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D oooo nnnn
Don Bosco School
Guwahati – 781001 Assam India
Off: 2540583 Principal: 9435560801
CBSE Inter School Table Tennis Championship (Cluster- I) 2013
For kind attention of all the Principals of Independent Category of Schools Affiliated to CBSE
Dear Sir / Madam
I am pleased to inform that the CBSE Inter School Table Tennis Championship (Cluster
(Cluster-- I) 2014
2014 has
been allotted to us by the CBSE, Delhi. The dates for the same have been tentatively fixed for the
10 , 11 & 12 October 2013.
The following are to be notednoted1. Participating teams will have to register their participation on or before 6 October 2014
2014 via
email to [email protected]
2. Competition will be conducted for the following Team & Singles Events
U- 14 BOYS
U- 16 BOYS
U- 19 BOYS
3. The venue for the competition is Don Bosco School, Panbazar, Guwahati. Teams are expected
to report on 10 October 2014 only after 3:00 pm and complete the registration process.
Participating teams are to bring along their school’s flag and school placard and should be in
school uniform for the inaugural ceremony.
4. The Manager’s Meeting will be held on 10 October 2014 at 5:00 pm in the school’s premise.
5. Accommodation & Food for the participating school’s Players & Team Managers / Coach only
will be provided w.e.f the evening of 10 October to the evening of 12 October 2013.
6. The participating Schools should remit Rs 350.00 per head per day against Food &
Accommodation. No part payment will be accepted against the same.
7. With reference to CBSE Circular No. 42 it is mandatory for the schools to register their players &
teams with the Board through the Online Entry Proforma.
8. The teams are to bring along with them the print-outs of the player’s identity card & filled-in
Online Entry Proforma at the time of reporting at the venue. Please refer to the CBSE website
www.cbse.nic for further details. No other method of entries will be accepted.
You may also refer to the school’s website www.donboscoguwahati.net for new updates & for
further enquiries through telephone you may contact: 9435094350-44456,
44456, 03610361- 2540583. Prompt
response from your end is earnestly soliciteted.
Fr. Sebastian Mathew sdb
Principal and President Organising Committee