Article 14 Reply - Attachment 2
Article 14 Reply - Attachment 2
to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Attachment 2 Co ns en Copy of – Further Information Request from Planning Authority, Further Information Reply, Decision to Grant Planning Permission, Final Grant of Planning and the Planners Report in respect of Planning Application 12/234 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . Michael Dalton Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises Tankerstown Bansha Co Tipperary Tel 052 54152 Planning Department South Tipperary County Council County Hall Clonmel RE Further Information Clarification : Planning Ref 12/234 Michael Dalton, Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises. ru se . Dear Sir to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he I attach here our further information submission in relation to the above mentioned Planning Application. The submission Includes the following Reference Description Submission Further Information Clarification Reply Appendix 1 Drawings 107 Details of Weigh Bridge No 29-30 108 Details of Silage Apron Qty 4 (A3) 1:200 4 (A3) 1:200 4 (A3) 1:100 4 (A3) 1:100 4 Co 110 Details of Tanks Appendix 2 ns en 109 Details of Intake Scale Paper Notice & Site Notice 4 Off Site Housing Agreement 4 Water Analysis 4 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 I trust the submissions included here are sufficient to meet the requirements of the Planning Authority Yours Sincerely Michael Dalton EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Further Information Clarification : Planning Ref 12/234 Michael Dalton, Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises 1. The response to further information item 1 includes a site layout plan identifying in red the structures for retention permission as significant further information. These are buildings /structures labelled no.’s 6, 13, 21, 9, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 and 31. The further information submission does not include for plan/elevation drawings of all structures/buildings for which retention permission is now sought. In addition the public notices of further information does not includes for all buildings/structures for which retention permission is sought. he ru se . Please regularise. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot Copies of the site Notice and Paper Notice amended are included in Appendix 2 Copies of structures Drawings as per the schedule below are attached in Appendix 1 107 Details of Weigh Bridge No 29-30 (A3) 1:200 4 108 Details of Silage Apron (A3) 1:200 4 (A3) 1:100 4 (A3) 1:100 4 Co 110 Details of Tanks ns en 109 Details of Intake 2. Further information item 2 requested that a chronology of development undertaken on the site post 1960 be submitted together with details of piggery type, stock numbers and capacity relative to the chronology of development. The details received show that the pig enterprise had approx 700 no. sows in an integrated unit from the mid 1970’s and that the number of sows (farrowing sow places and dry sow places) in the enterprise prior to 1990 was 700 approx with 150 no. served gilt places. The Decision of the European Court Case C5985-10 changed the definition of a sow to include served gilts, which the further information identifies as 25% maximum of the sow herd. This gives rise to an increase of places for sows by 175. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Further Information Clarification : Planning Ref 12/234 Michael Dalton, Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises The Planning Authority advise that this increase in ‘places for sows’ may give rise to the requirement for Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA Screening. The current standards for EIA for pig production facilities is set out under Schedule 5 of the 2001 Planning and Development Regulations, as amended. Item no. 1(e)(ii) of Part 2 of the fifth schedule of these regulations refers to: Installations for intensive rearing of pigs not included in Part 1 of this schedule, which would have more than 2000 places for production pigs (over 30kg) in a finishing unit, more than 400 places for sows in a breeding unit or more than 200 places for sows in an integrated unit. Class 13 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, set out EIA thresholds for changes or extension to developments as follows. This threshold came into force in 1999 and is as follows: (a) Any change or extension of development which would— to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . (i) result in the development being of a class listed in Part I or paragraphs 1 to 12 of Part II of this Schedule, and (ii) result in an increase in size greater than— —25%, or —an amount equal to 50% of the appropriate threshold, ns en whichever is the greater. Co In the subject case and on the basis of the details provided the Planning Authority advise that the places for sows numbers has increased by 175 places, from 700 in place pre 1990. This represents an increase of 25% of places for sows and exceeds 50% of the appropriate threshold for the intensive rearing of pigs, which requires EIA for more than 200 sows in an integrated unit. The herd size sow numbers have been managed on the farm facility since the late 1970’s as described above the area per animal provided was less than in recent times. The additional building since has been in the main to accommodate larger space per animal housed and to accommodate greater performance and larger size stock, resulting from improvements in genetics and animal husbandry management. By 1990 the stock numbers accommodated on the farm were PIG TYPE Farrowing Sow Places 203 Dry Sows Places 500 Boars Places 36 Served Gilt Places 150 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Further Information Clarification : Planning Ref 12/234 Michael Dalton, Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises M Gilts Places Weaner Places Fattener Places 0 2269 5631 The stock numbers and by virtue the impacts from the development has been installed and operational by the end of the 1970’s, the additional structures constructed on the farm complex since then were to accommodate improvements of animal husbandry practice and to provide additional space for finishing pigs to larger weights as market demand changed. The newer structures on the farm identified on the table at Point 2 above were to provide additional space per stock particularly on fattening where the market demanded larger weights for fat pigs as well as increased production from improved genetics. Definition of a Sow Definition of what is a “Sow” has been an adult female swine; the definition of a sow for the purpose of animal numbers for licence thresholds has been as An Adult female swine having farrowed her first litter. This has defined the number of pig places on this integrated unit, also the number breeding stock replacement followers (Gilts) maintained as a general rule 15% to 25% of the sow herd is replaced on a year on year basis. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . Court Ruling In the Decision of the European Court Case C-585/10, the definition of Sow has encompassed served Gilts to the defined sow numbers. The result of this decision has elevated the theoretical sow numbers on a facility which would bring a previously sub-threshold integrated (<200 Sows) unit over the EIA threshold even though the impacts generated from the farm would remain be the same. In the case of the Applicants farm the impact from the development was set in the late 1970s. Co ns en In order to satisfy the requirements of the above referenced case the applicant has entered into an agreement to maintain the Gilts for the unit off site until they enter the farrowing house. It is intended to maintain this arrangement until the IPPC licence and separate expansion Planning permission has been processed. Copy of the agreement is attached in appendix 3 Conclusion We must point out that there have not been any incidents or complaints from the operation of the facility in the intervening years to warrant investigation by the Local Authority. There has not been any increase in sow numbers or additional impact from the to warrant an EIA for the following reasons • The installation size of 700 sow integrated unit has been operational since the 1970’s, with no increase in sow numbers since. The impacts from the development have been relatively similar since then. • The change in Definition of a sow to incorporate Served Gilts does not change the overall impacts from the installation in that the gilts are already managed on the facility. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Further Information Clarification : Planning Ref 12/234 Michael Dalton, Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises 3. The Planning Authority note that waters from the site drain to the Aherlow River channel. You are requested to clarify whether the surface water has been tested prior to its off site discharge. If so please provide details of the test results, when same was undertaken and water quality parameters tested Copy of the Water analysis taken from Monitoring Point is included in Appendix 4 The Planning Authority notes that notices of significant further information were included with the further information submission. The submitted newspaper notices does not satisfy the requirements of Article 35 (1) (a) of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended. ns en to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . You are required to accompany any future further information response with a revised newspaper notice and site notice of further information that satisfy the requirements of Article 35 (1) (a) of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended. Please note that the site notice of further information should also be fixed to site to which this application relates, as required under Article 35 (1) of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended. Copy of the Newspaper Notice and Site Notice is attached in Appendix 2 Co 4. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . Appendix 1 Drawings EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Co en t ns of co For py in rig sp ht ect ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny he ru ot se . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Co en t ns of co For py in rig sp ht ect ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny he ru ot se . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Co en t ns of co For py in rig sp ht ect ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny he ru ot se . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Co en t ns of co For py in rig sp ht ect ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny he ru ot se . EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:33 Co en t ns of co For py in rig sp ht ect ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny he ru ot se . to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . Appendix 2 Public Notices EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 XX1- V] lrishExaminer Tuesday 16J0.2012 i$$$Bt$st"tttlq.$ W,M#irr*rit ot he ru se . FULL-TIMX Bar staff wanted Weatherrnaster ttd. QualCOMPANMS ACTS COMPANIES ACTS ANCIIOIRTCHUARDA SOUTH TIPPERARY for busy Irish pub in South ity Products & fitting. FREE (TheCtcuit Court) 1963to 2012 t963ro 2009 COUNry COUNCIL: Belgium. Experienced QUOTATION. Contact 023 DublinCircuitCountyandCityof NOTICEOFAPPOINTMENT OF NOTICEOFAPPOINTMENT OF Significant Further Informaapplicants only. Excellent 8845868/ 0872787906 plans in respect Dublin CourtNo.28 tion/revised RNCEnTRS RNCEIWRANDMANAGER JOINTSTATI]IORY conditions, accommoda- of Planning Application Ref In theMatterof CRONAN NAGTE BESTFOODSERITCES tion provided.Contact 12/234 by Michael Dalton THELICINSING ACTS com CONSTRUCTION TIMITED ilMITED (In Receivership) Petefcouftney@yahoo. for PERMISSION FOR 1833tDZ0l2 (In VoluntaryLiquidationand Notice is hereby given that on RETENTIONof the followins THEINTONCATING I,IQUOR ACT 10 October2012, UlsterBank developments(a) Retention h Receivership) 1988,Section 8, asAmended by Notice is hereby given that on (Ireland) Lirnited having its Permission to retain the THEINTOKCATING IJQUOR the l5th day of October,2012, registeredaddressat Georges Nofth Weriirer House Exlen(b) Retention ACT,2000,Section 27 the NationalAssetManagement Quay,Dublin 2 (the "Bank"), sion and Permission to Retain the (Supplemental CO{JRTS Agency("NAMA"),underpowers under powerscon{erredupon it South Weaner House ExtenProYisions) ACT,1961 I FetacMontessoriTeaching confeneduponit by theNational by Mortgageand Chargebetween sion - constructed on site AndtheManerof course. 1 eve oer week in Asset ManagementAgencyAct, Best lood ServicesLimited-of (c) Pennission to construct this denotes that Cork. Tel. 01-8920000,visit AnApplicationby IndustrialPark, new Dry Sow House (d) 2009 (the "NAMA Act") and Blanchardslown the seller is acting BAANSIAMCT]ISINE IIMITED Debenturedatedthe 4th August, Snugborough Road, Dublin Permissionto construct new in the course of a - Applicanl 2006, (the "Debennrre") 15 and the Bank, dated 15 extension to Farrowing trade, business or Take notice tlat Baan Siam made between Cronan Nagle February,2005 (the "Mortgage House; with all associated ILECTRONICS Courses City profession. Cuisine Limited trading as Consffuction Limited & Guilds.Tel 1850 759 759 (In and Charge"), appointedJim site work; In order to com"Baan Thai Restaurant"having YoluntaryLiquidation)havingits Hamiltonand David O'Connor ply with animal welfzne per S.l. No. 06 Tovota Landcruiser SWB. its registeredoffice at Cenhal registeredoffice at Baker Tilly of BDO Simpson)kvie! Beaux regulations - as 48 of 2003. (Note: This blue'met., 6 speed, l40k Park, Block f; Leopardstovm, Ryan Glennon, Trinity House, LaneHouse,MercerStreetLowe! applicafion znd Proposed ldms, serviced& timing.belt Dublin 18, intends to apply to Charleston Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 2, to be Receivers and Develooment will not fitted, tared 04-13, DOE lhe CircuitCourtsittingat Circuit Dublin 6 (the "Company") Receivers& Managersover the increase the number of 05-15, May consider trade Court 28, Four Courls, Inns and Allied Irish Banla, p.l.c. assets comprised in aadsecured animals on site) at Tankerin, €10,500. 087-7103474 stown, B'ansha,Co. TipperQuay,Dublin 7, at l0ani in the haYing ils registered office at by theMortgageandCharge. arv have been fumished to forenoonon Thursday,the 15th Bankcentre,Ballsbridge,Dublin Dated:15Octobef, 2012 the planning authority. This dayof November, 2012,or al tle 4 (fte "Bank"),whichDebenture A&TGOODBODYinformation includes the first opportunitythereafterfor a is an acquiredBankAssetwithin Intemationallinalcial modification the site boundCertificateentidingand enabling the meaningof the NAMAAct, rostanna do Mhriinteoiri Serrices Centre ary, dre incorporation of theApplicantto receivea Special appointed Declan Taite and ',trisc 2073: 23ft Mtuta - 6i storm water attenuation NorthWallQuay,Dublin I GREAT' Island Car Rentals Restaurant Licence in respect ol system, retention of Finishnbrein. '16 foftintaisi ag Anne O'Dwyer of RSM larrell Ph.021-481160924hrs the restauranlpremisesof the Grant Spaxl$,MolyneuxHouse, ing/stock Houses 6, 24&25, )ol6isti Chorca Dhuibhne, Gilt House 15, Dry Sow lo Mhriinteoiri Bunscoile & Applicantknown as "BaanThai BrideStreet,Dubl.in8, to beJoint ,':.: ;..:;. r .r ,t Housel6, Silage Apron 26, dednscoile. Cur amach ag Restaurant" andsitu^teat Centrrl StatutoryReceiYers of the assets Boiler House ?1, Pump nriinteoiri ar Churaclam na Park, Block I Leopardstown, of the Companychargedby the lunscoile agus ar Theagasc H ouse 1 3, tank s 28,31, Dublin 18, CountyDublin,which Debenture. ra Gaeilge inmhianaithe. Ni ROSCOMMON COUNTY weighbridge29, 30 & intake premises is Dated:15thOctober, said restaurant 2012 The Development n6r do mhriinteoiri a bheith SBLLING or COUNCIL: Joseph and Mary 9. buying a 7 Day more particularly describedon BARRY C,GAIVIN& SON liraithe leis an gComhairle Shanagher intend to apply comprises or is for the purLiquor Ucence. 0404 42832 lhe plans to be adducedat the pose of an activity requiring {hfinteoireachta Solicitors for planning pemission hearing of fte Applicationand 91 SouthMall,Cork birmeacha iarratais ar tiil, consequent on the grant of an Integrated Pollution Prei : 0 66 vention and Control Licence. n6 9156100 tlereon surroundedwith a red outline permission with rftw.colaiste.ielfostaiocht vergeline. planning reference no. That the Significant Furlher Information / Revised Plans 06/|004 to construct one Datedthis 16th day of October, may be inspected, or purdwellinghouse and sewerz0 t2 age system at Doonard chased at a fee not exceedBISHOPSTO\IT{ Residential Present whenthe COMPANIES AC"IS More, Strokestown, Co. ing the reasonable cost of Shop Premises with Deli. commonsealof (courw) 1963to 2009 Roscommon. The Planning making a copy, at the offices Good Parkins. Irish & BaanSiamCuisine \j3,/ NONCEOFAPPOINTMENT OF application may be of the plarning authority Europeaff-021:4277606 during its public opening Limitedwasaffixedhereto: RNCEI\TRANDMANAGER inspected or purchased at a hours. A submission or Signed:EAMON tANCASfiR IIE Hair Shop Midleton fee, not exceeding the reaIANEMOT,]NT HOTDINGS (Director) qualiffed Stylist required. sonable cost of making a observation in relation to IIMITED (In Receivership) the further information/ Ame Marie 087 6638560 Signed:SUMPORN IANCASTERNotice is hereby giYenthat on copy, at the offices of the Planning Authorif during its revised pl'ans may be made (Dtector) in writing to the Planning 10 October,2012, UisterBank Signed:COMPION AYLMER (Ireland) timited having its public opening hours and Authority, on payment of the submissions or observaSolicitorsfor theApplicant registered address at Georges tions in relation to the prescribed fee, not later Company (the "Bank"), application can be made to than 2 weeks from the date Dublin 2 Quay, Buyilg all tlpes of scrap PembrokeHouse the authority in writing, on of receipt of site notice and powers under conferred upon prices, top metal, delivered Pembroke Street Upper payment of the prescribed newspaper notice by the 30 (i) it by charge dared 25 or collected. Pouladuff period of 5 PlanningAuthori{. Dublin 2 GN required Norwood DismantlersCork Ltd. (ii) February, 1999; Account fee, within a weela beginning on the date Grange Nursing Home P h . 0 2 l - 4 3tt0 5 l TOWHOMIT MAYCONCERN Chargedated25 Jnnaxy,2012; of receipt by the authority of apprcx- 2 nights per week. and (iii) Mortgageand Charge the application. Must be flexible. Reoliesto dated 3 April, 2012; each of. norwoodgmnge@ gmaiicom . ANCIIUIRTCHUARDA which is betweenthe Bank and (TheCircuitCoud) LaremountHoldingsLimited of DublinCircuitCountyandCityof Blanchardstown IndustrialPark, CoudNo.28 SnugboroughRoad, Dublin 15 FOR sale big square bales of Dublin (the "Security Documents"), wheatenstraw. In theMatterof appointed Jim Hanilton and 087-7972203 087-2650159 TI]EIICENSING ACTS DavidO'Connor of BDOSimpson 1833ta 2012 THEINTO)ilC,{TING TIQUOR ACT Xavier, Beaux lale House, 1|88,Section 8, asAmended by Mercer StfeetLower,Dublin 2, Llver& Art Auction. Entries to be ReceiYersand Receivers THEINTONC{]NGUQUOR Mted. Woodwards,Cook St. & Managers over the assets s t' d1883.021-4273 3 2 7 . AC! 2000,Section 27 comprisedin and securedby the (Supplemental HI?NOTHBMPY Clinic can C0IJRTS Security Documents. successfully treat smoking, Provisions) ACT,1961 ynes & Lynes Nov Auction slimming, an\iety, stress, Dated:15October2012 Ald the Matter of to include the contents phobia.s,blushing,personal - A&LGOODBODY AnApplicationby hom Highbun', Glounthaune oroblems. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 linancia.l Intemational j1 pv nlenet a n LIM]TED B.dAN TTU]CLI]SL\T Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Goliisti Ghorca llhuibhne w:*ltryS Scrapiletal Antiques +it Ir ,E tlH'ilitllt -i*'i i'ilititirlHili:litiii I South Tipperary County Council, Áras an Chontae, Clonmel. Tel.: 052-6134646 Site Notice of Further Information/ Revised Plans NAME OF APPLICANT1: ……Michael Dalton ……………………………………….………. ot he ru se . Ref. No. of Planning Application2 …12/234 ……... f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny The Development Applied for consisted of3 Co n se nt o PERMISSION FOR RETENTION off the following developments(:a ) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (b) Retention Permission to Retain the South Weaner House Extension- constructed on site (c) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (d) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House; with all associated site works; In order to comply with animal welfare regulations- as per S.l. No. 48 of 2003. (Note: This application and Proposed Development will not increase the number of animals on site) Co.Tipperary has been submitted. This information includes the incorporation of storm water attenuation system, retention of Finishing/stock Houses 6, 24&25, Gilt House15, Dry Sow House16, Silage Apron 26, Boiler House 21, Pump House 13 , tanks 28,31, weighbridge29, 30 & intake 9.. AT: ________ Tankerstown Bansha Co.Tipperary ____________________________________________________________ Signed4: … Date of erection of site notice5: …16 October 2012 Significant Further Information/Revised Plans6 has/have6 been furnished to the Planning Authority in respect of this proposed development, and is/are6 available for inspection or purchase at the offices of the Authority (9.00am – 1.00pm and 2.00pm – 5.00pm – Mon. – Fri. excluding public holidays). A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority within a period of two weeks from the date of receipt of site notice/newspaper. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . Appendix 3 Confirmation on Gilts off Site EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 Main St Ballyporeen, Co Tipperary, Tel 052 7467185 Fax 052 7467185 E-mail [email protected] 15th October 2012 Planning Department South Tipperary County Council County Hall Clonmel RE Further Information Clarification : Planning Ref 12/234 Michael Dalton, Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises. I confirm Michael Dalton has made arrangements to house up to 150 gilts in the slatted shed located on the family holding at Barnlough, Bansha located 300m from the development site. to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . The arrangement to house gilts will remain in place until the Planning Permissions and IPPC licences are in place. We trust this submission satisfies the Planning Authority Co ns en Yours Sincerely Michael McEniry NRGE LTD Nutrient Recovery to Generate Electricity Ltd. is registered at Mooresfort, Lattin, Co.Tipperary. Company Reg. No 392619 Directors M. Sweeney, N. Sweeney, E. Mc Eniry, M. McEniry Secretary. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . Appendix 4 Water Analysis EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 ffifftf;r ffi tmchnmt#fiy adJ llmftmd *ticlanel Ilaltort TnnkerstnwnFig Farrn l l \.Ji l q L "f !,e tv"' fi*Slri, INELAND. 'T*r,a$:h:rr*r F;:rx: *tt-Og65rt$0{'} 021-4968i614 ircorrt"ne1 Crrzul:t rsneehan'31€ Ilanshn {;o'TiPPenarY 36tnir"uie?0 i 2 I)ate: Lpbngqtory.RPPgri l.Qd'.lune ?012 lli 19-6.'47-48 Weil il*ta submined: f,nboratory l?.tference $arnple: qnound \Veiter I r'1"f Y"'r "'-] ".-| ru se . CCIN B(}tl Ammonia "{'otalFlhosPh*te I'iitrnte Totsl Ctiliform Ft+cat Coliform Ent*rocoecoi L$ ,\ ,l ^ he \,t .+,!" ot f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny fi"s? ().*?. 0 , lli ^ {} L. ldl )' 2.41i I CI'l f.iii ': ri\: ,r,.ir\ tfr11 i (}tJrnl )Jot Detec"tc,J; : ,]]4 { t.l se nt o per I'itrt Re.*rlr,st)re expressedin mitlig;-arn:; t, /.."*'*Co n ii ll il I \- .' l"l r Kinl Sheehan !)'r*ctDr* Fh'D''c r:nerl' FtO:, MFIC. j.P, f'dackey, rr"'ic'.hinE &. firge<jon' rl $r' 6 Sc'tEc$n-i l"{lrlorrT" !''\\'€S trllliFr, ifl''r'/ He lis't*teri in l'eiand |t{u''16"' 5J34'r i' r l EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 l U {i ; r e . n ilt"iF:K" ;, rHfi|_.qN$. '?ai,'pnC.r++: Fa;< r 0?1 ,4gfi$fgi) i r?l, 4S$nS1c Enaii: h rsll+:ehan'g elrcililt.rlct Tanleerstfit+n llig llilrrn B a n sb a {lo Tippcrilr;E ilate if.rit Jrriie i,{) l'1 l,4hgrutr,n BSF-,::T fiat* suhstitte:tl. Lnbornttr;1 3,l.e{*ren*e Snrngrle: l9s .frn* lt-)l ? i:?'i 9-{t-d?^.t(t{ \lrcil 'f-iriqrrrs Water .,1.,t, i' U"" C ,.'-{ ..t he ru se . .1 C{}Xl I}{}D Arnnrnnir Tlotal llbosphnt* Nitratn 'l'otal C*lifnr:rn fiseca!Colif*:rrm Ent#rs*${:r$i f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot {J.n? {l'.0:l l.e i-{rl :.Jll I'Ioi jielec,redit{i$rnl C.+.j {"i.i fl : '.] 1.4.X104 ?.5XIn:* Co n i .t i, se nt o iits'it,:fsi?.rderf)rc-s,redin nril/igt'umsitt: I-i.tre , I 'iir:i'- i1.-":," It- i..', Ki*:si'#;---- Oil"ettorst "l' P F*iackoy, 11.Sf ". UDF B. creo*)On. fi eq js:e is ii In i'Ftrl.rri qi |,1ar rilti, fi {ic . 8.lic i.lco:r Fh.t}.,c-cfy}il)..Frct, Mtlic. r.tlilqr.rT.\a!\.lfr$.r"-rrrs.j. !,tt"l, !1 3.1 I ' ..1 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 w rrj#f#il ffi fmrrlnmi*mu wr $*mitmgj $fighael Dnftou TamkerstownPig Farm Bnnsha Co Tipperitry Date: GCRK, }RE:.AI'JD. 'Ieiepirone: Faxl 3?'1 -49:$600 +2t -4S656i4 Fmail; krshet:hangei ;'cloru. net J,0ll -ril*.lune i-l&p ser{ifli-8pJagr3 t.ltiie . ..rh !r" ' .,| :Ir* i i Jl i silbftittil,i' i 12,/i3-6-47-"*g Wsli l-ah n n;ef on"vRef'r:r*nce 5*rnple: -ryffHLJ \\'at*r i .+ r rr.'c Cd C$D FOD Ammortia Tntal Phosph*le Nitrsfe ..{ j ?| \,! f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . rJ"il: 0 { i: Lr. I ti 2"9 t:-'1.X! {to ....-" "i Co n se nt o NiI l.t.12 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 Michael Dalton Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises Tankerstown Bansha Co Tipperary Tel 052 54152 Planning Department South Tipperary County Council County Hall Clonmel RE Unsolicited Further Information: Planning Ref 12/234 Michael Dalton, Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises. ru se . Dear Sir to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he I attach here unsolicited further information in relation to the above mentioned Planning Application. The submission Include an agreement with Denis Moran to house up to 150 gilts on his farm at Ballycarron, Bansha. This allows the gilts to be kept in more appropriate housing than the slatted cattle shed. I trust the submissions included here are sufficient to meet the requirements of the Planning Authority Co Michael Dalton ns en Yours Sincerely EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACTS, 2000 TO 2010 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 2001 - 2012 NOTIFICATION OF DECISION TO GRANT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 34 OF THE 2000 ACT. Michael Dalton c/o Eamonn M Hughes Tir na nOg Grangefertagh Johnstown Co Kilkenny Ref No. 12/234 ru se . FURTHER INFO RECD 16/10/2012 f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he APPLICATION RECEIPT DATE: 22/06/2012 Having regard to: nt o the nature and extent of the proposed development; the intended use of the proposed development, the policies of the County Development Plan 2009 and the pattern of development in the area, Co n se it is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the attached Schedule, the proposed development; would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity; would not be prejudicial to public health; would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and convenience; would not impact on a Natura 2000 site. would, therefore, be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. Page 1/2 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 In pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the above-mentioned Acts, South Tipperary County Council has by Order dated _____ November 2012 decided to GRANT PERMISSION AND PERMISSION FOR RETENTION to the above named for development of land, as follows:the following developments: (a) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (b) Retention Permission to retain the South Weaner House Extension constructed on site (c) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (d) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House: with all associated site works, in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per S.I. No. 48 of 2003. These developments are for the purpose of an activity in relation to which an integrated pollution control licence is required (Note: This application and Proposed development will not increase the number of animals on site) At: Tankerstown Bansha Co. Tipperary Subject to the 13 conditions and reasons therefore as set out in the schedule attached. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . If there is no appeal against the said decision, a GRANT in accordance with the decision will be issued after the expiration of the period within which an appeal may be made to An Bord Pleanala (see appeal details overleaf). IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT UNTIL A GRANT OF PERMISSION OR PERMISSION CONSEQUENT ON THE GRANT OF AN OUTLINE PERMISSION HAS BEEN ISSUED, THE DEVELOPMENT OR RETENTION IN QUESTION IS NOT AUTHORISED. Co n se nt o Signed on behalf of South Tipperary County Council ……………………………………….. County Secretary. Dated:………………November 2012 Page 2/2 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL Planning & Development Acts 2000 to 2010 Ref No. In Planning Ref: 12/234 Page 1/4 Schedule referred to in Order No. ___________________________ SCHEDULE 1. Save where modified by the following conditions, the proposed development shall be retained, carried out and completed in accordance with the drawings and documentation submitted with the planning application on the 22nd June 2012, as amended by revised plans and particulars received on the 26th September 2012 and the 16th October 2012 as further information. Reason: In the interest of proper planning and sustainable development. ru se . Within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice, unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority, the applicant/developer shall pay to the Planning Authority a development contribution in the sum of €10,506.94 in respect of the provision of improved road infrastructure. (i) The amount of the development contribution shall be in accordance with the following class as detailed in the current South Tipperary Development Contribution Scheme: Area sq. m Total se nt o Rate 2012 Co n Class 6 Agriculture- in excess of 600 sq m. Roads f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he 2. €6.40 p er m2 1,641.71 m2 €10,506.94 €10,506.94 Reason: As a contribution towards the cost of the provision of improved road infrastructure in accordance with the South Tipperary Development Contribution Scheme 2011-2015 which was adopted, pursuant to Section 48 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 by resolution of South Tipperary County Council, dated 7 February 2011. Such improvements will facilitate this development. 3. Within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice, unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority, a revised set of elevation drawings to a scale of 1:200 shall be provided for the asconstructed buildings/structures labelled as buildings/structure no.’s 15, 16, 24, 25, 28 and 31. Reason: In the interest of proper planning and sustainable development. 4. a) Within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice, unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority the applicants shall engage a suitably qualified person to examine the septic tank system and determine whether same complies with the requirements of the EPA 1999 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL Planning & Development Acts 2000 to 2010 Ref No. In Planning Ref: 12/234 Page 2/4 Schedule referred to in Order No. ___________________________ SCHEDULE Wastewater Treatment Manuals-Treatment Systems for Small Communities, Business, Leisure Centres and Hotels. A report describing the results of the investigation shall be forwarded to the Planning Authority on completion. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . b) Should the existing septic tank effluent disposal system not comply with the requirements of the EPA 1999 Wastewater Treatment Manuals-Treatment Systems for Small Communities, Business, Leisure Centres and Hotels. the applicant shall submit proposals, viz a separate planning application, for the upgrade of the effluent disposal system to EPA 1999 Wastewater Treatment Manuals-Treatment Systems for Small Communities, Business, Leisure Centres and Hotels requirements. This application shall be made within 4 weeks of the completion of the investigation report as required under condition no. 4 a), unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of environmental protection and public health a) Uncontaminated surface water runoff from roofs and clean paved areas within the farmyard shall be collected separately from farmyard wastes (slurry, silage effluent and contaminated /soiled surface water) and shall be disposed of directly in a sealed system which shall drain to a proposed surface water attenuation system. b) The surface water attenuation system shall be installed on site and the necessary pipe work shall be installed to ensure all uncontaminated surface waters are collected and drain to this attenuation system prior to discharge to a watercourse. These works shall be undertaken and completed within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice unless otherwise agreed with Planning Authority. c) No contaminated surface waters, soiled waters, slurry or silage effluent or washings from the pig farm shall discharge to the surface water system or any watercourse, stream or drain. Surface water shall not be allowed flow onto the public road or adjoining properties. d) As and when required by the Planning Authority a sample of waters shall be tested and results of the test submitted to the Planning Authority. The water sample shall be taken prior to discharge from the surface water system to the watercourse. Co n se nt o 5. Reason: In the interest of orderly development and environmental protection. 6. This permission does not provide for any increase in stocking rate or sow numbers above existing permitted levels. Reason: In the interest of clarity and the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL Planning & Development Acts 2000 to 2010 Ref No. In Planning Ref: 12/234 Page 3/4 Schedule referred to in Order No. ___________________________ SCHEDULE 7. • he ru se . • The applicant shall ensure that all farm activities within farmyard are carried out in accordance with the recommendations set out in SI 378 of 2006, European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2006. Storage facilities shall: Be designed, sited, constructed, maintained and managed so as to prevent run-off or seepage, directly in indirectly, into groundwater or surface water of livestock manure, organic fertiliser, soiled water and effluents from dungsteads, farmyard manure pits or silage pits Comply with such construction specifications for those facilities as may be approved from time by time by the Minister for Agriculture and Food. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot Reason: In the interests prevention of environmental pollution and protection of waters including groundwater. Co n se nt o 8. Farmyard wastes (slurry, silage effluent, milking parlour washings and contaminated surface water) shall be disposed of by spreading on land in accordance with SI 378 of 2006 European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2006 (or as amended) and no such spreading shall be carried out on any land that is within 50 metres of any school, hospital, church or building used for public assembly or within 30 metres of any private dwelling house (except the landowners own dwelling) save with the consent in writing of the owner and, as may be appropriate, the occupier or person in charge thereof. Reason: In the interests of orderly development, public health, the protection of the amenities of the area and the avoidance of pollution of ground or surface waters in the area. 9. The transportation of farmyard wastes (slurry, silage effluent, milking parlour washings and contaminated surface water) via the public road shall be carried out in a sealed and watertight tanker/container such that no spillage of deleterious matter can occur onto the public road. Should such a spillage occur the developer shall take all necessary steps to clean same immediately. Reason: In the interest of traffic safety and public health. 10. All oxidisable and galvanised surfaces of the proposed pig sow house and extension to the farrowing house shall be painted a dark green matt colour or other dark colour approved by the Planning Authority and the surface shall be maintained in a neat, tidy and painted condition at all times. Reason: In the interest of visual amenity. EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL Planning & Development Acts 2000 to 2010 Ref No. In Planning Ref: 12/234 Page 4/4 Schedule referred to in Order No. ___________________________ SCHEDULE se . 11. All existing hedgerow boundaries to the site shall be maintained and strengthened and all other site boundaries shall be planted with a mix of deciduous shrubs suitable for hedging and common to the locality (e.g. holly, hawthorn, blackthorn, ash). A minimum of 20 deciduous trees of native (not dwarfed) species shall be included in the hedgerow or elsewhere in the landscaping of the site. Suggested species include ash, silver birch, oak, apple, scots pine and these shall be in excess of 3.5 metres in height when planted. The trees shall be maintained indefinitely and replaced if failure occurs. All landscaping shall take place in the first planting season following occupation of the dwelling. No leylandii cypress trees shall be permitted on this site or its boundaries. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru Reason: In the interests of visual amenity. se nt o 12 a) Railway Mounds and ditches to be preserved except where written consent of IE has been sought and received. b) No liquid shall discharge or escape onto railway property. Any discharges under railway property will need agreement with IE/CIE. c) Services to cross railway property must be subject of wayleave with IE/CIE. d) Works on and adjacent to the railway are required to meet the terms of the Railway Safety Act 2005. Co n Reason: In the interests of proper planning and sustainable development. 13. The applicant shall submit a nutrient management plan by the 1st of January next, and annually thereafter, a revised Nutrient Management Plan. The NMP shall include the following minimum information: • Annual production of manure and the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the manure • Summary of the farmers receiving manure, if manure is to be exported off the applicants landholding • The NMP shall demonstrate that all lands have adequate capacity for recovery of the manure generated by the facility. • The NMP shall maintained at the facility, and made available for inspection, if requested. Reason: In the interests of proper planning and sustainable development. ng EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACTS, 2000 - 2010 COUNTY MANAGER’S ORDER ORDER NO._____________ Subject: Planning Permission Ref No. 12/234 WHEREAS by Manager’s Order No.158766 dated the 29th April 2011, William McEvoy, County Manager for South Tipperary County Council did pursuant to powers conferred on him by Section 154 of the Local Government Act 2001, delegate unto me certain powers, functions and duties as set out therein. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . NOW THEREFORE pursuant to the delegation of the said powers, functions and duties aforesaid, I, Sinead Carr, Director of Services, HEREBY DECIDE, pursuant to the provisions of the Planning and Development Acts, 2000 to 2010, to GRANT PERMISSION AND PERMISSION FOR RETENTION as set out hereunder in accordance with the application received. This PERMISSION AND PERMISSION FOR RETENTION shall be subject to 13 conditions and reasons specified in the Schedule attached hereto. If there is no appeal against the said decision, a Grant of PERMISSION AND PERMISSION FOR RETENTION in accordance with the decision will be issued after the expiration of the period within which an appeal may be made to An Bord Pleanala NAME OF APPLICANT: Michael Dalton Co n se nt o ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT: c/o Eamonn M Hughes Tir na nOg Grangefertagh Johnstown Co Kilkenny Tankerstown Bansha Co. Tipperary NATURE OF DEVELOPMENT: the following developments: (a) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (b) Retention Permission to retain the South Weaner House Extension - constructed on site (c) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (d) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House: with all associated site works, in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per S.I. No. 48 of 2003. These developments are for the purpose of an activity in relation to which an integrated pollution control licence is required (Note: This application and Proposed development will not increase the number of animals on site) Signed: _____________________________ Director of Services Date: ______ November 2012 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 12/234 ___ November 2012 Pat Byrne, Senior Inspector, Officer of Climate, Licensing & Resource Use Regional Inspectorate, Inniscarra, Co. Cork Re: Planning and Development Acts, 2000 - 2010 A Chara Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . I refer to correspondence received from you in connection with an application by Michael Dalton,Manager of Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprise,Tankerstown,BanshaCo. Tipperary, for PERMISSION FOR RETENTION for the following developments: (a) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (b) Retention Permission to retain the South Weaner House Extension - constructed on site (c) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (d) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House: with all associated site works, in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per S.I. No. 48 of 2003. These developments are for the purpose of an activity in relation to which an integrated pollution control licence is required (Note: This application and Proposed development will not increase the number of animals on site) at Tankerstown Bansha,Co. Tipperary and South Tipperary County Council having taken your submission into consideration decided to CONDITIONAL permission. I am attaching for your information a copy of the Council’s decision. Please note that you have the right of appeal to An Bord Pleanala against the Council’s decision on this application. Your appeal should be addressed to An Bord Pleanala, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 and should include, your name and address, details of nature and site of the proposed development, the name of the Planning Authority, the planning register number and the applicants name and address. The appeal must be received by An Bord Pleanala within 4 weeks beginning on the date of the Council’s decision. The full grounds of appeal and supporting material and arguments must be submitted from the start. The correct appeal fee must also be enclosed (See Attached Schedule). If an appeal does not meet all the legal requirements, it will be invalid and cannot be considered by the Board. Mise le meas, _____________________ T. O’Dwyer Administrative Officer PLANNING EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 12/234 ___ November 2012 Grainne Leamy, NRA, St. Martins House Waterloo Road Dublin 4 Re: Planning and Development Acts, 2000 – 2010 Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . A Chara I refer to correspondence received from you in connection with an application by Michael Dalton,Manager of Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprise,Tankerstown,BanshaCo. Tipperary, for PERMISSION FOR RETENTION for the following developments: (a) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (b) Retention Permission to retain the South Weaner House Extension - constructed on site (c) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (d) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House: with all associated site works, in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per S.I. No. 48 of 2003. These developments are for the purpose of an activity in relation to which an integrated pollution control licence is required (Note: This application and Proposed development will not increase the number of animals on site) at Tankerstown Bansha,Co. Tipperary and South Tipperary County Council having taken your submission into consideration decided to CONDITIONAL permission. I am attaching for your information a copy of the Council’s decision. Please note that you have the right of appeal to An Bord Pleanala against the Council’s decision on this application. Your appeal should be addressed to An Bord Pleanala, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 and should include, your name and address, details of nature and site of the proposed development, the name of the Planning Authority, the planning register number and the applicants name and address. The appeal must be received by An Bord Pleanala within 4 weeks beginning on the date of the Council’s decision. The full grounds of appeal and supporting material and arguments must be submitted from the start. The correct appeal fee must also be enclosed (See Attached Schedule). If an appeal does not meet all the legal requirements, it will be invalid and cannot be considered by the Board. Mise le meas, _____________________ T. O’Dwyer Administrative Officer PLANNING EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 12/234 ___November 2012 Andrew A Wilson, Senior Track & Structure Engineer, Limerick Junction Station Co. Tipperary Re: Planning and Development Acts, 2000 - 2010 Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . A Chara I refer to correspondence received from you in connection with an application by Michael Dalton,Manager of Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprise,Tankerstown,BanshaCo. Tipperary, for PERMISSION FOR RETENTION for the following developments: (a) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (b) Retention Permission to retain the South Weaner House Extension - constructed on site (c) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (d) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House: with all associated site works, in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per S.I. No. 48 of 2003. These developments are for the purpose of an activity in relation to which an integrated pollution control licence is required (Note: This application and Proposed development will not increase the number of animals on site) at Tankerstown Bansha,Co. Tipperary and South Tipperary County Council having taken your submission into consideration decided to CONDITIONAL permission. I am attaching for your information a copy of the Council’s decision. Please note that you have the right of appeal to An Bord Pleanala against the Council’s decision on this application. Your appeal should be addressed to An Bord Pleanala, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 and should include, your name and address, details of nature and site of the proposed development, the name of the Planning Authority, the planning register number and the applicants name and address. The appeal must be received by An Bord Pleanala within 4 weeks beginning on the date of the Council’s decision. The full grounds of appeal and supporting material and arguments must be submitted from the start. The correct appeal fee must also be enclosed (See Attached Schedule). If an appeal does not meet all the legal requirements, it will be invalid and cannot be considered by the Board. Mise le meas, ____________________ T. O’Dwyer Administrative Officer PLANNING EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 12/234 ___ November 2012 The Manager, Development Applications Unit, Department of Arts Heritage & The Gaeltacht Newtown Road Wexford Re: Planning and Development Acts, 2000 - 2010 Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . A Chara I refer to correspondence received from you in connection with an application by Michael Dalton,Manager of Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprise,Tankerstown,BanshaCo. Tipperary, for PERMISSION FOR RETENTION for the following developments: (a) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (b) Retention Permission to retain the South Weaner House Extension - constructed on site (c) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (d) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House: with all associated site works, in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per S.I. No. 48 of 2003. These developments are for the purpose of an activity in relation to which an integrated pollution control licence is required (Note: This application and Proposed development will not increase the number of animals on site) at Tankerstown Bansha,Co. Tipperary and South Tipperary County Council having taken your submission into consideration decided to CONDITIONAL permission. I am attaching for your information a copy of the Council’s decision. Please note that you have the right of appeal to An Bord Pleanala against the Council’s decision on this application. Your appeal should be addressed to An Bord Pleanala, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 and should include, your name and address, details of nature and site of the proposed development, the name of the Planning Authority, the planning register number and the applicants name and address. The appeal must be received by An Bord Pleanala within 4 weeks beginning on the date of the Council’s decision. The full grounds of appeal and supporting material and arguments must be submitted from the start. The correct appeal fee must also be enclosed (See Attached Schedule). If an appeal does not meet all the legal requirements, it will be invalid and cannot be considered by the Board. Mise le meas, _____________________ T. O’Dwyer Administrative Officer PLANNING EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 se Co n f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny nt o se . ru he ot EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot . Pin Ref 12/234 SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL Planning Section RECOMMENDATION ON PLANNING APPLICATION 12/234 Applicant: Michael Dalton Development Address: Tankerstown, Bansha" Co Tipperary. Development: (A) Retention Permission to retain the North Weaner House Extension and (B) Retention Permission to retain the South Weaner House Extension - constructed on site (C) Permission to construct new Dry Sow House (D) Permission to construct new extension to Farrowing House: with all associated site ""arks; Proposals are in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per 5.1. No. 48 of 2003. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . PI Ref nt o These developments are for the purpose of an activity in relation to which an integrated pollution control liEeHEe is fetluifed. Co n se (Note: This application and Proposed development will Hot increase the number of animals on site) - -- I.GENERAL: A notice reguiring further information was issued by South Ti.e.eerary County Council on the 14th August 2012. A reply to the further information was received on the 29 th September 2017 and was considered incomplete 8 complete further information response was received on the 16th October 2012 and was accompanied by notices of significant further information. Unsolicited further information was received on the 22nd October 2012. 2. SUBMISSIONSLOBSERV ATIONS: Submissions received from the following: --- th I. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 15 August 2012 and 24th October 2012. ....---' . The following points were made: 1I EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 Pin Ref 12/234 Existing activity is of scale that requires an IPPC License. IPPC License received by the EPA on 2ih July 2012 in respect ofa 1,000 sow integrated unit and is currently under assessment. This application was made by Tankerstown Pig and Farm, Enterprises Ltd. Tankerstown, Bansha, Co. Tipperary and was accompanied by an EIS. The EIS submitted appears to be the same EIS as that submitted with PI Ref 12/361. Submission were received on the original proposal by the following: 1. National Roads Authority (NRA). 2. Iarnrod Eireann aID. 3. Department of Arts. Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DAHG). No further submission has been received from these consultees to date. ru Proposed attenuation system in accordance with Council requirements. Calculations appear in order. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he Water Services: se . 3 REFERRALS: 4. ASSESSMENT: . tl le f tiltl leI'II Ifannation received relative to the items of This section wIl. I exanune further information as requested. The Planning Authority have reviewed the drawings submitted as part of the previous planning application P3.10558 which was in respect of an animal slaughter house and note that that thefarm/piggery bUildings layout shown on the drawings submitted with this application differ significantly trom that shown on the site layout plan submitted with the subject application. Co n se nt o 1. Furthermore available ordnance survey aerial photography from 1995, 2000 and 2005 shows that new buildings have been constructed on site post 1995. There is no record of any planning permission for development on this site other than P 3.10558. The applicant is requested to identifY structures that were altered significantly, and/or enlarged, changed in use and new structures constructed since the date (?f grant qf P3.10558. Where the has been a material change to the existing farm structures, planning permission for retention of these structures will be required. The further information submitted received on the 26th September 2012 and the 16th October 2012 includes drawings that identifies buildings/structures that are to be 21 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 Pin Ref 12/234 incorporated into this application. n~..strJ1ctures are listed in the follqwing table and> those proposed for retention are outlined in blue. The structures/buildings outlined in red C;;e those or1grnaIIy proposed lor retention ....The building/ structure outlined in green are proposed for permission. The numbers in the left hand side column of the table corresponCi with that identifi~d on the site layout plan received on the 26 th September 2012: -- I) , Jh (, 2+-2~ 2h 20 2q J,(l /':; 21 r----. 1------. Area -- 231) 7 ~q III 2K-i.7 'iq m :;:--1 sq m hq:~ J) : I...l) 111 5.1,K,Q" "q -.. _-----.- --'- 111 --~-- r .h.f 3h.7:; "y m -- "<1111 sq m l2.K sq III 15,1 q ~q 111 ,)(l.h -----------~-- -- 133 sq m IB he ru if-\. ot ,I Description Gilt house Dr\' Sow House Finishing house Stuck housl' Silagl' Apron FUI.:'1 Tanks \VeiKh bridge house VVeigh bridge Pump house Boi ler houst' Intake Hopper South weaner House Extension North weaner House se . BuildinlifStructure No. l::;· ... 2,'\ -- 241.6 sq tTl l-n .c',,, .... -. Farrowing House ury :>ow 11.0use Rainwatt'r a ttt'nua lion Svsl:em - 26 l. 00 SCI m KYh.-i2 SLI m -- -- .-------~----- Co n se nt o " f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny I The notices of significant further information include for the above identified structures and also mcludes pertnlssion to retain for the modification of the site boundary. I have inspected the sjte on the 31 st October 2012 and I note the following discrepancies between the drawings received of the additional structures/buildings for retention and that as consh acted OIL site: i) The drawings of the bunded fuel bay (No. 28 on site la out Ian does not correspon WIt t at on site. There are 4 no. fuel tanks mounted on a bund. Only 2 no. are shown on the drawings submitted. The plan of the fuel bay is accurate. ii) The drawings provided for the stock house (no. 24 and 25 on site layout plan) does not accurately reflect the building on site. The principal dimensions of the building are consistent but the elevation drawings show existing vent stacks that are not reflected on the as constructed building. Also the roof of building no. 24 does not correspond with that as constructed. iii) Drawing No. 104 and 105 have been labelled as building no. 15. I have contacted the applicants agent regarding this matter and he confirmed that one set of drawings has been incorrectly labelled. The drawings provided do not accurately show the vent stacks on these buildings. 31 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 Pin Ref 121234 The above discrepancies are considered minor in nature. I have inspected the structures on site and consider same to be acceptable in terms of design. Accurate drawings can be requested by way of condition so that Council records are complete. 1.-/ In addition to the above further structures and buildings were constructed on site post those shown since the date of grant of P3.l0558. These buildings are labelled as no.'s 1-5,7,-12,14. 17-18,20. The further information submission received on the 26 th September 2012 includes a schedule of development of farm structures identifying when structures were developed on the farm and citing planning exemptions under which the structures/buildings were developed, I have copied the relevant statutory instruments that provided exemptions for the construction of structures no's 6-7, 9-12, 14, 17, 18 and 20, which are: • SI 236 of 1964 Local Government (Planmng & Development) Act 1963 (Exempted Development) Regulations 1964 • SI 176 of 1967 Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 1963 (Exempted Development) Regulations 1967 ot he ru se . I conSIder these structures avail of the planning exemptions prO\;ided under the above mentioned statutory instruments. The Planning Authority note that Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises Ltd have applied/or an IPPC License (Reg P0965-01j, This application states that the operational sow numbers on the fat mate 9QO (fi om 700) and that that a planning application is being madefor 1000 sow places, Co n se nt o 2, f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny I spoke withrhe applicants agent Michael Mclnery on the 30-10-2012 who identifies that structures labelled 1-3 have been in existence pre 1964. In addition to this the well that sen es as water supply for the site and the septic tank for the dwelling are in existence pre 196~ c..---The JPPC License application states that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) included with the IP PC License application is also made in support of a planning application. The details ident~fy that the proposed planning application consists of the demolition of3 no, fattening houses and 1 no, machinery shed and to construct 8 no, new pig fattening houses, a loading hay, a new machinery shed and to provide additional space for stock numbers and to comply with animal we(fare regulations, This development description differsfrom that proposed in the subject application. In view 01' the foregoing the applicant is requested to provide a chronology (~I' development undertaken on the site post 1960 and give details ofpiggery type, stock numhers and capacity relative to the chronology ofdevelopment. The applicant is requested to clar~ whether the planning application referred to in the Tankerstown Pig & Farm Enterprises Ltd IPPC License application 41 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:34 Pin Ref 12/234 (Reg P0965-01) relates to the subject planning application. In particular the applicant is requested to clarify whether the increase in pig farm capadty 10 1,000 sow places is proposed as part of the subject application. The Planning Authority advise that increase in 'placesfor sows' may give rise to the requirement jor Environmental Impact Assessment or EIA Screening The Planning Authorityfurther advise that Section 34 (12) of the Planning & Development Acts 200-2010 preclude same from considering an application for retention permission that would require, EIA, EIA Screening or Appropriate Assessment (AA). The further information submission received on the 26th September 2012 provides a chronology of development on this farm. These details provide the breakdown of stock numbers on the farm in place at 1990. The details provided show the facility accommodated 203 farrowing sow places, 500 dry sow places and 150 served gilt places in 1990. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . The Decision of the European Comt Case C5985-10 changed the definition of a sow to include served gilts, which the further information submission of 26 th September 2012 identifies gIlts numbers as ranging from 15%-25% of the sow herd. This gives rise to an increase of places for sows by 175 maximnm (501<''' herd 700 approx). The current standards for EIA for pig production facilities is set out under Schedule 5 of the 2001 Planning and Development Regulations, as amended. Item no 1 (e)(ii) of Part 2 of the fifth schedule of these regulations refers to: Co n se nt o Installations for intensive rearing of pigs not included in Part 1 of this schedule, which would have mOle than 2000 places for production pIgS (over 30kg) in a finishing unit, more than 400 places for sows in a breeding unit or lIlore than 200 places for sows man mtegrated unit. k Class 13 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, as amended, set out EIA thresholds for changes or extension to developments as follows. This threshold came into force in 1999 and is as follows: (a) Any change or extension of development which would (i) result in the development being of a class listed in Part I paragraphs 1 to 12 of Part II of this Schedule, and 0]' (ii) result in an increase in size greater than-25%, or - an amount equal to 50% of the appropriate threshold, whichever is the greater. 5 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 In the subject case and on the foot of the European Court case Case C5985-10 it appears that the places for sows numbers has increased by 175 places, from 700 in place pre 1990. This represents an increase of 25% of places for sows and exceeds 50% of the appropriate threshold for the intensive rearing of pigs, which requires EIA for more than 200 sows in an integrated unit. In order to address this and bring the places for sow numbers below the required EIA threshold to numbers that existed in 1990 prior to the introduction of thl;;' EIA Directive. The applicant has entered into an agreement with . a ~ Denis Moran to, relocate Gilts from this facility off site until they enter the farrowing house and it is proposed to maintain this ag~ement until the IP[,C License application and separate J~.!~2ng application has beel; pIOC€~.~.~~d. The ~parate planning ~ppliCation PI Ref has tJeen lodged ~ proposes to increase the capacity of this facility to a 1,000 sow integrated unit. This application is accompanied by an Environmental iLj 51) 1 Impact Statemellt. se . I consider this approach as reasonable and recommend a condition be attached that f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru this permission does not alIo...? for an increase in stock numbers from that in place jn the 1990 with places for sows numbers maintained at no greater than 700 at any given time. nt o 3. The Planning Authority advise that the proposal involves development within close proXImIty to the Rwer Aherlow WhICh IS a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Natura 2000 Site. The Planning Authority note that waters from the site drain to the Aherlow River channel. Co n se The Planning Authorihj consider that there is insufficient information in the application to allay concerns regarding potential ikleterious matterjliquid run off to the river and there is insllfficient information regarding what, if any, mitigation measures that are in place to prel'ent same occurring Accordingly the applicants are requested to arrange to submit, for the consideration of the Planning Authority, a Natura Impact Statement of the proposed development. This should be undertaken in accordance witiz 'Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland Guidance for Planning Authorities' published by the DoEHLG in December 2009. I have undertaken a screening of the proposed development for Appropriate Assessment. This examines the development proposed for retention and that proposed for permission. The screening assessment is attached as Appendix 1 and identifies impacts on the SAf are unlikel~. Therefore an Appropriate Assessment of the development is not required. - 1 note that the further information received on the 26 th September 2012 includes an ~pp~priate Assessment Screenin~ Report: I note the development description in this report does not correlate with the development as proposed. This Appropriate Assessment Screening Report relates to the development proposed under PI Ref - 61 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 12/361 and not the subject proposal. Notwithstanding I consider there is sufficient information available to inform the Appropriate Assessment Screening undertaken and attached as Appendix 1. t.-/-- 4 Please arrange to submit a revised site plan with more detailed drawings of the rainwater/storm water /clean water collection system. The pipe layouts, sizes and gradients and existing gullies should be clearly indicated. The Planning Authority consider that the area of buildings on this site is substantial and recommend that a storm water attenuation pond or tank with hydrohrake be installed on site to alleviate flood risk in the watercourse or adjoining lands. The applicant is requested to incorporate this requirement into the subject application. Water Services have examined the proposals for storm water management and attenuation and state as follows: ~e f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . proposed Attenuation is in compliance with South Tipperary County CounciI's Water Services document entitled Potable Water, Foul and Surface Water Requirements, A Design and Construction Guide for Significant Developments. It complies with the 30 year critical storm event attenuation recommended in that document. I have checked the calculations supplied for run off and attenuation. The calculatiOIl!:appear to ~ in order. ident~fied. Co n se nt o 5. ,No details r+fejjluent disposalfocilities jor staffwelfiue have been provided. Please provide details of the existing ejjluent disposal ,~ystem that facilitates the staff'and site office. The location of this system and details of percolation piping should he The site office is located within a former dwelling, I have been advised by the applicants agent has existed pre 1964 and has been used as an office since the piggery enterprise was in operation on this site which was pre 1964 ..... Wastewater from this office discharges to a 2 chamber spptic tank and percolation. A condition should apply requiring that the applicant examine the adequacy of this system relative to applicable EPA 1999 requirements. If same does not meet current EPA requirements then the applicants can be requested to upgrade same. ,_ v 6. The Planning Authority requires the following details regarding water supply: (aJ Please identify ifyou are connected to the public water mains. Please note that under permission P 3.10558 it was proposed to connecl to the puhlic mains. 71i EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 (b) {fyou are connected to the public mains, please indicate tfthis connection is for domestic or agricultural use. Please provide details of annual consumption ofpublic water supply if relevant. The further information identifies that the water supply is via a private well on site. It is unclear when this well was developed. 5. CONCLUSION: Having examined the details provided as further information and the details provided with the application and all internal reports and submission received in relation to this application I conclude that the development is acceptable for this location and in the intelests of plOpel planning and sustainable development. In the interests of clarity this permission IS for the foIIowmg Plan!ling permission for retention of the following structures: ,Building/Structure No. -- 24_?"i ~- 26 -:"0 . ~ 29 30 1-13 -21 ---------- -- T. u i 1A E_ _ _ se ... ns en _______. Co _£.0 ot to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny Dry Sow House Finishing house Stock house Silage AJ>fon 1. ...E...... _1......'T',• •,-"" Weigh bridge house Weigh bridge Pump house Boiler house he lluu~e 16 6 c-- ru _1::J ,1, . .~~,~ U. ~ ",.-,.- ,..., £.JU. F "'1 UL 284.7 sq m 371 sqm 693.63 sq m 538.93 sg m -- --- 17.64 sqm ~6.7j sq m 30.6 sq m 32.8 sqm 1~10 ~~t-'t-'~~ South weaner Extension weaner North Extension I Area . Description , \.Jl1l '---'" ~~.~ , TY1 House 133 sq m House 241.6 sq m -- --- Permission for retention also includes alterations to the site boundaries Planning permission for: ~ 2A ---------- I~6 .. ---------L I Farrowing House i Dry Sow House Rainwater attenuation system The permission also includes for the installation of a storm water attenuation system prior to discharge of storm waters off site. 81 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 No permission:::::'" is given for any i!!crease in stock I sow numbers in this piggery. c....., _________________ ._______ , Where the development requires an IPPC licence, planning authorities are, pursuant to Section 256 of the Planning & Development 2000 Act prohibited from the attachment of conditions which are for the purposes of: (a) controlling emissions from the operation of the activity, induding the prevention, limitation, elimination, abatement or reduction of those emissions, or (b) controlling emissions related to or following the cessation of the operation of the activity . As the subject proposal requires an IPPC License the control of emissions as outlined in parts a) and b) above is the responsibility of the Environmental Protection Agency. I note that an application for an IPPC License for this facility has been made to the EPA. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . 6. RECOMMENDATION: Having examined the application and its supporting drawings and documentation and having consIdered the impacts of the proposed development and the relevant policies of South Tipperary County Develo ment Plan 2009, I recommend sub·ect to at permIssion and permission for retention be nt o Granted ...... , ., . Co n se The area subject to contnbutions IS as follows: LJUlluln):;s ror retennon 1~~U.M Description BuildinJi$tructure No. Gilt house 15 Drv Sow_Hov Sf> 16 Finishing house 6 J. Ulal i\.n::a Ul 2A ("" '"IJ::: _1 L South weaner Extension North weaner Extension lIB ~1 256.7~m 284. 7 <:,' ", '--'LULl>. HUU.;:>C; ' lA 1 Area House 371 S9.. m U7,}.O-J Sl! m 133 sqm 1 -1 , House ! 241.6 sq m --~-----------, Total Area of buildings for permission=1,157.50 Buildin~Structure 2A 26 ~---- No. Description Farrowin.K House Dry Sow House Area 261.08 sq m 896.42 sq m - 91 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 Total area of buildings for agricultural use proposed (retention and permission) 3,138.13 sq m. = The South Tipperary Development Contribution Scheme states that farm improvement works necessitated out of EU Farm Environmental programmes/ directives are not subject to development contributions. As building no. 26 is to comply with animal Welfare Regulations same should not be subject to development contributions. In addition the first 600 sq m of the buildings used for agriculture is not subject to development contributions. l---- Total area of buildings for agricultural use proposed (retention and permission) = 1,641.71 sq m . Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . ." 101 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 PIn Ref 12/234 SOUTH TIPPERARY COUNTY COUNCIL Planning Section RECOMMENDATION ON PLANNING APPLICATION PI Ref 12/234 Applicant: Michael Dalton Development Address: Tankerstown, Bansha" Co Tipperary. Development: Permission for retention of the following: ot he ru se . North Weaner House Extension and South Weaner House Extension Gilt House Dry Sow House Finishing House Stock house Silage Apron Fuel bay and tanks Weight bridge and weigh bIidge house Pump House Boiler House Intake Hoppel Altered site boundaries. Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Associated site works including drainage at I at 1gen lent. Permission for following: • New Diy Sow House (Proposals are in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - as per S.1. No. 48 of 2003. • • Extension to farrowing house New storm water attenuation system. (Note: This application and proposed development will not increase the number of animals on site) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 111 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 PIn Ref 12/234 RECOMMENDATION ON APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT Having regard to: [SJ the nature and extent of the proposed development; ~ ~ ~ the intended use of the proposed development, the policies of the County Development Plan 2009 and the pattern of development in the area, it is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions set out in the attached Schedule, the proposed development; ~ would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or of property in the vicinity; [gJ would not be prejudicial to public health; [gJ would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and convenience; ~ would not impact on a Natura 2000 site. would, therefore, be In accordance WIth the proper plannIng and sustaInable develorment of the area. he ru se . I3J f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot and it is recommended that .::i.iill.r.~I·Ii!;.s. be granted to the applicant, subject to the following conditions and reasons: E nt o CONDITIONS AND REASONS Save where modifIed by the follOWIng condItions, the proposed development shall be retained, carried out and completed in accordance with the drawings and documentation submitted with the planning application on the 22 nd June 2012, as amended by revised plans and particulars received on the 26rth September 2012 and the 16th October 2012 as further information. Co n se 1. Reason: In the interest of proper planning and sustainable development. 2. Within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice, unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority, the applicant/developer shall pay to the Planning Authority a development contribution in the sum of £10,506.94 in respect of the provision of improved road infrastructure. (i) The amount of the development contribution shall be in accordance with the following class as detailed in the current South Tipperary Development Contribution Scheme: Class 6 Agriculture- in excess of 600 sq m. Rate 2012 Roads €6.40 per m2 Area sq. m 1,641.71 m2 Total €10,506.94 €10,506.94 12 I 'f.V EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 PIn Ref 12/234 Reason: As a contribution towards the cost of the provision of improved wa~er 5upply & road infrastructure in accordance with the South Tipperary Development Contribution Scheme 2011-2015 which was adopted, pursuant to Section 48 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 by resolution of South Tipperary County Council, dated 7 February 2011. Such improvements will facilitate this development. 3. IrL Within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice, unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority, a revised set of elevation drawings to a scale of 1 :200 shall be provided for the as-constructed buildings/ structures labelled as buildings/structure no.'s 15,16,24,25,28 and 31. Reason: In the interest of proper planning and sustainable development. a) Within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice, unless otherwise agreed with the Planning Authority the applicants shall engage a suitably qualified person to examine the septic tank system and determine whether same complies with the requirements of the EPA 1999 Wastewater Treatment Manuals-Treatment Systems for Small Communities, Business, Leisure Centres and Hotels. A report describing the results of the investigation shall be forwarded to the Planning Authority on completion. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . 4. Co n se nt o b) Should the existing septic tank effluent disposal system not comply with the requirements of the EPA 1999 Wastewater Ireatment Manuals-Treatment Systems for Small Communities, Business, Leisure Centres and Hotels. the applicant shall submit proposals, viz a separate planning application, for the upgrade of the effluent disposal system to EPA 1999 Wastewater Treatment Manuals-Treatment Systems for Small Communities, Business, Leisure Centres and Hotels requirements. This application shall be made within 4 weeks of the completion of the investigation report as required under condition no. 4 a), unless otherWise agreed With the Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of environmental protection and public health 5 a) TIncontaminated surface water runoff from roofs and clean paved aleas within the farmyard shall be collected separately from farmyard wastes (slurrYI silage effluent and contaminated / soiled surface water) and shall be disposed of directly in a sealed system which shall drain to a proposed surface water attenuation system. b) The surface water attenuation system shall be installed on site and the necessary pipe work shall be installed to ensure all uncontaminated surface waters are collected and drain to this attenuation system prior to discharge to a watercourse. These works shall be undertaken and completed within 12 weeks of the receipt of this notice unless otherwise agreed with Planning Authority. 13 I EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 PIn Ref 12/234 c) No contaminated surface waters, soiled waters, slurry or silage effluent or washings from the pig farm shall discharge to the surface water system or any watercourse, stream or drain. Surface water shall not be allowed flow onto the public road or adjoining properties. d) As and when required by the Planning Authority a sample of waters shall be tested and results of the test submitted to the Planning Authority. The water sample shall be taken prior to discharge from the surface water system to the watercourse. Reason: In the interest of orderly development and environmental protection. 6. This permission does not pIOvide for allY illCIease numbers above existing permitted levels. ill stocking rate OI 150"_ he ru The applicant shall ensure that all farm activities within farmyard are carried out in accordance with the recommendations set out in 51 378 of 2006, European Commumties (Good AgrIcultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2006. Storage facilities shall: • Be designed, sited, constructed, maintained and managed so as to prevent run-off or seepage, directly in indirectly, into groundwater or surface water of livestock manure, organic fertiliser, soiled water and effluellts front dUltgsteads, farmyard manure pits or silage pits • Comply with such construction specifications for those facilities as may be approved from time by time by the Mmlster for AgrICulture and Food. Co n se nt o f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot 7. se . Reason: In the interest of clarity and the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. Reason: In the interests prevention of environmental pollution and protection of waters including groundwater. 8. Farmyard wastes (slurry, silage effluent, milking parlour washings and contaminated surface water) shall be disposed of by spreading on land in accordance with 51 378 of 2006 European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2006 (or as amended) and no such spreading shall be carried out on any land that is within 50 metres of any school, hospital, church or building used for public assembly or within 30 metres of any private dwelling house (except the landowners own dwelling) save with the consent in writing of the owner and, as may be appropriate, the occupier or person in charge thereof. Reason: In the interests of orderly development, public health, the protection of the amenities of the area and the avoidance of pollution of ground or surface waters in the area. 141 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 PIn Ref 12/234 9. The transportation of farmyard wastes (slurry, silage effluent, milking parlour washings and contaminated surface water) via the public road shall be carried out in a sealed and watertight tanker/container such that no spillage of deleterious matter can occur onto the public road. Should such a spillage occur the developer shall take all necessary steps to clean same immediately. Reason: In the interest of traffic safety and public health. 10. All oxidisable and galvanised surfaces of the proposed pig sow house and extension to the farrowing house shall be painted a dark green matt colour or other dark colour approved by the Planning Authority and the surface shall be maintained in a neat, tidy and painted condition at all times. Reason: In the interest of visual amenity. f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru se . 11. All existing hedgerow boundaries to the site shall be maintained and strengthened and all other site boundaries shall be planted with a mix of deciduous shrubs suitable for hedging and common to the locality (e.g. holly, hawthorn, blackthorn, ash). A minimum of 20 deciduous trees of native (not dwarfed) speCIes shall be mcluded in the hedgerow or elsewhere in the landscaping of the site. Suggested species include ash, silver birch, oak. apple. scots pine and these shall be in excess of 3.5 metres in height when planted. The trees shall he maintained indefinitely and replaced if failure occurs. All landscaping shall take place in the first planting season following occupation of the dwelling. No leylandii cypress trees shall be permitted on thIS SIte or Its boundaries. Reason: In the interests of visual amenity. Co n se nt o 12 a) Railway Mounds and ditches to he preserved except where \.\lfitten consent of IE has been sought and received. b) No hqmd shall dIscharge or escape onto railway property. Any discharges under railway property will need agreement with IE/elE c) Services to cross railway property must be subject of wayleave with IE/cn~. d) Works on and adjacent to the railway are requued to meet the terms of the Railway Safety Act 2005. Reason: In the interests of propel planning and sustainable development. 13. The applicant shall submit a nutrient management plan by the 1st of January next, and annually thereafter, a revised Nutrient Management Plan. The NMP shall include the following minimum information: • Annual production of manure and the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the manure • Summary of the farmers receiving manure, if manure is to be exported off the applicants landholding • The NMP shall demonstrate that all lands have adequate capacity for recovery of the manure generated by the facility. 151 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 • The NMP shall maintained at the facility, and made available for inspection, if requested. Reason: In the interests of proper planning and sustainable development. 7~ 'Jonatha~~ =ning Signed' Date: ~ - l J - "J'.-,p I '- se . ____7 f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot he ru SIgned: ,-~to{o,,-- c Jim O'Maho~ey S P"iIanlyng. ::J J 1/ I / 0, Z Co n se nt o Date' 16 I EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 PIn Ref 12/234 Appropriate Assessment Screening of project proposed under Planning Ref 12/234 --------------,--------------------------,--------------------- Site Name Designation Type I Site Code Lower River Suir SAC _ 002137 f - - - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----"__'____'--=---'--_________________ Development Type Project _ ------=-----'---'''------'--'----'---'------'--------+------=--:..------------------------------------------------- ----- - Development Location Tankerstown, Bansha, Co. Tipperary. Other Natura 2000 sites within impact zone (Distance) None within impact zone. Site within drainage catchement of Lower River Suir SAC. i---'--=---'----'---~.:--=--:..~~~::..:..:..----+---'-------=---=---:.::....:..~_=____::.~~__=____'L.!::___=__:...:::..:...!...____'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Galtee Mountains SAC is within 1Skm of the site but outside the impact zone of same. ---------------+-------------------------------------------------The project provides for permission for retention of the following structures/buildings South Weaner House Extension • Gilt House • Dry Sow House • Finishing House • Stock house • Silage Apron ruel bay and tanks • Weight bridge and weigh bridge house he • se . • Pump House D;I • Intake Hopper • Altered site boundaries. • Associated site works includinll rir;:!in;:u;rp ;:!rr;:!mrpmpnt f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny • '~~'I-"V ot • _ • £'Y~J IV " £ I;>;>IV lUI • • • • :,uUl.lU,es/oullamgs New Dry Sow House (Proposals are in order to comply with animal welfare regulations _ as per ::>.1. NO. 48 ot lUU3. • Extension to farrowing house • New storm water attenuation system. I-' 1-'''' Llle IUIIUWIIIIS Co n se T. North Weaner House Extension and ru • nt o Description of the project The project is located on the site of an existing piggery that has been in place since the 1960 s. The details provided identify that elements of the project were constructed orior to the introdurtinn nf thp nirorH,o . I.;r~ 1_:::, T"':~J' '-1<::1 "_I . . > 01 ... highlighted above. The site within drainage catchement of the Suir river (SAC) and is located S8m from the Lower River Suir SAC boundary but is separated from same by a rail line. The development site has hydrological connectivity with the Suir as all roof waters and clean waters from the farm drain into a watercourse that drains into the SAC (River Aherlow) 1/2km east of the site. I L----____________L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ --------------------------------,--:------------------ Consider the potential for direct impacts on habitats Consider proposed developments within 200m of the SAC _ ---- V/N and Comment -T-~---'-'----'----------'-'-'------'------'---------'--"___'____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ + _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ________ _ 1.1 I Could the proposed project -=-__________________________ give rise to direct loss of habitats for which the '--________________________ No _ _ _ _--.J'---_ _ _ _----'--------'-_ _ _---'---_----'--_ _ 17 I EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 --T SAC is d~~ignated, or other habitats occurring within the SAC? --- ! I i , '-i."2-1 Could the proposed project give rise to increased human usage/access to the .- No I site, which could potentially cause deterioration of certain habitat types eg woodlands, wetlands or riverbanks. Consider proposals for development of a large scale within lkm of sensitive woodlands eg large scale residential II development or hotels. Consider proposals for the development of paths or cycleways along the river. I '1~3-tooes the proposed project involve development of drainage systems? If yes, could this cause drying out of wetland or woodland habitats within the SAC? I Yes project has existing drainage system that see's uncontaminated waters discharge off site. The project provides for an attenuation system that will be installed to control the volume of off site discharges. Drainage system would not cause drving: out of wetland or woodland habitats within the SAC> -- ______ ..J. Cnnc:itll:>r thp nntpnti",1 fnr ;.... .,."',.+., nn UI",tpr n1J",litv Ulithin thp c;.dC .,n, r;"orc , <i"ro.,rn., "r nr.,;nc r"nnorT;"'" Tho '0 nr"n".,on ru Thoro he lira se . Consider all proposed developments within the catchment of the SAC '---:;- 1 If yes, consider whether there is f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot development site and the SAC? "'+. 'T;~I f"r r. ,,,e+', '1'+;"" rol~+on ;rn,,~r+r "" m .~I;+. nt o I "~+,,r Co n se I --- - - - - - - - - - 2.2 ---- - - ----- 23 t-Would the proposed project result in surface water or other discharges to rivers, streams or drains directly connected to the SAC? If yes, consider whether the discharges could give rise to increased eutrophication or other pollution risk within the cSAC. Consider whether increased surface water discharge could give rise to increased risk of downstream storm water surges. Would the proposed project require an industrial waste water discharge license? If yes, consider the potential impacts of the discharge on water quality in the SAC. VA., -- ---_.- oon "",,i<;tina rir:>in:>a';;- that "~+,,rc see's ~ n;erh~r"o '0' uncontaminated ,H ciTt:> int" " watercourse that drains into the River 1\1.,,,.1,,, ICArl ro. ,-v. '" 'U'-'" '1-''''-' ~ .~ .~' '1 considered unlikely given nature and .L ;>l.",t: v' l.VI';> U' 'u • . r\ ~I-''- U'"U"~ impacts not considered likely given lid U"l.U Ild "Hid ,t:u "",t:,;> v, Iy discharge to the SAC. --- No. .._--- No. ------ Is the proposed project located within a flood zone? If yes, consider whether there is potential for construction or operational related impacts on water quality in the SAC; consider whether the proposed project increases flood risk elsewhere in the catchment and particularly the cSAC; or increases the risk of stormwater surges downstream. Are the proposals for waste water treatment in compliance with EPA requirements? ---2.5 hoo., ~ system --- ----- - 2.4 nr";OrT No. I I II II N/a --~ I ___J --- 18 I EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 I - -----_._- --- ------ -- I I 2.6 Could the proposed project contribute to cumulative negative impacts on No. water quality? Consider the current status of the freshwater system (see I ,!" . -~------.- , .. 2.7 I , - Would the proposed project involve dredging (construction or ongoing maintenance related)? - No. ----- -~- I i ~ ._----- Freshwater Pearl Mussel 3.1 Protection of this species will be achieved by the protection of water quality (see section 2 above), by the protection of river habitats (see section 1 above), and by the maintenance of free passage for fish. . .. _ - - - - - Freshwater Crayfish 3.2 Protection of this species will be achieved by the protection of river our .u 'J \J~~ J~':"V .J. auuvc/. ----- ---~--- ----- . - - -. . ----- - -_._--- - No impacts I ot he ru se . ~ ------- -- -- - No impacts -~ I ----- - -- Consider potential for impact on species , ;;>peLle;;> 3.3 I I I r ~ ... Lamprey spp. ana I waIte ~haa Protection of these species will be achieved by the protection of water qualiIY \see secIion L abOve), by tne protection of river habitats (see section 1 above), and by the maintenance of free passage for fish. No impacts Would the proposed project result in any interference with river banks within the SAC? No imoacts - - se i- utter I 3.4 fLluuifl!:J .;>Ufff/UfI, nt o r I;;> f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny .. Co n i i I 3.5 Would the proposed project result in increased levels of disturbance to the habitat of the Otter? .. No impacts f-----.!......-----. Bats 3.6 -._.. Would the proposed project involve the removal of trees, hedgerow or woodland? No impacts Does the proposed project involve the repointing of old bridges or the restoration or demolition of old buildings or other structures? No impacts r·· 3.7 ------ . _ - - - - _.. _----- _ _- - - - - L ---- - ---- Habitats Directive Screening Conclusion Statement 19 I EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 121234 Development Type Project Development Location Tankerstown, Bansha, Co. Tipperary. --1 Natura 2000 sites within impact zone i ---------li Lower River Suir SAC Description of the project The project provides for permission for retention of the following structures/buildings • North Weaner House Extension and • South Weaner House Extension • Gilt House • Dry Sow House Stock house • Silage Apron Fllel bay and tanks • Weight bridge and weigh bridge house • Pump House • Boiler House • Intake Hopper • Altered 5ite boundaries • Associated site works including drainage arrangement. ru se . • he Filiisl lilig House • f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ot • ---1 The project provides for permission for the following structures/buildings • New Dry Sow House (Proposals are in order to comply with animal welfare regulations - .as per 5.1. No. 48 • Extension to farrowing house • New storm water attenuation system. 0 nt o The project is located on the site of an existing piggery that has been in place since the 1960's. The details Co n se provided identify that elements of the project were constructed prior to the introduction of the Habitats Directive The site within drainage catchement of the Suir river (SAC) and is located S8m from the Lower River Suir SAC boundary but is separated from same by a rail line. I i The development site has hydrological connectivity with the Suir as all roof waters and clean waters from the farm drain into I a watercourse that drains into the SAC (River Aherlow) 1/2km east of the site. ~.~ _List any potential impacts on Natura 2000 sites that you have identified. Development not considered to give rise to impacts on the Lower River Suir SAC or any Natura 2000 site If there are potential impacts, explain whether you consider if these are likely to be significant Development not considered to give rise to impacts on the Lower River Suir SAC or any Natura 2000 site. Conclusion of assessment J;~!E~!~nt information provided to carry out I YIN I Yes 20 I EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 Pin Ref 12/234 screening, significant impacts are ruled out. Project may be authorised. I Sufficient information is available -t~-;~f~r~1 this screening assessment. I The screening assessment demonstrates that the development does not pose significant effects on the Lower River Suir SAC. or any Natura 2000 site. I S"ffk;en, ;nfo,m,t;on pco,;ded '0 " ' ' ' ' 0", YIN No. Insufficient information provided to complete screening. Screening Report or NIS is required, YIN No. Completed By ,/~}j11i7J,j) - - - - - - ------ --- screening, potentially significant impacts on a Natura 2000 site or sites have been identified. Project must be subject to appropriate assessment. Natura Impact Statement required. ---- -- se . ------ - , I ~ -- .. ot f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny IF n, he ru I - v ..!.-' CAV --- ~t(,'\" - l. -- _. -- -_..._-- Co n se nt o , 21 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 EPA Export 01-07-2013:23:45:35 to f c Fo op r i yr ns ig pe ht ct ow ion ne pu r r rp eq os ui es re o d nl fo y. ra ny ns en Co se ru he ot .