas a student.I only collector's just had enoughtimberand just like we all havedone,I askedother peoplewhattheythoughtaboutusing a railwitha knotin it. Clearlythe fact that I askedthem provesI knewjolly well lwas tryingto hidefrom making the rightdecision.Eventhoughit was a bottombackrail,it stuckout likea sorethumband I was so the classic'oh Similarly, disappointed. the polishand timewillmaketwo differingcomponentsgo the same colour'is somewhatdebatable, Matchingthe rightgrainis also Basicstuff,but,againin my essential. opinion,railsshouldbe straightand panelscrown,leftand rightlegs shouldmirroreachotherand front lippingsshouldall comefromthe samepieceof wood. point,which Anotherinteresting againmay be obvious[o you,is that whenyou cut out yourMDFmake surethat it comesfromthe same batch.On a largekitchenjob we usedup our stockof l BmmMDFand reordered.The new MDFwas from a differentsourceand the material differedin thicknessby 0.5mm, which,in termsof production, created all sortsof problems.In fact,like manyothercompanies, we now more oftenthan not prethicknesssand the MDFbeforeveneering to eliminate any hollowsor differingthickness. VENgARING 'got So of we go. Having out' all the materials we can beginthe making. l'm afraidI can feelsomemorerules comingon, I alwaysliketo lip and we veneerpanelsto start.Generally 4mmlippings and tendto use thick machinethemover-width according to how longtheyare,ie if the lipping i s o n l y1 0 0 m m( 4 i n )l o n g ,l o c a t i o n shouldbe easyand therefore1mm (%,in)extrain the width shouldbe 4 Theendpanels in cramps 5 Theplinthrail andebonised leet F&C Recess fot rail lor Spigot fixingtop is Housing lull thickness Maincatcass is biscuited housing Plinth r F&C 1000 -r 6 Theinternal divisions areall biscuited together 7 Frontplinthglued up plentyto shaveoff afterwards. Anotherrulewhenflushingoff the lippingsis to try and resistsandingor scraping,as quiteoftenthiscan and resultin dipPingthe liPPings witha uP end can subsequentlY You joint line. dark HavinglippedYourPanelsit is now timeto veneerthem.Mostof the paneisfor thisjob requiredshooting one joint,ie two Piecesof veneeron eachside. Nowthen,is it bestto shootthe veneeredgesusinga shootingboard and a plane,two blocksin a viceand a plane,a routerwitha following or cutteragainsta straightedge perhapsto cramPthe veneerin two blocksand pass them overthe planer? Guesswhat?Fora changeI don't havea preference.Whichevermethod you find producesthe bestresultsis the one to adoPt.TheonlYthingI would say is try to Packthem uP so you are producingseveralat a time One criticalthingthough,I strongly suggestthatyou onlyjointthe veneer goingto glue thatyou are definitely and pressthat daY,Evenif the joint edges havebeen taped together, overnighitheywillmoveand literally ninetimesout of 10 Youwillend uP witha darkglue hairlineonce pressed,Havingveneeredthe panels theycan thenbe planedsquareand sanded,and stored dimensioned, somewhereflat untilthey are readyto be used.Thetop is veneeredfirst, sandedand thenwide,showliPPings Once the biscuitedon aftenruards. squared flushed, have been lippings is then inlaY the and dimensioned, (%ax%ain), and routed,1.5x 1.Smm and the ebonyfinallymachined skimmedwitha blockplaneto fit.The curvedcornersare then routedusing a n M D Ft e m P l a t eA. 1 , 5x 1 . 5 m m( % xo shadowgrooveis also routedon %uin) edge of the toP, the underneath C{}NS?i{UCT!{,}l'{ To start,the internalpartitionand shelf Eventhis are biscuitedtogether. simpleprocesscouldbe executedin ways.The shelfwas in 101different one pieceand thereforethe toP and bottompartitionhad staggered biscuitslots.I supposeone interesiingdebatehereis whetherthe panelsshouldalsohaveshoulders trench. and thusa corresponding Althoughthis,in theory,helPsthe seenjointfacego up, I feelit is unnecessaryand insteadadvocate perfecting the art of edge planning MDF,whichI am veryconsciousis easiersaidthendone. To glueup, the bottompartitionis screwedand thenthe top cramPed, The assemblyis then attachedto the base and top usingexactlythe same principles. Thetop of the partition also has to be notchedarounda top of the baseis rail.The underneath receive also biscuitedto eventually the plinth.Also,alwaysavoidhaving the frontedgesflush.VisuallyI thinkit looks betternot to, and more importantlyin termsof constructionit makesa lot more sense.Youavoid havingto planeedgesthatdon't alwayslineup, and giventimetheY w i l li n e v i t a b l y ' c r e e p ' , I Theplinthis set backfromthecarcass g Theleetare Notethe ebonised. stepdelail the separaling plinthandmain calcass F&C 10 Thecarcass cramped up- just thetoplo go 11 Thetopsare lixedviaspigots 12 Thetopshave ebony slringing. Thegrooves belore andwithinlay, waitingto be flushed off 13 Thetophas rounded cotners to malchthelurned legs yel 14 Thesimple stylishpieceis madefromEnglish cherry andrippled maple veneer LAGS In termsof the sideassemblies, althoughtheylookcomplicated, to simplifyyou haveto almostregard the legsas oddly-shaped lippings. Firstthe plinth,whichis set in from the side panelis biscuitedon and glued.The panelis then let bodilyinto the legs.Thisonceagainelimrnates any needfor complicated tapered shoulders. lt does,however, considerably testthe accuracyof your trenchingabilitiesand the already highlighted needfor consistent board materialthickness. I realisethatthe flippancywithwhichI makethisand a numberof my otherpointsis possibly irritating, but to be honestI don'tthink the processesthemselves are actuallydifficult. but theydo require good preparation, incredibly So just likeI havealludedto in the past,in thiscase,it is essential thatyou producean accuratebox jig to hold the legs- locatedwithspigotsat eachendsof the legs- whileyou routerthe trenches. The legsarethen turnedaround90oand slotsare F&C routedto take the top railand the frontplinth.The back legsare also trenchedto receivethe veneered , h i c hi s 1 s m m M D Fb a c kp a n e lw (%oin) thickin orderto add rigidityto the bookcase.Finally, notchesare routedto receivethe base and shelf. Beforeyou thengluethe side panelsontothe legs,it is important to ebonisethe feetof the legsand sand up all the components. F}]\AL ASSE&4tsI,Y The shelfand basearethenbisculted to the sideframes.Youprobablywill havegatheredby now thatthe biscuit jointeris consideredby Williamsand Clealas an essential tool.lf you haven'talreadydoneso, can I stronglyrecommend thatyou go and purchaseone verysoon! Youcan thenglueon the side framestogetherwiththe back panel, The back panelis alsoscrewed throughthe backof the partition, shelf and base.Thetop railand plinthis thenattachedand,you guessedit, the top is finallybiscuitedontothe carcass.Holesare alsodrilledon the undersideto receivethe spigotson the top of the legsand the top is then glueddown. As mentioned, I enjoyedthatfor a changethiswas quitea straightforward and simplepiece.I am even more comfortedby the fact that it was verywell receivedand I hopeit holdsbookssuccessfullyl So, all in all I can thoroughly recommend this project.lf you havea trustyrouter and biscuitjointerand wouldliketo testyourplanningand trenching skil's,feelfreeto havea go! nc