VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual
VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual
VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Copyright 2001-2011 Tree C Technology B.V. All Rights Reserved No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission of Tree C Technology B.V. This manual contains proprietary information which may not be communicated in whole or in part to third parties without the prior written permission by Tree C Technology B.V. Tree C Technology B.V. makes no warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Tree C Technology B.V. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product at all times in the future. Trademarks: VR4MAX is a registered trademark of Tree C Technology B.V. The following are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.: 3D Studio MAX, 3ds max, 3D Studio VIZ, Lightscape. The following are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.: Character Studio. SpaceMouse, SpaceBall, CadMan, and Puckman are registered Trademarks of the Logitech Group. Other trademarks used within this manual are the properties of their respective trademark holders. V4M-NAV VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 THE VR4MAX PRODUCT LINE ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 VR4MAX Generator: The complete VR toolkit ........................................................ 1 1.1.2 VR4MAX Extreme: Multi-channel projection ........................................................... 1 1.1.3 Advanced options ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 ABOUT THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS............................................................................................................. 3 2. THE USER INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 TITLE BAR ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 MENU BAR................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 TOOL BARS .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.4 3D VIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.5 OBJECT TREE................................................................................................................................ 5 2.6 STATUS BAR.................................................................................................................................. 5 3. LOADING YOUR MODEL, IMPORT, AND EXPORT ........................................................................... 6 3.1 THE FILE MENU.............................................................................................................................. 6 4. 3.1.1 Open and save models ............................................................................................. 6 3.1.2 Publish your model ..................................................................................................... 7 3.1.3 Model protection........................................................................................................ 9 3.1.4 Import and export ...................................................................................................... 9 3.1.5 Animation rendering ................................................................................................ 10 3.1.6 History ......................................................................................................................... 13 3.1.7 Exit............................................................................................................................... 13 SELECTING AND EDITING OBJECTS ............................................................................................... 14 4.1 SELECT OBJECTS USING NAMED SELECTION SETS .............................................................................. 14 4.2 THE EDIT MENU ........................................................................................................................... 15 5. 4.2.1 Digital Mock-Up edit functions 4.2.2 Object selection ....................................................................................................... 15 4.2.3 Controlling object selection .................................................................................... 16 4.2.4 Hiding and unhiding selected objects................................................................... 16 4.2.5 XRef ............................................................................................................................ 17 4.2.6 Object Transformation ............................................................................................. 18 4.2.7 Finding objects .......................................................................................................... 21 4.2.8 Deleting selected objects ....................................................................................... 23 4.2.9 Property sheets.......................................................................................................... 24 USING OBJECTS FROM A LIBRARY 5.1 LOADING AN ACTIVE LIBRARY 5.2 THE LIBRARY PANELS 6. ........................................................................... 15 ........................................................................................... 26 .................................................................................................. 26 ............................................................................................................... 26 CHANGING THE STRUCTURE OF A SCENE .................................................................................... 27 6.1 THE GROUP MENU ....................................................................................................................... 27 6.2 GROUPING OBJECTS TOGETHER .................................................................................................... 27 6.3 EDITING GROUPS ........................................................................................................................ 27 6.4 CHANGING THE SCENE HIERARCHY ............................................................................................... 27 V4M-NAV i VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 7. OBJECT PLACEMENT TOOLS .......................................................................................................... 28 7.1 THE GRID MENU AND TOOLBAR 8. ................................................................................................ 28 THE 3D VIEW WINDOW ................................................................................................................... 29 8.1 COMPANY LOGO ...................................................................................................................... 29 8.2 THE CAMERA CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 3D VIEW WINDOW .............................................................. 29 8.3 SELECTING OBJECTS IN THE 3D VIEW WINDOW ............................................................................... 29 8.4 THE LAST SELECTED OBJECT ........................................................................................................... 29 8.5 THE VIEW MENU ......................................................................................................................... 30 8.5.1 Show or hide the toolbars or status bar ................................................................. 31 8.5.2 Object Tree................................................................................................................ 31 8.5.3 Log Window .............................................................................................................. 31 8.5.4 Script window ............................................................................................................ 32 8.5.5 Switching between rendering Modes .................................................................... 32 8.5.6 Showing or hiding name popup ............................................................................. 33 8.5.7 Pivot frame ................................................................................................................ 33 8.5.8 Showing or hiding texture maps ............................................................................. 33 8.5.9 Showing or hiding the orbit center and statistics.................................................. 33 8.5.10 Highlight selected objects, 3DView popup, lock view settings and auto clipping 34 8.5.11 Switching to full screen mode ................................................................................. 35 8.5.12 Refreshing the user interface .................................................................................. 35 8.5.13 View settings.............................................................................................................. 35 8.5.14 Fog .............................................................................................................................. 39 8.5.15 Performance ............................................................................................................. 40 8.5.16 Model information .................................................................................................... 44 8.6 SCREEN STATISTICS...................................................................................................................... 44 8.7 THE OBJECT TREE WINDOW .......................................................................................................... 45 8.7.1 Object icons .............................................................................................................. 45 8.7.2 Color coding and borders ....................................................................................... 47 8.7.3 Context sensitive menus .......................................................................................... 48 8.8 SCRIPTING WINDOW ................................................................................................................... 51 9. 8.8.1 LUA-Script engine ..................................................................................................... 51 8.8.2 Accessibility ............................................................................................................... 52 8.8.3 Exported API-methods ............................................................................................. 52 8.8.4 Examples .................................................................................................................... 54 INSERTING MODELS AND XREFS .................................................................................................... 57 9.1 THE INSERT MENU ........................................................................................................................ 57 9.1.1 Model Insertion.......................................................................................................... 57 9.1.2 XRef Insertion ............................................................................................................. 57 10. MANAGING SESSIONS .................................................................................................................. 58 10.1 THE SESSIONS MENU.................................................................................................................... 58 10.1.1 Session Creation........................................................................................................ 58 10.1.2 Session Recording and Playing ............................................................................... 59 10.1.3 Selecting Sessions ..................................................................................................... 59 10.1.4 Session Import/Export ............................................................................................... 61 11. NAVIGATING IN THE 3D WORLD ................................................................................................... 62 V4M-NAV ii VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11.1 NAVIGATION MODES .................................................................................................................. 62 11.2 NAVIGATING USING THE MOUSE, KEYBOARD, OR OTHER DEVICES ...................................................... 62 11.2.1 Mouse navigation ..................................................................................................... 63 11.2.2 Joystick navigation ................................................................................................... 63 11.2.3 Keyboard navigation ............................................................................................... 65 11.2.4 Keyboard and Mouse navigation .......................................................................... 65 11.2.5 Keyboard and Mouse ‘first person shooter’ navigation ...................................... 66 11.2.6 SpaceMouse navigation ......................................................................................... 66 11.2.7 Wheel navigation ..................................................................................................... 67 11.3 THE NAVIGATE MENU .................................................................................................................. 68 11.3.1 Selecting between Fly and Orbit mode ................................................................ 68 11.3.2 Move 3D View or Animated Object ...................................................................... 68 11.3.3 Attaching the 3D View to an object ...................................................................... 69 11.3.4 Aligning to horizon and flying constraints .............................................................. 69 11.3.5 Fly To… ....................................................................................................................... 69 11.3.6 Navigation Guides.................................................................................................... 70 11.3.7 Navigation options ................................................................................................... 71 11.3.8 Precision Body Control ............................................................................................. 74 11.3.9 Device options .......................................................................................................... 75 11.3.10 Device Configurator ...................................................................................... 77 12. ADDING A VIRTUAL ATMOSPHERE TO YOUR SIMULATION .......................................................... 84 12.1 ABOUT THE VIRTUAL ATMOSPHERE ................................................................................................. 84 12.1.1 Sky and lighting ......................................................................................................... 84 12.1.2 Weather conditions .................................................................................................. 84 12.2 THE ATMOSPHERE MENU .............................................................................................................. 87 12.2.1 The Set Location dialog ........................................................................................... 88 12.2.2 The Set Time dialog .................................................................................................. 88 12.2.3 The Set Atmospheric Conditions dialog................................................................. 89 12.2.4 The Set Global Precipitation dialog ....................................................................... 90 12.2.5 The Set Wind dialog.................................................................................................. 90 12.2.6 The Edit Clouds – Cirrus dialog ................................................................................ 91 12.2.7 The Edit Clouds – Stratus dialog .............................................................................. 91 12.2.8 The Edit Clouds – Cumulus dialog .......................................................................... 92 12.2.9 The Edit Clouds – Cumulonimbus dialog ............................................................... 93 13. OBJECT ANIMATION ...................................................................................................................... 94 13.1 THE ANIMATION MENU ................................................................................................................ 94 13.1.1 Controlling selected animations ............................................................................. 95 13.1.2 Controlling animation speed .................................................................................. 95 13.1.3 Starting animations on load .................................................................................... 95 14. ODE PHYSICS .................................................................................................................................. 97 14.1 THE ODE PHYSICS MENU ............................................................................................................. 97 14.1.1 Controlling the ODE Physics simulation .................................................................. 97 14.2 EDITING ODE PHYSICS PROPERTIES ............................................................................................... 97 15. BEHAVIOR ....................................................................................................................................... 99 15.1 THE BEHAVIOR MENU .................................................................................................................. 99 V4M-NAV iii VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 16. CAMERAS ..................................................................................................................................... 101 16.1 THE STARTUP CAMERA ............................................................................................................... 101 16.2 THE CAMERAS MENU ................................................................................................................ 101 16.2.1 Creating and updating a camera ....................................................................... 101 16.2.2 Matching your 3D View to a camera .................................................................. 102 16.2.3 Matching the 3D view to a camera and attach ............................................... 102 16.2.4 Selecting cameras ................................................................................................. 102 16.2.5 Show cameras ........................................................................................................ 104 17. LIGHTS ........................................................................................................................................... 105 17.1 THE LIGHTS MENU ..................................................................................................................... 105 17.1.1 Switching lights on or off ........................................................................................ 105 17.1.2 Match view to spotlight ......................................................................................... 105 17.1.3 Adjusting light intensity ........................................................................................... 106 17.1.4 Adjusting default light intensity ............................................................................. 106 17.1.5 Lighting support ...................................................................................................... 106 17.1.6 Selecting lights ........................................................................................................ 106 17.1.7 Controlling lights ..................................................................................................... 108 17.1.8 Show Lights .............................................................................................................. 109 18. REDLINING .................................................................................................................................... 110 18.1 THE REDLINING MENU................................................................................................................ 110 18.1.1 Managing redlining ................................................................................................ 110 18.1.2 Displaying redlining ................................................................................................ 112 19. VR4MAX CONFERENCING 19.1 CONFERENCING LITE .................................................................................................... 113 ............................................................................................................ 113 19.1.1 Publish your model and distribute it to the clients .............................................. 113 19.1.2 Start the Conferencing Lite server ........................................................................ 114 19.1.3 Start the Conferencing Lite clients and connect to the server ........................ 115 19.2 CONFERENCING PRO ........................................................................................................... 116 19.2.1 Distribute your model to the Conferencing Pro partners .................................. 116 19.2.2 Start the Conferencing Pro server ........................................................................ 117 19.2.3 Start the Conferencing Lite clients and connect to the server ........................ 117 19.2.4 The Conferencing Pro menu ................................................................................. 117 20. VR4MAX EXTREME .................................................................................................................. 122 20.1 THE EXTREME MENU................................................................................................................... 122 20.2 THE EXTREME / CONFIGURATION MENU ....................................................................................... 123 20.3 THE EXTREME / CONFERENCING PRO MENU ............................................................................ 130 20.4 THE EXTREME / CLIENT MENU ..................................................................................................... 130 20.5 THE EXTREME / SERVER MENU ..................................................................................................... 131 20.6 COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS .................................................................................................... 132 20.7 PIPE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................... 132 20.7.1 Automatic generation of a pipe configuration using a DESIGN IN MAX/VIZ.. 132 20.7.2 Details in the Pipe configuration FILE ................................................................... 133 20.7.3 Sample pipe configuration file ............................................................................. 133 20.8 VR4MAX EXTREME LISTENER ............................................................................................... 135 20.8.1 On Startup ............................................................................................................... 135 V4M-NAV iv VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 20.8.2 The File menu .......................................................................................................... 136 20.8.3 The View menu ....................................................................................................... 136 20.9 THE RSTART UTILITY 20.10 ............................................................................................................... 136 THE TOOLS MENU ................................................................................................................ 138 21. TOOLS............................................................................................................................................ 139 21.1 THE TOOLS MENU ...................................................................................................................... 139 21.1.1 Mesh Reduction ...................................................................................................... 139 21.1.2 Levels of Detail ........................................................................................................ 142 21.1.3 Editing an existing LOD object .............................................................................. 142 21.1.4 Creating a LOD object .......................................................................................... 145 21.1.5 LOD Recipes ............................................................................................................ 145 21.1.6 Scene Optimization ................................................................................................ 146 21.1.7 BSP Tree Optimization............................................................................................. 148 21.1.8 System Call .............................................................................................................. 150 21.1.9 Disabling Keyboard Shortcuts ............................................................................... 150 21.1.10 Resetting the Video Card ...................................................................................... 150 21.1.11 Resetting the Remote API connection ........................................................... 150 21.1.12 The Video Device Configurator ............................................................................ 150 21.1.13 Augmented Reality ................................................................................................ 152 21.1.14 Options ............................................................................................................... 152 21.1.15 Startup Options ....................................................................................................... 157 22. HELP ............................................................................................................................................... 165 22.1 THE HELP MENU ........................................................................................................................ 165 23. SOME NOTES ON THE VR4MAX USER INTERFACE ...................................................................... 167 23.1 MODAL DIALOGS ..................................................................................................................... 167 23.2 EXPONENTIAL SLIDERS ............................................................................................................... 167 23.3 TOOLBARS ............................................................................................................................... 167 23.3.1 The Standard toolbar ............................................................................................. 167 23.3.2 The Edit toolbar ....................................................................................................... 168 23.3.3 The Transformation toolbar .................................................................................... 168 23.3.4 The Sessions toolbar ................................................................................................ 168 23.3.5 The View toolbar ..................................................................................................... 168 23.3.6 The Navigate toolbar ............................................................................................. 169 23.3.7 The Navigation Guides toolbar ............................................................................. 169 23.3.8 The Animation toolbar ........................................................................................... 169 23.3.9 The Cameras toolbar ............................................................................................. 169 23.3.10 The Lights toolbar .................................................................................................... 170 23.3.11 The grid toolbar .................................................................................................. 170 23.3.12 The Redlining toolbar ............................................................................................. 170 23.3.13 The ODE Physics toolbar ........................................................................................ 170 23.4 KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS.............................................................................................................. 171 LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... 174 V4M-NAV v VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 1. INTRODUCTION VR4MAX is the Autodesk 3ds Max plug-in that turns your fully rendered 3D models into a realtime interactive experience with only a few mouse clicks. No programming involved! 1.1 The VR4MAX product line The VR4MAX product line exists of the following products: 1.1.1 VR4MAX Generator: The complete VR toolkit The VR4MAX Generator toolkit consists of VR4MAX Translator and Navigator Pro. Translator is the plug-in that provides the tools to fully prepare your models in Autodesk 3ds Max, including helpers to create animations, event actions etc. When exporting to VR, one comprehensive .vmx file is created containing all models, materials and interactivity. Navigator Pro is the VR environment to navigate and interact with your models, including useful features like navigation modes, view & camera settings, terrain following, deflection, stereoscopic rendering, redlining and more. 1.1.2 VR4MAX Extreme: Multi-channel projection VR4MAX Extreme links multiple PCs into a cluster and provides output for virtual reality cubic rooms, panoramic rooms, immersive tables/desks, high-resolution image walls, and multiple desktop monitors in any configuration. VR4MAX Extreme supports both active and passive stereo projection and a variety of tracking and pointing devices. Extreme works with the same .vmx files as the Generator for the desktop, so no extra preparation for multiprojection mode necessary. 1.1.3 Advanced options Several option packs are available for extended functionality: ActiveX Embed VR4MAX in other applications Advanced Device Configurator Configuration of navigation- pointing- and tracking devices Conferencing Remote collaboration Digital Mockup Advanced object manipulation in VR and VR4MAX scene creation outside Autodesk 3ds Max/VIZ File Transfer Import of additional file formats Max4Mockup Toolkit Two-way conversion of Division Mockup content Remote API Building VR4MAX based applications V4M-NAV 1 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 1.2 About this manual This user manual covers all commands and features of VR4MAX Navigator Pro and VR4MAX Extreme. VR4MAX Translator is covered in a separate document. Commands and features that are only supported by VR4MAX Extreme are indicated using the VR4MAX Extreme marking. 1. VR4MAX Extreme marking. Commands and features that are only supported by VR4MAX Advanced Options are indicated as follows: Icon Advance Option license required ActiveX Advanced Device Configurator Conferencing Converter Digital Mockup Max4Mockup Toolkit Remote API To enhance the legibility of this document and to avoid any confusion this manual will only refer to 3ds max, while in fact referring to all supported Autodesk 3ds Max and Max Design (previously VIZ) platforms. In this document the use of terms like MAX design or design will always refer to a Autodesk 3ds Max design. Terms such as the VR4MAX model, the VMX model or simply the model refer to the equivalent representation of your MAX design in VR4MAX Navigator Pro (after translation). When a model is loaded in the 3D virtual environment of VR4MAX Navigator Pro the ‘space’ in which the model exists is referred to as the 3D world. Your model will be displayed in a dedicated window, called the 3D View window. Furthermore this document assumes that you are familiar with general computer graphics concepts, and the usage of 3ds Max. V4M-NAV 2 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 1.3 Command-line options The following command-line options are available for the VR4MAX Navigator Pro and VR4MAX executables: /? /H /HELP Display the command line help dialog. /AAMODE0 /AAMODE2 /AAMODE4 /AAMODE8 /AAMODE16 Select antialiasing model. /FULLSCREEN /NOFULLSCREEN /AUTOCLOSE Fullscreen mode switches. /STEREO /NOSTEREO Stereo mode switches forcing stereo to be enabled or not. /MAXIMIZE Start maximized. /STARTSERVER Start Conferencing Pro/Lite server after startup. /STARTSERVER /i <config_ini> Start Extreme / Conferencing Pro/ Conferencing Lite server after startup using (optional) configuration file. /c <master_name> Connect to server after startup. /c <master_name> /i <config_ini> Connect to server after startup using (optional) configuration file. / i <config_ini> Load specific configuration file after startup. /x Create ini file from vmx model. /K Kill existing application session. /RESETFULLSCREENMODE /RESETFLIGHTCONTROLS /RESETABSOLUTECONTROLS Reset options overruling model and registry settings. /FULLSCREEN Starts the application in full screen mode. /AUTOCLOSE Exits the application when switching out of full screen mode, but only in combination with /FULLSCREEN. /STEREO Starts VR4MAX Navigator Pro in stereo mode. V4M-NAV 3 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 2. THE USER INTERFACE The graphical user interface (GUI) of VR4MAX Navigator Pro is based on standard Windows components. Title bar Menu bar Object tree Tool bars 3D View Status bar 2. The VR4MAX Navigator Pro Main Window The main window for VR4MAX Navigator Pro can be divided into six regions. 2.1 Title bar The Title bar provides you access to some standard Windows functionalities for managing the main window (such as e.g. Minimize, Restore Down/Maximize and Close). The Title bar also shows you the name of the application you are running, its version number and the name of the currently open file (if any). 2.2 Menu bar The Menu Bar contains all menus and submenus that provide you access to most functionalities of VR4MAX Navigator Pro. 2.3 Tool bars The Toolbars provide alternative (more direct) access to most entries in the Menu Bar. The supported entries are represented using a simple icon. The Toolbars are implemented as ‘dockable’ windows. This means you can place these windows any where inside the main window (‘undocked’) and you can ‘dock’ them to any side of the 3D View. 2.4 3D View The 3D View window is used by VR4MAX Navigator Pro to draw the 3D graphics and also provides you an interface for interaction with the model. V4M-NAV 4 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 2.5 Object Tree The Object Tree is a dockable window which is used to provide you with a schematic overview on all parts that exist in the model. This schematic presentation can also be used to access some of the functionalities of VR4MAX Navigator Pro through the use of context sensitive pop-up menus. 2.6 Status bar The Status bar is used to provide feedback on model status, descriptions of available functionalities and current values during model change. V4M-NAV 5 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 3. LOADING YOUR MODEL, IMPORT, AND EXPORT The file format for VR4MAX models is a specific format for use in the VR4MAX product family. These files can be recognized by their ‘.vmx’ extension and are therefore referred to as VMX files. 3.1 The File menu The File menu of VR4MAX Navigator Pro contains commands to manage your models. 3. The File menu 3.1.1 Open and save models New Loads a new empty scene. Open… Loads a model using an Open File dialog. You can also choose a previously opened file. When a model is already loaded you will be asked if you wish to save the last changes to this model before opening the selected file. You can load only one model at a time. If the Converter option is licensed additional file formats such as openflight .flt and autodesk .dxf can be loaded . NOTE: When trying to load a VMX file generated by a newer version of VR4MAX you will be informed about this incompatibility. Updating the Navigator Pro installation with the latest version on the VR4MAX website will resolve this issue. V4M-NAV 6 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Close Closes the current model. If the model was not saved you will be asked if you wish to save the model. Save Updates the current model by overwriting the last save of the model. If no model was previously saved, this command does the same as the Save As command. Save As… Saves the current model under a different file name. 3.1.2 Publish your model Publish Settings… Any VR4MAX model can be published to a standalone executable file which contains a limited version of the VR4MAX viewing window and the model. This way you can distribute your model to anyone without the need for additional VR4MAX licenses. Events and actions are supported in a published model. THE PUBLISH SETTINGS DIALOG The Publish Settings dialog allows you to specify what the VR4MAX published model allows the end-user to do by adding and removing functionality from the graphical user interface: General The General tab contains switches that will turn the toolbar, status bar and the object tree on and off. In addition you can specify if the VR4MAX model will run in full screen mode. The Factory Settings button in this tab resets all publish settings to their factory default. And the Load from file…, and Save to file… button allows you to load and save your publish settings from and to the file system. 4. Publish Settings: General V4M-NAV 7 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Commands The Commands tab shows the main menu items that will be included in your published model. If you select a menu the two lists below show you which commands from the selected menu will be available. Use the ‘<’ and ‘>’ buttons to include/exclude commands and the ‘<<’ and ‘>>’ buttons to move all items at once. Use Include All to include all menu’s in your model or Exclude All remove all menu items from the list. NOTE: Unless you offer the user a method of closing down the published model with an Exit Action you need to make sure the File / Exit command is available, even if you exclude all other commands. If an Exit Action is not found in the model it will keep the File / Exit menu item. NOTE: If you include the Help menu it will only be visible if you place the Navigator Pro user manual (VR4MAX_navigator.pdf) in the same directory as the executable. 5. Publish Settings: Commands Publish Publishes the loaded model. Use the Publish dialog to determine the filename and location. Publish For ActiveX Publishes the loaded model for ActiveX. The ActiveX option allows you to integrate an occurrence of the VR4MAX Render Engine into your own multimedia presentation or custom built VR application created with products such as Adobe Director or Microsoft Visual Basic. Publish For Conferencing Lite Publishes the loaded model for Conferencing Lite. VR Conferencing is a great tool for collaboration. Review your projects based on interactive 3D models without having to be at the same spot. Use VR Conferencing to demonstrate your designs, constructions, assembling procedures etc. to your customers or colleagues at remote locations. The functionality can be tailored to the use, only a (wireless-) network or an internet connection is required. V4M-NAV 8 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 3.1.3 Model protection Protect model Protects the loaded model. The entry of the password is requested twice to ensure correct entry. You can protect your model from changes to be made by unauthorized users. When a protected model is loaded in the Navigator Pro the commands listed below will be disabled: Deletion of existing objects Changing existing camera positions and view settings Changing light settings Changing fog settings Mesh reduction Editing of LOD objects Editing of object properties Navigation guides (e.g. Terrain Following, Deflection) will be locked. Unprotecting the model will restore access to these commands. WARNING: Be sure to remember the password you have entered. It is the only key for disabling your model protection! Unprotect model… Removes model protection. Enter the password used to enable model protection. 3.1.4 Import and export Import… With the import functionality it is possible to load models from Division Mockup and Multigen directly. Import Library… With Import Library it is possible to load models to the scene from several external sources. These can be custom library files or folders with VMX files. Export information You can export information from your model using the following commands: Export Library… This option allows the export to a Library file (.lmx) NOTE: See the separate library documentation for more information on Export Library. Export Cameras… This option exports cameras from the 3D world to 3ds Max. THE EXPORT CAMERAS DIALOG The Export Cameras dialog allows you to select the cameras you want to export. V4M-NAV 9 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 6. The Export Cameras dialog The list box contains the names of all cameras in your model. You can use this list to select and deselect cameras before exporting. Also two buttons are available to select all or no camera: Select All Select all cameras in the model. Select None Deselect all cameras. After making your choice of cameras you can select OK to confirm the selection, or Cancel to quit exporting cameras. Export Screenshot… Writes the content of the 3D View window to a file. Apart from the extension, the file will have the same name as the current model and it will be written to the same directory as the model. The files will be numbered to prevent overwriting existing screen dumps. Export Screenshot As… Writes the content of the 3D View window to a file. A file selector dialog with the title Export Screenshot is opened allowing you to select the filename, file type (TARGA or JPEG), and directory in which to save a copy of the image in the 3D View window. Export Redlining Information… Writes all redlining information stored in the model to a readable ASCII file. You are asked to specify the ASCII file (.txt) in which the redlining information will be stored. 3.1.5 Animation rendering Render To Settings… Any sequence can be rendered into an animation as an AVI file or as a sequence of JPEG images. THE RENDER TO SETTINGS DIALOG Here you can adjust settings for rendering of animations to an AVI or as a sequence of JPEG images. There are three tabs for selection Output Size, Output Time and the Subject to be rendered. V4M-NAV 10 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Output Size: The animation output size can be chosen from a list of several standard film and video resolutions or set to any custom size by using the Width and Height controls. 7. Render To Settings: Output Size Output Time: The output timing of the animation can be controlled by defining the required frame rate (in frames per second) and the required time segment to be rendered. 8. Render To Settings: Output Time Subject: The rendering process can be performed based on three types of subjects: Current position The animation rendering is performed from the current position of the 3D View. Camera The rendering is performed based on the view from the selected camera. Animated cameras are supported as well. Current Session The rendering will be based on the contents of the currently active session (see chapter 10). V4M-NAV 11 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 9. Render To Settings: Subject Render To… Activates the animation rendering. In the Render to dialog you can make a selection between the generation of a single AVI file or a sequence of JPEG images. In case you chose to generate an AVI file you will next be prompted to define which type of Video Compression you wish to use. THE RENDER TO VIDEO COMPRESSION MENU The Video Compression menu pops up after inserting the .avi file name. This menu allows you to set video codec options and settings which determine the quality and size of the movie file. 10. Video Compression menu 11. Compressor selection V4M-NAV 12 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Compressor Select one of your available video compression codecs. XviD is a free serviceable codec. Compression Quality, Key Frame, Data Rate. These are non-functional options. All quality settings are made in the menu opened by pressing the Configure… button. Configure… The configure option opens a codec specific menu which allows the user to make choices regarding the quality and size of the created .avi file. 3.1.6 History History appears as a numbered list of recently loaded VR4MAX files at the bottom of the File menu. The list displays the most recently opened files at the top. 3.1.7 Exit Closes the VR4MAX Navigator Pro program. Before exiting you will be asked if you wish to save your last changes. V4M-NAV 13 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 4. SELECTING AND EDITING OBJECTS VR4MAX Navigator Pro allows one or more objects to be selected. The single selected object or the list of multiple selected objects is referred to as the current selection. There are several ways to select objects in VR4MAX Navigator Pro. Use graphical selection in the 3D View or in the Object Tree or use the various dialogs accessible via the menus and toolbars. Most commands in VR4MAX Navigator Pro apply to the current selection. This chapter documents the selection methods and commands available via the Edit menu. 4.1 Select objects using named selection sets When you have exported your 3ds Max design to VR4MAX, all named selection sets available in the 3ds Max design are stored in the VR4MAX model. Users who use large models built-up of xref scenes can use selection sets so make object selections across xrefs. When multiple xreffed vmx files contain a selection set with the same name those sets are merged in the master model file. The Standard toolbar contains a combo box which allows you to select objects using these original named selections sets. Selection sets 12. Selection Sets combo box V4M-NAV 14 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 4.2 The Edit menu The Edit menu provides access to several commands allowing you to select objects, change the hidden state of objects, and more. If the Advanced Option Digital Mockup is available extra options for editing the model become accessible. 13. The Edit menu 4.2.1 Digital Mock-Up edit functions Cut, Copy and Paste These functions allow for basic scene editing. Create The create option makes an empty node as a child of the selected object. Rename Renames the last selected object. Clone Copy and Paste the current selection. Placement of the cloned object occurs in the 3DView by positioning the mouse on the desired location. 4.2.2 Object selection Use the following commands if you want to select all objects in the model or the model you are linked to: Select All This will select all objects in the model. V4M-NAV 15 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Select Attach Object This will select the object in the model you are attached to. 4.2.3 Controlling object selection By default the selection mechanism is enabled. However, in some cases it can be useful to disable object selection. For instance, while manipulating one or more objects (see paragraph 4.2.1) you would like to keep the current selection unchanged until you are done changing. VR4MAX Navigator Pro offers two ways of controlling object selection: Disable Selection Disables the selection mechanism. The current selection will be cleared. This setting will be stored with the VR4MAX model when saved. In combination with model protection (see paragraph 3.1.3) this can even be used to enforce complete disabling of the selection mechanism for unauthorized users when the model is loaded in VR4MAX Navigator Pro. Lock Selection This option disables the selection mechanism. The current selection will not be changed. 4.2.4 Hiding and unhiding selected objects VR4MAX Navigator Pro allows you to hide and unhide model objects: Hide Selected This command hides all selected objects and all their children. These objects will no longer be visible in the 3D View window. Unhide Selected With this command you can unhide all objects in the selection list and all their children. NOTE: As long as you do not create a new selection list, the objects previously selected remain selected, even if they are not visible in the 3D View window. Hide Unselected This command hides all objects that are not selected. The objects that are not selected will no longer be visible in the 3D View window. Unhide All This command restores visibility of all objects. All objects in your design will again be visible in the 3D View window. V4M-NAV 16 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 4.2.5 XRef A VR4MAX model can reference (XRef) several other VR4MAX models. The visibility of objects (i.e. what is visible or hidden) withing an XRef and also the enabled/disabled status of subXRefs within an XRef, all are stored inside the model when a model is saved. The XRef Menu supports the handling of all XRefs or each XRef individually. 14. XRef Menu Enable The visibility of the selected XRefs will be enabled. Disable The visibility of the selected XRefs will be disabled. After disabling, when the XRef is enabled again, the visibility of the objects within and also the enabled/disabled status of sub-XRefs within the XRef are restored as they were before disabling. Reload The geometry of the selected XRefs will be reloaded into the model. Explode Merges the nodes in the selected XRef objects into the current model and deletes the selected XRef objects. Enable All The visibility of the all XRefs will be enabled. Disable All The visibility of the all XRefs will be disabled. Reload All The geometry of all XRefs will be reloaded into the model. Explode All Merges the nodes of all XRef objects into the current model and deletes the XRef objects. Explode All Recursive Merges the nodes of all XRef objects into the current model and deletes the XRef objects. If the referenced objects contain any XRefs themselves these referenced objects will be merged as well. This process is performed recursively. V4M-NAV 17 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 4.2.6 Object Transformation VR4MAX Navigator Pro can be used to transform all object geometry. Every object has its own transformation information (position, orientation and scale). While moving objects around interactively and changing their size or by using VR4MAX Transform Actions (see the VR4MAX Behavior User Manual) this transformation information will be changed. The VR4MAX model initially contains for every object the transformation information as defined during export using the VR4MAX Translator. These transformations we call the initial transformations. Moving objects around does not affect their initial transformation but only their active transformation (as used for rendering). This way it is possible to move an object around and restore it to its original location by re-applying its initial transformation. VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides the following functions to help you during object transformation: 15. Object Transformation Menu Lock Transformation Disables/enables the object transformation mechanism. When the VR4MAX model is saved this setting will be stored as well. Loading a protected model with the Lock Transformation setting selected will disable all transformation commands until model protection is removed. Select Switches to object selection mode. The function of the left mouse button is changed to object selection. Move Switches to object move mode. The function of the left mouse button is changed to object movement. V4M-NAV 18 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Rotate Switches to object rotation mode. The function of the left mouse button is changed to object rotation. Scale Switches to object scaling mode. The function of the left mouse button is changed to object scaling. Measurement Switches to measurement mode. The function of the left mouse button is changed to selecting pairs (2 selections to add a measurement) of object surfaces, vertices, or edges (depending on the measurement settings). The Measurement dialog opens automatically when switching into Measurement mode (see below). MEASUREMENT DIALOG When in measurement mode the gui uses every 2 sequential selections to add a measurement to your model. The first click of the left mouse button is used to select the first object, and the second click of the left mouse button is used to select the second object. After the second object is selected a measurement is added to your model. This sequence can be repeated to add multiple measurements. 16. Measurement dialog The Measurement dialog determines the specifics of the added measurements. The 4 mutual exclusive options Face, Vertex and Edge determine the precise position of the measurement end points. In case of Face the exact selected point on the surface of an object is used as an end point for the measurement. Choose Vertex if you want the end points to be locked on to the vertices of the mesh, or Edge to lock on to the edges of the mesh. Choose Grid if you want the end point to be locked to the current transformation grid. If Dynamic is selected the measurements will be updated when the selected objects are moved as a result of object animation or, e.g. if you move the object yourself. Restrict To X This setting restricts transformation to the direction of X-axis. Restrict To Y This setting restricts transformation to the direction of Y-axis. Restrict To Z This setting restricts transformation to the direction of Z-axis. Restrict To XY Plane This setting locks transformation in the direction of the Z-axis. V4M-NAV 19 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Restrict To YZ Plane This setting locks transformation in the direction of the X-axis. Restrict To ZX Plane This setting locks transformation in the direction of the Y-axis. Restore Replaces the active transformations using the initial transformations. The selected objects will be rested to their initial position, orientation and size. Update Replaces initial transformation information using the active transformations. Transform Type-In Gives you precise control over object transformations. You can specify the exact settings for the selected objects. When changing these values the selected objects will be updated accordingly. TRANSFORMATION TYPE-IN DIALOG The Transformation Type-In dialog can be used to use numeric input to control the transformation commands. The behavior of the Transformation Type-In dialog is depending on what transformation type is selected (move, rotate of scale). 17. Move Transform Type-In dialog Coordinate Space Here you can specify what coordinate system you want to use for displaying and changing the transformation information. Absolute (X,Y,Z) Here you can manually enter the values for your object transformation or use the up and down spinner control arrows on the right side of each input field. Step Size Allows you to adjust the Step sizes of the spinner control arrows for transformation of Position, Orientation, or Scale. V4M-NAV 20 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 18. Spinner Control Step Size dialog 4.2.7 Finding objects VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides advanced query commands that can help you locate objects in your model by selecting them. Find… THE FIND DIALOG The Find dialog allows you to locate objects in your model using a combination of search criteria. You can specify details about the name and type of the object(s) you wish to find. You can even use status information specifics. 19. The Find dialog Find what Fill in the name of the object(s) you are looking for. You can fill in the complete name of the object you want to find, or you can use regular expressions, as described in paragraph ‘Regular Expression Syntax’. This combo box also remembers previous search names. V4M-NAV 21 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual When you are looking for an object and you specify the search name using a regular expression you need to know about the syntax you must use. The following text describes the usage of regular expressions in great detail. If you are not interested in a complete overview you can think of regular expressions as the wild cards you can use in many search- and find commands of other software. Simply specify ‘cam*’, and you will find all objects of which the name begins with ‘cam’. Regular Expression Syntax This paragraph gives a detailed description of the regular expression syntax. Branches, pieces and atoms A regular expression is zero or more branches, separated by '|'. It matches anything that matches one of the branches. A branch is zero or more pieces, concatenated. It matches a match for the first, followed by a match for the second, etc. A piece is an atom possibly followed by '*', '+', or '?'. An atom followed by '*' matches a sequence of 0 or more matches of the atom. An atom followed by '+' matches a sequence of 1 or more matches of the atom. An atom followed by '?' matches a match of the atom, or the null string. An atom is a regular expression in parentheses (matching a match for the regular expression), a range (see below), '.' (matching any single character), '^' (matching the null string at the beginning of the input string), '$' (matching the null string at the end of the input string), a '\' followed by a single character (matching that character), or a single character with no other significance (matching that character). Ranges A range is a sequence of characters enclosed in '[]'. It normally matches any single character from the sequence. If the sequence begins with '^', it matches any single character not from the rest of the sequence. If two characters in the sequence are separated by '-', this is shorthand for the full list of ASCII characters between them (e.g. '[0-9]' matches any decimal digit). To include a literal ']' in the sequence, make it the first character (following a possible '^'). To include the literal '-', enter it as first or last character. Ambiguity If a regular expression could match two different parts of the input string, it will match the one that begins earliest. If both begin in the same place but match different lengths, or match the same length in different ways, life gets messier, as follows. In general, the possibilities in a list of branches are considered in left-to-right order, the possibilities for '*', '+', and '?' are considered longest-first, nested constructs are considered from the outermost in, and concatenated constructs are considered leftmost-first. The match that will be chosen is the one that uses the earliest possibility in the first choice that has to be made. If there is more than one choice, the next will be made in the same manner (earliest possibility) subject to the decision on the first choice. And so forth. For example, '(ab|a)b*c' could match 'abc' in one of two ways. The first choice is between 'ab' and 'a'; since 'ab' is earlier, and does lead to a successful overall match, it is chosen. Since the 'b' is already spoken for, the 'b*' must match its last possibility-the empty string--since it must respect the earlier choice. In the particular case where the regular expression does not use `|' and does not apply `*', `+', or `?' to parenthesized sub-expressions, the net effect is that the longest V4M-NAV 22 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual possible match will be chosen. So `ab*', presented with `xabbbby', will match `abbbb'. Note that if `ab*' is tried against `xabyabbbz', it will match `ab' just after `x', due to the begins-earliest rule. (In effect, the decision on where to start the match is the first choice to be made; hence subsequent choices must respect it even if this leads them to less-preferred alternatives.) Status: Use the settings in this group box if you want to select objects on their status. For each status you can define if the objects to be found need to comply to your selection (Yes), should not comply to your selection (No) or the specific status is not of interest (Don’t Care). Has geometry Here you can specify if the objects you are looking for should contain geometry. Has children Here you can specify if the objects you are looking for should have children. Has redlining Here you can specify if the objects you are looking for must have redlining or not. Redlining open In addition to having redlining you can use this to find only the objects where the redlining is open or closed. You can use this to make sure you checked all redlined objects during a review of your design. Is hidden This is to find all objects that are hidden, or visible. The hidden objects will of course only be selected in the Object Tree window. Is animated This is to find all objects that are animated, have an animated mesh or have an animated map (AVI). Find Next Once you specified the search criteria for finding objects in the Find dialog you can use this command to select the next object in your model that matches this criteria. NOTE: The search direction is downwards in the Object Tree. Find Previous And with this command you can select the previous object in your model that matches your search criteria. NOTE: The search direction is upwards in the Object Tree. Find All By activating this command all the objects that match your search criteria will be selected. 4.2.8 Deleting selected objects Objects can be completely removed from the model: Delete Selected This command removes the selected objects from the model. V4M-NAV 23 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Since this is irreversible, you are asked for confirmation before the actual deletion. 4.2.9 Property sheets Properties Every object in a VR4MAX model has object properties. Most object properties are internal properties and are only of interest to the Render Engine. These properties can contain information about for instance the object mesh, the object material and the different levels of detail of a LOD object. These properties are not accessible through the VR4MAX Navigator Pro user interface. However some properties can be of interest to the user and are therefore made accessible through object related property sheets. 20. Property sheet A property sheet is a simple scalable window that contains actual information on the last selected object. The title bar contains the object name and its type (between brackets). A property sheet consists of a 2 column table showing the property names in the left column and their values in the right column. These user accessible properties can be of several types. Each type can be recognized by the background color of the corresponding entry field. The table below gives an overview of property types that are supported. Entry field color Red Property type Locked value that cannot be edited. Value as defined in original 3ds V4M-NAV 24 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Max model. Yellow Blue Value that can be edited. Initial value as defined in original 3ds Max model. Locked reference to other object. The reference cannot be changed. Every VR4MAX object has the following basic user accessible properties: Name : Field color: Red The name of the object as defined in the original 3ds Max model. This property is always defined and locked (displayed on a red background) and can therefore not be changed. Description : Field color: Yellow The description of an object as defined in the original 3ds Max model. This property is optional and unlocked (displayed on a yellow background). System Call : Field color: Yellow This property can be used to define a system call for the selected object. See paragraph 21.1.8) for a usage description. Depending on the type of object this list of properties can be extended with object type related properties. V4M-NAV 25 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 5. USING OBJECTS FROM A LIBRARY The library menu is visible in the Navigator Pro interface. The library module enables the user to add models to the scene from several external sources. These can be custom library files or folders with VMX files. 21. The library menu 5.1 Loading an active library The load library option loads the LMX file, which can be exported from 3ds Max, and contains objects or groups of objects that can be added to the current scene. The second option loads all VMX files from a folder in the active library. When another library is loaded the previously placed objects remain in the scene. Library objects are similar to xrefed objects because they are instanced from an external source. This means that when that external source is (re)moved the library objects will no longer be visible in the background scene. This mechanism also allows the user to update scenes with newer objects after the scene is created. This lets a designer fill an environment with placeholder objects while the final objects are still under construction. 5.2 The library panels When a library is active the library panels are made visible. These panels allow the user to select, preview and place the library objects. 22. The library Tree, Library folder and library info panels The panels can be made visible separately in the view menu. For a more in-depth explanation of the library system please refer to the separate library documentation. V4M-NAV 26 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 6. CHANGING THE STRUCTURE OF A SCENE Sometimes it is necessary to group objects together or to change hierarchical links between objects. Neatness of the scene or object manipulation can require a change in the object tree. The group menu holds options that combine the group and link functions familiar to 3ds Max users. 6.1 The group menu The view menu contains commands that edit the object tree. 23. The group menu 6.2 Grouping objects together The group option results in a new branch in the scene object tree which contains the selected objects as children. A question box appears which requests the name of the new scene node. The parent of the group is the parent of the lowermost selected object in the object tree. By default a newly created group is open. This group behaves exactly the same as a group that has been exported from 3ds Max. Unlike objects in selection sets, objects can only be part of one group. The rules for groups in Navigator Pro are the same as in 3ds Max. 6.3 Editing groups Closing a group will make the children of the group node unselectable as individual objects. Instead the entire group is selected. This is especially useful if several objects need to be moved around a scene. When the individual objects need to be accessed the group can be opened or even ungrouped. Ungrouping will result in the objects or object tree branches as children of the group’s parent. The group node is deleted. Note that objects that have had their parent object changed in the group process do not get their original parent back. Exploding a group will not restore the hierarchy contained within it but will instead extract all non-group nodes from the exploded group. The resulting objects are linked to the exploded group’s parent. 6.4 Changing the scene hierarchy The functions detach and attach work similar to the same named functions in 3ds Max. In addition to these functions the Navigator Pro detach and attach also work on objects that are not (part of) a group. Any object in the object tree can be detached from it’s parent and optionally re-linked to another object. If an object is only detached it is automatically linked to the scene root node. Users with the Advanced Option Digital Mock-up can treat XRefs as groups. Keep in mind that objects that are moved outside the xref in the scene hierarchy are cloned after the xref is reloaded. V4M-NAV 27 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 7. OBJECT PLACEMENT TOOLS To make moving and placing objects more precise the Navigator Pro contains several object placement tools. One of which is the grid system. The grid and snap tools can be accessed through the grid button toolbar and the grid menu. 7.1 The grid menu and toolbar 24. The grid toolbar and menu V4M-NAV 28 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 8. THE 3D VIEW WINDOW Your model is displayed in a dedicated window, called the 3D View window. This chapter will tell you more about the 3D View window and gives you an introduction to the commands and settings available in the View menu. It concludes with an overview on the dialogs you can activate through the View menu. 8.1 Company Logo Using the VR4MAX Utilities in 3ds Max it is possible to define a company or project logo to be placed in the lower right corner of the 3D View window (see VR4MAX Translator User Manual). When no company or project logo is defined VR4MAX Navigator Pro will show the VR4MAX logo by default. You can also make sure no logo is shown at all. For non-commercial licenses this will always be defaulted to one of following standard messages: TBYB License: VR4MAX Eval. License Education License: VR4MAX Educational Student License: VR4MAX Student Reseller License: VR4MAX Not For Resale 8.2 The camera characteristics of the 3D View window VR4MAX uses the camera concept allowing you to specify a position and orientation in the 3D world. Cameras have controls similar to real-world cameras. These camera settings determine what you see in the 3D world and how things are rendered. The 3D View window also has these camera characteristics. You can think of the 3D View window as if you are looking through the lens of a virtual camera into the 3D world. The camera characteristics of the 3D View window can be found in the View Settings dialog that can be opened from the View menu. 8.3 Selecting objects in the 3D View window You can select an object in the 3D View window by pressing the left mouse button while placing the mouse cursor over the object you want to select. Re-selecting the single selected object will remove it from the selection list (deselect it). Holding down the CTRL key while you are selecting objects, will extend the current selection with every new object. Again, selecting an object already in the selection list (while holding down the CTRL key) will result in deselecting it. If you press the left mouse button while the cursor is not over any object in the 3D View window the selection list will be emptied. Selected objects will be highlighted using the method(s) specified in the general Options dialog. For example: if you activated the ‘Bounding Box’ as method for highlighting selected objects, the individual bounding boxes of all selected objects are displayed. 8.4 The last selected object In the case more than one object is selected VR4MAX Navigator Pro marks the last selected object by using another color for the bounding box or by applying a color change. This effect can of course only be seen when the corresponding highlight method is activated. V4M-NAV 29 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual During selection in the 3D View window the selection position of the last selected object is used to set the rotation center for navigation in Orbit Mode. The use of Orbit Mode is explained in paragraph 6.1. 8.5 The View menu The View menu contains several settings and commands that control what you see in the 3D View window. In addition the View menu contains switches controlling the visibility of the VR4MAX Navigator Pro toolbars and status bar. 25. The View menu V4M-NAV 30 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 8.5.1 Show or hide the toolbars or status bar The following switches allow you to show or hide all toolbars and the status bar: Toolbars Shows or hides all VR4MAX Navigator Pro toolbars. Status Bar Shows or hides the VR4MAX Navigator Pro status bar. When the cursor is positioned over a toolbar or the status bar by pressing the right mouse button you can open a menu for displaying or hiding each individual toolbar or the status bar. The Object Tree dialog can be displayed or hidden through this menu as well. 8.5.2 Object Tree The Object Tree window displays in a schematic representation all the objects in the model and their hierarchical relation: Object Tree Shows or hides the Object Tree window. See paragraph 8.7 for an explanation on the use of the Object Tree. 8.5.3 Log Window The Log Window displays all information for the communication with a conferencing session. Log Window Shows or hides the Log Window V4M-NAV 31 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Log window 26. Log Window 8.5.4 Script window Script window Toggles the visibility of a window for LUA-scripting. See paragraph 8.8 Scripting window for more information. 8.5.5 Switching between rendering Modes VR4MAX Navigator Pro has three rendering modes for displaying your model, and provides the following mutual exclusive switches to toggle which one is used: Toggle Rendering Mode Use this control to toggle between the rendering modes described below: Wireframe Switches rendering to Wireframe mode. In this mode VR4MAX Navigator Pro displays a representation of the three-dimensional objects using points connected by lines. Flat Shading Switches rendering to Flat Shading mode. In this mode VR4MAX Navigator Pro shows the finish and texture of objects as they would appear in reality by applying Flat Shading to the polygons that make up the model, taking into account the lighting conditions specified in the 3D world. V4M-NAV 32 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Gouraud Shading Switches rendering to Gouraud Shading mode. In this mode VR4MAX Navigator Pro shows the finish and texture of objects as they would appear in reality by applying Gouraud Shading to the polygons that make up the model, taking into account the lighting conditions specified in the 3D world. 8.5.6 Showing or hiding name popup When name-popup is enabled the name of an object appears in the View window when the mouse pointer remains stationary (hovers) over the object for half a second. 8.5.7 Pivot frame The ability to have a visual representation of the pivot (location and orientation) showing the coordinate-frames for the currently selected objects helps in determining how they will move or rotate. In the menu View, the submenu Pivot frame is accessible. When pivot-frame is enabled the coordinate frames of the selected objects appear at their respective pivot centers in the View window. It is possible to set the size of displayed coordinate-frames to Small, Medium, and Large. It is also possible to select the type of displayed coordinate-frames to Local, Parent and World. In Transformation Type-In dialog when coordinate-space changes the type of displayed coordinate-frames of selected objects changes accordingly. 8.5.8 Showing or hiding texture maps The following switch allows you to enable or disable the display of texture maps in the 3D View window: Textures Shows or hides texture maps. 8.5.9 Showing or hiding the orbit center and statistics Again a number of switches that allows you to toggle the display of certain information: Show Orbit Center Select this option if you want VR4MAX Navigator Pro to show the orbit center. This is the center point of the last selected object that is used to orbit around when you switch navigation to Orbit Mode. 27. Orbit Center V4M-NAV 33 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Show Object Boundaries In addition to the display of the bounding boxes of selected objects, this switch toggles the display of all object boundaries. The boundaries of selected objects are displayed using a different color than the boundaries of objects that are not selected. Show Grid When you are looking to single objects instead of complete environments, this option can help you to get a good impression of the orientation and position of the objects in your model by adding a home grid in the XY plane to the 3D View window. Show Event/Action Objects When selected all objects will be displayed that are VR4MAX Event objects or VR4MAX Action objects. Show Screen Statistics When selected statistics information will be displayed in the 3D View window (see paragraph 8.6). 8.5.10 Highlight selected objects, 3DView popup, lock view settings and auto clipping These switches control if selected objects are highlighted in the 3D View window, the availability of 3DViewport properties, the way the 3D View window is affected by matching the 3D View to a camera, and if auto clipping is activated or not: Highlight Selected Objects Select this option if you want the selected objects to be highlighted (using the highlight mode specified in the General View Options dialog). Enable 3DView popup Select this option if you want to be able to access objects’ properties from within the viewport. Right clicking an object in the 3DView will result in the same popup window displaying properties as you would after selecting properties in the right-click menu in the object tree. Lock View Settings When the camera settings are locked and the 3D View is matched to a camera, VR4MAX Navigator Pro doesn’t apply all settings of the camera to the 3D View window. Only position and rotation of the 3D View are modified. This way the focal length / field of view of the 3D View window will not change. Clip Manually Clipping planes define the near/far distance in which objects are displayed. This option will set the clipping planes in the 3D View window as defined in the View Settings dialog. When disabled the Dynamic Clipping Mechanism will overrule these settings. The Dynamic Clipping Mechanism derives these values based on the bounding box of the model and the current focal length / field of view. The Dynamic Clipping Mechanism can help you locate the objects in your model. Turn off Manual Clipping and fly to all objects and you will have your complete model visible in the 3D View window ( if the objects in your model are not hidden of course). The Dynamic Clipping Mechanism can be limited to prevent a too near or too far away clipping plane. WARNING: This option is just an escape option to enable you to locate the objects in your model with only one mouse click. For the best render quality and optimal performance it is always advised to manually set the clipping planes. For best result the near clipping V4M-NAV 34 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual plane should always be as large as possible and the far clipping plane should always be as small as possible. Try to set these to a value that does not compromise the render quality by clipping near objects too soon, or the far objects you need to see. The ratio between the two values determines the accuracy of the Z-buffer. 8.5.11 Switching to full screen mode The following command activates the full screen mode: Full Screen This option allows you to switch to full screen mode. The 3D View window is expanded to the full size of the screen, hiding the Title, Menu, Status bars, and all toolbars. Pressing the shortcut key (F11) restores the 3D View window to its normal size, and restores the Title, Menu, Status bars and all toolbars. By default VR4MAX Navigator Pro will prompt you with a reminder that you can switch back from full screen mode by pressing F11 again. You can disable this with a setting in the Options dialog. NOTE: It is also possible to activate full screen mode at startup of VR4MAX Navigator Pro. In that case you will always need to define a model name as well. For VR4MAX Navigator Pro the command line could look like: ‘VR4MAX_navpro.exe –fullscreen mymodel.vmx’. 8.5.12 Refreshing the user interface The user interface of VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides access to all application commands. It does however also give constant feedback on the status the application is in. Many items in the menus and the toolbars are used for changing model and application settings. The current status of each setting is presented in the menus by using selection markers ( ) and in the toolbars by pressed or un-pressed buttons. However, the VR4MAX Behavior Mechanism (Event/Action) is able to access these settings as well from inside the Render Engine. This can result in a situation where the user interface of VR4MAX Navigator Pro loses track of some states changed by user defined actions. This possible inconsistency can be corrected using the Refresh command. Refresh This option forces a complete update of the user interface of VR4MAX Navigator Pro. 8.5.13 View settings View Settings… Opens the View Settings dialog. THE VIEW SETTINGS DIALOG The View Settings dialog allows you to specify the camera characteristics of the 3D View window. On model save the view settings will be stored with the model. Lens Details: Real-world cameras use lenses to focus the light reflected by a scene onto a focal plane that has a light-sensitive surface. Not all camera and lens characteristics apply to the virtual cameras implemented by VR4MAX. V4M-NAV 35 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 28. The View Settings dialog : Lens Details The following common parameters allow you to specify some of the real camera characteristics for the VR4MAX virtual cameras: Focal Length / Lens The distance between the lens and the light-sensitive surface is called the focal length of the lens. Focal length affects how much of the subject appears in the picture. Lower focal lengths include more of the scene in the picture. Higher focal lengths include less of the scene but show greater detail of more distant objects. Focal length is always measured in millimeters. Field Of View (FOV) The field of view (FOV) controls how much of the design is visible as well. The FOV is measured in degrees. It is directly related to the focal length of the lens. The longer the lens, the narrower the FOV. The shorter the lens, the wider the FOV. Stock Lenses VR4MAX Navigator Pro also provides you with defaults to specify a number of common stock lenses. This way the camera’s focal length can be set to 15 mm, 20 mm, 24 mm, 28 mm, 35 mm, 50 mm, 85 mm, 135 mm, 200 mm with one single selection. Clipping planes: In addition to the characteristics that are known to real-world cameras VR4MAX allows you to specify individual clipping planes for each camera in your model. The clipping planes define the near/far distance in which objects are displayed. The clipping planes also affect the quality (resolution) of the hidden surface algorithm. Careful use of the clipping planes can therefore increase the quality of the appearance of your model, and can improve display performance. Rule of thumb for the best render quality and optimal performance is always to manually set the clipping planes. For the best result the near clipping plane should always be as large as possible. And the far clipping plane should always be as small as possible. Try to set these to a value that do not compromise the render quality by clipping near objects too soon, or the far objects you need to see. The ratio between the two determines the accuracy of the Z-buffer. V4M-NAV 36 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 29. The View Settings dialog : Clipping Planes You can specify the exact values for the clipping planes using the following settings: Slider Exponent Specifies the exponent used to translate the slider position to a value. Clip Manually This option disables Auto Clipping and enables the dialog elements to manually set the near and far clipping planes for the 3D View. Limit Automatic Clipping When selected the specified near and far clipping planes are used to limit the automatic clipping plane. You can use this to prevent that an object located far away forces the near clipping plane to an unwanted large value clipping all objects near to you from the scene. Near The near clipping plane defines how close surfaces can get to the viewport before the renderer cuts them off. Default settings assume the human eye. Far The far clipping plane defines how far you can see. The renderer does not draw objects or parts of objects beyond this distance. As an example, a very large model of a city may require the far clipping plane to be set to 5 km to ensure the entire model is visible. V4M-NAV 37 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Stereo Settings: If stereographic rendering is enabled using the Startup in stereo mode switch from the Startup Options dialog (see paragraph 21.1.15) the stereo settings from the View Settings dialog will be enabled. 30. The View Settings dialog : Stereo Settings These stereo settings can be used to specify the following stereo specific parameters: Slider Exponent Specifies the exponent used to translate the slider position of the convergence distance (see below) to a value. Fine tuning eye distance In some situations you need an accurate control over the eye distance. The following buttons allow you to fine tune without typing in numerical values. The ‘<<’- and ‘<’-button decreases the current eye distance with respectively 5 mm and 1 mm. The ‘>’- and ‘>>’-button increase the eye distance with respectively 1 mm and 5 mm. The ‘65’-button resets the eye distance to 65 mm which is an average distance that will give good results for ‘the average’ adult human. Eye separation This setting allows you to specify the distance between your (virtual) eyes that is used by the renderer to calculate the image for the left and the right eye. You can use this setting to specify the actual -real life- distance between your eyes. You can also use this to specify extreme values to increase the stereo effect. Convergence The convergence distance is another setting that influences the perspective in the stereo rendering for the left and right eye. In real life your eyes always focus to a certain point in the scene you are looking at. The distance to this point is a factor in how you perceive the perspective in the scene. We call this the convergence distance. In VR4MAX Navigator Pro the convergence distance is a setting you can use to specify the distance between your virtual eyes and the position in your model that you are mainly interested in. Note that you can specify the convergence distance as if you are looking through the glass of your monitor, but also for objects between the monitor and your eyes. V4M-NAV 38 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 8.5.14 Fog Applying fog will visually blend objects in the distance with a fixed color to yield a hazy or foggy appearance. Fog Settings… Opens the Fog Settings dialog. THE FOG SETTINGS DIALOG The fog settings affect the 3D View window by adding fog to the scene and are model specific. Therefore these settings will be stored as part of the model. 31. The Fog Settings dialog You are allowed to specify if fog is applied, what parameters are used: Fog The switch in the frame next to the Fog label toggles fog on or off. Color Specifies the color of the fog using a standard color sector. Mode Specifies the fog mode: Linear: Basic rendered fog using a near and far distance to specify the fog depth. Exponential: Is the next step up from linear fog using a density to specify the fog depth. Enhanced Exponential: This is the best fog-rendering mode using a density to specify the fog depth. Slider exponent Specifies the exponent used to translate the slider position to a value. V4M-NAV 39 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Near Selects the distance at which the fog effect starts. This setting applies only to the linear fog mode. Far Selects the distance at which the fog is opaque. This setting applies only to the linear fog mode. Density Specifies how dense the fog will be. This setting applies only to the (enhanced) exponential fog modes. 8.5.15 Performance Performance Settings… Opens the Performance Settings dialog. THE PERFORMANCE SETTINGS DIALOG The settings in the Performance Settings dialog allow you to adjust the rendering method used to display the objects in your model in the 3D View window allowing you to fine tune the performance Render Engine based on the specifics your model. Rendering: VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports optimal use of levels of details for each object by selecting the graphical representation of objects taking into account their distance from you, the observer. 32. The Performance Settings dialog : Rendering The VR4MAX Render Engine will always try to comply to the following minimum and maximum frame rates: Minimum Frame rate (fps) This parameter controls the minimum number of frames per second the renderer is to achieve. The renderer uses this setting to decide which LOD level of LODs it will select to render. Higher frame rates provide smoother motion, but the renderer has less time to draw the objects, hence it will switch back to lower levels of detail sooner. A frame rate of 10 fps is the minimum for acceptable smooth motion. Maximum Frame Rate (fps) If the renderer is performing at a lower level as it is capable of, the CPU of your machine has more time for other jobs and the CPU usage level will not peak to a 100% constantly. This setting allows you to control the maximum frame rate the renderer will perform at. Set this to V4M-NAV 40 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual e.g. to 20 fps when your machine is capable of running at 50 fps with the current model, and you will have more CPU power left for other processes, while VR4MAX still performs at a reasonable level. Set this to 0, if you want the maximum performance available at all times. LOD Selection Method: 33. The Performance Settings dialog : Animation VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports optimal use of levels of details for each object by selecting the graphical representation of objects taking into account their distance from you, the observer. The settings in this tab allow you to specify how to select a specific LOD level for static and animated LODs: Static LODs This specifies the LOD level selection method for static LODs. Animated LODs This specifies the LOD level selection method for animated LODs. For both settings you can choose from the following options: • Use Highest LOD The renderer draws all objects in their highest level of details at all times without considering the implications for the frame rate. • Adaptive The renderer attempts to comply with the Target Frame Rate, if necessary reducing the level of detail per object. • Use Predefined LOD The renderer selects the appropriate graphical representation of all objects by inspecting its size in the rendered image and draws all objects in the level of detail found. V4M-NAV 41 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Object Size Culling: 34. The Performance Settings dialog : Object Size Culling The VR4MAX Render Engine supports object size culling meaning that objects that will occupy less than a certain number of pixels in the 3D View will not be processed resulting in a better performance. The settings in this tab allow you to specify if and on what conditions the object size culling must be operational: Object Size Culling This specifies whether or not object size culling is activated. Minimum display size If object size culling is activated this specifies the threshold for the process. Objects that occupy less than the specified number of pixels will not be rendered. Lines: 35. The Performance Settings dialog : Lines The Lines tab of the Performance Settings dialog contains settings to specify a maximum number of circle segments when drawing lines with a thickness. Use maximum number of circle segments This specifies whether or not use the maximum number of circle segments. Maximum number of circle segments If ‘use maximum number of circle segments’ is activate for lines with a thickness this specifies the number of circle segments. V4M-NAV 42 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Advanced Options: 36. The Performance Settings dialog : Advanced Options VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports the use of key frame animations. Using the following options you can specify how the moving objects are to be rendered. Analogue to the render method discussed above VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides a separate setting to control the render method for animated objects: Force buffer clearing When your model contains a backdrop (see VR4MAX Translator User Manual), and the backdrop does not completely cover the screen at all times, on some machines the 3D View window displays a distorted image in the areas not covered by the backdrop. If this happens you can decide to enable ‘Force buffer clearing’ to tell the renderer to clear the screen before rendering each frame. WARNING: Activating this option means extra work for the renderer to draw each frame. In general this will result in a dropping frame rate. You are advised to change your model to ensure the backdrop encapsulates your model at all times. Preload maps With this option disabled the renderer will load texture maps ‘on the fly’ (when they need to be drawn). This can result in some hiccup behavior while loading larger maps. To avoid this behavior the Preload maps option can be enabled. Once this option is set and the model is saved the next time the model is loaded in VR4MAX Navigator Pro all maps used in the model are loaded at once. Disable texture compression This toggle allows you to disable the texture compression feature of the VR4MAX Render Engine. Use this setting to disable texture compression if you are applying texture compression on older graphics boards such as nVidia’s GeForce 2 and GeForce 3 and one or more of your maps are rendered with poor visual quality. NOTE: You can also insert a MapHint map to control texture map compression on specific maps. V4M-NAV 43 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 8.5.16 Model information Model Information… Displays the Model Information dialog. THE MODEL INFORMATION DIALOG The Model Information dialog displays useful information on the model, such as the model units, details on the bounding box, and statistics on the objects in the model. 37. The Model Information dialog 8.6 Screen statistics You can use the Show Screen Statistics option from the View menu to toggle the display mode for screen statistics in the 3D View window. The button toggles the statistics display between ‘Off’ and 3 sets of information: The first set displays only the current frame rate in frames per second. The second set also includes the target frame rate. In addition it shows the number of nodes, the number of triangles and the number of lines currently visible in the 3D. This mode also includes the number of triangles and lines rendered per second. The third set again starts with the current frame rate. Besides that this set provides extensive information on the OpenGL interface of your machine. First some information on your OpenGL driver is displayed (Vendor, Renderer, and Version). Second you can see if VR4MAX Navigator Pro is running in software or hardware OpenGL, and if stereo rendering is supported by the current OpenGL setup. Next you can see if the current OpenGL setup supports multi texturing. If multi texturing is supported the display of multi textures will be very fast on your machine. If not, VR4MAX Navigator Pro needs multi-pass rendering to render multi textures. This takes some time extra for each frame. Scenes with multi textures will be rendered at half the frames per second compared to the same situation with OpenGL support for multi texturing. Finally the maximum number of lights supported by the current OpenGL setup is displayed. V4M-NAV 44 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 8.7 The Object Tree window The Object Tree window is used to display the hierarchical structure of your model and provides support for context sensitive popup menus as alternate access to object related is licensed the object Tree window commands. If the Advanced Option Digital Mockup gives access to hierarchy edits such as grouping, copying and pasting and changing the parent and children objects. Refer to the separate DMU manual for details. 38. The Object Tree window 8.7.1 Object icons The Object Tree is used to represent the model hierarchy and of each object its type. In VR4MAX all object types can have one or more children. Each node in the tree is represented by an icon to indicate its object type: Action object Action objects can define and execute actions and are designed to change the state of your VR4MAX model and/or the VR4MAX virtual reality environment. Key Press object An event object that fires when a specific key is pressed. Audio Source object An audio source object can be used to play a WAV file in your model. Billboard object VR4MAX Navigator Pro automatically rotates the billboard object and it’s children in order to align it to the 3D View at all times. Camera object A camera object is used to contain information on a predefined view on the model. The information covers its position and rotation and all of the view settings. Composite object A composite object always exists of one or more child objects. The composite object itself has no graphical representation. V4M-NAV 45 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Event object If an event occurs the event object that handles this event fires the actions that have been linked to the event object. Geometry object Geometry objects are objects with a single user defined graphical representation (mesh or animated mesh). HUD (head up display) object A HUD object is a 2D bitmap object placed on top of the 3D View. Light object A light object is a light source as defined in the original MAX model. LOD (level of detail) object LOD objects can have more than one graphical representation. At any time VR4MAX Navigator Pro will select one of these representations for displaying based on the size of the object in the rendered image, the current rendering method and, in case of adaptive rendering, the requested frame rate. Target object The Target object is used to setup your objects so they will always took at a specific point or object marked with by the Target object. XRef object An XRef object is used to create to include an other model into the current model without actually merging the VMX files. Grid object The highly optimized auto lodding Grid object are used to add huge amounts of terrain data to your model, and still keep up rendering speed as you expect it from a high performance real-time render environment. Grid Pipe object Grid Pipe objects are used in combination with Grid objects to add pipes to your model. Clipping Plane object The Clipping Plane object is used to apply real-time clipping to one or more objects in your model or your complete model. When the position or orientation of the clipping plane changes the clipped parts change accordingly. Dial object The new HUD Text Dial object can be used to add free formatted 2D text items to your 3D View with feedback from your 3D environment, register values, etc.. Robot arm object The Robot Arm object allows you to add moving arms to your model that are controlled by the stroke distance of a piston and cylinder construction added to the model. Selection object A Selection object provides access to the current selection in VR4MAX and can be used by Behavior Helper objects such as Actions. Library object A Library object indicates the object is an instanced object from either a library file or a library folder. V4M-NAV 46 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 8.7.2 Color coding and borders Besides the icons telling you about the object type, the Object Tree window uses color coding, and a variable border for each icon to give you more details on each object: If an object is selected the background of the object is gray. If an object is not visible the icon of the object is grayed out. If an object has redlining information attached to it the icon has a green or a red border. A green border means the redlining is closed. A red border means the redlining is open. If you are linked to an object the object icon is displayed on a blue background. V4M-NAV 47 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 8.7.3 Context sensitive menus Pressing the right mouse button while the cursor is inside the Tree Object window (Or inside the 3DView when enable 3DView Popup is enabled.) will open a pop-up menu. Depending on the current selection one of the following menus will appear: Single geometry / LOD object selected Single camera object selected Single light object selected Single composite/billboard object selected Multiple objects selected No object selected When the advanced option Digital Mock Up is licensed extra options are available. Note: Refer to the DMU manual for the expanded pop-up menus. V4M-NAV 48 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Object Visibility: Visible When a single object is selected this toggle allows you to show or hide it in the 3D View window. Hide This command hides all selected objects and their children recursively. These objects will no longer be visible in the 3D View window. Unhide This command will unhide all selected objects and their children recursively. Hide Unselected This command hides all objects that are not selected. The objects that are not selected will no longer be visible in the 3D View window. Unhide All This command enables visibility of all objects. All objects in your design will be visible in the 3D View window. Fly and Attach to objects: Fly To Adjusts the position and orientation of the 3D View so that the selected objects fill the 3D View window. Fly To All Adjusts the position and orientation of the 3D View so that all visible objects fill the 3D View window. Attach To Attaches yourself to the selected object. When the object moves due to animation, you will be dragged along with it. Redlining: The following redlining related commands appear in the popup menu under the right mouse button when you click in the Object Tree dialog when a single object is selected: Edit Redlining… This command opens the Edit Redlining dialog allowing you to add or edit redlining information on the selected object (see paragraph 0). Delete Redlining This command can be used to remove the redlining information defined for the selected object. Before the redlining is removed you are asked to confirm this operation. Camera specific switches and commands: If a single camera is selected the popup menu under the right mouse button in the Object Tree dialog contains the following commands and switches: Match View By matching the 3D View to a selected camera the 3D View position and orientation will be modified to match those of the selected camera. When the view settings for the 3D View window are not locked the view settings of the selected camera are copied as well. Match View And Attach Same as above, but also attaches the 3D View to the selected camera. V4M-NAV 49 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Update Camera Position Updates the position and orientation of the selected camera using the current position and orientation of the 3D View. Update Camera View Settings Updates the camera view settings of the selected camera(s) with the current view settings of the 3D View. The lens settings, clipping planes and stereo settings currently used in the 3D View window are copied to the selected camera(s). Show Cameras When this option is enabled the 3D View window will display all not hidden cameras in your model. If you disable Show Cameras no camera will be rendered in the 3D View window at all. This switch allows you to remove all cameras from the 3D View window without affecting their individual hidden state. Light specific switches: Similar to cameras, the popup menu in the Object Tree dialog will contain the following switches when a single light is selected: Switch On Use this switch to turn the selected light on or off. Match View To Spotlight Similar to camera matching you can match the 3D View to a spotlight. The position and orientation of the 3D View will be modified so the 3D View window will reflect the view from the selected spotlight. This command is only available when a single light is selected and the light is a spotlight. Increase Light Intensity Use this command to increase the light intensity of the selected light. If no light is selected this increases the light intensity of the ambient light in your model. The status bar will give you feedback on what light is being modified and its current intensity. Decrease Light Intensity Use this command to increase the light intensity of the selected light. If no light is selected this decreases the light intensity of the ambient light in your model. The status bar will give you feedback on what light is being modified. Show Lights When this option is enabled the 3D View window will display the not hidden lights in your model. If you disable Show Lights no light will be rendered in the 3D View window at all. This switch allows you to remove all lights from the 3D View window without affecting their individual hidden state. LOD Recipes: If a LOD object is selected the popup menu in the Object Tree dialog will contain the following items: Copy LOD Recipe Copies the LOD Recipe of a selected LOD object to the clipboard. Paste LOD Recipe Pastes the LOD Recipe from clipboard onto the selected object(s). Pasting a LOD Recipe on one or more non LOD objects will convert them automatically into LOD objects with levels corresponding to the recipe pasted. Existing LOD objects will be internally rearranged to match the new recipe. V4M-NAV 50 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Inserting Models and XRefs: If a single object is selected the popup menu in the Object Tree dialog will contain the following items: Insert Model… Inserts the contents of a VR4MAX model below the selected object. The file selection dialog is opened to select the external VR4MAX model Insert XRef… Places an XRef to a VR4MAX model below the selected object. The file selection dialog is opened to select the external VR4MAX model. Deleting objects: If one or more objects are selected the Object Tree dialog will allow deletion of these objects: Delete This command removes the selected object(s) from the model. Since this is irreversible, you are asked for confirmation before the actual deletion. Editing Properties If one object is selected the Object Tree dialog will contain the following item: Properties This command opens the object Property sheet allowing you to view or edit property information of the selected object (see paragraph 4.2.9). 8.8 Scripting window In this window it is possible to type a LUA-script and then execute the script by pressing "CTRL+Enter" or by right clicking on the window and selecting "Execute" from the contextmenu. It is also possible to select a part from the text and then select "Execute selected script" from the context-menu. The LUA-script-engine for the script-window is different from the script-engine that is used in System-Call-Action helpers. Therefore it is not possible to share variables or functions between the two script-engines. Moreover the LUA-script-engine for the script-window is running in a different thread than the User-Interface and also the rendering engine. Therefore it is possible to continue to use other features of the User-Interface and also the rendering engine while the script is running inside the script-window. At the start of the execution of the script in the script-window the window becomes disabled and once the execution is finished it becomes enabled again. 8.8.1 LUA-Script engine In Release-7 a new feature is added to execute scripts with the language LUA. Scripting is a flexible way to perform custom actions that involve logical reasoning. Another major advantage of scripting is the capability to reuse the defined functions with no effort. The same code can be called and executed several times without increasing the complexity of a model. Moreover it is possible to use several libraries defined for LUA that provide extra functionalities. There are libraries that provide access to databases, libraries that provide the ability to do socket-programming, libraries that facilitate multi-thread programming and libraries that provide GUI (Graphical User Interface), and so on. If not already available, it is easily possible to develop a library to be used by LUA. LUA-scripting is available both in V4M-NAV 51 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Windows and Linux. Note that the LUA-libraries are platform-dependent meaning that you cannot use 32bit LUA-libraries with 64bit VR4MAX. More information on LUA scripting can be found on www.lua.org 8.8.2 Accessibility LUA-scripting is accessible via the helper System Call Action. In the property System call of the helper it is possible to specify a system-call command. If the first four letters are “lua ” then the property is interpreted as a LUA-command. When the last four letters are “.lua” then the property is interpreted as a file that contains LUA-commands. When a System-Call-Action helper is fired and it fulfills the above mentioned conditions then the LUA-commands specified in the System call property are executed. By using a Startup-Event helper and assigning a System-Call-Action helper to it, it is possible to load a script which contains a number of function definitions and initializations. From now on we call this script as the startup script. During the simulation those functions can be called in System-Call-Action helpers to be executed when they are fired. The functions and variables defined in LUA remain in the system until the application is closed. The global variable __handle__ is defined in LUA that contains the handle of the System-CallAction helper that executes the script. This way it is possible to distinguish between the calling helpers and do something special based on that. Developing scripts that are also compatible with sessions requires a careful way of developing the scripts. Since currently the internal state of the LUA-Script-Engine is not recorded in a restore point, switching between the restore-points in a recorded session will not adjust the internal state of the LUA-Script-Engine. To achieve that goal, functions should be written in a state-less way. By state-less we mean that only local variables be used inside the functions. 8.8.3 Exported API-methods Some of the API-methods are exported to LUA. Here is a subset of the exported methods: res_handle = vmxGetChild(parent_handle, index_num) res_bool,object_name_string = vmxGetName(object_handle) res_handle = vmxGetObjectHandle(object_name_string) res_handle = vmxGetParent(child_handle) res_bool,x_float,y_float,z_float = vmxGetPropVector(object_handle, property_name_string) res_bool = vmxSetPropBool(object_handle, property_name_string, value_bool) res_bool = vmxSetPropFloat(object_handle, property_name_string, value_float) res_bool = vmxSetPropString(object_handle, property_name_string, value_string) res_bool = vmxSetPropEnum(object_handle, property_name_string, value_num) res_bool = vmxSetPropFloatAnimated(object_handle, propery_name_string, value_float, change_to_time_float) res_bool = vmxSetPropFloatIndexedAnimated(object_handle, propery_name_string, value_float, index_num, change_to_time_float) res_bool = vmxSetPropVectorAnimated(object_handle, propery_name_string, x_float, y_float, z_float, change_to_time_float) res_bool = vmxSetPropVectorIndexedAnimated(object_handle, propery_name_string, x_float, y_float, z_float, index_num, change_to_time_float) res_bool = vmxSetObjectVisibility(object_handle, visibility, change_to_time, recursive_bool) res_bool = vmxIsValidHandle(object_handle) res_bool = vmxOutputDebugMessage(message_string) res_bool = vmxSendMessage(message_string) res_string = vmxFindFileInSearchPath(filename_string) res_bool = vmxFireActionPost(action_handle) res_handle = vmxFindObject2(expression_string, container_name_string) res_handle = vmxFindChild(parent_handle, child_name_string, recursive_bool) res_handle = vmxCheckInterference(object_1_handle, object_2_handle) res_bool,value_double = vmxGetRegister(index_num) V4M-NAV 52 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual res_bool = vmxSetRegister(index, value_double) res_bool,x_float,y_float,z_float = vmxGetParentTranslation(object_handle) res_bool = vmxSetParentTranslation(object_handle, x_float, y_float, z_float) res_bool,x_float,y_float,z_float = vmxGetWorldRotation(object_handle) res_bool = vmxSetWorldRotation(object_handle, x_float, y_float, z_float) res_bool,x_float,y_float,z_float = vmxGetWorldTranslation(object_handle) res_bool = vmxSetWorldTranslation(object_handle, x_float, y_float, z_float) res_bool = vmxDestroyContainer(container_handle) res_handle = vmxCreateContainer(container_name_string) res_handle = vmxGetContainerHandle(container_name_string) res_num = vmxGetContainerItemCount(container_handle) res_handle = vmxGetContainerItem(container_handle, index_num) res_bool = vmxAddToContainer(container_handle, object_handle, recursive_bool) res_bool = vmxRemoveFromContainer(container_handle, object_handle, recursive_bool) res_bool = vmxAddToSelection(object_handle, recursive_bool) res_handle = vmxGetLastSelected() res_bool = vmxClearSelection() res_handle = vmxGetMovatarHandle() res_handle = vmxGetBodyCamHandle() … Because of architectural change, some of these methods are going to change in the next release. There is no guarantee that the signatures, the method-names, or the methods themselves will stay the same in the next release. Currently no property with the type Signed or Unsigned 64-bit Integer can be accessed from LUA. This will be resolved in the future. Information about the methods can be found in the documents “Behavior reference manual” and “Reference manual”. Note that many methods are not exported to LUA, including message handling, tags, graph iterating, and name searching methods which are not fully exported. For the exported methods, the general signature to use in LUA is that the input parameters are passed as method-parameters to the method, but the method-returned-value and the output-parameters are both returned as method-retuned-values. For example for the following method: bool vmxGetName(vmxHandle handle, const char** name) in LUA it can be called and used in the following way: res_bool,object_name_string = vmxGetName(object_handle) In the above LUA-command, res_bool will contain the method-retuned-value (whether the operation is successful or not) and if the operation was successful object_name_string will contain the name of the object whose handle is object_handle. Here, the parameter object_name_string is an output parameter. There are two methods that are available only in LUA. The method vmxFindFileInSearchPath returns the full path to the mentioned filename by searching in search-paths. This method takes one input which is the filename. The method vmxFindObject2 works like its counterpart not-exported API-method, called vmxFindObject, with the difference that the input parameter check_type is assumed to be false. Therefore it takes only two input parameters namely expression and container-name. As a rule of thumb, every call to an exported method takes about half a millisecond on average. Therefore it makes sense to call the batch-like methods as much as possible to increase the performance of the whole simulation. For example to perform an operation on a number of objects one can create a container or a selection-set. Some operations can be performed on containers and selection-sets. Consult the document “VR4MAX Behavior reference manual” for those operations. V4M-NAV 53 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual The method vmxOutputDebugMessage provides a convenient way to debug. It displays the given message inside 3DView window. Moreover when the given LUA-command contains syntax errors the syntax error is displayed as a debug message in the 3DView window. 8.8.4 Examples Here we present four samples that show how we can use LUA with VR4MAX. 1- A simple example: The following function takes the name of an object and toggles its visibility. The function-call can be placed in the startup script. Then in a System-Call-Action helper we can set the property System call to lua toggle_visibility(“Wand”). function toggle_visibility(name) local object_handle = vmxGetObjectHandle(name) if (vmxIsValidHandle(object_handle)) then local cur_visiblity = vmxGetPropBool2(object_handle,"Visible") if (cur_visiblity ==true) then vmxSetObjectVisibility(object_handle, 0.0, 0.0, false) else vmxSetObjectVisibility(object_handle, 1.0, 0.0, false) end else vmxOutputDebugMessage("Could not find the object "..name) end end 2- Another simple example: The function display_names displays the name of all objects in the scene and it indents the names according to the depth in the objects-tree. Pay special attention to the local variables. The control variable in a for-loop is a local variable by definition. Note that we have passed the function, display, which is called for all nodes as an input parameter to the function iterate_objects. This way we can develop other functions with the same function iterate_objects. Clearly we can also put a filter in the function display to do something only if the object is of a specific type. function iterate_objects(node, level, fn) fn(level, node) local child_count = vmxGetChildCount(node) for i=0,child_count-1 do local child_handle = vmxGetChild(node,i) iterate_objects(child_handle, level+1, fn) end end function display(level, node) local str="" for i=0,level do str = str.." " end vmxOutputDebugMessage( str..vmxGetName2(node) ) end function display_names() V4M-NAV 54 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual iterate_objects(vmxGetRootHandle(),0, display) end 3- Going multi-threaded: The following script uses the library LANES to define the function bring_up_gui that executes the function separate_thread in a different thread. The function separate_thread executes the script file “register.lua” which is listed in the next example. Threads can communicate with each other in a number of ways, including registers and object-properties and LINDAS. Here, the register with index zero is used to indicate whether the previous created thread is still running or not. When its value is one, then the previous created thread is running. require "lanes" local function separate_thread() local file=vmxFindFileInSearchPath("register.lua") vmxOutputDebugMessage("Executing script "..file) dofile(file) vmxOutputDebugMessage("Finished with the script") vmxSetRegister(0,0) end function bring_up_gui() if (vmxGetRegister2(0) == 1) then vmxOutputDebugMessage("Thread is already running") return end vmxOutputDebugMessage("Starting new thread") vmxSetRegister(0,1) local h3= lanes.gen("*",{ globals = _G }, separate_thread)() end 4- Graphical User Interface: The following script uses the library IUP to display a dialog in which three registers are monitored. This script should run in a different thread for which we use the previous script (that needs the library LANES). The number of registers, the registers indices, and the names are defined in the first lines and can be changed. require( "iuplua" ) num = 3 –- the number of registers to be monitored regs = {1,2,3} –- the indices of registers to be monitored names = {"Alfa","Beta","Gamma"} –- user friendly names for the registers timer1 = iup.timer{time=100} function timer1:action_cb() V4M-NAV 55 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual for i=1,num do h[i][3].title = tostring(vmxGetRegister2(regs[i])) –- update value end return iup.DEFAULT end function create_dialog(n, name, reg) h = {} local v=iup.vbox{}; for i=1,n do h[i] = iup.hbox{ iup.label{title=name[i]; size="40x"}, -- label for name iup.label{title=tostring(reg[i]); size="25x"}, -- label for index iup.label{title="val.."; size="85x"} -- label for value } iup.Append(v,h[i]) end local dg = iup.dialog{v; title="Registers monitor"; size="100x100"} dg:show() end vmxOutputDebugMessage("Creating registers dialog...") create_dialog(num, names, regs) timer1.run = "YES" if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() vmxOutputDebugMessage("Registers dialog exited...") end V4M-NAV 56 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 9. INSERTING MODELS AND XREFS The VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports the insertion of the contents of external VR4MAX models is licensed extra file formats directly or by adding XRefs. If the Advanced Option Converter can be used to insert in the scene. 9.1 The Insert menu The Insert menu of VR4MAX Navigator Pro contains commands to manage model and XRef insertion. 39. Insert Menu 9.1.1 Model Insertion Inserting an external VR4MAX model will result into copying all objects of the external VR4MAX model file directly into the current model. The objects will be inserted as children of the single selected object (of the current VR4MAX model). The inserted objects will be placed as children of the root object in the case no objects are selected or when more than one object have been selected in the current VR4MAX model. Model… Opens the file selection dialog to select the external VR4MAX model. Keep Model Root This option can be used to indicate if the root object of the inserted model needs to be copied as well. When enabled the root object (and all its children) will be inserted as well into the current model. When disabled only the children of the root object will be inserted. 9.1.2 XRef Insertion In comparison to Model Insertion inserting an XRef will not copy all objects into the current VR4MAX model but will add a reference to the external VR4MAX model file only. Whenever the contents of the referenced VR4MAX model has been changed a simple reload of the XRef will update its presentation in the 3D View window. XRef… Opens the file selection dialog to select the external VR4MAX model. V4M-NAV 57 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 10. MANAGING SESSIONS The VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports the creation and use of so called sessions. A session is a recording of everything that takes place in the 3D View window. Several sessions can be stored in the VR4MAX model and can be used for playback at a later time or as a base for rendering an animation. NOTE/WARNING: The actual creation of AVI files strongly depends on your windows installation and third party software installed on your machine. Please note that for instance some (versions of) certain codecs have proven to be unstable resulting in unexpected failure or even crashed (directly or on exit) of any software that uses them. 10.1 The Sessions menu The Sessions menu of VR4MAX Navigator Pro contains commands to manage model Session creation and playback. 40. Sessions Menu 10.1.1 Session Creation It is possible to have multiple sessions for one model, for recording a session a “current” session is necessary. When no sessions are created yet there is no “current” session so start with creating a session. Create Opens the Create Session dialog which can be used to create the session and give it a logical name. V4M-NAV 58 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 41. The Create Session dialog 10.1.2 Session Recording and Playing When a session is created a recording can be made, during recording restore points can be added. The session can be replayed after recording and there is the possibility to jump directly to situations stored in a restore point. Record This function will activate session recording. If there is a restore point, recording starts from the current restore point. Add restore point This function will add a restore point to the current session recording Play This function will playback the current session. Pause This function will pause the current session. Stop This function will stop the current session recording or session playback. Go to the first restore point Load the first restore point of the current session. Go to the last restore point Load the last restore point of the current session. Go to previous restore point Jump to previous restore point. Go to next restore point Jump to next restore point. If the Lock Navigation During Playback toggle is selected the you can’t navigator during the playback of a session and the avatar will follow the recorded flight path. 10.1.3 Selecting Sessions Whenever you wish to playback or render a previous recorded session you will need to select it first as the ‘current’ session. V4M-NAV 59 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Session Selection… This will open the Session Selection dialog. SESSION SELECTION DIALOG 42. The Session Selection dialog On the left side of the Session Selection dialog all sessions in your model are listed. The currently selected session is highlighted. You can use this list to select the session you are interested in. At the right side of Session Selection dialog the session related commands are positioned: Create… Opens the Create Session dialog which can be used to create the session and give it a logical name (see paragraph 10.1.1). Rename… Opens the Rename Session dialog which can be used to change name of the selected session. 43. The Rename Session dialog Delete Deletes the selected session from your model. VR4MAX Navigator Pro will ask for your confirmation on this before actual deleting them. Select Makes the selected session the ‘current’ session of your model. V4M-NAV 60 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual R. Points… Opens the Restore Points dialog which can be used to rename, delete and select restore points 44. The Restor Points dialog 10.1.4 Session Import/Export Sessions are stored in the model but if necessary sessions and session sets can also be saved in a session file (.ses). Import Session The file selection dialog is opened to select a session file. The session saved in the selected file will be loaded as current session. Import Session List The file selection dialog is opened to select a session file. The session list saved in the selected file will be loaded as session list. Export Session As The file selection dialog is opened to export a session file. The current session will be saved in the exported file. Export Session List As The file selection dialog is opened to export a session file. All sessions of the current model will be saved in the exported file. NOTE: Working with imported sessions is only possible in the model where the sessions are recorded in. Even using a resaved version of the same model can be problematic in sessions playback. V4M-NAV 61 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11. NAVIGATING IN THE 3D WORLD The VR4MAX Navigator Pro user interface is designed to be intuitive in use, and provides easy access to all navigation functionality allowing you to fully control the position and orientation of the 3D View. VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports the following in- and output devices: Keyboard 2 and 3 button 2D mouse devices Generic joysticks Generic steering wheel StereoGraphics's Crystal Eyes 3Dconnexion’s SpaceMouse, SpaceBall, CadMan, and PuckMan 11.1 Navigation modes VR4MAX Navigator Pro defines two navigation modes: Fly Mode Set the navigation mode to Fly, and VR4MAX Navigator Pro enables you to use the mouse or one of the other navigation controls to move yourself freely and look around. Orbit Mode Set the navigation mode to Orbit, and VR4MAX Navigator Pro enables you to use the mouse or one of the other navigation controls to move yourself by rotating the 3D View around the current orbit center. The orbit center is the position you clicked on to make last object selection. The View menu contains an option that allows the orbit point to be visible in the 3D View window (see paragraph 8.5.9). 11.2 Navigating using the mouse, keyboard, or other devices VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides several default bindings for navigation using the mouse, keyboard, steering wheel, gamepad or the joystick: Mouse navigation Joystick navigation Keyboard navigation Keyboard & Mouse navigation Keyboard & Mouse ‘First Person Shooter’ navigation SpaceMouse navigation Wheel navigation Logitech gamepad with and without throttle Cereal box NOTE: The names are primarily chosen for functional separation, and are based on how the primary movement in the virtual world is controlled. All bindings use the keyboard to support the primary navigation device. V4M-NAV 62 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11.2.1 Mouse navigation When switched to Mouse navigation you can navigate through your model using the following controls: Category Description Mouse Rotate Rotate left (z to x) Mouse x (to left) + RMB Rotate right (z to –x) Mouse x (to right) + RMB Rotate up (z to –y) Shift + Mouse y (towards user) + RMB Rotate down (z to y) Shift + Mouse y (away from user) + RMB Translate left (-x) Mouse x (to left) + LMB + RMB Translate right (+x) Mouse x (to right) + LMB + RMB Translate up (+y) Mouse y (away from user) + LMB + RMB Translate down (-y) Mouse y (towards user) + LMB + RMB Increase speed Mouse y (away from user) + RMB Decrease speed Mouse y (towards user) + RMB Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit LMB=Left Mouse Button, RMB=Right Mouse Button NOTE: In order to enable translation in Orbit Mode press Shift. 11.2.2 Joystick navigation When switched to Joystick navigation you can navigate through your model using the following controls: Category Description Joystick (no button) Rotate Rotate left (z to x) Joystick x (to left) Rotate right (z to –x) Joystick x (to right) Rotate up (z to –y) Joystick y (towards user) Rotate down (z to y) Joystick y (away from user) Translate left (-x) LEFT Translate right (+x) RIGHT Translate up (+y) Shift UP Translate down (-y) Shift DOWN Increase speed UP Decrease speed DOWN Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit V4M-NAV 63 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual When switched to Joystick navigation and you Button 1 on your joystick switches, the joystick controls to the following state: Category Description Joystick (Button1) Rotate Rotate left (z to x) Joystick x (to left) Rotate right (z to –x) Joystick x (to right) Rotate up (z to –y) UP Rotate down (z to y) DOWN Translate left (-x) Shift LEFT Translate right (+x) Shift RIGHT Translate up (+y) Shift UP Translate down (-y) Shift DOWN Increase speed Joystick y (away from user) Decrease speed Joystick y (towards user) Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit When applying Joystick navigation and you Button 2 on your joystick switches, the joystick controls to the following state: Category Description Joystick (Button2) Rotate Rotate left (z to x) Joystick x (to left) Rotate right (z to –x) Joystick x (to right) Rotate up (z to –y) UP Rotate down (z to y) DOWN Translate left (-x) Shift LEFT Translate right (+x) Shift RIGHT Translate up (+y) Shift UP Translate down (-y) Shift DOWN Increase speed Joystick y (away from user) Decrease speed Joystick y (towards user) Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit V4M-NAV 64 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11.2.3 Keyboard navigation When switched to Keyboard navigation you can navigate through your model using the following controls: Category Description Keyboard Rotate Rotate left (z to x) LEFT Rotate right (z to –x) RIGHT Rotate up (z to –y) UP Rotate down (z to y) DOWN Translate left (-x) Shift LEFT Translate right (+x) Shift RIGHT Translate up (+y) Shift UP Translate down (-y) Shift DOWN Increase speed ‘A’-Key Decrease speed ‘Z’-Key Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit 11.2.4 Keyboard and Mouse navigation When switched to Keyboard and mouse navigation you can navigate through your model using the following controls: Category Description Keyboard And Mouse Rotate Rotate left (z to x) Mouse x (to left) + RMB Rotate right (z to –x) Mouse x (to right) + RMB Rotate up (z to –y) Mouse y (towards user) + RMB Rotate down (z to y) Mouse y (away from user) + RMB Translate left (-x) LEFT Translate right (+x) RIGHT Translate up (+y) Shift UP Translate down (-y) Shift DOWN Increase speed UP Decrease speed DOWN Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit RMB=Right Mouse Button V4M-NAV 65 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11.2.5 Keyboard and Mouse ‘first person shooter’ navigation This method of navigating through a VMX scene should feel familiar to people who are used to playing interactive games on a PC. In this method the avatar orientation is directly linked to the movement of the mouse. When scene interaction is required the user needs to press the right mouse button to stop navigating. This enables interaction with the scene and the user interface. To continue navigation RMB needs to be pressed again. This method works similar to an FPS game when terrain following is turned on but also works with terrain following off. When switched to Keyboard and mouse fps navigation you can navigate through your model using the following controls: Category Description Keyboard And Mouse Rotate Rotate left (z to x) Mouse x (to left) Rotate right (z to –x) Mouse x (to right) Rotate up (z to –y) Mouse y (towards user) Rotate down (z to y) Mouse y (away from user) Translate left (-x) A OR LEFT Translate right (+x) D OR RIGHT Translate up (+y) W + SHIFT OR UP + SHIFT Translate down (-y) S + SHIFTOR DOWN + SHIFT Move forward W OR UP Move backward S OR DOWN Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit 11.2.6 SpaceMouse navigation When switched to SpaceMouse navigation you control three-dimensional movements by maneuvering the SpaceMouse spring-mounted cap. Similar to the SpaceBall, slight finger pressure on the cap will control the position of the 3D View in up to 6 degrees of freedom (X, Y, Z, pitch, and yaw movement) simultaneously. VR4MAX Navigator Pro will automatically adjust the rotation about the y axis (roll) to prevent you from flying upside down. 45. The six degrees of freedom provided by the SpaceMouse V4M-NAV 66 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual With the SpaceBall you are able to intuitively move through your 3D model. Simply rest your wrist on the base of the device and place your fingers gently on the ball. The ball senses pressure you apply to it - pushes, pulls, twists - and uses that information to correspondingly move the 3D View and updates the 3D View window accordingly. Pushing and pulling the ball will translate the 3D View. Push to the left or right and you will move in the corresponding direction (X translation). Pull up or push down on the ball, and you will move up or down in your model (Y translation). Push the ball away from you or towards you and your model will move away or towards you (Z translation). Similarly, to rotate, simply twist the ball in any direction to rotate the 3D View about the X or Y axis (pitch, yaw). VR4MAX Navigator Pro will automatically adjust the rotation about the y axis (roll) to prevent you from flying upside down. By combining all movements you will get a complete six degrees of freedom control while navigating through you 3D model. 46. The six degrees of freedom provided by the SpaceBall Apart from direction, the SpaceBall sensors are sensitive to how hard you push, pull or rotate the ball. This allows you to control the speed of movement (velocity) with the amount of pressure you apply. Apply a light touch to move your models slowly and accurately, apply more pressure to increase the speed of movement. 11.2.7 Wheel navigation When switched to Wheel navigation you can navigate through your model using the following controls: Category Description Keyboard And Mouse Rotate Rotate left (z to x) Steering wheel (to left) or LEFT Rotate right (z to –x) Steering wheel (to right) or RIGHT Rotate up (z to –y) UP Rotate down (z to y) DOWN Translate left (-x) Shift LEFT Translate right (+x) Shift RIGHT Translate up (+y) Shift UP Translate down (-y) Shift DOWN Increase speed Right pedal Decrease speed Left pedal Temporarily switch to orbit mode SPACE Translate Speed control Fly / Orbit V4M-NAV 67 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11.3 The Navigate menu The Navigation menu provides access to several commands that can help you navigate in the 3D world. 47. The Navigate menu 11.3.1 Selecting between Fly and Orbit mode The following options are mutually exclusive: Fly Mode Switches navigation to Fly mode. Orbit Mode Switches navigation to Orbit mode. 11.3.2 Move 3D View or Animated Object VR4MAX Navigator Pro enables you to switch input control between moving the 3D View and moving an animated object. The following options are mutually exclusive: Move Body Selecting this option input control will be used for moving the 3D View (your virtual body) in the model. Move Animated Object When selected this option will ensure input control is used for moving animated objects. Note that a selected animated object will not be moved around but the control will move the time slider for this animation back and forth. V4M-NAV 68 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11.3.3 Attaching the 3D View to an object Attaching to the selected object allows you to follow the same animation path as the object you linked to and still have the freedom to move relative to this object: Attach To Object Attaches the 3D View to the single selected object. When you attach to a camera the 3D View window is automatically matched to this camera. This way animated cameras offer you a predefined flying path through your model. Attach Position Only Attaches the 3D View to the single selected object. When you attach to an animated object you only attached to its position not to its rotation. Attach Roll Attaches the 3D View to the single selected object. When you attached to an animated camera the 3D View window is automatically matched to this camera and will follow the roll of the camera. 11.3.4 Aligning to horizon and flying constraints VR4MAX Navigator Provides several options in order to help you to find your way whenever you have lost track of the orientation of the 3D View. Some options can even help to prevent you from loosing your orientation in the first place: Align To Horizon Adjusts the orientation of the 3D View so that it is aligned with the horizon. 11.3.5 Fly To… The Fly To options help you fly to a position where you can see all (selected) objects in the 3D View window: Fly To Selected Adjusts the position and orientation of the 3D View so that the objects selected in the active window fill the 3D View window. If no objects are selected this command will act the same as Fly To All. Fly To All Adjusts the position and orientation of the 3D View so that all (not hidden) objects are visible in the 3D View window. Fly To Elevation Adjusts the position and orientation of the 3D View to get a specific elevation or isometric view on the selected objects. When no objects are selected the view will show all (not hidden) objects in the model: Front Gets a front view (X/Z plane). Back Gets a back view (-X/Z plane). Left Gets a left-hand side view (-Y/Z plane). Right Gets a right-hand side view (Y/Z plane). Top Gets a top view (X/Y plane). V4M-NAV 69 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Bottom Gets a bottom view (X/-Y plane). Isometric Gets an isometric view (view from X/-Y/Z quadrant). 11.3.6 Navigation Guides VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides the following functions to help you control your height and prevents you from flying through objects: 48. Navigation Guides Hover And Fix Height Lock This option locks Hover and Fix Height settings (see below). This setting will be included when a model is published to .exe. In combination with model protection (see paragraph 3.1.3) these settings will also be locked for unauthorized users when loaded in VR4MAX Navigator Pro. Hover This constraint keeps the 3D View aligned to the horizon in all situations and prevents you from looking up and down. Fix Height When enabled the 3D View is fixed to the current height so you will only fly horizontally without moving up and down, even when you are looking up and down while moving. This can be a first step in helping you from accidentally flying to the floor or ceiling. This can for example be helpful when you are flying in a building and you want to inspect a single floor. Terrain Following Lock This option locks Terrain Following settings (see below). This setting will be included when a model is published to .exe. In combination with model protection (see paragraph 3.1.3) these settings will also be locked for unauthorized users when loaded in VR4MAX Navigator Pro. Terrain Following This will turn on terrain following. When terrain following is activated VR4MAX Navigator Pro takes full control over your flying height. The advanced terrain following algorithm will continuously monitor the terrain below you and keep you at a constant height relative to this terrain. The Navigation Options dialog allows you to define a fixed height to be used by the Terrain Following mechanism instead of the height of the 3D View on activation (see paragraph 0). Terrain Objects Only This option decides whether the terrain following algorithm, when looking for the terrain below you, should inspect all geometry in your model or just the ‘terrain only’ objects that were V4M-NAV 70 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual marked during the creation of your model. In many occasions using terrain only objects will improve the performance of the terrain following algorithm in a positive way resulting in more frames per second because VR4MAX Navigator Pro does not have to take all geometry in your model into account. Show Terrain Objects Turns the wireframe display of terrain objects in the 3D View window on or off. Deflection Lock This option locks Deflection settings (see below). This setting will be included when a model is published to .exe. In combination with model protection (see paragraph 3.1.3) these settings will also be locked for unauthorized users when loaded in VR4MAX Navigator Pro. Deflection This will turn on the deflection mechanism. When deflection is activated you are not allowed to fly through the geometry in your design. The deflection algorithm used by VR4MAX Navigator Pro uses the deflection radius value (Located in the navigation options menu.) and the current field of view to determine the number of checks per second it must make to ensure you will not be able to fly through the geometry. Please note that if the deflection radius is very small and your flying speed is very high this may affect the performance of VR4MAX Navigator Pro. You are advised to keep the deflection radius as large as possible and fly at low speed when using deflection in order to maintain an optimal performance in terms of frames per second. Deflection Objects Only Similar to using ‘terrain only’ following objects you can switch over to ‘deflection only’ objects. Instead of having to take all geometry in your model into account VR4MAX Navigator Pro can concentrate on only the objects that where marked during the creation of your model. In general this will result in a better performance. Keep in mind that you can fly through surfaces in the direction of the surface normal. When creating deflection surfaces always use ‘single sided’ materials and viewport settings. Show Deflection Objects Turns the wireframe display of deflection objects in the 3D View window on or off. 11.3.7 Navigation options The following options activate navigation supporting dialogs: Navigation Options… Opens the Navigation Options dialog. NAVIGATION OPTIONS DIALOG The settings in the Navigation Options dialog affect the navigation speed while moving in your model. Flying speed: By adjusting the flying speed you control how fast the 3D View is able to move through the 3D world. V4M-NAV 71 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 49. The Navigation Options dialog : Flying Speed Speed Selects the (maximal) flying speed. You can select the units in which the flying speed is specified from the combo box: units/h, units/s, km/h, m/s, miles/h. In case of units/h or units/s the units refer to the model units as displayed next to the combo box. The flying speed settings will be stored with your model. Turning speed: By adjusting the flying speed you control how fast the 3D View is able to rotate in the 3D world. 50. The Navigation Options dialog : Turning Speed Speed Selects the (maximal) rotation speed. You can select the units in which the rotation speed is specified from the combo box: deg/s or rad/s. The rotation speed settings will be stored with your model. Terrain Following: The Terrain Following mechanism (see paragraph 0) can keep the 3D View at a constant height from the geometry below using one of two methods. The first method keeps the 3D View at the relative height it was when the Terrain Following mechanism was activated, The second method keeps the 3D View at a predefined height relative to the geometry below. V4M-NAV 72 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 51. The Navigation Options dialog : Terrain Following Fixed Height Defines the height to be used when the Fixed Height method for Terrain Following is selected (see below). Use fixed height Indicates which of the two Terrain Following mechanisms (see above) is to be activated. Enabling this option will enforce the use of the fixed height. When disabled the relative height of the 3D View at startup of the mechanism is used. Maximum step size The Maximum Step Size defines the maximum distance in height the Terrain Following mechanism will follow. When the mechanism detects a transition in height which is larger than this value it will refuse to cross the detected border. Deflection: The Deflection mechanism uses a virtual sphere around the location of the 3D View to determine if there is a collision with any of the model objects. 52. The Navigation Options dialog : Deflection Deflection Radius Defines the radius of the virtual sphere used by the Deflection mechanism. V4M-NAV 73 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11.3.8 Precision Body Control Precision Body Control… Opens the Precision Body Control dialog. THE PRECISION BODY CONTROL DIALOG The Precision Body Control dialog provides you with numerical translation- and rotation controls for precise control over the position and orientation of the 3D View. 53. The Precision Body Control dialog Position The Precision Body Control dialog gives you precise control over the position of the 3D View by allowing you to specify the exact coordinates of your position. When you change these values the 3D View window will be updated accordingly. Orientation The Precision Body Control dialog gives you control over the orientation of the 3D View by allowing you to specify the exact rotation about the Y axis (Yaw) and X axis (Pitch). When you change these values the 3D View window will be updated accordingly. Using the memory functions Similar to a pocket calculator the Precision Body Control dialog provides a memory function you can use to store the current position and orientation into: MS >> (Memory Store) This function stores your current position and orientation into the memory. The column next to the editable fields displays the current memory values. << MR (Memory Read) Press this button if you want to change your current position and orientation to the values stored in memory. The 3D View window will be updated accordingly. V4M-NAV 74 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Spinner Control Step Size When specifying the position and orientation you can press the up and down arrows in the spin controls in each input field in the Precision Body Control dialog. These step sizes can be adjusted to match to your specific needs. By pressing the Step Size button on the bottom of the Precision Body Control dialog the Spinner Control Step Size dialog will be activated. 54. Spinner Control Step Size dialog You can use the following step sizes to specify what effect the spin controls in this dialog will have on the presented floating-point values: Position This is the exact value that will be added or subtracted from the floating-point numbers specifying the position of the 3D View. Orientation This is the exact value that will be added or subtracted from the floating-point numbers specifying the orientation of the 3D View. 11.3.9 Device options Device Options… Opens the Device Options dialog. THE DEVICE OPTIONS DIALOG Using the Device Options dialog you are able to specify how you want to navigate in the 3D world. V4M-NAV 75 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 55. The Device Options dialog The dialog contains the following options: Overrule device settings stored in scene By default the device options stored in the scene are used. When you select this option you can overrule the device options stored in the model with your own settings that in addition will be stored in your personal registry section. Navigation Device Selects the device you want to use for navigation: None SpaceMouse Mouse Wheel Joystick Cereal box Keyboard Logitech wingman pad Keyboard and Mouse Alt Joystick Head tracking Selects the Head tracking device you wish to use: None Intersense Polhemus FASTRACK TrackD Vio HMD Emagin Vuzix iWear VR920* * To setup the tracking device Vuzix iWear properly, first you should use the “Calibrator” software installed with Vuzix software. After calibrating the device, activate the tracker in “Device Options”. If necessary, you can choose proper smoothing-settings for noise filtering which makes the tracker more stable. To do that, consider the next section on “Device Configurator” (Section 11.3.10). Go to the tam “Head Tracking”. You will find the smoothing properties by pressing the button “Advanced”. This should be done for every axis which needs filtering. Advised are the categories for “Head orientation yaw”, “Head orientation pitch”, and “Head orientation roll”. Head mounted display When false the head tracking changes the perspective in the rendered view depending on the direction you are looking at and the direction you are looking at is determined in the real world. When true the head tracking changes the direction the Avatar is looking at in the 3D virtual world. V4M-NAV 76 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Move in viewing direction Can be used when using a head mounted display to move through the model in the viewing direction when moving forwards instead of moving forwards relative to the avatar. Invert Fly Mode Pitch Select this option if you want to invert the vertical rotation direction in fly mode. Invert Orbit Mode Pitch Select this option if you want to invert the vertical rotation direction in orbit mode. 3Dconnexion support The SpaceMouse navigation device allows VR4MAX Navigator Pro to support all 3Dconnexion’s SpaceBall and SpaceMouse- derived products. Simply select the SpaceMouse device in the Device Options dialog if you want to use a SpaceMouse, SpaceBall, CadMan, or PuckMan device. NOTE: Do not forget to install the unified Windows driver (3DxWare) for both serial and USB SpaceBall and SpaceMouse- derived products before switching to SpaceMouse support in VR4MAX Navigator Pro. The unified Windows driver for these products will allow VR4MAX Navigator Pro to support the following devices: SpaceMouse Classic (serial) SpaceMouse Plus (serial & USB) SpaceMouse Plus XT (serial & USB) PuckMan (serial & USB) CadMan (USB) Spaceball 4000 FLX, FLX PnP (serial and USB) Spaceball 3003 A, B, & C (serial) Spaceball 2003 A, B, & C (serial) If you want VR4MAX Navigator Pro to support SpaceMouse only it will be sufficient to install an up-to-date Magellan/SpaceMouse driver. Please visit http://www.3dconnexion.com for the latest information and drivers. 11.3.10 Device Configurator The Device Configurator provides a more flexible way to set up your control device. It allows you to assign any axis or button to any navigational command. Furthermore it provides the tools needed to set up hand and head tracking. Device Configurator… Opens the Device Configurator dialog THE DEVICE CONFIGURATOR DIALOG The Device Configurator dialog offers three distinct functions: Categories and Commands are used to choose the command in a specific category of which you want to adjust or add a combination. The category is located in the top left of the dialog. The commands are on the left and the combinations are in the middle right. Assigned combinations interface is used to manage the combinations assigned to the current command. Also you can create new combinations of buttons and axes. This interface is located in the bottom right. V4M-NAV 77 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Open and Save As allow you to save a complete user defined set up in to a human readable text file and reload it at any time. 56. The Device Configurator dialog Categories and Commands: The interface for selecting the category and the command in that category consist of a dropdown list for the category and a list for the commands in that category. V4M-NAV 78 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 57. Categories and commands The following categories are available: Navigation The Navigation category contains all the commands that are use to move or look around in the 3D View. Transform & select This category contains all the commands that concern selection en transformation. Head tracking The Head tracking category provides the commands to define the head tracking device. Left hand tracking The Left hand tracking category provides the commands to assign a control device to the left hand of the avatar. Right hand tracking The Right hand tracking category provides the commands to assign a control device to the right hand of the avatar. View settings The View settings category provides the command to assign a control device to control the Field of View (FOV) of the avatar. Tracker calibration: Most trackers will have their own calibration and bore sighting tools available. However, in VR4MAX there is a custom calibration system, which can be used to calibrate your tracker in a virtual model, such that the initial rotation of the tracker sensor is irrelevant to the rest of the tracker process. The functions necessary, can be found in the Head tracking category. For example, consider a custom HMD with a tracker mounted somewhere in the head mount, with a possibly unknown rotation. V4M-NAV 79 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Head mounted display We can calibrate this HMD by using a two step procedure: 1) Position the tracker horizontal and towards the screen. In our example, place the HMD on your head and look straight ahead towards the monitor or screen. Then apply the Calibration step one command. 2) Now pitch the tracker slightly, or in our example, simply look upwards and apply the Calibration step two command. From now on in this scene, the tracker will work relative to its initial position. If for some reason the calibration was unsuccessful, you can reset the calibration by calling the Reset calibration command and start again with the first step. The Set heading command saves the current heading of the camera in the model. When Reset heading is applied, the camera returns to this heading in the model and regards the current rotation of the tracker as its new starting situation. Set boresight sets the boresight of a tracker. Clear boresight removes the stored boresight information. NOTE: Currently only implemented for the Intersense InertiaCube 2 and 3. Contact Tree-C Technology for more information. How to assign commands to buttons or key presses is described in the next sections of this manual. V4M-NAV 80 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Assigned Combinations menu: To change the assigned combination of a command you first need to select the correct category. For example when you would like to add the ‘A’ button for turning left you need to choose the category Navigation. The commands for this category will then be displayed in the list on the left. Then choose the command Turn left from the list. The assigned combinations to this command will then be displayed on the right. You can now choose an existing combination and edit or remove it. There are more than one ways to enter a new combination. These are explained in the next paragraph. After you changed or added what you wanted you may save the configuration if you like. When you are done you can exit the dialog using the OK button. The cancel button will restore the configuration to how it was when the dialog was opened. Combinations interface: The combinations interface is used for adding, removing and editing combinations for the command that is current selected. 58. The combinations interface The list displays the list of combinations currently assigned to the selected command. The selected combination is highlighted and is also displayed in the text box in the lower part of the interface. Removing a combination To removing a combination select the combination and then click Remove. Editing an existing combination The Advanced button opens the property dialog of the selected combination. V4M-NAV 81 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 59. Properties of a combination Using the properties dialog you can change the properties of a combination. When you click on the name of a property a description will be displayed in the lower part of the dialog. Detecting new devices If you have connected a device after starting the application the device is not yet detected and it cannot be used in a combination. The application detects all new devices when the Detect new devices button is clicked. This process may take a while. Assigning a new combination Assigning a new combination can be done in three different ways. Text and assign button. You can manually enter a new combination in the text box. When you have entered the desired combination just press Assign to add it to the list. Enter shortcut. When the Enter shortcut button is pressed a dialog appears asking you to press a key. You can combine the Control, Alt and Shift key with any other keyboard button. When a key other then the Control, Alt and Shift key is pressed the dialog closes and adds the new key combination to the list of assigned combinations. Enter combination. The Enter combination button opens the Device Compiler dialog which contains a list of the detected devices and their buttons and axes. You can choose a combination from these lists and assign it. The dialog will then automatically close. Device Compiler The Device Compiler makes it possible to select a device from a list a make a combination of its buttons and axes. V4M-NAV 82 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 60. The Device Compiler dialog. On the left a list of detected devices is displayed. If more then one device of the same type is detected a number is added to make sure they have distinct names. On the right the buttons and axes of the selected device are displayed. You can select multiple items from this list. After selecting the desired items you can combine them into a new combination by clicking OK. The Detect new devices button allows you to detect any new devices not yet displayed in the list. Please be warned, the detection process may take a while. You can also auto detect a combination. Just click the Auto detect combination checkbox and move an axis of a device or press a button. When a button of a device is released or an axis of a device is fully moved the detected combination is automatically selected. You can then choose to accept it and assign it to the current command using the OK button. Avatar representation: With this option you can load a VMX file that represents your avatar in a shared 3D world on other clients. This is only available when the Conferencing option is active. Load Avatar Representation… The file selection dialog is opened to select a vmx file to use as avatar. Unload Avatar Representation Unloads the avatar representation. NOTE: See chapter 19 for more information on VR4MAX Conferencing. V4M-NAV 83 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 12. ADDING A VIRTUAL ATMOSPHERE TO YOUR SIMULATION The Atmosphere menu allows you to add a highly realistic sky including celestial bodies, 3D volumetric clouds, precipitation effects, wind effects, and physically realistic outdoor lighting to the VR4MAX virtual environment for any time of day at any location on earth. 12.1 About the virtual atmosphere The functionality provided by the Atmosphere menu can be grouped into two categories: • Sky and lighting • Weather conditions 12.1.1 Sky and lighting The virtual atmosphere provides the following features grouped under sky and lighting: • Sky: Render a highly realistic sky including celestial bodies (sun, moon, stars and planets). • Localized lighting: Accurately computed base lighting conditions and positions of celestial bodies for any time of day and at any location on earth. • Advanced lighting: Provide physically realistic outdoor lighting influencing and influenced by atmospheric conditions, clouds and precipitation effects. 61. Sky and lighting in action 12.1.2 Weather conditions The virtual atmosphere provides weather conditions featuring clouds, precipitation and wind. Clouds The clouds added by the virtual atmosphere are realistic 3D volumetric clouds that may be flown around and through with accurate effects and lighting. The clouds are procedurally generated meaning that instead of seeing copies of the same clouds over and over again, every cloud is different, every time it is added to a scene. This leads to enhanced realism. In real life cloud layers are always finite which means they have a specific position above earth and finite dimensions. The virtual atmosphere introduces the concept of infinite cloud layers to allow the user to add all the Atmosphere features to a simulation without worrying about the exact position and size of the individual cloud layers over time. The size and location of infinite cloud layers will be determined by the system and the cloud layers stay centered at the camera position. Individual clouds within a cloud layer will wrap across the layer to prevent disappearing clouds as the wind blows them away, or as the camera moves. V4M-NAV 84 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual The virtual atmosphere supports the following cloud types: • Cirrus (Abbreviation: Ci, Family A: High Clouds) • Cirrocumulus (Abbreviation: Cc, Family A: High Clouds) • Nimbostratus (Note: solid and broken, Abbreviation: Cs, Family C: Low Clouds) • Stratus (Note: solid and broken, Abbreviation: St, Family C: Low Clouds) • Cumulus Mediocris (Abbreviation: Cu med, Family C: Low Clouds) • Cumulus Congestus (Abbreviation: Cu con, Family C: Low Clouds) V4M-NAV 85 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual • Cumulonimbus (Note: with lightning, Abbreviation: Cb, Family D: Vertical Clouds) Precipitation The virtual atmosphere supports the following types of precipitation: • Rain • Dry Snow • Wet Snow • Sleet Wind The simulated wind defines wind velocity and direction. Some notes on real time render performance Typical scenes featuring dense cloud decks of cumulus clouds will run at acceptable frames rates on commodity hardware. Nevertheless it is good to be aware of the following: • Precipitation is implemented using particles and depending on the amounts of precipitation it will influence the real time render performance in terms of frames per second. • Depending on the density, cloud layers of type Cumulus Mediocris and Cumulus Congestus can create a large amount of geometry which will influence the real time render performance in terms of frames per second. V4M-NAV 86 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 12.2 The Atmosphere menu Here’s a capture of the Atmosphere menu 62. The Atmosphere menu The Enabled button allows you to enable and disable the virtual atmosphere. The Render Lens Flare button enables or disables a big, flashy lens flare effect when the sun is visible in the scene. The Load and Save buttons allow you to load and save your virtual atmosphere settings a an external ini file. The Cloud layer Cache Enabled button activates the Cloud layer cache, resulting in smoother transitions when switching between weather conditions. Side effect is longer loading time when loading the model. All current virtual atmosphere settings are stored inside the model in a property attached to the model’s settings object. This allows you to prepare you simulation environment within 3ds max by adding a Settings object to your model and specify the settings using an ini file you saved using the Save button in the Atmosphere menu or manually. In addition you can manipulate the virtual atmosphere from within your model by using the Send Message Action. Please use the Save button from the Atmosphere to create an external ini file with all the virtual atmosphere settings. You will find that all settings in this file will be fully documented. Each setting from the external ini file can modified and sent using a Send Message Action. Multiple settings can be specified by separating them using the semi-colon ‘;’, or a new line separator ‘\n’. The Set and Edit buttons in the Atmosphere menu all open a specific dialog as described below. V4M-NAV 87 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 12.2.1 The Set Location dialog 63. The Set Location dialog This dialog allows you to setup the simulated location on earth by specifying the latitude and longitude in degrees. 12.2.2 The Set Time dialog 64. The Set Time dialog This dialog allows you to setup the simulated time by specifying the date, time and time zone. The Source box allows you to set use the system time of your computer. V4M-NAV 88 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 12.2.3 The Set Atmospheric Conditions dialog 65. The Set Atmospheric Conditions dialog This dialog allows you to setup simulated visibility in meters, the turbidity (see below), and the night time light pollution in watts per square meter. You can think of the "turbidity" of the simulated atmosphere as a measure of "haziness." 1.0 would be a perfectly clear day and is the minimum value. Some guidelines for setting this value: • 1 = pure air, range 256 km • 1.8 = very clear, range 90 km • 2 = very clear, range 50 km • 3 = clear, range 15 km • 7 = light haze, range 8 km • 20 = haze, range 3 km Turbidity lets you simulate the number of particles in the air. In practice it will vary the color of the sky from a pure light blue to a hazy, darker, yellowish color. V4M-NAV 89 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 12.2.4 The Set Global Precipitation dialog 66. The Set Global Precipitation dialog This dialog allows you to setup the global precipitation in your simulation. Note that the visibility will automatically adapt to the type and rate of the selected precipitation. 12.2.5 The Set Wind dialog 67. The Set Wind dialog This dialog allows you to setup wind in your simulation. V4M-NAV 90 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 12.2.6 The Edit Clouds – Cirrus dialog 68. The Edit Clouds - Cirrus dialog This dialog allows you to setup the cloud layers of type Cirrus or Cirrocumulus. Alpha: Transparency of the cloud Base altitude: Altitude of the bottom of the cloud 12.2.7 The Edit Clouds – Stratus dialog 69. The Edit Clouds - Stratus dialog V4M-NAV 91 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual This dialog allows you to setup the cloud layers of type Nimbostratus or Stratus. Alpha: Transparency of the cloud Base altitude: Altitude of the bottom of the cloud Density: Coverage of the sky 12.2.8 The Edit Clouds – Cumulus dialog 70. The Edit Clouds - Cumulus dialog This dialog allows you to setup the cloud layers of type Cumulus Mediocris or Cumulus Congestus. Alpha: Transparency of the cloud Base altitude: Altitude of the bottom of the cloud Density: Coverage of the sky V4M-NAV 92 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 12.2.9 The Edit Clouds – Cumulonimbus dialog 71. The Edit Clouds - Cumulonimbus dialog This dialog allows you to setup the cloud layer of type Cumulonimbus. Alpha: Base altitude: Base size: Position XY: Transparency of the cloud Altitude of the bottom of the cloud Size of the cloud Location of the cloud in the model V4M-NAV 93 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 13. OBJECT ANIMATION VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides support for the playback of object animation defined in 3ds Max. All animation types are reduced to keyframe animation. Keyframes specify the beginning and end of each transformation (position, orientation, etc.) of an object in your model. The values at these keyframes are called keys. The active time segment is the total range of frames that you can access in your model. By default VR4MAX supports one single timeline for all animations in the model. However using the VR4MAX behavior mechanism it is possible to define separate animation clocks, for instance one per animation. See the VR4MAX Translator User Manual for more information on the use of this functionality. 13.1 The Animation menu The Animation menu provides access to commands for animation control. 72. The Animation menu Next to the menu item that opens the Animation Controls dialog (see below), the Animation menu contains several animation playback control buttons that are also available in the Animation Controls dialog itself. Therefore they are not described separately here, but only in the context of the dialog. V4M-NAV 94 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 13.1.1 Controlling selected animations VR4MAX Navigator Pro also provides some restricted control on the animation of selected animated objects. Play Selected Animation Plays the animation(s) of the selected object(s) forwards. Play Selected Animation Recursive Plays the animation(s) of the selected object(s), and those of their children, forwards. Stop Selected Animation Stops running animation(s) of selected object(s). 13.1.2 Controlling animation speed The speed by which the animations are played can be controlled using the following options: Increase Animation Speed Doubles the current animation playback speed. Decrease Animation Speed Halfs the current animation playback speed. Reset Animation Speed Resets the current animation playback speed to its original value (default: 1). 13.1.3 Starting animations on load The ‘Starting Animations on load’ option can be set to enforce animations to be started automatically when the model is loaded in the Navigator Pro. This setting will be stored in the VMX file. Starting Animations on load Enables or disables the automatic starting of animations when the model is loaded. THE ANIMATION CONTROLS DIALOG The Animation Controls dialog gives you control over the animations in your model. 73. The Animation Controls dialog V4M-NAV 95 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual The time slider The time slider shows you the current time in seconds, and lets you move to any time in your active time segment. To change the current time using the time slider, do one of the following: Drag the time slider. Click in the empty track to either side of the time slider. When you click in the slider track, the time slider jumps to the time where you clicked. This is a faster method of moving through time than dragging the time slider. The Current Time field The Current Time field always displays the current time. You can also enter a time value and press Tab to move to that time. The playback control buttons You use the playback control buttons to move forward and backward in time and to play your animations. The playback control buttons work like VCR controls that you use to move through frames and to start and stop animation playback: Go To Start Moves the time slider to the first frame of the active time segment. Play Backwards Plays the animations backwards. Play Plays the animations forwards. Pause Pauses the animations. You can restart the animations again by pressing Play or Play Backward. Stop Stops the animations and moves the time slider to the first frame of the active segment. Go To End Moves the time slider to the last frame of the active time segment. Loop Repeats playing the animations in one direction. When playing forwards and the last frame is reached, continues playing starting with the first frame. When playing backwards and the first frame is reached, continues playing starting with the last frame. Auto Reverse Repeats playing the animations in two directions. When playing forwards and the last frame is reached reverse playing direction and continues backwards towards the first frame. When playing backwards and the first frame is reached reverses playing direction and continues forwards towards the last frame. The Animation ‘Speed’ field The animation speed can be defined as a factor related to the initial animation speed (1). V4M-NAV 96 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 14. ODE PHYSICS VR4MAX Navigator Pro has a physics engine to simulate physics behavior defined in 3ds Max. Using the VR4MAX behavior mechanism it is possible to add physics properties and systems to your model. The engine used is ODE (Open Dynamics Engine). For more information on the engine: http://opende.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php See the VR4MAX Translator User Manual for more information on the use of this functionality. 14.1 The ODE Physics menu The ODE Physics menu provides access to commands for controlling the physics simulation. 74. The ODE Physics menu 14.1.1 Controlling the ODE Physics simulation VR4MAX Navigator Pro also provides control on the ODE Physics simulation. Start Starts the physics simulation. Pause Pauses the physics simulation. Stop Stops the physics simulation. After stopping the physics engine the objects positions can be restored using Restore Transformations in the transformation Toolbar. After restoring, the simulation can run again by starting the physics simulation Toggle Start/Stop Toggles between starting and stopping the physics simulation. 14.2 Editing ODE Physics properties The ODE Physics properties can be modified in the properties dialog of an ODE Physics object. V4M-NAV 97 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 75. Properties of an ODE Physics object These properties can be accessed by pressing CTRL+ALT+P with the object selected in the 3D View or in the Object Tree or by selecting Properties from the RMB menu with the object selected in the Object Tree. When you click on the name of a property a description will be displayed in the lower part of the dialog. V4M-NAV 98 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 15. BEHAVIOR When you prepare a model for yourself or a customer it is very useful to keep notes on how your model behaves, what key presses are defined, and so on. 15.1 The Behavior menu The Behavior menu gives access to the Behavior Overview dialog, and lists all published actions, and all KeyPress events defined in your model. This gives you a perfect overview on what behavior and functionality is available in the current model. Simply select an item in the list to start an action, or fire a KeyPress event. The Helper action Publish header allows to have more than one level of menus and also to specify the order of sub-menus in an alternative way. Moreover using the same helper it is possible to add headings within the Behaviour menu and its sub-menus to divide up the possibly long list of behaviours and sub-menus in a more logical way. 76. The behavior menu Overview… Opens the Behavior Overview dialog. THE BEHAVIOR OVERVIEW DIALOG The Behavior Overview dialog gives you a list of all published actions, and KeyPress events in the current model, including their description and keyboard shortcut. 77. The Behavior Overview dialog V4M-NAV 99 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual V4M-NAV 100 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 16. CAMERAS Similar to 3ds Max, VR4MAX Navigator Pro uses cameras to provide you with the means of returning to interesting positions in the 3D world. By matching your 3D View to a camera, your 3D View will assume the position, orientation of the selected camera in the 3D world, and the 3D View window will be updated accordingly. Optionally the settings of the camera (such as field of view and clipping planes) are used to update the view settings of the 3D View. When a MAX design is translated to VMX, all 3ds Max cameras will get their virtual equivalents as part of the model in the 3D world. 16.1 The startup camera VR4MAX gives you full control over the start position of the 3D View when a model is loaded. The camera in the MAX design marked as startup camera (see VR4MAX Translator User Manual) will be activated directly after loading the model. If no such camera exists VR4MAX Navigator Pro will activate the Zoom All function showing you the complete model. 16.2 The Cameras menu The Cameras menu provides access to all camera related commands and switches. 78. The Cameras menu 16.2.1 Creating and updating a camera The following commands allow you to create or update a camera: Create Camera… Uses the current position, orientation and view settings of the 3D View to create a new camera. You are prompted to specify a name for the camera. The new camera will be stored with the current model. Update Camera View Settings Updates the camera view settings of the selected camera(s) with the current view settings of the 3D View. The lens settings, clipping planes and stereo settings currently used for the 3D View are copied to the selected camera(s). Update Camera Position Updates the position and orientation of the selected camera with the position and orientation of the 3D View. V4M-NAV 101 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 16.2.2 Matching your 3D View to a camera The following commands allow you to update the 3D View using a selected camera: Match View To Camera By matching the 3D view to a camera the position and orientation of the 3D View will be modified so the 3D View window will reflect the view from the selected camera. The settings of the selected camera are also copied to the 3D View. If the view settings of the 3D View are locked only the position and rotation of the 3D View are modified. Match View To Previous Camera VR4MAX Navigator Pro will match the 3D view to the previous camera in your model. When no camera was selected during the current session the last camera in the model will be used. You can use this command and the next one to visit all cameras in your model. Match View To Next Camera VR4MAX Navigator Pro will match the 3D view to the next camera in your model. When no camera was selected during the current session the first camera in the model will be used. 16.2.3 Matching the 3D view to a camera and attach The following commands allow updating the 3D View using a camera and attaching to it: Match View To Camera And Attach Same as Match View To Camera, but in addition you also attach to the camera. Match View To Previous Camera And Attach Same as Match View To Previous Camera, but in addition you also attach to the camera. Match View To Next Camera And Attach Same as Match View To Next Camera, but in addition you also attach to the camera. 16.2.4 Selecting cameras The Camera Selection dialog offers you support for camera management: Camera Selection… Opens the Camera Selection dialog. THE CAMERA SELECTION DIALOG The Camera Selection dialog allows you to create a camera, to select one or more cameras and to control their states. V4M-NAV 102 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 79. The Camera Selection dialog On the left side of the Camera Selection dialog all cameras in your model are listed. The currently selected camera(s) are highlighted. You can use this list or the 3D View window to select or deselect the cameras you are interested in. At the right side of Camera Selection dialog the camera related commands are positioned: Create… Uses the current position, orientation and camera settings of the 3D View to create a new camera. You are prompted to specify a name for the camera. The new camera will be stored with the current model. Delete Deletes the selected cameras from your model. VR4MAX Navigator Pro will ask for your confirmation on this before actual deleting them. Update V.S. Updates the camera view settings of the selected camera(s) with the current view settings of the 3D View. The lens settings, clipping planes and stereo settings currently used in the 3D View are copied to the selected camera(s). Update Pos. Updates the position and orientation of the selected camera with the position and orientation of the 3D View. Match View By matching the 3D View to a camera the position and orientation of the 3D View will be modified so the 3D View window will reflect the view from the selected camera. The settings of the selected camera are also copied to the 3D View. If the view settings of the 3D View are locked only the position and rotation of the 3D View are modified. M.V & Attach Same as Match View, but in addition you also attach to the camera. Hide Hides the selected cameras from the 3D View window. Unhide Displays the selected cameras in the 3D View window. Select All Selects all cameras in your model. V4M-NAV 103 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Select None Deselects all cameras in your model. In addition you can decide if cameras must be rendered or not: Show Cameras This switch controls the same setting as the Show Cameras item in the Camera menu (see paragraph 16.2.5). And you are allowed to pick the startup camera of your model: Startup Camera This switch allows you to mark a camera as the startup camera of your model. The switch is only available when you select one camera. The switch will only be on for the current startup camera. If you select another camera and turn the switch on this will be the new startup camera. 16.2.5 Show cameras VR4MAX Navigator Provides a global switch that determines if cameras are to be drawn in the 3D View window: Show Cameras When this option is selected the 3D View window will display the not hidden cameras in your model. If you disable Show Cameras no camera will be displayed in the 3D View window at all. This switch allows you to hide all cameras in the 3D View window without affecting their individual hidden state. V4M-NAV 104 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 17. LIGHTS Similar to a 3ds Max design your VMX model can contain lights. VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports the following model light types: Omni light Spot light Directional light 17.1 The Lights menu Using the Lights menu you can get access to all lights related commands and switches. 80. The Lights menu 17.1.1 Switching lights on or off All lights can be turned on or off. Switch On Switches the light(s) in the current selection on. Switch Off Switches the light(s) in the current selection off. 17.1.2 Match view to spotlight If a single object is selected and this object is a spotlight you can match your 3D View to the settings of this light. This will result in view in the 3D View matching the light projection. Match View To Spotlight Matches your view to the single selected spotlight. V4M-NAV 105 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 17.1.3 Adjusting light intensity When a single object is selected and this object is a light you will be able to control its intensity by pressing the CTRL key, and the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ keys on your numerical pad . When no object is selected the keys will control the light intensity of the ambient light in your model. You can also use the following commands from the Lights menu: Increase Light Intensity Increases light intensity of the selected or the ambient light. Decrease Light Intensity Decreases light intensity of selected or the ambient light. 17.1.4 Adjusting default light intensity If the default lights are switched on you can use a combination of the CTRL key and the SHIFT key along with the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ keys on the numerical pad to control the light intensity of the default lights in your model. You can also use the following commands from the Lights menu: Increase Default Light Intensity Increases light intensity of the default lights. Decrease Default Light Intensity Decreases light intensity of the default lights. 17.1.5 Lighting support The following commands provide additional lighting support: Two-Sided Lighting Toggles the two-sided lighting model. Two-sided lighting causes the renderer to calculate the lighting model that is applied to the back and front faces of your geometry independently. When this mode is disabled the renderer calculates the lighting for one surface only and simply copies it to the other side. You are advised to enable two-sided lighting if you have double sided geometry, or if you have applied materials to both the front and back faces of your geometry. By default the two-sided lighting model will be switched off. Default Lights If your design does not contain any lights, or your model is not lit properly, this option will allow you to turn on two additional default directional lights. Headlight You can also turn on a spotlight that will always shine from the 3D View in the direction it is looking. This way objects that are not illuminated by any light in the model can still become visible in the 3D View window. 17.1.6 Selecting lights The button below opens a dialog for light management: V4M-NAV 106 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Light Selection… Opens the Light Selection dialog. THE LIGHT SELECTION DIALOG The Light Selection dialog allows you to select one or more lights and to control their states. 81. The Light Selection dialog On the left side of the Light Selection dialog all lights in your model are listed. The currently selected light(s) are highlighted. The list shows for each light a label (its name) as well as an indication if the light is [on] or [off]. You can use the list or the 3D View window to select or deselect the lights you are interested in. At the right side of Light Selection dialog the light related commands are positioned: Match View Similar to matching your view to a camera you can use this command to match your view to a spotlight (see paragraph 17.1.2). Delete Deletes the selected lights from your model. VR4MAX Navigator Pro will ask for your confirmation on this before actually deleting them. Switch On Uses this option to turn the selected lights on. Switch Off Uses this option to turn the selected lights off. Hide Hides the selected lights from the 3D View window. Unhide Displays the selected lights in the 3D View window. Select All Selects all lights in your model. Select None Deselects all lights in your model. In addition you can decide if lights must be rendered or not: V4M-NAV 107 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Show Lights This switch controls the same setting as the Show Lights item in the Lights menu (see paragraph 17.1.8). 17.1.7 Controlling lights The button below opens a dialog for controlling lights: Light Control… Opens the Light Control dialog. THE LIGHT CONTROL DIALOG The Light Control dialog allows you to edit the settings for a single selected light. 82. The Light Control dialog Every light (except for the Headlight and the Default Lights) can be controlled in VR4MAX Navigator Pro using the Light Control dialog. The amount of control depends on the type of the selected light. Name The name of the selected light. Type The type of the selected light. The type of light can be Omni Light, Spot Light, Directional Light or the Ambient Light of the model. On Use this option to turn the selected light on or off. Color The color of the light generated by a light object is constructed from three separate lighting channels: V4M-NAV 108 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Ambient Ambient color is the channel of the light which lights the ambient color of a material is lighted. Diffuse Diffuse color is the channel of the light which lights the diffuse color of a material is lighted. Specular Specular color is the channel of the light which lights the specular color of a material is lighted. NOTE: Model Ambient Light in VR4MAX is not an object but part of the environment. Therefore it can never be switched off and only its Ambient Color can be defined. The Model Ambient Light corresponds to the ambient light in 3ds Max. Light Cone Only for light objects of type Spot Light the lighting cone can be defined using two parameters: Cutoff This value defines the radius of the lighting falloff. The value therefore is equal to half of the falloff as defined in 3ds Max. Exponent This value regulates the distribution of light intensity between the center of the lighting cone and its outer edge. NOTE: This implementation is used to simulate the relationship between the hotspot and falloff as used in 3ds Max. Therefore it is not possible to achieve an effect a hundred percent equal to that in 3ds Max. 17.1.8 Show Lights VR4MAX Navigator Provides a global switch to control the display of lights in the 3D View window: Show Lights When this option is selected the 3D View window will display the (not hidden) lights in your model. If you disable Show Lights no light will be displayed in the 3D View window at all. This switch allows you to hide all lights in the 3D View window without affecting their individual hidden state. V4M-NAV 109 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 18. REDLINING VR4MAX Navigator Pro supports project review by providing some redlining facilities. In our context redlining refers to marking objects in your model with remarks, notes and so on. 18.1 The Redlining menu The Redlining menu gives access to the redlining commands and switches. 83. The Redlining menu 18.1.1 Managing redlining The following commands allow you to define new redlining, change existing redlining or delete redlining from the current selection: View Redlining … This command opens the View Redlining dialog, this command is also available in the VR4MAX published model (.exe). Edit Redlining… This command opens the Edit Redlining dialog. V4M-NAV 110 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual THE EDIT REDLINING DIALOG The Edit Redlining dialog enables you to define and edit redlining information. 84. The Edit Redlining dialog The Edit Redlining dialog contains the following fields: Object The name of the selected object. Summary Here you can fill in a summary describing your reason for redlining the selected object. Note This field can be used to give a more detailed description. NOTE: Use CTRL + ENTER to insert a new line. The default action when you press ENTER for all VR4MAX dialogs is activating the OK-button. Color Each individual redlined object can be given its own redlining color used to display the redlined overlay in the 3D View window. Status This combo box can be used to define the status of the redlining information. The redlining of the current object starts as an open call. Once the redlining has been processed it can be closed. Timestamp This field displays the date and time of the last change of the redlining information. Use the OK, Apply, or Cancel buttons to confirm, apply or cancel the information in the dialog. Delete Redlining This command will delete the redlining information from the selected objects. VR4MAX Navigator Pro will ask for your confirmation before actual deletion. V4M-NAV 111 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 18.1.2 Displaying redlining The graphical representation of a redlined object can be enhanced with a redlining indication. The redlining indication can consist of two parts: a wireframe overlay and a redline label. 85. Graphical representation of redlined object The following commands allow you control to the display of existing redlining: Show Redlined Objects Turns the display of redlined objects in the 3D View window on or off. Redlined objects will be drawn using a wireframe overlay based on the objects geometry. Show Redline Labels Turns the display of redline labels in the 3D View window on or off. Redlined objects will be given a label containing the redlining summary text. This label will always be drawn in the center of the redlined object. V4M-NAV 112 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 19. VR4MAX CONFERENCING VR Conferencing is a great tool for collaboration. It can be used for project reviews based on interactive 3D models with several people without having to be in the same place. In the services business it can be used to explain certain constructions, assembling procedures etc. to customers at remote locations or in e.g. clean rooms. The functionality can be tailored to the use, only a (wireless-) network is required. VR Conferencing is not restricted to workstation to workstation conferencing but can also connect VR4MAX Extreme multi projection installations or a mix of configurations. This enables for instance two remote CAVE's or Powerwalls to be synchronised within the same model giving remote design teams the possibility to join for a review. VR Conferencing comes in two modes, both included in the Advanced Option for Conferencing: Conferencing Lite With Conferencing Lite the owner of the model is the ‘master’ and shows the model to the ‘clients’. An executable is generated, which contains your model and navigation tools plus location information of the master. This executable can be e-mailed, downloaded or distributed in another way. When double clicked by the receiver, it finds its way through the network or Internet back to the master and connects to it. From that point on the master can show his audience of multiple clients around in his work. There is no software installation needed at the client site. Conferencing Pro gives all participants the opportunity to navigate themselves. Multiple partners can navigate time synchronous through one model. The conference leader will take the others by the hand, or hand over control to any client. Another option is that clients move independent from each other. Redlining and annotation can be added by all clients and be saved by the conference leader, or locally by the client. All functionality available in interactive VR4MAX models is supported, like animations, event action mechanisms etc. NOTE: For Conferencing Lite only the conference master needs a license on the Conferencing Lite server (Navigator Pro or Extreme). The Conferencing Lite clients do not need a license. NOTE: For Conferencing Pro the Navigator Pro/ Extreme server and all participating Navigator Pro / Extreme clients that want to connect need their own Conferencing Pro license. 19.1 Conferencing Lite For Conferencing Lite an executable is created which not only contains the model and navigation tools but also information about its master. This executable can be e-mailed, downloaded or distributed in another way. When double clicked by the receiver, it finds its way through the network or Internet back to this master and connects to it. From that point on the master can show his audience of multiple clients around in his work. There is no software installation needed at the client site. The three step scenario for setting up a Conferencing Lite session is as follows: Publish your model and distribute it to the clients Start the Conferencing Lite server Start the Conferencing Lite clients and connect to the server The next chapters will give you more details on these steps. 19.1.1 Publish your model and distribute it to the clients To prepare a model for a Conferencing Lite session go to the file menu and choose Publish Conferencing Lite... V4M-NAV 113 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Publish Conferencing Lite... With this command you can publish a Conferencing Lite enabled executable. 86. The Publish Conferencing Lite button in theFile menu After that you will be asked to specify the name or IP Address of the Conferencing Lite server which will probably be your own computer. This will be used as a default to connect to by the executable model you are about to publish. Afterwards this default can be changed on the remote computer of the Conferencing Lite client. 87. The Connect To dialog After you filled in the name or IP Address of the Conferencing Lite server you press OK and the Conferencing Lite enabled executable will be published to the directory and under the name you specify. Now you need to distribute the .exe file to the remote computers that will participate the Conferencing Lite session. (No license needed for the remote Conferencing Lite clients.) 19.1.2 Start the Conferencing Lite server The next step in setting up the Conferencing Lite session is starting the Conferencing Lite server so the Conferencing Lite clients can connect to it. 88. The Conferencing menu on the Conferencing Lite server The Conferencing menu contains all necessary options to start and stop the Conferencing Lite server: Start server This options starts the server after which a Conferencing Lite client can connect to the Conferencing Lite session. V4M-NAV 114 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Stop server This command disconnects all connected clients and stops the Conferencing Lite server. TCP/IP Port Number Opens the TCP/IP Port Numbers dialog allowing you to change the TCP/IP ports used to communicate between server and clients. 89. The TCP/IP Port Number dialog Ping… This button opens the Ping dialog allowing you to ping to a remote machine and get information about the network connection. This can help you find out if e.g. a client computer or server can be reached and what the quality of the connection is. 19.1.3 Start the Conferencing Lite clients and connect to the server Once the Conferencing Lite server is running the Conferencing Lite clients will be able to connect to the server. The clients in a Conferencing Lite session are the VR4MAX executables you published earlier using the Publish Conferencing Lite option in the File menu. The conferencing session starts by running the published VR4MAX executable on the client. Simply double click to start it. The Conferencing Lite client finds the server over the network using the default name or IP address you specified during publishing and connects to the server. If the connection is made the Conferencing Lite client will render and show you exact the same model as the Conferencing Lite server. On the Conferencing Lite client all navigation is disabled so the server has full control over the Conferencing Lite session. 90. The Conferencing menu on the Conferencing Lite client The Conferencing menu of the Conferencing Lite executable contains all relevant options: Connect Conferencing Lite This option connects you to the Conferencing Lite server specified in the Connect To dialog. Disconnect This command will disconnect you from the Conferencing Lite server. Auto Connect If this is enabled the client will try to connect when you start the exhibitor. V4M-NAV 115 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Connect to… With this option you can specify the name or IP address of the Conferencing Lite server. TCP/IP Port Number Opens the TCP/IP Port Numbers dialog allowing you to change the TCP/IP ports used to communicate between server and clients. 91. The TCP/IP Port Number dialog Ping… This button opens the Ping dialog allowing you to ping to a remote machine and get information about the network connection. This can help you find out if e.g. a client computer or server can be reached and what the quality of the connection is. 19.2 Conferencing Pro Based on VR4MAX Navigator Pro or VR4MAX Extreme, multiple Conferencing Pro partners can navigate time synchronous through one model at the same time. Compared to Conferencing Lite the participants in a Conferencing Pro session have the ability to navigate themselves and interact with the model. The participants in a Conferencing Pro session are allowed to move around independent from each other, but Conferencing Pro also provides a number of options for a conference leader to take the others by the hand and lead them through the model. In addition options are available to hand over control another partner. Conferencing Pro supports all functionality like animations, event action mechanisms etc. present in any interactive VR4MAX model. Given the appropriate rights all partners are even allowed to changes settings in the model, adding redlining and annotation, and so on. The three step scenario on how to setup a Conferencing Pro session is as follows: Distribute your model to the Conferencing Pro partners Start the Conferencing Pro server Start the Conferencing Pro clients and connect to the server The next chapters will give you more details on these steps, followed by an overview of all Conferencing Pro relevant options in the Conferencing menu. 19.2.1 Distribute your model to the Conferencing Pro partners The model(s) that you want to use in the Conferencing Pro session needs to be available on all workstations, preferably in the same location, e.g. d:\vmx\test.vmx, but at least in the search path of the VR4MAX installation. You can use email, ftp, a shared disk, or any other mechanism to distribute or make available a copy of the model to the other participants. V4M-NAV 116 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 19.2.2 Start the Conferencing Pro server The next step in setting up the Conferencing Pro session is starting the Conferencing Pro server so the Conferencing Pro clients so the clients can connect. 92. Start Server in the Conferencing menu on the Conf.Pro server Start server Select this command to start the Conferencing Pro server. You are free to load the model before or after you started the Conferencing Pro server. You can even load a model after one or more Conferencing Lite clients connected to the server. As long as the clients can load the model they will automatically follow the load actions on the server. 19.2.3 Start the Conferencing Lite clients and connect to the server Once the Conferencing Pro server is running the Conferencing Pro clients will be able to connect to the server. The clients in a Conferencing Pro session can be VR4MAX Navigator Pro or VR4MAX Extreme sessions with Conferencing license . 93. Connect Conferencing Pro in the Conferencing menu on the Conf.Pro client Connect Conferencing Pro Select this command in the Conferencing menu and client finds the server over the network using the name or IP address specified in the Connect To dialog and connects to the server. When the connection is made the Conferencing Lite client will load the same model as the server. After the server and the client(s) are connected and the requested model is loaded on every client you can start the Conferencing Pro session. 19.2.4 The Conferencing Pro menu This chapter will describe the Conferencing Pro commands in the Conferencing menu in more detail. NOTE: If you are running VR4MAX Extreme you will have the same Conferencing Pro related options available as VR4MAX Navigator Pro, but they are now located in the Extreme / Conferencing Pro menu. V4M-NAV 117 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 94. The conferencing pro menu (server) The Conferencing menu contains the following options: Connect Conferencing Pro Conferencing Pro client: This option connects you to the Conferencing Pro server specified in the Connect To dialog. Disconnect Conferencing Pro client: This command will disconnect you from the Conferencing Lite server. Link Me To… Link your Avatar to the Avatar of the client you select using the Link Me To dialog. Linking Avatar A to Avatar B means that Avatar A will follow the exact movements of Avatar B without being able to navigate by itself. All Link dialogs will display a list of Avatars you can choose from. If an Avatar is connected you can see this because the name of the Avatar it is linked to is displayed between brackets. The one Avatar listed with an asterisk (*) behind its name will be you. V4M-NAV 118 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 95. The LinkMeTo dialog Link All To… This links all Avatars to the Avatar you select using the Link All To dialog. 96. The LinkAll To dialog Link All To Me Link all Avatars to your Avatar. Unlink Unlink the Avatars you select using the Unlink dialog. V4M-NAV 119 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 97. The Unlink dialog Unlink All Unlink all avatars Start server Conferencing Pro server: This command starts the Conferencing Pro server. When the server is started the client can connect to the server for a Conferencing Pro session. Stop server Conferencing Pro server: This command disconnects all connected clients and stops the Conferencing Pro server. Load Avatar Representation With this option you can load a VMX file that represents your avatar in the shared 3D world on other clients. Nick Name … You can give yourself a nick name which will be used in the Link dialogs. Avatar Rights… This command opens the Avatar Rights dialog allowing you to give connected clients a number of rights they do not have by default when they connect. This option is only available on the Conferencing Pro server. On the left of the Avatar Rights dialog you select the Avatar you want to change the rights of. On the right you can select which rights you want to assign to the selected Avatars. V4M-NAV 120 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 98. TCP/IP Port Number menu Connect to… With this option you can specify the name or IP address of the Conferencing Lite server. TCP/IP Port Number Opens the TCP/IP Port Numbers dialog allowing you to change the TCP/IP ports used to communicate between server and clients. 99. The TCP/IP Port Number dialog Ping… This button opens the Ping dialog allowing you to ping to a remote machine and get information about the network connection. This can help you find out if e.g. a client computer or server can be reached and what the quality of the connection is. V4M-NAV 121 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 20. VR4MAX EXTREME VR4MAX Extreme for Windows brings you high-end multi-pipe visualization technology allowing you to link multiple PCs into a cluster providing output for your virtual reality cubic rooms, panoramic rooms, immersive tables/desks, high-resolution image walls, and of course multiple desktop monitors. VR4MAX Extreme implements advanced multi-threading technology allowing you to get the most out of your multi-processor machines. (multiple users in the same model at the same VR4MAX Extreme supports VR conferencing time), making VR4MAX a complete and scalable solution for a huge and ever-growing variety of users from many professional disciplines working on real-time virtual reality applications. Only one of the systems in a VR4MAX Extreme cluster or multi pipe setup should be switched in Server Mode. This server will also be the system where you attach and use your navigation and tracking devices. 20.1 The Extreme menu The Extreme menu and Extreme toolbar provide access to the VR4MAX Extreme functionality and contains commands to manage your Extreme configuration files, activate Conferencing Pro , manage Clients and start and stop the Server. 100. VR4MAX Extreme toolbar V4M-NAV 122 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 101. The Extreme menu 20.2 The Extreme / Configuration menu All data concerning pipes (views) and clients, and the links between them, are referred to as a View Configuration, or simply Configuration. A View Configuration contains details on the view itself, and per view e.g. the information about the projection as well as the appearance of the window containing the view. A view configuration is stored in a configuration file (*.ini), an example of which you will find later in this document. The Extreme / Configuration menu is the menu with the options to open, save and edit them. By opening a configuration file the setup in this file becomes automatically active. NOTE: The configuration files are Ascii-files hence multi-platform. You can use the Extreme on Windows to edit a configuration file for the command-line Extreme, for instance on Unix. V4M-NAV 123 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 102. The Extreme / Configuration menu In addition to the Configuration related options, the Extreme / Configuration menu of contains options to TCP/IP connection parameters, and allows you to specify wake up clients that are available. Here are some details: Open Configuration… Loads a configuration file using an Open File dialog. Save Configuration Updates the current configuration file by overwriting the last save of the configuration file. If no configuration file was previously saved, this command works like Save As. Save Configuration As… This saves the current configuration file under a different file name. V4M-NAV 124 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Edit View Configuration… This button opens the Edit View Configuration dialog with which pipes/views can be created, edited and linked. THE EDIT VIEW CONFIGURATION DIALOG The Edit View Configuration dialog allows you to add, edit and remove pipes and views, and link them to each other. 103. Edit View Configuration dialog When you choose add or edit on the (left) View Configuration side of this window you will get a new pop-up which allows you to change all View Configuration properties. V4M-NAV 125 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 104. Pipe/view property dialog Description of pipe/view configuration properties: 1 Description Here you can input text to describe the specific view. 2 Name This will be the name of the pipe/view for reference in the Edit View Configuration dialog. 3 Display The number of the display where this view will be rendered on. 4 Title Here you can input the title to be shown in the title bar of the window (if any). 5 Left Number of pixels from the left the window will appear. 6 Top Number of pixels from the top the window will appear. 7 Width Width of the window in pixels. 8 Height Height of the window in pixels. 9 Borderless When checked the window will appear borderless. This option overrides the option ‘Resizable’. 10 Resizable When checked the window will be resizable. V4M-NAV 126 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 11 Full screen When checked the view will switch to full screen mode in the corresponding resolution. The ‘Full Screen’ option also means that the window will always stay on top. 12 Stay on top When checked the view/window will stay on top. 13 Flip on sync When checked the window will synchronize the buffer swaps with the screen refresh rate. 14 Mouse cursor When checked the mouse cursor is shown 15 Back projection Projection flipped left <> right 16 Upsidedown projection Projection flipped top <> bottom 17 Use projection When checked the view will be according the projection settings above. When not checked it will use the settings of the current camera, which will allow you to test the system. 18 projection unit type Unit type of the projection 19 Projection width The physical width of the projection. 20 Projection height The physical height of the projection. 21 Center world A 3D coordinate that defines the position of the viewer in relative to the center of the projection (0.00, 0.00, -45.00 defines the viewer position to be 45 units from the projection, this also means that we will have a point-symmetric frustum while x and y are both 0.0) 22 Up world A vector defining the up direction. (0.00, 1.00, 0.00 defines that the positive y-axis will be going up) 23 Normal world A vector defining the view direction (0.00, 0.00, 1.00 means we are looking along the positive z-axis) 24 Stereo mode Here you have four choices No stereo The projection will be monoscopic Left eye only The projection will be the monoscopic view of the left eye. Right eye only The projection will be the monoscopic view of the right eye. Both eyes When the hardware supports it the view will be in active stereoscopic mode (p.e. for use with Stereographics glasses) For the last three options the corresponding eye-distance should have been set in the VMX model(s). 25 Stereo swap left/right When checked left and right eye output is swapped 26 Antialiasing mode Defines the anti-aliasing mode of the window 27 Overrule eye separation When checked eye separation value stored in model is overruled with value in View configuration 28 Eye separation Distance between the left and right eye in stereo mode 29 Overrule Convergence distance When checked convergence value stored in model is overruled with value in View configuration V4M-NAV 127 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 30 Convergence distance Defines the distance between the center of the left and the right eye in stereo mode and the attention center NOTE: All these settings are stored in the configuration file (*.ini), which can be edited using a normal text editor. In order to get a correct projection set up using multiple views the settings mentioned above have to closely match your physical installation. In many cases inaccuracies in the dimensions of the installation are unavoidable (e.g. how big is the overlap between projections, or is the projector exactly perpendicular to the screen or, in a curved screen setup is the projector exactly in the center?), however these will result in an incorrect matching of your views. The first time installation you can find the optimal settings iteratively or it can be done by one of our engineers. Identify View Configuration Toggle to show the pipe and view configuration used on the Extreme render views (pipes). 105. Identify View Configuration Reset to default configuration Resets the current configuration to the default configuration. TCP/IP Port Numbers… Opens a dialog to change the TCP/IP ports for communication between server and clients (See below). Specify Wake-up Clients… The Wake up Client option opens the Wakeup Clients dialog with which you can create/edit a list of clients to be waked when starting a session. V4M-NAV 128 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual THE WAKEUP CLIENTS DIALOG The Wake up Client option activates a pop-up dialog with which you can create/edit a list of clients to be waked when starting a session. The Wake up function will only be effective if on the clients a VR4MAX Extreme Listener is running and started. 106. Wakeup Clients dialog in this figure the option ‘add’ has been chosen The clients in this list will send a wake up call when the server is started, with this call the VR4MAX Extreme on that client will be started. When the server closes down the VR4MAX Extreme’s running on all these clients will be shut down also. V4M-NAV 129 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 20.3 The Extreme / Conferencing Pro menu The Extreme / Conferencing Pro menu contains exactly the same items as the Conferencing Pro menu available VR4MAX Navigator Pro’s Conferencing menu as described earlier. 107. The Extreme / Conferencing Pro menu Please read the documentation on the VR4MAX Navigator Pro Conferencing / Conferencing Pro menu for the details on the Extreme / Conferencing Pro menu. 20.4 The Extreme / Client menu The Extreme / Client menu contains options to connect and disconnect the program when running in client mode, e.g. as a pipe in a multi pipe setup. 108. The Extreme / Client menu Connect Client Use this to connect this session as a client to the server. Disconnect a Client This will disconnect you from the server. Auto Connect Client Enable this option and this client will automatically connect to the server at startup. V4M-NAV 130 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Connect To… Use this to specify the name or IP address of the server to connect to. Ping… This button opens the Ping dialog allowing you to ping to a remote machine and get information about the network connection. This can help you find out if e.g. a client computer or server can be reached and what the quality of the connection is. 20.5 The Extreme / Server menu The Extreme / Server menu contains options to start and stop the rendering server as well as an option to set the server function of VR4MAX Extreme to auto-start which will be effective next time you start the program. 109. The Extreme / Server menu Start Server This option starts the server. Stop Server With this option you can stop the server and disconnect the clients. Auto Start Server If this option is activated, the server starts automatically when starting the program. THE TCP/IP PORT NUMBERS DIALOG This dialog allows you to change the TCP/IP ports used for the communication between server and clients. NOTE: These port numbers should be the same on all systems in the cluster. Contact your system/network administrator for free ports. V4M-NAV 131 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 110. The TCP/IP Port Numbers dialog 20.6 Command line parameters VR4MAX Extreme takes three command line parameters. These command line parameters are intended for use with the VR4MAX Extreme Listener. -c server name Name of server to connect to -f VMX file name Name of VMX-file to load -I Configuration file name Name of configuration file to load 20.7 Pipe configuration VR4MAX Extreme needs a configuration file that defines the render pipes and their settings. This pipe configuration file is a simple ASCII file. VR4MAX Extreme implements an option that allows you to automatically create a pipe configuration file from a MAX/VIZ design. In addition you can use a text editor to fill in the details. 20.7.1 Automatic generation of a pipe configuration using a DESIGN IN MAX/VIZ For every pipe you want to define you need to create an object of type Plane. Set length and width to the actual size of the projection. Length and width segments should be set to 1. The plane must lie in the Z=0 plane of its local system (this is the default when creating a plane object). The ‘visible’ side of the projection is on the positive z-axis. The object names must start with the prefix PIPE, for instance PIPE_LEFT. Note: When looking for these objects, the testing is done case insensitive, so you can use mixed case names as long as they begin with Pipe. Create a camera at the ideal viewer position. This camera must be the start camera, define this camera with the VR4MAX Properties Utility. Now you can use the MAX/VIZ design to create a pipe configuration file that can be used by VR4MAX Extreme. To do so you simply export your design to a VMX-file, e.g. pipes.vmx, and then issue the following command: extreme –x –i pipes.ini pipes.vmx This will produce the configuration file named pipes.ini on your file system that contains all the pipes you defined in the design. For every pipe size and orientation are calculated from the planes in your design model: pipe center, normal, up, width and height settings are written to the configuration file. V4M-NAV 132 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 20.7.2 Details in the Pipe configuration FILE The pipe configuration file defines the render pipes and their settings. Besides the orientation and size of a pipe (the center, normal, up, width and height settings), which would normally be calculated from a 3D Studio model, several other settings may be used for to configure a pipe. Per pipe the following settings are available: Syntax Explanation Example display=<display name> The display to use display=:0.0 resolution=<width> <height> Size of the window in pixels resolution=1024 768 topleft=<top> <left> Upperleft corner of the window topleft=0 0 resizable=<o|1> Window resizable resizable=0 borderless=<0|1> Window decoration borderless=1 fullscreen=<0|1> Fullscreen mode (PC only) fullscreen=1 stereo=<none|left|right|both> Stereo specification stereo=left height=<height> The height of the projection height=25.34 width=<width> The width of the projection width=10.99 center=<x> <y> <z> Position of the projection center=0.0 0.0 –25.0 normal=<x> <y> <z> Orientation of the projection normal=0.0 0.0 1.0 up=<x> <y> <z> Upside of projection up=0.0 1.0 0.0 20.7.3 Sample pipe configuration file The following configuration file demonstrates a three pipe (single machine) setup for a curved screen: [General] PitchInvertOrbitMode=0 PitchInvertFlyMode=0 HeadTracking=1 NavigationDevice=2 UseDisplayLists=1 NoVisual=0 PreloadScene=0 Conferencing=0 Listen=1 MasterName=taxus ClientAutoStart=0 ServerAutoStart=0 Mode=0 WritePortWakeUp=8003 ReadPortWakeUp=8002 WritePort=8001 ReadPort=8000 [LocalPipes] LocalPipe2=pipe_left LocalPipe1=pipe_center LocalPipe0=pipe_right NumLocalPipes=3 V4M-NAV 133 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual [WakeUp] NumWakeUp=0 [Link] Link2=pipe3,localpipe3 Link1=pipe1,default pipe Link0=pipe2,localpipe2 NumLink=3 [ViewConfig] ViewConfig2=pipe_left ViewConfig1=pipe_center ViewConfig0=pipe_right NumViewConfig=3 [pipe_left] stereo=none center=-199.731476 -25.000000 -204.268494 normal=0.707107 0.000000 0.707107 up=0.000000 1.000000 -0.000000 height=200.000000 width=234.000000 fullscreen=0 resizeable=0 borderless=1 resolution= 1024 768 topleft= 0 0 display=:0.0 hostname=localhost [pipe_center] stereo=none center=0.000000 -25.000000 -287.000000 normal=0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 up=0.000000 1.000000 -0.000000 height=200.000000 width=234.000000 fullscreen=0 resizeable=0 borderless=1 resolution= 1024 768 topleft= 0 0 display=:0.1 hostname=localhost [pipe_right] stereo=none center=199.731476 -25.000000 -204.268494 normal=-0.707107 0.000000 0.707107 up=0.000000 1.000000 -0.000000 height=200.000000 width=234.000000 fullscreen=0 resizeable=0 borderless=1 resolution= 1024 768 topleft= 0 0 display=:0.2 hostname=localhost V4M-NAV 134 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 20.8 VR4MAX Extreme Listener The purpose of the VR4MAX Extreme Listener application is to provide you with functionality to automatically start VR4MAX Extreme on a client. This provides a pipe on each client computer. VR4MAX Extreme Listener continuously monitors certain ports and waits until it gets a wake up call from a VR4MAX Extreme process running in server mode. When a wake up call is received it will automatically start the preconfigured VR4MAX Extreme session. 20.8.1 On Startup When starting the VR4MAX Extreme Listener for Windows you will see the following message. 111. Listener startup message This message states that the VR4MAX Extreme Listener is now available in your system tray. Clicking with your right mouse button on the icon to start and stop the listener. 112. in the system tray gives you the options Listener tray icon menu When you choose the open option the listener will start and will display a GUI. With the options Stop or Start VR4MAX Extreme Listener the program will start to run as a service. 113. VR4MAX Extreme Listener V4M-NAV 135 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 20.8.2 The File menu The file menu only holds the option to close the GUI and minimize it to your system tray. 114. VR4MAX Extreme Listener file menu 20.8.3 The View menu The view menu gives you the option to hide/unhide the status bar of the GUI. Also a Clear Window option is available with which you can clear all messages from the programs text panel. 115. VR4MAX Extreme Listener view menu 20.9 The rstart utility Instead of using the Extreme Server to start a multi client Extreme cluster you can also use the rstart.exe utility that comes with the Extreme installation. This executable can be found in the bin directory next to the vr4max_extreme.exe executable and comes with an example script that shows you how to start the server and a number of clients. The rstart.exe utility program allows you to start a program on a remote computer if the Extreme Listener program is installed and running on that machine. The rstart.exe utility can be started passing the remote command-line parameters on the command line of the rstart utility, or use the -f option and specify a list of commands in an text file. You can excecute rstart.exe in a command window without any command line parameters to get more help on this utility. You can do this by selecting Start / Run / cmd in your windows environment, and then type rstart.exe preceded by the correct path if you are not in the right directory. Here’s what the rstart utility provides as help: RSTART - Copyright M 2001-2010 Tree C Technology B.V. Usage: RSTART <computername> <command> RSTART -f <filename> <computername> - Can be any computer or IP adres running the VR4MAX Extreme Listener. Please make sure you use build 137 or later. <command> - Any command like you would type in the run dialog. <filename> - Allows starting multiple commands where the commands are stored in the specified ascii file. Use 2 lines per command namely <computername> and <command> Example: "C:\Pr...\...\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c "C:\Pr...\...\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c Or insert a sleep period to allow a process to start: sleep 1000 V4M-NAV 136 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual NOTE: VR4MAX Extreme Listener also recognizes the following strings as part of the command on the command line or in the ascii file: $INSTALLDIR, $R55INSTALLDIR, $R60INSTALLDIR, $R61INSTALLDIR. If one of these strings is found it is replaced by the actual install directory as stored in the registry. The string $INSTALLDIR is replaced by the install directory of the current installation. The strings $R55INSTALLDIR, $R60INSTALLDIR, $R61INSTALLDIR are replaced by the install directory of VR4MAX Extreme Listener Release 5.5, Release 6.0 or Release 6.1 respectively. This allows you to rewrite the example above as follows regardless the actual installation directory: "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c Note that the 32-bit Listener will resolve $INSTALLDIR and the others to the 32-bit installation directory, and the 64-bit Listener will resolve $INSTALLDIR and the others to the 64-bit installation directory. Example usage with a text file as input for the rstart utility this one: C:\Program Files\VR4MAX\Extreme\bin\rstart.exe -f rstart_wakeup_example.txt You can add comments using ; and please note to provide two lines per command (ip address or name on the first line, and command plus parameters on the second line). ; This starts the server first "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" ; Then wait for 5 seconds (time is in milliseconds) sleep 5000 ; Then start the clients without delay and connect them to the server "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c ; NOTE: You can add the -i <ini filename> option to each command line to ; force the client to start using a specific ini file. ; Example: ; ; "$INSTALLDIR\bin\vr4max_extreme.exe" -c -f Holo-11_cluster1_pipe01.ini V4M-NAV 137 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 20.10 The Tools menu The Tools menu holds only one option called ‘Options’. 116. VR4MAX Extreme Listener tools menu When this is activated the following dialog pops up. With this dialog you can change your TCP/IP port numbers, which are used to communicate the wake up calls. Make sure that these are available (contact your systems/network administrator) and match those that are set in the VR4MAX Extreme server. 117. VR4MAX Listener tools/options dialog You can also change the command line, which is used to start up your VR4MAX Extreme client on this system. VR4MAX Extreme takes three command line parameters, which could be used here, -c server name Name of server to connect to -f VMX file name Name of VMX-file to load -I Configuration file name Name of configuration file to load %s Name of server to wake up V4M-NAV 138 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 21. TOOLS The Tools menu provides access to several general options and settings. 21.1 The Tools menu The Tools menu contains items for optimizing objects, accessing object system calls and other general application settings. 118. The Tools menu 21.1.1 Mesh Reduction When the viewer performance does not match up to your expectations this might very well be due to some highly complex objects (lots of triangles) in the model. Often these objects have been modeled at high complexity for static rendering quality (in 3ds Max). However, in a real-time environment we can often suffice with less complexity. A simple solution would be to adjust the original model for real-time usage. However, this has its disadvantages. You would for instance prefer not to tamper with a perfect 3ds Max model. For this VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides several tools to deal with this problem without the need to change your original 3ds Max model. The most basic solution is the use of a simple but effective Mesh Reduction. A more advanced solution can be defined using the VR4MAX Level Of Details (see paragraph 21.1.2). Mesh Reduction as implemented in VR4MAX Navigator Pro basically reduces the total amount of mesh triangles of the selected object to a given percentage (see images below). To ensure the original shape is not compromised to soon VR4MAX Navigator Pro allows you to suppress the removal of triangles touching the shape edges. V4M-NAV 139 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 119. 120. Object without reduction (100% : 2040 triangles) Object reduced with reduction (40% : 816 triangles) Reduce Mesh… This command opens the Reduce Mesh dialog. This tool can only be applied to one object at a time. THE REDUCE MESH DIALOG The Reduce Mesh dialog provides you a simple interface to an integrated mesh reduction algorithm. V4M-NAV 140 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 121. Reduce Mesh dialog Object The name of the selected object. LOD The Reduce Mesh dialog is used by the Level Of Details dialog as well to define the mesh reduction on a certain detail level. In that situation this entry is used to show the name of that specific detail level. Reduce Defines in percentages to what amount the original mesh should be reduced. Initially the reduction can be defined in the range from 0% to 100%. When the selected object has been reduced before (e.g. to 60%) this range will be limited from 0% to the last selected percentage (e.g. 60%). This way we can keep track on how much the selected object has been reduced in relation to its original mesh size (as exported from 3ds max). This information can easily be re-used on later exports using LOD Recipe Files (see paragraph 21.1.5). The buttons ‘<<’ and ‘>>’ provide an auto decrement and increment of 5% each time they are pressed. The buttons ‘<’ and ‘>’ allow you to decrement or increment the current value with exactly 1%. Lock border vertices This option can be enabled to ensure that triangles that have vertices on the edges of the mesh representing the selected object will not be removed. This will help you to ensure the basic shape is kept in tact as long as possible (while increasing reduction). V4M-NAV 141 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Auto preview When this option is enabled every change in reduction percentage will automatically result in an actual (but temporary) reduction of the selected object. This can help you to monitor the effect on percentage changes. When reducing extremely large objects this could however result in poor feedback time. In that case we advise you to disable this option and request a mesh preview manually using the Preview button (see below). Reduction Information: You can easily keep track on the reduction information for the selected object. Original mesh size : the total number of triangles of the original mesh (as exported from 3ds Max) Unreduced mesh size : the number of triangles the mesh has been reduced to so far. Reduced mesh size : the number of triangles the mesh size will be reduced to when applying the currently defined reduction percentage. Preview At any time you can enforce a mesh preview of the currently selected reduction percentage by pressing this button (see also the Auto preview option). The reduced mesh can now be used to replace the original mesh completely. This will result in improved performance but will remove the original mesh, making it impossible to later restore the reduced mesh to either its original shape or to a version of less reduction. Only exporting the entire model again could help. Press the OK button to replace the original mesh and close the dialog. Pressing the Apply button will replace the original mesh and keeps the dialog open (for instance to be used for other objects). By pressing Cancel the latest reduction will be rejected and the representation of the selected object will be restored to its original mesh. If you wish to be able to change the reduction at a later time a better solution would be to make use of Levels of Detail (see paragraph 21.1.2). 21.1.2 Levels of Detail The Reduce Mesh implementation (see paragraph 21.1.1) offers you a basic solution to dealing with unnecessary complex meshes. This solution simply reduces the mesh size to increase system performance. VR4MAX Navigator Pro offers however a more advanced solution, namely the use of Levels Of Detail (LOD). Levels Of Detail can be defined in 3ds Max and are exported as well to VR4MAX. However, in 3ds Max it can be difficult to determine how they should be defined to allow optimal use in VR4MAX. For this reason VR4MAX Navigator Pro offers you support for the definition of LODsl based on the Mesh Reduction mechanism. An object that is defined by different detail levels is called a LOD object. Once you have defined a LOD object you can test it and change all settings freely. 21.1.3 Editing an existing LOD object Levels Of Detail… This item will open the Levels Of Detail dialog. THE LEVELS OF DETAIL DIALOG The Levels Of Detail dialog can be used to add, change and delete detail levels of the selected LOD object. V4M-NAV 142 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 122. Levels Of Detail dialog Object: The dialog shows you the object name and where the levels of detail are originated. Name The name of the selected LOD object. Origin The application in which the levels of detailed were defined for this object. Possibilities are: 3ds Max / Autodesk VIZ The levels were defined in 3ds Max or Autodesk VIZ. In 3ds Max the graphical presentations defined for the different levels need not necessarily be based on a reduction of a basic mesh. It is possible to define any type of geometry per level. This is basically why LOD objects originating outside VR4MAX can not be edited in VR4MAX Navigator Pro. VR4MAX The levels have been defined in VR4MAX. This LOD object can be edited. It is even possible to copy-and-paste the LOD Recipe to other objects in the model or to save it to file for later re-usage (see paragraph 21.1.5). V4M-NAV 143 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Display Selected Level in Render View When enabled, the 3D View window will display the LOD object using the mesh as defined for the level that is selected in the selection list. Ordering Detail Levels: The levels selection list gives an overview of all levels defined for the selected LOD object. The order of the list is such that the original mesh (highest level of detail) is always on top and following levels are ordered on decreasing threshold values. Each line in the selection list provides information on that specific level. The first value shows the minimal threshold value defined for the level. Next the level name is given followed by reduction information for that level (reduction percentage and number of triangles in corresponding mesh). Insert Using the Insert button a new level can be added below the selected level. Thresholds are automatically defined to fit the level in exactly in between the surrounding levels. Next the Reduce Mesh dialog is activated so you can directly define the reduction percentage for the new detail level. Remove Using the Remove button the selected level can be removed from the LOD object. NOTE: The top level can never be removed. Up/down Using the Up and Down buttons levels can be moved upwards or downwards in the list. Moving a level results in exchanging threshold values with the upper level (when moving up) or with the lower level (when moving down). NOTE: The top level can never be moved. Convert to geometry You can use the mesh representation on any detail level to convert the LOD object to a single geometry object. Using the top level will result in the original geometry object. Using any of the other levels will result in geometry object with a less complex mesh than the object it originated from. The result will be the same as reducing the original mesh using the reduction percentage defined for the level. All levels of detail will be lost. Reduce Mesh At any time you can change the mesh reduction of all non-top levels. Pressing the Reduce Mesh… button will activate the Reduce Mesh dialog. The reduction percentage will automatically be defaulted to reflect the current value defined for the detail level. Level Name All detail levels are defaulted with a name equal to the name of the LOD object itself. You can however choose to change these names to your lickings. Thresholds: VR4MAX Navigator Pro can switch between the different detail levels using one of three types of threshold units: Percentage The thresholds for the selected LOD object are based on the percentage of its size relative to the size of the rendered output (resolution of 3D View window). V4M-NAV 144 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Distance Distance (in model units) between the LOD object and the 3D View. Pixels Number of pixels used to render the LOD object. For each level you can define a minimum and a maximum threshold value (related to the selected threshold unit type). VR4MAX Navigator Pro will render the mesh of a specific detail level when the actual threshold value (percentage, distance or pixels) for the selected LOD object lies within the specified threshold range for that level. Using the Reset All button you can have VR4MAX Navigator Pro to automatically redistribute the threshold values evenly over all detail levels. 21.1.4 Creating a LOD object Creating a LOD object is fairly easy. Simply single select the object you would like to convert into a LOD object and next select: Convert To LOD Object This command converts the selected object to a LOD Object and opens the Levels Of Details dialog (see paragraph 21.1.3). Before performing this task it will ask you to confirm this command. After your confirmation the object is converted into a LOD object with one initial detail level. This level contains the original mesh and is further treated as the top detail level for this object. 21.1.5 LOD Recipes During the editing of a LOD object by adding, changing and even moving detail levels and adjusting the thresholds and reduction percentages you are actually defining the so called LOD Recipe for the LOD object. A LOD Recipe is the combination of all information used to define a LOD object, except for the original mesh data itself. VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides support for easy re-applying this information on other objects or to save this information to file for later re-use. You can for instance save all LOD information to file. After a subsequent export from 3ds Max of the same model these saved LOD Recipes can be re-applied to the exported model. The commands below can be used to manage LOD Recipes: Copy LOD Recipe Copies the LOD Recipe of a selected LOD object to the clipboard. Paste LOD Recipe Pastes the LOD Recipe(s) from clipboard on to the selected object(s). Pasting a LOD Recipe on one or more non LOD objects will convert them automatically into LOD objects with levels corresponding to the recipe pasted. Existing LOD objects will be internally rearranged to match the new recipe. Copy LOD Recipe From File This command copies all LOD Recipes defined in the selected LOD Recipe File to the clipboard. Paste LOD Recipe To File This command writes the LOD Recipes currently in on the clipboard to a LOD Recipe File. If the selected file already exists you will have a choice of overwriting that file or appending to it the contents of the clipboard. Create LOD Recipe File This command writes all LOD Recipes in the model to an external file. V4M-NAV 145 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual LOD Recipes and the Clipboard The clipboard of VR4MAX Navigator Pro can be used for mutual exchange of LOD Recipes between objects and for exchanging them between objects and LOD Recipe Files. For this purpose the clipboard can contain one single LOD Recipe or a list of LOD Recipes. More than one LOD Recipe can be placed on the clipboard only from file by using the command Copy LOD Recipe From File. LOD Recipe File A VR4MAX LOD Recipe File is a simple ASCII text file and can contain a single LOD Recipe or a list of LOD Recipes. A LOD Recipe File can be configured for optimal use in a certain project or for more general use. PROJECT SPECIFIC LOD RECIPE CONFIGURATION For optimal use in a certain project you can use the LOD Recipe File for LOD Recipe selection ‘by name’. In this case all LOD Recipes in the LOD Recipe File will contain an object name. A selected object will be LOD-ed using the LOD Recipe that contains its name. If the LOD Recipe File contains no LOD Recipe with its name the object will be left unchanged. The contents of a LOD Recipe File using this selection mechanism we call a Project Specific LOD Recipe Configuration. GENERAL LOD RECIPE CONFIGURATION You can also define LOD Recipe Files for more generic use. In that case you can use it for LOD Recipe selection ‘by size’. For this selection type all LOD Recipes in the LOD Recipe File will not contain an object name but a selection range defined by a minimum and a maximum number of triangles. In this case a selected object will receive its LOD-ing information from the LOD Recipe for which the objects size (number of triangles) lies inside the selection range defined for that LOD Recipe. The contents of a LOD Recipe File using this selection mechanism we call a General LOD Recipe Configuration. DEFINING A LOD RECIPE FILE The base for a LOD Recipe File can be created using the commands Create LOD Recipe File and Paste LOD Recipe To File. We advise you to edit these files using a text editor in order to optimize them for your specific needs. Before doing this it is wise to decide whether you wish to define a Project Specific LOD Recipe Configuration or a General LOD Recipe Configuration. The header of a generated LOD Recipe File gives a complete description of its syntax. Using this information you will be able to adjust its contents for your specific needs. In general the steps to take in defining a LOD Recipe File are as follows: Copy all interesting LOD Recipes to file using the commands Paste LOD Recipe To File or Create LOD Recipe File. Edit the contents of the LOD Recipe File Use the Copy LOD Recipe From File command to automatically LOD some or all objects in your VMX model. 21.1.6 Scene Optimization VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides an automated procedure for optimizing complete virtual reality environments and assemblies. This optimization process can have different purposes. The most important reason for optimizing is a better frame rate. Another reason is a collection of all xreffed objects prior to publishing or editing. V4M-NAV 146 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Scene optimization obviously has little effect on already neat scenes. But using inefficient structured models, or imported or merged models can result in model inconsistencies that require a lot of time to clean up with no visual improvement. The scene optimization option does some of the cleaning up for you. 123. The optimize scene menu Scene optimization can consist of the following actions: Optimize Scene Hierarchy Scene performance can be increased by minimizing the number of objects in a scene. When the hierarchy is optimized all useless objects in the scene are removed or merged. This can cause the hierarchy of the scene to change dramatically. When determining which objects can be removed or merged event action and animations are taken into account to ensure the scene will look and behave exactly as it did before optimization. However, not all objects will be selectable or movable after this optimization because they will be merged into a single object. Optimize Materials Duplicate materials and maps can be the cause for texture memory shortages and performance issues. The material optimizer collapses duplicate materials and maps and removes unused double sided and multi/sub materials. Optimize Meshes and Shapes Mesh optimization is different from the mesh reduction because the number of triangles and vertices remains the same. This function rewrites the structure for optimal OpenGL performance. This option is mostly useful for imported models because models created in 3dsmax and VIZ are already correctly defined. Convert LODs To Normal Objects Enable this and all LODs will be converted to normal objects by removing the LOD levels except for the highest LOD level, or the one with the largest amount of polygons depending on the next setting. Convert LODs Use Poly Count Enable this and instead of the highest LOD level, or the one with the largest amount of polygons is used to replace the LOD when the previous setting is used. Remove LODs With Zero Level This allows you to remove the LODs from your scene with a zero level. V4M-NAV 147 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Explode XRefs Some scenes are built up with hundreds of external files. Often those external files contain other external files. If direct access to objects in those XRefs is required or a single vmx is required the explode XRefs option merges all objects into the VMX. Optimize Current Selection When only a part of the scene requires optimization the process can be run on only a part of the scene as well. Optimize scene Performs the selected optimization steps on the whole scene. 21.1.7 BSP Tree Optimization The render performance in terms of frames per second can greatly benefit from a well organized model. The BSP Tree Optimization method allows 124. The optimize scene menu Create BSP Tree Current Selection When only a part of the scene requires BSP Tree optimization the process can be run on only a part of the scene as well. After selecting this the BSP Tree Settings dialog will open to allow specifying the exact settings to be used. Create BSP Tree Scene This will perform the BSP Tree optimization on the whole scene, and opens the BSP Tree Settings dialog for you to select the exact settings to be used. The BSP Tree Settings dialog that opens after selecting one of the two commands above allows you to specify exact what operations you want to apply if you press Optimize in the dialog. The BSP Tree optimization will always collect all objects in your scene and sort them into three categories: Dynamic Objects, Static Objects and objects that can’t be optimized. Dynamic objects are all helpers, LODs, billboard objects, and that be hierarchical reorganized into a BSP Tree for optimal culling without changing the behavior of the model, but can’t be merged together since that will change the behavior or appearance of the model. The static objects are all ‘normal’ objects with a mesh that are allowed to be re-organized in an alternate BSP Tree object hierarchy and merged with other objects without changing the visual appearance or model behavior. The category of objects that can’t be optimized at all includes all objects with key frame object animations, mesh animations, objects that are linked or controlled by event/action objects, physics objects and so on. The hierarchy of these objects cannot be changed and no mesh, material of map optimization can be applied. These objects are ignored and will keep their original object hierarchy. V4M-NAV 148 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 125. BSP Tree Settings dialog Dynamic Objects: Collect / Collect And Create BSP Tree Dynamic objects will always be collected and attached to a system generated node named BSP_TREE_DYNAMIC_OBJECTS under the model root, but this radio button decides whether to organize then in a BSP tree as well, or not. Dynamic Objects: Max. BSP Tree This determines the maximum BSP Tree depth applied. Dynamic Objects: Optimize Hierarchy Select this if you want to optimize the object hierarchy inside the dynamic objects. Static Objects: Split Per material Enable this if you want to split up objects with meshes using multiple materials into separate objects each with a single material. Static Objects: Collect / Collect And Create BSP Tree Static objects will always be collected and attached to a system generated node named BSP_TREE_STATIC_OBJECTS under the model root, but this radio button decides whether to organize then in a BSP tree as well, or not. Static Objects: Max. BSP Tree This determines the maximum BSP Tree depth applied. Static Objects: Merge Objects With Same Material Enable this toggle if you want to merge objects with the same material into a single object to reduce the number of objects in the model up to a certain number of triangles per object. V4M-NAV 149 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Static Objects: Merge Objects Regardless Material Enable this toggle if you want to merge objects with into a single object to reduce the number of objects in the model up to a certain number of triangles. Static Objects: Optimize Hierarchy Select this if you want to optimize the object hierarchy inside the dynamic objects. You can always optimize a model a number of times with different BSP Tree settings to experiment and see what settings result in the optimal performance for your specific model on your hardware. The order of the options is the order in which the corresponding operation is applied. 21.1.8 System Call Using the VR4MAX Utilities panel in 3ds Max every object can be equipped with a System Call command line (see VR4MAX Translator User Manual). Activating this System Call will pass the command line to the operating system for execution. System Call This command activates the System Call of the selected object 21.1.9 Disabling Keyboard Shortcuts All VR4MAX Navigator Pro keyboard shortcuts can be disabled in case they interfere with model specific keyboard shortcuts defined using the Event/Action mechanism (see VR4MAX Behavior User Manual). Keyboard Shortcuts This option can be used to enable or disable the GUI keyboard shortcuts. 21.1.10 Resetting the Video Card In some special cases VR4MAX Navigator Pro might have been assigned access to a software implementation of OpenGL in stead of direct access to the hardware implementation on the graphics board. This is known to occur in some cases when another OpenGL application is already running on the system. This off course will result in a very poor performance of VR4MAX Navigator Pro. A way of handling this exceptional situation is by resetting the video card. Reset Video Card This will reset the video card. 21.1.11 Resetting the Remote API connection With the Advanced Option Remote API you are able to connect a Remote API application to your Navigation Pro or Extreme session, and control the render engine and your model from your own programming environment, such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, etc. This allows you to build you own application on top of the standard VR4MAX functionality. Reset RAPI Connection The Remote API is connecting to the Navigator Pro or Extreme session over a TCP/IP port. This command breaks this connection and resets the Remote API interface 21.1.12 The Video Device Configurator You can define Video Capture Maps in your model that allow you to use the video images captured by a DirectX Video device as texture maps in your model. Since the actual available DirectX Video devices are hardware dependent, the Video Capture Maps in your V4M-NAV 150 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual model do not refer to a physical video device, but a virtual video device. A virtual video device is no more that a label selected from a list of predefined labels. THE VIDEO DEVICE CONFIGURATOR DIALOG The Video Device Configurator dialog allows you to connect the virtual video devices as defined in your model to the actual available DirectX Video devices in your machine. 126. The Video Device Configurator dialog The left selection list contains the same labels as you where able to use for the virtual video devices in your model. Again: this is not more than a list of strings. The right selection list contains the actual DirectX Video devices found when the program was started. Use the following buttons to link the virtual video devices to the actual DirectX Video devices available at run-time: Link This links the selected DirectX Video device to the selected virtual video devices. Unlink This unlinks the selected DirectX Video device from the selected virtual video devices. Link All This links the selected DirectX Video device to all the virtual video devices. Unlink All This unlinks the selected DirectX Video device from the all the virtual video devices. V4M-NAV 151 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual In addition the Video Device Configurator dialog allows you to control the available DirectX Video devices: Activate This activate the selected DirectX Video device. Deactivate This deactivates the selected DirectX Video device. Properties This opens the properties dialog of the selected DirectX Video device. Unlink All This opens the formats dialog of the selected DirectX Video device. 21.1.13 Augmented Reality The settings and commands available in the Tools / Augmented Reality menu are described in a separated document named the VR4MAX Augmented Reality User Manual. 21.1.14 Options THE OPTIONS DIALOG The Options dialog contains several general settings. On-Screen Feedback: 127. The Options dialog : On-Screen Feedback The options in this group box can be used to enforce the display of the animation time in the 3D render view: Show animation time in render view This option turns the display of the animation time on or off. V4M-NAV 152 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Use HH:MM:SS format Here you can indicate you prefer a time presentation in hours, minutes and seconds. Show geometry overlay mode When this option is enabled the screen statistics will indicate if any of the View options ‘Show Terrain Objects’ or ‘Show Deflection Objects’ is activated. 3D View: 128. The Options dialog : 3D View Highlighting Selected objects can be highlighted to make it easier to identify them in the 3D View window: Mode Select the method for highlighting selected objects from the following options: • • • None Do not highlight selected objects. Bounding Box Displays a wire frame bounding box of the selected objects in the 3D View window. Material Renders the selected objects using a different material instead of the object’s original colors and texture maps. In addition the following switch toggles an additional blinking of the bounding box or material used to highlight selected objects: Flashing Highlight Draws extra attention to the current selection by interpolating the color of the bounding box or material used to highlight selected objects. V4M-NAV 153 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Full Screen Mode Allows you to select and test the preferred screen resolution used when VR4MAX Navigator Pro is in full screen mode. Display Select how Navigator Pro should go to full screen. Depending on the connected monitors several selections are possible. Resolution Select the required screen resolution from a list of screen resolutions supported by your hardware. Select Current Screen Mode if you want to use the current screen mode. Use the following button if you are not sure your monitor supports the selected full screen resolution: Test Performs a test with the selected mode. Your graphics adapter will be temporarily set to the new mode so you can determine whether it works properly. Press OK and wait for 5 seconds and check the result, or press Cancel if you don’t want to perform the test. Show full screen exit command When switching to full screen mode by default VR4MAX Navigator will display a dialog reminding you to use F11 to switch back from full screen mode. Switch this option off if you don’t want this dialog to appear anymore. Labels: 129. The Options dialog : Labels Number of visible 3D redlining labels All objects that are redlined can be displayed using an overlaying wireframe presentation and can also be annotated using a (3D) description label. However, when lots of objects are redlined your 3D render view can get ‘polluted’ by all labels. Max. number of visible labels Select the maximum number of redlining labels to be displayed in the 3D render view. V4M-NAV 154 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Units: 130. The Options dialog : Units Units and precision All floating numbers displayed in the different VR4MAX Navigator Pro dialogs are displayed in the current display units and using a certain number of floating point decimals. Display units Selects the units you want to VR4MAX Navigator Pro to use for displaying numerical information. All information in your model is stored using the units you decided to use when you created the model. In addition VR4MAX Navigator Pro allows you to select the units used to give feedback on the model, so you can load a model defined in meters and display all information in for instance in inches. Number of floating point decimals This specified the number of decimals used to display floating point numbers. Slider exponent The options in this group box can be used to set a default slider exponent for all exponential sliders in VR4MAX Navigator Pro: Use default slider exponent This option turns the use of a single slider exponent on or off. Default slider exponent Here you specify the slider exponent you want to use for all exponential sliders. V4M-NAV 155 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Miscellaneous: 131. The Options dialog : Miscellaneous System Objects A VR4MAX Navigator Pro system object includes objects like cameras and lights. These objects can be drawn in the 3D View window using a graphical representation. The elements in this group give you some control over these representations: System object size Rescale all system objects relative to their initial size. Smooth Fly To When the 3D View is matched to a camera the renderer can take you from your current position to the camera position instantly or by flying smoothly to the new position: Smooth fly to time When this time is set to zero you are taken to the new position instantly when you match the 3D View to a camera. If you specify a number larger than zero this is the time in seconds that a smooth transition to the new position will take. V4M-NAV 156 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 21.1.15 Startup Options THE STARTUP OPTIONS DIALOG The Startup Options dialog contains all general settings that will be applied when VR4MAX Navigator Pro is started. In most cases you will have to restart the application before any changes you make in this dialog will be activated. The Stereo tab contains a number of options that do not need restarting the application. They are marked with a star (*). 3D View: 132. The Startup Options dialog : 3D View Startup in full screen mode Defines VR4MAX Navigator Pro to start up in full screen mode next time it is started giving a filename as parameter (or for instance when a VMX file is opened in Explorer). Anisotropic filter hint Anisotropic filtering is a feature of some video cards that sharpens the details of the fadingaway part of a 3D object that recedes into the distance. E.g. think of the text in the titles at the beginning of the Star Wars movies that are presented in large letters and then scrolls back into the distance. As it scrolls off, it becomes fuzzy and hard to read. In a 3D image, you may want a comparable effect to retain the sharpness of an object as it recedes; anisotropic filtering does this. Compared to the ‘normal’ isotropic filtering anisotropic filtering requires a more intense processing as image frames are presented to the display. Depending on your graphics board, it therefore may affect performance. A user may want to weigh the perceived improvement in visual quality against the effect on performance. The Anisotropic filter hint allows you specify the Anisotropic filter level the VR4MAX Render V4M-NAV 157 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Engine must apply to the maps in your model that are not fine tuned with a VR4MAX MapHint map. A value of 1.0 means no anisotropic filtering will be applied (isotropic filtering). It is called a hint because not all graphic boards support these anisotropic filtered maps, and also the largest supported anisotropy level is hardware dependant. If your hardware does not support anisotropic filtered maps this setting will be ignored. Flip on sync By disabling flip on sync you tell the Render Engine to disable synchronization with the vertical sync of the monitor when swapping the front and the back buffer resulting in a small performance improvement Check driver on startup This option displays a warning when an old unsupported OpenGL driver is detected. File History: 133. The Startup Options dialog : File History Number of files Specify the maximum number of files retained in the VR4MAX Navigator Pro file history (to be accessed using the File menu). V4M-NAV 158 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Stereo: 134. The Startup Options dialog : Stereo Stereo mode: Stereo disabled This option will disable stereo viewing at startup. Active Stereo This option will enable ‘active’ stereo viewing. Active Stereo projection uses a single projector and special glasses with LCD panels which alternately open and close the left and right lenses when an electrical charge is passed through them. Infrared transmitters in the room send a signal to control the glasses in synchronization with the projector. Passive Stereo* This option will enable ‘passive’ stereo viewing. Passive Stereo projection uses polarized light to deliver images to the correct eye. Generally 2 projectors are used, each equipped with a polarizing filter so that all the left eye images are polarized in one direction, and all the right eye images are polarized in an opposite direction. The light from the projectors bounces off a special polarization preserving silver screen and back to the viewer's glasses, where each lens matches the polarity of the light from each projector. The result is that the viewer's left eye sees only the left-eye images, and the viewer's right eye sees only the right-eye images. Passive Stereo DTI This option will enable ‘passive’ stereo viewing special for the Dimension Technology Inc. (DTI) no-glasses 2D/3D switch able desktop displays (www.dti3d.com). V4M-NAV 159 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Horizontal Interlaced Stereo* This option enables horizontal interlaced stereo in which the odd and the even lines are used for left and right eye information. In general this will be used in conjunction with specific HMDs or stereo displays such as Virtual IO. Vertical Interlaced Stereo (e.g. SeeReal)* This option enables vertical interlaced stereo in which the odd and the even lines are used for left and right eye information. In general this will be used in conjunction with specific HMDs or stereo displays such as SeeReal. Red-Cyan Stereo* This option will enable Red-Cyan stereo viewing. You need Red-Cyan glasses to view your model. Red-Green Stereo* This option will enable Red-Cyan stereo viewing. You need Red-Green glasses to view your model. Swap left and right eye In some situations, e.g. when working with back projections, this switch comes in handy because it allows you to switch the left and right eye. Both Interlaced Stereo (e.g. Vuzix) This option activates stereo viewing for specific HMD’s or devices like Vuzix iWear. In this mode, the scenes for the left and right eye are first rendered completely and then the device is informed accordingly to consider the rendered scene for the specified eye. For the device Vuzix iWear the option “Flip on sync” in the tab “3D View” should also be enabled. When the device is not going to be used for a while the “Stereo mode” should be changed to another item like “Stereo disabled” to prevent unwanted damage to the device. This device currently works only in 32bit mode and therefore it can be used only with the 32bit version of VR4MAX. V4M-NAV 160 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Antialiasing: 135. The Startup Options dialog : Antialiasing The Antialiasing tab can contain the following settings depending on the available hardware: No Antialiasing 2x Antialiasing 4x Antialiasing 8x Antialiasing 16x Antialiasing V4M-NAV 161 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Remote API: 136. The Startup Options dialog : Remote API The Remote API tab allows you configure the port used for Remote API communication. V4M-NAV 162 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Miscellaneous: 137. The Startup Options dialog : Miscellaneous The Miscellaneous tab contains the following settings: Show splash screen on startup The VR4MAX Navigator Pro splash screen is a window that can be displayed when VR4MAX Navigator Pro has just been started. Select this option if you want VR4MAX Navigator Pro to display the VR4MAX Navigator Pro splash screen at startup. 138. The VR4MAX Navigator Pro Splash screen V4M-NAV 163 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Clean registry at startup Remove all VR4MAX Navigator Pro related entries from the system registry. Next time VR4MAX Navigator Pro is started it will be defaulted to its default settings. Enable multi core support* This option enables the usage of additional CPU’s or CPU cores. The effect of this option is only available when extra physical CPU’s or CPU core’s are present in the system. The performance gain differs greatly between different models. Although most models are limited by GPU performance. This option is effective immediately after being selected. V4M-NAV 164 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 22. HELP You can open the VR4MAX Navigator Pro User Manual and open the VR4MAX website using the commands in the Help menu. 22.1 The Help menu The Help menu contains the items you normally find in a help menu: 139. The Help menu The following commands are accessed through the Help menu: Help Topics Opens the VR4MAX Navigator Pro help. Connect to VR4MAX Website… Starts your internet browser and surfs to www.vr4max.com and opens the home page of this site. Enter License Key… Opens the Enter Key dialog. The Hardware fingerprint of the system is shown and the license name and key can be entered. Check For Update… Starts your internet browser and surfs to www.vr4max.com and opens the page where software updates are posted. Check For Updates Automatically When this option is activate, the program checked automatically for updates on the www.vr4max.com website. If there is an update available the program asks for downloading it. About VR4MAX… Opens the VR4MAX About dialog. This dialog shows VR4MAX version and build information. V4M-NAV 165 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 140. The About dialog V4M-NAV 166 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 23. SOME NOTES ON THE VR4MAX USER INTERFACE This chapter describes some specifics of the VR4MAX Navigator Pro user interface. Also the VR4MAX Navigator Pro toolbars and keyboard shortcuts are listed. 23.1 Modal dialogs All VR4MAX Navigator Pro dialogs are modeless dialogs instead of modal dialogs. This means multiple dialogs can be opened at the same time, and all user interface functions remain available while a dialog is open. All settings are applied the moment they are changed so you can see the result immediately. Changes become permanent by selecting the OK button to close down a dialog. Select Cancel if you want to close a dialog and discard any change you made. 23.2 Exponential sliders VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides so-called exponential sliders for some settings. The exponential slider is applied in situation where you need maximal control over small values while for larger values the accuracy of a value becomes less important. A so-called slider exponent is used to specify how to translate the slider position to a value. You can select 1 if you want the sliders to be linear. Select an exponent of 2 or more if you want to have more control over smaller values. 23.3 Toolbars VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides the following toolbars with shortcuts to commands and settings also available in the menus and dialogs. 23.3.1 The Standard toolbar The Standard toolbar contains the commands from the File menu: New Export Cameras… Open Export Screenshot… Save Export Redlining Information… The Standard toolbar contains the following commands from the Tools menu: Options… The Standard toolbar contains the following commands from the Help menu: About VR4MAX Navigator Pro … Help Topics V4M-NAV 167 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 23.3.2 The Edit toolbar The Edit toolbar contains the following commands from the Edit menu: Disable Selection Unhide Selected Lock Selection Hide Unselected Select All Unhide All Select ‘Linked to’ Find… Hide Selected Delete Selected The Edit toolbar also contains a combo box that allows you to select objects using the same named selection lists that were available in the 3ds Max design. 23.3.3 The Transformation toolbar The Transformation toolbar contains the following commands from the Edit menu: Lock Transformation Restrict To Z Select Restrict To XY Plane Move Restrict To YZ Plane Rotate Restrict To ZX Plane Scale Restrict To xyz Plane Measure Restore Transformation Restrict To X Update Transformation Restrict To Y Transformation Type-In 23.3.4 The Sessions toolbar The Sessions toolbar contains the following commands from the Sessions menu: Create Go to next restore point Record Go to previous restore point Play Go to the first restore point Stop Go to the last restore point Pause Session Selection… Add restore point 23.3.5 The View toolbar The View toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the View menu: Wireframe Show Screen Statistics Flat Shading Highlight Selected Objects Gouraud Shading Lock View Settings Show Textures Clip Manually Show Orbit Center Full Screen Show Object Boundaries View Settings… Show Grid Fog Settings… Show Event/Action Objects Model Information… V4M-NAV 168 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual The View toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the Navigate menu: Performance Settings … 23.3.6 The Navigate toolbar The Navigate toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the Navigate menu: Fly Mode Left Orbit Mode Right Attach To Object Top Align To Horizon Bottom Fly To Selected Isometric Fly To All Navigation Options… Front Precision Body Control… Back Device Options… 23.3.7 The Navigation Guides toolbar The Navigation Guides toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the Navigate menu: Lock Hover And Fix Height Show Terrain Objects Hover Lock Deflection Settings Fix Height Deflection Lock Terrain Following Settings Deflection Objects Only Terrain Following Show Deflection Objects Terrain Objects Only 23.3.8 The Animation toolbar The Animation toolbar contains the following commands from the Animation menu: Go To Start Loop Play Backwards Auto Reverse Play Increase Animation Speed Pause Decrease Animation Speed Stop Reset Animation Speed Go To End 23.3.9 The Cameras toolbar The Cameras toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the Cameras menu: Create Camera… Match View To Camera And Update Camera Position Match View To Prev. Camera Update Camera View Settings Match View To Next Camera And Match View To Camera Camera Selection… V4M-NAV 169 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Match View To Previous Camera Show Cameras Match View To Next Camera 23.3.10 The Lights toolbar The Lights toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the Lights menu: Match View To Spotlight Light Selection… Two-Sided Lighting Light Control… Default Lights Show Lights Headlight 23.3.11 The grid toolbar The Grid toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the optional Grid menu: Add selection to grid Remove selection from grid Reset grid Grid snap Angle snap Percent snap Snap to face Snap to vertex Snap to edge Grid origin Align grid Align selection to object Auto align Grid options 23.3.12 The Redlining toolbar The Redlining toolbar contains the following commands and settings from the Redlining menu: View Redlining… Show Redlined Objects Edit Redlining… Show Redline Labels Delete Redlining 23.3.13 The ODE Physics toolbar Start ODE Physics Stop ODE Physics Pause ODE Physics V4M-NAV 170 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 23.4 Keyboard shortcuts VR4MAX Navigator Pro provides the following keyboard shortcuts to commands and settings also available in the menus and dialogs. KeyPress Name Description F2 Object Tree Show/hide object tree. Ctrl+F2 Log Window Show/hide log window. F3 Find Next Find next match. Shift+F3 Find Previous Find previous match. F4 Attach To Object Attach to selected object. F5 Match View To Camera Match View To Camera And Attach Match view to selected camera. Match view to selected camera and attach to it. Match view settings to next camera. Ctrl+Shift+F6 Match View To Next Camera Match View To Previous Camera Match View To Next Camera And Attach Match View To Previous Camera And Attach Match view settings to previous camera. Match view settings to next camera and attach to it. Match view settings to previous camera and attach to it. F7 Fly To Selected Fly to selected object(s). F8 Animation Controls... Open the Animation Controls dialog. F9 View Redlining... View redlining information. Shift+F9 Edit Redlining Edit redlining information. Ctrl+F9 Session Selection... Session selection. Ctrl+Shift+F9 Create Create a new session. Ctrl+Shift+F10 Record Start recording the current session. F11 Full Screen Switch to full screen mode. Ctrl+Shift+F11 Play F12 Export Screenshot As... Start playing the current session. Export a screenshot of the current view to selected file. Shift+F12 Export Screenshot Export a screenshot of the current view directly. Ctrl+Shift+F12 Stop Stop recording/playing the current session. Ctrl+Shift+P Toggle Start/Stop Physics Starts and stops the ODE Physics engine Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P Toggle Pause/Resume Physics Starts and stops the ODE Physics engine KeyPress Name Description Ctrl+A Select All Select all objects in the model. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl+B Show Object Boundaries Show object boundaries. Ctrl+Shift+C Deflection Deflection. Ctrl+E Show Event/Action Objects Show event/action objects. Ctrl+F Find... Find objects. Ctrl+Shift+F Fly Mode Switch navigation to Fly mode. Ctrl+G Show Grid Show grid. Ctrl+H Align To Horizon Align view orientation to horizon. Ctrl+Shift+H Headlight Switch headlight on/off. Ctrl+I Show Screen Statistics Show screen statistics. Ctrl+J Default Lights Toggle default lights mode. Ctrl+K Show Cameras Show/hide geometry of all cameras. Ctrl+F5 F6 Shift+F6 Ctrl+F6 V4M-NAV 171 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Ctrl+L Show Lights Show/hide geometry of all lights. Ctrl+M Move Animated Object Move animated object(s). Ctrl+Shift+M Model... Insert Model. Ctrl+N Move Body Move the body camera. Ctrl+O Open... Open an existing model. Ctrl+Shift+O Orbit Mode Switch navigation to Orbit mode. Ctrl+Alt+P Properties Edit properties. Ctrl+R Refresh Refresh. Ctrl+Shift+R Render To... Render to external file. Ctrl+S Save Save the active model. Ctrl+Shift+S System Call System call. Ctrl+Shift+T Terrain Following Terrain following. Ctrl+T Textures Show/Hide textures. Ctrl+U Two-Sided Lighting Toggle two-sided lighting mode. Ctrl+W Toggle Rendering Mode Toggle rendering mode. Ctrl+Shift+X XRef... Insert XRef. Delete Delete Selected Remove selected objects from the model. KeyPress Name Description Ctrl+Num_1 Bottom Fly to Bottom of selected object(s). Ctrl+Num_2 Front Fly to Front of selected object(s). Ctrl+Num_3 Isometric Fly to Isometric view on selected object(s). Ctrl+Num_4 Left Fly to Left of selected object(s). Ctrl+Num_6 Right Fly to Right of selected object(s). Ctrl+Num_7 Top Fly to Top of selected object(s). Ctrl+Num_8 Back Fly to Back of selected object(s). KeyPress Name Description Alt+Num_0 Stop Stop animation. Alt+Num_1 Go To End Go to end of animation. Alt+Num_3 Stop Selected Animation Stop selected animation. Alt+Num_4 Play Backwards Play animation backwards. Alt+Num_5 Pause Pause animation. Alt+Num_6 Play Play animation. Alt+Num_7 Go To Start Go to start of animation. Alt+Num_8 Play Selected Animation Play selected animation. Alt+Num_9 Play Selected Animation Recursive Play selected animation recursive. Alt+Num_/ Loop Enable/disable animation looping. Alt+Num_- Decrease Animation speed Decrease animation speed (half current speed). Alt+Num_* Auto Reverse Enable/disable animation auto reverse. Alt+Num_+ Increase Animation speed Increase animation speed (double current speed). V4M-NAV 172 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual Alt+Enter Reset Animation speed Reset animation speed (1.0). KeyPress Name Description Ctrl+Num_- Decrease Light Intensity Decrease light intensity. Ctrl+Num_+ Increase Light Intensity Increase light intensity. Ctrl+Shift+Num_- Decrease Default Lights Intensity Decrease default lights intensity. Ctrl+Shift+Num_+ Increase Default Lights Intensity Increase default lights intensity. V4M-NAV 173 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual LIST OF FIGURES 1. VR4MAX Extreme marking. ................................................................................................................. 2 2. The VR4MAX Navigator Pro Main Window ...................................................................................... 4 3. The File menu ........................................................................................................................................ 6 4. Publish Settings: General..................................................................................................................... 7 5. Publish Settings: Commands .............................................................................................................. 8 6. The Export Cameras dialog .............................................................................................................. 10 7. Render To Settings: Output Size ....................................................................................................... 11 8. Render To Settings: Output Time ..................................................................................................... 11 9. Render To Settings: Subject .............................................................................................................. 12 10. Video Compression menu ................................................................................................................ 12 11. Compressor selection ........................................................................................................................ 12 12. Selection Sets combo box ................................................................................................................ 14 13. The Edit menu ..................................................................................................................................... 15 14. XRef Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 17 15. Object Transformation Menu ........................................................................................................... 18 16. Measurement dialog ......................................................................................................................... 19 17. Move Transform Type-In dialog ....................................................................................................... 20 18. Spinner Control Step Size dialog ..................................................................................................... 21 19. The Find dialog ................................................................................................................................... 21 20. Property sheet ..................................................................................................................................... 24 21. The library menu ................................................................................................................................. 26 22. The library Tree, Library folder and library info panels ................................................................. 26 23. The group menu ................................................................................................................................. 27 24. The grid toolbar and menu .............................................................................................................. 28 25. The View menu ................................................................................................................................... 30 26. Log Window ........................................................................................................................................ 32 27. Orbit Center ........................................................................................................................................ 33 28. The View Settings dialog : Lens Details........................................................................................... 36 29. The View Settings dialog : Clipping Planes ................................................................................... 37 30. The View Settings dialog : Stereo Settings ..................................................................................... 38 31. The Fog Settings dialog ..................................................................................................................... 39 32. The Performance Settings dialog : Rendering .............................................................................. 40 33. The Performance Settings dialog : Animation .............................................................................. 41 34. The Performance Settings dialog : Object Size Culling............................................................... 42 35. The Performance Settings dialog : Lines ........................................................................................ 42 36. The Performance Settings dialog : Advanced Options .............................................................. 43 V4M-NAV 174 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 37. The Model Information dialog ......................................................................................................... 44 38. The Object Tree window ................................................................................................................... 45 39. Insert Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 57 40. Sessions Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 58 41. The Create Session dialog ................................................................................................................ 59 42. The Session Selection dialog ............................................................................................................ 60 43. The Rename Session dialog ............................................................................................................. 60 44. The Restor Points dialog .................................................................................................................... 61 45. The six degrees of freedom provided by the SpaceMouse ...................................................... 66 46. The six degrees of freedom provided by the SpaceBall ............................................................ 67 47. The Navigate menu ........................................................................................................................... 68 48. Navigation Guides ............................................................................................................................. 70 49. The Navigation Options dialog : Flying Speed ............................................................................. 72 50. The Navigation Options dialog : Turning Speed .......................................................................... 72 51. The Navigation Options dialog : Terrain Following ...................................................................... 73 52. The Navigation Options dialog : Deflection ................................................................................. 73 53. The Precision Body Control dialog .................................................................................................. 74 54. Spinner Control Step Size dialog ..................................................................................................... 75 55. The Device Options dialog ............................................................................................................... 76 56. The Device Configurator dialog...................................................................................................... 78 57. Categories and commands ............................................................................................................ 79 58. The combinations interface ............................................................................................................. 81 59. Properties of a combination ............................................................................................................ 82 60. The Device Compiler dialog. ........................................................................................................... 83 61. Sky and lighting in action ................................................................................................................. 84 62. The Atmosphere menu...................................................................................................................... 87 63. The Set Location dialog .................................................................................................................... 88 64. The Set Time dialog ............................................................................................................................ 88 65. The Set Atmospheric Conditions dialog ........................................................................................ 89 66. The Set Global Precipitation dialog ................................................................................................ 90 67. The Set Wind dialog ........................................................................................................................... 90 68. The Edit Clouds - Cirrus dialog ......................................................................................................... 91 69. The Edit Clouds - Stratus dialog ....................................................................................................... 91 70. The Edit Clouds - Cumulus dialog ................................................................................................... 92 71. The Edit Clouds - Cumulonimbus dialog ........................................................................................ 93 72. The Animation menu ......................................................................................................................... 94 73. The Animation Controls dialog ........................................................................................................ 95 74. The ODE Physics menu ...................................................................................................................... 97 V4M-NAV 175 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 75. Properties of an ODE Physics object .............................................................................................. 98 76. The behavior menu ............................................................................................................................ 99 77. The Behavior Overview dialog ........................................................................................................ 99 78. The Cameras menu ......................................................................................................................... 101 79. The Camera Selection dialog ........................................................................................................ 103 80. The Lights menu ................................................................................................................................ 105 81. The Light Selection dialog .............................................................................................................. 107 82. The Light Control dialog .................................................................................................................. 108 83. The Redlining menu ......................................................................................................................... 110 84. The Edit Redlining dialog ................................................................................................................ 111 85. Graphical representation of redlined object ............................................................................. 112 86. The Publish Conferencing Lite button in theFile menu.............................................................. 114 87. The Connect To dialog ................................................................................................................... 114 88. The Conferencing menu on the Conferencing Lite server ...................................................... 114 89. The TCP/IP Port Number dialog ..................................................................................................... 115 90. The Conferencing menu on the Conferencing Lite client ....................................................... 115 91. The TCP/IP Port Number dialog ..................................................................................................... 116 92. Start Server in the Conferencing menu on the Conf.Pro server.............................................. 117 93. Connect Conferencing Pro in the Conferencing menu on the Conf.Pro client ................. 117 94. The conferencing pro menu (server) ........................................................................................... 118 95. The LinkMeTo dialog ........................................................................................................................ 119 96. The LinkAll To dialog ......................................................................................................................... 119 97. The Unlink dialog .............................................................................................................................. 120 98. TCP/IP Port Number menu .............................................................................................................. 121 99. The TCP/IP Port Number dialog ..................................................................................................... 121 100. VR4MAX Extreme toolbar ............................................................................................................... 122 101. The Extreme menu ........................................................................................................................... 123 102. The Extreme / Configuration menu .............................................................................................. 124 103. Edit View Configuration dialog ..................................................................................................... 125 104. Pipe/view property dialog.............................................................................................................. 126 105. Identify View Configuration ........................................................................................................... 128 106. Wakeup Clients dialog in this figure the option ‘add’ has been chosen ............................. 129 107. The Extreme / Conferencing Pro menu ....................................................................................... 130 108. The Extreme / Client menu ............................................................................................................. 130 109. The Extreme / Server menu ............................................................................................................ 131 110. The TCP/IP Port Numbers dialog .................................................................................................... 132 111. Listener startup message ................................................................................................................ 135 112. Listener tray icon menu ................................................................................................................... 135 V4M-NAV 176 VR4MAX Navigator Pro/Extreme User Manual 113. VR4MAX Extreme Listener ............................................................................................................... 135 114. VR4MAX Extreme Listener file menu ............................................................................................. 136 115. VR4MAX Extreme Listener view menu .......................................................................................... 136 116. VR4MAX Extreme Listener tools menu .......................................................................................... 138 117. VR4MAX Listener tools/options dialog.......................................................................................... 138 118. The Tools menu ................................................................................................................................. 139 119. Object without reduction (100% : 2040 triangles) ...................................................................... 140 120. Object reduced with reduction (40% : 816 triangles) ............................................................... 140 121. Reduce Mesh dialog ....................................................................................................................... 141 122. Levels Of Detail dialog .................................................................................................................... 143 123. The optimize scene menu .............................................................................................................. 147 124. The optimize scene menu .............................................................................................................. 148 125. BSP Tree Settings dialog .................................................................................................................. 149 126. The Video Device Configurator dialog........................................................................................ 151 127. The Options dialog : On-Screen Feedback ................................................................................ 152 128. The Options dialog : 3D View ......................................................................................................... 153 129. The Options dialog : Labels ............................................................................................................ 154 130. The Options dialog : Units ............................................................................................................... 155 131. The Options dialog : Miscellaneous .............................................................................................. 156 132. The Startup Options dialog : 3D View........................................................................................... 157 133. The Startup Options dialog : File History ....................................................................................... 158 134. The Startup Options dialog : Stereo .............................................................................................. 159 135. The Startup Options dialog : Antialiasing..................................................................................... 161 136. The Startup Options dialog : Remote API .................................................................................... 162 137. The Startup Options dialog : Miscellaneous ................................................................................ 163 138. The VR4MAX Navigator Pro Splash screen .................................................................................. 163 139. The Help menu .................................................................................................................................. 165 140. The About dialog.............................................................................................................................. 166 V4M-NAV 177