Phone: (Technicateuery) dt1-z2s2oz42 /a-.j4qa<X L.Mart: cbse.atf@nic. f,rc$}Jn Phone:911' 22s282s7 (General eueriesRes.Arft.) \\{:ltyil Fax: 011t225406ss websrte:www.( Affiriarion website: www.cbseaff.nic.i %+tr CENTRAI. BOARD OFSECONDARY EDUCATION (AnAutonomous, theunianMinistryaf HumonResoutce Development Govt. of !ndio) ,Otg::intion-u.nlet "SHIKSHA KENDRA", 2, COMMUNITY _ 110301 CENTRE, PREET VIHAR, DELHI RtGD./SP[tD POST I I No. f,tCagl IBsE/Aff./sl-007r4-Mrs/33osLsl2orz oated: Lf2fi I The . f4anagerr Shosfit Samadhan Kendra, path, Anbddkar Khajpura, Danapur, Patn5, Bihar-800014. ' Sub: FreshCompositeprovisionalAffiliationto the abovesaidschool. sir/11adam, \|ith reference to youronlineapplication dated3/5/2013on the subjectcitedaboveandkeeping in view crrcurstances exprained by the schoor,I am directedto conveythe sanctionfor compositeprovisional Affllibtjonfor Secondarvschpol Examiaaticn, of the Boardfor a periodof two vearsw.e.f. 01/04/2014to The school will not open class lX from the academicsession : com enainglrom oLl4/2oL6without prior affiliationwith the Board.The Boardwill not consider further exte ion at the temporarysite in any case, The schoolwill applyonline with prescribed fee before 30/ 15 afreshon completionof schoolbuildingand shiftingof entireclassesat the new 9rte. Theabovesanctionis subjectto fulfillmentof followinecondjtions:hoolwillfollow the syllabuson the basisof curriculumprescribedby NCERTfoT the middteclasses,,. e schoolwill implementContinuous and Comprehensive (CCE) Evaluation as per the schemes of the rd upto Classes X vide CircularNo.39/20-09-2009 dated20.09.2009 in the school. schoolwill follow the RTEAct, 2009and instructionsissuedthereon by the CBSE/R..pective State l,/UTGovt.fromtimeto time. e schoolwilJfollowsyllabiandcourses asperscheme of studiesprescribed by the Boardfor Secondary hoolExamination andchanges madethereinfromtimeto time. e schoolwill enrollstudents proportionate to the facilities available in the schoolas prescribed in the liationBye-Laws of the Boardwhichshallnot ln general exceed the optimumnumberasunder:, Campus Enrolment No, ol Sections{pre-primary to X) 1,0acre {al 1250 02 in eachclass 1.5aCre {b) 1875 03 in eachciass (c) 2.0acre 2500 04 in eachclass { d l s hool runnlngon biggercampusof morethan02 acres,the numberof students shallbe restricted as per e actualfacilities in the schoolwhich shallbe proportionate to the optimumnumbermentioned at ( 4 , ) a n d{ c ) a b o v e . hoolsrunn;ng on lessthan01acrecampus shallrestrictnumberofstudents asfollows: . Category Areaof land No, ofstudents (i) Secondary SchooJ 2000sq.mtrs 600uptoClass X (i ) 5r Sacondary Schoolwith two stream5 3000sq.mtrs 900 upto Classxll School liated. not sponsor candidates for Board's examination of anyotherSchool/Branch, whjchrsnot Contd...2... 1. eschool shallsponsor regularly itsbonafide andeligible students in Board,s class x Examination from e year.hentioned abovewithoutbreak6r informwith reasons thereofin writingwe in time about e non_sponsoring ofthe candidates. Fa;ture to do sowillleadto suomotowithdr;at of the affiliation the schoolforsecondary Examination grantedbyth€ Board. schoolshouldnot startClassXt/X withoutwrittenapprovalof the Board.The BoardshatJnot be sponsible for anyconsequences in caseclassXt/Xltis startedwithoutfollowing the Affil; iationByeLaws obtaining the priorapproval ofthe Board. schoolshallappointqualifiedand trainedteachingstaff on regular basisas per provisions of liat;onByelaws ofth€ Board. 10, rviceconditions/pay and allowancesand other benefitsto the employees of the s€hoolshall be at tst at par with that of corresponding categor;es of employeesworking in GovernmentSchootsof the in which the schooliSlocated.An undertakingtothis effectbe sent to C.B.S,E. 1 1 .S rviceagreement be executed with the staffas per normsgenerally accepted by the StateGovernment ncerned, 12. e schoolwill help the Boardin the smoothconductof the examination by providing the necessary modations i.e.Rooms,Halls,etc.available in the schoolpremises andfurnitureat its disposal for h ldingits examinations free of chargesif requjred. 13. T e schoolwillsparesufficientteachers, for invigilation purposeat the examinations of the Board,as may requrred. 14. e schoolwijlSpareitsteachers for evaluation of answerbooks for the Board,s examinattons, if required. 1 5 . e schoolwill provideLaboratories, Library andotherfacilities aspernormsof the Boarcj. 1 6 . e schoolwill abideitselfby the conditions of affiliation alreadyprescribed by the stateGovernment ncerned. 11. schoolshouldhave at leastone adequatelyequippedcomplrterlab with a minimumof 10 mputersor compute. student ratio of 1:ZOand proper sottware along with facilitv of BroadBand nnectivitywith the featureof internetalwayson, from any serviceprovider. 18. schoolshallpromoteincrusion of studentwith disabirities/speciar needsin the norharschoorasper 'isionsof the'persons -1995,. with disabilities act 19. e schooland its recordsshallbe openedfor inspection by an officer/officiai of the Boardor an a onzedrepresentative of the Board/State Educational Department at anv time andthe schoolshall f rnishinformation asmaybeaskedfor by the Board/State Government fromtimeto trrne 20. T rateof tuitionfeeandotherfeescharged shouldbecommensurate with thefacilities provided. 21. I e admission to the schoolshallbe openedto all withoutanydiscrimjnation on the groundof rejigion, c st or race,placeofbirthor anyofthem. 22. 23. T unrecognized classesshall run within the premisesof the school or outside in the same name of schoolwill strictlyadherewith all rulesregarding safeiyof studentsincluding FirefightinS, Drinking ter,Sanitation, Transportation, etc. 24. accountsshouldbe auditedand certifiedby a Chartered Accountant andproperaccounts statements ouldbe prepared in the nameof school, asperrules.A copyeachof the Statements of Accounts should sentto the Boardeveryyear. 25. e affiliation CodeNumberattorted to yourschoolis 330515. rhis may ptease be noteoand quoted 26. 7. e schoolwillcreateReserve Fundasperthe requirement of the AfiliationByeLaws. e schoolwill openCBSE patternclasses lX w.e.f.01/04/2014. Accordingly, 1.t Batchof classX of the oolwill be appeared at the Board's Examination to be held;n the year201Gand lastbatchwill appear anycorrespondence with the Board, AfSSE(X)Examinationin March,2017 as schoolisnot allowedto run class-txw.e.f.O!/O4t2O:.6. Contd...3.. !3-: 28. )q r conditionsare as pef Annexure/A,enclosed. ecialconditions to becomplied withinthreemonths:_ veryschoolshouldorganjze at leastoneweektrajningprogramme for teachers everyyearIn association /lth any.teachers jnstitute trajning recognized by the Stateor CentralGovernment or by any agency ientifiedby the Board. €ry institutewill provideadequate facilities for potabledrinkingwaterandcleanheaJtny and hygienic iletswithwashing facilities for boysandgirlsseparately in propo;tion to the numberof students. is mandatoryfor everyaffitiatedschoolto becomea memberin the localSahodaya of CBSE schools. Yoursfaithfully, DEPUWSECRETARY {AFF) No. El AU.ISL-OO7 r4-74L5/330s15/2013 Dated: .12.2013 copv ThePrincipal, Shoshit path,Khajpura, Samadhan Kenclra, Ambedkar Danapur, Patna,Bihar,80OO14. TheSecretary, HumanResource Development Department, Govt.of Bihar,Patna,NewSecretariat, Patna- 800015, Bihar. PSto the Director (tT),CBSE, PatparGanj,Delhialong withthe CDofthe vicjeography ofthe abovesaid school. The RegionalOfficer,CentralBoard of SecondaryEclucation, Ambika Complex,BehandSiate Bank CoJony, NearBrahmsthan, Sheikhpura, BaileyRoad,patna. (AFF) CBslt/,{r'1 Al|tterurc GENTRALBOARDOF SEGONDARYEDUGATION <SITIKSIIAKENDRA",2, COMMUNITYCENTRE, PRSETVIHAR'DELIII-I1O3OI. 330515 itions:withinthreemonthsof issueof sanctionletter:to be submitted for whichcompliance level level/Sr'Secondary uptoSecondary Affiliation startingof ClassIX/Xor XI/XUwithoutpriorProvisional arisingout of it, for the consequences goard-would shallbe responsible andschooL be un authorised to the year Amliationby 30thJuneof the year,preceding of Provislonal for extension missionof application ByeLaws. of Affiliation granted,expires.wouldalsoattractviolaiionof provisions i pioui.ionuiumriution their CBSEaffiliated will not prepare any student/startany class for any other Board except CBSEfrom buiLding/premises. ardwouldnota||owanytra|sferofpropelt}/saleofschoo|byon..socieb//l4aftagement/Trustto dgwn tl'9 saT: not jManagementrrrust deedand the school-shaLl. thr;ugh agfeement/sale Pe 99:ed its affiLiation "f, with wtthdraw shalt the Board elplicidyor impticifly is-enecteo .l" iui" r,l.n iransacti-on effect. 5 to staffshouldbe revisedumeto iimeto bringit at parwith that to StateGovernment Pay Allowances 6 Act and Staffbe givenappointment/confirmation ice cofditionsbe strictlyf;llowedas per StateEducation lette etc.accordrngly. 5-6 Schoolafflliatedwith the Boardbe of Sr. Secondary not belowthe rankof Principal mesof persons or'nee n tne Schoollldndgirg ris as Dy [ne Board mendedso that two of them rnaybe approved of KVINV ttee.Of these2-3 maybe Principal (vl-x) and The hoolshallmaintainsecllonteacherratioat least1:1.5at eachleveli.e. Primary(I v) secondary Sr. ry(XI-XII). at the workplaceandto of womenfromsexualharassment for protection a committee The hoolhasto constitute of w.P. criminalNo.666-70 of India in court supreme by the Hon'ble and normsprescribed abideby the guidelines 13/08/1997 on andothersdelivered kh; andothersstateof Rajasthan 1992 of annualfeefor - years-maypleasebe remitted. Isha|maintainReserveFundinthejointnamesoftheN4anageroftheschoo|con.erne ry of the Boardin the scheduledBankto the extent indicatedbelow:- bove - 5o0 Students 750 1000 1000 Rs. 60.000 /Rs.80,000/Rs. 1,00,000/Rs. 1OO/-per student round to nearestthousand interest accrujngoLlt of the deposii of reservefund made by the Institutional the Ume of sd/DEPUTY SECRETARY(AFFL)