Sams 65-7 - Early Television Foundation
Sams 65-7 - Early Television Foundation
HALLICRAFTERS MODELS T61, T64, T67, 5O9, 51O PHOTO FACT* Folder VERTICAL HOLD BRIGHTNESS HORIZ. HOLD -I X VOLUME SE o> o (^ ^ *> -• 3 CHANNEL SELECTOR PUSH BUTTONS TRADE NAME CONTRAST ON-OFF SW. S3 in *" FINE TUNING HALLICRAFTERS MODEL T67 Halllcrafters Models, T61, T64, T67, 509, 510 MANUFACTURER The Hallicrafters Co., 5th & Kostner Ave., Chicago 24, Illinois TYPE SET Television Receiver TUBES Twenty-three POWER SUPPLY 105-125 Volts, 60 Cycles AC TUNING RANGE-Channels 2 through 12 RATING: 1.81 Amps. @ 117 Volts INDEX Page Alignment Instructions Block Diagram 6,7 RF Alignment Points 13 Disassembly Instructions Parts List and Description Resistor Identification 7 Trans., Inductor and Alignment Identification 14,15,16 Photographs Cabinet-Rear View Capacitor Identification Chassis-Top View Power Supply Chassis Page Photographs (continued) 2 Sweep Circuit Adjustments 7 Tube Placement Chart 5 11,18 3,13 Voltage and Resistance Measurements HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. "The listing of any available replacement part herein does not constitute in any case a recommendation, warranty or guaranty by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., as to the quality and suitability of such replacement part. The numbers of these parts have been compiled from information furnished to Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., by the manufacturers of the particular type of replacement part listed." "Reproduction or use, without express permission, of editorial or pictorial con- 4,9 Schematic • 16 19 10 12,17 • Indianapolis 7, Indiana tent, in any manner, is prohibited. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Copyright 1949 by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., Indianapolis 7, Indiana, U. S. of America. Copyright under International Copyright Union. All rights reserved under Inter-American Copyright Union (1 91 0) by Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc." Printed in U. S. of America DATE 7/49 4913-7 SET #65 FOLDER #7 -pMMF_[_ -r JL T J_ T _L T _L -r J_ T _L -r THE COOPERATION OF THE MANUFACTURER OF THIS RECEIVER MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO BRING YOU THIS SERVICE A PHOTOFACT STANDARD NOTATION SCHEMATIC ©Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. 1949 PAGE 2 SOUND IF EAU6 AUDIO OUTPUT EK6ST HALLICRAFTERS MODELS T61, T64, T67, 5O9, 51O M3IA dOl SISSVHO CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-TRANS., INDUC' PAGE 4 JCTOR AND ALIGNMENT IDENTIFICATION PAGE 9 BOTTOM VIEW A F AMP. HOR. OSC. DC REST. SYNC SEP. SYNC PHASE INV. ,-.--'- — •!->.,, —r TUBE PLACEMENT CHART OLS '60S '/9I ' S13QOW r-'*&' ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS SOUND IF ALIGNMENT DUMMY ANTENNA SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING 1. 5000MMF High side to pin 1 2. 5000MMF (Grid) 6AU6 (V9). Low side to chassis SIGNAL GENERATOR FREQUENCY 4. SMC (Unmod.) Any " " " CONNECT VTVM CHANNEL ADJUST DC Probe to pin 7 Al, A2 6AL5 (V13) point ft Common lead to chassis. REMARKS Adjust for maximum deflection. Attenuate signal generator to give approximately 1 volt reading on VTVM. Adjust for zero reading. A positive and DC Probe to Point A3 negative reading will be obtained on either Ji Common to side of the correct setting. chassis. Shift the frequency of the signal generator either side of 4. SMC and slightly readjust A2 for approximately equal peaks. For best results, use only enough signal generator output to give one volt peaks. Retouch A3 for null point. VIDEO IF ALIGNMENT Remove oscillator tube V3 (6C4) before aligning the IF colls to prevent any possible spurious beats which might give Improper alignment. SIGNAL GENERATOR FREQUENCY Two 150S Insert resistor In 26.2HC carbon each generator lead 25. SMC and connect across 23. SMC res. 23.0MC antenna terminal . 22.2MC 26.2MC DUMMY ANTENNA 3. SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING CONNECT VTVM CHANNEL ADJUST REMARKS Adjust the five IF colls at their listed frequencies for maximum deflection keeping signal generator level at such a point to A7 maintain approximately a two volt reading on VTVM. Repeak A4 at 26.2MC with a signal A8 generator attenuated to give 1 volt reading A4 on VTVM. Tune the signal generator from 21I1C thru 26.25MC, attenuated to give a 1 1/2 volt reading on VTVI1 at the peaks. Plot IF Response curve. Check readings at 21.75MC, 26.25HC and the dip between peaks. See Figure 1 for correct response curve. DC Probe to point A4 A5 3> Common to A6 chassis. 2 OVERALL IF RESPONSE CHECK Connect synchronized sweep voltage from signal generator to horizontal amplifier In scope to obtain horizontal deflection. SWEEP MARKER CONNECT GENERATOR GENERATOR CHANNEL ADJUST SCOPE FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 24MC 21 . 75MC 2 Vert. Amp. to 5000MMF -ligh side to pin 1 (Grid) 6AK5 (V2). ( 10MC Point <£> Low Low side to chassis Sweep) 26.25MC side t5 chassis. DUMMY ANTENNA SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING REMARKS If necessary, slightly retouch A4, AS, A6, A7 and AS to obtain pattern similar to Figure 1. Check to see that markers fall at proper points. RF ALIGNMENT The local oscillator operates 24.5MC above the center frequency of each TV channel. To set the local oscillator a separate "BFO" generator set at 24. SMC Is used to obtain a zero, beat with this difference frequency. Couple the "BFO" generator to the receiver by connecting the output lead to a coll of hookup wire wrapped around the video detector tube (V8). Set the fine tuning control to the center of Its capacity range. BFO SWEEP GENERATOR GENERATOR CHANNEL FREQUENCY FREQUENCY 2 24. SMC Two 150S Across antenna ter- 57HC DUMMY ANTENNA SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING carbon minals with 150S! resistor in each res. generator lead. 6. Two 150S carbon res. Two 150S carbon res. " " 63MC Two 150S carbon res. 9. Off 24. BMC " CONNECT VTVM " 3 Off Two 150S carbon res. 69MC 10. Two 150S 24.5I1C 4 Off carbon res. 11. Two 150S 79MC 12. Two 150S ' ADJUST A9 DC Probe to point-up Common to chassis. A10, All Adjust for maximum deflection. A12 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as In step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. A13, A14 Adjust for maximum deflection. A15 Reconnect .01MFD capacltoras in step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. A16, A17 Adjust for maximum deflection. Reconnect .01MFD capacitors as In step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. 24. SMC 5 ' A18 Off " " A19, A20 carbon res. carbon res. Two 150S2 carbon res. 14. 85I1C Two 1508 carbon res. Two ISOffl carbon res. ' 177MC Two 1502 carbon res. " <• 17. Two 1502 183MC Two 150S carbon res . PAGE 6 Adjust f or maximum deflect! on. A21 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rouch audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. " A22, A23 Adjust for maximum deflection. 7 " A24 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rough audi o beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. Off " " A25, A26 Adjust for maximum deflection. 24.5I1C 8 " A27 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. A28, A29 Adjust for maximum deflection. 24. SMC 6 Off " 24. SMC carbon res. 18. REMARKS Connect .01MFD capacitor between pin 2 (Grid) of the 10BP4 picture tube (V23) and pin 1 (Grid) of 6AU6 audio Amp. (V14). Adjust A9 for rough i. audio beat In speaker. Disconnect the .01 capacitor. Off RF ALIGNMENT CCONT.) 19. Two 150S carbon " 189MC " " 9 24. SMC A30 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. AS1, A32 Adjust for maximum deflection. ASS Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. Adjust for maximum deflection. res. 20. Two 150S Off carbon res. 21. Two 150S carbon 195MC res. Two 150S carbon res. 10 24. SMC A34, ASS Off 201MC Two 150S carbon res. 24. SMC 11 11 Off 24. Two ISOr carbon A36 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. A37, A38 Adjust for maximum deflection. A39 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. A40, A41 Adjust for maximum deflection. A42 Reconnect .01MFD capacitor as in step 5 and adjust for rough audio beat. Remove .01MFD capacitor. A43, A44 Adjust for maximum deflection. res. 207MC Two 150S carbon res. 12 24.5MC Off 26. Two 150f carbon res. 27. Two ISOf 213HC 24. SMC 13 carbon res. Off Two 150f carbon res. 1.5 VOLTS -Odb 2&2SMC-2I.7SMC » 4.5 MC FOR SOUND IF CHANNEL. 21.75 MC 26.25 MC (INTER CARRIER SOUND SYSTEM! 24.5UC f I*BFO'SEN.\C * ' fSOUND CARRIER\ IF AUK PICTURE CARRIER\R \. . j \F FREO, I DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove five push-on type control knobs. £. Remove screws holding back cover. 3. Remove two plugs from power supply chassis and disconnect deflection coil and 4. Remove four screws holding power supply chassis. 5. Remove speaker plug from chassis. 6. Remove four 11/32" hex nuts holding speaker. 7- Remove four screws holding tuner chassis. Remove back cover. focus coll plug. Remove power supply. Remove speaker. Remove chassis. VERTICAL SWEEP CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENT 1. Turn the vertical centering and height controls so test pattern fills mask properly in the vertical plane. 2. Adjust the vertical linearity control for proper vertical symmetry of test pattern. Slight readjustment at vertical centering and height controls may be necessary. HORIZONTAL SWEEP CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENT 1. Turn the horizontal drive adjustment hand side of the test pattern. (Bl) clockwise as far as possible without crowding the right Insufficient horizontal drive will cause the raster to fall short of filling the mask horizontally. If it is not possible to "hold" the test pattern horizontally by adjustment of the horizontal hold control, set the horizontal hold control at the midpoint of its rotation and adjust the horizontal oscillator adjustment screw (B2) until picture "sync" horizontally. 2. Adjust the horizontal centering control and the width adjustment (B3) until test pattern fills 3. Set the horizontal linearity adjustment (B4) so the test pattern is symmetrical from left the mask properly in the horizontal plane. to right. Slight readjustment of the horizontal drive trimmer (Bl) may be necessary when making this adjustment. PAGE? VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS m RESISTANCE READINGS VOLTAGE READINGS Item Tube Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 5 Pin 4 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 Pin 9 Item V 1 6AG5 -.3VDC .7VDC 6.3VAC OV 120VDC 115VDC .TV DC V2 6AG5 -.7VDC 0V OV 6.3VAC 70VDC 70VDC OV V 3 6C4 150VDC OV 6.3VAC OV 150VDC 5-1.6VDC OV 6AU6 -.8VDC 0V 6.3VAC OV 130VDC 130VDC OV 6AU6 -.3VDC 0V 6.3VAC OV 130VDC 130VDC .5VDC 6AU6 -.3VDC 0V 6. 3 VAC OV 130VDC 130VDC .5VDC 6AU6 -.5VDC 0V 6. 3 VAC OV 135VDC 130VDC .5VDC V7 6AU6 V 4 V5 V 6 V7 V 1 Tube 1502 .2ffl 02 «18K2 *18Kffl 150S 02 .22 »12. SKffl *12. SKffl Offl V 3 6C4 *5K2 Inf. .28 .28 »5K8 22K2 22 6AU6 750K2 Offl .2ffl Offl »5KS *SK2 08 6AUS 650K2 Offl .28 Offl «5K8 *5Kffl 682 6AU6 550K2 02 .2ffl 02 *5K8 *5K8 682 680K2 Offl .2ffl 02 *13K8 »5K8 682 6AL5 .22 02 .2ffl 02 Inf. 02 5.6K2 6AU6 1 Meg. Offl .28 Offl *5. SKffl «2.2K2 2. SKffl 6A«5 1 KeK. 6802 .2ffi 02 »5.5K2 •5.5K2 1 Meg. 12AU7 *35K2 02 270Kffl .22 .22 *10K2 1 Meg. 6AU6 150KS 02 .28 02 *14K2 *14K2 Offl 10K8 V 6 0V 0V 6.3VAC OV .5VDC OV -1.8VDC 0V 0V 6. 3 VAC OV 190VDC 145VDC 4VDC V9 V 10 6A05 0V 13VDO 6.3VAC OV 215VDC 215VDC OV V 10 12AU7 3. 8V DC 0V .8VDC 6 .3VAO L_6.3VAC 125VDC OV 6AU6 -.3VDC 0V 6.3VAC OV 32VDC 32VDC OV V 12 6AL5 0V 0V 6. 3 VAC OV .1VDC OV -.2VDC V 13 6AU6 0V 6.3VAC OV 95VDC 25VDC .9VDC V M 6K6GT 0V ov ov 208VDC 215VDC OV OV 6.3VAC 15VDC 6.3VAC OV V 14 V 15 V 16 V 17 V 18 V 19 V20 V21 V22 V23 6SN7GT .3VDC 2VDC 4.4VDC 6AL5 0V 6SN7GT -5.6VDC 6BG6G 5V4G 0V 0V 1B3GT 5U4G 0V OV OV 320VDC 7VDC 13VDC OV 6.3VAC OV .7VDC OV -.4VDC 125VDC 10VDC .1VDC 335VDC 10VDC 6.3VAC OV 7VDC OV -1.2VDC OV 435VDC OV t DO NOT MEASURE 360VDC 370VDC OV 350VAC OV PIN 10 195VDC PIN 11 50VDC PIN 12 6.3VAC 10BP4 0V .7VDC T Do Not Measure § Taken with vacuum tube voltmeter. OV 6.3VAC 360VDC OV V15 OV 250VDC VI 1 TOP CAP 435VDC OV 370VDC Inf. .22 Offl 10K2 Offl 352 Offl .28 02 *470Kffl *2.2Meg. 3308 6K6GT Offl *1300ffl 470K2 Inf. 5.8K2 SSOffl .22 6802 .22 02 4.7Meg. 02 4.7 Meg. Offl *1500ffl TS.SMeg. 1.2 Meg. tl.SMeg. 02 V17 SALS 6K2 V18 6SN7GT 120K2 6BG6G Inf. 5V4G Inf. 1B3GT Inf. 5U4G Inf. V21 350VAC Inf. 6AU6 6SN7GT V20 V22 02 t280K8 10002 5 tfeR. T10K2 lOOOffl .22 02 Offl 822 Inf. 1 Meg. Inf. .22 *5K2 T08 Inf. 652 Inf. 652 Inf. T08 Inf. inf. Inf. Inf. Inf. Inf. Inf. SKffl Inf. PIN 10 *2.2K2 28ffl Inf. PIN 11 PIN 12 50K2 .22 SOffl Inf. 8K2 OS2 10BP4 300K2 * Measured from pin 2 of V22 t Measured from pin 8 of V20 2. Pin numbers are counted in a clockwise direction on bottom of socket. 3. Measured values ore from socket pin to common negative unless otherwise stated. 2.2 Meg *900ffl .22 6Kffl V23 1. DC Voltage measurements ore at 20,000 ohms per volt; AC Voltage measured at 1,000 ohms. 2.2K2 6AL5 V 16 V 19 Pin 8 Pin 7 02 6AL5 V 13 Pin 6 1 Mes. 6AU6 V 12 Pin 5 850K2 V 5 OV Pin 4 6A05 V 4 5.2VDC Pin 3 6A05 V9 VI 1 Pin 2 V2 V8 V 8 Pin 1 4. Line voltage maintained at 117 volts for voltage readings. 5. Front panels controls set at minimum. 6. Where readings may vary according to the setting of the service controls, both minimum and maximum readings are given. Pin 9 02 TOP CAP T2302 TOP CAP 13802 A36 A33 A30 A27 A24 A21 A18 RF ALIGNMENT POINTS A15 A16 A12 A9 (C57) (CB) (C74) (C58) (C59) (C75) (C16) CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-CAP PAGE 18 -4 X Cn CAPACITOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-RE PAGE 12 Oj > l en -RESISTOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 17 -I X oj > BLOCK DIAGRAM ! Ol CHASSIS TOP VIEW PAGE 13 tn PARTS LIST TUBES (SYLVANIA or Equivalent) REPLACEMENT DATA ITEM No. VI V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 Vll USE HALLICRAFT. PART No. RF Amp. Mixer Oscillator 1st IF Amp. 2nd IF Amp. 3rd IF Amp. 4th IF Ajnp. Video DET.-AGC Video Amp. Video Output DC Rest. -Sync. STANDARD REPLACEMENT RMA BASE TYPE 6AG5 6AG5 604 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6AQ5 6AG5 6AG5 6C4 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6AQ5 7BD 7BD 6BG 7BK 7BK 7BK TDK 6BT 7BK 7BZ 12AU7 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6K6GT 12AU7 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6K6GT 9A 7BK 6BT 7BK 7S C66 C67 068 C69 C70 071 072 C73 074 075 C76 077 C78 C79 C30 C81 082 C83 084 085 086 C87 Sep.,- Sync. Phase Inv. Sound IF patio Det. AF Amp. V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 Audio Output Vert. Osc.-Vert. 6SN7GT Amp. V17 Hor. Sync. Disc. 6AL5 6SN7GT via Hor. Osc. V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 Hor. Output Damper HV Rect. LV Rect. Picture Tube 6BG6G 5V4G 1B3GT 5U4G 10BP4 6SN7GT 6AL5 6SN7GT 6BG6G 5V4G 1B3GT 5U4G 10BP4 8BD 6BT 8BD 5BT 5L 30 5T 12D CIA B 02 03A B C4A B C C5A B c D C6A B 07 08 C9 CIO Oil C12 CIS C14 C15 C16 C17 018 C19 C20 C21 022 C23 024 C25 C26 027 C2S 029 030 031 032 CSS 034 035 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 042 C43 C44 C45 C46 047 C48 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 C58 C59 C60 C61 062 C63 064 065 1000 40 30 40 10 10 10 150 8 8 10 5 100 100 450 450 450 10 6 350 250 150 450 450 450 50 300 300 25 50 1000 1000 39 4.7 2.2 4.7 3.3 4.7 3.3 39 4.7 1.5 1.5 1000 .68 1000 1000 39 4.7 1000 100 1000 .25 1000 200 100 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 1000 100 1000 .25 5000 100 10 .05 .05 .1 .25 .05 1.5 100 .01 330 330 1000 .01 .01 470 .01 .002 .005 4700 200 200 600 600 600 600 200 200 600 500 600 600 600 500 PAGE 14 1469-00035 1468-0004 1468-0004 P288-05 P688-01 P688-033 P688-1 5R5T3 5W5T4 5W5T4 GT2S5 GT6S1 P688-01 P688-01 P288-1 1468-00025 P688-01 GT6S1 GT6S1 GT3P1 5W5T25 GT6S1 GT6P1 * When either Item 056 or 057 are replaced T T Models T64, 509, 510 use 220MMF In thli » * Models T64. 509, 510 only. Capacity values given in the rating column are in mfd. for Electrolytic COI and Paper Capacitors, and in mmfd. tor Mica and Ceramic Capacitors. RATING INSIST 1 ANCE WATTS 50K2 i 1 Meg. i 25002 i RE •LACEMENT DATA — IRC CLAR HALLICRAFT PART No. PAR PART NoPRH7RA 25B788 25B789 1 Meg. 50K2 2.5Meg. i i i iBH 50002 Shaft 202 202 25002 i RATING HALLICRAFT CAP. VOLT PART No. 40 40 80 250 REPLACEMEI CORNELlDUBIUER PART No. P683-1 GT6P1 384-25 GT6P25 1467-0015 1W5D15 1W5D15 1467-0015 P688-02 GT6S2 GT6D5 P688-005 GT6D5 P688-005 P688-005 GT6D5 AEROVOX PART No. * Not used In all models. t Some models use .05MMF In this appllcatli CAPACITORS ITEM No. RATING CAP. VOLT HALLICRAFT PART No. .1 600 46AY104J .25 600 46AX254J 1500 500 CM30A152K 1500 500 CM30A152K .02 600 46AY203J .005 600 46AZ502J .005 600 46AZ502J .005 600 46AZ502J 6200 500 CM35C622J 330 500 CM20A331K 390 CM20A391M 390 500 47B20391K5 .05 200 46AU503J .01 600 46AY503J .'035 600 46AY353J 600 46AY104J .1 500 10000 47A178 .01 600 46BR103L6 600 46BR103L6 .01 .1 200 46AU104J 220 500 CM20A221M .01 600 46AZ103J ITEM No. NOTES AEROVOX PART No. 45B137 AFH88J 45B136 45B134 AFH16J PRS 18/250 PRS6/1000 45B138 tPLACtMt •U DATA CORNELLERIE DUBILIER PART No. PART No. EDJ 10118 EZ10074 EZ 10095 SOLAR SPRAGUE PART No. PART No. AFH30B 45B139 PRSA450/8-8 BRD1145 45A121 PRS25/16 45A109 PRS 150/4 47B20101K5 1463-0001 47B20101K5 1468-0001 47B20A102N 1468-001 47B20A102N 1468-001 47B20390K5 1468-00004 47A160-6 47A160-4 47A160-6 47A160-5 47A160-6 47A160-5 47B20390K5 1468-00004 47A160-6 47A160-3 47A160-3 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47A160-1 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47B20A102NL 1468-001 47B20390K5 1468-00004 47A160-6 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47B20101K5 1468-0001 47B20A102N1 1468-001 46AT254J P488-25 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47B20101K5 1468-0001 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47B20A102M 1468-001 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47B20101K5 1468-0001 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47B20A102N1 1468-001 47B20101K5 1468-0001 47B20A102NI 1468-001 46AT254J P488-25 47A168 1467-005 47B20101K5 1468-0001 47A160-11 1468-00001 46AU503J P288-05 46AY503J P688-05 46AY104J P688-1 46AX254J 684-35 46AY503J P688-05 47A160-3 47B20101K5 1468-0001 46AU103J P288-01 47B20331K5 1468-0003 47B20331K5 1468-0003 47B20A102M 1468-001 46AU103J P488-01 46AZ103J P688-01 CM20A471M 1468-0005 46AZ103J P688-01 46AZ202J P688-002 46AZ502J P688-005 CM35A472K 1464-005 EZ10090 BR102A BR550 5W5T1 5W5T1 1W5D1 1W5D1 5W5Q4 TVA-25 GP1K-100 GP1K-100 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 MO. 5-31 MO. 5-31 MW.5-21 MW.5-21 MO. 5-44 TVA-5 rVA-13 LFM-31 LFM-31 1FM-21 LFM-21 LFM-44 NPOK-5 NPOK-5 NPOK-3 NPOK-5 NPOK-3 5W5Q4 1W5D1 1W5D1 1W5D1 5W5Q4 1W5D1 5W5T1 1W5D1 OT2P25 1W5D1 5W5T1 1W5D1 1W5D1 1W5D1 5W5T1 1W5D1 1W5D1 5W5T1 1W5D1 GT2P25 1D5D5 5W5T1 5W5Q1 GT2S5 GT6S5 GT6P1 GT6P25 GT6S5 5W5T1 GT2S1 5W5T3 5W5T3 1W5D1 GT2S1 GT6S1 5W5T5 GT6S1 GT6D2 GT6D5 1DR5D5 NPOK-5 NPOK-1.5 NPOK-1.5 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 NPOK-5 GP2L-001 GP1K-100 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 GP1K-100 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 GP1K-100 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 GP1K-100 GP2L-001 GP2M-005 GP1K-100 GP1K-10 NPOK-1.5 GP1K-100 GP2-335-01 GP2K-300 GP2K-300 GP2L-001 GP2-335-01 GP2-335-01 GP2K-500 GP2-335-01 GP2M-002 GP2M-005 ITEM No. R1A B R2A B C R3A B R4A B R5A B R6 Vert. Amp. Oath. Byp. Yel R7 R8 Filter Filter Red ii n ii 11 fVL-9 TVL-66 -lor. Cent. Cont. Byp. Vert. Cent. Cont. Byp. rVL-54 Filte Red Fllte Yellow Fllte Blue Filte Blue Filte Red FVL-64 EZ10106 45B135 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES MO. 5-44 LFM-44 MW.5-21 1FM-21 MW.5-21 MW.5-21 MO. 5-44 LFM-21 1FM-21 LFM-44 MW.5-21 MO. 5-31 MW.5-21 ST-2-25 MW.5-21 MO. 5-31 MW.5-21 MW.5-21 MW.5-21 MO. 5-31 MW.5-21 MW.5-21 MO. 5-31 MW.5-21 ST-2-25 MW.5-25 MO. 5-31 MO. 5-41 ST-4-05 ST-6-05 ST-6-1 ST-6-25 ST-6-05 1FM-21 1FM-31 LFM-21 FC-2 1FM-21 1FM-31 LFM-21 1FM-21 1FM-21 1FM-31 1FM-21 1FM-21 1FM-31 1FM-21 TC-2 1FM-25 1FM-31 M3-41 TM-15 TM-15 TM-1 TC-2 TM-15 MO. 5-31 ST-4-01 MO. 5-33 MO. 5-33 MW.5-21 ST-4-01 ST-6-01 MO. 5-35 ST-6-01 ST-6-002 ST-6-005 1FM-31 TM-11 1FM-335 1FM-335 1FM-21 TM-11 TM-11 1FM-35 TM-11 TM-22 TM-25 " Shaft Switch Shaft 25B787 '° ' 25B768 Not Req. 25B769 Not Req. 25B707 25B706 25B708 2 2 4 Output Cath. Bypass Stabilizing Cap. RFn Coupling ii AGC Filter =IF Decoupling ^F Coupling Fixed Padder RF n Coupling n n n it n <"lxed Padder Osc. Coupling IF Coupling Mixer Decoupling Osc. Coupling RF Bypass Osc. Plate Bypass Osc. Grid Cap. Fixed Padder Osc. Fil. Bypass IF Coupling AGC n Filter n 1st IF Decoupling IF Coupling AGC Filter 2nd IF Decoupling 2nd IF Fil. Bypass « IF Coupling AGC Filter 3rd IF Decoupling IF Coupling AGC n Filter n 4th IF Decoupling IF Coupling Diode Filter Video Coupling n it n n ii n Sync. Coupling Sound IFn Coupling n If b Sound IF Decoupling Diode Load Cap f Mode Load Cap 43e -emphasis Audio Coupling AF Screen Bypass AF Plate Bypass Audio Coupling Integrator Nne t . n Vert. Osc. Grid Cap. ITEM No. R9 RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 1 Meg . 10K2 25002 22K2 100K2 100K2 100K2 100K2 470K2 22K2 25002 56002 25002 682 32002 682 25002 56002 682 82002 25002 220K2 56002 1 Meg. 33002 1 Meg. 6802 47002 47K2 270K2 27K2 1 Meg. 39002 39002 15K2 1 Meg. 82002 82002 150K2 12K2 33K2 10K2 10K2 33K2 3302 68K2 470K2 2.2 Meg. 10002 470K2 6802 180K2 Dll-114 E W-20 W20X10 AM-a KSS-; AM-l! KSS-: 58-2 58-21 DEI IVC REPLACEMENT DATA IRC HALLICRAFTfcKb PART No. WATTS PART No. T •tC20AEl^OK 1C20AE151K RC20AE103K BTS-10K 1 RC30AE1 53K BTA-J 5K RC20AE1 \SM f BTS-10K RC20AE103K i BTS-£ 200-1 RC20AE2 J2K -IC20AE2 3^K BTS-100K RC20AE104K 4 RC20AE104K BTS-1 OOK £ BTS-] OOK )4K ^C20AE1 14K BTS-1 OOK I RC20nE474K BTS-470K I =IC20AE2 J3K BTS-J£K BTS-J£00-'. 22K T ^C20AE5 ^?x t BTS-2200 1C20AE222K RC20AE680K 1 BTS-8200 RC20AE822K i RC20AE6 30K i RC20AE2 B2K BTS-J£00 3C204E5 i2K T RC20AE680K 1 BTS-f J200 RC20AE8 32K i BTS-;,200-1 RC20AE2 82K RC20AE2 24K BTS-2 20K x RC20AE5 32K BTS-t 600 ± BTS-1 MeE. R020AE105M 1 RC30AE3,32K BTA-C)300 RC20AE1 D5M BTS-] Meg. i RC20AE6 3 IK BTS-S 80 RC40AE2 72K BT-2- •4700 2 BTS-'tTK RC20AE4 73K x BTS-;,70K RC20AE2 74K X BTS-;:TK RC20AE2 73K i RC20AE1 35M BTS- I Hee I RC20AE392K BTS-3900" x RC20AE3 32K BTS-:5900 T BTS- L5K RC20AE1 53K i RC20AE105M BTS-1 Meg. X BTS-8200 RC20AE822K i BTS-f KOO RC20AE8 B2K RC20AE1 54K BTS- fcOK BTS-12K i R020AE123K BTS-;i3K RC20AE3 53K BTS-. OK-55 \ RC20AE1 33J RC20AE1 D3J BTS- OK-55 BTS-;i3K RC20AE3 33K ± BTA-:i30 RC20AE3 31K ]_ BTA- 38K RC30AE6 33K X BTS-'^70K RC20AE4 74K i RC20AE2 35M BTS-,;.2 MI IL RC30AE1 32K BTA-] 000 BTS-470K RC20AE474K BTA- 380 ^1 RC30AE6 3 IK £ BTS-180K RC20AE184K RATING RESISTANCE 1502 1502 10K2 15K2 Not Req. Not Req. PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS RATING CRAFT CAP. VOLT HALLI PART No. ITEM No. C66 C67 .1 600 .25 600 1500 500 500 1500 .02 60 0 .005 60 0 .005 600 .005 600 6200 500 500 330 390 50 0 390 20 0 .05 60 0 .01 .-035 60 0 .1 600 500 10000 600 .01 .01 60 0 .1 20 0 500 220 600 .01 068 C69 070 071 C72 073 C74 075 C76 C77 078 079 C30 C81 C82 C83 C84 085 C86 C87 * t t t * 4RAY104J 46AX254J CM30A152K CM30A152K 46A Y203J 46A.3502J 46AZ502J 48AZ502J CM35C622J CM20A331K CM2 OA391M 47B 3039 IKS 46A U503J 46A Y503J 46A Y353J 46A Y104J 47A 178 46BR103L6 46B R103L6 46A U104J CM20A221M 46AZ103J AEROVOX PART No. P688-1 384-25 1467-0015 1467-0015 P68 8-02 P68 3-005 P68 3-005 P68 8-005 REPLACEMENT DATA CORNELLERIE DUBILIER PART No. PART No. GT6P1 GT6P25 1W5D15 GP2L-0015 1W5D15 GP2L-0015 GT 6S2 GT 6D5 GP2M- 305 GT6D5 GP2M-005 GT6D5 GP2M-005 1469-00035 146 8-0004 146 8-0004 P28 8-05 P68 8-01 P68 3-033 P68 3-1 5R5T3 5W 5T4 5W 5T4 GT 2S5 GT 6S1 P68 3-01 P68 3-01 P28 3-1 1468-00025 P688-01 GT6S1 GT 5S1 GT 3P1 5W5T25 GT631 SOLAR SPRAGUE PART No. PART No. ST-6-1 ST-6-25 rW. 5-215 MW. 5-215 ST-6-02 ST-6-005 ST-6-005 ST-6-005 GP2K-300 MOS.5-33 MO. 5-34 MO. 5-34 ST-4-05 GP2-3,35-01 ST-6-01 ST-6-1 GT 6P1 ST-6-01 ST-6-01 ST-2-1 GP2K-250 MO. 5-325 GP2-335-01 ST-6-01 IM-1 rc-2 LFM-215 LFM-215 TM-12 m-25 TM-25 TM-25 S-33 LFM-34 LFM-34 rn-is TM-11 TM-1 TM-11 TM-11 TM-1 1FM-325 TM-11 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Vert. Discharge Vert. Coupling rlor. Sync. Coupling Voltage Divider AFC Feedback Hor. Sync. Coupling Voltage Divider ^ixed Trimmer rlor. Osc. Feedback rlor. Discharge T T Hor. Sync. Coupling Hor . Amp . Cath . Byp . * Hor. Amp, Screen Byp. Damper Filter HV Filter Line Filter Pic. Tube Cath. Dec. Voltage Divider ** Fixed Trimmer »* Not used in all models. Some models use .05MMF In this application. When el ther i tern C56 or 357 are rep laced, repl<ice both with capacitors of equal value. t Models T64, 509, 510 use 220MMF in this application. * Models T64. 509, 510 only. CONTROLS Electrolytic Capacitors. IDENTIFICATION CODES ITEM No. AND INSTALLATION NOTES R1A B R2A R Hor. Cent. Cont. Byp. Vert. Cent. Cont. Byp. Filter Red Filter Yellow Filter Blue Filter Blue Filter Red C R3A R4A B R5A Vert. Amp. Cath. Byp. Yel R8 Filter Output Cath. Bypass Stabilizing Cap. RF Coupling AGC Filter RF Decoupling RF Coupling ed Padder RF Coupling Fixed Padder Osc. Coupling coupling Mixer Decoupling Osc. Coupling RF Bypass Osc. Plate Bypass Osc. Grid Cap. Fixed Padder Osc. Fil. Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filter 1st IF Decoupling IF Coupling AGC Filter 2nd IF Decoupling 2nd IF Fil. Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filter 3rd IF Decoupling IF Coupling AGC Filter 4th IF Decoupling IF Coupling Diode Filter Sync. Coupling ^ound IF Coupling Sound IF Decoupling 335 Diode Load Cap •}• 335 Diode Load Cap 21 De-emphasis 1 Audio Coupling 1 AF Screen Bypass 35 AF Plate Bypass 1 Audio Coupling 2 Integrator Net. 5 Vert. Osc. Grid Cap. RE 'LACEMENT DA TA RATINu IRC CLAROSTAT HALLICRAF1 RESIST- WATTS PART No. PART No. PART No. ANCE 50K2 1 Meg. 25002 Rhnf t. Switch 1 Meg. SOKffi 2.5Meg Shaft 50002 Shaft 202 202 25002 4 25B788 25B789 Mot Ren . Not Req. 25B787 25B768 Not Req. 25B769 Not Req. 25B707 25B706 25B708 ± 4 INSTALLATION NOTES Horiz. Hold Control 1 Vert. Hold Control, j Contrast Control , Dual Pnnrpntr1 ,. Loncentrlc A t t a c h to Ppr Tn.qtnint.1onR Dll-114 E W-20 W20X10 AM-83-S KSS-3 AM-19-S KSS-3 58-20 Volume Control Dual Concentric Brightness Control Height Control Attach to R4A Per Instructions Vert. Linearity Control Attach to R5A Per Instructions Horiz. Centering Control 58-2500 Vert. Centering Control tapped © 102 Focus Control < RATING ITEM No. HALLI RESISTANCE WATTS PAR R65 15K2 4 RC20AE R66 1.2 Meg. 4 R020AR R67 1.5 Meg. 4 RC20AE RC20AI R68 lOOKffi R69 6.8 Meg. 4 RC20AE R70 5602 4 RC20AE RC20A1R71 33002 R72 2.2 Meg. j RC20AE RC20AJ R73 1.5 Meg. R74 100K2 4 RC20A1 R75 100K2 4 RC20A1 R76 56002 4 RC20A1 R77 470K2 4 R020AI R78 56002 4 RC20A1 R79 10002 4 RC20A1 R80 68K2 4 RC20A1 R81 270K2 4 RC20A1 R82 47002 4 RC20A) R83 25002 4 R020A1 £ RC20A1 R84 1 Meg. RC20A1 R85 47ffi RC30A1 R86 822 ^i RC40A1 2 R87 47002 2 RC40AI R88 18002 1 RC20A1 R89 82002 RC20At R90 3.32 2 RC40AI R91 1 Meg. 2 R92 4702 RC40AI 1 RC30A1 R93 22002 20 24BHK R94 10002 R95 11002 20 24BH1 R96 8200S2 10 24BG8 4 RC20A1 R97 22002 R98 4.7 Meg. 4 RC20*, 1 RC30AL R99 202 1 RC30AI R100 2002 RCSOA R101 47 £2 R102 47KS2 4 RC20A1 « T * t t f f Models T-64, 509, Models T-64, 509, Models T-64, 509, T Models T-64, 509 1 Models T-64, 509 Models T-64, 509, 5 t Used in models T64, RESISTORS REPLACEMENT DATA HALLICRAFTERE IRC No. PART No. RESISTANCE WATTS PART No. R9 1502 4 RC20AE151K RC20AE151K RIO 1502 RC20AE103K BTS-10K Rll 10K2 l^ RC30AE153K R12 15Kffi BTA-15K R13 1 Meg. 4 RC20AE105M RC20AE103K BTS-10K R14 10K2 X RC20AE222K BTS-2200-5% R15 25002 R16 22K2 4 RC20AE223K R17 100K2 BTS-100K 4 RC20AE104K R18 100K2 BTS-100K 4 RC20AE104K RC20AE104K BTS-100K R19 100K2 X RC20AE104K BTS-100K R20 100K2 X RC20AE474K R21 470KB BTS-470K RC20AE223K BTS-22K R22 22K2 RC20AE222K R23 25002 BTS-2200-5% £ RC20AE562K R24 5600S RC20AE222K BTS-2200 R25 25002 •£ RC20AE680K R26 682 ^ RC20AE822K R27 82002 BTS-8200 4 R28 682 4 RC20AE680K R29 25002 BTS-2200 4 RC20AE222K R30 56002 4 RC20AE562K R31 682 4 RC20AE680K R32 82002 BTS-8200 4 RC20AE822K BTS-2200 -5% R33 25002 4 RC20AE222K R34 220K2 BTS-220K 4 RC20AE224K R35 56002 BTS-5600 4 RC20AE562K BTS-1 Meg. R36 1 Meg. 4 RC20AE105M i RC30AE332K R37 33002 BTA-3300 BTS-1 Meg. R38 1 Meg. 4 RC20AE105M BTS-680 R39 680S 4 RC20AE681K 2 RC40AE272K BT-2-4700 -5 R40 47002 R41 47K2 BTS-47K 4 RC20AE473K R42 270K2 BTS-270K 4 RC20AE274K RC20AE273K BTS-27K R43 27K2 4 BTS-1 Meg. R44 1 Meg. 4 RC20AE105M BTS-3900 R45 39002 4 RC20AE392K R46 39002 BTS-3900 4 RC20AE392K R47 15K2 BTS-15K 4 RC20AE153K RC20AE105M BTS-1 Meg. R48 1 Meg. £ RC20AE822K R49 82002 BTS-8200 X RC20AE822K R50 82002 BTS-8200 X RC20AE154K R51 150KS BTS-150K R52 12K2 4 RC20AE123K BTS-12K BTS-33K R53 33K2 4 RC20AE333K RC20AE103J BTS-10K-5* R54 10K2 1 RC20AE103J BTS-10K-55S R55 10K2 i RC20AE333K R56 33K2 BTS-33K j| RC20AE331K •R57 3302 BTA-330 1 RC30AE683K BTA-68K R58 68K2 BTS-470K R59 470K2 4 RC20AE474K BTS-2.2 Meg R60 2.2 Meg. 4 RC20AE225M i RC30AE102K R61 10002 BTA-1000 R62 470K2 BTS-470K 4 RC20AE474K 1 RC30AE681K BTA-680 R63 6802 R64 180K2 BTS-180K 4 RC20AE184K ITEM RATING i -^ IDENTIFICATION CODES ALL RESISTORS ARE ±10% UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. RF Cathode RF Grid RF Plate Voltage Dropping Mixer Grid Mixer Decoupling Osc. Plate Osc. Grid AGC Network " " " " " " AGC Filter 1st IF^Grld 1st IF Decoupling 2nd IF Grid 2nd IF Decoupling 2nd IF Cathode 3rd IF Grid 3rd IF Cathode 3rd IF Decoupling 4th IF Grid 4th IF Cathode 4th IF Plate 4th IF Decoupling AGC Network Video Det. Diode Load Video Amp. Grid Video Amp. Plate Video Output Grid Video Output Cathode > Video Output Plate Picture Tube Grid DC Restorer Cathode Voltage Divider Sync. Amp. Plate Sync. Phase Inv ii 11 ii . Plate ii Integrator Sync. Phase Inv. Grid Integrator " Sound IF Grid Voltage Divider 11 u Ratio Det. Diode Load 1! 11 II II De-emphasis AF Cathode Voltage Divider AF Plate AF Screen AF Decoupling Output Grid Output Cathode Voltage Divider 5% ITEM No. RATING PRI. SEC. 1 SEC. 2 Tl 117VAC 680VCT 5VAC ® 1.81A ® .23 ® 3A ADC SEC. 4 6.3VAC ©7.5A T Drill new mounting hole # Add series resistor to TR> 5% 5% RATING DC RESISTANCE SEC. PRI. T2 402 14002 T3 1202 T4 3602 Tap SEC. 1 11.52 g)200B Tap © .52 SEC. 2 02 72 T5 5902 T6A 142 B 682 T7 2602 ITEM No. HALLICRA PART N 50B411 55B115 55C113 55C114 53B140 51A1065 TF 5% RATING ITEM No. T8 5% II DC RES. IMPEDANCE PRI. SEC. PRI. SEC. 9K2 3.22 2802 .42 RATING ITEM No. SP1 SP2 FIELD RES. 652 V. C. IMP. CONE DIA. V. C. DIA. 9/16" 5 7/8" 3.22 ESCRIPTIONS SOLAR SPRAGUE o. PART No. PART No. ST-6-1 TM-1 ST-6-25 rc-2 15 MW. 5-215 LFM-215 15 MW .5-215 LFM-215 ST-6-02 ?M-12 5 ST-6-005 FM-25 5 ST-6-005 PM-25 5 ST-6-005 FM-25 MOS.5-33 MO . 5-34 MO. 5-34 ST-4-05 -01 ST-6-01 0 ST-6-1 ST-6-01 ST-6-01 ST-2-1 MO. 5-325 0 -01 ST-6-01 e-ss LFM-34 LFM-34 m-15 PM-11 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Vert. Discharge Vert. Coupling {or. Sync. Coupling Voltage Divider AFC Feedback ior. Sync. Coupling Voltage Divider ^ixed Trimmer {or. Osc. Feedback {or. Discharge t T {or. Sync. Coupling {or. Amp. Cath. Byp. * ior. Amp. Screen Byp. hamper Filter TM-1 FM-11 TM-11 TM-1 {V Filter ^ine Filter M e . Tube Cath. Dec. 1FM-325 Voltage Divider ** TM-11 Fixed Trimmer ** e both with capacitors of equal value. ation. INSTALLATION NOTES O r i Z . nOid UOnLrOl ( nnp1 Pnnr-pmfrMf ert. Hold Control. / Dual Concentric ontrast Control ttach to R2A Per Instructions No. R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 R76 R77 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 R83 R84 R85 R86 R87 R88 R89 R90 R91 R92 R93 R94 R95 R96 R97 R98 R99 R100 R101 R102 rlg^sT Octroi ] Dual C°"™C eight Control ttach to R4A Per Instructions ert. Linearity Control ttach to R5A Per Instructions oriz. Centering Control ert. Centering Control tapped © 10H ocus Control IDENTIFICATION CODES SSISTORS ARE tlO% UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Lthode REPLACEMENT DATA HALLICRAFT . IRC IDENTIFICATION CODES PART No. PART No. RESISTANCE WATTS BTS-15K Voltage Divider RC20AE153K 15Kfl BTS-1.2 Meg Vert. Osc. Grid 1.2 Meg. 4 RC20AE125K BTS-1.5 Meg RC20AE155K 1.5 Meg. Voltage Divider BTS-100K RC20AE104K 100K2 BTS-6.8 Meg RC20AE685K 6.8 Meg. Vert. Amp. Cathode ** BTS-560 RC20AE561K 5602 Vert. Peaking RC20AE332K BTS-3300 33002 BTS-2.2 Meg Vert. Amp. Grid RC20AE225M 2.2 Meg. BTS-1.5 Meg Vert. 'Amp. Plate 1.5 Meg. 4 R020AE155K Horiz. Sync. Disc. Load 100K2 BTS-100K 4 RC20AE104K " " " " BTS-100K 100K2 4 RC20AE104K Feedback Network 56002 RC20AE562K BTS-5600 £ RC20AE474K 470K2 BTS-470K AFC Filter •^ RC20AE562K Horiz. Osc. Plate * 56002 BTS-5600 Horlz. Osc. Cathode 10002 BTS-1000 i RC20AE102K .iHorlz. Osc. Grid RC20AE683K BTS-68K 68K2 RC20AE274K BTS-270K Horiz. Osc. Plate 270K2 Horlz. Peaking «47002 BTS-4700 ^£i R020AE472K RC20AE222K 25002 BTS-2200-5% Filter »* X RC20AE105M BTS-1 Meg. 1 Meg. Horiz. Output Grid t •£ RC20AE470K Parasitic Suppressor 472 1 RC30AE820K Horls. Output Cathode 4 822 2 RC40AE472K BT— 2— 4VOO Horiz. Output Screen T T 47002 z RC40AE182K 18002 BT-2-1800 Filter 4 * BTA-8200 Feedback Network # 82002 1 RC20AE822K HV R e c t i f i e r Filament 3.32 4 RC20AE033M 1 Meg. z RC40AE105M HV Filter 4702 z RC40AE471K BT-2-470 Series Focus Control i RC30AE222K Focus Coil Shunt 22002 BTA-2200 Filter 10002 20 24BH102D DG-1000 11002 20 24BH112D 82002 10 24BG822E AB-8000 Bleeder 22002 RC20AE222K BTS-2200 Sync. Phase I n v . Cathode BTS-4.7 Meg Hor. Sync. Disc. Load # # 4.7 Meg. 4 RC20.HE475K i RC30AE200J Vert. Deflection Shunt # # 202 2002 l RC30AE201J " t t 472 l RC30AE470K Width Control Shunt t i 47K2 RC20AE473K BTS-47K Hor. Hold Control Shunt t f ** Not used in models T-64, 509, 510 * Models T-64, 509, 510 use 68002 in this application t Models T-64, 509, 510 use 100K2 In this application 4- Models T-64, 509, 510 use 562 in this application T T Models T-64, 509, 510 use 22002 2W in this application 4- 4- Models T-64, 509, 510 use 2202 In this application t Models T-64, 509, 510 use 10002 in this application f f Used In models T64, 509, 510 only. RATING ITEM ITEM RATING No. Late ige Dropping • Grid • Decoupling Plate Grid Jetwork SEC. 3 5VAC 5VAC g)3A © 1.81A ® .23 ADC SEC. 4 ©2A 680VCT 117VAC Tl •Id SEC. 2 SEC. 1 PRI. HALLICRAFTERS. PART No. 52C170 5% REPLACEMENT DATA STANCOR CHICAGO PART No. PART No. TP-410 P-8153T t MERIT PART No. 6.3VAC 07.5A T Drill new mounting holes. t Add series resistor to reduce plate voltage. REPLACEMENT DATA RATING DC RESISTANCE ITEM HALLICRAFTERE STANCOR PART No. PART No. SEC. PRI. 50B411 T2 402 A-8111 14002 55B115 T3 1202 A-8117 T4 3602 Tap SEC. 1 55C113 g)200£> 11.52 No. T5 T6A B T7 Tap @ .52 SEC. 2 02 72 5902 142 682 2602 55C114 53B140 A-8115 51A1065 FC-10 ITEM No. PRI. T8 9K2 SEC. 3.22 PRI. SEC. 2802 .42 RATING ITEM No. SP1 ate reen coupling t Grid t Cathode ge Divider TBO-1 TFB-1 A-3000 TSO-1 A-3035 DY-1 NOTES Hor. Osc. Coll Vert .Block Osc. Trans. Hor. Output Trans. Vert. Output Trans. Hor. Deflection Yoke Vert. Deflection Yoke Focus Coll HALLICRAFTERS . PART No. Part of 85C079 REPLACEMENT DATA STANCOR CHICAGO PART No. PART No. A-8114 RO-16 MERIT PART No. A-2900 INSTALLATION NOTES SPEAKER I IF Grid ,ge Divider iphasls .thode .ge Divider MERIT PART No. TRANSFORMER (AUDIO OUTPUT) RATING DC RES. IMPEDANCE ;rator Phase Inv. Grid ;rator Det. Diode Load CHICAGO PART No. FIELD RES. 652 CONE DIA. SP2 5 7/8" V. C. IMP. 3.22 REPLACEMENT DATA JENSEN HALLICRAFTERE PART No. PART No. 85C079 QUAM PART No. ^Hi ^ ^ ^E *> TRANSFORMER (SWEEP CIRCUITS) 'liter [F^Grid [F Decoupling [F Grid [F Decoupling [F Cathode IF Grid :F Cathode ;F Decoupling ;F Grid ;F Cathode IF Plate :F Decoupling ietwork ) Det. Diode Load i Amp. Grid ) Amp. Plate i Output Grid > Output Cathode ) Output Plate ire Tube Grid istorer Cathode ige Divider Amp. Plate Phase Inv. Plate • NOTES V. C. DIA. 9/16" PAGE 15 tn PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) COILS (RF-IF) REPLACEMENT DATA ITEM DC RES. USE No. PRI. LI L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 Lll L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L2S L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 LSI L32 Ant . Input RF Plate RF Plate RF Plate RF Plate Mixer Grid Mixer Grid Mixer Grid Mixer Grid RF Choke Osc. Coll Osc. Coll Osc. Coll Osc. Coll RF Cath.ChK F 11. Choke F 11. Choke 1st IF 2nd IF 3rd IF 4th IF Video Det. Peaking Peaking Peaking Peaking Peaking Peaking Sound Trap Ratio Det. Width Control Horlz. Line arity control SEC. Off. Offi OS Offi 02 Offi Offi 02 Offl 22 Offi 02 02 02 2ffi .52 .52 .52 .22 .2ffi .22 .22 .22 102 llffi 102 62 8.52 6.5ffi 4.8S2 4.82 12 HALLICRAFT. PART No. 51A1039 51A.1048 51A1051 51A1050 51A1049 51A1048 51A1047 51A1046 51A1041 53B008 51A1044 51A1043 51A1042 51A1041 53B008 51A133 53A009 50A372-1 50A372-1 50A372-1 50A372-1 50A372-1 51A1079 51A1080 51A1087 51A1082 51A1086 S1A1082 51A1037 50B406 .52 51B1072 34ffi 51B1071 NOTES MEISSNER PART No. Wound Wound Wound Wound Wound Wound Wound Wound on on on on on on on on 3.3K2, 2.2KS, S.SKffi, 1 Meg, S.SKffi, 2.2K2, S.SKffi, 1 Meg, 1 Watt resistor 1 Watt resistor 1 Watt resistor 1/2 Watt resistor 1 Watt resistor 1 Watt resistor 1 Watt resistor 1/2 Watt resistor Wound Wound Wound Wound on on on on 1 Meg, 1 Meg, 1 Meg, I/Meg, 1 Watt resistor 1 Watt resistor 1 Watt resistor 1/2 Watt resistor Wound Wound Wound Wound Wound Wound on on on on on on 39K2 resistor 1 Meg resistor 56K2 resistor 1 Meg resistor 1 Meg resistor 1 Meg resistor MISCELLANEOUS ITEM No. Ml M2 MS M4 MBA B M6 M7 HALLICRAFTERS . NOTES PART NAME PART No. Includes PB switch, trimmers, coils, etc. Channel Selector Assy 41X12104 Type SAG, 1/4 Amp. Fuse 39A334 Ion Trap 21B083 10A2B6 AC Powe r Socket 6A312 6 Pin Power) Socket Socket Socket Socket Socket Escutcheon Safety Glass Knob Knob Knob Knob Switch 6 A3 13 10A303 6B309 7E079 22C220 15B147 15B146 15B148 17A041-2 60A347 Octal Power) T-64, 509, 510 only 9 Pin Power) 5 Pin Speaker) Picture> Tube Pic turf'. Tube Vertical and Volume controls (Front Section) Horiz. and Brightness Controls (Rear Section) Contra^>t control Pushbuttons and f ine tuning control Circle- Normal Switch, DPDT. HEIGHT VERT. LIN. HORIZ. LIN. HORIZ. DRIVE im WIDTH fiji • HORIZ. CENT. VERT. CENT. CABINET-REAR VIEW PAGE 16 (V22) (R96) POWER SUPPLY CHASSIS-TOP VIEW R84 R85 C79 C77 POWER SUPPLY CHASSIS-BOTTOM VIEW PAGE 19
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