Met Office Weather Review 2012 - Northern Ireland Environment Link
Met Office Weather Review 2012 - Northern Ireland Environment Link
The UK weather during 2012: a review January 2013 Met Office MetOffice_WeatherReview_2012_Julia © Crown copyright 2008 -1– Data provided by Met Office National Climate Information Centre . Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2 UK climate overview ........................................................................................................... 3 Overview of the global climate in 2012 .............................................................................. 4 Global warming in 2012 ..................................................................................................... 7 The ‘dry’ season .................................................................................................................. 8 The January windstorm and the Hazard Impact Model .....................................................10 European cold weather and sudden stratospheric warming ..............................................11 ‘Spot on’ snow forecast supported by latest Met Office science ........................................12 The ‘wet’ season.................................................................................................................13 Localised summer flooding and the UK ensemble ............................................................15 Olympics 2012 and the science showcase........................................................................16 The UK’s wet summer, the jet stream and climate change ................................................21 Record low for Arctic sea ice extent ..................................................................................22 Hurricane Sandy and the value of ensemble forecasting ..................................................23 2012 hurricane season comes to an end ..........................................................................24 Extreme rainfall in the UK .................................................................................................25 Concluding remarks ...........................................................................................................26 ANNEX – UK Monthly Summary ........................................................................................27 ANNEX - The year’s major events in brief ........................................................................28 ANNEX – the 2012 UK climate summary...........................................................................31 1 © Crown copyright 2012 Introduction The UK’s weather in 2012 could be characterised as a year of two seasons – the dry, followed by the wet. Once again, the great variability in the UK’s weather has emphasised the importance of skilful, comprehensive predictions of our weather and climate for effective decision making, mitigation of risks and realisation of opportunities. And again, events during 2012 highlighted the considerable direct and indirect impacts that our weather has on us – our livelihoods, property, well-being and prosperity. This paper provides an overview commentary on our weather during the past year. It is not intended to be a comprehensive assessment (though many analyses of this year’s conditions and the ongoing science developments are routinely published in peer-reviewed literature and elsewhere). Rather, it aims to give a few representative snapshots of the Met Office’s successes and challenges in providing the best possible advice and guidance to users across all sectors. A number of case studies illustrate applications of the ongoing long-term research and development, and its implications for improved accuracy and confidence in our predictions. 2 © Crown copyright 2012 UK climate overview Provisional figures for the UK’s climate during 2012 (Figure 1) show a particularly unremarkable year in terms of average temperatures, in contrast to a particularly remarkable year of rainfall patterns. Overall, 2012 was the second wettest year in the UK national record dating back to 1910, and just a few millimetres short of the record set in 2000. Exceptionally wet conditions occurred across many parts of England, and especially in north east England. 2012 was the wettest year on record for England and third wettest for Wales. Only in north and western areas of Scotland and west Northern Ireland were annual rainfall totals below average (the 17th wettest annual total for Scotland and 40th wettest for Northern Ireland). The annual climate averages mask the great variety and diversity of weather conditions that we experience over the course of a year however. Further details of this variability and the most notable weather are provided in the Annexes. Overall, 2012 might be characterised as a ‘year of two seasons’. The first three months (January to March inclusive) were notably dry (and generally warmer than average), continuing the recent run of dry winters and leading to drought concern in England. In stark contrast, the remainder of the year has been remarkably wet (and generally cooler than average). There have been numerous incidences of flooding and storm damage, with the some regions being affected by a number of severe events through the year. April and June were exceptionally wet. Figure 1: Provisional annual mean temperature and rainfall maps for 2012, shown relative to the long-term 1981-2010 mean climate. In what has been an exceptionally wet year Met Office forecasts have risen to the challenge with rainfall forecasts correct 72% of the time, well above the target of 60% (note it is difficult to forecast rainfall at a pinpoint location, therefore the target for this element is not as high as for others as currently defined. For example, one location may have rain and a location a mile away may remain dry). The importance of accurate forecasting has also been very apparent. Surveys have shown that 76% of the public think our forecasts are accurate and 90% find them useful in helping them plan, prepare and protect themselves from the weather. 3 © Crown copyright 2012 Overview of the global climate in 2012 2012 was characterised by extreme weather around the world, from the US drought to UK floods. All are related to continued major perturbations in the global climate system driven by a range of possible factors. The focus of this analysis will be April to December 2012 when the UK experienced two record-breaking wet months (April and June) and one of the worst summers on record. The major La Nina that generated large and damaging variations in weather and climate around the world during 2010 and 2011 terminated during 2012 to be replaced by a weak El Nino. However this has been short-lived and the tropical Pacific Ocean is once more entering a period of near-normal (neutral) conditions. On the other hand major anomalies in ocean surface temperatures, particularly in the North Pacific and North Atlantic, have persisted through 2012 (Figure 2, left panel) and are likely to have contributed to the major displacements in the jet stream that have characterised the climate of 2012. Likewise Arctic sea ice cover declined to a record low level in September 2012 and there is increasing scientific evidence that this may affect the position of the jet stream over the North Atlantic. Figure 2: Left: Global sea surface temperature anomalies (°C) for April to December 2012. Right: Global anomalies of satellite-observed Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR). OLR acts as a good proxy for rainfall with lower than normal values (blue to purple) indicating increased rainfall and vice versa. Despite El Nino/La Nina being in near neutral conditions, La Nina-like patterns in tropical rainfall have continued to persist, with above normal rainfall across the Philippines and the tropical West Pacific (Figure 2, right panel). Figure 2 also highlights the intense and damaging drought over the US and the above normal rainfall over West Africa, accompanied by serious flooding events, and over the Caribbean. The perturbations to the tropical heating pattern seen in Figure 2 (right panel) have likely contributed to the large amplitude wave patterns that have characterised the northern hemisphere circulation during 2012 (Figure 3). The prolonged spell of wet weather over the UK lasting from April to December was associated with a persistent trough over the UK with high pressure to the northwest, evident in Figure 3. At the same time, the North Atlantic jet stream, which generates and guides the weather systems that bring rainfall to the UK, has extended eastwards and been displaced southwards compared to its climatological position (Figure 4). This has driven enhanced cyclonic development to the south west of the UK and continued to reinforce the trough over the UK. 4 © Crown copyright 2012 Figure 3: Mean circulation anomalies for April – December 2012 based on upper troposphere heights; blue/purple shading indicates upper troughs and yellow/red, upper level ridges. Red dashed arrows indicate propagation of planetary scale waves potentially triggered by anomalies in tropical rainfall (i.e. heating). Figure 4: Mean upper tropospheric winds for April – December 2012 (upper panel) and 30-year average climatology (lower panel). Wind direction is shown by the arrows and wind strength by the colour shading. 5 © Crown copyright 2012 The global context of this year’s extreme rainfall demonstrates the complexity of understanding the influence of a range of possible drivers. As is often the case the Tropics have likely played a role, but it is also probable that the extreme warmth of the north-west Atlantic and the record loss of Arctic sea ice have also been instrumental in driving the jet stream south of its normal position. In addition to these factors, both the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO: a pattern of low frequency variability in North Atlantic Ocean temperatures) and the gradual warming of the oceans due to climate change, may also have been instrumental in the heavy rainfall that the UK has experienced this year. Figure 5 shows the evolution of global and North Atlantic sea surface temperatures over the last 140 years, with the bottom panel showing the multidecadal variability once the global warming signal is removed. Figure 5: Time series of the global and North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies. The AMO index is defined as the North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies with the global warming trend removed. Since 2000 the phase of the AMO has been such as to amplify the global warming trend so that the North Atlantic is now significantly warmer than at any time in the 20 th century (Figure 5). Recent research by Sutton and Dong (Nature, 20121) has shown that the warm phase of the AMO favours wetter summers and autumns over the UK with potential increases in rainfall of over 10%. Coupled with the additional warming from climate change the atmosphere over the North Atlantic is predisposed to carry more moisture potentially resulting in heavier rainfall when it rains. 1 Sutton and Dong, (2012), Atlantic Ocean influence on a shift in European climate in the 1990s, Nature Geoscience, 5, 788–792 6 © Crown copyright 2012 Global warming in 2012 Preliminary analysis suggests that 2012 is on course to be the 9th warmest on record in global mean temperature, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Using information to October from three leading global temperature datasets, including HadCRUT4 compiled by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia, the WMO say the 2012 global average temperature is 14.45 °C. This is 0.45 ±0.10°C above the 1961-1990 average. Taking into account the range of uncertainty in observing global surface temperature, scientists from the Met Office suggest that 2012 is very likely to be between the 4th and 14th warmest year in a record dating back to 1850. Final figures for the whole of 2012 Global near-surface temperature in 2012 (Jan to Nov inclusive) will be available in March compared to the 1961-1990 average 2013. The natural variability of our climate is driven in large part by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the tropical Pacific Ocean. In the El Niño phase, global temperature tends to rise, whereas in the La Niña phase it tends to fall. Due to a La Niña through the first part of the year, and its lingering effects on global ocean temperatures, 2012 is shaping up to be cooler than the average for the past decade. The HadCRUT4 database, published this year, includes upto-date data available from land stations, new data from higherlatitude stations giving better coverage of Arctic climate, and improved and more extensive sea surface temperature data. It is important to understand how short-term temperature trends such as those associated with La Niña and El Niño - can temporarily run counter to, or augment, changes happening over the longer term. The Met Office Hadley Centre and Global near-surface temperatures from 1850 to 2012 from Met University of East Anglia Office Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit HadCRUT4, NASA GISS and NOAA NCDC temperature series provides that longer view, identifying the trend that overlies short term variability. Although the first decade of the 21st century was the warmest on record, warming has not been as rapid since 2000 as over the longer period since the 1970s. These variations in global temperature trends are not unusual, with several periods lasting a decade or more with little or no warming since the instrumental record began. We are investigating why the temperature rise at the surface has slowed in recent years, including how ocean heat content changes and how the effects of aerosols from atmospheric pollution may have influenced global climate. 7 © Crown copyright 2012 The ‘dry’ season The dry start to the year continued a generally dry south/wet north pattern that occurred during 2011. Figure 6 illustrates that average rainfall in 2011 saw record or near record low amounts of rainfall in parts of the Midlands and East Anglia, while parts of Scotland had near record amounts of rainfall. Persistent rainfall deficits had accumulated over southern England over the preceding 3 years. The accumulated rainfall deficit for the period March 2010 to March 2012 was 384mm, against the annual average rainfall for southern England of 782mm. Over this 2-year period southern England therefore received only 75% of the long term average, making this the driest such 2-year period, April to March, in the series from 1910. Parts of central England have seen 6 consecutive seasons – from autumn 2010 through to winter 2011/12 – with below average rainfall. This long term situation led to concern over water supplies, particularly in central and eastern England, and the Environment Agency declared drought conditions across several counties in spring 2012. March 2012 was particularly dry - the 5th driest March across the UK in the series from 1910, and the driest since 1953. Most of the UK received less than 50% of average and a broad swathe from south-west England through to north-east Scotland, and Northern Ireland, less than 33%. March was also a notably warm month – the third warmest on average for the UK. Figure 6: a) Annual mean rainfall anomaly maps for 2011, shown relative to the long-term 1981-2010 mean climate. b) Rainfall anomalies during the 2011/12 ‘winter recharge’ season between October 2011 and March 2012. Briefing provided to Government in March 2012 assessed the climatological context of the drought, and how it related to previous major UK droughts. Multi-decadal variability in the sign of the North Atlantic Oscillation, which is linked to AMO – a strong determinant of winter temperature and rainfall; La Nina forcing from the Pacific; solar variability associated with the 11-year solar cycle; and stratospheric influences, may all have potentially played a role in the 2010-2012 UK drought. 8 © Crown copyright 2012 We also noted however that neither the development nor the severity of the current drought is exceptional compared with historical events, and its climatological drivers had several similarities with past droughts. A number of these drivers continue to be investigated. The impact of declining Arctic sea ice on our winter weather patterns for example, favour colder drier winters and this is an area for urgent investigation. Similarly, the impact of higher temperatures across the UK, as a result of global warming, on UK water availability, through its influence on evaporation and soil moisture particularly in summer, needs further investigation. The Met Office is also confident that implemented and planned increases in the horizontal and vertical resolution of the Met Office Hadley Centre climate model should deliver more reliable monthly to seasonal forecasts and more robust scenarios of future risks of prolonged dry spells under climate change. 9 © Crown copyright 2012 The January windstorm and the Hazard Impact Model A major winter storm brought very strong winds across much of the UK on 3 January 2012. The strongest winds were across Scotland’s central belt, gusting at well over 70 knots (81 mph) – strong enough to cause some structural damage. Several stations in this area recorded their highest gust speeds for 13 years. Transport services across Scotland were disrupted. More than 100,000 homes and businesses were left without electricity and some buildings were damaged. The Met Office issued a red alert for strong winds well in advance. The Hazard Impact Model is currently under development to support the work of the Met Office Hazard Centre and the Natural Hazards Partnership. The January windstorm has been used as a test case. Wind gust and wind direction information from the Met Office’s high resolution weather forecast model is combined with information from Birmingham University overturning thresholds for particular vehicles. The weighted gust field is then extracted to the road network. Road segment specific wind direction range thresholds are also generated, and compared with the forecast wind direction. Additionally, segment specific ‘exposure’ information based on the number of vehicles using each road is considered. UK wind gust speed forecast for 1100 on 3 Jan 2011. White indicates greatest gust speeds, with black indicating low gustiness. Weighted wind gust, based on vehicle overturning thresholds, for 1100. White indicates greatest vehicle overturning hazard, with black indicating lowest vehicle overturning hazard. Risk of disruption from vehicles being overturned on the major road networks in the UK for 1100 on 3 Jan. Red indicates greatest risk of disruption from a vehicle being overturned with yellow through to green indicating lower risks of disruption from a vehicle being overturned. All coloured dots show potential impact. Had the Hazard Impact Model been used operationally, additional guidance on the likely impact of the weather warnings provided could have been provided. Although the Central Belt of Scotland is identified at major risk, the dominance of the M1 and M25 on the national scaling over-shadows the impacts that were felt in Scotland. One area for further study would be whether independent scaling for Scotland and Wales would produce a more realistic output. The M25, M6, A66 have also all been identified as high risk mirroring news reports of high impacts, including vehicle overturns and bridge closures. The M1 and parts of the A1 have also been identified and this is likely associated with their orientation. A review of the importance of direction needs to be completed to fully understand how this parameter relates to the wind gust parameter in terms of its influence on vehicle overturning. 10 © Crown copyright 2012 European cold weather and sudden stratospheric warming The only significant cold weather during early 2012 occurred across central Europe in early February, with several hundred cold weather related fatalities in Ukraine and Russia and widespread low temperatures and snowfall. The cause of the cold conditions was the development of a large ‘blocking’ anticyclone over Scandinavia and north-western Russia. Easterly winds on the southern edge of this system transported cold continental air westwards, displacing the more usual mild westerly influence from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the British Isles. A ‘blocking anticyclone’ can be thought of being like a very large boulder stopping the flow of a stream. In this instance a block stops the more normal westerly flow that brings milder conditions, allowing colder Global land and sea surface temperature anomalies for 1-5 conditions to win out from the east. February 2012 The origin and persistence of blocks has been a subject of much research, but their inception is often likely to rely on the intrinsically unsteady patterns of flow of the lower atmosphere spontaneously achieving a blocked state. What we do know though is that the origins of the large blocked pattern across Europe in February 2012 could be traced back to the appearance of two individual regions of mid-latitude blocking over central Russia and the Bering Sea in mid January. Over the next two weeks, these two regions merged together. Despite the general unpredictability of blocking patterns, there were potential signs of an increased risk of a significant cold weather as early as mid January when the high altitude winds in the stratosphere began to weaken in longer-range forecasts, related to a ‘Sudden Stratospheric Warming’ event. We understand that there is a clear link between the weakening of these high altitude winds and the surface weather which operates on monthly timescales. In situations like this it can provide a ‘window of opportunity’ for monthly forecasts to warn of increased risk. Based on this understanding, the Met Office 16 to 30 day forecast correctly reflected the increasing risk of cold conditions since mid January. Met Office Hadley Centre scientists have investigated and demonstrated a clear stratospheric influence on surface climate during these events, with easterly winds burrowing down through the atmosphere to affect the jet stream and surface climate. The result is a switch from mild westerly Atlantic flow over Europe to easterly Weakening of the jet stream in the stratosphere can allow easterly winds with an increased risk winds to move down through the atmosphere to give cold easterly winds at the surface. This can result in cold and snowy weather of cold extremes. across the UK. A similar ‘Sudden Stratospheric Warming’ situation occurred in February 2009 when there was significant snowfall across the UK and other parts of Europe, following a strong breakdown of the high altitude jet. Although only some cold winter spells can be predicted in this way, other recent winters such as 2006 and 2010 have also shown clear examples of the effect. 11 © Crown copyright 2012 ‘Spot on’ snow forecast supported by latest Met Office science In early February 2012, the Met Office’s highly accurate forecasts of heavy snow and widespread ice enabled the country to prepare for the hazardous conditions helping to keep the country moving. At Heathrow Airport, for example, snow arrived within ten minutes of when Met Office forecasters had predicted – giving vital guidance for those managing the situation. This level of forecasting accuracy is far from easy to achieve, however. Snow is an example of a small-scale weather feature, affected by a number of variables and notoriously difficult to forecast, not least because the difference between rain and snow requires only a small change in temperature. The Met Office is using cutting-edge developments to improve the accuracy of forecasts in these challenging situations which deal with so-called ‘small scale’ weather. These include intense rain showers or thunderstorms – which can be just a few hundred metres across - or weather which depends on fine details of the land surface, such as snow or valley fog. These types of weather can be very difficult to represent in forecasting models. At the current global weather forecast resolution (using a grid-scale of 25km), large scale weather patterns will be generally well reproduced but the model will be unable to capture the detail of small scale weather. To tackle this, the Met Office has developed the UKV model. This involves running a version of the model which focuses on the UK, allowing a much smaller 1.5km scale to be used. Information is fed in to the edges of UKV from the 25km global model. The 1.5km grid-boxes enable UKV to capture things like snow much better, leading to improved forecasts in many situations. In most situations, even with a 1.5km grid, current science and technology does not enable the prediction of the exact location and timing of each shower that passes over the UK. However, the increased detail gives a better indication of the character of the weather and could be useful for giving probabilistic forecasts – which give the chances of, for example, rainfall in a given place at a given time. The 1.5km weather model also helped with the accuracy of snow forecasts in the very cold and snowy weather at the end of 2010. In November of that year, numerous heavy snowshowers were carried inland from the sea in a NE wind causing significant disruption in the north east of England. The figure shows that for the coarser 12 km model (NAE) showers stall over the coast causing a major underestimate of snow inland. This is a well known problem with models of this grid length. In contrast, the UKV is able to represent the showers more realistically and brings the showers inland, producing a much better forecast. The UKV better represents what actually happened as 24 hour accumulations for 25 Nov 2010 from UKV and 12 km (NAE) shown by the radar image models compared to that actually observed by radar. This shows an to the left. example of the advantages of a high resolution models 12 © Crown copyright 2012 The ‘wet’ season The driest spring for over a century ended rather abruptly. April was the wettest April in the UK series since 1910, and also the coolest April in over 20 years; more than double the longterm average fell across most of England and eastern Scotland. The cool, wet theme continued until the last 10 days of May. The weather in June was also dominated by low pressure, with an unrelenting succession of frontal low-pressure systems tending to stall over or close the UK, associated with a southerly shift in the jet stream. Most of England, Wales, southern Scotland and Northern Ireland received double the average amount of rain, making it the wettest June since records began in 1910. The 3-month period April to June was the wettest on record. According to the Environment Agency, this led to some river levels tripling and reservoirs going from the lowest ever levels to full or exceptionally high. Flooding hit almost every region of England and Wales. Figure 7: UK monthly mean rainfall anomaly maps for a) April 2012 and b) June 2012, shown relative to the long-term 1971-2000 mean climate. This theme continued into July, with the track of the jet stream finally moving further north around 21st July, with high pressure influencing the southern half of the UK, bringing several days of warm and sunny weather toward the start of the Olympics. Overall, August was a rather unremarkable month of weather – the best month of summer 2012! Summer 2012 was the second wettest summer in the series from 1910 for the UK overall with 371mm, significantly wetter than summer 2007 (358mm) with only the ‘calamitous’ summer of 1912 wetter (384mm). Four of the last 6 summers have been among the wettest 10 in this series - these being 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2012 - with the intervening summers of 2010 and 2011 'indifferent' at best. The drier exception in summer 2012 was the far northwest of Scotland which received below average rainfall. The Met Office records also show summer 2012 was overall cool and cloudy - it was the fourth dullest summer in the series from 1929 and the dullest since 1987. Amounts were below average in June (70%), July (81%) and August (95%). It was the second dullest June across the UK. 13 © Crown copyright 2012 After some fine, settled weather in early September, there was a fairly typical mix of autumnal weather through the season. Showers and rain were interspersed with shorter settled periods - toward the end of the season these were typically cold with some frosts. The north-east experienced some significant snow accumulations toward the end of October and there were further snowfalls in the north toward the end of November. However, of most note were several further periods of flooding. A vigorous area of low pressure affected a swathe from south-west England, the west Midlands, north Wales and Northern England from 23rd to 26th September. There was further flooding on 11th to 12th October - particularly across eastern Scotland. 20th to 27th November was one of the wettest weeks of the last 50 years as a succession of frontal systems brought heavy rain across England and Wales - more than the monthly average fell widely within the week bringing flooding to over 1000 properties, several fatalities and widespread transport disruption. This pattern continued into December, with further periods of exceptionally wet conditions occurring during the second half of the month in particular. From 19th December through to Christmas, a sequence of active depressions brought heavy rainfall and flooding to many areas of the UK, with parts of south-west England again particularly badly affected. 14 © Crown copyright 2012 Localised summer flooding and the UK ensemble June’s rain led to a succession of flooding events across the UK, including the south coast of England on 7-8 June, Aberystywth on 8-9 June, West Sussex and Hampshire on 10-11 June, Lancashire and West Yorkshire on 22 June. Torrential downpours from thunderstorms across parts of central and northern England, with almost 30mm of rain falling in 30 minutes in some places, resulted in widespread flash-flooding on 28 June. The flash flooding in West Wales led to a major rescue. The large-scale detail of the rain was well represented in a 12km resolution model (left), but only the 1.5km UKV model (middle) captured the local severity. Observed RADAR 1.5km resolution weather forecast 12km resolution weather forecast Even the 1.5km resolution forecast is limited in that it produces a single representation of what we know to be a very chaotic situation. As we understand from experience of largerscale weather forecasting and climate prediction, we need to run an ensemble of forecasts to properly reflect the inherent uncertainty in the forecast – which may reflect on the exact location, timing and intensity of a particular event. The Met Office achieved a landmark step forward this year by trialling the first UK ensemble - a selection of 12 different forecast realisations run at a 2.2km grid resolution. Results from the Aberystwyth flood case (below) show remarkable confidence in the prediction of significant (>100mm) rainfall accumulations in the affected Aberystwyth region. This capability has only just become computationally affordable, following the installation of the mid-life supercomputer upgrade this year, and is still a research-mode system. When this capability is further developed and tested to be implemented operationally, forecasters will be better able to reflect the risk of severe weather to users, enabling better mitigation of its impacts. Probability of exceeding 32mm, 64mm and 100mm accumulations in a 24 hour period based on outputs from the trial UK ensemble system. The observed radar accumulation above shows in excess of 128mm 15 © Crown copyright 2012 Olympics 2012 and the science showcase Our science and technology developments for the Olympic and Paralympic Games helped to deliver increasing accuracy and detail in our weather forecasts during the Games, as well as providing a basis from which future capability will be delivered. As part of the services provided for London 2012, the Met Office installed additional weather observation equipment and developed enhanced forecasting capability to support our staff. The science developments include daily air quality forecasts, high resolution wind and wave modelling for Weymouth and Portland, high resolution ensemble forecasting at 2 km for the whole of the UK and additional weather observing technology at Olympic sites. Daily air quality forecasts Weather plays a significant role in determining air quality and air quality forecasts were made available for all 5000 UK forecast locations on the Met Office website. During the Olympics, air quality forecasts were also available in animated map format. These forecasts are produced from a 12km resolution grid configuration of the Met Office Unified Model with the UKCA chemistry and aerosol scheme. In the event, there were only two short periods of elevated air quality index values during the Games. Research is continuing, particularly to improve representation of emissions in the model. Our long term plans are for the next generation of coupled UK high resolution forecast models to include sufficient chemistry and aerosol to provide air quality forecasts and their feedbacks on the weather. Wind and wave modelling for Weymouth and Portland Currently, our models can generate atmospheric weather data for every 1.5 km over the whole of the UK. However, due to the complexity of the winds around Weymouth and Portland a showcase capability was used which gave nearly 20 times more detail than is usually available. A 333m grid model in the atmosphere provided guidance on small-scale wind structures and was coupled to a 250m grid configuration wave model to capture the influence of Portland and inshore bathymetry on the wave field. This ensured the highest detail possible for forecasts for wind and waves in the area during the Games. Feedback from the Weymouth teams was extremely positive, noting especially the useful guidance that the model provided on low wind days. This groundbreaking showcase capability illustrates the future potential that exists, given sufficient computing capacity to run similar configurations in a more operational setup for specific coastal applications and sectors. 16 © Crown copyright 2012 High resolution ensemble forecasts The introduction of the 1.5km high resolution UK weather forecast configuration in 2009 has provided cutting edge capability to help improve the accuracy of forecasting for ‘small-scale’ weather features like thundery showers. For the Olympics, the Met Office took high-resolution forecasting a step further by implementing the first UK high-resolution ensemble - running multiple forecasts at the same time. The highresolution ensembles were tested throughout the Olympics, before being subject to further research with a view that the facility could be introduced operationally in the future, potentially leaving a legacy that will benefit the UK well after the Olympic and Paralympic Games are over. The UK ensemble was initially implemented on a 2.2km grid, solely because of inadequate supercomputing power to support an ensemble with the 1.5km UK forecast model grid size. In order to achieve a reasonable update frequency, the ensemble size is also restricted to only 12 members, although post-processing is able to provide products with 24 members. Example high resolution ensemble forecast showing chance that temperature will reach 20 °C Example of probabilistic wind forecast for Eton Dorney rowing venue Map products showing the probability of exceeding certain thresholds for rain, high temperatures and wind were developed, while site-specific forecasts for Games venues were also provided. A specialist product showing probabilities of tailwinds and crosswinds was provided to advise organisers of the rowing events at Eton Dorney. Forecaster feedback from the ensemble output and products was very positive. The UK ensemble showcase is seen as a pre-operational trial of capability that is expected to become operational in 2013 – enabled by the planned mid-life upgrade to the current supercomputer. 17 © Crown copyright 2012 Nowcasting Demonstration Project (NDP) The NDP demonstrated a first implementation of convective-scale numerical weather prediction to nowcasting – forecasting over time periods of just a few hours ahead to produce accurate and timely forecasts of hazardous weather such as thunderstorms. To date, nowcasting systems have been based on extrapolation of radar-based rainfall observations, blended with model output. However, it has been evident for many years, that these nowcasting systems all have severe limitations in capturing storm development. As a result, and following the extension of the UK model to convective scale, attention is shifting to its application in nowcasting. This is a very demanding objective, requiring major advances in data assimilation to achieve a close match between the numerical model and the observed radar precipitation. The NDP combines the 1.5km resolution version of the Met Office Unified Model with a 3km resolution system for assimilation of high frequency UK observations (including Doppler radar wind and rainfall observations). Improved representation of the evolution and development of new weather and storm systems is achieved by combining an accurate depiction of the current weather with improved representation of its evolution using the fluid dynamical, microphysical and thermodynamical equations used in forecast models. The forecast model needs information on temperature, humidity, cloud, wind, pressure and aerosols (for fog and precipitation formation) but no one observing system provides this information over all time and space. Up to now, operational forecast systems have typically used hourly observations which may take 1-2 hours to reach the Met Office. The NDP requires sub-hourly data that need to reach the Met Office within 5-15 minutes of the observation time so very fast processing and communication links are required. Snapshot example of radar rainfall hourly accumulation in June 2012 (top) and the corresponding nowcast prediction (given 1 hour ahead) from the demonstration NDP capability Again, the NDP has been enabled by the installation of the mid-life supercomputer upgrade, allowing faster production of more technically advanced forecasts and data assimilation. Computational cost means that the forecast domain had to be restricted to southern UK only. A comprehensive assessment of the summer trial is underway, with a view to develop the capability in anticipation of operational implementation given sufficient supercomputing resource at the next machine upgrade. 18 © Crown copyright 2012 Why was 2012 so wet? There are many factors which can impact the notoriously changeable weather in the UK, so no single one on its own can be said to be fully responsible. However, it is possible to isolate contributing factors and, in the case of the wet summer of 2012, one of those is the northern hemisphere jet stream as already discussed. This is a narrow band of fast flowing westerly winds (i.e. blowing from west to east) in the high atmosphere. This band moves around and also changes its track, from a fairly straight line to something more closely resembling a meandering river. Its position can, and does impact weather in the UK and other parts of the northern hemisphere. In both March and April we saw a ‘blocking pattern’ in the jet stream, where it meanders north and south instead of making its more usual eastward progress. Despite this, March was warm and dry while April was cool and wet. So what is caused the difference? It comes down to the position of the blocking feature. In March, the meandering of the jet stream caused it to pass to the north of the UK – anchoring high surface pressure over the UK. This suppressed cloud, increased sunshine and temperatures, and prevented the usual rainbearing Atlantic weather systems from the west reaching us. Soon after the start of April, however, the whole pattern moved westwards, so the peak of the northerly meander moved over the North Atlantic Ocean. The UK, in contrast, found itself under the adjacent southerly meander, with the jet stream passing to the south of the UK over France and Spain. This atmospheric set-up remained established for much of the late spring and early summer, bringing low surface pressure, cloud and rain to the UK. Because the flow is still blocked, without a west-to-east jet stream to blow the weather system through, the low gets stuck over the UK, resulting in high rainfall totals overall. Briefing provided to Government in July assessed whether the extraordinary transition from dry to wet was predictable at lead times beyond that of short-term weather forecasts (i.e. several weeks to months ahead). Extended range forecasting for the UK, out to 3 months ahead, will always be particularly challenging because of our position within the global climate system. Longer range forecasts rely on the fact that certain processes, particularly in the oceans, act on long timescales that can influence the state of the atmosphere in a predictable way over a long period (in contrast to the strong influence of short-lived atmospheric variability on determining the weather at a particular time a few days in the future). Whereas weather patterns in the tropics are particularly dependent on these slow variations, such as El Nino/La Nina, which are generally predictable months ahead, weather in the UK is dominated by the atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic which is highly variable, and thus less predictable weeks and months ahead. For the UK, we do feel the effects of changes in the Tropics, but we are far away from them. This means that subtle, and sometimes small, shifts in atmospheric circulation patterns can make all the difference between fine, dry conditions and unsettled, wet weather over the UK several weeks or months into the future. 19 © Crown copyright 2012 Figure 8: Timeseries showing South of England monthly rainfall records over past two years compared to 1971-2000 average. The succession of dry months, particularly through the important winter recharge period suddenly give way to the wettest April on record (for both South of England and UK as a whole) with June, July and August also wetter than average – giving wettest summer in 100 years (again, for South of England and UK). During March 2012 the La Nina event that had persisted from 2009 was finally waning in the Pacific (as predicted by the seasonal forecast system), although many parts of the global oceans and tropical weather patterns still retained characteristics associated with La Nina. In the northern hemisphere the jet stream was very disturbed, resulting in a wave pattern of high and low pressure regions. As already noted, the UK was positioned under a strong high pressure region resulting in very dry and warm conditions. In April, the wave pattern underwent a significant shift to bring the UK under the influence of strong low pressure, with prevailing south-westerly flow and heavy rainfall. It is possible that the cause of this shift in the northern hemisphere circulation may have been associated with a shift in tropical weather patterns. In particular, a strong Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) occurred in March – a large-scale tropical phenomenon which leads to disturbed weather patterns over a timescales of typically 30-60 days. The changes originating over the Indian Ocean may have influenced our northern hemisphere weather regimes. The initiation of an MJO event is, however, largely unpredictable, and remains one of the great unsolved challenges of tropical meteorology. It is therefore very unlikely that this event, and its influence on northern hemisphere weather patterns, could have been anticipated in forecasts produced in early and mid-March. In contrast, nearer-term weather forecasts were able to capture the change to wet conditions in the UK with increasing confidence as we moved into April (once the shift in tropical conditions was observed). Better understanding and representing the drivers of predictability in the global climate system that influence our weather patterns continues to be a priority for Met Office research in order to deliver improved advice and services on all timescales. This is a key component of the new Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme funded by DECC and Defra. 20 © Crown copyright 2012 The UK’s wet summer, the jet stream and climate change 2012 again illustrated how our weather in the UK is complex and determined by many different factors, including the position of the jet stream - the narrow band of fast moving winds which runs from west to east across the Atlantic high up in the atmosphere. Why was the jet stream stuck so far south this summer? The jet stream, like our weather, is subject to natural variability – that is the random nature of our weather which means it is different from week, month or year to the next. We expect it to move around and it has moved to the south of the UK in summertime many times before in the past. It has, however, been particularly persistent in holding that position this year – hence the prolonged unsettled weather. This could be due to natural variability – a bad run of coincidence, if you will – but climate scientists at the Met Office and elsewhere are conducting ongoing research to see if there are other factors at play. Changes in sea surface temperatures due to natural cycles may be playing a part, but there is more research to be done before anyone can establish how big a role they play. Research has also suggested that reducing amounts of Arctic sea-ice could be affecting weather patterns, but more research needs to be done to confirm this link. What about elsewhere in the world? Looking at the bigger picture, the jet stream may have been having an impact elsewhere in the northern hemisphere. It became stuck in a persistent pattern of waves, with one of these ‘waves’ taking it to the south of the UK. Meanders of the jet north and south can be seen across the US, the Atlantic and into Europe. Upper level wind patterns in early July 2012, with the northern While the wet weather in the UK hemisphere jet stream marked with arrows. The wavy nature of occurred under a southward the jet stream was persistent throughout June. Figure created meander of the jet stream, floods by the University of Reading based on data from ECMWF. in Russia near the Black Sea appear to have been beneath the next trough to the east. The US heat waves persisted beneath a northward meander and a ridge of high pressure. Is climate change playing a role? In the long term, most climate models project drier UK summers with only a small chance of wetter summers – but it is possible there could be other influences of a changing climate which could override that signal on shorter timescales. If low levels of Arctic sea ice were found to be affecting the track of the jet stream, for example, this could be seen as linked to the warming of our climate – but this is currently an unknown. The Met Office Hadley Centre, working with climate research centres around the world, is making strides in determining how the odds of extreme climate events have been influenced by climate change. However, it is very difficult to do this type of analysis with such highly variable rainfall events, so it may take some years before we could confirm how the odds of this summer’s wet weather happening have been altered by greenhouse gases. We do know that warmer air can hold more moisture. We have seen a global temperature increase of more than 0.7 deg C (since preindustrial times) and this has led to an increase of about 4-5% in atmospheric moisture. This means that when we do get unusual weather patterns such as we’re seeing now, it’s likely there will be more rainfall than the same patterns might have produced in the past. In short, it seems when it does rain, it is heavier. Taking into account this effect, perhaps it’s not surprising new records like those for this April and June are being set. In fact, we have observed four record wettest months in the past four years. If wet months occurred randomly, we would expect only one record to have been broken since 2006. For temperature, April (2011), May (2008), July (2006), September (2006) are all recent warmest records. Again, this is much more frequent than would be expected if temperatures were not rising. 21 © Crown copyright 2012 Record low for Arctic sea ice extent On 16th September, Arctic sea ice extent reached a new record low value since satellite data records began in 1979. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC), observations show there were 3.41 million square kilometres of sea ice on 16 September. This record low is some 0.76 million square kilometres lower than the previous daily record set in 2007. Satellite records have shown a long-term decline in sea ice extent, at an annual rate of over 4% per decade. The seasonal minimum (September) ice extent has declined at the faster rate of 11% per decade, and this rate of decline has accelerated in the past 15 years. The last six years now make up the lowest six daily minimum extents in the 32-year record. This record minimum is 3.29 square kilometres below the 19792000 average and 50% Daily sea ice extent averages for the decades 1980, 1990 and 2000 along with the 4 lowest years, including 2012 (data from NSIDC) lower than the average in the 1980s. Understanding, monitoring and modelling sea ice cover is of interest to Met Office scientists as it plays a key role in our weather and climate. Sea ice decline is also iconic of climate change in the Arctic, while the presence of sea ice determines the accessibility of the Arctic ocean and can also affect European and global climate. Sea ice cover seasonally insulates the atmosphere from the ocean, preventing the exchange of heat and gases. Sea ice decline has a feedback on the climate system - less sunlight is reflected back into space and so the planet warms, causing more sea ice decline. Observing, understanding and ultimately simulating these processes in weather and climate models is critical to developing more accurate weather forecasts and longer term climate projections. 2012 melt season Detailed analysis and experiments will be required to determine the exact causes of the record low extent this year. However, it is likely that there are two underlying causes; the ongoing thinning of the ice, which preconditions the ice to the possibility of large summer losses, and the strong storm over the central Arctic in August. This is different to the record low of 2007 where one of the main causes of the record low ice extent was a high pressure dipole which persisted throughout the summer a synoptic situation which we saw in early June this year and also during parts of the melt season in 2010 and 2011. 22 © Crown copyright 2012 MODIS image of summer storm across Arctic, 6 August 2012 Hurricane Sandy and the value of ensemble forecasting As many as 60 million people across 12 US states were thought to be in the path of Hurricane Sandy – the largest Atlantic hurricane on record. It has been estimated to be the second costliest hurricane after Katrina, causing damage of around $65billion. Lloyds of London alone expect to face insurance claims up to $2.5bn. There were an estimated 253 associated deaths (of which at least 122 were in the Caribbean). Robust information on the storm track, in particular on the location at which it would strike land, were critical in advising on the potential severity and impact of the storm. Sandy was particularly devastating in its storm surge in New York because she took an unusual track – with an abrupt turn to the north west (where most storms continue to recurve out to sea). The storm surge, which occurred at high tide, pushed water to 4.23m at Battery Park, New York, beating the previous record. Ensemble predictions – consistent predictions of risk based on running a number of forecast simulations - provided very good guidance in advance of Sandy, up to 9 days ahead of landfall. The Met Office global ensemble forecast products are used worldwide as a component of tropical cyclone warning and advice, together with information from other centres. While the Met Office deterministic (single run) forecast solution steered Sandy to the east, the ensemble solutions gave a much better result, closer to the observed track and indicating significant risk of landfall around the highly populated urban areas including New York. Consistent results were also seen from other forecasting centres, adding further confidence to the advice provided at the time to emergency responders. Louis Uccellini, Director of the US National Center for Environmental Prediction stated that "the major model guidance they (on the forecast desks) used were the ensembles for their consistency and overall agreement, especially the ensemble means from ALL the centers (NCEP, ECMWF, CMC, UKMET). Watching the forecasters work with the ensembles is what gave me the confidence to deal with the media and FEMA coordination about the nature of the development, the turn of the system, the lateral extent of the circulation pattern, and the intensity 5,4,3 2, days ahead of the system. I believe the consistency of the message was key to making the impact that it did as I consistently emphasized the unique and dangerous attributes of the impending storm. I have to say, it was the ensembles (specifically the ensemble means) that got the forecasters on the right track and provided the consistency needed to convince the emergency management community and others to pay attention and take action." In addition, the Met Office ran a high resolution (4km) local area configuration of the forecast model (in research mode) to provide further guidance. This relocatable capability was used during a number of significant weather events around the globe this year to support international colleagues and humanitarian emergency preparations, including Typhoon Bopha in the Philippines. 23 © Crown copyright 2012 2012 hurricane season comes to an end This year saw another active season in the North Atlantic with 19 named storms, of which 10 became hurricanes. Both the number of named storms and hurricanes were well above the 1980–2010 averages of 12 and six respectively. However, only one of these (Michael) became a major hurricane (classed as Category 3 or higher – note Sandy reached Category 2 at its peak), which is below the average of three. This is the third year in a row with 19 named storms, which is unprecedented in the historical records. Only one other season – 2005, which saw the devastating Hurricane Katrina – has experienced more named storms (28) since reliable records began in 1944. An unusual season The season has also been notable for the high number of relatively short-lived storms, with seven of the nine tropical storms lasting just two days or less. These storms contribute towards a high storm count, but relatively little towards the Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) index - a measure of the combined strength and duration of all named storms in the season. This is unusual in the long term record, but has been an increasing trend over recent years. This can almost certainly be attributed to improvements in monitoring however, with satellite developments enabling us to observe developments over the North Atlantic in ever greater detail. This means that we are now identifying storms that could previously have gone undetected. Many storms - but not much power Because such a high proportion of this season's storms were short-lived and weak, the ACE index was only moderately above average at 127. The average is 104. Many seasons in the historical record have had a much lower total tropical storm count, but much higher ACE index, for example the 2004 season recorded only 14 named storms but an ACE index of 225 – nearly twice that seen in 2012. The Met Office public forecast for the North Atlantic hurricane season, which was issued in May, continued its run of providing good guidance on the ACE index - with this year's actual total well within the predicted range. On the number of storms, the total of 19 this year was outside of the forecast range. Chris Landsea, Science and Operations Officer at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, said: "Because we are now better able identify weak, short-lived tropical storms than we were just 15 to 20 years ago, a simple count of how many storms occur in a season is perhaps not the most representative measure of how active a season has been. Using ACE index or number of hurricanes would be a more stable measure, less prone to changes in technology during the last 40-50 years." Experimental forecasts run by the Met Office during the 2012 season show that there is skill for forecasting the number of hurricanes. In May 2012 the Met Office predicted that the most likely number of hurricanes to occur during June to November 2012 would be six, with a 70% chance that the number would be in the range two to ten. In the event ten hurricanes occurred. Longer-term trends Overall the relatively high level of Atlantic hurricane activity continues a trend which started in 1995, with most years since then being above-average. To assess long-term cycles in North Atlantic hurricane activity the Met Office is trialling experimental forecasts for up to five years ahead. While this research continues, the Met Office will continue to monitor the drivers of tropical storm activity over the next few months as we prepare the first forecast for next year's season, which will be issued in March 2013. The main public forecast will be released in May 2013. 24 © Crown copyright 2012 Extreme rainfall in the UK For England and Wales, and south-west England and south Wales, the 7-day period from 20-26 November (and 19-25 November respectively) was provisionally the second wettest week in the last 50 years, behind only a spell from late October to early November 2000. Recent preliminary analysis carried out following the extraordinary rain this summer suggests that the frequency of extreme rainfall events in the UK may be increasing. Statistics from the Met Office National Climate Information Centre, the UK’s official climate record, show days of particularly heavy rainfall – defined as a 1 in 100 day event – have become more common since 1960. This suggests the UK’s regional climate is mirroring an observed global trend towards more frequent extreme rainfall. While the findings of the analysis are preliminary and need further research, they indicate a potentially important trend. There is evidence to say we are getting slightly more rain in total, but more importantly it may be falling in more intense bursts – which can increase the risk of flooding, especially surface water flooding. The frequency of 99%ile rainfall (i.e. a heavy rainfall event which we would expect to occur only 1 in 100 days according to UK climate averages) in individual years in the UK. In some years these events become more frequent (say 1 in 75 day events) or less frequent (1 in 125 day event s, for example). This gives a view on the incidence of extreme rainfall events since 1960. Year to year variations are associated with prevailing weather patterns (e.g. 2003 heat wave; 2000 floods) The trend towards more extreme rainfall events is one we are seeing around the world, in countries such as India and China, and now potentially here in the UK. Increasing global temperatures may be one factor behind the increase in extreme rainfall around the world. A warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture and we have seen an increase of about 0.7C in global temperatures since pre-industrial times. From basic physics, this would equate to about a 4% increase in moisture in the atmosphere which means there is, quite literally, more water to come down as rain. Much more research is needed to understand more about the causes and potential implications. It is essential we look at how this may impact our rainfall patterns over the next decade and beyond, so we can advise on the frequency of extreme weather in the future and the potential for more surface and river flooding. This will help inform decision-making about the need for future resilience both here in the UK and globally. 25 © Crown copyright 2012 Concluding remarks Through developing the science, investing in the underpinning technology, and providing ever more effective advice and guidance, the Met Office continues to provide trusted and valued warnings when it matters. Our warnings and advice ensure that the public, communities and businesses can be protected and safeguarded, both now and in the future. This year has again illustrated however that we cannot be complacent. Despite the progress and benefits realised, every year lives are put in danger or tragically lost, businesses and insurers suffer billions of pounds worth of losses, and emergency responders are given insufficient information to tightly target their resources. And every year our policy makers have to plan ahead for climate change with only limited guidance on UK impacts. The Met Office’s long-term programme of research and development continues to push ahead to improve this situation – ranging from work to identify and represent the large scale drivers of the UK’s climate to improve monthly and longer-range forecast models, to developments in our ability to forecast more accurately the risk of intense localised downpours hours and days ahead. Continued long-term investment, scientific progress and operational delivery and diligence are required to unlock the benefits that our science and services can deliver. The Met Office will remain at the forefront of this ambition again next year, and in the years to come, so that the UK can be more confident that it is doing all it can to protect lives and livelihoods, deliver national resilience, competitiveness and preparedness and enable wise choices for our nation’s adaptation. 26 © Crown copyright 2012 ANNEX – UK Monthly Summary 27 © Crown copyright 2012 ANNEX - The year’s major events in brief 3 Jan Strong winds across the UK from major winter storm Winds gusted at well over 81 mph. Fallen trees blocked roads and rail lines and damaged power lines. Mainline rail services across Scotland were suspended and major road bridges closed. More than 100,000 Scottish homes and businesses were left without electricity and some buildings were damaged. A man was killed in Kent by a falling tree, and a bus driver seriously injured. A crewmember was killed as a vessel in the English Channel was struck by a large wave. Low Temperatures and Snowfalls Snow over central and eastern parts of England. The lowest temperature of the spell so far occurred on 4 February with a reading of -12.4 °C at South Newington (Oxfordshire). Heathrow Airport had to cancel many flights on 4th. February - early spring warmth The highest temperature recorded was 18.7 °C at Coleshill, Warwickshire, made this the warmest February day in the UK since 1998. A significant number of stations recorded their highest February temperature on record. Record March temperatures across Scotland Maximum temperatures were particularly high, across northern England and Scotland, exceeding 22°C in places. The March record for Scotland was broken on three consecutive days. Temperatures also came close to record values across Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, there are only three dates in the historical record 29th March 1968, 12 March 1957 and 23rd March 1945 - where 22 °C was previously exceeded. 23 May Late May warmth across Scotland A new May record for Scotland. The prolonged warmth in Highland Scotland was unusual, and this particular spell was the most significant prolonged warm spell to have occurred in Scotland, in May, in digitised data from 1959 7 June Stormy conditions from an unusually deep low The lowest pressure recorded was 980.6 hPa on 7th June at Milford Haven, west Wales. This is the lowest pressure recorded, in June, in south Wales and south-west England, in digitised records from c. 1960 8 June Flooding from persistent rain in Aberystwyth area More than 1000 people were evacuated and 150 rescued, many from caravan parks as they were inundated with flood-waters. Dozens of homes in several villages were flooded 3-6 Feb 23 Feb 24-28 March 28 © Crown copyright 2012 10-11 June Heavy rain in southern England West Sussex and Hampshire were worst affected with more than 70mm of rain falling in a 16 hour period. The June average for this area is typically around 60mm. There were flooding problems on a number of main roads and several reports of flooded homes. 22 June Flooding from persistent rain in Lancashire and West Yorkshire Around 500 properties were flooded by both surface water flooding and where rivers burst their banks; Isle of Wight rock festival deteriorated into a sea of mud due to the wet weather creating soft ground conditions Widespread thunderstorms and torrential downpours in the Midlands, northern England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. A series of major storms brought flashflooding and disruption widely across parts of central and northern England and Northern Ireland. The thunderstorms were associated with hot, humid air from a 'Spanish plume' ahead of frontal systems pushing in from the west; - In Shropshire, one man died after being swept away in a stream; There was widespread flashflooding affecting roads (including the A1 in Newcastle) as drainage systems were overwhelmed by the intense rainfall. Cars were abandoned as streets became awash with water. Hundreds of properties across England and Northern Ireland were flooded.; The East Coast main line was closed between Newcastle and Berwick due to landslides. The West Coast main line was also affected by a landslip near Tebay in Cumbria. The West Highland line was blocked near Tulloch Bridge as a landslide derailed a freight train.; Over 40 schools were closed in the Newcastle, Northumberland and County Durham;- In north-east England, over 20,000 homes were without power due to lightining and flash flooding. In Northern Ireland, over 1000 homes lost power.; In Leicestershire, golf-ball sized hailstones caused damage and were large enough to damage cars and greenhouses. Heavy rain and flooding in Devon, Dorset and elsewhere 40 to 50mm falling in the 24-hours between 00Z 6th and 00Z 7th. While there were no very large-scale flood incidents, there was disruption to transport networks and reports of a number of flooded properties in many widespread locations across the Midlands, parts of Wales and also southern Scotland. The flooding was exacerbated by the wet ground conditions from the exceptionally wet weather through all of June and early July. From Friday evening and through to mid-day Saturday 7th the focus of the heavy rainfall shifted to south-west England. Between 18Z 6th to 12Z 7th, 40 to 50 mm fell across parts of south and east Devon, representing around the July average rainfall in only 18 hours, resulting in further flash-flooding. Several Environment-Agency rain-gauges in East Devon recorded over 100mm of rainfall, or more than twice the July average, in a 33hour period. T in the Park Music festival at Kinross was affected by rain and mud. Waterlogged car-parks also affected visitors to the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on the Northamptonshire / Buckinghamshire 28 June 6-7 July 29 © Crown copyright 2012 border. In south-west Engand, the worst affected areas included South Hams (south Devon), and the Otter and Axe Valleys in East Devon, where dozens of properties were affected by flash-flooding 5 Aug 18-19 Aug 23-26 Sept 20-26 Nov 19-20 Dec Widespread torrential downpours reports of flash-flooding in southern Scotland, north-west and north-east England, Wales and south-west England, impacts reported were mainly been due to the intensity of the rainfall, rather than the overall totals. This would have overwhelmed drainage systems, resulting in surface water flooding Highest temperatures of the year in S.E. England A very warm and humid southerly feed of air was affecting the south-east of England. With strong insolation too, temperatures rose strongly, and Saturday 18th August gave the highest UK temperatures of this year, widely exceeding 30 °C, the highest recorded value being 32.4 °C at Cavendish (Suffolk). Autumn storm Unusually deep vigorous low pressure system affected the UK. This autumn storm brought widespread heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and resulted in numerous impacts - including localised flooding accompanied by winds which were strong enough to bring down trees in some areas (still in full leaf at this time of year). Heavy rain and widespread flooding from a sequence of low pressure systems Prolonged heavy rain fell across much of south-west England overnight 20/21 November 2012 from a front/wave associated with an area of low pressure. Around 40 to 50mm fell across a 12-hour period - notably wet but not exceptional. However, with the ground already saturated, there were widespread flooding problems, particularly to transport routes with flooding of roads and landslips. The Exeter to London Great Western railway line was also closed. Most dramatically, a bank of the Great Western canal collapsed near Tiverton, draining the canal into the surrounding land. The worst affected counties included Devon, Somerset and Gloucestershire. Some of the flooding problems were likely to have been exacerbated by autumn leaves and other debris blocking drains, and there were also more intense bursts within the overall event. The rain was accompanied by some strong winds, gusting at 40 to 50 Knots in exposed locations along the south coast. Widespread heavy rain from Atlantic fronts A particularly wet spell of weather on 19-20 December 2012 as Atlantic fronts brought prolonged heavy rain to much of the UK. In the 48 hours from 09 GMT 19th to 09 GMT 21st December 2012, around 50mm of rain fell across parts of Cornwall, Hampshire, south Wales, northern England and eastern Scotland. Although totals were not exceptional, the rain fell on saturated ground, resulting in further widespread flooding problems - many affecting the road network due to surface run-off from surrounding land. Neither the rainfall totals were as high or the flood impacts as severe as those experienced during an earlier wet spell in late November. 30 © Crown copyright 2012 ANNEX – the 2012 UK climate summary APRIL MARCH FEB JAN rd th Major winter storm affecting southern Scotland on 3 ; mildest January since 2008; 4 sunniest January since 1929. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust Max snow depth 8cm rainfall 14.0 °C at -10.5 °C at 102mph at at Aviemore th Teignmouth (Devon) Aboyne 64.8 mm at Blackford Hill (Highland) on 20 ; on 18th (Aberdeenshire) Kinlochewe (Edinburgh) on 8cm at Copley on 16th (Highland) on 3rd (County Durham) on 11/12th 24th Very cold spell during first 12 days with sharp frosts and snowfalls, especially across England; UK mean temperature varied from about 0.5 °C below normal across southern England to 2.0 °C above in Northern Ireland and northern Scotland; in many eastern and southern counties of England and parts of eastern Scotland only about a third of the normal amount fell; driest February over England since 1998. th Cold weather on 4 resulted in travel disruption overnight and into the 5th, notably cancellation and delays to flights from Heathrow and lengthy delays to traffic on routes such as the M25 and M40. On the 9th, freezing rain fell across northern England causing treacherous conditions on roads and pavements. About 100 road accidents were reported from Cumbria, and hospital A&E departments dealt with hundreds of falls on icy pavements Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust Max snow depth rainfall 18.7 °C at Coleshill -15.6 °C at 74mph on Fair 16cm at Malham Tarn (Warwickshire) on Holbeach 70.6 mm at Isle on 24th (North Yorkshire) and 23rd (Lincolnshire) on Achnagart Buntingford 11th (Highland) on (Hertfordshire) on 5th 17/18th rd 3 warmest March in a series since 1910, warmest March since 1957; most of Wales, Northern Ireland, south-west England, parts of northern England and eastern Scotland had less than a third of their normal th rainfall amount; driest UK March since 1952 and 5 driest since 1910; sunniest March in England since 1929; Drought conditions persisted across East Anglia, the Midlands and southern England with continuing concerns for farming, water resources and the environment generally. Late in the month, the area officially in drought was extended to include parts of Yorkshire. The sustained dry weather and the warmth of the last week resulted in wildfires in various areas including south Wales, Surrey and the Scottish Borders. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust Max snow depth rainfall 23.6 °C at Aboyne -8.5 °C at 71 mph at 4cm at Leadhills (Aberdeenshire) on Braemar 101.2 mm at Blackford Hill (Lanakshire) on 4th 27th (Aberdeenshire) Alltdearg House, (Edinburgh) on and 5th on 18th (Isle of Skye) on 7th 6/7th Generally unsettled with numerous showery days; coldest April since 1989; unusually, April was colder than March (this last occurred in 1998) and the temperature failed to reach 20 °C anywhere (this last occurred in April 1989); wettest April on record across the UK with much of eastern and southern England, east Wales and eastern Scotland recorded well over twice the normal amount, with three times normal in places. About 10,000 homes in North-east England without power on 4th after ice and strong winds brought down power lines. In the Cairngorms, nine hill walkers had to be rescued in heavy snow. Heavy rain and strong winds across southern Britain on 25th brought localised flooding. Further heavy downpours across northern England and Wales on 26th, led to flooding of homes and businesses in York. A stormy end to the month led to hundreds of trees being uprooted, blocking roads and damaging power lines to leave some 12,000 properties without power across southern UK. Despite numerous wet days, reservoir and groundwater levels remained very low across much of England with continuing concerns for farming, water resources and the environment generally. The area officially in drought was extended to counties across the West Midlands and South-west England. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust Max snow depth rainfall 19.7 °C at Kew -8.2 °C at 76 mph at 22 cm at Whitehillocks Gardens (Greater Braemar 46.0 mm at Warcop Range (Angus) on 3rd 31 © Crown copyright 2012 JULY JUNE MAY London) on 30th (Aberdeenshire) on 5th Liscombe (Cumbria) on (Somerset) on 29th 29/30th Dominated by cool and unsettled conditions, continuing the wet theme of much of April, though a marked improvement occurred from 21st, with a much warmer and more settled spell; particularly warm across Highland Scotland, and a new May temperature record for Scotland was set on 25th; third sunniest May on record; Badminton Horse Trials in Gloucestershire were cancelled because of waterlogged ground. Overnight rain on the 2nd/3rd caused localised flooding across parts of Essex and Suffolk, with a section of the A12 closed for a time and a landslip causing train delays and cancellations between London and parts of East Anglia. On 11th, the wet April and unsettled start to May allowed the lifting of drought orders. The last 10 days saw a run of very warm sunny days giving a welcome boost to tourism and outdoor activities including the Olympic torch relay across western England and Wales. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust rainfall 29.3 °C at −6.2 °C at 67 mph at Achnagart Saughall (East 101.0 mm at Blackford Hill, (Highland) on 25th, Ayrshire) on 5th Kinlochewe Edinburgh on a new May record (Highland) on 13th for Scotland 13/14th Dominated by low pressure over or close to the UK, with associated weather fronts; almost complete absence of warm, settled spells; coolest June since 1991; wettest June across the UK in the series from 1910; equal-wettest June in the England and Wales series from 1766 (shared with June 1860). Only the far north-west of Scotland was drier than normal; Unsettled weather of the first few days affected some of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, including the rd Thames pageant on the 3 . Dozens of uprooted trees brought down power cables and engineers worked to restore power to nearly 300 homes across SW England on 7th. Persistent heavy rainfall across midWales during the 8th and into the 9th resulted in significant flooding in the Aberystwyth area. More than 1000 people were evacuated and 150 rescued. Further prolonged heavy rainfall across south-east and central southern England on 11th resulted in localised flooding. Worst affected was West Sussex where the flooding continued into the 12th affecting roads, caravan parks and hundreds of properties in the Chichester and Bognor Regis areas. Rainfall on the 21st caused waterlogged ground at the Isle of Wight rock music festival and resulted in traffic chaos for motorists arriving on the island, many spending the night 21st/22nd in their cars. Persistent, and often heavy, rainfall for much of 22nd caused significant flooding across parts of Lancashire, Cumbria and West Yorkshire with around 500 properties affected by both surface water flooding and where rivers burst their banks. On 27th, torrential rain resulted in more than 700 flood-related call-outs in Belfast and County Antrim. At the height of the flooding, many roads were impassable and about 1,000 homes were left without power. Widespread and serious flooding occurred following thunderstorms and torrential rain on the 28th affecting the Midlands, NE England and parts of Northern Ireland and southern Scotland. As well as the flooding of properties and roads, thousands of homes were without power and both rail routes between England and Scotland were cut. Worst affected was NE England, where hundreds of homes were flooded, some 23,000 properties lost power after sub-stations flooded, traffic gridlock occurred in Tyneside as roads flooded and a landslide near Berwick closed the East Coast main railway line. Elsewhere, large hailstones damaged vehicles and greenhouses in Leicestershire and a man drowned in floodwater in Shropshire. However, the very wet weather continued to improve river, groundwater and reservoir levels. On 14th, Anglian Water, Southern Water and Thames Water announced an end to the water use restrictions that they had introduced in April. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust rainfall 28.6 °C at 3.5 °C at Loch 82 mph at Gravesend (Kent) Glascarnoch 93.8 mm at Needles Old on 28th (Highland) on Blencathra Battery (Isle of th 5th (Cumbria) on Wight) on 8 22/23rd Again characterized by low pressure, bringing rather cool, cloudy conditions and some high rainfall totals in the first half of the month; coolest July since 2000; many parts of England, North Wales and eastern Scotland having over twice their average rainfall; Prolonged heavy rainfall across south and east Devon and Dorset resulted in rivers bursting their banks with roads and dozens of properties flooded. The A35 trunk road and the Exeter to Yeovil rail line were 32 © Crown copyright 2012 AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER closed for several days. On the 9th, the Calder valley in West Yorkshire was hit by flash flooding after heavy rain, affecting roads and properties in towns such as Hebden Bridge for the third time in about 2 weeks. Some weekend outdoor sports and music events such as the qualifying sessions for the Formula One Grand Prix at Silverstone were adversely affected by waterlogged ground. The National Trust reported that the persistently cool wet conditions had proved difficult for wildlife, particularly many insects and birds. A much warmer, more settled interlude lasted a week from the 21st, especially over England and Wales where it coincided with the start of the school summer holidays. This was welcomed in view of the poor summer so far. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust rainfall 30.7 °C at St 0.0 °C at 62 mph at James’s Park Resallach 74.9 mm at Needles Old nd (London) on 25th (Highland) on 2 Slapton (Devon) Battery (Isle of on 6/7th Wight) on 16th Mainly influenced by low pressure over or to the west of the UK, bringing cloudy conditions and showers or longer periods of rain on many days especially in the west and north. The south-east of England saw the driest and warmest weather; a wet month in south-west England and south Wales and in northern England, southern and eastern Scotland, with a few areas having over twice the average rainfall; in contrast much of East Anglia and south-east England and parts of north-west Scotland and the west of Northern Ireland were drier than normal Olympic events in SE England in early August enjoyed largely fine, dry conditions. Prolonged heavy rain in Cumbria on the 29th led to some localised flooding of properties and a landslip on a rail line in west Cumbria. Reported that the generally wet and cloudy summer weather had adversely affected the yield of many fruit, vegetable and cereal crops. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust rainfall 32.4 °C at -2.5 °C at 64 mph at South Cavendish (Suffolk) Cromdale 64.2 mm of rain Uist (Western on 18th (Highland) on fell at Lerwick Isles) on 27th 31st (Shetland) on 21/22nd First half was fine and reasonably warm, except in north-western areas, but the month became progressively more unsettled and quite cool for all of the UK with a notably deep depression bringing large amounts of rainfall and high winds to many areas from the 23rd to the 26th. The second half of the month was cooler than the first, even relative to normal, with a few overnight frosts in the north; coolest September since 1994; rainfall totals for the whole month were only close to average for many regions; The Paralympics enjoyed generally fine weather. In contrast, an unusually vigorous area of low pressure brought very unsettled weather to most parts from the 23rd to the 26th, giving particularly high rainfall totals and some strong winds, resulting in some transport disruption, with localised flooding of roads, and main rail routes closed for a time, properties in NE England were further affected by flooding and around 600 homes and businesses were reported to have been flooded across England and Wales since the 23rd. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust rainfall 29.3 °C at Writtle -4.1 °C at 72 mph at (Essex) and Braemar 97.8 mm of rain Inverbervie Cambridge on 9th (Aberdeenshire) fell at (Kincardineshire) on 23rd Ravensworth on 25th (North Yorkshire) on 24/25th A typical autumnal mix of showers and rain for much of the time, but with a couple of short settled spells; north east experienced some significant snow accumulations towards the end of the month mainly across higher ground; coldest October since 2003; Northern Scotland had its 5th coldest October in a series since 1910; rainfall and sunshine totals for the UK overall were close to their respective long-term averages. th Intense downpours on 11 in parts of the south and west led to flash flooding in Clovelly (Devon) and flooding was also reported across parts of west Wales. Prolonged heavy rainfall in north-east Scotland th on 12 with 50 to 70 mm recorded widely led to flooding of roads and disruption to rail services across parts of Aberdeenshire, Angus and Fife, and the corner of one property in Fife was washed away by th floodwaters. Strong north-west winds combined with unusually high tides on 18 caused some coastal 33 © Crown copyright 2012 NOVEMBER DECEMBER flooding in Devon and Cornwall. Widespread areas of fog across England and Wales affected transport rd on 22nd to 23 . Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust Max snow depth rainfall 18.8 °C at Holbeach -7.8 °C at 78 mph at Needles 12 cm at Copley (Lincolnshire) on 1st Braemar 70.4 mm at Old Battery (Isle of (County Durham) on (Aberdeenshire) Crombie Wight) on 5th 27th on 17th Country Park (Angus) on 12/13th th A showery and cool start, with frosts in some areas, led to milder conditions between 6th and 14 ; an exceptionally wet spell from 19th to 26th brought widespread disruption from flooding and landslips with some areas had up to twice the whole month’s normal rainfall amount within the space of a week; last few days of the month were much colder, drier and brighter with some snow in the north; some places in a band from Devon to Humberside had up to twice their normal amount of monthly rainfall, whereas Northern Ireland and north-east Scotland were drier than average; For England and Wales, the 7-day period from 20 to 26th November was one of the wettest weeks in the last 50 years. The floods and storms led to several fatalities and there were widespread flooding problems, particularly to transport routes with flooding of roads and landslips, and in total well over 1000 properties were flooded. Most dramatically, a bank of the Great Western canal collapsed near Tiverton, draining the canal into the surrounding land. Many roads and rail services - including both main railway lines from the south-west to London - were closed due to flooding and landslips. In Llanberis (Gwynedd) around 100 homes were affected by flash-flooding. Further flooding affected Ulverston, Cumbria and parts of Dumfies and Galashiels. By the 26th parts of Newcastle and a hospital in Northallerton were affected by flooding. Across north-east England, further roads were closed and rail services affected including the East Coast main line near Darlington. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust Max snow depth rainfall 16.4 °C at Kew -7.3 °C at 86 mph at Capel 2 cm at Warcop Gardens (Greater Braemar 88.4 mm at Curig (Gwynedd) Range (Cumbria) on London) on 13th (Aberdeenshire) Holne (Devon) on 22nd 26th, Albemarle on 29th on 24/25th (Northumberland) on 27th and Shap (Cumbria) on 30th The first part of December brought unsettled and showery weather, with temperatures struggling to reach seasonal normal values but no particularly notable heavy rainfall. Pressure built around 10th, and there were then a few days of quiet anticyclonic weather, allowing the first really severe frosts of the season (12.5 °C recorded at Braemar on 13th). On 14th/15th an extensive low-pressure area brought fronts across the UK, giving heavy rain across all districts, and bringing temperatures back to near the seasonal average. During the second half of December, the UK was mainly under the influence of a large area of low pressure in the north Atlantic. This brought a mainly westerly or south-westerly flow with very mild but exceptionally wet conditions. From 19th December to Christmas, a sequence of active depressions brought heavy rainfall and flooding to many areas of the UK, with parts of south-west England particularly badly affected. Max T Min T Max 24hr Max wind gust Max snow depth rainfall 15.0 °C at -12.9 °C at 79 mph at Capel 20 cm at Fettercairn Westonzoyland Braemar 89.4 mm at Curig (Gwynedd) (Kincardineshire) on (Somerset) on 22nd (Aberdeenshire) Tyndrum on the 28th and 6th on 6th (Perthshire) on Uist (Outer 20/21 Hebrides) on 29th 34 © Crown copyright 2012 35 © Crown copyright 2012 Met Office FitzRoy Road, Exeter Devon EX1 3PB United Kingdom Tel: 0870 900 0100 Fax: 0870 900 5050 [email protected]