The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA ____________________________________________________________ PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2015 OPEN SESSION COMMENCING AT 1:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 26 FRANCIS STREET, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, K9V 5R8 MEMBERS Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Andy Letham Isaac Breadner Brian S. Junkin Gord Miller Patrick O'Reilly Heather Stauble Emmett Yeo MEETING # PC2015-012 1 1.0 CALL TO ORDER AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.0 PUBLIC MEETING 3.1 PLAN2015-089 4 - 11 Mark LaHay, Planner II An application to amend the Township of Eldon Zoning By-law No. 94-14, to change the Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (A1-27) Zone to permit a Garden Suite for up to 20 years, on Part Lot 5, Concession 2, RP 57R-1876, Part 1, geographic Township of Eldon, 222 Lorneville Road (Tracy) 3.2 PLAN2015-091 12 - 20 David Harding Planner I An application to amend the Township of Manvers Zoning By-law 87-06 to rezone a portion of the land from Rural General (A1) Zone to Rural General Special Thirty (A1S30) Zone on property described as Part of Lot 5, Conc. 12, geographic Township of Manvers, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 551 Janetville Road (Youngfield Farms Ltd. - Planning File D06-15-020) 4.0 BUSINESS ARISING FROM PUBLIC MEETING 5.0 DEPUTATIONS 6.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.0 CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES REPORTS 7.1 PLAN2015-090 21 - 31 2 Mark LaHay, Planner II Zoning By-law Amendment (D06-15-016) Application to the Village of Woodville Zoning By-law to rezone the property from General Commercial (C1) Zone to Community Facility Exception One (CF-1) Zone to permit a Place of Worship. The CF-1 exception zone will also permit related ancillary uses and apply appropriate development standards based on the existing development identified as Lot 7, Plan 119, 111 King Street, former Village of Woodville (David Leeder representing the Trustees of the Woodville Community Presbyterian Church) 7.2 PLAN2015-092 32 - 45 Ian Walker, Planner II Applications to amend the Official Plan (D01-15-010) and Zoning By-law (D06-15017) to permit the creation of a residential lot on the property identified as 103 Elm Tree Road, geographic Township of Mariposa (Brumwell) 7.3 ENG2015-014 46 - 53 Christina Sisson, Supervisor Development Engineering Assumption of Cloverlea Subdivision, Phases 1 and 2, City of Kawartha Lakes 8.0 ADJOURNMENT 3 The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN201 5-089 Date: November 11,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Ward Gommunity ldentifier: Ward 4 Subject: - west of Lorneville An application to amend the Township of Eldon Zoning By-law No. 94-14, to change the Agricultural (Al) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (A1-271 Zone to permit a Garden Suite for up to 20 years, on Part Lot 5, Concession 2, RP 57R-1876, Part l, geographic Township of Eldon, 222Lorneville Road (TRACY) Author/Title: Mark La s nature: , Planner ll Recommendation: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2O15-089, respecting Part Lot 5, Concession 2, RP 57R-1876, Part 1 , geographic Township of Eldon, Application D06-15-019 be received; THAT a Zoning By-law, respecting application D06-15-019, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "C" to Report PLAN2015-089 be approved and adopted by Council; THAT staff be directed to prepare a "Garden Suite" agreement pursuant to Sectíon 39.1 of the Planning Act, respecting this application; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Other: Gh ief Adm inistrative Officer: 4 Report PLAN2015-089 D06-15-019 (TRACY) Page2 of 4 Backgrou nd: Proposal: To rezone the subject land from the Agricultural (41) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven ( 1-27) Zone. The effect of the zoning amendment would be to permit a garden suite, which is a temporary, detached dwelling unit that is designed and constructed to be portable and is ancillary to the existing detached dwelling, as a second dwelling unit on the property. Owners: Sharon and Edwin Tracy Legal Description Concession 2, Parl Lot 5, RP 57R-1876, Part 1 , geographic Township of Eldon Official Plan "Prime Agricultural" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zoning "Agricultural (A1) Zone" in the Township of Eldon Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 94-14 Site Size: 3.44 acres (1.39 ha.) - MPAC Site Servicing The lot is serviced by a private individualwell and a private individual sewage disposal system. Existing Uses: Rural Residential Adjacent Uses: North: Agricultural East: Agricultural and Hamlet Residential South: Agricultural West: Agricultural Rationale: The owner has applied to permit a Garden Suite on the subject land. The subject lands are located just west of the Hamlet of Lorneville on the south side of Lorneville Road. The subject land currently contains a single detached dwelling and a detached garage, which were built in 1974 and 1979, respectively according to MPAC records. The garden suite is proposed to be located to the east side of the existing single detached dwelling and will occupy an area between 55.7 sq. m. (600 sq. ft.) up to approximately 78 sq. m. (840 sq. ft.) depending on the model acquired. The garden suite dwelling structure is proposed to be a Park Model trailer and/or other portable dwelling structure, which will be winterized for year round use. The Planning Act permits a Garden Suite for a maximum period of twenty (20) years and continues to permít council to grant further extensions of not more than three years each, during which the temporary use is authorized. The effect of this applicatíon is to permit the proposed Garden Suite for a period of up to twenty (20) years. The owner has stated that the proposed Garden Suite will share driveway access, water, electricity and sewage disposal with the existing dwelling. Staff recommends that the owner enter into a Garden Suite Agreement with the municipality, which should be registered against title so that any subsequent owner will have notice that the use of the Garden Suite is temporary. The agreement will recognize the twenty (20) year timeframe. 5 -i,:J,i_bîuîîl'^3i; Page 3 of4 A Garden Suite is a temporary dwelling which is intended to be portable, with bathroom and kitchen facilities and is accessory to the existing dwelling on the lot. The 20 year period is appropriate as the structure complies with the definition of Garden Suite and the total time frame for the proposed garden suite would be in accordance with the timeframe permitted by the Planning AcL According to the application, the tenants of the Garden Suite are related to the owners of the property. The Garden Suite remains ancillary to the existing dwelling and meets the general intent and purpose of Section 39.1 of the Planning AcL Staff supports this application. Applicable Provincial Policies: The application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan and ís consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statements. Official Plan Conformity: The subject land is designated "Prime Agricultural" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. No agricultural land is impacted as an agricultural use is not permitted to be established on the property, which is less than 2 ha. in size. The proposal would appear to conform to the policies established for garden suites under Section 5.4 of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. Zoning By-Law Compliance: ln order to permit the proposed use, a rezoning application has been submitted for consideration. lf the application is approved, the use would be permitted for the timeframe specified by the implementing Zoning By-law. The draft By-law establishes that the Garden Suite shall not exceed a gross floor area of 80 m2 and shall connect to the existing water supply and sewage disposal systems that service the existing detached dwelling. Other Alternatives Considered : No other alternatives have been considered Financial Gonsiderat¡ons: There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Relationship of Recommendation To Strategy Map: Council adopted the Strategy Map outliníng Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application directly aligns with the Healthy Environment Strategy Map topic. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City. 6 Report PLAN2015-089 D06-15-019 (TRACÐ Page 4 o'f 4 Servicing Comments: The lot is serviced by a private individual well and a private sewage disposal system The proposed garden suite is proposed to connect into these existing services. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to the prescribed persons within a 500 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the proposed application. No issues were raised as a result of the círculation and there have been no comments received from the public as of October 30,2015. The following responses have been received to date: Hiawatha First Nation: the application is considered to have minimal potential to impact their First Nations' rights. They wish to be kept apprised of any updates, archaeological findings, and/or of any environmental impacts, should they occur Community Services: no concerns with the application. Enqineerinq Division: no concerns with the application. Buildinq Division: an inspection of the property will need to be conducted to determine if the existing sewage system is adequate or if it needs to be replaced Conclusion: The application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and conforms to the policies of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The application has been reviewed in consideration of comments from the circulated agencies, relevant provincial policy, the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and Township of Eldon Zoning By-law. ln consideration of the comments contained in this report, and provided that no additional information is raised at the Public Meeting that would alter the recommendations contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed rezoning application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: El^ Appendix 'A'.pdf El- El- Þ Appendix 'B'.pdf Appendix 'C'.pdf Appendix "Au - Location Map Appendix "Bu - Owner's Sketch Appendix uC" - Draft Zoning By-law Phone: 705-324-9411 exl. 1324 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1324 E-Mail: m Department Head: Juan Rojas, Acting Director, Development Services Department File: D06-15-019 lahay@city. kawa rthalakes. on. ca 7 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF ELDON A APPENDIX to REpoRT ?uAtJJo tS"o8{ FILE Lot 6 No. 0n¿- t<" o l1 'Lorneville' Lorneville Road It9 :l IF Con. 3 Il.t SUBJECT LAND (o s Ti É tn Concession 2 o .Y (U J Lot 5 (U -c u t- G 3 (U \¿ 8 ¿ r¡ ! ! I ü I i -¡ a t ì! t¡ rF- :r { t ;; æ ?{' ln -+ ¡ fl f o "t a- F! fI =¡3'; F-f:' 'fÏl-. ' m ! ro .9 -u i z o x z.-"t.' Q ': q..- j, lrr? ,:..1 ) ) :s= F I Flr Þ.R "fiw ffl :t .-\Í ¡ -t¡l ' - ).1':' Íi¡ lgf¡ + -Í-' si så h' \ \ \ (È ,¡ .t> Jr-. o \l} f¡ I r! î--Il .6U Crì -'i :,,..r: -. t F¡ st' tg¡-lg' --- ii;¡t1|ll $$. of :s- 'r +,: -tl Ð f a¡" " Q.1;::¡' -\ ç '-j-r " (¡ le!.tü' + I-:ç æ tr .,. .L t\ ft ..: t>. à fl rQÐ b r¡ I ¡- a { ]ì¡ i:'. ; r ft o a iD -D 3l dt a .g ¡ lÞ ¡i) ra ¡ í ?D fi¡ 4 (l I T 2 ) 50(¡ -oo F ¿";> O a N lllô +e' +otl 'Jl I lf ,, Ê "f-Fr¡lË'ry I ,¿ g- -'s' î o '*, C a qv r t ¡-rtt cl ì>l ¿- f.) f¡ 3 Íiì )ù \¡ {o u 5f¡(l.00 9 € ? -¡l OC> Ui .5 ; E J t t ìf¡ i APPENDIX to THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKET EPORT BY-LAW 2015. [File D06-15-019, Report PLAN2015-089, respecting Part Lot 5, Concession 2, being Part 1, Plan 57R-1876 geographic Township of Eldon, identified as 222 Lorneville Road TRACYI Recitals: 1. Sections 34 and 39 of the Planning Acf, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.l3, aulhorize Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to perm¡t the temporary use of the land for a Garden Suite. 3. 4. A public meet¡ng to solicit public input has been held. Council deems it aipropriate to rezone the Property. Accordíngly, the Council of The Corporation of the City enacts this By-law 2015-_. of Kawartha Lakes Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.01 Prooertv Affected: The property affected by this by-law is described as Part Lot 5, Concession 2, geographic Township of Eldon, City of Kawartha Lakes, and identified as222 Lorneville Road. 1.02 Textual Amandmsnt: By-law No. 94-14 of the Township of Eldon is further amended to add the following section to Section 7.3: "7.3.27 AGRTCULTURALEXCEPTTONTWENTY-SEVEN(A1-27)ZONE ln addition to the uses permitted in Section 7.1 , on lands zoned A1-27 , a garden suite is also permitted and is subject to the following provisions: i. A "Garden Suite" means a temporary, detached dwelling unit that is designed and constructed to be portable and is ancillary to an existing detached dwelling, ii. A "Garden Suite" shall be connected to both the water supply and sewage disposal systems serving the existing dwelling and shall not exceed a gross floor area of 80 square metres and shall be permitted for a period of twenty (20) years commencing on the date that the A1-27 Zone is in effect." ',l.03 Schedule Amendmeg!: Schedule 'A' to Bylaw No. 94-14 of the Township of Etdon is further amended to change the zone category from the Agricultural (41) Zone to the Agricultural Exception Twenty-Seven (A1-27) Zone for the land referred to as '41-27', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. Section 2:00 Effective Date I Expiry Date 2.O1 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date is finally R.S.O. it passed, subject to the provisions of Sections 34 and 39 of the Planning Act, f994 c. P.l3. on the ** day of **", 2035, in accordance with the provisions of Section 39.1 (4) of the Planning Act. 2.O2 Exslry Date: This By-law shall expire ** By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this day of ***, 2015. Judy Currins, City Clerk Andy Letham, Mayor 10 * PuRñ¿oÉ-ofcl h A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF ELDON ZONING BY-LAW NO. 9¿t-14 TO REZONE I-AND WITHIN THE CITYOF I(AWARTHA LAKES - o c 0ob* tS'ot? THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A,TO BY-LAW TH|S _ PASSED 201s. DAY OF CITY CLERK MAYOR lll GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF ELDON Lot 6 'Lorneville' Lorneville Road lq il- I Con.3 IG IrA1-27 (o sf tt É. .^ Concession 2 o _J' Lot 5 -v, ro (E (u 3 v G' 11 The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Gommittee Report Report Number PLAN201 5-091 Date: November 11,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ward Community Subject: ldentifier: Ward 16 - Manvers An application to amend the Township of Manvers Zoning By-law 87-06 to rezone a portion of the land from Rural General (41) Zone to Rural General Special Thirty (41-530) Zone on property described as Part of Lot 5, Conc. 12, geographic Township of Manvers, City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 551 Janetville Road (YO UNGFIELD FARMS LTD. - Planning File D06-15-020). Author/Title: David Harding, Planner I re Recommendation(s): RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-091, respecting Part of Lot 5, Conc. 12, geographic Township of Manvers, Application D06-15-020, be received; THAT a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-15-020, substantially in the form attached as Appendix 'C' to Report PLAN2015-091, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Other: Chief Administrative Officer: 12 Do6- 1 b-o2o cro, *ä"åËt J'üitJ'T;l Page 2 of 5 Background: The owner has applied for and received provisional consent (File D03-14-036) from the Committee of Adjustment, as delegated by Council, to sever an approxímately 0.83 ha. (1.57 acre) residential lot containing a single detached dwelling, and two residential accessory buildings, and to retain the remaining approximately 92.217 ha. (191.1 acre) of agricultural land with a portion containing open space. The retained land will be consolidated with non-abutting agricultural land. The dwelling is considered surplus to the Youngfield Farm Ltd. farming operation. There are no agricultural buildings or structures on the retained portion of the property. As a condition of provisional consent (application D03-14-036), the subject land is to be rezoned to prohibit any residential use on the retained agricultural land. - Brian DeJong Owner: Youngfield Farms Ltd. Applicant: Coe Fisher Cameron OLS Legal Description Part of Lot 5, Conc. 12, geographic Township of Manvers Designation: Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone Rural General (A1) Zone and Open Space (O1) Zone on Schedule 'A' of the Township of Manvers Zoning By-law No 87-06 Lot Area -78 ha. (192.7 ac.), Severed Retained -92.2 ha. (191.1 ac.) Site Servicing Residential- Private individual on-site sewage disposal and Total well Agricultural - Gerald Hickson 0.83 ha. (1.57 ac.), - Unserviced Existing Uses: Residential (to be severed) / Agricultural (to be retained) Adjacent Uses: South: East: West: North, Agricultural, Rural Residential, Forest Agricultural, Rural Residential, Cemetery Agricultural, Forest, Wetland Rationale: The property is located to the immediate southwest of Janetville, west of Janetville Road, and between Fleetwood and Pigeon Creek Roads (refer to Appendix'A'). The subject property and the surrounding lands to the west, south, and east are prime agricultural land, which is to be protected and preserved from new residential development or any other incompatible land use that may hinder existing or future agricultural operations. Provisional consent was granted on April 16,2015 to sever the residential lot and retain an approximately 92.217 ha. farm parcel. 13 Report PLAN2015-091 D06-1 5-020 (YOUNGFTELD FARMS LTD.) Page 3 of 5 Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: This application conforms to the Growth Plan (GP). Section 4.2.2 indicates that Ministers, in consultation with municipalities, are to develop additional policies for protection of areas identífied as prime agricultural land. Provincial Pol icy Statement, 201 4 (PPS) : This application is consistent wíth the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). Sections 2.3.1 and provide that prime agricultural areas shall be protected for long term use, and all types, sizes and intensities of agricultural uses and normalfarm practices shall be promoted and protected in accordance with provincial standards. The application to rezone the proposed retained lands will protect the agricultural use of the property and surrounding agricultural practices from incompatible residential use as required by Section (a) and (c) 2. The proposed retained lot is of sufficient area to operate an assortment of agricultural uses and the PPS encourages the protection of all types and sizes of agricultural use. Therefore, this application is consistent with the PPS. Official Plan Gonformity: The subject land is designated Prime Agricultural and Environmental Protection in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (Official Plan). The Environmental Protection designation contains a watercourse. No change is proposed to the zone category over the watercourse area. Section 15.1 of the Official Plan provides that agricultural land that is primarily class 1-3 shall be protected from fragmentation, development and land uses unrelated to agriculture. One of the objectives of the Official Plan is to support farming operations as an important component of the economy, a source of employment and a way of life for many rural residents. This application proposes no change to the existing land uses, and the agricultural land will be preserved and protected for future agricultural use. The City, through its Official Plan, recognizes as generally desirable the consolidation of farms wherever possible. The City also recognizes that the acquisition of abutting agricultural lots in order to consolidate an existing farm operation may not be possible, and has established criteria in accordance with provincial policy to recognize this circumstance and protect the long term agricultural use of the land. Once of the criteria is that the agricultural land must be rezoned to prohibit any residential use. Therefore, this applícation conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. 14 Do6- 1 s-o2o r"o, *åTÊl J.iHi'J lff I Page 4 of 5 Zoning By-Law Gompliance: The majority of the land is zoned Rural General (A1) Zone and a small portion is zoned Open Space (O1) Zone in the Township of Manvers Zoning By-law 87-06. The A1 Zone provides that where a lot of less than t ha. in area is created by consent, the minimum lot frontage shall be 38 metres; the minimum lot area shall be 2,045 square metres, and the lot must comply with all other provisions of the Rural Residential Type One (RR1) Zone. The lot to be created complies with all requirements of the RR1 Zone. The lot to be retained meets the requirements of the A1 and O1 Zones, mainly that the lot maintain a frontage of 183 m. and area of 38 ha. (93.9 ac.). The purpose of the zoning amendment is to prohibit residential use on the retained property and maintain the agricultural use of the land to comply with provincial and municipal policy. The application complies with all other relevant provisions of the Zoning By-law. Other Alternatives Gonsidered: No other alternatives have been considered Financial Considerat¡ons : There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. In the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This applícation aligns with the prosperity prioritíes in that it provides opportunity to expand the economic base by maintaining and expanding the agricultural employment base Servicing Comments: The agricultural land is unserviced. The existing single detached dwelling on the land to be severed is serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and well. Gonsultations: Notice of this application was circulated to all land owners of record within a 500 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. The Building Division, Water and Wastewater Division, Community Services Department, and Hiawatha First Nation raised no issues as a result of circulation. 15 Do6- 1 b-o2o r"o, nãTÊt J'iilä i;'3 1 Page 5 of 5 Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The application conforms to the Growth Plan and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. The application also conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. The rezoning will ensure the subject land is preserved for agricultural use. All other zoning provisions within the Open Space Zone and the Rural General Zone will be maintained. Conclusion: The application conforms to the provincial policies concerning prime agricultural areas. The application also conforms to the Prime Agricultural designation policies in the City's Official Plan. Staff support the application based on the information contained in this report and the comments received as of October 29, 2015. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: Appendix'A' E! - Location Map ,l- Appendix'A'.pdf Appendix 'B' E)- - Sketch for Consent Application - dated June 21,2014 Appendix'B.pdf Appendix 'C' E. .L - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Appendix'C'.pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1206 E-Mail: dehard inq@citv. kawarthalakes. on. ca Department Head: Juan Rojas, Acting Director Department File: D06-15-020 16 È APPEN to REP FILE PL4t\z¿(-ç.-a \ Jl 'Do6-tç-ö24 _^ L,On DI ) I3 'JANETVILLE' I \ SUBJECT Con 12 LAND c t, _(l) +t Lot 4 o c(ú Lot 6 ? --T-l Fleetwood Rd Lot 5 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS Con 17 11 KÐT PLAN o N Scole 1:7,500 PIGEOI.¡ CRF:Eh: RO,A.D o rô s iño.40 .riicþ:Â.Nc| ÊETr€Eìi cq{cisstø,¡s t2 .4Na SKETCH FOR SEVERANCE No. 551 JANEIVLLE å) I Ë5 CITY OF KAWARTHA IâKES Scolc 1 : 5{X) , rr*r, -mÆ <t.sJ n rii 58.67 I Ë cl $ a Lttst r0.a2 l-***;1 i G ta) f: s LæAtw () { ßr¡ ¿sJ, à l¡i kr + ö ä ü Ë o F- l¡t f¡ 26-O7 s:Ì J8. 55.21 s c\j Þ o $ w ¡ft B. l¿l J t\ F- 5 þ- o o { ,,.^l i!l (c' ,i¡ ri 7o OEftEAD '1. /\ t,,t i.: o l¡J I Hnæ PAE a6J -\ \ --.!r E É @É Bflf.ttÐ) \ a :i \ t¡J z. <¡: *9{D AND NRE FÊIICE POS| AND ffiE b F \ 2 ¡ FLF:ETWOCD RC,I'.D E|r,fjtì¡ c#.üci's-1'otus ii ÅNÐ î2) rft l'- \ t-- 5: :;: Éc" (1.57 AcREs) RETAINED AREA - 77.363+ HA, (191.13+ ACRES) 'r' "i ::: :ì: -: Cl CURRENT ZONING: A1 (RURAI \ GENERAL) CÂIJTION: 1. ÏHIS IS NOf A PI¡N OF SURVEY AI{D SI{A¡I NOT 8E USED Ð(CEPÍ FOR IHE PURPOSE INDICAÌED IN THE ÌTTLE 8LOCK. 2. \ o sl ;rl \j 0.637 (i 73.16 (na.AÐ .4LL0ri.r.Nci r,, - (192.7+ rcRES) .r.l-i \ FtXCt AREA = 78.oa B{ l¡..! (> B bi \ 'SEVERED, =: t-- --J :i; TOTAL AREA SEVERED l¡.t \T\ ilñI PrN 65262-0318(LT) ì:i h.! rll '.Ë'- \ FîAÆ FÉ 2tJ \"ä\ z ;:: D -o ¡? @ {'- SUBIECT IANDS PART OF LOT 5, CONCESSION 12 GEOGRAPHIC TOV'I{SHIP OF MANVERS trEtaf oR -"{ ro.9 iì I -( POI.E coE, RSHER, cAt ERoN, 2ot¡r @ () $l :sr æAltrL ci .¡: l ß.47 ,*È a .f E I Ls3T3i I "SEVERED" N o \j i¡:. ,RETANED, ROAD GEOGMPH¡C TOWÌ{SHIP OF ITAT.ÍIGRS ,o SOI¡E DITIB{SIONS ARE BASED ON REGISIFI OFTlCE RECORDS AI{D II'AGERI AI{D ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDNG NELD SUfiT'EI. DAIED: JUNE 21. 2014 @ o @ T¡ T HM NE 1.5 f FY: D-H.T- 0\ J\l tl ! c' o 18 I o fv o X I >21 ¡. I 0 -$i tn t APPENDIX to THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKEì EPORT I a D -Mñt",tfq BY.LAW 2015. T)oø A BY.LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS GOMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY.LAW NO. 87.06 TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File D06-15-020, Report PLAN2O15-091 respecting Part of Lot 5, Conc. 12, geographic Township of Manvers, identified as 551 Janetville Road - YOUNGFIELD FARMS LTD.] Recitals: 1 Section 34 of the Planning Act authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2 Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to prohibit residential use on the subject land 3. 4. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property Accordingly, the Gouncil of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015-_. Section 1:00 Zoning Details 1.01 Propertv Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as Part of Lot 5, Conc. 12, geographic Township of Manvers, City of Kawartha Lakes. 1.02 Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 87-06 of the Township of Manvers is further amended to change the zone category from the Rural General (41) Zone to the Rural General Special Thirty (A1-S30) Zone for the land referred to as'41-S30', as shown on Schedule 'A'attached to this By-law Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this ** day of ***, 2015. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clerk 19 - t{-¿t'zo t THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES PASSED THIS IS SCHEDULE'A'TO BY-LAW THIS 2015. DAY OF CITY CLERK MAYOR lr il Con 13 'JANETVILLE' A1 -S30 Con 12 A1 -S30 E É. -9 '5 .l-, o Lot 4 c(ú Lot 6 .? Fleetwood Rd Lot 5 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS Con 11 20 The Gorporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN2OI 5-090 Date: November 11,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Ward Community ldentifier: Ward 4 - Woodville Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment (D06-15-016) Application to the Village of Woodville Zoning By-law to rezone the property from General Commercial (C1) Zone to Community Facility Exception One (CF-1) Zone to permit a Place of Worship. The CF-1 exception zone will also permit related ancillary uses and apply appropriate development standards based on the existing development identified as Lot 7, Plan 119, 11 1 King Street, former Village of Woodville (David Leeder representing the Trustees of the Woodville Community Presbyterian Church). s Author/Title: Mark LaHay, Planner ll ature: Recommendation: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-090, respecting Lot 7, Plan 119, former Village of Woodville, "David Leeder representing the Trustees of the Woodville Community Presbyterian Church - Application D06-15-016, be received; THAT aZoning By-law, respecting application D06-15-016, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "C" to Report PLAN2O15-090 be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Other: Ch ief Adm in istrative Officer: 21 Report PLAN2015-090 Woodville Community Presbyterian Church Page2 of 6 Backg round: David Leeder on behalf of the Trustees of the Woodville Community Presbyterian Church has submitted a rezoning application to rezone the property from General Commercial (C1) Zone to a Community Facility Exception One (CF-1) Zone to permit a Place of Worship. The CF exception zone will permit a church hall and related ancillary uses and apply appropriate development standards based on the existing development on the lot. The subject land is currently developed with a one storey brick commercial building with a basement and in order to accommodate the proposed use, the owner is seeking an amendment to the zoning by-law. Owners: Trustees of the Woodville Community Presbyterian Church represented by David Leeder. ApplicanUAgent: Les C. Selby Consulting Services, c/o Les Selby Legal Description: Lot 7, Registered Plan 1 19, Former Village of Woodville, City of Kawartha Lakes. Official Plan: "Urban" in the County of Victoria Official Plan Zoning: "General Commercial (C1) Zone in the Village of Woodville Zoning By-law 1993-9. Lot Size: 485.62m2 (5.227.2 sq. ft.) - MPAC Site Servicing Municipal water services and private holding tanks Existing Uses Vacant commercial building. Previously used as a licensed restaurant and a funeral home Adjacent Uses North: Commercial and Community Facility East: Commercial South: Low Density Residential West: Low Density Residential Rationale: The subject land is located on the southwest corner of King Street and Stuart Street generally within the centre of the Village of Woodville at the westerly fringe of the commercial core (see Appendix "A"). Other community facility uses are located adjacent to the north and west of the subject land containing the United Church and Town Hall buildings on the north side of King Street. The area to the south and west of the subject land is predominately residential. A special exception zone is proposed in order to accommodate the proposed church hall and ancillary social service uses such as a family and youth centre. Specific 22 wood v i r r eco ", n ¡ õT,"oJ ir*Håi;1?fl Page 3 of 6 development standards will be imposed based on the existing development of the lot. Applicable Provincial Policies: The application and existing subdivision conforms to and is consistent with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GPGGH) and the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) relating to. o . . . o pronìoting efficient land use and development patterns which support sustainability by promoting strong viable, livable, healthy and resilient communities; contributes to creating complete communities; accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment and institutional uses, including places of worship; using existing infrastructure; and proÍrìoting the viability of rural settlement areas as being critical to the longterm economic prosperity for communities. Official Plan Gonformity: The property is designated "Urban Settlement Area" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. This designation is under appeal and therefore, the policies are not in effect. The policies as contained in the County of Victoria Official Plan are therefore in force. lt is designated "Urban" in the County of Victoria Official Plan. Community facility uses are permitted if the use if compatible with surrounding areas. The application conforms to the Victoria County Official Plan. Zoning By-law Compliance: The subject land is zoned General Commercial (C1) Zone in the Village of Woodville Zoning By-law, which permitted the previous restaurant business. The proposed use of the subject land for a Place of Worship does not comply with the existing zone provisions and therefore, an amendment was submitted for consideration, which will recognize the development and location of the existing building and will recognize the existing parking area. Other Alternatives Considered : No other alternatives have been taken into consideration Financial Considerat¡ons : There are no financial considerations unless council's decision to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. 23 Report PLAN2015-090 Woodville Community Presbyterian Church Page 4 of 6 Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the quality of life priorities in that it promotes culture and an opportunity for citizen support systems by involving members of the community in church related functions Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: Any applicable accessibility matters will be addressed through the Building Permit application, if required. Servicing Gomments: The subject land is serviced by municipalwater and contains two concrete holding tanks with a total capacity of 3000 gallons, which the HKPR District Health Unit advised were inspected and approved under the Environmental Protection Act on May 28, 1993. The existing sewage system, which has served the former funeral home and restaurant uses, is alarmed. The Church organization has a one year pumpíng services contract dated February 3,2015, which will be renegotiated after the current contract period ends. Consultations: Notice of this application was previously circulated to persons within a 120 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. A statutory public meeting was held on October 14,2015. At the public meeting, the agent for the owners provided additional information and clarification regarding the proposal and Councillor Veale spoke in support of the application. No member of public raised any concerns relating to the application. The following comments have been received: Aoencv Review Comments The Building Division has no concerns with the application. A change of use permit will be required. The Sewage Systems Supervisor previously advised that the property is currently serviced by a Class 5 Holding Tank located at the south-east corner of the existing building. The proposal indicates a loading area as well as parking in this area. The Class 5 Holding Tank has not been manufactured to sustain the weight load of vehicular traffic. The area over the Class 5 system is to be maintained as a lawn/garden area. As such, the Sewage Systems Supervisor requires the site plan 24 wood vi r r eco ", n ¡ l"å,.oi JrilY"tåï;i3Î Page 5 of6 to be modified to ensure the protection of the sewage system by the removal of the asphalt parking/loading area in the vicinity of the system. Engineering has no comment on the application as the items requested to be confirmed through the pre-consultation meeting, relating to access and parking have been addressed in the report submitted with the application. The Hiawatha First Nation advised the application is deemed to have little, if any, impact on their First Nation's traditional territory and/or rights. They wish to be kept apprised of any updates, archaeological findings, and/or of any environmental impacts, should they occur. The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) advised through the preconsultation meeting that as this proposal in its current form does not include site alteration or any increase to the impacts of the current private servicing system, the Settlement Area policies of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (LSPP), with respect to storm water, specifically that "any site alteratíon shall seek to avoid, minimize and mitigate impacts associated with water quality and quantity of urban runoff into receiving water bodies and wetlands", may not be applicable. ln addition, the subject land is not within a regulated area; therefore, a permit will not be required from the LSRCA prior to the issuance of a building permit. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The application conforms to the Growth Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement with respect to supporting sustainable development and diversity of uses in an urban area. The application also conforms to the Victoría County Official Plan as the proposed use maintains the general intent of the land use requirements as set out in the "Urban" designation. The proposed new use is also considered compatible with other permitted and existing uses and appropriate for the subject land. Furthermore, the proposed uses should not require or cause an increase in services or result in sig n ificant add itional traffic. The applicant proposes to convert the existing vacant commercial restaurant building into a place of worship (church) facility with related social service uses for family and youth assembly. lncluded with the documentation submitted with the application are expected numbers of participants based on function. Weekly worship services are anticipated to result in 25 to 40 people (10 to 15 cars); Biweekly youth services are anticipated to have up to 12 people (3 to 4 cars) and Monthly Women's and Committee meetings are anticipated to result in up to people each (5 cars). I It appears that adequate parking to support the proposed use can be provided on site (6 spaces indicated, inclusive of one accessible space) and off site (100+ spaces nearby) in the form of on-street parallel parking primarily along both sides of King Street, which also serves other existing adjacent commercial and community uses, with some parallel parking also available along Stuart Street. The previous 25 woo d vi r r eco " u n ¡ÐT.oJ I*3[?3åfl ;?3Î Page 6 of 6 funeral home and licensed restaurant uses also relied on on-street parking and in the case of the restaurant business, relief from the zoning by-law was granted by the Committee of Adjustment (Minor Variance Application D20-03-101) to reduce the minimum on-site requirement to 6 parking spaces. The previous funeral home operated with only 6 on-site parking spaces, which was considered legal noncomplying. The zoning by-law amendment will ultimately establish and reflect the minimum number of parking spaces to be provided on the lot. ln relation to the initial concern identified by the Sewage System Supervisor, the site/lot plan (Schedule "8") has been revised to be consistent with the actual use of the subject land. The plan has been updated to reflect the intended arrangement of parking and landscaping to the south of the building that will also afford the required protection to the existing sewage holding tanks. No loading area is required and the septic system is being protected by a raised planting bed bordered by 2 rows of pressure treated wood providing for a 0.3 m. (1 ft.) protective cribbing wall. Planning Staff are satisfied with the revised plan. Upon review of the revised plan, the Sewage Systems Supervisor has now advised there is no objection to the zoning bylaw amendment as the area around the Class 5 Holding Tank will not be used as a loading area, the illustrated parking area is restricted off of the area of the sewage system, and the protective landscaped garden area will continue to exist. Conclusions: The application conforms to the policies of the Growth Plan is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and conforms to the policies of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The application has been reviewed in consideration of comments from the circulated agencies, relevant provincial policy, the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and Village of Woodville Zoning By-law. ln consideration of the information and comments contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed rezoning application be approved. Attachments: El.Þ Appendix 'A Appendix Appendix Appendix ',pdf uA" uB" El- Appendix ' El- B'.pdf Appendix 'C'.pdf - Location Map uC'- Applicant Lot Plan - revised Draft Zoning By-law Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1324 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1324 E-Mail: m Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D06-15-016 lahav@citv. kawa rthalakes. on. ca 26 APPENDIX to 'A REPORT 0LÂt-l¿ol5-orlo Woodvil e Argyle Street o o l- o o lt) -c o :l -c U1 Queen Street c .o O l SUBJECT LAND Kins Street o o (o s U1 o 3 l- o +f -c .9 U) J oh n Street 27 c KING Lot Plan l¡e¡6ßtmt¡À'/t'ì.' rÈr STRåTI LAtiES ffiAÐ ff0. 4ã' '/llW\R"flilt ¿' sr/!¡ ' ,'\rr. ¡k' ¡lßñ, nlÍr{l'¡,rr9frl/Ê'. t ñmott, ' I ftÊeu APPENDIX to t ß I REPO ¡.Ü ¡ta'iürÐ't FILE 0, n4 Tï NC t I I I I lr co ûr I il â Ê t .T iE ¡ F'E /j I PLI\N NC To* E u3 6{Wnn f 3 I :g ã'i- trH OF I K IN6 ú T I Ç; I SrRlE T r Ë I A 6NE I ,') o fin)ua ÁiX O tA'r41. lar¿r¿tø {n 6 I I lar, ' ¿ ¡ | I i.i.r',¡ t,i¡1ti st qßÛtì:ltã, Íf ¿ q1l' ,JI t-) J$iH ' r'a').4/, J) çtt l' Éísliffi únct 5ffi 28 ii\ i Fi: if 8¡ I .l Aæøn"ø E Þ -¡ Ê 4 (rÃ1 + I '-,) .-J A 9,ltt l d8$ct ¡alil¿nçtt -l--l .L¡ 'tr l-_ I I 1 i"//t/¿ tl¡t^të'¿Ats )O^4r, '-¡ lr ÊÊ ú*rs¿rrÐ l\. 9ê4bó l[\ á¿t)t,é /5')r4¡' ,/¡c/¿ør./a L ilr+J t{l i-_t É).€l/$ /O'r4r' ^ '.,J Ë I T t (T E 0 E ;,,rrC ! ¡ I å ù ET ooô-15-ol6 APPENDIX I t- I ,to THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKEÊ EPORtr r!å!êglç-g_qo BY-LAW 201s A BY{.AW TO AMEND THE VILLAGE OF WOODV]LLE ZONING BY.LAW NO. 1993-9 TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File D06-1 5-01 6, Report PLAN201 5-090, respecting Lot 7, Plan 1 19, identified as King Street - David Leeder representing the TRUSTEES OF THE WOODVILLE coMMUNrrY PRESBYTERIAN CH URCHI 111 Recltals: Section 34 of the Ptanning Acf authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2 Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit a Place of Worship and related ancillary uses. 3. 4. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property Accordingly, the Gouncil of The corporation of the city of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015--. Details Section 1:00 1.01 Propertv Affected: The Property affected by this bylaw is described as Lot 7' nan 1 1g;Ermeilillage of Woodville, City of Kawartha Lakes, 1 1 1 King Street 1.O2 Textual Amsndmsnt: By-law No. 1993-9 of the Village of Woodvilte is further amended to add the following section to Section 6.3: "6.3.1 Community Facility Exception One (CF-1) Zone Notwithstanding Sections 3.11.3, 3.12-1 ,3.15.1, and Sections 6.2.1 .1,, 6.2.'1 .3, 6.2.1 .7, |and zoned'CF-1' shall be subject to the following zone Provisions: (a) Lot Area (min.) (b) Lot Frontage (min.) (c) Front Yard (min') (d) lnterior Side Yard (min.) (a) Exterior Side Yard (mln.) (0 (g) (h) (¡) ü) (k) Exterior Side Yard to steps/ramp (min.) Landscaped OPen SPace (min.) Parking spaces on lot (min.) Accessible parking spaçes on lot (mln.) Parking Aisle Width (min,) Landscaped Parking Buffer Width to Slreet 475 sq. m. 9.8 m. 2.47 rn. 0.8 m. 0.75 m. Nil 1A o/o 6 1 (min.) Nil Nil All other provisions of the CF Zone shall apply. " 1.03 Schedule Amendment: Schedule'A'to By-law No. 1993-9 of the Village of to change the zone category from the General commercial (c1) Zone to the community Facility Exception one (cF-1) Zone for the land rèferred to as the 'CF-1', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this ffinded By-law. 29 Ðob- 6-atb Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effoetlve Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this ** day of ***, 201b. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Cunins, City Clerk 30 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A,TO BY-LAW _ TH|S PASSED 2015 DAY OF MAYOR CITY CLERK 'Woodville' Argyle Street o o tt1 -c (J tf Queen Street -c (J cF-L King Street t- (u o tt) (o sf ro +J l- c, f É, VI J o (o :¿ ilt John Street 31 The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Gommittee Report Report Number PLAN2OI 5-092 Date: November 11,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chamber Ward Community Subject: ldentifier: Ward 8 - Mariposa Applications to amend the Official Plan (D01-15-010) and Zoning By-law (D06-15-017) to permit the creation of a residential lot on the property identified as 103 Elm Tree Road, geographic Township of Mariposa, (BRUMWELL). Author/Title: lan Walker, Planner ll Si nature: llkt- Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN201 5-092, respecting 010 & D06-1 5-017, be received; - Applications D01-15- THAT a By-law to implement official plan amendment application D01-15-010, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "C" to Report PLAN2015-092 be approved and adopted by Council; THAT zoning by-law amendment application D06-1 5-017 , substantially in the form attached as Appendix "D" to Report PLAN2015-092 be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Other: Ghief Adm inistrative Officer: 32 Report PLAN2O15-092 D01 -1 5-010 & D06-1 5-01 7 (BRUMWELL) Page 2 of 6 Backg rou nd: The statutory public meeting was held by the Planning Committee on October 14, 2015 and the following resolution was passed: Moved by Mayor Letham, seconded by Councillor Macklem, RECOMMEND THAT Report PLAN2O15-083, respecting Part of Lot 21, Concession l, Geographic Township of Mariposa, BRUMWELL - Applications DOl-15-010 and D06-15-017, be received; and THAT the application respecting the proposed Amendments to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan and Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law, be referred back to staff for further review and processing until such time that all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns have been addressed. GARR|ED PC20t5-053 This report addresses that direction. The proposal is to facilitate the creation of a new residential lot on private services in the Hamlet Settlement of Valentia. The lots to be severed and retained are 2,200 sq. m. and 2,500 sq. m., and the severed lot would be serviced by an individual well and private septic system. Section 19.3.13 of the Official Plan (OP) permits the creation of lots in the Hamlet Settlement Area, but requires a minimum lot area of 4,000 sq. m. for lot creation on private services. The amendment to the OP proposes to exclude the subject lot from the requirements of Policy 19.3.13. The amendment to the Zoning By-law proposes to rezone the land from Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone to the Hamlet Residential Exception Nine (HR-9) Zone for the severed and Hamlet Residential Exception Ten (HR-10) Zone for the retained. See Appendix "A" and "8" attached. Owners: Wayne & Wendy Brumwell Applicant: EcoVue Consulting Services lnc., Kent Randall Legal Description Part of Lot21, Conc. 1,57R-7292, Parts 1 &2, geographic Township of Mariposa Designation Hamlet Settlement Area, Cíty of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone on Schedule 'G' of the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law No. 94-07 Lot Area: Site Servicing 0.47 ha. [1.16 ac.] Private individual on-site sewage disposal and well Existing Uses Residential (retained) / Vacant (severed) 33 Do 1 -1 5-o I o * rråi8-"J i,Hr',ff tr=ttú Page 3 of 6 Adjacent Uses: North, East & West: Hamlet Residential Commercial/Community Facility South: Rationale: The applicant has submitted a revised rezoning sketch, prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services lnc., dated October 13,2015. The subject land is 4,700 sq. m. The proposed lot to be severed will be 2,200 sq. m., and the lot to be retained will be 2,500 sq. m. Both lots front on Elm Tree Road. The existing and proposed development is serviced by a private individual well and septic system, see Appendix "8" attached. Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006: The Growth Plan provides that growth should be directed towards settlement areas, and the majority of growth will be accommodated through intensification The subject land is located within the development area boundary for the Valentia Hamlet Settlement Area. Therefore, these applications conform to the policies of the Grovvth Plan (GP). Provincial Policy Statement, 201 4 (PPS) : The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. Sections through direct development to settlement areas, and promote opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. Section of the PPS provides individual on-site sewage and water services may be used provided that site conditions are suitable for the long-term provision of such services with no negative impacts. ln settlement areas, these services may only be used for infilling and minor rounding out of existing development. The applicant retained Grace & Associates lnc. to prepare a hydrogeological assessment and aquifer performance testing for the proposed lot. The study was prepared June 25,2015, and concludes that sufficient water is available to service the proposed lot. Section of the PPS requires confirmation of sufficient treatment capacity for hauled sewage from individual on-site sewage services. The subject lot is not within or adjacent to any natural heritage features or species at risk (SAR), and is not located within any natural hazards, as identified in Sectíon 3.1 of the PPS. Therefore, these applications are consistent with the PPS. 34 D0 1 -1 5-0 1 0 * rråî8-"J i,bPril'?=ttiî Page 4 of 6 Official Plan Conformity: The subject land is designated "Hamlet Settlement Area" in the City's Official Plan (OP). The OP provides that small-scale residential development is permitted within this designation. For new lots created, the minimum lot size should be 4,000 sq. m.where individual services are provided. Section 19.3.13 of the OP requires any lots created within the Hamlet Settlement Area to be of sufficient size to accommodate private services. The hydrogeolocial assessment confirms there is sufficient groundwater to service the proposed development. The application proposes a Special Policy for the proposed severed and retained lot respectively to recognize the reduced minimum lot area for each lot. Zoning By-Law Compliance: The subject land is zoned "Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone" in the Township of Mariposa Zoning By-law 94-07. This residential neighbourhood is developed with single detached dwellings, on private services (i.e. individual water supply & individual sewage disposal systems). The Zoning By-law requíres a minimum lot area of 2,800 sq. m. on lots serviced with individual water supply and sewage disposal systems. The applicant has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application for consideration. The application proposes an exception zone category for the proposed severed and retained lot respectively to recognize a reduced minimum lot area for each lot, to implement the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Other Alternatives Considered: No other alternatives have been considered Financial Considerations: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decisíon to adopt or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment(s) are appealed to the Ontarío Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Visíon of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. These applications align with the prosperity priorities in that they propose a residential lot. 35 Do 1 -1 5-o 1 o * rrIÎ8-"J i,t#riil?Jrtú Page 5 of 6 Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessibility implications for the City Servicing Comments: The vacant land to be severed is unserviced. The existing single detached dwelling on the land to be retained is serviced by a private sanitary sewage disposal system and indívidualwell. ln accordance with the PPS, reserve sewage system capacity is required as a condition of consent for the treatment of hauled sewage. Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to persons within a 500 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the application. To date we have received the following comments: Agency Review Comments: The Building Division - Sewage System Coordinator provided on September 21, 2015 that it has no objection to these applications, as the proposed on-site sewage disposal systems meet the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. Hiawatha First Nation provided on September 22,2015 that it has no concerns with respect to the applications, but has requested to be notified if any further developments occur. The Engineering Division provided on October 2,2015 that it has no concerns with respect to the applications. The Community Services Department provided on October 20,2015 that it has no concerns with respect to the applications. The Building Division provided on October 21, 2015 that the barn will require a change of use as a condition as part of a consent application. Development Services - Planning Division Gomments: The appropriate background studies have been submitted to support the applications for official plan and zoníng by-law amendment. The applications conform to the Growth Plan and are consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement. Conformity with the City of Kawartha Lakes Offícial Plan has been demonstrated and staff support the request to exempt the subject land from Section 19.3.13 of the Official Plan. The rezoning will ensure the subject land complies with the Zoning By-law. All other zoning provisions within the Hamlet Residential Zone will be maintained. 36 Do 1 -1 5-o I 0 * rråÎ8-"J i(t#ífl i'?rtrtú Page 6 of 6 Conclusion: The application conforms to the provincial policies concerning lot creation in rural areas. Staff support the application based on the information contained in this report and the comments received as of November 2,2015. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: Appendix'A' El- - Location Map .È Appendix A.pdf Appendix 'B' El- - Sketch for Consent Application - Revised October 1,2015 .Þ Appendix B. pdf Appendix'C'- Draft Official Plan Amendment ElÞ Appendix C.pdf Appendix'D'- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment ElÞ Appendix D. pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext.1368 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1368 E-Mail: iwa lker@citv. kawa rthalakes. on. ca Department Head: Juan Rojas, A./Director, Development Services Department File: D01 -1 5-01 0 & D06-1 5-017 37 Geographic Township of MariPosa APPEND IX to æ Lot 20 REPORT c\ :th Lot 21 Ð (U FILE No. a i 'tþt'- v t-,ç-ot0 {Doe -15{t7 o É. J F CON. 1 \¿ cÉ. $ +t c o õ 'SUBJECT LAND' Elm Tree Rd 'Valentia' CON. A 38 L r-t lersung selsee sf,€m õ$ o L Ð 85.93 m gq) (! .9 T ,o- -o Ex. Ra¡sed ø ôt Filter Bêd Sewâge Syslem (ú o É. J :¿ o Ð I L E ù o o ú. (! o (! 0 o 20.0m f Site Boundary 44,26 m 41.67 m Lands to be Rete¡nêd Existing Struc'tures rm ll m -ïl o -0 { z C] x o :ti 88 r, -l Lânds to bê S€vered 1l -o m ,l qE o N Elm Tree Road (CKL Road 18) (publictravelled road) Existing Septic Systems <cI Proposed Stsucture Proposed Sewage System rra IECOVÜE 39 ;\^ (t Co ñdECf ÞgÞ¡ N.i ææ ¡r!odFù Èû,ldþÐ ,l¡fu{ro.ú[1Ð Èr æ'r W Brumwell Property Pa.t Lol 21 Concesslon Msdpæa TMsh¡p - C¡ly 1 .l Kilarlha Conccpt Pl¿n Lak6s THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES APPENDIX to C î BY.LAW 2015. REPORT A BY.LAW TO AMEND THE CITYOF KAWARTHA LAKES OFFICIAL PIáN TO RE. DESIGNATE LAND WITHIN THE C¡TY OF KAWARTHA LAKES ?lt¡.¡swç-dP.2 Þ-ot- ts - ot ô ., FILE NO. DÉ]5"o1z- ',t [File D01-15-010, Report PLAN2015-092, respecting Part of Lot 21, Concession , 57R-7292, Parts 1 & 2, geographic Township of Mariposa, now City of Kawartha Lakes - BRUMWELLI Recitals: Sections 17 and 22 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, authorize Council to consider the adoption of an amendment to an Official Plan. Council has received an application to amend the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan to include a Special Policy which removes the land from the requirements of Section 19.3.13, to permit lhe creation of a residential lot and retain a lot with a reduced m¡nimum lot area. 2. 3. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. 4. Council deems it appropriate to adopt Official Plan Amendment Number 19. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes enacts this ByJaw 201 5-""*. Article 1:00 1.01 Prooertv Affected: The Property affected by this By-law is identified as Part Lol 21, Concession 1, 57R-7292, Parts 1 & 2, geographic Township of Mariposa, now City of Kawartha Lakes. Official Plan Amendment Details 1.02 &g¡C@!: Amendment No. 19 to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, attached hereto as Schedule 'A'and forming a part of this By-law is hereby adopted. Article 2:00 2.01 Force and Efrect: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the approval of the Çity of Kawartha Lakes in accordance w¡th the provisions of Section 17 and 22 of the Planning Act, R. S. O. 1 990, c. P. 1 3. Effective Date By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this Andy Letham, Mayor ** day Judy Currins, City Clerk 40 of ,2015 Schedule 'A'to By-law No. 2015-*** The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AMENDMENT NO. 19 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES PART A. A. THE PREAMBLE PURPOSE The purpose of the official plan amendment is to exempt the property identified as 103 Elm Tree Road from being subject to the minimum lot area requirements of the Hamlet Settlement Area designation in the C¡ty of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The land is also subject to an application for zoning bylaw amendment. The effect of the change is to permit the creation of a residential lot with a minimum lot area of 2,200 square metres, and to retain a lot with a minimum loi area of 2,500 square metres. B. LOCATION The subject site has an area of approximately 4,700 square metres and is located on the northeast corner of Elm Tree Road and Valentia Road, in the Hamlet of Valentia, in the geographic Township of Mariposa, now City of Kawartha Lakes. The subject property is located in a residential area with single detached dwellings. The property is currently developed with a single detached dwelling, a barn, and a former blacksmith shop. The land is described as Part of Lot 21 , Concessíon 1 , 57R-7292, Parts 'l & 2, geographic Township of Mariposa, now City of Kawartha Lakes and identified as 103 Ëlm Tree Road. c BASIS Council has enacted this official plan amendment in response to an application submitted by EcoVue Consulting Services lnc. on behalf of Wayne Brumwell to permit the creation of a residential lot. lt is intended that a special poticy be incorporated into the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan to facilitate a subsequent consenl application to create two undersized, private serviced rural residential lots. The land is designated Hamlet Seltlement Area on Schedule "A-2' of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The land is also subject to an application for zoning bylaw amendment. ïhe proposed development and amendment to the City of Kawartha Lakes are justified and represent good planning for the following reasons: 1. The proposed development conforms to relevant provincial policy documents being the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and is consistent with 2. The proposed development conforms to the goals and objectives of the Hamlet Settlement Area designation as set out in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official the Provincial Policy Statement. Plan. 3. The site concept is compatible and integrates well with the surrounding 4. The applicant has submitted background reports to demonstrate the area. appropriateness of the proposed development with respect to servicing and the protection of the environment. 41 PART D. B. THE AII,IENDMENT INTRODUCTORYSTATEMENT All of this part of the document entitled Part B - The Amendment, consisting of the following Map 'A'and text constitutes Amendment No. 19 to the Official Plan for the City of Kawartha Lakes. E, DETAILSOFTHEAMENDMENT 1 The Official Plan for the City of Kawartha Lakes is hereby amended to add the following subsect¡on. 19.4. 19.4.1. 2. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: On land designated Hamlet Settlement Area, identified as 103 Elm Tree Road and described as Part of Lot 21, Concession '1 , 57R-7292, Parts 1 & 2, geographic Township of Mariposa, Section 19.3.13 shall not apply and a consent is permitted to convey a residential lot with a minimum lot area of 2,200 square metres, and to retain a residential lot with a m¡n¡mum lot area of 2,500 square metres. Schedule'A-2' of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan is hereby amended by inserting a note that the lot Ís subject to Policy 19.4.1 of the Official Plan, as shown on Map'A'as'SUBJECT LAND'. F. N,IPLEÙIENTATIONA¡IDINTERPRETÂTION The implementation and interpretation of this amendment shall be in accordance with the relevant policies of the Official Plan. 42 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES Map 'A' to Amendment No. 19 to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Geographic Township of Mariposa oo N Lot 20 +L Þ(U Lot 21 o É. Y coN. 1 e É. (o c o (ú ,SUBJECT LAND' Elm Tree Rd 'Valentia' CON. A 43 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES BY-LAW 2015 A BY.L.AW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF MARIPOSAZONING BY.LAW NO. 94.07 APPENDIX to REPORT TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File D06-15-017, Report PLAN2015-092, respecting Part of Lot 21, Concession 1 , 57R-7292, Parts 1 & 2, geographic Township of Mariposa, identified as 103 Elm Tree Road - BRUMWELL.I Recitals: 1 Section 34 of the Planning Acf authorizes Council io determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2. Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit the creation of a new residential lot on the subject land. 3. 4. A public meet¡ng to solicit public input has been held. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the Property. Accordingly, the Council of The Corporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015--, Section 1:00 Zoning Details Propertv Añected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as Part of Lot 21, Concessian 1,57R-7292, Parts 1 & 2, geographic Township of Mariposa, City of Kawartha Lakes. 1.02 Textual Amendment: By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to add the following sections to Section 10.3: '10.3.9 HAMLET RESTDENTTAL EXCEPTION NtNE (HR-g) ZONE Notwithstanding article, land zoned "HR-9" shall have a minimum lot area of 2,2OO square metres. 10.3.10 HAMLET RESIDENTTAL EXCEPTTON TEN (HR-10) ZONE Notwithstanding article 10.2.1 .1, land zoned "HR-10" shall have a minimum lot area of 2,500 square metres. 1.03 Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'A' to By-law No. 94-07 of the Township of Mariposa is further amended to change the zone category from the Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone to the Hamlet Residential Exception I (HR-g) Zone for the land referred to as'HR-9', and from Hamlet Residential (HR) Zone to the Hamlet Residential Exception 10 (HR-10) Zone for the land referred to as 'HR-'1 0', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to lhis By{aw. Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effectiva Date: This By-law shall come into force and lake effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of lhe Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this ** day of **", 2015. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clerk 44 trILE NO. t D tl ï-A[teg:¿z {-L<.o10 + t5-ot THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A'TO THIS BY-LAW PASSED 2015 DAY OF CITY CLERK MAYOR Geographic Township of MariPosa æ Lot 20 c\ +t T' (g Lot 21 o É. J }¿ coN. 1 c É. (U c o HR-1 (E HR-9 Elm Tree Rd 'Valentia' CON. A 45 THE CORPORATION OF THE C¡TY OF KAWARTHA LAKES Planning Committee Report Report Number ENG2Oí 5-01 4 Date: November 11,2015 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Time: Ward Community ldentifier: Subject: Assumption of Cloverlea Subdivision, Phases Gity of Kawartha Lakes I and 2: Author/Title: Christina Sisson, Supervisor Development Engineering Fe s¡ nature: Recom dation(s): RESOLVED THAT Report ENG201 5-014,'Assumption of Cloverlea Subdivision, Phase 1 and 2, City of Kawartha Lakes' be received; THAT an Assumption By-Law, substantially in the form attached as Appendix "A" to Report ENG201 5-014 be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Other Ch ief Admin istrative Officer: 46 Repoft ENG2015-014 Assumption of Cloverlea Subdivision, Phases 1 and 2 Page 2 of 4 Background: The City of Kawartha Lakes entered into Subdivision Agreements with Mason Homes for Cloverlea Phase 1 (formerly known as Highlands Subdivision Phase 1) and Cloverlea Phase 2, registered respectively on January 20tn,2006 and August 13th, 2008. The Owner, Mason Homes Limited, is seeking assumption of these two subdivisions. The servicing and the final lift of asphalt for the development have now been completed and inspected to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division. All mandatory maintenance periods have lapsed and in accordance with both of the Subdivision Agreements, all public services are eligible for assumption. Broad Street, Fallingbrook Crescent, Flynn Avenue, Purpledusk Drive, and Thrushwood Trail were dedicated to the City upon registration of Plans 57M-769 and 57M-783. The City, pursuant to the Subdivision Agreement, is now obliged to assume the roads shown as Fallingbrook Crescent, Thrushwood Trail, Purpledusk Drive, and Broad Street, Plan 57M-769, and Broad Street, Thrushwood Trail, and Flynn Avenue, Plan 57M-783. A copy of Plan 57M-769 and a copy of Plan 57M-783 have been attached as Appendix'B' and Appendix 'c'. In addition, the stormwater management pond will be assumed and was dedicated as Block 85 of Plan 57M-769 inside the dedicated park, Block 84 of Plan 57M-769 which will be assumed as well. Rationale: The services in this development have been constructed and installed according to the plans and specifications as outlined in the Subdivision Agreements. Staff most recently carried out an inspection of these subdivisions on September 30th, 2015 at the request of the Owner, in anticipation of the assumption (formal request for assumption received October 23'o, 2015). To date, all deficiencies have been corrected, and the roads are now in a condition to be assumed. The Owner has provided all documentation required to proceed with assumption of the roads. During the last inspection, four bays of damaged sidewalk were identified on Thrushwood Trail at the intersection with Broad Street, and the Owner has committed to repairing the sidewalk during the interim and replacing the four bays "at the time the sidewalk is installed prior to top asphalt in Phase 3". ln addition, through review of camera work for the storm pipes downstream of the stormwater management pond, leaks and a crack were identified. The Owner is required to repair these deficiencies. 47 Repoft ENG2015-014 Assumption of Cloverlea Subdivision, Phases 1 and 2 Page 3 of 4 Other Alternatives Gonsidered : Council could decide not to proceed with assumption of the roads identified; however, this would not be consistent with our commitment through the Subdivision Agreements previously supported and is therefore, not recommended or supported by staff. Financial Considerat¡ons: The costs of registering the release for each subdivision is the only cost associated with this work and will be borne by Mason Homes Limited. The current letter of credit for Phase 1 in the amount of $300,617.22 and for Phase 2 $326,479.85 that remains for this development shall be released following the passing of an Assumption By-Law. The Owner has committed to replacing the damaged sidewalk bays in the future and is required to repair the storm pipes downstream of the pond. The City will hold $25,000 for security until sufficient As Builts, camera work, and certification are received. Therefore, the current letter of credit for Phase 1 shall be reduced to the amount of $25,000.00. Upon assumption of the Subdivisions, the City will be responsible for the general maintenance of the streets and services (in addition to services already provided), and of the stormwater management pond and park, and associated funds will need to be allocated in future budgets. Following the passing of the assumption by-law for Phase 1 of Cloverlea, the Owner has committed to notifying the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change of the change of ownership for the stormwater management pond (Certificate of Approval Number 4490-6FSOVP). Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strategy Map: The City's Strategy Map outlines Council's Vision of a Community Pursuing Prosperity, Quality of Life and a Healthy Environment. This application aligns with the prosperity priorities in that new residents will be attracted to the City with the development of housing options that have connectivity to retail services and parks and open space. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: The Subdivision has been completed to the City's standards at the time of execution of the Agreement. 48 Repoñ ENG2015-014 Assumption of Cloverlea Subdivision, Phases 1 and 2 Page 4 of 4 Servicing Comments: The Subdivision has been serviced in accordance with the approved design. This Subdivision consists of approximately 1756 metres of sanitary sewer, 1982 metres of storm sewer, 1563 metres of watermain, and 1728 metres of road. ln addition, the stormwater management pond has a total volume of approximately 17,000 cubic metres and an additional 247 metres of storm sewer (inlet to pond and outlet to Angeline). Gonsultations: Planning Division Finance Division Parks, Recreation and Culture Division Public Works Department Attachments: Appendix A - Draft Assumption By-Law: rj ENG2015-014 Attachment A.doc Appendix B - Plan 57M-769 - Plan of Subdivision, Cloverlea Phase 1 E. ,LENG2015-014 - Appendix B.pdf Appendix C - Plan 57M-783 - Plan of Subdivision, Cloverlea Phase 2 @" ,L ENG2015-014 - Appendix C.pdf Phone: (7051324-941 1 Ext. 1152, 1 -888-822-2225 ext. 1152 E-Mai I : csisson@citv. Department Head: Juan Rojas, Acting Director of Development Services Department File: 49 APPENDIX to REPORT THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES FILE NO. BY-LAW 2015. A BY-LAW TO ASSUME FALLINGBROOK CRESCENT 57M- (PlN: ), PURPLEDUSK DRIVE 57M- (P¡N: ), AND THRUSHWOOD TRAIL 57M- (PlN: ), BROAD STREET PLAN 57M-769 (PlN: ), AND BROAD STREET, FLYNN AVENUE, AND THRUSHWOOD TRAIL PLAN 57M-783 (PlN: ), GEOGRAPHIC TOWN OF LINDSAY, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES. Recitals 1 2 Subsection 31(a) of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes Council to assume unopened road allowances or road allowances shown on registered plans of subdivision for public use, by by-law. Council now deems it desirable to assume Broad Street, Fallingbrook Crescent, Purpledusk Drive, and Thrushwood Trail, Plan 57M-769, and Broad Street, Flynn Avenue, and Thrushwood Trail, Plan 57M-783, Geographic Town of Lindsay, the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes as public highways in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Accordingly, the Gouncil of The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015--. Section 1.00: Definitions and lnterpretation 1.01 Definitions ln this by-law, "Gity", "Gity of Kawartha Lakes" or "Kawartha Lakes" means The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. "C¡ty Clerk" means the person appointed by Council to carry out the duties of the clerk described in section 228 of the Municipal Act, 2001; "Council" or "City Council" means the municipal council for the City 1.02 lnterpretation Rules: (a) The Schedules attached to this by-law form part of the by-law, and are enforceable as such. 50 r fl t ,lNç?otç-ô/4 (b) The words "include" and "including" are not to be read as limiting the meaning of a word or term to the phrases or descriptions that follow. 1.03 Statutes: References to laws in this by-law are meant to refer to the statutes, as amended from time to time, which are applicable within the Province of Ontario. 1.04 Severabilitv: If a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction declares any portion of this by-law to be illegal or unenforceable, that portion of this by-law shall be considered to be severed from the balance of the by-law, which shall continue to operate in full force and effect. Section 2.00: Highway Assumption 2.01 a) Assumption: The fol lowing highways are assumed by the City: The roads known as Broad Street, Plans 57M-769 and 57M-783, Fallingbrook Crescent, Plan 57M-769, Purpledusk Drive, Plan 57M-769, Thrushwood Trail, Plans 57M-769 and 57M-783, and Flynn Avenue, Plan 57M-783, Geographic Town of Lindsay, City of Kawartha Lakes. Section 3.00: Effective 3.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force on the date it is finally passed Date By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this 2015. day of -, Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, Clerk 51 PLAN 57M DISI^NCLS 9t0m r fr fts pLÂN CAt 8L CùWRfL0 r0 ^ND0 !Y 469_\ qrft nlr ns u !u -ut_ ts Eoslþ N re N Frc 16 E w ÌE d$sq q fffi^ (e.ô?) q H lt{_ D^y q ^t/¿:)Low METRIC: Fûl aR[ ¡N tltR[s 8Y orvDNC reOSny fuç--'*uo 13237- Ò99? 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Ir at ã t -¡ hr-t ..b RT G LOT I û{ H - ßr es¡) GEOGRAPHIC TOWTSHIP OF OPS 1:ï,_ -t BLOCK 8¿ l-....ti i P SrnEí -¡üF ..^rì'1 :;.; 2. 3 AnD 1 (q@ d ^t{D PARToF BROAD^N0 RÊG|SÌERED Pt¡t{ ¡b.t I 6 ÆrD PART OF E:Á LOI æ, CONCESSION 4 r 8 or rl o qP PLAN ANO RELD NO'IES OF SUBDIVISION OF t- I.: .. a ' :a'. irl ¡s-- -@ õ s CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES SCALE: 1 : 1000 uÍÐPF0ere0rD 2ß 1îA' -l ,l I iì8.i!)1 I I , rr 6JdlwrD :::'tl :T::'__ E% LOT 20 I -l a ci l I -3 à ¡- I o o SURVEYOR'S CERNNCAÍE : BAI I sEY AO U & ffiCr fr rü $REñ &I EO ff' WD ¡US ^cmNC ACT N WE gßEffis rcT &0 üE reunqs tM ltH Bg, 2. fi€ giEY wÆ qruE e *rfr"-a, slÆq,zø \ // \ I €R¡ã r. fr¡s BE PEIERAm@@. 20 r^Rø. 26 Nr&rO ,6<¿._ / .È s¡-*ï.ãcfiNd 6tdio t6d SñF l. **on ?,1it i ! LEGEND AND NOTE: 9EARINGS ARE ASNONOMIC. OERIEO FROM SOUûERLY LIMII OF PART i. FLAN 57R649I HAVNC A BEARIÑG OF N72'51'E o***r*- - *roee m*cm (ð)-NÈU.¡ffUE (@) oL¡ TE = 7 m z o Ð { Tf ¡ m o (:) OJE{ER'S CERNNCATE: r 8tñ nAt o ,2. j í)l m z, ct x ?, üE ûE ai MÀSON HO¡¡EA LTD. : l) ir..i;ì 4 Ìr-ít ìl È '11 [ffis^þlt ô oú !l O È ûl -u r,;i: Éñt-4q :ii 'r C Ì i n 6!J7_@({D BLOCK 87 \r4¡Lì¡¿r2lè -DAE: i)i .r.,¡t :i7iìiì:ì:)il m OIVCESSTON 4 surr-or(ul--- - - ----- rì:75ì.T lr;'¡.: lrdl't.l l.-Fl l trEbP j I - :LL 52 &Lt¡t aÐ ,aE ø7.ÍAntt L¡t ¡1¡I r¡! -trlr m¡ ilra 2il ffim sr *lï!!*,t* -t"it9 P.o F MENTC PLAN 57M- 783 rdiyMùtuLq¡dd 5tuhiffi@rú ùdhoffidk&Xo57 dtl:r¿r¡ dedh ¿ó6d ¡14¡fl,@ daldh hPòúr R*b Pdy be 62t-l@dtl qú qd.o5b t @ld ¡ h tu6dt lo, .- reN4E mrd6sfid ûrsNÆ¡ dE@mESYsügt0.s l' ,ì |',- rËt É-3 t¡R ir ei;! rì 'g;", I I Lo'î ti 6 lrÍ ìl -l- --J. 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