St. Brendan the Navigator


St. Brendan the Navigator
The Navigator
El Navegante
We welcome all to join us in being like Jesus Christ to our world.
Damos la bienvenida a todos a unirse a nosotros en ser como Jesucristo a nuestro mundo.
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 26, 2012
Ministry Carnival – Sunday, September 23rd
Lots of great food, games, prizes! better than ever!
Make plans to be there
If you have any items or services that you would like to offer and include in the
Silent Auction, it is appreciated and will benefit the Capital Campaign. Or, if you
know of someone that might be willing to make a donation, please have them
contact Kelle Russo at [email protected]. Suggested items:
Retail/Merchandise – gift cards to restaurants, stores, tools, etc.
Recreation – round of golf, Braves tickets, YMCA Passes, etc.
Services – tree removal, painting, catering, music lessons, etc.
Carnival Sponsorships Needed
The parish is looking for any and all types of Sponsors to help make the Ministry
Carnival a HUGE success. Businesses, individuals or families that are interested
in helping sponsor the Ministry Carnival should contact Kelle Russo at
[email protected]. No matter how small or large the sponsorship, you
will be recognized on promotional materials and banner and offered a space for
a booth. Your generosity is appreciated.
PSR and Edge Start Dates: Parish School of Religion (PSR) Classes for
Smile  Parish Directory –
Coming Soon!
Schedule now to get your family
photographed for our parish
pictorial directory. You will receive
a FREE 8x10 portrait and copy of
the directory just for participating
(no purchase required). On-line
appointments are available on our
website at;
signup at Mass or contact the parish
office 770-205-7969 to make an
Kindergarten-Edge begin August 26-29th!
Koster Kleaners
We have renamed our Martha’s Minions cleaning group to Koster Kleaners.
Koster comes from an Old Dutch word meaning Sexton, one who maintains the
appearance and cleanliness of the church. This word honors Fr. Matthew’s
Dutch heritage and his keen interest in making St. Brendan’s church a clean
worship place that we can all be proud of. We are currently looking for
volunteers who are interested in helping clean the church, chapel, and
connecting space once a week. No training is necessary just the willingness to
give a little time, have a giving heart, a desire to clean with others and maybe a
little elbow grease. Contact Denise Morton if you are interested at
[email protected]; 770-888-4018.
St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Community
Rev. Fr.. Matthew Van Smoorenburg, L.C.,
Parish Administrator
4633 Shiloh Road
Cumming, GA 30040
Fax: 770-205-5040
[email protected]
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Pastoral Staff
Church phone: 770-205-7969
Rev. Fr. Matthew Van Smoorenburg, L.C.
Parish Administrator..................................
Rev. Fr. Juan Guerra, L.C., Parochial Vicar ......
Rev. Fr. Joseph Ramos, L.C., Parochial Vicar...
Rev. Mr. Bill Monahan, Deacon .........................
Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon .........................
Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon ...............................
Rev. Mr. Bob Grimaldi, Deacon .........................
Sandy Spera, Pastoral Associate, Spanish Liaison
Faith Formation Staff
Paul Thigpen, Dir. of Adult Faith Formation ……
Margaret Frain, Dir. of Youth Faith Formation …
Monica Plew, Faith Formation Coordinator …….
Lisa Lively, Youth Min. - Edge/LifeTeen ...........
Sheila Tereniak, Youth Ministry Coordinator …..
Jodi Brock, Dir. of Preschool & MMO..................
Young Adult Ministry .......................................
Liturgy & Music Staff
Phil Barreca, Director of Liturgy & Music ...........
Lynne Sterritt, Asst. Director of Music ...............
[email protected] ........... ext
[email protected]........ ext
[email protected]..... ext
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] ................. ext
[email protected]
[email protected] ................. ext
[email protected]..............
[email protected] .................
[email protected] …………..
[email protected] ……………
[email protected] …………. Ext 33
[email protected] ................. ext 20
[email protected] ...................
[email protected] ..........
[email protected] ..............
ext 43
ext 23
Administrative Staff
Laurie Johnson, Business Manager...................
ljohnson@stbrendansatlcom ............ ext 31
Angel Bonet, Parish Assets Manager.................
[email protected] ............... ext 13
Kelle Russo, Parish Life Coordinator ……………
[email protected] …………. ext 41
Luisa Rubio, Registrar .......................................
[email protected] ................. ext 15
Julie Williams, Accounts Payable Bookkeeper….
[email protected] ............ ext 21
Laura Myers, Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper .. [email protected] ............... ext 21
Susan Shirley, Communications Coordinator....... [email protected] ............. ext 14
Mary Ann Mallon, Parish Secretary .................... [email protected] ........... ext 11
Elba Banderas, Receptionist............................... [email protected]........... ext 10
Arthur Senecal, Supt. of Building & Grounds ......
[email protected]..... 678-551-3363
Mac McKinney, Coordinator of Maintenance ................................................................ 678-467-6490
Melvin Rogers, Maintenance ....................................................................................... 404-313-2330
Emergency Contact Information
AA: Bob W. 404-308-6556 or Kathie M. 404-219-4055 Al-Anon: 404-687-0466
Good Samaritan Emergency Assistance Hotline: 770-205-2324
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
Adults who wish to join the Catholic Church as fully
initiated Christians are invited to participate in a
formation program that begins each fall. The
Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and
Eucharist – are celebrated at the Easter Vigil. For
more information, contact Dr. Paul Thigpen at
[email protected]; 770-205-7969 ext 40.
Confirmation takes place in the tenth grade with
preparation during the 9th and 10th grades. Teens are
prepared by attending Faith Formation classes,
participating in one retreat a year and by doing works
of service within and outside the parish. For more
information, please contact the Faith Formation office
at ext. 33.
Counseling Services
In association with Catholic Charities of Atlanta, we
can provide a variety of affordable counseling services
for families or individuals. Please contact Suzy
Thomas, MA, LPC at 404-733-3515 or Marianela
Matheus, LPC at 404-733-3501.
Marriage Preparation
Arrangements for the celebration of the Sacrament of
Marriage are to be made at least six months before
an anticipated wedding date. Please contact Fr. Juan
at ext. 12.
Spanish speaking families, please contact Sandy
Spera, ext. 27. Engaged couples who have already
scheduled a wedding should contact our Wedding
Coordinator, Maureen Weeks, at 404-668-8494 or
[email protected] with any questions.
Stephen Ministry
Do you need someone to talk to, confide in, in a
confidential manner? If so, consider a Stephen
Minister. Contact Robert Sheffield – 770-866-4979,
[email protected].
Please contact Luisa Rubio at ext. 15 for detailed
information. Parents must be registered in the parish,
practicing the Catholic faith and attend a baptismal
preparation class. These classes are held monthly.
Baptism sponsor letters require 10 days advance
notice. Spanish speaking families, please contact
Sandy Spera, ext. 27.
Anointing of the Sick / Communion to the Sick or
In the event of serious illness, death, or other
sacramental emergency, please call the parish office
for instructions. After hours contact information is
available via recorded message on our main office
Specially trained Extraordinary Ministers of Holy
Communion are available to bring Communion to
those who are sick or homebound. Please call the
parish office to arrange.
Faith Formation
Our Faith Formation program is
programs that meet the needs of all
our parishioners. From preschool to
instruction that is based on the
Catechism of the Catholic Church,
the Scriptures and Church Tradition.
Please contact the Faith Formation
office, ext. 33, for more information
regarding elementary, middle and
high school programs, and Paul
Thigpen, ext. 40, for adult programs.
More detailed information is available
on the parish website.
First Reconciliation / Communion
First Communion / Reconciliation
typically takes place in second grade
with the preparation beginning in first
grade. Preparation includes meetings
and workshops for parents and
working with children at home with
materials provided by the Faith
Formation department. All this is
done in concert with our regular Faith
Formation program. For information
contact the Faith Formation office, ext
St. Joseph Food Pantry
Food distribution every Wednesday,
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and every
Friday during the school year from
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (No new
registrations on Fridays.) Pantry is
located in the Barn behind the
Church. Contact: Barbara Gordon [email protected]; 770-8883258.
Mass Intentions & Altar Flowers
Please contact the parish office to
reserve a date for a special Mass
Intention or Altar Flower donation.
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.
(en Español)
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m.,11:00 a.m.,
1:00 p.m. (en Español), 5:00 p.m.
Daily Mass
Monday – Saturday: 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday: 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. (en Español)
Thursday: 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 6:00 p.m.
Rosary - immediately following
weekday Mass
The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Sundays at 12:30 p.m. en Español
Saturdays at 9:15 a.m. in English
Eucharistic Adoration
in St. Sebastian Chapel
Tuesday - 6:30 p.m. – Wednesday
6:45 p.m.
9:00 a.m. until last
person served and
3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
4:30 - 5:45 p.m.
5:30 - 6:45 p.m. in
English and en Español
Gospel Of John Bible Study
Blood Drive – This Sunday,
August 26, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
in the Spiritual Life Center. We
sincerely appreciate anyone who is
able to donate blood. The need is
consistent. The gratification is
instant. Give blood!
Garden Ministry: Harvesting is
still in full swing! Our Garden
Ministry Coaches need
assistance with picking of produce,
pulling weeds and/or watering. No
experience necessary. Check for
contact information each week in
the bulletin. All produce will be
donated to the St. Joseph’s food
pantry. Coach for the week is
[email protected] or 770781-3819.
Interested in Becoming a
Lector? - Lectors proclaim the
Word of God at the weekend and
other specially scheduled Masses.
Must be at least 13 years of age and
have a desire to serve! Training is
provided. If interested, contact Joe
[email protected].
Help Needed - Ministers in the
Lord's Laundry are entrusted with
providing for the cleaning and
timely supplying of all linens for
Mass. Only a desire to serve is
required. Training is provided. If
interested, contact Joan Gaskin
coordinator, at 678-965-4886.
(Contact Paul Thigpen, 770-205-7969 x. 40, [email protected])
Coming this Fall! Join us for an in-depth study of the Gospel of St. John, the
beautiful, powerful, profound account of Jesus’ life written by His “beloved
disciple.” Presented by Dr. Paul Thigpen on Tuesday evenings beginning
September 11, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the parish Social Hall. No registration
needed - get it on your calendar now!
Fr. Robert Barron’s Catholicism Series
(Contact Lynn Martiny, 678-771-5322, [email protected])
Fr. Robert Barron’s highly acclaimed PBS TV series on the Catholic faith is
coming to St. Brendan’s on DVD! From Israel to Italy, Uganda to Mexico, India to
the U.S., this series takes you on a beautiful, breathtaking journey through
Catholic teaching, history, and culture. Sunday mornings, beginning Sept. 9,
from 8:45 to 9:45 in the parish Social Hall.
Faith In The Workplace
(Contact Paul Thigpen, 770-205-7969 x. 40, [email protected])
Integrating your faith with your work and the other areas of your life can be a
daunting challenge! Come hear author Randy Hain talk about his journey From
the Spiritual Wilderness to an Integrated Catholic Life. Randy is the
Managing Partner of Bell Oaks Executive Search in Atlanta and cofounder of
Integrated Catholic Life eMagazine and of the annual Atlanta Catholic Business
Conference. His presentation will draw from his award-winning book, The
Catholic Briefcase: Tools for Integrating Faith and Work (Liguori, 2011), his
experiences as a business leader, and his ministry in the church. Join us
Thursday, Sept. 13, at 7:15 p.m. in the church.
Thursday Evening Bible Study Returns!
(Contact Lynne Sterritt, [email protected])
Mark your calendars! The Thursday Evening Bible Study is returning,
beginning August 30. Sessions will be from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Spiritual
Life Center. All are welcome to join in what promises to be an insightful and
inspiring journey into God’s Word! Contact Lynne Sterritt to sign up and for
more information.
Seminar On The Virtues For Men
(Contact Tony Palmer, [email protected])
Dr. Tony Palmer will be leading a free seminar for men, Have Your Cake and
Eat It Too, on finding greater happiness while growing in virtue. Sessions will
meet two Thursday evenings a month from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Social
Hall, starting September 20. Coffee and dessert will be served. Please RSVP to
Tony Palmer. See flyers in the narthex literature rack for more details.
Attention Catholic Singles
Interested in joining an excellent
Catholic singles organization? The
Catholic Alumni Club International
is looking to expand in the Atlanta
diocese. We provide a group
dedicated to social, cultural, civic
and spiritual relationships in a
information, please check out the
following site or contact Steve at
[email protected]:
Scripture Readings for the Week of August 26
Next Sunday:
Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32/Jn 6:60-69
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12/Mt 23:13-22
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17/Mt 23:23-26
2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18 /Mk 6:17-29
1 Cor 1:1-9/Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25/Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31/Mt 25:14-30
Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Teens Can Help at the Food Pantry – Need service hours? Contact
Barbara Gordon at [email protected] or 770-888-3258
Emergency Food Drive –
Begins This Weekend
Barbara Gordon
[email protected]
This weekend’s Food Drive will help
replenish our dwindling pantry
supplies. Please be generous!
Some ways you can help the food
pantry serve our clients:
 Volunteer
shopping and special events.
 Organize neighborhood food will be amazed how
easy it is, people want to help!
 Make a financial contribution to
the pantry, allowing our
shoppers to purchase needed
 Donate grocery store gift cards.
 Donate recyclable grocery bags,
50 cents at Walmart. Large
bags are 99 cents at Home
Most needed item: COOKING OIL
Adult Catholics
(Paul Thigpen 770-205-7969 x. 40,
[email protected])
Are you an adult Catholic who has
never received Confirmation? We
invite you to start the ten-month
process of preparation to receive
this essential sacrament this coming
Easter. It’s not too late to start if
you act right away. Come this
Monday evening, August 27, from
7 to 9 p.m. in the Spiritual Life
Offertory Commitment is
this weekend. Please know that
your financial support is one way
your family shows its gratitude for
the many gifts that God has
bestowed on you. God’s generosity
and love is unlimited. Let’s break
away from our former selves and
show God how grateful we are for
His many blessings. As the Gospel
reading proclaimed today, “ …This
saying is hard, who can accept
it?” Respond to God’s challenge and
Good Grief/Bereavement
Good Grief offers education and support to promote healing after the death of a
loved one. Anyone who has lost a loved one is welcome to come to the 6-week
Good Grief sessions on Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, beginning September 25.
This is a step in the ongoing healing process of grief. Contact Marsha Riely:
[email protected];
[email protected];678-455-7896 for more information.
Seeking Sacristans - Sacristans prepare/set-up for Masses and also assist
in making sure the various liturgical roles are covered.
Must be at least 18 years of age and have a desire to serve! Training is provided.
If interested, contact Christine Welsko, coordinator at [email protected] or
Extraordinary Minister Training
Are you interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Communion? Do you need to be re-certified as an ExM? If so, we have a
training scheduled for Saturday September 8th from 12PM - 3PM. Please
prayerfully consider serving your St. Brendan community in this special
ministry. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for the training,
contact Jim Sterritt at [email protected] or (678) 575-5125.
Stewardship Art Contest – All children are encouraged to participate in
our art contest “Giving Feels Great” by submitting artwork which portrays
giving of our time, talent or treasure. All entries should be submitted on 8 ½ x
11 plain paper, leaving a ¼” border around the edges, using a dark pen or
marker (no colors please). Please put your name, telephone number and age on
the back of your design. Entries are due to the parish office (Attn: Kelle Russo)
by Friday, August 31st. All participants will receive a participation award and
selected entries will be used on t-shirts, bags and children’s envelopes.
Becoming Catholic
Contact Paul Thigpen, 770-205-7969 x. 40, [email protected]
Are you interested in becoming Catholic? The ten-month preparation process
for those who wish to enter the Catholic Church next Easter is called the Rite of
Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Our first meeting was last week, but it’s
not too late to start if you act right away. Come this Monday evening, August
27, from 7 to 9 pm in the Spiritual Life Center!
Would you like to learn another language?
St. Brendan’s is issuing licenses for the Tell Me More software program. This is
an interactive on-line program that teaches either Spanish or English. Each
license is valid for one year from the activation date. This self paced course
includes achievement tests at the completion of each level. Cost is $99 with
multi-family discount available. Forms are available in the Narthex. Contact Lori
Salata at 404-966-3911 or by email at [email protected] with any
questions you may have.
Monte Carlo Night at Good Shepherd
Please save the date of September 29th for the Church of the Good Shepherd’s
Monte Carlo Night in Cumming, Georgia! Tickets are $40.00 per person and
includes a fabulous array of food, soft drinks and desserts. Wine and beer
available for a small donation. Prizes, silent auction, poker room, wheel of
cheer, 50/50, bingo and much more. Don’t miss out! Contact Terry Duffey at
770-887-9861 or [email protected] for additional
information or to obtain tickets.
Mass Intentions
Aug 27
8:30 a.m.
John Fallon (D) by Margaret & Don Eustace
Aug 28
8:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Al Bernardi (D) by Pat Jodry
Gregory Trent (D) by Joanna Norman
Aug 29
8:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Poor Souls (D) by Lorraine Arlotta
Intention of Donor
Aug 30
8:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Leon Hernandez (L) by The Hernandez Family
Albert Botello (D) by Maryjo Mirynowski
Aug 31
8:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Andrew Connard (L) by Lorraine Arlotta
Intention of Donor
Sept 1
8:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Jacob Bennett (L) by Lorraine Arlotta
Gustav Brown (D) by Margaret & Don Eustace
For the People of Our Parish (L)
Sept 2
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Anna Cardinale (D) by Steve Fedak
John Kaim (D) by Lucy & Chris Daniels
Jimmy Clark (D) by The Clark Family
Margaret Willis (D) by Martha & Ed Lisofsky
The Nixon Family (L) by The Measor Family
Please Remember in Your Prayers / Recordemos en Nuestras Oraciones
The Sick (Enfermos)
John Dacloush
Shane Falkowski
Grace Begany
Virginia Herrera
Mary Zang
Cynthia Braun
Bill Tierney
John Tansey
Melvin Rogers
Lynn Brech
Megan Julia Branten
Steve Carlow
Winnie Athaide
Carl Ary
Hugh Fitzpatrick
Ron Gordon
Judy Thompson
Richard Taylor
Recently Deceased (Fallecidos)
Joe Lebert
Dorothy Schultz
May the souls of the faithful departed
through the mercy of God rest in
peace. Amen.
Deployed Military (Militares desplegados)
Lawrence Obst
Charles Gregory Lee
Chris Cochran
Steve Touton
Matthew Pittman
Ryan Ventresca
Brendan Schmutte
Elijah Thigpen
Pio V. Lazo, Jr.
Joshua Senecal
Lance Wikoff
Joshua Bailey
Mark Anderson
Archbishop's Annual Appeal Update
Parish Stewardship of Treasure
Outstanding Pledges
Payments to date
August 2012 Parish Offertory
$132, 510.00
$55, 540.00
$105, 044.00
St Brendan’s Offertory Pledge Commitment Weekend
Be on the look out for information regarding the parishwide renewal of our Offertory Pledge Commitment which
will take place during Masses this weekend. You should
see bulletin articles, email notifications and homilies
focused on the Stewardship of time, talent and treasure
during this month. St Brendan's hasn't conducted a
renewal of Offertory pledges for a number of
years. Recently, while routine expenses have been
increasing and required maintenance has been delayed,
our Offertory collections have not increased at all for the
last 3 years. During this time of discernment, please
consider your family's personal role in the support of our
Thank you.
August 5, 2012
August 12, 2012
August 19, 2012
August 26, 2012
Electronic Giving for the Month:
$25, 938.00
$25, 747.00
Offertory Monthly Budget:
Overage / Shortage for the period:
Offertory Actual YTD:
Offertory Budget YTD:
Overage / Shortage YTD:
Last Week’s Second Collection:
Catholic Home Missions
$64, 000.00
$224, 000.00
Capital Campaign end date 6-2013
Current Month Contributions:
July Debt Payment:
(from Campaign and Offertory Collections)
Building Debt Remaining:
Las familias interesadas en ayudar con la
planeación de la celebración a la Virgen
de Guadalupe se les invita a llamar a
Sandy Spera (770) 205-7969 para iniciar
los planes de los eventos y recaudación
de fondos.
El Grupo de Danza de los Matachines,
para la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe ya se está formando. Interesados
favor de dejar su mensaje en la recepción, o ver a la encargada del grupo, la
Sra. Irene Roel, al final de la misa.
(Patrocinio de los Caballeros de Colón)
Estamos aceptando donaciones para
nuestra venta anual de yarda. Los fondos
recaudados benefician diferentes programas parroquiales. Por favor deje sus
donaciones en el contenedor localizado
en la parte posterior de la iglesia (detrás
del Salón Social) los domingos después
de misa. NO se acepta ropa, electrónicos
ni llantas. Sus donaciones deben estar en
buen estado de uso.
El Carnaval de Ministerios se llevará a
cabo el 22 y 23 de Septiembre. El sábado tendremos una película familiar y el
domingo será el carnaval de ministerios.
Participe y conviva con nuestra comunidad parroquial.
Llame a Elba Banderas para hacer sus
intensiones de misa y ofrendas florales,
al (770) 205-7969 ext. 10
Ofrendas - Segunda Colecta
26 de Agosto: Ministerio Buen Samaritano
2 de Septiembre: Ministerio de Música
9 de Septiembre: Seguridad de la Iglesia y
la Universidad Católica
16 de Septiembre: Campaña Capital
Sandy Spera, Ministro Pastoral
[email protected]
770-205-7969 ext. 27
Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes
26 DE AGOSTO, 2012
Se reúne todos los Jueves (nuevo día) de
8:30pm a 9:30pm en la Capilla. Todos
son bienvenidos. Informes con el Sr.
Marco Vargas al final de la misa.
Adultos mayores de 18 años interesados
en recibir el sacramento de la Confirmación, los invitamos a iniciar su preparación para recibir el sacramento en la
Pascua del 2013. Para información llame
a Sandy Spera en la extensión 27.
Llevará a cabo una colecta de comida el
fin de semana del 25 y 26 de Agosto
durante todas las misas. La lista con los
artículos más necesarios será distribuida
este fin de semana. Las necesidades de
la despensa esta semana son: azúcar,
atún, fruta enlatada y papel higiénico.
Gracias por sus donaciones.
Acompáñenos el Primer Sábado del mes
(1° de Septiembre) a partir de las
9:00pm. Una hora, dos horas… el tiempo que usted desee acompañar al Santísimo Sacramento. Informes con el Sr.
Alberto Robles al final de la misa.
Haga su cita hoy mismo para la toma de
su fotografía para nuestro nuevo directorio parroquial. Todas las familias están
invitadas a tomar su fotografía para el
directorio, al participar obtendrá una
fotografía 8X10 gratis. Por favor haga su
reservación para la sesión de foto a la
salida de la misa.
¿Interesado en ser Ministro Extraordinario de la Eucaristía? ¿Necesita renovar
su certificación? Tendremos un Taller de
Preparación el Sábado 8 de Septiembre a
las 12:00pm en la Capilla de San Sebastián. Para más información llame al Diácono Ed Rubio en la Ext. 24.
Por favor atienda a su
llamado bautismal y
diga “Si” al servicio de
nuestra comunidad
parroquial: la gente de
Dios. Necesitamos
voluntarios y ministros para los diferentes ministerios de liturgia: Lectores,
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía y Sacristanes. Esta es una manera
maravillosa de decirle “Si” a nuestro
Señor. Para mas información por favor
hable con el Diácono Ed Rubio.
Oficina Parroquial:
Elba Banderas, Recepcionista
770-205-7969 ext. 10
Lunes a Jueves 9:00am-4:00pm
Viernes 9:00am-1:00pm
Clases de Formación de Fe
Catecismo de los Niños:
26-28 Agosto y 9-11 Septiembre
Edge (Middle School):
29 de Agosto y 12 de Septiembre
Life Teen (High School):
26 de Agosto y 9 de Septiembre
Familias de Fe:
8 y 15 de Septiembre
(por favor solicite un calendario de fechas de las
clases de sus hijos con su catequista)
Misas en Español:
Sábado (Vigilia) 7:00pm
Domingos 1:00pm y Miércoles 7:00pm
Sábados 9:00am y 3:30pm
Martes 4:30pm y Miércoles 5:30pm