Building Communities of


Building Communities of
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Communities of
2007 Annual Report
Lutheran Immigration
and Refugee Service
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2008 Board of Directors
In response to God’s love in
Christ, we welcome the
stranger, bringing new hope
and new life through ministries
of service and justice.
Chair/Executive Committee Chair Elaine Richter Bryant (LCMS), adjunct
professor, Concordia University, Ballwin, Mo.
Vice Chair/Program Committee Chair Ruth Henrichs (ELCA), CEO,
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, Omaha
Secretary/Finance Committee Chair The Rev. Dr. Gary Danielsen (LCMS),
president/ CEO, Lutheran Services of Georgia, Atlanta
Board Development Committee Chair Kathi Anderson (ELCA), executive
director, Survivors of Torture International, San Diego
Resource Development Committee Chair Dr. Judith A. Diers (ELCA),
program associate for gender, family and development, The Population
Council, New York City
We envision a world where
all communities welcome
refugees and migrants.
Working in global partnerships
and with faith-based
communities, we welcome a
transformation of our
communities and ourselves
when we receive the gifts of
refugees and migrants, and
draw strength and inspiration
from diversity. We see
ourselves as catalysts and
conveners in the work of
building welcoming
communities, creating and
sustaining opportunities for our
partners to engage in ministries
of service and justice.
Sen. Betty Boyd (ELCA), Colorado State Senate, Lakewood, Colo.
J. David Ellwanger (ELCA), retired attorney, Frisco, Texas
The Rev. Carlos Hernandez (LCMS), districts/congregations director, LCMS
World Relief and Human Care, Rancho Cordova, Calif.
The Rev. Jotham Johann Jhang, J.D. (LCMS), president and executive
director, Center for Asian Missions and Evangelism, Alexandria, Va.
Randel K. Johnson (LCMS), vice president for labor, immigration and
employee benefits, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
The Rev. Yohannes Mengsteab (LCMS), National Director for New Mission
Fields Development, LCMS World Mission, St. Louis
The Rev. Dr. Rebecca Larson (ELCA), executive director, Church in Society,
ELCA, Chicago
Cynthia E. Nance (ELCA), dean, University of Arkansas School of Law,
Fayetteville, Ark.
The Rev. Anita Varsbergs Paza (LELCA), pastor, Latvian Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Washington, D.C., Rockville, Md.
Bishop E. Roy Riley (ELCA), New Jersey Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America, Hamilton Square, N.J.
Ralston H. Deffenbaugh, Jr.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
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Dear Friends,
Hearty thanks for your continued partnership with and support of
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service! It is through God’s grace and
your loving hands that we carry out the Gospel call to welcome the
stranger. It is through you—partners and supporters, concerned
congregations and caring individuals—that we are able to dispel fear and
build communities of hope.
During this past year, LIRS was tested hard. Our country’s immigration
debate took an uglier turn with the collapse of congressional efforts to
enact comprehensive reform. The environment of fear is harsh for the
immigrants themselves—whether documented or undocumented—and for
groups like ours that see a God-given dignity in each individual and thus
want respect for each human’s rights. In the absence of reform,
immigration enforcement efforts escalate, and families, congregations and
communities are being torn apart.
In the area of refugee resettlement, our nation is still struggling to
provide a more generous welcome to refugees, particularly those from
Iraq, and for asylum seekers. Too many deserving refugees are still denied
entry to the United States because of overly broad security laws, but we
were encouraged by some progress in addressing the “material support”
issue. Administratively, LIRS and our program partners struggle with the
chronic underfunding of resettlement and other government programs.
But as we face these tests, we faithfully continue to carry out the
LIRS mission of “bringing new hope and new life through ministries of
service and justice.” Despite challenges, we have expanded programs,
particularly in children’s services. We ended 2007 with a
much smaller deficit than budgeted, and our work last
year laid the foundation for a $27 million budget and
106 employees in 2008—record highs for the agency.
LIRS’s reputation—among our supporting Lutheran
church bodies, our governmental and nongovernmental
program partners, and our advocacy colleagues—remains
high. We were honored to be described as the “moral
compass” in the immigration debate as we firmly held up
family unity as the first principle for immigration reform.
It is the loving hands, voices and contributions of
volunteers, congregations and partners that enable LIRS
to carry out our work. As we work together to build
communities of hope—from preserving the unity of a
single family to preserving the welcoming heritage of
our whole nation—we are grateful for all who work
alongside us through their partnership and gifts.
May our Lord Jesus Christ, who was himself part
of a refugee family, bless you in your life and service!
Ralston H. Deffenbaugh, Jr.
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LIRS’s staff and partners labor tirelessly to lay a
foundation of justice and welcome for vulnerable refugees, asylum
seekers and other immigrants who are reestablishing their lives. We
engage congregations, volunteers, advocates and donors to join us in
this building effort.
None of us can make it in this world alone,
but refugees and other immigrants who are building new lives especially
need communities to come alongside them. The strength of supportive
relationships makes the difference between surviving and thriving as
vulnerable people rebuild their lives.
u Gay was only 10 when
Burmese soldiers
swooped into his village
Those we serve are vulnerable but resilient. They hold on to
members of the
the light of hope through the darkness of trauma. Through service and
group, including his
support, we can bolster their hope. Through their courage and inspiring
have suffered
stories, they can rekindle ours. As we build communities together, the
persistent persecution at the
division of “we” and “they” disappears, and hope becomes reality.
hands of the nation’s brutal
military dictatorship. Soon after,
tragedy struck the little boy’s life again when his mother died. But Su Gay’s father escaped from prison and
fled with his children across the border to Thailand. They couldn’t stay in Burma any longer.
They found their way to Mae La refugee camp where Su Gay grew up. He went to school and learned
English. He also met Paw Ku. Despite an uncertain future, they established their own little community of
hope—Su Gay and Paw Ku were married, and became the parents of five children, all born in the camp.
“I wanted to be resettled because there was no opportunity to work or to leave the camp. It was very
restrictive. I wanted my children to have a better life and good schools. So I applied in 1999 and finally in
2006 we received word that we were going to be interviewed and screened. I was very happy,”
explained Su Gay. “We went to cultural orientation and learned about the United States. I liked that they
told us about all the diversity—all the different people that live in the U.S. and all the opportunities.”
In September 2007 Su Gay and his family finally arrived in Phoenix, where a case manager from LIRS
resettlement partner Lutheran Social Services of
Su Gay, Paw
Ku and their
the Southwest (LSSSW) met them at the
children in th
eir new hom
airport. Volunteers from two co-sponsoring
Lutheran congregations were also there to
greet the family. Su Gay finally felt safe.
Su Gay is working as a janitor and
security guard. He also provides translation
services for LSSSW. Paw Ku is attending
English and parenting classes as well as
caring for their two youngest children. The
older children’s teachers report that they are
doing well in school and learning English.
After so many years of trauma and
uncertainty, Su Gay
and his family,
surrounded by a
supportive community,
LIRS Helps Refugees Rebuild Hope and Life
are now free to build a
Resettled 6,425 refugees, helping them find homes, jobs and educational opportunities,
new life of freedom
learn a new culture and language, and become economically self-sufficient.
and flourishing hope.
This story was contributed by the
Rev. Donna Buckles, church
sponsorship developer for LSSSW.
Among the 39 nationalities resettled were 2,113 Burmese, 711 Somalis, 670
Liberians, 537 Burundians, 390 Ukrainians, 329 Iranians, 291 Cubans and 290 Iraqis.
Increased participation by local schools, health care providers, employers and social
service providers as well as support from congregations and volunteers to enhance
services to refugees at key sites through the preferred communities program.
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Communities of
n 1994 the genocidal madness that swept
through Rwanda claimed the lives of Bella
and Serafine’s father and six siblings. Their
mother fled with the girls, then just 2 and 1,
to neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo,
where they lived in relative safety in the
eastern hill country for several years.
But as conflict escalated among local
factions, violence struck again, leaving their
mother dead and Serafine severely injured. Bella
saved her sister’s life, hiding her until the attackers
left their village, and then taking her to a hospital.
Now completely alone, Bella and Serafine recalled
their mother’s instruction: “If anything ever
happens to me, you must find your auntie in
Kigali.” So they set out for Rwanda’s capital city.
As they came to the border, they were
welcomed by staff members from a U.N. High
Commissioner for Refugees reception center
who provided for their needs and listened to
their story. An interdisciplinary team of
professionals reviewed their case through a
process called a best interest determination (BID).
with their aunt
In early 2007, after extensive field research
fine, reunited
including the trip on which an LIRS child welfare expert
met Bella and Serafine, LIRS completed a study for UNHCR that reviewed how cases such as theirs
were handled. Published as No Small Matter: Ensuring Protection and Durable Solutions for Unaccompanied
and Separated Refugee Children, the study recommended several changes to bolster UNHCR’s BID process.
As UNHCR revises its guidelines based on LIRS’s feedback, more vulnerable refugee children like
Bella and Serafine will be protected by careful procedures that seek out the best options for their care.
The girls’ BID team spent several months gathering information, conducting verifications and weighing
alternatives before making the determination to reunite the girls with their aunt. And what a reunion it
was! The community rallied around them, providing clothing, school supplies and additional services.
Bella and Serafine
have suffered
tremendous loss,
but in their new
LIRS Secures a Hopeful Future for Children
home in Kigali
Found foster homes for 36 unaccompanied refugee children, 82 unaccompanied
they are now
immigrant children in federal custody, 3 victims of child trafficking and 9 asylee minors.
surrounded by
Facilitated the release of 1,641 children from federal custody to the care of family members.
loving family and
Advocated for passage of legislation to identify and protect child victims of trafficking and
friends as they
provide assistance and appropriate services for them.
journey toward
Advocated for legislation to guarantee minimum standards of care for children, including
healing and hope.
education, medical care and access to counsel.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
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ngie, a wide-eyed toddler from Latin America, is a few years shy of enrolling in kindergarten,
but has already experienced life behind bars. She and her mother were detained for nearly
four months in a former medium-security prison for adult criminals now called the T. Don
Hutto Residential Facility. Located in Taylor, Texas, Hutto is one of two immigration detention
facilities in the United States where up to 600 families who are not citizens are held on any given
day while the government decides whether to deport them. Most of those detained are mothers
with their children, some as young as infants.
Denia, a native of Honduras, was pregnant while she was detained at Hutto for eight months.
“To tell you the truth, I was really scared. I kept praying to God, wondering how I could possibly
take care of an infant inside this prison,” she said.
Rena spent nearly two years in the Berks Family Shelter Care Facility in Pennsylvania, the other
detention facility reserved for immigrant families. When she was 12, Rena and her mother fled the
violence in their native Colombia to seek asylum in the United States, but were detained when
they tried to enter the country without visas. “My grandmother was here in the United States. We
wanted to be with her again and live in a peaceful country where we didn’t have to worry about
violence all the time.” Like Denia and Rena, most of the families detained at Hutto and Berks fall
into two categories: those without valid visas and those seeking asylum.
In 2007 LIRS, together with the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children,
published Locking Up Family Values: The Detention of Immigrant Families, a landmark report
detailing the practice and
poor conditions of immigrant
the back
at Hutto, watched by a guard in
A mother and daughter detained
family detention in the
United States. The report
prompted a major civil
lawsuit on behalf of the
children at Hutto, resulting
in the release of several
families as well as significant
changes in conditions at the
facility. LIRS continues to
advocate for just and
humane alternatives to family
detention, working toward
the day when vulnerable
immigrants will be
welcomed to hopeful new
lives in our communities.
LIRS Preserves Hope for Detained Immigrants
In partnership with local agencies, provided “Know Your Rights” presentations to
31,055 adults in detention and children in ORR custody.
Provided legal services to 14,890 immigration detainees, including 1,407 children,
481 survivors of torture, and 743 asylum seekers.
Published “Locking Up Family Values,” which details U.S. detention of families in
immigration proceedings, including asylum seekers, and calls for more just and
humane alternatives.
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utheran Services in Iowa, one of the local agencies through which LIRS resettles refugees,
recently started a new program, Circle of Friends, that exemplifies our efforts to build
communities of hope. Through this program, a group of volunteers forms friendships with a
resettled refugee family to help them “learn the ropes” of living in America.
As with every program responsible for helping former refugees integrate into their new
communities in the United States, Circle of Friends meets the standards required by law of
orienting the newcomers to U.S. education,
health and employment.
But LIRS strives to go beyond the basics.
Programs like Circle of Friends creatively meet
additional needs such as financial literacy
instruction, cooking classes, and training in
things many of us take for granted, such as
how to mail a letter or ride a bus. Most
importantly LIRS strives to provide mentoring,
support and hope to new friends learning to
live in a new land.
Here’s what some refugees have had to
say about Circle of Friends:
“We have always lived in a
community where everyone was the
same. Now we are integrating with
the American community, with
different people.”
“Someone is always there to
With a little he
lp from a frien
d, newly rese
sacrifice his time to give us transportation.”
refugees lear
n how to mai
l a letter
“They helped us with school registration and we
are very grateful. We want to be able to go to school very much.”
“I learned how to make ice cubes and use the oven to make chicken nuggets
and pizza.”
“My American friends helped me know how to do laundry.”
“We learned how to make a budget so that this month we know how much to
pay for the rent and the other bills so that we will not have a bad record.”
“I have never ever seen such good people as our American friends. I will always
remember them.”
“I am very thankful for Circle of Friends!”
LIRS Helps Newcomers Find Their Way in New Communities
Served 3,748 clients through job training, placement and retention programs, resulting in self-sufficiency for 82
percent within 180 days of arrival in the United States.
Helped 393 refugee women gain sewing, computer, employment and English skills and increase self-esteem.
Provided $75,000 in seed grants to help 23 churches in 16 states start social ministry programs for newcomers.
Presented 11 workshops on employment and self-sufficiency to 475 refugee service professionals across the country.
Reached out to 17,839 Lutheran congregations across the country with an invitation to engage in building
communities of hope with newcomers.
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LIRS is committed to practicing responsible, conservative financial management of the public funds and
private donations we receive to carry out our work of building communities of hope.
Statement of Financial Position
The following is from LIRS’s audited financial data as of December 31, 2007. Dollar figures are in thousands.
Investments, at market value
Accounts receivable
U.S. Government
Loans receivable (refugee travel)
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Investment in Lutheran Center Corporation 3,435
Funds held by trustee
Furnishings & improvements (net of depreciation) 150
Total Assets
$ 12,611
Accounts payable & accrued expenses
Long-term debt
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 12,611
Report of Independent
Certified Public Accountants
To the Board of Directors of
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
We have audited the accompanying statements of financial
position of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service as of
December 31, 2007, and the related statements of activities
and changes in net assets, and of cash flows for the year
ended December 31, 2007. These financial statements are
the responsibility of the Organization’s management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audit. The prior year summarized
information has been derived from Lutheran Immigration
and Refugee Service’s 2006 financial statements and, in our
report dated March 30, 2007, we expressed an unqualified
opinion on those financial statements.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards
generally accepted in the United States of America. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining,
on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above
present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service as
of December 31, 2007, and the changes in its net
assets, and its cash flows for the year ended December
31, 2007, in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.
Tait, Weller and Baker
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
April 22, 2008
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
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Statement of Activities
The following is from LIRS’s audited financial data for the year
ending December 31, 2007. Dollar figures are in thousands.
Beginning Net Assets
$ 6,143
Support & Revenue
Participating Church Bodies
Contributions and Foundations
U.S. Government
Investment Earnings
Loan Servicing Fees
Other Revenue
Total Support & Revenue
$ 23,932
Operating Expenses
Program Services
U.S. Government-Funded Activities $ 19,846
Other Program Activities
Administrative Services
Fund Raising
Total Operating Expenses
$ 24,198
Excess Expenses over Revenue
Other Changes—Loss on Early
Retirement of Debt
$ (266)
Change in Net Assets
$ (563)
Ending Net Assets
$ 5,581
$ (297)
t, 9
, 3.8
ng C
ns, 1.2%
enue, 0.9%
& Other Rev
Loan Servicing Fees, 3.3%
Support & Revenue
Operating Expenses
Fund Raising, 0.9%
s, 9.0%
, 90
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
Our Supporters
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Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service gratefully recognizes and celebrates the nearly
1,000 donors whose gifts helped build communities of hope for the vulnerable newcomers
we served in 2007.
The President’s Council
St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Springfield, Pa.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Gift Matching, Appleton, Wis.
New Freedom Circle ($10,000 or More)
Ms. Jutta F. Anderson
Ms. Jane Anthon
The Rev. Norman & Mrs. Kathryn Braatz
Mrs. Elaine Richter Bryant & Mr. Vic Bryant
Mr. Livingston Chrichlow
The Rev. Dr. Gary & Mrs. Lynn Danielsen
Alice & Charles Deffenbaugh
Dr. Aina G. Dravnieks
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Ellwanger
The Rev. & Mrs. John Frerking
Ms. Virginia Geoffrey & Mr. John Andelin, Jr.
The Rev. & Mrs. Harold S. Goers
Pastor Roger & Mrs. Freda Hoffman
Mrs. Rhoda V. Larsen
The Rev. Jerry & Mrs. Janice Livingston
Mrs. Edith & Dr. Harold Lohr
Ms. Hildegarde L. Lutze
The Rev. Ronald F. Moen
Ms. Viola Montas
Dr. Cynthia Nance
Mr. Thawng Pao
Dr. Steven R. Rousey
The Rev. David & Mrs. Nancie Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Swanson
The Rev. Dr. Reuben & Darlene Swanson
Mrs. Patricia A. Thomas
Mr. Matt Wilch
Mr. John & Mrs. Eleanor Yackel
Ross & Gloria Edwards
New Life Circle ($5,000–9,999)
King of Glory Lutheran Church, Tempe, Ariz.
Zion Lutheran Church, Salt Lake City, Utah
Miriam & Ralston Deffenbaugh
Ms. Dorothy A. Rossing
New Hope Circle ($2,500–4,999)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Brelje
Mrs. Marion F. Deffenbaugh
Dr. Judith Diers & The Rev. David Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Whipp D. Johnson
The Estate of Gertrude Panzenhagen
Warm Welcome Circle ($1,000–$2,499)
All Saints Lutheran Church, Bowie, Md.
Bethel Lutheran Church, Northfield, Minn.
Holden Village, Chelan, Wash.
King of Glory Lutheran Church, Dallas, Texas
Lutheran Church of Hope, Broomfield, Colo.
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Garden City, N.Y.
New Hope Lutheran Church, Columbia, Md.
Shamrock Five Foundation, Coraopolis, Pa.
St. John's Lutheran Church, Northfield, Minn.
Advocates ($500–999)
Augsburg Lutheran Home, Baltimore
Community Foundation for Greater
Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y.
Edina Community Lutheran Church,
Edina, Minn.
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of
New York Benevolence Fund,
Syosset, N.Y.
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church of
Washington, D.C., Rockville, Md.
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Fair Lawn,
Peace Lutheran Church, Alexandria, Va.
St. John-St. Matthew-Emanuel
Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, N.Y.
St. John Lutheran Church, Napoleon,
Mr. Rod & Mrs. Deanna Alferness
Ms. Pamela Bloom
Dr. Eugene L. Brand
Ms. Cassandra Champion
Mrs. Florentina Chiu
Ms. Victory P. Deffenbaugh
Mrs. Mara E. Dole
The Rev. Henry E. Ericksen Living Trust
Mrs. Bethany Hardy
Julie Heck
Mr. Randel Johnson
Frances Katrishen
Ms. Virginia D. Lynch
The Rev. William & Mrs. Marie Meyer
The Rev. Charles Miller & Ms. Gail
Ms. Carole B. Moore
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Nelson
Mrs. Kathleen E. Nordmark
The Rev. & Mrs. Howard W. Palm
Ms. Lois R. Pearson
Mr. Monroe & Mrs. Birdeen Putnam
The Rev. Paul & Mrs. Camille Rogers
Bishop & Mrs. Peter Rogness
Ms. Anna Stegemoeller
The Rev. & Mrs. James Sudbrock
Ms. Vanessa Thorsten
The Rev. Anita Varsbergs-Paza
Ms. Anne Wilson
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Winters
Mrs. Lisa Won
Neighbors ($100–499)
Ascension Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Baltimore
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
Bethany Lutheran Church, Crystal
Lake, Ill.
Bethany Lutheran Church, Cromwell,
Calvary Lutheran Church of Allendale,
Allendale, N.J.
Cheshire Lutheran Church, Cheshire,
Chin Baptist Church, Irving, Texas
Concordia Lutheran Church, Barefoot
Bay, Fla.
Cross of Peace Lutheran Church,
Shakopee, Minn.
Emmaus Lutheran Church, Eugene, Ore.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of
the Messiah, Parlin, N.J.
The Evangelical Lutheran Latvian
Church of Denver, Lakewood, Colo.
Faith Lutheran Church, Regent, N.D.
Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Huntington Station, N.Y.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Florham Park, N.J.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Decorah, Iowa
Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter,
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Immanuel Lutheran Church,
Glenvil, Neb.
Joy Reigns Church, Edgewater, Md.
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran
Church, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Lutheran Church of Providence,
Deltona, Fla.
Lutheran Church of the
Ascension, Northfield, Ill.
Lutheran Church of the
Atonement, Barrington, Ill.
Lutheran Church of the Cross,
Kent, Wash.
Lutheran Summer Music,
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church,
Arlington Heights, Ill.
The Prudential Foundation,
Princeton, N.J.
Roanoke College, Salem, Va.
Saint Luke Lutheran Church,
Nora Springs, Iowa
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran
Church, Apple Valley, Minn.
St. James Lutheran Church, Lake
Forest, Ill.
St. John Lutheran Church,
Carnegie, Pa.
St. John Lutheran Church
Women, Carnegie, Pa.
St. Timothy's Lutheran Church,
Timonium, Md.
SunTrust Bank, White Bear Lake,
Trinity Lutheran Church,
Roslindale, Mass.
The United Latvian Evangelical
Lutheran Church Of Cleveland,
Lakewood, Ohio
Wilmette Lutheran Church,
Wilmette, Ill.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Terry Abeles
The Rev. David & Joan Abram
Mr. Salih M. Abubeker
Rev. Amouzou Marceline Adjovi
Mr. Angelos Agok
The Rev. Albert R. Ahlstrom
Mr. Karl S. Alsens
The Rev. Albert A. Alsop
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Anderson
Ms. Kathi Anderson
Mr. Ademe W. Atlabachew
Ms. Norma J. Ayers
The Rev. & Mrs. Walter Baepler
The Rev. Dr. David & Ms. Gloria
Dr. Balas & Ms. DePreist
Ms. Mariama Bangura
Mrs. Beverly J. Barsy
Mrs. Joyce K. Battcher-Malchow
& Mr. Douglas Malchow
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert L.
Baughan, Jr.
Mr. Christopher Bawi
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The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Igor Bella
The Rev. Stan & Marie Benson
The Rev. Donald L. Berg
Mrs. Martha M. Bergeson
Carl & Ruth Berkobin Living Trust
Ms. Barbara A. Bernstengel
Mrs. Mildred Bernthal
The Rev. E. Berzins
Mrs. Jane E. Best
Mrs. Chrystal & Mr. Greg Blalock
The Rev. & Mrs. K. Bernell Boehm
Dr. Roger & Mrs. Aina Boraas
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Bowman
Ms. Betty Ann Boyd
Mr. Graham & Mrs. Mary Bright
The Rev. Gail Brodersen-Heins
Ms. Claire H. Buettner
Ms. Patrice C. Burd
Ms. Lois Burmeister
Ms. Janice Burrell
The Rev. Urbane Byler
Mr. Greg Chen
Ms. Kathryn K. Christenson
Mr. Juris U. & The Rev. Daira Cilnis
Mr. & Mrs. Emried Cole
Jan & David Conrad
Lucyanne Conte
Dick & Sharon Corken, Trustees
Ms. Crystal Corman
Ms. Tammy Oppel
Kem Cunningham
Ms. Penny Curry
Beverly & Roger Dahlin
The Rev. Bernard L. Danner
The Rev. Thomas E. Davison
Ms. Egigayehu F. Debalke
Mr. John Deffenbaugh
Mr. Paul Dermanis
Ms. Suzanne G. Deutschmann
The Rev. & Mrs. Oliver Dewald
Ms. Christine L. Dieck-Hillegas
The Rev. William Diehl
Mr. & Mrs. Karl F. Dietrich
Mr. Du Van Dinh
Ms. Judith Dirks
The Rev. Maynard & Mrs. Shirley
The Rev. Richard L. & Dr. Kay S.
Mr. Scott W. Eastman
Mr. Joshua & Mrs. Nicole ElliottMcGuffie
The Rev. Ronald & Mrs. Ruth
Mr. Donald & Mrs. June
The Rev. Paul R. Engwall
Ms. Ellen M. Erickson
Daniel & Karen Erlander
The Rev. & Mrs. Loren J. Espeland
The Rev. Eugene F. Fogt
Mrs. Theresa K. Foley
The Rev. & Mrs. Frederick Foltz
Mr. John A. Gai
The Rev. & Mrs. Dale G. Gatz
Mr. N. Hugh & Mrs. Joyce Geary
Ms. Christine M. Gedim
Ms. Hiep Gehm
Mr. Ghebremedhin-Asmerom
Ms. Melanie Gibbons
Dr. Victor Roland Gold
Mrs. Donna A. Grady
Mr. Turner C. Graybill & Mrs.
Jessica Crist-Graybill
The Rev. Paul N. Guebert
Mr. James & Mrs. Susan Gundlach
Mr. Zlatko & Mrs. Mirha Hadzic
The Rev. John & Mrs. Hjordis
Maria & Danny Hammons
Al & Chris Haversat
Mr. Jeffrey Hawks
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Ruth Henrichs
The Rev. Merill & Mrs. Bernice
The Rev. Carlos & Mrs. Maureen
The Rev. Donald & Mrs. Marilyn
Mr. Rick & Mrs. Debbie Hill
The Rev. Howard W. Hinkeldey
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hinsch
Mr. Carver Hla
Mr. Dung Hoang
Ms. Joyce Hoebing
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hoehl
Ms. Judith Hofmann
Mr & Mrs John Holman
The Rev. Larry J. Houff
The Rev. James Hougen
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew House
The Rev. William A. Hower
The Rev. Detlef Huckfeldt
Mr. & Mrs. David HuffmanGottschling
The Rev. Ralph & Mrs. Jacquelyn
The Rev. & Mrs. J. R. Richard Hunt
The Rev. Thomas & Mrs.
Constance Hurlocker
The Rev. & Mrs. Dwight A.
Ms. Hai L. Huynh
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert L. Isaksen
Ms. Anna Sunshine Ison
The Rev. Otto & Mrs. Gloria
Pastor & Mrs. James E. Janke
Dr. Richard & The Rev. Bonnie
The Rev. Jotham J. Jhang
Mr. & Mrs. David Johanson
Ms. Cynthia White Johnson
The Carl W. Johnson Family Fund
The Rev. & Mrs. I. Murray Johnson
The Rev. John H. Johnson
Mr. Eric V. Johnson
Mr Davis B. Kaneps
Joanne & David Karvonen
Ms. Danielle Kearney
The Rev. Dr. David R. Keck, Sr.
Mr. George A. Kegley
The Rev. John & Dr. Katherine Kidd
Mr. Tan Ngoc Kim
Chaplain James W. & Mrs. Lois B.
The Rev. Elmer J. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Eileen Klonglan
Ms. Angela Koester
Mr. William & Mrs. Gloria Koll
The Rev. C. B. Konkowski
Mrs. Kristin Harsh & Mr. Tom Koop
Gus & Nancy Kopka
Ms. Dorothy Kraemer
The Rev. & Mrs. William F. Krenz
Richard & Marlene Krenzke
Ms. Lois Svard & Mr. Peter K. Kresl
Ms. Brenda Krueger
Mr. Y K. Ksor
Mr. Mike Kull
The Rev. & Mrs. Ralph F. Kusserow
Ms. Lois I. Lane
The Rev. Dr. Karl F. Langrock
Mr. Donald P. Larsen
The Rev. Rebecca & The Rev.
Stephen Larson
Mr. Ngoc V. Le
Mr. Yah Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Lehr
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
6:29 PM
The Rev. & Mrs. Carl G. Lindell
The Rev. Fritjof T. Lokensgard
Dr. Eugene M. Lugano & Dr.
Marcia C. Boraas
Mr. Thomas Luley
The Rev. Barbara Lundblad
Dr. Charles & Mrs. Hertha Lutz
The Rev. & Mrs. Karl Lutze
The Rev. Tich & Mrs. Michelle Luu
Mrs. Wilhelmine Lysinger
Ms. Judith Mangubat
The Rev. Paul Manrodt
Ms. Dorothy Marple
Jean & Dan Martensen
Dr. & Mrs. Martin E. Marty
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Marty
The Rev. Milo & Mrs. Marilyn
The Rev. Janet H. & Mr. Todd
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mathsen
Mrs. Marvis Mayson
Mr. J. Kent McHose
Mr. Wesley McMahon & Ms.
Emily Burtt
The Rev. Kimberly Meinecke
Dr. Henry & Mrs. Pat Meinecke
The Rev. John C. Melin
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard Z. Meyer
Mr. Raymond E. & Mrs. Anna P.
The Rev. & Mrs. Harold J. Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Michals
Ms. Darlene Midlang
Mr. Gregory & Mrs. Ari Miller
The Rev. Richard & Mrs. Carolyn
Gale & Jan Miller
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert S. Miller
Paul & Marie Miller
Norm & Joanne Minich
The Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Molnar, III
Ms. Hope M. Moore
Mr. Darwin H. Mueller
Mr. Sahr Mustapha
Ms. Ma A. Nan
Ms. Lisa Negstad
Chaplain Sigurd & Mrs. Dianne
Dr. James & Mrs. Carolyn
Ms. Ha Thai Lu Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Dung Van Nguyen
Pastor & Mrs. Ron A. Nielsen
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Nielsen
The Rev. Eugene W. Nissen
The Rev. Orville & Mrs. June
Ms. Rose Nyirawimfura
Mr. Andrew & Mrs. Amy Nyren
The Rev. George A. Olson
Ms. Gloria Patterson
Mr. Dean B. Pedersen
The Rev. & Mrs. Gerald M. Peterson
Dr. Donald F. Peterson
Mark & Mary Peterson
Page 13
Mrs. Carol & Mr. Walter Petzold
The Rev. Will Peugeot
Ms. Ruth Pewu
The Rev. Lothar & Ms. Carolyn Pietz
The Rev. & Mrs. Edmond H. Plaehn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Puelle
The Rev. Aina & Mrs. Juris Pulins
The Rev. William M. Putman
The Rev. & Mrs. Larry D. Quanbeck
Mr. Jin Rahlan
The Rev. Eugene & Gerri Rall
Dr. Larry & Nyla Rasmussen
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Rudolph P. F.
The Rev. Amy E. Reumann
Dr. John & Martha Reumann
Profs. Nicholas V. & Arlene
The Rev. Elwood N. Rieke & Ms.
Lavon M. Driessen-Rieke
The Rev. & Mrs. James W. Ristvedt
The Rev. Carl & Mrs. Kathleen
The Rev. & Mrs. Oscar R. Rolander
Oren & Barbara Root
Ms. Brynhild Rowberg
Dr. Milton & Mrs. Carlene Rudnick
The Rev. & Mrs. Roland A. Saethre
The Rev. Paul & Mrs. Laurel
Mr. Steven R. Sarafolean
The Rev. John & Mrs. Janet Scherch
Ms. Susan Schmidt & Mr. Virgil
The Rev. Clint Schnekloth & Ms.
Amanda Grell
Ms. Crystal Schrader
The Rev. & Mrs. Edward H.
The Rev. & Mrs. Philip Schroeder
The Rev. Hugo W. Schroeder, Jr.
The Rev. Robert R. Schroeder
Ms. Jill Schumann
Mrs. Gunta P. Semba
Rev. Al & Mrs. Ruth Senske
Mrs. Marta Seres
The Rev. Earnest L. & Mrs.
Beverly Serr
Mr. William K. Shoemaker
Mr. Greg J. Shott
Mrs. Anne B. Siler
Ms. Lillian T. Simons
The Rev. & Mrs. John S. Sims
The Rev. Kenneth H. Smith
Ms. Annie Sovcik
Dr. Arne Sovik
Ms. Olive W. Spannaus
Mrs. Cindy Stadum
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Stahleker
The Rev. Dr. Harvey Stegemoeller
Ms. Beth Stickney
Ms. Ruta Straumanis
Bishop Paul & The Rev. Laurie
The Rev. J. Gordon & Mrs. Anne
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
Mr. Robert & Mrs. Jean Swayne
The Rev. Dermont F. Swicegood
Ms. Mia Thiam
The Rev. Karl & Mrs. Natalie Thiele
Dr. Aina H. Thomas
Mr. Arthur F. Thompson
Mr. Hla Thwin
The Rev. & Mrs. Jay M. Tichenor
Hank & Lynn Tkachuk
Paul & Tial Uk
Mrs. Mara K. Viksnins
Mr. Lawrence W. Vogel
Ms. Kaela Volkmer
Francis & Edna Wagschal
Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Cherri Wall
Mrs. Connie A. Ward
The Rev. John & Mrs. Edith Warther
The Rev. John & Mrs. Barbara
The Rev. & Mrs. Albert W. Weidlich
The Rev. Jack T. Welch
Dr. Lee H. Wesley
The Rev. Ed & Mrs. Vicky
The Rev. & Mrs. Griffith H. Williams
Mr. E. Seth Wilson
Ms. Elizabeth J. Wolfram
The Rev. Stuart Wright
Mrs. Sigrid J. Wright
Dr. & Mrs. Peter G. Yackel
The Rev. Kenneth A. Zabel
Ms. Paula E. Zwintscher
Friends ($1–99)
America's Charities, Chantilly, Va.
Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Newtown, Conn.
Computer Sciences Corporation,
Norfolk, Va.
Good Search, LLC, Los Angeles
Grace Lutheran Church, Lockhart,
Latvian Lutheran Church of
Willimantic Ladies Aid,
Willimantic, Conn.
Northwestern Pennsylvania
Synod, Oil City, Pa.
Southington Public Schools,
Southington, Conn.
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Clyde,
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, La
Crosse, Wis.
Valley of Peace Lutheran Church,
Golden Valley, Minn.
Anonymous (16)
The Rev. & Mrs. Rolf E. Aaseng
The Rev. Stanley & Mrs. Lynne
Miss Aina Abrahamson
The Rev. William W. & Mrs. Ruth
Ms. Peggy J. Adams
Mr. Ivo Agatic
The Rev. Dr. E. Jerome Alexis
Ms. Alice Allison & Mr. Glen Allison
Scott & Irene Amoros
Mr. Raymond A. & Mrs. Carolyn J.
Mrs. Dzidra B. Anderson
Ms. Amy Anderson
Ms. Elizabeth Mamie Anderson
The Rev. & Mrs. Marbury E.
The Rev. Robert L. & Mrs. Selma
B. Anderson
Vincent & Vickie Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Apinis
The Rev. Dr. William Arbaugh
Mr. Edward & Mrs. Diane Armbrust
The Rev. & Mrs. Roger V. Asplund
Ms. Ruth M. Auchenbach
Mr. Kossi J. Ayah
The Rev. Reuben & Mrs. Martha
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard C. Baker
Mr. Joseph Bangura
Mr. Bailor Barrie
Mr. Kenneth L. Bartels
The Rev. & Mrs. Paul J. Baughman
The Rev. & Mrs. Alfred Beck
Beckman Family Trust
The Rev. William C. Beckmann
Ms. Genet Begna
The Rev. Frank & Mrs. Joyce
The Rev. Charles V. & Mrs.
Lois J. Bergstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Berner
The Rev. & Mrs. Raymond C.
The Rev. LeRoy H. Beutel
Mr. Ivan Biley
The Rev. & Mrs. Edward H.
Ms. Anna Bondar
Ms. Tatyana Bondar
The Rev. & Mrs. Paul Borg
The Rev. Olaf G. Borge
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs.
Raymond M. Bost
The Rev. Victor L. Brandt
Ms. June F. Braun
Dr. Milford & Mrs. Annette
Ms. Judy B. Brockhoff
Ms. Mary S. W. Brownell
The Rev. Alton & Mrs. Marge
The Rev. & Mrs. George Buck
Mr. Elihu & Mrs. Helen Budd
Ms. Lyubov P. Bukreyeva
The Rev. & Mrs. Everett P.
Dr. David G. & Peggy Burke
Ms. Deh Paw Bwint
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Camberg
Mrs. Ha Cao
The Rev. Merle F. Carlson
Joseph & Kortoe Cassell
Mrs. Belinda Castro-Lee &
Mr. Keith Lee
Ms. Linda W. M. Cheng
The Revs. E. Corinne &
Herbert W. Chilstrom
The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. A.
Stanley Christensen
Mr. Ned S. Coates & Mrs.
Gayle Peters-Coates
The Rev. & Mrs. Donald
Fatoumata & Kadiatu Conte
Mr. Matt Converse
Ms. Betty Corcoran
Mrs. Dorothy S. Corell
Mr. Clem Z. Coverston
Ms. Eleanore Crosby
Mr. Khing D. Dal
The Rev. Kenneth & Mrs.
Eloise Dale
Amah & Stella D'Almeida
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Ilmars H.
Dambergs, USA (Ret.)
Mr. & Mrs. Dang-Khoa Tran
Ms. Mabel Dassin
Mrs. Marilyn A. David
The Rev. Milan Davig
Ms. Inez T. Davis
6:29 PM
Page 14
Ms. Mercy Davis
Ms. Raquel De León
Mr. David G. De Roo
Pastor & Mrs. Sigmund Decker
The Rev. Mark R. Degner
Mrs. Cleta A. DempseyKnoebel
Mr. Alexei Denissevitch
Mr. Mulatu Deressa
The Rev. & Mrs. George C.
The Rev. & Mrs. Edward J.
Santo A. Dicamillo
Mr. Joel A. Diemer
The Rev. Max H. Diemer
Ms. Sake Iffa Diriba
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Dixon
Mr. Kham T. Do
Mr. Quan Do
The Rev. Edgar A. Doering
The Rev. Paul O. & Mrs.
Dorcas K. Doering
Mr. Musa V. Donzo
Mrs. Helen L. Drake
Mr. Quoc K. Duong
Mr. David L. Easterbrook
The Rev. Kenneth & Virginia
Ms. Dorothy Eberhard
Mr. Roberto Eder
Mr. John F. Edstrom Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Edwardson
Rev. Paul Egensteiner
The Rev. David A. Ehline
Mr. Neil W. Elliott
Milo & Ruth Engelstad
The Rev. Willis F. Erickson
Mr. Louis J. Facchino, Jr.
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. Hamid Farah
Ms. Olivia Faries
The Rev. Dan & Bea Faust
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert H.
Ms. Margie P. Fiedler
Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard H.
Rev. Dr. Roger R. Fischer
The Rev. Dr. Carl & Mrs.
Miriam Fisher
Mrs. Joan Flanigan
Ms. Dianah Fogbawah
Mr. Felix Fomsi
Mr. Rafael Fonseca
Mr. Scott Francis
The Rev. Dr. Carl A. Fredrickson
The Rev. & Mrs. John H. Freed
Mr. Elmer Freibergs
Dr. & Mrs. Charles V. Freiman
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Frey
Mrs. June E. Fry
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Funseth
Mr. & Ms. Frederick K. Gable
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Galica
Mr. Adam M. Gamous
The Rev. Hal G. Geiss
Mr. Reuben T. George
Mr. Yousef E. Ghezelashegh
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Gilman
Mr. Tomislav Gligorevic
The Rev. Ted W. & Mrs.
Frances Goins
Mrs. Audrey P. Gordon
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon
Mr. E. Grandovskis
The Rev. Theodore V. & Mrs.
Barbara J. Granquist
Sandra & Steven Gratias
The Rev. Charles H. Greene
Mrs. Maija Grendze
Mr. John Grinbergs
The Rev. & Mrs. A. George
Lisany Guilarte
The Rev. & Mrs. Charles L.
The Rev. Stefan T.
The Rev. & Mrs. Harold I. Haas
The Rev. John & Mrs.
Frances Haeberle
Ms. Cheryl Hamilton
Ms. Barbara Hammond
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Hansen
The Rev. Maynard O. Hansen
The Rev. & Mrs. George
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert Harms
Ms. Carol E. Hartman
The Rev. Louis C. Haseley
Mrs. Gloria L. Hawkinson
Mrs. Ardath Heard
Ms. Dorothy M. Heieie
Pastor C. David Helgen
The Rev. & Mrs. John R. Heller
The Rev. Ernest Helmke
The Rev. & Mrs. James L.
The Rev. Donald & Mrs.
Bernice Henderschedt
The Rev. & Mrs. Frederick W.
Mr Nicholas Herman
Ms. Esther L. Herther
Ms. Adelaide Hetrick
The Rev. Sherman G. Hicks
The Rev. J. Carl Hillmer
Mr. Hai X. Hoang
Dr. James & Mrs. Ingeborg
Mrs. Ellen E. Hogenson
Vange & Earl Hogue
Ms. Joan E. Holland
Mrs. Bernelda Holmberg
Theodore & Betty E.
Mrs. Edith J. Housley
Mr. Duane C. & Mrs. Ann E.
Ms. Dolores E. Howard
The August &
Mildred Bernthal
The Bernthal Society recognizes
individuals who have designated
LIRS as a beneficiary of a planned
gift. For nearly a quarter century the
Rev. August “Gus” Bernthal served
as chairman of LIRS’s board. During
his pastoral ministry, Gus led his
Florida congregation to help resettle
over 300 refugees. His widow,
Mildred, continues their long history
of generous annual gifts to LIRS,
and the couple’s commitment to
the agency is reflected in their
estate plans. They have uniquely
provided a leadership example
for others to follow.
Mr. Benjamin A. Bankson
Mrs. Mildred Bernthal
Ms. Cynthia D'Agostino
Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh
Dr. Judith Diers
& The Rev. David Parsons
Ms. Judith Dirks
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hoehl
The. Rev. Roger Hoffman
& Mrs. Freda Hoffman
Mr. Louis Kovacs
The Rev. Dr. Edward May
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Meier
Ms. Darlene Midlang
The Rev. Ronald F.
& Mrs. Virginia A. Moen
Mr. Roger A. and Mrs. Mary E. Myhre
The Rev. Orville & Mrs. June Nyblade
The Estate of Gertrude Panzenhagen
Ms. Denise M. Peterson
Ms. Timatha Pierce
Ms. Julie Steele
Mr. and Mrs. William Swanson
Mr. William C. Tremitiere
Paul and Elise Werger, II
Mr. Eh T. Htoo
Mr. Ku Htoo
Ms. Tin Htwe
The Rev. John George Huber
Ms. Gertrude E. Hutton
Ms. Chau B. Huynh
Ms. Hong T. Huynh
Mr. Gia Kim Huynh
Mr. Luong H. Huynh
Dr. & Mrs. Phuong N. Huynh
Norman & Bernice Imbrock
The Rev. & Mrs. Marlin Ingebretson
Ms. C. Sue Isaacson
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
6:29 PM
Ms. Hilma Jacobson
Ms. Mary A. Jadwisiak
Ms. Doris Jankowicz
The Rev. Dr. Darrell Jodock
Mr. Everett L. Johnson
Mr. Harvey & Mrs. Gladys Johnson
Ms. Elisabeth A. Johnson
Ms. Emilia Johnson
Ms. Lorraine D. Johnson
Ms. Walida D. Johnson
The Rev. Bernard & Mrs. Phyllis
The Rev. Donald C. & Mrs.
Carolyn A. Johnson
The Rev. John F. Johnson
The Rev. & Mrs. Paul & Jenine
The Rev. Kjell Jordheim
Ms. Ellen U. Juhl
Mr. Meho Jusic
Pastor Norb Kabelitz
Svetlana & Vladimir Kachankova
Mr. Eldar Kadyrov
Mr. Gumaa & Mrs. Om Kafi
Mr. & Mrs. Valdis Kalnins
The Rev. Alan W. Kamens
The Rev. & Mrs. Charles W.
The Rev. & Mrs. C. Thomas
Mr. Stanislav Kaparchuk
Ms. Diana Karlen
Ms. Odette M. Kasal
Moses & Ruth Kear
Mrs. Sue C. Kearn
The Rev. & Mrs. Earl C. Kettler
The Rev. & Mrs. John H. Kidder
Ms. Joanne Kimball
Mr. Richard G. King
Ms. Barbara A. Kirk
Zora & Milorad Klasnja
Mr. Jack F. Klecka, Jr.
The Rev. Jay C. & Ms. Sandra H.
Page 15
Mr. Si Hau Dang Ma
Ms. Andrea MacLeod
Mr. Ernest Mah
Ms. Amira Mahmic
Mr. Thom & Mrs. Navay Mar
Zaw Pan Maran
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Marks
The Rev. Dr. Robert J. Marshall
Ms. Galina Martirosova
Ms. Nikki Massie
Mr. Armin Matinjanin
Mr. Maung Maung
Ms. Hazel McCaffery
Ms. Lyubov McHedlidze
Mr. Robert F. Merrill
Ms. Ruth Metzger
Ms. Carolyn A. Miller
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard P. Miller
The Rev. David E. & Carol W. Miller
Mrs. Althea L. Milton
The Rev. John & Joan Mittermaier
Mr. Abdulkadir Mohamed
Mr. Aweys A. Mohamed
Mr. Mohamed Mohamed
Mr. Benjamin Moore
Ms. Soua Moua
The Rev. Milton Muehlberger
Mr. & Mrs. Roy J. Mueller
The Rev. & Mrs. F. Peter Muhr
The Rev. & Mrs. George A. Mumm
Mr. Jeffrey T. Murray
Mrs. Ni Ni Mya
Mr. Ji Na
Mr. Kyaw Naing
Mr. Oleksandr Nazarchuk
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert T. Neilssen
The Rev. Clifford H. Nelson
The Rev. Norman A. Nelson
The Rev. & Mrs. Aaron A. Netzer
Mr. Chak Ng & Mrs. Ellen Newell
Mr. Khanh D. Ngo
Lang D. & Bach-Van T. Nguyen
Mr. Chi & Mrs. Nho Nguyen
Mr. Hieu & Mrs. Bich Nguyen
Mr. Loi H. Nguyen
Mr. Minh C. Nguyen
Mr. Quang H. Nguyen & Ms. Mai
T. Do
Mr. Thuan Nguyen
Mr. Tiem V. Nguyen
Mr. Tri Nguyen
Mr. Tuan G. Nguyen
Ms. Mai Nguyen
The Rev. John H. Nicolai
Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Nielsen
The Rev. Wayne & Erika Niemi
Mr. Bill Nienstedt
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Levchuk
Mrs. Kathleen E. & Mr. L. G. Lewis Ms. Jocelyn Nieva
Ms. Juliana Nimley
The Rev. Barbara A. Linder
The Rev. & Mrs. Fernard M. Norlien
Ms. Aye Loh
Ms. Olga Obregon
The Rev. Al & Laura Luehmann
Mr. Kenneth & Ms. Barb Olson
Ms. Christiana M. Lundholm
Ms. Liz O'Neill-Grobaker
Mr. Hong K. Ly
The Rev. Paul & The Rev.
Mr. Sinh B. Ly & Ms. Thinh T.
Geraldine Opsahl
Ms. Olga Orlovscaia
Mr. Sai Pho Ma
Mr. Leo R. Klohr & Mrs. Judy
The Rev. & Mrs. J. Lowell Knauff
Jim & Arlene Knutson
Pastor Klaus & Mrs. Ann Koch
The Rev. Glen C. Kollmeyer
Ms. Ruth Kopka
Mr. Salam B. Korkis
Mr. Pye Kpa
Ms. Florie M. Kpukumu
The Rev. Scott A. Kramer
Mr. Muhidin Kreho
The Rev. Paul & Mrs. Carol Kreyling
Ms. Lyudmila V. Kritina
Mr. Mamady Kromah
Ms. Carolyn A. Kron
The Rev. George E. Krumrey
Mr. Ramiz Kudic
Mr. Scott Kuhagen
Ms. Ja N. Labang
Ms. Elizabeth Lapainis
Dr. Leonard C. Larsen
Mrs. Lilita Lassen-Ward
Ms. Kyi Kyi Latt
Mr. Man Van Le
Mr. Nam V. Le
Mr. Phu V. Le
Mr. Quan N. Le
Ms. Lai Le
Mr. Seng Lee
The Rev. David A. & Mrs. Lorraine
M. Lee
The Rev. Otis & Mrs. Kathryn Lee
The Rev. & Mrs. Robert Lehmann
John & Eunice Lemkul
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
The Rev. & Mrs. Neal Ostruske
Mr. Magnus K. Page
Suihta H. Par
Ms. Gorpu Paye
Mr. Moses Peacock
Ms. Elaine Perry
The Rev. Thomas E. Petersen
Dr. Duane W. Peterson
Mrs. Ruth M. Peterson
Mr. Luong Van Pham
Mr. Toai Phu Pham
Ms. Ly V. Pham
Mr. Ky & Mrs. Ha Phan
Mr. Tho V. Phan
Ms. Fern L. Phipps
Mr. Yuriy N. Polishchuk
Ms. Manilal & Mr. Joti Popat
Ms. Sharon Porter
The Rev. Dr. Richard W. Powell, D.D.
David & Beverly Proctor
The Rev. Dr. John E. Quam & Ms.
Louise Quam
The Rev. William A. & Mrs.
Martha S. Radatz
Mr. Tol Rahlan
Ms. Astrida Ramrath
The Rev. Rudolph A. & Mrs. Irene
P. Ramseth
The Rev. John I. Reimold
The Rev. Phares O. Reitz
Dr. Sigrida Renigers
Mr. Janis M. Riekstins
The Rev. Dr. Dudley & Mrs. Mary
The Rev. & Mrs. Delbert C. Ring
Mr. Richard & Ms. Karen Rogier
Mr. Thit Rohlan
The Rev. Curt & La Mae Rohland
Mr. John Roll
Mr. Bom Romah
Gojko Rosic
Ms. Isabel Rossey
Ms. Natalia Rotari
Ms. Lauren Rymer
Ms. Christy & Mr. Edward Saling
Mr. Idrissa Sankoh
Ms. Fatmata Sankoh
Ms. Adela Khwaja Sarwar
Ms. Marilyn F. Saum
Ms. Mildred Savacool
Nenad & Snjezana Savicic
Pero Savicic
Dr. Edgar & Mrs. Peggy Schick
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Schilling
Mrs. Gertrude I. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Schneider
The Rev. Karl A. & Carolyn A.
The Rev. Harry Scholz
The Rev. & Mrs. Ronald E. Schoo
The Rev. & Mrs. C. L. Schreck
Mr. Henry R. Schriever
Mr. Stephen M. Seaward
Mr. Zahid Seho
Pastors Joseph W. & Bonnie H.
6:29 PM
Page 16
Your Gifts at Work: Building Hope Through Community Grants
Good Samaritan Fund Grant Recipients
In partnership with Wheat Ridge Ministries, LIRS
provides seed grants to Lutheran congregations
reaching out to immigrants in their communities
through social ministry. As church members provide
hands-on assistance to newcomers, they find
themselves transformed and enriched, as well!
Asylum & Immigration Grant Recipients
In partnership with the Presbyterian Church USA, LIRS
provides small operational grants and technical
assistance to organizations that provide legal programs
or outreach in detention centers. Their efforts give
hope to the most vulnerable immigrants, including
detained asylum seekers and torture survivors.
All Nations Lutheran Church—Memphis
All Nations Lutheran Church—Nashville
Bethesda Lutheran Church—Ames, Iowa
Christ Lutheran Church—Grand Rapids, Mich.
Christ Lutheran Church—Lincoln, Neb.
Dallas Oromo Mission—Richardson, Texas
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church—Glen Ellyn, Ill.
Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church—Huntington Station, N.Y.
Iglesia Luterana Jesus El Buen Pastor—Kansas City, Mo.
Immanuel Lutheran Church/Faith Worship Center at Immanuel—
East Lansdowne, Pa.
Lutheran Church of the Cross—Rockville, Md.
Lutheran Community Church—Watsonville, Calif.
Memorial Lutheran Church—Bremerton, Wash.
One in Christ Worship Community—Telford, Pa.
Oromo Evangelical Lutheran Church—Portland, Ore.
Our Savior Lutheran Church—Fremont Calif.
St. Michael’s Lutheran Church—Amagansett, N.Y.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church—Milwaukee
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church—Cleveland
Trinity First Lutheran Church—Minneapolis
Trinity Lutheran Church—Pelican Rapids, Minn.
Trinity Lutheran Church—Portland, Ore.
United in Faith Mission—Kennett Square, Pa.
Advocates for Human Rights—Minneapolis
Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition—Washington, D.C.
Casa Cornelia Law Center—San Diego, Calif.
Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project— Florence, Ariz.
Freedom House—Detroit
Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota—St. Paul
Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project—Portland, Maine
The Immigration Project—Granite City, Ill.
Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center—El Paso, Texas
Lutheran Community Services of Southern New England—West
Lutheran Social Services—New York City
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area—Falls Church, Va.
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest—Tucson, Ariz.
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska—Omaha
Na Loio Immigrant Rights & Public Interest Legal Center—Honolulu
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project—Seattle
Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center—York
Political Asylum Project of Austin—Austin, Texas
Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project—Boston
Refugee Immigration Ministries—Malden, Mass.
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network—Westminster, Colo.
Vermont Refugee Assistance—Montpelier
VIVE—Buffalo, N.Y.
The Rev. Sonja L. Selboe
The Rev. Robert & Mrs. Janet Seltz
Ms. Elizabeth A. Shelver
Mr. Scott Sherman
Frederick & Marlene Shilling
The Rev. Deane S. Shively
Mr. Kamara Sidiki
Mr. Michael J. Sielaff
The Rev. & Mrs. Renato Siewert
Mr. Edward & Mrs. Janet Simons
Ms. Sretenka Sisic
Mr. Y S. Siu
Ms. Margaret O. Smeby
Mr. A. Richard Smith
Mr. Clarence J. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth A. Smith
Ms. Sarah W. Smith
Dr. Thomas C. & Judith Smrcka
The Rev. & Mrs. Sohn
Sovannarorth & Samedy Sok
The Rev. & Mrs. Roger W. Spencer
The Rev. Jay & Mrs. Isa Spoonheim
Mr. Michael Steinbacher
The Rev. Paul H. Strege
Ms. Alma Strempke
The Rev. Robert & Joyce Strobel
The Rev. & Mrs. John L. Strube
The Rev. Walter M. Stuhr
Mr. Paul Sturm
Mr. Sabit & Mrs. Alisa Subo
Mr. & Mrs. Vasyl Sulakov
Ms. Gail Sullivan
Ms. Sharon Svihel
The Rev. & Mrs. Ronald L. Swenson
Maxine Swiggum
Mr. Gabriel Teran
Dr. John M. Than
Mr. Thawng N. Thang
The Rev. Linda Theophilus
Mr. James A. Thomas
The Rev. Allan R. & Mrs. Iris M.
Mr. Hlawn Thuan
Mr. Arvids & Mrs. Arija Timermanis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Timmons
Mr. George Ton
Ms. Mai Ton
Blessing Tor-Fode
Mr. Bich Tran
Mr. Long Tran
Ms. Kim L. T. Tran & Mr. Hai B.
Ms. Thanh-Tra Tran
Ms. Hsar K. Tray
Mr. Con T. Truong
The Rev. David & Florence Tuff
Mr. Osman Turay
Ms. Mirdza Udris
Mrs. Elza B. Ulpis
The Rev. Dr. Donald & Mrs. Carol
Mr. Aleh Usovich
Ms. Virginia Van Nortwick
The Rev. & Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. & Mrs. Osman Vanje
Mr. Jose Vargas
Ms. Lyubov A. Varivoda & Mr.
Pavel I. Varivoda
Mr. Martin A. Vasmanis
Ms. Svetlana I. Veletskaya
Ms. Leslie Velez
The Rev. & Mrs. H. Allen Vik
Ms. G. Esther Vincent
Ms. Milda E. Vitols
Mr. John Voker
Mr. Dich D. Vu & Ms. Lan Thi
Mr. Khanh Vu
Mr. Khoat Ngoc Vu
Ms. Nga T. Vu
Ms. Jean M. Wagner
The Rev. Nelson & Mrs. WalkerNelson
The Rev. & Mrs. Leslie Wassberg
The Rev. & Mrs. Edward
The Rev. Dr. Frederick & Mrs.
Marion Wentz
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Wenzel
The Rev. Dr. Robert A. West
The Rev. Carl M. Westby, Jr.
The Rev. Robert J. Wilde
Mrs. Carolyn R. Wilson
Ms. Julie G. Wilson
Ms. Mya Win
Ms. Ruth J. Woerner
Ms. Asnaku Woldetinsale
Mr. Darin Wood
Ms. Sue Woodling
The Rev. Allan & Mrs. Bonnie
Mr. Neng Thao Xiong
Mr. Renadiy A. Yanchuk
Mr. Vang Yang
Mr. Valentin S. Yermachkov
Mrs. Peggy V. Yost
Mr. Tun Zaw
Ms. Rita Zimulis
Ms. Antonina Zubova
Mr. Nermin Zuna
The Rev. Lauma Zusevics
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
Tribute Gifts
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LIRS was privileged in 2007 to participate in helping our donors celebrate special events and
pay tribute to their loved ones. Beginning in 2008, tribute gifts will be recognized periodically on
our website,
Celebrating Friends, Family & Dedicated Servants
Ms. Jutta F. Anderson, for the Revs. Stephen & Rebecca Larson
Dr. Roger and Mrs. Aina Boraas, for
Roger Boraas
Ralie Deffenbaugh
Daniel Lugano
Ms. Judy B. Brockhoff, for Margot Poscher
The Rev. Gail Brodersen-Heins, for John & Nancy Bugajski
Ms. Janice Burrell, for Marion Deffenbaugh's friendship
Ms. Kathryn K. Christenson, for LIRS (keep up the good work)
Jan and David Conrad, for Mr. Hung Pham (2 gifts)
Dr. Aina G. Dravnieks, for LIRS, in appreciation of help with
post-war Germany resettlement
Ms. Margie P. Fiedler, for Stacy Kitahata & Diakonda Gurning
The Rev. Dr. Carl and Mrs. Miriam Fisher, for Betty Morton
Mrs. Joan Flanigan, for Pastor Vernon Luckey
Mr. Adam M. Gamous, for his sponsoring organization, LIRS
Mr. Yousef E. Ghezelashegh, for Louise Amrikhas Fard
The Rev. Ted W. and Mrs. Frances Goins, for Mary Vena,
Ted Jr., John David & their familes, Peggy Duncan &
Therry N. Deal, and the Rev. Sam & Mrs. Barbara Goins
Mrs. Ardath Heard, for Louise Fisher
Mr. Nicholas Herman, for Emma Herman
The Rev. Donald and Mrs. Marilyn Hetzler, for the Rev.
Reuben C. Baerwald
Mr. and Mrs. John Holman, for Jane Anthon
The Rev. Robert Hosheit, Ph.D., for Amanda Hosheit (2 gifts)
The Rev. Larry J. Houff, for Binh Thai and Hoa Thai
Ms. Anna Sunshine Ison, for Milton and Helen Hanson
The Rev. Dr. David R. Keck, Sr., for David Saycocie
Mrs. Rhoda V. Larsen, for the late Rev. Dr. Donald H.
Larsen’s ministry at LIRS
Dr. Henry and Mrs. Pat Meinecke, for Gene & Betty Ballard
Gale and Jan Miller, for Ralston Deffenbaugh
Norm and Joanne Minich, for George Russ
Mr. Sahr Mustapha, for Ms. Finda Morsay (6 gifts)
Ms. Ma A. Nan, for Sai Kan & Ei Sing
Ms. Gorpu Paye, for those in need
Mr. Monroe and Mrs. Birdeen Putnam, for Jeff, Tracey &
Zachary Putnam; and Tracey Putnam, Dominic
Costelleoriazo & Chandra Putnam (2 gifts)
The Rev. and Mrs. Larry D. Quanbeck, for Elmer Quanbeck
Dr. Larry and Nyla Rasmussen, for Judy Diers
The Rev. and Mrs. James W. Ristvedt, for the children &
grandchildren of the W.R. Vinovskis Family
The Rev. and Mrs. Roland A. Saethre, for Bernice Saethre
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schilling, for Hildegarde Weiss
Pastor Clint Schnekloth and Ms. Amanda Grell, for John &
Cynthia Schnekloth
Ms. Jill Schumann, for Ralston Deffenbaugh
Ms. Sretenka Sisic, for Boris Sisic
The Rev. and Mrs. Ronald L. Swenson, for Margaret Aarestad
Dr. John M. Than, for Paul Zk Pai Uk
The Rev. Linda Theophilus, for Emanuel Lutheran Church
Council, Pittsburgh
Hank and Lynn Tkachuk, for Kristin Danielson
Francis and Edna Wagschal, for Ms. Lois Fitch
Mrs. Carolyn R. Wilson, for Roger & Sally Gieschen
Ms. Ruth J. Woerner, for Betty & Karl Shannon
Celebrating Those We Serve
Mr. Salih M. Abubeker, for Luz, detained immigrant
Ms. Genet Begna, for all African refugees
Celebrating Weddings & Anniversaries
Mr. Turner C. Graybill and Mrs. Jessica Crist-Graybill, for
Josh Magyar & Susan Iversen’s wedding
The Rev. Alton and Mrs. Marge Bruning, for Mr. & Mrs. Merl
Terry’s 50th anniversary
Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh, for
Belinda Castro and Jon Lee’s wedding
Wesley Mc Mahon and Emily Burtt’s wedding
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon, for her anniversary with the late
Charles Gordon
The Rev. Alan W. Kamens, for his 40th anniversary
Lutheran Church of the Cross, Kent, Wash., for the anniversaries
of Mr. & Mrs. Ric Kube, Mr. & Mrs. Brent Stockman, Mr. &
Mrs. Don Pfeiffer, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schumacher, Mr. &
Mrs. Gene Martin, Mr. & Mrs. Al Russell, Mr. & Mrs. Tom
Weise, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Urban, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Reichert,
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bussey, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Anderson,
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Pohl, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ginter
The Rev. Clifford H. Nelson, for his 69th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Nielsen, for Susan Krehbiel & Norman
Lazarus’ wedding
Ms. Jocelyn Nieva, for Susan Krehbiel & Norman Lazarus’
The Rev. and Mrs. Roger W. Spencer, for Sue & Carlton
Meier’s 40th anniversary
The Rev. Allan and Mrs. Bonnie Wysocki, for their anniversary
Celebrating Birthdays
Dr. Judith Diers and The Rev. David Parsons, for Judith's
The Rev. John Halvorson and Mrs. Hjordis Halvorson, for
Pastor Fred D. Dommer’s birthday
Mrs. Bethany Hardy, for Kian Joseph Hardy’s birth
Ms. Esther L. Herther, for her sons’ birthdays
Ms. Ruth Kopka, for Gustav Kopka’s birthday
Ms. Lillian T. Simons, for Sharon Heck's birthday
Maxine Swiggum, for the Rev. Paul Hasvold’s birthday
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
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Celebrating Other Special Occasions
Mr. Salih M. Abubeker, for Christmas & Eid
Ms. Peggy J. Adams, for Stephen Spencer's 8th grade graduation
Dr. Roger and Mrs. Aina Boraas, for Ralie Deffenbaugh, Roger S.
Boraas and Eugene Lugano on Fathers’ Day
Ms. Esther L. Herther, for her sons’ birthdays
The Rev. Glen C. Kollmeyer, for his 60th anniversary in the LCMS
Ms. Elizabeth Lapainis, for coming to America in 1948
Mr. Ernest Mah, for Liberia's Independence Day
Mr. Monroe and Mrs. Birdeen Putnam, for Christmas
Mrs. Mara K. Viksnins, for the 57th anniversary of her family's arrival
in the United States
Celebrating The Memory of Loved Ones
(Listed by honorees’ names)
Delwin Anderson, by Dr. Roger and Mrs. Aina Boraas
Mrs. Marty Barta, by Mrs. Marion F. Deffenbaugh
Elvira & Elmer Battcher, by Mrs. Joyce K. Battcher-Malchow and Mr.
Douglas Malchow
Elizabeth Beck, by Ms. Ruth M. Auchenbach
Cheryl Anne Bergstrom, by The Rev. Charles V. and Mrs. Lois J. Bergstrom
Ms. Irene Bernhoft, by The Rev. Sonja L. Selboe
The Rev. Dr. August Bernthal, by Mrs. Mildred Bernthal (2 gifts)
Russell Bloom, by
Ms. Danielle Kearney
Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh
The Broedels, by Mr Nicholas Herman
Mary Chrichlow, by Mr. Livingston Chrichlow
Jim Coontz, by The Rev. Ronald F. Moen
John Dau, by Ms. Sharon Svihel
Father of Harry DeVerter, by Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh
Morris Everett, by Norm and Joanne Minich
Toma K. Fogbawah, by Ms. Dianah Fogbawah
The Rev. Louis Frillmann, by Norm and Joanne Minich
Jim Glasoe, by the Rev. Dan and Bea Faust
Charles Gordon, by Mrs. Dorothy Gordon
The Rev. Robert L. Gordon, by Mrs. Audrey P. Gordon
Rosa Musolf Grenz, by Ms. Norma J. Ayers
Alice Griffin, by Ms. Lois I. Lane
Alide Grinbergs, by Mr. John Grinbergs
Ms. Patricia A. Gromax, by Mr. Steven R. Sarafolean
The Rev. G. Guttormsson, by The Rev. Stefan T. Guttormsson
The Rev. & Mrs. Carl Hafermann, by Mrs. Beverly J. Barsy
The Rev. Rich Heins, by The Rev. Gail Brodersen-Heins
Constance E. Helgen, by Pastor C. David Helgen
Alfred L. Hetrick, by Ms. Adelaide Hetrick
Mrs. Edna Hong, by Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh Elizabeth
Hoover, by Ms. Manilal and Mr. Joti Popat
Dr. Michael Liang, by Ms. Elaine R. Bryant
August & Fredericka Huseman, by The Rev. and Mrs. Dwight A.
Aaron Johnson, by Dr. James and Mrs. Ingeborg Hofrenning
Lois Julius, by Mrs. Martha M. Bergeson
Li Sai Karr & Daeo Ei Sing, by Ms. Ma A. Nan (2 gifts)
Viiu A. Klein, by The Rev. Elmer J. Klein
The Rev. Richard Knudten, by The Rev. and Mrs. Edward Weiskotten
Barbara Knutson, by Jim and Arlene Knutson
The Rev. Dr. Donald H. Larsen, by
Mrs. Rhoda V. Larsen
Mr. Donald P. Larsen
Winifred May, by Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh
Ruth Miller, by The Rev. Charles Miller and Ms. Gail Wagner-Miller
Mrs. Joyce Mize, by Ralston and Miriam Deffenbaugh
Nels Quam, father, by the Rev. Dr. John E. Quam and Ms. Louise Quam
J. J. Roberts, by Mr. Ernest Mah
John & Caroline Rohland, by The Rev. Curt and La Mae Rohland
The Rev. Santiago Fernandez, by Mr. Gabriel Teran
Leona Schumann, by The Rev. Earnest L. and Mrs. Beverly Serr
Mr. Addison P. Seward, by Mr. Stephen M. Seaward
Carol Smith, by Norm and Joanne Minich
Walter Sterner, by Frederick and Marlene Shilling
Donald & James Thies, by Ms. Ruth J. Woerner
Walter & Hilda Thies, by Ms. Ruth J. Woerner
Carl E. Thomas, by Mrs. Patricia A. Thomas
The Rev. Henry L. Tomsuden, by
Southington Public Schools
Mr. Elihu and Mrs. Helen Budd
Mr. Richard G. King
Ms. Sharon Porter
Hai Tran, by The Rev. and Mrs. William F. Krenz
Ralph Van Nortwick, by Ms. Virginia Van Nortwick
Fred & Frieda Wassberg, by The Rev. and Mrs. Leslie Wassberg
Alinda Weiss, by Mr. Minh C. Nguyen
Pastor George & Kay Whetstone, by The Rev. Ed and Vicky Whetstone
Photo Credits
front cover—Eduardo L. de Oliveira; page 2—Ann Johansson; page 3—Diane White Rosier; page 4—Sergio Medina;
page 5—Donna Buckles; page 6—Michelle Brané; page 7—Lutheran Services in Iowa; page 8—James Gordon; page 9–UNHCR/E. Compte Verdaguer;
page 11—Florentina Chiu; page 12—UNHCR/B. Heger; page 14—Lucian Coman; page 16—Henrik Groth-Andersen; page 17—Liz O’Neill;
page 19—Robin Thom (; back cover top—UNHCR/B. Heger, bottom—Lindsay Stark
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
Our Partners
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The continuing support and partnership of the following agencies made it possible for LIRS to serve
and advocate in 2007 on behalf of the vulnerable but hopeful refugees, asylum seekers and other
immigrants who come to us from all over the world.
Church Bodies
Children’s Services Partners
LIRS’s sponsoring national church bodies supported the agency
through funding and missional direction.
F denotes agencies that LIRS partnered with to provide foster care
to unaccompanied refugee minors—those who come to the United
States alone, or whose families become unable to care for them
after their arrival here—through our agreement with the
Department of State. A denotes partners that provide foster care
services to other immigraion children—unaccompanied alien
minors—under an LIRS cooperative agreement with the Office of
Refugee Resettlement (ORR). R denotes family reunification
services partners—who provide suitability assessments and followup services for unaccompanied alien children at risk for
exploitation, such as human trafficking, or need other special
protection—also through the agreement with ORR.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod World Relief
Government Agencies
Various agencies of the federal government funded many areas of
LIRS’s program services.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families, Office of
Refugee Resettlement
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees
and Migration
Bethany Christian Services—Little Rock, Ark. R; La Miranda,
Calif. R; Indianapolis R; Grand Rapids, Mich. F A
Community Counseling of Southern Utah—Cedar City R
Crittenton Services for Children and Families—Fullerton,
Calif. R
Family Preservation Services of Florida—Ft. Pierce R
Refugee Resettlement Partners
Grace Adoptions—Conway, Ark. R
Under a cooperative agreement with the Department of State,
Hosanna Homes—Castro Valley, Calif. R
LIRS worked through these local agencies to provide reception
Lutheran Child and Family Services of Illinois—Addison R
and placement services for newly resettled refugees. M denotes
Lutheran Children & Family Services of Eastern
sites that helped newcomers achieve self-sufficiency more quickly
through the matching grant program.
Pennsylvania—Mechanicsburg R; Philadelphia F A
Lutheran Community Services Northwest—Seattle F A R
Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Ministries—Chicago
Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas—Greensboro, N.C. R
Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service—Los Angeles
Lutheran Family Services of Colorado—Lakewood R
Lutheran Children & Family Services of Eastern
Lutheran Family Services of Indiana/Kentucky—Louisville R
Pennsylvania—Lancaster M & Philadelphia M
Lutheran Social Services of New York—New York City R
Lutheran Community Services Northwest—Portland, Ore.;
Lutheran Family Services of Virginia—Richmond R
Seattle & Vancouver M, Wash.
Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas—Greensboro M & Lutheran Ministries of Alabama—Montgomery R
Lutheran Services Florida—Tampa R
Raleigh M, N.C.; Columbia, S.C. M
Lutheran Family Services of Colorado—Colorado Springs M Lutheran Services in Tennessee—Nashville R
Lutheran Services of Georgia—Atlanta R
& Denver M; Casper, Wyo. M
Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey—Burlington R
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska—Omaha M
Lutheran Services Florida—Longwood M, Miami M & Tampa M Lutheran Social Ministry of the Southwest—Tucson, Ariz. R
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota—Brainerd & St. Paul R
Lutheran Services in Iowa—Des Moines M & Waterloo
Lutheran Social Services of Michigan—Lansing F A R
Lutheran Services of Georgia—Atlanta M
Lutheran Social Services of New England—Boston F A,
Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey—Trenton M
Springfield R & Worcester, Mass. F A
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota—Minneapolis M &
Social Services of New York—Jamestown R &
Pelican Rapids
Hempstead R
Lutheran Social Services of Michigan—Battle Creek, Grand
Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota—Fargo F
Rapids M & Southfield M
Lutheran Social Services of New England—Hartford, Conn. M; Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida—Jacksonville R
West Springfield M & Worcester, Mass. M; Concord, N.H. M Lutheran Social Services of Northern California—Concord R
Lutheran Social Service of Utah—Salt Lake City R
Lutheran Social Services of New York—New York City M &
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota—Sioux Falls F
Staten Island
Lutheran Social Services of Southern California—Fullerton R
Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota—Fargo M &
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area—
Grand Forks M
Washington, D.C. F & Falls Church, Va. R
Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida—Jacksonville M
Social Services of the South—Austin R & Dallas F,
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota—Sioux Falls M
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area—
Baltimore M & Silver Spring M, Md.; Falls Church, Va. M Refugee Services of Texas—Houston R & Austin R
Santa Clarita Community Development Corp.—Santa
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest—Phoenix M &
Clarita, Calif. R
Tucson M
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin & Upper Michigan—
Milwaukee M
Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees—Utica, N.Y. M
Opening Doors, Inc.—Sacramento, Calif.
Refugee Services of Texas, Inc.—Dallas M, Fort Worth M &
Houston M
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
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Legal Services Partners
LIRS partnered with these agencies to provide
immigration legal services in their communities.
Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Ministries—
Lutheran Children & Family Services of Eastern
Lutheran Community Services Northwest—
Portland, Ore.; Seattle, Wash.
Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas—
Greensboro, N.C.
Lutheran Family Services of Colorado—Denver
Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska—Omaha
Lutheran Services Florida—Longwood & Tampa
Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey—Trenton
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota—
Lutheran Social Services of Michigan—Southfield
Lutheran Social Services of New England—
Worcester, Mass.
Lutheran Social Services of New York—New York
Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota—Fargo
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota—Sioux
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital
Area—Falls Church, Va.
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest—
Phoenix & Tucson
Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees—
Utica, N.Y.
Opening Doors, Inc.—Sacramento, Calif.
Legal Orientation Program
In partnership with the Vera Institute of Justice, LIRS
delivered legal rights presentations to immigrant
detainees in conjunction with these local agencies.
Bernardo Kohler Center—Kyle, Texas
Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center—York
Political Asylum Project of Austin—Austin, Texas
Detained Torture Survivors
Legal Support Network
With funding from the Office of Refugee Resettlement,
LIRS coordinates a nationwide network of legal service
hubs for torture survivors held in immigration detention.
These agencies provided such services in 2007.
American Friends Service Committee—Newark, N.J.
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of New York—
New York City
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Newark—
Newark, N.J.
Catholic Charities Legal Services, Archdiocese of
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)/
Loyola New Orleans Law Clinic and Center for
Social Justice—New Orleans
Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project—
Florence, Ariz.
Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center—Miami
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society—Chicago
Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center—York
LIRS Is Ever Grateful
for Your Support!
The generosity of our partners and friends makes it possible
for LIRS to continue our long legacy of welcome to
newcomers. Your gifts enable us to advocate on behalf of
refugees and asylum seekers, to make travel loans to reunite
refugee families, to mobilize churches and individuals to aid
immigrants, and to remain a leader in promoting the welfare
of unaccompanied children.
Your gifts make a difference
to vulnerable immigrants and refugees!
Your gifts make a profound difference. They are a life-giving
blessing to those who have fled persecution because of their
ethnicity or race, political or religious beliefs, or membership
in a particular social group. And your acts of giving help them
make this journey from fear to freedom, from horror to
healing and from dependency to self-reliance.
Give More Through Thrivent’s Matching Gift Program—
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans can help you contribute even
more to LIRS! If you are a benefits member or own Thrivent
mutual funds or life insurance products, your gift will be
matched $1 for every $2 donated. For more information on
the GivingPlus® program, visit
Thank you for your continued support!
We are honored that you have chosen to stand with us—in
service, seeking justice—for America’s newcomers!
For more information on ways to support LIRS,
please visit or call 410/230-2773.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service • 2007 Annual Report
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700 Light Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Since 1939 Lutheran Immigration
and Refugee Service has worked
with service, advocacy and
educational partners nationwide
to bring new hope and new
life to America’s newcomers.
LIRS resettles refugees, protects
unaccompanied refugee and
migrant children, including
victims of trafficking, advocates
for fair and just treatment of
asylum seekers, seeks
alternatives to immigration
detention and stands for
unity for families fractured by
unfair laws.
LIRS is a cooperative agency
of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America, the
Lutheran Church—Missouri
Synod and the Latvian
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America. With initiative
and stewardship, LIRS
seeks creative solutions for
uprooted people regardless
of race, ethnicity or
religious beliefs.
For more information on
how you can learn, speak
and act on behalf of
vulnerable immigrants,
please visit