March 2015 - First Church Fairfield
March 2015 - First Church Fairfield
An Open and Affirming Congregation March 2015 A Letter from the Pastor Dear Friend, When I arose on Friday, February 20 , I was thinking about you. “Today I will write my letter for the March Herald,” I thought, “but what will I write?” Looking out the window I saw it! Icicles shimmering in the earliest glimmers of light arising in the east. It was 1 degree F. “Spring! I’ll write about spring! We have to have hope! The snow will melt, the sun will rise in the sky, the ground will soften, we’ll get back in the garden again.” The lengthening days of sunlight call us to turn outward again, to stretch out into the light and find our spirits invigorated and our living inspired by the warmth of the Holy Spirit. This cold and snowy winter, when we have turned inward and stayed under the covers, has been a great prelude to the wonderful season of Lent. As I dream of the spring and our gardens resplendent, I am reminded of the passage from Isaiah that we read on Ash Wednesday, “If you offer your food to the hungry… you shall be like a watered garden.” Lent is a great opportunity to renew our relationship with Jesus, which is to say, to get in touch with our identity as a disciple, a follower. To follow Jesus is not really a matter of what we say, is it? To follow Jesus is to live -- to act -- in a different way. Jesus taught with lots of agricultural parables. He called himself the vine and his followers the branches that will bear fruit. On his last night he went to a garden to pray for direction and strength. After his execution he was resurrected in a garden. When we follow Jesus – feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter those without homes, comfort the afflicted –we “shall be like a watered garden.” On a cold February day that sounds like a great Lenten journey, following Jesus. Yours, Holy Week and Easter Worship Please join in all the opportunities to worship God and grow in love for Christ during this week of tragedy and triumph! March 29 – Palm Sunday Processional with bagpipes beginning at 10:00am in the parking lot. Worship at 10:15am Sanctuary April 2 - Maundy Thursday “The Upper Room” On Maundy Thursday First Church will hold an informal worship service around tables set for the Passover Seder. Plan to attend to learn about the Passover roots of our faith. Please sign-up to attend after Sunday services on March 22 or 29. April 3 – Good Friday Somber Reflection on the Crucifixion with Tenebrae at 12:00pm in the Sanctuary and at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary April 3– 5 Easter Vigil Chapel -- Keep watch for one hour during Jesus’ time in the tomb Easter Worship Services April 5 Easter Sunrise Greet the Risen Christ at Sunrise 6:00am at Jennings Beach Resurrection Worship 9:00am & 11:00am in the Sanctuary (Childcare available at 9:00am) The Herald page 2 March 2015 Good Friday—Easter Vigil Keep watch in quiet prayer and meditation in the Hobart Chapel Good Friday and Holy Saturday The Vigil will begin at 9:00 pm on Good Friday, April 3rd after the 7:30 pm Worship Service and will end at 5:00 am on Easter Sunday, April 5th. Family Lenten Worship A Journey Through Lent Sunday, March 22 4:30-6:30 Join together for dinner, and interactive worship! You may sign up to keep a one hour vigil or longer. It is a spiritually nourishing experience and a rich opportunity to get in touch with the power of Good Friday and Easter. Sign up on the sheets found outside the Chapel after 8:15 worship and outside the Sanctuary after the 10:15service. Or contact Cheri at [email protected] All are Welcome! Meets in the dining room (Stage) at Noon March 4 event TBD and March 18 to make Easter Cards for our friends that can’t get out. Looking forward to seeing you there! Soup Kitchen Saints Don't forget Operation Hope's Food Pantry - the most popular and most needed rice (smaller boxes and bags,) pancake mix and syrup, and as always canned spaghetti, stew and chili Bring your donations each week and place them in the grocery carts outside the Chapel or Sanctuary. Join the team Wednesday, March 11th @ 7pm in the Wakeman kitchen as we prepare food for 200 people at Merton House. Contact Patty Gregory [email protected] or 203-333-7789 Help keep the pantry full! Please join other men in the church at the Circle Diner in Fairfield for conversation and fellowship. We will meet the last Saturday of the month - March 28th, April 25th and May 30th. We would love to see you there. For more information please contact David McKinnis 203-254-2041 [email protected] Parish Notes Deaths Dr. Paul E. Knox February 8, 2015 New Members Jennifer Dalling February 22, 2015 The Women’s Book Group Will meet Friday, March 6th from 10-11:30 in the Eliot Library to discuss The Book Thief by Markus Zusak All are welcome! The Herald page 3 March 2015 Time to SPRING ahead! March 7th March Sales Schedule March 2 - 7 : Half-Price on all clothes, shoes, handbags, linens and artwork, including ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING "Firm"; Red-inked prices are final. Sharing Brings Joy. To us. To others. To God. March 9 - 13: All clothes and shoes are $2. March 14: (Sat.) Bag Sale Day - Fill a bag with clothes, shoes, belts & handbags for $7. You can help … March 16: (Mon.) Bag Sale Day (same as above) March 17, 18: All clothes and shoes, etc. are $1. March 19, 20: The Store is closed to the public. ♥ those displaced by natural disaster or political unrest ♥ mothers whose children do not March 21: (Sat.) Opening Day of Spring have enough to eat 10 am to 3 pm ♥ those who walk for miles to Store Hours: Mon–Fri 10–3 Sat 10–2 203-259-0449 obtain drinkable water : [email protected] First Church will receive the OGHS offering and celebrate the Joy of Sharing Sunday, March 15. EASTER FLOWER ORDERS Due by March 23rd We will be decorating the church with flowers for Easter again this year. Orders are due in the church office, along with your cash or check made payable to First Church Congregational (showing “Easter Flowers” in the memo) by March 23, 2015. Please put the number of each type of flower that you wish to order in the space provided. _____ Tulips $18.00 each _____ I will take the flowers Easter Sunday _____ Daffodils $18.00 each _____ I would like to donate the flowers _____ Lilies $14.00 each Total $___________ _____ Check _____ Cash Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ In honor of________________________________________________________________________________________________ In memory of_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ The Herald page 4 March 2015 What’s Happening– YOUTH MINISTRY Fridays The Loft*, 4-5:30pm, The Community House *For lgbtq kids and their friends Sundays Confirmation Confirming Our Faith 9:00-10:00am, in Rhodes Hall Faith in Action youth group, Grades 7 & 8, 6:00-7:30 pm, in Rhodes Hall Senior High Youth Group, Grades 9-12, 6:00 – 7:30 pm, in Rhodes Hall Questions? Ideas? Call Jen, 259-8396 x15 or [email protected] No Youth Group March 22 (join together for Lenten Family worship at 4:30) No Confirmation or Youth Group on March 29 Palm Sunday March 15-Animal Shelter Visit and Donation Delivery Meet at 11:30am to organize donation and then 3:30pm at Fairfield Animal Shelter (211 Richard White Way formally 1 Rod Highway) for delivery and tour. Are you the parent of a lgbtq teenager or young adult? Do you have questions or worries about your child? Are you looking for a community of support? The Loft Parent Group meets once a month at The Community House 127 Rowland Rd From 6-7pm Join us on these Fridays March 27, April 24, May 22 We want to support you in supporting your child! For more information call Liane at 203.556.1823 or Jen at 203.543.8108 The Herald page 5 March 2015 Lenten Organ Recitals Wednesdays 12:15-12:45 in the Sanctuary March 4 ~ Simon Holt Director of Music First Church Congregational, Old Lyme March 11 ~ Elena Zamolodchikova Director of Music First Church of Christ, Scientists, Westport March 18 ~ John Anthony Spirituality and Creativity go together! Organ and Choir Master St. John’s Episcopal Church, Niantic Are you seeking a deeper connection with your authentic self and with God? March 25 ~ Bryan Campbell Join Jen for a small group based on "The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity” by Julia Cameron This 13 week group is open to anyone who would like to discover -or recover - your creative self. Using a thought provoking guide which includes fun and challenging directed writing exercises, daily journal writing, creativity-inspiring real world experiences, and weekly gatherings with others to share the journey, we’ll dive into the creative process that leads to a deeper and more holistic spiritual life. You don’t have to be an “artist” or a “writer”. This group is for everyone who wants to live a creative spiritual life. The Artist’s Way Group will meet on 13 Monday nights from 7-9pm from March 23June 22 (No group on May 25). Please buy the book and bring it with you to our first gathering. To join the group, please email Jen at [email protected] Music Director Orange Congregational Church Covenant to Care Our next drive will be for Easter Baskets. Sign-ups will be March 15 and March 22 (at the 10:15 service) with the baskets due Sunday, March 29. As we have done in the past, we will have names and ages for the baskets. If you do not attend the 10:15 service but would like to provide an Easter basket, please call either Marilyn Henry (255-5296) or Kristy Macoy (259-8531). Thank you The Herald page 6 Coffee and Conversation for Moms We’ll meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month March 4th & 18th March 2015 CASEY’S PLACE Friday March 13th 6:30 – Wakeman Hall Join us for fun and activities ! 9:30-10:30am Whole Foods Café Meet Jen 12-2 pm on Thursdays @ Las Vetas Play for Hope A play group for little ones and their caregivers 6pm Yoga on Thursdays in the Webb Room followed by Meditation @ 7pm in the Eliot Library. Everyone is welcome! House Meetings 2015 This March, First Church will hold another series of House Meetings. Why? So we can get to know one another better and enjoy a deepening sense of community. The House Meetings will be held during March 15-28. Please be on the lookout for an invitation from a family in our congregation to gather at their home and please say yes! Meets Mondays at 10am in the Eliot Library, following the Fairfield Public School Calendar Please bring a non perishable food item for our friends at Operation Hope. New Comers Group If you recently become a member now it’s time to connect with others and explore how to LIVE your faith! Join David and Jen during this 4-week small group. Meet new friends and explore issues of life and faith. Find new and creative ways to live your faith together with other seekers. We will meet 7:00-8:30 on Mondays March 2, March 9, March 16. Childcare available if requested. Please call Cheri Evan @ 203-259-8396 x10 or [email protected] to join us. Intro to First Church Would you like to learn more about First Church, connect with others and explore how to live your faith? Meet David and Jen Tuesday, March 10 in the Eunoia Room (back of the Sanctuary) from 7:30-8:30pm. Childcare available if requested. Please call Cheri Evan @ 203-259-8396 x10 or [email protected] to let us know you are coming! The Herald page 7 March 2015 Senior High Work Camp Workcamp 2015! La Puente Home in Alamosa Colorado June 27-July 4, 2015 To Alamosa Colorado to serve with La Puente Home June 27-July 4, 2015 SHARE To support Workcamper _____________________________________ Attached is my check/cash for $25 per share. I understand the dividends to be paid are: *Satisfaction of supporting the spiritual growth of the youth of First Church *Knowledge that their work will be carried out This year Jackie Sanna, Jeanette Sanna, Josephine Evan, Nick Evan, Jonah Melton, Reed Kelly, Ben Kelly, Cheri Evan, Pete Evan, Campbell Habetz and Jen Campbell are headed to Alamosa Colorado to serve with La Puente Home! La Puente is a nonprofit organization serving Colorado's San Luis Valley by providing food, shelter, and advocacy for the homeless and community members in crisis. La Puente endeavors to meet immediate needs and to empower people to live independently with dignity. With a homeless shelter, transitional housing, a food bank, community gardens, child care and school for children, a thrift store and a community coffee house, La Puente serves people in deep need. Find out more about this amazing organization at We have room for four more teens. Call Jen for information if you’d like to join us! in solidarity with those living In poverty in Alamosa. *A postcard with news from our week of service. *Brunch for two at the Thank You Brunch in September. Name _____________________________________ Address city/state/zip code _________________________________ Cash ________ Check # ________ Please make checks out to: “First Church Congregational” Put “Work Camp 2015” in the memo line. Return your share form and donation to Rev. Jennifer Campbell 148 Beach Road, Fairfield CT 06824 148 Beach Road Fairfield, CT 06824 An Open and Affirming Congregation Deadline for April Herald March 15th Send all submissions to Cheri Evan [email protected] You are invited to the Call to Annual Financial Meeting, 2015 Stone Soup Lunch Sunday, March 8, 2014 Sunday, March 8th 11:30 am 11:30 am Stone Soup Luncheon Activities for young ones and The Annual Financial Meeting The Annual Budget Meeting of First Church Congregational, UCC in Fairfield, CT will be held in Wakeman Hall to: Receive and accept the reports of the Finance Board, the Stewardship Campaign and Investment Committee Receive and accept the Treasurer’s Report Approve the Annual Operating Budget for Ministry for 2015 Act upon the recommendation of Council to call Vanessa Payne Rose as Associate Pastor for Children and Families Transact any other business that may rightfully come before it Remember the classic tale? Hungry strangers come to a village asking for food but the cupboards are bare. So the travelers declare that they will make soup with a stone—they just need some water and a kettle—and maybe a little salt? Perhaps a potato, a carrot? Soon every one finds something to contribute to the pot an together they create a hearty, delicious soup with enough for the whole village to eat their fill. We’re having Stone Soup on March 2nd. The Church School children will bring food for the Stone Soup pot. Adults are asked to bring bread, rolls, fruit or cookies for the feast. If your last name begins with AG bring rolls or muffins; H-O bring fruit; P-Z bring cookies or brownies. Drop off your contributions in the kitchen. We’ll have a feast of soup and bread and fruit and dessert if everyone brings something to share.
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