Fountain Spotlight - Fountain of Life Lutheran Church


Fountain Spotlight - Fountain of Life Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
15630 Del Webb Boulevard, Sun City, Arizona 85351
Pastor Neil Andersen
E-mail: [email protected]
Office: 623-933-8246
Fax 623-876—0190
E-mail: [email protected] - Web:
Ash Wednesday—March 5th
Midweek Lenten Services
4:00 p.m. on March 5th - April 9th
Hymn Sing takes place at 3:50 p.m. prior
to each service.
Dinners to follow each Wednesday Service.
(No dinner on Ash Wednesday)
Sunday Service 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.
Saturday Service 4:00 p.m.
Holy Communion…
1st and 3rd Saturday and Sunday
Coffee Hour/Fellowship
Sunday following the 8:30 service
Maundy Thursday, April 17th
With Communion
4:00 p.m.
Good Friday, April 18th
1:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 20th
7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Easter breakfast at 8:15 a.m.
Dear Brothers and Sisters at Fountain of Life,
This article came across my desk and it got my attention. I would like to share it with you. It was
written by Shane Blackshear. I have condensed it. You can find the complete article at: http://­your-church/
5 Ways To Be Unsatisfied With Your Church
Don't participate, merely consume.
If I had to say the one thing holding the American church back today, it would be a consumeristic culture.
We've come to expect that the latest technology comes standard in our cars. Our movie theaters
should have wide rows with extra padded seats and that lean way back. Unfortunately, we think our
church should be no different. Just like the movie theater, we come when the production starts, sit in
our seats, are entertained, and think we should leave satisfied when it's over.
When I was a pastor, those most unsatisfied in our body, were those who just showed up on Sunday's
(sometimes). There was little to no participation in small groups, service projects or teaching and serv­
ing within the church...
Criticize your leadership.
I once heard about a couple who didn't like their pastor because he told stories about his family in the
pulpit before beginning his sermons. Quirky? Yeah, kinda. Unbiblical, sinful, illegal, harmful?! Defi­
nitely not. We've really got to understand the difference.
It's also not fair to compare your pastor to the celebrity pastor on the other side of the country whose
book we just read and now believe that every church everywhere should be run like that celebrit y
pastor’s church. Remember that celebrit y pastor is in a completely different context. He doesn't
know your church, and he also doesn't come to your home when you have a tragedy or celebrate with
you when you have a baby or other joyous life event.
We're hard on our pastors. Their job is a very public job. ... We would do well to remember that our
pastors/church leaders are human beings like us, full of quirks and wrestling with sin and struggles just
like we do. Instead of seeing our pastors with targets on their backs, we should see them with love and
compassion and as people who have dedicated their time to serve the body...
Don't spend time with your church outside of the church building.
Most of our churches corporate gatherings serve a great purpose. We worship together and we learn
together. But most aren't very conducive to getting to know each other on a deeper level. This isn't a fail­
ure on the part of our leadership, it's just the nature of a larger gathering. We need these small group gatherings
(not just official 'small groups', but parties, coffee dates, men's/women's nights, etc.). I've found that I learn
more about a person over 30 minutes of sharing coffee or a beer, than I did attending liturgy with them for several
Believe that everything should be about you and for you, all the time.
Not long after Kate and I started attending our current church, they undertook a 'season of kids'. There was addi­
tional time in liturgy given to teaching the children in the church. The kids participated in the service in various
ways. Even the sermons were about child-like faith and other themes centered around children.
Kate and I didn't have children... We had to understand – not everything is about/for us [T]he church that teaches
you that everything is about you, all the time, is preaching a very different message than – lay down your lives
for each other...
Be unhappy with the fact that it isn't perfect.
"There is no perfect church, and if you find one, don't join it because you'll ruin it." I don't know who first
said that, but it's true. All churches are strong in some areas and weak in others. Hopefully churches are al­
ways working on those weaknesses, but if we can't settle for anything less than perfection, then we're in real
In his book "Under the Unpredictable Tree," Eugene Peterson helps pastors be content in the church they are in.
Maybe there needs to be a version for church members. In the book Peterson coined the term "Ecclesiastical Por­
nography." That is the perfect term to describe the problem that so many people have. We look at the church
down the street, or the church in town that's "doing really well," or the celebrity pastor's church and think –"they
have it all together" or "they're doing church right."
Many people start attending those churches and after the honeymoon period wears off, they find that church has
weaknesses of its own. Sadly many people go through life thinking the perfect church is just around the corner,
or ... they decide that they don't need church at all and embark on solo-Christianity.
Church is like marriage in a lot of ways. In the beginning it's fun, and exciting, but eventually the honeymoon
comes to an end and it's work, real work, but we find that the work is rewarding and worthwhile, and it's
work that God meant for us to be doing.
Peace in the Lord Jesus!
Pastor Andersen
I enjoyed getting acquainted and reacquainted with our sisters in Christ at our January 6th
meeting. The new officers are Janet Maley, Mary Goitia, June Black and myself. We look
forward to working with the gals that have served a portion of their office.
Our program on January 6th was the Quilters demonstrating what takes place to create the quilts
we make. They are either given to various places where they are in need of a warm blanket, or to
sell some so we have the finances to purchase batting and other supplies.
Our program on February 3rd will be the Sun City Fire Department. Join us to learn the
challenges they have in their job.
Watch for the sign up sheet for our program on March 3rd. A luncheon, silent auction and style
show by Draper and Damon’s will take place. Mark your calendar to remind you of all the
upcoming events on the first Monday of the month!
On hundred and twenty five calendars were donated to the residents of Life Stream at
Thunderbird. Renata Miron and Carol deVries presented these 2014 calendars, that were
received with great appreciation. The LWML thanks all who donated them!
Isabel Larson
President LWML
If any boards, committees or church groups need advertising in the local papers, you must
get it to Art Wisener at least 2 weeks prior to the event. Thank you.
Copies of Church Minutes
If you want copies of the Church Council or Voters’ Minutes, please see Caroline, our
Church Secretary, during normal office hours. Thank you.
Meg Waite Clayton
This is a moving story about five young women who are joined together by friendship and what it was to be
living through the changing times of the late twentieth century.
These five young mothers first meet in a neighborhood park and their conversations center on marriage, rais­
ing children and a shared love of books.
As they gather one evening, Linda admits she aspires to write a novel….and The Wednesday Sisters Writing
Society is born.
The five women slowly, and often reluctantly, start filling journals and sharing their work. In the process they
explore the changing world around them...the Vietnam War, the race to the moon and a women’s movement
that challenges everything they believe about themselves.
With one another’s support and encouragement, The Wednesday Sisters begin to embrace who they are and
what they hope to become—THE POWER OF DREAMING BIG!
June MacDougall, Librarian
JANUARY 7, 2014
The Council was reminded that members of the congregation may request and pick up from the office,
any minutes from Church Council, Elders or Trustees.
New robes may be in the future for the choir. Prices and quantity will still need to be determined.
There are still some 2014 envelopes in the Narthex. Members are encouraged to pick them up as soon as
possible or make arrangements for a friend to pick them up.
The motion was made and passed to purchase Phase III of the sound system for a bid of $6,505.79. It will
soon be ordered and installed. This will enable CDs to be cut instead of recording on tapes. CDs of a funeral
will be available to the family at no charge but there will be a small charge for extras.
The reason for the cold Sunday several weeks ago was because some breakers on the heating unit had been
thrown. It is a mystery how this could have happened!
The plastic letters on the Reader Board have begun melting because of the summer heat. The trustees
will check with the Sun City Recreation metal shop to find out if they can make metal letters to
replace the plastic.
The motion was made and passed that the Council accept Russ Druckenmiller and Russ Larson as Elders and
Norma Miller as Trustee.
Happy Valentines Day from your congregational president. I thought I would
share a little about how it is believed we celebrate February 14th each year.
St. Valentine’s Day began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early
Christian saints named Valentinus. The most popular martyrology associated
with Saint Valentine was that he was imprisoned for performing weddings for
soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians who
were persecuted under the Roman Empire. During his imprisonment, he is said
to have healed the daughter of his jailer, Asterius. Legend states that before his
execution he wrote her a letter signed “Your Valentine” as a farewell. Today,
Saint Valentine’s Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion, as
well as in the Lutheran Church.
Our next big celebration will be March 5th when we begin our Lenten Services.
I am looking forward to the challenge placed before me as the new President for
2014. This should be a growth year for our congregation as we progress with
our new ideas to encourage more brothers and sisters to join us here at Fountain
of Life.
Randy Gust,
good time and fellowship with FOL and other local
churches, join us at Bell Lanes every Friday (8:00
a.m.). Bring a friend to join in with you - the more
the merrier! We are always in need of members to
bowl. For more information about bowling, call
Ken Doyle at 974-0384 or Dick Maske at 825-7106
he General Mills Box Tops for
Education are being collected. A box for
the Box Tops is located on the LWML table in the
Fellowship Hall, along with a list of participating
product vendors.
Daily Bible Reading
Now available at the Church Office is a daily
Bible reading for 2014, consisting of verses
from the Old Testament and New Testament.
Following this plan will enable you to read the
entire Bible in one year!
The Braille Group will meet, tentatively,
starting in March, every Tuesday and
Thursday at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Anyone interested in becoming a part of
the group is welcome. No experience is
needed! For information, please call
Lyla Rowe at (623) 322-2394.
For supporters of Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch,
please note that the Valentines Day Luncheon is
being held on February 13th in Sun City West.
Make your reservation by February 10th by
calling 1-800-344-0957, or return your card.
We have a good time and lots of laughter at the weekly
gathering of quilters, on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. 12 noon in the East Fellowship Hall.
Donations of fabric are always needed, and cotton is
preferable, although not mandatory. Our biggest need
at this time is for batting, sheets, and other sewing
supplies, such as pins, needles, yarn, scissors, etc.
All are welcome to come and join us - no sewing skills
are required!
Agnes Buchert
Quilting Group
Ed Pohland
Friday, February 8th starting at 9 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
French Toast, coffee, juice, sausage, muffins. Sign up
sheets are in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall. All are
Besides all of the things you need to do on a personal level in 2014 to stay healthy,
one is, of course, getting regular medical checks-ups and a yearly physical examination by
your physician. However, here are some things you really need to be aware of so you do
not have tests that are not really needed. They are both time consuming and costly if there
is no medical problem. Be sure to ask your physician exactly why he is scheduling you for
the test.
Blood coagulation test: This is for bleeding and blood-clotting problems. Needed if you
have abnormal bleeding or bruising, use blood-thinning medication, are scheduled
for cancer or heart or spinal surgery.
Blood glucose test: This is used if you have diabetes or suspect you do. Also if
you use corticosteroid medications.
Breathing test: This determines how well your lungs work. Consider the test if you have
lung disease, are constantly short of breath, or if you are scheduled for chest or upper abdominal surgery.
Cardiac stress test: This measures how the heart handles physical stress. Take this
test if you have heart disease or are prone to abnormal heart rhythms. As you are
aging be careful with this test as it can sometimes exacerbate chronic problems.
Chest x-ray: Detects disease or infection in the lungs. If you are older than 70 with stable lung or heart disease and no symptoms of a problem do not do this routinely.
Generally this is done prior to hospitalization for surgeries or if pneumonia is suspected.
Complete blood count: Used to detect blood disorders, bleeding problems and infections. Generally required if you have symptoms of anemia or some infection
or heart or kidney problems.
Electrocardiogram: Detects or measures heart abnormalities. This is for people who
have symptoms of heart disease and cardiac risk factors or have had chest pain of
undetermined origin.
Kidney function test: This determines how well your kidneys work. This is a useful test
if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Used with patients who
are on medications that are diuretics and also long-term use of pain relievers such
as ibuprofen or naproxen.
Urine sample: Measures diabetes, kidney disorders, and urinary tract infections. This is
a good diagnostic tool for any urinary related problems.
Carol Steficek, BSN RN
Women’s Bible Study Group
meets each Tuesday at 8:45 a.m.
in the Conference Room. This study is
lead by Norma Doyle and Lyla Rowe. Come and
join us!
COME AND BE FED…All men are
invited to the Men’s Bible Breakfast on Tuesdays
at 6:00 a.m. at Royal Cafe at 107th and Grand. We
study the scripture lessons for the upcoming Sun­
day. Breakfast prices are very reasonable .Come
and bring a friend.
The Church Secretary
would like to express her
sincere apologies for the
errors not caught in the
shut-in list that appeared
in last month’s edition of
the SPOTLIGHT. While
I, and my wonderful volunteer proof-readers, do
our best to pick up on
any errors, sometimes
they manage to slip by
us. We appreciate your
Thank you,
Caroline Bittman, Secy.
This Bible Study is taught by
Pastor Andersen at 9:00 a.m. in
the Fellowship Hall. Come and bring a
This Bible class is taught by Pastor Andersen
at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The course of
study is the Book of Revelation. Come and join us
for this very interesting study and bring a friend.
If anyone is in need of a
notary, Art Wisener will be
happy to assist you. Call
Art at (623) 208-2814 to
schedule an appointment.
Dr. Maier’s seminar was a huge success - with over 135 people attending! I would like
to extend a really big “thank you” to Sharel Bartow and Rose Schurke who manned the
registration tables and kept things moving along; Nancy Joura who worked the book ta­
ble; all the people who gave of their time and talent behind the scenes in preparing infor­
mation, handouts and advertising this event; the kitchen crew that did a wonderful job
filling and serving the treats and refreshments; the ladies who brought in the wonderful
cookies and goodies that everyone enjoyed so much. And, finally, the Trustees who set
up the extra tables for the event.
Thank you Fountain of Life members for being the wonderful church you are.
Franki Fonck
Chairman, Board of Evangelism
We proclaim Jesus Christ to every person in our community and in other communities
where God calls us, urging people to become His Disciples and become responsible
members of His Church!
A – BRO Sherman Benson
BRU-EN Russ Larson
Steve Bittman
KER-ME Darrel Mathews -Chairman
Conrad Kuechler - 1st Vice Chairman
Ed Statton
STOC-Z Russ Druckenmiller
Treasurer's Report
Income & Expense Report
12 Months Ending 12/31/2013
The apostle Paul was not ashamed to
ask his friends to pray for him. (Eph.6:1920) God also recognized Paul's love for his
friends "at a distance" as he approached the
throne of trace in their behalf.
Christians show love in their willingness to treat
others the way the Lord treats us; not
a fuzzy feeling, but a precious fruit produced by the
Holy Spirit in our walk in the will of God.
Paul depended on his co-workers and
appreciated them, rejoicing for the Spirit's
help in his ministry even as his friends
helped and prayed for him and one another.
The Lord uses this type of networking to
strengthen and expand the outreach of the
church. Christian love includes sacrifice as
we serve others and uphold them in prayer.
This also shows love for them and the Lord,
as we exalt Him and give Him the glory.
The Lord told Abraham "I will bless you
and you will be a blessing".
Weekly Envelopes
Plate Collections
Special Services
Care of God's Servants
Christian Education
Care of God's House
Future Major Repair Fund
Total Contributions
Sharing the GosPreaching the Gospel
Christian Welfare
Total Disbursements
Mabel Gimbel and Tina Vasiliow
I have only one resolution.
To rediscover the difference between
wants and needs.
May I have all I need and want all I
Misc Receipts
General Fund Interest
Capitol Improvement Interest
Happy New Year!
have a usable Bible, or other Christian
reading material, that you would like to
donate it to a good cause, bring it in to
the office and it will be donated to the
Prison Ministry. FOL has excelled this
last year in reaching local prisons with
the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Keep up the great stewardship!
Contributions were $4,566 under budget for December 2013.
For the year 2013 contributions exceeded budget by $15,986.
Considering we started the year with an unbalanced budget of
about $20,000 we ended up very well. Thanks to everyone!!
February 15th
Organ Stop Pizza
March 30th
Stardust Theater—Fiddler on the Roof—$7 each
(Closing date to register was 1/31/2014)
April 19th
Fellowship Meeting—12:30 p.m.
May 17th
Picnic—Rio Verde Park-Ramada #8
Due to no turnout for the last several movie dates, a decision is
pending on whether to continue with this activity. Check your
upcoming bulletins for information.
Mark your calendars!!
D-Backs Baseball games this year will be:
June 9TH – (Mon.) – Houston Astros – Cost $12
July 18TH – (Fri.) – Chicago Cubs – Cost $18
August 26TH (Tue.) – L.A.Dodgers – Cost $16
Sign-up sheets will be in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall . The cutoff for ALL the games is May
30th so that we can reserve the seats. Payment will be due the week of June 2nd.
Sharel Bartow, Chair, Fellowship Board
I have received so many positive comments about the beautiful flowers that have been gracing
our Sanctuary over the last 8 months or so. After a considerable price increase by our former
floral provider, we decided to purchase our flowers from Fry’s. Since then we have been ex­
tremely pleased with the work Leah, the head of floral, has done for us. Leah De Roma has
now gone into business for herself and is accommodating FOL in every way possible. There­
fore, I would like to express our appreciation to her by letting members of our congregation
know about her beautiful work and outstanding prices.
So, if you are in need of flowers for any occasion, please take a look at what Leah has to offer.
Call Leah’s Flowers, (623) 703-2640 and check out her web site at
Joan Barry
Janet Carroo
Shirley Zuehsow
Dolores Keppel
Dan Borneman
Elaine Schumacher
Barbara Jackson
Conrad Kuechler
Sylvia Hoehle
Howard Johnson
Edna Schneider
Velma Reimer
Mary Kaske
Liz Weidemann
Inez Brown
John Goshinska
Robert Kramer
Milt Fink
Carl Olson
David Leppanen
Burt Rockwell
Dorothy Rueck
Lew Loken
Margaret Kiefer
Diana Olson
Robert Schmidt
Renate Brown
Helen Eberhart
Wilma Hill
Loretta Wilhelm
Charles Krejcsi
Stella Wolff
Jim Heinrich
Marilyn Luck
Gloria Mundstock
Ann Marie Nemec
Sharon Reed-Gust
Helen Schaars
Linda Watt
Congratulations to our Members Celebrating
FEBRUARY Wedding Anniversaries
John and Vi Reany
Floyd and Marie Ruhnke
Wilma and Cecil Beyers
Rey and Nora Best
Vernon and Barbara Pumm
Ken and Elaine Folkes
Bob and Ellie Ganson
Dorothy and Herman Rueck
Russ and Biddie Druckenmiller
Larry and Mary Nadasdy
58 yrs.
68 yrs.
57 yrs.
21 yrs.
16 yrs.
25 yrs.
31 yrs.
15 yrs.
39 yrs.
54 yrs.
Here is a helpful tip from the DYI Network on how to clean your washing machine. After time, soap
residue and minerals build up in washing machines and will leave an unpleasant residue, and your
clothes won’t get their cleanest as a result of this . Getting your laundry back on track starts with just
two items:
1 quart of bleach (you can skip the bleach if you are concerned about using harsh chemicals agents.)
1 quart of white vinegar
Fill the empty washer with hot water, as if you’re doing a large load of laundry. Add the quart of bleach
and let it fill up with bleach and water. Open the top of the machine and let it sit, all bleachy and full, for
an hour. Close lid and let the machine run a complete cycle.
When this is done, start again—only this time fill the washer with hot water and add the quart of white
vinegar. Let the machine run for a minute to agitate the water and vinegar and then open the top and let
sit in the basin for an hour before you let the cycle complete.
Not only will this process make the laundry room and washer smell fresh, but you will notice a big dif­
ference in how the inside of your machine feels—no longer rough to the touch with hard water spots and
soap build-ups.
Ladder Safety:
Ladders are one of the chief culprits when it comes to accidents and injury in Sun City, but learning the
proper ladder safety tips will reduce your risk of injury when you are tackling those hard to reach home
maintenance projects. Each year there are more than 164,000 emergency room injuries in the U.S. relat­
ing to ladders, so it’s important to understand ladder guidelines and always use caution while climbing.
Access yourself: before you even get out your ladder or step stool, make sure you don’t feel dizzy, tired
or that you have taken any medication that can effect your balance. Then check your clothing and shoes.
A clean, slip-resistant, pair of shoes is necessary for proper ladder safety. Leather soles are particularly
slippery and should be avoided for ladder duty. Loose or large clothing that can get tangled while you
are on the ladder should also be avoided.
Check the condition of your ladder: Any loose or missing parts? Loose screws, hinges or rungs? Any
debris on ladder rungs? If so, do not use the ladder until these are remedied.
Set up safety: set up your ladder on a firm, solid level ground or flooring and engage any ladder locks
before you begin. If your ladder sways or leans toward one side DO NOT use it.
Follow the 3 point contact rule: always have either 2 hands and 1 foot, or two feet and 1 hand in contact
with the ladder. This way if one limb slips, you’ll still have two backup points of contact.
One person to a ladder: this should be a given.
Don’t overreach: Once you’ve made the climb and started working, never overreach-place the ladder as
close to the work area as possible and keep hips vertical with ladder rungs. It is always better to climb
down and reposition the ladder than to overreach and risk losing your balance.
Mary Pryzina
10950 W. Union Hills Dr. #1216
Sun City, AZ 85373
Mary Ruth Scherkenbach
10701 W. Cherry Hills Dr.
Sun City, AZ 85351
Candace Murray
11024 W. Salem Dr.
Sun City, AZ 85351
Called home to the Lord
Frank & Jean Whitten
10742 W. Cheryl Dr.
Sun City, AZ 85351
Donald & Jennifer Grotberg
11031 W. Cheryl Dr.
Sun City, AZ 85351
Jack Perling………………….December 2013
Doris Beyer…………………..December 24, 2013
Marilyn Krejsci……………….January 1, 2014
In memory of Harold Lee:
Atonement School………………….$25
In memory of Louise Gust:
The following members are either in Care Centers,
Adult Care Homes, Assisted Living, or a Shut-in:
Floyd and Ruth Bach
Char Baierschmitt
Adeline Behnke
Louise Benson, Ventana Winds
Rey Best
Aline Cholodewitsch
Henry DeBrock
Cheryl Eggers, Avelon*
Mary Beth Ek
Isabel Ferlise
Mary Gallaway
Charles and Ruth Gast
Sylvia Hoehle, The Montecito*
Sally Knott, Woodmark*
Robert and Ernestine Jones
Bob and Gloria Linstead, The Forum #101*
Jim and Marilyn Luck*
Ronnie Matern
George and Barbara Melton, Sierra Winds*
Jerry Matter
Mike and Gloria Mielke
Margit Osborne
Marie Petrie
Herbert and Dolores Randall
Velma Reimer
Edna Schneider & Katherine Thomas
Dorothy Seese, Ventana Winds*
Gwen Steffenson
Dorothy Terry
Vi VanVossen*
Carl Werner, Inn at the Amethyst
Elizabeth Weidemann
Jackie Wilson - Orange Garden Assisted Living*
*designates care facility
LOVE TO SING? There are great oppor tunities to express your
love of song and praise the Lord at Fountain of Life. For more infor­
mation on the Choir, Men’s Chorus or Women’s Chorus, please see
Jim Heinrich, Music Director, after the 8:30 a.m. service or call Caro­
line in the Church Office at 933-8246.
We need your talent and this is a great stewardship opportunity for
everyone who enjoys singing!
Valentines Day Recipe
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake—lower calorie healthier version
Approx. 350 calories per slice—1/12th of cake.
2 sprays cooking spray
10 cream-filled chocolate sandwich cookies
8 1/2 Tbsp fat-free cream cheese
8 oz low fat cream cheese, tub-style
1 cup sugar
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1 cup fat free cottage cheese
2 tsp almond extract, or less to taste
6 large egg whites
3/4 cups mini chocolate chips, divided
Preheat oven to 325 °F. Coat spring form pan with the cooking spray. Crush
cookies; sprinkle evenly over bottom of pan. Using electric mixer, beat
cream cheeses together on lowest speed until well blended. In small bowl,
combine sugar, flour and add cream cheese mixture and beat until smooth.
Puree cottage cheese until smooth and add almond extract, beating until
smooth. Add egg whites: beat until well blended. Stir in 1/2 cup chocolate
chips. Pour batter into prepared pan and sprinkle with remaining chips. Bake
until center is almost set-about 60 minutes. Transfer to wire rack and cool
completely. Run knife around sides of pan to loosen, release pan sides. Cov­
er and chill overnight. Cut into 12 slices and serve.
Bon Appetite!
There will be a celebration of Velma Reimer’s
100th birthday at the El Dorado from 2:00-4:00
p.m. on Sunday, February 9th. All are invited to
come and celebrate with Velma!
Proverbs 11:12 A man who lack s judgment derides
his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his
Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but
a harsh word stirs up anger.
Give thanks to the many who spend
their daily time offering your prayer re­
quests to the Lord. Remember to con­
tinue using our Prayer Chain by contact­
ing Mabel Gimbel at 875-2178 or Tina
Vasiliow at 878-7492.
Isabel Larson
10421 Pleasant Valley Road
Sun City, AZ 85351
[email protected]
Janet Maley
19002 N. 143rd Ave.
Sun City West, AZ 85375
[email protected]
VP Organizational Resources
Mary Goitia
10412 N. Driftwood Pt.
Sun City, AZ 85351
[email protected]
Shirley Oestreich
10513 W. Kelso Dr.
Sun City, AZ 85351
[email protected]
VP Christian Life
June Black
9414N. 99th Ave. #1031
Peroria, AZ 85345
Pastor Neil Andersen
[email protected].
VP Special Focus
Sharon Gust
9415 W. Prairie Hills Circle
Sun City, AZ 85351
[email protected]
Renata Miron
15805 110th Ave.
Sun City, AZ 85351
[email protected]
Ron and I would like to thank those of you that said a prayer, called or sent a
card to Ron while he was in the hospital, rehab and during his recovery at home.
A special thank you to Pastors Andersen, Blau and Kudick for their prayers, vis­
its and in-home communion.
We appreciate all your support - it was so helpful in our time of need..
God’s blessings to you,
Ron and Charmaine Santema
Another month has gone by with strange happenings in our sound system and
additional heating needs. Thank you for the congregational approval to fund both
We are working to complete both of these projects in the early spring. A new Head
Trustee will be announced as soon as I have moved on to serve as your President.
Please continue your support of the new Head Trustee and his group of fine men and
Women who are elected to serve the congregation with all the mechanical needs of
Fountain of Life.
Thanks again for your support.
Randy Gust, Outgoing Head Trustee
Member Name Tags
Due to an increase in price, beginning February 1st there will be a charge of
$5.00 for ordering new name tags for members. Your first name tag is free.
One exclusion is if you need a pin name tag instead of a magnet due to a
pacemaker or other medical issue. In that instance, FOL will replace it free
of charge. Thank you!
Thank you to those who have supported the Lutheran Hour Ministries during the past year.
Sunday, February 2nd, is Ministries Sunday nationwide. Please continue to give your sup­
port through gifts and prayers to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ among all people,
Ed Pohland
Fountain of Life
Lutheran Church
15630 Del Webb Blvd.
Sun City, Arizona 85351
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Sun City, Arizona
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