April 2016 Newsletter - Collin County Aggie Moms` Club
April 2016 Newsletter - Collin County Aggie Moms` Club
Aggie Moms Connecting Volume 32 / Issue 7 April 2016 Collin County Aggie Moms Club President’s Message Howdy Aggie Moms! The year is coming to an end so quickly—we have truly had an amazing year with Collin County Aggie Moms! As we wrap up this year for CCAM, I reflect on all that has taken place and the few activities yet to occur. My heart is touched by the Moms and Aggie families who have worked tirelessly on fundraising activities and supported our efforts throughout this year. I am so grateful and cannot begin to thank everyone for your dedication and service to CCAM. If you traveled to Aggieland for Parents’ Weekend, I hope you had a wonderful time spent with family and were able to spend some quality shopping time at the Aggie Mom Boutique. Many thanks to everyone who volunteered to make this weekend a success for our club’s Boutique and Raffle sales. This weekend also marked the election of Federation officers for 2016-17, and congratulations are in order for our own Troie Burch ’77 who will serve as VP at Large, Katie Latham ’80 as Corresponding Secretary, and Janet Davis ’79 as Hospitality. Congratulations Troie, Katie, and Janet! The Howdy Rowdy Round Up was absolutely fabulous! Thanks to the co-chairs Jenny Secrest and Rose Bassett for creating an outstanding event. What a joy to see all the efforts culminate in an evening of fun and fundraising. Thank you to everyone involved in any capacity! The Big Event allowed us to give back to our community through service. It was a great opportunity to get to know fellow club members while volunteering our time. The Scholarship Committee is hard at work narrowing the list to choose the recipients of our scholarships. What a blessing to be able to donate scholarships and support student organizations as a result of our fundraising efforts. I look forward to seeing each of you at our April 18 General Meeting. We have a great program planned and we will be voting on our elected officers who will be leading our club next year. A slate of outstanding Moms are committing their time and hearts to our club. Hold on tight…the year is wrapping up with exciting things! Thanks and Gig ‘em, Christy Kinnaird President, Collin County Aggie Moms Mom of Madeline ‘16 April General Meeting Our April 18 General Meeting speakers are Cleveland Manley '87 and Dana Johnson Manley '87, husband and wife veterinarians. They will be speaking about their time at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Dana was the first black female graduate from the TAMU College of Veterinary Medicine and Cleveland was only the second male. They are trailblazers and were recently profiled in the TAMU magazine, CVM Today. Whoop! First Come, First Serve: One-Nite-Only-Silent-Auction, Last chance to pick up your Directory, Final SCRIP Gift Cards available, and much, much more! Pre-Meeting Dinner at 5:45 p.m. All are Welcome! Location: Rusty Taco (8000 Coit Rd) Northeast corner of Coit and Hedgecoxe in Plano. Please join us for an informal dinner with other Aggie Moms and our Guest speakers! Aggie Moms Connecting Howdy Rowdy Sponsors And the winner is… From The Howdy Rowdy RoundUp Committee... a great big THANK YOU to our sponsors who so generously helped us make our spring fundraiser a fun and successful event. Whoop! Thank you to: Our club conducted a raffle over Parent's Weekend, and the results are in! We generated over $2,000 for our Aggie students by selling almost 2,500 tickets for the triple-patented original Ring Wrap generously donated by Emily Huskinson, President and Founder of Ring Wraps, LLC. Northwood Veterinary Clinic Lyles Degrazier C2 Education Again, many thanks, Jenny Secrest and Rose Bassett CCAM Scholarships We were thrilled to receive applications from so many bright and giving AGGIES! Our selection committee will be busy this month evaluating submissions. Once the recipients are determined, they will be contacted and along with their families, will be invited to the Awards Presentation at our general meeting on May 16. Thanks so much to all Collin County Aggie Mom's for purchasing tickets, selling them to their neighbors and working the raffle booth during a busy Parent's Weekend. Our winner is Adrienne Chapman, a current student at Texas A&M. Congratulations to Adrienne and our thanks for participating in the raffle. Emily has been a wonderful partner for us and her fabulous product generates much interest and many ticket sales. We couldn't do it without her! Please take a moment to read her story using the link below. It's an inspiration and she really knows the meaning of giving back! RingWraps - The Beginning: Attention May Graduates! Each summer, winter, and spring, the Collin County Aggie Moms present a ring crest paperweight to all current Texas A&M graduates of Collin County OR a current Aggie Grad of a current Collin County Aggie Moms club. Please provide us with the following information: Aggie grad's name Class year Major (and minor if applicable) Honors Extracurricular Future plans Parents names (class year if an Aggie Grad). Please send us your information by completing this form: http://goo.gl/forms/ZpRIja1UrD We will honor our new graduates at our General Meeting on May 16, 7 p.m. at the Gallery Event Room, 6837 Coit Road, Plano, TX 75024. If you have any questions, please email Michelle Burke at [email protected] Page 2 CCAM continues to be blessed through the partnership with Ring-Wraps, LLC. We are so thankful for their contribution to CCAM raffle. Pictured is Linda Judd (left) and Emily Huskinson (right). Volume 32 / Issue 7 A picture... or several pictures are worth a thousand words... District 2 Aggie Moms meeting held in Richardson, Texas! Ring of Honor Ladies: Once an Aggie Mom, Always an Aggie Mom! Kendra Scott Gives Back to Collin County Aggie Moms! Page 3 Aggie Moms Connecting Big Event 2016 Collin County Aggie Moms help Minnie’s Food Pantry provide healthy meals for families in need. Artwork by Benjamin Knox Collin County Aggie Families help paint and landscape Holy Family School in McKinney, who offers high-quality childcare and learning environment for Collin County's diverse population. Page 4 Volume 32 / Issue 7 2016-17 Slate of Elected Officer Nominations The nominating committee of our club comprised of Susan Gullord, Norma Walker, Barbara Vanikiotis, Suzan York, and Christy Kinnaird. Barbara presented the proposed slate for elected officers to lead our club in the 2016-2017 school year at the Howdy Rowdy Round Up Spring Fundraiser on April 1. The election of officers will be held at our April 18 General Meeting, please be sure to attend! 2016-17 Appointed Committee Chairs Committee Chairs Member Aggie Angels Becky Bird Aggie Angels Laurie Kornher Aggie Moms Connecting Julia Hoxie Aggie Moms Connecting Judy Barnes Big Event Michele Burke Big Event Leslie Meil Boutique Rose Bassett President ............................. Suzan York Boutique Betty Kiowski 1st VP – Membership ............. Martha Champion Directory Deborah Vanderburg Email Sherry Bryant Facebook Angie Rogers 2nd VP – Projects.................. Jennifer Flatt 3rd VP – Socials.................... Andi Rosenfield Federation Rep Troie Burch 4th VP – Programs ................ Barbara Vanikiotis Goodie Bags Deni Bleggi 5th VP – Publications ............. Susan Gullord Goodie Bags Patti Mitcham VP at Large .......................... Christy Kinnaird Goodie Bags Julie Ratliff Secretary ............................. Linda Waninger Membership Asst./Name Badges Maria Betten Treasurer ............................. Sue Burke Newsletter Susan Gullord Historian .............................. Vicki Reitinger Ornaments Rita Fulmer Pecans Kim Hagerty Pecans Sonia Chase Poinsettias Randa Hudman Parliamentarian .................... Sonia Chase We still have a few committee positions to fill: Raffle Team 1+ Poinsettias Pam Mapes Spring Fundraiser Team 2+ Programs Asst./Graduate Gifts open Programs Assistant 1+ Programs Technology Linda Judd Raffle Team open Ring of Honor Kim Hagerty Scholarships Keir Burke Scholarships Norma Walker SCRIP Cards Tracey Koerner SCRIP Cards Jenny Secrest Socials Asst. Cheryl Bellamy Socials Asst. Kathy Steele Spring Fundraiser Team open Treasurer Asst./Fun Money Laura McKee Webmaster Lynette Duval 35th Anniversary Chair Janet Davis Please consider offering your time to serve in one of these positions. Contact Christy Kinnaird at [email protected] to sign-up! Whoop! Page 5 Aggie Moms Connecting Aggie Muster April 21 If you would like to attend a local Muster event, here are a few details of events in our area. Find Your Muster at: http://www.aggienetwork.com/muster/search.aspx For more information http://muster.tamu.edu/ Frisco and Collin County A&M Clubs Date/time: April 21, 6 p.m. Location: Clark Middle School 4600 Colby Drive, Frisco Speaker: Patrick Williams ’92, Texas A&M Foundation http://www.friscoaggies.org/2016-muster-registration/ Dallas A&M Club Date/time: April 21, 5:30 p.m. Location: Gilley’s Dallas, 1135 S. Lamar Street, Dallas Speaker: Jason Cook, Senior Associate Athletic Director http://dallasaggies.org/html/events.asp? action=viewevent&id=3095 Lake Highlands A&M Club Date/time: April 21, 6:30 p.m. Location: Scofield Memorial Church Speakers: W. Mike Baggett & Carl Baggett http://www.lhmuster.org/ Denton A&M Club Date/time: April 21, 5:30 p.m. Location: Royal Affairs Ballroom, 140 E Main St, Lewisville http://www.dentoncountyaggies.com/calendar.php McKinney A&M Club Date/time: April 21, 6 p.m. Aggie Mom’s Connecting Howdy Aggie Moms! Our craft event in March was amazing! Aggie Moms met at the Extension Center and enjoyed a night of stamping great cards and crafts with Spring and Aggie themes. We also enjoyed some yummy snacks. We took five awesome handmade items home! This month we look forward to seeing all of you at our last Bunco of the school year on April 22. If you have been a “BUNCO REGULAR” or if this will be your first time to play, we are looking forward to an evening of fun! Location: El Dorado Country Club, 2604 Country Club Drive, McKinney Speaker: Dr. Tobin Redwine, ’07, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Leadership https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aggie-muster-2016mckinney-tickets-21403757214?ref=elink Corps Moms Dinner Join other Aggie Corps Moms at Central Market in Plano on Tuesday, April 19, at 7 p.m. Come when you can, leave when you need to! Contact Andi Rosenfield at [email protected] or (214) 808-4577 if you have any questions! Page 6 Aggie Moms Stampin' Up at the craft event in March! Volume 32 / Issue 7 Post-Spring Fundraiser Silent Auction at April General Meeting! Student Organizations End-of-Year Donations Several donation items are still available and will be on display at our next General Meeting. We will have a mini silent auction so if you weren't able to attend the event and want to buy or donate to a great cause, you will have an opportunity! It’s time to select where you want your portion of Collin County Aggie Moms’ fundraising money to go! Yes! We are going green... paperless! All votes will be cast online this year. The following items will available to bidders: Two—C2 Education Diagnostic, Evaluation and Tutoring Packages, each worth $1400 One—Wine Tasting for 20 People, valued at $750 One—Custom Action Photography Package of your Deadline: May 16, 2016 Cast Your Votes at: http://goo.gl/forms/92nrzlqqY6 TAMU Student Organizations List: https://collincountymoms.aggienetwork.com/forms/ athlete, dancer or cheerleader, valued at $500 One—Veterinary Package including yearly exam and vaccinations, worth $214 One—Rough Riders Tickets plus Pizza at Durkin's Pizza, valued at $176 One—Harley-Davidson, size 7 boots for women, valued at $280 Have fun looking and bidding on these great items at our Monday night General Meeting April 18! Aggie Br’Ags Troie Burch '77 — 2015-16 Federation of Texas A&M Mothers’ Club President We are proud of our very own Collin County Aggie Mom! "Aggie Moms, Deep in the Heart of Aggieland" Madeline Kinnaird ‘16 will serve her last year at Texas A&M as the newest addition to the ninth class of Maroon Coats. Parents Clark and Christy Kinnaird are beyond words proud!! WHOOP! Page 7 Collin County Aggie Moms Connecting — April 2016 CCAM Board Members 2015-16 CCAM Mom’s “Whooping” it up at Parent’s Weekend while working the Mom’s Boutique! Parents Weekend Boutique was a huge success! President Christy Kinnaird [email protected] VP at Large Barbara Vanikiotis [email protected] Secretary Linda Waninger [email protected] Historian Vicki Reitinger [email protected] Parliamentarian Elizabeth McCoy [email protected] Federation Representative Katie Latham [email protected] 1st VP Membership Suzan York [email protected] 2nd VP Projects Kim Hagerty [email protected] 3rd VP Socials Atesh Stahl [email protected] 4th VP Programs Angie Rogers CCAM getting inventory ready for Parents Weekend Aggie Moms Boutique! [email protected] 5th VP Publications Rita Fulmer [email protected] Treasurer Sue Burke [email protected] Email Coordinator Sherry Bryant collincountymoms@ aggienetwork.com Webmaster Lynette Duval [email protected] Newsletter Susan Gullord [email protected] Page 8 CCAM Communications Weekly emails are sent on Wednesdays. Please send brief and specific information by Tuesdays that you would like included in the weekly email to: [email protected] Monthly Newsletter: Articles for the next newsletter are due on Tuesday, May 10. Send your articles and Aggie Br’Ags to [email protected]
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