Bramshill Plateau Development Brief
Bramshill Plateau Development Brief
HAMPSHIRE Local Plan Minerals and Vl/aste BRAMSHILL PLATEAU DEVELOPMENT BRIEF PlanningGuidance SupplementarY of PreferredArea 2 For the development Bramshlll Plateau,Hartley Wintney/Eversley for srnd andgravelextractionandrestoration BSc(IIotrs)MRTPI Tlm Greetrwood CountyPlarnlngOfllcer CourtYCou[cll Hampshlre TheCalde wltrch$ter so23 8UE October1998 BRAMSHILL PLATEAU DEVELOPMENT BRIEF PlanningGuidance Supplementary 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The HampshireMineralsaodWasteLocal Planis beingpreparedby HanpshireCountyCouncil,in conjunctionwith PortsmouthandSouthamptor City Councils.ThePlanwasplacedon depositin November1993,a public. wereplacedon depositin modifications inquirywasheldin 1995/6,proposed March I 997andproposedfurthermodificationswereplacedon depositin April 1998.On 12thOctober1998,theCountyCouncil'sPlanningand TransportationCommitteeresolvedthat noticeof intentionto adoptthe Plan (asproposedto be modified)be given The Planidentifiesprefenedareasfor over the pedodto 2001 sandandgravelextraction,to providefol requirements at that date(ie-to reserves plus provGionofa sevenyearlandbankofpermitted will be gmntedfor ,008). Policy22 of thePlansaysthatplanningpermission provided the proposals prefened areas sandandgmvelextractionwithin the meetthe criteria for developmentfor the area. 1.2 is includedin thePlanas Hailey Wintney/Eversley, BmmshillPlateau, PreferredArea2. The locationof this prefenedareais shownon the attached ofcommercialforestryland 120hectares LocationPlan. Thissitecomprises aroundthejunction of the A3Owith the A.327andC2 (BlackbushesRoad)' north ea$ ;f HartleyWintneyandwestofBlackbusheAirport, almostall of which is ownedby the ElvethamEstate.The northwest,north eastandsouth eastsecto$ofthe site aremanagedby For€stEnteryrise.A smallpalt ofthe prcferredarea,2.3 ha oppositeHawkersLodge,is occupiedby Eveislcy HaulagePark,within which therearea numberofbusinessesoperating The boundaryofthe prefenedarcais shownon the attachedplan extractftom the October1998) to b€ adopted, MineraliandWisteLocalPlan(asproposed Thereareresidentialpropertiesadjacentto thepreferredarea,at Hawkers Lodge,I and2 HartfordBridge Flatsandthe GypsySite at StarHill, as . irdi;ated oo the attachedContextPlan. To the eastofthe prefenedareais the Blackbushe(ADT) CarAuctionssit€ andBlackbusheAirpoft. The wanen . , HeathPondsandCastleBottomto YateleyCommonSitesofSpecialScientilic Interest(SSSI)arecloseto andpartly adjointheprcfered area,asshownon the attachedContextPlan. Thesetwo SSSIsareincludedwithin the Thames BasinHeathspotentialSpecialProtectionArea. t.4 BramshillPlateaulies within an areaofexisting andpastmineralsandwaste operationswithin the parishesofEversley,HartleyWintney,Bramshill and iateley. Theseincludethe curent sandandglavelworking sitesat Warren Heath,EversleyConmon andChandlersFarm,/WatnoreFarm;the recently in permittedsandandgravelworking site at ManorFarm,Finchampstead, Berkshire:the wastetransferandrecyclingfacility at StarHill andthe BlackbusheMetalsscrapyardat vigo Lane;thecomplet€dsandandgravel workingsat BramshillPlantationiandBramshillLandfrll site,which has ceasedtaking in wasteandis in the final stagesofrestoration. Thesesitesare indicatedon the attachedLocationPlan. Mineral extractionis expectedto be Bdtrhill PlateauD.vcloprenl Bricf, Ockth.r 1998 completedat the WarrenHeathandEversleyCommonsiteswithin two to Farm,wheremineralextractio[ on th(eeyears. At ChandlersFarm./Watmorc hasbeenvirtually completedapart of fte River Blackwater the Hampshireside ftom the watmore Farmsite,theprocessingplant andaccesswill be usedfor a fifther ten yearsfor sandandgravelextractedftom ManorFam, Firchampstead. 1 . 5 TheBlamshill PlateauPrefenedAreais adjacentto, southol the existingsand andgravelworking sitesat EversleyCommona[d WarrenHeath,asshownon from the A'327and the attachedContextPlan. Thosesiteshaveaccesses andgmvelprocessing have sand andboth Hill) respectively; 83016(Coopers plants. Thesesitesarebothrcquiredto be restoredat a lower level,without forestryuse, At Wanen Heath,progressive infilling, for subsequent restorationhasensuedthe r€tumoflalge areasofthe site to forestryuse. However,only a smallareaofthe EversleyCommonsitehasbeenrestored, partly to heathland. 2,0 Brief Purposeof the Developmetrt 2.1 with by theCountyCouncilin accordance Thisbriefhasbeenprepared within says that Plan, which Local para$aph5.40of theMineralsandWaste the BramshillPlateauPrefenedArea a developmentbriefwill be required beforcarryfurtherpermissionsaregrantedfor new sandandgravelextraction plarulingguidancefor the operations.It providesnon-statutory,supplementary developmentofthe BramshillPlateauPrefenedArea,basedon the principles andis setout in the criteria for working the site in the Plan. It supplements, Local consistentwitlL thepoliciesandproposalsin the MineralsandWaste with PlanningPolicy Guidance Pla4 andhasbeenFeparedin accordance 'Development PlansandRegionalPlanningGuidance'.The NotePPG12: briefis for guidanceandit dogsnot seekto setout policiesor proposalsfor mineralworking additionalto thoscin the MineralsandWasteLocal Plan;but it will be a materialconsiderationin determiningplaru ng applicationswithin the Bmmshill PlateauPrefenedArea. It seeksto balancethe aim of ensuring continuedsupplyof sandandgavel from this locality againstthe aim of minirnisingdisturbanceandsecuringenvironmentalben€flts. 2.2 briefto setout a detailedand It is not thepuposeofthis d€velopment developmentat Brarnshill working for mineral blueprint comprehensive guidance, in moredetailthanis Plateau.The briefhas beenpreparedto give containedin fte MineralsandWasteLocal Plan,to prospectivedevelope6and otherswith interestsir the landconcemedwith thepreparationofplanning applicationsfor mineralworking; andto indicatehow certainaspectsof such developmentarelikely to be consideredby the CountyCouncil. Theblief focuseson thoseissueswhich,in the prepalationofthe MineralsandWaste Local PlarLthe CountyCouncilhasidentified asbeing ofparticular sigdficancein the considerationofproposalsfor mineralwolking at Bramshill Plateauandfor which additionalguidanceis required. In particularit gives guidancewhich seeksto ensue that anymineralexhactionwill be carriedout in an acceptablemannerandthat the landwill be lestoredto the highest practicablestanddd. However,thescissueswill needto be examinedand Blamhill Pht€auDelelop@hl B.i.f, Odobd 1998 consideredin moredetailat the planningapplicatiol stage,at which time other issuesof importancemay well cometo light asa resultofmorc detailed investigationof applicationsitesandtheir sunoundings. The Bramshill PlateauPreferredArea is expectedto play a majortole in in northHampshireoverthenext l0 years, meetiogthe needfor aggregates Local Plansaysthat a andbeyold. Paragraph5.40ofthe MineralsandWaste 'to developmentbrief is requiredfor BramshillPlateau ensue thatthe considerationof mineralworking proposalsis Iltlly integatedwith the various otherobjectivesfor th€ area,includingforestry,natureconservahon, landscape,waterresourceandrecreationalobjectives';andtlut the main 'to ensue that minemlworking cantake purposeofthe developmentbrigfis mannerwithout pr€judiceto the othersignificant placein an acceptable the area" interestswithin il The criteria for working theBramshillPlateauPrefenedArea,in Appendix I ofthe MineralsandWasteLocalPlan,says: 'The developmentbdef shouldaddressthe phasedworking andrestoration of the whole area,havingparticularregardto its locationwithin the Forest ofEversley CountrysideHeritageArea andthe needfor the restoration with the CountyCoNcil's andafter-useofsitgs to be in accordance alsoad&essth949Eggg4 The briefwill Area. objectivesfor theHeritage theprovisionofunworked restorationi loiationandphasingof heathland ofthe vanouspartsoi theareato margirsandthescreening visu;l impactofmineral working dn adjoiningroads,propertiesandrights ofway; thosepartsofthe areawherebackfillinq with inert wastewould be andthetrafflgjgp!!9q@59!@!!!!on for landformreasons; essential the local highwaynetwork.' 2.5 'different' Forestsof Eversley.Tho For€stof Eversley Therearetwo CountrysideHeritageAJea(CHA) coversthc civil parishesofHartley wintoey, EversleyandBramshill,with partsofYateley, Hawleyand Mattingley. Its objectiveis to promot€the activeintercstin the marragement andconsewationofthe historic landscapg.It includesth€ BramshillPlateau 'other' ForestofEversley,which formedpalt ofan PrefenedArea. The unsuccessfulMillennium Bid, coversa largerareathanthe CHA' It includes alt the CHA andthereforethe BramshillPlateauPrefered Area. Althoughthe by a MillenniumBid failed,theForestofEversleyprojectis beingprogressed partnershipof local authorities,ForestEnterpds€,HampshireWildlife Trust, ihe CountrysideCommissionandthe local community. This projectseeksto promotethe ForcstofEversleyin the followilg ways: andconservationofthe(a) - promotingactiveinterestin themanagement i'ti"tori" l-d"cape, andse€kingto evokethe spirit ofthe arcientoyal hunting forest; (b) promoiingthe areaasliving andworking (multi-purpose)countryside; (c) promotingnatureconservationandlandscapeconservation;and (O) promotlnglntorrnalaccessto thecountryside,togetherwith environrnental educationandprcvisionof informationor interDreqlio4 BEtuhill Pllrelu D.vllopmnt Bncf, Oclob.r 1998 t 2.7 To meetthe requireme[tsofthe MineralsandWasteLocal Plan for the BramshillPlateauPrefenedArea,the following objectiveshavebeen identified,andthe brief seeksto provideguidanceon how they shouldbe areasfollows: achieved.Theseobjectives (a) to providea co-ordinatedframeworkfor mineralworking; O) to limit traflic movementsandoverallenvironmentaldistubanceiom mineralandwasteoperationsin the locality to acceptablelevels; (c) to limit the impactof mineralworking on the local environmentand levels;and interestsof importanceto acceptable (d) to ensur€effectiveandsatisfactoryrestorationto the highestpracticable q,lx,"'+. standardandsatisfactoryaft€ruse. - L{.-L - * l",l^l^EIn consideringmineralworking developmentat Bmmshill Plateau,it needsto be bomein mind that anyprcposalsfor mineralextractionandr€storationrvill be setin the contextof andconstrainedby the existingpredominantland-use is anareathatis subjectto ofcommercialforestry.BramshillPlateau Rotational a operations. nature of foresry because ofthe change landscape ofrees will takeplaceat Bramshill1 fellingofwoodlandblocksandreplanting working takesplace.Anv mineral ofwhether mineral regardless Plateau place witlil.Jhe cYgleof.foreslg take workinsshouldasf4r asis pr?qlicable Il-nomineralworklngoccurs,rotatlonallelllngwlll conllnuero oDerations. ofbirds (seeSection8 species i6uii"?.uitubl" hubitatfor cenainprorected telow). 3.0 GeneralGuidance 3.1 with the Criteria for working setout in Developmentshouldbe ill accordance Appendix I ofthe HampshireMineralsandWasteLocal Plan, assetout in the attachedextractfrom the Plan (asproposedto be adopted,October1998). The main requirementssetout in thg criteria for working,which form thebasisof the guidancein this developmentbrie{ areasfollows: (a) The areashouldonly be workedasextensionsto thg existingadjacent min€ralworking operationsusingthe existingprocessingplants; O) The timing andphasingofworking shouldbe co-ordinatedwith other via the 4327; riearbyminenl andwastesitesaccessed (c) Thercshouldbe no increaseoverthe existinglevelsof mineralandwaste lorry haffic in the locality; (d) Accessshouldbe via the accesses to the existingadjacentmineralworking shouldbe from the A327 north of access required operations;anyother Road)southofthe A30; the A30 or fiom the C2 (Blackbushes (e) Therouteingoflonies shouldbe limitedto theA327andA30; (0 The excavatedmineml shouldbe movedto the prcc€ssingplantsby intemalhaul rcutes,with conveyorcrossingsofpublic highways; (g) Unwork€dmarginsshouldbe providedandscreenplantingshouldbe providedor retained,to minimisevisual impact; (h) Reasonable measuresshouldbe takento protectthe amenitiesof nearby rgsidents: (i) An assessment ofpossiblgimpacton natureconservationintqests within the site shouldbe carriedout; closg to and Bnchill Pl.t..! Brief, Ocrond 1998 6) A hydrologicalstudyshouldbe undertakento assessimpacton downstreamsurfacewaterandgrcundwaterandmeasuresto prevent adverseimpactsshouldbe put forwad; (k) The ScheduledAncientMonument,FestaenDic, shouldbe safeguarded; andan archaeologicalevaluationof the site shouldbe caded out; (l) Mineral working andr€storationoperationsshouldnot adve6elyalIect operationsat BlackbusheAiport; (m) The site shouldbe progressivelyworkedandrestorcdto a balanceof at the forestryandheathland,with provisionfor public access/recreatioq original contours; not exceeding lower level or afterbackfilling to a l€vel ofheathland; management andwith provision for thd subscquent only; andonly waste materials be vr'ith inert (Il) Any backfilling should providedsatisfactoryrcstorationcanbe achievedandpollution would not be caus€d:and (o) An environmentalstatementis likely to be requiredwith anyapplication for sandandgravelextractionftom the wholeor a substantialpad ofthe preferreda!ea. Notwithstandingthat BramshillPlateauis a preferredarcafor sandandgavel 'permissionwill not be granted extmctionin Poiicy 22, thePlanalsostat€sthat areacan for minemlextractionunlessfte CountyCouncilis satisliedthat the'parts of and impact'; without causing unacceptable restored be workedand of as a result the ar€3maybe requiredto remainunworkedor unfilled calriedout'. assessments Proposalsfor developmentwithin the BramshillPlateauPreferredArea should be Senerallyin accodancewith the attachedGuidancePlan. 4.0 Phasltrgof Mirersl rflorking Operations 4.1 With the closue ofthe sandandgravelextractionsite at Bramshill Plantation andthe cessationoftipping at the BramshillLandfill Site, therenow remain threemineralworking operationsin the Eversley/HadleyWintney/Bramshill,/ Yateleyare4 at ChandlersFann/Watrnor€Fann/Mano!Fam, WarrenHeath via the A327. andEversleyCommon. All thr€€ofthesc sitesareaccessed Whilst ChandlersFarn/Watnorc Fann^,IanorFarmhasan exp€cted remaininglife of aroundten yea$, the othertwo siteshavemuchshorter remaininglives. Thqe arcno landfill sitesrcmainingin operationin this area, but the SiarHill wastetransferandrecyclingfacility adjoinsthe Bnmshill via the A3271A30.The Blackbushe PlateauPrefenedArca andis accessed Mctals scrapyardis lesscloselyrelatedto thepr€feEedarer' beinglocatedon the othersideofBlackbusheAirport. Proposalsfor mineralworking at BramshillPlateaushouldbe suchftat the level of lorry traflic in the ar€agcneratedby mineralsandwasteoperations would not be increascd.ln orderto ensurethis, the CountyCouncildoesnot wish to seeanyincreasein thenumberofmineral working operationsin the area. Therefore,the Bramshill Eversley/HartleyWintney/BramshilyYatel€y PlateauPref€nedArea shouldbe workedasextensionsto, or in replacement for, the existingsandandgravel€xtractionsit€sat WarrenHeathandEv€rsley Bdnhitl Phrlro DcEl@lMt 8dcf, oclobo l99E Common;so that at anytime therecontinuesto be not morethantwo mineral working opemtions,with not mor€thantwo sandandgravelprocessingplants, at BramshillPlateau(ie within /C2 crossroads in the areaaroundthe A301A327 the areacoveredby the attachedGuidancePlan). 4.3 It is expectedthat therewill be two separatcmineralworking operationswithin the BramshillPlateauPrefenedArea,with both commencingwithin the next two to threeyea$. It is expectedthat the nodh eastsectorwill be workedas an extensionto the existingEvercl€yCommonsite,over a periodof approximatelysix years;andthe othersectorswill be workedasan extension to the existingWaren Heathsite over approximately12-15yea$. These timescalesshouldensue that tho cumulativeimpactofminerals andwaste areais not Wintney,tsmmshilyYateley operationsin the Eversley,4{artley The timescales inqeasedasa resultof mineralworking at Bmmshill Plateau. assumeworking of the two siteswithin the BramshillPlateauPreferredArea at the samerateasthe WarrenHeathandEversleyCommonsiteshavebeen wo*ed. The CountyCouncilwill expectanyplanningapplicationfor milleral working to statethis, therebyensuringthat the l€vel of lorry taffic generated by mineralworkingsitesin theareawill notbe increased. 4.4 The CountyCouncilis concemedto ensue that mineralextractiol within the BrarnshillPlateauPreferredAreadoesnot increasethe overallimpactof mineralworking operationsin the locality. In padicula!,the CountyCouncil doesnot wish to seganyincreasein the arcaof landopenedup for mineral extractionandnot rcstored.Thereis padicularconcemaboutthe lack of progresswith restorationofthe existingEve6ley Commonsite. Therefore,in consideringproposalsat BramshillPlateaufor the extensionor replacementof eitherofthe existingmineralworking sitesat WarrenHeathandEversley Cornrnon,the CountyCouncilwill hav€regardto the proposalsfor and progrcsstowardsrestomtionof the related€xistingmineralworking site. The CountyCouncilis unlikely to gant permissionfor furthermineralexhaction unlessthe restorationof therelatedexistingmineralworking site within a reasonable timescaleis assured,andunlessthe working ofnew areaswould not leadto an increasein the areaof land in the locality openedup for min€ral extmctionandnot restored. 5,0 Access l.l The CountyCouncilwishesto seethe numberofaccessesminimisedin the BramshillPlateaulocality, arcundthe A30/A327IC2junction, in th€ interests ofhighway safety. Acc€ssin connectionwith mineralextl'dctionwithin the to the BramshillPlateauPrcfenedArca shouldbe via the existingaccesses WanenHeathandEversleyCommonmineralworkilg sitesfrom the A327 and83016 (CoopersHill). ln the evcntthat othermeansofaccessis rcquired, in cormectionwith preparationofthe site for minelal extractiono! rcstoration followirig extaction, suchaccessshouldonly be from the A327 in rcspectof Road)in respectof land to north of theA30; andfrom the C2 (Blackbushes shouldbe locatedclearofthe land to the southofthe A30. Suchaccesses junctionsofthe A327andC2 with theA30, Thereshouldbenoaccess to any part of the site directly ftom the A30. Bramhill PlaleauDevelopre.t Bdcf, oclobd 1998 5.2 ofthe to thesatisfaction will needto be locatedanddesigned All accesses creation of to avoid the HighwayAuthority. Accessesshouldbe designed viewsillto thebodyofthe site, 5.3 Proposalsfor mineralworking at BramshillPlateaushouldprovidefor the routeingof lorry traffic to andftom the siteto be via the A327 aIIdA30, taking into accountthe A3Ostrategy;with no traflic movementson the B3016 to theEversleyCommonsiteor on theC2 Hill) northofthe access (Coopers Road)andIlryholeHill to the southof theBramshillPlateau (Blackbushes PreferredArea. This is in the interestsofminimising the impactof truffic on the local highwaynefwork. This routeingof lonies shouldapplyboth to vehiclesusedin theremovalofmaterial ftom the site(s)andto anyvehicles usedin connectionwith restorationof the site(s). The CountyCowtcil will with the opelatorto controlthe rout€ingof lony traflic seeka legal agrgement in connectionwith anyplaruringpermissiongrantedfor minenl working. 5.4 A traffic impactstudyshouldbe undertakenfor anyproposalwhich would increasethJlevel or alterthe existingpattemof lorry movements.A traffic impactstudywould be necessaryfor anyproposalinvolving backfilling anypart ofthe sitewith importedmaterial. Any suchtraffic impactstudyneeded shouldtake into account:the timing androuteingoflorry movements;the arangementsto controlthe numberoflorry movements;monitoringof lorry movements;andminimisationof the environmentalimpactof lorry tafnc' 5.5 Thejunction ofthe A3O/A32'llC2hasapoor accidentrecord. Highway if additionaltraffic wasexpectedto improvementworkswould be necessary result frornmineralworking operationsat BramshillPlateau.Any suchworks requiredwould needto be the subjectofa S€ction278Agreem€nt. 6.0 Plantsand Working Scheme ProcessiDg 6.1 Proposalsfor mineralworking within theBramshillPlateauPreferredArea shouldprovidefor the extractgdsandandgravelto be prccessedat oneorotheroatheexistingsandandgravelprocessingplantsat the WarrenHeathand EversleyCommonmineralworking sites. Thercshouldbe not morethantwo sandandgravelprocessingplantsin operationat anytime within the combined areaofthe BramshillPlatgauPrefered Areaandthe WarrenHeathand EversleyCommonmineralworking sites. 6.2 In th€ cventthat it is not reasonablyplacticablefor sandandgavel exhacted from BramshillPlateauto be processedthrcughoneof the o(isting sandand gravelprocessingplants,anyproposalfor the relocationof thatplant, or its on i new site,will be consideredon its meritshavingregardto the ieplace.rnent rjevant policiesin the MineralsandWasteLocal Plan,in pafiicularPolicy 40' Any suchnewplant sitewould ne€dto be locatedto €nablethe plant to be visually andacousticallyscreenedfrom roadsandresidentialproperties. with th€ guidancesetout in Section5 above' Accessshouldbe in accordance 6.3 The impactofmineral working shouldbe rninimisedby progessiveworking orderto minimisethe areaofland that at anytime hasbeen Bamnil Plal.u D.v.lopmnt Bricf,Octobd1998 disturbedandis uffestored. To ensurgtheprovisionof suitableconditionsfor the continuedbreedingofprotectedaDdotherbird species,at anytime not less than75% ofthe BramshillPlateauPrefeEedArea shouldbe eithe!unworked or restorcdto a statesuitablefor useby breedingbirds. 6.4 The majority ofcommercialforestrycropwithi[ the BramshillPlateau PrefenedArea hasreachedmaturityandwill be rctationally felled. To minimisethe visual impactof f€lling andmineralworking on the locality, so far asis practicable,felling oftre€s on anyworking phaseof thePrefened Areashouldnot bs undertakenuntil tho seasonpdor to the plarmed commelcementofmineral working withirt thatphase. 6.5 BramshitlPlateaushouldgenerallybe workedin phasesfrom nodh to south, startingclosestto the existingplocassingplant sitesandworking awayfrom them. The north eastemsector,to the southofthe existingsandandgravelsite at EveNleyCornmon,is expectedto be workedasan extensionto that site. Th€ remainderofthe BramshillPlateauPreferredArea is expectedto be work€dasan extensionto the existingWanenHeathsandandgravelsite,with the workingsphasedasfollows: firstly, th€ areabetweenthe existingwolkings theB3016andA30, at London thelandbetween andthe83016;secondly, ofthe A30,eithersideofthe C2. RoadHeath;andthirdly,thearcassouth 6.6 D€tailsofthe movementandstomgeoftop andsubsoils andtheir usein rcstorationshouldbe providedwith anyplanningapplicationfor eachphaseof development.Soils shouldnormallybe retainedwithin the sectorof the prefenedareaftom which theyoriginatgto enablesatisfactoryprogressive restorationandminimiselorry movements. Thg envirorunentalimpactofthe movementofminerals betwegtrthe working faceandplant site shouldbe minimised. All extractedmineml shouldbe movedto the appropriateprocassingplant by intemalhaulroutes,without usingpublic highways. Thereshouldbe no movementof materialto a processingplant by vehiculartlansportusingor crossinga public highway. Wherepracticable,conveyorsshouldbe usediII preferenceto movementby vehiculartransport. 6.8 All crossingsofpublic highwaysshouldbe by conveyorspassingbeneaththe roads. The genenl locationsofsuch conv€yorcrcssingsthat arc expectedto be requiredareshownon the attachedGuidancePlan. Any proposalsfor conveyorcrossingsofpublic highwayswould needto be agreedwith the HighwayAuthority. Considerationshouldbe giv€nto the constructionof horse useby pedestdans, underpasses that would be suitablefor subsequent ofnew establishment possibly with the in connection liders & cyclists, rccreationalrcutesin the arca. 6.9 to ensure A1l proposalsfor conveyorsandhaulroadsshouldincludemeasures that adversevisual andloise impact,particularlyto neaxbyresidents,would not be causedby the movementof minelal ftom the working faceto the processingplant andpublic highway. B66hill Phl.a! DcvcloDnst Brief. oclotd 198 1,0 Amedty ScreetrirgaDdProtectioDof ResideDtial 7.1 The Bramshill PlateauPreferedAreais dissectedby roadsandconsequently to theA30,4327,83016andC2. lengthsofroadfrontage, hasconsiderable workingsfrom theseroads ofmineral screening considers The County Council visual impactbeing to be particulaxlyimportant,to pleventunacceptable caus€d.The views into thepreferredareafrom adjacantroadsvary considerablyandthe measulesthatwill be apprcpriateto eNure effective screeningwill vary for the differentboundaries.The following guidelincs, covgrthemain which shouldbe regardedastheminimumlikely requirements, provisions included variationsarrdshouldbe usedasthebasisof the screening in proposalsfor mineralworking: (a) Wherethereareexistingbeltsor blocksoftrees,whetherconifetousor to roads,a minimum20 metrewideb€ltof trees adjacent deciduous, shouldbe retained.Io addition,a 3 mehehigh temporarybundshouldbe providedimmediatelyinsidethehe€belt to block viewsof themineral workingsbeneathconiferoustroesor thrcughdeciduoustrees'particularly in the winter. Wherethcreis a substantialboundaryhedgewhich provides adequateall yearvisual screeningandwould be retainedtkoughout the periodofmineral working on the adjacentpart ofthe site,a bundwould probablynot be necessary.Bundsshouldbe gassed. (b) Wherethercis little or no maturetreecoveradjacentto roadsa 30 metre wide unworkedmarginshouldbc retainedandshouldbe plantedup with of tleesat the earliestpmcticalopportunitybeforeihe commencement mineralworking operationswithin thatpart of the site. This margin shouldbe backedby a bundat least3 metreshigh to provideadequate immediatesqeeningof themineralworkings. Bund heightsshouldbe greaterthan3 meheswherethe adjacentroad level is higherthanthe groundlevel at thebaseofthe bund. The additionalheight shouldbe at Gastthe differencein levelbetweenthe baseof thebundandthe adjacent roadlevel. Outerfacesofthe bundsshouldbeplantedwilh appropriate nativeshrubspecies. (c) Wheretherearesinglerowsoftrees or hedgerowsimmediatelyadjacentto roadsthey shouldbe rctainedandthe hedgerolvsshouldbe allowedto gow up to a heightsufficientto providevisual sdeeningofthe mineral workings. Additional advanceplantingshouldbe caried out alonglhe bowdaries alongthe southsideofthe A30, which shouldconsistof an apFopriatenativetree/shrubmix. (d) ' . Along the eastemboundaryofthe nolth eastquadrant,adjacentto the Blackbushe(ADT) CarAuctionsprcmises,a minimum 20 metrebelt of treesshouldbe retained.which shouldbe backedby a 3 mehehigh bund' (e) Along the westemboundaryofthe north westqua&ant(LondonRoad Heath).betweenthe A30 and83016, a bund at least3 metreshigh should be provided. Thewoodlandto the westof this boundary,betweenthe GypsySite andthe A30, shouldbe retainedtbroughoutthe periodof BEtr$hill Plat ru Dlvllopftnr Bnef, oclobct 1998 mineralworking operationswithin lhe northwestquadnnt, andif additionalplantingshouldbe carriedout, to provide a visual necessary screenftom the A30 westof the site. 7.2 The generallocationsof theboundariesofthe BramshillPlateauPrefened Areawhereunworkedmarginsand/orscreeningprovisionsarercquiredare indicatodoII the attachedCuidancaPlan Proposalsfor screeningshouldtakeaccountof thephasingof mineralworking, to e;surethatthe screeningprovisionsfor anyphasgofthe site arein place beforemineralworking oporationscommenc€within that phase.Wh€ro screeningprovisionsincludenewplanting,theplantingshouldbe caniedout ofthe development, at the commencement 7.4 Wherea proposedmineralworking areais adjoinedby woodland,asis the casewith thi two quadmntsof theBramshillPlateauPreferredArea to th€ southof the A30 and,to a limited extent,with the small areanorth of the 83016,a beltofwoodlandat least30 metreswid€shouldbe retain€daround the mineralworking areato prcvide screeningto views from beyondthe Area. Thisretainedwoodlandbeltshould,ifpossible,be provided Preferred outsidethe Prefered Areaboundaryin orderto minimisethe amountof provisions. by screening mineralthatis sterilised Proposalsfor mineralworking which involve theretentionofone or otherof theixisting sandandgravelprocessingplantsat Waren HeathandEversley Commonshouldincludeprovisionsfor the screeningofthat processingplant ftom public highwaysandresidentialproperties,includingthe retentionof Hill), as to the.{327and83016(Coopers beltsofwoodlandadjacent appropnate. 7.6 Proposalsfor mineralworking shouldincludeprovisionsto ensuretheproiectionofthe amenitiesofnealby residents,particularlyat Hawker's ^. iodge, I and2 HartfordBridgeFlatsandthe LondooRoadHeathGWsy Site, andotheroccupiersof adjacentland. Theseprovisionsmay needto include additionalunworkedmargins,screeningbundsandthe ret€ntionof €xisting line betweenthe southwest vegetation.The woodlandandroadsidehedge./tree BridgeFlats, on the sorrth 2 Hartford quidt-t ofttt" Pt"f"tt"d Arca and t and sideofthe A30, shouldbe retained0uoughoutthe periodofmineral working opelationswithin the southwestquadrant,to providea visual sqeenbetween the minelal workingsand I and2 Hanford BridgeFlats andto help scrcenthe mineralworkingsAom view from the A30 westofthe site. 7.7 The prcvisionsthatwill be requiredto protectthe amenitiesofnearby residintswill be establishedin detailasandwh€n plalmhg applications containingfull detailsof the proposedmineralworking operationsandtheir relationshipto the existinglocal envirorunentaresubmitted.The amenitiesof recreationilusersof the for€stareas,will alsorequireprotection Whilst there arcno legisteredpublic rights ofway acrossthe BramshillPlateauPrefered Are4 th; is curently considerableinformaluseofYateley HeathWood' The CountyCouncilwill seekthe adviceofthe District Council BraNhill Plac.u Dcrclopmnr Brief, Oclobd 198 l0 into EnvironmentalHealth Officer on theprovisionsrequiredandwill take 'The MPG11: Not€ Plaruing Guidance in Minerals theguidance account ControlofNoiseat SurfaceMineralWorkings'. 8.0 NatureConservatiotr 8.1 The areais situatedcloseto andpartly adjoinsth€ Waren HeathPondsand CastleBottom to YateleyComrnonSitesof SpecialScientificInterest(SSSIS)' both ofwhich areincludedwithin theThamesBasinH€athspotentialSpecial ofthe possibleimpactofmineral ProtectionArea (SPA). An assessment extractionandrestorationoperationson thesesitesshouldbe undertaken. MineralsPlaming GuidanceNote MPG6: Guidelinesfor AggregatesProvision in Ergland (paragaph72) advisesthat mineralproposalswithin or likely to affeciSsslJshould be the subjectofthe mostrigorousexamination.Plaming Policy GuidanceNote PPG9: NatureConservationadvisesthat development mustbe subjectto specialscrutiny in or likely to affectSSSIS proposals (paragraph29) andthat the envilonmentaleffectsof anyprcposed eitherin or closeto apotentialSPAshouldbe subjectto themost development rigorousexamination(paragraph39). Whilst noneofthe Bramshill Plateau PrefenedArea is cunently designatedasSSSIor SPA,the clear felled areas andareasofyoung plantationswithin the rotatiolally managedcodfer plantationswhichiover this areaareimpoiant asbreedinghabitatsfor species ofbirdsli.t"d in Aott"* I ofEuopeanDirective7g/lglEEc onthe conservationofwild birds (the EuropeanBirds Directive). PPG9adviseson how thepresenceofprotectedspeciesshouldbe takeninto accountin the considentionof a planningapplicationwhich would affect the speciesor its for anyproposalfor mineral habitat(paragraph47). It will be necessary that therewould be no adverseimpacton thesenature working to demonstrate collse ation intelests. 8.2 Unworkedmarginsshouldbe providedandmaintainedadjacentto the SSSIS, asmay be requiredto protecttheir integdty. The CountyCouncilwill consult extentof suchmargilNandon the needfor Engtah Natureon the necessary to protectthe SSSIS The extentof anymarginwill be anj othermeasures impactsthat mineral. . dependentuponthe hydrological,&ydrogeological extractionandrestorationoperationsmay havgon the SSSISandthe mitigation studylefen€d that areproposed Tbc hydrological/hydrogeological measures to addless to in the following sectionofthis brief shouldincludean assessment this issue. 8.3 shouldalsobe undertakenofthe possibleimpactof mineral An assessment extractionalld lestorationoperationson anynahre conservationinterestwithil the BramshillPlateauPrefelredArea itself. This shouldincludean auditofthe currentlyavailablesuitablehabitatfor protectedbird species.Any proposal thattherewould be no significant for mineralu/orkingshoulddemonstrate adverseimpacton anysuchnatureconservationinterestsor that the impacican be satisfactorilymitigated. Boruhill Pl.tau Dev.lopmnt Bricf, Oclobcr 1998 11 ll* 9.0 Hydrology 9.1 The BramshillPlateauareais underlainby high level tenacesandard gavel drainthe areaandform tributaries deposits.A numberof smallwatercourses andhydrcgeologicalinterests and Blackwater. Hydrclogical Rivers Hart ofthe shouldbe protectedwithin boththe preferredareaandsurroundingland' Both mineralextractionandrestorationinvolving backfilling havethepotentialto adverselyaffectthe surfaceandgrcundwaterenvirorunentsThe greatest possibleeffectis mediumandlong term dewateringofareasthroughmineral eff€ctson adjacentareas,particularly extractionandthe consequent ofmineralextraction wat€rcouNes, lakes,wetlandsandSSSIs.Themethods andrestorationshouldbe designedcarefullyto minimisethe impacton the surfaceandgroundwaterresourcesof the arca;andthe cumulativeeffectof developmentshouldbe considered, 9.2 studyshouldbe undertak€lto assessthe A hydrologicat/hydrogeological implicationsof exhactionandanybackfilling proposedfor on-siteanddownthat need streamsurfacewaterandgound water;andto identify the measures to be takento preventor mitigateany adverseimpactson theseinterests.The studyshouldincludea watgrbalancestudy for local catchmentsandthe moniloringof surfaceandgroundwaterlevelsandflows. lt shouldhave regardto the waterstoragepotentialofthe sandandgravelresourceandshould addressthe cumulativeeffectsofmineral working in this locality on this grcundwaterresource.It shouldalsoestablishthepotentialimpactofmineral extractionandr€storationproposalson the quality of surfaceandgrould that the proposalwill not derogatethe wat€r. The studyshould demonstrate quantityor quality ofwater availableto the BlackwaterandHart River Catchments. 9.3 lakes, Wheremineralworking operationsmay affect n€arbywatercourses, ponds,wetlands,goundwaterabstractionsourcesor anyotherfeatureofthe study waterenvironmentby dewatering,thehydrclogicayhydrcgeological identiry any ofthe likely effectsard shouldinclud€a full assessment required,The studyshould,in particular,addressthe mitigatingmeasures possibleuseofany waterderivedfrom the dewateringofmineral workingsto for dewateringby thejudicious siting of dischalgepoints. compensate II ',o I that may be required!o ensurethat The studyshouldidentiry anymeasures hedgesandkeebelts aroundth€ mineralcxtractionareasandadjoining woodlandwill not b€ adverselyaffectedby changesto surfacewater flows or to groundwaterasa rcsult ofmingral rvorking. 9.5 In the eventthat anyinfilling belowthe watertableis ploposed,the likely in effectsof the infill on gloundwaterlevelsandflow pathsshouldbe assessed the identiry The study should study. the hydrological-/hydrogeological build up on the up measures required to preventunacceptable Sroundwater gradientsideofthe siteandthe measures requiredto prcventgroundwate! groundwater on the down features or abstractors dependcnt being cut offto sradientside. Bddhill Platcr! DcvcloDhcntBricf, Oclobd 1998 t2 9,6 7 Unworkedmargiis shouldbe maintainedadjacentto anyperman€nt watercoursewithin or adjoiningthe prefen€darea. The CountyCouncilwill width of suchmarginsand consultthe EnvironmentAgencyon the necessary that maybe requiredto protectwatercouses' anyothermeasures 10,0 Archaeology 10,1 The southeastquadrantofthe BramshillPlateauPreferredArea adjoinsan earthworkknown asFestaenDic, asindicatedon the attachedGuidancePlan' which is a ScheduledAncientMonument. The fabric andsettingofthis ancie[t monumentshouldb€ safeguarded.To protectthe settingofthe FestaenDic earthwork,anunworkedmarginandtreebelt ofnot lessthan20 metreswidth shouldbe maintainedbetweenth€ earthworkandany developmentworks\vithi[ the prefenedarea.No new constructedfeature (suchis a bund)shouldbe placedin sucha way asto confusethe visual selting ofth€ eadhwork. areahasalreadybeencalried ofthe preferred assessment 10.2 An archaeological anysystematic out. However,thewoodlandin thisareahasneverundergone in 1 993during banow of a round archaeologicalsurveyandthe discovery the potentialfor asyet uDknown forestryclearancedemonstrates and sites to survive. Ptior to anyplanning eaflhwolks archaeological applicationfor mineralworking within anypart ofthis areabeing submitted,a detailedearthworksurveyshouldbe carriedout. Sucha fleld surveyshouldbe caried out in the winter months,the periodapFoximatelyfiom Januaryto the beginningof Marchbeingthe optimumtime, whenthe vegetationon the lloor oflhe plantationis at its lowest. The needfor any furtherevaluation,for on the resultsofthe lield exampleby trial ttenching,shouldthenbe assessed survey. The bdef for the field surveyshouldbe agreed\dth the County Archaeologicalofficer. The surveyreportshoulddescdbethe location,extent, that andifpossiblethedateofany earthworks stateofpreservation character, would be affectedby theproposeddevelopment;andthe surveyresultsshould alsobe presentedon mapsandplansat appropriatescaleand,wheren€cessary, by profilesoftho earthworks.The resultsofany suchsurvey accompanied would be usedto considerthe impactofthe proposeddevelopmenton thc &chaeologicalremainsandmight resultin the identificationofa needfor recording. further archaeological ofthe resultsof the evaluatoryfieldworkmay indicatea needfor 10.3 Assessm€nt interests.All such furthermitigationmeasuesto safeguardarchaeological that arcnecessaryshouldbe providedfor in any scheme mitigationmeasures of mineralworking that is proposed. 11,0 Birdstrike ll,l Areais closeto thewestemendofthe runway Preferred TheBramshillPlateau at BlackbusheAirpor! andit is within the safeguadingareaofDERA Famborough.Froposalsfor mineralexhactiolrandrestorationshouldnot adverselyaffecl operationsat BlackbusheAirport or DERA Famborough-In palticular,it is importart to avoidthe hazardofbird shike risk with its BBmhill Pl.tcao Dcv.lopmnr Bnef, Octobr | 998 public safetyimplications.Proposalsfor mineralworking consequential working practicesconsistentwith ensuringthatbird strikedsk include should is not inqeased. For this reason,the MineralsandWasteLocal Plansaysthat only inert wastematedalwill be permittedto be usedfor anybackfilling of mineralworkingswithin thePrefeEedAlea that is requiredto achieve satisfactoryrestoration. 1 12.0 Restoratiotrand After Use 'op€ncountryside'within the Forest 12.1 The BramshillPlateauPrefenedArea is 2.5. TheCountyCouncilis placing ofEversleyasreferredto in paragraph grcatimportanceon promotingthe CountrysideHeritageArca andthewider Forestof Eversleyareaasliving andwotking countryside,whereactively managedfarmingandforestryshouldcontinue.Restorationfollowing mineral 'opencountrysid€'us€sandshould working at Bramshill Plateaushouldbe to meetthe objectivesofthe CountyCouncilfor theForestof Eversley. Restorationshouldbe to the highestpracticablestandardto achievea balance andheathla[dafteruse. followingmineral 12.2 TheMineralsandwasteLooalPlansaysrestoration extractionshouldbe eitherat the low€r level or afterbackfilling with inert of originalcontoursor a combination to levelsnot exceeding wastematerials for different use objectives the two, dependingon the rcstorationandalter padsofthe site. The Planalsosaysthat infilling with inert wastematerials will only be permittedprovidedsatisfactoryrcstorationof the land canbe achievedandpollution would not be caused.In his Repot (1996)on the Public Inquiry into objectionsto theMineralsandWasteLoaal Plan,the Inspectorsaid: 'I considerthatthe plecautionaryprinciple shouldapplyand that,otherthanwhereessentialfor landformreasons,landfill shouldnot, in my opinion,be permitted';and 'I considerthat natue cons€rvationinterestsand intemationalresponsibilitieswould only be fully protected,in line with andlocalpolicies,iflandfill is, for themostpad,avoided national,strategic concluded: andbackfillingwith non-inertwasteprohibited'.TheInspector 'while I am not convinc€dthatthereis an overridingnecessityfor backfilling with inert waste,I am satisfiedthat suchfilling may be essentialfor topogaphicalandlandscapereasons'. 12.3 It is the view ofthe Couty Councilthat satisfactoryrestorationofmineral workingsat Bramshill Plateaucouldbe achievedat low€r level,without the importationofinfill material;andthat this woutdbe the bestform of ofimpodant nature lestorationto €nsurethe protectionandgnhancement conservationinterests.The CountyCouncilwould th€refore€xpectany proposalfor mineralworking to includeprovisionfor restorationat lower level without infilling with importedmat€rial. Any proposalsinvolving infilling of that suchinfilling is essentialto the anypart ofthe site shoulddemonstrate of a satisfactoryrcstorcdlandform. Any suchinfilling shouldbe achievement with inert wastematerialsonly, to avoidthehazardofbirdsfiike risk with its public safetyimplicationsandin the intercstsof achievinggood consequential forestryandheathlaodlestoration.Prcposalsfor inlilling shoulddemonstrate Bdfthill Pl.tcau DcvcloDnentB.i.f, Ocloh€r 1998 l4 that no pollution would be causedandthat therewould be no adverseimpact on natureconseruationo! otherinterestsof importanae. 12.4 Stripping,transportation,storageandreplacementofsoils shouldbe canied oftheir out t timesandusingmethodsthatwill ensurethe maintenance physicalconditionandbiologicalcontent. 'NatureConservatiol' @aragtaph42) 12.5 PlanningPolicy GuidanceNotePPGg: advises: 'Extractionofmineralscancreatenewt]!es ofhabitat in areaswhercthey wereformerly rareor absent. Mineralplanningauthoritiesandmineral companiesshouldbeal in mind opportunitiesfor habitatcreationand ev€nwherenatureconservationis not theplimary end_use enhancement for shouldalsobe givento arrangements ofa site....Consideration the sites, beyond ofrgstorednatue conservation continuingmanagement endof theaftercare Period.' 12.6 Heathlandwithin Hampshireis an intemationallyimportanthabitatwhich is within theUnitedKingdomBiodiversityActionPlanasa habitat recognised typewhich needsto be expandedby at least6'000hectares.The.County Councilconsidersthe ForestofEve$ley to be an areawithin which an should increasein the extentofheathlandandimprovementin its management be sought. 12.7 Proposalsfor mineralworking on any landwithin the BramshillPlateau PreierredArea shouldincludedetailedprcvisionsfor lestorationconsistent with the generalaim ofrestoring lhe PreferredArealogklance of forestry anrlheathland.Restomtionshouldensurethat at leasQgof the landwithin or on theContextPlan'is created ContextArea,assho\4'n theHeathland ofthe co-operation The permanent heathland. maintainedandenhancedas landowner,mineraloperatorsandforestryoperatorwill be neededto achieve this. This HeathlandContextArea is drawnwider thanthe BramshillPlateau PreferredArea,taking in oth€rforestedlandandexistingheathlandwithin the sameland ownership,but excludesSSSIS.Proposalsfor mineralworking shouldincludedetailsof the locationandextentof existingareasofpermanent heathlandwithin the HeathlandContextArea that arcproposedto be maintainedandenhanced:areaswhcrenew heathlandis proposedto be created;andthe proposedpattemof forestryandheathlandrestolation, includingpemanentddes,within themineralworking area. EnglishNatue will be consultedon the locationandextentofheathlandwithin the restoration proposals. 12.8 The restorationof arcasidentifiedfor forestryafter useshouldbe to a suitable standardto providefor timberproduction,without comprcmisingtheir temporaryuseby heathlandbirds during felling andreplantingphases' 12.9 Therestorationofareasidcntified for pemanentheathlandafteruseshouldbe of to a suitablestandardto maximiseopportunitiesfor the rc-establishment heathlardflora andfauna. The provisionofpermanentheathlandshouldbe on lowlandheathlandissuedby the consistentwith the attachedstatements Bd6hill PlateauDev.loDnent Bdcf, Oclobd 1998 It ForestryAuthority andEnglishNatureandthe guidancein PlaruringPolicy 'Natu€ Conservatio[',in particularparagaph47 of GuidanceNote PPGg: PPG9relatingto protectedspecies,andlhe EulopeanBirds Directive (see paragraph8.1 above).Proposalsfor the creationofnew areasofpermanent heathlandshouldaddrcssthe issueof fragmentationofheathlandhabitatand opportunitiesof linking arcasofheathlandto creategreennetworksshouldbe maximisedwhereverpossible. of andlong term management 12.10 Provisiooshouldbe madefor the enhancement within the Heathland or created is to be retained the permanentheathlandthat ContextArea. The CountyCouncilwill consultEnglishNahfe on the provisionsthat arcneededto ensurethe long telm futwe of these management heathlandhabitataleas. shouldmaximiseopportunities for mineralworkingandrestoration 12 1I Proposals of othcrappropriatehabitatsaspafi ofthe for the creationandenhancement overalldevelopment,includingthe creationofponds andwetlandhabitatsin with sitedrainage. connection shouldensurethatexisting for mineralworkingandrestoration 12.12 Proposals informalpublic accesscanbe maintaingdwithin thosepadsof the site which arenot the subjectofworking or restorationoperatiorcat anypafticulartime. shouldbe takento safeguardthe amenitiesof Appropdatemeasures recreationaluseNofthe forestareaswhile mineralextractionandrestoration opentionsarein progrcss.Considerationshouldbe givento tlrc provision of opportunitiesfor 'interpretation'of min€ralextractionandrestoration operationsby membersofthe public, includingchildren,suchthat they canbe informedandeducatedaboutmineralworking operationsin conjunctionwith the enjolalent of the forest. 12.13Opportunitiesshouldbe takento providenewrccreationalrcutesfor walke6, horseridersandcycliststhat integate with the existingnetworkofroutes and parkirg areasin thewider areaandnew circularrcutesftom suitablepointson thepublic highway. Thepossibility of creatinga new routelinking Yat€ley refered to in HeathWoodto WanenHeathusingthe conveyorunderpasses paragraph6.8 above(whenthey areno longerrequiredfor moving minerals) shouldbe considered.Any new routescreatedshould, ifpossible, be linked to rights ofway outsidethe BramshillPlateauPreferredAre4 within the wider Forestof Eversleyandth€ BlackwaterValley to the north east. Provisionof off-highwaycarparkingat suitablelocationsshouldbe consideredin consultatiolwith theHighway Authority. The CountyCouncilwill seekthe co-operationofthe ElvethamEstate,andanyotherla[dortneG involv€d,in achievingincreasedaccesslo the areaandthe creationofDow routesfor useby the oublic. 13.0 OtherConsideratiors 13.1 Proposalsfor mineralworking shouldincludeappropriatemeasuresto protect or relocateanypublic utilities crossingthe site,includingoverheadlines and uderground pipes,ifthey would be affectedby theworkings. In particular, Branshill PlaleauDdeloDnent Bdef, Oclob.t 1998 the stepstllat aregoposedto be takento protect,avoid or lelocatethe 6 inch low pressuregasspurthat crossesthatpart ofthe BramshillPlateauPrefqrcd Arca to thenorth rvestofthe 83016/A327shoutdbe id€ntified. 13.2 Proposalsfor mineralworking shouldalsoaddressthe following issues: working hours,noise,pollution, safetyandsecudty,importationofmatcrials stockpiling,phdsingof working andrestoratiotr. 13.3 The Min€ralsandWasteIrcal Plansaysthat the CountyCouncil is likely to requirean environmentalstat€mentto b€ submittedwith anyplaming applicationfor mineralwolking on thewholc or any substantialpart ofthe BramshillPlateauPrefered Area. An envirc nental statementshould,in particular,ad<lress the issuesof: traffic; noise;dust;visual intrusion;hydrology , andhydrogeology;ecology;andarchaeology. 7 Bndhill PLi..u lr.@lopmt Bncf, Ocbtd I '9E t7 / Eversley HartleyWintney Plateau, 2. Bramshill N^*^ ii ^^..1 Castle Bottom to Yateley CommonSSSI.nd Tham63 Ba3lnH€athsDSPA tii trl War€n Heath Pond3 sssland Thamo3 BaslnHeathspSPA Kr:ti* f^'t $ $r*l;ii.*1: F6ta€n Dlc Sohsdol€d Anolent Monumant ,ffitriirffi ;}*t:{'iI; *i-iih;it"ffi ,,--+^;hi.-''ffi \*,,.t ,i; ^*, :^-ir/l ^l-)k.i-:i fl*';-", =-1:,::,1'.:ri ',1,'-.';,"^rA ',.*^'. ,,^ ,,; ':4-i-t "4.-.. ,, ^1 ./-. i ,.i qt ,'z | * *,,ti 11 .ii..i,!x:". ffi; ,-l;;(."\ ,ii' o^1' PretenedArea(Policy22) trFFfl ExistingGravelPits Interest and Sitesof SpecialScientific Arca(Policyga(iii)) potential SpecialProtectioo "l ffi"mffigr:,-llj:s$trnE ffi.uerutHffitrfr*.* ITIIIITII l-i-l (Policyga(iv)) schedrl"dAncientMonument c !rd$.tn! Mi'ldli ud wor. t ol Pb(a ptopsd 1ob. ldoPE4 eohd l99l) 5q0 1000nns Roduc€d75%ttom S'alo 110'000 Br.msbtll Pht€ru' Hrrtby wlnltrcy/Eve6leJ (Han)SU790 585 of Hartt.yWintncv,southandwestof Blackbushe For.sw landnorth-€ast AiQon, .ithcr sideof lheA30dd Al)?. Sandandgrlvcl .xtradior(Policy 2 infilling.(pa Wastcdisposal 77 120h€ctarcs 3.2millionlonn€s PotentialMlnersl Yleld: (198t/' This areacompris€sthc majority ofPr€fened Area20 identificd in the HampshneMit€rals Local Plan in nodl Harnpshire rtre areais qiectea ro ptai a;ajor role 'n meeliogthe n€edfor aggregat€s Criterla for Workitrgl ofextr&lionand lo workLhearea$illbeexp€ctcdin panrular.lo lddrcss:d€ phasing Anv aoolicarioD md 8ra\el dtrer'on resioriiionoverrhewlote ofthe prcfeFed;reaandm relationro thcexistingadjacmtsand q aslesrtesD Hampshftd and nearbv miDerals and anv olh$ Conunon and Ev€Eley Wren Hearh ar ooeralions p;"s;;. ofrhearcaIo foresrt andh'athland.and$e n€edfor anddesnabrhv^of '"srorarron B:;[ii;;';i. finallandiormhavinSlegardio rlt locatron a satisfaclorv bactf'llinein ordertoachiele Eve6leyaounifsidc Herit€e Arealandihefollowingspccificmatlers: scrc.ningm,Bins torcmaiDmwo*ed Substdtial,unworked . Thearu is suflicientlylsrgeto allowsubnantial oI wdK's' lhe vts{r'rrmPacr to minimrsc with addrlional PlanlinS matainswillber€quircdlc,beretlrncd otexisringrcadsrde pan"iculrly*hete ihearcaadjoinsdd 's visibl. fromroadsmcludinglhestrmglhcning h€dg€€. . The areashallonly be wo*ed asextcnsionsto the cxsling mrneralwo*ing opcEtionsat wa|m Hcathed ln addnon'Inetrm'ng planbed accesses EvecleyComon, usinglhe.risting sandandgEv.l procctsing od wnh rhc nmins pnfc-rrea io-ordinacd ma mist tc Phasinsof od'er nedbv *"ili"" il tt'is -J whicharcacc'ss'dvE "i,,1,i"i Be*shire "r siEs in anv neaov Includins Jaslc aisposaloperations' ana minior"oit<ine sasr' loFv trall' in diis and hishway reatons,th€ cxi$ing levelsofmrncf'l ir'" er:r. ro. lhc srreandor to atd lrom "-"ui.onln-r"t;d vchiclc move'nenls to limit bc nec€tsarv and it mlv lo@litvshouldnot bc incr.ased for workiDgthisP(femd arcashich.whenlak'n wlh oorerrcatbv $e ho;6 ofwo*ing. Any p.oposals overconcent-rion ofworkings in the i'a *i"L dperarions,wouldiauh in an unacc€ptable o"'.in.a.i'"*r, 'area in tem ofenvironmenralandor traflic impactwill nol bc pcrmitlcd' .Redonableneaur€swillbercquir€dtoPrcte€tth.amcniticsofresidcntsclosetothepr€fmedarea'includin8 i" o*'i"iar" r *a Z H-r"rd aridgeFiats.LondonRoadHcarhGvpsvsite andHawkc/sLodgesm'll' traltrcdd vsual ApplicalonsshouldaddressthePolenlial.nvrronmenlalimpactsofnoisc'dusl . Anv accessthat mav be rcqurredfot landfill purpos€sto thc nodh of the A30 shouldonlv te from theA327 or iii6 G *a . ir'" i i",r' dir€crtoth€A30' wilt bePermitt€d o;lv 6cfiomtheC2.Noacccss it'. A30should "r be mov.d lo lhc;istins plant complcx€sal Evftslev common ed wanen H'ath rhe excavatedrnineralshall fromLhesouthemared publichiShwaysl hishwavsorbvconvevorbencath bv haulroulesavoidinsDLrblic u;dertheA30andfro;ihc wes|llockunderlhe B30l6 Thcjunctionof rheAl0/A327lc2hasaPioraccrdsr or bacftnrrrngLorry to resullfromcxtraction is cxpected recordandwrllreouireEdesignifaddrrionaltrafiic andrestrrclrons rcule'ncwillbe h;ned to rh;$0/A327lo minimiscthcimpactofraflicon locslhighwavs to lhe nonnof'he Hill and cooPers Hill sourhwards Roadandlvvholc *iiit"-olu.a - rr'" ut. olalackbush€t made io baclfill proposals are if *illb' required impact itudv A traffic ti i""^r""c".."" Ouarrv. ""i.* . The areais closeto WarrenHeafi PondsSSSIand CastlcBottom to Yatelevcotnmon SSSI'which fom Pans and on the rclicl of the possibl' imPacton these.sites ffrarnesg^it neatfrspolcrtial SPA.An sls€ssmcDt be r€quired' ilselfwill "itfre the area wilhin valley nires to the southandany potcntialnalurcconEewalioninterctl .ThesoutheaftmpanoftheaftasdjoinsFcstaenDic,asch.duledAncictrMonumentthefabricandseningof in relatrono lhe panicularlv will bc rcqutred, cvalualion whichmustbesaf.Suard.dAn archaeological potentialfor funher investigatiorofany lrchaeologid canhworks. Han!6niE Mincnk dd wslc t4.l P!.i (6 pbposcd [o bc doplcd' Odobd 198) . A hydrolorical studyshouldbe uodcdakenrc &ts.s3thc implicationsof extactiot ed backlilling on on-sile andgoundwatn andmcasures!o Prcvcntany adverscimPact!on int.rcstt andaowninca- surtac. ""t"r aPPlic{ion wilh the shouldbc includcd . Thc arc. alisnswith BlackbusheAirpod runwayand is within thc g.feSuardinsereaofDERA FamboroughProDosrlsfor mincral working andr.storation mustnot advcrsclvaffect opemtionsat BlackbushcAiTort Any baclfilling ofthc workingswill be reshictedto inertwastcby reasonoflh€ needto avoid th€ haz{d of public safetyimplidions. birdstrikcrisk with ns consequential . Progrcssiv.workinS ard restorationto a balanccoffor4try andleathland, with provisionfor public gccc$/r€cr€ationin a way that is not d€tr'mmtal to naiureconservationinter€sts,appropriatelo lhe sitc ald it! contcxt,nd in &cordancewith thc CountyCouncil'sobjectiv€sfor the Forestof Eversl€yCountrysidcHcniag€ Arc! will bc r.quired. Restorationshouldbe eithcrat ihc low.r level o. after bacbilling with incn wsstc nateri6l3,or a combinationof the two, dePendingon thc rcstorationandanq useobjectivesfor differenl pans of rhesitc. Wh€r. backfilling is a€cipablc it shouldb. to a lcvcl not exceedingorigiDl contours.Restorationto rhc practicll standardwill bc requir€d.Thc balanc.of fordtrv and h€athlandwill be indicatd in lhe dcvd;pmdt bricf for th. arca.Provisionshouldbc madcfor lhc subsequmtmmagdn nt of he.thland. . InlillinS offic ateawith inqt wastematerialswill only b€ pernitt d providedlhat stisfactory restorationoflh' landcin bc rchicvedand pollution wo$ld not bc causcd. . A six inch low prcssuregasspurcroses tie sitc andmay rcquirediversion. Permissionwill not be ganted for lhe extraclionof sandandgavcl within this area(with tho possibl. cxccption brieffor thewholcareahasbeen operalions) uniil ! dcvelopnent ofmiror dtensionsto theexistingadjacent ofti€ wholcalca'baving thcpha!€dworkingandrestoration bnefshouldaddrcss ThcdeveloDment Dr€Dafed. Areamd d€ n€edfol th( wtrhin$e ForestofEvcrsl€ycounrvsde Herrrase iariicularrcgardto iri tocarion ;€ltoration tnd after-useof snesto be in accoidatc€with ihe CountvCouncil'sobj€ctivesfo. the HerilageAr€a' The bicf will alsoadd.essthe quantum,locadonandphasingof heaihlandrestoralioq the provisionof unwolk€d marginsandihc scr€eningofthe variouspartsofftc ar€alo minimisethe visual impet ofnin.ral workitg on adjoiningroads,prop€rtiesand riShtsofwaf thoscpansof th. ar.a whercbackfilling with iDenwast. would b' csicnriaifor landlom re*onsi and the tralfic impli€ationsoflandfill on the l@al highwavnctwork. It is likely thal thc County Councilwould requirc.n cnvironmcnlal$atcmentto be subminedwith anv aPplication lo cxnaci sandandgravci from rhewhol. or a substantialpan of thc @a Pernissionwill not be grantcdfor mineral.xtracdon u;bss lhe Countycouncil is satisficdthat lh€ atea@nbe wo*ed and rdtorcd without claing uDacc€ptablc impsct. Pansof the de my b3 rcquircdto tctnainunwo&.n o. unfilled as! rcsull of ass.ssmdls to b. .dopicd,Octobd1998) H.mDshieMin.nts andwasreIncal ?lan(.s preposcd - tl, o lr _fiB i itl 2 iriii I uz H< r& P iil <f{ tif Ftz <x ! FE Il EA li j j a E ilr IT; E!E aq.:.: Li: iirii 'J | .1r EEI fti;4 ' l!' p.E { JEl S:E r€ o* s; S:A N;; @; t= t-i N F z oz t]< z&l \- H 0 H i ia*;j\t ** €e .eJ ,,i av >cr =F TT >z ra) lr' ia ...!,t..:'az I 1..1 tr gq ,,,E€ Elgi$gEEE ilt {; * 1( J( I I It I \9 ii ll \- ,tjo,.i;* riE *E> ); a 'io wffi () :EE A s@-:i1 \ ':' ' "//. p.t '!r: > *\": v., 9..:.1 #""" :. lq !++ ir -i i-;" ' .1,{*@.."; l i.-':-E-*'i '"15//{l -!.,1 .:,:.x.-:; .:t;..-llJ}\*\. ;, i . i Ji r l iir :___: ,j _ i._ I r- :-ii t/ \ ; 1/ . 1 14t, : ; ';<- ' ; ' flt*"-" &5j:j.!-:. -f{-iLil"ir 1l/'":tl:''l . 44 ti' | il.f ii',"1'" .. -l ii if; ,l:" iij*'. :i . \ 'i ,,i\ ::ii" l ri i'i. .:',, *l r _J:.:. l1';:'-i. qi " u S:i *"= Fl-:z oi\.4; Yvi FORESTRYAUTHORITY @ntonlowland heathsand forestry forcstry policyare the Eustailable lte two DrainaiEs ofthe GoverDbeDt's and the steadyexpa!!8imoftf,e€ forests aDd woods exi6tiDg maaa.Ee$entofour for€stspmvide'lbe tlut b€rcfits coverL ilcrease the oany dive$e t'hestatutory iluty placeil Policy, iotoiluction of tlre Gwerlneot'8 Broadleives on For*try Conmissionersi.o1986to balancetbrrberproductionand trature conservationobjectives,and the establi8blrentof enviloDmetrtglaasessEenl det€diination that forestry rroceduret infdgg navesignalledthe Goverament's ueed6' of enYiroDoetrtal ihoold t"k" p"opu" ""count Within heath forestandhsatl aad districtB,tfieForestryAuthority will take accouutof t-befull rangeofvaluesof bot'hopenheaih andforest'The Foreetry, Authori!/s approachto opeaheathland,the maiageoeEtof heathIole6lsano woorledheaths,andheathlandrestorationis 8st out belov' Openheattrland The ForestryAuthority wiU discoursg€,andnot grant-aid,tree planting oEremainingfragmeDtsoflowlanil heath nor will it grarhaid tre plantrngol-Eee to (ie. rritJrin 100metresoDungrazedheathland' anrl Jt"i "Ajacent "p&"" arcta' IndicativeForeshyStrat4gieswil sssistitr ideDti&i4 E€DaitiYe Heath forestsand woodedheaths The Foresby Authority rdll €ncourageforest tdanagpmentlrhich favour8 heathladd habitats aad specie8bY: r encouraEinqforeet 4anagors to develop a mosaicof diflerent age'classes of trees iithia heath forestd 8ot'hat recently felled areas arb present at all tiDes. Wlrcle po88iblo,felliDg coupessbould b€ 10-20ha i! extent with a lo.year difroredcoi! replantitrg between adjoining coupes' Ihis is particularly iaportant i.a forosts supporti[g rare mobi]e beath specieg; . eocouraging the creatioa alil ;aiDtenance ofheatlland areas aad liaked, wherever poesible,by a wide-ride rctwork "o.0", """-"ti"iio"t ui t 2096ofthe forcst' This is Particulatly ao4 io totsl "onprigilg inportant i! foEst8 8ulporting rare iEmobile species; ' discoua€iDg, a l Dot grolt'aidiDg, operatioDswhid woultl cauge enrichment euch as tl1e application offertiliser or s€vege srudge; ' encouragjag approp4ato reoeatioosl u8e witlin tle?oresl partilularly -*iti ' *1"* til" i"ai""" pressuris ou a{acent, seDsitivelowlanil heat'h' Restorationof lowland heath In additior to the cleatioo and maintenance ofheattiand areaewithin forcsts, the Forestry Aut&ority will eupport proposalsfor heathland restoration where the proposalis psrt ofa digtrict iaitiative and has the support ofEnglish Natr:re, Countryside Council for Wales or Scottish Natual Horitag€, aB appmpriate, and where, itr Englald, Couaty Heatllarxd Inventories have been proiluced.ltrere will be a plesuEptioD in favour ofheathlaDd reEtoration on sites listed in these idvetrtories, ilrespective ofsize and location provided that otler coasideration8Oelorr) are uet and the proposals have tlte agreeaent of other cotrsultee6.For Bit€snot listed in CdunbyHeathland lDvetrtories, aDd u.otil these are available, the Forestf,y Authority will support restoratiou proposalsfor smaller sites (up to arcuail 10 ha) which harbour rare speciee tequiring open conditionr. Woodedheath anil heath forest aqjacent to urba! developmentor with high public use and not supporting tare specieswill norBally best be Eanagod as woodland \dth opeu space' Forestry Authority Eupport for lestoration proposalsis depe[dent on the following crit€ria beilrg eet: . tfie proposal Erust be within the capability ofthe appucant and the work adequately phased and caried out emciently. T}re size of workiDg area will dependotr tlrc extert and type ofresourcer available: . an indication of cooEitEeat to loag tero managedetrt, a.adsome assurarce of aft€r oanagement resources,i! tle form ofgralt aid and skills oust be give!; . the wiiler landscapeand other envircD.lnetrtalirsues ou8t be adequately addressed.It oay be appropriate, for example, to retain a gcatt€r oftrees aniyor groups oftlees particularly around the edgpsofheath8 and to eucourageilialogls with ownere of adjaceot forests to iEprovo the laadscapeofhard edgesand to elrsure that any retained woodedheath edgeis managed positively. Where preseat, cousidefauo! rhould also be givetr to maintain a woo<llald bufrer zone a{'acent to urbari development. Whero tbe cousorvation caaefor hee clearancein such situatioDa i8 eviden! applicsits muet deaolstrate that local comounitieg have b€en coDsultedsnd that any serious objectionebave beeu regolved.; General Il all cases,the Foresky Authority sill ercouragecon8ultatio!,idormally, with EnglishNature, CourtrysideCouncilfor Walesor Scotti8hNatural Heritag€as appropriato. !5e ForeskyAuthority will prorootpthe benefts of well-oauagedheathforest, aitd particularli forest/heathint€rfacesand ercourageapplopnatere8earch alld monitoring. rg YRf \3F. \j ENGLISH NATURE Position statement on Lowland heathland E ostaud heathlaad ls a range of habitrt3 charactetbcd by planb such as heath€tr .E-r ard croes-leavcd hesth fouttd below about 250 m. It suttporte a trumber ofrare plaDt and .nlft.l Epeclessuch as the marsh gsntlal' Dartford warblcr and eand llzard. On$ one slrth oftie area.oflowland heath prcselrt h 1800now rernalaee represendlg less than 0.3% ofEnllcnd's lald surfsce. Thl8 nwertheless represetrts p-pordo! of the lntcmado|ral total. It ls now hlghly &agmented alrd t-p"tt "t "o one'l threatened ty a lac.k ofmaaagemetrt attd devdopment. Elrdlsh Nature tbercfore seeks tle plotecdon aDd tranagEt[cd ofrll reEstdtrg sreas oflowland heatb aad, wherever approprlatc, the re'greadon ofheathland' In addidolr we seek the rc-lntroducdoa of sustainable toalagetdent of heatllald. English Nature will do this bY: . @ Raisingawarcaessofthe importaace of$€s€ habitac. @ Continuing to opposethe fruther lossofhead and. O Maintaining and whete possibleincreasingdre distribution and abundanceofpriority Spccrcs. @ Ensudng thst regionatdifereoces are recognisedin hcadrlandmalagemcltt obiectivo' (D Protecting and cohancingheatl and Sitesofspecial Scientific Interest by working with land ow!€rs 8!rd land managers. @ Assisting other organisationsm managehcathland. O Seekingto cnsurethat policies for the conserrrEtionEndrestoration ofheatbland are dwelopcd by statutory audrorities. O Encouragingtlrc positive managemcotofheattrland through agriculturd snd conselvatioo ms!;grimcoi initiativ$ ard zupport for voluntary consemationorgaaisationsaad Ijcal Authoritid. @ Vorting with othels to sccur€the hydrologicalintcgtity ofhcatlland sites. O Marimising the role ofNational Natutc Rcssves in heathlandconservation. O Promoting and undertakingappropriatescientific researchto enbanceour }oowledge ofheatllald habitaB and spccies. @ Promoting the re-creation-ofheatltand duougb careful targetingwherc tlis will creare significant gainsfor nature conservatioD. November1992 N.!EG Coo|.rrrcy Couodf &t rU rd: O?',) r,Or4,!b (ott!) 6:r N..!irbdt!o.'Pet.6&PBr