Ardennes for a `fantasticable` tour
Ardennes for a `fantasticable` tour
l/M euse Meander through Belgium and the French Ardennes for a 'fantasticable' tour W0RDS: Hrlen Werin PH0T0GRAPHY: Rob n Weaver !I II t! 'll II B.'Lt4,nIRAVEL eil pilched alongside the River Meuse in the French Ardennes on a municipal site to top all others a"din a place known as the $'orld capital ofpuppetry. WeAcrossed it in the sp€ctacularly set Walloon Lown ofDinant, over a bddge adorned with bdlliantly colour€d saxophones haling just squeez€d Roly. our motorhome, through a narrolv gap in the cliffs. Wed p€dall€d and picnicked beside it in hvo countries and admired itfromhigh up in dense for€sts.,ldved unwittingly driven . , Travel Edltor loves to escape ir Roy, her . rl4l\4Mb motorhome, She'l usua ygo anywhere, as ong as t isn t nail on a (suppos€dD traffic free path alongside it after rh€ assistant in the Offic€ de Tourisme directed us to"followthe river". Now, myfearless daughter andher dad were flying across the riv€r on a zipwire known as th€ I'antasticable - probably b€causethatt the remark everyone makes when they come down from it. Perturbed byth€ descdption ofwhizzingat up to r2okmph (74mph) over r.2lm (3/amile),1 was consigned to taking tne photographs as Sophie and Robin flewtowards me through the trees ofthe French Ard€nnes. theirarms outstretched like wings. Sophie kept repeating: "Its the best thing Iv€ ever done". It se€m€d nathingwas going @q The entne 12 shows of the local eEend,les quatre nb Aymon w th the g ant puppeteeron winston Churchil Square in Chareville. N,l6zidres, are on Saturdays at 9.15pm- Shorter displays on the hour, daiy, 10am gpm . to top t}le Fantasticable. But wea reckoned withour the oth€r marvels of the Meus€; the stunning Place Ducaleand the Iamous l0m high (33ft) giant puppeteer in Chartevill€ M6zi6res, the beautiful panorama across the Nleuse at Montherm6 and the 'secret' vall€ys of the Ardenn es which have creaied legeDds passed down lrom g€neration togeneration. Add themost childish funl've ever had trying to stay upfght in amassive,bouncy net whilst 1i€lding giant balls aimed at me by a highly-amused group ofsmallboys. Mix in the best moelleux au chacolat (nolten "!* Vu :{; GJ-, f i', ,:::'*o' -lP : i-,It '-'\_'n" ,J 1* 0ur, h/,p. aarlann r/ OUR MOTORHOME :ooz norrer rem AutoRoller 41 with Fiat 2.}ritre dieset ergine. 'Roly' has lots oi lockeG and storage space, ---t-;-\(- Itallbegan rvith amessage in myinbox: 'I know of this fantastic campsite in the French Ardennes, right beside theliv€r Wed met th€ Meuse on pr€vious havels in Wallonia - the southern, French-speaking part ofBelgium - and had some great memorles. Now. we were going to linkrh€ river to our travels berween our contineDtal entry pot of Zeebrugge, followed by a TH E JOURNEY we rook rhe ferry fmm Hul to Zeebrugge, spent tuo nights in chenr and nine dEs iollowing the Meuse to sedan, then on to Luxembourg THE COSTS Fuel travellirg \dt chocolate cake) that moelleu experr' Sophie has ever tasted and you can perhaps s€e why following the Meuse was theperfect r€cipe for a family tour ... ... Fery .. P&O'i2015 ..... ........ ..... Hu to Site fees 94 .......... 1.158.20 Att.Ecdons .........1132.73 Average 26mpg .. 1346 Zeebrugge ... .... rrc5.11 teenager: €ilbiking, bike hire, Sedan Castle, Ery teenager hntasticable .ouple ofnights in Ghent forsightseeing and ourfinal European desiination of Luxembourg. Our iirst sight ofthe Meuse on this trip wasn r pretty, in an industrialis€d ar€a of Namua capital ofWallonia. This impression was onlyfl€eting asw€joined the N92 alongside the wide river dotted with barges and th€ occasional waler skier. We Iollowed the Meus€ beyond Profond€ville, past houses wilh beautiful gardens reaching down to thevaterfronl. Even more magnifi€ent dwellings a'ere visible high up on the cliffs. Manyofthe lovely houses have turreted attics md balcon,es like castles in miniature.l halfexpected to see Rapunzel letting doM her hair from one ofthe$.indows. We passed the tranquil Annevoie gardens, famous for their fountains, en route to Dinant. Ourarrival coincidedwith the hi.entennial of Alfred Sax. inventor of the saxophone,who was born here.That explains why the Charles de Gaulle bridg€ over theMeuse waslined with garishly patterned models of Lhe instruments. Our pitch at CampingVillatoile was in.he loveliest oflimestone valleys with dramatic pinnacl€s olrock reminiscent of parrs of the peak Disrricr. To get ro Dinanr, seven miDutes' away, ve had to €dge through the 2.5m (Sft) gapbetween the cliff and the landmark 40m (I30ft) needle like rockofle Roi:her Bayard without scraping our wing mirrors. Though Roly has done this before. there srill were some audihle sighs olrelieffrom the rear seats once we were throughl Dinant may be fairly small, but it has an I"EFT Rory comes through the na ow 8ap alongslde le Rocher Bayard at Dlnant ABOVE N'lontherm6 and Rirer Meuse from ta Longue Roche BELow scurpture at the Rimbaud lM(seum, Chanevlll+ amazingly chequered historyand its setting under imm€nse cliffs is very impr€ssive. We consider€d anackingthe408 ste€p st€ps up to the eleventh century citadel, just one of a series ofancient forti{ications along rhis va.lley, but decided against it. Faced with what claims to be the worldi! shortest and steep€st cablecar de up the cliff face at no extra charge. there was no contest and we surrendered to the scenic. but all too brief,journey. Leaningover the rampats from r00m (328it) abovewe watched tourist boats sailingup to Namur, which boasts an even grander citadel Wea had great fun rail bikingin the Molign6e Vall€y before. This time the thermometer was reading 36'C, so w€ parked Roly in th€ shadi€st spot we could nndatFala€n andjoined a convoy of railbikes heading for Mar€dsous. There was quite a lot of brow mopping as we peda.lled, but therewas also an element ofcompetition to s€e whose l€gs could work tha hardest. The return was great fun; a real hang-o.-to-the-sun-hat experienca as w€ > Apd 2015,uk 95 i].lt'"-. TRAVEL G@ a,uem*.-. A , ,lee.@m 6) il"""#:,:}];HJl;.::,,".:i:; Hl};iitil no time ar rlT. We rrJilpd rl e lle-w. pn'p-ine Fr1nc. ir.t o"t..Jprirvet \oph,.sa. u:edb\the ^!1,pore t""urriruu"."o. : Lusy ma.ret ."a flre ino"gnt A u;rt" i* @ @r"ruo."ou,.u,t' 7ar'e'orn^ot'on onPolll,elari.'FriF' AI Hrtbes se sere h.mrled in bI .Et dFnv, irte ",,";r,,,,.,,",.,; bands ofmotorhomes alongside Lhe riler obviously ov€rnighting. Wejourneyed in generous loops, passing crclists and runners on the role rerte trans Ardennes. This is the 83km long (5I.6 miles) car free formerto$?aih knoivn as the green track' behreen Gilet and Nlontc!-Notre Dame.Wewerc to meet this tmckin an unexpected war 1ater... Sophie was amused by place names; Chooz and llam and Deville.It Nas at Ha]bes thatshe spott€d rhe poster for the Fantasticable at Fumay. SheA celebrared her lourteenth birthda), on the P&O crossingftom Hullr!,ith at least three tubs olchocolate ice cream as parr ofour 'unlimited'buffet deal. l neverget sicL" she As itwas, the crossing$as lery calm and our Club cabin lerr comfortable, bursheA a big birthday tr€at. "Ifyou see somethingon ourtravels. perhaps you can have that for your birthdayi we said. Th€ missed Fantasticable was i,, I can't say rvhy rve had problems linding TerrAltitude. a'here the is. As rve later discovered. TerrAltitude rfhi.h also orers freejump and bungee jumping is c]€arly signposted from the main D988. I blame the rivea for theMeuse loops back on its€lfaround Fumay I didn't thinkmyFrench rvas too bad. but - perhaps the tourist information assistant misunderstood our mode oftransport. We did as she said,Iollos'ing the Meuse from onrparking spot onthe Quai des Carm6lites To be faia we didn t see any signs denying vehicular acc€ss aswe carried on do$'n the paved road. Once we r€alised that r!,e $rre probably on thegr€entra€k (ihe lack ofother traffic rather giving it away), it was impossible to turn back.l kept hopingNe would not find our lvay barred and rhat there s'ould soon be an easyescape. AIIer a very self'conscious crawl rve reached a tight turningonto a narrowlane. Thankfully, there was no one abouruntil we got to the main road, rvhere a man looked "(Jur roulr,\Vound lriglt irrto thc dense b1 glinrpse s ol thc ABOVE CLOC(I,!I5E Rlver l,,le!se at Haybes: Pace Ducale, Cha r evil e-Maziaesi fortifications at Rocroi. the 'ville fortif6e en ero le LEFT Helen and Sophie cycling besde the River Nleuse near lovely aghastat us. He glan.ed dos,n at our plare and shook liis head. lirrcst, pLrnctrrrrtcci \ lcLrsc r Lrllcr'lrclorv" Gts The restofour Nleuse meanderings that day Nere ilithoulmishap, taking us through Revin and R€n$'ez, ilhere Ne \{ere tempted bl, albod marketwith stalls heaped Nith all nanner ofjars and picHes. It was h Charlelille-Miziares that we met th€ lirst ofonly two Brilish families on our entire trip through Belgium and the FrenchArdennes. Mont Olvmpeis the site that lve've been holdingup as amodel for all others's one ofthe hest rle ve eler stal€d on, an)vhere: spacious, hedged pitches, filo spotless fa.ilities blocks rvith cheap laundry machines. irldoor table tennis, free WiFi around the reception and information area and a.af6lbarthat offers The site is on a bend in rhe,less than a 10 minute walkacross a footbridge we passed Mus6e Rimbaud, commemorating the lile ofthe famous Charleville born poet, Arthur Rimbaud and an art installation ofchairs bearing inscripiions from his poetrybelore arriving in La Place Ducale and experiencing a sharp inrak€ ofbreath. This Iil not expected. This sumptuous squarc was inspired by 96 outandaboutllve,co.u* Ami 2O1s La Plac€ dcs Vosges in the c€ntre ofParis. ln the middle olthe Louis XIII'style paliiions s'ere several beaches and giant paddlingpools in which toddlers splashed. as is the traditlon inhigh summer in manl, OL1l dining experience that night at la Table DlArthua in Rue Pi€rre B6r6govo.v, rvas also memorabl€. The blackpudding for which theArdennes is famous was like no oth er black pudding I've ever had.It came pinched into ut1y.lilo'like cases so crisp thatonc bit€ had ml, morsel shootingolfmy ibrk and across the resiaurant. We sipped Chablis the colour olliquid gold and ended with th€ aforesaid moelleux (forSophie) aDd, for ne, an incredibl€ meringue based concoction lilled with the blackcurrants which grow plentili ly in these parts. We could have taken other interestiDg routes to discoverthe Ardennes, following fortifications, abbeys and chur€hes and visiting breweries. Butweuanted to see what is probablythe most photographed view ofthe Ardennes and adorns all the posters thevistaover the bends in the river at Montherm6. Our route wound hish into ihe dense forest, punctuated by glimpses olthe ]or.ely Meus€ \,all€y belo$,. From a picnic spotat > Aprl2015 97 IRAVEL Bel,?,",14 WE STAYED AT Camping Blaann€ersen, zuide aan 12,9ooo Ghent, Belglum @ @ oo32 92 668160 O Two adults, pitch and @ naarch - october elecnie From r16.9s when booked through Ihe camping and Caravanning Club. Othelwise frcm €22.90 {116.94) Camping vUlatollo, Ferme de Pont a [esse, Route de !!blzih, 5500 Anseremme 82 222285 O - 15 october Apir @ Oo32 O Two adults, pitch and erectrrs From €23 Itt7.o!t CampingDu MontOlymp€,174 Rue des Paquis, 08000 cha evlllefll6ziees @ ooas azl aazsoo O charlevllle-mezieresj/Decouvertedetavi e/ Iou sme/Le{amping (OlApir-1october O La Croix Sainte-Anne we gazed a.ross to the famous landmark, la Roche e SeptHeures. AtMontherm6, kno&'n as tne pearl of the Ardennes', we parked atthe auberge la Roche a SeptHeures and followed narrow tracks through the woods Lo lookout over the twists and tums ofthe riv€r from la ln Charlevill€-M6zitres that night we s'atched lal6g€nde des quatre Iils Almon (storyofth€ four Alnnon sons) unfold. Th€ huge, iron mask ofle Grand Marionnettist€ moved rather eerilyback and forth as fish and angels appeared. We ent€r€d a'world of fairies' next day at ElryPark n€xttoLac desVieilles Forges ar Les Mazures. At first glance it appeared lik€ a childrent adv€nture parkparadise. Then I Doticed ihat thc signs on tie €quipmenr read: For use by2'102 year-olds'. There was no stopping me!My absolute favourite was th€ crazy, bouncyDcts, but I also spun madly on acircling swingand inchedup nettillg hung high b€tween tree houses with alu or, as much confidenc€ as the enthusiastic thre€-year old in front ofme. En route to t.I.le Maison de Randonn6es on Rue Dromartat Haybes to hire.ycles we traveiled along another €]€vated road through dense forest.At last. we started desc€nding, down and down towards the river seemingly for€vcl Somewhal incongruouslygiven the heat ofrhe 98 alternoon,I noticed a Two adults, pltch and etect c From €12.40 (t9.t7) sign forskiing. IA been intrigued by aerial pictures ofthe star shaped fortilications at Rocroi,29km (18 miles)from Charleville Nl6zieres, so we made a northwesterly detour. Rocroiwas partofvaubansdoublelineol26lotresses along the northeastern border kno$'n as the Pr6 Carr6. Wa parked on astreet offthe place dArmes - with itsrvooden market building almost deserted on a Sunday afternoon. As we walked the wa.lls. with barelyanother soul aboui, w€ reflected on the stark contrast between the sleepy atmosphere and Rocroi's dramati€ past, synonymous with th€ wars that rocked rh€ borders over the centuries. More journeying through tims came at Sedan, where, rve were told that'Ive could change time period'at everystreel corner.Its magnificent - and said to b€ impr€gnable m€dieval castle is the largest in Europe. We entered the cavernous basement. where stalactites dripped, through a h€a\T metal gate, which clanged ominously behind us. We trodthrough seriously spooky vaulrs. at last finding a tunnel to the outsidewhere Sophi€ took up positionin a watchtowerto Lake in the spectacular views. It was Sedan that was to give us our last sighting ofthe Meuse. But this iconic stronghold,like the riverwas to make a lastingimpression on us. E ABOVE Net walkways among BELow Helen enjoys a swing