1978 Grand National Catalog - American Artists Professional League
1978 Grand National Catalog - American Artists Professional League
__fy rTE-I ,_/-- The President, the National Board and the full Methbership of the American Artists Professional League wish to express their deepest gratitude to Union Carbide Corporation for their many courtesies and generosity in making this Exhibition possible. PURPOSES and OBJECTIVES of the AMERICAN ARTISTS PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE To adrance the cause of fine arts in America, through the promotion of high standards of beauty, integrity and cra[ftsmanship in painting, sculpture and the graphic arts. To emphasize the inportance of order and coherent communication as prime requisites of works of' art through exhibitions and publications. President............................................ FRANKC. WRIGHT First Vice President................................. MICHAEL WERBOFF Second Vice President................................. ANGELO JOHN GRADO Third Vice President............................... PETER A. MATULAVAGE Vice President & Chairman Chapter Committee MIRIAM Y. BURRILL Vice President & Treasurer........ MILDRED STARRS Vice President &Assistant Treasurer............................... KATHERINE THAYER HOBSON GeneralCounse1................................ JOHN S. DOLE Assistant Counsel.............................. MICHAEL J. HUGHES Recording Secretary........................................... pATRICIASPROUIjS Directors GRACE BOGERT LOTTIE MEYER CATOK GRANVILLE W. CARTER, N.A. RAYMOND GOLDBERG JOHN DAMRON JOHN HINES AMANDA VAN DER VOORT Chairman Committee on Prints...........................................GRACE A. ALBEE, N.A. Chairman'Technical Committee............. DR. ROBERT L. FELLER . OUR FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY In this, our 50th year, it is appropriate that we review, briefly, where we have been`and give thought tO Where We are going. In the 1920,s a group of celebrated artists decided to organize for the Protection Of the interests Of artists. The standardization of the quality of artists, pigments, the promotion ofhigh standards ofartistic performance, integrity and craftsmanship were among the original purposes. The majority of this Committee were member's of the National Academy of Design, the Salmagundi Club and the Society of Illustrators. charles Dana Gibson was the first Committee Chairman. Out of this effort the American Artists Professional League was established, in 1928. F. Ballard Williams was the first President, Wilford Conrow first Secretary, and Godron Grant, Treasurer. Among other founders of equal eminence were Hobart Nichols, Bruce Crane, Howland Blashfield, J. Scott Williams, Abbott Graves, Orlando Rowland and Albert T. Reid. Through Albert Reid,s effort it became government POliCy that Official Washington portraits be executed by American artists only. wilford Conrow,s specialty was pigments. and their physical Purity. Through him a grant was 'obtained from the Carnegle corporation Endowment Fund for color pigment research. Dr. Martin Fischer undertook the work at the University of Cincinatti. It was completed in 1932 and AAPL became the authority on artists, PigmentS, and Was largely instrumental in Securing U.S. Bureau of Standards original set of government SPOnSOred Standards for artists, COlors. These standards were updated in 1962, and are now in process of being updated again to include acrylic and the newer materials, in cooperation With the Inter-Society Color Council, which AAPL joined about l940. I In 1930 AAPL founded American Art Week, and sponsored its observance nationally during the first Week in November. Rising costs and diminishing funds necessitated its discontinuance in the early ,70,s. Proclamations by Governors and Mayors attested to the program,s desirability and success. In the words of President Eisenhower, in a telegram to the League in 1959, ccAmerican Art Week invites the attention of our people to the heritage and vigor of creative America. We are grateful for American artists who have achieved. success- in the Past, and We are appreciative Of their efforts in the present day. Their works contribute much to our Capacities tO See, tO understand, and tO enjoy the wonders Of this world and the human spirit." In 1964 AAPL organized the Council of American Artists Societies, which is an affiliation of some 100 artists societies, from coast to coast, whose aims and purposes are the same as ours - the enrichment of our culture through the upholding of traditional standards. In 1973, after we had requested exemption of white le;d Paints intended for use by artists from the Pending ban On home paints containing lead, on the grounds that they were indispensable, and did not constitute a danger to Children, we were notified by the consumer product commission that the exemption had been granted, and the notice published in the Federal Register in October. For many years the AAPL has led the movement for fair treatment Of traditional art, in an era during which extremes, fads, shocks, and abstractions have been getting the lion,s share of government sponsorship, grants of the public's money, and commercial promotion. -I I official exhibitions of ccAmerican Arr sent abroad have been almost totally a-_ominated by extremes ofvarious ,,schools,, Which were neither fully nor truly representative of contemporary art in tffiS country, and did not Create a true and favorable image of American culture. .. AAPL has ,raised official objection tO this Practice at the highest level Of government, at the White House, befor.e Senate committees, through lectures, radio broadcasts, TV appearances, and in publications. At last this campaign is breanng fruit. Even those galleries, museums and Critics, Which have been foremost in embracing the..absurd,, are now turning tO..realism, naturalism", etc. we are grateful to those of our Officers, Directors and members who have given exhausting hours Of PreCiSiOuS time, self-sacrificing devotion and commitment to this cause. The public preference for beauty' meaning and reality Can now be found in Paintings and SCulPture Which enrich and enhance life. This, after all, is the purpose of art. I Franc C. Wright AMERICAN ARTISTS- PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE FOUNDED 1928 ^itAY 8" - hitAY 26" 1978 9 AM to 4 PM MONDAY ® FRIDAY CLOSED SATURDAY and SUNDAY 1928 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 1978 GRAND NATIONAL MICHAEL J. HUGHES, Exfoz.bz.rz.o72 Cfeczz.rmtz7Z JURY of SELECTION THE NATIONAL BOARD OF A.A.P.L. WILL SERVE AS THE JURY OF SELECTION JURY OF AWARDS OIL AND POLYMER PAINTINGS George Cheropov I Raul Mina-Mora Henry Gasser, Chairman \VATERCOLORS SCULPTURE Arthur Barbour Dorise Olson Mina-Mora Helen Haas John Terken Louis Bonamarte; Cfeczz.rmcz# Marilyn Newmark, Cfeczz.rJ7?CZre PRINTS, DRAWINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, PASTELS Robert D. MacGillis Raymond Goodbred I Michael Werboff, Cfe4".rmCZ# AIjL AWARDS FROM AMERICAN ARTISTS FUND MEMBERS OF THE JURY OF AWARDS ARE NOT IN COMPETITION 47TH STREETat PARK AVENUE UNION CARBIDE GALLERY NEW YORK CITY I,-. -- - -- _ - - GRAND NATIONAL EXHIBITION AWARDS 1978 \ NEWINGTON AWARD, best painting, any medium, Don Miles,.6Selling the Catch" - #70 50th Anniversary, Still life, any medium, Joe Hing Lowe, 66Vases and Money Tree" - #64 50th Anniversary, Landscape, any medium, Ferdinand R. Petrie, ¬6Blairstown Approach" - #l48 50th Anniversary, Portrait, any medium, Gary David Hoffman, 6Tortrait of Kathleen" - #47 OIL & POLYMER PAINTINGS A.A.P.L. GOLD MEDAL, Bernard Corey, 66Along the Mohawk Trail'' - #13 CLAUDE PARSONS MEMORIAL AWARD, Norma W. Dodson, 6Winte'r Retreat" - #23 THE PRESIDENT'S AWARD, Ramon Froman, cThe Gourd Dancer" - #35 MARGARET FERNALD DOLE MEMORIAL AWARD, Annette Adrian Hanna, a.Bonnie J." - #43 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD, Ralph Ortiz, 6¬White Water"_ - #74 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD, Frank Mason, N.A., 66Little Italy" - #67 M. GRUMBACHER CASH AWARD, Lee M..Loeb, 66South Street'' - #63 HONORABLE MENTION, Arthur Upelnieks, ¬6Coast of Maine" - #99 WATERCOLORS A.A.P.L. GOLD MEDAL, Tom Nicholas, N.A., 6Tassing Shadows, St. Ives" - #144 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD,_Nathalie J. Nordstrand, '.Winter White'' - #145 couNCIL oF AMERICAN ARTIST SOCIETIES AWARD, Mildred Sands Kratz, 66AI Fama IP -#136 WINSOR a NEWTON AWARD, Marion Brown, 6CIrish Cottage" - #113 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD, Jahe Carlson, 6¬Survivar - #116 HONORABLE MENTION, Joan Rudman, ¬6Gathering Clouds" - #151 PRINTS, DRAWINGS, LITHOGRAPHS, PAST-ELS A.A.P.L.- GOLD MEDAL, Alderson Magee, ccJumping Mallard% - #l71 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD, Angelo John Grado, 6.The Little Mother - #169 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD, Frank E. Zuccarelli, 66Autumn Marshland" - #l80 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD, Edith Goetz, 6CComposition" - #l66 PASTEL SOCIETY OF AMERICAN-PLAQUE, Lorraine Grace,.,R6pose" - #168 HONORABLE MENTION, Rostislav Sazonov, 6CConnecticut Tree" - #173 \ SCULPTURE A.A.P.L. GOLD MEDAL, Granville- W. Carter, N.A., 6¬Charles A. Lindb-erg" - #184 COUNCIL OF AMERICAN ARTIST SOCIETIES AWARD, Lucille C. Hampton,¬TheRapture"-#187 ANNA HYATT HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL AWARD, Agop Agopoff, N.A., ¬'Golden Brian" - #l81 JOHN T. GIBALA MEMORIAL AWARD, William Byford-Brown, c¬Macaques" - #182 A.A.P.L. CASH AWARD, John Calabro, 66George Bernard Shaw" - #183 i I THE JURY OF AWARDS REPRESENTED BY THEIR WORKS JOHN TERKEN Thomas Jefferson > T.<FarrsrFTnrf/FTr- rFTJIFrS; i+.*rsn+«m-^~ FtAY GOODBF]ED Model Resting Collection, Art Student's League HELEN HAAS Hon- James ForrestaI, Late Secretary of the Navy, U-S.A. ForrestaI LibraryJ Princeton MICHAEL WERBOFF William Church Osborn past pr-esident of Metropolitan Museum of Art Museum Collection RAUL MINA-MORA Fishing Boat, Maine LOU BONAMAF]TE New Hampshire Farm ROBERT MacGILLIS Bozrah Oak ~hthat¬ ¢ r ''.I-I..."L.. I:; ,i" i.. ,..-:v'" _ _.jj tar/offSt + .. ,£¥£9ap9i:f5,,: ,,,Sir+ a? l i.:-?.'t* +f..., r :§SJ ,,-? fSse.:,:.:? -,: "*f#'?.i '.,:;5>:.SS: -I:_-«: i_;¬f1S_i I.:;!. HENRY GASSER] N-A. Quarry Houses MARILYN NEWMARK The Broken Leather ARTHUR J. BARBOUR - ,Jersey C'Ity Court House DORISE OLSON MINA-MOF]A Fishermen at Dawn GEOFtGE CHEF]EPOV Autumn F}eflection AWARDS BEST PAINTING IN SHOW _ ANY MEDIUM NEWINGTON PRIZE - $1,000 50th ANNIVERSARY AWARD - STILL LIF'E any medium - $100 50th ANNIVERSARY AWARD - LANDSCAPE OR MARINE - any medium - $100 50th ANNIVERSARY AWARD - PORTRAIT any medium - $100 SCULPTURE A.A.P.L. GOLD MEDAL COUNCIL OF` AMERICAN ARTIST SOCIETIES AWARD - $250 ANNA HYAIT HUNTINGTON MEMORIAL AWARD - $100 A.A.P.L. AWARD - $100 JOHN T. GIBALA MEMORIAL AWARD - $50 HONORABLE MENTION OILS a POIJYMERS A.A.P.L. GOLD MEDAL CLAUDE PARSONS MEMORIAL AWARD LANDSCAPE - $250 THE PRESIDENT,S AWARD - $100 MARGARET F'ERNALD DOLE MEMORIAL AWARD - $100 A.A.P.L. AWARD - $100 A.A.P.L. AWARD - $50 M. GRUMBACHER AWARD - $100 HONORABLE MENTION WATERCOLORS A.A.P.L. GOLD MEDAL A.A.P.L. AWARD - $100 COUNCIL OF' AMERICAN ARTIST SOCIETIES AWARD - $100 A.A.P.L. AWARD - $50 WINSOR a NEWTON AWARD HONORABLE MENTION PRINrrS, DRAWINGS' LITIIOGRAPIIS, PASTE,LS A.A.P.L. GOLD MEDAL A.A.P.L. AWARD - $100 PASTEL SOCIETY OF AMERICA PLAQUE FOR PASTEL A.A.P.L. AWARD - $50 A.A.P.L. AWARD - $25 HONORABLE MENTION OIL a POLYMER PAINTINGS No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Artist Title JAN ANTONIDES GRACE BAKER GEORGIE READ BARTON . HARRY L. BARTON RO-BEET C. BENHAM GRACE BOGART WILLIAM J. BURNS MIRIAM Y. BURRILL View Beyond I Am Shy, Pink Winter Brook Girl With Flowers Fishermen Cascais, Portugal mndswei)t Inner Cove Flower Arrangement Fittingout Berth Old Tennessee Bam Blue and Orange 9. 10. CAPT. WM[. H. BURRILL VARY CANAR[NA ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. ANDREA MAR[O CELLA MARJORIE CLOSE BEENARD COREY MARY ANNA GOETZ COX RAY CROSBY CHARLES P. CROSS CHARLOTTE DeCOZEN HELEN DeCOZEN RITA DeLELL[S PAUL DeLORENZO ROGER DEERING ROBERT DOARES NORIA W. DODSON RUTH DORN NORMA E. DORNEY RUTH DUNCAN THOMAS R. DUNLAY ALEX DZIGURSKI 29. EILEEN ELLIOTT 30. EUGENIA ERRS 31. LEN a. EVERETT 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. JACK FARAGASSO LILLIAN FENDROCK TOBY F'LUEK RAMON FROMAN CLIFFORD N. GEARY CHARLES J. GERHART PETER GIAQUINTO 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. VIRGINIA GOLDBERG BATH-SHEBA GOLDSZER MITZI VALENTINE COWARD JACQUIE GRAY ANNEITE ADRIAN HANN A GENE HEBEL e SP "iN[!:£f! f; ; ; Mixed Efouquet Along the Mohawk Trail South Bend Falls The Etoneyard Labors Rest Flowers Bowl of Chrysanthemums Mother,s Day Self Portrait Winter, Maine Coast Yesterday,s Heroes Winter Retreat Autumn, Jamaica Bay 1 Jann Highstreet Windswept Grain Elevator, W. Texas Berkshire Summer Pacific M[oonlight Bounty Old Farm in Pennsylvania Happy BirthdayJ Aunt Mr. Smith and Maxine In Profile The Samovar The Gourd Dancer December Twilight Woodland Waif The Sentinel Landscape Artistl s Nook Back Road Floral Bonnie J. 14th Street ;;, ;:3i OIL a.POLYMER PAINTINGS No® 45 -46. 47. 48. 49. so. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. , 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Artist Title ARTHUR HENDERSON January Thaw Sankety Bluff Portrait of Kathleen Hungry Horses Ruth}s Peonies Allamuchy JOHN HINES GARY DAVID HOFFMAN ARTHUR HOOTON RUTH HOWELL F'RANCES WESTON HOYT SUSANNE HURT JACK JONES BETTY KAYTES R. CLAY KENT DEB KERSTING HENRY KETTING-OLIVIER MARILYN KETTLER A. E. LABUTIS KLUE ROBERT C. KNUTSON GARY L. KOLTER PATRICK LAWLOR WILLIAM LAWRENCE LEE M. LOEB JOE HING LOWE MARY LUTH JEFF MADDEN FRANK MASON, N.A. LONNIE MASON SALPI MAVIAN DON MILES DREW MILLER VICTOR J. MINCIELI BRUCE K. MITCHELL RALPH ORTIZ LEILA BRASHEAR ORB MARGUERITE S. PEARSON EVELYN PICKING ERNEST PRINCIPATO ANNE RATOWSKI-WANGER STEVEN RETTEGI IRENE BOTH FREDERICK SCHMIDT GEORGE R. SCHNEIDER GEORGE SCHWACHA MARY SEARS ELAINE SGAMBATI CAROL SKUTNIK PAT SMOOT P r i Ce On the Window Sill Gloucester Docks Croucher,s F'1owers Hay Fields of Ireland Goffle Brook Fall Bouquet Attic Treasures Apples Albert Dobrantz - Truck Garder Territorial Law Wonan Brooklyn Bridge South Street Vases and Money Tree 1 : 2 Misty Morn Last Train ,Through McKeesport, Pa. Little Italy Companions Still Life , Selling the Catch The Lacemaker , 3 Indian Man and Child Misty Moming White Water Texas Homestead Lady Linda Summer-time Morning Skyline, Boston The Antwerp Attick 3: Kathy My Mother,s China Winter Thaw Holly Winter Stream First Day of Spring Sangria Century Old Cloth and Statue The Wise Three :iNi: ! !Ii:F:!f i! !i ! .,:,, OIL &'POLYMER, PAINTING.S Artist Title 89. WILLIAM LEON STACKS 90. 91. PAULINE STECHER RUTH ROLSTON STEVENSON 92. 93. DOROTHY S. STEWART LUCILLE T. STILLMAN 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 105A. H. HURT STOESSEL MARY KEIM TIETZE DAN TOIGO TOM TORRENTI BRUCE B. TURNER ARTHUR UPELNIEKS F'RANK VAN STEEN DOROTHY WARREN MICHAEL A. WERBOF'F JARVIS WILCOX CARL WUERMER BERNICE WURST GEORGE CHEREPOV Pickin, Weeds East Meets West Memorabilia Moonlit Coast Man Talk Thera-Santorini On the Amberjack The Old Telephone Portrait of Lane Hanford Eastport, Maine Coast of Maine The Student Golden Moments Poet Marianne Moore Anemonies Winter Silence Hills of Califon Birches in Autumn No® P r i Ce 1 "{:F::i 2: :, :o WATER COLORS PHIL AUSTIN ELINORE BACHMAN LYLE V. BALL CAROL BERMEL A. E. BOEDEKER P. a. BRANNIGAN ED BRENNAN MARION B. BROWN REYNOLD BROWN EVELYN V. CARLSON I: : .::. JANE CARLSON LOTTIE MEYER CATOK ARLENE CORNELL TERENCE COYLE NEVA CURRY JOHN DAMRON PAT DAVIDSON RITA DUIS ELIZABETH ELBERG GEORGE A. FISH SOUTHWORTH FISHER : : ;!4i STEPHEN FUGATE ) Twilight Visitors Peonies in the Window Old Home Samovar The Chief Red Wheel Dune Sentinel Irish Cottage On the Way to Rome Of Brass and Brine Survival Rest Stop Afternoon Patterns A Walk in the Aftemoon Feeling the Wind Winter Solitude Hi11}s Farm Dark to Daylight Golden Delicious January Shadows Butterfly Time The Quilt S i:; :F!§: 1J i:o!; WATER COLORS No. Price A rtist Title Natures Beauty Conversation of Events Past Rest and Repair On Railroad Street 500 2,000 600 400 500 750 385 250 NFS 300 128. WILLIAM H. GALE 129. HENRY GASSER 130. 131. 132. NEWELL GILES RAYMOND R. GOLDBERG CLEM GOUVEIA 133. JAMES M. HAUGHEY 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. INGRID HOFER FRANK JENNINGS MILDRED SANDS KRATZ ALEXANDER I. KOZLOFF SAMUEL LEITMAN NAT LEWIS ROBERT D. MacGILLIS I PETER MATULAVAGE DORISE OLSON MINA-MORA 143. HAUL MINA-MORA Spanish Wind Mill TOM NICHOLAS, N.A. Passing Shadows, St. Ives 2 145. 146. 147. NATHALIE J. NORDSTRAND OLAF' OLOFFSON MAUDE OLSEN Winter White 148. 149. 150. FERDINAND R. PETRIE CARLTON PLUMMER ARTHUR A. RAYMOND 151. JOAN RUDMAN 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 162A. 162B. 162C. RAY SCHRYVER F,RANK SOLTESZ PATRICIA SPROULS MILDRED STARES ROBERT A. STEEDMAN SUSAN SWARTZ DOROTHY J. TEICHMAN ROBERTA THRESHER H. EDNA T. TOMPKINS FLORENCE WHITEHILL RUTH WILSON ARTHUR J. BARBOUR VIC CAPELLUPO SHEILA LAVOVITCH 800 350 250 900 900 400 800 475 500 500 400 600 NFS 750 600 400 400 600 1,200 NFS 600 144. Mohegan I The Net Mender Emperial Crown Inlet IV AI Fama II Rockport, Mass. Loading Canal Boats Sarah Freeman Twilight Limited Cat-tails PERRY ALLEY RICHARD A. BOTTO 165. F`LORA B. GIFF`UNI o:o ll i: o Winter Marshes La Libertad The Fair Committee Blairstown Approach Madrid, New Mexico The Sargeant Gathering Clouds Under the Wharf Ocean View Help Him, Aeltje Spring Harvey,s Mill Blossoms Pennsylvania Quarry The Fallen Birch Of Cabbages and Kings From Brooklyn Botanic Garden Springtime Shadows Land Legs Valorie Brown and Yellow PRINTS, DRAWINGS, LITHOGRAPHS a PASTELS 163. 164. o:: Hilltop Silhouette Skipper The Red Ribbon PRINTS, DRAWINGS,' LITHOGRAPHS a PASTELS EDITH GOETZ :52;: ::;7; 6: :1 :7;o;: Composition Grandmother Gregg,s Bouquet DOROTHY GORMAN LORRAINE GRACE ANGELO JOHN GRADO PAT HARRISON ALDERSON MAGEE LARRY R. MALLORY ROSTISLAV SAZONOV DOROTHY CARNINE SCOTT Repose The Little Mother Taos pueblo Jumping Mallard Luna Moth "N43:8F¬ Connecticut Tree Bighorn Ram in Sonoran Desert TARAS SHUMYLOWYCH Ukranian Church XVII CenturyJ Skoryky, West Ukraine I SUSAN SYKES VICTOR a. WESTMAN FRANK C. WRIGHT RHODA YANOW Mrs. S. The Last Westbound Vermont October Glory At the Paddock Autumn Marshland FRANK E. ZUCCARELLI :o;: o:: 33272 2:: SCULPTURE 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. AGOP AGOPOFF`, N.A. WILLIAM BYF'ORD-BROWN JOHN CALABRO GRANVILLE W. CARTER, N.A. ELISABETH CORDON CHANDLER, A.N.A. GRACE DITZION LUCILLE C. HAMPTON KATHERINE THAYER HONSON JANET LOEB BRUNO MANKOWSKI GEORGIA W. MITCHAM .: .:. 9:: ;7:2: ;. 1111::1 CARRY BOONE NELSON GLORIA-ANN ROVELSTAD DONALD RUBIN MICHAEL N. STELZER SHERRY ST. RENZ JOHN TERKEN Golden Brian Macaques George Bernard Shaw Charles A. Lindberg Queen Anne Looking Back The Rapture Mother and Child Mute Swan and Cygnet The Wild Race Content Cornered Again Secretariat Living Wild Jenny Joseph Thomas Jefferson NFS 900 7,000 4,500 10,000 NFS 12,000 6,00O 2,500 95O 950 1,500 650 2,4OO 1,700 2,500 1,200 LIST OF EXHIBITORS a THEI.R ADDRESSES Name AGOP AcoPOFF PERRY ALLEY JAN ANTONIDES PHIL AUSTIN ELINORE BACHMAN GRACE BAKER LYLE V. BALL GEORGIE READ BARTON HARRY L. BARTON ROBERT C. BENHAM CAROL BERMEL A.E. BOEDEKER GRACE BOGERT RICHARD A. BOTTO PATRICK a. BRANNIGAN EDWARD BRENNAN MARION B. BROWN REYNOLD BROEN WILLIAM J. BURNS MI.RIAM Y. BURRILL CAPT. WILLIAM H. BURRILL WILLIAM BYFORD-BROWN JOHN CALABRO MARY CANARINA EVELYN V. CARLSON JANE CARLSON GRANVILLE W. CARTER L orTIE MEYER CATOK ANDREA MARIO CELLA ELISABETH CORDON CHANDLER MARJORIE CLOSE BERNARD COREY ARLENE CORNELL MARY ANNA GOETZ COX TERENCE COYLE RAY CROSBY CHARLES P. CROSS NEVA CURRY JOHN C. DAMRON PAT DAVIDSON CHARLOTTE DeCOZEN HELEN DeCOZEN RITA DeLELLIS PAUL DeLORENZO ROGER DEERING Address summit Drive, Denville, N.I. 07834 51 Post Street, Yonkers, N.Y. 10705 84 Glenmere Terr., Mahwah, N.J. 07430 Rt..#1, Box 305, Ellison Bay' Wig. 54210 2 Montague Terr., Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. 11201 Box 2962, 1324 Richmond Rd., Wi11iamsburg' Va. 23185 181 Bert Harte, ,Reno, Nev. 89509 3 Hillside Ave., Summerside, P.E.I. Canada CIN 4H3 40-14 Utopia Pkwy.' Flushing' N.Y. 11358 4 Harbor Road, Gloucester, Mass. 01930 37 Glenside Road, South Orange, N.J. 07079 2965 Silver Lake Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224 134 Reldyes Ave., Leonia, N.I. 07605 138 Union Place, Ridgefield Park, N.I. 0766O 38 Tuxedo Dr., Wayne, N.I. 07470 505 E. 82nd St., New York, N.Y. 10028 18 Nassau Ave., F'reeport, N.Y. 11520 484O No. Live Oak Cyn Rd., Li Verne, Ca. 91750 3 Ridge Place, Ringwood, N.J. 07456 411 Bloomfield Ave., Verona, N.J. 07O44 411 Bloomfield Ave., Verona, N.J. 07044 69 Park Ave., Bronxville, N.Y. 10708 207 Campora Dr., Northvale, N.J. 07647 36 Verdi Ave., Tuckhoe, N.Y. 10707 185 Mountain Ave., Arlington, Mass. 02174 81 Park Ave., Bronxville, N.J. 10708 625 Portland Ave., Baldwin, N.Y. 11510 45 Mayfair Drive, Longmeadow, Mass. 01106 224 91 St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11209 Mill Pond Lane, Old Lyme, Conn. 06371 50 Beachmont Dr., San Francisco, Ca. 94132 199 Main St., South Grafton, Mass. 01560 1 Beach 105th St., Rockaway Park, N.Y. 11694 693 loth St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215 305 E. 72nd St., NewYork, N.Y. 10021 620 Harold St., Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 421 E. Live Oak, Sam Gabriel, Ca. 91776 15 Linden St., Wakefield, Mass. 02176 742 Sterling Dr., Orange, N.J. 07050 538 Canal Rd., Siesta Key, Sarasota, F'1a. 33581 118 E. 60th St., New York, N.Y. 10021 118 E. 60th St., New York, N.Y. 10021 60 Kirby Close, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598 725 The Plain Rd., Westbury, N.Y. 11590 ocean Ave., at Elm St., Kennebunkport, Me. 04046 ]:1 1:i:0: :i ; : l6:;l LIST OF EXHIBITORS a THEIR ADDRESSES Name GRACE DITZION ROBERT DOARES NORMA W. DODSON RUTH DORN NORMA E. DORNEY RITA DUIS RUTH DUNCAN THOMAS R. DUNLAY ALEX DZIGURSKI ELIZABETH ELBERG EILEEN ELLIOTT EUGENIA ERES LEN a. EVERETT J ACK F'ARAGASSO LILLIAN FENDROCK GEORGE A. FISH SOUTHWORTH FISHER TOBY FLUEK RAMON FROMAN STEPHEN F'UGATE WILLIAM H. GALE HENRY GASSER CLIF'FORD N. GEARY CHARLES J. GERHART PETER GIAQUINTO FLORA B. GIFFUNI NEWELL GILES EDITH GOETZ RAYMOND R. CroLDBERG VIRGINIA GOLDBERG BATH-SHEBA GOLDSZER DOROTHY GORMAN CLEM BOUVEIA MITZI VALENTINE COWARD LORRAINE GRACE ANGELO JOHN GRADO JACQUIE GRAY LUCILLE C. HAMPTON ANNETTE ADRIAN HANNA PAT HARRISON JAMES M. HAUGHEY GENE HEBEL ARTHUR HENDERSON JOHN HINES KATHERINE THAYER HOBSON INGRID HOFER Address O 3635 Johnson Ave., New York, N.Y. 10463 300 N. Fulton St., Salisbury, N.C. 28144 49 Sherwood Dr., Hillsdale, N.J. 97642 6316 Strickland Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234 RF'D Sea Road, Kennebunk, Me. 04043 207 E. 74th St., New York, N.Y. 10021 1511 Fulton Ave., San Antonio, Tx. 78201 30 Ipswich St., Boston, Mass. 02215 1141 Lincoln Dr., Mountain View, Ca. 94040 29 E. 29th St., NewYork, N.Y. 10016 459 Ridgefield Road, Wilton, Conn. 06897 84-21 108th St., ,Richmond Hill, N.Y. 11418 150 E. 27th St., New York, N.Y. 10016 340 E. 55th St., New York, N.Y. 10022 236 Hope Street, Ridgewood, N.J. 07450 281 Oak Ave., ,River Edge, N.J. 07661 79 Central Parkway, Merrick, N.Y. 11566 60-10 47 Ave., Woodside, N.Y. 11377 8483 Stults Rd., ,Dallas, Tx. 75243 36 Laurel Hill Rd., Crugers, N.Y. 10521 Box 156 Hunting Lane, Wilbraham, Mass. 01905 654 Varsity Rd., So. Orange, N.J. 07079 20-26 47th St., Astoria, N.Y. 11105 52 Clark St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 22 Brittany Ct.,I Northport, N.Y. 11768 180-16 Dalny Rd., Jamaica, N.Y. 11432 3 Old Wagon Rd., Old Greenwich, Conn. 06870 800 N. E. 21, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73105 126 Princeton Rd., Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11570 126 Princeton Rd., Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11570 46-10 61st St., ,Woodside, N.Y. 11377 RD 1 Box 29, Ebensburg, Pa. 15931 RD 2 Box 118B, Fraleigh Lane, Red Hook, N.Y. 12571 RD 3 Box 430, Vergennes, Vt. 05491 14 E. goth St., New York, N.Y. 1OO28 641-46 St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11220 320 Riverside Dr., New York, N.Y. 10025 1763 Second Ave., New York, N.Y. 10028 ll N. Glen Rd., Mountain Lakes, N.J. 07046 ll Juniper Hill Rd., N.E., Albuquerque, N.M. 87122 2205 Tree Lane, Billings, Mon. 59102 70-16 65th Place, Glendale, N.Y. 11227 ll Richard C. Brown Dr., Stony Point, N.Y. 10980 10 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10O16 27 West 67th St., New York, N.Y. 10023 140 Tonnancour P1., Grosse Pte. Farms, Mi. 48236 1I: 1 1¬4;: : §2§I: LIST OF EXHIBITORS a THEIR ADDRESSES Name GARY DAVID HOFFMAN ARTHUR HOOTON RUTH HOWELL F'RANCES WESTON HOYT SUSANNE HURT FRANK JENNINGS JACK JONES BETTY KAYTES R. CLAY KENT DORIS KERSTING HENRY KETrING-OLIVIER MARILYN KETTLER A.E. LABUTIS KLUE ROBERT C. KNUTSON GARY L. KOLTER ALEXANDER I. KOZLOFF MILDRED SANDS KRATZ PATRICK LAWLOR WILLIAM LAWRENCE SAMUEL LEITMAN NAT LEWIS JANET LOEB L.EE M. LOEB JOE HING LOWE MARY LUTH ROBERT D. MacGILLIS JEFF MADDEN ALDERSON MAGEE LARRY R. MALLORY BRUNO MANKOWSKI FRANK MASON LONNIE MASON PETER MATULAVAGE SALPI MAVIAN DON MILES DREW MILLER DORIS OLSON MINA-MORA HAUL MINA-MORA VICTOR J. MINCIELI GEORGIA W. MITCHAM BRUCE K. MITCHELL TOM NICHOLAS CARRY BOONE NELSON NATHALIE J. NORDSTRAND OLAF' OLOFFSON Address 1228 Lakepointe, Grosse Pointe Park, Mi. 48230 48 Hay6stown Rd., Danbury, Conn. 16810 320 W. Oak St.,.Ramsey, N.J. 07446 60 Eagle Rock Way, Montclair, N.I. 07042 299 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y. 10025 12710 S.W. 17th Terrace, Miami, Fla. 33175 252 Newbury St., Peabody, Mass. 01960 308 Crescent Dr., ,Franklin Lakes, N.J. 07417 P.O. Box 577, Palm Bay, Fla. 32905 483 Beverly Rd., Ridgewood, N.I. 07450 834 Flower Ave., Venice, Ca. 90291 440 E. 79th St., New York, N.Y. 10021 4995 Henry Hudson Pky., Bronx, N.Y..10471 3 Sunfish Lane, St. Paul, Minn. 55118 Box 378, Black Canyon Stage, Phoenix, Ariz..85020 2234 Bay 22nd St., Brooklyn; N.Y. 11214 C-6 Maple Gardens, Mineral St., Pottstown, Pa. 19464 149-21 41 Ave., Flushing, N.Y. 11355 No. 47 48 49 50 51 135 :; ; ; 4; 1:l :1 1 152 W. 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036 31-22 56th St., Woodside, N.Y. 11377 51 Overlook Rd., Caldwell, N.J-. 07006 3634 Seventh Ave., Sam Di6go, Ca. 92103 39-62 50th St., Woodside, N.Y. 11377 147-15 84 Dr.,.Briarwood, N.Y, 11435 22 Cambridge P1., Glen Rock, N.I. 07452 96 School St., Groton, Conn. 06340 1043 Porter St., McKeesport, Pa. 15132 Toad Hall, Sharon, Conn. 06069 RD 1, Glen Campbell, Pa. 15742 2231 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10024 385 Broome St., New York, N.Y. 10013 5303 27th St., Lubbock, Tx. 79407 340 E. 55th St., New York, N.Y. 10022 435 E. 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10022 3735 Denair St., Pasadena, Ca. 91107 Rt. 24 Box 57, Bailey Island, Me. 04003 87 Central Blvd., Oakdale, N.Y. 11769 87 Central Blvd., Box 256, Oak Dale, N.Y. 11769 1331 Greenwood Lake Tpke., Hewitt, N.I. 07421 RD 2, Middlebury, Vt. 05753 Kenne, N.Y. 12942 7 wildon Heights, Rockport, Mass. 01966 282 Douglas Rd., ,Staten Island, N.Y. 10304 384 F'ranklin St., Reading, Mass. 01867 35-33 83rd St., Jackson Heights, N.Y. 11372 :4i!o;i:!o8: 72 191 73 144 192 145 146 LIST -OF EXHIBITORS a THEIR ADDRESSES Name MAUDE OLSEN LEILA BRASHEAR ORB RALPH ORTIZ MARGUERITE S. PEARSON FERDINAND R. PETRIE EVELYN J. PICKING CARLTON PLUMMER ERNEST PRINCIPATO ANNE RATKOWSKI-WAGNER ARTHUR S. RAYMOND STEVEN RETTEGI IRENE BOTH GLORIA-ANN ROVELSTAD DONALD RUBIN JOAN RUDMAN ROSTISLAV SAZONOV F'REDERICK SCHMIDT GEORGE R. SCHNEIDER RAY SCHRYVER GEORGE SCHWACHA DOROTHY CARNINE SCOTT MARY SEARS ELAINE SGAMBATI TARAS SHUMYLOWYCH CAROL SKUTNIK PAT SMOOT FRANK SOLTESZ PATRICIA M. SPROULS WILLIAM LEON STACKS MILDRED STARES PAULINE STECHER ROBERT A. STEEDMAN MICHAEL N. STELZER RUTH ROLSTON STEVENSON DOROTHY S. STEWART LUCILLE T. STILLMAN H. KURT STOESSEL SHERRY ST. RENZ SUSAN SWARTZ SUSAN SYKES DOROTHY J. TEICHMAN JOHN TERKEN ROBERTA THRESHER MARY KEIM TIETZE H. EDNA T. TOMPKINS Address Town Landing Rd., Box 35, Friendship, Me. 04547 10118 Holly Springs, Houston, Tx. 77042 144-24 Roosevelt Ave., ,Flushing, N.Y. 11354 47 Marmion Way, Rockport, Mass. 01966 51 Vreeland Ave., Rutherford, N.J. 07070 928 Luzerne, Johnstown, Pa. 15905 10 Monument RD., Chelmsford, Mass. 01824 30 Ipswich St., ,Boston, Mass. 02215 700 Ft. Washington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10040 85 Peterhoff Ave., Malverne, N.Y. 11565 10 Fairview Ave., Bayville, N.Y. 11709 59-10 Queens Blvd., Woodside, N.Y. 11377 535 Ryerson Ave., Elgin, Ill. 60126 305 Meadowbrook Dr., Huntsville, A1. 35803 274 Quarry Rd., Stamford, Conn. 06903 35-30 82nd St., Jackson Heights, N.Y. 11372 34-32 91st Street, Jackson Heights, N.Y. 11372 342 Bement Ave., Staten Island, N.Y. 10310 106 Walnut Ave., Floral Park, N.Y. 11001 273 Glenwood Ave., Bloomfield, N.J. 07003 Devi1's Gulch Road, Estes Park, Colo. 80517 1 East 66th St., New York, N.Y. 10021 RD 2 Box 242, Sussex, N.J. 07461 92' Second Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003 9A Garden Drive, Elmwood Park, N.J. 07407 1621 Fairlawn Ave., San Jose, Ca. 95125 RR 1, Box 301, Sherman, Conn. 06784 188 Kaywin Rd., Paramus, N.J. 07652 Box 1537, Morganton, N.C. 28655 301 Park Lane, Douglaston, N.Y. 11363 80-30 250th St., Bellerose, N.Y. 11426 400 Coolidge.Dr., Portsmouth, N.H. 03801 1 :!:;:i 1:1 8 Everit St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 26 W. 9th St., NewYork, N.Y. 10011 14 Club Drive, New Milford, Conn. 06776 8 Drum Hill Lane, Stamford, Conn. 06902 116 Pinehurst Ave., New York, N.Y. 10033 1299 Palmer Ave., Larchmont, N.Y. 10538 25 Sherbrooke Dr., Princeton Jet., N.J. 08550 188 6th Ave., New York, N.Y. '10013 142 E. 1'6th St., New York, N.Y. 10003 386 Chambers'Ave., East Meadow, N.Y. 11554 77 Pearl 'St., Melrose, Mass. 02176 35 Broadview Terrace, Chatham, N.J. 07928 203 Cedar Ave., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12603 FTIEL I; ; LIST OF EXHIBITORS & THEl_R ADDRESSES Name DAN TOIGO TOM TORRENTI BRUCE B. TURNER ARTHUR UPELNIEKS FRANK VAN STEEN DOROTHY WARREN MICHAEL A. WERBOFF VICTOR a. WESTMAN FLORENCE WHITEHILL JARVIS VILCOX RUTH WILSON FRANK C. WRIGHT CARL WUERMER BERNICE WURST RHODA YANOW FRANK E. 'ZUCCARELLI GEORGE CHEREPOV A.J. BARBOUR VIC CAPELLUPO SHEILA LAVOVITCH Address 5278 Ellenwood Dr., Los Angeles, Ca. 90041 Box 86, Westbrook, Conn. 06498 4 Story St., Rockport, Mass. 01966 132-06 Rockaway Beach Blvd., BelleHarbor, N.Y. 11694 14 Palmer Ave., No. Tarrytown, N.Y. '10591 250 Circle Ave., Ridgewood, N.I. 07450 412 Cathedral Pkwy, New York, N.Y. 10025 52 Bear Mountain Rd., ,Danbury, Conn. 06810 7 Peter Cooper Rd., New York, N.Y. 10010 760 West End Ave., New York, N.Y. 10025 P.O. Box 256, Pottersville, N.I. 07979 50 East Rd., Delray Beach, Fla. 33444 Box 253B, Glasco Tpke., Woodstock, N.Y. 12498 1 Pembroke Dr., The Commons, Mendham, N.J. 07945 12 Korwel Circle, West Orange, N.I. 07052 61 Appleman Rd., Somerset, N.I. 08873 1050 King St., Greenwich, Conn. 06830 29 Voorhis Place, Ringwood, N.I. 17456 13 Wakeman Rd. Darien, Conn. 06820 33 East 35th St., Paterson, N.J. 07514 1:1 :6l:¬9:i fi . American Artists Proles.sional League, lnc. ART EDUCATIoN $15.OOAnnualDuesfor the current calendar year, enclosed SCHOOLS.. If there is a chapter in the state of A.A.P.I.Member domicile' $4.OO of dues is refunded to the Chapter. TEACHERS: Make check or money order payclble to the order of The American Artists Professional andmail League' Inc. ittoA.A.P.L., 215 ParkAve.S., N.Y., N.Y. 10003 Mr® Miss.....................................' Mrs. .......... (Please Print) |®®®®||®®®®®®®®®®...I........a..............,....a...............®® Home........................................................... ................(Zip)........... MEMBER OF FOLLOWING ART SOCIETIES: phone:...................... Studio........................................................... I ................................. Phone: .... Painter........Sculpture........Graphic Artist........ Sponsored by (Put in capital letters, please): CHAPTER............................ 1............. Exhibitions: I ®®®®®®®®®®®®® 3................................... ......... Report of Chapter Membership Committee: ®®|®||®®®|®®®®®®®®®...........................®®.®®®®|® ®®®e®I®®®®® ONE-MAN: ®|®®®®®®|®®®®®®®I.I............a..................®|®®|®®|®||||®®® Approved for membership ............................. Require more information ............................. Signed- .... ®®®®®®|®®®®®®®®®®.....a...........................®.®®®®I®®||®®|®® Chairman Membership Committee Awards: ®|®||®®|®®\®\.®®®||.®........................................®®\\\\ National Membership Committee.. Report endorsed..................... Referred to National Board............................. I)ate.................. Chairman....... MEMBERSHIP IN THE A.A.P.L. The American Artists Professional League, Inc. was organized' in 1928 to help the artists of the country solve their professional problems. It has a long record of constructive help, such as setting standards Of quality for PigmentS, Promoting COmPetent understandable art, American Art Week, etc. our League has over ni.ne hundred members throughout the United States... men and women who have dedicated themselves to the highest professional standards of beauty, integrity and craftsmanship. There are three kinds Of membership: Artist, Fellow and Patron. Artist members are those Who have been approved by the Membership committee of the National Board of Directors. Fellows are our top-ranking active members. Everyone accepted in our Grancl National Exhibition for three years, not necessarily consecutive' automatically becomes a Fellow. patrons are non-artists who consider our high objectives worthy of backing and would like to make a donation to our efforts. coherent fine art urgently needs the solid support of American art patrons. If you would like tO join the American Artists Professional League as an active artist member please fill in the Application for Membership on the next Page and mail with your check for $15.00 (Dues) and three 35 mm color slides or color prints large enough to show detail. If you would like to become a Patron member, check below: ( ) I believe in the high goals ofthe`A.A.P.L. andwould like to be a Patron member. Enclosed is my donation tO the American Artists Fund (this is taxdeductible) and I will look forward to receiving my Patron member Card. PLEASE PRINT Name Address Telephone When you offer the Bainbridge line of artboardsl youlre offering the best. From our unique natural fabrI'CS to our professional illustration boardsl your customerls art always shows to its best. Available in a wide range of sizes and thicknesses. Keep your'eye on Bainbridge Board. a Illustration Board Mat Board Mounting Board I Showcard Board Fabric Mat Board Draw'lng Bristol All-Rag Museum Board Charles T Bainbridgels Sons lnc. 50 Northfield Avenue, Edison, Newjersey O8817 201 225-9100 CALIFORNIA 6144 Peachtree St., Commerce, Callf. 90040 213 724-0646 CAINAIDA 24 Progress Avenue, Scarborough, OntarIO MIP2Y4 4I6 29l-3766 ' < CONGRATULATIONS I ON YOuF\ GOTH C.A.A.S. AFFILIATES theartistatwork"Before you ever buy a Grumbacher brush an artist has had his handson itl combing, shaping, refining, with the precision that makes each one part of a limited edition. The Grumbacher hand-made brush. Avery special work of art. Only Grumbacher makes 4)318 different artists, brushes, priced from 22¢ to $55.00. All shapesl sizes and styles-brights] flats] rounds, filberts] liners) cutters, blenders, broadliners, fI.tCheS, glazers] mops) riggers and daggers, to name afew. Pure bristle foroill exotic sable for watercolor] famous new nylon "Supreme""foracrylic painting in a wide range of sizes from 00 to Jumbo 28. All 4]318 different brushes share a common denominatorthe Grumbacher hallmark of craftsmansh.lpl quality and dependability. At art supply stores throughout the world- We make every artists' brush you'll ever need! Grumbacher M. GRUMBACHER, INC., 460 West 34th Street, New York, N,Y. 10001 inCanada, I M. GRUMBACHER OF CANADA, LTD., 723 King StreetWest. Toronto, Ontario M5V IN2 I_I+ AMERICAN ARTISTS FUND This is the Fund which provides the cash awards and medals for our Grand National Exhibitions. Over $3000 and 5 Gold Medals have been awarded this year. Contributions are welcomed, great or small. All contributions.are tax -deductible| "Make checks payable to AMERICAN ARTISTS PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE, c/o American Artists Professional League, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003 THE COUNCIL of AMERICAN ARTISTS SOCIETIES ASSOCIATED ARTIST ORGANIZATIONS FROM COAST TO COAST) WITH COMBINED GROWING MEMBERSHIP OF MANY THOUSANDS OF INDIVIDUAL ARTISTS) ARE NOW JOINED TOGETHER IN A REAFFIRMATION OF FAITH IN BEAUTY; INTEGRITY) AND COHERENT COMMUNICATION AS NECESSARY INGREDIENTS OF FINE ARTS. IT IS NOW CLEAR THAT PUBLIC TASTE IS STRONGLY TURNING IN FAVOR OF ART RELEVANT TO OBSERVED NATURE. WRITE TO US. COUNCIL OF AMERICAN ARTIST SOCIETIES 215 PARK AVENUE SOUTH NEW YOF}K, N.Y. 10003 ALKYDS I I I the Artists, Colours you've been waiting for! Touch dry in l8 hours. Final varnish within 30days No fading ® Noyellowing. No cracking. No Grazing FIetains original brilliance indefinitely. Fully compatiblewith Winsor & Newton)s Artist Oil Colours Artistsl Alkyd Colours make it easier to paint the way you want to paint. At your art supply store WIHSDRaHEWTDH Secaucus, N.J. 07094 Our 50 th@enft