July 9, 2008
July 9, 2008
88 MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD MEETING OF THE TOWN OF BRIGHTON, COUNTY OF MONROE, NEW YORK HELD AT THE BRIGHTON TOWN HALL, 2300 ELMWOOD AVENUE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK July 9,2008 PRESENT: Council member James Vogel Councilmember Ray Tierney Councilmember Sheila Gaddis Councilmember Louise Novros Supervisor Sandra Frankel William Moehle Attorney for the Town Susan Kramarsky Town Clerk MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION: To discuss the employment of a particular person Motion by Council member Louise Novros seconded by Councilmember Ray Tierney to go into executive session.at 6:30 PM to discuss matters of the employment of a particular person. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Amend agreement of 2001 regarding retiree health care benefits. Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No 1 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE OPEN FORUM: Sandy Jee Mathew Lenoe Mary Staley Estanet Goldstein Joel Shapiro Alison Gilbert Bonda Reed Joel Shapiro Mathew Lenoe APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED 89 Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Council member Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board approve the agenda with the addition otcommunication of Sandra Jee, Mathew Lenoe, Mary Staley, Estanet Goldstein and petition from Alison Gilbert. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED APPROVE AND FILE TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR: May 14, 2008 June 11, 2008 Motion by Council member Sheila Gaddis seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board approve and file the minutes of the May 14, 2008 and June 11, 2008 Town Board Meetings. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED PUBLIC HEARINGS: MATTER RE: Proposed removal of 45" Norway maple tree at 2881 Elmwood Avenue, 35" silver maple tree at 11 Seminole Way and 72" box elder at 70 Park Lane (see Resolution #12; letters from Gary Raffel, Certified Arborist, Genesee Tree Service, Inc.. dated May 2,2008, and Mary-Edith and Donald E. Walters, Sr., dated April 22, 2008.) (Complete transcript under separate cover.) Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared and amended by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No.2 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Proposed Grovesnor Road Sidewalk Snow Removal District (see Resolution #15) permissive referendum. (Complete transcript under separate cover.) Motion by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis seconded by Councilmember Ray Tierney that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No.3 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED PETITIONS: MATTER RE: Set August 13, 2008 Public Hearing for proposed Kirk/Astor Parks District (see Resolution #18; letter from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated July 2,2008 with attached map, plan. report and petitions). Motion by Councilmember Louise Novros seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit NO.4 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED 90 MATIERRE: Proposed restriction of parking at all times on East side of Sylvan Road between Antlers Drive and the southern dead end (see Petition received July 8, 2008). Motion by Councilmember Ray Tierney seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board receive and file the aforementioned petition. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Costello Office Park - Commercial at South Winton Rd /590. Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board receive and file the aforementioned petition. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED BIDS: MATIERRE: Authorize bid award to Austin-Spencer Collision for town vehicle collision repair services at $34 per hour, for one year, effective August 1,2008 (see Resolution #10; letter from Thomas M. Voelkl, Chief of Police, dated June 25, 2008). Motion by Councilmember Ray Tierney seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit NO.5 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Authorize bid award to Twelve Corners Mobil for town vehicle mechanical repair services at $34.50 per hour, effective August 1, 2008 (see Resolution #9; letter from Thomas M. Voelkl, Chief of Police, dated June 25, 2008). Motion by Council member Ray Tierney seconded by Council member James Vogel that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit NO.6 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED COMMUNICATIONS: FROM New York State Department of Transportation updating the East Henrietta Road Reconstruction project FROM David Pratt, P.E., Environmental Engineer 2, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, dated June 27, 2008, approving the Town's request to reduce groundwater monitoring at the Gonsenhauser Farm Brownfield site FROM Ann Kolko, dated June 30, 2008, commenting on the proposed "The Reserve" project FROM Maureen and Art Holtzman, dated June 28, 2008, commenting on the proposed "The Reserve" project 91 FROM Stephen A. Karl, dated July 2, 2008, commenting on the proposed Costello developments FROM Nanette Robinson-Vine, dated June 28,2008, commenting on the proposed "The Reserve" project FROM Steve Kittelberger, dated June 19, 2008, commenting on the proposed Costello developments FROM Brighton residents, dated June 25, 2008, expressing opposition to the proposed Costello development FROM Marie E. Gibson, Greater Rochester Community of Churches, dated June 30,2008, expressing thanks for Councilmember Gaddis attending the "Beloved Community Is Coming" event FROM Brighton Fire District, prOViding the December 31, 2007 Financial Reports FROM West Brighton Fire Department, Inc., providing their June 2008 Report to the Town, 2007 and 2006 Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report, and 2007 Staff Activity by Incident records Motion by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis seconded by Councilmember Louise Novros to receive and file the aforementioned communications. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED COMMITTEE REPORTS: Community Services. Next meeting July 24, 2008 Finance and Administrative Services Councilmember Sheila Gaddis JUly 2, 2008. Next meeting July 16, 2008 Public Safety Services Councilmember Ray Tierney July 8, 2008. Next meeting August 12,2008 Public Works Services Councilmember James Vogel July 7,2008. Next meeting August 12,2008 OLD BUSINESS: MATTER RE: Authorize Change Order #2, not exceeding increase of $1,932., to contract with Chatfield Engineers for the sewer flow monitoring program (see Resolution #3; letters from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/ Superintendent of Highways, dated June 26, 2008 and Paul R. Chatfield, P.E., dated June 19, 2008). Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit NO.7 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED NEW BUSINESS: MATTER RE: Reading and approval of claims 92 Motion by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Supervisor read and approve payment of the claims as set forth in Exhibit NO.8 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MAnER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Authorize Supervisor to execute agreement and necessary documents to accept New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) $96,000 grant for Highland Park to Canal Trail (see Resolution #6; letters from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated June 13,2008 and Daniel Hallowell, Manager, Regional Program Development and Management, NYSDOT, dated June 11, 2008). Motion by Councilmember Louise Novros seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit NO.9 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MAnER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Accept $50. donation from Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association in appreciation for Police Department assistance with annual children's parade (see Resolution #11; letter from Thomas M. Voelkl, Chief of Police, dated June 16,2008, with attachment). Motion by Councilmember Ray Tierney Seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 10 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Authorize Supervisor to execute contract with JP Morgan Chase for 2008 Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) actuarial valuations (see Resolution #1; memorandum from Paula A. Parker, Director of Finance, dated July 2, 2008). Motion by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis Seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 11 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Authorize change in Town's Mileage Reimbursement Policy, from current $.50% per mile to $.58% per mile (see Resolution #4; memorandum from Paula A. Parker, Director of Finance, dated July 1, 2008, with attachment) Motion by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 12 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Authorize exception to procurement policy for emergency 93 enclosure of fire damaged home at 225 Valley Road at cost of $642.05 (see Resolution #2; letter from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated June 30, 2008). Motion by Council member James Vogel seconded by Council member Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 13 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Set August 13, 2008 Public Hearing for proposed Extension #92 to Brighton Consolidated Sewer District (see Resolution #5; see letters from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated July 2,2008 and Richard S. Cortina, Assistant Engineer, dated July 1,2008, with attachments). Motion by Councilmember James Vogel Seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 14 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Set August 13, 2008 Public Hearing for proposed removal of 9" Ash tree at 2300 Elmwood Avenue next to 296 Sylvan Road (see Resolution #13; letter from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated June 30,2008). Motion by Councilmember James Vogel Seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 15 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATIERRE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Set August 13, 2008 Public Hearing for proposed removal of 48" black willow tree at 455 Bronx Drive (see Resolution #14; letter from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated June 11, 2008, with attachments. Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 16 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATIERRE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Set August 13, 2008 Public Hearing for proposed removal of two trees on Town Hall campus (see Resolution #17; letter from Laraine Albers, dated June 2, 2008, with attachment. Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 17 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Set August 13, 2008 Public Hearings for Draft 94 Environmental Impact Statement and on an Incentive Zoning/Rezoning application for the proposed "The New Sl. John's Community" project, and schedule a joint Town Board/ Planning Board Workshop for August 27,2008 at 4:00 p.m. (see Resolution #16; letters from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated June 27,2008 and Carl Hewings, Parrone Engineering, dated June 24,2008). Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 18 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MATTER RE: MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED Adopt the Emergency-Disaster Plan (see Resolution #8; letter from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways, dated June 18,2008, with attachment). Motion by Councilmember Ray Tierney seconded by Councilmember James Vogel that the Town Board adopt the resolution as prepared by the Attorney for the Town as set forth in Exhibit No. 19 attached. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED MAnERS OF THE SUPERVISOR: MATTER RE: 1-590 Interchange at Winton Road (see letter from Kevin Bush, P.E., Regional Design Engineer, New York State Department of Transportation, dated June 26, 2008). Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis to receive and file the aforementioned communication. UPON ROLL CALL VOTE MOTION UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED MEETING ADJOURNED: Motion by Councilmember James Vogel seconded by Councilmember Sheila Gaddis that the Town Board adjourn at 9:50 PM. CERTIFICATION: I, Susan Kramarsky, 79 Monteroy Road, Rochester, NY do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Town of Brighton County of Monroe, State of New York held on the July 9,2008 and that I recorded said minutes of the aforesaid meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Brighton, New York. Susan Kramarsky, Town Clerk EXHIBIT NO.1 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ayenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9- day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons WHEREAS, the Town previously entered into an agreement with Commissioner of Public Works Thomas A. Low under which the Town agreed to pay a portion of Low's health care premiums in retirement, so long as he had worked at least 15 years for the Town, with a maximum payment of 80% of premiums if he retired after working 20 years for the Town, and WHEREAS, Commissioner Low has considered retirement in August 2008, but in order to retain his services through February 2009, in order to work towards completion of various projects within the Public Works Department, the Town and Low desire to amend the agreement to credit Low with time employed in public service with the Town of Greece, Monroe County, and Syracuse, New York, which would currently require the Town to pay 80% of either of the two lowest priced health care plans available upon Low's retirement, based on the added expertise that Low has brought to the Town of Brighton due to his prior public service experience, and to make such health care portable outside the Monroe County area, in return for Low's agreement to continue employment with the Town through at least February 28, 2009 and to provide consulting services thereafter through the end of 2009, on an as needed basis; it is therefore RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver an amendment to the agreement previously entered into by and between Brigtres7.908-19 the Town and Commissioner of Public Works Thomas A. Low, concerning retiree health benefits, which Agreement shall be in form and substance as may be approved by the Attorney for the Town. Dated: July 9, 2008 Briglres7.9.08-19 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting EXHIBIT NO.2 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons WHEREAS, the Town Board previously received and filed correspondence from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works, requesting that a public hearing be called to consider the removal of the following trees: 45 u Norway Maple at 2881 Elmwood Avenue 35 u Silver Maple at 11 Seminole Way 72 u Box Elder at 70 Park Lane; and WHEREAS, based upon such correspondence, the Town Board duly called and held a public hearing, pursuant to Section 175.8 of the Town Code, to consider the removal of such trees referenced in such correspondence, and all persons having an interest in such matter having had an opportunity to be heard at such hearing; it is therefore RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby determines that the Commissioner of Public Works has shown good cause for the removal of the tree located at 70 Park Lane, namely, the disease and/or decay of such tree and the consequent danger to person and/or property, and therefore determines that the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works to remove such tree be and it hereby is affirmed and that only the two scaffolds on the north side of the tree at 2881 Elmwood Avenue be removed and that the health of that tree be evaluated in the future. Dated: July 9, 2008 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor James R. Vogel, Councilman Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Louise Novros, Councilperson Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Brigtres7.9.08-12 Voting Voting Voting Voting Voting EXHIBIT NO.3 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons WHEREAS, the Town Board previously received and filed a petition from certain property owners requesting the formation of a sidewalk snow removal district on Grovesnor Road, although such petitions were not notarized as required by Article 12 of the Town Law; and WHEREAS, the Town has now received additional signatures of property owners within the proposed District, indicating their support for the formation of such a District; and WHEREAS, in reliance upon the indication of support for the concept of a sidewalk snow removal district on Grovesnor Road, the Town Board, pursuant to Article l2-a of the Town Law, set a public hearing to consider the formation of the Grovesnor Road Sidewalk Snow Removal District; and WHEREAS, said Town Board duly adopted on the 11th day of June, 2008, an Order providing that the Town Board shall meet at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town on the 9th day of July, 2008, at 7: 30 P. M., prevailing time, to consider said petition and to hear all persons interested in the subj ect thereof, and certified copies of said Order having been duly published and posted as prescribed by law and said Town Board having met at the time and place specified in said Order and having considered said petition and having heard all persons interested in the subject thereof, who appeared at such time and place, concerning the same; and the said Town Board having given due deliberation to the matter, specifically including a map plan and report of the proposed District, together with any additional information or testimony at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, in light of the indication of support for formation of the District and the evidence offered at the public hearing, the Town Board hereby makes certain determinations with regard to such District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Town Board of the Town of Brighton that it be and hereby is determined as follows: was published and posted as brigtres. 7 .9.08-15 required by law; (1) that the notice of hearing (2) that all the property and property District; owners (3) benefited are included within the limits of the proposed that all the property and property owners wi thin the proposed District are benefited thereby; and (4) that it is in the public interest to form such District; and be it further ORDERED, that The Grovesnor Road Sidewalk Snow Removal District of the Town of Brighton be established to include the properties listed in the map, plan and report, with the costs thereof to be charged on an ad valorem basis; and be it further ORDERED, that this Order is adopted subject to permissive referendum pursuant to Section 209-e of the Town Law; and be it further ORDERED, that in the event no petition seeking permissive referendum is filed with the Town Clerk, the Town Clerk be, and hereby is directed to record a certified copy of this Order in the office of the Clerk of the County of Monroe within ten days after the end of the thirty-day permissive referendum period. Dated: July 9, 2008 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor James R. Vogel, Councilman Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Louise Novros, Councilperson Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Members of the Brighton Town Board, Brighton, New York brigtres.7.9.08-15 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF MONROE) I, ss: SUSAN KRAMARSKY, County, New York, Town Clerk of the Town of Brighton, Monroe do hereby CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Order and Resolution with the original thereof adopted by the Town Board of Brighton, on the 9th day of July 2008, and filed in my office on the same day, and that the said foregoing copy is a true and correct copy of said original Order and Resolution and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the seal of said Town this 9th day of July, 2008. susAN KRAMARSKY, Town clerk Town of Brighton, Monroe County brigtres.7.9.08-15 EXHlBITNO.4 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9 th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons In the Matter of the Kirk-Astor Park District Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 12 of the Town Law, petitions have been filed with the Town Clerk and presented to and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Brighton by the record owners of more than fifty percent (50%) of the assessed valuation of property located within such proposed district, and fifty percent (50%) of the assessed valuation praying of owner-occupied that the Kirk-Astor properties Park in the proposed district, District be established to include the real property identified in such petitions, consisting of property wholly within the said Town of Brighton, and described in the attached Exhibit New York, "A", also and being bounded identified as 26 through 170 Astor Drive and 4 through 161 Kirk Drive; and WHEREAS, by said petition it appears that none of said property is located within a city or incorporated village; and WHEREAS, the District will serve the following purposes; the acquisition by lease or purchase of lands from the State of New York, all as shown on Exhibit C to such map, plan and report, installation, Britres.7. 9. 08-18 maintenance and replacement of features the purchase, such as trees, landscape plantings, street furniture and benches on the land in question and adjacent Town highway rights of way and the mowing and other maintenance of these lands and adjacent Town highway rights of way; and WHEREAS, the cost of the District shall be assessed and collected from real property within the proposed Extension on a benefits derived basis; and NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Councilperson seconded by Councilperson ORDERED, Low, that correspondence dated July 2, Commissioner report, , it is of Public Works, together 2008 with a all concerning the Kirk-Astor Park District, from Thomas A. map, plan and be 'received and filed; and be it further ORDERED, that a public hearing be held at the meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Brighton to commence at 7:30 P.M" prevailing time, on the 13th day of August, 2008, at the Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue to consider the said petition and application made thereby and to hear all persons interested therein and to take such action thereon as may be proper; and be it further ORDERED, that the Town Clerk of the Town give notice of such hearing by duly publishing this Order and by posting a certified copy thereof on the Town Clerk's bulletin board not less than ten more than twenty (20) days prior to said hearing. Dated: July 9, 2008 Srilres. 7.9.08-1 8 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting (10) nor STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF MONROE) I, Brighton, SUSAN ss. KRAMARSKY, Monroe County, the New Deputy York, do Town Clerk hereby of CERTIFY the Town that I of have compared the foregoing copy of an Order adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Brighton at a meeting of the said Board duly held on July 9, 2008, with the original of said Order which is on file in the Br ighton Town Clerk's office and entered in the Minutes of the said meeting and that the foregoing copy is a true and exact copy of the said original Order and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Town of Brighton this 9th day of July, 2008. Susan Kramarsky, Town Clerk Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York Britres. 7.9.08-18 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED KIRK-ASTOR PARK DISTRICT TOWN OF BRIGHTON, MONROE COUNTY NEW YORK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTICE IS HEREBY GrvEN that, pursuant to a Petition dated - - - - - -, which is annexed thereto and on file in the Town Clerk's Office where it may be examined during business hours, and an Order of the Town Board of the Town of Brighton adopted the Town Board will hold a public hearing at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town on the 13th day of August, 2008, at a meeting commencing at 7:30 P.M., to hear all parties and citizens for or against the proposed Extension No. 1 to the Kirk-Astor Parks District for the Town of Brighton. Britres. 7. 9.08-18 EXHIBIT NO.5 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 25, Voelkl, Chief of Police, concerning a contract 2008 from Thomas M. for collision repair services for Police Department vehicles, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver an Collision, agreement Inc. for by and collision between repair the Town services and on Austin-Spencer Brighton Police Department vehicles, at an hourly rate of $34.00, with a five percent (5%) discount on parts and components, which agreement shall be form and substance as may be approved by the Attorney for the Town. Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-IO Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting in !~~~~\ 'fA t !I Town of Brighton POLICE DEPARTMENT 2300 ElmwGOd Avenue Rochester, New York 14618·2 J96 POLtCI ""'-'1: lftJ Emergency 91 1 AJmllli,lrlltive (585) 784-5150 Thomas M. Voelkl Chief of Police Fax: (585) 7R4-515J June 25, 2008 Honorable Town Board Finance/Administrative Services Corrunittee Town of Brighton 2300 Elmwood A venue Rochester, New York 14618 Dear Board Members: On June 11, 2008 the Police Department advertised for bids to award a public works contract for the collision repair of town vehicles. Bid specifications were advertised and sent to six prospective bidders. One bid was received from Austin-Spencer Collision by the bid opening date with a bid price of $34.00 per hour. Considering that Austin-Spencer Collision was the only bid received and they have met all of the bid requirements, I recommend that Austin-Spencer Collision be awarded the contract for town vehicle collision repair for one year starting August l, 2008. As required under the "terms and conditions" of the bid, they submitted the completed bid Conn, the $500.00 security deposit and a non-collusive bidding form. I have included the bidding materials for your review. Thank. you for your consideration to this request. Very truly yours, -. -;I;' ,. f 1/ .i/ r? ~Ili:~("~ Thomas M. Voelkl Chief of Police EXHIBIT NO.6 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 25, Voelkl, Chief of Police, concerning a contract 2008 from Thomas M. for maintenance and repair services on Police Department vehicles, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver an agreement by and between the Town and Twelve Corners Mobil for maintenance vehicles, discount and repair services on at an hourly rate of $34.50, for parts and components, Brighton with a Police Department fifteen percent which agreement shall be in form and substance as may be approved by the Attorney for the Town. Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-9 (15%) Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting Town of Brighton POLICE DEPARTMENT 2300 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, New York 14618-2196 Em~rgency 911 AJmini.\traliw (585) 784-5150 Fa)(; (SM5, 7114-5151 Thomas M. Voelkl Chief of Police June 25, 2008 Honorable Town Board Finance/Administrative Services Committee Town of Brighton 2300 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, New York 14618 Dear Board Members: On June 11,2008 the Police Department advertised for bids to award a public works contract for the mechanical repair oftown vehicles. Bid specifications were advertised and sent to nine prospective bidders. One bid was received from Twelve Corners Mobil for an hourly rate of$34.50 per hour. Considering that we have been satisfied with Twelve Corners Mobil as our current vendor and that they are the only bidder, I recommend that Twelve Comers Mobil be awarded the contract for town vehicle mechanical repair for one year starting August 1,2008. As required under the "terms and conditions" of the bid, they submitted a bid form, a deposit check for $1,000 and a completed non-collusive bidding fonn. I have included the bidding materials for your review. Thank you for your consideration to this request. Very truly yours, .,-'''' --'-. "" " I;·.' V -./ - .4-.(. (L(. '\ ...-- _.. Thomas M. VoelkJ Chief of Police EQUAL (IP'~)RTl",ln nWI (II I R EXHIBIT NO.7 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, Low, that correspondence dated June 26, Commissioner of Public Works, 2008 from Thomas A. and correspondence dated June 19, 2008 from Paul R. Chatfield, P.E., Chatfield Engineers, Change Order #2 PC, concerning to the agreement with Chatfield Engineers for sewer flow monitoring, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves Change Order #2 to the contract by and between the Town and Chatfield Engineers for sewer flow monitoring to provide complete contract documents for the for for trunk additional services by providing sewer rehabilitation using cured-in- place pipelining sewer along 1-590 south Road, which will increase the total not to exceed contract amount by $1,932. Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-3 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting of Blossom EXHIBIT NO.8 July 9,2008 CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL AT TOWN BOARD MEETING THAT THE CLAIMS AS SUMMARIZED BELOW HAVING BEEN APPROVED BY THE RESPECTIVE DEPARTMENT HEADS AND AUDITED BY THE TOWN BOARD AUDIT COMMITIEE ARE HEREBY APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. 182,342.25 $ A -GENERAL D·HIGHWAY 83,912.35 H • CAPITAL 26,645.49 L - LIBRARY 821.00 2,495.00 SA - AMBULANCE DI5T 645.00 SB - BUSINESS IMPROVM SO • DRAINAGE DIST 1,917.50 SF - FIRE DIST 7,568.60 SK - SIDEWALK DIST 3.787.50 SR • REFUSE DIST 24,470.06 3,490.00 935.00 13,485.00 SS - SEWER DIST 37,156.45 SW - WATER DIST 2,092.50 TA· AGENCY TRUST 7,692.69 SL • LIGHTING DIST SM· SNOW REMOVAL DST SN·NEIGHBORHOOD DIST. TOTAL UPON ROLL CALL $ 399,456.39 MOTION CARRIED APPROVED BY: SUPERVISOR COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER TO THE SUPERVISOR: I CERTIFY THAT THE VOUCHERS LISTED ABOVE WERE AUDITED BY THE TOWN BOARD ON THE ABOVE DATE AND ALLOWED IN THE AMOUNTS SHOWN. YOU ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO PAY TO EACH OF THE CLAIMANTS THE AMOUNT OPPOSITE HIS NAME. DATE TOWN CLERK EXHIBIT NO. 9 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 13, 2008 from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works, 2008 from Daniel Hallowell, Manager, Management, State of New York, with attachments thereto, and correspondence dated June 11, Regional Program Development and Department of Transportation, together concerning a grant from the New York State Department of Transportation for a proposed trail from Highland Park to the Erie Canal Trail, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, Department of that the Town Board hereby accepts the New York State Transportation Grant for the design study of an on-road and off-road trail preliminary and final from Highland Park to the Erie Canal Trail; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town hereby agrees to provide a $24,000 cash match, $14,000 of which will be paid in 2008 and $10,000 of which will be paid in 2009, with a consultant to be engaged and directed by the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deliver all agreements, certifications and reimbursement requests behalf of the Town in connection with this grant; and be it further Brilres.7.9.08-6 on that RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes the Finance Director to make any and all necessary Budget transfers in connection with this grant and the appropriation of the matching funds to be provided by the Town in connection therewith; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board herby authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement with the City of Rochester naming the Town of Brighton as committing 'sponsor' to pay a for the project one-third portion and the ($8,000.) City of ($24,000.) of the project. Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-6 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting the of Rochester local share EXHIBIT NO. 10 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, Voelkl, Chief Stephanie that correspondence dated June 16, 2008 from Thomas M. of Police, Dickinson, concerning a together with Meadowbrook donation undated Neighborhood correspondence from Association, both from the Meadowbrook Neighborhood Association, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that donation of $50.00 appreciation for the Town Board hereby from the Meadowbrook the Police gratefully accepts Neighborhood Association Department's assistance with the in the Neighborhood Association's Annual Children's Parade; and be it further RESOLVED, that A.POLCE.3120.2705 equivalent the donation be (Police increase in Gifts recorded as and appropriations revenue Donations), in account supporting an A.POLCE.3120.418 (Police - Law Enforcement Programs) . Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-11 in account Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting EXHIBIT NO. 11 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, Parker, that Director of a memorandum dated Finance, July concerning a 2, 2008 from Paula contract with J. P. A. Morgan Chase Bank for 2008 GASB 45 OPEB actuarial valuations, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and deli ver Bank an for conditions agreement by and between the 2008 set GASB 45 forth OPEB actuarial in the Town and J. P. valuations above-referenced Morgan Chase upon the terms memorandum, and which agreement shall be in form and substance as may be approved by the Attorney for the Town. Dated: July 9, 2008 Brilres.7.908-1 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting EXHIBIT NO. 12 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, Parker, that Director of a memorandum dated Finance, together July with 1, 2008 from an attachment Paula A. thereto, concerning a proposed change in the Town's mileage reimbursement rate, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves an amendment to the Town's mileage reimbursement policy, mileage reimbursement rate to increasing the allowable business $.585 per mile, where such mileage expenses are incurred in accordance with all other provisions of the policy , effective July 1, 2008, based on a concurrent change in the Internal Revenue Service mileage reimbursement rate. Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-4 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting EXHIBIT NO. 13 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 30, Low, Commissioner Town's of procurement Public policy Works, to concerning enclose a 2008 from Thomas A. an exception fire-damaged to building, the be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the use of Emergency Enclosures for an emergency enclosure of a fire-damaged home at 225 Valley Road, at a cost of $642.05; and be it further RESOLVED, that Town Board further approves an exception to the Town's procurement policy for the procurement of the above-referenced services, based upon the rationale set forth in correspondence from the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-2 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting the referenced TOWN OF BRIGHTON MONROE COUNTY, NEW YORK June 30, 2008 Honorable Finance committee Town of Brighton 2300 Elmwood Ave. Brighton, NY 14618 Re: Authorize Exception to Procurement Policy Enclosure of Fire-Damaged Building Honorable Members: I recommend that I be authorized to deviate from the procurement pOlicy and to use the services of Emergency Enclosures for an emergency enclosure of a fire-damaged home at #225 Valley Rd. in an amount of $642.05. The Town's procurement policy requires at least two quotations for public works contracts of over $400.00 but under $1, 000 .00. I recommend the retroactive approval of this deviation because we needed to secure the fire scene (thus, freeing the BFD units) while an insurance company was, per the owner, not involved. For future such incidents, 'an RFP will shortly be issued for services for the balance of the year on a "time and materials" basis. Funds are available in A.DPW.8020.449. This costs will be assessed against the owner's taxes. hhomas A. Low Commissioner of Public Works cc: P. Parker C. Roth 2300 ELMWOOD AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORI< 14618 (585) 784·5250 FAX: (585) 784·5373 hltp'/IWWW,towno/brighton,org Itlr:. ~ er8\pn1t:'·.. . re. P'O: : ::'1 EXHIBIT NO. 14 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at Brighton Town Hall in the Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons In the Matter of Proposed Extension #92 to the Brighton Consolidated Sewer District Town of Brighton, Monroe County New York WHEREAS, a petition dated June 2, 2008 has been presented to and filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Brighton by Leonid Chervin, as record owner of a majority in assessed value of certain real property more fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, known as Tax Parcel No. 150.10-1-16, consisting of approximately .86 acres, otherwise known as 729 Edgewood Avenue in the Town of Brighton, praying that the Brighton Consolidated Sewer District be extended to include such real property hereafter described and that said real property be incorporated into said District, said property being wholly within the said Town of Brighton, New York; and Britres7.9.08-5 WHEREAS, by said petition it appears that none of said property is located within a city or incorporated village; and WHEREAS, a map and plan and report has been prepared by Glenn F. Thornton, P.E., duly licensed boundaries of the sewer system to be Extension and is annexed to professional engineers, showing installed wi thin the proposed said petition and filed with the Town Clerk; and WHEREAS, it appears by said petition that an improvement is to be constructed in said Extension, namely a sanitary sewer line and other facilities required to serve the proposed extension, and that the entire cost of such construction is to be paid by the Petitioner and that no assessment will be made against the benefited property and no Town obligations will be required to be issued to defray said cost or any part thereof; and there will be no expense to the Brighton Consolidated WHEREAS, Sewer District for the construction and installation of such facilities; and WHEREAS, be assessed the costs of providing the ongoing sewer services shall and collected from real property within the proposed Extension on a benefits derived basis. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of seconded by Councilman ORDERED, Low, , it is that correspondence dated July 2, Commissioner of Public Works, Britres7.9.08-5 Councilman 2008 from Thomas A. together with attachments thereto, all related to proposed Extension 92 to the Brighton Consolidated Sewer District, be received and filed; and be it further ORDERED, that a pUblic hearing be held at the meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Brighton to commence at 7: 30 time, on the 13 th day of August 2008, Elmwood proposed Avenue in the Extension environmental Town, under impact to thereof and prevailing at the Brighton Town Hall, consider Article P.M., 12 to the of establishment the hear all Town Law persons therein and to take such action thereon as may be proper; 2300 of the and the interested and be it further ORDERED, hearing by that duly the Town Clerk of publishing a the certified Town give copy of notice this Order of such and by posting a certified copy thereof on the Town Clerk's bulletin board not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days prior to said hearing. Dated: July 8, 2008 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor James R. Vogel, Councilman Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Louise Novros, Councilperson Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Members of the Town Board of Brighton, New York, Monroe County Britres7.9.08-5 STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF MONROE) I, SUSAN Monroe County, ss. KRAMARSKY, New York, the Town Clerk of the do hereby CERTIFY that Town I of Brighton, have compared the foregoing copy of an Resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Brighton at a meeting of the said Board duly held on July 9, 2008, with the original of said Resolution which is on file in the Brighton Town Clerk's office and entered in the Minutes of the said meeting and that the foregoing copy is a true and exact copy of the said original Resolution and of the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se~ my hand and affixed the seal of the said Town of Brighton this 9 th day of July, 2008. Susan Kramarsky, Town Clerk Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York Britres7.9.08-5 EXHIBIT NO. 15 At a Town Board Meeting Brighton, Monroe count Y at the Brighton Town Ha i A~enue, in said Town of 9 t day of July, 2008. of the Town of New York held 1, 2300 Ei mwood Brighton on the PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that a 9 inch ash tree located on the Brighton Town Hall campus, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, which has caused and may continue to cause damage to an adjoining house located at 296 Sylvan Road, be removed, which recommendation is subject to public hearing; it is therefore RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 30, 2008 from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works, together with attachments thereto, concerning the proposed tree removal, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby sets a public hearing to hear all persons for or against the removal of a 9" Ash tree located on the Brighton Town Hall campus, adjacent to 296 Sylvan Road, to be held on August 13, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue in the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of such hearing to be given as required under Chapter 175 of the Town Code. Dated: July 9, 2008 Brigtres7.9.08-13 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting EXHIBIT NO. 16 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe count Y New York held at the Brighton Town Ha i 1, 2300 Ei mwood A~enue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9 t day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that a significant Town tree, which is in poor health and therefore poses a threat to persons and property, be removed, which recommendation is subject to public hearing; it is therefore RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 11, 2008 from Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works, together with attachments thereto, concerning the proposed tree removal, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby sets a public hearing to hear all persons for or against the removal of a significant Town tree because it poses a hazard to persons and property, namely a 48" Black Willow tree located in the highway right of way adjacent to 455 Bronx Drive, to be held on August 13, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue in the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of such hearing to be given as required under Chapter 175 of the Town Code. Dated: July 9, 2008 Brigtres7.9.06-14 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting EXHIBIT NO. 17 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe count Y New York held at the Brighton Town Ha i 1, 2300 Ei mwood A~enue, in said Town of Brighton on the gt day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that two trees located between the Public Safety Wing and Town Hall entrances behind Brighton Town Hall, which though technically healthy, are in poor condition, be removed, which recommendation is subject to public hearing; it is therefore RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 2, 2008 from Laraine Albers, together with attachments thereto, concerning the proposed tree removal, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby sets a public hearing to hear all persons for or against the removal of the two trees located between the Public Safety Wing and Town Hall entrances behind Brighton Town Hall, to be held on August 13, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue in the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of such hearing to be given as required under Chapter 175 of the Town Code. Dated: July 9, 2008 Brigtres7.9.08-17 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting TOWN OF BRIGHTON MONAOE COUNTY, NEW YORK June 2, 2008 Honorable Public Works Committee Town of Brighton Dear Committee Members: I respectfully request authorization to remove the two trees located between the back public safety wing and town hall entrances. Per the attached tree hazard evaluation report done by Jerry Peterson on May 1,2008, the trees are in poor condition and will not survive. We are removing all of the ground cover in that area and would like to remove the trees at the same time so that we can plant grass seed. Removing the ground cover will improve maintenance conditions and ~liminate rodent nesting in this area. We would be happy to plant another location appropriate tree iffunding can be identified or such a tree is donated. Thank you for your consideration of this request and your support of our town hall campus improvement efforts. Sincerely, Laraine Albers xc: Thomas A. Low, Commissioner of Public Works/Superintendent of Highways Kevin Han, Maintenance Mechanic 2300 ELMWOOD AVENUE ROCHESTER. NEW YORK 14618 t585} 784·5250 FAX; (585) 784·5373 hltp:;:Www.lownofbrighlon.Ofg EXHIBIT NO. 18 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, that correspondence dated June 27, Low, Commissioner of Public Works, 2008 from Carl Hewings, Parrone 2008 from Thomas A. and correspondence dated June 24, Engineering, both concerning the public and environmental review of the proposed Incentive Zoning and Rezoning for the new St. John's Community, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby sets a public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement under the State Environmental Quality Review Act for the proposed Incentive Zoning and Rezoning for the new St. John's Community to be held August 13, 2008 at 7:30 pm at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue in the Town of Brighton, at which time all persons having an interest in such matter shall have the opportunity to be heard; and be it further RESOLVED, application for that the Town Board hereby sets a public hearing on an Incentive Zoning/Rezoning Communi ty proj ect to be held August 13, for the new St. John's 2008 at 7: 30 pm at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue in the Town of Brighton, at which time all person having an interest in such matter shall have the opportunity to be heard; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby schedules a workshop meeting with the Town of Brighton Planning Board to be held August 27, 2008 at 4:00 pm at Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue; and be it further Brilres.7.9.08-16 RESOLVED, that the corrunents on the Draft Statement shall be received through Monday, Environmental September 8, Impact 2008; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby directs Ramsey Boehner, Town's Environmental Liaison, to publish and distribute the Environmental Impact Statement as required by SEQRA regulations. Dated: July 9, 2008 Britres.7.9.08-16 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting the Draft EXHIBIT NO. 19 At a Town Board Meeting of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Avenue, in said Town of Brighton on the 9th day of July, 2008. PRESENT: SANDRA L. FRANKEL, Supervisor JAMES R. VOGEL RAYMOND J. TIERNEY III LOUISE NOVROS SHEILA A. GADDIS Councilpersons RESOLVED, Low, that correspondence dated June 18, 2008 from Thomas A. Commissioner of Public Works, Disaster Plan Update, concerning the Town's Emergency - together with the proposed Emergency - Disaster Plan attached thereto, be received and filed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby adopts the Emergency Disaster Plan in the form presented to this meeting; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby further directs Marshal to distribute the plan to all appropriate parties. Dated: July 9, 2008 Brittes.7.9.08-8 Sandra L. Frankel, Supervisor Voting James R. Vogel, Councilman Voting Raymond J. Tierney III, Councilman Voting Louise Novros, Councilperson Voting Sheila A. Gaddis, Councilperson Voting the Fire