

December 15, 2003
Mayor Bill Gardiner called the meeting of the Council to order at 8:00 p.m. at the
Municipal Building, 4310 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, Maryland.
Present were Mayor Bill Gardiner, Council President Stuart Eisenberg, Council Vice
President Paula Perry and Council Members Douglas Dudrow, Scott Wilson, Ruth Ann
Frazier, Christopher Currie (8:15 p.m.), Jon Lewis, Scott Wythe, Mary Elwood, and
Council Member Carlos Lizanne.
Also present were City Administrator Murphy, Chief of Police Holland, Superintendent
of Public Works Schrnidl, City Treasurer Oliphant, Supervisor of Code Enforcement
Hampton, and City Clerk Barber.
Mr. Alex Chen a Professor with the Urban Cities and Planning Program from the
University of Maryland presented to the Mayor and Council a graduate class project.
Professor Chen and his students used the City of Hyattsville to spearhead their
assignment. The project demonstrated how technology can assist the City in assessing its
needs in the future. Professor Chen and the graduate students presented their findings
using mapping to help identify items along the City streets, such as signage, lighting, trip
hazards, etc.
Mr. Chris Carroll and Mr. John Acqualino of the Catholic Sportsmen Organization
presented to the City of Hyattsville a check in the amount of$ 2,3 50 set aside for the
purchase of new police vehicles in recognition of the City of Hyattsville Police
Department's dedication to the community during the sniper attacks the previous year.
Chief Holland thanked Mr. Carroll and Mr. Acqualino and all those who donated funds.
Mr. Marshall, 6000 Block of 3?1h Avenue addressed the Mayor and Council on items on
the current agenda. He supports the skate park in Hyattsville. Mr. Marshall requested the
procedures the City follows in regards to employees that leave the employment of the
City and how functions on their behalf are done. He will submit a letter to the Mayor and
Mark Matulef, 5716 39th Avenue addressed the Mayor and Council with comments in
regards to current issues being addressed by the Mayor and Council. He spoke in support
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of the proposed Community Revitalization Plan and would like to see an action plan
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council approve the
agenda, as modified. The motion passed, unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council approve the
minutes from the Council Work Session of November 10, 2003, Council Meeting of
November 17, 2003, and Closed Meetings of November 10, 2004 and November 17,
2003. The motion passed, unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg read into the record the Closed Session Summaries as
December 8, 2003
A Closed Meeting of the City Council was held on December 8, 2003. The Closed
Meeting was called to order at 11 :00 p.m. in the Hyattsville Municipal Building, 4310
Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, Maryland to discuss Personnel Issues, Property Matters, and
to consult with the City Attorney. The meeting adjourned at 11 :50 p.m.
Chief Holland reminded the Mayor and Council of two community outreach programs for
Saturday, December 20, 2003. The 2"d Annual Sonny Frazier Toy Drive, being
spearheaded by Corporal Suzie Johnson and a Shop-with-A- Cop day in conjunction with
outside groups including F.O.P. 119. He provided background for each of these
programs, he also noted the Police Department is actively looking for volunteers for these
events. Chief Holland provided crime updates for 2003. He gave a short report on the
increasing problem in the City with abandoned buildings through out the City. The
Mayor and Council discussed the issue of urban renewal at length.
Director of Recreation and Parks Hager reported to the Mayor and Council on the
upcoming holiday events: Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, Tuesday, December 16, 2003
and the Light up the Sky Contest, judging will take place on Wednesday, December 17,
2003 between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Council Member Frazier moved that the Mayor and Council adopt this as an
additional Policy and Procedure: The Mayor may declare that a motion will be
discussed under "limited debate rules" which means that every Council Member
will have limited and no less than one opportunity to speak on the motion. Once that
is declared, any member can move to restore normal discussion rules, and with a
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second that motion will be voted upon without discussion. A majority vote will be
required to restore normal discussion rules. The Mayor and Council discussed this
issue at length. Council President Eisenberg moved to call the question. A roll call
vote was taken to call the question with Council President Eisenberg, Council Member
Dudrow, Frazier, Currie, Lizanne, and Mayor Gardiner voting for and Council Vice
President Perry, Council Member Wilson, Lewis, Wythe and Elwood voting against.
A mle call vote was taken on the motion as presented. The motion passed with Council
President Eisenberg, Council Member Dudrow, Frazier, Currie, Lizanne, and Mayor
Gardiner voting for and Council Vice President Perry, Council Member Wilson, Lewis,
Wythe and Elwood voting against.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council adopt this as an
additional Policy and Procedure: At Council Work Sessions, all motions dealing
with proposed Charter, Personnel Manual, or Code Amendments will outline the
general proposed changes, and not include the specific language. The motion will
include a request that the City Attorney write the specific language, based on the
general directives of the motion that passes. Council will not wordsmith at Council
Work Sessions. A roll call vote was taken with Council President Eisenberg, Council
Vice President Perry, Council Member Dudrow, Frazier, Currie, Lewis, Wythe, Elwood,
and Lizanne voting for and Council Member Wilson voting against. The motion passed.
Council Member Elwood moved that the Mayor and Council adopt this as an
additional Policy and Procedure: All motions dealing with proposed correspondence
by the Mayor will state the issues to be addressed in the correspondence, but will not
include the text of the correspondence. A roll call vote was taken with Council
President Eisenberg, Council Member Dudrow, Wilson, Frazier, Currie, Lewis, Wythe,
Elwood, and Lizanne voting for and Council Vice President Perry voting against. The
motion passed.
Council Member Currie moved that the Mayor and Council request that EDAW
make the following enhancements in the draft Hyattsville Community Legacy
Revitalization Plan and present the Hyattsville CDC and the City of Hyattsville
Council with a final draft of the plan, incorporating these modifications, by
December 31, 2003. The motion passed unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg moved to approve the consent agenda as follows: (1) To
approve the proposed placement of the Maryland National Capital Park and
Planning Commission Skate Park Facility on the M-NCPPC-owned Melrose
Playground, at the 4600 Block of Rhode Island Avenue, pending the input and
outcome of a Public Hearing on the subject to be conducted on December 15, 2003.
The said approval to be transmitted through official correspondence, promptly; (2)
To adopt Hyattsville Resolution 2003-20 (formerly 2004-01) regarding changes to
Section C2-9 of the City of Hyattsville Charter relating to the passage, publication
and effective dates of legislation and emergency legislation; (3) To adopt Hyattsville
Resolution 2003-21 (formerly 2004-02) regarding changes to Section C3-2 of the
City of Hyattsville Charter relating to specific powers enumerated. Codification of
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general and permanent ordinances to provide for the codification of all ordinances
which have been or may hereafter be passed; (4) To direct the City Administrator
and City Staff to discuss and enter into a mutually beneficial agreement with
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission to assist and facilitate
their purchase of land in the 41 st Place/41 st Street area of the Melrose Playground
and Soccer Field with budgeted Program Open Space Funds, by using the full and
broad range of tools at the City's disposal to encourage the sale of those lands. The
motion passed unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council direct the Council
President, City Administrator, City Attorney to draft language creating specific
urban renewal areas including but not limited to the Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission Building (4017 Hamilton Street). A roll call vote was taken
with Council President Eisenberg, Council Vice President Perry, Council Member
Dudrow, Frazier, Currie, Lewis, Wythe, Elwood, and Lizanne voting for and Council
Member Wilson voting against. The motion passed.
Council Member Currie moved that the Mayor and Council request that MarylandNational Capital Park and Planning Commission include within its forthcoming
Sector 68 map amendment that the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
parking lot south of Gallatin Street and the WSSC unsubdivided parcel at the
junction of Gallatin Street and Hamilton Street be rezoned from R-55 to R-0-S. The
motion passed with Council Vice President Perry abstaining.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council adopt the following
specific policies and administrative procedures regarding the Residential Parking
Permit Program: Policies: (1) the Council desires that the specific parking zone
boundaries be drawn only around or adjacent to areas that clearly have or will have
parking problems, such as streets very near metro stations, commercial districts,
schools, and apartments. Many areas of the City do not require a residential
parking zone; (2) The Residential Parking Zones in active residential parking areas
will be established first, those adjacent to the Prince George's Plaza Metro Station,
and those in the eastern part of Ward 1 in the Melrose Industrial and Residential
area will be the first to be addressed in this process and then other Residential
Parking Zones thereafter to be defined in a list and agreed upon and upon advise of
the Hyattsville Police Department • Implementation of the new policies will be by
theses defined parking zones after Public Hearings on the subject; (3) all residents
in the affected area will be notified prior to any changes and enforcement Council
Members are required to hold parking zone meetings to discuss the proposal for
their residents; (4) the Residential Parking Permit Program does not create the
right to the parking directly in front of a resident's house. Administrative
Procedures: (1) standardize the signs, using the existing sign recommended by the
Police Department; (2) institute a one-time registration process to be determined at
a later date, and to be renewed only when the existing permit is damaged or the
vehicle sold/replaced. Each address would receive two guest permits; (3) temporary
permits would be valid for 72 hours at a cost to be determined later; (4) adopt a
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permanent sticker and placement location based on the f"mal recommendation from
the Police Department. A roll call vote was taken. The motion passed unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council schedule a Closed
Meeting for December 15, 2003 following the Council Meeting to discuss, acquisition
of real property and to consult with the City Attorney. A roll call vote was taken. The
motion passed, unanimously.
Council President Eisenberg moved that the Mayor and Council adjourn to the
Closed Meeting. The motion passed, unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
~Barber, City Clerk