Parker Environmental Corporation
Parker Environmental Corporation
Parker Environmental Corporation Creative Solutions for a Complicated Environment October 28, 2010 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Central Regional Office Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Attn: Kevin Daoust 627 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts 01608 Re: Phase IV Completion Report Phase V Status Report Asa Waters Mansion 123 Elm Street Millbury, Massachusetts RTN 2-13765/2-0016809 Dear Mr. Daoust: On behalf of the Town of Millbury (Millbury), Parker Environmental Corporation (PEC) has prepared the attached Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan Completion Report including Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) Form 108, for the above referenced location. The Licensed Site Professional (LSP) is Mr. Scott Parker of Parker Environmental. The enclosed Phase IV Completion Report summarizes the installation and initial operation of the remedial system. Should you have any questions or require any further information relative to this submittal, please feel free to contact Mr. Scott Parker of Parker Environmental at 978-273-4263 at your earliest convenience. By copy of this cover letter the Millbury Board of Health and the Chief Municipal Officer of Millbury are notified of the availability of this document at the Central Regional Office of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Sincerely, PARKER ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION Scott Parker L.S.P Project Manager Cc: Scott Parker Digitally signed by Scott Parker DN: cn=Scott Parker, o=Parker Environmental Corporation, ou, [email protected], c=US Date: 2010.11.03 15:21:39 -04'00' Mr. Robert Spain, Town Manager, Town of Millbury, 127 Elm Street, Millbury 01527 Ms. Therese O’Brien, Head Clerk, Board of Health, 127 Elm Street, Millbury 01527 Ref. #sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV P.O. Box 583 Clinton, MA 01510 tel. 978-273-4263 fax 978-365-9378 Parker Environmental Corporation Creative Solutions for a Complicated Environment PHASE IV REMEDY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN COMPLETION REPORT PHASE V STATUS REPORT ASA WATERS MANSION 123 ELM STREET MILLBURY, MASSACHUSETTS MA DEP RTN 2-13765/2-0016809 Prepared For: Town of Millbury 123 Elm Street Millbury, MA 01527 (508) 865-4710 Robert Spain Prepared by: Parker Environmental Corporation 97 Walnut Street Clinton MA 01564 (978) 273-4263 Scott Parker February 2009 PEC Project No. 060902 P.O. Box 583 Clinton, MA 01510 tel. 978-273-4263 fax 978-365-9378 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL PHASE IV REMEDY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN COMPLETION REPORT ASA WATERS MANSION 123 ELM STREET MILLBURY, MASSACHUSETTS MA DEP RTN 2-13765/2-0016809 The following personnel have reviewed this report for accuracy, content and quality of presentation: Scott K. Parker, L.S.P. Senior Project Manager Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PHIV Comp 10/28/10 Date TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………………………….i BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………………………………..ii 1.0 2.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Scope of Work .................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background and Regulatory Status ..................................................................................... 1 SITE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 3.0 4.0 General Site Description ..................................................................................................... 3 SUMMARY OF REMEDY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ............................................................. 4 3.1 Target Areas for Remediation ............................................................................................. 4 3.2 Remediation System Design ............................................................................................... 4 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Remediation System Construction Management ................................................................ 6 4.1.1 Field Monitoring and Management of Excavated Soil .......................................... 6 4.1.2 Management of Remediation Waste ...................................................................... 6 4.1.3 4.2 5.0 Excavation Dewatering/Treatment ........................................................................ 7 System Start Up .................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.1 System Sampling ................................................................................................... 7 4.2.2 Monitoring Well Gauging ...................................................................................... 7 4.3 Permits and Approvals ........................................................................................................ 7 4.4 Future Activities ................................................................................................................. 8 LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 8 Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Figures Figure 1 – Site Location Plan Figure 2 – Site Plan Figure 3 – Remediation System Lay-out Figure 3 – Process and Instrumentation Diagram Appendix B - Tables Table 1 – Groundwater Gauging Data Appendix C - Laboratory Report Appendix D - Equipment Specification Sheets Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV i BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REPORTS Asa Waters Mansion 123 Elm Street Millbury, Massachusetts Date of Report February 17, 2001 February 12, 2002 RTN/Location 3-13765 2-13765 November 4, 2007 January 2, 2008 2-16809 2-16809 February 15, 2008 2-13765 February 23, 2009 2-13765 October 2010 2-13765 Title of Report Verbal Notification Phase I Initial Site Investigation & Tier Classification Report Immediate Response Action Plan Immediate Response Action Plan Addendum and Status Report Phase II Comprehensive Site Assessment Report and Phase III Remedial Action Plan Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan Phase IV Completion Report and Phase V Status Report Notes: AJS – AJS Environmental PEC – Parker Environmental Corporation Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV ii Prepared By AJS AJS PEC PEC PEC PEC PEC Asa Water Mansion 1.0 Parker Environmental Page 1 INTRODUCTION Parker Environmental Corporation (PEC) was retained by the Town of Millbury (Millbury) to prepare this Phase IV Remedy Implementation Plan Completion Report and Phase V Status Report, for the Asa Waters Mansion, located at 123 Elm Street in Millbury, Massachusetts in accordance with 310 CMR 40.0000 of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). The subject site is a former residence listed on the National and State “Registers of Historic Places” and is currently operated as a museum and function facility. Information contained on the Asa Waters Mansion website indicates the structure was constructed sometime in the mid 1820’s. Please refer to Figures 1 and 2 (Appendix A) for a depiction of the subject site and surrounding area. 1.1 Scope of Work A Phase I Preliminary Site Assessment was prepared by AJS Environmental on behalf of Millbury and submitted to the Massachusetts (MADEP) dated February 12, 2001. The MADEP date stamp indicating the date the report was received by the MADEP is February 15, 2002. Pursuant to the requirements of a Phase II Completion Report, the following activities were conducted as part of this Phase II: - Previously collected data were reviewed and compiled; - Installation of seven soil borings within the basement of the Mansion; - Installation of nine groundwater monitoring wells and two soil vapor monitoring points; - 2 groundwater sampling events were conducted; - Level 1 soil gas screening was completed; - Non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) was recovered; - A Risk Characterization was completed; and - Information from the activities listed above was compiled for presentation in this report. The objectives of the Phase II are to define the nature, extent, and magnitude of oil and/or hazardous materials (OHM) at the site, identify any “background” conditions which may exist within the subject site area, and determine what further response actions or assessment activities remain for the site. The results of previous assessment activities and response actions completed at this site have been compiled and referenced (see Bibliography of Reports) herein to meet these stated objectives. 1.2 Background and Regulatory Status RTN 2-13765 On February 17, 2001, the MADEP was notified of a release of an undetermined amount of fuel oil at the subject property. The release was identified by photoionization detector (PID) readings taken from soil Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status Asa Water Mansion Parker Environmental Page 2 samples collected during the removal of a fuel oil storage tank present within the basement of the Mansion which exhibited greater than 100 parts per million by volume (ppmv) benzene referred. A Notice of Responsibility (NOR) issued by the MADEP dated April 24, 2001 summarizes the condition associated with the notification made by the Town. In addition the NOR references that the verbal notification also included a verbally approved Immediate Response Action (IRA) which included the removal of up to 40 yards of soil from the basement of the Mansion. As part of IRA activities performed in response to the notification provided to the MADEP, soil excavation was conducted within the Mansion building. Limited documentation regarding these response actions was available for review in the MADEP file. No record of a written IRA Plan, IRA Status Report, or IRA Completion Report was contained in the MADEP file. A single report titled “Phase I Initial; Site Investigation and Tier Classification Report” was submitted and date stamped by the MADEP on February 15, 2002. Information contained within the Phase I report references the removal of 17.65 tons of soil as part of excavation activities performed in the basement of the Mansion as part of “Response Actions”. In addition to the removal of the soil, approximately 205 gallons of water was removed from the basement which was reported to have accumulated due to rain infiltration. The excavation was conducted within the basement and was reported to have been approximately 8 feet wide by 25 feet long and 2 feet deep. Assessment activities performed as part of the Phase I included the analysis of soil samples collected following the soil removal activities referenced above. In addition, soil samples were collected during attempted installation of groundwater monitoring wells outside the Mansion. According to the Phase I report, several wells were attempted to be installed however due to shallow bedrock refusal only one well was successfully installed. Only one well location was identified in the Phase I report. No groundwater samples were collected from the well following the installation as it was dry at the time of installation. A total of nine soil samples were submitted to a laboratory for analysis via EPA Method 8100 for Total Petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). In addition one water sample reported to represent water present in the excavation and analyzed via MADEP Methodology for Volatile Petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH). Documentation regarding the disposal of the soil and groundwater removed from the site was included in the Phase I Report. Soil was reported to have been transported to Aggregate Recycling under a Bill of Lading. The text of the report indicated that documentation regarding the removal of the water using a Hazardous Waste Manifest was included in Appendix B of that report; however, no documentation was included in the copy of the available report for PEC for review. RTN 2-16809 RTN 2-16809 was identified during the assessment associated with RTN 2-13765 following the installation of monitoring wells on the 123 Elm Street property. Initial gauging of wells installed on the 123 Elm street property identified as wells MW-2 and MW-4 (See Figure 2 for well locations) conducted on September 4, 2007 indicated the presence of 0.21’ and 0.03’ of NAPL respectively. Subsequent to the detection of NAPL in these wells the MADEP was verbally notified by PEC personnel and RTN 2-16809 was assigned to the condition. In addition to continued monitoring of NAPL presence, the MADEP verbally approved Immediate Response Actions consisting of continued assessment to determine the extent of NAPL as well as requiring that fingerprint analysis be conducted to aid in determining the type of NAPL present. Results of the fingerprint analysis are included in Appendix F and the results indicated the chromatographic pattern to be consistent with that of weathered #2 fuel oil. Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status Asa Water Mansion Parker Environmental Page 3 A written IRA plan was submitted to the MADEP dated November 4., 207 summarizing the manual bailing of NAPL from the two wells as well as the thickness of NAPL encountered during each gauging event. An IRA Addendum and Status report was submitted to the MADEP Dated January 8, 2008 also summarizing the status of NAPL recovery efforts. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 General Site Description The subject property is located at 123 Elm Street in Millbury, Massachusetts and is currently a registered Historical building utilized for weddings and other functions. The subject property has an area of approximately 1.38 acres. The majority of the site is grass with a small parking lot on the southeast corner of the property. The Mansion structure is located in the general center of the property. The 2.75 story building (approximately 7,972 square feet in interior size) is constructed on a stone and brick foundation with a gable roof. There are no underground storage tanks on the subject property. The building is heated with fuel oil stored within two, manifolded 275 gallon above-ground storage tanks located in the basement. The fuel oil tanks are located along the southern basement wall. Municipal water supply and sewer, as well as underground telephone and electric service utilities service the site. Municipal water service extends from School Street and enters the east side of the building. The sewer line exits the building from the east side and connects to the sewer main in Elm Street. The properties in the vicinity of the subject site are used for commercial and residential purposes. The Millbury Fire Department is located across Elm Street from the property. The U.S. Post Office is located across School Street. Residential properties are located to the south and southeast. The Millbury Town Hall is located to the south of the site. Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status Asa Water Mansion 3.0 Parker Environmental Page 4 SUMMARY OF REMEDY IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The Phase IV – Remedy Implementation Plan (Phase IV) detailed the items necessary to, and the anticipated schedule for, implementing the remedial alternatives selected for this site (soil excavation and groundwater depression for NAPL recovery) in the Phase III – RAP. The Remedy Implementation Plan (RIP) was prepared in accordance with the requirements and procedures for “Phase IV – Implementation of the Selected Remedial Action Alternative” pursuant to 310 CMR 40.870 of the MCP. 3.1 Target Areas for Remediation The target area for soil excavation is limited to a small area within the basement of the mansion. This area is identified on Figure 2 included in Appendix A. In addition to the soil excavation, groundwater recovery in the form of short duration groundwater removal events designed to induce NAPL into the well will be performed. Dissolved petroleum impact is not a target for remediation as no samples exhibited concentrations in excess of the applicable Method 1 Standard. The target area for groundwater depression and recovery consists of the area surrounding wells MW- 2 and MW-4. 3.2 Remediation System Design The active remediation technology proposed for the subject site consisted of temporary groundwater depression and NAPL recovery events. The events were to be conducted on a periodic basis. Groundwater depression was proposed to be performed using a peristaltic pump to remove water from the target well and transfer it to a drum. Groundwater would then be transferred into a temporary holding tank prior to final disposal. During water-table depression events NAPL accumulating within each of the target wells was to be manually removed and stored separately within a 55 gallon storage container. Disposal of recovered groundwater was proposed to be done through one of three methods following further feasibility evaluation: a) Water will be treated through two, 200 pound liquid phase granular activated carbon vessels (if necessary) prior to disposal through the municipal sanitary sewer system, or; Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status Asa Water Mansion Parker Environmental Page 5 b) Water will be treated through two, 200 pound liquid phase granular activated carbon vessels (if necessary) prior to disposal through re-injection into monitoring well MW-3, or; c) Following a period of accumulation the water will be removed from the site and disposed of by a licensed disposal contractor. 4.0 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION The remedial system construction is summarized as follows, and had limited changes from the plan submitted in the Phase IV RIP. Groundwater is recovered from well MW-2 using a top-loading, pneumatic total fluids pump. The pump was set at the bottom of well MW-2 and connected to ¼ inch diameter air supply tubing which is connected to a 6 gallon, oil-less air compressor located in the system enclosure (See Appendix B - Figure 3 Remediation System Lay-out). The pump was also connected to ½ inch diameter tubing which conveys the recovered fluids to the oil water separator. All tubing is laid across the top of the ground and run across the lawn back to the equipment enclosure. The remaining components of the system can be seen on the system lay-out schematic as Figure 3 in Appendix B. A Process and Instrumentation Diagram is also included as Figure 4. An 8’ x 8’ system enclosure consisting of 6 foot high stockade fencing was constructed west of the Mansion garage. See Figure 2 - Site Plan in Appendix A for approximate enclosure location. Within the system enclosure the system components were set-up. These components consist of the following: • Oil/water separator; • 275 gallon water storage tank; • NAPL Storage container and secondary containment; • air compressor; • transfer pump; • 2, 200 pound liquid phase granular activate carbon vessels; • Normally open and Normally closed, float activated level control switches; • Flow meter; • Sample ports. The oil-water separator is set on a table constructed of cinder blocks and plywood. ¾ inch tubing connects the O/W separator to a 275 gallon poly storage tank. A second ¾ inch tube connects the oil skimming Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status Asa Water Mansion Parker Environmental Page 6 component of the O/W separator to the NAPL storage container. The water storage tank is equipped with two level controls. A high water shut-off which deactivates the air compressor in the event that the transfer tank overfills. The high water shut-off is connected through the electrical cord to the air compressor. In the event of a high water condition, the air compressor will be de-activated and the system will no longer operate. A second float controls the transfer pump, activating and deactivating the transfer pump based on water level. The level control turns on the transfer pump on a high water condition and shuts off the pump on a low water condition. Water is conveyed from the transfer tank, through two LGAC vessels, through a flow meter and subsequently through a hose over the ground surface and is discharged into well MW-3. System components connecting the treatment system to the extraction well and the discharge well are set up and taken down according to the events schedule of the Mansion. Manufacturer’s specification sheets for the equipment components are maintained on site. Copies of these are included in Appendix D. 4.1 Remediation System Construction Management 4.1.1 Field Monitoring and Management of Excavated Soil No excavation was conducted for construction of the remedial system. In the event soil excavation is performed in the basement of the Mansion, the management and disposal of the soil will be documented in a Phase V Status Report. 4.1.2 Management of Remediation Waste Remediation waste generated during the course of implementing the RIP and continued operation of the system is managed in the following manner: Groundwater: Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status Asa Water Mansion Parker Environmental Page 7 Recovered groundwater water is transferred through the oil water separator and subsequently into the 275 gallon storage tank. Groundwater water is then pumped through two, 55 gallon, 200 pound liquid phase granular activated carbon treatment vessels prior to discharge on-site to monitoring well MW-1. Soil: No waste soil was generated during the course of implementing the RIP. NAPL: Recovered NAPL is currently stored in a 5 gallon plastic bucket inside a 55 gallon steel drum. The storage drum will be evacuated of recovered product on an as needed basis. The storage container is labeled with a sign reading “WASTE OIL”. 4.1.3 Excavation Dewatering/Treatment No excavation was conducted during the course of implementing the RIP. 4.2 System Start Up The following Table summarizes the start-up and continued operation of the. 4.2.1 System Sampling Samples were collected from the influent to the first LGAC vessel and the effluent from the second LGAC vessel on September 29, 2010. These samples were analyzed for volatile and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons via MADEP methodology. A copy of the laboratory report is included in Appendix C. As can be seen from this report, no target analytes were reported in the effluent from the treatment system. 4.2.2 Monitoring Well Gauging Wells MW-2 and MW-4 were gauged for depth to water and thickness of NAPL on several occasions. A summary of the gauging events is included in Table 2 included in Appendix B. 4.3 Permits and Approvals No Permits were obtained during the course of installation of the remedial system. Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status Asa Water Mansion 4.4 Parker Environmental Page 8 Future Activities The system was not designed or installed as a weather–proof, winterized system. As such it will be operated only until the weather conditions allow for operation without the potential for freezing. The system will be re-activated in the Spring. Pending Town budget availability, additional equipment may be included in the operation of the system in order to allow for simultaneous pumping of well MW-4. In accordance with 310 CMR 40.0870, Semi-annual, Phase V Status reports will be submitted to the MADEP. 5.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared in accordance with standards of environmental engineering and geologic practices generally accepted in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the time of this investigation. This investigation, as conducted by PEC and others, was conducted for the purpose of evaluating subsurface environmental conditions with respect to soil, groundwater, surface water, and soil vapor in the vicinity of the site. Evaluation of the geologic and environmental conditions at the site for the purposes of the investigation was made from the stated number of data collection points. Subsurface conditions may vary both away from the data points available and over time. Ref. # sparker/projectfiles/060902/Final documents/PhIV Comp/Ph V Status APPENDIX A Figures APPENDIX B Tables Table 1 System Operation Summary Asa Waters Mansion Millbury MA Date Time on Time off Gallons pumped Flow Meter reading Total gallons recovered 5/27/10 15:30 18:00 5 NA 5 5/28/10 08:30 13:30 15 NA 20 6/2/10 10:00 20:00 90 NA 110 6/3/10 08:30 16:30 70 NA 180 6/15/10 08:30 17:30 165 NA 345 6/16/10 10:15 16:00 80 70 425 6/21/10 08:30 17:00 40 110 465 8/12/10* 10:00 12:00 2 112 467 8/31/10 09:45 Left on 40 150 505 9/1/10 ON Left on NA 220 575 9/2/10 ON 14:15 NA 255 605 9/7/10 08:30 Left on NA 255 605 9/9/10 ON Left on NA 530 880 9/10/10 ON 10:30 NA 620 970 9/28/10 09:45 Left on NA 620 970 9/29/10** ON Left on NA 710 1060 10/01/10 ON 11:30 NA 940 1290 10/12/10 08:00 Left on NA 940 1290 10/14/10 ON 12:30 NA 1270 1620 * System unable to run due to leaking LGAC ** System samples collected from Influent to LAC 1 and from effluent from LGAC 2 TABLE 2 Monitoring Well Gauging Data Summary Asa Water Mansion 123 Elm Street Millbury, Massachusetts Well Identification Date MW-1 9/6/07 9/21/07 4/17/2009 9/4/07 9/6/2007* 9/21/07 9/28/07 10/5/07 10/12/07 10/18/07 11/2/07 11/16/07 11/30/07 2/15/2008 5/16/2008 2/28/2010 6/17/2008 4/17/2009 5/27/2010 8/12/2010 8/31/2010 9/7/2010 9/6/07 9/21/07 4/17/2009 9/4/07 9/6/2007* 9/21/07 9/28/07 10/5/07 10/12/07 10/18/07 11/2/07 11/16/07 11/30/07 2/15/08 5/16/08 6/17/08 4/17/2009 2/28/2010 8/12/2010 8/31/2010 9/7/2010 10/12/2010 9/6/07 9/21/07 4/17/2009 9/6/07 9/21/07 4/17/2009 9/20/07 4/17/2009 9/21/07 4/17/2009 9/21/07 4/17/2009 4/17/2009 4/17/2009 4/17/2009 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-9 MW-10 MW-11 MW-12 Notes: Well Casing Elevation Depth to NAPL Depth to Water (feet) 104.33 104.33 104.33 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.68 102.79 102.79 102.79 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 100.91 99.11 99.11 99.11 100.09 100.09 100.09 98.49 98.49 97.96 97.96 100.11 100.11 104.31 104.13 102.86 (feet) ND ND ND 14.79 ND 14.37 15.12 15.66 16.12 16.21 14.30 14.30 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 15.15 ND ND ND ND NG 12.46 ND 12.37 12.82 13.32 13.78 13.88 12.89 12.05 ND ND ND ND ND 8.16 12.88 12.80 13.00 11.13 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND (feet) 15.42 14.71 5.51 15.00 14.99 14.70 15.59 16.02 16.36 16.36 14.32 14.32 11.10 4.88 9.76 10.11 11.39 9.13 10.00 15.40 14.96 15.35 13.63 14.02 NG 12.49 12.64 12.54 13.08 13.49 13.89 13.89 12.97 12.06 12.51 3.70 7.48 9.89 6.93 8.34 13.35 13.14 13.42 11.50 11.36 11.82 6.12 13.95 14.02 8.75 11.86 7.75 11.24 5.97 12.48 7.12 11.86 11.24 12.48 NAPL Thickness Measured Correction Groundwater Elevation (feet) n/a n/a (feet) n/a n/a (feet) 88.91 89.62 0.21 n/a 0.33 0.47 0.36 0.24 0.15 0.02 0.02 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.25 ND ND n/a n/a n/a 0.03 n/a 0.17 0.26 0.17 0.11 0.01 0.08 0.01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.18 0.47 0.34 0.42 0.37 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.16 n/a 0.25 0.36 0.27 0.18 0.11 0.02 0.02 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.02 n/a 0.13 0.20 0.13 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.14 0.36 0.26 0.32 0.28 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 87.84 87.69 88.23 87.45 86.93 86.50 86.43 88.38 88.38 91.58 97.80 92.92 92.57 91.29 93.55 92.68 87.47 87.72 87.33 89.16 88.77 NG 88.44 88.27 88.50 88.03 87.55 87.10 87.03 88.00 88.86 88.40 97.21 93.43 91.02 93.98 92.71 87.92 88.03 87.81 89.69 87.75 87.29 92.99 86.14 86.07 91.34 86.63 90.74 86.72 91.99 87.63 92.99 92.45 92.89 90.38 Approximate Volume of NAPL Recovered (ozs) Cumulative NAPL Recovered (ozs) NA NA NA NA 4 4 6 7 6 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA 1 1 3 3 4 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4 8 14 21 27 31 35 39 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 NA NA NA 1 2 5 8 12 15 18 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Well Casing Elevation - Elevation of top of well casing (or other suitable reference point) as surveyed on September 6, 2007 using standard rodand-level method against local benchmark with assumed elevation of 100.00 feet NAPL - Non-aqueous phase liquid (corrected value reflects an assumed 0.76 specific gravity for NAPL) ND - not detected/not observed n/a - not applicable * - NAPL was not detected with the Electronic interface probe during gauging, however NAPL was present within the bailer APPENDIX C Laboratory Report Serial_No:10061016:39 ANALYTICAL REPORT Lab Number: Client: L1015173 Parker Environmental PO Box 583 97 Walnut Street Clinton, MA 01510 ATTN: Scott Parker Phone: (978) 273-4263 Project Name: ASA WATERS Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 Certifications & Approvals: MA (M-MA086), NY NELAC (11148), CT (PH-0574), NH (2003), NJ (MA935), RI (LAO00065), ME (MA0086), PA (Registration #68-03671), USDA (Permit #S-72578), US Army Corps of Engineers, Naval FESC. Eight Walkup Drive, Westborough, MA 01581-1019 508-898-9220 (Fax) 508-898-9193 800-624-9220 - Page 1 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: ASA WATERS Not Specified L1015173 10/06/10 Alpha Sample ID Client ID Sample Location L1015173-01 INFLUENT MILLBURY 09/29/10 08:00 L1015173-02 EFFLUENT MILLBURY 09/29/10 08:05 Page 2 of 26 Collection Date/Time Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Project Number: Not Specified Lab Number: L1015173 Report Date: 10/06/10 MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification This form provides certifications for all samples performed by MCP methods. Please refer to the Sample Results and Container Information sections of this report for specification of MCP methods used for each analysis. The following questions pertain only to MCP Analytical Methods. An affirmative response to questions A through F is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status A Were all samples received in a condition consistent with those described on the Chain-ofCustody, properly preserved (including temperature) in the field or laboratory, and prepared/analyzed within method holding times? YES B Were the analytical method(s) and all associated QC requirements specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) followed? YES C Were all required corrective actions and analytical response actions specified in the selected CAM protocol(s) implemented for all identified performance standard non-conformances? YES D Does the laboratory report comply with all the reporting requirements specified in CAM VII A, "Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of Analytical Data?" YES E a. VPH, EPH, and APH Methods only: Was each method conducted without significant modification(s)? (Refer to the individual method(s) for a list of significant modifications). YES E b. APH and TO-15 Methods only: Was the complete analyte list reported for each method? N/A F Were all applicable CAM protocol QC and performance standard non-conformances identified and evaluated in a laboratory narrative (including all "No" responses to Questions A through E)? YES A response to questions G, H and I is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status G Were the reporting limits at or below all CAM reporting limits specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? NO H Were all QC performance standards specified in the CAM protocol(s) achieved? NO I Were results reported for the complete analyte list specified in the selected CAM protocol(s)? YES For any questions answered "No", please refer to the case narrative section on the following page(s). Please note that sample matrix information is located in the Sample Results section of this report. Page 3 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: Project Number: Lab Number: Report Date: ASA WATERS Not Specified L1015173 10/06/10 Case Narrative The samples were received in accordance with the Chain of Custody and no significant deviations were encountered during the preparation or analysis unless otherwise noted. Sample Receipt, Container Information, and the Chain of Custody are located at the back of the report. Results contained within this report relate only to the samples submitted under this Alpha Lab Number and meet all of the requirements of NELAC, for all NELAC accredited parameters. The data presented in this report is organized by parameter (i.e. VOC, SVOC, etc.). Sample specific Quality Control data (i.e. Surrogate Spike Recovery) is reported at the end of the target analyte list for each individual sample, followed by the Laboratory Batch Quality Control at the end of each parameter. If a sample was re-analyzed or re-extracted due to a required quality control corrective action and if both sets of data are reported, the Laboratory ID of the re-analysis or re-extraction is designated with an "R" or "RE", respectively. When multiple Batch Quality Control elements are reported (e.g. more than one LCS), the associated samples for each element are noted in the grey shaded header line of each data table. Any Laboratory Batch, Sample Specific % recovery or RPD value that is outside the listed Acceptance Criteria is bolded in the report. Definitions of all data qualifiers and acronyms used in this report are provided in the Glossary located at the back of the report. Please see the associated ADEx data file for a comparison of laboratory reporting limits that were achieved with the regulatory Numerical Standards requested on the Chain of Custody. For additional information, please contact Client Services at 800-624-9220. MCP Related Narratives EPH In reference to question G: One or more of the target analytes did not achieve the requested CAM reporting limits. In reference to question H: The WG435718-3 LCSD recovery, associated with L1015173-01 and -02, was outside the acceptance criteria for Decane (C10) (39%); however, the target carbon ranges and analytes were within method criteria. The results of the original analysis are reported. The WG435718-2/-3 LCS/LCSD RPDs, associated with L1015173-01 and -02, are above the acceptance criteria for Naphthalene (28%) and 2-Methylnaphthalene (26%); however, the individual LCS/LCSD recoveries are within method limits. I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief and based upon my personal inquiry of those responsible for providing the information contained in this analytical report, such information is accurate and complete. This certificate of analysis is not complete unless this page accompanies any and all pages of this report. Authorized Signature: Title: Technical Director/Representative Page 4 of 26 Date: 10/06/10 Serial_No:10061016:39 ORGANICS Page 5 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Page 6 of 26 F Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location: Matrix: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: L1015173-01 INFLUENT MILLBURY Water 100,VPH-04-1.1 10/01/10 01:38 GK 09/29/10 08:00 09/29/10 Not Specified Quality Control Information Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Aqueous Preservative: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container Received on Ice Sample Temperature upon receipt: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab C5-C8 Aliphatics ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C9-C12 Aliphatics ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C9-C10 Aromatics ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C5-C8 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C9-C12 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 Benzene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 Toluene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 p/m-Xylene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 o-Xylene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 Methyl tert butyl ether ND ug/l 3.00 -- 1 Naphthalene ND ug/l 4.00 -- 1 Surrogate Page 7 of 26 % Recovery Qualifier Acceptance Criteria 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 80 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 79 70-130 F Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location: Matrix: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: Extraction Method: Extraction Date: Cleanup Method1: Cleanup Date1: L1015173-01 INFLUENT MILLBURY Water 98,EPH-04-1.1 10/06/10 02:11 MW 09/29/10 08:00 09/29/10 Not Specified EPA 3510C 10/05/10 03:02 EPH-04-1 10/06/10 Quality Control Information Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Aqueous Preservative: Sample Temperature upon receipt: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container Received on Ice Sample Extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor ND ug/l 100 -- 1 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100 -- 1 C11-C22 Aromatics 121 ug/l 100 -- 1 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted 121 ug/l 100 -- 1 Naphthalene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Acenaphthylene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Acenaphthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Fluorene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Chrysene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab C9-C18 Aliphatics Page 8 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location: L1015173-01 INFLUENT MILLBURY Parameter Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: Result Qualifier Units RL Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab Surrogate Page 9 of 26 % Recovery Qualifier Acceptance Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 63 40-140 o-Terphenyl 112 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 89 40-140 09/29/10 08:00 09/29/10 Not Specified MDL Dilution Factor F Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location: Matrix: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: L1015173-02 EFFLUENT MILLBURY Water 100,VPH-04-1.1 10/01/10 00:47 GK 09/29/10 08:05 09/29/10 Not Specified Quality Control Information Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Aqueous Preservative: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container Received on Ice Sample Temperature upon receipt: Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab C5-C8 Aliphatics ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C9-C12 Aliphatics ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C9-C10 Aromatics ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C5-C8 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 C9-C12 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 50.0 -- 1 Benzene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 Toluene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 Ethylbenzene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 p/m-Xylene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 o-Xylene ND ug/l 2.00 -- 1 Methyl tert butyl ether ND ug/l 3.00 -- 1 Naphthalene ND ug/l 4.00 -- 1 Surrogate Page 10 of 26 % Recovery Qualifier Acceptance Criteria 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 73 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 74 70-130 F Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location: Matrix: Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: Extraction Method: Extraction Date: Cleanup Method1: Cleanup Date1: L1015173-02 EFFLUENT MILLBURY Water 98,EPH-04-1.1 10/06/10 01:24 MW 09/29/10 08:05 09/29/10 Not Specified EPA 3510C 10/05/10 03:02 EPH-04-1 10/06/10 Quality Control Information Condition of sample received: Satisfactory Aqueous Preservative: Sample Temperature upon receipt: Laboratory Provided Preserved Container Received on Ice Sample Extraction method: Extracted Per the Method Parameter Result Qualifier Units RL MDL Dilution Factor Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100 -- 1 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100 -- 1 C11-C22 Aromatics ND ug/l 100 -- 1 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 100 -- 1 Naphthalene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Acenaphthylene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Acenaphthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Fluorene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Phenanthrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Chrysene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 1 Page 11 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 SAMPLE RESULTS Lab ID: Client ID: Sample Location: L1015173-02 EFFLUENT MILLBURY Parameter Date Collected: Date Received: Field Prep: Result Qualifier Units RL Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab Surrogate Page 12 of 26 % Recovery Qualifier Acceptance Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 64 40-140 o-Terphenyl 84 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 72 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 72 40-140 09/29/10 08:05 09/29/10 Not Specified MDL Dilution Factor Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: 100,VPH-04-1.1 09/30/10 10:48 GK Parameter Result Qualifier Units Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02 MDL Batch: WG434852-3 C5-C8 Aliphatics ND ug/l 50.0 -- C9-C12 Aliphatics ND ug/l 50.0 --- C9-C10 Aromatics ND ug/l 50.0 C5-C8 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 50.0 -- C9-C12 Aliphatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 50.0 -- Benzene ND ug/l 2.00 -- Toluene ND ug/l 2.00 -- Ethylbenzene ND ug/l 2.00 -- p/m-Xylene ND ug/l 2.00 --- o-Xylene ND ug/l 2.00 Methyl tert butyl ether ND ug/l 3.00 -- Naphthalene ND ug/l 4.00 -- Surrogate Page 13 of 26 RL %Recovery Qualifier Acceptance Criteria 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 92 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 91 70-130 Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 Method Blank Analysis Batch Quality Control Analytical Method: Analytical Date: Analyst: 98,EPH-04-1.1 10/06/10 02:58 MW Parameter Extraction Method: Extraction Date: Cleanup Method1: Cleanup Date1: Result Qualifier Units RL Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab for sample(s): 01-02 Page 14 of 26 MDL Batch: WG435718-1 C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100 -- C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ug/l 100 --- C11-C22 Aromatics ND ug/l 100 C11-C22 Aromatics, Adjusted ND ug/l 100 -- Naphthalene ND ug/l 10.0 -- 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Acenaphthylene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Acenaphthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Fluorene ND ug/l 10.0 --- Phenanthrene ND ug/l 10.0 Anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Benzo(a)anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Chrysene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 --- Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ug/l 10.0 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Benzo(ghi)perylene ND ug/l 10.0 -- Surrogate %Recovery Qualifier Acceptance Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 59 40-140 o-Terphenyl 92 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 76 40-140 EPA 3510C 10/05/10 03:02 EPH-04-1 10/06/10 Serial_No:10061016:39 Lab Control Sample Analysis Project Name: ASA WATERS Project Number: Not Specified Parameter Batch Quality Control LCS %Recovery Qual LCSD %Recovery Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Qual %Recovery Limits Lab Number: L1015173 Report Date: 10/06/10 RPD Qual RPD Limits Batch: WG434852-1 WG434852-2 C5-C8 Aliphatics 95 92 70-130 4 25 C9-C12 Aliphatics 109 106 70-130 3 25 C9-C10 Aromatics 101 96 70-130 5 25 Benzene 105 99 70-130 6 25 Toluene 106 101 70-130 5 25 Ethylbenzene 99 100 70-130 1 25 p/m-Xylene 106 99 70-130 7 25 o-Xylene 101 97 70-130 4 25 Methyl tert butyl ether 88 87 70-130 1 25 Naphthalene 83 82 70-130 1 25 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 99 95 70-130 4 25 Pentane 90 85 70-130 5 25 2-Methylpentane 95 91 70-130 4 25 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 98 95 70-130 4 25 n-Nonane 102 99 30-130 3 25 n-Decane 114 111 70-130 3 25 n-Butylcyclohexane 105 102 70-130 3 25 Page 15 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Lab Control Sample Analysis Project Name: ASA WATERS Project Number: Not Specified Batch Quality Control LCS %Recovery Parameter Qual LCSD %Recovery Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 LCS %Recovery Surrogate Qual L1015173 Report Date: 10/06/10 %Recovery Limits RPD Qual RPD Limits Batch: WG434852-1 WG434852-2 LCSD %Recovery Qual Lab Number: Qual Acceptance Criteria 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 94 91 70-130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 92 91 70-130 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Batch: WG435718-2 WG435718-3 C9-C18 Aliphatics 61 55 40-140 10 25 C19-C36 Aliphatics 86 74 40-140 15 25 C11-C22 Aromatics 93 118 40-140 24 25 Naphthalene 74 98 40-140 28 Q 25 2-Methylnaphthalene 83 108 40-140 26 Q 25 Acenaphthylene 90 113 40-140 23 25 Acenaphthene 86 109 40-140 24 25 Fluorene 86 107 40-140 22 25 Phenanthrene 93 111 40-140 18 25 Page 16 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Lab Control Sample Analysis Project Name: ASA WATERS Project Number: Not Specified Parameter Batch Quality Control LCS %Recovery Qual LCSD %Recovery Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Qual %Recovery Limits Lab Number: L1015173 Report Date: 10/06/10 RPD Qual RPD Limits Batch: WG435718-2 WG435718-3 Anthracene 86 102 40-140 17 25 Fluoranthene 88 104 40-140 17 25 Pyrene 89 104 40-140 16 25 Benzo(a)anthracene 84 98 40-140 15 25 Chrysene 86 99 40-140 14 25 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 83 95 40-140 13 25 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 83 97 40-140 16 25 Benzo(a)pyrene 81 93 40-140 14 25 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene 83 96 40-140 15 25 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 81 93 40-140 14 25 Benzo(ghi)perylene 81 94 40-140 15 25 Nonane (C9) 36 31 30-140 15 25 Decane (C10) 45 39 40-140 14 25 Dodecane (C12) 62 58 40-140 7 25 Tetradecane (C14) 76 71 40-140 7 25 Hexadecane (C16) 81 74 40-140 9 25 Octadecane (C18) 86 76 40-140 12 25 Nonadecane (C19) 87 76 40-140 13 25 Eicosane (C20) 87 75 40-140 15 25 Docosane (C22) 87 75 40-140 15 25 Tetracosane (C24) 89 76 40-140 16 25 Page 17 of 26 Q Serial_No:10061016:39 Lab Control Sample Analysis Project Name: ASA WATERS Project Number: Not Specified Batch Quality Control LCS %Recovery Parameter Qual LCSD %Recovery Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Westborough Lab Associated sample(s): 01-02 Qual Lab Number: L1015173 Report Date: 10/06/10 %Recovery Limits RPD Qual RPD Limits Batch: WG435718-2 WG435718-3 Hexacosane (C26) 88 76 40-140 15 25 Octacosane (C28) 87 75 40-140 15 25 Triacontane (C30) 90 77 40-140 16 25 Hexatriacontane (C36) 86 73 40-140 16 25 Surrogate Page 18 of 26 LCS %Recovery Qual LCSD %Recovery Qual Acceptance Criteria Chloro-Octadecane 73 53 40-140 o-Terphenyl 101 118 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 86 97 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 84 96 40-140 % Naphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 % 2-Methylnaphthalene Breakthrough 0 0 Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: Lab Number: L1015173 Report Date: 10/06/10 ASA WATERS Project Number: Not Specified Sample Receipt and Container Information YES Were project specific reporting limits specified? Reagent H2O Preserved Vials Frozen on: NA Cooler Information Custody Seal Cooler A Absent Container Information Temp deg C Pres Seal Container ID Container Type Cooler pH L1015173-01A Vial HCl preserved A N/A 4 Y Absent VPH-DELUX-10(14) L1015173-01B Vial HCl preserved A N/A 4 Y Absent VPH-DELUX-10(14) L1015173-01C Amber 1000ml HCl preserved A <2 4 Y Absent EPH-DELUX-10(14) L1015173-01D Amber 1000ml HCl preserved A <2 4 Y Absent EPH-DELUX-10(14) L1015173-02A Vial HCl preserved A N/A 4 Y Absent VPH-DELUX-10(14) L1015173-02B Vial HCl preserved A N/A 4 Y Absent VPH-DELUX-10(14) L1015173-02C Amber 1000ml HCl preserved A <2 4 Y Absent EPH-DELUX-10(14) L1015173-02D Amber 1000ml HCl preserved A <2 4 Y Absent EPH-DELUX-10(14) *Values in parentheses indicate holding time in days Page 19 of 26 Analysis(*) Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: Project Number: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 GLOSSARY Acronyms EPA LCS LCSD MDL MS MSD NA NC NI RL RPD - Environmental Protection Agency. - Laboratory Control Sample: A sample matrix, free from the analytes of interest, spiked with verified known amounts of analytes or a material containing known and verified amounts of analytes. - Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate: Refer to LCS. - Method Detection Limit: This value represents the level to which target analyte concentrations are reported as estimated values, when those target analyte concentrations are quantified below the reporting limit (RL). The MDL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. - Matrix Spike Sample: A sample prepared by adding a known mass of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate of target analyte concentration is available. - Matrix Spike Sample Duplicate: Refer to MS. - Not Applicable. - Not Calculated: Term is utilized when one or more of the results utilized in the calculation are non-detect at the parameter's reporting unit. - Not Ignitable. - Reporting Limit: The value at which an instrument can accurately measure an analyte at a specific concentration. The RL includes any adjustments from dilutions, concentrations or moisture content, where applicable. - Relative Percent Difference: The results from matrix and/or matrix spike duplicates are primarily designed to assess the precision of analytical results in a given matrix and are expressed as relative percent difference (RPD). Values which are less than five times the reporting limit for any individual parameter are evaluated by utilizing the absolute difference between the values; although the RPD value will be provided in the report. Terms Analytical Method: Both the document from which the method originates and the analytical reference method. (Example: EPA 8260B is shown as 1,8260B.) The codes for the reference method documents are provided in the References section of the Addendum. Data Qualifiers A B D E H I P Q R - Spectra identified as "Aldol Condensation Product". - The analyte was detected above the reporting limit in the associated method blank. Flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than five times (5x) the concentration found in the blank. For MCP-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank. For DOD-related projects, flag only applies to associated field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte at less than ten times (10x) the concentration found in the blank AND the analyte was detected above one-half the reporting limit (or above the reporting limit for common lab contaminants) in the associated method blank. - Concentration of analyte was quantified from diluted analysis. Flag only applies to field samples that have detectable concentrations of the analyte. - Concentration of analyte exceeds the range of the calibration curve and/or linear range of the instrument. - The analysis of pH was performed beyond the regulatory-required holding time of 15 minutes from the time of sample collection. - The RPD between the results for the two columns exceeds the method-specified criteria; however, the lower value has been reported due to obvious interference. - The RPD between the results for the two columns exceeds the method-specified criteria. - The quality control sample exceeds the associated acceptance criteria. Note: This flag is not applicable for matrix spike recoveries when the sample concentration is greater than 4x the spike added or for batch duplicate RPD when the sample concentrations are less than 5x the RL. (Metals only.) - Analytical results are from sample re-analysis. Report Format: Page 20 of 26 Data Usability Report Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: Project Number: ASA WATERS Lab Number: L1015173 Not Specified Report Date: 10/06/10 Data Qualifiers RE -Analytical results are from sample re-extraction. J ND - Estimated - Not value. This represents an estimated concentration for Tentatively Identified Compounds (TICs). detected at the reporting limit (RL) for the sample. Report Format: Page 21 of 26 Data Usability Report Serial_No:10061016:39 Project Name: ASA WATERS Lab Number: Project Number: Not Specified Report Date: L1015173 10/06/10 REFERENCES 98 100 Method for the Determination of Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH), MassDEP, May 2004, Revision 1.1 with QC Requirements & Performance Standards for the Analysis of EPH under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, WSC-CAM-IVB, July 2010. Method for the Determination of Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH), MassDEP, May 2004, Revision 1.1 with QC Requirements & Performance Standards for the Analysis of VPH under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, WSC-CAM-IVA, July 2010. LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES Alpha Analytical performs services with reasonable care and diligence normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical shall be to re-perform the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical be held liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages, including but not limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of, information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical. We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding time and splitting of samples in the field. Page 22 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Certificate/Approval Program Summary Last revised July 19, 2010 - Westboro Facility The following list includes only those analytes/methods for which certification/approval is currently held. For a complete listing of analytes for the referenced methods, please contact your Alpha Customer Service Representative. Connecticut Department of Public Health Certificate/Lab ID: PH-0574. NELAP Accredited Solid Waste/Soil. Drinking Water (Inorganic Parameters: Color, pH, Turbidity, Conductivity, Alkalinity, Chloride, Free Residual Chlorine, Fluoride, Calcium Hardness, Sulfate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Potassium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Thallium, Vanadium, Zinc, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Organic Carbon, Total Cyanide, Perchlorate. Organic Parameters: Volatile Organics 524.2, Total Trihalomethanes 524.2, 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP), Ethylene Dibromide (EDB), 1,4-Dioxane (Mod 8270). Microbiology Parameters: Total Coliform-MF mEndo (SM9222B), Total Coliform – Colilert (SM9223 P/A), E. Coli. – Colilert (SM9223 P/A), HPC – Pour Plate (SM9215B), Fecal Coliform – MF m-FC (SM9222D)) Wastewater/Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: Color, pH, Conductivity, Acidity, Alkalinity, Chloride, Total Residual Chlorine, Fluoride, Total Hardness, Silica, Sulfate, Sulfide, Ammonia, Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Nitrate, Nitrite, OPhosphate, Total Phosphorus, Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Potassium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Thallium, Tin, Titanium, Vanadium, Zinc, Total Residue (Solids), Total Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids (non-filterable), BOD, CBOD, COD, TOC, Total Cyanide, Phenolics, Foaming Agents (MBAS), Bromide, Oil and Grease. Organic Parameters: PCBs, Organochlorine Pesticides, Technical Chlordane, Toxaphene, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, 2,4,5-TP(Silvex), Acid Extractables (Phenols), Benzidines, Phthalate Esters, Nitrosamines, Nitroaromatics & Isophorone, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Haloethers, Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Volatile Organics, TPH (HEM/SGT), Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (ETPH), MA-EPH, MA-VPH. Microbiology Parameters: Total Coliform – MF mEndo (SM9222B), Total Coliform – MTF (SM9221B), HPC – Pour Plate (SM9215B), Fecal Coliform – MF m-FC (SM9222D), Fecal Coliform – A-1 Broth (SM9221E).) Solid Waste/Soil (Inorganic Parameters: pH, Sulfide, Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Potassium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Thallium, Tin, Vanadium, Zinc, Total Cyanide, Ignitability, Phenolics, Corrosivity, TCLP Leach (1311), SPLP Leach (1312 metals only), Reactivity. Organic Parameters: PCBs, PCBs in Oil, Organochlorine Pesticides, Technical Chlordane, Toxaphene, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (ETPH), MA-EPH, MA-VPH, Dicamba, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, 2,4,5-TP(Silvex), Volatile Organics, Acid Extractables (Phenols), 3.3’-Dichlorobenzidine, Phthalates, Nitrosamines, Nitroaromatics & Cyclic Ketones, PAHs, Haloethers, Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. ) Maine Department of Human Services Certificate/Lab ID: 2009024. Drinking Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM9215B, 9222D, 9223B, EPA 180.1, 300.0, 353.2, SM2130B, 2320B, 4500ClD, 4500CN-C, 4500CN-E, 4500F-C, 4500H+B, 4500NO3-F, EPA 200.7, EPA 200.8, 245.1, EPA 300.0. Organic Parameters: 504.1, 524.2.) Wastewater/Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 120.1, 1664A, 350.1, 351.1, 353.2, 410.4, 420.1, Lachat 10-107-06-1-B, SM2320B, 2340B, 2510B, 2540C, 2540D, 426C, 4500Cl-D, 4500Cl-E, 4500CN-C, 4500CN-E, 4500F-B, 4500F-C, 4500H+B, 4500Norg-B, 4500Norg-C, 4500NH3-B, 4500NH3-G, 4500NH3-H, 4500NO3-F, 4500P-B.5, 4500PE, 5210B, 5220D, 5310C, EPA 200.7, 200.8, 245.1. Organic Parameters: 608, 624, ME DRO, ME GRO, MA EPH, MA VPH.) Solid Waste/Soil (Organic Parameters: ME DRO, ME GRO, MA EPH, MA VPH.) Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Certificate/Lab ID: M-MA086. Drinking Water Inorganic Parameters: (EPA 200.8 for: Sb,As,Ba,Be,Cd,Cr,Cu,Pb,Ni,Se,Tl) (EPA 200.7 for: Ba,Be,Ca,Cd,Cr,Cu,Na,Ni) 245.1, (300.0 for: Nitrate-N, Fluoride, Sulfate) 353.2 for: Nitrate-N, Nitrite-N; SM4500NO3-F, 4500F-C, 4500CN-CE, EPA 180.1, SM2130B, SM4500Cl-D, 2320B, SM2540C, SM4500H-B. Organic Parameters: (EPA 524.2 for: Trihalomethanes, Volatile Organics) (504.1 for: 1,2-Dibromoethane, 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane), 314.0, 332. Microbiology Parameters: SM9215B; ENZ. SUB. SM9223; MF-SM9222D Non-Potable Water Inorganic Parameters:, (EPA 200.8 for: Al,Sb,As,Be,Cd,Cr,Cu,Pb,Mn,Ni,Se,Ag,Tl,Zn) (EPA 200.7 for: Al,Sb,As,Be,Cd,Cr,Co,Cu,Fe,Pb,Mn,Mo,Ni,Se,Ag,Sr,Ti,Tl, V,Zn,Ca,Mg,Na,K) 245.1, SM4500H,B, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, 2540C, 2540B, 2340B, 2320B, 4500CL-E, 4500F-BC, 426C, SM4500NH3BH, (EPA 350.1 for: Ammonia-N), LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B for Ammonia-N, SM4500NO3-F, 353.2 for Nitrate-N, SM4500NH3-B,C-Titr, SM4500NH3-BC-NES, EPA 351.1, SM4500P-E, 4500P-B,E, 5220D, EPA 410.4, SM 5210B, 5310C, 4500CL-D, EPA 1664, SM14 510AC, EPA 420, SM4500-CN-CE, SM2540D. Organic Parameters: (EPA 624 for Volatile Halocarbons, Volatile Aromatics) Page 23 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 (608 for: Chlordane, Aldrin, Dieldrin, DDD, DDE, DDT, Heptachlor, Heptachlor Epoxide, PCBs-Water), EPA 625 for SVOC Acid Extractables and SVOC Base/Neutral Extractables, 600/4-81-045-PCB-Oil New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Certificate/Lab ID: 200307. NELAP Accredited. Drinking Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM6215B, 9222B, 9223B Colilert, EPA 200.7, 200.8, 245.2, 120.1, 300.0, 314.0, SM4500CN-E, 4500H+B, 4500NO3-F, 2320B, 2510B, 2540C, 4500F-C, 5310C, 2120B, EPA 331.0. Organic Parameters: 504.1, 524.2, SM6251B.) Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM9222D, 9221B, 9222B, 9221E-EC, EPA 200.7, 200.8, 245.1, 245.2, SW846 6010B, 6020, 7196A, 7470A, SM3500-CR-D, EPA 120.1, 300.0, 350.1, 351.1, 353.2, 420.1, 1664A, SW-846 9010, 9030, 9040B, SM426C, SM2310B, 2540B, 2540D, 4500H+B, 4500NH3-H, 4500NH3-E, 4500NO2-B, 4500P-E, 4500-S2D, 5210B, 2320B, 2540C, 4500F-C, 5310C, 5540C, LACHAT 10-117-07-1-B, LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B, LACHAT 10-10704-1-C, LACHAT 10-107-04-1-J, LACHAT 10-117-07-1-A, SM4500CL-E, LACHAT 10-204-00-1-A, LACHAT 10-107-062-D. Organic Parameters: SW-846 3005A, 3015A, 3510C, 5030B, 8021B, 8260B, 8270C, 8330, EPA 624, 625, 608, SW-846 8082, 8081A.) Solid & Chemical Materials (Inorganic Parameters: SW-846 6010B, 7196A, 7471A,,, 1010, 1030, 9010, 9012A, 9014, 9030B, 9040, 9045C, 9050C, 1311, 3005A, 3050B, 3051A. Organic Parameters: SW-846 3540C, 3545, 3580A, 5030B, 5035, 8021B, 8260B, 8270C, 8330, 8151A, 8082, 8081A.) New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Certificate/Lab ID: MA935. NELAP Accredited. Drinking Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM9222B, 9221E, 9223B, 9215B, 4500NO3-F, 4500F-C, EPA 300.0, 200.7, 2540C, 2320B, 314.0, SM2120B, 2510B, 5310C, SM4500H-B, EPA 200.8, 245.2. Organic Parameters: 504.1, SM6251B, 524.2.) Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM5210B, EPA 410.4, SM5220D, 4500Cl-D, EPA 300.0, SM2120B, SM4500F-BC, EPA 200.7, 351.1, LACHAT 10-107-06-2-D, EPA 353.2, SM4500NO3-F, 4500NO2-B, EPA 1664A, SM5310B, C or D, 4500-PE, EPA 420.1, SM4500P-B5+E, 2540B, 2540C, 2540D, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, SM15 426C, SM9221CE, 9222D, 9221B, 9222B, 9215B, 2310B, 2320B, 4500NH3-H, 4500-S D, EPA 350.1, SM5210B, SW-846 3015, 6020, 7470A, 5540C, 4500H-B, EPA 200.8, SM3500Cr-D, EPA 245.1, 245.2, SW-846 9040B, 3005A, EPA 6010B, 7196A, SW-846 9010B, 9030B. Organic Parameters: SW-846 8260B, 8270C, 3510C, EPA 608, 624, 625, SW-846 5030B, 8021B, 8081A, 8082, 8151A, 8330, NJ OQA-QAM-025 Rev.7.) Solid & Chemical Materials (Inorganic Parameters: SW-846 9040B, 3005A, 6010B, 7196A, 5030B, 9010B, 9030B, 1030, 1311, 3050B, 3051, 7471A, 9014, 9012A, 9045C, 9050A, 9065. Organic Parameters: SW-846 8021B, 8081A, 8082, 8151A, 8330, 8260B, 8270C, 1311, 1312, 3540C, 3545, 3550B, 3580A, 5035L, 5035H, NJ OQA-QAM-025 Rev.7.) New York Department of Health Certificate/Lab ID: 11148. NELAP Accredited. Drinking Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM9223B, 9222B, 9215B, EPA 200.8, 200.7, 245.2, SM5310C, EPA 314.0, 332.0, SM2320B, EPA 300.0, SM2120B, 4500CN-E, 4500F-C, 4500H-B, 4500NO3-F, 2540C, EPA 120.1, SM 2510B. Organic Parameters: EPA 524.2, 504.1.) Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM9221E, 9222D, 9221B, 9222B, 9215B, 5210B, EPA 410.4, SM5220D, 2310B-4a, 2320B, EPA 200.7, 300.0, LACHAT 10-117-07-1A or B, SM4500Cl-E, 4500F-C, SM15 426C, EPA 350.1, LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B, SM4500NH3-H, EPA 351.1, LACHAT 10-107-06-2, EPA 353.2, LACHAT 10-107-041-C, SM4500-NO3-F, 4500-NO2-B, 4500P-E, 2540C, 2540B, 2540D, EPA 200.8, EPA 6010B, 6020, EPA 7196A, S\M3500Cr-D, EPA 245.1, 245.2, 7470A, SM2120B, SM4500-CN-E LACHAT 10-204-00-1-A, EPA 9040B, SM4500-HB, EPA 1664A, SM5310C, EPA 420.1, SM14 510C, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, SM4500S-D, SM5540C, EPA 3005A, 3015. Organic Parameters: EPA 624, 8260B, 8270C, 625, 608, 8081A, 8151A, 8330, 8082, EPA 3510C, 5030B, 9010B, 9030B.) Solid & Hazardous Waste (Inorganic Parameters: 1010, 1030, SW-846 Ch 7 Sec 7.3, EPA 6010B, 7196A, 7471A, 9012A, 9014, 9040B, 9045C, 9065, 9050, EPA 1311, 1312, 3005A, 3050B, 9010B, 9030B. Organic Parameters: EPA 8260B, 8270C, 8081A, 8151A, 8330, 8082, 3540C, 3545, 3546, 3580, 5030B, 5035.) North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources Certificate/Lab ID : 666. Organic Parameters: MA-EPH, MA-VPH. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Certificate/Lab ID : 68-03671. NELAP Accredited. Non-Potable Water (Organic Parameters: EPA 3510C, 5030B, 625, 624. 608, 8081A, 8082, 8151A, 8260B, 8270C, 8330) Solid & Hazardous Waste (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 1010, 1030, 1311, 3050B, 3051, 6010B, EPA, EPA, 7196A, 7471A, 9010B, 9012A, 9014, 9040B, 9045C, 9050, 9065. Organic Parameters: 3540C, 3545, 3580A, 5035, 8021B, 8081A, 8082, 8151A, 8260B, 8270C, 8330) Rhode Island Department of Health Certificate/Lab ID: LAO00065. NELAP Accredited via NY-DOH. Refer to MA-DEP Certificate for Potable and Non-Potable Water. Refer to NY-DOH Certificate for Potable and Non-Potable Water. Page 24 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Texas Commisson on Environmental Quality Certificate/Lab ID: T104704476-09-1. NELAP Accredited. Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 120.1, 1664, 200.7, 200.8, 245.1, 245.2, 300.0, 350.1, 351.1, 353.2, 376.2, 410.4, 420.1, 6010, 6020, 7196, 7470, 9040, SM 2120B, 2310B, 2320B, 2510B, 2540B, 2540C, 2540D, 426C, 4500CL-E, 4500CN-E, 4500F-C, 4500H+B, 4500NH3-H, 4500NO2B, 4500P-E, 4500 S2¯D, 510C, 5210B, 5220D, 5310C, 5540C. Organic Parameters: EPA 608, 624, 625, 8081, 8082, 8151, 8260, 8270, 8330.) Solid & Hazardous Waste (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 1311, 1312, 9012, 9014, 9040, 9045, 9050, 9065.) Department of Defense Certificate/Lab ID: L2217. Drinking Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM 4500H-B. Organic Parameters: EPA 524.2, 504.1.) Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 200.7, 200.8, 6010B, 6020, 245.1, 245.2, 7470A, 9040B, 300.0, 9251, 9038, 350.1, 353.2, 351.1, 120.1, 9050A , 410.4, 9060, 1664, 420.1, LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B, SM 4500CN-E, 4500H-B, 4500CL-E, 4500F-BC, 4500SO4-E, 426C, 4500NH3-B, 4500NH3-H, 4500NO3-F, 4500NO2-B, 4500Norg-C, 4500PE, 2510B, 5540C, 5220D, 5310C, 2540B, 2540C, 2540D, 510C, 4500S2-AD, 3005A, 3015, 9010B, 9030B. Organic Parameters: EPA 8260B, 8270C, 8330, 625, 8082, 8151A, 8081A, 3510C, 5030B, MassDEP EPH, MassDEP VPH.) Solid & Hazardous Waste (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 200.7, 6010B, 7471A, 9040B, 9045C, 9065, 420.1, 9012A, 6860, 1311, 1312, 3050B, 9030B, 3051, 9010B, 3540C, SM 510ABC, 4500CN-CE, 2540G, SW-846 7.3, Organic Parameters: EPA 8260B, 8270C, 8330, 8082, 8081A, 8151A, 3545, 3546, 3580, 5035, MassDEP EPH, MassDEP VPH.) Analytes Not Accredited by NELAP Certification is not available by NELAP for the following analytes: EPA 8260B: Freon-113, 1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene, 4-Ethyltoluene. EPA 8330A: PETN, Picric Acid, Nitroglycerine, 2,6-DANT, 2,4-DANT. EPA 8270C: Methyl naphthalene, Dimethyl naphthalene, Total Methylnapthalenes, Total Dimethylnaphthalenes, 1,4-Diphenylhydrazine (Azobenzene). EPA 625: 4-Chloroaniline. EPA 350.1 for Ammonia in a Soil matrix. Page 25 of 26 Serial_No:10061016:39 Page 26 of 26 APPENDIX D Equipment Specification Sheets AP2T AutoPump® Top Inlet, Long Description Max. Flow 1.9 gpm (7.2 lpm) O.D. 1.75 in (4.45 cm) Length 57 in. (144 cm) Advantages 1. The original 2” automatic airpowered well pump, proven worldwide over 15 years 2. The industry leader in reliability, durability, flow rate and depth capability in an automatic pump for 2-inch wells 3. Handles solids, hyrocarbons, solvents, corrosive conditions, viscous fluids and land fill liquids 4. One-year warranty 62 The AP2 Top Inlet Long AutoPump provides maximum capabilities and flow in a top inlet pump for 2” (50 mm) diameter wells requiring an elevated inlet, such as pumping total fluids from wells contaminated with LNAPLs. It is offered in optional versions to handle even severe remediation and landfill pumping applications, and delivers flow rates up to 1.9 gpm (7.2 lpm). The AP2 Long Bottom Inlet AutoPump is complemented by the most comprehensive selection of accessories to provide a complete system to meet site specific requirements. Call QED for prompt, no-obligation assistance on your pumping project needs. The AutoPump Heritage The AP2 Top Inlet Long AutoPump is part of the famous AutoPump family of original automatic air-powered pumps, developed in the mid 1980s specifically to handle unique pumping needs at remediation and landfill sites. Over the years they’ve proven their durability at thousands of sites worldwide. AutoPumps are designed to handle difficult pumping challenges that other pumps can’t, such as solvents, suspended solids, corrosives, temperature extremes, viscous fluids and frequent start/stop cycles. Beyond just the pump, AutoPump systems offer the most complete range of tubing, hose, connectors, caps and accessories to help your installation go smoothly. This superior pumping heritage, application experience and support back up every AutoPump you put to work on your project. AutoPump® AP2T Top Inlet, Long Pump Dimensions Specifications & Operating Requirements Liquid Discharge Inlet Exhaust Min. Liquid Density Standard Construction Materials1 Pump Body Pump Ends Internal Components Tube & Hose Fittings Fitting Type Actuation Level 52" (132 cm) Length to Top of Fittings 57" (144 cm) Air Supply Model Liquid Inlet Location OD Length Overall (pump & fittings) Weight Max. Flow Rate Pump Volume / Cycle Max. Depth Air Pressure Range Min. Actuation Level Air Usage Tube & Hose Options Tubing Material Sizes2 - Liquid Discharge Pump Air Supply Air Exhaust Hose Material Sizes - Liquid Discharge Pump Air Supply Air Exhaust 1 2 Material upgrages available Applies to QED supplied tubing; other tubing sources may not conform to QED fittings. 2" - Long AP2 Top Inlet Top 1.75 in. (4.45 cm) 57 in. (144 cm) 7.8 lbs. (3.6 kg) 1.9 gpm (7.2 lpm) - See Flow Rate Chart 0.14 - 0.17 gal (0.53 - 0.64l) 300 ft (91.4 m) 5 - 130 psi (0.4 - 9.2 kg/cm2) 52 in. (132 cm) 0.38 -1.57 scf / gal.(2.8 - 11.7 liter of air / fluid liter) - See Air Usage Chart 0.7 SpG (0.7 g/cm3) Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel, Viton, PVDF3 Brass or Stainless Steel Barbs or Quick Connects Nylon 5/8 in. (16 mm) OD 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) OD 1/2 in. (13 mm) OD Nitrile 1/2 in. (13 mm) ID 1/4 in (6.4 mm) ID 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) ID 3 PVDF - Polyvinylidene Fluoride O.D. 1.75" (4.45 cm) Application Limits (base model) Base model AP2 AutoPumps are designed to handle the application ranges described below. For applications outside this range, consult QED about AP2 upgrades. AP-2 AutoPumps are warranted for one (1) year: 100% materials and workmanship. Maximum Temperature: 150°F (65°C) pH Range: 4-9 Solvents and Fuels: diesel, gasoline, JP1-JP6, #2 heating oils, BTEX, MTBE, landfill liquids 63 P.O. Box 3726 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3726 USA 1.800.624.2026 F 1.734.995.1170 [email protected] AP2T AutoPump® Top Inlet, Long Flow Rates1 1/2 inch (13 mm) Inside Diameter Discharge Hose (Equivalent to 5/8-Inch O.D. Tubing) 6-INCH (15 cm) SUBMERGENCE OF PUMP HEAD 4 15.1 APPROXIMATE GALLONS 3 PER 11.4 AIR INLET PRESSURES LITERS MINUTE PER WITH MINUTE 2 1/2-INCH 7.6 WITH 13 mm I.D. HOSE 100 PSI 7 Kg/cm 2 1 0 70 PSI 40 PSI 5 Kg/cm 2 3 Kg/cm 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 FT. 6.1 12.2 18.3 24.4 30.5 36.6 42.7 48.8 54.9 61 Meters 2 FT. (60 cm) 15.1 APPROXIMATE GALLONS 3 AIR INLET PRESSURES 11.4 PER WITH MINUTE 2 7.6 100 PSI 7 Kg/cm 2 1 I.D. HOSE 3.8 40 PSI 3 Kg/cm 2 0 0 70 PSI 5 Kg/cm 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 FT. 6.1 12.2 18.3 24.4 30.5 36.6 42.7 48.8 54.9 61 Meters 10 FT. (300 cm) DEPTH IN WELL SUBMERGENCE OF PUMP HEAD 4 15.1 APPROXIMATE GALLONS PER WITH 13 mm I.D. HOSE 3 AIR INLET PRESSURES 11.4 LITERS MINUTE PER WITH MINUTE 1/2-INCH 2 7.6 100 PSI 7 Kg/cm 2 I.D. HOSE 1 40 PSI 3 Kg/cm 2 0 0 64 LITERS MINUTE 1/2-INCH 1 DEPTH IN WELL SUBMERGENCE OF PUMP HEAD 4 PER I.D. HOSE 3.8 WITH 13 mm 3.8 I.D. HOSE 70 PSI 5 Kg/cm 2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 FT. 6.1 12.2 18.3 24.4 30.5 36.6 42.7 48.8 54.9 61 Meters FLOW RATES MAY VARY WITH SITE CONDITIONS. CALL QED FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. DEPTH IN WELL AutoPump® AP2T Top Inlet, Long Air Consumption 1.6 12 1.5 11.2 1.4 10.5 100 PSI 7 Kg/cm 2 1.3 STANDARD CUBIC FEET OF AIR PER GALLON PUMPED (SCF/GAL) 9.7 1.2 9.0 1.1 8.2 APPROXIMATE STANDARD 7.5 LITER OF AIR PER 6.7 LITER PUMPED (STD L/LITER) 70 PSI 5 Kg/cm 2 1.0 .9 .8 6.0 .7 5.2 .6 4.5 40 PSI 3 Kg/cm 2 .5 3.7 .4 3.0 .3 2.2 .2 20 6.1 40 12.2 60 18.3 80 24.4 1/2 inch (13 mm) Inside Diameter Discharge Hose (Equivalent to 5/8-Inch O.D. Tubing) 100 30.5 120 36.6 140 42.7 160 48.8 180 54.9 1.5 200 FT. 61 Meters DEPTH IN WELL 65 P.O. Box 3726 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3726 USA 1.800.624.2026 F 1.734.995.1170 [email protected]
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