Attachment A
Attachment A
ATTACHMENT B.1 MAP 1 Pond 110kv LEGEND AGGLOMERATION Well Kv 110 Sports Ground LB BM 22.89 Area under construction Car Park Sports Ground Well Sports Ground 11.1 4 13.1 3 Ros Choill 13.4 12.9 11.1 An Curran Rose Cottage 2 1 College Copsewood House 11.4 Chapel 10.1 LS LS 10K College LS v LS 12.8 LS 11.5 LS LS 10.8 Mhs LS 10Kv LS 10.8 12.5 Grave Yard Sports Ground LS LS Mh H 11.6 LS 10.8 LS Mh's 16.7 44 LS LS 43 9.8 LS Mh 51 H LS LS 11.7 Mh Mh 10.9 LS 35 LS 34 Sports Ground LS LS LOCATION MAP H Mh Sports Ground 18.2 LS . BM 33.98 se Sports Ground LS LS ru Mh 1 12.7 LS Mh LS LS Mh's 3 Mh 10.7 LS LS 16.0 Mh's ot 12.0 4 LS LS 8 Mh Mh LS LS 17.3 LS Cluain Mhuire PO LS LS LS 10.7 LS H LS LS 16 LS LS 9.4 Mh Mh LS 11.8 11.6 33 H 18 TK Mh LS LS LS LS LS H LS Mhs 11.9 10Kv LS's Mh LS 12.3 Mh Mh H Mh's LS Mh The Limeyard 9.1 Grave Yard LS H Mhs LS 6 4 Kenry Court 8.7 LS 8 Pallaskenry Pallís Chaonraí 1 LS 9.0 Well 12.7 Sports Ground LS Mh LS Church (Cath) LS LS 13.3 Mh Woods 9.5 Co 18.1 Currahchase ns en 8.9 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny LS School he 12.3 20 16.3 LS LS LS 15 St Mary's Terrace 11.0 Sports Ground LS 14 16.1 LS LS 15.6 H Mh 2 13.5 10 Liable to Flooding Kv 9.5 LS 1 LS 12.4 Area under construction LS 13.1 12.7 LS Mhs v 10K 13.3 Mh School LS LS's H 14.6 LS Well 13.2 15.2 Hollypark Castle 13.2 (in ruins) 14.1 14.0 v 10K 14.9 15.5 Scale 1:7,500 Scale 1:7,500 16.7 Well 14.5 (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. 15.4 Approved : ____________________ Well MAP 1 - PALLASKENRY AGGLOMERATION REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_1.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 ATTACHMENT B.2 MAP 2 LEGEND WWTP SITE Area under construction Sports Ground Car Park Sports Ground 4 13.1 3 Ros Choill 13.4 12.9 11.1 An Curran Rose Cottage 2 1 College Copsewood House 11.4 Chapel 10.1 LS College LS LS LS 12.8 LS LS LS 10.8 Mhs LS LS 10Kv 10.8 12.5 Grave Yard Sports Ground LS LS . Mh H LS se 11.6 10.8 ru LS Mh's 9.8 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Mh 51 H LS LS 11.7 ot LS 43 LS he 44 LS Mh Mh 10.9 LS 35 LS 34 Sports Ground LS LS H Mh LS Sports Ground 18.2 Sports Ground LS LS Mh 1 12.7 13.4 LS Mh 12.5 LS 12.3 LS 12.6 10.7 3 Mh's 12.0 Mh LS LS 16.0 LS 12.0 Mh's 4 LS LS 8 Mh Mh LS LS LS Cluain Mhuire PO Wells LS LS LS ns en 10.7 16 LS H LS 9.4 LS Mh Mh LS LS Co 11.8 TK LS LS 11.6 33 H 18 Mh LS LS LS LS H LS Mhs 11.9 10Kv LS's Mh LS LS Mh's Mh H Mh The Limeyard 12.3 Mh Grave Yard LS H Mhs LS 6 4 Kenry Court 8.7 LS 8 Pallaskenry Pallís Chaonraí 1 LS 9.0 Well 12.7 Sports Ground LS Mh 8.9 LS Church (Cath) LS 18.1 LS 13.3 9.5 Mh 20 16.3 LS LS LS 15 St Mary's Terrace 11.0 Sports Ground LS 14 16.1 LS LS 15.6 H 13.5 Mh 2 10 Kv 9.5 LS 1 LS 12.4 LS 13.1 Scale 1:5,000 12.7 LS (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. Approved : ____________________ Mhs v 10K 13.3 MAP 2 - PALLASKENRY WWTP SITE LOCATION MAP REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_2.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . ATTACHMENT B.2 MAP 3 (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. Not to Scale MAP 3 - PALLASKENRY WWTP SITE LAYOUT REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 Approved : ____________________ PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_3.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 ATTACHMENT B.3 MAP 4 LEGEND PRIMARY DISCHARGE POINT MONITORING LOCATION Point SW1u Ringmoylan Quay Northing 140525 157905 SW1u 140600 157946 SW1d 140460 157695 U Discharge Sample taken from Treated Effluent at WWTP E141326 N155806 ot he ru se . SW1 SW1 Easting SW1 Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Weir SW1d (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. Scale 1:2,500 MAP 4 - PRIMARY DISCHARGE POINT (SW1) REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 Approved : ____________________ PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_4.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 LS ATTACHMENT B.4 MAP 5 LS LS Mh LEGEND 1 LS LS 10.7 Mh 3 Mh's SECONDARY DISCHARGE POINT LS Mh Point LS LS SW2 Mh's Easting Northing 141575 155089 4 LS 8 Mh Mh LS LS LS Cluain Mhuire PO LS 10.7 H LS 16 LS LS LS Mh Mh LS 11.8 33 H LS LS H 9.4 Co Mh LS SW2 SW2 ns en 18 LS LS LS to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny LS ot he ru se . LS LS Mhs 11.9 LS's Mh LS Mh's LS 12.3 Mh Scale 1:1,000 H Mh Mh The Limeyard (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. LS MAP 5 - SECONDARY DISCHARGE POINT (SW2) REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 Approved : ____________________ PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_5.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 ATTACHMENT B.4 MAP 6 LEGEND SECONDARY DISCHARGE POINT 11.6 Point Easting Northing 142120 154958 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . SW3 Grave Yard 9.1 Co ns en SW3 SW3 8.7 9.0 (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. Scale 1:1,000 Approved : ____________________ 89 MAP 6 - SECONDARY DISCHARGE POINT (SW3) REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_6.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 ATTACHMENT B.8 MAP 7 WWTP Description U Northing 141276 155455 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . SITE NOTICE LOCATION Easting Area under construction 4 3 Ros Choill 13.4 1 Rose Cottage ns en 2 Co U An Curran 11.4 10.1 LS LS LS LS 12.8 LS LS LS 10.8 Mhs LS 10Kv LS 10.8 12.5 LS LS Mh H 11.6 LS 10.8 LS Mh's 44 LS LS 43 9.8 LS Mh 51 H LS LS 11.7 Scale 1:2,500 Mh Mh 10.9 LS 35 LS LS LS 34 (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. H Approved : ____________________ Mh MAP 7 - SITE NOTICE LOCATION REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_7.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL SITE NOTICE APPLICATION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR A WASTEWATER DISCHARGE LICENCE In accordance with the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, Limerick County Council, County Hall, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick is applying to the Environmental Protection Agency for a Waste Water Discharge Licence for the agglomeration of Pallaskenry at the following locations: Plant Name Pallaskenry WWTP Location Pallaskenry National Grid Ref. E141325 N155800 Function Main Emergency Secondary Emergency Townland Ringmoylan Pallas (ED Pallaskenry) Pallas (ED Pallaskenry) Receptor River Shannon Lake Grid Reference E140525 N157905 E141575 N155089 Stream E142120 N154958 ns en Discharge Primary Secondary to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . The Pallaskenry WWTP provides preliminary and secondary treatment and nutrient removal to sewage from Pallaskenry and environs. Co A copy of the application for the Waste Water Discharge Licence and such further information relating to the application as may be furnished to the Agency in the course of the Agency’s consideration of the Application shall as soon as is practicable after receipt by the Agency be available for inspection or purchase at the • Environmental Protection Agency, PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford, Lo Call 1890 335599 Telephone: 053-9160600 Fax: 0539160699 Email:[email protected] and at • Limerick County Council Offices, County Hall, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick, Telephone: 061-496000 Fax: 061-496001 Submissions in relation to the application may be made to the Environmental Protection Agency at its headquarters described above. EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 MJc-- --.:!LIME~~R~I~C~K~LEAD~~E~R~S~a~tu~rd~a~y~2~1 F~e~b~ru~a:!..Jry~2~O~O~9 F;WIi"••ticfaS/Planning Notices t t O'CONNOR (First Anniversary) O'DONNELL (1st Anniversary) SEXTON (Eighth Anniversary) In loving memory of our dear brother-in-law, Dermot, late of Ballymacashel, Mungret~ Co. Limerick, who died on February 12,2008. Rest in Peace: We miss your smile, your joking ways, We 'miss the things you used to say, And when old times we do. recall, Dermot, it's then we miss you most of all. Loved and remembered always' by your sisters-in-law, Nuala and Brid. In loving memory of Winifred (Amy) O'Donnell, Gardenhill, Castleconnell, Co. Limerick who died on 19th February 2008. Rest in Peace. Masses offered. 1st anniversary Mass will be offered on Sunday 22nd Februray at 11.30 a.m. In St. Joseph's Church, Castleconnell. . ' . We lost a mother with a heart of gold, How much we love her can never be told, She shared. our troubles and helped us along If we follow her footsteps we will never go wrong We miss you from your fireside chair, Your loving smile and gentle air Your vacant place no one can fill . We miss you mother and always will. . Always remembered by her loving sons, daughter, daughters in law, son in law, and grandchildren. In loving memory of Daniel Sexton, 2 Glenma, Croom. Mass will be offered on Sunday, February 22 at 11:30amin St. Mary's Church, Croom. Look around your garden Lord, He won't be hard to find. He has the heart that's full of love, And a face that always smiles. Call his name out softly, Lord, And when he looks your. way:,~. Tell him that we love hiril, .. And miss him every day. Sadly missed and always loved by your loving wife, Mary; children Elaine, Daniel, Karieann, Aishling; son-in-law, Thomas and your little grandchild, Emma. t O'DWYER (9th & 16th Anniversaries.) t TURNER (First Anniversary) t t WALLACE (Second Anniversary) PHAYER (Second Anniversary) .To place ~ Family Notice pleaseCall (061) 214521 or _ _ _ ~l:1iB _ of en t ns \' We're here to help! .' CALLUS NOW ON 061-214555 se . mI~ilAiltm_ Co • Looking for'help in wording your Announcement? advertising@lim~ri, APPLICATION TO APPLICATION TO APPLICATION TO APPLICATION TO APPLICATION TO PLANNING AUTHORITY PLANNING AUTHORITY PLANNING AUTHORITY'" PLANNING AUTHORITY PLANNING' AUTHORITY Limerick County Council: Limerick County Council: County Council: Limerick Couhty Council Limerick Cou~ty Council" Significant Further Informa- Revised Plans or Significant Significant Further Informa- ~Igmficant Further !nforma- I John & Niamh Kelly c/o tion. Take notice that Cusack Further Information. Take f l O O'Sh h tIon: I, Barry Healy, mtend to M.J.Farah & Associates wish O'Connor Construction Ltd, notice that Eileen Taaffe Ion. h arren r aug - submit further information in to apply to the abovp. mImed have submitted significantfur-:\ intends to aD~ly to J.imerick.,;.. _~~~ ave, ~ I~?TJ.? ~e ~'ff'J~tion to de'l~JOJ)mf'nt at R~l-..-:.zy-~·e ......n!fa:Y~for Permisther infonnation to Limerick C.ounty CO~.IIA£,~,~.fulI plan- mission to develop «at,)oShan-, ycah~ne ..... ~~~~~~!Jry, under .. si9,n to ....demolish J?~ of il!l County Council in connection mng permISSIon to cha~ge nongrove, Pallaskenry, Co. planmng penrusslon reference eXIsting dwelling and the conwith planning application ref- - hous~ type, granted p~anmng Limerick; Planning ref. no. number 08/1607. The current struction of a two-storey extenerence no 08/2123 for devel- 'permIssIon under pl~ng ref. 08/1559.: The development application is for retention of sion and all associated site opment at Garranbawn Cen- no. 01/2480 at. A~mgton, will cons'ist of the demolition existing dwelling house as . works. at No.18 Hazehall, tre, Liscreagh, Murroe, Co ~u~roe,. Co. Lu;nenck. ~he of the existing garage struc- constructed, including revised Monaleen, Castletroy, LimerLimerick. The development sIgmficantfurther informatIon . ' site layout.' The further infor- ick. applied for consisted of "Per- aren!ae}se.s to' revised site bound- ~~c;yth;o:~~t.~,~~~~o~~ ~~ mation comprises a further. The. planning application may be mission for revision to planh . revision to the .site, layout to inspect,ed or purchased at a fee not ning permission ref no 07/104 The; significant further infor- rear of t e eXlstmg two storey, increase the site area" to exceedmg the reasonable cost of comprising the use of ground .mation or. revised plans, as do~~r h?use, a n~w ga~ge accommodate a new soil pol- maki~g a copy, !it the ?ffi~es of t~e floor commercial unit to use approprhite, in relation to the bUIldmg mcorporatmg boIler ishing filter . . plannmg authonty dunng Its publIc T k a l'cat' h ha b house, new waste water treat. : ' .. opening hours and a submission or Chi nese.1a e as a pp ~ Ion. as or ve ~en ment system, landscaping and ThI.s plannmg .applIcatIon and observation in relation to the appliAway/Restaurant and for exter- fumls~ed to: the plannu,tg all associated site works. . revIsed'· drawmgs may be cation may be made to the authornal signage at· Garranbawn . authonty and IS or are avail- R . d I . 1 f t th inspected or purchased at a fee ity in writing on payment of the Centre, Liscragh, Murroe, Co aatblae.~eoer m ' oStpeexcctie0edn m~rgPthUfCe.~aeSae_ . a~epv:f~atfo~nsh~V: ,~~~~ °fur~ not exceeding the reasonable prescribed fee .wi~in the period of Limerick. The significant fur-.1I~. cost of making a copy at the five ,weeks begmmng on, the date of n ther information submitted sonable cost of making a copy -!llshed to the PlannI!1g Author- offices of Limerick Co. Coun- rece~pt. by the a~thonty of the comprises details of the pro- at the offices of the planning ~ty a~d. are avaIlable for cil, County Hall, Dooradoyle applIcatIon, posed ventilation and extrac- authority during its public' mspectIon?r purchase at a fee during its public opening tion equipment proposed for opening hours and a, submis- not exceedu~g the reasonable hours and a submission or use in the development. Sig- sion or observation in relation cost of makmg a c~py at ~he observation in relation to the nificant Further Information to the further infonnation or' ?ffices o.f the au!honty durmg further information may be has been furnished to the plan- revised plans may be made to ItS p~b~IC openmg ho~rs. ('>. made to the authority in writning authority in respect of the planning authority in writ- SUb~ssIon or obse.rvatIon m ing on payment of the prethis proposed' development ing on· payment of the pre- relatIon to th~ rev!~ed plans scribed fee not later than two and is available, for inspection scribed fee. not later than 2 may ~e made m \yntmg ~o the weeks after the receipt of the or purchased· at the offices of weeks after receipt of the Plannmg Authon!y on pay- newspaper notice and site the authority. during public newspaper notice and site ment of the prescnbed fee, not notice by Limerick County opening hours. A submission notice by the planning author- late~ than 2 weeks after ~he Council. or observation in relation to . ity, or in the case of a planning receIl?t of th~ newspaper not,tce the Further Information may application accompanied by an and SIt~ notIce by the Plannmg be made in ,writing to the plan- EIS, within 5 weeks of receipt Authonty. APPLICATION.TO ning authority on payment of of such notices by the planning the subscribed fee not later . authority. . ,. PLANNING AUTHORITY APPLICATION TO than 2 weeks after the receipt APPLICATION TO PLANNING AUTHORITY of the newspaper notice and PLANNING AUTHORITY Limerick .. County Council: Limerick County Councii I, site notice by the Planning Kenneally &. Murphy, .Archi- Michael Hayden, wish to Authority. Limerick County Council: tects & Engineers, 2 Main apply to the above named Take notice that Catherine Street, Abbeyfeale, Tel. 068 authority for permission to APPLICATION ORITY TO Beary and Clive Davison are 51152 intend to apply to Lim- deve 1op at· Mu1" calf Dnve, PLANNING AUTH applying to Limerick County erick County Council on Annacotty, Co. Limerick. Limerick County Council: t Council for planning pennis- behalf of John Murphy for The development will consist Mary McCarthy, C/o Mansell sion to retain alterations/varia- planning permission to demol- of the demolition of an existand Co. Project Managers, tions, including an attic con- ish existing derelict dwelling ing dwelling house, the conBallylanders, Co. Limerick version carried ou1. to plans & barn and replace same with struction of a new dwelling (087) 9821934, intend to apply previously approved under ref- new single storey dwelling house, domestic garage, to the above authority for erence number 08/126 in house with proprietary efflu- entrance and front boundary retention permission - for respect of (a) An extension to ent treatment system, front wall, landscaping and all assorevised site boundaries and the their dwelling house, and ~ (b) , boundary. entrance walls with ciated site works. relocation of entrance on site The construction. of an out- all associated site works at The planning application may layout including all associated building at Cloghilawarreela, Glendarragh, Templeglantine, be inspected or purchased at a site works at Newton, Clarina, Garrydoolis, Pallasgreen, Co. ,Co. Limerick. fee not exceeding the reason" . . The planning application maybe. able cost of making a copy, at Co. Limerick on previously Limerick. The planning application may inspected or purchased at a fee not ranted Planning Ref. No: g ' h bl f· the offices of the planning be inspected or purchased at a exceedmg t e reasona e cost 0 03/2202. fi d" making a copy, at the offices of the authority during its public The planning application may be ee not excee mg the reason- planning authority during its public opening hours and a submisinspected or purchased at a fee not able cost of making a copy at . opening hours and a submission or sion or observation in relation exceeding the reasonable cost of the offices of . the, planning observation in relation to the appli- to the application may. be making a copy, at the offices of the authority during its public cation may be made to the authorplanning authority during its public opening hour and a submis- ity in writing on payment of the made to the authority in writopening hours and a submission or . . b .. l' prescribed fee within the period of ing on payment of the preobservation in relation to the appli- slon or 0 servatIon m re atIon 'b d fi 'th' th . d cation may be made to the author- to the application may be five weeks beginning on the date of scn e ee WI m e peno ity in writing on payment of the made to the authority in writ- rec~~p\- by the authority of the ~~t~V~f~~~~p~~y~~~~~~~ prescribed fee within the period of ing on payment of. a prescribed app lea IOn. ty of the application. five weeks beginning on the date 0 f , fee within the period of 5 receipt by' the authority of the weeks beginning on the date of APPLICATION TO application.' receipt by the authority of the PLANNING AUTHORITY application. Limerick County Council: APPLICATION TO "Take notice that planning perAPPLICATION TO APPLICATION'TO mission is being sought from PLANNING AUTHORITY PLANNING AUTHORITY PLANNING' AUTHORITY the above authority for the Limerick County Council: We, Simon Imray and Joan Limerick County Council: demolition of existing rear Limerick County Council: Irwin, wish to apply to the Churchtown, Newcastle West, extension and the construction Take notice that planning perPermission of a new extension to existing mission is being sought from above named authority for per- Co Limerick. mission to develop at Gar- sought to, demolish existing dwelling house, the relocation the above authority for the ryfme, Bruree, Co. Limerick. dwelling and to construct 7 of existing site entrance and construction of a dwelling The development will consist no. terraced houses and 4 no.. the construction of an agricul- house, septic tank and percolaof the construction of a new 2 bed apartments with car tural entrance including all tion area, entrance, including dwelling house and domestic parking, bin storage and asso-. associated site works at Drom- all ancillary site works at garage, the provision of a ciated site works. at Church- keen North, Pallasgreen, Co. OolahillsWest, Oola, Co. wastewater treatment system town, Newcastle West" Co. Limerick by Paddy McCarthy. Limerick by Rita Hickey. and raised percolation area, Limerick for Mr. Con Nash, The planning application may The planning application may Gilleece McDonnell be inspected or purchased at a be inspected or purchased at a new entrance, landscaping and c/o O'Shaughnessy Ltd.. fee not· exceeding the reason- fee not exceeding the reasonall associated site works. . The planning application may be The planning application may be able cost of making a copy, at able cost of making a copy, at inspected or purchased at a fee not inspected or purchased at a fee not the offices of the planning the offices of the planning exceeding the reasonable cost of exceeding the reasonable cost of authority during its public authority during its public making a copy, at the offices of the making a copy, at the offices of the opening hours and a submis- opening hours and a submisplanning authority during its public planning authority during its public sion or observation in relation sion or observation in relation opening hours and a submission or opening hours and a submission or to the application may be observation in relation to the appli- observation in relation to the appli- to the application may be made to the authority in writ, cation may be made to the author- cation may be made to the author- made to the authority in writ- ing on payment of a prescribed ity in writing on payment of the ity in writing on payment of the ing on payment of a prescribed prescribed fee within the period of prescribed fee within the period of fee within the period of five fee within the period of five five weeks beginning on the date of. five weeks beginning on the date of weeks beginning on the date of weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the . authority of the receipt by the authority of the receipt by the authority of the receipt by the authority of the application. application. ~pplication. , application. • t. JULIA KELLY Gurteen, Feenagh, Died 11 th January 2009 The Month's Mind Mass for Julia will be in Feenagh Church on Sunday February 22nd 2009 at lI,30am I am home in heaven, dear ones, Oh, so happy and so bright. There is perfect joy and beauty In this everlasting light. Sadly missed by your loving family. 'email he ru WALL (7th Anniversary) In loving memory of a dear Husband and Father, James Wall, of Ballyfireen, Mondellihy, Dromcollogher, Co,Limerick, who died on Feb. 23rd, 2002. Anniversary Mass on Sunday Feb. 22nd 2009 in St. Bartholmew's Church, Dromcollogher" at 11.00.a.m. Your life was one of kindly deeds, A helping hand for others' needs, Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories left behind. Sadly missed and never forgotten by your loving wife, Eileen and Family, R.I.P. In. loving memory of our dear brother~ Tom Wallace,late Castle .Erkin, Caherconlish' and' Limerick, who died on February 23, 2007. Rest in Peace. Anniversary Mass offered Wednesday, February 25 in Caherconlish Church at 7.30pm, A little token sweet and tender, . Just to show we still remember, No longer in our lives to share; But in our hearts you are always there: Will those who think of Tom today, A little prayer to Jesus say. Sadly missed and always remembered by your loving family and friends. ' . ot at In loving memory: of Noel Phayer, late of Parnell Street, Limerick whose death occurred on 25 February 2007. R.LP , Noel's Anniversary Mass will be offered on Friday 27th February at 5.05pm in St Camillus Church, Shelbourne Road, Limerick Sadly missed and always remembered by wife Trish, parents Michael and Rita, family and friends. co For py in rig sp ht ect ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny In loving memory of John .0'Dwyer who died January 13, 1993 and Mary O'Dwyer, who died February 23, 2000. Mass will be offered in St Oliver's Church Mungret at 12pm on' Sunday February 22. Did the sun shine brightly then, And was the sky more blue, . Or was it a different world, When we shared our lives with you? " Those special days will not return, When we were all together, But those memories within our hearts, Will stay with us forever. No more tomorrows for us to share, But yesterday's memories, Will always be there. Cherished memories of a loving father and mother from sons; daughters; sons-in-law; daughters-in-law; grandchildren and great-grandchildren. No matter how I spend my day, No matter what I do, .Before I dose'my eyes night,I will always think of yeo Love always from your sister, Chrissie and family. In lo~ing memory of a' ear husband, father and grandfather, John Turner,late of Cloughkeating, Patrickswell, Limerick, who died on February 21, 2008. Mass offered. , The heartache and the sadness might not always show, People say it lessens, How little do they know? They say I have my memories But they just don't understand, I cannot kiss a memories face Or hold a memories hand. On the outside it seems I'm healing But God if they could see inside, The pain and the sadness of losing you Hasn't changed since the day you died, But when I'm sad and lonely , And everything goes wrong, I seem to hear you whisper, Cheer up and carry on. John, you were so special What more can I say Except I wish with all my heart That you were here today.. Sadly missed by your loving wife Kathy, daughter Mary Catherine, grandchildren Christopher and Laura; brother Jim, relatives and friends. • APPLICATION TO PLANNING AUTHORITY Limerick County Council: Take notice that Ian O'Leary intends to apply to Limerick rO\Jn~,' Coun.tl_£..&-...fUll 1'l.ii.- ning' permission to construct new bUQgar~. garageisp!aYed entrance gates, boundary walls, effluent treatment plant, pefColation area and associat. ed site works' at Newtown, APPLICATION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Clarina, Co. Limerick. AGENCY FOR A WASTEWATER DISCHARGE LICENCE The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not lriaccordancewith the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, Limerick County exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the , Council, County Hall, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick is applying to the Environmental Protection Agency for a Waste Water Discharge Licenc,e for the agglomeration of Murroe at the following locations: • planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the author-ityitt ·wtiting on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of . The Murroe WWTP provides preliminary and secondary treatment to sewage from Murroe and receipt by the authority of the " ' '. environs. ,~; application. APPLICATION TO PLANNING AUTHORITY' . Limerick County Council: I Greg Richardson intend to apply ,to Limerick·' County Council for full planning permission, for a garage extension to my existing house at 4 Garrane Beg, Pallasgrean,· Co. Limerick. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the. period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. • Function Townland Main Emergency Knockanerry Liscreagh APPLICATION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR A WASTEWATER DISCHARGE LICENCE In accordance with the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, Limerick County Council, County Hall, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick is applying to the Environmental Protection Agency for a Waste Water Discharge Licence for the agglomeration of Kilfinane at the following locations: The Kilfinane WWTP provides preliminary, secondary and tertiary treatment and nutrient removal to sewage from Kilfinane and environs. . Townland Grid Reference Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Ballyroe Upper £167828 N124176 E168748 N122880 E167622 N122782 APPLICATION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR A WASTEWATER DISCHARGE LICENCE In accordance with the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007,UmerickCounty Council, County Hall, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick is applying to the Environmental Protection Agency for a Waste Water Discharge Licence for the agglomeration of Pallaskenry at the follOWing locations: The Pallaskenry WWTP provides preliminary and secondary treatment and nutrient removal to sewage from Pallaskenry and environs. . ,. . Townland Ringmoylan Pallas (ED Pallaskenry) Emergency Pallas (ED Pallaskenry) ' Grid Reference River Shannon Lake E140525 N157905 E141575 N155089 Stream E142120 N154958 A copy of the applications for each of the above Waste Water Discharge Ucences and such further information r!!lating to the applications as may be furnished to the Agency In the course of the Agency's consideration of the Applications shall as soon as is practicable after receipt by the Agency be available for inspection or purchase at the: Environmental Protection Agency, PO Box 3000, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co. Wexford, Lo Call 1890 335599 Telephone: 053·9160600 Fax: 053.9160699 Email: [email protected] . and at Limerick County Council Offices, County Hall, Dooradoyle, Co. Limerick, Telephone: 061-496000 Fax: 061-496001 Submissions In relation to the applications may be made to the Environmental Protection Agency at its headquarters described above. • \ I EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 ATTACHMENT C.1 MAP 8 STORIotWAlER OVERFLOW STORM RElIJRN FERRIC DOSING (CHEMICAL P. REMOVAl) D STORIotWATER TANK ~~ AERAllON BLOWERS ot he ru se . STORM OVERFLOW GRIT 1RAP IPAlLASKENRY INFLUENT>.---'--~ SCREENINGS TREATMENT to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ANE SCREEN ,,L , v ,, FLOW MEASUREMENT STAllON PUMP SUMpl , .1\ , SKIP GRIT CLASSIAER FOR REMOVAl OFF SITE t.tONITOR/ SAMPLER ~ 19 '--"'--'" Co I \ \ I' ... ns en + ."." /~-e:::::FLOW:::J--L,J----+ f-+.J,..--+----+--/ PUMP S.B.R. '" TO R~ SHANNON STATION I-- r--------~ r.b SLUDGE ~ SUMP ------------------------~ SLUDGE HOLDING TANK WASTEWATER SLUDGE SCREENINGS TREATED EFFLUENT l111 ~~~~onald AERATION SLUDGE LIQUOR / WASHWATER -------FERRIC SULPHATE SEQUENCING BATCH REACTOR S.B.R. I ,,, , , SWDGE TRANSPORTED TO BUNLICKEY WWTP PUMP AIR DIFFUSER MIXER MAP 8 - PALLASKENRY WWTP PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM I£'IISIM : A Ml[ : FEIRlAIl'I' 20Jf PiIt1ASKEIIl'f' 'lMSTE ~TIR IlISCIWU: I.JCEl«:E M'I'I.JCATDI ClUfIY ClU«:L .Dl NR. 253740 IR: Nt 2537«R701 lJlERICl( EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:38 Table D2 - Pallaskenry DESIGNATION SAC & SPA NONE NONE EASTING NORTHING 140525 141575 142120 VERIFIED 157905 N 155089 Y 154958 Y ot he ru se . RWB_NAME RIVER SHANNON LAKE STREAM f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny RWB_TYPE RIVER RIVER RIVER nt o LA_NAME LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL se PT_TYPE PRIMARY SECONDARY SECONDARY Co n PT_CD SW1 SW2 SW3 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 Attachment E.2 • Environmental Laboratory Services Ltd. Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . o Company Profile o Quality Control Arrangements o Accreditation EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 Environmental Laboratory Services Limited Acorn Business Campus Mahon Industrial Park, Blackrock Cork, Ireland Tel: Fax: Email: +353 (0)21 453 6141 +353 (0)21 453 6149 [email protected] COMPANY PROFILE Environmental Laboratory Services Ltd is one of Ireland’s leading laboratories providing independent testing services for industry, professional consultants and local authorities. An Irish owned company in operation since 1998, ELS employs fourteen analytical and sampling staff in a purpose built facility in Cork. Our success stems from our dedication to excellent service and unrivalled emphasis on quality and reliability. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . We have an extensive range of ISO17025 INAB accredited tests, which we are continually expanding in line with customer demands. Our testing service includes: ns en Waste water analysis Surface Water analysis Ground water and surface water analysis Potable (drinking ) water analysis Waste landfill licence compliance for local authorities Sludge and sludge leachate testing Soil analysis Co We have two QA personnel fulfilling internal auditing and QC inspection roles. By employing the latest technologies, we are in a position to process large numbers of samples efficiently and therefore offer fast turnaround times and high customer service levels. For further information please contact: Brendan Murray Sales Manager Environmental Laboratory Services Ltd Mobile +353 (0)87 2273077 [email protected] ELS COMMITTED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 Environmental Laboratory Services Limited Acorn Business Campus Mahon Industrial Park, Blackrock Cork, Ireland Tel: Fax: Email: +353 (0)21 453 6141 +353 (0)21 453 6149 [email protected] QUALITY CONTROL ARRANGEMENTS Quality Control Arrangements The ELS Ltd Quality System is ILAB, ISO17025 accredited. See attached accreditation summary sheet. Proficiency Schemes ELS participate in the EPA Interlaboratory Proficiency Scheme for anion, cation and metal analysis. ELS also participate in the Aquacheck and Accustandard Proficiency Scheme for VOC,SVOC pesticides and PAH compounds by GC/MS . ot he ru se . Test Methods to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny In compliance with internal procedure QP14, all tests performed by ELS Ltd are in accordance with internationally accepted validated methods such as APHA Standard Methods, USEPA Methods. It is ELS policy to monitor the validity of tests undertaken. ns en This monitoring shall include some or all of the following where applicable: Use of Certified Reference Materials (CRM's) or internal quality control using secondary reference materials. Testing of Quality Control Check Samples and generation of control charts. Participation in interlaboratory proficiency schemes Introduction of Blind Samples for Analysis per GLP16 Final Quality Control Checks on completed reports Review and QC Check of analysis data by the Technical manager and QA Co-Ordinator Comparison of results with other laboratories Spike recovery measurement Replicate tests using the same or different methods Retesting of retained items Correlation of results for different characteristics of an item Generation of calibration curves and calibration standard response tracking Analysis of samples in duplicate Co • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Onsite Sampling Protocol The following requirements apply to site sampling: • Trained and experience personnel only are used • Sample kits are made up with required container and preservative for each test required • The sample must record the sample name, date, time, location ,grid references and conditions • The ELS sample submission and chain of custody accompanies all samples • All samples are clearly labelled to agree with the submission sheet • Grab sampling is done use a 3m sample pole at the specified location • ELS Ltd require Irish grid reference for all samples before proceeding with a project • Caretakers are notified in advance of visits to treatment plants • EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 For further information please contact: Brendan Murray Sales Manager Environmental Laboratory Services Ltd Mobile +353 (0)87 2273077 [email protected] ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . COMMITTED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Co ELS EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 ELS LTD INAB ACCREDITATION SCHEDULE SUMMARY SHEET ns en . PAH EO129 (P,G,S) Range 0.01 - 0.2 µg/l Acenaphthene Benzo (a) Anthracene Benzo (a) Pyrene Benzo (b) Fluoranthene Benzo (ghi) Perylene Benzo (k) Fluoranthene Chrysene Dibenzo (ah) Anthracene Fluoranthene Fluorene Indeno (123-cd) Pyrene Phenanthrene Pyrene Acid Herbicides (P,G,S) Range 0.01 - 0.2 µg/l 2,4,5-T H 2,4-D H 2,4-DB H MCPA H Picloram H Organophosphorus Pesticides(P,G,S) Range 0.01 - 0.2 µg/l Famphur OP Methyl Parathion OP Parathion OP Thionazin OP Organochlorine Pesticides (P,G,S) Range 0.01 - 0.2 µg/l Aldrin BHC Alpha isomer OC BHC Beta isomer OC BHC Delta isomer OC Dieldrin OC Endosulphan Alpha isomer OC Endosulphan Beta isomer OC Endosulphan Sulphate OC Endrin OC Heptachlor Epoxide OC Heptachlor OC Lindane OC P,P' DDE OC P,P'-DDD OC P,P'-DDT OC se ru he ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Other VOC's EO025 (P,G,S) Bromomethane 0.5 - 35 µg/l Ethyl Ether/Diethyl Ether0.5 - 35 µg/l 11 Dichloroethene0.5 - 35 µg/l Iodomethane/Mehyl Iodide 0.5 - 35 µg/l Carbon Disulphide 0.5 - 35 µg/l Allyl Chloride0.5 - 35 µg/l Methylene Chloride/DCM 5.0 - 35 µg/l 2-Propenenitrile/Acrylonitrile 2.0 - 35 µg/l Chlormethyl Cyanide 0.5 - 35 µg/l Hexachlorobutadiene0.5 - 35 µg/l Trans-1,2 Dichloroethene0.5 - 35 µg/l MtBE0.5 - 35 µg/l 11 Dichloroethane0.5 - 35 µg/l 22 Dichloropropane0.5 - 35 µg/l Cis-12 Dichloroethene0.5 - 35 µg/l Methyl Acrylate5.0 - 35 µg/l Bromochloromethane0.5 - 35 µg/l Tetrahydrofuran5.0 - 35 µg/l 111 Trichloroethane0.5 - 35 µg/l 1-Chlorobutane0.5 - 35 µg/l Carbon Tetrachloride0.5 - 35 µg/l 11 Dichloropropene0.5 - 35 µg/l 12 Dichloropropane0.5 - 35 µg/l Dibromomethane0.5 - 35 µg/l Methyl Methacrylate0.5 - 35 µg/l 13 Dichloropropene, cis2.0 - 35 µg/l MIBK/4 Methyl 2 Pentanone 2.0 - 35 µg/l Toluene0.5 - 35 µg/l 13 Dichloropropene,trans2.0 - 35 µg/l Ethyl Methacrylate2.0 - 35 µg/l 112 Trichloroethane0.5 - 35 µg/l 13 Dichloropropane0.5 - 35 µg/l 2 Hexanone1.0 - 35 µg/l 12 Dibromoethane0.5 - 35 µg/l Chlorobenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l 1112 Tetrachloroethane2.0 - 35 µg/l Ethyl Benzene0.5 - 35 µg/l m & p Xylene0.5 - 35 µg/l O Xylene0.5 - 35 µg/l Stryene2.0 - 35 µg/l Isopropyl Benzene0.5 - 35 µg/l Bromobenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l 1122 Tetrachloroethane0.5 - 35 µg/l 123 Trichloropropane2.0 - 35 µg/l Propyl Benzene0.5 - 35 µg/l 2-Chlorotoluene0.5 - 35 µg/l 4 Chlorotoluene0.5 - 35 µg/l 135 Trimenthylbenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l Tert Butyl Benzene0.5 - 35 µg/l 124 Trimethlbenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l Sec Butyl Benzene0.5 - 35 µg/l 13 Dichlorobenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l P Isopropyltoluene0.5 - 35 µg/l 14 Dichlorobenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l 12 Dichlorobenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l N Butyl Benzene0.5 - 35 µg/l Hexachloroethane5.0 - 35 µg/l 12 Dibromo 3Chloropropane 2.0 - 35 µg/l 124 Trichlorobenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l 123 Trichlorobenzene0.5 - 35 µg/l Co Miscellaneous (P,G,W,S) Ammonia/Ammonium 0.007-1mg/l N EW003 Chloride 2.6-250 mg/l EW015 COD 8-1500 mg/l EW094 Nitrate 0.12-50 mg/l N EW034 Nitrite 0.013-1 mg/l N EW035 pH 4 – 10 pH Units EW138 Phosphate 0.009-1 mg/l P EW007 Total Phosphorous 0.03-1 mg/l P EW002 Total Nitrogen 1.0 - 150mg/l N EW022 Miscellaneous (P,G,S) Bromate 1 to 50ug/l BRO3 (EW137) Colour 2.5-50mg/l PtCCo (EW021) Dissolved Oxygen 1 to 10 mg/l (EW043) Sulphate 1-250mg/l SO4(EW016) Suspended Solids 1-1000mg/l (EW013) Total Dissolved Solids 1-1000mg/l (EW046) Total Hardness 3-330mg/l CaCO3 (EM099) Total Oxidised Nitrogen 0.138-51mg/l N (EW051) Metals EM130 (P,G,S) Aluminium 5.0 – 500 µg/l Antimony 0.1 – 10µg/l Arsenic 0.2 - 20µg/l Barium 1.0 - 100µg/l Boron 0.02 – 2mg/l Cadmium 0.1 – 10µg/l Calcium 1.0 – 100mg/l Chromium 1.0 - 100µg/l Cobalt 1.0 - 100µg/l Copper 3 - 4000µg/l Iron 5.0 - 500µg/l Lead 0.3 - 30µg/l Magnesium 0.3 – 20mg/l Manganese 1.0 - 100µg/l Mercury 0.02 - 2µg/l Molybdenum 1.0 - 100µg/l Nickel 0.5 - 50µg/l Potassium 0.2 – 20mg/l Selenium 0.2 - 20µg/l Sodium 0.5 – 50mg/l Strontium 1.0 - 100µg/l Tin 1.0 - 100µg/l Vanadium 1.0 - 100µg/l Zinc 1.0 - 100µg/l SI439 Potable Water VOCs & THM EO025 (P,G,S) Benzene 0.1-35 µg/l 1.2-Dichloroethane 0.1-35 µg/l Tetrachloroethene 0.1-35 µg/l Trichloroethene 0.1-35 µg/l Chloroform 1.0-150 µg/l Bromoform 1.0-35 µg/l Dibromochloromethane 1.0-35 µg/l Bromodichloromethane 2.0-35 µg/l Notes 1.Sample Matrix:P=Potable Water (Drinking) , G=Ground Water , S=Surface Water, W=Waste Water Edition 9 09/11/2007 111T QP01 Appendix B Rev G Page 1 of 1 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 Table E3 - Pallaskenry MON_TYPE MONITORING SAMPLING SAMPLING EASTING NORTHING VERIFIED 157905 N 157946 Y 157695 Y nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . 140525 140600 140460 se PT_TYPE PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY Co n PT_CD SW1 aSW1u aSW1d EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 Attachment F.1 • Site Synopsis: Lower River Shannon SAC, site code 002165; • Site Synopsis: River Shannon and River Fergus Estuaries SPA, site code 004077; • Correspondence sent to the National Parks and Wildlife Service • Map 9 – Pallaskenry: Designated Sites • Water Quality Management Plan for the Lower Shannon Catchment Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . • River Water Quality Data EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 SITE SYNOPSIS SITE NAi\U: : LOWER RIVER SHANNON SITE CODE: 002165 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . This very large site stretches along the Shannon valley from Killaloe to Loop Head! Kerry Head, a distance of some 120 km. The site thus encompasses the Shannon, Feale, Mulkear and Fergus Esltlaries, the freshwater lower reaches of the River Shannon (between Killaloe and Limerick), the freshwater stretches of much of the Feale and Mulkear catchments and th( marine area retween Loop Head and Kerry Head. The Shannon and Fergus flow through Carboniferous limestone as far as Foynes, but west of Foynes Namurian shales and flagstone predomi nate (except at Kerry Head, which is formed from Old Red Sandstone). The eastern sections of the Feale catchment flow through Namurian Rocks and the western stretches through Carboniferous Limestone. The Mulkear flows through Lower Palaeozoic Rocks in the upper reaches before passing through Namurian Rocks, followed by Lower Carboniferou Shales and Carboniferous Limestone. The Mulkear River itself, immediately nonh of Pallas Green, passes through an area of Rhyolites, Tuffs and Agglomerates. Rivers within the sub· catchment of the Feale include the Galey, Smearlagh, Oolagh, Allaughaun, Owveg, Clydagh, Caher, Breanagh and Glenacarney. Rivers within the sub-catchment of the Mulkear include the Killeenagarriff, Annagh, Newport, the Dead River, the Bilboa, Glashacloonaraveela. Gonnageragh and Cahernahallia. Co ns en The site is a candidate SAC selected for lagoons and alluvial wet woodlands, both habitats listed on Annex I of the EU. Habitats Directive. The site is also selected for floating river vegetation, Molillia meadows, estuaries, tidal mudflats, Atlantic salt meadows, Mediterranean salt meadows, Sa/icomia mudflats, sand banks, perennial ve~tation of stony banks, sea cliffs, reefs and large shallow inlets and bays all habitats listed on Annex I of the EU. Habitats Directive. The site is also selected for the following species listed on Annex II of the same directive - Boltle·nosed Dolphin, Sea Lamprey, River Lamprey, Brook Lamprey, Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Atlantic Salmon and Otter. The Shannon and Fergus Estuaries form the lar~st esltlarine complex in Ireland. They fonn a unit stretching from the upper tidal limits of the Shannon and ~rgus Rivers to the motuh of the Shannon estuary (considered to be a line across the narrow strait between Kilcredaun Point and Kilconly Point). Within this main unit there are several tributaries with their own ·sub·esltlaries' e.g. the Deel River, Mulkear River, and Maigue River. To the west of Foynes, a numrer of small eslllaries fonn indentations in the predominantly hard coastline, namely Poulnasherry Bay, Ballylongford Bay, Clonderalaw Bay and the Feale or Cashen River Esltlary. BOIh the Fergus and inner Shannon estuaries fealtlre vast expanses of intertidal mudflats, often frin~d with saltmarsh vegetation. The smaller estuaries also feature mudflats, but have their own unique characteristics, e.g. Poulnasherry Bay is stony and unusually rich in species and biotopes. Plant species are typically scarce on the mudflats, although there are son~ Eel·grass Ix--ds (Zostera spp.) and patches of green EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 algae (e.g. V/m sp. and Emeromorpha sp.). The main macro-invertebrote community, which has been nOied from the inner Shannon and ~rgus estuaries, is a MaCOIIUlScrobicu/aria-Nereis commun ity. In the tronsition zone between mudfiats and saltmarsh, specialised colonisers of mud predominate: swards of Common Cord-gross (Spar/ilia allglica) frequently occur in the upper parts of the estuaries. Less common are swards of Glasswort (Sa/icomia europaea agg.). In the innermost parts of the estuaries, the tidal channels or creeks are fringed with species such as Common Reed (Phragmifes mmra/is) and Club-rushes (Scirpus marifimus. S. wbertWemOllfalli and S. friql/efrus). In addition to the nationally rore Triangular Club-rush (Scirpus friq14efrus), two scarce species are found in some of these creeks (e.g. Ballinacurra Creek): Lesser Bulnlsh (Typha allgusfiJolia) and Summer Snowfiake (Leucojum aesfimm). to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Saltmarsh vegetation frequently fringes the mudfiats. Over twenty areas of estuarine saltmarsh have been identified within the site, the most important of which are around the Fergus Eslllary and at Ringmoylan Quay. The dominant type of saltmarsh present is Atlantic salt n~adow occurring over mud. Characteristic species occurring include Common Saltmarsh Grass (Puccillellia marifillUl). Sea Aster (Asfer fripo/iwn), Thrift (Armeria marifima), Sea-milkwort (Glaux marifima), Sea Plantain (P/amago II/aritima), Red Fescue (Feswca rubra), Creeping Bent (Agrosfis SlololliJera), Saltmarsh Rush (lWICUS gerardI), Long-brocted Sedge (Carex exfensa), Lesser Seaspurrey (Spergularia marilla) and Sea Arrowgrass (Trig/ochinmaritima). Areas of Mediterranean salt meadows, characteris..'d by clumps of Sea Rush (lUI/CUS II/aritimus) occur occasionally. Two scarce species are found on salt marshes in the vicinity of the Fergus Estuary: a type of robust Saltmarsh-gross (Puccil/ellia foucaudii), sometin~s placed within the compass of Common Saltmarsh-grass (PI/ccil/ellia maritima) and Hard-grass (Parapho/is sfrigosa). Co ns en Saltmarsh vegetation also occurs around a number of lagoons within the site. The two which have been surveyed as part of a National Inventory of L1goons are Shannon Airport Lagoon and Cloonconeen Pool. Cloonconeen Pool (4-5 hal is a natural sedimentary lagoon impounded by a low cobble barrier. Seawater enters by percolation through the barrier and by overwash. This lagoon represents a type which Illay re unique to Ireland since the substrate is composed almost entirely of peat. The adjacent shore features one of the best examples of a drowned forest in Ireland. Aquatic vegetation in the lagoon includes typical species such as Beaked Tasselweed (Ruppiamarifima) and green algae (Cladoplrora sp.). The fauna is nO! diverse, but is typical of a high salinity lagoJll and includes six lagoon specialists (Hydrobia l'ellfrosa. Ceraswderma g/al/cum. Lekanesplwera hookeri. Pa/aemollefes mrialls. Sigara swgllalis and Ellochrus bic%r). In contrast, Shannon Airport Lagoon (2 hal is an artificial saline lake with an artificial barrier and sluiced outlet. However, it supports two Red Data Book species of Stonewort (Chara canescells and Chara cf COllllil"ellS). Most of the site west of Kilcredaun PointlKilconly Point is bounded by high rod.)' sea cliffs. The cliffs in the outer part of the site are sparsely vegetated with lichens, Red Fescue. Sea Beet (Bewmlgaris). Sea Campion (Silelle marifima), Thrift and Plantains (P/allfago spp.). A rore endemic Sea L1vender (LimolliwlI recurmm subsp. EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 pseudorrans",allillum) occurs on cliffs near Loop Head. vegetation usually consists of either grassland or maritime hemh. The boulder clay cliffs further up the estuary tend to re more densely vegetated, with swards of Red ~scue and species such as Kidney Vetch (Amhyllis rullleraria) and Binrs·foot Trefoil (Lows comiculaflu). The site supports an excellent example of a large shallow inlet and bay. Linoral sediment communities in the mouth of the Shannon Estuary occur in areas that are expOS<.>d to wave action and also in areas extren~ly sheltered from wave action. Characteristically, exposed sediment communities are composed of coarse sand and have a sparse fauna. Species richness increases as conditions becon~ more sheltered. All shores in the site have a lone of sand hoppers m the top and relow this each of the shores has different characteristic species giving a range of different shore types in the pcSAC to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . The intertidal reefs in the Shannon Eslllary are ex!X'SCd or moderutely exposed to wave action and subject to modemte tidal streams. Known sites are steeply sloping and show a goOO zonation down the shore. Well developed lichen zones and liuorul reef commu nit ies offering a high species rich ness in the sublinorul fri nge and strong populations of ParacemrofUS lil'idus are found. The communities found are tolerant to sand scour and tidal streams. The infralinoml reefs mnge from sloping platforms with some vertical steps to ridged b<.>drock with gullies of sand between the ridges to ridged b<.>drock with boulders or a mixlllre of cobbles, gravel and sand. Kelp is very common to about 18m. Below this it becomes rare and the community is characterised by corulline crusts and red foliose alg~. Other coastal habitats thm occur within the site include the following: Co ns en • stony reaches and bedrock shores· these shores support a typical zonation of seaweeds (Fucus spp., AscophyllwlIlIOdoswlI and kelps). • shingle beaches . the more stable areas of shingle support characteristic species such as Sea Beet, Sea Mayweed (Marricarialllaririma), Sea Campion and Curled Dock (Rumex crispus). • Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water at all times-there is a known occurrence of sandigravel beds in the area from Kerry Head to Beal Head. • sand dunes· a small area of .sand dunes occurs m Beal Point. The dominant species is Marram Grass (Allllllophila arellaria). Flowing into the estuaries are a number of tidal rivers. Freshwater rivers have been included in the site, most notably the Feale and Mulkear the Shannon from Killaloe to Limerick (along with son~ of its tributaries, including a short stretch of the Kilmasllllla River), the Fergus up as far as Ennis, and the Cloon River. These systems are very different in character: the Shannon being brood, generally slow.flowing and naturally eutrophic: the Fergus being smaller and alkaline: while the narrow, fast.flowing Cloon is acid in nalllre. The Feale and Mulkear catchments exhibit all the aspects of a riverfrom source to mouth. Semi· natural habitats, such as wet grassland, wet woOOland and marsh occur by the rivers, however, improved grassland is most common. One grassland type ofparticlliar cmchn~nts, EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 conscrvation significance, Molinia meadows, occurs in scveral parts of the site and the examples at Worldscnd on the River Shannon are especially noteworthy. Here are found areas of wet meadow dominated by rusres and S<.>dges and supporting a diverse and species-rich vegetation, including such uncommon species as Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchiwll berllludiana) and Pale Sedge (Carex pallescells). Flooting river vegetation characteriscd by species of Water-crowfOOI (Ranullculus spp.), Pond weeds (PoramogefOlI spp.) and the moss Fominalius muipyrefica are present throughout the major river systems within the site. The rivers contain an interesting bryoflorn with SchisfidiwlI alpico/a var. alpicola recorded from in-stream boulders on the Bil!x>a new to county Lin~rick. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Alluvial woodland occurs on the banks of the Shannon and on islands in the vicinity of the University of Limerick. The woodland is up to 50m wide on the Ixlnks and somewhat wider on the largest island. The most prominent woodland type is gallery woodland where White Willow (Salix alba) dominates the tree layer with occasional Alder (All/us glU/inosa). The shnlb layer consists of various willow species with sally (Sa/ix cinerea ssp. oleifolia) and what appear to be hybrids of S. alba x S. ..iminalis. The herlxlceous layer consists of tall perennial herbs. A fringe of Bulrush (T)pha sp.) occurs on the riverside of the woodland. On slightly higher ground above the wet woodland and on the raiS<.>d embankment remnants of mixed oak-ash-alder woodland occur. Thesc are poorly develo(X>d and contain nun~rous exotic species but locally there are signs that it is invading open grassland. Alder is the princilXll tree s(X'Cies with occasional Oak (Quercus robur), Elm (Ulmus glabra, U. procera), Hazel (Corylus (II'ellana), Hawthorn (Crafaegus monogyna) and the shrubs Guelder-rose (Viburnum opulus) and willows. The ground flora is species-rich. Co ns en WoOOland is infrequent within the site, however Cahirncon Wood contains a strip of old Oak woodland. Sessile Oak (Quercus perraea) fonns the canopy, with an understorey of Hazel and Holly (llex aqI4ifolium). Great Wood-nlsh (Ll4zula sylmfica) dominates the ground flora Less common species prescnt include Great Horsetail (Eql4isefum felmereia) and Pendulous Sedge (Carex pendula). In the low hills to the south of the Slievefelim mountains, the Cahernahallia River cuts a valley through the Upper Silurian rocks. For approximately 2km south of Cappagh Bridge at Knocbnavar, the valley sides are wooded. The woOOland consists of Birch (Bew/a spp.), Hazel, Oak, Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), some Ash (Fraximu excelsior) and Willow (Sa/ix spp.). Most of the valley is not grazed by stock, and as a result the trees are regenerating well. The ground flora feature prominent Greater wood-rush and Bilbert)' (Vaccinium myrfillus) with a typical range of woodland herbs. Where there is more light available, Bracken (Preridium aqui/inum) features. The valley sides of the Bilboa and Gortnageragh Rivers, on higher ground north east of Cappmnore, suplXlrl IXltches of semi-natural broodleaf woodland dominated by Ash, Hazel, Oak and Birch. There is a good scrllb layer with Hawthorn, Willow, Holly and Blackthom (Primus spillOsa) common. The herb layer in these woodlands is often open with a typically rich mixture of woodland herbs and ferns. Moss s(X'Cies diversity is high. The woodlands are ungrazed. The hazel is actively coppiced in places. EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 There is a small area of actively regenerating cut away raised bog at Ballyrorheen. [t is siwated approx. 5km north west of Cappamore Co. Limerick. The bog contains some wet areas with good moss (Sphagnwu) cover. Species of particular interest include the Cranberry (Vaccilliw/I oxyeoeeos) and the White Sedge (Carex curia) along with two other regionally rare mosses including S. flmbriawm. The site is being invaded by Birch (Betu/a fJubesee/ls) scrub woodland. Both commercial forestry and the spread of rhododendron has greatly reduced the overall va[ue of the site. A number of pIam species that are Irish Red Data Book species occur within the siteseveral are protected under the Flora (Protection) Order, [999: • Triangular Club-rush (SeirfJlu friquefrus) - in Ireland this protected s~cies is only found in the Shannon Estuary, where it borders creeks in the inner estuary. • OpfX>Site-leaved Pondweed (Groen/alldia densa) - this protected pondweed is found in the Shannon where it passes through Limerick City. • Meadow Barley (Hordeum seea/illum) - this protected species is abundant in salt marshes at Ringmoy[an and Mantlehi[L to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . • Hairy Violet (Viola !lina) - this protected violet occurs in the AskeatonlFoynes area. • Go[den Dock (Rumex marifimus) - noted as occurring in the River Fergus Estuary. • Bearded Stonewon (Chara eallesee/ls) - a brackish water s~cialist found in Shannon Airport lagoon. • Convergent Sionewoo (Chara eOllnil'ens) - presence in Shannon Airport Lagoon to be confirrned. Co ns en Overall, the Shannon and Fergus Eswaries suppon the largest numbers of wilHering waterfowl in Ireland. The highest count in 1995-96 was 5[,423 while in [994-95 it was 62,701. Species listed on Annex 1 of the EU. Birds Directive which contributed to these totals include: Great Nonhem Diver (3: [994/95), Whoo~r Swan (201: [995196), Pale-bellied Brent Goose (246: [995/96), Golden Plover (11 ,067: [994/95) and Bar-tailed Godwit (476: 1995196). [n the past, three separate flocks of Greenland White-fronted Goose were regularly found but none were seen in 1993194. Other wintering waders and wildfowl present include Greylag Gcose (216: 19951%), She[duck (1,060; 1995196), Wigeon (5.976: [995196): Teal (2,319: 1995-96): Mallard (528: [995196), PilHai[ (45: [995/96), Shoveler (84: [995196), Tufted Duck (272: [995196), Scaup (121: 1995196), Ringed Plover (240: 1995196), Grey Plover (750". [995196), Lapwing (24.58 [: [995/96), Knot (800: 1995/96), Dunlin (20. 100: [995196), Sni~ (719,1995196), B[ack-tai[ed Gcdwit (1062: [995/96), Curlew (1504: [995196), Redshank (3228: 1995/96), Greenshank (36: 1995196) and Turnstone (107: [995196). A number of wintering gulls are also present, including Black-headed Gull (2.2 [6: [995/96), Common Gull (366: [995/%) and Lesser Black-backed Gull ([ 00: [(94195). This is the most imponant coastal site in Ireland for a number of the waders including L1pwing. Dun[in, Snipe and Redshank. [t also provides an important staging ground for species such as Black-tailed Goowit and Greenshank. EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:39 A number of species listed on Annex I of the E. U. Birds Directive breed within the site. These include Peregine Falcon (2- 3 pairs), Sandwich Tern (34 pairs on Rat Island, 1995), Common Tern (15 pairs: 2 on Sturamus Island and 13 on Rat Island, (995), Chough (14-4 I pairs, (992) and Kingfisher. Other breeding birds of note include Kiniwake (690 pairs at Loop Head, (987) and Guillemot (4010 individuals at Loop Head, 1987) There is a resident population of Bonle-nosed Dolphin in the Shannon Estuary consisting of at least 56-68 animals (19%). This is the only known resident population of this E. U. Habitats Directive Annex 11 species in Ireland. Otter, a species also listed on Annex II of this directive, is commonly found on the site. he ru se . Five species of fish listed on Annex II of the E. U. Habitats Directive are found within the site. These are Sea Lamprey (Pefromyzolllllarillus), Brook L1mprey (LmllfJefra p/alleri), River Lamprey (Lampefrajllll'imi/is), Twaite Shad (Allosafallaxfallax) and Salmon (Salmo safar). The three lampreys and Salmon have all teen observed spawning in the lower Shannon or its tributaries. The Fergus is important in its 10000'er reaches for spring salmon while the Mulkear catchment excels as a grilse fishery though spring fish are caught on the actual Mulkear River. The Feale is important for both types. Twaite Shad is not thought to spawn within the site. There are few other river systems in Ireland which contain all three species of Lamprey. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot Two additional fish of note, listed in the Irish Red Data Book, also occur, namely Smelt (Osmerus eper/alllls) and Pollan (Coregolllls aUflwlIlalis pollan). Only the fonner has been observed spawning in the Shannon. Freshwater Pearl-mussel (Margarilijera margarilijera), a species listed on Annex II of the E. U. Habitats Directive, occurs abundantly in parts of the Cloon River. Co ns en There is a wide runge of landuses within the site. The most common use of the terrestrial parts is grazing by cattle and some areas have been dama~d through overgrazing and poaching. Much of the land adjacent to the rivers and estuaries has been improved or reclaimed and is protected by embankments (especially along the ~rgus Estuary). Further, reclamation continues to pose a threat as do flood relief works (e.g. dredging of rivers). Gravel extraction poses a major threat on the ~ale. In the past, Cord-grass (Sparrilla sp.) was planted to assist in land reclamation. This has spread widely, and may oust less vigorous colonisers of mud and may also reduce the area of mudflat available to feeding birds. Domestic and industrial wastes are discharged into the Shannon, but water quality is generully satisfactory - except in the upper estuary, reflecting the sewage load from Limerick City. Analyses for trace metals suggest a relatively clean estuary with no influences by industrial discharges apparent. Further industrial development along the Shannon and water fX)lItI1ing operations are potential threats. Fishing is a main tourist attmction on the Shannon and there are a lar~ number of Angler Associations, some with a number of beats. Fishing stands and styles have been erected in places. The River Feale is a designated Salmonid Water under the EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:40 E U. Freshwater Fish Directive. Other uses of the site include commercial angling, oyster fanning, boating (including dolphin-watching trips) and shOOling. Son~ of these may pose threats to the birds and dolphins through disturbance. Specific threats to the dolphins include underwater acoustic disturbance, entanglen~nt in fishing gear and collisions with fast moving craft. Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . This site is of great ecological interest as it contains a high num~rofhabitats and species listed on Annexes I and II of the E U. Habitats Directive, including the priority habitat lagoon, the only known resident population of Bottle-nosed Dolphin in Ireland and all three Irish lamprey species. A good number of Red Data Book species are also present, perhaps most nOiably the thriving populations of Triangular Club-nlsh. A num~r of species listed on Annex I of the E U. Birds Directive are also present, either wintering or breeding. Indeed, the Shannon and Fergus Estllaries form the largest eslllarine complex in Ireland and support more wintering wildfowl and waders than any other site in the country. Most of the eslllarine pan of the site has been designated a Special Protection Area (SPA), under the EU. Birds Directive, primarily to protect the large numrers of migrutory birds present in winter. 17.05.2005 EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:40 SITE SYNOPSIS SITE NAi\U:: RIVER SHANNON AND RIVER FERGUS ESTUARIES SPA SITE CODE: 004077 The estuaries of the River Shannon and River ~rgus form the largest eslllarine complex in Ireland. The site comprises all of the eslllarine habitat west from Lirr~rick City and south from Ennis, extending west as far as Killadysen and Foynes on the nonh and south shores res~ctively of the River Shannon (a distance of some 25 km from east to west). Also included are several areas in the outer Shannon estuary, notably Clonderalaw Bay and Poulnasherry Bay, as well as the intenidal areas on the south shore of the Shannon between Tarben and Beal Point. Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . The site has vast expanses of intertidal fiats. The main macro-invenebrate community present is a Maeoma-Scrobieu/aria-Nereis community which provides a rich food resource for the wintering birds. Other sp..'Cies occurring include Common Cockle (CerasfOdemw ed/lIe), Lugwonn (Are/lieo/a marina), the polychaete Nepthys Irombergii, the gastropod Hydrobia ulme and the crustacean Corophiwi/ l'O/utafOr. Eelgrass (Zostera spp.) is present in places, along with green algae (e.g. Vim spp. and Emeromorpha spp.). Salt marsh vegetation frequently fringes the mudfiats and this provides important high tide roost areas for the wintering birds. Characteristic sp..'Cies occurring include Common Saltmarsh-grass (Puecinellia maritima). Sea Aster (ASler tripolium), Thrift (Armeria maritillw), Sea-milkwon (G/aar maritillw), Sea Plantain (Plamago maritima), Red Fescue (Fesfllca rubra) and Saltmarsh Rush (lul/eus gerardi). In the innennost parts of the eslllaries, the tidal channels or creeks are fringed with s~cies such as Common Reed (Phragmites australis) and club-rushes (Scirpus maritimus. S. laeustris subsp. rabemaemomani). Also found is the nationally rare Triangular Club-nrsh (Seirpus triq/leter). Elsewhere in the site the shoreline comprises stony or shingle beaches. The site is the most imlXlnant coastal wetland site in the country and regularly suplXlns in excess of 50,000 wintering waterfowl (mean of 59, 183 for the 4 seasons 1996-97 to 1999/00), a concentration easily of international imponance. The site has internationally imlXlnant populations of Dunlin (14.987), Black-tailed Godwit (706) and Redshank (1.983) - all figures are average peaks for 3 of the 5 seasons in the 1995/96-1999/00 period. A further 16 species have populations of national imlXlrtance, i.e. Cormorant (148), Whooper Swan (141), Greylag Goose (88), Shelduck (895), Wigeon (3,025), Teal (1,558), Pintail (40), Shoveler (56), Scaup (76), Golden Plover (4,073), Grey Plover (564), Lapwing (13,007), Knot (686), Bar-tailed Godwit (481), Curlew (1,231) and Greenshank (33). The site is among the most imlXlnant in the country for several of these species, notably Dunlin (11% of national total), Grey Plover (7.5% of total), L1pwing (6.5% of total), Redshank (6% of total) and Shelduck (6.0% of total). The site is also used by Oystercatcher (363), Ringed Plover (70), Brent Goose (135), Great Crested Grete (47), Red-breasted Merganser (14), Mallard (247), Turnstone (71), Mute Swan (54), Grey Heron (25), Black-headed Gull (1,233) and Common Gull (194). EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:40 The Shannon I Fergus system was formerly frequented by a Greenland Whitefronted Goose population but this declined during the 1980s and 19<x>s and the birds now appear appear to have abandoned the area. The site provides both feeding and roosting areas for the wintering birds. Habitat quality for most of the estuarine habitats is good. Some species, particularly Whooper Swan and Greylag Goose, utilise areas outside of the site for feeding. Apart from the wintering birds, large numbers of some species also pass through the site whilst on migration in spring andlor autumn. Regular species include Blacktailed Goowit, Whimbrel and Greenshank. ru se . Much of the land adjacent to the rivers and estuaries has been reclaimed and improved for agriculture and is protected by embankments (especially along the River Rrgus estuary). Further reclamation, especially near to the urbanised and industrial areas continues to pose a threat. The site receives pollution from several sources, including industry and agricullllre, but it is mll known if this has any significant impacts on the wintering birds. Aquaculture occurs in some areas of the site - future increases in this activity could cause disturbance to the habitats and the associated birds. Common Cord-gross (Spar/ilia anglica) is well.establ ished and may threaten some of the estuarine habitats. Some disturbance occurs from boating activities. Co ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he This site is of great omithological interest, being of international importance on account of the numbers of wintering birds it supports. It also supports internationally important numbers of three species, i.e. Dunlin, Black-tailed Goowit and Redshank. In addition, there are 16 species that have popUlations of national importance. For several of the bird species, it is the top site in the country. Also of note is that three of the species which occur regularly are listed on Annex I of the EU. Birds Directive, i.e. Whooper Swan, Golden Plover and Bar-tailed GOOwil. The site is most effectively censused from the air and this is carried out in most winters. EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:40 Mott MacDonald ·Our Ref. 253740/EB/kos Mott MacDonald Pettit 5 Eastgate Avenue Eastgate Little Island Co. Cork Ireland Dr. Jervis Good Divisional Ecologist NPWS Regional Offices (Southern Division) 7 Eastgate Avenue Eastgate Little Island Co. Cork T F +353 (021)4809800 +353 (021) 4809801 w www.mottmacpettitie 9 February 2009 Re: Waste Water Discharge Licence Applications he ru se . Dear Dr. Good, f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot Please be advised that Limerick County Council is currently preparing Waste Water Discharge Licence Applications for seven towns, three of which discharge directly to Natura 2000 sites: Cappamore WWTP - discharge to Bilboa River which is contained within the L"'pwer River Shannon SAC, site code: 002165 nt o Murroe WWTP - discharge to Dooglasha River which is contained within the Lower River Shannon SAC, site code: 002165 Co n se Pallaskenry WWTP - discharge to the Upper Shannon Estuary which is designated a SAC and SPA under the EU Habitats Directive (Lower River Shannon SAC, site code: 002165; River Shannon and River Fergus Estuaries SPA, site code: 004077). The remaining four WWTPs - Croom WWTP, Caherconlish WWTP, Doon WWTP and Kilfinnane WWTP, do not discharge directly to a designated SAC/SPA, however, the waterbodies discharge into the Lower River Shannon SAC and/or the River Shannon and River Fergus Estuaries SPA, further downstream. As part of the licence application, Mott MacDonald Pettit Ltd. are consulting with the NPWS on behalf of Limerick County Council with regard to determining whether discharges from the seven WWTPs will have a significant effect on the Natura 2000 sites. Could you please advise, as soon as possible, as to your determination of whether the discharges are likely to have a significant effect on the Lower River Shannon SAC and/or the River Shannon and River Fergus Estuaries SPA. 25374000032n.doc Innealtoiri Comhairleach Consulting Engineers Directors: Registered in Ireland no. 53280 D J Horgan BE (Elec) MIEI MConsEI (Chairman) C O'Donovan BE MBA CEng MIEE Registered office: South Block. Rockfield T J O'Connor BE CEng MIEI (Managing) G O'Sullivan BSc (Eng) CEng FIEI Dundrum. Dublin 16. Ireland T Bolger BE MSc CEng MIEI MConsEI MClWEM MConsEI S Brewitt BA BAI CEng FIEI MIStruct MCEI W J Rankin MSc CEng FICE (British) K Howells BSc MBA CEng MICE MClWEM (British) G Reilly BEng CEng MIEI MICE Company Secretary: E Brady FCCA F McGivern BSc DipEnvEng CEng MIEI K J StoveII BSc (Eng) ACGI (British) Mott MacDonald Pettit Limited JT P Wickens BSc CEng MICE FIStructE (British) a member of the Mott MacDonald Group Murphy BE HDip MM CEng FIEI MCIT EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:40 If you require any additional infonnation, please do not hesitate in contacting the undersigned. Yours sincerely, For & on behalf ofMott MacDonald Pettit a 14 ~ ~/- Dr. Elaine Bennett Mr. Trevor MCKechnie, Executive Engineer, Limerick County Council Encl. 253740\Caherconlish\Workspaces\MAP_8.wor - Cappamore: Designated Sites 253740\Croom\Workspaces\MAP_9.wor - Croom: Designated Sites 253740\Doon\Workspaces\MAP_8.wor - Doon: Designated Sites 253740\Kilfinane\Workspaces\MAP_9.wor - Kilfinane: Designated Sites 253740\Murroe\Workspaces\MAP_9.wor - Murroe: Designated Sites 253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP- 9.wor - Pallaskenry: Designated Sites ~ Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . c.c. 25374000032n.doc 2 ] 11 Mott MacDonald EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:40 ATTACHMENT F.1 MAP 9 LEGEND PRIMARY DISCHARGE POINT SAC SPA NHA PNHA SW1 SW1 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . LOWER RIVER SHANNON SAC (SITE CODE : 002165) Co ns en PALLASKENRY (c) Ordnance Survey Ireland. All rights reserved. Licence number 2003/07CCMA/Limerick County Council. Scale 1:2,500 MAP 9 - PALLASKENRY : DESIGNATED SITES REVISION : A DATE : FEB.2009 Approved : ____________________ PALLASKENRY WASTE WATER DISCHARGE LICENCE APPLICATION LIMERICK COUNTY COUNCIL PROJECT Nr. 253740 P:\Cork\Design\acad\Mapinfo\253740\Pallaskenry\Workspaces\MAP_9.wor EPA Export 26-07-2013:12:54:40