ranch hands kids camp
ranch hands kids camp
RANCH HANDS KIDS CAMP Excite all of your senses with the Ranch Hands Kids Camp and take home memories for years to come. Our programming, designed by certified schoolteachers, provides just enough structure to inspire and initiate unforgettable experiences, yet plenty of freedom for young minds to be creative and put their imagination to work. Disguised in all of this fun and adventure is critical development of motor skills, social skills and academic content. Those little minds will stay sharp with inquiry-based learning. No homework or tests here, just a huge natural playground where you can’t help but learn a few new things along the way! BUSY BEES A G E S 2 TO 5 Perfect for our youngest campers who might not want to be away from mom and dad for an entire day or half day, Busy Bees Program is available on an hourly basis. Little ones will still benefit from a programmed schedule of fun events and educational activities, but without the half or full day commitment. This is perfect for the parent looking for childcare during a workout or fitness class. If children are not potty trained, a parent must be available for a diaper change if needed. When: Daily from 8:00a to 12:00p Where: River Ranch – Activity Cottage Price: $15/hour per child RANCH HANDS & RANCH TEENS NIGHT OUT A G E S 6 TO 1 6 Perfect for kids looking for a night out and away from parents (or parents looking for a quiet adult dinner!), Hunter’s Workshop opens its doors to both Ranch Hands (ages 6 to 12) and Ranch Teens (ages 13 to 16) for an evening of fun, food and friends. Activities available include Wii, Xbox, PlayStation, karaoke, foosball, games, movies, art projects and more. Dinner is included. Parents are welcome to stay and play games with their children before dinner or register children to stay and be cared for by our staff. All we ask is that parents provide a cell phone number and promise to remain on property. When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings throughout summer (6:00p to 10:00p) Where: Hunter’s Workshop at River Ranch Price: $50 (Includes dinner) CAMP REGISTRATION Advanced registration is required for all programs. Please call either the River Ranch or Concierge before 8:00p for the next day’s camps or before 2:00p for that evening’s programs. Day of/drop-in registration is subject to availability. All themes and programs are subject to change and cancellation. RANCH HANDS KIDS CAMP A G E S 6 TO 1 2 Featuring the perfect blend of indoor and outdoor activities, every day is unique at Ranch Hands Kids Camp with daily themes such as Lavender Buzz, Friendly Planet, Boardwalk Mix-up, and Wildlife Wednesdays. Located within the River Ranch complex in the newly renovated Hunter’s Workshop, kids can choose from a half-day, full day or evening of programmed activities and adventures that are both educational and fun! All of our programs include lunch and a snack. When: Daily throughout summer Where: Hunter’s Workshop at River Ranch Prices: Full Day: 9:00a to 4:00p - $75 (Includes lunch) Half Day Morning: 9:00a to 1:00p - $50 (Includes lunch) Half Day Afternoon: 12:00p to 4:00p - $50 (Includes lunch) F O R R E SERVAT IO N S P LEAS E DIAL: R IV E R R A N CH AT 831. 626. 2525 ( EX T 525) C O N C IE R G E AT 831. 620. 6427 ( EX T 427)