Annual Report - Kansas Bankers Association


Annual Report - Kansas Bankers Association
2015 Annual
Doug Ray, Stockton National Bank, Norton
KAB Division President
Greetings from the KBA-Kansas Ag Bankers Division Board of Directors. On behalf of the
entire Board, I would like to wish each and every one of you, and your families, a very happy and
glorified holiday season. As President it has been an honor, not only to lead this Division, but also getting to know
so many other ag bankers within the state of Kansas.
Moving forward into 2016, it appears the challenges are going to be more significant than they have been in quite
some time, and having a prudent cash flow is going to be more important than ever. Net farm income is expected
to decline significantly in 2015 based on the lower commodity prices and increased supplies at a global level, while
at the same time operators can expect little reprieve in farm production expenses. Again, one of the main concerns
of borrowers and lenders is if, and when, will the Fed raise interest rates next?
The KBA-Kansas Ag Bankers Division is supported by 130 ag focused banks from across the state, each paying
annual dues of $100. From these dues, the KAB Division is able to support FFA, 4-H, KARL, Ag in the
Classroom, Kansas Pride Inc., and the Kansas Water Congress. Additionally, KAB has also contributed financially
to support KBA’s lobbying efforts at the Kansas Statehouse. So on behalf of the Kansas Ag Bankers Division, I say
thank you to all of our member banks and I look forward to the continued support. If your bank is currently not a
member, we would appreciate your bank lending support in the coming year. The KAB Division is directed by a
13-member board comprised of agriculture lenders and is supported by KBA staff.
The members of the Board have been working diligently, making final arrangements for the 2016 Kansas Ag
Bankers Conference scheduled for March 9-10 in Manhattan. The 2015 conference set yet another attendance
record and we would like nothing more than to see that attendance record fall again in 2016. We strongly feel that
the Kansas Ag Bankers Conference is one of the best in the country, and we work hard to identify the best speakers
possible to address the most important issues facing agricultural lenders.
For those of you that are not aware, Kansas’ own Terry Barta, with The Peoples Bank in Smith Center, KS
(headquartered in Pratt) was the most recent recipient of the American Bankers Association’s Bruning Award and
was recognized at the National Agriculture Bankers Conference held October 25th-28th in Kansas City, Missouri.
The Bruning Award recognizes the lifetime achievement of individuals who dedicated their career to providing
credit and guidance to farmers, ranchers and their fellow agriculture bankers. So on behalf of all Kansas ag
bankers, I congratulate Terry on this very prestigious award.
The KAB Division would not be possible without the continued help and support from the KBA, so I would like to
give a huge thank you to Chuck Stones, Doug Wareham, Sara Blubaugh and the rest of the KBA staff for
contributing to the success of our Division.
Again, I wish all of you a very blessed holiday season and continued success in 2016!
2016 Kansas Ag Bankers Conference
March 9-10, 2016
Kansas State University Alumni Center
Manhattan, March 11-12
Dr. David Kohl welcomed a record crowd of 250
bankers to the 2015 Kansas Ag Bankers Conference
with his global ag and economic forecast. Cattle
Fax’s Randy Blach gave a presentation on cattle
production and pricing trends. Special guest Mark
Gardiner, Gardiner Angus Ranch, educated
attendees on improvements made in molecular
breeding in the beef industry. This year’s conference
also brought a unique partnership with the Kansas
Department of Agriculture (KDA). KBA staff and
bankers donated over 200 pounds of food and $1,000
to the KDA’s Neighbor to Neighbor Food Drive
(pictured below). Kansas Secretary of Ag Jackie
McClaskey addressed the group and welcomed them
to tour the Department’s new headquarters. Andy
Gottschalk gave an update on grain markets.
Wrapping up the day-and-a-half conference was
Darrell Holaday of Advanced Market Concepts, who
gave his “Top Ten Things Kansas Ag Lenders
Should Consider in 2015”.
Jim Birkbeck, Chairman of the Board
Denison State Bank, Holton
KAB Past President Troy Soukup presented the
2015 Pioneer Award to Jim Birkbeck of Denison
State Bank, Holton. The KAB Division’s Pioneer
Award recognizes agricultural lenders that
exemplify and bring credit to the agricultural
banking community. Jim began his banking career
in 1964 as a correspondent banker and serviced
many small community and ag banks in Kansas.
He joined Denison State Bank in 1972 and has
presided over the bank for 38 years. Jim has
contributed time, energy and expertise to the ag
banking profession through involvement in state
and local voluntary organizations that have
benefited from his wisdom and commitment to
service. Congratulations, Jim!
KAB Division Supports FFA Foundation Programs and Events
On May 27th, the KBA—Kansas Ag Bankers Division once again served as the
primary sponsor for the annual Kansas FFA/4-H Career Show held in
conjunction with the annual State FFA Convention in Manhattan, Kansas. This
annual event was attended by more than 2,000 FFA students from across Kansas.
The division also sponsored a delegate luncheon featuring the top two FFA
student-leaders from local FFA chapters. KAB Division Past President Troy
Soukup, who also currently serves on the Kansas FFA Foundation’s Board of
Directors, provided a keynote address highlighting career opportunities in the
Kansas banking industry.
Supporting the Kansas 4-H Foundation Remains a KAB Division Priority
During the past year, the KBA—Kansas Ag Bankers Division continued its long-running
support of activities coordinated by the Kansas 4-H Foundation. Financial support from
the KAB Division continues to help maintain the Bankers Cottage located at Rock
Springs Ranch. The Bankers Cottage is one of the premier housing facilities at the ranch,
which is utilized annually by thousands of Kansas youth involved with 4-H, FFA, and
other youth leadership programs. The KAB Division’s financial support also helped to
underwrite the cost of sending Kansas youth delegates to the 2015 National 4-H
Conference, where Kansas 4-H’er Katie Messerla of Riley County was named to the
2016 National 4-H Conference Steering Committee. This is a huge honor, as Messerla
will have a significant role to play in the planning and implementation of the 2016
National 4-H Conference. Left top photo: One of the state responsibilities the conference
delegates have upon returning home is serving as master/mistress of ceremonies of
Emerald Circle State 4-H Awards and Scholarship Banquet. Left bottom photo: State 4-H
Project Manager Kylie Dicket, National 4-H Conference delegates JaelAnn Hoover (Clay County) and Katie Messerla
(Riley County) with Kansas First District Congressman Tim Huelskamp.
KAB Division Helps Bring Ag into the Classroom
The Kansas Ag Bankers Division is once again honored to support the Kansas Foundation
for Ag in the Classroom (KFAC), whose mission is to connect classrooms to Kansas
agriculture. The Division’s dollars go towards bringing new technology and information to
teachers through KFAC workshops that will allow them to better educate their students.
Upper photo: KFAC released a brand new pollinators lesson plan this fall. Attendees of the
Kansas Association of Conservation District meeting this fall had an opportunity to be the
first to try the new lesson. Here, attendees are seen creating a flower to attract a specific type
of pollinator. Lower photo: During Riley County Earth Day, KFAC presented a session to
students in grades 5 and 6 on soil. After the activity, students had the opportunity to create
their own edible "soil profile" snack!
Kansas Ag Bankers—Working Together to Promote the Agriculture Industry
A top priority for the Kansas Ag Bankers Division Board of Directors continues to be the promotion of agriculture and
rural leadership development programs. During the past year, the KAB Division has invested $14,500 toward not only
FFA, 4-H and Kansas Foundation for Ag in the Classroom (KFAC), but also the Kansas Ag Rural Leadership (KARL)
program, Kansas PRIDE, Inc., the Kansas Water Congress and the Governor’s Conference on the Future of Water in
2015-2016 KAB Division Board (left - right)
Back row: Tim Smith, Jay Meyer, TJ Wilson, Elsa Havel, David White, Mike Waldman
Front row: Maria Pfizenmaier, Jan Endicott, Doug Ray, Troy Soukup, Steve McGinn, Marvin Anliker
Not pictured: Mikel Hadachek and Shan Hanes
KBA—Kansas Ag Bankers Division
2015-2016 Board of Directors
Doug Ray, President, Stockton National Bank, Norton
Marvin Anliker, Vice President, American State Bank & Trust Co., Garden City
Mike Waldman, Secretary/Treasurer, Community National Bank & Trust, Iola
Troy Soukup, Past President, Citizens State Bank & Trust Co., Ellsworth
Jan Endicott, Stockgrowers State Bank, Ashland
Mikel Hadachek, Astra Bank, Belleville
Elsa Havel, Grant County Bank, Ulysses
Steve McGinn, The Halstead Bank, Halstead
Jay Meyer, Centera Bank, Sublette
Maria Pfizenmaier, United Bank & Trust, Clay Center
Tim Smith, Astra Bank, Hays
David White, INTRUST Bank, N.A., Wichita
TJ Wilson, Morrill & Janes Bank and Trust Company, Hiawatha
Shan Hanes, First National Bank of Elkhart, Elkhart (ABA Ag and Rural Bankers Committee Rep)