Upcoming Events A Message from the Principal
Upcoming Events A Message from the Principal
HILLEL January 25, 2013 TORAH NORTH SUBURBAN DAY SCHOOL Highlights B‘Shalach Upcoming Events January: 26 Saturday Tu B’Shvat ט“ו בשבט 27 Sunday Israeli Tu B’Shvat Experience 4:30pm at Or Torah 28 Monday HT: Turkey Sub PN/N/K Trip to Botanic Gardens JV/7th Girls @ Rondout, Away 4:45/5:45 29 Tuesday HT: Pizza Day SV: Pizza 7th Gr. Jewish Chicago Trip JV vs Parker, Home 4:15 8th Girls Tournament @ Baker V Tournament @ Schechter 30 Wednesday HT: Pasta with Meat Sauce 8th Girls Tournament @ Baker V Tournament @ Schechter 6th @ Northbrook JCC Travel, Away 4:45 31 Thursday HT: Soup and Grilled Cheese SV: Chicken Nuggets 8th Girls Tournament @ Baker V Tournament @ Schechter JV vs Arie Crown, Home 4:45 Candle Lighting: 4:37 :הדלקת נרות פרשת בשלח בס“ד תשע“ג,יד שבט A Message from the Principal Dear Friends, Although it’s cold outside, this has been an ac on packed week at Hillel Torah. Kindergarteners and parents had a blast at this week’s Kindergarten Melave Malka. The singing was terrific and the havdala projects were so much fun! Dads and pre‐schoolers enjoyed special me together on Monday at Dad’s Day. Dads got a glimpse into their children’s lives at school and the Shabbat and bentcher boxes will come in handy! 5th grade parents and students par cipated in a brand new Kabalat Mishna program on Monday night. With a student created Tana’im Study Center on display, a presenta on by Rav Pinchas Hayman, author of our 5‐8 grade Mishna/Gemara curriculum, student singing and an interac ve Mishna treasure hunt, the evening was a great success. Rav Hayman visited classes on Tuesday and even delivered a fascina ng shiur demonstra ng his methodology to an 8th grade class of students and teachers. 1st graders had a great me coming to school in their pajamas on Tuesday night for Snuggle Up and Read. Students had a chance to show off their reading skills in both English and Hebrew in addi on to singing and preparing their own bookmarks and Hamal’ach Hagoel signs. Thank you to the 4th grade for an incredible State Fair! 1‐3rd graders had a great me playing all the state‐related games and collec ng prizes a er watching the performance on Wednesday. Parents enjoyed the show on Thursday morning a er joining the students for Tefillah. We are so proud of all that our 4th graders have learned working on this mul ‐disciplinary project. On Tuesday, as Israeli ci zens went to the polls, Hillel Torah Middle School students held their own mock Israeli elec ons. The winners here were Habayit Hayehudi (1st), Likud (2nd) and Avoda and Sha’s ( ed for 3rd). 8th graders con nued their chesed program this week and have also begun the process of working with their groups to edit their full length Names Not Numbers interviews down to 15 minutes. We are looking forward to a fes ve Tu B’Shvat Assembly for grades K‐6 this Friday along with many other Tu B’Shvat programs and sedarim. Sunday, March 3, 2013 Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner InterContinental Chicago O’Hare Join us on Sunday from 4:30‐6:00 at Or Torah for our annual joint YUTM Kollel – Hillel Torah Tu B’Shvat Program complete with games for kids and a Seder Tu B’Shvat. See a ached flyer for details. Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova in honor of Tu B’Shvat tomorrow, Rabbi Menachem Linzer Stay tuned for our upcoming bi-annual Parent Survey launching on January 28th! SCHOOL-WIDE SCOOP Student Council Super Bowl Poster Contest and Sports Jersey Day In conjunc on with Super Bowl Friday, Student Council is sponsoring a poster contest. Students are encouraged to create a poster for the Forty‐Niners or the Ravens. Poster board is available to all students who bring a quick sketch of their idea to Mr. Glassman. Completed posters received by the end of the day on Tuesday, January 29 will be displayed in the auditorium. Posters may be created using any medium or combina on of media. Please contact Ms. Levi for further details. Sports Jersey Day will be Friday, February 1, in honor of Super Bowl XLVII. Student Council encourages all students and staff to wear sports jerseys for any sport or team. Students also can wear team colors to support the Bal more Ravens (purple & gold) or the San Francisco Forty‐Niners (red & gold). The modified dress code for the day means boys do not need to wear collared shirts, but girls must wear skirts. Sleeveless jerseys need to be worn with shirts underneath. Dr. Yocheved Debow Speaks to Parents Last Thursday evening, January 17, Hillel Torah co‐Sponsored an outstanding program presented by Dr. Yocheved Debow, author of the highly acclaimed Talking About In macy and Sexuality: A Guide for Orthodox Jewish Parents. For more informa on on Dr. Debow and her book, please click here. Parnes Hayom פרנס היום Kol HaKavod! On behalf of Hillel Torah and the ATT, we wish a Mazal Tov to Jacob Miller, this week’s winner of the 2013 Taste of Torah, Jr. Wri ng Contest, where every two weeks a different ATT school is invited to par cipate. Jacob’s D’var Torah has been published in this week’s Keeping Up With ATT. He will also receive a cer ficate of accomplishment and a gi cer ficate to Rosenblum’s World of Judaica. Hillel Torah 5th – 8th grade students, please circle your calendars for your next opportunity to par cipate in the wri ng contest ‐ Parshat Tazria Metzorah, submission deadline ‐ April 5th. For more details, please contact Ms. Dena Dworin, our school representa ve. Click here to read Jacob’s Dvar Torah Alana Beth Stein Purim Cards - 6 for $10 available for purchase in the school office! All proceeds benefit our Alana Beth Stein Preschool Program K-8 Hot Lunch Update The Day of Learning on Tuesday, January 22nd/11th of Shvat was sponsored by New session of Hot Lunch begins Monday, February 4! The Robinson Families: Dov & Jessica, Andrew & Aviva, Elliott & Ronni Go to https://www.hilleltorahlunch.com to order NOW! in honor of Jolie Schreiber brand new baby girl of proud parents Keryn & David Schreiber Mondays: Chicken Noodle Soup Tuesdays: K-8 Pizza Day Wednesdays: Chicken Fried Rice Thursdays: Macaroni and Cheese Mazal Tov! We're so happy for the new addition! Good and Welfare Mazal tov to Esther and Rabbi Mordechai Tarkieltaub on the birth of twin grandsons, born to their children Shoshana and Yehuda Tauber. May the boys be raised to a life of Torah, Chupah, and Maasim Tovim! Until Friday, January 25th Please contact the office at 847-674-6533 or [email protected] with any special requests After Friday, January 25th Please contact Keren Kluk at [email protected] Middle School Moments Who’s Got Your Vote? This week our middle school students engaged in a unit about the Israeli Elections for the Knesset. Our Lashon teachers introduced the students to the democratic process in Israel, gave them an understanding of the underlying issues, and the students got a clear idea of the main parties, their leaders, and their agendas. The children also saw some of the televised propaganda and understood up, close, and personal the passion and spirit of the nation in Israel about its existential concerns. On Tuesday, Jan 22, which was Election Day in Israel, every Middle School student got to vote with a confidential ballot. Students could vote for one of the leading parties in Israel. Here are the results of the Israeli 2013 elections in Hillel Torah: ‐הבית היהודיHaBayit HaYehudi under the leadership of Naftali Bennet came in 1st place ‐הליכודLikud under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu came in 2nd place ‐עבודה ו ש"סAvodah (Shelly Yechimovich) and Shas (Eli Yishai) both came in 3rd place. We thank Shira Sadeh who led the Israel Election campaign in school, created materials for instruction and oversaw the election process along with our bnot sherut, Tal and Yishrat. HT Flames Scoreboard Chicago Latin 7th girls 18-17 8th girls 40-13 6th boys 32-30 JV 32-22 V 36-29 Lincoln Junior High JV 29-24 Schechter 7th girls 20-4 8th girls 20-18 JV 34-32 V 41-32 Roycemore 7th girls 15-2 8th girls 30-10 5th Grade Kabalat Mishna Primary School Post Spotlight on 3rd Grade: 3rd Grade Hobby Festival 4th Grade State Fair In our unit of "Behatzlacha," we are learning about different ways to get to know our friends better. One of the ways is getting to know each students' hobby, what he/she likes to do in their free time. We had a "hobby festival" where each student had time to share their hobby with the class. We discovered that in our class, we have some talented artists, athletes, gymnasts and dancers along with many other unique talents. Everyone had a lot of fun! -Morah Yonit Mhazri & Morah Racheli Klausner, 3rd Grade Ivrit Teachers 1st Grade Snuggle Up and Read Click here for the video! Click here for the slideshow! Early Childhood Chit-Chat Spotlight on Kindergarten C: So Much to Learn We are very excited to offer our pre‐school teachers the opportunity to a end the CAEYC conference this week. The conference offers workshops and professional development opportuni es that help us learn, engage, explore and share the very best and most relevant informa on on Early Childhood Educa on. There are workshops on curriculum, room environment, teacher development and more. There is a wealth of informa on that we will bring back to share with our staff. What a treat for the pre‐school children to welcome their guests for Dad’s Day. The guests enjoyed Mifgash Boker, tefila, a special project, and refreshments. Shabbat was the theme in the pre‐nursery classes and the children and their guests made a very special “Shabbat box” where they will store all their “muktza” un l Shabbat is over. In the nurseries, the children and their guests worked on a bentcher box and they will be bringing home a VERY special bentcher to place in the box. A great me was had by all! Think YAROK‐‐‐it was GREEN DAY in the nursery this week. The children are learning about Tu B’Shvat and the importance of trees. They planted lima beans and will be carefully observing the plants and documen ng their findings in their observa on booklet. The children came dressed in the color and brought a healthy snack that was Yarok. Our kindergarten children really showed off their “green thumbs” this week. In prepara on for Tu B’Shvat, they began a plan ng lesson in science class. They will be growing their own herbs‐‐‐basil, coriander and dill. With the proper sunlight, wa‐ tering and help from Hashem, we hope to be able to send home our own home‐grown herbs to enhance your favorite recipes. The children prepared observa on booklets so they will be able to record how their plants grow. The nurseries and kindergartens discussed Mar n Luther King Jr. and his place in the history of the United States. They learned about how he helped people understand and respect differences in people. In the nursery classes, they wrote about their special dreams, just as Dr. King talked about in his speech, “I Have a Dream.” Celebrating Tu B’Shvat The celebra on of Tu B’Shvat in Kindergarten C began at the beginning of Shvat, with a Mitzvah Tree on our bulle n board which looked as barren as the trees outside of school. Every day, as our students have brought in “leaves” filled in with mitzvot that they did at home, we have watched our tree “bloom” with all the mitzvot! We learned about all the brachot we say on different foods and made special placemats to show all the brachot. The children were excited to plant herb plants in Science class, which they are looking forward to watching grow. For a special Friday snack, we made “Fruit Skewers” filled with the different types of fruits that grow on trees. We also look forward to our special field trip to Botanic Gardens on Monday! Happy Tu B’Shvat! ‐Morah Cohen and Morah Mara, KC Click here for the Kindergarten Melave Malka Slideshow! The different classes will have an early celebra on of Tu B’Shvat which falls out on Shabbat. They will be celebra ng with special fruit snacks, learning about the Shevah Minim of Eretz Yisrael and the pre‐school classes will have a Tu B’Shvat Seder. On Monday, all the classes will visit the Botanic Gardens, one of our most favorite trips. They will explore the greenhouses and learn more about plant growth. Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach to all our families! Click here for the Pre-School Dads Day Slideshow! Shabbat Shalom! A partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federa on Hillel Torah PTA Presents FYI Community Notes YU Torah Mitzion Kollel and Kehilat Chovevei Tzion present Vishinantam Parent/Child Motzei Shabbat Learning Program. January 26 and February 2, 6:45 pm at KCT, 4000 Church St. in Skokie. An hour of interactive learning facilitated by Kollel Fellows. Pizza will be served! For more info, contact the Kollel at 773‐973‐6557 or [email protected]. The Young Women's Board of the Jewish United Fund presents, "Day School Perspectives: Reinventing your Passover Presentation". Come mingle with fellow Chicago area Jewish day school moms and enjoy an engaging presentation on Reinventing your Passover Presentation. Style Shack's co‐owners Sherry Levin and Dawn Pye will present easy‐to‐assemble, seasonal tablescape designs as well as home hospitality ideas to liven up the holiday. Linda Neiman, founder of Zelda's Sweet Shoppe, will share some of her most decadent and coveted kosher Passover dessert recipes. Wednesday, February 20, 2013, 7:30 pm ‐ 9:00 pm The Double Tree Hotel, Skokie. $18, register online <http://www.juf.org/Women/women_event.aspx?eid=82> The Or Torah Youth Department proudly presents Shul for Tots with Mrs. Sandy Kanter. Getting your child acclimated to shul youth groups is just as important to them as it is to you. Together with your child, Morah Sandy will give an introduction to davening, holidays, songs, games and activities! Who: children 12‐24 months old with a parent When: 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/9, 3/23. Each session will begin at approximately 10:40 AM in the Or Torah Beit Midrash, directly on the left when you enter from the main entrance. See you there! Please join TLC of Northbrook for a fascinating program for school aged children titled, "Treasures from the Torah: A Unique and Riveting, Hands On, Traveling Exhibit for Children". Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch from the Living Torah Museum in NY will be bringing artifacts for the children to see and learn about, some dating back to biblical times. Sunday, February 10th at 11am at TLC, 2548 Jasper Court, Northbrook. $5pp. Call for group rates or further information. 847.272.7255 or torahlearningcenter.com. Please join TLC of Northbrook for a lecture titled, "Chasidic Rebbe, Treasure Hunter and Museum Curator; An Evening with the Fascinating Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch" of the Living Torah Museum in NY. Sunday, February 10th at 7pm at the Renaissance Chicago North Shore Hotel, 933 Skokie Blvd, Northbrook. $10 in advance; $15 at the door. Call 847.272.7255 or go to torahlearningcenter.com for further information. The Hillel Torah community is invited to CELEBRATE PURIM this year with YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHBROOK! Join us for our renown Purim event: spirited Megilla reading, lavish banquet with live music accompaniment, surprise gala dessert, childrens' prizes, plus this year only: world‐class magician and ventriloquist, as seen on David Letterman! Motzei Shabbos, February 23. Festivities begin with 7pm Havdalah and Maariv, followed by Megilla and seuda. 3545 Walters Rd., Northbrook. Nominal charge, but reservations are required. For more info. or directions telephone Yvette Miller (847) 480‐9664 or the shul (847) 480‐9462. It’s time to think summer and Junior Gan Israel Day Camp, with quality programming for kids ages 1½ to 6. Options include: Tots Club, Bright Beginnings, Expanding Horizons, as well as half and full day programs, hot lunches, and transportation. Special features include sports and gymnastics with “Stretch and Grow” certified coaches, for the ultimate in fun and skill building. Go towww.JuniorGanIsrael.org, or call Mrs. Zeesy Posner, 847‐677‐1770. Luxurious Skokie House for Sale At 9111 Kedvale. 5 bedrooms, 5 full bathrooms and one half bath, huge kosher kitchen with fleishig and milchig appliances and sinks, 3 car heated garage. Serious inquiries only. Call Rivkie Lafer at 847‐702‐4140. Remember to think of Zichronot Video the next time you make your next family Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Enhance the celebration by having a beautiful and sentimental Photo/Video Montage made to celebrate the Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Think about Zichronot Video whenever there is a Simcha. Whether it's a Wedding, Bris, Anniversary, or any other celebration, Zichronot Video will video, edit, and produce a high quality DVD to keep the memory of the event right at your fingertips. Zichronot Video Productions 224‐836‐1234 www.zichronotvideo.com [email protected] To advertise in FYI, please email Dov Shandalov at [email protected] H I L L E L TO R A H N O RT H S U B U R B A N DAY S C H O O L SCHOLARSHIP DINNER SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2013 â“òùú ,øãà à“ë INTERCONTINENTAL O’HARE HONORING Aliza & Craig Frank Parents of the Year Zenia & Jeffrey Cohen Grandparents of the Year Debbie Eisenstein Feiger Memorial Service Award Please join us at our Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner, Sunday evening, March 3rd, as we celebrate 21st Century Learning at Hillel Torah. See how our unique curriculum and teaching methods focusing on Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking, and utilizing progressive educational technology are preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.Your support of our Scholarship Dinner will directly impact our students and will enable Hillel Torah to continue being the Premier Orthodox Day School that it is today, offering excellence in Jewish and General Studies education to the next generation of Jewish leaders. The Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner is one of Hillel Torah’s major fundraising events. The money raised for the Scholarship Dinner allows Hillel Torah to offer its students the best education and will assure that every child will have the opportunity of receiving a Jewish education. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at this year’s Ray Stein Memorial Scholarship Dinner! To submit your ad and/or reservation online, please go to www.hilleltorah.org and click on “Scholarship Dinner” Dinner Chairpersons: Sharon & Seth Gillman, Tamar & David Meiselman, Alison & Alan Molotsky Ad Journal Chairpersons: Karin & Michael Felix Honorary Dinner Chairpersons: Linda & Milton Frank, Nancy & Lawrence Glick, Darryle & Michael Gillman, Gale & Eric Rothner For more information, please contact Dov Shandalov or Ed Plotkin at 847.674.6533 or [email protected] Hillel Torah • 7120 N. Laramie • Skokie, Illinois 60077 • Phone 847.674.6533 • Fax 847.674.8313 • www.hilleltorah.org A partner in serving our community, supported by the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation Student Council Presents Sports Jersey Day!!!! Dress code: any sports jersey-no collars needed, girls must wear skirts Friday, Feb. 1st Make your own poster to support the team you want to win. Make a sketch of your idea & show it to Mr. Glassman to get your poster board. Two winners‐one for each team. Posters due Tuesday, Jan. 29th by 4 p.m. to Ms. Levitt PTA Winter Social Join the PTA for an open skating session! Skokie Skatium 9300 Weber Park Pl, Skokie Monday, February 18, 2013 1:00-2:15pm Pres ident Day- s’ No S choo l! $7 Admission with skate rental $5 Admission without skate rental ges to a l Al aged un our this f c n e end ent! t t a ev For more information or to volunteer for give/get, please contact Daisy Attar at [email protected] or Tami Miller at [email protected] or (847)329-7399
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