Holman United Methodist Church
Holman United Methodist Church
HOLMAN Church of the Bells UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3320 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles California 90018 Phone: (323) 731-7285 Fax: (323) 731-2609 Email: [email protected] www.holmanumc.com Visit us on – Facebook: HolmanChurch Twitter: @HolmanUMC REV. KELVIN SAULS, Senior Pastor REV. ALLISON MARK, Associate Pastor DR. MARGUERITE PHILLIPS, Minister of Congregational Care Ministries REV. OLIVER BUIE, Minister of Community Engagement REV. JAMES M. LAWSON, JR., Pastor Emeritus 11th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST JULY 31, 2016 The 11:00 a.m. Worship Celebration is broadcast LIVE on KJLH Radio Free 102.3 FM and worldwide on www.kjlhradio.com TODAY’S RADIO BROADCAST MINISTRY IS SPONSORED BY THE HOLMAN UMC CAMPING MINISTRY In celebration of the 2016 Summer Bible Camp. We are thankful for the continued show of love, support and growth of our ministry by the Holman family and community. We have close to 100 campers and counselors attending this year’s camp. To God be the Glory! Our camp theme is “No Fear: Courage in Christ.” “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) 1945-2016 FROM FAITHFULNESS to FRUITFULNESS: Making a Commitment to Improvement through Alignment and Involvement "Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:23-25). 1 WORSHIP CELEBRATION PRELUDE *** Robert Johnson, Jr. “Center of My Joy” Richard Smallwood CENTERING MOMENT We gather in worship today to celebrate the power of our unity and affirm that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!!! GREETING *** *CALL TO WORSHIP LEADER: In a world filled with anxiety and uncertainty, do not let your hearts be troubled. PEOPLE: Believe in God, believe also in me, says Jesus. LEADER: In a world filled with destruction and discrimination, do not let your hearts be troubled. PEOPLE: Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, says Jesus. ALL: in your edification of one another, and your glorification of God, I will be with you always! *CELEBRATION OF PRAISE & WORSHIP Praise Team “You Are Good” Lord you are good and your mercies endureth forever People from every nation and tongue, from generation to generation We worship you, Hallelujah, Hallelujah We worship you, for who you are And you are good… Vamp You are good…All the time All the time…You are good “I Feel Like Going On” I feel like going on, I feel like going on, on. Though trials come on every hand, I feel like going on. *OPENING PRAYER MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Freedom School Scholars and Servant Leaders “Something Inside So Strong” *SCRIPTURE JOHN 14:1-13 *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Liturgist: The Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God! MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Holman Singers “Come Sunday” Duke Ellington; arr. William Bell SERMON Rev. Kelvin Sauls RESET FOR GREATER WORKS – PART I ________________________ * Congregation please rise as you are able. *** Worshipers may enter. 2 INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP, MEMBERSHIP AND COMPANIONSHIP (ALTAR CALL) Persons desiring to become disciples of Jesus Christ and/or members of Holman UMC are asked to come forward and complete a Discipleship / Membership / Intercessory Prayer Response Card found in the pew rack. Please place the card in the offering plate and/or bring it with you to the Altar while the choir / congregation is singing. Our Altar Call this morning will include a service of healing and anointing with oil. Music for Meditation Holman Singers / Four “Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior” Traditional PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS “I Have Decided” Offertory Holman Four Tonéx/B. Slade *Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen PRESENTATION AND RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS INTO MEMBERSHIP Freddie Muse, Jr. Sharon White Pastor: As members of Christ's universal church, will you be loyal to Christ through the United Methodist Church, and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries? As members of this congregation, will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness? UMH #33 New Member: I WILL I WILL Pastor: Members of the household of God, I commend these persons to your love and care. Do all in your power to increase their faith, confirm their hope, and perfect them in love. Congregation: We give thanks for all that God has already given you and we welcome you in Christian love. As members together with you in the body of Christ and in this congregation of the United Methodist Church, we renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness, that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GUESTS & VISITORS CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE & PASSING OF THE PEACE “This is The Day” BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH OF CAMPERS & COUNSELORS INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN MINISTRY (ANNOUNCEMENTS) *HYMN OF SENDING FORTH AND RECESSIONAL *BENEDICTION As We Depart Worship, Wherever you Go, Toll YOUR Bell!! POSTLUDE Robert Johnson, Jr. "Oh Happy Day" Edwin Hawkins PARTICIPATING IN OUR SERVICES TODAY: Rev. Kelvin Sauls, Rev. Allison Mark, Dr. Marguerite Phillips, Rev. Oliver Buie; Liturgist: Joyce Burrell Garcia; Holman Singers (Debbie Bell, Jules Green, Melida Skeete Smith-Byrd, Yolanda West) and Holman Four (Jules Green, Viren Moret, Melida Skeete Smith-Byrd, Walter Richards) directed by Melida Skeete Smith-Byrd; Robert Johnson, Jr., assistant director and organist; and Ricardo L.J. Mowatt, Drummer; Ushers chaired by Gilbert Jones; Acolytes coordinated by Pearline Allison and Muriel Parker; Greeters chaired by Donna Richardson; Hospitality Ministry coordinated by Sharon Jackson; New Members Ministry chaired by Sharon Hodgson; Transportation Ministry coordinated by Keith McGruder; Media Ministry: David Sears, Keith McGruder, and Mark Conway. Cover photos from Freedom School’s National Day of Social Action under theme, "Impact the Vote." 3 HEART TO HEART POWERFUL PRAYER FOR HEALING Jesus, With just one touch from your Almighty creative hand, You have healed the sick and raised the dead. How amazing is your Lordship over all the earth, How powerful is your redeeming love. How great was your sacrifice to go before us and bring forgiveness and hope. By your stripes I ask for healing. Standing within your reign and rule I ask for restoration. May life and wellness grow in fullness until it overflows. LET US PRAY FOR THE BEREAVED CARL JOHNSON, father of Holman member Terry Scott-Mitchell, passed away on May 29th in Silver Springs, Maryland. His homegoing service was held on June 14 at Queens Chapel UMC in Landover, Maryland. ALBERTA LOCKWOOD (107 years old), grandaunt of Holman member Michael Peters, and cousin of Holman member Gloria Smith, passed away on July 24th in Tampa, Florida. Homegoing service will be on August 6th in Tampa, Florida, and burial will be in Belize. NEW PRAYER REQUESTS Terry Scott-Mitchell and Family, Gloria Johnson, Michael Peters and Family, Gloria Smith and Family, Family of Alberta Lockwood, “Summer Bible Camp offers a powerful connection that WiFi!” Amen. (a modern prayer for healing from www.lords-prayer-words.com) Thank You Holman Family for your love and support. HOLMAN SUMMER BIBLE CAMP Congratulations to my Grandson QUENTON M. FLETCHER On your academic achievement in completing your 1 year study abroad in Japanese Language and Culture and your graduating from Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan on July 21, 2016. Celebrate your achievement grandson, and never stop learning. So proud of you! Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good: his love is eternal. Psalm 106:1 Love You. GRANDDAD, WALTER P. FLETCHER 4 THIS WEEK AT HOLMAN JULY 31 TO AUGUST 6, 2016 UNITY / HOMECOMING SUNDAY UNITY BREAKFAST, 8:00 am, L.L. White Hall MINISTRY FAIR INTRODUCTION, 8:30 am FAITH FORMATION FORUM, 8:45 am, L.L. White Hall Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 10 am, Johnson Chapel FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 12:30 pm, L.L. White Hall Welcome Reception for Rev. Allison Mark / New Members Celebration In HIS Steps Dance Ministry Rehearsal Rehearsals resume September 1 MONDAY INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY – 7 am (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Join us on the PHONE PRAYER LINE from any location for a time of prayer & encouragement. Call (605) 475-3270; Code 528519#, then 1 FREEDOM SCHOOL Mon. to Fri., 8 am to 3 pm Storehouse is open (for the needy), 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Mon. Wed. & Fri.), Educ. Bldg. Focus Point Study Group, 6:30 pm, Crockett Library Class resumed 8/8/16 Currently doing Bible study series based on the film “WAR ROOM” JOBS FOR KIDS CLOSING BANQUET, 6 pm, L.L. White Hall Security Task Force Committee, 7 pm, Woodson Parlor TUESDAY Banners & Paraments Committee, 10 am, Room 203 LINE DANCING (Health & Wellness Ministry) Resumes on August 9th BROTHER TO BROTHER BIBLE STUDY, 7 pm, Room 204 WEDNESDAY Another Chance Recovery Ministry, 7 pm, Room 203 Jubilant Voices / Joyful Noise Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Johnson Chapel THURSDAY Banners & Paraments Committee, 10 am, Room 203 BIBLE STUDY, 12 pm, Crockett Library In HIS Steps Dance Ministry Rehearsal Rehearsals resume September 1 FREEDOM SCHOOL FINALE PROGRAM, 3 pm, L.L. White Hall Holman Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Bowick Music Room FRIDAY FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, Share & Communion Service, 7 am, Johnson Chapel ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT CELEBRATION, 6:30 pm, L.L. White Hall SATURDAY SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE & WORSHIP, 7 am, Johnson Chapel. All are welcome! Join us and experience your blessing! Communion Stewards, 8 am, Sanctuary SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING SECURITY TIP If an incident occurs in your presence or an unusual / suspicious circumstance or person is observed, DO NOT attempt to confront the person or be a hero. Use common sense and locate a Security Guard and report what you observed. 5 ReadLead Holman is grateful to have had the opportunity to host Freedom School for the third summer. In partnership with ReadLead, we facilitated the program over the past 5 weeks and will culminate this week. “The program builds our students’ self-esteem, increases their love of reading and introduces them to various activities not provided by the traditional school system. In six weeks of learning, scholars will read over 80 books that are developmentally appropriate, reflect children’s own images, relate their authentic history, culture, and heritage through the eyes of children, introduce children to adults and children who make a difference in the lives of others, offer encouragement to become involved in community service, help children explore fundamental issues related to self-esteem and expand their capacity to dream and to believe they can make their dreams reality. “Literacy is recognized as a critical building block for success in school and in life, and summer learning loss in reading has been identified as a primary source of the widening achievement gap between lower- and higherincome children and youth. Summer learning loss is defined as a loss in academic skills and knowledge over the course of summer vacation. Research studies have shown that low income students generally lose approximately two months of reading achievement during this time. “For some children, summertime is full of opportunity: camp, visits to museums, parks, and libraries; and access to a variety of fun and enriching activities. But for many low-income children, the reality of summer looks nothing like this ideal. When the school doors close for the summer, too many children are set loose to play on the streets unsupervised or, because of safety concerns, are forced to stay indoors, isolated and lonely. Instead, let’s give them a freedom schools experience this summer.” Our thanks to all for your support of this program through your prayers, gifts and service. 2016 FINALE PROGRAM Parents, Volunteers, Read Aloud Guests, Friends, Families, One and All We invite you to celebrate our 3RD ANNUAL HOLMAN READ LEAD FREEDOM SCHOOL FINALE THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2016 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm L.L. White Hall WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 6 OUTREACH MINISTRIES HOLMAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FROM FAITHFULNESS TO FRUITFULNESS. OUTREACH & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT MINISTRIES Rev. Oliver Buie, Clergy Support Meredith Barrett-Wilkins, Ministry Area Chairperson OUTREACH – Another Chance Prison & Re-Entry Ministry OUTREACH – Another Chance Recovery Ministry Kenneth Gray, Facilitator – [email protected] OUTREACH – Christian Athletic Ministry Reginald Grant, Coordinator – [email protected] OUTREACH – Beyond the Battlefield Initiative (Veterans Ministry) Elaine D. Moore, Chair – [email protected] OUTREACH – Campus Security Taskforce Ministry Ronald Presley – [email protected] OUTREACH – Diaspora Ministry Tracey Foster – [email protected] Faredeh Hutchinson – [email protected] OUTREACH – Disaster Preparedness “. . . GO in joyful service, . . .” “The Outreach Ministries of the church shall give attention to local and larger community ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy.” The Outreach Ministries team leads Holman’s ministry of service. We lead in facilitating opportunities to grow in God by serving others toward healing, restoration & justice. “. . . let’s not love with words or speech but with action and truth.” 1 John 3:18 OUTREACH – Financial Literacy Ministry Walter Fletcher – [email protected] Ricardo Mowatt – [email protected] OUTREACH – Health & Wellness Claudia Spears – [email protected] Holman/Kaiser Faith Based Partnership– Beverly Davis OUTREACH – H.O.P.E. HIV/AIDS/STIs Ministry (Holman Organized for People Empowerment) Claudia Spears, co-Chair [email protected] Joni Arlain, co-Chair – [email protected] OUTREACH – Social Action & Advocacy Ministry Jennifer Blannon – [email protected] OUTREACH – Storehouse Ministry Barbara Williams – [email protected] Lee Joseph – OUTREACH – Transportation Ministry Keith McGruder – [email protected] OUTREACH – United Methodist Men Fitzroy Younge, President – [email protected] OUTREACH – United Methodist Women Sharon Jackson, President – [email protected] OUTREACH–COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT A-MAN, Inc. Tech Center Hildreth “Hal” Walker, Coordinator – [email protected] OUTREACH–COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Holman Community Development Corp. (HCDC) Nancy Harris, Exec. Dir. – [email protected] OUTREACH–COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CYFC (Children Youth and Family Collaborative) Gloria Bailey, Liaison – [email protected] 7 2016 HOLMAN SUMMER L KING FOR A FEW GOOD VOICES & hands! CHERUB CHOIR – Is your child age 4 to 10? If so, they can be part of the Cherub Choir, and join with other children in signing praises to the Lord. Choir rehearsals are held every Sunday, 10 to 10:30 am in the Johnson Chapel. The choir serves in ministry on the 3rd Sundays, currently only at the 11 am worship celebration. THE HANDBELL CHOIR is looking for interested persons to join this ministry. If you have some musical background and a desire to join the Handbell choir, please contact the Director, Mrs. Evelyn M. Freeman, at 323-291-5614. The Handbell Choir ministers every 2nd Sunday at the 8:00 am and 11:00 am worship celebrations. HOLMAN CHOIR and JUBILANT VOICES are always ready to welcome new members. If singing praises unto the Lord is what you love to do, then we have a place for you. Holman Choir rehearses on Thursdays, 7:30 pm. Choir sings on 1st & 2nd Sundays. Jubilant Voices rehearse on Wednesdays, 7:30 pm, and sing on 3rd & 4th Sundays. And don’t forget a place for the youth (6th to 12th grade) with our VOICES OF HARMONY. They rehearse 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays from 10:15 am to 10:45 am. They minister in music for our 8 am and 11 am worship celebrations on 4th Sundays. We invite you to be a part of the Music Ministry Legacy of Holman Church!!! BIBLE CAMP July 31st – August 4 th No Fear: Courage in Christ For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7New King James Version CAMP CEDAR GLEN ” This year’s camp theme is entitled “No Fear: Courage in Christ.” Campers will examine the importance of having courage in Christ to develop trust with one another; to take action when they see or hear something wrong; and to make a positive impact on the lives of others. We have a total of 86 campers & counselors going to camp. Once again we are reaching out to you, our Holman family and friends, to support us through donation of the following: Our prayer for our campers and counselors throughout this special week as you connect with God in this experience Be still and feel God’s presence; Be free, bold and unafraid to worship God; Be thankful for all that God has in store for you; Believe in God’s unconditional love for you as your relationship grows day by day; and Be God’s friend as God is yours, trusting that God always has your back and is always there for you, when you let GOD be in charge of your life! Go with love & blessings! 8 MINISTRY AND MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS WEEKLY HEALTH TIP: xxxx “When you give up your illusions of control or helplessness and accept your need for God, all that God has opens to you.” Marjorie Thompson NOTICE: A SPECIAL CHARGE CONFERENCE will be held on Sunday, AUGUST 7th, immediately following the 8 am worship celebration. 55+ FELLOWSHIP – Join 55+ Fellowship as we spend a day of fun, food & fellowship at Rideau Vineyard on AUGUST 20, 2016. Rideau is a Black owned winery located in the Santa Inez Valley near Solvang. The cost is $73.00 and includes transportation, lunch, and wine tasting. The deadline date to sign-up and pay is August 7, 2016. For more information please contact Juanita S. Cannon (310) 635-5289 or Pearl Crowell (323) 751-1458. ATTENTION!!!—ATTENTION!!!—ATTENTION!!! Would you like to be in the movies? Holman’s Beyond The Battlefield Committee (BTB) will honor individuals who have served in the U.S. Military by chronicling their experiences while in the military in an upcoming video. If you or anyone you know who is affiliated with Holman and would like to be honored please let us know. We have extended the deadline to August 7, 2016. Please call the Church office at 323-731-7285 and leave a message for Doris Spearman, or contact her directly at [email protected]. We look forward to celebrating you! 2016 GRADUATES – We want to stay connected with you! Please call the church office and provide your address, phone number and email address to Joni, or email to [email protected]. Also, please save the date, Friday, August 5th, for our Achievement Night celebration to honor you! See flyer on page 14. TODAY It’s 5th Sunday — UNITY SUNDAY!! Our children will worship in the Sanctuary with their families! May we gather together in praise and thanksgiving for all of God’s blessings! Children – see you next week in Children’s Church School! Blessings, DEBORAH A. MITCHELL Children’s Ministry Coordinator [email protected] Blessings, CHERUB CHOIR REHEARSAL @ 10 am in JOHNSON CHAPEL! YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Are you between the ages of 13 & 18? Looking for a space with other young people? Want to talk about what is going on in your world? Join us for Youth Church on 1st thru 3rd Sundays @ 8 AM in Room 8 of the Love Educ. Bldg. Voices of Harmony All youth are invited to join us 2nd – 3rd Sundays @ 10 am for rehearsals! We sing on 4th Sundays! Join us in giving God your praise in song!!! Zaneta Smith and or Joe Luckett Youth Ministry Directors [email protected], Instagram @therealhyp 9 10 AFTER THE SERMON CONGREGATIONAL CARE Living Our Social Gospel CIRCLE OF CARE MINISTRIES FAITH FORMATION IN ACTION For more information on all Congregational Care Ministries please contact Minister Marguerite Phillips at the church office 323-731-7285 or 323-253-9580. A NIGHT OUT FOR SAFETY AND LIBERATION Every year 30 million Americans participate in the annual “Night Out for Safety” sponsored by law enforcement and neighborhood watch groups. Their premise: “Be afraid. Be very afraid.” But what if what you are afraid of is law enforcement itself? This year Justice Not Jails and the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity invite the community to come together for a different kind of conversation about what real public safety looks like: public safety based on respect and on access to good schools, good jobs, and good services in neighborhoods that are over-policed but under-resourced in every other way. We in Los Angeles will be joining with concerned community members in 15 other major U.S. cities that will also be holding events on Aug. 2 related to the Night Out for Safety & Liberation. The Ella Baker Center and the Center for Community Change are the main national sponsors. Our event at Ward AME Church will not have invited speakers. Instead, we will work in small conversation circles and then come together at the end for a moment of commitment and a moment of remembrance for all those who have suffered and died under our current broken system of policing. CO-SPONSORS: ACLU of Southern California • Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity LA Regional Reentry Partnership • Justice Not Jails, LA Progressive • Ward AME Church "COPING WITH CHRONIC PAIN" September 9, 2016 – October 14, 2016 Weekly every Friday 9:30 – 12:00 Noon Room: TBA SAVE THE DATE Aug. 20-21 WOMEN’S WEEKEND Theme: “Under New Management, Rebuilding Your War Room” Watch for details on plans for an awesome weekend of learning and sharing! 11 12 Exhibition Curator BOOKS AVAILABLE “NONVIOLENCE AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS: THE TEACHINGS OF REV. JAMES M. LAWSON JR. is the first book that captures Rev. James Lawson’s teachings. Five powerful case studies explore how individual acts of conscience can lead to collective action and how the practice of nonviolence can build a powerful movement for social change.” We still have a few books available. Cost is $20 ea. Proceeds benefit H.O.P.E. Ministry. GRACE (GOD’S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE) and GRACE TO LOVE by Gerie Moody-Major are available at $5 each for paperback, and $10 for hardback. Proceeds from the sales will benefit the Holman UMW Claudia Whitmore / Beatrice Borders Memorial Scholarship program. 13 For more info contact Lacey Johnson at 213.974.2222 or [email protected] 14 15 SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Worship Celebration Did you ever have to reset your cell phone? Whenever you have to reset your cell phone, there are both risks and opportunities involved. Resetting your phone can be a traumatic and anxious experience. However, resetting your cell phone can also bring about new possibilities. However anxious and traumatic, God always stands ready to reset your life for new possibilities. Today's text invites you to realize that God's desire for you is to accomplish "greater works than these." When you are open and willing to embrace Jesus as "...the way, and the truth, and the life," you can be reset for greater, significant, and more impactful works. SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. SERMON NOTES “Reset for Greater Works – Part I” SCRIPTURE JOHN 14:1-13 Rev. Kelvin Sauls L KING AHEAD 12th Sunday After Pentecost Sunday, August 7, 2016 Holy Communion Sunday “Reset for Greater Works – Part II” Rev. Kelvin Sauls 13th Sunday After Pentecost Sunday, August 14, 2016 Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ so all may experience God’s life-giving love. Cal-Pac UMC Annual Conference – Vision Statement Lord God, Our hands are open to you. Our ears are listening to you. Our eyes are watching you. Our hearts are trying to beat with yours. Live in us and love others through us today. Amen. 16
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