

I'm the incarnation of rage.
Cut me, and we’ll fight.
Lead me into a trap, and I’ll crush your neck with
my boot heel.
Betray me, and I'll pile the heads of your kinsmen
at the foot of your grave.
Hide from me, and I'll tear apart the mountains to
find you.
Fight me, and you will die with honor.
-- Thoro “Great Oak” Blood Crest
In Brief
Gorebeards live and die by their lust for battle.
Savages in combat, Gorebeards unnerve the most
hardened of warriors. Masters of combat, they favor
weapons that draw the most blood from the enemy.
Thick-bladed swords and axes commonly fill their
armories. Of all the bearded folk, Gorebeards fight
longer than any other on the battlefield. Blunt,
rash, and prone to violence, Gorebeards enjoy
friendly fights at the bar — usually since they start
them. They love the thrill of the hunt and prefer
pursuing dangerous creatures that other races
consider monsters.
Gorebeards’ long red beards, sometimes braided with bits of bone, partially conceal their scarred faces. Some
dye their beards red if needed. Countless fights leave every Gorebeard calloused and hardened. Sometimes
gray tattoos mark accomplishments such as their first kill. Their clothing consists of furs, leathers and metal.
In warmer climates they favor thinner hides and cottons, but armor is almost always a component in some
form or fashion, even if it is only a war belt or helmet. Females wear braids which are dyed red or they weave
ribbons, red hide, or coarse red material into their braids. This is sometimes mixed with red gems or bones
dyed red.
Gorebeards believe in complete honesty, perhaps
sometimes to a fault. Therefore Gorebeards tend to
make poor politicians as they speak their mind and do
not sugarcoat their words. A Gorebeard must be able to
trust his comrades while in battle. Any Gorebeard
caught lying receives a public flogging, is marked, and
has the words of his betrayal put on public display. The
punishment does not change in severity no matter what
manner of betrayal. The reaction of the Gorebeard
community is the only measure of such a crime.
Sometimes the village forgets about the crime and only
the guilty suffer. Other times, the community never
forgets and that Gorebeard is cast out of bearded folk
society forever.
Raised as fighters from birth, warriors are held in the
high regard in the Gorebeard society. The least
respected are those who choose not to fight at all in any
capacity. The race sees this as complete and total
disrespect, as if a brother turned their back on the clan.
Those predisposed to magic are usually battle mages or
custos. Those injured in battle, or otherwise too infirm
for battle still contribute to the effort as blacksmiths,
armorers, crafters of all items for war, workers in hospitals, trainers, or others in their best support of battle
efforts. These professions are not normally looked upon with great respect for those that choose the life
outright. Wounded veterans and the aged who choose to contribute in such fashion are indeed respected,
however. Gorebeards almost always carry a blade of some kind on their person if only to deliver a killing
stroke upon those have defeated. Magic casters, rogues, warriors, and custos are all respected equally among
the Gorebeards as long as battle and combat are their focus. Gorebeards respect all who know their role in a
battle and fulfill it to perfection.
The strong lead the clans. If someone is weak or is viewed as such, they will always be commanded on how to
run their own life and may be cast aside. If a person is strong, they will be revered by the other clan members
and can become the leader of the clan.
If a Gorebeard’s death comes in battle, they are viewed as a martyr of the race. A Gorebeard is bred to fight
from the time of birth and dying in battle is the most glorious honor bestowed upon them. Death from old
age rarely occurs, but it is revered when it does. When a Gorebeard reaches old age, he's considered to have a
true Gorebeard's spirit. The Gorebeards believe that an Eternal Forge sits at the center of the earth. It
reincarnates them upon death into in a new body—one to be prepared for war.
Views on Magic
The elders train and keep the magics of the clan. If a Gorebeard is dispositioned towards magic they are given
to the elders to train as a mage. However, the warriors of the clans are not fools and tend not to pick on those
who are to become mages. They know well the powers of magic.
The massive caves of Mount Blood Crest are the Gorebeards’ home. These large caverns contain underground
springs giving the Gorebeards almost everything they need to survive. With the help of the Ukronos, the
stone walls and passageways are carved and made safe to live in.
Revered Places
The Pillars Of Ages
Three large columns of stone standing 6 feet tall
bear runes many ages old. The columns protrude
from the ground in a hidden chamber deep within
the Gorebeards’ home. These stones hold and store
the history of their people. Rumors say a secret
word will allow the columns to answer any question
asked of them. The Ukronos gave the knowledge of
the stone pillars to the Gorebeards many years ago.
Parents of both genders stand side by side in the
rearing of the children, the father teaches the
children to ignore pain in the heat of battle.
Wedding ceremonies for the most part are
straightforward. As a showing of strength, one of
the lovers will kill a fearsome animal for the
celebratory feast; sometimes the happy couple takes
on the hunt together as a practice of unity. The
engagement thereafter is relatively short. The
wedding ceremony will be in the tradition of hand
binding and both partners will get a tattoo unique
to each of them. The tattoo shows others who they belong to. It is not uncommon for the happy couple to
duel each other during the wedding ceremony as a display for guests. The elders believe unity in a marriage is
directly reflected on the battlefield. When there is disunity in the home, it is a distraction on the battlefield.
Gorebeard couples therefore tend to be deal with any disagreement directly and quickly rather than let the
issue fester.
When traveling in the outer world, all Gorebeards bear the surname BloodCrest. They see one another as
equal among family. Last names mean little—strength is what separates them from one another.
The elders speak of the Shepherd of the Eternal Forge who made the first Gorebeards. The Shepherd carved
them from steel and shaped them with fire. Then he breathed life into his children. He gave them the secrets
of the forge. He showed them the art of wielding steel for protection and freedom.
“Glory in battle will be your way back to me. I will be on the fields of battle with you. I will be the steel of
your blade. When the fight is done and you lay there broken, I will take you and reforge your soul to fight
once more.” It is in his honor that the Gorebeards call there clan leader “Shepherd.”
Children of the Filth
Gorebeards are looked over for imperfections when they are born. Most all the elders are looking for signs of
the “Filth." The Filth is a sickness that is found only in children and adolescents. Once the child is found to
be infected, they are mercifully killed for there is no cure that is known. This disease leads to malformed
bodies and minds. Sometimes the sickness doesn't manifest itself until the teen years. It begins with an
unexplained fever lasting more than four days, followed by boils and swelling in parts of the body. Lastly, the
mind goes, making them act like rabid dogs. Some have escaped into the darkness of the forest and formed
crazed packs of mad Gorebeards that terrorize the areas surrounding the forests and mountains.
Styrax of Thorn Tine
Gorebeards have been fighting the Styrax of Thorn Tine Forest for generations. Once the Styrax was one of
the Entgrown race, but now they are a darker version of their former selves. They have succumbed to infernal
temptations. Now they stand as a shadow of their former selves: their skin is a deep green and red. Slime
covered weeping vines fall about their faces and arms. Two piercing yellow orbs for eyes glow beneath their
sopping wet hair. Their stare takes even bravest person’s breath from their body. Every few years the willowers
plant a seed known as the brood seed. This seed gives birth to a Styrax Witch.
Styrax Witch
Revered as a queen to the Styrax, she sprouts from the earth as a being of pure evil. With the voice of a
banshee, she wails and gathers all of her children to her side. They plant their roots into the ground around
her. With their gnarled roots entwined, she gives her children strength and the ability to think and see as one.
The Gorebeards do not know the Witch's ultimate plan, but they do know the Witch will target them and
send the Styrax to attack.
People of Note
Fannar ''The Brave'' BloodCrest - The Elders tell of a Gorebeard that defied the Infernal forces and refused to
lay down his weapon and submit to their will. Atop the crest of Blood Mountain, he and his clan took a final
stand in the name of freedom and drove the infernal forces back away from their rocky home. Fannar took up
his axe and faced a circle of the dreaded Red Archers. While they feathered him repeatedly with arrows, he
took their heads one at a time. He later died from his wounds; his clan thereafter was known as the
BloodCrest Clan. To this day, archery is not especially popular as a weapon choice among the Gorebeards.
Thoro “Great Oak” Blood Crest - Great Oak was a giant among dwarves. Despite being the same height, his
personality was huge. His outspoken opinions and great leadership skills drew many to his side and ideas,
Thoro rose quickly to the rank of ''Shepherd'' of the clan, the primary protector and battle leader of the
people. It is said that Great Oak killed the second Styrax Witch by tearing it apart piece by piece with his own
hands before he was killed. Thoro stood seven feet (unusually tall for a Gorebeard) tall and personally
defeated the great Manyon Treesplitter. Manyon was a troll who had killed many with his club, Phyrgruck.
This club was a petrified tree that was 10 feet long and heavier than an ox. He would clear the trees before
him as he chased down his prey. Thoro lured Manyon onto a felled tree over a large gulch. Once on the
bridge, Thoro took his mighty axe, Flame’s Friend and split the bridge and watched as Manyon fell to his
Talia “The Reveler” BloodCrest - Talia was an infamous hero among her people. She was a mage who saved
hundreds of her kin in battle. Despite her healing abilities, she still bore a great polearm called “Ripper."
Whenever she got the chance, she used Ripper to validate its name. She killed just as many enemies as allies
she saved. She represents the true Gorebeard spirit which is most at home when joining in battle.
Adigor “The Deceiver”- Adigor “The Deceiver” is known as the betrayer of the race. He and those who
followed with him willingly took the power of the infernal and became the Mordax. No one in the clan will
say for sure what the Mordax look like other then they are abominations of nature. When Fannar “The
Brave” lay out his plans to free himself and his people from the Empire, Adigor and his people told Fannar
that they would stand with them as long as the glory of it all would be his. This did not sit well with the
elders. They refused to let this happen. With Adigor’s pride hurt, the traitor sold out his own kin in exchange
for power and everlasting life. Many Gorebeards died unnecessarily as they made their escape from the
Empire. Adigor was captured some months later. Have committed such a heinous betrayal, he was punished
by a public flogging, removal of his left hand, and marked upon his forehead with the bent arrow of betrayal.
He was chained to a great rock and left to die of his wounds.
Fjorkella “Dead Eye” was Adigor’s consort, but quickly filled the void once Adigor was captured. She grew to
be ten times more dangerous and feared in half the time. She led many raiding parties against her kin and
took many heads to avenge her fallen lover. She wielded a jagged axe and dull dagger and called nobody her
The Seared were a group of Emberheart who hunted Gorebeards for sport. They deemed these bearded folks
as the fiercest of opponents. These Emberheart bore bloody red beards as trophies and consist of untold
numbers as they tend to travel in smaller groups. They are dangerous as their trades and are always ready to
take any number of Gorebeards.
Relics of Note
Shepherd's Fang
This axe has been passed from Shepherd to Shepherd for ages, it is said that the axe was from a stone that fell
from the sky one night, and unsure of the metal the Gorebeards saw it as a sign from the Shepherd, the
Eternal Forge himself. It glowed a deep blue and seemed to cut clean though even the strongest of Styrax.
Blood Soaker
Polearm found in the deep blood ponds beneath Mount Blood Crest. The waters of these ponds flow red
from nearby mineral deposits, but the iron in the water provides a blood-like odor throughout the cave. A
polearm was found at the bottom of one pond when Morgasha Blood Crest dove to the bottom on a dare.
She surfaced holding the haft above her head. Gorebeard histories said they could not find any record of this
magnificent weapon, but it does bear a striking semblance to the Sanguine Judge. That is a weapon legendary
not for the acts of any one wielder, but for the qualities of all alike. The Sanguine Judge is rumored to
dominate its wielder and guide their hand to kill friend and foe alike to sate its hunger. This foul weapon is
rumored to have been locked away by the Alizarins so none may fall victim to its evil will ever again.
When a Shepherd has been killed or prepares to step down because of age, those who wish to be considered
for the role of Shepherd are gathered in a massive pit within the caves. There they fight one another for the
opportunity to become the next Shepherd. Whoever wins gains the respect and honor of the clan and is
trained by the others that came before him.
The Clan is an army unto itself. Children are taught from birth to ignore pain and welcome a glorious death
in battle. It's because of this that the Gorebeards are hard to kill. They will continue fighting long after others
would have died from blood loss.
Gorebeards respect those that can fight and hold their own within battle, male or female, melee fighter or
Among all the races of the world, they mistrust the Entgrown most for the Entgrown resemble Styrax and
therefore the Gorebeards are never at ease around them.
The Ukronos have been long time allies to the clan. There is never a time when the true children of stone are
not welcome in a Gorebeard settlement. Trade is a large part of their relationship. In fact, the Ukronos supply
most of the stone and ore for the clan's weapons.
Racial Advantages and Disadvantages:
Recover from Fear x 1 per combat
+20 Body
Shield skill costs double