2009/1 - Institut für Telematik
2009/1 - Institut für Telematik
During the last winter term 16 students participated in a semester project that aimed at giving students practical insight into the design and development of internet protocols. The students worked in separate groups where they were asked to design a protocol independently from one an2009/1 other to manage Happy Hour offerings of surrounding restaurants and bars, specify the final protocol team-wide afterwards, and finally implement it in each team accordingly. During the interop-test (Fig. 2) at the Institute of Telematics some inaccuracies of the underlying speciOverSim framework was awarded as best fication could be identified and implementation communication software by the GI/ITG errors eliminated so that the final specification Fachgruppe KuVS could be published later as an informal InternetDraft. Telematik Newsletter News 15.03.2009 Martin Röhricht [email protected] G-Lab experimentaly facility put into operation Figure 1 KuVS prize winner The GI/ITG Fachgruppe KuVS has awarded the Overlay Framework OverSim with the “KuVS Communication Software” prize (Fig. 1). The prize is awarded as part of the KiVS conference to innovative software for use in communication and distributed systems. OverSim is used for rapid prototyping and evaluation of novel overlay protocols. The framework is released on http://www.oversim.org/ as open source project. http://www.oversim.org/ 06.03.2009 Ingmar Baumgart [email protected] Telematics student’s term project Figure 3 G-Lab experimentaly facility put into operation Figure 2 Telematics student’s term project As part of the G-Lab project funded by the BMBF a new national research network is build to study novel Internet technologies. For this 2 Telematik Newsletter 2009/1 purpose the Insitute for Telematics has put a cluster of 25 Sun Fire X4150 servers connected by a Cisco Catalyst 4500 switch into operation (Fig. 3). The local facility is connected to 5 additional sites and forms a large distributed cluster consisting of over 170 nodes. of the entries in the routing tables. Promising approaches try to dissolve the duality of the Internet addresses. An IP address identifies not only an end-system to communicate with, but also the location where the system is connected to the Internet. This property causes problems 30.03.2009 Ingmar Baumgart [email protected] with mobility, multi-homing, and traffic engineering and causes negative impact on the worldwide routing tables. At the workshop various aspects of potential identifier/locator split approaches for a future internet were discussed intensively. Main focus was on future requireE-Energy Conference of the Münchner ments and possibilities of such a split. Results Kreis from the workshop were presented and discussed at an IRTF routing research group meeting that was held at the 74th IETF Meeting in San Francisco. http://www.dagstuhl.de/de/programm/kalend er/semhp/?semnr=09102 Conferences & Workshops 01.03.2009 Dr. Roland Bless [email protected] SIMUTools Conference and OMNeT++ Workshop 2009 Figure 4 The E-Energy conference organized by the Münchner Kreis in Berlin Organized by the Münchner Kreis, a conference dedicated to the highly emergent topic “EEnergy” was held on the 22nd and 23nd of January 2009 in Berlin (Fig. 4). During the conference, the 6 recently initiated projects funded by the BMWi were presented as well as their goals and major points of focus. Afterwards, the conference’s 150 participants, Peter Baumung from the ITM among them, discussed the future and potential as well as the risks of a widely deployed information and communication technology for increasing the efficiency of the generation and the use of electric power. 23.01.2009 Dr. Peter Baumung [email protected] From 2nd to 6th of March 2009 the 2nd International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools) and the colocated 2nd International Workshop on OMNeT++ took place in Rome, Italy. The conference includes a wide variety of talks from different fields of simulative modeling and evaluation. Thomas Gamer presented a simulation environment that is based on the simulator OMNeT++ and is well suited for the simulative evaluation of large-scale attack detection in the Internet. The presented environment consists of the tools ReaSE (http://www.tm.uka.de/ReaSE) and Distack (http://www.tm.uka.de/Distack). ReaSE generates realistic basic conditions for the simulations whereas Distack facilitates an easy integration of actual attack detection mechanisms into simulations. http://www.tm.uka.de/Distack http://www.tm.uka.de/ReaSE 02.03.2009 Thomas Gamer [email protected] Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop “Naming and Addressing in a Future Internet” Visiting the “Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen” (KiVS) 2009 At the beginning of March researchers, developers, and engineers met at Schloss Dagstuhl to As in the past years, the Institute of Telematics discuss various aspects related to “Naming and had a strong presence at this year’s “KommuAddressing in a Future Internet” in a Dagstuhl nikation in verteilten Systemen” (KiVS) conferperspectives workshop. Background of this ence and its related workshops. Held in Kasmeeting are the raising scalability concerns of sel (Germany), the event featured presentations the global Internet routing system, i.e., the cur- of Jochen Furthmüller, Christoph Mayer, Chrisrent practices lead to a non manageable increase tian Hübsch and Peter Baumung, who each pre- 3 Telematik Newsletter 2009/1 sented recent results on communication in sensor networks, security for the internet of things, optimizations for wireless overlays and P2P-based real-time games. http://www.kivs09.de/ 02.03.2009 Dr. Peter Baumung [email protected] KiVS Workshop on Overlay and Network Virtualization as member of the institute of Telematics. The meeting was well attended with 1186 participants. Topics that were discussed at the various working group meetings and BOFs were strategies to cope with the increasing IPv4 address scarcity, if IPv6 cannot be used as an alternative. Controversial discussions were held on the topic of NAT for IPv6 as a solution for currently unsolved practical problems with IPv6 deployment. There was, however, no consensus that NAT for IPv6 is the right solution for these open problems. So far IPv6 was eventually seen as a way to get rid of NAT gateways and their associated problems, so that transparent end-toend communications are reintroduced. Further meetings of IRTF research groups were also held in San Francisco, e.g., Peer-to-Peer, Delay Tolerant Networking and a BOF for a potential new research group on network virtualization. https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/74/materi als.html On March 6th, 25 participants of a Workshop on Overlay and Network Virtualization met in Kassel in conjunction with KiVS 2009.The workhop was co-chaired by Roland Bless of the Institute of Telematics. Several invited talks and submitted papers were presented and discussed in order to exchange problems, existing solutions and future research topics in this area. The workshop was closed with an interesting and controversial panel discussion. There was high interest in a sequel workshop on the topic. http://www.net.informatik.uni-goettingen.de/n 22.03.2009 Dr. Roland Bless [email protected] vws 06.03.2009 Dr. Roland Bless [email protected] Private Meeting of the Institute at Schloss Dagstuhl Figure 5 Private Meeting of the Institute at Schloss Dagstuhl This year’s private meeting of the Institute of Telematics staff members was held from 11.– 13. March (Fig. 5). During these days at Schloss Dagstuhl the participants presented current research and graduation work. In addition, valuable discussions and working meetings with the topics future Internet, wireless sensor networksoverlay networks, service composition, and security complemented the private meeting. 11.03.2009 Thomas Gamer [email protected] 74. IETF-Meeting Guests & Visits Overlay projects were presented to external guests In the first quarter of the year 2009 three visits of external guests took place, to which the Institut presented the complete spectrum of work within the areas of overlay and peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. The series of visits were opened on 01/14 by Professor Jörg Liebeherr of the University of Toronto, which showed active interest in the presented work and demonstrators on Ad-Hoc multicast/MAMAS, P2P-SIP/Oversim, Massively Multiplayer on-line Games (MMOGs) and Spontaneous Virtual Networks (SpoVNet) as well as at the additional presentations of the projects FleGSens and ZeuS. Jörg Liebeherrs talk with the title “Overlays can do more... if not everything” also found a large audience inside and outside of the institute. On 01/23 the institute was visited by a delegation of Alcatel Lucent Bell Babs in Stuttgart. Here after a presentation of the guests the topics P2P-SIP/OverSim, MMOGs, latency minimization in structured overlays, SpoVNet and MAMAS were presented. The last visit was by a delegation of Siemens CT in Munich on 02/03. Additionally to SpoVNet and P2P-SIP/Oversim two projects in the energy context (SESAM and MEREGIO) were presented here. The 74th IETF meeting was held in San Francisco (CA, USA). Dr. Roland Bless participated 14.01.2009 Dr. Oliver P. Waldhorst [email protected] 4 SESAM Demonstrator on the CeBIT for the 2nd Time Telematik Newsletter 2009/1 Miscellaneous New team member Anton Hergenröder Figure 6 SESAM Demonstrator on the CeBIT for the 2nd Time The SESAM demonstrator, a model world that visualizes a decentralized trade platform for energy within a virtual power plant, illustrates the central research results of the project “Self Organization and Spontaneity in Liberalized and Harmonized Markets”. After its premiere at the CeBIT 2006 the demonstrator was presented on this years CeBIT on the SAP stand. Again, it was a big attraction for the visitors (Fig. 6). The co-operation between the institute and SAP originates from the project “Towards Minimum Emission Regions (MEREGIO)”. 03.03.2009 Dr. Oliver P. Waldhorst [email protected] Figure 7 New team member Anton Hergenröder As of January 2009, Anton Hergenröder (Fig. 7) has joined the ITM research team. Within the scope of the ZeuS-Project he is developing a testbed for wireless sensor-actuator-networks (WSANs). The testbed is intended to be used for studying various characteristics of WSANApplications (e.g. energy efficiency, reliability, security, performance) in real world scenarios. He is also involved in research into modelling of WSANs within the MoSe-Project. 15.01.2009 Anton Hergenröder [email protected] Joe Touch visits the ITM New team member Hans Wippel On Friday, March 20, the Institute of Telematics was visited by Joe Touch, Postel Center Director at the ISI of the University of Southern California, where he is involved in several research projects on computer networking. Among other activities, Joe Touch is chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications. After his presentation to all Institute members about the Recursive Network Architecture (RNA), some members had the opportunity to continue discussions with him about protocol composition approaches. At the same time, ideas could be picked up again, that were initially talked about when the Institute members Lars Völker und Denis Martin visited the ISI in Figure 8 New team member Hans Wippel September of last year. 20.03.2009 Denis Martin [email protected] Since February 2009 Hans Wippel (Fig. 8) is Telematik Newsletter 2009/1 a member of the research team of the Institute of Telematics. Within the context of the BMBF funded project “G-Lab” he works on service oriented network architectures and the components-based design of network protocols in the Future Internet. He also wrote his diploma thesis about optimized communication between overlay members in heterogeneous networks at the Institute of Telematics. 01.02.2009 Hans Wippel [email protected] New team member Jens Horneber Figure 9 New team member Jens Horneber Jens Horneber (Fig. 9) joined the scientific staff at Institute of Telematics in february 2009 for the subproject “Energy efficient roboust and secure communication” in the Research Training Group “Self-organizing SensorActuator-Networks”. He is working on adaptive application-driven configration of wireless service oriented sensor-actor networks and distributed energy measurement in sensor networks. 01.02.2009 Jens Horneber [email protected] References Peter Baumung: Banishing Patch-Cables from LAN Parties - Using Ad-hoc P2P Multicast as a Substitute? In Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009, Kassel, Germany, March 2009. Springer. Peter Baumung and Denis Martin: Modulare P2P-basierte Gruppenkommunikation in mobilen Ad-hoc-Netzen (Demo), March 2009. Peter Baumung and Martina Zitterbart: Basissoftware für drahtlose Ad-hoc- und Sen- 5 sornetze. Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, March 2009. Peter Baumung and Martina Zitterbart: MAMAS - Mobility-aware Multicast for Ad-hoc Groups in Self-organizing Networks, pages 33– 48. Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, March 2009. J. Furthmüller, M. Pink, H. Hartenstein, and O. Waldhorst: Overcoming a Communication Barrier on the Way Towards a Global Sensor Network. In Proc. 1st Workshop on Global Sensor Networks (GSN 2009), co-located with 16. ITG/GI Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2009), Kassel, Germany, March 2009. In a global sensor network different sensor platforms will be deployed. A grave obstacle on the way of building sensor networks out of different sensor nodes are incompatible implementations of network protocol stacks used with different sensor node platforms. We describe our efforts to overcome this obstacle in a heterogeneous sensor network consisting out of MICAz Motes and Sun SPOTs, both using an IEEE 802.15.4 radio chip. We explain the major differences in the respective network stacks and our approach to bridge them. A network stack that bridges the gap between different platforms allows for more flexible and robust networks. Jochen Furthmüller and Oliver P. Waldhorst: A Survey on Grid Computing on Mobile Consumer Devices. In N. Antonopoulos, G. Exarchakos, M. Li, and A. Liotta (editors): Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing. IGIGlobal, January 2009. to appear. The paradigm of grid computing offers interesting perspectives for future usage of computing devices. Sharing of resources makes new demanding applications feasible and helps to exploit previously unused potential. With an increasing number of mobile devices for communication and computation the vision of a mobile grid is becoming more and more attractive. Yet the transfer of the paradigm of grid computing to the domain of mobile devices is difficult. It faces multiple challenges, namely narrowness of resources, intermittent connectivity, increased heterogeneity and network dynamics. Different approaches exist to tackle isolated facets of this task. They vary in aspects of the mobile grid architecture, the kind of shared resources and the way the participants use resources and contribute resources to the grid. This chapter proposes a scheme for classifying approaches for 6 mobile grids with respect to these aspects. Furthermore, it provides a survey of such efforts, and identifies remaining challenges and future trends. Thomas Gamer and Christoph P. Mayer: Large-scale Evaluation of Distributed Attack Detection. In Digital Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on OMNeT++, March 2009. Christian Hübsch and Oliver P. Waldhorst: Enhancing Application-Layer Multicast Solutions by Wireless Underlay Support. In Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009, Kassel, Germany. Springer, March 2009. Application Layer Multicast (ALM) is an attractive solution to overcome the deployment problems of IP-Multicast. We show how to cope with the challenges of incorporating wireless devices into ALM protocols. As a rst approach we extend the NICE protocol, signifi cantly increasing its performance in scenarios with many devices connected through wireless LAN. http://doc.tm.uka.de/2009/nice-wli.pdf Christoph P. Mayer: Security and Privacy Challenges in the Internet of Things. In Proceedings of KiVS Workshop on Global Sensor Networks (GSN09), March 2009. http://eceasst.cs.tuberlin.de/index.php/eceasst/article/view/208/205. http://doc.tm.uka.de/2009/gsn09-security-may er.pdf (slides) Lars Völker, Christoph Werle, Marcel Noe and Benjamin Behringer: AutoConfiguration for Communication Security (Demo). Demo Poster, March 2009. Telematik Newsletter ISSN 1613-9410 Publisher: Institut of Telematics, University of Karlsruhe (TH) Prof. Dr. Martina Zitterbart [email protected] Editors: Sebastian Mies [email protected] Web: http://doc.tm.uka.de/newsletter/ Telematik Newsletter 2009/1