March 13, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalene
March 13, 2016 - St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Served by the Missionary Society of St. Paul Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 527 South Houston Avenue, Humble, TX 77338 Office: (281) 446-8211 Fax: (281) 446-8213 Office Hours: M-F 8:00 A.M. — 4:30 P.M. Website: Weekend Mass English: Saturday Vigil: 5:30 P.M. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 A.M.; 5:00 P.M. (Youth) Español: Sábado (Misa de Víspera): 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 1:00 P.M. Weekday Mass Monday--Friday: 8:30 A.M. (English) Martes: 7:00 P.M. (Misa en Español) 1st Friday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. 1st Saturday Devotion Mass: 8:30 A.M. Reconciliation (Confession) Tuesday: 6:00 P.M.—6:45 P.M. Saturday: 3:30 P.M.—5:00 P.M. Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration 9:00 A.M.—9:00 P.M. (Mon.—Fri.) Sacrament of Baptism: Parents requesting baptism for their child must call the parish office two months prior to the desired month of baptism. There are no baptisms during Lent or Advent. Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples interested in marriage at St. Mary Magdalene must contact the office at least six months prior to their desired wedding date. Please contact the office for more information. Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office if you or a loved one wish to receive sacramental anointing of the sick. Sacramento del Bautismo: Padres que quieran bautizar a sus hijos deben de llamar a la oficina por lo menos 2 meses antes de la fecha del bautismo. No hay bautizos durante la Cuaresma o el tiempo de Adviento. Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas interesadas en casarse en Santa María Magdalena deben contactar a la oficina por lo menos seis meses antes de su fecha preferida de matrimonio. Por favor llamen a la oficina para mayor información. Unción de los Enfermos: Por favor llame la oficina si usted o algún ser querido desea ser ungido. Pastor: Rev. Felix Ilesanmi Osasona, M.S.P. Parochial Vicar: Rev. Anthony Udoh, M.S.P. Deacons: Nick Caruso & James Meshell Weekly Message “See, I am doing a new deed” Our parish provided food for over 210 families on Saturday, March 5, 2016 when we held a community food fair in conjunction with the Houston Food Bank. Thank you to the over 50 volunteers who came out to stuff bags with food items, provided sign-in sheets for those we served, and made the food distribution seamless. It was so nice to see many of our young parishioners, the Squires, the Boy Scouts, and many youth helping to serve those who needed help, pushing their carts and helping them load the food in their cars. You all made St. Mary Magdalene a church that cares. Feeding the hungry is the first of the Corporal Works of Mercy. What a beautiful way for the entire parish to come together to do this. Thank you to the volunteers from Magdalene House, the parish staff, and all of you who made time to put smiles on the faces of those we served! What a beautiful way to celebrate Lent! This is a successful first, and it is not going to be the last. You may have been wondering that “something” had been missing in our liturgy since the beginning of Lent. Well, you are right. We have not been signing the Gloria or the Alleluia in the liturgy. The word “Alleluia,” which means “praise the Lord,” is a song of the angels, which we participate in during Mass. It points to the Kingdom of God being already among us. Lent anticipates the coming of the Kingdom, and one way to bring out this distinction is to not sing Alleluia during Lent. The Alleluia becomes the central song on Easter Vigil and the Easter season as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus is what confirms him as the messiah that brought the kingdom of God on earth. You may have also noticed something else in the church today. The images are veiled, and this will remain so until Holy Saturday. Why do we have to do this? Well, it is symbolic of the fact that we are approaching the last days of Lent, and our readings are drawing us closer to the mystery of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. With the readings so vividly describing the passion of Jesus, we are called to reflect more on what we read and hear. Spring is almost here, and with it will come the freshness of new life in plants and flowers. The coming of spring is preceded by pollen covering everything. Many of us carry our allergy medicines with us these days! Soon the flowers will be blooming, the grass will turn green and God’s beauty will show in creation. We are part of that creation and are called into a spring of new life and freshness in Christ Jesus. The freshness that comes from knowing Christ Jesus the Lord is so great that St. Paul considered every other thing as a loss. Paul was ready to lose everything else in order for him to gain Christ and the power of his resurrection. It is this power that helped Paul to make a fresh start at life in Damascus. Paul left behind his old life, became a new person, and never looked back again. The woman caught in adultery in today’s gospel received the mercy and forgiveness of Christ. She was given a fresh start as Jesus told her to go and not to sin again. Sin is an offense against God. Adultery is a very serious sin, and the punishment for a Jew caught in adultery is death. Unfortunately, this law was applied more to women who were then regarded as properties of their husbands. Jesus drew the attention of all who came with furious anger to stone the woman to look at themselves before throwing the stone. It is more like asking the one pointing a finger at another to remember that three other fingers are pointed at the individual. In today’s society, adultery is given the feel-good name of “having an affair.” People use euphemisms for sins to downplay the guilt associated with them. The fact that many things in society are saturated with sex today does not make sexual sins less sinful. A sin has to be confessed as it is for forgiveness to take place. Jesus condemned the sin of the sinner while offering forgiveness to the individual. May this Lent bring us renewed courage to allow God’s mercy into our lives as he gives us a fresh start because that is why he came! —Fr. Felix Jubilee Year of Mercy How fitting that the first Sunday Angelus of Pope Francis, who has made mercy his papacy’s theme, took place the last time today’s Gospel about Jesus’s encounter with the adulterous woman was proclaimed. “Jesus’s attitude is striking,” Francis declared. “We do not hear words of scorn or condemnation, only words of love, of mercy, an invitation to conversion: ‘Neither do I condemn you’” (John 8:11). Francis continued: “God’s face is the face of a merciful father who is always patient. Have you thought about God’s patience, the patience [God] has with each one of us? That is [God’s] mercy. [God] always has patience, patience with us . . . understands us . . . waits for us . . . does not tire of forgiving us” if we return ‘with a contrite heart” (Pope Francis, Angelus address, March 17, 2013). Parishes preparing catechumens may proclaim Jesus’s raising of Lazarus. Referring to Lazarus, and all those “raised” from the “death” of sin, Jesus defines the community’s “mission of mercy”— “Untie him and let him go” (John 11:44). —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2013, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission P. 2 Time & Talent Ministries Are you new to our parish or have been coming for a while but are not yet registered? We offer you a warm welcome to St. Mary Magdalene parish. Becoming an active parishioner begins when you are counted as a parishioner. Please stop by the Welcome Ministry table in the narthex to register. You can also come by the church office during the week to register. MASS / LITURGY ART & ENVIRONMENT Jean Johnson - (281) 358-3416 June Domengeaux - (281) 852-2555 ORGANIZATIONS KEENAGERS (60+) Barbara Walker - (281) 852-4103 ALTAR GUILD Shirley Jones - (281) 852-0670 YOUNG AT HEART (50+) SENIOR TRAVEL GROUP Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 ALTAR SERVERS Vickie VanGordon - (832) 496-9876 Jimena Farfán (Esp.) - (832) 513-0812 RED HAT SOCIETY Loretta Schermock - (832) 640-9357 Jo Smith - (281) 381-9892 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Freda Monk - (281) 852-7257 Horacio Garcia (Esp.) - (281) 808-1647 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 6878 Greg Forestieri - (281) 441-2711 INSTITUTED ACOLYTE Ron Cecil - (281) 590-7528 MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 Nelly Fernandez (Esp.) - (832) 405-2735 LECTORS Denise Ruffino - (281) 300-8534 Francisco Saldaña (Esp.) - (832) 875-3116 CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF WORD Ben Bates - (281) 454-7575 Ericka Gonzalez (Esp.) - (281) 731-6050 MUSIC MINISTRY Perci Cacanindin - (281) 446-8211 Yvette Rodriguez - (281) 548-1674 DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Gilbert & Linda Alfaro (281) 852-4573 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - 4TH Phil Ardoin - (281) 852-8773 COLUMBIAN SQUIRES Chief Counselor Alejandro Aramburu - (713) 966-0547 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Virginia R. Eckert - (713) 823-8951 MOVIMIENTO FAMILIAR CRISTIANO Julio & Cristina Romero - (832) 488-3367 FAITH FORMATION ADULT FAITH FORMATION, BECOMING CATHOLIC (RCIA), INFANT BAPTISM, ADULT CONFIRMATION, RETREATS Ivana Meshell - (281) 446-8211 SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Geneva Green - (832) 758-6475 Kay Huggins - (409) 656-6587 YOUTH MINISTRIES Mike Smith - (281) 446-8211 DIVINE MERCY Terry Mares - (832) 790-0837 JÓVENES EN ACCIÓN POR CRISTO Ana Maria Ortega - (713) 405-0652 LEGION OF MARY Barbara Rivera (Eng.) - (281) 913-9631 Violeta Amador (Esp.) - (832) 571-6391 SCHOOL MINISTRIES SCHOOL BOARD Joshua Raab - (281) 446-8535 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Eduardo Farfán - (708) 945-2579 Sub-Coord.: German Pereira - (281) 703-2418 HEARTS AFIRE Cynthia Meneses - (832) 492-1742 STEWARDSHIP Tom Kleypas - (281) 852-7937 MINISTERIO HISPANO FORMACIÓN DE FE PARA ADULTOS, SACRAMENTOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN Y COMUNIÓN, EL PROCESO DE RICA, PATROCINADORES DE MATRIMONIO, BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS DE 0-6 AÑOS, QUINCEAÑERAS Vickie Cortez - (281) 446-2933 OUTREACH MINISTRIES SOCIAL SERVICES Wanda Conley - (281) 540-1907 PRISON MINISTRY Mary Hernandez - (713) 299-8493 HOSPITAL MINISTRY Margarita Rodriguez - (832) 445-6318 HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Marvin Corbitt - (281) 852-3111 RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Teresa O’Brien - (919) 623-5343 ([email protected]) BLOOD DRIVE VACANT BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Madeline Graham - (281) 446-8044 NURSING HOME MINISTRY Humble Health Center, Oakmont & Park Manor, Deerbrook Nursing Home Monica Fontenot - (281) 913-5221 ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE Darril B. - (281) 852-4230 Wayne B. - (281) 777-9217 Florentino V. - (832) 605-1881 Susan G. - (281) 813-0575 PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY Ron & Ann McCuen - (281) 852-4743 ([email protected]) PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY Jean Chebret - (281) 441-7365 HELPING HANDS MINISTRY Jan Crawford - (281) 852-3508 HOME AGAIN MINISTRY (FURNITURE BANK/HOUSEHOLD ITEMS) Carolyn Wise - (713) 898-6611 Lori Scherr - (281) 360-9112 Tammy Broussard - (832) 777-1878 OTHERS NURSERY Wanda Conley - (281) 446-8211 FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 Neha Delphin - (713) 927-8239 PASTORAL COUNCIL Tony Butera - (832) 279-7072 FINANCE COUNCIL Bert Guempel - (281) 852-1549 SECURITY TEAM P.3 John Garza - (832) 875-1377 CHURCH STAFF Stewardship Offering Wanda Conley, Business Manager Rick Swanson, Facilities Manager Jose Garcia, Maintenance Technician Jorge Acosta, Maintenance Technician Susie Zamarrón, Parish Secretary Vacant, Bookkeeper Perci Cacanindin, Director of Music and Liturgy Vickie Cortez, Director of Hispanic Ministry Ivana Meshell, Director of Adult Faith Formation Ginger Herrington, Adult Faith Formation Assistant Michael Smith, Director of Faith Formation-Children/Youth Carissa Bull, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Madelyn Cañas, Bulletin Editor Estela Treviño, Receptionist Ryan Rivera, Receptionist Lupe Gonzales, Receptionist NURSERY STAFF Wanda Conley, Nursery Coordinator Patricia De Los Santos, Nursery Attendant Isabel Gonzalez, Nursery Attendant Alexis Mendoza, Nursery Attendant Emily Mendoza, Nursery Attendant Jenna Meza, Nursery Attendant Rachel Meza, Nursery Attendant Samantha Meza, Nursery Attendant 530 Ferguson St. Humble, Texas 77338 Phone: (281) 446-8535 Fax: (281) 446-8527 Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department Joshua Raab, Principal Trish Duhon, Director of Admissions Tom Walsh, Athletic Director Cathy Brown, Director of Before & After School Program Carol Poston, Director of Development April Dandridge, Director of Marketing and Alumni Laura Valladares, Counselor Christy Keeling, Academic Coach Laura Rocha, Administrative Assistant Kelli Pitt, Bookkeeper Donna Mohrman, Nurse Sam McKinney, Secretary BULLETIN DEADLINES March 27th, 2016 April 3rd, 2016 Lenten Mission (02/29—03/02/2016) — $3,095.73 DSF Update (As of 03/07/2016) 2016 DSF Goal — $165,000.00 Contribution to Date — $44,579.75 Amount Pledged to Date — $73,756.00 Number of Participants — 175 Second Collection for March 20th, 2016 ST. MARY MAGDALENE CATHOLIC SCHOOL ISSUE Offertory for March 5 & 6, 2016 — $34,238.30 Online Giving — $7,433.01 Total — $41,671.31 Second Collection (Catholic Relief Services) — $7,992.25 Online Giving — $131.00 Total — $8,123.25 DUE BY March 16th, 2016 March 28th, 2016 E-mail bulletin articles or announcements to [email protected]. Next weekend’s second collection is for St. Mary Magdalene Social Services. Your generous donations help support the Outreach Ministries of the parish, which allows us to feed the hungry, visit the sick and homebound, comfort the grieving, visit the imprisoned, support life, and provide emergency financial support to families in our community who may be facing homelessness. Please indicate “Social Services” on your check if you do not have an envelope. Thank you for your generosity. Thank you to all the volunteers who participated in the Community Food Fair on Saturday, March 5, 2016. We served over 200 families in our community, providing them with healthy food. Thank you so much for all your help! Catholic Daughters Bake Sale Catholic Daughters Court of the Cross #2374 will be holding a bake sale today, March 13, 2016 in the Family Life Center from 7:30 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. SAVE THE DATE: VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DINNER On behalf of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, the Stewardship Committee is arranging an appreciation dinner for May 28th after the 5:30 P.M. Mass in the Family Life Center. This dinner is an expression of gratitude for giving of your time and talent! The dinner is intended for volunteers in any ministry, organization, sponsor, instructor, etc. and the IMMEDIATE FAMILY ONLY! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! P.4 This Week in the Parish Sunday March 13 7:00 a.m. FLC - Catholic Daughters Bake Sale 3:00 p.m. CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:30 p.m. YR - MS & HS Youth Night Monday March 14 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 216 - Hearts Afire Session CH - Coro en español Lib - Legión de María (Esp.) 216 - Consoling Heart of Jesus Tuesday March 15 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. CH - Confessions Lib - Legión de María Rosa Mistica SJH - Mtg. “B” Marriage Prep. 101 - Legion of Mary FLC - Grupo de Oración Wednesday March 16 Thursday March 17 10:00 a.m. SJH - Talleres Oración y Vida 5:30 p.m. SMH - Ensayo para Lectores 6:00 p.m. MGH - KC 4th Degree Mtg. 7:00 p.m. SJH - Talleres Oración y Vida 5:30 p.m. CH - Children’s Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. 207 - RICA (Esp.) 7:30 p.m. MGH - Columbian Squires Mtg. Friday March 18 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. FLC - KC Fish Fry CH - Via Crucis (Esp.) Ch Rm - Coro Abba Padre CH - Stations of the Cross (Eng.) Saturday March 19 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. CH - Mass (Bilingual) CH - Triduum Rehearsal CH - Confessions FLC - CDA/KC Movie Night Sunday March 20 6:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. FLC - KC Hispanic Breakfast SPC - CCE Elementary & Youth CP - Divine Mercy Chaplet YR - HS Youth Night Missionary Society of St. Paul Walk 4 the Missions Join the Missionary Society of St. Paul and the Associate Missionaries of St. Paul (AMSP) for the Seventh Annual “Walk 4 the Missions” on Saturday, April 9th, 2016 at Tom Bass Park, 15108 Cullen Blvd. Houston, TX 77047. We will be located at Pavilion 4 off the Cullen Blvd. entrance. Walk the mile(s) to empower weak and disadvantaged young people through education. Registration begins at 8:00 A.M.; walk begins at 8:30 A.M. Registration forms are available from any AMSP member or online at This is a great opportunity to earn service hours for graduation, school, Confirmation, etc., and fun for the entire family! Registration fee: $20 for adults, $10 for children th Register by March 25 to be guaranteed an official tshirt! For more information, contact the Office of Mission Development at (713) 747-1722 or [email protected]. Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday Mar 12 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Matthew Flynn (SPI) Frankie Armenta III † ; Mary D’sa †; Carlos Salazar † Sunday Mar 13 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Lucy † & Dominic Monistere † Mabel Harris † Margarita Klahn Rodriguez † Ma. Guadalupe Tovar Castañeda † Justine † & Eleanor Gordon † Monday Tuesday Mar 14 8:30 am Indie Flynn (SPI) Mar 15 8:30 am 7:00 pm Hasting Rachal † Frankie Armenta III † Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Mar 16 8:30 am Gregorio La Ribera † Mar 17 8:30 am Damasa Conde † Mar 18 8:30 am Ann Reynolds † Mar 19 8:30 am 5:30 pm 7:00 pm Charles E. Martin Santana Family † Raquel Gonzalez † Sunday Mar 20 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 5:00 pm Atty. and Mrs. Manuel Laurente Enya † & Joan Angeles † Colleen Randazzo † Alfonso Ramirez-Balderas † Michael Davitt To reserve a Mass, please stop by the Parish office and reserve your date and time for the intention. READINGS AND SAINTS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20 (or Jn 8:1-11 if Year A readings were used on Sunday) Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 (St. Patrick) Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 (St. Cyril of Jerusalem) Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 (St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary) 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49] Word of Life “What if our capacity to conceive and bring forth new life from our marriages isn't some kind of cosmic liability, but a very real participation in the creative work of God himself?” —“Love, Sex, and Sterilization,” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities P. 5 Weekly Announcements Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2016 The Knights of Columbus will be serving delicious fish each Friday during Lent from 5-7 P.M. in the Family Life Center. Price will be $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children under 10. Meals are available to take home, or you can enjoy a delicious meal before attending the Stations of the Cross. March 24th — Holy Thursday NO MORNING MASS 7:30 P.M. — Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual) March 25th — Good Friday 3:00 P.M. — Service in English 7:00 P.M. — Servicio en español March 26th — Holy Saturday 8:30 P.M. — Easter Vigil (Bilingual) March 27th — Easter Sunday ENGLISH MASSES: 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M. — Church 9:15 A.M. & 11:15 A.M. — Family Life Center MISA EN ESPAÑOL 1:00 P.M. Natural Family Planning Class Upcoming Knights of Columbus Breakfasts Thanks for all your patronage of our breakfasts. All net proceeds of these breakfasts go to support the St Mary Magdalene School Scholarship, the Gold Envelope for St Mary Magdalene parish debt reduction, Birthright, Family Time, Family Promise, and many other great causes in concert with Church teachings. ALL breakfasts in the Family Life Center. MARRIED COUPLES. ENGAGED COUPLES. Learn a method of family planning which is safe, effective, and consistent with good moral practice according to Church teachings. Natural Family Planning (NFP) is also low-cost, healthy, and good for communication in marriage. Our next sessions will be held on March 30th and April 27th at 7 P.M. in St. Mary’s Hall. Each class lasts about two hours. To register or inquire, contact NFP teachers Wes & Katie Barta at (281) 780-1047 or [email protected]. Prayer Quilt Retreat – April 30, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. St. Mary’s Hall March 20th — C Team Mexican Breakfast March 27th — No breakfast in observance of Easter Thanks for your patronage! Even if you’re not eating, come by for coffee and fellowship. NORTHEAST CATHOLIC SINGLES, A MINISTRY FOR SINGLES AGES 40+, gathers on Wednesday, March 16, at 7:00 P.M. at RC’s Pizza, 1202 Kingwood Drive in Kingwood. For more info about the group, contact Elizabeth Schields (281-441-2552 or [email protected]) or subscribe to us on Flocknote on St. Mary Magdalene’s website. St. Mary Magdalene Prayer Quilt Ministry is proud to announce that we will host our Ninth Annual Quilt Retreat on Saturday, April 30, 2016 in St. Mary’s Hall. This annual event will benefit Texas Children’s Hospital, Fisher House, Houston for Military Veterans, and Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio. Our goal is to send 125 quilts to these organizations. Please mark your calendars for April 30th and join more than 75 parishioners for a wonderful day of fellowship and fun. Detailed information about the retreat soon. P. 6 Weekly Announcements DIVINE MERCY MESSAGE AND DEVOTION Divine Mercy: A Way of Life On Good Friday 1937, Jesus requested that St. Faustina make a special Novena before the Feast of Mercy, from Good Friday through the following Saturday. He, Himself, dictated the intentions for each day. He said, “I desire that during these nine days, you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy, that they may draw from there strength and refreshment and whatever grace they have need of in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death. On each day, you will bring to My heart a different group of souls, and you will immerse them in this ocean of My mercy…” (Diary,1209). “By this Novena, I will grant every possible grace to souls” (796). To prepare for the Feast we must also practice the ABCs of Mercy: Ask for His Mercy (Pray constantly, repent sins, ask for mercy for ourselves and the world.) Be Merciful (Let the mercy received from God flow through us to others.) Completely Trust (The more we trust, the more graces we can receive -no trust, no graces.) It is not necessary for you to pray the novena in church. We invite the whole community to come and pray with us. However, if you are unable to come, please pray the novena at home wherever it is convenient. **Free pamphlet on how to pray the Novena available in the back of the Chapel** Good Friday, Mar. 25 @ 4:00 pm.- All mankind, especially all sinners. Holy Saturday, Mar. 26 @ 3:00 pm.- The souls of priests and religious. Easter Sunday, Mar. 27 @ 3:00 pm.- All devout and faithful souls. Monday, Mar. 28 @ 6:30 pm.- Those who do not believe in God and those who do not yet know Him. Tuesday, Mar. 29 @ 6:30 pm.- (Bilingual) For the souls who have separated themselves from the Church. Wednesday, Mar. 30 @ 6:30 pm.- The meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. Thursday, Mar. 31 @ 6:30 pm.- (Bilingual) The souls who especially venerate and glorify my mercy. Friday, April 1 @ 6:30 pm.- The souls who are detained in Purgatory. Saturday, April 2 @ 3:00 pm.- Souls who have become lukewarm. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY - Sunday, April 3rd, 2016: Remember Our Lord’s promises: I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and a shelter for all souls and especially for poor sinners….The soul that will go to Confession (within about 20 days before or after the Feast) and receive Holy Communion (on that day) shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. A priest will hear confessions Saturday at 3:30 p.m. Mass with Fr. Felix Osasona as our Celebrant Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 at 3:00 pm Reception following Novena in the Family Life Center EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Bookkeeper St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church is seeking a Parish Bookkeeper with experience. Duties include, but are not limited to, recording weekly collections and other cash receipts, preparing payroll and financial reports, and maintaining donor records. Candidate must have a working knowledge of and strong commitment to the mission of the Archdiocese and the Catholic Church, be able to maintain confidentiality, and be proficient in computer technology, which includes word processing and spreadsheets. If interested, please e-mail your résumé to Wanda Conley at [email protected]. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Faith Formation Secretary Summary: Working under the direct supervision of the Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth, and in collaboration with the other Formation department directors and staff, the Faith Formation secretary is a full-time staff member responsible for providing administrative and ministerial support to the Formation staff and its programming. Education / Experience: Qualified applicant must be an active and practicing Catholic in full communion with the Church; must possess strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills; must be fluently bilingual in English and Spanish, and have the ability to both speak and write / translate; must be able to deal effectively and efficiently with fluctuating demands and workload; have the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment; must have experience using Windowsbased computers with Microsoft Office software. Applicants are required to also complete and maintain personal VIRTUS / Safe Environment compliance. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit a résumé and references, with a cover letter and salary requirements, to Mike Smith, Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth. Email: [email protected]; no telephone calls, please. Rosewood Funeral Home Easter Sunrise Service Rosewood Funeral Home cordially invites you to attend their Easter Sunrise Service on Sunday, March 27th, 2016 at 6:30 A.M. Our Pastor, Fr. Felix Osasona, will be presiding at this Mass. Rosewood Funeral Home is located at 2602 South Houston Ave., Humble, TX 77396. P. 7 Weekly Announcements Forming the complete child through Faith, Reason & Virtue • • • • • • • • Accredited by the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department and a member of the National Catholic Education Association Formal Academic Enrichment Programs beginning in PK-3 Middle School Electives include: Yearbook, Music, MultiMedia, Art, and many others Middle School Pre-AP Classes Pre-K3 through 5th grade specials: Spanish, Music, Art, PE, Technology, & Library Daily Religion Classes including weekly Mass Before & After School Program Extracurriculars: Chess Club, Spirit Club, Cheerleading, Soccer (Intramural/GHCAA), Football, and many others NOW ENROLLING FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR!!! 530 Ferguson St. Humble, TX 77338 * 281-446-8535 * P. 8 Youth Ministry News Formation / CCE Classes: All Formation / CCE classes are off for the next two weeks, due to Spring Break and Holy Week (March 13th – 16th / March 20th – 23rd). Weekday classes will resume next Tuesday, March 29th at 6:00pm and Wednesday, March 30th at 6:00pm in the St. Paul Center. Please note Sunday CCE classes will not return until Sunday, April 3rd at 3:00pm! Parents are reminded to be on time to pick up your child(ren) at the end of their CCE session! “Youth Nights”: We will have several youth ministry events this week… We will have a combined middle school and high school “Youth Room Renovation” on Sunday, March 13th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the Youth Room (this is located in the St. Paul Center, where we have our CCE classes). We have also scheduled a special Star of Hope service project on Wednesday, March 16th from 10:00am – 2:00pm; please contact Carissa for more details. Finally, we will participate in “40 Days of Life” near downtown Houston, with lunch to follow on Saturday, March 19th at noon; again, please contact Carissa for additional details about this event. Please join our new “Remind” text message groups for more information and updates about our high school youth and middle school youth events (see below!). Next week: high school “Holy Week and Silent Football” on Sunday, March 20th from 6:30pm – 8:00pm (no event on Holy Thursday). We are planning to show “The Passion of the Christ” on Good Friday, March 25th at Noon in the Youth Room, then move to the church at 3:00pm for the English service (permission forms are required for this event; please contact Mike or Carissa). 2017 Confirmation ORIENTATION: Parents of students who are currently in the 9th, 10th, or 11th grades and who missed the first Confirmation Orientation meeting in January should plan to attend the “Make-Up Orientation Meeting” on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:00pm in the Family Life Center. At this important gathering, we will be reviewing archdiocesan and parish Confirmation guidelines, calendars, and retreat details… Students are welcome to attend, but parents MUST attend. This will be the only make-up opportunity for this meeting; if a parent does not attend this meeting, their student will be transferred to the 2018 Confirmation class and we will try this again next year. You can also sign up for text message reminders by registering for the “Remind” service listed below. 2016 Confirmation CLASS: Although there is not a Confirmation session during Spring Break (March 16th), we will return for our eighth weekly Confirmation class on Wednesday, March 23rd from 7:00pm – 9:00pm in the FLC. Please remember that your scavenger hunt is due that night, along with any outstanding paperwork (baptism certificates, service logs, and saint reports) or retreat payments! The Confirmation Mass is coming up on Saturday, April 9th at 1:00pm with Bishop Sheltz… Save the date; more details to follow! 2016- 2017 Formation / CCE Registration: It’s already time to start planning for next year’s formation and sacrament preparation classes! Our first “early registration” event is scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd from 2:00pm – 5:00pm in the Family Life Center. The remaining “early registration” dates are Saturday, May 7th and Saturday, June 4th (2:00pm – 5:00pm, Family Life Center). There will also be a “late registration event” in August. Please note these will be the only opportunities to register for classes. Payment in full is expected at the time of registration; however no one will be turned away due to an inability to pay… All you need to do is talk to Fr. Felix, and he can approve a tuition waiver. Eucharist Preparation Classes: Our third Eucharist preparation class is coming up on Monday, April 11th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm. Parents should take their child(ren) to the student classes in the 2-story Education Building, and then check-in at the church (English parent meeting) or the Family Life Center (Spanish parent meeting). The students’ sacrament books should be completed, and we will conduct the Eucharist interviews in class that night. Please be sure to send the blue sacrament book to class! Summer Study CCE: Our two-week summer intensive program is scheduled for the last two weeks of June: Monday, June 20th – Friday, June 24th (6:30pm – 9:00pm) and Monday, June 27th – Friday, July 1st (6:30pm – 9:00pm). “Summer Study” is open to all incoming students, Kindergarten through High School. If you are interested in helping teach one of the elementary, middle school, and high school classes, please contact Mike Smith or Carissa Bull for additional information about serving as a catechist. We are required to have at least two adults in each class, and free training is provided! You do not have to be a professional teacher to be a catechist. All that is needed is a heart for young people and a desire to share the faith God has already put in your heart. Text Message Reminders: We are pleased to offer text message reminders which can be sent straight to your cell phone / mobile device. Simply enter 81010 in the “To:” field, and send the following message to register for specific messages for our programs… 2016 Confirmation TEAM (plans and runs the program): @smmconteam 2017 Confirmation candidates / parents: @conf2017 High School Youth Ministry: @stmmHS Middle School Youth Ministry: @stmmJR Mike Smith, Director of Faith Formation for Children and Youth [email protected] Carissa Bull, Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] Youth Office: (281) 446-1241 CCE Office: (281) 446-2933 P.9 Children’s News Formation / CCE Classes: All formation classes are off during spring break and Holy Week (March 13 - 16; 20 - 23)… Classes will resume on Tuesday, March 29th at 6:00pm ; Wednesday, March 30th at 6:00pm ; and Sunday, April 3rd at 3:00pm in the St. Paul Center. Parents are reminded to pick their children up within 20 minutes of classes ending… This is a courtesy to our staff and catechists. Questions? Please contact the Formation Office at (281) 446-2933. Eucharist Preparation: Our third (and final) Eucharist preparation session is scheduled for Monday, April 11th at 6:00pm. Parents should take their child to class first, then check-in at either the church (English parent meeting) or the Family Life Center (Spanish parent meeting). We will conduct the Eucharist interviews at this final class, so be sure you bring the blue sacrament book and have completed chapters 7 - 14 … The interview covers the Mass. 2016- 2017 Formation / CCE Registration: It’s time to start planning for next year’s formation and sacrament preparation classes! The first “early registration” event is scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd from 2:00pm – 5:00pm in the Family Life Center. The remaining “early registration” dates are Saturday, May 7th and Saturday, June 4th (2:00pm – 5:00pm, Family Life Center). There will also be a “late registration event” in August. Please note these will be the only opportunities to register for classes. Payment in full is expected at the time of registration, however no one will be turned away due to an inability to pay… All you need to do is talk to Fr. Felix, and he can approve a tuition waiver. Adult Faith Formation CATECHESIS AND EVANGELIZATION OF ADULTS Ivana T. Meshell, M.A., Director, [email protected] Assisted by Ginger Herrington, [email protected] The Year of Mercy “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36) FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT featuring the inspiring film: The War Room on Saturday, March 19 after the 5:30 pm Mass in the Family Life Center. Snacks will be served, or bring your own favorites! Sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas and the Knights of Columbus, in partnership with our Faith Formation Department. NO ADULT FAITH FORMATION MEETINGS of any kind during Spring Break Week, March 14-18. SPRING BREAK IS NOT A BREAK FROM MASS! Go to for Mass times in your area. WE NEED A FAITH FORMATION SECRETARY! Job information is printed in today’s bulletin. Perhaps a qualified person within our parish may step forward. Please pray that we will find somebody soon! Must be bilingual in English and Spanish and have basic secretarial skills. Send résumés to the parish office. Thank you for supporting our parish staff. P.10 Lent and the Eucharist Ivana Meshell, Director of Adult Faith Formation Every Lent we are encouraged to participate in the practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. For early Christians, disciplines were aimed at restoring and deepening our relationship with God and one another. These three practices constitute a cycle: 1) The goal of prayer is to be close to God; 2) Fasting frees us from selfish preoccupations and over concern with bodily desires so that we may better attend to the needs of our brothers and sisters; and 3) Caring for others and seeing God in them in turn compels us to turn back to God in prayer. St. Augustine (in the 4th century) explained this by saying, “When the soul is freed from the burden of excessive food and drink, it comes to know itself better…and realizes how devoutly it should follow the Redeemer.” Unfortunately, these practices gradually became ends in themselves. By the Middle Ages, people saw them as duties rather than responses to God’s invitation to reflect more deeply upon mystery of our redemption. For some people, they became a burden. To some, they became a reason for showing off. People didn’t see the interconnectedness of the three practices anymore. The way to restore their meaning is to reconnect them to the liturgy. The action of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, particularly during Lent, is generally well understood. These practices are already taking place in the lives of Christians as a general practice. During Lent, we are asked to be more aware of these practices and to connect them more clearly to Christ. Lent challenges us to enter more deeply into the mystery of conversion that normally takes place in the lives of disciples. The early Christians understood the penance of Lent to be a means of conversion, a change of heart. The word for this is metanoia: altering one's mindset toward whole new ways of thinking and acting, being transformed by the power of God’s forgiving and healing love. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are related to the Mass because Mass is a ritual expression of what we are and what we are becoming. God the Father gives us the Body and Blood of his Son so that We become what we receive—Christ’s body. We are then sent forth to renounce selfishness, to deny ourselves a little more so that we may give to others and serve them. This renouncing of selfishness (fasting) and serving others (almsgiving) are the activities that flow from the Mass. Our actions once again cause us to reflect on what we are doing, bringing us back to prayer as a community. We once again gather to celebrate Mass, and the cycle starts all over again: the Liturgy of the Eucharist (as prayer), leading us to charity (fasting and almsgiving), which leads us back to prayer (Eucharistic celebration), and so it continues. In the liturgy, we find the most perfect expression of prayer and with it the basis of all other prayer. At that first Eucharist before he died, our Lord pronounced the traditional Jewish berekah, or blessing, which was used at the Passover meal each year and at other important religious ceremonies. It began something like this: “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, etc…” (words the priest uses at Mass). For the Jewish people, the berekah was clearly understood to be a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God, to which God, pleased by his people’s sincere worship, returned to them as a blessing. It was with this backdrop that Jesus spoke the words of the institution of the Eucharist—Jesus both offers the praise and blessing to God and returns to his disciples to be himself the blessing—he pronounces the bread and wine offered and returned to be his very Body and Blood. The disciples were aware that Jesus was transforming the berekah they had grown up with and was making it something even greater than they ever thought possible. This understanding of the berekah underscores why Catholics believe that the bread and wine truly become for us the Body and Blood of Christ at every Mass. The original principle of the prayer remains: Our offering of praise and thanksgiving is transformed by the Holy Spirit, and Christ himself returns as a blessing. Jesus himself was the greatest almsgiver, if we understand that giving alms has more to do with the giver than the gift. “Alms” is defined as: money, food, or other donations given to the poor or needy, anything given as charity. Jesus gave everything, and he gave it out of obedience to his Father and because of his love for us. This total self-giving, which we celebrate in the Eucharist, takes on new meaning when we realize that almsgiving is not just about giving things to poor people—it is the spirit and disposition with which we give it. Our almsgiving should be done precisely out of love for Christ, and when it is, it is far more than philanthropy—our personal sacrifices and gifts to those in need take on a much deeper meaning when they are done with and for Christ, and they connect us more closely to our Lord. There is a natural connection between the practices of Lent and our theology of the Eucharist. The Eucharist is a ritual expression of what we are and are becoming as disciples (students/followers) of Christ. Some of the specific activities that nurture us in our discipleship can be carried out during Lent in a more conscious, more diligent way, specifically, the rules of the Church concerning prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Remember, however: God is more concerned not with keeping the rules, but with keeping the relationship. Not that the rules aren’t important; we shouldn’t ignore them—they give us direction. Yet, it’s the relationship with God that is of primary importance. Nurture the relationship, and you will find the wisdom and courage to keep the rules out of sheer love for God. Jesus did not say, “Come, follow the rules”; he said, “Come, follow me.” By seeking not only the things of God but God himself, we will then have the inner prompting to seek to act in ways that are good, just, and holy. P.11 Especialmente para nuestra Comunidad Hispana “Yo voy a realizar algo nuevo” Nuestra parroquia distribuyó comida a más de 210 familias el sábado, 5 de marzo 2016 en la feria comunitaria de comida que tuvimos en colaboración con el Banco de Comida de Houston. Muchísimas gracias a los más de 50 voluntarios que ayudaron a llenar bolsas con comida, repartieron formas de inscripción a los que servimos, y facilitaron la distribución de la comida. Fue muy agradable ver a tantos de nuestros feligreses jóvenes—los Escuderos de Colón, los Boy Scouts y muchos otros jóvenes—ayudando a servir los que necesitaban ayuda, empujando sus carretones y ayudándoles a subir la comida a sus carros. Todos ustedes convirtieron a Santa María Magdalena en una iglesia que se preocupa por los demás. Dándole de comer a los que tienen hambre es la primera de las Obras Corporales de la Misericordia. Qué manera tan hermosa de la cual nuestra parroquia entera se unió para poder lograr esto. ¡Muchas gracias a los voluntarios de la Casa Magdalena, el personal de la parroquia y todos ustedes que se tomaron el tiempo para poner una sonrisa en las caras de los quienes servimos! ¡Qué manera tan bella de celebrar la Cuaresma! Este fue un exitoso principio y no será la última vez. Posiblemente hayan sentido que “algo” ha estado ausente de nuestra liturgia desde el principio de la Cuaresma. Pues, tienen razón. No hemos estado cantando ni la Gloria ni el Aleluya en la liturgia. La palabra “Aleluya”, la cual significa “alaben al Señor”, es un canto de los ángeles en el cual participamos durante la misa. Esto señala al hecho que el Reino de Dios ya está entre nosotros. La Cuaresma anticipa la venida del Reino, y una manera de hacer esta distinción es al no cantar el Aleluya durante la Cuaresma. El Aleluya se convierte en el canto central en la Vigilia de Pascua y durante la época de la Pascua cuando celebramos la resurrección de Jesús de entre los muertos. La resurrección de Jesús es lo que lo confirma como el mesías que trajo el Reino de Dios a la tierra. Posiblemente se dieron cuenta de algo más en la iglesia hoy. Todas las imágenes están cubiertas y permanecerán de tal manera hasta el Sábado Santo. ¿Por qué hacemos esto? Esto es un símbolo del hecho que ya estamos llegando a los últimos días de la Cuaresma, y nuestras lecturas nos están llevando más cerca al misterio del sufrimiento, la muerte y la resurrección de Cristo. Ya que las lecturas describen la pasión de Jesús detalladamente, somos llamados a reflexionar más sobre lo que leemos y escuchamos. La primavera está por llegar, y con ella vendrá la frescura de nueva vida en las plantas y las flores. La venida de la primavera es precedida por el polen que cubre todo. ¡Muchos de nosotros andamos cargando nuestros medicamentos de alergias en estos días! Muy pronto las flores estarán floreciendo, el césped se hará verde y la belleza de Dios se demostrará en la creación. Somos parte de esa creación y somos llamados a una primavera de vida nueva y frescura en Cristo Jesús. La frescura que viene de conocer a Cristo Jesús el Señor es tan grande que San Pablo consideró a todo lo demás como una perdida. Pablo estaba dispuesto a perderlo todo para poder conseguir a Cristo y el poder de su resurrección. Es este poder el que le ayudó a Pablo a comenzar una nueva vida en Damasco. Pablo dejó su vida anterior, se convirtió en una nueva persona y nunca más miró hacia atrás. La mujer que fue atrapada en el adulterio en el evangelio de hoy recibió la misericordia y el perdón de Cristo. A ella se le dio un nuevo comienzo cuando Jesús le dijo que se fuera y no pecara más. El pecado es una ofensa en contra de Dios. El adulterio es un pecado serio, y el castigo para un judío que es atrapado en el adulterio es la muerte. Lamentablemente esta ley fue aplicada más a las mujeres, que en esos tiempos eran consideradas como propiedad de sus esposos. Jesús le llamó la atención a todos los que estaban furiosos y querían apedrear a la mujer, y les dijo que miraran hacia ellos mismos antes de tirar una piedra. Siempre hay que recordarle a la persona quien señala un dedo que hay tres otros dedos señalando a él mismo. En la sociedad de hoy, se le conoce al adulterio como “tener una aventura”. La gente usa eufemismos para los pecados para restar importancia de la culpabilidad asociada con ellos. El hecho que muchas cosas en nuestra sociedad de hoy en día están saturadas con sexo no hacen los pecados sexuales menos pecaminosos. Un pecado debe ser confesado como es para que pueda ser perdonado. Jesús condenó el pecado del pecador al mismo tiempo que ofreció el perdón al individuo. Que esta Cuaresma nos traiga valentía renovada para permitir que la misericordia de Dios entre en nuestras vidas mientras nos da un nuevo comienzo, ¡ya que esa es la razón por la cual vino! —Padre Felix P.12 Ofrenda Semanal Ofrenda del 5 y 6 de marzo del 2016 — $34,238.30 Ofrenda enviada por Internet — $7,433.01 Total — $41,671.31 Segunda Colecta (Catholic Relief Services) — $7,992.25 Ofrenda enviada por Internet — $131.00 Total — $8,123.25 Misión Cuaresmal (02/29—03/02/2016) — $3,095.73 Informe del DSF (A partir del 03/07/2016) Meta del DSF 2016 — $165,000.00 Contribución a la fecha — $44,579.75 Monto comprometido a la fecha — $73,756.00 Numero de participantes — 175 Segunda Colecta para el 20 de marzo del 2016 La segunda colecta del próximo fin de semana es para los Servicios Sociales de Santa María Magdalena. Sus donaciones generosas apoyan a los ministerios de ayuda de esta parroquia, los cuales nos ayudan a darles de comer a las personas que tienen hambre, visitar a los enfermos, consolar a los que están de luto, visitar a los encarcelados, apoyar a la vida, y proveer ayuda financiera de emergencia para familias en nuestra comunidad que están en peligro de quedarse sin hogar. Por favor indiquen “Servicios Sociales” en su cheque si no tienen un sobre. Muchísimas gracias por su generosidad. Horario para Semana Santa y Pascua 2016 24 de marzo — Jueves Santo NO HABRÁ MISA EN LA MAÑANA 7:30 P.M. — Misa de la Cena del Señor (Bilingüe) 25 de marzo — Viernes Santo 3:00 P.M. — Servicio en ingles 7:00 P.M. — Servicio en español 26 de marzo — Sábado Santo 8:30 P.M. — Vigilia de Pascua (Bilingüe) 27 de marzo — Domingo de Pascua MISAS EN INGLES: 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M. — Iglesia 9:15 A.M. & 11:15 A.M. — Centro Familiar MISA EN ESPAÑOL 1:00 P.M. Inscripciones para las Clases de Catecismo del año escolar 2016-2017 ¡Ya es tiempo una vez más para empezar a planear para las clases de catecismo y preparación sacramental del próximo año! Nuestro primer evento de inscripción adelantada está programado para el sábado, 2 de abril de 2 a 5 P.M. en el Centro Familiar. Las otras fechas de inscripción adelantada serán el sábado, 7 de mayo y el sábado, 4 de junio (2 a 5 P.M. en el Centro Familiar). También habrá un evento de inscripción de ultimo minuto en agosto. Estas serán las únicas oportunidades para inscribirse para las clases para este nuevo año escolar. Orientación para la clase de Confirmación del 2017 Los Caballeros de Colón estarán sirviendo pescado frito cada viernes durante la Cuaresma. El menú incluirá pescado frito o empanizado, papas fritas, bolas de pan de maíz fritas, y dos tipos de ensalada de col y postre. También habrá sopa y bebidas. La comida será servida de 5 a 7 P.M. en el Centro Familiar. El precio será $8.00 para adultos y $4.00 para niños menores de 10 años. Los platos estarán disponibles para llevar a casa, o pueden disfrutar de una comida deliciosa antes de asistir al Via Crucis. El dinero recaudado ayudará a los Caballeros a seguir apoyando nuestra iglesia y escuela. Padres de estudiantes que están actualmente en los grados 9, 10 o 11 y que no asistieron a la primera junta en enero de Orientación para la Confirmación deben hacer planes de asistir la segunda junta de orientación el martes, 22 de marzo a las 7:00 P.M. en el Centro Familiar. En esta junta, estaremos revisando los requisitos de Confirmación arquidiocesanos y de la parroquia, los calendarios y los detalles de los retiros. Los estudiantes pueden asistir, pero los padres DEBEN asistir. Esta será la ultima oportunidad para esta junta; si un padre no asiste a esta junta, su estudiante será transferido a la clase de Confirmación del 2018. P.13 THRIVE BY LE-VEL New Location!! WEIGHT MANAGEMENT • COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE • JOINT SUPPORT DIGESTIVE & IMMUNE SUPPORT • LEAN MUSCLE SUPPORT ANTI-AGING & ANTIOXIDANT • MENTAL CLARITY • APPETITE CONTROL SSCHIELE.LE-VEL.COM Shannon Schiele Internal Medicine Pediatrics Family Practice NOYOLA’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT Home Made Tortillas Thong M. Do, M.D. 832-512-9038 242 1st St. Humble 281-319-4912 WestLake Medical 19020 West Lake Houston Parkway 1/3 mile south of 1960 (281) 812-DrDo (3736) Accepting New Patients Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-7:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM-2:00 PM Parishioner $3 OFF $15 or More Expiration Date 11/24/13 Order W/Ad Open 7 Days Open for B’Fast F-Sun 8AM… Michael S. Bogenschutz TAKING CARE OF EACH OTHER Attorney at Law is what community is all about. 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First session FREE. **We Will Donate $20 to St. Magdalene Church upon each enrollment** “THE MOST IMPORTANT PROJECT YOU CAN WORK ON IS YOU!!!” Mary De La Rosa Realtor 281-389-4822 Coldwell Banker United Realtors Parishioner 19011 Hwy. 59 North Humble, TX 77338 Fullness of Truth Catholic Books and Gifts Master Plumber #37024 We purchase houses, in any condition, for any reason including avoiding foreclosure, bankruptcy, probate or problem tenants. GIGTU Properties, LLC “God Is Good To Us” Julian & Shannon Guilford, Parishioners 832-378-8033 MILANESA HOUSE BREAKFAST TACOS • TACOS DESAYUNO • MILANESA CARNE ASADA • HAMBURGERS & MUCH MORE!! MARIA DE LOS ANGELES DE TORRES ASESORES LEGALES EL SALVADOR Quienes somos: Abogados salvadoreños con oficina permanente en Houston, Texas, que brindamos asesoria para actuaciones en El Salvador. OPEN 6AM - 8PM • ORDER ONLINE & PICK UP IN STORE 802 N. HOUSTON AVE. 832-994-5240 COLDWELL BANKER UNITED REALTORS® Bus — 281-852-4444 Ext 107 Cell — 713-865-3713 Telefono: 832-287-4531 PAT ABLES — Broker Associate Correo: [email protected] 19100 West Lake, Houston Parkway HUMBLE CAMERA CENTER SALES, SERVICE & RENTAL CUSTOM FRAMING • DIGITAL PRINTING MON. - FRI. 9AM-6PM SAT. 9AM-4PM 281-540-4101 FAX 281-540-4103 114 E. MAIN, HUMBLE, TX 13111 W Lake Houston Pkwy • Houston, TX 77044 Ph: (832) 230-3509 • Fx: (281) 800-2101 Gloria Sanchez Agency QSC-1 Cleaning Concepts KELLER WILLIAMS • References • Insured • 12 Years Experience • Houses & Apartments Weekly • 2 Weeks • Monthly 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed R E A LT Y Haydee 832-817-9388 832-499-8253 NORTHEAST 20665 W. Lake Houston Parkway Kingwood, Texas 77346 Cell: 713-380-1865 832-777-1521 BARBER SHOP Straight razor cuts *low/high fades *mo hawks *fades *eyebrow wax $7 Haircut w/ this Ad 236 First St. W. 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