McCulloch Chipper/Shredder Pro
McCulloch Chipper/Shredder Pro
MMECULLOCH” cHIPPER/sHREDDER Pro-Mac 5000 Pro Mac 5000i , ., (=) OWNER’S MANUAL READ CAREFULLY- 419 I& WARNING: TO REDUCE THE ?QTENT’fAtFOR ANY INJURY, COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING SAFETY lNSTRUCTfONS. FAILURE TO COMpf-Y WITH THE lNSTRUCllONS MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY. TRAINING ● ● Read this owrmr”s manual carefully in fis entirey before attempting to assemble or operate this machine. Be completely familiar with the controls and the proper use of thl.s machine before operai~ it. Keep this manual in a safe pface for future and rqular reference or for ordering replacement parts. Children must never be allowed to operate this equipment. No one shoufd operate this unit while intoxicated or while tafdng medication that imps.ks the senses or reactions. This equipment shoukf operated in the vicinity of children, pets or other persons. Never run your machine in an enclosed area as the exhaust from the engine contains carbon monoxide, ydich Is an pcfdess, tasteless and deadly poisonous gas. Never place your hands or any part of your bocfy or cbthing inside the”feeding chamber, discharge chute, or near any moving part while the machine or engine is running. If it’ Is necessary for any reason to irrsp&t or repair the feeding chambers of any part of the macf&e where a moving part can cqme in co”ntact with your body or cbthirrg, stop the machine, aflow it to COOI,disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and move it away from the spark plug before attempting such inspection or repair. PREPARATION Wear safety gogglos, work gfoves and shoes while operating the chipper/shredder. Do not wear loose cbthing or jowcdry. Operate chippor/shreddcrr only on a level surface. Do not operate the chipper/shredder on a paved or gravel surface. Before starting the chlpperlshredder, check that all ~screws, nuts, bolts and all other fasteners are properly sekxrrcrd. Replaco all damaged or unreadable warning and oporaling decals. Check fuel Iovel bolore starting engine. Gasoline is highly flammable; handle with care. Use only an approved cOntalnor. Do not fill fuel tank indoors, when engine Is running, or until engine is allowed to cool. Do not smoke. Reinstall fuel cap on tank and fuel container. Wipe the unit clqan of any spilled fuel. OPERATION Beforo starling IIIC machine, operators shall make certain that Iho cu[tinq charnbor is empty. When Iectiiflg m[iteriai in!o this equipmenl, be extremely carolul th;II piocor, of metal, rocks, bottles. cans or other foroign objoc[z aro not incluctod. Personal injury or damago to thomxhinc coufd result. ● .. . ., ff the cutting mechanism strikes any foreign object or n your machine should start making an unusual noise or vibration, immediately stop the engine, disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and move it away from the spark plug. Aflow the machine to stop and take the following steps: InSped for damage. Repface or repair Wy damaged parts. Check for any hose parts and tghten to assure continued safe The engine must be kept clean of debris and other accumulations. Do not allow an accumulation of processed materiaf to build up in the discharge area as this will prevent proper discharge and can resutt in kick-bad from feed opening. Never pl~e your hands or any other part of your bbdy or cfothing inside the feeding chamber,” discharge chute or near any moving part while the engine is running. Keep all guards and deflectors in place and in good worfdng cxmditiirr to assure c%ntinued safe operatiin. Always stand clear of the discharge area wheri operating this machine. Keep your face and body back from the feed opening to avo”d accidental bunco bad of any material.. Do not over-reach. Keep proper balance and footing at all times. The engine governor, settings on your machine must not be altered, changed, or tarripered with. The governor controls the maximum safe ‘operating speeds and protods the engine and all moving parts from damage caused by over-speed. Authorized service personnel slpuld perform these adjustments if a problem exist. Do not trans~rt machine while engine is running. Do not operate engine it air cleaner or cover directly over carburetor air intake is removed, except for adjustment. Removaf of such parts cmufd create a fire hazard. . If chippkhreddor becomes cfogged the operator must shut-off .e,ngirre, and discxrnnect spark plug before clearing debris. . . MA1tiNANCE AND STORAGE When this equipment is stopped for servicing, inspectio~ storage or to change an accmssory, make sure the spark plug wire is discmneded from the spark plug and moved away from the spark plug. Tho machine should be allowed to c@ down before making such inspection. adjustments, service, elc. Maintain your machine with caro and keep it clean Ior tho best and continuod safe operat’km. Authorized sorwco shall be soughl if a problem oxisls. Do not uso flammablo solutionc 10clwrII the air Iiller. When not in use, your machmo chould t.m stored out of tho roach of chikfron. Keep whoro ga$olino fumes will nof roach an opon tlamo or spark. For kJIXJpurior.ts of storagoo rofcr to Iho ‘Sloraao- section of lhi~ rnanu;d. ~NING: This unit is equipped with an Inlomal ccrmbustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved lo~osl-covered. bnrshred or ~rnss+nmrod fond unfess the ongkwr’s exhaust sys!om Is equippd wih a spark arrosfor meeting apphmbfo local or LIJIC laws (if any), tpark amoster IS used, II should bo maintained in offoctiw working order by the opcrakx. e SIaIc 01California tile above Is required by law (Section 4442 of the CafifornicrPUMCResources Code) Orhcr sratcwmay tmvc similar laws. ml laws apply O(I Irxk, ral lands A spmk wrcskr for the mulllcr is available throw)h your nearest engine mJhoIIzw_I :I:tvIcu deah:f 2 421 .................................. ............................2 SAFETYRULES .......... ..... ..... .............................3 ABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................... .............................4-5 ASSEMBLY OPERATION Maintenance STORAGE ............ ................................................. ........ 10 SERVtCE& ADJUSTMENTS .............. .......- .........-..11 -13 TROUBLESHOOTING ............. ............... ..... .... ............l4 ...................... .......... ................................6-8 REPAIR CONTENTS OF SHIPPING completely assembled oxceptfor chipper chute and shredder hopper Shredder 1- Chip@r 1- Deflector 1- ............. ...................... ...... ..... ........24-29 TOOLS REQUIRED FOR JWSEMBLY: CARTON: 1- Chlppor/Shredder i- PARTS ..... .................. ...................... ..........l5.23 ACCESSORIES ...... ................. ........ ..............................9 I-Regular Screwdriver 1-1 Q- Wrench hopper,’ handle and guard assembly 1- lR. Socket chute assembly 1-Ratchet Wrench W/ Parts Bag Containing: 1 - Owners’ Manual 1 - Engine Manual 1 - Warranty Card NOTE: 10 - Patch Loc 114-20x .50 One Way Screws .8 - Flatwashers Tools required will depend on unit purchased. ;281x .63x .065 4,. - Nuts 1/4-20 REGHEX Center lock 1 - Safety Goggles 1 - Callector Bag 1 - Debris Tamper IiK!i [ CONTENTS OF PARTS BAG 3 . . i; . .:,. .,. , :: “423 ,. .. . . ● \ A DANGER A ● Assemble six (6) l/4-20x .50 screws, provided inpartsbag, through aligned holes. Do not tighten. . Position Hopper in position level with the unit and tighten all six (6) screws securely. There are rotating cutting blades Inside the Chipper/ Shredder housing that will cause serious Injury. DO NOToperate machlneunless Chipper Chute and Shredder Hopper are securely installed. TEP 1: UNPACKING AND CHECKING ONTENTS Locate and remove Chipper Chute/Shredder assembfy and debris tarnper from carton. . Locate qnd,remove Cutafl”fourcorners Hopper parts bag. of carton from top to bottom and lay flat. Remove bracket from support and cut nylon ties from axle. Pull the ChipperX3tiredder ● Pmpafy &+ose off of the pallet. of discarded ””&rton and pallet. Compare cxmter$s with the contents of parts bag. If any contact your local service dealer or @l for factory service. parts are missing or damaged, m 2: IIwmu SHREDDER iiOpPER Rotate Shredder/Hopper tube upward to Ialched Posilion. STEP 3: INSTALL CHIPPER CHUTE Wfih Shredder Hopper handle (iom B) pointing away from the engine and the rectangular opening “facing upward, posltiinthe round opening of the Shredder Hoppor (item A) over the round steel chute tube (item D) (See FIG. 2ASSY). ● Remove flatwashors and locking nuts (item B) from the ~~ three (3) threaded studs (See FIG. 3-ASSY). ● Position Chipper Chule assembly (ilem A) in opening in housing and over the thr~o (3) threaded studs. Place vshaped bottom fip of Chipper Chuto into oporjng first and raise Chipper Chute unlil remaining two (2) sluds” are through the top holes. ● Assombfoflaf washers and locking nuts to three (3) . . threaded studs and faston securely. - AfIgntopholelnthe Shredder Hopper rmck with tho top hole In the steel chute tube. ‘4 425 ● STEP 4: “INSTALLDISCHARGE 3EFLECTOR ● Position discharge ASSY. ● Attach deflector to shredder housing using the four (4) l/420 x .50 one-way screws (item D), cighf (!3) !Ialwashers (item E), and four (4) locknuts (ilem F). (See FIG. 4-ASSY) ● TQhtcn deflector (item C) as shown in FIG. 4- locknuts securely. 43D’ STEP. 5: ASSEMBLY OF COLLECTOR BAG ● The Chipper/Shredder comes equipped with one of two types of collector bag to catch the shredded material. . To attach the bag, place the opening of the bag around the ‘discharge opening (on units having a chute deflector, pull the bag over the deflector) until the drawstring is positioned behind upper and lower tabs on housing. Depress the plunger on the drawstring fock and pull on the d~awstring until the bag is tight around the discharge opening.Tielease plunger to retain drawstring and bag in position. See FIG. 5-ASSY. ● The Chipper/Shredder may be operated “without coflector bag installed. When operating without bag, stay clear of discharge opening and do not allow materiaf to collect and restrict discharge of material. ,.’ 427 ., ., .- ,. , . . :,.,..... f W YOUR CHIPPER-SHREDDER AD THISOWNER’S MANUAL AND SAFETY npare the lllustrat”~ns with your tiipper-shredder RULES BEFORE to familiarize OPERATING” YOUR CHIPPER-SHREDDER. yourself with the focation of various controls and adjust ments. Save manual for future reference. MEETS ANSI S FETY STANDARDS Chlpper-Shredders }ERATING F~ EIGO ,/; conform to the safety stand\ Qs of the Amerfcan coN’fRoLs 1 ‘ORE USING YOUR CHIPPER-SHREDDER, OF THIS MA.NUA.L, :Imum noise level ALW~~.S. measured AGAIN REFER BE C,AREFUL. In a distance of Im Standards fnstitute. (D) SHREDDER HOPPER -Used for shredding small branches and other smafl debris. (E) SHREDDER HOPPER RELEASE KNOB -Rofoases Shrodder Hopper to rotat ed 10ground position for easy raking of Ioavos and other debris inlo the hopper. (F) STARTER HANDLE - Used to manuaffy start the engino. OP) CHIPPER CHUTE - Used for chipping branches COLLECTOR BAG - Used to colloct all chipped, shredded xwumed debris for easy disposaf. ENGINE CONTROLS - Throttfe and Choke controls are ted here. (see engine manual for individual controls) _;-E2 National TO THE “SAFETY RULES” AS SHOWN ON -. from shredder and 1.6m above ground= 97db(A) (as per 45635). 6 429 ., ● ’BEFORE 1- placethe ,. STARTING CHIPPER-SHREDDER: shredder on a“firm, Ievol surface. !? -. Service Ongino with gasolino and oil as instrucfod in the — scparale engino manual packed with your shredder. 3. Insure spark plug wire is attached [ DANGER A WARNING The ChipporC3hrcddor ods of operation ‘A to spark plug. A BE HOW To USE YOUR A A THE CHIPPEIVSHREDDER IS SHIPPED WITHOUT GASOL!NE IN THE FUEL TANK AND VERY LMLE OIL IN -THE ENGINE CRANKCASE DO NOT OPERATE ENGINE UNllL CRANKCASE HAS BEEN FILLED WITH OIL AS SPEC!FIED IN THE ENGINE MANUAL PROVIDED WITH THE MACHINE. TO START ENGINE: ● Insure spark plug wire and rubber boot is attached to spark plug (See Engine Manual). ● Turn fuel shut-off valve to “ON” position (see Engine Manual). Push stop switch to “ON” pq:ition (if so equipped) for three (3) difforont DANGER moth A’ THECHIPPER-SHREDDER DISCHARGESMATERIALS WITH CONSIDERABLE VELOCITY. KEEP AWAY FROM THEAREAAROUNDTHE DISCHARGE ALWAYS STOP THE ENGINE AND DISCONNECT THE SPARK PLUG W!RE WHEN REMOVING OR AITACHING THE BAG WHEN CHANGING CONTAINERS OR WHEN REMOVWEAR SAFETY ING THE SHREDDED MATERIAL GIASSES AND GLOVES WHENEVER USING YOUR CHIPPER-SHREDDER. SURE NO ONE OTHER THAN THE OPERATOR IS sTANDING NEAR THE CHIPPER-SHREDDER WHILE STARTING OR OPERATING. ~ k do:.qned d ● Leaves and small branches can be fed into the Hewer assembly when !! is in the raised positiin (See FfG:2-6P). It it becomes necessary to push material into the Ctipper/ Shredder, use the supplied debris tamper - NOT YOUR HANDS: (A DANGER A . ANY AITEMPTTO PUSH MATERIAL WITH ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE DEBRIS TAMPER CAN RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR MACHINE DAMAGE. (if so equipped). Move choke control lever to “CHOKf3FULL positiin. (See Engine Manual) Move throttle control lever to ‘FAST/OWRUN” CHOKI? position. Grasp starter handle (See Engine Manual) and pull rope out slowly until engine reaches start of compression cycle (rope will pull slightly harder at this point. Let the rope rewind . slowly. m ..,.,.,., .,,.,:.“i Pull the rope with a rapid, continuous, full arm ~troke. Keep a firm grip on start handle. Let rope rewind slowly. DO NOT let starter handle snap back against starter. ~~ ● Repeat preceding two (2) instructions until engine fires; When engine starts, move choke lever on engine halfway between ”CHOKE/FULLCHOKF and”RUN/NO CHOK15. ● Move throttle control to idle rm.ition for a few minutes to allow engine to warm-up. When engine is warm move choke lever to “RUN’* position. NOTE Inorderto idle srncmthly, a new engine mayrequirethree (3) to five (5) minutes running above slow idle speed. Idle speed has been adjusted to be correct after this break-in period. TO STOP ENGINE: . Move throttle ~ntrol lever (See Engine Manual) to”* OFF/STOP/SLOW” position. . . Push stop switch to ‘OFF” position (if so equipped). . Do not choke carburetor to stop engine. Backfire or engine damage may resuft if choke is used to stop engine. NOTE: Close fuel shutoff va~e (if so equipp+) when transporting to prevent fuel leakage. or flOt operating Chipper/Shredder, 431 , i“A I DO NOT DEPOSIT AMETER IN THE HOPPER HEAVfER A“ WARNING THAN MATERIAL LARGER ASSEMBLY. 1/2”’ SHOULD THAN ANY BE FED INTO r MATERIAL Cti[P- AI ● ‘ Leaves and small twigs can be raked into thG Hoppe assembly, when the Hopper assembly is rotatod to th, ground: Small branches can also be fed into the Hoppe zu+crmbfy in this position (See FIG. 3-OP). A’ ING USE. PER CHUTE. D DANGER MAKE CERTAIN THE CHIPPER CHUTE GUARD IS IN PLACE. SHOULD THE CHIPPER CHUTE GUARD BECOME WORN OR TORN, REPLAcE BEFORE CONTINU- 1/2’” Dl- THE A \l / Bulky material, such as stalks or heavy branches (anything over 1/2” diameter, up to 3“ in diameter), should be fed into the Chipper chute (See FIG 5-OP). For best performance, itisimportant tokeepthe shredding blade and the chipper blade sharp. Refer to service and adjustment section, pages 12, 13. If the composition of the material being discharged changes (becomes stringy, etc.) or il the rate at which the material feeds’~n slows down considerably, it is likely that the shredding blade and/or Chipper blade is dull and need to be sharpened or replaced. To rotate the Hopper assembly, use one (1 ) hand to pullth Hopper release knob out until the Hopper assembly is fre to move (See FIG. 4-OP). Rotate the Hopper assembly t the right (while holding the Hopper releaso knob) until th edge contacts the ground. 433 ● — LA - DANGER A) ALWAYS STOP ENGINE AND DISCONNECT SPARK PLUG WIRE BEFORE CLEANING, LUBRICATING OR ANY REPAIRS OR MAINTENANCE. PERFORMING SPARK PLUG The. spark plug should be cfoaned and the gap reset once ; season or every (50) hours of operation (See Engine Manuaf) Spark plug roplacomonl is recommended at the starl of eat} season; check engine manuat for correct pkrg type and ga~ specifications. CLEAN ENGINE GENERAL RECOMMENDA’fiONS: . Periodically check all fasteners and be sure they ● are tight. Follow the Service Recommendation Schedule, in SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENT section of this manual. CHIPPER/SHREDDER Lubricate the transport good quafii motor oil. LUBRICATION: wheel hubs occasionally, with a The rotating Hopper assembly requires lubricating 10 maintain optimum performance. Approximately every fiie (5) hours of operation, before each use, and before storage, Iubriite the Hopporassembly rotating plate. Using a hand grease gun, filled with a good quality, all-purpose grease, lubricate the three (3) zerk fittings found on the Hopper assembly retainer ring. Fill each zerk with approximately five (5) shots of grease. Rotate Hopper assembly to the ground as shown in FIG.!! OP and apply five (5) more shots of grease to each of the three (3) zerks. Rotate Hopper assembly several times to spread lubricant around. NOTE: Should Iubr” the Hopper assembly fail to provide adequate rotat”mn, remove the entire Hopper assembly from unit (See FIG.2-SERV). Clean debris from all rotating parts, repface or repair any damaged parts, reassemble Hopper assembly securely to unit and lubricate according to procedure above. Clean engino periodically. Remove dirt and debris with a cloth or brush. Cleaning with a forceful spray of water is not remm. mended as water could contaminate the fuel system. Yearfy or every twenty-five (25) hours, which ever occurs first, re’movethe blower housing and dean the ,@reas shown in your Engine Manual to avoid over-speeding, over-heating end engine damage. Clean more often if necessary. ,, MUFFLER Do not operate the Chipper/Shredder Withoq a muffler or tamper with the exhaust system. Damaged mufflers or spark and arresters could geate a fire hazard. Inspect periidk.aily replace if necessary. If your engine is equipped with a spark arrester screen assembly, remove every ffiy (50) hours for cleaning and insp~ion. Replace if damaged. CLEANING . TheChipper/Shredder may be cleaned by running water from a hcce through the Shredder Hopper assembly and Chipper chute with engine running. Allow the Chipper/ Shredder to dry thoroughly. ● Wash !hebag periodicatlywtih water. Allow to dry thoroughly in the shade. Do Not use heat. Caster wheel (optional) approximately every ten (1 O) hours of operation and befo~e storage, lubricate-the ze~ fitting found above the caster wheel with three (3) shots of a good quality, all purposo grease. ● ENGINE LUBR1CATION: ‘“ Refer to the separate engine manual for engine maintenance instructions. Maintain engine oil as instructed in the separate engine manual packed with your unit. Read and follow instructions carefully. AIR CLEANER - Service aircleanerevery (25) hours or every season, which eve! comes first. Clean every few hours under extremely dusty conditions. Poor engine performance and flooding indi. cates that the air cleaner should be setviced. To service the ail cleaner, refer to the separate engine mairual packed with youl unit. NOTE Never run your engine without air cleaner completel~ assembled. FUEL FILTER (IF SO EQUIPPED) ● Fuel filter should be rcrplacod once each season. If fuel filte becomes clogged, obstructing fuel flow to carburetor, replace ment is required. To service tho air cleaner, refer to the sepa rate engine manual packed with ‘your unit. 435 . r A .. ,.. . DANGER NEVERSTOREYOUR CHIPPER-SHREDDER INDOORS OR IN AN ENCLOSED, POORLY VENTffATED AREA IF GASOLfNE R~lNS IN THE TANK. FUMES MAY REACH AN OPEN FLAM~ SPARK OR PILOT UGHT FROM A FURNAC~ WATER HEATER, CLOTHES DRYER, CIGARETC. “o prevent &gine damage if chfpper-shr&fder is not used for norethan 30 days, followthe steps tx+ow: /OT12 GASOLINE MUST BE REMOVED . . OR TREATED TO ‘REVENT GUM bEPOSfTS FROM FORMING IN-THE TANK, W~R, HOSE AND CARBURETOR DURING ..STORAGE. d-SODURING STORAGE, ALCOHOL-BLENDED GASOLINE liAT USES. ETHANOL OR METHANOL (SOMETIMES XLED GASOHOL) AITRACTS WA~R. IT ACTS ON THE M.SOLfNE,TO FORM ACIDS WHICH” DAMAGE WE ENilNE .“ To remove gasoline, run engine unt~ tank is empty and engine sfops. If you do not Want to remove gasoline, a gas stabilize such =“ STA-BIL may be added to any gasoline left in the tank to minimize gum deposits and acids. If the tank is almost empty mix stabilizer with fresh gasoline in a separate container and adc some to ttje tank. Atways follow instructions on stabllizel container. Then run enghe at least 10 minutes after stabl. Ilzer Is added to allow ‘mixture to reach carburetor. Store chipper-shredder In safe place. See warning above. The following steps shbukt be taken to prepare your shredderfol storage. @ Clean unit thoroughly, including engine. . Refer to engine manual instruct”~ns. “ . Carefully inspe~ unit and repla~ any worn, damaged, 01 missing parts and tghten any loose fasteners ● If storing in an unventilated or metal storage shed, coal metal par& with a ~ght oil or siliine to prevent rusting. . Store Chipper/Shredder reach of children. for correct engine storag~ in a dry,” clean area out of the . 437 A DANGER - ● A Remove the blade, using a 3/16- anon wrench (item B) on the outside of tho bfade and 1/2” wrench (item C) on [he impeller assembly (inside the housing) (See FIG. 1-SERV & AD.f). STOP ENGINE AND DISCONNECT SPARK PLUG WIRE AND MOVE ITAWAY FROM SPARK PLUG ALWAYS BEFORE PERFORMING ANY ADJUSTMENTS . Replace 01 sharpen blade. f30assomblo in rowrse m;+king certain 10 inslall the blade with the sharp OR RE- facing away from the impellorassomtiy PAIRS. the sfot in the impeller assembly. and pointing toward Tghten (if using a torquo wrench, tighten lo~nuts WHENCLEANING, REPAIRINGORINSPECTfNGYOUR CHIPPEWSHREDDER MAKE CERTAIN ALL MOVING PARTS HAVE STOPPED. order edge locknuts securely to 20 ft-lbs). - TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY, ALWAYS WEAR HEAVY GLOVES WHEN HANDUNG THE CLflllNG BLADES.- THE CUITiNG EDGES ARE SHARP AND CAN CAUSE SEVERE INJURY. SHARPENING OR REPLACING CHIPPER BLADES: Over a period of time, the cutting blade will dull. Sharpen or replace the blade when the chipper no Iongw cuts as efficiently as when new. ● Discard a cracked or severely nicked blade could break apart and cause personal injury. ● Sharpen a blade that isdullorthat has only minor nicks; The blade is made from tempered steel and is extremely hard do not attempt to sharpen with a hand file. We recommend that you take the blade to a professional sharpening service for proper sharpening. All grinding must be done flat and uniform along the beveled edge only, being sure to maintain the orginal 45° cutting angle. because it TO REMOVE AND INSTALL THE CHIPPER BLADE: Disconncd spark plug wire and move it away from spark ● The shredding bfade is reversible and can be reversed before any sharpening should need to be performed. ● After both sides of the blade have become dull, nicked, etc. to the point of reducing performance, the blade needs to be sharpened or replaced. plug. Ftemove the Chipper chute by removing three (3) hex nuts and washers (iorns B). A 1/2” sockot with ~xtension is required (Soo FIG.-3 ASSY). Rota! e the Hopper assembly to the ground as shown in FIG. 3-OP. Removo tho three (3) hex locknuts (item A) and flatwashers (iem B) from the housing studserts and carefully separate the Hopper assembly from the remainder of the unit (See FIG. 2-SERV. & ADJ.) Remove the three (3) bushings (item C) and stationary plate (item D). (See FIG. 2-SERV. & ADJ) NOTE: When reassembling, make certain the opcximg of the stationary plate is toward the bottom of the unit and the offset, is facing toward the impeller assembly. TO REMOVE AND INSTALL SHREDDJNG BLADE: ● Disconnect spark plug wire and move it away from spark plug. ● Rotate [he Hopper assembly totheground 3-OP. ● Remove the three (3) hex locknuts (iem A) and flatwashers (item B) from the housing studserts and carefully separate the Hopper assembly from the remainder of the unit (See FIG. 2- SERV,& ADJ.). ● Remove the three (3) bushings (i[em C) and stationary plate (item D) (See FIG. 2- SERV & ADJ.) (NOTE: When reassembling, make certain the opening of the stationary plate is toward the bo[~om of the uni[ and the offset, is facing toward the impeller assembly). Rotate the impeller assembly by hand until you locate the Chipper blade in the Chipper chute opening. Prevent” the impeller ,assembly from turning in a counterclockwise direction by wedging a block of wcod be[wecn one of the fan blades and the wall of the’housing or, insert a thick, hardwood dowel (item A) through the slot below the blade and into the Chipper chute opening in the wall of the housing. (See FIG. 1-SERV & ADJ). ● prevent the as shown in FIG. assembly from turning in a by wedging a block of wood between one of the tan blades and the wall of the housing. counterclockwise impeller direction 439 ,,,,,:. -. ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎✎ ✎✎ ✎ ✎ ✌✎✌ ✌✎✌ ● .. . p!!f . . Start the engine and listen for any unusual noise or vibration that could signal improper installation of the shredding blade or impeller assembfy. If there is an unusual noise or, stop the engine immediately and cafl the factory or contact your Iocaf authorized service dealer. Do not attempt to operate the machine until the problem has been corrected. /’ I . } Remove the impeller ass’embfy (See FIG. 3-SERV & ADJ) by removing the centerboft, bckwasher, and spring washer (NOTE: When reassembling, make certain the raised side of the spring washer faces the boft head). .. IOTE Use caution when removing the impeller assembly from ~e housing. Lay the impeller assembly on a sofid, level service with the shredding blade facing up. Using two (2) 1/2” wrenches, remove the shredding blade the blade retaining bofts,flatwashers and locknuts (SEE FIG.3-SERV & ADJ). from impeller assembfy by removing When sharpening the blade, follow the original angle of grindas a guide. It Is exlremely important that each cutting edge receives an equal amount of grinding to prevenl n unbalanced blade. An unbalanced blade will caus \ excessive vibration when rotating al high speeds and may cause damage to the unit. The blade can be tested for balance by balancing it on a round shaft screwdriver or nail. Remove metal from the heavy side until it is balanced evenly (SEE FIG. 4-SERV & ADJ). When reassembling the shredding blade, tghten the blade retainimg boff nuts to 20 ft-lbs., or lacking torque wrench, tghten securely. Before reinstalling impeller housing, thoroughly clean the housing chamber and the engine crankshaft. Apply a coaling of fresh, good quality general purpose grease to the .. crankshaft. -Reinstall the key in the crankshaft FLAILS keyway. The flails are permanently altached and, under normal ccmdiIions, made to last the life of the unit. Should the flails becmme damaged, cracked or brokon, contact your noaresl service dealer for replacement. Afgn Ihokoyway in the impeller assembty wilhthecrankshafl koy and carefully slide tho impeller onto Iho crankshaft. Tiih[en tho irnpollor assembly contorbol! to 45-50 ft-lbs. (Brlggs Englrws); 55-6o f[-lb~. (Tecumsch Engines); or kicking [orquo wrench, tighlon SLK:LJrC![~ R~assomblo - romaindor of ur]i[ 12 441 ● CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT ENGINE SPEED Your A DANGER I engine speed increase engine personal injury. has been speed factory or it may 1{you believe the engine too slow, take your Chipper/Shredder IF ANY ADJUSTMENTS ARE MADE TO THE ENGINE WHILE THE ENGINE IS RUNNING (E.G. CARBURETOR), KEEP CLEAR OF ALL MOVING PARTS. BE CAREFUL OF HEATED SURFACES AND MUFFLER. Center sat. resuk Do not attempt in unil damage 10 or is running 100 fast or IO the nearesl service for repair and adjustment. Minor carburetor adjustment may be required to compensate for differences in fuel, temperature, altitude or bad. .NOTE: A dirty air cleaner will cause engine to run rough. Be certain air cleaner is dean and attached to the carburetor before adjusting carburetor. Do not make un-necessary adjustments. Factory settings are satisfactory for most applications and conditions. If”adjustment is needed, refer to the separate engine manual packed with your unit. SCHEDULE SERVICE RECORD Fill in datea as you complete regular service ;heck lrain After First 5 Hours Before Storage 4 Fuel SERVICE” DATES .1 I I Fuel ,/ I Service Replace Clean Air Cleaner Fuel Filter Enaine Cylinder . L Fins The service Recommendations Chart is supplied to assist the operator in proper maintenance of the chipper-shredder. list; instructions will be found in the Maintenance and Service A@4menl sections 01 this manual: This is only a check a 443 .,, ,,, POSSIBLE Engine fails to start CAUSE (S) CORRECJJVE 1. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel. 2. Spark plug wire disconnected. ,3. Faulty spark plug. 4. .Dirty fuel filter, (is so equipped) Loss of power; operation erratically 1. Spark plug wire loose. 2. Unit running on CHOKE. 3. Bkxked fuel line or stale fuel. 4. Water or dirt in fuel system. 5. Carburetor out of adjustment. 6. Dirty air cleaner. , Engine overheats 1. Carburetor not adjusted properlj 2. Engine oil level few. 3. Engine txoling fins blockd. ● Too much vlbratlon 1. Loose parts or damaged impelle ACTtON” 1. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel. ,., 2. Connect wire to sparkplug. 3. Clean, adjust gap or replace. 4. Replace fuel filter. (if so equipped) 1. Connect and tighten spark plug wire. 2. Move choke lever to OFF position. 3. Clean fuel line; fill tank with clean fresh gasolin 4. Disconnect fuel line at carburetor to drain fuel tank “Refill with fresh fuel. 5. Adjust carburetor or contact your Service Cente 6; Clean air filter. 1. Adjust carburetor or contact your Service Cente 2, Fill crankcase with proper oif. 3. Clear debris from fins. 1. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. T@hten all botts and nuts. Make all necessary repairs. If vibration continues, have unit service by a Service Center. Unfts does not dlscharg . . .,. 1. Discharge chute cfogged. 2. Foreign object lodged in”impellei 1. Stop engine immediately and disconnect spark plug wire. Clean inside of blower housing. See Service/Adjustments se@on of this manual. 2. Stop engine immediat@y and disconnect spk plug wire. Remove bcfged object. IT12 For repairs beyond the minor adjustments listed above, please contact your nearest Service Center. .. 14 445 * MUFFLER GUARD ASSEMBLY ● , I CRIMP LOOPS TO CLOSED POSITION I .. ● a ~ 331123A 331 124A 15 447 [E SHP “ ,. . ++. G PART# .“10 12 :,. 12 14 14 15 15 17 18 18-4 18-6 i 8-8 18-10 18-12 E 24 26 28 E 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 50 51 52 53 ● ✍ ‘18008.3. 331216 996407 331308 56845 71391 305562 327225 319661 323328 120638 414072 323839 319660 319659 325463 56113 330517 329416 319710 180085. 996407 2307 56845 326986 120382 2483 327426-889 328386 328387 50325 330567 330289 ‘? p DESCRIPTION ENG$JE. 5 HP B&S (SEE ENGINE MANUAL) 5/16 -18X i.50 IN. (D1705-1 00) “ SCREW, 5/1 6-18 X 1.50 IN. (D1705-130) SCREW; FLATWASHER, .328X .75X .077 (D1705-1 00) FLATWAS R, .328X .75X .077 (D I 705-130) NUT, 5/1 6-18 EGHCTRLK (01 705-1 00) NUT, 5/1 6-18 .HEXCTRLK (01705-130) % R KEY, SQUARE .250 SQX2.12LG ASSEMBLY, FIAIL BAUNCING NON-SERVICEABLE BLADE. CHIPPER SCREW, 5/1 6-24 X 1.00 WASHER, HVSPTLK .328X .60X .09 NUT. 5/1 6-24 REGHCTRLK PIN. FLAIL .50 X 2.81 FLA’IL SPACER, SPEC .515X 1.00X .700 SPACER, SLEEVE .515 X 1.00X .700 WASHER. FLAT .50 X .94X .06 FLATWASHER, .515X 1.00X .030 RIVET, OVSET .188X 1.094 BLADE, ROTARY SHREDDER SCREW, 5/16-18 X 1.75 WASHER, FLAT .328 X .75X .077 WASHER, FLAT .375 X .88 X.125 NUT, 5/1 6-18 REGHCTRLK SCREW, 3/8-20 X 2.25 IN. WASHER, REGSPTLK .393X .68X .10 WASHER, .39[DX1 .25 DX.07 BELLVIL ENGINE MOUNT/AXLE ASSEMBLY TUBE & SEAL ASSY. DIPSTICK SCREW, 10-32 X .38 WAHHTAP OWNER’S MANUAL, ENG OWNER’S MANUAL, FR/GER 3303730-3282420 327 142(X282420 16 .. .. . 449 . -. ● /HEEL ASSEMBLY ~ II PART# KEY # r 88 305508 90 92 326863 323326 DESCRIPTION I 3272 12A-3288 15A <EY # I 120 125 130 134 136 PART# 328341 330205 325856 330166 I DESCRIPllON HOPPER, DEBRIS SCREW, 1/4-20 X .5o . HANDLE, HOPPER GUARD, WIRE HOPPER RIVET (NON SERVICEABLE) 330216A-330217A -.. I 17 451 . ... . . AIL HOUSING ASSEMBLY /A P <EY # 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 223 225 228 232 234 236 237 238 240 242 244 246 jOTE: KEY 223 ~~TSRMA, 576;6 ● PART# 330108-889 181595 120638 180077 996407 1498 326833 1501 330213-853 180016 120392 1502 996407 1498 330049-889 330205 120392 1502 mJ39 DESCRIPTION FLAIL HOUSING, ASSEMBLY SCREW, 5/1 6-24 X .75 WASHER, HVSPTLK .328X .6o X .09 SCREW, 5/1 6-18 X .75 FLATWASHER, .328X .75X .077 NUT, 5/16-1 8 REGHEXCTRLK SHROUD COVER, FLAIL RIVET (NON SERVICEABLE) FLATWASHER, .203x.56x.040 BAFFLE & STUDS ASSY. SCREW, 1/4-20X ..rd WASHER, FLAT .281X .63X .065 NUT, 1/4-20 REGHEXCTRLK WASHER, FLAT .328 X .75X .077 NUT, 5/16-1 8 REGHEXCTRLK DEFLECTOR, ASSY (EXPORT) SCREW, l/4-20X .50 WASHER, FLAT .281X .63X .065 NUT, 1/4-20 REGHEXCTRLK ITEM. ORDER 55686 SCREW, 1/4-20 X .63 RIVET IS A NON. SERVICEABLE FLATWASHER, .281 Xl .25 X.06, 51335 NUT 1 /4-20 WDFL WHIZ-LK. 33021OC-33O211A 18 453 (EY # .- PART# DESCRIPTION 410 414 416 420 319863-889 71071 71391 CHUTE, ASSEMBLY CHIPPER WASHER, FIAT .349 X .69X .066 NUT, 5/1 6-18 REGHEXCTRLK 323333 GUARD, 422 309235 FASTENER, 430 326834 HOOD, CHUTE RATCHET CHIP CHUTE RIVET, POP (NON SERVICEABLE) 431 432 CHIPPER 1501 (SEE NOTE BELOW) WASHER, FIAT .2o3 X .56 X .040 . . . . .. . “n..14 al- NOTE: KEY 431, RIVET Is A NON-SERVICEABLE ITEM. ORDER 55686 SCREW, 1/4-20 X .63 NUT 1/4-20 WDFL WHIZ-LK AS SHOM SLTSRMA, 57626 FLATWASHER, . 281 Xl .25 X.06, 51335 IN f?+JSET TO REPLACE THE RIVET. 19 455 . JTETUBE & PLATE ASSEMBLY (EY # 510 520 522 524 526 528 s36532 534 536 538 540 542 544 ‘. DESCRIPTION PART# 322864-889 322777-889 323338 322738 313677 711-11 322776-889 324197 323932 46763 414106 322741 322739 325083 PIATE, STATION ROTATE CHUTE TUBE & PLATE, ASSEMBLY CHUTE SEAL,SHREODER CHUTE BUSHING.ROTATE CHUTE WASHER, FL$T .391 X 1.00X .125 NUT, 3/8-1 6 REGHCTRLK RETAINER COVER “ FITTING, IJ.JB-PRESS FIT RETAINER, SPRING RIVET, POP .187 DIAX.450LG FIATWASHER, .188X.38X.040 RELEASE, HANDLE SPRING, COMPRESSION KNOB. .75 DIA. .. . 1-, -,.7.-,, ● -.-, ””. ,n,- 3 20 457 )ECALS a a (EY # PART# DESCRIPTION 600 REFERENCE ONLY 601 REFERENCE 602 608 608 620 620 628 629 630 630 _ ONLY . ONLY EXPORT, CAUTION GER EXPORT, CAUTION ENG/FR OPERATOR ENG/FR OPERATOR GER HEARING PROTECTION EYE PROTECTION EXPORT, DANGER GER EXPORT, DANGER ENG/FR REFERENCE 330176 330450 330451 330177 40~261 402260 330178 330452 DECAL, DECAL, DECAL, DECAL, DECAL, DECAL, DECAL, DECAL, ● 330802A-32M31D : / 21 459 . . . oOLS ASSEMBLY . . . ... . .&. . .._ KEY # I1 PART# DESCRIPllON I 710 327243 TAMPER, 712 327789 GOGGLES, I CHIP/SHRED VENTED s 326090B-328244A — 22 461 . AG COLLECTOR ASSEMBLY :1 @ ,. ..,, . . . .— .- ~ 326091 A.328248B -’” I 23 463 ● ( VACUUM KS&, HOSE w~ :~llowing pag6silluslrale optional equipment lllatcan beadddto these items, use the informat”nn 10 order serv”~e parts. 5800-00 5800-01 .- VACUUM HOSE KIT 10 foot hose will easily vacuum your Chipperfihredder. leaves and Ilyourunit 5800-03 ● equipped debris in hard to reach places. HITCH BAR K[T To tow the Chipper/Shredderbehind your tractor. For units equipped wkaster wheels. 5800-02 isakeady CASTER WHEEL KIT For added maneuverability. TOWING KIT Complete kit to tow Chipper/Shredder 24 behind your tractor. ,. ● THIS KiT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: Your vacuum hoso attachment assembled TCJ--::ER / comes completely and ready to use with your Chipper/Shredder. TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY: 1- Wire Cutlers (or knite) ROTATION TO INSTALL VACUUM HOSE: . ● Remove hose attachment from carton and remove the (2) sIraps holding the handle to the tube. ● Lay the hose attachment out straight on the ground to remove any twist in the hose. ● With the enctine stopped, insert the hose attachment adapter (#730) into the hopper assembly tube (See Fg. 1) and turn approximately 1/6 of a turn counterclockwise until the adapter locks in place. The hose attachment can” be used with th’e hopper assembly in the “up- position but performance is increased by rotating the hopper assembly to the ground. ● ● ✎ The vacuum hose attachment”works best when used on dry leaves, grass, etc. If the mate~al is too wet, or if a large twig, etc. enters the hose, clogging may o=ur. [f your vacuum hose becomes clogged, stop the engine, remove the adaptor from the hopper assembly, hold the hose in a vertical position and shake the hose. until the hose is clear. Periodically, after use, flush the inside of the hose with water using standard garden hose. service ● parts: (See Fig. 2) Key# Part# Description 730 732 734 736 738 744 746 748 749 750 324712 39909 41629-853 328178 271172 41631 41632 36602 120385 48261 Adapter Hose Attachment Clamp Hose . Handle Grip, Handle Nut, 1/4-20 REGHEXKEPS Clamp, Intake Clamp, Intake Botl, 114-20x.63 CARR. Washer, flat .31 2x.73x Tube. Flex ._ . 25 467 :; . ● .. . ● OtE: Position pivot bracket as shown in Fig. 1, aligning (2) holes in pivot bracket with (2) bolos In front of the engine plate. mus~ be used with castor whool kit (See separate shoot suppllod with castor wheel for caster leel Installation). Imovo draw bar kit pivot bracket (# f357). longuo (#862) and ,barkif zwuctlon ● Attach pivot bracket 18x.75 rts bag from Iho carton. and to ongino inch screws (#t158), 5/1 6-18 plato .31x.73 hox locknuts (#860). using tho 5/16- flat washc+rs (#859), Tghton locknuts securely. DOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY: 1/2 Inch wrench 0 (or adjustable . wrench) ● INSTALL HITCH KIT: WARNING: To reducethe potential for any InJury, . comply with the safety instructions found In your tractor and chlpperlshredder owners Locate hitch bar kit pivot bracket (#857). (NOTE: If your model of Chipper/Shredder was equipped from the factory with” a hitch, the pivot bracket Is already .atiached ‘to your unit). with pin facing downward and Anadr tongue to pivot bracket using clevispin (#863), Ilat washers (#864) and hair pin (#865) (See FIG. 1). Install devis pin (#867) and hairpin (#868) ● “. into desired Place pin in tongue through htich on back of tractor and se$we using flatwasher (#870) and hair pin (#871). X!2Y!L 857 858 859 860 ti62 863 864 865 867 868 870 871 - (#862) hole position (See flG. 1). Position #1 1s used when Position #2 is used to towing the Chipper/Shredder. support the tongue, when not towing, for normal operation. ~. ● Position tongue away from unit as shown in Fig. 1. Part# ‘ Description 327889 Bracket, Hitch Bar Kti Pivot 180077 Screw, 5/1 6-18x.75 HHC 120386 56645 327888 319675 417098 8260 328796 36368 ,22265 8260 - Washer, Flat .312x.73X Nut, 5/16-18 REGHCTRLK Tongue, Hitch Kfi Pin, Clevis .500DX4.53LG Washer, Flat .531X1 .06 Pin, Hair .091 DiA.Xl .66L Pin, Clovis .25 DIA,X4 Pin, Hair .072 DIA.X1 .13L Washer, Flat .51 5X1 .38X Pin, Hair .091 DIA.X1 .66L . ._ — PLATE 26 .,,. . . ;, ,. 469 ● THIS KIT INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: Your castor whool kit comos complotcly to attach to your Chipper/Shredder TOOLS REQUIRED 1- 1/2” Wrench assembled and ready FOR ASSEMBLY: TO INSTALL CASTER WHEEL: A . ● WARNING: TO REDUCE THE POTENTIAL FOR INJURY, COMPLY WITH THE SAFETY iNSTRUCTIONS FOUND IN YOUR CHIPPER/ lNSTALLASHREDDER OWNERS MANUAL TfON OF ATTACHMENTS SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WHEN ENGINE IS STOPPED. ANY REMOVE BAG FROM CASTER WHEEL CARTON ASSEMBLY AND PARTS . With Chipper/Shredder on a level surface, carefully tilt the unit (o-rWard to access the leg support. . Using a 1/2-wrench, remove four 5/1 6-18 Iod(nuts (Item C), spring washers (Item B), and one existing leg suppo~ (Item A) from the unit. (Soo Figurel) . Align the four slots in the caster wheel with the four threaded studs on the Chipper/Shredder housing. ● Attach the caster wheel assembly (Item A) using the spring washers (item C) and 5/16-18 hex iocknuts (Item B). Do not tghten. (See Figuro2) . Visually align the’castir . Tghien ● wheel frame horizontality. locknuts securely. Carefully lower Chippor/Shredder S63EWiCe 1 to operating ; position. .”. ,, a . Pa?fSS (See Fig. 3) Key# Part# Description 820 822 824 828 830 831 832 833 834 836 838 84o 842 844 845 846 848 850 327153 25840 56845 327106 327156 325892 706 40677 53806 326863 302270 327874 327875 327157 120396 328713 996416 1499 Caster Wheel Support Frame Washer, Spring Nut, 5/1 6-18 REGHCTRLK Plug, Tube Caster Wheel Yoke Washer, Piastic .06X.625X 1.5 Zerk, Grease Fittin Washer, Flat .640 t 1.25X.06 Washer, Fiat .632X.1 1X.061 SpaCar, Sleeve .640X1 .00X.688 Ring, Retex .58X.05 Wheel. Caster LH. Wheel, Caster RH Pin, Caster Wheel Axle Washer, Flat .531 Xl .06 X.095 Spacer, Sleeve .515X1 .00X.852 Washer, Fiat .391 Xl .00X.125 Nut, 3/8-1 6 REGHCTRLK . ,. 27 471 ● 01S REQUIRED : FOR ASSEMBLY: ● ‘ranch Install clevis pin (#867) and hair pln (W68) into desired hole position (See Fig. 1). Positbn #1 is used when towing the Chipper/Shredder. Position #2 is used to support the tongue, when not towing, for normal opera- INSTALL TOWING KIT: tion. Place pin in tongue through hitch on back Of tractor and secure using flatwasher To reduce the potential for any injury, comply with the saf@ty instructions found in your tractor and chipper/shredder owner’s WARNING: & (#870) and hair pin (#871). ~.” Imca\e hitch bar kii pivot bracket (#857). (NOTE. If your model of Chipper/Shredder was equipped from the factory with a hitch, the pivot bracket is already attached to your unit). Position pivot braclmt as shown in Fig. 1,aligning (2) tales in pivot bracket with (2) holes in f rent of the engine date. ● Attach pivot bracket to engine plate using the 5/16-18x .75 inch screws (#858), .31x.73 flatwashers (#859), and :‘ 18 hox bcknuts (#860). Tighten bcknuts securely. :osition tongue (#862) with pin facing downward away from unit as shown in Fg. 1. and Attach tongue to pivot bracket using clevis pin (#863), flatwashers (#864) And hak pin (#865) (See Fw. 1). -EY!L 857 ,“ 858 859 860 862 863 864 865 867 868 ’870 871 Pari# Description 327889 180077 120386 56845 327888 319675 417098 8260 328796 36368 22265 8260 f3racket, Hitch Bar Kii Pivot Screw, 5116-1 8x.75 HHC Washer, Flat .31 2x.73X Nut, 5116-18 REGHCTRLK Tongue, Hitch Kt Pin, Clevis .500DX4.53LG Washer, Flat .531 Xl .06 Pin, Hair .091 DIA.X1 .66L Pin, Clevis .25DIA.X4 Pin, Hair .072DIAX1 .13L Washer, Flat .515X1 .38X Pin, Hair .091 DIA.X1 .66L 28 “473 70 lNSTALL CASTER WHEEL: F ● WARNING: TO REDUCE THE POTENTtAL FOR ANY INJURY, COMPLY WITH THE SAFETY iNSTRUCTIONS FOUND IN YOUR CHIPPER/ SHREDDER OWNER’S MANUAL. lNSTALLATtON OF ATTACHMENTS SHOULD BE DONE ONLY WHEN ENGINE IS STOPPED. d A L ● REMOVE CASTER WHEEL ASSEMBLY AND PARTS BAG FROM CARTON . With Chipper/Shredder on a IOW4 surface, carefully till the unit forward to access the leg support. . Using a 1/2” wrench, remove four 5/1 6-18 locknuts (Item C), spring washers (Item B), andone existing leg support (Ilem A) from the unit. (See Figure 2) . . Align the four slots in” the caster wheel with the four threaded studs on the Chipper/Shredder housing. Attach the caster wheel assembly (Item A) using the spring washers (Item C) and 5/16-18 hex locknuts (Item B). Do not tighten. (See Figure 3) . ● . Visually align the caster wheel frame horizontally. Tghten Iocknuts,secure$. Carefully fewer Chipper/Shredder Service Patfs: to operating positio”n. (See Fig. 4) Key# Part# Descrlptlon 820 327153 822 824 828 830 831 832 833 834 836 838 840 842 844 845 846 848 850 25840 56845 327106 327156 325892 706 40677 53806 326863 302270 327874 327875 327157 120396 328713 996416 1499 Caster Wheel Support Frame Washer, Spring Nut. 5/1 6-18 REGHCTRLK Plug, Tube Caster Wheel Yoke Washer, Plastic .06X.625X1.5 Zerk, Grease Fittin Washer, Flat .640 ? 1.25X~6 Washer, Flat .632 X.1 lX.061 Spacer, Sleeve .640X1 .00X.688 Ring, Retex .58X.05 Wheel. Caster LH Wheel, Caster.RH Pin, Caster Wheel Axle Washer, Flat .531 Xl .06X.095 Spacer, Sleeve .51 5X1 .00X.852 Washer, Flat .391 Xl .00X.125 Nut, 3/8-1 6 REGHCTRLK 29 475