A Letter From the Pastor
A Letter From the Pastor
The Herald APRIL 2014 An Open And Affirming Church 375th Anniversary Celebration Events A Letter From the Pastor At the Heart of Fairfield for 375 years Dear Church, First Church Congregational 1639—2014 May 25, 2014 - 11:30am Honoring Our Elders All Church Lunch September 7, 2014 - Historic House Tour September 21, 2014 - 9:00am First Church will sponsor a Community-wide Sunday of Service. April. Finally! This is the month of flowers growing, temperature rising, Spring blossoming. New growth! New life! Easter! Hallelujah! I think our theme song for April should come from the Beatles: Little darling, It's been a long, cold lonely winter Little darling, It feels like years since it's been here Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say It's all right! It HAS been a long winter. One in which many of us have felt sick and tired of the cold and the snow….a little down…a little blue. October 5, 2014 - 4:00pm Organ Concert featuring organist Christoph Schoener, Director of Music, Saint Michael's Church, Hamburg, Germany along with the Opening of First Church 375th Year Historical Exhibit at First Church. Yet, once again we arrive at the truth and promise of our God: resurrection. Out of sorrow comes joy. Out of betrayal comes reconciliation. Out of pain comes hope. Out of darkness comes light. Out of death comes life! I am so grateful for our community of faith – for each and every one of you; for our shared mission and purpose: to be a light to the world. We have been created to be a light that shines the way to a better way of living and being. The way of compassion, of justice, of love for all people. The way of Christ. It is an honor and privilege to serve among you; to serve together. As we continue this journey of faith let’s give thanks for the joy, reconciliation, hope, light and life that comes from God. Happy Spring! Love, Jen Holy Week and Easter Worship Inside this issue: Town Wide Food Drive 2 Annual Finance Meeting 3 Youth Ministry 4-5 Community Events 6-7 Easter Flower Order Form 7 Annual Giving 2014 8 Up Coming Events Cover Please join in all the opportunities to worship God and grow in love for Christ during this week of tragedy and triumph! April 13 – Palm Sunday Processional with bagpipes beginning at 10:00am parking lot Worship 10:15am Sanctuary April 17 - Maundy Thursday April 18 - 20 Easter Vigil “The Upper Room” An informal worship service around tables set for the Passover Seder at 7:30pm Webb Room. Learn about the Passover Roots of our faith! Chapel -- Keep watch for one hour during Jesus’ time in the tomb April 18 – Good Friday Somber Reflection on the Crucifixion with Tenebrae 12:00pm Sanctuary and 7:30pm Sanctuary Easter Worship Services April 20 – Easter Sunrise Greet the Risen Christ at Sunrise 5:45am Jennings Beach Resurrection Worship 9:00am & 11:00am (childcare provided @ 11am) The Herald page 2 April 2014 Fairfield's 375th Anniversary Historic Town-wide Food Drive 148 Beach Road Fairfield, CT 06824 You can help Operation Hope, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Thomas Merton House and A Project From the Heart. To help feed hundreds of families in our community and send care packages to our troops. Sunday for delivery to the following weekend. Gift cards from Stop 'n Shop or ShopRite are another great way to donate! Thanks to the generous support of these grocery stores, On Saturday April 26 from 8am to organizers can 4pm and Sunday, April 27 purchase the More than 14% of households from 8am to 3pm bring items needed in Connecticut reported not your non-perishable food most by the having enough money to buy donations to Fairfield food pantries, the food that they needed Ludlowe High School at a 10% during the first six months of (drive-through lanes will discount. last year according to Food minimize waiting!) or Research and Action Center. bring your donations to worship on Easter You can volunteer and get involved! Go to the volunteer page at VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/bKzNPL, enter your email address, and sign up! VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! You Can Help by Donating Food, Gift Cards, or Time... or All Three! Spread the word to your friends and urge them to join you! An Open And Affirming Congregation Deadline for May Herald April 15th Send all submissions to Cheri Evan [email protected] Good Friday – Easter Vigil Keep watch in quiet prayer and meditation in the Hobart Chapel Good Friday and Holy Saturday The Vigil will begin at 9:00 pm on Good Friday, April 18th after the 7:30 pm Worship Service and will end at 6:00 am on Easter Sunday, April 20th. You may sign up to keep a one hour vigil or longer. It is a spiritually nourishing experience and a rich opportunity to get in touch with the power of Good Friday and Easter. 10:15service. Or contact Cheri at [email protected] All Church Pancake Breakfast April 6th 9:00AM Dining Room Sign up on the sheets found outside the Chapel after 8:15 worship and outside the Sanctuary after the Come support our Workcamp Team ‘s Trip with Simply Smiles to the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reservation At the Border: Immigration and the Life of Faith April 6 Homecoming For Attys. Alex McShiras and Petula McShiras David and Petula McShiras are attorneys working in Colorado to help immigrants find their way in America. Alex grew up in First Church: he is the son of Dr. David McFadden and former Associate Pastor Rev. Natalie Shiras. David and Petula are both committed to assisting undocumented workers, seekers of asylum, and other immigration cases. Petula is the Supervisor of the Littleton Immigrant Resources Center and David is an attorney at the Chan Law Firm in Denver. You can hear about their work on the front lines and how their faith informs their work at the Pancake Breakfast and at the 10:15 worship service on April 6! RSVP @ [email protected] or Sign up in Wakeman Hall It’s a First Church Easter tradition! Bring your children, neighbors and friends to the Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19th, 10 am. Come to Wakeman Hall for refreshments, Easter crafts and face painting hosted by the Children and Families Board. There will be two egg hunts; one for ages 4 and younger; the other for the older crowd — outside if the weather permits; inside if it’s raining. Help our hungry neighbors by bringing food items for the Operation Hope Food pantry. Peanut butter is the most requested item. ANNUAL GIVING 2014 Thank you to all the devoted and loyal members of our congregation who have invested in First Church by pledging for 2014! Below is a list of donors as of March 17th. Your financial pledge is critical to our mission and the life of our church. 238 families have pledged to give $433,353 and we are very grateful for your commitment! The Herald We invite you to help us celebrate and delight in your giving. Please join us for music and refreshments on April 6th from 4:30-6pm in the Webb Room for an informal celebration. Thank you for all you do for our church! Annual Finance Meeting Results Tom Abate & Kim Stevens Jim & Wendy Accomando Chris & Tina Ahlberg Jane Allen Elaine & Eric Anderson George Anderson Judy & Theodore Andre Julie Appleton Jessica & Alex Aysseh Robert & Helen Barnum Linda Batchelder Gail Beauchemin John & Sara Beggs John & Kathy Bennett Jane Bernd Pat & Joseph Bilotto Chris & Sheryl Bilyard Theodore & MaryJane Bishop Joel & Linda Blaskey Byron & Lisa Bond Dave & Ellen Bonner Poppy Bonuomo Margaret Brock Sandy Bromer & Pat Kearney Bob & Judith Brown Glen & Diane Brown Laura Burr Gwen Burroughs & Ned Beaver Paul & Ellen Cahill Jean Caldwell Frank Callahan Erik & Leonora Campbell Jen Campbell Marta Campbell Laura & Beau Campfield Terese & Charles Case Pertrinea Cash Bev Catchpole Emma Cathcart Steve & Beth Cerny Cheryl Chizmadia & Maryanne Piorek Daniel & Priscilla Christianson Robert & Gwyneth Claiborne Tim & Christina Clark Sandy & Kathryn Clarkson Lin & Gary Clayton Margaret Cole Linda & Thomas Conley Janice Covino Sandy & Karen Crape Roger & Rosemary Crossland Jeff & Heather Dean Kathy & Mario DelConte Michael & Wendy DeMilt Lauren & Anthony DeNisco Tony & Geri Derbyshire Fernando Destruge & Jan Bowes Bruce Dillingham Pamela Dix William & Beverly Dobi Matthew Dolan & Vanessa Rose Catherine & Peter Doyle Phil & Debby Dwyer Michael & Charlotte Dyslin Deanie Eckert-Medve & Ken Medve David & Emma Ellis Blanche Elmore Mark & Nina Engstrom Keith & Linda Erickson Peter & Cheri Evan Janet Fidler Kelli Blish Fitter William & Jo Anne Fleshood Sam Fox & Andrea Boissevain Carl & Holly Franquet Peter & Barbara Franzen Bryan French Harry & Gloria French Fenton & Stephanie Furrer Donna Gallo Betsy & Raymond Gardner Melissa Gardner Diane & William Gatto Peggy Gettig Rick & Linda Gibbons David & Laura Gindek Bonnie Gleason Brett & Mary Beth Goodwin Rick & Lisa Grauer Todd & Patricia Gregory Vicki & Paul Gustavson Robert & Elizabeth Hacker Melissa Hain Kurt & Abby Hanson John & Clara Harmon George & Teresa Harris Robert & Robbi Hartt Neil & Ann Hauck David & Cheryl Hawthorne Marilyn Henry Bob Henstenburg Barbara Herman Kait Herman Vikki & William Herman Victoria Hill Amy Hios Peter & Jennifer Hios Heather Hodgeman Douglas & Claudia Hoffman Anne & David Jackson Greg and Christine Jefremow Sarah Jewell Carl & Barbara Johnson Chris & Michelle Johnson Casey & Deb Jones Irene Juthnas Punchy Bliss Kaess Tom & Cathy Kane Dorothy Kelley Paul & Lynn Kelly Bill & Jennifer Kenny Donna Kersten Kevin & Erika Kiley Lillian Klein Randy & Jessica Knight Paul Knox Bob Koch Doug & Laura Koch Gary Kopsco Hobart & Sally Kreitler Jerry & Alice Krenke Tom & Connie Kristy Irene Kubik Robert & Susan Lacey Robert & Rosann Lake Charles & Cathy Lambert Scott & Jennifer Langlais Kittipong Laosethakul Louise & Adam Lau Oliver Lay Stephen & Karin Layton Jeffrey & Kathy Lea John & Phoebe Leask James & Madeline Lee Mark & Denise Lee Jack & Hilaire Lennon Randy & Carrie Lester Bruce & Beth Letsch Patrick & Wendy Lien Susan & Allen Liptak Daniel & Patty Loh Charles & Beverly Lomnitzer David & Kristen Macoy Judith Magness Anthony & Mimi Maniscalco Mark & Barbara Markelz Lucille Marottoli Philip & Phyllis Marsilius Howard & Joanne Martin David & Elena McFadden David & Beth McKinnis Kevin & Wanda McNamara Neal & Patty McQuone Candace Meader Jim Meisner & Marilyn Lord Barry & Ericka Melton Davis Miller & Jane Keller Suzanne Minatti-Lathbury Gary & Karen Moore Ita Moran Edward Morrison Peter & Janet Mott Julie & Imran Mughal Linda Murphy Stephen & Ivette Murphy Jim & Wendy Muschett Barbara Nash Joy & Stewart Nazzaro Veronica Nedwitch Michelle Nolan Jim & April Obermeyer John & Melissa O'Donnell Sue & Gerry O'Donovan Joan & Dennis Overfield Ed & Jacque Paige Larry & Cyndi Palaia William & Judith Perkins Linda & Ronald Pine Sharon & Todd Pistilli Katy Reed Eunice Rees Brian & Jennifer Roberts Peter & Kristin Robinson Nancy Rockwood Ginny Rogers Gary & Sandra Romeo Bob & Holly Routhier Richard Rush Tom & Jeannine Salveson Krista & Mike Salvioli Bill & Connie Sargent Hank & Joan Schmidt Gail Scholan James & Jamie Scribner Robert & Joan Seirup Christopher & Martha Seymour Mary Skarstrom Robert & Eve Skerritt Rita Skog Howard & Wendy Slagter Esther Sotolongo Timothy & Alicia Sotolongo Sara & Steven Sparks David & Geri Spollett Greg & Sara Stanhewicz Robert & Anne Stephan Bob & Trudy Stevens Penny Stevens Don & Arlene Studer Gayle & Samuel Sullivan Kelly & Fred Sullivan Marc & Holly Sulzycki Tod Tanis & Lisa Talarczyk Derry & William Tomczyk Michael & Julie Traum Darlene & Matthew Trupp Peter & Nancy Trupp William Trupp Douglas & Joann VanEsselstyn Katherine Verdier William & Edith Verdier Sharon Vincentini Andrew & Sarah Vigneron Suzanne Wagner Sanford & Karen Wakeman Jeffrey & Diane Warren Daniel Weddle Gary & Edite Weddle Mary Jane Wheeler Marion Winter Susanne Wooldridge Steve & Edith Zambo It’s not too late to pledge! There are still pledge cards in the pews or you can email a pledge to [email protected] On Sunday March 2, 2014 following the Worship Services, the Children and Families Ministry Board provided a delicious soup lunch prior to the Annual Financial Meeting. Wendy Muschett, Sue O’Donovan, Abby Hanson, Linda Sales, Paul Parfitt, Tracy Parfitt and Vanessa Rose created a lively community time which “set the stage” for a productive meeting. The Annual Giving Campaign Report as well as reports from the Finance Board, Investment Board, Treasurer, Store, and Clerk were accepted. The Operating Budget for Ministry for 2014 was accepted following a detailed presentation by Tim Clark, page 3 Finance Chair, and an open discussion among those in attendance. If you were not in attendance, please obtain a copy of all the reports and the Operating Budget in a pamphlet from Cheri Evan. Whenever our church gathers for worship, ministry or community, I am enlivened by the faithful participation, generous contributions, creative ideas, and mutual support of the membership. Many members worked to insure the financial health of our church in 2013 and to produce an acceptable operating budget for 2014. Please join me in thanking Bev Catchpole and Patty Gregory for chairing the Annual Giving Covenant to Care We are a congregation dedicated to helping those less fortunate. Our Christmas drive collected over 70 gifts! The gifts were delivered to children in Bridgeport who are either being served by the Department of Children and Families or the YMCA Families in Transition program. Thank you to everyone who donated gifts or made monetary donations this year. We hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday season! Our next drive begins this month sign-ups for Easter baskets will take place after worship. If you have any questions, please contact Kristy Macoy (259-8531) or Marilyn Henry (255-5296). Thank you VBS will be a drop-off day time camp for kids this year. But don’t be sad, Grown-ups! You can still come: We are Gratefully Ginny Rogers, Moderator The keynote address will be delivered by Shiri B. Sandler, the granddaughter of a survivor who has devoted herself to educating the world about one of the darkest periods in modern history. Shiri serves as the U.S. Director of the Auschwitz Jewish Center, a museum and study center in Auschwitz, Poland, an affiliate of the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City. There will be musical selections by Fairfield County Children’s Choir and Fairfield Warde Ensemble, a candle lighting ceremony. A reception will follow the Commemoration. SAVE THE DATE for VBS- CAMP EDGE!! June 23-25 9am-12pm CAMP for ages 3 years -5th grade Campaign. Thank you to the 238 households of First Church who pledged for 2014. The Store is a significant source of income for our church. Marilyn Lord with about thirty volunteers continues to empower this ministry of First Church. Tim Clark worked tirelessly to construct a budget that was thoroughly detailed and examined. Thank you to Tim and the Finance Board : Howard Slagter, Steve Murphy, Peggy Gettig, Marilyn Henry, Adam Lau, Julie Mughal, Kim Stevens, who supported Tim. 31st Annual Holocaust Commemoration of the Town of Fairfield The Sanctuary of First Church Congregational Wednesday April 30 at 7:30 pm Vacation Bible School 2014 June 22 – Kick off Picnic for families April 2014 looking for people to help with the decorating team, storytelling tent, crafts, science, recreation leader and more! Please let me know if you would like to participate and look out for the Registration Form which will be on the Children and Families Ministry board next week. The Herald The Herald page 4 April 2014 What’s Happening– YOUTH MINISTRY Fridays The Loft*, 4-5:30pm, The Community House *For lgbtq kids and their friends Sundays Confirming Our Faith, Grade 6, 9-10 am, in Rhodes Hall Faith in Action youth group, Grades 7 & 8, 5 - 6 pm, in Rhodes Hall Senior High Youth Group, Grades 9-12, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, in Rhodes Hall page 7 Mission 4/1 Earth April 1-June 15 April 2014 Community Bulletin Board Book Group meets the first Friday of the month in the Eliot Library @ 10:00AM. Contact Jen Campbell [email protected] for more information. During Mission 4/1 Earth 2014, the United Church of Christ in New England will offer 75,000 hours of caring for the earth, plant more than 50,000 trees, and send more than 5,000 advocacy letters on environmental concerns. The Outreach Board is making plans for our participation in this second annual focus on environmental stewardship. Watch for upcoming news in the Sunday bulletin and get more information at http://www.ctucc.org/earth/. Please contact Holly Franquet, Outreach chair, with questions or comments. Soup Kitchen Saints meets the second Wednesday of the month to cook for Merton House @ 7:00PM in the Wakeman Hall Kitchen. Contact Patty Gregory for more information [email protected]. Women’s Fellowship will meet Wednesday April 9th @ 11:30am in the dining room to make Easter cards for our friends that can’t make it out. Women’s Spirituality Group meeting in Eliot Library, 6:30-8 PM, April 9th and 23rd. “God of openness, of life and resurrection, come into this Easter season and bless me. Look around the tight, dead spaces of my heart that still refuse to give you an entrance.” May I Have This Dance, Joyce Rupp, p. 64. Casey’s Place art project with Bonnie Bello and pizza party April 11 - 6:30 8:00. No Confirmation or Youth Groups on Palm Sunday or Easter. Church World Service CROP Walk Sunday May 4, Come walk with us to help feed hungry neighbors! Celebrate 40 years of the Greater Bridgeport Walk and Honor the Memory of Sylvia Tapley. One step at a time you can make a huge difference, as a Walker or as a Sponsor! Contact Marc Sulzycki [email protected]. Questions? Ideas? Call Jen, 259-8396 x15 or [email protected] Work Camp Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast April 6th 9am Wakeman Hall All Are Welcome! EASTER FLOWER ORDERS Are you the parent of a lgbtq teenager or young adult? Do you have questions or worries about your child? Are you looking for a community of support? The Loft Parent Group meets once a month at The Community House 127 Rowland Rd Join us on these Fridays April 25, May 23 We want to support you in supporting your child! For more information call Liane at 203.556.1823 or We will be decorating the church with flowers for Easter again this year. Orders are due in the church office, along with your cash or check made payable to First Church Congregational (showing “Easter Flowers” in the memo) by April 8 , 2014. Please put the number of each type of flower that you wish to order in the space In honor of_________________________________ provided. ___________________________________ _____ Tulips $18.00 each _____ Daffodils $18.00 each _____ Lilies $14.00 each _____ I will take the flowers Easter Sunday ___________________________________ ___________________________________ _____ I would like to donate the flowers ___________________________________ ___________________________________ In memory of_________________________________ ___________________________________ The 4th and 5th Grade Youth Group Hosts Bingo at the Carolton! April 6th from 2:15-3:15. Meet at the Carolton at 1:45 if you want to help with set up. For more information please contact Wendy Muschett at [email protected] and Vanessa Rose at [email protected]. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Name _____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Total $___________ ___________________________________ _____ Check _____ Cash ___________________________________ ORDERS DUE BY April 8th The Herald page 6 April 2014 The Herald page 5 April 2014 June 28-July 5 Senior High Work Camp Cheyenne River Reservation with Simply Smiles Workcamp 2014! We are heading back to the Cheyenne River Reservation with Simply Smiles this summer! June 28-July 5 SHARE To support Workcamper’s name ______________________________________ Attached is my check/cash for $25 per share. I understand the dividends to be paid are: *Satisfaction of supporting the spiritual growth of First Church youth *Knowledge that their work will be carried out in solidarity with those living in poverty on the CRST reservation in South Dakota * A postcard from our week of service Please hold us in your prayers as we prepare for an epic adventure with our friends in La Plant. Community “Office” Hours at Las Vetas Come on down to Las Vetas on Unquowa Road for a cup of coffee and some conversation. Dear First Church cooks and supporters! Every Thursday, Jen will be at Las Vetas During these final days of winter Operation Hope would like to extend a special thank you to all the cooks and supporters from 12-2pm. Drop by! Let’s talk. I would love to see you. Parish Notes Baptisms Olivia Christine Sotolongo Matilda Madeline Lowerson Jillian Samantha Tobey who provide hearty meals to our Community Kitchen every Sunday and your ongoing contributions to the food pantry. Your meals are most appreciated by the men, woman and families that we serve. Your care and love is felt by so many in need. Thank you again for making a difference. Sincerely, Operation Hope This year’s workcampers are: Jackie Sanna, Jeanette Sanna, Ben Anderson, Cole Fitter, Reed Kelly, Josie Evan, Tom Gagne, David Elmore, Claire Menard, Diana Stone, Christina Elmore, Kate Biardi and adult leaders Sandy Crape, Pete Evan, Cheri Evan Bryan French and Jen Campbell. *Brunch for two at the Thank You Brunch in September 2014 Name__________________________________ Address ________________________________ Cash ________ Check # ________ For more info visit www.simplysmiles.org Please make checks out to: “First Church Congregational” Put “Work Camp 2014” in the memo line. Return your share form and donation to Rev. Jennifer Campbell 148 Beach Rd, Fairfield, CT 06824
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number of each type of flower that you wish to order in the space provided.
_____ Tulips $18.00 each