The Scribe - September 2016


The Scribe - September 2016
September Issue - 2016
Av – Elul 5776
432 30th St NW
Canton OH 44709
Fax: 330-455-5268
Home Page:
Hazzan Bruce D. Braun
[email protected]
Sheldon Switkin, Visiting Rabbi
[email protected]
Richard Altman, Co-President
[email protected]
Michael Zoldan, Co-President
[email protected]
Synagogue Office
[email protected]
Page 2 - Shabbat Service Schedule; Free JShuttle; High Holy Day Information
Page 3 - Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Page 4 - Sukkot Schedule; Federation Annual
Meeting; Gift Shoppe
Page 5 - Tashlich & Neilah; Save the Date for
Page 6 – Chadash Report; September
Page 7 - September Donations Continued
Page 8 - Hebrew Calendar
Page 9 - September Yahrzeits
Page 10 - Rosh Hashanah is Coming; Luluv &
Etrog Form; Todah Rabah; Federation Food
Bank Needs
Page 11 - Listening to our Services
Page 12 - September Minyan Participants;
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Labor Day Schedule
Monday, September 5, 2016
Office closed
Morning Service 8:30 a.m.
No evening Service
Hadassah/JNF Blue Box
Collection Day
September 11, 2016
9:30 a.m. to Noon - Beit Ha’am
Bring JNF Blue Boxes or checks
Community Selichot Service
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Social Hour 8:00 p.m.
Selichot Service 8:30 p.m.
Kever Avot Memorial Service
October 9, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the
Canton Hebrew Cemetery
Hazzan Braun will be available before and after the Service
to say memorial prayers for your family’s loved ones.
5777 Jewish Calendars are Here!
The Jewish Calendars, compliments of Arnold
Funeral Home, have arrived. Stop in and pick
one up!
Shabbat Service Schedule
September 2016
Av - Elul 5776
Friday, September 2, 2016
5:30 p.m. Service
Candles 7:40 p.m.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Service 9:30 a.m.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Service 5:30 p.m.
Candles 7:28 p.m.
Saturday,September 10, 2016
Service 9:30 a.m.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Service 5:30 p.m.
Candles 7:16 p.m.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Service 5:30 p.m.
Candles 7:05 p.m.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Service 9:30 a.m.
Selichot Social Hour 8:00 p.m.
Selichot Service 8:30 p.m.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Service 5:30 p.m.
Candles 6:53 p.m.
Free JShuttle Will be offered
Rosh Hashana Morning
Monday, October 3rd, 2016
Call Chelle Cohen at 330-445-2850 (direct
line) to make arrangements to be
transported by the JShuttle for the morning
service on Rosh Hashana.
Must have a minimum of two riders
Free JShuttle Will be offered
Kol Nidre Service
Tuesday, October 11th, 2016
Call Chelle Cohen at 330-445-2850 (direct
line) to make arrangements to be
transported by the JShuttle for the morning
service on Yom Kippur.
Must have a minimum of two riders
Important High Holy Days Information
During October, we will be observing our High Holy Days.
This promises to be a meaningful experience for the
members of Shaaray Torah and Temple Israel.
PARKING - Because we do not have enough parking
spaces at Beit Ha’am for everyone to park at the same time,
we are asking for everyone’s help by carpooling whenever
possible. We will have Canton City Police for security and
to help with the flow of traffic, but we do ask for your
Please Note:
Sunday Morning Minyan Service
September 11, 2016 at 8:45 a.m.
SERVICE SCHEDULE - Shaaray Torah will hold services
in the small sanctuary; Temple Israel in the large sanctuary.
Please look for ushers or signage to direct you into
respective worship spaces. Please keep in mind that there
may be times you are entering or exiting the building while
services are in progress. Out of respect, we ask that you
remain as quiet as possible while entering and exiting.
We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation, as we work together to make this a wonderful
experience for our community.
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Schedule
All Services led by Hazzan Braun and Rabbi Sheldon Switkin
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Mincha & Maariv Services 6:00 p.m.
Candles 6:49 p.m.
Monday, October 3, 2016
1st Day Rosh Hashanah
Shacharit Service 8:30 a.m.
* Shofar Service 10:00 a.m.
* Sermon 10:15 a.m.
Chadash Student Service, 11:00 a.m. - Led by
Chadash Students, for Chadash Students.
Parents are welcome, but please note space is
very limited
Conclusion 1:00 p.m.
Tashlich 5:00 p.m. at Lake O’Day
Mincha & Maariv Services 6:00 p.m.
Candles 7:51 p.m.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
2nd Day Rosh Hashanah
Shacharit Service 8:30 a.m.
* Shofar Service 10:00 a.m.
* Sermon 10:15 a.m.
Conclusion 12:55 p.m.
Mincha & Maariv Services 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Erev Yom Kippur
Mincha 6:00 p.m.
Candles 6:14 p.m.
Candles will be available in the
Synagogue kitchen
Kol Nidre Service 6:15 p.m.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Yom Kippur
Service 9:00 a.m.
Sermon 11:30 a.m.
Chadash Student Service, 11:30 a.m. - Led by
Chadash Students, for Chadash Students.
Parents are welcome, but please note space is
very limited
Mincha with Avodah & Yizkor Services 4:00 p.m.
Neilah 6:00 p.m.
Shofar and Maariv 7:15 p.m.
Service concludes by 7:30 p.m.
Complete Sukkot Schedule on Page 4
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Shabbat Shuvah Services 9:30 a.m.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
No Sunday Morning Service
Kever Avot Memorial Services 1:00 p.m.
at the Canton Hebrew Cemetery
* Note Earlier start times than in previous
Wishing all a healthy, happy, sweet New Year
L’shanah Tovah Tikateivu
Hazzan Bruce Braun, Rabbi Sheldon Switkin, Nancy Shimer,
Director of Lifelong Learning, Richard Altman and
Michael Zoldan - Co-Presidents, The Executive Committee, The
Synagogue Board, Gift Shoppe and STS Staff.
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
Sukkot Schedule
Tishrei 5777
Sunday October 16, 2016
Erev Sukkot
Candles 6:27 p.m.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot IV
Service 9:30 a.m.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Sukkot - Day 1
Festival Morning Service
9:30 a.m.
Evening Service 5:30 p.m.
Candles 7:29 p.m.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Hoshanah Rabbah
Service 8:45 a.m. with participation from our
Chadash students
Candles 6:17 p.m.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Shemini Atzeret Service & Yizkor
Service 9:30 a.m.
Yizkor 11:00 a.m.
Mincha 5:45 p.m.
Family Hakafot 6:15 p.m.
Candles 7:19 p.m.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Sukkot - Day 2
Festival Morning Service 9:30 a.m.
Evening Service 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Chol HaMoed Sukkot I
Service 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Simchat Torah
Service 9:30 a.m.
Hakafot 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Chol HaMoed Sukkot II
Morning Service 7:00 a.m.
Evening Service 5:30 p.m.
Friday, October 3, 2016
Chol HaMoed Sukkot III
Service 5:30 p.m.
Candles 6:20 p.m.
Jewish Community Federation
Annual Meeting
Thurs., September 15th
7:00 p.m. - Beit Ha’am
Reception to follow
Gift Shoppe
The Gift Shoppe will be open
starting Sunday, September 11th
from 9:30 a.m. to Noon.
If you need a gift for a wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or
any other occasion, please visit the Gift Shoppe.
We have items for your holiday needs, such as
shofars, honey pots, house blessings, menorahs,
tallit, tallit bags, and yamukahs.
Stop in and check us out.
Guest Speaker: Jennifer Chestnut, Vice
President for Campus Partnerships of
Hillel International.
Presentation of the Kopstein Award to
Marilyn Feldman
♦ 2017 Jewish Welfare Fund
Campaign Kickoff
Contact Lila Levine at 330-854-0891 or
[email protected] or Linda Alperin 330-4941367 or [email protected] for an appointment.
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
Monday, October 3rd, during the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashanah, the ritual of
Tashlich will take place at Lake O’Day beginning at 5:00 p.m. During the service, which consists of
appropriate water and forgiveness prayers and songs, we will symbolically cast away our sins into
a body of water. Please join Hazzan Braun and Rabbi Switkin for this most meaningful ritual, and
don’t forget to bring your hallah crumbs and Shofar.
Neilah, the closing service - a time for the family - will be shared on Wednesday, October 12,
2016, at 6:00 p.m.
At the conclusion of Neilah at 7:15 p.m., a community Shofar sounding will be held. Everyone with
a Shofar is invited to come to the Bimah for a Grand, Great tekeiah.
To participate in the final shofar blast of the season, RSVP to Hazzan Braun.
Save The Date
Joint Donor Program
Beit Ha’am on Broadway
Sunday, Nov. 20, 2016
Volunteers Wanted!!! We need help with Costumes,
Back Stage, Cue Cards,
Make-up, etc.
Contact Barbara Spera
330-494-8360 or [email protected] or
Linda Sklar 330-497-6221 or [email protected]
We Need Talent
Auditions are open to Everyone - Single and group singers - Comics, magicians, MC
types, storytellers - and poets are needed.
Contact Lois Jacobson
330-768-7500 (home)
330-456-7397 (cell)
[email protected]
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
Chadash report. . . By Nancy Shimer
B’ruchim HaBa’im! Welcome Back to Chadash, Everyone!
We’re so excited for the beginning of school! This year school starts on Sunday, September 11 (please see
below for more information about the opening day) and Rosh HaShanah isn’t until October 3, so we’ll have
more than the usual amount of time to learn about the High Holy Days, as well as Sukkot and Simchat
Torah. We have a special school-wide Rosh HaShanah program planned for September 25, including a
S’lichot service, the Tashlich ceremony, and, of course, a snack of apples and honey. Students will also
have the opportunity to practice blowing the Shofar, as we do traditionally during the entire Hebrew month
of Elul, which precedes the month of Tishrei and Rosh HaShanah.
First Day of Chadash: Sunday, September 11
On the first day of Chadash for the 2016-2017 school year, Sunday, September 11, all students in
grades 1-10 should report to the main lobby of the Beit Ha’Am building no later than 9:30am; an allschool service (except for the PreKindergarten/Kindergarten class ) will begin in the large sanctuary at
9:30, as usual. Students will be dismissed with their teachers to their classrooms at the end of the service,
at 10:00. As always, parents are welcome to attend the Sunday morning service with their children.
Parents of PreKindergarten/Kindergarten students should take their children directly to the PreK/K
classroom at 9:30 – if those parents have older children and would like to attend the all-school service,
they may drop their PreK/K child off at the classroom a little earlier than 9:30.
Parents Invited to Sit in on Classes
This is just a reminder that all parents are welcome to sit in on their children’s classes on any Sunday. We
just ask that you give us a little notice so that we can be sure that there are enough chairs in the classroom!
Reminder of Chadash Student-Led High Holy Day Services
Chadash students will lead services for their fellow students this year on Rosh HaShanah morning,
Monday, October 3, at 11:00am, and again on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 12, at 11:30am (please
note the different start times) in the library in the Beit Ha’Am building. As they did at the very successful
services last year, students from our 7th, 8th and 9th grades will fill the roles of rabbi and cantor for each of
the services, and younger students will be leading the English readings and some of the Hebrew prayers.
Ellen Shankle, who is organizing the services again, will also be on hand to make sure everything runs
smoothly. Please note that, while parents are welcome to attend these services, space is limited in the
library, and in order to ensure that there are enough seats for all of the students, we encourage parents
(especially parents of older students) to attend the “regular” services in one of the two worship spaces.
September Donations
Kiddush Fund
In Honor of
The Marriage of Hallie & Andrew
Fran & PJ Wells
The Marriage of
Meg Svoboda & Robert Nelson
Janice Keilly
Cindy, Jack & Rachel Bouer
Susan & Sam Wilkof
The 70th Birthday of David Sklar
Fran & PJ Wells
Diana Collum
Bonnie & Steve Manello
Liz, Ed, Rachel & Isabel
Mary Donna, Jim, Michael,
Carey, Lanny, Chelsea &
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
Jordan Rubin
Ellen & Bill Shankle
Rita Appelbaum
Mary Ann & Jay Clar
Bonnie & Gary Podis
Linda & Mike Alperin
Laura & Adam Goldman &
Libby & Stan Brody
Doree Hafner
Terri Fideholtz & Dennis
Jeannie & Gerry Peskin
Elsie Berger
Dori Smith
David Kielson
Judie & Howard Cohodas
Caren & Steve Kaufman
The Scribe
Gail & Ted Goldman
Chari & Herbert Goodman
Ellen Finkelstein
Zandy & Joe Bloom
The B’not Mitzvah Celebration of
Linda Poole & Gabrielle Poole
Fran & PJ Wells
J.J. Reaven
The 80th Birthday of
Shirley Rubinstein
Mindy, Scott, Marli & Aaron
Ellen & Bill Shankle
Laura & Adam Goldman &
Gail & Ted Goldman
Edith Benjamin
Continued on Page 7
September Donations (Continued from Pg6)
Tammy, Fred, Adam & Ehren
The 70th Birthday of David Sklar
and the Many Kindnesses He has
Shown to my Mom, Elsie Berger
Roberta Sears
The 65th Anniversary of
Libby & Stan Brody
Judie & Howard Cohodas
The 70th Birthday of Joe Rubin
Mary Donna, Jim, Michael,
Carey, Lanny, Chelsea &
Jordan Rubin
Linda Sklar’s Wonderful Kiddush
and Outstanding Family Devotion
Mary Donna & Jim Rubin
Sylvia & Alvin Altman Fund
In Memory of
Sylvia & Alvin Altman
Patti & Les Becker
Hazzan Tribute Fund
In Honor of
Marty Ortman Receiving an Aliyah
Joan & Marty Ortman
In Honor of
The Anniversary of Marilyn & Bob
Ruth & Bob Altman
The Special Birthday of
Patti Becker
Ruth & Bob Altman
Speedy Recovery of
James Barnett
Helen Blocker
Education Fund
In Memory of
Linda Cohen
Judith & Zigmund Hersh
In Appreciation of
The Friday Night & Saturday
Services with Hazzan Braun &
Rabbi Switkin
David Kielson
In Appreciation of
Ruth & Bob Altman
Marilyn & Paul Feldman
General Fund
In Honor of
The 80th Birthday of
Shirley Rubinstein
Marcia Conescu
Silver Replacement/Kitchen Fund
Speedy Recovery of
Edith Benjamin
David Kielson
Elsie Berger
Speedy Recovery of
Shirley Rubinstein
Ingrid & Alan Cohn
Doree Hafner
In Memory of
The Yahrzeit of Bernie Hafner
Carol & Barry Rose
Rita Miller
Susan & Sam Wilkof
Anne Katz
Susan & Sam Wilkof
Yahrzeit Fund
In Memory of
Philip Triger
Linda & Harvey Cohen
Benah Golden
Julie Golden
Paul (My Toots) Regberg
Ethel Regberg
Mary Jacobs
Ethel Regberg
Anna Katz
Harry Katz
Joseph Katz
Harry Katz
Arlene Landau
Estabelle Landau
Jerome Reinhart
Gertrude Reinhart &
Susan Lewyn
Speedy Recovery of
Simone Liebling
Ruth & Bob Altman
In Appreciation of
Edith Benjamin Sponsoring a
Kiddush for Terri Fidelholtz’s Move
to Texas
David Kielson
Samuel & Gertrude Weiser Fund
In Honor of
The 100th Birthday of
Jack Rappoport
Judy & Jerry Eppy
The 70th Birthday of David Sklar
Judy & Jerry Eppy
The Anniversary of Gail & Ted
Ruth & Bob Altman
The Anniversary of Nancy & Arnold
Ruth & Bob Altman
In Appreciation of
Janie Zoldan
Marilyn & Paul Feldman
Jack & Darwin Wilkof Fund
In Memory of
Jack Wilkof
Ann Louise Wilkof
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
September Yahrzeits
Joshua Freifield
Sarah Netler
Della Levin
Doree Hafner
Elly Prince
Jodi Farnsworth
James Rapport
Libby Brody
3 Jennie Cohon
Mary Ann Clar
Herman Gottesman
Alan Gottesman
Barney Snyder
Hazzan Braun
4 Bertha Gross
Alan Gottesman
Esther Willinger
Suzanne Bloom
5 Jean Fidelholtz
Elsie Berger
Mary Jacobs
Ethel Regberg
Ida Rich
Fran Reaven
6 Cyril Slesnick
Bob Slesnick
7 Tillie Levine
Lila Levine
8 Rose Alperin
Mike Alperin
Lillie Baker
Ruth Baker
Jenny Beiderman
Shirley Rubinstein
Gertrude Weiser
Judy Eppy
Ruth Altman
9 Dora Wilensky
Libby Hendler
10 Jeanette Goldstein
Terri Fidelholtz
Sylvia Hecker
Fran Reaven
12 Morris Brody
Stan Brody
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
Craig Moskowitz
Harold Freedman
Linda Poole
Martin Chapman
13 Gussie Fidelholtz
Terri Fidelholtz
Minnie Riemer
Roberta Riemer
14 Shana Fagel Adelman
Elaine Garfinkle
Richard Bahr
Barbara Bahr
Luise Weintraub
Marilyn Feldman
15 Nachman Goldenfeld
Shirley Lockshin
Elaine Moskowitz
Harold Freedman
Linda Poole
16 Ida Drapkin
David Sklar
17 Max Garfinkle
Elaine Garfinkle
18 Max Wishnack
Stan Brody
19 Harry Schrero
Gary Fogel
Herb Silver
Steve Silver
Ellen Shankle
20 William Friedman
Andi Everline
Cheryl Shapiro
Belle Kail
David Worshil
Anna Refkin
Lisa Singhaus
Nathan Shapero
Elaine Klein
22 Jennie King
Ron Arenstein
Chester Miller
Larry Miller
Michael Rapport
Libby Brody
The Scribe
Jerome Reinhart
Gertrude Reinhart
Matthew Sands
Lisa Sands
23 Karla Pearlman
Helen Pearlman
Dean Pearlman
Laura Solomon
24 Aaron Benjamin
Edith Benjamin
Morris Levine
Lila Levine
Morry Tanenbaum
Edith Benjamin
25 Hillel Brody
Stan Brody
Freda Felder
Judy Eppy
Anna Freed
Lillian Weinberger
Lisa Kohn
Linda & Joe Kohn
Alice Perlman
Bea Pearlman
Doree Hafner
Nathan Worshil
David Worshil
26 Mark Asael
Elaine Garfinkle
Sam Pearlman
Bea Pearlman
Harry Reinhart
Gertrude Reinhart
28 Blanche Gilbert
Betty Freed
Rosh Hashanah is Coming!
Q. What is the meaning of the name “Rosh
A. “Rosh Hashanah” means “Head of the year”.
Our sages explain, just as the “head” controls the
entire body, how we act on Rosh Hashanah helps
determine the coming year. In fact, everything that will
happen during the coming year is decreed on Rosh
Q. Why do the Rabbi and Hazzan (and in
many synagogues the congregation), wear a white
robe (Kitel) on Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur?
A. White symbolizes cleanliness and purity. This
reminds us of the words of the prophet, “Even if your
sins will be as scarlet, they will become white like
Another reason for the white garment, is to
remind us of the shrouds worn on the day of death.
Remembering this makes us realize that everything in
this world is only temporary. This thought will bring us
to repentance.
Q. What is the reason for dipping the hallah in
A. This expresses our wish and trust that God will
grant us a sweet year. Dipping the hallah and apple in
honey is an expression of confidence that our merciful
father in heaven, will grant us a sweet year.
Todah Rabah
I would like to thank each and every one of you who sent
contributions, birthday cards and well wishes In Honor of
my 70th birthday. They mean the world to me. I could not
have asked for a better 70th birthday celebration. I was so
blessed to get to share my celebration with all of you that
attended the birthday party on Saturday, July 30th, 2016.
David Sklar
Dear Friends, Thanks so much for your greeting cards and
contributions to Shaaray Torah IHO my 80th birthday and
my recent surgery. I am feeling very well. Your wishes
were very much appreciated.
Shirley Rubinstein
Reserve Your Lulav &
Etrog sets for Sukkot
There are many uplifting rituals in our
Jewish Cycle of Festivals. One of the
most inspiring is the sight of a waving “sea of Lulavim,”
the palm branches carried by worshippers in the Sukkot
Lulav and etrog sets will be $54 each. It is possible to
adopt an Etrog & Lulav or donate to the Etrog & Lulav
Sukkot begins on Sunday evening,
October 16th.
Order your Etrog & Lulav Sets by
October 5, 2016.
Enclosed, please find my check for $_______________.
Name __________________________________
Phone __________________________________
Please complete and return the order form, making
checks payable to Shaaray Torah Synagogue.
Federation Food Bank
It is a Shaaray Torah tradition to
bring packaged food and other non
perishable donations for the Federation
Food Bank on Kol Nidre services
Tuesday, October 11, 2016.
We are requesting that you pick up a brown-paper
bag during Rosh Hashanah Services and return it filled
with the requested food on Yom Kippur. If you are
making monetary donations, make your check payable
to Jewish Family Services.
Please DO NOT DEVIATE from the following list:
♦ Vegetable Oil
♦ Canned Fruit
Please note:
♦ Vegetable Soup
The Food Bank
♦ White Albacore Tuna in Water
accept items
♦ Jiff Peanut Butter
that are opened
♦ Miracle Whip/Hellman’s
or expired.
♦ Spaghetti Sauce/Spaghetti
Please check
carefully before
♦ Ketchup/Mustard
♦ Sugar Free Food Items
♦ Laundry Detergent
♦ Household Cleaners
♦ Paper Towels (Single Rolls)
♦ Napkins, Kleenex, Toilet Paper (4 pk. Rolls)
We thank Fisher Foods for their generous
donation of paper grocery bags.
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
Do you no longer drive? Have trouble getting around? Just can’t come to
High Holy Day Services although you really want to?
Below are 3 different ways that will allow you to be connected to Shaaray Torah
Synagogue’s High Holy Day Services even if you are not physically able to attend. All
High Holy Day Services are being performed by Hazzan Braun and
Rabbi Seldon Switkin!
1. Directions for LISTENING by Phone!
Call 1-800-846-4808
♦ Follow the prompts
♦ When prompted for an acct. number
enter 94920310
IF you use a speakerphone, put the MUTE button on after
connecting to the Service so that the audio does
not cut in and out
♦ You will not be charged for this call
♦ Please hang up when the Service is done!
2. Directions for LISTENING by Computer!
You may also choose to listen to the Services from you
computer! Just type the following into your browser:
3. Directions for VIEWING (Live Streaming) using a
After connecting to the above site, you must choose Small Prayer Space and you
will see Hazzan Braun and Rabbi Switkin performing the Service.
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
The Scribe
PERMIT NO. (663)
Shaaray Torah Synagogue
432 30th St NW
Canton OH 44709
September Minyan Participants
Aug 29 - Sept 3 2016
David Kielson
Morris Kinast
Martin Klamer
Linda & Joe Kohn
Myriam & Avy Konor
Estabelle Landau
Debra & Richard Lehrer
Jonathan Lehrer
Sept 5 - Sept 10, 2016
Michael Leslie
Lila Levine
Sharon & Perry Lieberman
Lori & Mike Magill
Sept 12 - Sept 17, 2016
Ellis Parish
Jackie & Dean Pearlman
Marge & Meade Perlman
Bonnie & Gary Podis
Alvin Pollack
Sept 19 - Sept 24, 2016
Linda & David Poole
Jack Rappoport
Fran & Bob Reaven
Carol & Barry Rose
Mary Donna & Jim Rubin
Barb & Stan Rubin
Sept 26 - Oct 1 2016
Shirley Rubinstein
Dorothy & Irv Rudick
Cindi & Jim Rudick
Barb & Mike Salle
Lisa & Steve Sands
September Birthdays
Avy Konor
Stanley Rubin
Merle Griff
Cindi Rudick
Shoshana Weiner
10 Michael Leslie
Alex Caghan
Jay Clar
Neil Genshaft
Julie Golden
Daniel Mutigli
Helen Blocker
September Anniversaries
Ted & Gail Goldman
Leslie Goldwater & David Nelson
David & Fran Johnson
Michael & Lynda Leslie
Mort & Jean Berry
Richard & Bobbi Altman
Jean Berry
Jim Rubin
Samantha Johnson
Matthew Johnson
Melissa Blocker
Martin Chapman
Samuel Zians
Elsie Berger
Fran Wells
Jenny Podis-Wells