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JANUARY 23, 2015
117 6 Ave W
West Fargo
ND 58078
(701) 356-2100
(701) 356-2109
Loren Kersting,
At South school we value children, parents and educators, their thoughts, feelings, troubles and
triumphs. We promise to do all that we can for our children to prepare them for the future.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 23
5:00-7:00pm PTA Skateland Night
Jan. 26
PTA Reflections Entries Due
Jan. 29
“Rock N’ Roll Day” at South
Jan. 30
6:00 - 8:00pm 2nd Annual School Dance - Gym
Feb. 5
4th Grade Learning Bank Field Trip - NDSU
Feb 10
2:00-2:30pm 1st Grade Flag Presentation
Stop by and visit our art gallery located outside of the library. Our goal is to
display work from every South student sometime throughout the school year.
Inspiration for this art gallery originated in honor of Alexa Kersting,
daughter of Loren and Monica Kersting, who passed away in July of 2004
while waiting for a lung transplant.
During Alexa’s six years as a student here, she created many works of art
and poetry, as all our students have done. The frames for the gallery were
purchased by the Kerstings to commemorate Alexa’s love of the arts.
The following will have their art on display the weeks of January 19-30,
2015. Haakon Seymour, McGill Dugbeh, Osman Mahad, Ally Howard,
Ian Skari, Spencer Patton, Noah Paintner, Dylan Vezner, Kendra
Nickerson, Hannah Moseng, Carter Mastrud, Mya Lund, Anthony Leal,
Brynlee Christianson, Abby McKibbin, Rachel Knudson, Owen GranrudClemens, Hallie Thoreson, Cory Becherl, Joseph Zerr, Kaely Moran.
Feb. 10
6:15-7:30pm PTA Meeting - Library
Feb. 16
No School
Feb. 19
5:00-7:30pm Band & Orchestra Instrument night
Cheney Middle School
Feb. 23
5:00-7:30pm Band & Orchestra Instrument night
Cheney Middle School
Feb. 23
6:00 - 8:00pm PTA Skateland Party
Mar. 5
8:30 -9:00am 3rd Grade Music Program
Mar. 5
8:15am Spring Pictures
Mar. 6
8:15am Spring Pictures
Mar. 9
4:00-7:30 Parent Teacher Conferences
South Rock n’ Roll Day
Mar. 10
4:00-7:30 Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, January 29 South students and
staff will be dressing up for Rock n’ Roll day.
Put on your jeans, leather jackets, poodle
skirts, or anything else rock ‘n roll and join
the fun. Enjoy music and dancing during
lunch with Mr. Kersting.
Mar. 12 & 13 No School
Jan. 26
Jan. 27
Jan. 28
Jan. 29
Jan. 30
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 1
4th & 5th Grade
Girls Floor Hockey
Jan. 26, 27, & 29
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JANUARY 23, 2015
Free Throw Competition
Thanks to all the students who participated in the Knight’s of Columbus free throw competition last Friday night at
South Elementary. Congratulations to all our South students it was an exciting competition.
2nd place finishers from South L to R:
Ethan C., Iqra H., Emily K., Kate H., and Kellen H., and
Gavin J. winner of the
10 year old division.
Friday Fun with Mr. Kersting
Students whose parents attended the monthly PTA meeting get to play Bingo with Mr. Kersting.
Band and Orchestra Instrument Try-Out Nights
Date Change!!
February 19th and 23rd from 5:00-7:30pm
at Cheney Middle School
Come try out the instruments you are interested in. This is an important night
where you decide which instrument you will play!
If you want to play an instrument you should attend one of these nights.
If you are unable to attend you please contact one of the following teachers
Nadine Roach (701) 499-1637
Jason Carlson (701) 499-1639
Karen Morrison (701) 499-1636
Lindsay Schwartz (701) 499-1635
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JANUARY 23, 2015
The 2nd Annual South Elementary School Dance is coming Friday January 30 in the school gym from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. There will be
registration slips going today that will need to be filled out and returned for those students wanting to come. One parent has to be at the
dance with their child(ren) the entire time. Mark your calendars it will be a fun time!!
Our annual school carnival will be Friday April 24. We will be having the students sell raffle tickets again this year and there will be a silent auction again as well. We are always looking for donations from area banks and businesses as raffle ticket prizes and silent auction
items. If anyone knows of any banks/businesses that would be willing to donate items please contact Arin Johnson at
[email protected] . Thank you!!
Skateland Party Tonight
When: Friday, January 23, 2015
Where: Skateland Fargo
Time: 5-7pm
$5 admission
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JANUARY 23, 2015
Dancing With the South Stars
Friday, January 30th, 2015
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
** Glow Sticks, Glow in the Dark Tattoos, Popcorn, and Water will be for sale.
50 cents each**
*There will also be a photo booth. Pictures will cost $1 per person, per picture.*
Only current South Students are able to attend.
You must enter through the Gym door on the corner of 7th Ave W. and Sukut Street.
There will be no entrance through the front doors of the building.
ALL STUDENTS must be accompanied by a parent at the dance at all times. No students will be allowed in the building without an adult with them. There must be at
least one adult per family. Thank you in advance! Once you leave the building, you may
not re-enter. There will be NO PHOTOS allowed. We will have a staff member taking
pictures to use for the yearbook, and a photo booth will be available this year ($1 per
person per picture).
Return bottom portion to Mrs. Iverson or Mr. Rydell by
Wednesday, January 28th
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Students Name/s: ____________________________
Guardian or Parent (s) attending:
Song request/What song would you like to hear at the dance?
Please turn in one slip per child attending