
May 21st
on this special Shabbat as we
dedicate a new Torah Crown
732-246-3100 fax
“Keter Torah”
MAY 2016
Celebrating 180 years of the Temple - Oh what a fantástico night it was!
in memory of Harriet Tabak, to
adorn the previously dedicated
Harriet Tabak Torah.
Special Kiddush to follow sponsored
by Joe Tabak and family.
Join us at the
Loretta Flam z”l
Memorial Lecture
With Guest Speaker:
Rabbi Geoffrey A. Mitelman
on Sunday, May 22 - 9:30 a.m.
It’s About Time.
Time is a funny thing. We experience
time going fast or slow and some
moments are more important than
others. So what is the nature of time?
What’s the difference between physical
time and psychological time? And how
does Judaism understand and help us
mark our days, weeks and years?
No fee for nembers; Non-Members $10
Light breakfast will be served.
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Rabbi Eliot Isaac Malomet
Rabbi Emeritus Yakov R. Hilsenrath zt”l
Hazzan Randall Levin
President Elect
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
David Brotman
Ira Cohen
Nanette Cohen
Lawrence Fineberg
Carey Glass
Marty Golden
Phil Goldwasser
David Greenblatt
Sheldon Freidenreich
Zoltan Kemeny
Stuart Feinblatt
Dr. Barbara Chabner
Barry Sherman
Financial Secretary Arnold Schifman
Recording Secretary Joy Kuchinsky
Dr. Peter Heimann
Marc Herman
Sue Kheel
Ira Kizner
Sherri Lerner
Steve Lerner
Carrie Mitnick
Uri Mittler
Lisa Morgan
Barbara Parkoff
Stanley Ravens
Henry Salmon
Linda Schmidt
Marcia Shiffman
Al Tondow
Jerry Trub
Men’s Club Presidents: Marty Golden and Larry Klioze
Sisterhood President: Marsha Goldwasser
Jacob Willner z’l
A. Harry Freedman z’l
Louis Beck z’l
David Michelson z’l
Philip Susswein z’l
Abram Freidberg z’l
Harry Kroll z’l
Stuart Katz z’l
Daniel Rockoff z’l
Barbara Cohen
Edward Cohen
Dr. Marlene Herman
Dr. Hans Fisher
Karl Ringel z’l
Dr. Theodore Stahl
Gertrude Klaus
Arthur Cohen
Dr. Theodore Sulzberg
Albert Rappaport
Dr. Elliot Brooks
Benjamin Schall
Edward Guttenplan
Roy Tanzman
Kevin Leff
Hon. Gayle Brill Mittler
Fred Morgan
Dr. Peter Schild
Stuart Mitnick
Samuel Kamens
Carl Levy
Dr. Mitchel Rosen
Linda Tondow
Charles Mandel z’l
Arline Schwartzman
Ira Susswein z’l
Joseph Tabak
Hon. Herbert Tanzman z’l
Mazel Tov
Muriel and Stanley Haber on the birth of
their great-grandson, Meir Mazuz.
Anne Glatt on the engagement of her
granddaughter, Natalie Weinberg, to
Max Dolitsky.
Anne and Rabbi Joe Novick on the birth of
their grandson, Israel Horan.
Lita and Jeffrey Greenberg on the Bar
Mitzvah of their grandson, Jack
Marian Campisi, Bonnie Freidenreich,
Susan Greenstone and Bernice
Bernstein on being honored by
Hadassah at their Youth Aliyah Brunch.
Yosefa Lebeau and Dov Nelkin on the Bar
Mitzvah of their son, Amitai Nelkin.
Ana and Kevin Werbel on the Bat Mitzvah
of their daughter, Arielle Werbel.
Stacey and Craig Lampert on the Bat
Mitzvah of their daughter, Hayley
Heather and Philip Kibel on the Bat
Mitzvah of their daughter, Rose Kibel.
Barbara and Steve Parkoff on the Bat
Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Rose
Michael Brill in honor of his special
Janet Robinson in honor of her special
Ted Sulzberg in honor of his special
Lila Schwartz in honor of her special
Dorothy Weiss in honor of her special
It’s not too early to think of
listing your graduates, from middle
school to doctoral program, in the
June/July/August issue of the
KIRUV. So, please submit the
name of your graduate, along with
the school he or she is graduating
from and the degree he or she is
obtaining (when appropriate), to
the KIRUV or call the Temple Office
(732) 545-6482 before the May 3rd
Scholarship Shabbat
Saturday, June 18
Come hear a few of our scholarship
recipients as they talk about what they
experienced last summer!
We would like to thank all those who
generously donated beautiful baskets to
the Shul. You just might recognize them
at the next Kiddush or Simcha or on the
welcome table.
Nahamu Nahamu
Eric and Diane Weinberg on the loss of Eric’s
mother, Sheila Weinberg.
Jonathan and Alyssa Siegel on the loss of
Jonathan’s mother, Toby Siegel.
Steven and Suzette Kolb on the loss of Steven’s
father, Herbert Kolb.
Family and friends of Marion Holdowsky.
Lil Prince on the loss of her brother.
Francine Kritchek and Hy Zimmerberg in
honor of their special wedding
Sara and Jay Culang in honor of their
special wedding anniversary.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of
their special wedding anniversary.
Iris and Elliot Ramer in honor of their
special wedding anniversary.
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Sheldon Freidenreich, President
I would like to describe what has been
happening in some of the Temple committees.
• The Fundraising Committee, led by
Barbara Parkoff, has been meeting to explore
potential future programs.
• The Safety and Security Committee,
under the leadership of Steven Pasichow, has been
updating the Temple’s Emergency Action Plan
and has been looking into security issues. Steve
has begun including a safety/security tip in each
Kiruv issue.
• The new Israel Affairs Committee has
been formed. Under the direction of Rabbi
Joseph Novick, the purpose of the committee is to
provide information about Israel and to propose
programs that could be included in the adult
education offerings.
• Last year the Constitution Committee
proposed changes to the synagogue constitution
which were adopted June, 2015. This year, under
the tutelage of Larry Fineberg, the committee has
been exploring changes to the by- laws. The bylaws describe the roles and functions of the
standing Temple committees.
• As a participant in partnership with the
Grinspoon Foundation and the Jewish Federation
in the Heart of New Jersey, the Temple now has a
Life & Legacy Committee. The purpose of the
committee is to seek and encourage commitments
of legacy gifts to the Temple. After completing
initial training and writing a plan of action, the
committee is now beginning to have
conversations with members about legacy giving.
Please take the time to talk with a committee
member if you are contacted.
• The Bikkur Cholim Chessed Outreach
Committee, under Nanette Cohen and Marlene
Tarshish, has been very active in providing meals,
phone calls and/or visits to members. Nanette has
been working in partnership with Jewish
Federation and the Wilf Senior Campus, to
arrange accessible transportation for designated
Shabbat services and other Temple events.
• Under the direction of Henry Salmon,
the Investment Committee has been working to
provide better management for the Temple’s
investments. While previously, each individual
designated fund had its own investment account,
going forward all Temple funds with a few
exceptions will be comingled, allowing the
Temple to obtain a better rate of return without
increasing risk or incurring changes to our
investment policy. Although the funds will be
comingled, our accounting practices will
maintain separate fund values.
• The Library Committee, led by Anne
Greenberg, has been active in maintenance of the
library book inventory as well as creating displays
of books for the various holiday periods.
As you can see there has been much
accomplished by our committees and this list
does not even include the Family Programming,
Religious, Membership, CAE Legacy, Holocaust
Remembrance, Holocaust Memorial, Cantorial
Shabbat, AJA/Adult Education, Film Series,
Above & Beyond Daycare Committees as well as
Sisterhood and Men’s Club.
A few weeks ago we recognized all our
volunteers at Volunteer Shabbat. Close to 300
names were listed. There is so much that goes on
at the Temple, but without our volunteers
working with our staff, the Temple would not be
the home we have come to expect. Much thanks
goes to everyone who has contributed their time
to these efforts.
May Happenings:
Many years ago a group of Temple
members got together to create a very special
tapestry. Each was given a section to hook.
When all of the sections were completed they
were sewn together into the massive tapestry that
occupied the rear wall of the old Kroll
Auditorium. This work of art brought a very
special feeling to the room especially knowing
about the love and effort that went into the
project. The artist behind the tapestry was
Mordechai Rosenstein. Some years later a second
Rosenstein tapestry was added above the ark in
the old sanctuary.
Renewing our long association, renowned
artist Mordechai Rosenstein will be coming to the
Temple Thursday, May 12 through Sunday, May
15 for several special events. There will be
opportunities to hear and learn from the artist,
including a display of his work, discussions and a
family art program. This is an event that you will
not want to miss.
Remembrance Day and You
Wednesday, May 4 • 7:30 p.m.
The Holocaust Remembrance and Education Committee
will present our Annual Yom Hashoah Commemoration -- A Service of Remembrance,
a Moment to Reflect, a Time to Speak Names, a Need to Preserve, conducted by Rabbi
Eliot I. Malomet.
our head Custodian for 15+
years is RETIRING
in early June.
When you see him at
Kiddush or around the
building – wish him well.
He will be missed by us all!
Reading the
Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz
Starting May 5 at 8 p.m.
(6 sessions)
As the oldest surviving statement of
Rabbinic Judaism, the Mishnah is
arguably our most sacred text after the
Torah. Yet its contents are still unknown
to the majority of Jews. We will survey
its contents and ask why it became so
successful in shaping the basic patterns
of Jewish life, even as it was truly known
only to an elite class of scholars.
Cost: Members $50; Non-Members
$60 for all sessions
Save the Date!
Annual Congregational
Meeting and Elections
Thursday, June 16 at 8 P.M.
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Marsha Goldwasser, Sisterhood President
March and April were once again packed
with Sisterhood activities of all types that
showed our versatility and desire to touch all of
our members. The month began with our
Craft Afternoon. Over 30 women and children
joined together to learn to make either a wire
woman’s kippah or beaded bracelets. I am sure
you have seen the fruits of our labors during
Leading up to Passover, Sisterhood once
again sponsored its Annual Pre-Passover Food
Drive for Jewish Family Services. Thank you to
those who donated to help JFS provide kosher
for Passover food to those members of our
greater community who are in need. As always,
a portion of our Purim card sales revenue was
donated to JFS to help them purchase
additional food items.
Tuesday, March 15 was the Sisterhood
and Raritan Valley Chapter of Hadassah
Annual Meeting.
Lt. Col. Tiran Attia
fascinated us with the story of the creation of
“Special in Uniform,” a unique program to
integrate special needs young adults into the
Israel Defense Forces. This program is just
another example of the amazing things
happening in Israel.
May begins with a first, our second joint
meeting with the Raritan Valley Chapter of
Hadassah. On Tuesday, May 10th, please join
us at the Temple for the next installment in
Raritan Valley Hadassah’s Areivut series. Corey
Schneider, past president of the Women’s
League for Conservative Judaism, will speak
about the recent WLCJ mission to Cuba’s
Jewish communities.
Purim! A big kol hakavod goes out to
our co-chairs, Carol Shapiro and Rochelle
Epstein for the beautiful “Sprinkling of Israel”
packages. I hope everyone has enjoyed their
treats, some of which were even Kosher for
Passover. Thank you to our delivery chair, Sara
Goodman Hand and to Nanette Cohen and
Sue Kheel for sending out cards. Todah rabah
to those who came out to help us pack the bags
and to our drivers for helping Sisterhood spread
some Purim joy to the entire congregation.
Finally to the patrons and sponsors of the
project, thank you for your ongoing support of
Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner will take place on
Friday, May 13th. Cooking together is always
a highlight of our year and I hope you will join
us as we shop, chop, and prep for this
wonderful evening. This year the dinner will
feature a presentation by renowned Jewish
artist Mordechai Rosenstein.
Shabbat, please join us for Pinot and Painting
with our Artist in Residence. No experience is
necessary to enjoy this night of color and wine.
Invitations for both events are in a special
April began with our Spring Book
Discussion of “Death of a Diva” written by our
resident author, Brigitte Goldstein. The
fascinating discussion facilitated by Tova
Friedman was hosted by our author herself.
Thank you both for a wonderful morning.
Up next was our second night of Belly
Dancing with Sigal. We all had fun while
burning off some lasting Purim calories before
jumping into our Passover preparations. The
class was a nice addition to our regular Monday
night Zumba classes.
Please join us on Thursday, June 2nd as
we honor our immediate past president, Teri
Manes, at the inaugural Garden State Region of
Women’s League Women of Achievement Chai
Tea. This beautiful event will take place at
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael in Springfield and is
open to all Sisterhood members.
Finally, please mark your calendars for
Monday, June 6th for our Annual Neshama
Awards and Installation Dinner.
The HPCT-CAE Community is Happy to
Welcome it’s Newest Members:
Jean Belowich joins our congregation. Jean is realtor. She has three adult children and
resides in Highland Park.
Heather and Matthew Nover reside in Highland Park. Matthew is a Rabbinical
student and Heather is a Student Assistant Counselor
Everyone is invited to a
Special Presentation
Tuesday, May 10 – 7:30 p.m.
“Cuba’s Jewish
Community” A Small
and Determined Group
Perpetuating Judaism
with Guest Speaker,
Cory Schneider
Cory will share a fascinating
presentation of
Women’s League recent humanitarian
trip to Cuba.
RSVP to Susan Winter –
[email protected]
Save the Date!
for Sisterhood’s Installation
of Officers and 13th
Annual Sisterhood
Neshama Award Dinner
Monday, June 6 – 6:30 p.m.
More detailed information
will be in the mail soon!
Marlene Pomper z”l
Memorial Lecture
in Jewish Literature
Sunday, June 5 at 9:30 a.m.
Professor Barry Seldes
Help save a life
and do a Mitzvah
Men’s Club Blood Drive
Welcome New Members
Sunday, June 26
8:30 am – 1:45 p.m.
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Marty Golden and Larry Klioze, Co-Presidents
Spring is here, Passover has just passed,
and the Men’s Club remains busy.
progressive middle-class
Democrats in New Jersey.
Men’s Club Shabbat took place on April
2nd. Men’s Club members read Torah and
Haftorah. We had several Aliyot, and the Men’s
Club Choir led the congregation in other parts
of the service. The Men’s Club sponsored the
Milestone-style Kiddush that was enjoyed by all
As usual, we have several exciting events
on the upcoming calendar:
The Men’s Club distributed Yellow
Candles to the congregation to commemorate
Yom HaShoah.
These candles are in
remembrance of the 6 million Jews who
perished in the Holocaust. If you have not yet
sent in a donation for your candle, we ask that
you please do so. Proceeds from your
donations go to support USY and Kadima
Summer Camp scholarships. We also remind
you to light your Yellow Candle the evening of
May 4th.
On April 10th, several members of the
Men’s Club participated in the Ezra Schwartz
Memorial FIT (For Israel Team) 5K run/walk
in New Brunswick. Ezra Schwartz was
planning on attending Rutgers University when
he was murdered by terrorists in Israel. The
event raised money for the Rutgers Hillel
Center for Israel Engagement (RHCIE) – the
first permanent pro-Israel center at any Hillel
in America. RHCIE is a model of excellence in
Israel engagement, education and advocacy on
campus. 100% of the FIT 5K proceeds are
going directly to funding Israel programming at
Rutgers Hillel.
The Men’s Club also hosted an
interesting discussion with Phil Murphy about
the issues impacting New Jersey families, which
was moderated by Matt Hale. Phil Murphy is
the former United States Ambassador to
Germany and the Chair of New Way for New
Jersey. Everyone in attendance was able to hear
about the organization’s plans to promote a
Sometime in May or June (date TBD)
will be our annual athletic competition with
USY. The details were not finalized by press
time, so watch your email and listen to
announcements about time, place and this
year’s sport. No matter the details, it promises
to be a good time for all.
On June 5th, we have our 4th Annual
Pre-Shavuot Wine and Cheesecake Tasting.
This is always a popular event where we get to
taste a fine selection of Kosher wines and
sample several different delicious cheesecakes
baked by Men’s Club members (or more likely,
their spouses).
On June 26th, we will hold our SemiAnnual Blood Drive. Watch your mail and the
Welcome Table for more information as we get
closer to the date.
The Northern New Jersey Region
(NNJR) of the Federation of Jewish Men’s
Clubs (FJMC) is conducting a fundraising
raffle. Half the proceeds from the raffle ticket
sale stay right here with the HPCT-CAE Men’s
Club and helps us support many programs at
the Temple. Tickets are $2 each or $18 for a
book of 10. Prizes include an $1800 Visa Gift
Card, a $750 Visa Gift Card and three $100
Visa Gift Cards. The drawing will be held
during the NNJR Presidents’ Dinner,
Wednesday, June 15th at 9:00 PM at
Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, NJ.
You need not be present to win. Please contact
any Men’s Club Board member to inquire
about selling or buying tickets. Also, contact
any board member for more information about
attending the Presidents’ Dinner, where you
can witness the next Men’s Club President
being installed.
June 3rd – 5th will be the Men’s Club
Multi-Region Retreat being held at the
renovated Camp Zeke, Lakewood, PA. NNJR
will join with three other regions for a weekend
of learning, davening and fun! Regional and
club subsidies are available making the retreat
very affordable. Please contact either Marty
Golden or Larry Klioze for more information.
If you have not done so already, it is not
too late to send in your Men’s Club dues
payment. Become a member and be one of the
guys. This promotes growth in our shul.
Watch your mail and our Facebook page
for announcements about other exciting Men’s
Club activities that are currently in the
planning stage. We also encourage you to
attend all possible services and activities at the
Temple including daily Minyanim. Feel free to
let us know of any feedback or programming
[email protected]. You can
also use that email address to ask to be
subscribed to our mailing list, and you can
follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Thank you again for your continued
Save the Date!
Men’s Club Pre-Shavuot Wine
and Cheesecake Tasting
Sunday, June 5 • 7 p.m.
Sample Kosher wines. Enjoy
delicious cheesecake.
Watch for the flyer with more information!
The Seventh Annual Suzanne and Sandor Gross Memorial Cantorial Shabbaton, held February 19-20, was spiritual and entertaining.
We were treated to the rich voice and beautiful chazzanut of Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz, beginning with Kabbalat Shabbat and ending with a delightful Melave
Malka after the conclusion of Shabbat.
We wish to express our gratitude to our generous benefactor, Dr. Lynne Harrison, as well as to Renée and Stuart Feinblatt and Judy and Steven Gross
for all of their support. Thank you to Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein and Marc Weinstein for their gracious hospitality to Cantor Shiovitz and to
our superb office and custodial staffs. And, as always, we are most grateful to both Rabbi Malomet and Hazzan Levin for their guidance.
We offer a special Todah Rabah to Barbara Schild and Nona Schwartz and to all who shopped, prepared and served, too many to mention. It was a
wonderful Shabbaton for our Congregation and we look forward to next year's event.- Lisa and Fred Morgan, Linda and Phil Schmidt
Todah Rabbah to Lisa and Fred Morgan and Linda and Phil Schmidt, for again outdoing yourselves with the Seventh Annual Suzanne and Sandor
Gross Memorial Cantorial Shabbaton. We are also grateful to all the other Temple members who volunteered their time and skills in making this year's
shabbaton such a great success. We also would like to thank Rabbi Malomet, Hazzan Levine, Beth, Diane and Linda and the custodial staff for all their
efforts. We are very appreciative of everything you do and look forward to celebrating the Eighth Annual Shabbaton next year. - Renée and Stuart Feinblatt
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
We would like to say thank you to all of those who participated in the reading of the Megillat Esther this Purim. The readers were:
Phil Goldwasser, Noam Goldwasser, Rose Gellman, Nesya Nelkin, Marsha Goldwasser, Mikaela Zirin, Jonathan Ehrlich, Rabbi Stephanie
Dickstein, Michael Rosenberg, Mona Zamick, Audrey Gellman, Ron Sucher, Gaby Marantz, Asher Weinstein, Marc Goldring, Rabbi Sara
Rich, David Goldfarb and Hazzan Randall Levin.
Now that all the hamantashen have been eaten, we would like to thank: the Purim Committee – Marsha Goldwasser, Teri Manes,
Lynette Seader, Debbie Gerber, Sara Goodman Hand, Nanette Cohen, Mindy Golden and Sue Kheel; the office staff, especially Beth; the
custodial staff, especially Silva and Hector; and all those who volunteered, young and old, who helped pack and deliver all the Mishloach
Manot bags. A special shout out to Simona Moyal and Elaine Rand Fromkin, who helped with the delivery routes; and Patsy Davidson
who procured coupons for us to use for Passover and everyday products. We hope you enjoyed all the goodies as much as we did.
Thank you. – Rochelle Epstein and Carol Shapiro, Purim Committee Co-Chairs
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Studio J Theater's Fools
The reviews are in: "There was a punchline every minute!" "You really had to pay attention because you didn't want to miss a joke!"
"[Our kids] have been in several plays and this was, by far, the best, most complete, with set, lighting, sound, etc."
"Everyone did such an excellent job on stage and behind the scenes...Terrific production all around."
"Good choice for comedy...everyone had a good time"
You know the saying, “It takes a village to put on a play.” Well, thank you, to the people of our village who made this production a success:
Linda Tondow, Beth Spurr, Diane Kurucz, Hector Luna, Silva Souza, Sheldon and Bonnie Freidenreich, David Greenblatt, Dianne
Denenberg, Ezra Rich, Helene and Bob Knee, Udi Shorr, Rabbi Esther Reed, Ravit Duncan, the Sinoff family, Amitai Nelkin, Ayala Jones,
Natalie Artel, Suzy Mor, Joseph Omansky, Marnie Kean, Jonathan Davis, Spencer Brooks, Heather Nover, the Jewish Federation in the
Heart of New Jersey, and to everyone who came to see the show and has supported Studio J Theater
with kind words, genuine good luck, and hearty Mazal Tovs!
For more information on Studio J Theater, email Director Stacy Greenblatt at [email protected].
Highland Park Kadima has been having a lot of fun the past few
months! Whether it has been making snow globes in the winter or
building birdhouses in the Spring, Kadima knows how to have FUN!
Along with that, Highland Park Kadima has decided to give back to
the community and donate a birdhouse to the synagogue. Upcoming
is our chocolate seder and other fun spring filled activities.
USY has been making the most of the last few weeks of winter.
We learned that a lot of members of our chapter are incredibly musically
inclined at our Jam Session. In addition to being very musically talented,
we are also are very competitive! The final results of our mall scavenger
hunt were extremely close, so both teams got ice cream. One of our most
exciting events thus far has been pizza making at Jerusalem Pizza. Each
USYer received their own dough, cheese and sauce and Jerusalem Pizza
cooked them for us! Yummm... Speaking of delicious, how could we
forget our Purim event, which included making hamantashen out of rice
crispy treats?
As always we welcome anyone who is 11-14 who wants to make new
friends! If you have any questions feel free to contact Meredith at
[email protected].
We are looking forward to our future events including bowling, a
chocolate seder and a movie night! Stay tuned for announcements of our
upcoming events! If you would like to join the listserve, please e-mail the
Highland Park USY Advisor at [email protected]. We can't wait
to see you soon and are looking forward to our warm spring events!
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
The students and staff at Above & Beyond are as
busy as ever, celebrating holidays, learning and
having fun!
We ushered in the month of Adar with a
festive dinner and show for all of the Above &
Beyond families. This event was well attended
and everyone enjoyed the unique juggling and
magic show. The celebrations continued on
Shushan Purim when the children paraded
through the Temple in their best Purim costumes,
much to the delight of their audience of parents,
Temple members, and the participants of the
JFVS seniors CAMEO program. After the
Help Us Celebrate Our
on Saturday, June 11th
A YOUTH full Shabbat, full of YOUTH!
We will have special services, a Ramah
Shabbat-style breakfast and
see our youth “in action!”
parade, the children noshed on hamantashen,
and enjoyed a special puppet show.
As always, Pesach was an especially busy,
happy holiday at A&B. The children learned
lots of Pesach songs and made special projects, so
that they could be active, interested participants
at their family Seders.
The preschooler’s green thumbs were busy
planting seeds, watering and watching their
radishes, carrots, peas and beans grow. Their
plants were so successful that we repotted them
in the planters outside and we anticipate tasting
the fruits of their labor soon!
We are excited to announce
that our new Daycare
Playgound is almost ready
for dedication!
Soon you will see our Above & Beyond
students enjoying their new playground! We
thank our donors for making this playground
possible. The playground and a memorial
garden will be named in memory of the
children of our generous donors. Thank you,
as well, to Sisterhood for their significant
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
We shined our shoes and grabbed our hats to celebrate HPCT-CAE
Cuban style with food, drinks and Salasa dance.
Havana Gala
Thank You!
We want to thank....
Brenda Tanzman, Marlene Herman,
Linda Schmidt, Len Khodorkovsky,
Lynn Sherman, Stacy Greenblatt ,
Lisa Zimmerman, Bonnie
Freidenreich, Amy Shakun, Marsha
Goldwasser, Sue Kheel, Linda
Diamond and Linda Tondow and all
those who lent a helping hand and
for the wonderful job they all did
planning the Havana Gala. They
worked so hard to make the evening
such a FUN night!
We also thank all those who
solicited Ads, Jewels, Directory and
Tributes to make an outstanding
online journal that can be visited at
on our website, www.hpct-cae.org.
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
The Temple has been very busy with Men’s Club, Sisterhood and Youth events galore!
See what has been going on!
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
(If you are not already receiving notification about a yahrzeit, and would like to, please contact the Temple Office.)
Paul Goodman, Edward Greenstone,
Raymond Kirschner, Henry Klein, David H.
Strumeyer, Harry Berkowitz, Louis Dakelman,
Max Moskowitz, Benjamin Talmadge, Irving
Falk, Anna Jacobs, Albert Lagowitz, Harry Teich,
Samuel Feinberg, Margo Schild, Jacob Shyken,
Jack Belowich, Emanuel Friedberg, Ida Mitnick,
Alvin Ricks, Rose Ringel, Rose Silverman, Wilbur
Silverman, Hans Fried, Sol Gorelick, Abraham
Kleinrock, Annette Osband, Osias Rosen, Ilene
Shaffer, Nathan Dwin, Joseph Bernstein, Mary
Goldstein, Harry Horwitz, Helen Pritz, Rose
Risch, Nathan Schwartzman, Estelle Footerman,
Leona Lebovitz, Melvyn Motolinsky, Cecile
Parkoff, Theodore Schreier, Ann Farber, Seymour
Friedberg, Rose Gitterman, Herbert Narod,
Nettie Kahn, Rose Berman, Harry Ravens, Irving
Rubinoff, Martha Slusky, Lena Goldberg, David
Menell, Martin Rothberg, Max Shiffman, Isabel
Ginsberg, Simon Goldberg, Seymour Rogers,
Irving Belowich, Mary Cohen, George Golden,
Rebecca (Betty) Rosenblatt, Paul Silverman,
Minnie Barras, Reuben Seagull, Pearl Belsh, Alex
Breslin, Sara Kanarek, Sally Marshall, Elsie
Schwartz, Ethel Rabinowitz, Richard Shaffer,
Jacob Shmukler, Marvin Solomon, Samuel
Jacoby, Walter Kimel, Esther Siederer, Evelyn
Botvinick, Abraham Harfe, Sarah Lesser, Joseph
Federman, Anne Greenberg, Morris Smilowitz,
Helen Stollman, Rose Tanzman, Harry
Silverman, Anne Ehrenfeld, Herman Gabowitz,
Fred Gordon, Nathan Messer, Bertha Shapiro,
Jason Feinberg, Shirley Marcus, Jacob Fishberg,
Philemon Frisch, Lilyan Kanter, Paul Mittler, Jack
Niederman, Sarah Pleet, Herbert Rand, Matthew
Appell, Louis Cheiten, Elaine Davidson, Philip
Goodman, Harry Sternberg, Adele Cohen,
Bennie Cohen, Natalie Dickstein, Fred Frankel,
Dora Bartner, Lena Dwin, Harold Kizner,
Benjamin Schenerman, Rubin Gruman, Clara
Hoffman, Freda Levine, Morris Mandel, Hinna
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, May
4th, we hope to have our new Holocaust
Wall installed. If the actual wall is not
ready, you will be able to see a rendering
of the wall.
You should have just received a
beautiful brochure detailing opportunities
for congregants to contribute information
to the wall. Please note that this project
will be ongoing and you will have ample
opportunity to provide information.
We are so grateful for the assistance of
Len Khodorkovsky and Udi Shorr for the
design and writing of the brochure.
Thank you to the rest of the committee:
Arnie Schifman, Ellen Elias and Rachel
Modiano. As always, nothing can get
accomplished without the help of Linda
Tondow, Beth Spurr and Diane Kurucz.
This Wall will provide a continuing
remembrance to victims of the Holocaust
and we thank all who participated from
HPCT and CAE many years ago and to
those who will be participating in the
Your chessed team, in conjunction with
Rabbi, will be coordinating a "meal train.”
When challenging times occur and meals are needed, volunteers are in
place to provide and deliver a meal for the recipient.
This is separate from the shul shiva meal fund.
The meal train is exclusively for and kept within our shul family.
By adding your email, you will be part of the train. You will see what
days meals are needed for a particular Temple member.
You can then "sign up" for your day or days of choice.
Recipients are first asked if they would like to
receive meals. Names are never just added.
One of the pillars of Judaism are acts of kindness/chessed.
Won't you be a part of our meal train?
Contact Nanette Cohen at 732-492-1911 for more information.
Safety and Security Corner
The Safety and Security Committee, chaired by Steve Pasichow, has been working hard at ensuring the safety of our
community. Along with Highland Park Police Captain Scott Golden, the committee surveyed our building through a safety
and security lens. The committee is providing weekly “security tips,” which appear in the Friday e-letter, and will be
planning some trainings and guidance for what to do in an emergency. Stay tuned!
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
We Gratefully Acknowledge
and thank the following generous contributors to our funds
Elly Ehrlich in memory of Marion
Judy and Steve Richman in memory of
Marion Holdowsky.
Suzy Levin in memory of Anna Levin.
Linda and Irwin Katz in memory of
Solomon Green.
Mrs. Patricia Paszamant in memory of
Harold L. Paszamant.
Beverly Teich in honor of her 90th birthday.
Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of
Harry Mitnick.
Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of
Jennie Fine.
Gail and Mervin Kroop in memory of Ruth
Judy Osband Schanzer in memory of Leah
Hazel Rabinowitz in memory of Irving
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
Bar Mitzvah of Michael Sorkin.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
Bar Mitzvah of Isaac Reed-Schwartz.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special birthday of Sheryl Olitzky.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special birthday of Arlene Frumkin.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special wedding anniversary of Paula and
Aaron Kondioti.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special birthday of Bonnie Guttenplan.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special birthday of Dr. Ted Stahl.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special birthday of Beverly Teich.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special wedding anniversary of Judy and
Bernie Schanzer.
Brenda and Roy Tanzman in honor of the
special birthday of Marvin Goodman.
Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the
special wedding anniversary of Judy and
Bernie Schanzer.
Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich wishing
Barbara Cohen a Refuah Shelemah.
Elaine Rand Fromkin in memory of Marion
Ira and Cathy Cohen and family in
memory of Boris Cohen.
Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the
special birthday of Beverly Teich.
Lisa and Fred Morgan in memory of
Benjamin Forman, Goldie Forman and
Charles Nogid.
Hazel Rabinowitz in memory of her aunt,
Rose Bresler.
Mordechai and Debra J. Bermann in
memory of Shoshana Bermann.
Barbara and Alan Weisblatt in memory of
Harold Weisblatt.
Irma Rockoff in memory of Rose Rockoff.
Phyllis Schneider in memory of Lena Saffer.
Abe Himelstein wishing Brian Kheel a
Refuah Shelemah.
Jean Belowich in honor of the special
birthday of Beverly Teich.
Lea and Eli Sachter in memory of Eli’s
Ilana and Gil Rozett.
Nanette and Dave Cohen in memory of
Shirley Weiss.
Martha Moskowitz in memory of Dorothy
The Rothschild Family in memory of
Raymond Rothschild.
Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of the special
birthday of Beverly Teich.
Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of the special
birthday of Richard Mitnick.
Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of the special
birthday of Bonnie Guttenplan.
Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of the special
wedding anniversary of Mona and Larry
Freda and Ed Cohen in honor of the special
wedding anniversary of Judy and Bernie
Evelyn and George Lander in memory of
Lewis Lander.
Rita and David Paszamant in memory of
Harold Paszamant.
Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of
Mary Weinberg.
Andy and Lori Stevens in memory of Leo
Susan and Phillip Baron in memory of Leah
Carolyn and Robert Metz in memory of
Morris Siegel.
Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of
Herbert Kolb.
Patricia Kamel in memory of Albert Miller.
Suzy Levin in memory of Marion
Marianne Dreyfus in memory of Marion
Nona and Gary Schwartz in memory of
Gertrude L. Schwartz.
Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of
Marion Holdowsky.
Lila Frost
Hillary and Carey Glass
Ruth and Larry Fineberg
Renée and Stuart Feinblatt
Joseph and Ann Novick
Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich
Ruby Zack in memory of Florence Lipitzki.
Sherri and Jonathan Lerner in memory of
Esther Hershkovitz.
Risa and Howard Golob in memory of
Dorothy Golob.
Leslie Fishbein and Zoltan Kemeny in
honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Isaac ReedSchwartz.
Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the
Bar Mitzvah of Isaac Reed-Schwartz.
Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of the
birth of Elle Leah Sternberg.
Arlene and Mitchell Frumkin and family in
memory of Marian Diamond.
Martha Lichtman in memory of James
Henner/Marantz Family in memory of
Leon Marantz.
Lisa and Stanley Fischer in memory of Rose
Gert and Irving Klaus in honor of the
special birthday of Beverly Teich.
Carol Dakelman Halpern and Gerald P.
Halpern in memory of Thelma
Sherri and Jonathan Lerner in honor of the
Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Ronnen.
Paula and Aaron Kondioti in honor of the
birth of Israel Horan.
Lauren and Peter Gellman in memory of
Toby Siegel.
Lauren and Peter Gellman in memory of
Herbert Kolb.
Lauren and Peter Gellman in memory of
Marion Holdowsky.
Lauren and Peter Gellman in memory of
Bernice Rosenberg.
Allan and Anne Greenberg in memory of
Sylvia Goldstein.
Ruth Weinfeld in honor of the positive
impact her summers at Camp Tel
Yehudah had on her.
Fred Shaffer and family in memory of Ilene
R. Shaffer.
Rachel Modiano and Jonathan Ehrlich in
honor of the 90th birthday of Beverly
Beverly Teich in memory of
Pearl Greenfield.
Beverly Teich in memory of Esther Tarler.
Nancy and Phil Wolf in honor of the Bar
Mitzvah of Isaac Reed-Schwartz.
Lola Kamp in memory of Philip Kamp.
Sandy and Irwin Math in memory of
Bluma Bernstein.
Gary and Nona Schwartz in memory of
David J. Levine.
Rabbi Kerry and Sheryl Olitzky in memory
of Frances (Faige) Olitzky.
Elihu Rubenstein in memory of his mother
and sister, Mae and Anne Rubenstein.
Ethel and Mel Rimmer in memory of
Rachel Beyman.
Joseph Tabak in memory of Aaron Tabak.
Helene Dubinsky in memory of Fannie
Leanore Rabinowitz in memory of William
Lisa and Jeffrey Marder in memory of Louis
Gail and Mervin Kroop in memory of
Gail’s father.
Nathan Hindes in memory of Gertrude
Beverly Teich in memory of Sarah Teich.
Susan and Mark Lubeck in memory of
Irving Rabinowitz.
Ada Bloom in memory of her brother, Alex
Paula and Aaron Kondioti in memory of
Bernard Hortz.
Rose Sandler and family in memory of
Norman Sandler.
Sondra Botvinick in memory of her father,
Nathan Frey.
Marge and Al Sandler in memory of
Mundo Gross.
Anne Glatt in memory of Sheila Weinberg.
Hannah and Michael Schneiderman in
honor of the engagement of Natalie
Weinberg and Max Dolitsky.
Martin Siederer in memory of Herman
Leanore Rabinowitz in memory of Irving
Mervin Kroop in memory of Tillie Kroop.
Anne Glatt in memory of her mother, Riva
Joseph Tabak in memory of Morris
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Helene and Robert Knee in memory of
Lillian Knee.
Joan Kaplan in memory of Herman
Rachel and Steven Pasichow in memory of
Seymour Pasichow.
Doris Siederer in memory of Hyman
Doris Siederer in memory of her husband,
Herman Siederer.
Ethel and Mel Rimmer in memory of Trina
Rose Sandler and family in memory of
Marion Holdowsky.
Bernice Tolchinsky in memory of Pamela
and Robert Tolchinsky.
Carol Shapiro in memory of her father,
Nathan Levy.
Donald Botvinick in memory of his
mother, Mollie Botvinick.
Linda and Barry Diamond in memory of
Max Thaler.
Nathan Hindes in memory of Philip
Lila and Al Schwartz in memory of William
Rose Sandler and family in memory of Sam
Michele and Ed Rockoff in memory of
Shirley Richter.
Igor Muraviev in memory of Sara Ruth
Irwin Math in memory of his father,
Samuel Math.
Sandy and Irwin Math in memory of Rose
Ada Bloom in memory of her mother,
Rebecca Davidovits.
Linda and Al Tondow in memory of Nettie
Anne Glatt in appreciation of Hazel
“Honey” Rabinowitz.
Mona and Larry Zamick in honor of their
50th wedding anniversary.
Leanore Rabinowitz in memory of Lilian
Mindy and Arnie Schifman in memory of
Jacob Schifman.
Jill and Steven Tamaroff in honor of the
birth of the grandson of Teri and
Richard Beck.
Arlene Schenerman in memory of Thelma
Arlene Schenerman, Brad and Shari
Schenerman and Jill and Scott
Luxenberg in memory of Leon Horlick.
Gloria Schwartz wishing Phyllis Chudnick a
Refuah Shelemah.
Gloria Schwartz in memory of Leon
Arlene Schenerman in memory of the
brother of Lil Prince.
Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the
birth of Kensi Morgan Haimson.
Barbara and Pete Schild wishing Barbara
Cohen a Refuah Shelemah.
Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of
Phyllis Morris.
Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the Bar
Mitzvah of the grandson of Ashna and
Bernard Pincus.
Vera Yuzefovich in memory of her good
friend, Eva Stahl.
Ina Nelson in memory of Jocelyn Berman.
Ina Nelson in memory of Leon Horlick.
Renée and Stuart Feinblatt and family in
memory of Maurice Feinblatt.
Bernice Bernstein in memory of her
husband, Eugene.
Capital Campaign: Provides funds for the rebuilding of the Temple building.
Meals Fund: Provides meals for Temple families for Shiva and stressful times.
Tzedakah Fund: Provides financial support to individuals in need.
Scholarship Fund: Provides funds for young people to participate in Jewish educational programs.
Religious Articles Fund: Provides funds for prayer books and other religious articles.
Endowment Fund: Provides funds for the Temple’s future growth and development.
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
Our extraordinary HPCT-CAE
"Written in Stone" project is
ongoing and it is a beautiful
way to honor and remember
our loved ones as well as
celebrate our special simchas
and life-cycle events.
Two stone sizes are available: 6" x 6" ($218) and 6" x 9" ($318).
For information contact the Temple: 732-545-6482.
Name Tag Shabbat
June 4
It was such a
success – we are
doing it again!
How does it work?
Preprinted Nametags will
be available for you.
All we ask is that you wear it
that morning.
A Message from the HPCT-CAE Temple Library
Thank you to the LADIES OF THE LIBRARY: Bernice Bernstein, Marsha
Goldwasser, Sara Goodman Hand, Anne Greenberg, Sue Kheel, Marilyn Pruce and
to our office staff for all their help and support.
Just A Reminder:
PLEASE RETURN LIBRARY BOOKS and DVD’s as soon as possible so
others can enjoy them.
Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth
with international renowned artist
Since 1979, Mordechai Rosenstein has been creating Jewish Art and putting it up in people’s homes, synagogues, and agencies throughout
the world. From his studio in his home in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, Mordechai creates a myriad of pieces utilizing vibrant colors and
flowing lines that transform the art of Hebrew calligraphy into a modern day feast for the eyes. As a community we will join him in
creating a project in celebration of the Highland Park Conservative Temple – Congregation Anshe Emeth.
Creative Open House - You are invited to partner with Mordechai as he creates an original art piece for the congregation. Adults
and children are welcome to visit with Mordechai while he works in the lobby and view the gallery in the lobby and Legacy room.
Mordechai’s art will be available for purchase throughout the weekend. Open house times are below.
ursday, May 12 - Lunch and Learn with the Artist 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Join Mordechai as he introduces our congregation to
his work and shares stories about some of his well-known pieces. $6.00, includes lunch. RSVP needed.
Creative Open House - 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Inspiration behind the Art - 8:00 p.m.
The Gallery will re-open in the evening before services, and Mordechai will share examples of his art through the decades, along with the
interesting stories behind his most renowned commissions and installations. No cost, light refreshments will be served. RSVP needed.
Friday, May 13 - Creative Open House - 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Shabbat Services and Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner - 6:00 p.m.
During dinner Mordechai will speak to us about his journey as an artist. RSVP to Sisterhood.
Shabbat Morning, May 14 - Enjoy informal conversation with Mordechai during Kiddush and join us following Kiddush for a
presentation by the artist on “The Art in Shabbat and Torah”.
Saturday Evening, May 14 - Pinot and Painting 9:15 p.m. – 11:15 p.m. Co-Sponsored by Men’s Club and Sisterhood
Create your own work of art reflecting Mordechai’s style and your own. In addition, enjoy some fine wines and food. We will supply
everything. Just bring your artistic self! $20 per person for members, $25 per person for non-members. RSVP needed.
Sunday Morning, May 15 - Family Art Program 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Sponsored by the Sisterhood Children’s Luncheon
Fund Families will work together to complete and take home a beautiful project co-signed by the artist. No cost. RSVP needed.
Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner
Friday, May 13
6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Services
followed by dinner. 8:30 p.m.
Our Artist-in-Residence Mordechai Rosenstein will be speaking.
Enjoy a delicious home cooked dinner
prepared by our Sisterhood Chefs!
RSVPs are due NO LATER than May 5th