Plant Sale Book 2015 - Keep Pearland Beautiful


Plant Sale Book 2015 - Keep Pearland Beautiful
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Keep Pearland Beautiful
Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon 2015
Plant Sale
Price of
Type of Plant
All Herbs and other 4" Pots
Abutilon, Magic Lantern (7 gal)
Agapantus, Silver Star (2 gal)
Agapantus, White Ice (2 gal)
Barbados Cherry, Dwarf (2 gal)
Blood Lily (2 gal)
Buddleia, Attraction - cut (1 gal)
Butterfly Weed, Mexican (1gal)
Calliandra, Dwarf Fairy Duster (1gal)
Clerodendron, White Waterfall (1 gal)
Clerodendron, White Waterfall (3 gal)
Columbine, Hinckley's Gold (Native)
Crossvine Tangerine Beauty (3 gal)
Duranta, Sweet Memory (1 gal)
Duranta, Sweet Memory (3 gal)
Duranta, Variegated (1 gal)
Duranta, White (1 gal)
Esperanza, Gold Star Tecoma (2 gal)
Euphorbia, Diamond Delight (1 gal)
Firespike, Pink Goddess (2 gal)
Firespike, Red (1 gal)
Gaura, Belleza Dark Pin (2 gal)
Hamelia, Compacta (1 gal)
Hamelia, Compacta (3 gal)
Hamelia, Patens (1 gal)
2 for $5 or
$3 ea.
total $
Price of
Type of Plant
Hibiscus Moy Grande (2 gal)
Hibiscus Lufkin Red (3gal)
Hibiscus, Shirley Temple (3 gal)
Hibicus, Terri’s Pink (1 gal)
Lantana, Imperial Purple (1 gal)
Lantana, New Gold (1 gal)
Pavonia, Rock Rose Dark Pink (2 gal)
Plumbago, True Blue (1 gal)
Porterweed, Purple (2gal)
Rangoon Creeper Vine (2 gal)
Rose, Belinda's Dream (2 gal)
Rose, Peggy Martin (2 gal)
Russelia, St. Elmo's Fire (2 gal)
Russelia, Red (3 gal)
Salvia greggii Coral (2 gal)
Salvia greggii Raspberry (2 gal)
Shrimp, Orange (1 gal)
Spider Lily, Acutifolia (2 gal)
Turk's Cap, Big Moma (1 gal)
Turk's Cap, Pam's Pink (3 gal)
Vine, Passion "Pura Vida" (1 gal)
Vitex, Montrose Purple (3 gal)
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow (3 gal)
total $
Magic Lantern Abutilon
Abutilon sp. ‘Magic Lantern’
This is one non-stop blooming,
tall, shrubby perennial or small
“tree”. It’s basically evergreen in
most Houston winters with
maple-like foliage & is covered
with 2” bright orange, Chinese
lantern-like flowers from spring
through fall. It responds well to
pruning if one wants to keep it as
a large shrub, but is more
spectacular trained as a
multi-trunked “tree”. Averages 6’
tall & prefers full sun but will
bloom in light shade.
Tough & easy care.
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
‘Silver Star’ Agapanthus
Agapanthus orientalis ‘Silver Star’
Clusters of lavender blue flowers are borne on
1'-2' stout stems in late spring and summer. A
member of the Lily family this Agapanthus has
small cream-margined leaves that lie close to the
ground. Makes a great cut flowers you can
grow! Morning sun and afternoon shade is best.
Perfect for mass plantings. Perennial evergreen.
All images and text ©2015 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
‘White Ice’ Agapanthus
Agapanthus orientalis ‘White Ice’
Clusters of white flowers are borne on short, stout
stems. This agapanthus normally has 6 to 8
stalks of flowers at a time! One of the best cut
flowers you can grow! Blooms late spring, into
early summer. Morning sun and afternoon shade
is best. Perfect for mass plantings. Perennial.
All images and text ©2015 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Dwarf Barbados Cherry
Malpighia glabra ‘Nana’
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
A unique, tough, & colorful native shrub
with clusters of small pink & white flowers
spring, summer, & fall. Then, after each
bloom cycle, producing an abundance of
red cherry-like fruit. Puts on an unbelievable show of color in the fall! Tiny foliage,
tight, compact rounded growth habit, &
drought tolerant once established.
Averages 3’-4’ tall. Sun, light shade.
Wildlife & Bird Food!
Blood Lily
Scadoxus multiflorus
A spectacular, naturalizing bulb from
South Africa that puts on a stunning
show of color in early summer.
Exploding out of the ground on thick
solitary stems are dazzling, 7”-8”
globe-like flowerheads consisting of
up to 200 brilliant red starry flowers
followed by attractive, upright, dark
green, glossy spear-shaped foliage.
It thrives in shade gardens, is striking
in large groups under trees, does
beautifully in containers & as an
indoor plant, & also makes an
excellent cut flower. It needs a moist,
well-drained soil. Known to be slightly
toxic if eatedn.
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
Attraction Butterfly Bush
Buddleia davidii ‘Attraction’
A new, spectacular Buddleia with large panicles of highly fragrant cranberry-red
flowers that bloom summer to fall on full 6’ shrubs. ‘Attraction’ is considered the
reddest of any Butterfly Bush and is an absolute magnet for butterflies! It provides
rich color at the back of a perennial bed or makes a bold statement as a single
specimen. Great cut flower. It’s tough, can tolerate heat, drought, cold, and is
deer resistant! Full sun, moist, well-drained soil.
All images and text ©2010 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Mexican Butterfly Weed
Asclepias curassivica
A root hardy perennial that grows
to 3’. Blooms in clusters of bright
orange flowers Spring and Fall.
Responds well to pruning.
Full sun, part shade. Moist,
well-drained soil.
Host plant for the Monarch
Butterfly caterpillar!
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms
Dwarf Fairy Duster
Calliandra emarginata
This beautiful root hardy shrub is great for both garden and containers.
Growing to about 2’ – 3’ tall, Dwarf Fairy Duster is covered with hot pink
“powderpuff” flowers practically non-stop from spring to fall! This shrub
is spectacular in bloom. It has a very tropical look, but is a very tough
little shrub. Hummingbirds & butterflies!!! Calliandras are known for
having very low amounts of airborne pollen. Sun or light shade.
White Waterfalls Clerodendron
Clerodendron wallichii
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
Extremely glossy, dark green, tropical-looking foliage. Incredible 10” – 12” weeping
panicles of soft creamy-white flowers with red calyxes. Flowers are reminiscent of ‘Blue
Butterfly Bush’ in shape. Responds well to pruning and can be grown as a shrub or small
tree. Gorgeous! Light shade & a moist, well-drained soil.
Hinckley Columbine
Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana
Hinckley columbine is valued for its shade
tolerance, attractive fern-like foliage and clear yellow flowers. This native
perennial blooms April & May. Prefers well-drained soil, shade or partial shade
and adequate moisture. Heat tolerant. Attracts butterflies, moths and bees. Is
moderately deer resistant.
All images and text ©2013 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Tangerine Beauty Crossvine
Bignonia capreolata ‘Tangerine Beauty’
A strong, vigorous semi-evergreen native vine that produces a
spectacular display of bright orange-red trumpet flowers in spring.
Crossvine grows well in full sun or light shade & has little tendrils that
cling tightly to walls, fences, trees, & other surfaces. Will tolerate
drought & occasional flooding conditions.
Sweet Memory Duranta
Duranta erecta ‘Sweet Memory’
Photo by Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms
A fabulous, long blooming root hardy shrub that’s covered with large, tight
clusters of purple flowers edged in white. It blooms in heavy cycles from
mid spring thru fall & also produces dangling clusters of yellow berries.
Durantas form large full 4’-6’ shrubs or can be trained into small 6’-8’
“trees”. Full sun or light shade. A must for any Butterfly garden!!!
Variegated Duranta
Duranta erecta ‘Variegata’
Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms
A fabulous root hardy Duranta grown
for its outstanding green and white
variegated foliage! Sky blue flowers
and dangling clusters of yelloworange berries are a bonus on this
selection. Durantas form large full
4’-6’ shrubs or can be trained into
small 6’-8’ “trees”.
Full sun or light shade.
White Duranta
Duranta erecta ‘Alba’
The Cockrell Butterfly Center’s selection of an outstanding white
version of this fabulous long blooming root hardy shrub. This
version also is a more compact grower averaging 4’-6’. Forms a
large, full “shrub” & is covered with tight clusters of milky white
flowers in heavy cycles late spring thru fall. It also produces
dangling clusters of yellow berries. Prefers full sun but will take
light shade.
Gold Star Esperanza
Tecoma stans ‘Gold Star’
An outstanding selection of ‘Yellow Bells’ that’s extremely floriferous even
as a young plant! This 4’-6’ shrubby perennial produces a stunning display
of 2” bright yellow trumpet-shaped flowers all summer on large terminal
panicles. Blooms late spring into fall in heavy bloom cycles. Responds well
to pruning. Sun. Hummingbirds!
‘Diamond Delight’ Euphorbia
Euphorbia hybrid
A new ‘Proven Winner’ that blooms non-stop! The most vigorous, double flowered
Euphorbia hybrid on the market! Heat, humidity & drought tolerant! Sun to part sun.
10”-12” tall and wide. Deer resistant. Moderately salt tolerant. No dead-heading
necessary either. Can be evergreen in mild winters. Root hardy some winters – if
it does freeze, it’s worth replanting every year! This plant is one of a kind!!!
All images and text ©2015 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Pink Firespike
Odontenema callistachyum
A handsome, tropical looking perennial for shade gardens! Rich, glossy green leaves on a 6’-8’ plant.
Produces 12” spikes of bright pink flowers in the fall & will bloom all winter if in a protected area.
A new pink form is now available. Butterflies like this and great must for fall
HUMMINGBIRD migration! Responds well to pruning. Prefers shade or part shade.
Red Firespike
Odontenema strictum
A handsome, tropical looking
perennial for shade gardens!
Rich, glossy green leaves on a
4’-6’ plant. Produces 12” spikes
of bright red flowers in the fall &
will bloom all winter if in a
protected area. Responds well
to pruning. Prefers shade or
part shade.
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
‘Belleza Dark Pink’™ Gaura
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Belleza Dark Pink’
Belleza ™ Dark Pink has an upright growth habit with loads of dark pink flowers on
sturdy stems. Gaura is a very drought and heat tolerant plant, and of the longest
blooming perennials if spent blooms are sheared. Full sun, 12”-18”, fast grower.
Butterflies & hummingbirds! Nice cut flower.
All images and text ©2015 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Hamelia patens
Hummingbird Bush or Firebush
This large shrub/small tree is native to Mexico, but thrives in this area. It is root
hardy, and will make a 4’ – 5’ mound in one summer. It is VERY drought
tolerant and thrives in any soil as long as it has good drainage. The
orange/red flowers are profuse from late spring until frost. Amazing fall
color! Full sun. Hummingbirds!
All images and text ©2011 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Dwarf Hamellia
Hamellia patens ‘Compacta’
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
A tight, compact version of the
Hummingbird Bush with semi-glossy,
lance-shaped, green leaves tinged with
burgundy. It blooms all season,
producing terminal clusters of tubular,
orange-red & yellow flowers, attracting
hummingbirds from all over! Averages
3’ tall. Full sun.
Moy Grande Hibiscus
Hibiscus sp. ‘Moy Grande’
An unbelievable mallow developed
by Ying Doon Moy, a research
horticulturist at the San Antonio
Botanical Center. This spectacular
flower is the largest open-faced
hibiscus flower in the world! The
plant produces huge, 12" rose-pink
flowers from May to October. Sun.
Grows 4'-6' tall
Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms
Hibiscus laevis
A new hardy, native ornamental
hibiscus that is particularly adapted
to conditions in the South. Lufkin Red
has exceptional flowers, about 6” across
& outstanding disease resistance.
Although it is named “red”, the flowers
are actually a deep, rich pink with a
red center.
Sun to partial shade - can get 6’ tall x
5’ wide, but can be pruned to keep
fuller and bushier. Dies to the ground
each winter and builds a large multistemmed clump after several seasons
of regrowth.
All images and text ©2013 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Heidi Sheesley, TreeSearch Farms
Shirley Temple Hibiscus
Hibiscus sp. ‘Shirley Temple’
Incredible 5” pale pink blooms with coral-red centers and a long coral-red
stamen make you feel like you’re in the tropics! Blooms from spring to
fall. Beautiful dark green glossy foliage with an upright growth habit. Can
easily be kept pruned as a thick 3'-' blooming shrub or shaped into a 6'- 9’
tree form. Tough, root hardy tropical hibiscus, may be evergreen in mild
winters. Full sun or light shade.
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
Terri’s Pink Hibiscus
Hibiscus x. paramutabilis ‘Terri’s Pink
One of the finest of all the root hardy mallows! ‘Terri’s pink’ is a non-stop bloomer of 6”
bright pink flowers spring thru November or till the first frost. Also, the attractive maple-like
foliage continues to look good well into fall, whereas most other mallows have totally
defoliated. ‘Terri’s Pink is clean looking & does not produce seed pods. Sun, part shade.
Moist, well drained soil. 4’-6’ tall.
Purple Lantana
Lantana montevidensis
Outstanding, super tough performer—one of the best Lantanas for our
area! This Texas Superstar™ native grows in a low, trailing carpet of
lavendar and blooms in heavy cycles year round. Drought tolerant once
established. Prefers sun and moist, well drained soil. Butterflies!
New Gold Lantana
Lantana x ‘New Gold’
A tough, low-mounding ,colorful and drought
tolerant perennial for any sunny garden!
Forms a beautiful mass of bright yellow
flowers spring through frost. Responds well to
pruning. Great in containers too. Butterflies!
18”-24” tall. Sun. Moist, well-drained soil.
All images and text ©2013 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Rock Rose
Pavonia lasiopetala
An outstanding sun-loving, drought-tolerant, evergreen
mounding native perennial that’s almost constantly
blooming 2” hot pink flowers spring to fall. Attractive, dark
green, small arrow-shaped foliage. Sun & well-drained
soil. Forms a 2’-3’ mound and responds well to pruning.
All images and text ©2012 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
True Blue Plumbago
Plumbago auriculata ‘True Blue’
Tough, drought tolerant and beautiful –
‘True Blue’ plumbago is a richer blue than your
average plumbago. Evergreen in most winters
– root hardy once established. Butterflies!
Easy care sprawling medium-sized shrub.
Sun to part sun. Tolerates poor soil.
All images and text ©2012 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Purple Porterweed
Stachytarpheta jamicensis
A 2' - 4' tall bushy herbaceous plant with long, elegant flower spikes of purple flowers
almost constantly blooming from spring to fall. The flowers appear in clusters moving
upward along the long narrow flower spikes. Prefers part shade. Tender in a hard
winter. Responds well to pruning. Hummingbirds & Butterflies!!!
All images and text ©2012 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Belinda’s Dream Rose
Rosa sp. ‘Belinda’s Dream’
A garden favorite because it is almost constantly in bloom with tidy, high centered,
richly fragrant, fully double, medium pink blooms. Upright, beautiful blue-green foliage.
Full sun, good drainage. 3’-4’ x 3’-4’ average. Texas Superstar™.
All images and text ©2012 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Peggy Martin Rose
Rosa ‘Peggy Martin’
Photos courtesy of Dr. Bill Welch
This is the incredible rose that survived Hurricane Katrina, continuing to live in
the salt water flooded yard of Peggy Martin in Plaquemines Parish, near New
Orleans. Long arching canes give this rose a graceful rambling form and clusters
of showy, bright pink flowers make it a stunning accent in any garden. Covered with
clusters of flowers each spring from mid-March through May, it starts blooming again
in late summer and repeat blooms until a frost slows it down in winter. Thornless and
disease resistant. Full sun. Moist, well drained soil.
Cooperating Growers are donating $1 of each purchase of the Peggy Martin Rose to a fund
managed by the Greater Houston Community Foundation to restore parks, gardens, and green
space in New Orleans.
St. Elmo’s Fire Coral Fountain
Russelia X St. Elmo’s Fire
Taller, straighter,
darker! This new
selection has all of
the great attributes of
the species – fine
foliage, lush mounded
habit, slender,
graceful stems, and
bright red-orange
tubular flowers.
What sets St. Elmo’s Fire apart is that it has a more upright form and the
flowers are a darker, showier red. Maturing to 4’ – 6’ in height and 6’ – 8’ wide.
Sun, moist, well-drained soil. Hummingbirds!
All images and text ©2011 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Coral Fountain Plant
Russelia equisetiformis
Texture! Color! A very
fine foliaged, lush, perennial
shrub that forms a beautiful
mound of 3’-4’ slender
graceful stems of tubular
red-orange flowers all
summer & fall!
Sun, part shade.
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
Coral Autumn
Salvia greggii ‘Coral’
Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms
A shrubby, evergreen, native salvia with
small oval leaves & an abundance of
bright colorful flowers spring thru fall.
Salvia greggii selections come in a range
of colors: red, pink, coral & white. Sun,
well drained. Grows 2’-3’. An absolute
must for Hummingbirds!
Raspberry Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii ‘Raspberry’
A shrubby, evergreen, native salvia with small oval leaves & an abundance of
bright colorful flowers spring thru fall. They come in a range of colors – this one is
raspberry pink. An absolute must for Hummingbirds! Sun, well-drained. 2’ - 3’.
All images and text ©2012 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Shrimp Plant
Justicia fulvicoma
Native to Mexico, this wonderful
hummingbird attractor forms a 3'
mound of soft, apple-green leaves
& produces 3" spikes of
overlapping plum-red bracts with
bright orange flowers. These
spikes eventually lengthen to 6"7" & resemble large red shrimp.
Responds well to pruning, is root
hardy, grows in sun or light shade,
& a moist, well drained soil.
Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms
Native Spider
Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms
A striking native bulb! Fragrant white blossoms with soft yellow centers can
be as much as 7” across. Slender glossy leaves appear with the flowers and
last until frost. Grows 2’ tall. Slowly colonizes. Likes wet feet – adapted to a
bog garden or a flower bed that receives regular watering. Full sun to part
Big Momma Turk’s Cap
Malvaviscus drummondii ‘Big Momma’
Another spectacular introduction
from Greg Grant! The best of our
Native Red Turk’s Cap crossed
with Giant Pink Turk’s Cap, this
selection features large, vivid
coral-red flowers swirled like a
turk’s cap from mid-summer until
frost. Emerges from dormancy
each spring and grows into a lush
6’-8’ shrub. Sun or part shade.
Will perform well in a variety of
soil types.
Heidi Sheesley, TreeSearch Farms
Pam’s Pink
Turk’s Cap
Malvaviscus spp.
A new color of this perennial
favorite. Greg Grant created this
one by crossing our red native Turk's
Cap with the Giant Pink Turk's
Cap. Tough, non-stop bloomer with
beautiful pink flowers all summer and
into fall in heavy bloom cycles. Will
tolerate drought and periods of
wet. Blooms in sun or part shade.
Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms, Inc.
Pura Vida Passionvine
Passiflora ‘Pura Vida Purple’
Deep crimson flowers with recurving petals and a distinctive purple and whitetipped corona. Flowers all year. Passion vines are easy to grow and will tolerate a
wide range of conditions. Sun or light shade and preferably a moist, well-drained
soil. Host plant for Gulf Fritillary Butterflies.
All images and text ©2012 Treesearch Farms, Inc.
Montrose Purple
Vitex agnus-castus
Slightly larger foliage &
magnificent blooms that are 3
times larger than the standard
Vitex & a richer, darker blue color.
A drought tolerant, sun loving,
small, single or multi-trunked tree
up to 18’ tall. Butterflies!
Heidi Sheesley of TreeSearch Farms
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Brunfelsia magnifica
Bold, big foliage and larger than normal flowers
make ‘magnifica’ magnificent! Dark purple blooms
fade to lavender then to white over its long
bloom period. Starts blooming in the spring and
will bloom sporadically throughout the year.
Evergreen in mild winters. Partial sun.
Slow growing 4’x4’. Fragrant! Attracts Butterflies!
All images and text ©2014 Treesearch Farms, Inc