March Stratford Family


March Stratford Family
Issue 4 – March 2005
It continues to be a busy and successful year. We have much to celebrate about the accomplishments of
our students and faculty. I hope that our Stratford Family Online has helped you to stay abreast of things
at Stratford this year.
There is still much to come over the next two months; but even as we prepare to tackle the remainder of
the school year with the renewed energy created by a spring break, we are looking ahead to the summer
and next school year.
To help you in your planning, the key dates for the 2005-06 are outlined below.
August 17
First Day of School
September 5
Labor Day (No School)
October 10
Faculty Workday (No School)
November 7
GISA Conference (No School)
November 21–25
Thanksgiving Holidays
December 16
Last Day before Winter Holidays
January 2
Faculty Workday (No School)
January 3
First Day of Second Semester
January 16
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (No School)
February 20
President’s Day Holiday (No School)
March 27–31
Spring Break
May 26
Last Day of School
May 27
In addition, a summary of Stratford’s Summer Program offerings follows. Please note that we will be
offering ASAP (extended day care) during the summer months in response to requests by many
families. You may want to consider some combination of summer programs and ASAP for your children.
A comprehensive description of summer offerings will be sent home in the next few days and will be
available on the web site after spring break.
Stratford Athletic Camps
Girls Fastpitch Softball
May 30-June 3 • 9:00-11:00
Current Grades 2-7 . . . . $75
May 30-June 3 • 1:00-3:00
Current Grades 3-8 . . . .$75
Girls Basketball
June 6-10 • 12:30-3:30
Current Grades 3-7 . . . .$90
June 6-10 • 12:30-2:30
Current 2nd Grade . . . . $60
Boys Basketball
June 6-10 • 9:00-12:00
Current Grades 3-8 . . . .$90
Boys/Girls Soccer
June 13-17 • 9:00-1:00
Ages 9-16 . . . . . . . . . $110
Advanced Sessions
June 14,15 • 5:30-7:30
Ages 11-16 . .$20 per session
Youth Sports
June 20-24 • 9:00-3:00
Current Grades Pre-K - 3
August 1-5 • 9:00-12:00
Current Pre-K - 4th . . . . $90
Stratford Preschool and
Lower School Enrichment
Pre-K, K, and Rising 1st
Out in Space
– July 11-15 . . . . . . . . . $90
Stories Good Enough to Eat
– July 18-22 . . . . . . . . . $90
Rumble in the Jungle
– July 25-29 . . . . . .. . . . $90
Summer Reading
June 13-17 • 9:00-11:30
Current K5-1st. . . . . . . $150
May 30-June3 • 9:30-11:30
Current K5-3rd . . . . . . . $90
June 20-24 • 9:30-11:30
Current Grades 4-7. . . . $90
Learning Support Center
Middle and Upper
Course Offerings
Study Skills
July 18-21 • 9:3011:30
Rising 6th, 7th,
8th Grade.
Preparation for
July 11-14 • 9:3011:30
Rising 7th, 8th
Grade . .
Preparation for Algebra 1
July 11-14 • 1:00-3:00
Rising 9th Grade . .
Preparation for Algebra 2
July 18-21 • 1:00-3:00
Rising 10th,11th Grade .
Preparation for Geometry
July 18-21 • 9:30-11:30
Rising 9th, 10th Grade .
Stratford’s valedictorian for the class of 2005 is
Madison Nell Moore, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Sid Moore.
Madison is a National Merit Semifinalist, a
Furman Scholar, and winner of the Harvard
Book Award and the Thomas Whitley Harper
Memorial Scholarship. She attended the Governor’s Honors Program in science last summer
and the National Youth Leadership Forum on
Medicine in 2003. She has served on the honor
council since ninth grade and as honor chair this
year, sits on the Student Issues Board. She is
editor-in-chief of Stratford’s literary magazine
and served as president of the junior class.
Winner of the University of Georgia Certificate of
Merit, she is a member of the Stratford Beta
Club and the French Honor Society. Madison
has been active in the fine arts as well: a member of the GISA All-Select Chorus for three
years, she has performed leading roles in six
Stratford musical productions and represented
Stratford on the literary team, taking second
place, region, in individual vocal solo performance. She is an active member of the Key Club
and Peer Helpers, and she has volunteered with
the Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity. She
was a teacher’s assistant at Springdale Elementary School for four years. Madison has applied
to a number of highly selective colleges and is a
winner of the University of Georgia’s Ramsey
Salutatorian of the class of 2005 is McKenzie
Elizabeth Stevens, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Brad Stevens.
Winner of the Sewanee Book Award and the
University of Georgia Certificate of Merit, she is
a member of the Beta Club and serves on the
honor council. She is a member of the National
Latin Honor Society and an award winner in the
National Latin Exam competition. She is president of the Key Club and co-editor-in-chief of the
yearbook. McKenzie is a varsity athlete in three
sports, including basketball, tennis (in which she
was All-Region), and softball (All-Region and AllState, Scholar Athlete, and currently, cocaptain). She has played for four years on a
traveling fastpitch softball team that was USFA
World Champion in 2003. For the past three
years, she has volunteered for Meals on Wheels
and Vineville United Methodist Church’s Vacation Bible School.
Beta Club:
The holiday commemorates Dr. Seuss's birthday
and National Children's Book Week.
During the day, many Middle School
and Upper School students volunteered
to read to the Lower School and
Preschool students.
PI Day:
The Middle and Upper School math
classes celebrated PI Day on March 14.
The students had the opportunity to
purchase t-shirts for the event and each
class enjoyed various games and
parties in honor of the day..
The 2005 Stratford Beta Club inductees are pictured above. The senior inductees are Liz
Fenley, Kea Henderson and Kate Zaloumes.
The junior inductees are Jonathan Altman,
Fraser Rowell, Aidan Stallworth, Jenny Suh
and Dena Yago. The sophomore inductees are
Blake Allen, Franky Davis, Mary Parker
Davis, Hannah Hall, Maddie Henderson,
David Holmes, Stephen Jackson, Kunal MacDonald, Sara Ann Manocheo, Albert McKay,
Leah Murphy, Mallory Page, Davis Popper,
Ross Rabun, Chris Scelsi, Kristin Stevens,
Catherine Tillitski, Hampton Vernon, Andrew
Wheaton, Nancy Wilfong, Sarah Wilfong, Andrew Wilkinson, Sam Willis and Soren
French Camp:
Bebe Richardson and Mitch Longan were two
of 65 Georgia French students invited to attend
the French Camp at Rock Eagle. This immersion weekend included cooking, music, art,
games and theatre workshops with all of students and counselors speaking entirely in
Read Across America Day:
French teacher Tracy Rucker attended as a
counselor and leader of both the theatre and
music workshops.
Stratford students participated in the 2nd annual
Read Across America Day, March 2.
Debate Team:
Members of the debate team attended the St.
Mark's/Hockaday Freshman-Sophomore National Championship Debate Tournament in Dallas on March 10-12. St. Mark's and Hockaday
are two of the top independent schools in Texas,
and the tournament drew teams from some of
the best debate programs in the nation. In the
Freshman Division, William Karlson was
named the top overall debater. The team of William Karlson and Inman Porter had a couple of
tough (and controversial) losses and finished
seventh. In the Sophomore Division, the team of
(sophomore) Kunal MacDonald and (freshman)
Brian Cole placed 4th with a record of six wins
and two losses. This, in itself, is an extraordinary accomplishment, but that they had never
debated together before this tournament, makes
it even more astonishing. Congratulations Debate Team!
Kurobe City in Toyama, Japan. The trip was
organized and sponsored by YKK and Mr. Kaz
Yoshida, a Stratford parent and YKK employee
helped with the arrangements. The students
spent the morning shadowing their Stratford
“buddy” and then performed a Japanese dance
and hosted a traditional Japanese tea ceremony
Japanese Visitors:
Stratford students enjoyed a visit from several
Japanese students from Sakurai High School in
Congratulations to the cast and crew of Once Upon a Mattress !
Scenes from the show
Middle School Play
THE GOLDEN MONKEY is the first ever Stratford Middle School play. It tells the story of adventurer Hurricane Smith and his exploits while
trying to save the life of his long lost father in the
lost world of Lemonmeringue. It features 26
great speaking parts including a gorilla! A fun
time will be had by actors and audience alike.
Suitable for all ages, it will play Friday and Saturday May 13 and 14, 2005 at 7 PM. Admission
will be $5 at the door.
Thursday, April 14th Fine Arts Night Concert
This will feature our Oral Interpretation participants from literary, musical events from literary,
Jazz Band, and our Symphonic
Band. The concert will begin at
7pm in the Tift Auditorium.
Thursday, April 28th Combined Concert
This concert will
feature the four
Schools, Stratford,
Tattnall, MDS, and
FPD, along with
Academy from Americus,
GA. Each band will
perform a piece by
then combine to
form a band of
about 166 students
with each director
group. This is a wonderful and
unique event for our students
and everyone who attends. This
year the concert will be held at
Ingleside Baptist Church. The
concert will start at 7 pm and is
free to all who attend.
The GISA State Literary meet was held in Savannah, GA. The Quartet (Blake Allen, Nathan
Carter, Aidan Stallworth, Soren Young) won
1st place, Kate Zaloumes won 2nd place in
Girl's Solo, Taylor McLendon won 2nd place in
Boy's Argumentative Essay and Soren Young
won 3rd place in Boy's Extemporaneous Speaking. Congratulations to these students and the
entire Literary Team. Thanks to Dan Tyner,
Robert Stallworth, Toni Stallworth, Mike Kelley and Marilyn Walker for their coaching and
2004-2005 has been a great year for Stratford
Cheerleading! This year 73 girls participated in
our C-team, B-team and Varsity Cheerleading
programs. All 3 squads were featured during Eagle Night and Winter Madness.
son, Krishna Kulkarni, Laura Larsen, Caroline
Lumley, Madi McNeal, Hannah Nichols, Emily
Robinson, Cassidy Roland, Captains----Katy
Slocumb, Suzanne Snow and Emily West. Our
B-team Cheerleading Coach is Jill Dean.
C-team: All 6th, 7th, and 8th
grade girls are invited to be
C-team Cheerleaders. Last
summer, these girls attended
a Day Camp at Cheer Extreme and learned several
cheers and dances. They
cheered for C-team Football
and Basketball games. The
C-team Cheerleaders for this
6th grade: Molly Bayme,
Campbell Brogdon, Callie
Clay, Elena Dorogy, Emily
Durden, Mary Cole Geeslin,
Meagan Graham, Lauren
Higgins, Paris Hutcheson,
Liz Maddux, Hayley Mallory,
Solomon and Faith Young.
Varsity: The varsity squad attended camp at the
University of Georgia, where they won awards for
their skills and spirit. The Varsity squad is responsible for Pep Rallies and the painted signs around
the school. Our Varsity Cheerleaders had the
honor and thrill of cheering at State Championship
Games for Soccer, Football and Girls’ Basketball!
2004-2005 Varsity Cheerleaders were: Ellie Angle, Karli Campbell, Evan Cantrell, Norris Clay,
Molly Garland, Whitney Geeslin, Betsy Jones,
Anna Kay McGoldrick, Sara Ann Manocheo,
Claire Meadors, Sarah Tinsley Parker, Nancy
Wilfong, Captains—Lauren Winters and Anna
Blanche Young. The Coaches were Heather
Davis and Kelly Solomon.
7th and 8th grade: Tindal Anderson, Kathleen
Burnham, Victoria Chambless, Kinsley Cowart,
Mary Frances Dean, Kelly Glasgow, Rachael
Godlewski, Sydney Smith-Graham, Hannah
Hall, Caroline Harrell, Anna Hathaway, Merry
Hunter Hipp, Peterson Jones, Whitley
McEachern, Coleman McLendon, Elizabeth
McGoldrick, Abby Meadors, Mary Kate Patterson, Nancy Kate Pippin, Mary Rabun, Annie
B-team: The B-team also attended camp in Athens, where they won awards and a spirit stick. Bteam Cheerleaders joined with the Varsity squad
to assist with the Mini-Cheerleading Camp held at
Stratford last summer. Our B-team girls are also
responsible for selling programs before Football
games. They cheered for Football, Soccer and
This year’s B-team Cheerleaders
were: Jordan Blankenship, Rebecca Chambless, Mary Frances Cooper, Chandler Fort-
7th and 8th grade: ( continued )
Reeves, Hannah Reynolds, Amy Sanda, Parker
Sealy, Courtlyn Smith, Maggie Sowell, Emmy
Stroup, Heidi Stevens, Lisa Suh, and Claire
Wilkinson. The C-team Coaches for this year
were Helen Anderson and Dolly Reeves.
Varsity Baseball is in the heart of their season,
holding at an impressive 7-3-0. Highlights of the
last month of action include a close game against
John Milledge that saw Cam Fulcher hit an eight
inning walk-off homerun; a 14-6 win over CFCA
where Cam Fulcher belted his 4th homerun of the
season; Carson Schilling had two hits and Rob
Forrester had two hits. Eight more home games
remain in the baseball regular season.
Bad weather and rain-outs have played havoc with
the Stratford Golf season to date.
Matthews Barnett and Russell Henley have led the
Eagles in the team’s first three rounds. Russell
has averaged 75 with the highlight being his second place finish in the eighteen-team tournament
at Trinity. Matthews has averaged 76 in three
rounds with his best score of 74 carded
at Cuscowilla.
as they prepare for the region and state tournaments.
The Varsity Girls Track Team is undefeated thus
far through three meets. Claire Rabun has led the
Eaglettes in the field, while Ngozi Ekeledo has led
in the sprints. Laurie Fickling still remains undefeated in both hurdle races and Dru Fickling is undefeated in the 800. We are looking forward to the
Region Meet on April 20th at FPD and the State
Meet on April 29th and 30th in Albany.
Girls Soccer:
Undefeated through eleven games and currently
ranked number one in the state, the Stratford Soccer Eaglettes continue a tradition of winning.
Highlights include an overtime victory over Westminster in the Viking Cup championship game
and bringing back home the Stratford Cup after
two years of absence. Stratford defeated South
Carolina two-time public school state champions
West Ashley for the first time ever. West Ashley
had beaten Stratford in the last two Stratford
Cups. Senior Jenny Smith earned the MVP trophy
for the tournament.
In three rounds the
team has averaged 308
with 307 good enough
for the Championship in
the Trinity Invitational.
Other scores at Trinity
were Madison Barnett
80, and
Walthall 86. Scores will
have to improve if the
repeat at
state championships.
Competition among all team members remains
close as everyone battles for the top five positions.
Upcoming is the Stratford Invitational which will
include sixteen teams and be held at Idle Hour
April 11th. This will be a good test for the golfers
Plenty of action remains as Stratford will host an
always formidable AA rival Frederica on April 5,
South Carolina Independent schools powerhouse
Bishop England April 8, and the GISA AA & AAA
state championship tournament May 5 and May 7.
Alumni will want to make sure and be at the
Alumni game April 2 at 7:30pm.
Magazine Drive:
Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day:
You should be receiving all magazine subscriptions ordered during the Magazine drive last fall.
If you have not started receiving your magazines, please call Allyson Bashinski at 4742520 between 8:00am and 5:00pm. Reminder:
Please start saving your subscription notices
for next year!
Booster Club Jeep Raffle:
The Booster Club held their Fourth Annual Golf
Tournament and Raffle Party and the Second
Tournament at
Idle Hour
very successful
thanks to
the help of Grady Smith and the Booster Club
Board. The Jeep Raffle was a huge success this
year with 353 tickets being sold. The winners of
this year’s jeep were David Kempa and
Chanley Lee. This event has become a tremendous fund raiser for the Booster Club and a
great day for
Stratford supporters.
The 2005 Grandparents’ and Special Friends’
Day was fun-filled and well attended. Music
was the
grade (pre-kindergarten through 5th grade)
performing a different genre of music ranging
from Sesame Street to Rap. Special thanks to
Mary Jo Cole, Jan Brown and the SIP volunteers for all of their hard work!
Fund provides for virtually every area of the school
as it underwrites the part of the budget not covered
by tuition revenue. We rely on the Annual Fund
to ensure that the tradition of excellence in education
continues at Stratford.
Questions? Call or email the Development Office for
more information:
477-8073 ext. 210 or
[email protected]
The Annual Fund Numbers
Annual Fund Needs You!
If you have not yet made a pledge to the Annual
Fund, now is the time! With only ten weeks remaining in the 2004-2005 fiscal year, every parent who
has yet to give is asked to make a donation before
May 31, 2005. Making a gift in an amount you are
comfortable giving is all that is asked. The Annual
Annual Fund Goal: $350,000
Raised to Date:
Amount still needed: $58,000
Percentage of Parents who have given: 48%
Parents still needed: 52%
Percentage of Faculty/Staff who have given: 100%
Thank you Faculty and Staff!
Did you know? The Stratford Debate Team is the only school in GISA history to post an undefeated record at the state tournament and the team has done
it 20 of their 26 state titles!