APICS Member Resources Guide
APICS Member Resources Guide
APICS Member Resources Guide Take Advantage of Your APICS Member Benefits Look inside for more about APICS APICS Members-Only Resources APICS Certification Programs APICS Educational Conferences APICS Publications APICS Educational Programs APICS Chapter Programs APICS Career Center APICS Advantage Program apics.org Welcome to APICS! As an APICS member, you are now a part of a community that is committed to your success and to preparing you for a brighter future. With more than 50 years of service, APICS brings together professionals from around the globe who are committed to building excellence in operations management. APICS supports more than 33,000 members representing 15,000 companies worldwide in almost every industry with relevant education, internationally recognized certifications, comprehensive resources, and a network of industry experts. Today, operations management professionals play a critical role in helping to manage the bottom line of any organization, and belonging to APICS provides continuing professional education and networking to put you on the right career path. Who Are APICS Members? APICS serves professionals in all areas of operations management, including Production Materials management Inventory Purchasing Supply chain Logistics Joining APICS was the first step in shaping the direction of your future. The next step is to use the benefits of membership to enhance your knowledge and skills. To make the most of your membership experience, become familiar with the benefits highlighted in this guide. Get started by signing on to the APICS web site and contacting your local chapter or International Associate to learn about local educational events and networking opportunities. The APICS Body of Knowledge C E RTIFICA TI ol To s P APICS Member Resources Guide 2 tic al S olut ions nd es a • Resourc US IM PRO VE ONGOING CAREER GROWTH VALIDATION ra c UO T CO G EDUCATION IN EN A CS M PI N O IO N A L T RA IN PR SS O FE IN Membership provides unique access to the APICS body of knowledge— the most expert, current, and relevant education in operations management. Shape the direction of your future by making the most of your experience in the APICS community. The APICS Body of Knowledge y • APICS M munit em be rs hi p m Co al b o Gl NT The APICS Value Chain APICS Membership Benefits No matter what stage you are in your career, APICS membership provides the opportunities to expand your knowledge base through members-only resources and cost savings on educational materials. Member Publications Stay up to date on the latest industry news, trends, and APICS events. APICS magazine APICS Dictionary APICS Operations Management Now APICS Extra APICS e-News APICS Connection Member Resources Use your APICS resources to find work and business solutions. APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge (OMBOK) Framework APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model Online Publication Database APICS Career Center APICS Social Networking APICS Learning Communities APICS Operations Management Employment Outlook APICS Production and Inventory Management (P&IM) Journal Member Programs and Savings Get exclusive, members-only discounts on all APICS programs and products. Certification review courses, materials, and exams APICS International Conference & Expo APICS Webinars Local networking and educational opportunities Supply Chain Council SCORmark benchmarking access APICS Bookstore APICS Advantage Program Aberdeen Research archives APICS and IBF Present: Best of the Best S&OP Conference P Look for this symbol for ways to get started using your APICS member benefits. Get Started! og on to the APICS web site L at apics.org. See instructions inside. omplete your member C profile at apics.org/myinfo. ind contact information F for your local chapter or International Associate at apics.org/membership. ownload your complimenD tary copy of the APICS OMBOK Framework at apics.org/ombok. rder your free APICS O Dictionary, 12th Edition, at apics. org/freedictionary. oin the APICS social networkJ ing communities online on the APICS Blogs at blogs.apics.org, LinkedIn at apics.org/linkedin, and Facebook at apics.org/ facebook. ubscribe to APICS e-News S at apics.org, and APICS Operations Management Now at apics.org/advocacy. oin APICS Learning J Communities at apics.org/communities. ind out more about certificaF tion at apics.org/certification. egister for the APICS R International Conference & Expo at apicsconference.org. articipate in free APICS P Webinars at apics.org/webinars. ign on to the APICS S Career Center at apicscareercenter.org. Welcome to APICS! Exclusive Member Resources Maximize your APICS membership by using the APICS web site to access exclusive information available to APICS members. Bookmark the APICS web site at apics.org and make it the first stop for all your research, news, and career-development needs. Enhanced! APICS Magazine APICS magazine is an award-winning publication and resource for operations and supply chain management professionals that features a recently updated design, new departments, and applicable and relevant content for operations managers. The publication contains a mix of digital and print content, including six printed issues per year and an enhanced digital version available on the APICS web site. Watch your mailbox for print issues and read APICS magazine online at apics.org/magazine. operations management body of knowledge APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge (OMBOK) Framework Gain access to the body of knowledge that defines your operations management work. Understand the language, best practices, and techniques that help you succeed. APICS members receive a free electronic copy of the OMBOK online. ccess yourcomplimentary PDF of the OMBOK Framework by visiting P Aapics.org/ombok. APICS Extra APICS Extra, an online supplement to APICS magazine, provides members with usable, real-world information on the methodologies and tools that enable world-class operations management. Look for APICS Extra to arrive in your email inbox on the last Wednesday of every month. APICS DICTIONARY The standard for excellence in the operations management profession TWELFTH EDITION TWELFTH EDITION More than 4,000 terms and definitions inside 4 APICS Dictionary The APICS Dictionary is the standard for terms and definitions in the operations and supply chain management field. Request your free copy of the English language dictionary (stock #01102) at apics.org/freedictionary or contact APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or +1 (773) 867-1777. APICS Member Resources Guide APICS Career Center The APICS Career Center is an online resource where job seekers can search for positions by area of expertise, location, and salary level. Only APICS members can confidentially post resumes online, search for employer career postings, and sign up for Notify Me!, the free electronic job posting notification service. Employer “The level of applicants that came to us via the Use the Career Development Tools section of the site, which features relevant publications, white papers, and webinars on topics such as interviewing techniques, resume and cover letter writing, and career development. Participate in “Ask the Career Coach”—where APICS members can ask career-related questions and have them answered by a career expert. Employers can use the site to manage their job listings and search from a pool of qualified, experienced job seekers resumes. And, employers who have an APICS member on staff can save up to $100 on job postings. APICS Career Center is incomparably higher than the level of people via traditional channels. We are very satisfied with the caliber of applicants.” — Nikita Andreev Borouge Privite Limited the APICS Career Center at apicscarercenter.org to see P Visit employers and positions such as the following. Employers AstraZeneca BASF Del Monte Foods GE Genentech Johnson & Johnson Microsoft Nestlé Newell Rubbermaid Siemens Target Wyeth Positions Supply chain manager Materials manager Director of materials Inventory control specialist Operations manager Logistics coordinator Buyer/planner Director of purchasing Procurement specialist Production control supervisor Master scheduler Demand analyst Plant manager Warehouse supervisor Job Seeker “Through the APICS Career Center, I searched for a company located in the region where I wanted to live and found a company looking for someone with to apicscareercenter.org for your staffing solutions and P Gtoostay apprised of career opportunities. my skills, experience, and qualifications. We matched ign up for Notify Me!, a job-alert service, to have new S listings delivered to your email address. our needs, and I am back in onfidentially post your resume for review by prospective C employers. doing what I like to do.” Texas where I want to be, —Matthew Cole, Operations Planner Exclusive Member Resources continued Aberdeen Research APICS members have two years of access to the Aberdeen Vault Research Library, which contains current, relevant information on supply chain, manufacturing, information technology, and product research and development. Find out more at apics.org/benefits. APICS Production and Inventory Management (P&IM) Journal The P&IM Journal enables business leaders, students, and academicians to better understand and manage the ever-changing and complex interrelationships of designing and operating processes in manufacturing and service-oriented enterprises in today’s global marketplace. For additional information, visit apics.org/pimj. Supply Chain Council (SCC) SCORmark Benchmarking Access SCC is the world’s leading authority on supply chain methodology, diagnostics, and benchmarking based on the SCOR® standard. Its product offerings are a complement to APICS education and certification programs. APICS members receive member rates on SCC training classes and the SCOR Professional Certification, access to the acclaimed SCORmark benchmarking program, and much more. Take advantage of this member benefit by visiting apics.org/scc. Just for APICS Student Members APICS student members can build a strong foundation for career success with a wide array of student-only member benefits, including: APICS Student Dual Memberships—Enjoy membership with two leading industry organizations. A ssociation for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) A merican Society of Transportation and Logistics (AST&L) APICS CPIM Pearson VUE Jumpstart Program—The E&R Foundation, along with Pearson VUE, awards APICS student members exam vouchers for Basics of Supply Chain Management. Additional Member Savings of $25 (US) on APICS CPIM Exams—APICS student members are eligible to save 25 U.S. dollars on each of the five APICS CPIM exams. Scholars Education Program—This program selects students to attend the APICS International Conference & Expo with expenses fully or partially paid by APICS. Students have the opportunity to attend presentations and meet with featured and educational session speakers, network with conference attendees, and more. Learn about these student member benefits and more at apics.org/membership. 6 APICS Member Resources Guide APICS Social Networking Opportunities APICS provides outstanding online social networking tools enabling you to grow professionally and engage with thousands of operations and supply chain management individuals while managing your busy schedule. Connect and collaborate online with your peers using: APICS Blogs—See the world through the eyes of fellow industry professionals and share and develop ideas, best practices, and solutions. APICS on Facebook—Interact with fellow industry students and colleagues in a dynamic, electronic social environment with relevant content, videos, and pictures. APICS on LinkedIn—Connect and network professionally with others in your field. APICS YouTube Channel—View APICS-related videos or share videos you have from APICS events. started today! Learn more about these APICS social P Get networking tools at apics.org/socialnetworking. “As a member of APICS, I have been able to gain the knowledge and networking necessary to successfully navigate my career. APICS involvement and certification also prove my expertise in operations management. The learning experience has been phenomenal and continues to this day—and I’ve made some lifelong APICS Learning Communities The APICS Learning Communities are a repository of information ranging from theory of constraints to global supply chain management. Tap into the knowledge base provided by thousands of operations management professionals around the world. You can share ideas, ask questions, and exchange industry knowledge and information with more than 7,000 participants. to the ever-expanding APICS body of P Contribute knowledge at apics.org/communities. friends with people I’d have never met otherwise!” Anthony Zampello, CPIM, CIRM, CSCP Zampello and Associates Learn and Network Exclusive Industry Content APICS e-News Join more than 25,000 of your colleagues who subscribe to APICS e-News. This semimonthly, electronic newsletter delivers quick reading and hard-hitting articles on the hottest operations management topics. P To subscribe, visit apics.org. APICS Operations Management Now In each edition of the weekly e-newsletter APICS Operations Management Now, APICS CEO Abe Eshkenazi discusses pertinent topics in today’s economy. These topics range from risk management to excess inventory and more, and how they relate to the APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge (OMBOK) Framework. P To subscribe, visit apics.org/advocacy. World-Renowned Industry Events APICS International Conference & Expo Every year, the APICS International Conference & Expo is the educational and networking event of choice for thousands of operations management professionals. Attendees share knowledge and best practices, and learn the latest trends and techniques to improve their job performance. APICS certification designees also earn 24 professional development points toward their certification maintenance. or more information on APICS 2010, visit P Fapicsconference.org. APICS and IBF Present: Best of the Best S&OP Conference Each year, APICS and IBF jointly present the Best of the Best S&OP Conference. Delve into best practices and techniques essential to more informed decision making, improved cross-functional communication, and more efficient processes to keep supply and demand in balance in your organization. Register at apics.org. [ “The APICS conference is a part of my continuous training plan with CMC Electronics, so I keep on top of modern techniques and up to date on many subjects related to resource planning. The conference is a tremendous source of information. We have implemented many improvements related to production and inventory management at CMC. The international conference gives us a broader view of everything that is going on around the world.” Henri-Paul G. Beaudoin, CPIM, CSCP Manager, Master Planning & Operations System CMC Electronics [ Quebec, Canada 8 APICS Member Resources Guide APICS Web Site: Your Gateway to Benefits and Resources Bookmark the APICS web site at apics.org for fast access to your APICS member benefits, research, news, career, and businessdevelopment needs. Logging-in to the APICS Web Site Use your member ID to gain access to members-only information on the APICS web site. You can find your member ID number on your membership card. If you cannot find that information, call APICS Customer Support. First-Time Web Site Visitors First-time visitors must register on the site to access members-only content. To register, select the “Register” link at the top right side of the page at apics.org. Enter your last name and your APICS member ID then click “Continue.” Once a match is found, you will be asked to create a username and password and verify or update other information as necessary (e.g., email, phone). Once complete, scroll to the end of the page and select “Submit.” Returning Web Site Visitors Select the “Log In” link at the top right side of the page and enter your user name and password. Click the “Log In” button. Forgot Password? If you have forgotten your user name or password, click on the Forgot Password link and follow instructions. A temporary user name and password will be sent to your email address. APICS Advantage Program—Provider Discounts APICS has developed an array of general business and personaluse products and services at special prices and terms to save you money. To use these services, visit apics.org/advantage. This member resource is available only on the APICS web site. Credit Card Services Bank of America offers APICS members the APICS Platinum Plus® MasterCard® credit card with WorldPoints® rewards giving you the flexibility to choose from different types of rewards—cash, travel, gift certificates, merchandise and much more. anage Your Membership Anytime P M Manage your membership quickly and easily online. Log in to apics.org to Update your profile Renew your membership Order a publication R egister for educational events. Log on to the APICS web site at apics.org to gain exclusive access to members-only content, update your profile, renew your membership, and more! APICS Certification Programs The world-renowned APICS certification programs provide operations management professionals with relevant, essential education that equips them for today’s fast-changing marketplace. APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) and APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) designations demonstrate to your customers, competition, employers, and staff that you have the skills and knowledge needed to be successful. According to 2009 Purchasing.com survey, APICS CPIM designees earned 9 percent more than the average salary of non-certified purchasing professionals. According to the Operations Management Employment Outlook, APICS CSCP designees earn, on average, 17 percent more than non-certified supply chain professionals. Which APICS Certification Is Right for Your Career? Both the APICS CPIM and the APICS CSCP designations will enable you to enhance your current skills while increasing your value to current and future employers. APICS CPIM APICS CSCP The APICS CPIM program takes an in-depth look at the production and inventory activities within the internal operations of a company. The APICS CSCP program covers the full scope of managing the components of global supply chains. It provides a thorough understanding of the supply chain so employees can identify opportunities for improvement within their company. Benefits of the APICS CSCP Program Benefits of the APICS CPIM Program D evelop skills to create consistency and foster Increase functional knowledge of production collaboration through best practices, common and inventory management terminology, and corporate-wide communication. Improve efficiency of an organization’s Y ou will have an understanding of how to use entersupply chain prise resources planning (ERP) systems and other Streamline operations through accurate forecasting technologies to improve the entire supply chain proMaximize return on investment on systems and cess. The APICS CSCP program can help corporations technologies maximize their ERP investment by millions of dollars. Enhance your credibility among peers, employers, A chieve greater confidence and peer and industry recognition. and customers APICS CPIM designees are typically involved in Production and inventory management Operations Supply chain management Procurement Materials management Forecasting and planning Finance and cost accounting Manufacturing information systems. 10 APICS Member Resources Guide APICS CSCP designees are typically involved in D esign and implementation of supply chain strategies S upplier and customer relations, international trade, and physical logistics Information technology to enable the supply chain C onsulting or teaching supply chain functions E RP systems. Earning Your APICS Certification Is Easy “The APICS CSCP has provided me the deep understanding of supply Step 1: Gather Materials chain and helped me identify APICS provides free publications to help candidates get started with certification programs. Visit the APICS web site at apics.org/certification or contact APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or +1 (773) 867-1777 or email [email protected]. opportunities for improve- Step 2: Review the Exam Materials successfully from the The APICS CPIM Exam Content Manual (Stock #09051V2010) and APICS CSCP Exam Content Manual (Stock #09031V2010) provide C urriculum overview with test specifications T est-taking tips K ey terminology P ractice questions and answers. ment within my company. Such initiatives are critical for companies to emerge current economic recession.” John Jacob, CSCP, PMP Senior Business Analyst—IT Avery Dennison The APICS CSCP web page (apics.org/cscp) provides E xam administration information A PICS CSCP Exam Registration Bulletin C SCP Learning System information. The APICS CPIM web page (apics.org/cpim) provides APICS CPIM exam preparation options E xam administration information A PICS CPIM Exam Registration Bulletin. t also is highly recommended that candidates obtain the P IAPICS Dictionary (free to members at apics.org/freedictionary). Step 3: Prepare for the Exam APICS has the best educational resources available to help candidates build their knowledge of industry practices and support their certification exam preparation. Many APICS chapters offer review courses for both APICS CPIM and APICS CSCP exams. Outside North America, classes are offered by a network of Authorized Education Providers (AEPs). In addition, APICS CPIM and APICS CSCP exam preparation is available through threeday and four-day APICS workshops and online courses. P ind out if the APICS CSCP is right for your career. F View the APICS CSCP Learning System free demo at apics.org/cscp. Visit apics.org/cscpgettingstarted to download your CSCP Get Started Toolkit. Online Information Center for APICS CSCP Learning System purchasers. Get test-taking tips, printable flashcards, online tests, a bibliography, links, and more. Visit the Education section of apics.org under “Self-Study” for details. As an APICS member, you can save an average of 25 percent on certification review courses and testing fees. Enhance Your Skills Through APICS Education At the core of APICS educational programs is the APICS body of knowledge. Sign up for an APICS educational program and receive the most current and relevant education developed by leading experts and practitioners in the operations management community. APICS membership provides unique access to the body of knowledge through member resources and support from professionals worldwide. APICS Research Provides Roadmaps to Success APICS research initiatives such as the Operations Management Employment Outlook, Lean Practices Survey, and the Supply Chain Manager Competency Model provide insights into the current business environment, look ahead into projected patterns, and provide a framework for professional disciplines. Watch for upcoming APICS research. APICS research initiatives provide valuable information and examine relevant trends in the profession. Be sure to visit apics.org/research for exclusive APICS members-only access to APICS research initiatives. Participate in APICS research. The professional experiences and career paths of APICS members offer vital insights into trends throughout the operations and supply chain management professions. Watch your inbox to see if you’ve been selected to participate in an APICS survey initiative. APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model APICS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER COMPETENCY MODEL The structure of the APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model follows guidelines set by the Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor. The model seeks to provide insights into the capabilities, knowledge, and skills supply chain managers must apply to successfully perform their work. In many cases, the competencies outlined in this model are adapted from the APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge (OMBOK) Framework. APICS Member Report The Operations Management Employment Outlook First Quarter 2010 APICS The Association for Operations Management The University of North Carolina Wilmington 12 APICS Operations Management Employment Outlook Take the pulse of hiring and salary trends in your profession. Be aware of the most in-demand skills for your next position or areas for improvement in your current role. The APICS Operations Management Employment Outlook is a resource to help you understand the job market—trends from previous surveys, current conditions, and projections for the coming months. Download your copy at apics.org/research. APICS Member Resources Guide APICS Online Events APICS Online Events provide convenient educational opportunities for members on current, relevant operations management topics—no travel is required. Members save up to 30 percent on registration. of APICS Webinars is available on demand P Aandselection free of charge to members at apics.org/webinars. APICS Webinars APICS Webinars are convenient, bite-sized education from the profession’s top educators. Offered live and on demand, APICS Webinars help the operations management field stay up to date on the latest trends and best practices. APICS Webinars On Demand If you missed the live presentation, you can access archived APICS Webinars On Demand. Get unlimited access to the APICS Webinar for 30 days after date of purchase. Access APICS Webinars On Demand at apics.org/webinars. Member Information Webinars Interact with APICS leadership, find out about upcoming APICS initiatives, and have your questions answered. APICS Extra Live APICS Extra Live is an APICS online event that delves deeper into content from APICS magazine. Magazine authors discuss recent articles, offer additional insights, and respond to participants’ questions. For more information, visit apics.org/extra. Vendor Webcasts Find out about products and services from the companies that provide them. APICS Vendor Webcasts are complimentary for everyone. View the APICS Vendor Webcasts at apics.org/resources/vendorwebcast. On-Site Training Worldwide APICS on-site training is the solution for groups interested in earning certifications. APICS on-site training is delivered at the time and location that is most convenient for your organization and can be customized to cover industryspecific terminology, concepts, and case studies. For more information, visit apics.org/education. APICS members save up to 30 percent on APICS events and conferences. Enhance Your Skills continued APICS Professional Education APICS Workshop Series In this challenging global marketplace, APICS has introduced two workshops, the APICS Global Sourcing Workshop Series and the APICS Lean Enterprise Workshop Series. These workshops will equip you with the skills to improve efficiency, maximize customer satisfaction, and increase profitability. The APICS Global Sourcing Workshop Series is tailored to identify key issues and complexities of purchasing activities in the international environment. It provides a comprehensive study of the critical tasks and challenges associated with sourcing and procurement internationally. The workshop enables you to gain information on the advantages and disadvantages of global sourcing. Discover how to select logistics partners, address supplier qualifications, and determine supply chain stability. The APICS Lean Enterprise Workshop Series is organized to enable you to systematically approach and understand the lean transformation process. Using scenarios from a fictitious company, you will be tasked with finding lean solutions to a myriad of challenges. This method will provide you with the flexibility to immediately customize what you’ve learned and implement it at your own organization. The APICS Customer-Focused Supply Chain Management Course is designed to meet the basic informational needs of individuals who interact with and support supply chain professionals. APICS CustomerFocused Supply Chain Management offers fundamental knowledge of the functions of SCM and is designed to quickly and effectively educate team members who interact with or support supply chain activities, helping to increase efficiency and generate ideas for improvements. To learn more about the new course, visit apics.org/CFSCM. The APICS Global Sourcing Workshop Series and the APICS Lean Enterprise Workshop Series provide the tools you need to reduce lead times and exceed your customers’ expectations. To find a class near you, visit apics.org/global or apics.org/lean. 14 APICS Member Resources Guide Local Networking and Educational Opportunities “Volunteering in my local The APICS community provides opportunities to exchange ideas and solutions with professionals in your area. Many channel partners—chapters, International Associates (IA) and Authorized Education Providers (AEP)—offer educational programs, instructor-led certification review courses, workshops, career placement opportunities, professional development meetings, and plant tours. involved today. In North America, contact your chapter P Gandet learn about upcoming activities. To find your local chapter, refer to your membership card or use the Chapter Locator in the Membership section at apics.org/membership. For members outside of North America, contact your local IA or AEP for more information. You can find International Associates by visiting apics.org/international or by email at [email protected]. APICS International Representatives MPM Productivity Management Production Management Institute Symix Bulgaria ABCAN Consulting Eurosis Consulting ATIM BV PLAN ProQua BV DRF Verwoerd Consult CIMCIL PICS Belgium IPICS CFGI-Logilite MGCM CPIM de France Full Speed Systems AG Guide You Consulting Int’l AIGI Advance Operations Management School s.r.l. CEL CEL APLOG Visie Partners vLm Ihime Consulting Inc. Korean PICS Morgan International Delphi Jordan ASCMS Data Develop Consulting SCLead AB Consulting Formations, Conseil & Etudes STEAM American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt Knowerx Education, Ltd. Anser Consulting TLAPS CAPICS MPICS SIMM IPOMS CFGI Logilite ABAI CESA—Central and South America North America IEEC Kent Outsourcing Services SAPICS Bytes Technology Group AppliSential Tirisano Ka Batho Consultants Australasian PICS Western Australia Chapter APAC—Asia Pacific Australasian PICS New South Wales Chapter Australasian PICS South Australia EMEA—Europe, Middle East, Africa IA—International Associates AEP—Authorized Education Providers Important Contact Information APICS Customer Support associates are cross-trained in APICS functional areas so that they can respond to a broad range of customer inquiries. You can reach us the following ways: Phone:(800) 444-2742 or +1 (773) 867-1777 Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT Fax: +1 (773) 639-3000 Email: [email protected] Mail:APICS The Association for Operations Management 8430 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60631 USA Australasian PICS Queensland Chapter Australasian PICS Region Secretariat NZPICS, Inc. Australasian PICS Victoria Chapter chapter gave me the opportunity early in my career to learn skills I would not have in my regular work. I found myself working with others to develop strategic plans, budgets, and project plans. Many of the skills learned enabled me to better perform my regular job duties, which helped advance my career.” Eric D. Somers, CPIM, CIRM, CSCP President Somers Training & Consulting Services Inc. Ontario, Canada Share the Benefits of Membership Would one of your colleagues benefit from APICS membership? Help build a stronger APICS membership community by inviting your colleagues to join APICS at apics.org/join. About APICS APICS The Association for Operations Management is the global leader and premier source of the body of knowledge in operations management, including production, inventory, supply chain, materials management, purchasing, and logistics. Since 1957, individuals and companies have relied on APICS for its superior training, internationally recognized certifications, comprehensive resources, and worldwide network of accomplished industry professionals. APICS Mission APICS builds knowledge and skills in operations management professionals to enhance and validate abilities and accelerate careers. We help our members and their organizations successfully compete and build a stronger global economy. Tel ( 773) 867-1777 (800) 444-2742 Fax (773) 639-3000 Web site apics.org Stock #82023V2010 8/2010
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