Winter - Fianna Hills POA :: Home
Winter - Fianna Hills POA :: Home
FIANNA NEWS FALL/WINTER 2009 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: ***TIME TO PAY YOUR 2010 MEMBERSHIP DUES*** If you have received a color copy of the newsletter this means you have paid your 2009 dues. If your copy is in black and white your dues unpaid and due by December 31, 2009. 2010 FIANNA POA ANNUAL MEETING JANUARY 21st 6:30pm FIANNA HILLS COUNTRY CLUB REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED! ALL FIANNA RESIDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! DO NOT PLACE GARAGE SALE OR OTHER SIGNS. In the median on Jenny Lind! If you do, they will be removed and disposed of. The median and flower bed is maintained by the Parks Department and signs are prohibited on park property. The FPOA is working with the City Parks Department to keep our median beautiful! The usual 3-4 garage sale signs stuck in front of or in the flower bed and main entrance sign every weekend does not make for a beautiful entrance to our neighborhood. NEIGHBORHOOD PROBLEM SOLVING MEETINGS The Fianna area participated in the City of Fort Smith Problem Solving Meeting program this year with a set of 3 meetings and follow up meetings. To keep the crowd to a manageable size we split the area into three sections. The first meeting was for the area of Brooken Hill and north and was attended by about 12 residents and only 2 attended the follow up meeting. The second meeting was for all residents to the east of Jennylind and south of Brooken Hill and just over 50 residents attended the initial and follow up meetings. The third area included Jennylind and homes to the west and was also attended by just over 60 residents with the follow up meeting to be held on December 10 at Fianna Baptist Church. There will be a final comprehensive follow up for the entire Fianna area at the FPOA annual meeting on Thursday, January 21st at 6:30 pm located at the Fianna Hills Country Club. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE The website contains the newsletter, all the covenants, handy phone numbers, board of directors information & more! Check it out today! Email us your comments and suggestions for what you would like to see included on the website! Page 2 FIANNA NEWS FIANNA NEWS FROM YOUR FPOA PRESIDENT Membership has not only fallen short of the goal of 500 members for this year, at only 269 as of publication time we are actually 41 members less than 2008. I realize some of us like to put this off till the end of the year so we will have a few more come in before the end of next month, but we are disappointed that the extra effort the board put forth this year to increase membership did not pay off as we had hoped it would. We each mailed letters and renewal notices to unpaid members and several of us walked the neighborhood and left renewals at homes or talked to residents in person. We still get one main reason for not joining and that is that the FPOA doesn't do anything. I sound like a broken record, but without funding (your dues) we cannot do anything. Remember all dues are payable by January 31st of each year and at only $35 per year we are still the most affordable POA in Fort Smith. We have made progress with correcting covenant violations this year and have two main entrance projects underway including a NEW sign face and expanding the landscaping to include seasonal color! We have added to the holiday flag display and instituted a neighborhood watch program with FPOA board members patrolling the neighborhood along with installing 12 new watch signs. We have a long list of things we would like to do but we can’t do any of it without YOUR HELP! Fianna has participated in the Fort Smith Police Department’s Problem Solving Program this fall with mixed results. The first of three meetings was held on August 13 from 6:00-8:00pm at the Grace Community Church on Brooken Hill for all residents on Brooken Hill and to the north. Only about a dozen residents attended that meeting, however their questions were addressed by city staff and the follow up meeting had no residents attend. The second meeting on September 24th included all homes to the east of Jennylind and south of Brooken Hill and was well attended by about 10% of the total residences at just over 50 in attendance. The final area, Jenny Lind and west was held November 5 with just over 60 in attendance. There will be a final follow up meeting in conjunction with the annual FPOA meeting which will be at FHCC at 7pm, January 21. The FPOA board of directors are is continuing an active campaign to notify residents of covenant violations and help to eliminate them. We have had some success this summer in correcting several long term violations even though we had to get our legal counsel involved to resolve the violations. Those of you who have received notices and have complied and corrected the violation, THANK YOU for helping Fianna be a better place to live. In closing, I would like to wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope to see each of you at the FPOA Annual Meeting! Mike Lorenz 2009 FPOA President NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS 2010 FPOA BOARD MEMBERS! Know someone you think would be an asset to our neighborhood? Would you like to be more involved in our community? Nominations may be made by phone, email, mail or in person at the annual meeting! FIANNA NEWS Page 3 Lawn Care Tips & Techniques Even with winter upon us, it is time to be thinking about next year’s yard care. Proper winter maintenance and fertilization combined with a few good quality lawn care techniques and your lawn will look amazing. Try installing these techniques in your daily care. When you have the right lawn care techniques in your pocket, you can be proud to own your home. Many find that having a good looking lawn and garden is just what they need to have pride in owning their home. There are many ways that you can accomplish this, and having the right lawn care techniques can make it that much easier. Simple Things You Can Do Now One of the most important things for you to consider is having the right tools available to you. This includes a good lawn mower. This basic necessity should provide you with the right power for your yard. Consider the right lawn tractor for a larger yard, but be sure to keep with a push mower when you have a small yard. When it comes to mowing, this is one lawn care technique you cannot be without. You need to keep the lawn mowed so that the grass will continue to grow well. Some wild grass types should be kept longer, of course, but you still need to control them correctly. Appropriate Watering This lawn care technique is one that confuses many. Do not under rate the importance of having a well watered yard. A good quality lawn sprinkler system is important as it will help to water a large area regularly. If your climate allows for a wet enough weather patterns, you may not need this. If your yard has too much water, be sure to monitor for the growth of mushrooms as this is something common here. All of your plants need to get enough water. When you have new plants and grass, they will need more water as their root system is still growing. Aeration and Thatching Another lawn care technique to consider is that of aerating your yard. This removes plugs or makes small holes in the grass area. This should be done during the spring months. This allows more air to enter the ground and helps to get moisture and nutrients to the root system. You may also want to consider having the yard thatched in the spring. This removes all of the dead or dying grass and allows for healthy new grass to grow instead. BOATS, UTILITY TRAILERS AND RV’S Please remember that your Fianna covenants require all trailers, RV’s, and watercraft to be stored out of site of public view. This applies to trailers of all type as well as all RV’s or camping trailers along with boats, jet skis, etc. There is an increasing number of residents who are keeping utility trailers stored in plain sight at their homes. If you are one of these folks, please make arrangements to store your trailer out of public view to protect all of our property values! Also, remember if you have any questions regarding covenants they are available at or call 648-1696 to report violations you do not have to leave your name. Page 4 FIANNA NEWS CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 479-646-4243 BEAUTIFUL HAIR BEAUTIFUL NAILS CLASSY ATTITUDES Missy Littleton– Cosmetologist Anita Johnson– Nail Tech Becky Bugh– Massage Therapist Lisa Conyers-Cosmetologist 6206 South 31st St. Fort Smith, AR 72908 FIANNA NEWS PAGE 5 PAGE 6 FIANNA NEWS Bobbie Miller Ronnie Udouj Tom Cannava Margaret Cannava Principal Broker John Hagen Julie Hagen Executive Broker Brinda Garrett Rachel Brown #1 in Real Estate Sales for 2008 As the developer of Fianna Hills, we know the area. Jeanette Jones Bruce Smola Fred Patterson Call the name you can trust. Bradford & Udouj will promote your property. We advertise more than our competitors. Check out our huge Sunday ad in the Southwest Times. Among advertising in all the real estate Connie Ellis magazine, we advertise on the real estate channel Cablemart,,,, & provide curb side flyers. Public Open Houses and Realtor Open houses are also a plus when you list with us. Jim Grady We do more than just stick a sign in your yard! 2605 Market Trace 479-646-5539 Susana Siebenmorgen Tanya Roberson Aundrea Hanna Brenda Harvel Hollie Byers Sue Shields Ashley Boyd Ellie Glidewell Nick Glidewell Lisa Mundai Jim Simmons Jim Morocco FIANNA NEWS PAGE 7 AUTOMATED REFUSE COLLECTION PROGRAM The Fort Smith Sanitation Department will begin servicing the Fianna area with Automated Refuse Collection in July 2010. Fort Smith’s automated refuse collection program saves residents money and improves efficiency by using technology to pick up and empty city-provided carts instead of relying on manual heavy lifting. Because this automation allows one person to do the work that used to require two or three, rates can remain stable for longer periods and everyone in the community saves money. We have also organized our automated collection program in a way that beautifies the community by providing a cart that does not detract from the aesthetics of the neighborhoods with its uniformed design, because household waste, yard waste and recyclable material are all picked up on the same day – thus eliminating the need for containers to be set out more than once a week. Fort Smith residents are provided one city-owned, 95-gallon cart or a smaller 65-gallon cart. These expertly designed carts have close-fitting lids to help eliminate litter, odor, animal and insect problems. Residents wishing to obtain an additional cart can do so for a mere $5 per month. The city is also happy to provide, upon request, a 32-gallon recycling container, which can be used for materials like steel and aluminum cans, corrugated cardboard and newspapers. We also encourage residents to collect glass bottles and jars to be set out separately for collection. Wheels can be placed on recycling containers upon request. Please do not put hazardous waste, yard waste or dead animals in your cart. We ask that residents place their containers 18 inches from the street and three feet apart from each others. For more information: WWW.FORTSMITHSANITATION.COM Arkansas Christian Counseling Dr. Tom MacMahon, L.A.C., MA, DMin, MDiv, BSC Relationship in trouble? Stressed? Depressed? Don’t put off getting help! I can help you get your life back on track. Call today for your FREE confidential session. 479 452-3466 Fort Smith Central Mall, Suite 525 confidential session. $75 per hour, first session no charge PAGE 8 FIANNA NEWS ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US! FULL PAGE $115 HALF PAGE $75 QTR PAGE $45 BUS. CARD $25 SPACE IS LIMITED! CALL OR EMAIL WENDY TODAY! 648-1696 [email protected] FLAG SPONSORS Thank you to Bradford & Udouj Realtors, Wilburt Vault, The Hosler family, Precision Graphix and the Fianna POA for purchasing flags so we can have them displayed from the sign all the way to the Glen Flora median cut we plan to continue the flag program and eventually be able to display flags in the entire median on major flag holidays. If you or your company would like to sponsor one of the flags contact Mike Lorenz at [email protected]. The cost is $50 annually, per flag to have your company’s name displayed next to a flag pole (tentatively), in the newsletter and the homepage of Due to the potential for a new city ordinance regarding signs such as these and others, we may not be able to display the signs in the future. However, we will provide the signs to the sponsors and they can display them in their yard at the times the flags are displayed in order to let their neighbors know they have helped fund the flags in the median project started in 2008 as well as listing all flag sponsors at FIANNA NEWS Page 9 FEATURING 18 Hole Golf Course 4 Tennis Courts Newly Remodeled Fitness Room Junior Olympic Swimming Pool Fort Smith’s Finest Dining Come join the Club! Contact Gary at (479) 646-7861 VIOLATION NOTICE PROCEDURES I know some people feel singled out when they receive a violation notice, however we must enforce the covenants fairly and equally without exception. For example, we cannot ignore a $85,000 boat sitting in a driveway because it is nice and tell the neighbor down the street he can’t park his $500 dented, rusted fishing boat piled full of gear and tackle in his driveway. Our procedure for notifying violators of the situation has changed in recent years in order to protect our volunteer board members from hostile situations that can occur from time to time. When a complaint is received, a board member will personally verify the violation and a letter will be sent to the violator, however if there is a city ordinance violation, the FPOA will refer the situation to the City of Fort Smith Neighborhood Services Department and let them handle the problem. We also refer problems to other departments such as the police department if the situation warrants such. Please do keep in mind, all FPOA board members are volunteers and we are only doing the job that is required by the FPOA covenants and do not take any situation personally. Many times, residents don’t feel their violations are a problem until a neighbor creates a violation that bothers them. Please remember the covenants that are in place were created when Fianna Hills was originally developed, this is nothing new and they apply to EVERY lot in all Fianna Subdivisions. While there has been a period of relaxed enforcement, the covenants are still in effect and the FPOA will do everything in its power to enforce these covenants. Presorted-Standard U.S. Postage Paid Fort Smith, AR Permit No. 704 P.O. Box 180182 • Fort Smith, AR 72918-0182 FPOA ANNUAL MEETING JANUARY 21, 2010 6:30 PM Refreshments Provided All Fianna residents are encouraged to attend! This will serve as the final combined follow up for the Neighborhood Problem Solving meetings. Guest speakers, review of 2009, election of 2010 FPOA Board members, question and answer session! Pay your 2010 dues at the meeting and be entered in a drawing for a prize!
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